This site is dedicated to exploring and explaining business and investing based on fundamentals.
We help Investors grow rich through more intelligent investing. This Site can help you make higher-than-average returns in the stock market, over the longer term. We apply high levels of financial and accounting education and follow the proven techniques of investing greats like Warren Buffett.
This Web Site is owned and operated by InvestorsFriend Inc. The owner of InvestorsFriend Inc. and the chief editor of this site is Shawn Allen, CFA, CMA, MBA, P. Eng. of Edmonton, Alberta. The email contact is Questions are welcome.
You can “like” or “follow” our facebook page here:
Twitter users can follow us @InvestorsFriend
The Site has a focus on both Canadian and American Stocks and investors.
It must be understood that no amount of education or experience can eliminate risks in the market. Investors always invest at their own risk. However, it is a fact that the chief editor of this Site has a combination of professional education designations that is extremely high. He has no traditional “securities industry” experience but has operated this Web Site since June of 1999.
Shawn Allen is a CFA Charter holder (Chartered Financial Analyst – which is the top educational designation in the securities analysis industry) is a licensed professional engineer, has a professional accounting designation (CMA – Certified Management Accountant), has a Masters degree in Business Administration, and has completed the Canadian Securities Course (Honors). The editor also has many years of active business experience. Perhaps most importantly, he also has a superior track record of stock picking and in his personal investments as detailed in our Performance page.
Other Contributors to InvestorsFriend:
As of 2019, Zach Trease has partnered with InvestorsFriend as a contributor.
Zach is a recent engineering graduate of the University of Alberta. Zach is also a passionate self-taught investor and investment analyst who has been writing about and sharing his investment analysis for the past 3 years.
Over the years, I have been extremely cautious about including any outside content on InvestorsFriend. I would only ever have anyone else contribute if I was confident that they were following a logical and sound fundamental approach to investing and, perhaps even more importantly, I was very confident in their honesty and integrity.
I have known Zach since early 2018 and I have developed that confidence.
Like me, Zach follows a fundamentals-based approach. He thoroughly analyses the numbers but also puts a heavy weight on non-numerical considerations. He has had great success in identifying great companies that are selling at bargain or at least reasonable prices.
Zach’s contributions are now posted on our web site at the following link:
You can join his newsletter list at the following link to get his latest thoughts on a timely basis as they are published.
Values of This Site and Corporation:
Our number one priority is to earn your trust.
We measure our success first and foremost by how successful we are in picking winning stocks and only secondarily at how successful we are in attracting members to the free newsletter and subscribers to the paid stock ratings service.
We Apply the Highest in Business Educational knowledge to Stock Picking. We adhere strictly to the highest ethical standards. Our performance is reported honestly and transparently. We certainly can’t promise to always be right, but we do promise to always be completely honest. As a true independent research source, we do not accept payment of any kind from the companies we feature. We never “promote” stocks. We aim to predict long-term winners and we consider most forms of stock “promotion” to be unethical.
The Editor and owner of this Site and corporation has his own money (extremely successfully) invested according to the picks on this site.
Investors are grown-ups and must take responsibility for their own trade decisions.
Mission Statement: exists to help investors grow rich through more intelligent (more business-like) investing.
Vision Statement: The longer-term followers of this web site will become rich through investing.
Tactic Statement: We will ethically serve intelligent investors, helping them achieve above average returns, over the longer term, without excessive (long-term) risk, by offering intelligent stock analysis on selected stocks and investment education based on high-quality fundamental and truly independent research, resulting in a growing list of loyal and trusting subscribers to both the free and paid services provided.
In other words…we will truly be…The Investors Friend…
DISCLAIMER: All of the stock ratings and information presented is “generic” in nature and does not take into account the unique circumstances and risk tolerance or risk capacity of any individual. The information presented is not a recommendation for any individual to buy or sell any security. The authors are not registered investment advisors and the information presented is not to be considered investment advice to any individual. The reader should consult a registered investment advisor or registered dealer prior to making any investment decision. For ease of writing style the newsletter and articles are often written in the first person. But, legally speaking, all information and opinions are provided by InvestorsFriend Inc. and not by the author(s) as individuals. The author(s) of this report may have a position, as disclosed in each report. The authors’ positions may subsequently change without notice.