November 28, 2016

On Monday, the S&P 500 was down 0.5% and Toronto was down 0.4%.

CRH Medical corporation was down 16.2%. It had had a good run. I did not see any news behind the decline but it is a small company and volatility probably comes with the territory.

Bank of America was down 2.7% and Wells Fargo was down 2.0% as the Trump bump is probably unwinding a bit.

AutoCanada was down 0.7% despite announcing the purchase of another dealership in Ontario. I would think that the purchase confirms that the company believes it is strong financially and that its growth-by-acquisition model will continue.

I bought shares in Linamar. Possibly I took too large of a position too soon but I do like to show the courage of my convictions.

The market has gained a LOT since the U.S. election and it is perhaps easy to get over confident. Investors should guard against that.


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