Revisiting Marijuana Investments (and One Overlooked Company)
September 25, 2018
If you missed out on Kraken, this could be another information arbitrage opportunity.
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September 25, 2018
If you missed out on Kraken, this could be another information arbitrage opportunity.
…Revisiting Marijuana Investments (and One Overlooked Company)Read More »
March 21, 2018
Hey Everyone,
It’s been awhile since I last emailed. But fear not, I have no shortage of topics to discuss. Today’s email is about a 10 minute read.
At the beginning of this week I invested in a company that I just recently discovered. Do I think it’s a necessary part of your portfolio? No, but if you’re interested in real estate, or looking for diversification, I think you will do well with this company. If you’re on Reddit, you may have seen my post on this already. I have expanded on it after feedback, but to augment this email, I’ll also quickly address some other market opportunities:
…January 5, 2018
Hey Everyone,
I’ve deliberated long and hard on whether I should write an email about the current cryptocurrency craze, and ultimately my decision was made for me. One of my favourite bloggers just wrote an excellent article on the topic:
…November 16, 2017
Hey All,
Hope you’re all doing well. I’ve been quite busy this week, but not for school as I typically am. Today I got consumed by a few companies that I revisited after being inspired by the “Top Picks” of my favourite equity analysis company, 5i research, on BNN:
…August 9, 2017
Hey Everyone,
Quick note on one of our favourite companies, CCL Industries (CCL.B). They’ve been on a steady decline for a couple months now, and granted they are quite a popular holding in many portfolios, so perhaps they were a bit richly valued. That being said, yesterday I read their earnings report and it was one of the most impressive I’ve read yet. So why are their shares dropping?
…April 4, 2017
Good Morning Everyone,
Usually I discuss companies that I would recommend for your portfolio, but today I want to discuss one that didn’t quite make the cut.
…March 27, 2017
That’s what they’re always called. Nobody ever calls them “marijuana companies” because most marijuana investors aren’t buying companies, just ticker symbols.
…November 5, 2016
Hello All,
You may have noticed that North American stocks have been falling quite consistently lately. In fact, the US S&P 500 has fallen for 9 days straight, the most in 36 years. In light of the surprising Brexit vote, people are obviously quite scared that Trump might actually win the US election.