
2012 daily comments

December 30, 2012

MicroSoft is updated and rated Buy at $26.55. It has a few weak quarters but the next couple of quarters could be quite strong with the upgrade cycle of Windows * and other product upgrades. I own some and may add to my position.

December 28, 2012

RioCan preferred shares are updated and rated Weak Sell / Hold. The company has the right to redeem these at $25 in March 2016 and for that reason we don’t think this is a good investment.

RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $27.52. The biggest risk here is probably a rise in interest rates. The real estate is marked to market value. That creates huge volatility in the GAAP earnings. The units could fall in price if retail real estate prices fall. The price to boo ratio of 1.31 seems high given that the real estate is marked to market. However the company has been successful at growing over the years.  I have no plans to buy but it may be a reasonable investment for the yield.

December 27, 2012

U.S. markets were down over 1% at times today but ultimately closed down only slightly.

The outcome of this fiscal cliff episode remains quite uncertain. I perhaps should have sold some stocks today to reduce my risk. But I decided to just let things ride. If stocks decline I will be looking to buy.

Alimentation Couche-Tard is updated and rated Buy at $48.19. This Canadian headquartered company operates mostly gas stations with convenience stores. Major banners include Couche-Tard, Macs and Circle-k and the recently purchased Sat Oil operations in Europe. It’s a surprisingly large and profitable operation. It is extremely well managed. The stock is up 52% in 2012. We had rated it (lower) Strong Buy at the start of 2012.

December 26, 2012

U.S. markets were open today. The Dow fell 0.2%. So far the market is basically brushing off fears of the possible tax increases and spending comes due to come into effect on January 1 unelss lawmakers make a last minute deal to avert that.

Bank of America was up 2.6%.

I sold my small position in Research in Motion today. It was up 11.4% in U.S. trading.

I considered selling other stocks just to lower my risk and to take profits in the face of this fiscal cliff issue. But I could not seem to identify anything I wanted to sell (even partially) other than RIM.

Canadian National Railway Company is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $90.48. I like CN as a company and I think it will continue to grow. I would not mind owning some. But it does not seem to be a bargain. Also I have concerns about its pension expenses.

December 24, 2012

Canadian Western Bank Preferred shares are updated and rated Sell at $26.87. This preferred share is included because 1. When it was first added to this Site, near the market lows in 2009, it traded at $21.80 and was a good investment. 2. Looking at how the probable redemption of these shares at $25 in April 2014 affects the investment is instructive and may be considered as a reminder that a nominal yield that looks good does not always tell the full story.

Canadian Western Bank is updated and rated Buy at $28.80.

December 23, 2012

Melcor Developments is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $15.60. It’s my third largest holding.

FirstSerivce preferred is updated and rated Weak Buy at U.S. $25.41 to yield 6.9%. I could rate this higher based on the yield. But the company has the right to buy these back at $25 and so i see really no room for price appreciation. But the 6.9% yield seems attractive. On a GAAP basis the company does not appear to be all that strong financially, but that be more to do with conservative accounting rules than anything. I would be comfortable owning these.

FirstService Inc. is updated and rated Weak Buy at U.S. $28.20 or Canadian $28.10. It’s value ratios do not look very strong. But it is very well managed and appears to be well positioned for continued growth. Despite the low rating on this stock I may buy shares in this. I have owned it in the past but not very recently.

December 22, 2012

Berkshire Hathaway is updated and rated Buy at $89.83. It does not look like a real bargain based on earnings. But the fact that Buffett is buying shares for Berkshire up to 120% of book value (it’s currently at 121%) gives a lot of confidence. The 120% of book value is likely to become a floor price. I suspect it will report strong earnings in Q4 although the impact of Super Storm Sandy is unknown. I may add to my position in this company.

Dollarama is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $58. Dollarama is a testament to the impact of good management. Competitors could have done what Dollarama did but simply did not. With a P/E ratio of 21 it is no obvious bargain. But if it can continue to grow at the rates at all similar to those it has been posting then may be a reasonable investment. I would be inclined to nibble at it rather than buy it aggressively.

December 21, 2012

Today was a negative day on the markets and for our stock picks. In particular RIM was down 22%. Bank of America was down 2.0%, Wells Fargo was down 1.7%, Toll Brothers down 2.0%. Stantec was down 2.9% erasing most of its rather strange 4.1% increase from the prior day. The falling Canadian dollar cushioned the blow in my own portfolio somewhat but I was still down 0.7% overall. It was still quite a strong week.

Research in Motion is updated and rated highly speculative Weak Sell at $10.91.

It was interesting that the stock at first rose in after hours trading when it released earnings after the close on Thursday. But then fell hard as it was realized that it would begin discounting its monthly subscription fees to some customers and that these would not even apply to some customers on the Blackberry 10. That seemed to catch the market off guard. But as I did this update I noticed that our report from last June had stated at the end of our Outlook cell that “The Q1 report indicated there is pressure to reduce the subscription charges. That is ominous in itself.” So perhaps this should not have been such a big surprise.

This company and stock has of course been very volatile. After plummeting for about two years it did manage to rise over 100% from its lows of $6.22 reached in September.

I considered removing this stock from the list. The reason for that is that it is highly unpredictable. My methods are simply not suited to extremely speculative companies that have negative earnings.

I decided to keep the stock on the list as a highly speculative weak sell. That way it won’t affect my performance statistics since I measure performance based on the Buys and Sells and not the neutral ratings of weak sell and weak buy.

Warren Buffett has always said that he looks at hundreds of stocks and then ignores almost all of them except for a few that jump out at him as obvious bargains. He has been extraordinarily disciplined in simply ignoring companies that he finds too difficult to predict. That has famously included most technology companies. When RIM had positive trailing earnings it looked like a bargain based on its earnings. But of course it has been well known for some time that its future earnings and sales were very uncertain. Perhaps I should never have included it in the list here. I did rate it highly speculative.

When I originally started this web site in 1999, I was willing to put a rating on any company. However I learned fairly quickly that my methods and knowledge were simply not suited to a number of industries that were highly unpredictable and often featured negative earnings. Those included most of the entire resource space (mining, oil and gas, forestry, agricultural commodities). It also included all early stage research companies. And most penny stocks. I have largely excluded all those from this site over the years.

My goal is to make money and to identify winners to help you make money (but with no guarantees and at your own risk). If I can do that with the sub-set of companies for which my methods have a better chance of working, then that is fine. The experience with RIM is another reminder for me to stick with more predictable companies. No company is completely predictable. But some are simply unpredictable, at least for me.

December 20, 2012

It was a good day for our stocks picks. In particular Bank of America was up 2.9% to $11.52. And Stantec was up 4.1%.

Tomorrow may be a down day as hopes for solving the fiscal cliff apparently took a turn for the worse after the close today. It seems to me that Obama is in a strong position having just been re-elected and having been very “presidential” in the school shooting incident. The Republicans have already compromised on their no tax increase stance and I am hopeful that they will compromise a bit more and accept the next position that Obama offers on this deal.

Stock futures as of just after 11pm eastern are suggesting the Dow will drop some 200 points.

December 19, 2012

After two very strong days our stock picks slipped a little today. The Dow was down 0.7% as hopes for an agreement on tax and spending changes (to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff) start to fade. Toronto was up 0.6%.

Markets may slip further unless a deal if reached this week which seems unlikely. More likely is some kind of deal on or about December 31. So, it could be another “interesting” week or so yet in the markets.

GM’s decision to move some production out of Canada should be considered sobering in terms of the competitiveness of Ontario as a manufacturing center. Trying to subsidize companies to stay in Canada is no solution. Better news was GM’s decision to buy back a huge amount of shares from the government. Apparently GM believes its share price is attractive.

I was at a large shopping center tonight. The discounting seemed vicious and absurd. What should customers think when prices are discounted by 40%, 50% and 60%? To my mind it completely erodes trust and cheapens the products. Why should anyone pay full price at any time at these stores?

Clothing retail in particular seems to be a vicious business. I don’t predict a strong future for Sears Canada or the Bay. Thinking of Canadian Tire, I don’t think they are as subject to that kind of discounting on most of their products. I worry somewhat about their Mark’s chain. What was the wisdom of getting into such an ultra-competitive line of business. Their sporting goods stores are probably less prone to discounting. I know I have never seen too many real bargains when it comes to hockey equipment for my son.

To my mind the better areas in clothing retail are the higher priced brands which tend not to have to discount heavily. Also things like the more expensive skates and bikes. They don’t have to discount as much. Dollarama does well with its strategy (not that I like the stock). Costco and Walmart will also do okay as low-cost and therefore low-price leaders. It’s the vast middle area that is very tough. Trying to compete to sell non-luxury brand items when you don’t have a cost advantage as a retailer is tough.

December 18, 2012

It was another very strong day for many of our stock picks. Bank of America up 3.3%, Wells Fargo up 1.7%. Stantec up 2.4%, Canadian Western Bank up 2.0% Looking at the overall markets the Dow Jones was up 0.9% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

I thought about trimming some positions today but did not.

Markets were up largely on hopes for a solution to the so-called fiscal cliff in the U.S.. With time running out before the Christmas break, it is certainly possible that hopes for a compromise on that will fade and if so the market could easily retrace its recent up-steps and more. Such is life is life in the markets.

December 17,2012

Well, I was pleasantly surprised at some of the gains today. Wells Fargo up 3.7%. Bank of America up 4.0% and Toll Brothers up 4.4%. I understand that this was mostly due to hopes for a deal on the fiscal cliff. Therefore the gains could evaporate if the deal collapses. And most of the upside of a deal may be priced in now. Word tonight is that Obama will move off his position to increase taxes on incomes over $250,000 and instead go to $400,000. The republicans have said it ought to be a million. Perhaps we will see a deal somewhere around $500,000.

If markets are up again tomorrow, then perhaps i will look to trim a few of my positions. Not that I think they are getting too high but it just might be prudent to build up a bit of cash.

Buffett always says that if we are still in the accumulation phase of investing (as opposed to retired and drawing down the portfolio), then we should rejoice at market declines rather than increases. I can see his logic and certainly agree with it for younger investors. (Most investors under 40 would certainly benefit from lower stock prices today since that leaves more room for gains in future and gives them a chance to buy at lower prices). If Buffett owns 10% of Coke he focuses on the fact that he owns 10% of Coke rather than focusing on the value of the shares. He has his own idea of the value of Coke and does not rely on the stock market to tell him. If Coke goes much lower than intrinsic value he would tend to buy more. If it went much higher than his idea of its true value he would tend to think about selling. (Although in his case there are special barriers to selling, if word got out that he was selling Coke its shares would plummet, so he is not as free to sell as are you and I).

I have not reached Buffett’s level of zen about such matters and so I still like to see the stocks I own rise. Also of course, higher stock prices help my performance stats. The ideal scenario for me is to see my stocks and stock picks rise while the overall market is down or flat. That may sound selfish but the goal of a stock picker is to out-distance the index. I am confident that the index itself will do well over time, but declines in the index provide opportunities.

Canadian Western bank was down 2.2%. I took advantage of that and bought additional shares in it.

I was at “The Bay” tonight. Foolishly it had largely dropped the use of its iconic and historic “Hudson’s Bay” name years ago. More recently and more so in future it is going back to that venerable brand name. Walking through the Bay I was attracted by advertisements of 40% off several brands of watches for today only. In fact the store was replete with 40% and 50% off signs. This makes little sense to me. The message it sends to me is, never pay the regular retail price at the Bay since they will soon have a sale. Also the message it sends to me is that the regular markups must be in the order of 100% if they can afford to go 40 and 50% off. And that is not to clear surplus merchandise. The is to sell their mainline products. I presume they are still making a profit at 40% and 50% off.

Much of the Canadian retail scene is addicted to sales. And they work. But we have long since reached the point I think when all these sales are counter productive. I would rather shop at Costco where I know the mark up is only about 15% maximum and I know that if I buy today, I don’t have to worry that the item will be 40% off tomorrow.

I think The Bay and Sears (in Canada) should be very worried about Target.

December 15, 2012

Constellation Software is updated and rated Buy. This company has done very well. This past Spring it completed a process that was designed to boost its share price by putting the company up for sale (that was later canceled but it succeeded in pushing up the share price). It is an excellent company that should continue to do well.

December 13, 2012

The market was generally down somewhat today. This is not surprising and probably represents a sort of exhalation after the build up to the FED move yesterday. I should have  few more updates for our stocks in the table above by Sunday.

December 12, 2012

Notable stock price movements today included, Berkshire up 2.3% (about which, more below). Research in Motion up 5.8%. Toll Brothers up 3.9%. This made for a good day for our stock picks even with Wal-Mart down 2.8%.

The reason Berkshire Hathaway rose is that it announced it would raise the price at which it would buy back shares to a maximum of 120% of book value. That puts the buyback ceiling, for now at $89.37 for the B shares and $134,062 for the A shares (using the $111,718 book value reported by CNBC). Basically the price rose to about that buy-back ceiling level today. I believe that places a floor under the actual stock price at about that level since as soon as it falls below that Berkshire is likely to be buying.

All indications are that Buffett believes Berkshire is worth something more than this 120% of book value.

As far as whether we should buy Berkshire, the fact that Buffett is buying it back for Berkshire ought to be sufficient evidence that it will likely be a good investment.

Apparently what triggered today’s announcement was that an estate of a long-time Berkshire investor had 9,200 A shares for sale (which Berkshire bought for some $1.205 billion). I would suspect that these share belonged to perhaps even one of the original partners from back in late 50’s or 60’s who would have received Berkshire shares on the windup of the partnership in 1969. Or it was someone who obviously bought at around that time. I suspect we will hear about it in the annual letter at the end of February or he may talk about it sooner than that.

And I suspect that this estate had the paper share certificates. Buffett loves his history, especially his own history and Berkshire’s history and I think would have been attracted to the idea of buying back these old paper share certificates. Most shares these days exist only electronically and there is little romance in that. Buffett’s own Berkshire A share certificates sit in a safe deposit box in Omaha. Which, by the way maybe he should not have revealed since that would probably make it by far the most valuable safe deposit box in the world. (Although I suspect a thief would not have much luck cashing those in and maybe it would require Buffett’s signature, I don’t know how that works).

Many investors and analysts pretty much ignore book value. And truly in many cases it is a useless indicator of value. And in virtually no case can book value be counted on alone to indicate the value of shares. But if the assets of a company are conservatively stated on the balance sheet and if the assets are being used productively in and producing a reasonable return on equity and if there are no serious risks in play (and a risk could include excessive leverage) then in those cases book value can be a useful indicator of value.

Recently I have been talking about Canadian Tire trading at 1.15 to 1.20 times book value. Given that its assets are indeed conservatively stated (in particular real estate is at historic cost, not market value) and it is reasonably profitable and despite the threat of Target its not exactly clear that its profits are about to be decimated, then it just seems under-valued at that small premium to book value.

In other news we had the FED as expected announcing it will be printing money to continue buy bonds and mortgage backed securities. I think this is supposed to stimulate the economy by pushing down or at least holding down interest rates. (Which does seem odd given that they are already at record lows). The market reacted by dropping a bit because this move was already totally expected and apparently because of some comments about the fiscal cliff. I mention this because it was in the news but I don’t let FED moves decide my investments. I try to follow Buffett’s advice of buying well managed good companies at good prices.

December 11, 2012

Canadian Tire had a good day and rose 3.3% to $69.70. This puts it 6.8% above its closing price from December 3. Not spectacular ,but not bad. While there was always the risk that it could go lower, this stock certainly looked attractive at $66 and $67 etc. Most people I talk to are  certainly not excited by this stock or this company. It’s no Apple. But what it is is a nicely profitable company that trades at an attractive looking price.

Apparently Wednesday’s market mover may be an announcement form the Federal Reserve Bank that i9t will buy more bonds. I will admit to the doomers that this sounds a bit scary. They are literally creating money out of thin air to buy these. They keep interest rates down artificially by buying up huge amounts of bonds. What I don’t get is why others buyers like pension funds and banks and insurance companies and investment funds don’t go on strike and stop buying or holding long term bonds. But they find it hard to stop. They have continuously made capital gains on bonds for years. So they buy more even though they should know the capital gains will ultimately reverse even if interest rates stay low since the bonds will mature at par. Many insurance companies and banks are somewhat forced to hold bonds by archaic regulations that consider government bonds to be risk free (apparently ignoring the certain capital losses on any government bond that trades above par.).

It seems crazy but more Fed bond buying is likely to be treated as good news by the stock market.

December 10, 2012

Nothing too exciting happened with our stock picks today.

Toll Brothers was down 1.4% and Canadian Tire was up 1.4%.

December 9, 2012

Bank of America is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $10.64. This stock is up 32% since we officially added it to this site last March 11 rated Speculative Strong Buy at $8.05. It is also up 48% since we updated it (and noted that I had added to my position in it) at the same rating at a price of $7.17 on July 27. I had first mentioned in the daily notes back in July 26 and August 2, 2011 that I was buying Bank of America. That was at about $9.50. As I have said before, I bought too much on that first buy. That prevented me from taking full advantage of the big price drop through to the end of 2011. Still this investment is now “in the black” and I ultimately did almost double my position in it with both buys below that initial $9.50. This investment is now well “in the black” and hopefully with more up-side to come. Recently I was inclined to trim my position in this stock. But right now, after this update, I am more inclined to add modestly to it. However, I am already heavily exposed to U.S. bank shares and I should perhaps avoid getting too greedy.

Many of you will have read the words of various doomers over the past couple of years that claimed “all the big U.S. banks are actually bankrupt on a mark to market basis” and “the U.S. is bankrupt as well”. And paper currency is doomed. And the “U.S. house prices have not bottomed yet” (beware the shadow inventory of foreclosed houses etc). Most of the doomer comments were from people who had no understanding of these matters but yes there are some highly educated people who agree with the doomers. Maybe the doomers will ultimately be proven correct. But I doubt it. And maybe the world will end this month as the Myan Calendar runs out. Whatever, the end of days has been continuously predicted since the beginning of days. It’s not very logical to invest based on doomsday scenarios.

Banks will likely continue to be volatile investments. Those who can’t handle investing in shares that might well drop significantly in price should stay clear of stocks or educate themselves on the risk and reward tradeoffs involved. Personally, I have accepted and lived with significant volatility over the years and it has been financially rewarding. In fact price drops have often been to my advantage as I added to my positions at lower prices. Of course, that only works out if the prices eventually recover and grow, which, more often than not, but not always, they have done.

December 8, 2012

Toll Brothers is updated and rated Speculative Buy at $30.77.  It is speculative because its earnings need to grow a lot to justify its share price. I have about 4.5% of my portfolio invested in Toll Brothers. I am not that keen to buy more but I would consider doing so if it dips to about $28. This stock is up 51% in 2012. We had rated it Speculative Buy at $20.42 at the start of 2012.

Liquor Stores N.A. is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $18.40. This company yields 5.9%. It has done well , rising 8% since we added to this site last April 10 rated Buy at $17.01. And this is in addition to the dividend. It seems like an okay investment at this time. But it is not one that I particularly plan to buy.

Here are some additional thoughts on Canadian Tire.

Consider how it has done since way back in February 2000 when I first added it to this Site.

The following Table provides a comparison:

February 4, 2000 Now Gain Gain per year
Stock Price $         22.90 $         66.59 191% 8.7%
Yield 1.7% 2.1%
 10-year Government Bond Yield  6.19%  1.49%
Adjusted P/E 10.3             10.5
Adjusted ROE 13.6% 11.6%
Number of Shares 77.2             81.8 6.0% 0.5%
Price to Book             1.40             1.17
Assets  $3.17 billion  $12.7 billion 302% 11.4%
Book Value per Share $         16.34 $         56.76 247% 10.2%
Rating Strong Buy (lower) Strong Buy

Back in February 2000, we rated this stock a Strong Buy. Since then the stock has almost tripled, rising 191%. That’s a gain of 8.7% per year for a total return of around 10.5% per year counting the dividend. (So much for the tired and tiring mantra that “no one has made any money in stocks since the year 2000”).

Today, our rating is (lower) Strong Buy at $69.81. Considering the price is now lower at $66.59, that is pretty close to the same Strong Buy rating we had in February 2000.

The reason the rating is the same is that many of the ratios are about the same. The adjusted ROE is not quite as high at 11.6%, the P/E is very similar. The price to book is more attractive today. The yield available on a 10-year bond is dramatically lower today.

Canadian Tire has done a very good job of growing its business over the past 13 years.

These figures add to my confidence that Canadian Tire is a good investment.

The market however appears to see danger ahead for Canadian Tire. The market is worried about the impact of Target moving into Canada. There are simply never any guarantees. But Canadian Tire simply looks like it is priced below its intrinsic value.

December 6, 2012

Perhaps the biggest news in the Canadian markets today was Loblaws Companies plan to spin off its real estate into a separate Real Estate Investment Trust. Loblaw’s shares closed almost 14% higher on the news. Canadian Tire rose 2.3% today, probably because it is also in a position to sell off real estate in some manner.

Costco fell $7.48 today but that was simply because yesterday was the last day to buy and be a shareholder of record by Monday December 10. Those who buy today will not get the special $7.00 dividend.

December 5, 2012

Markets were modestly higher today.

The strongest performers included Bank of America up 5.7%, Walgreen up 3.8% and Stantec up 1.8%. On the other hand Toll Brothers was down 3.9%.

I noticed that Canadian Pacific did not release any estimate of its “charge” for all the layoffs. It will be a big number but perhaps the market has already anticipated that.

I added 25% to my Canadian Western Bank position today.

December 4, 2012

Canadian Western Bank fell 3.5% to $28.00 today after announcing good but not-quite-as-good-as-expected earnings. I will consider adding to my position at this price.

Toll Brothers was out with good earnings but the stock price fell 1.8%. Keep in mind it has a very high P/E and its earnings need to rise a lot to justify the price. (In other words the stock has for a long time already been pricing in a lot more earnings).

There was another report from the U.S. showing that existing house prices have risen since last year. House prices are too low in the U.S. and in my opinion there are few safer bets than that house prices in the U.S. will continue to rise over the next several years, recession or no.

The news that CP rail intends to chop almost a quarter of its workforce is shocking and interesting. It goes to show that when management really wants to, big changes can be made. I think we can certainly conclude that Hunter Harrison and company are VERY serious about raising profits here. I don’t think I would want to be a long-time employee there because evidently the culture change there is radical. I don’t know anything about the valuation of the stock but I certainly would not bet against the stock.

December 3, 2012

Canadian Tire continued to sink today. Down 1% to $65.25. This is (at least temporarily) unfortunate for those of us that own it but may prove to be an opportunity for buyers.

In my experience it is unusual for a large cap company to trade down near book value (1.15 times in this case) at a time when it is making good earnings (over 11% in this case). Apparently “the market” expects its earnings to drop quite a bit when Target comes into the market.

In order to beat the market one has to sometimes go against the market. I believe that Canadian Tire which has been thriving for 90 years now is likely to continue to increase its earnings over time and that it is therefore a good investment at 1.15 times book value and currently earning about 11% on book.

If the price stays this low then I believe that it could be become a target for a take-over offer, despite its multiple voting shares. I am starting to wish that Martha Billes would see if Warren Buffett might be interested. How about it Warren? come in and offer $85 or $90 per share and I will sell to you. Problem is it is not clear that Canadian Tire has the top notch management in place that Buffett would insist on.

Toll Brothers was up 1.8%. Markets overall fell about 0.5%

Greece is buying back some bonds at some 30 cents on the dollar. This is exactly what it should do. Whenever any company or country can buy backs its debt at way less than par value, that seems like a good idea. Another good idea for Greece would be to rally its citizens and expatriate citizens to buy the bonds as a matter of national pride. If foreigners are the enemy for charging high interest rates then Greece should fire up its citizens and expatriate citizens to buy the bonds from these bad foreigners. But Greece itself should buy all it can. Who would not want to extinguish debt at 30 cents or 40 cents on the dollar?

In other news Spain was requesting a bail out. I recommend the same strategy for them. Buy back their own bonds at a discount. And encourage their richer citizens to do the same (though the latter does not extinguish the debt but it might push interest rates down).

Anyhow, I don’t pretend to understand much about the European debt crisis. But I doubt it will all much impact on the long term value of Canadian Tire or most other Canadian companies.

December 1, 2012

I mentioned just below the Costco special dividend. It turns out this will be funded by debt. So taht means it won’t impede the growth plans of the Company. I had mentioned in the notes on January 15, 2012 (and possibly on other dates as well) that “Costco could probably increase its profits at will by raising prices (since its markups are so low) or by using more debt financing”. Well, this increased debt financing is exactly what they are doing. Apparently taking the debt to equity ratio from 11% to a still relatively low 40%. However, I still think that the fact that the company is paying a special dividend rather than buying back shares may indicate that they do not view the shares as undervalued. Or possibly they just view this special dividend as the fairest thing to do.

There are theories that suggest that a company cannot ever increase its value simply by adding debt, much less by simply paying OUT cash to shareholders (paying out cash lowers book value per share). The theory suggests that risks rise with debt to offset the higher earnings per share. In this case the market is suggesting the theory is wrong.

Boston Pizza Royalties Income Trust is updated and rate (lower) Buy at $19.05. I own some. I think Q4 could be weak given the “tough comparable” from Q4 last year. Also the lack of NHL hockey could harm sales.  I may possible see some or even possibly all of my shares at $19 or higher and then hope to buy back at a lower price if the Q4 report sends the share price down in February. Or I may just hang onto what I have. I am not looking to add to my position unless it falls perhaps two dollars or so.

November 28, 2012. 

The Dow ended the day up 107 points or 0.8% but had been down about 100 points earlier in the day. Toronto ended the day up 0.2%.

Costco announced a special $7 dividend and rose 6% today. It is truly a great company. But it never seems to look cheap. Investors should perhaps consider why Costco is paying out the cash this way instead of buying back more of its own shares. And the reason could well be that the company considers the shares to be over-priced. With Charlie Munger on its Board I would think it would have bought more of the stock back if it thought it was any kind of bargain. So investors may be taking the the wrong message here. Another consideration for investors to ponder ist ath special dividend to reduce cash might indicate that growth will be slower. Then again the press release states that the share buy backs are ongoing… but this special dividend appears to be 10 times higher than the annual share buy backs.

Visa Inc. is updated and rated Buy at $147.29. This stock is up 45% this year. It was not on our list at the start of the year. The latest update in 2011 had been on May 6, 2011 (lower) Strong Buy at $79.41. It got added back to our list on March 28, 2012 at $119.35 and rated Buy at that time. It is up 23% since then.

With all these increases I was rather expecting that our analysis at this time would show it to be no better than a Hold. But as its earnings have risen we can justify a higher price. The trailing P./E is high at 24.  But the P/E based on the next fiscal year earnings is more reasonable at 20. As we have perhaps seen in its earnings performance a company like this that has almost monopoly characteristics has what Buffett calls “wonderful economics”. Therefore it cab justify higher P/E than companies that face much stronger competition.

So it looks like this can be justified as a Buy. At the same time I would not load up on it. It may be a good stock to pick up on dips. The fact is that I sold this stock too early at much lower prices. Because of that I face certain emotional barriers to buying it at this higher price and so I have no plans to buy but i would reconsider on a significant dip. A reasonable strategy might be to take a small position and to hope for a dip to add to that.

Many times over the past couple of years I have remarked about the monopoly-like characteristics of this company joking when it rose that it’s hard to keep a good (largely unregulated as to price) monopoly down. It could face further price regulation in future which is another reason I would not go over board on it at this price.

November 28, 2012 (10:30am eastern)

With the Dow down about 100 points at this moment, I would be inclined to consider buying as opposed to feeling at all panicky. Sure, the market may continue to fall and for that reason I am not in any great rush to grab bargains, but overall buying on dips makes more sense to me than the opposite.

U.S. housing prices continue to recover which is a definite positive for the markets.

Canadian Tire in particular continues to look attractive to me with a P/E ratio around 11 and especially the price to book ratio around 1.2. There are ways that Canadian Tire could “release” value if it wanted to by selling off its land and buildings to REITs and leasing them back or by selling its huge credit card operations. Its own shares would be a good investment for the company and it could do a major share buy back. On the other hand it may do none of that and maybe it is is going to suffer from added competition. I happen to think there is value there, but certainly no guarantees.

This morning I see they have announced they are buying Pro-hockey life for $85 million for 23 stores.

I’m a bit concerned that they don’t do some share buy backs instead of just acquisitions, but overall this is small acquisition and is probably a good move.

I’ll show my confidence by grabbing a few more shares today.

November 26, 2012

And so begins another week in the market as the year rushes to a close now…

Dow down 0.3%, Toronto down 0.2%

Our stocks picks appear to be down a bit more than that, notably Stantec down 2.1% and Shaw down 1.8% and it seems almost everything on our list was down.

But tomorrow will be a new day and perhaps a better day. Apparently Greece has some kind of new debt deal (yawn).

Warren Buffett had an op-editorial piece in the New York times today. This was about asking he Us government to cut spending and to raise some taxes, especially on the rich and to enact the higher taxes on the rich, right now. It’s wonderfully written. Withering logic really. Many of the other members of the Fortune 400 are going to hate this.

See the editorial here: -tax-for-the-wealthy.html?smid=pl-share&_r=0


Reading the comments below the editorial is a bit scary. Most of those speaking against Buffett appear to have mis-read the editorial. A few others fall to the old advise for Buffett to just send in extra taxes if he wants to. Or complaints that Berkshire sometimes (horrors) tries to minimize its own taxes. Of course it does and has a fiduciary duty to shareholders to take reasonable and always lawful actions to minimise its income taxes. No one ever mentions though that almost all insurance companies have re-insurance subsidiaries in tax havens where they transfer most of their profits to. Berkshire does not do that and in fact its overall tax rate is pretty hefty.

Buffett is trying to solve an important problem here. Dopey suggestions for billionaires to just mail in some extra money don’t cut it.

Quite honestly whenever I frequent areas where people post comments on line it is very frightening. Either most people are bitter anti-free market types or those people are simply over-represented in the community of people who post comments on line. I suspect it is the later. On-line posting is a wonderful invention for the lunatic fringe of society. And if you notice about 99% of people who post online tend to use screen names. (I suppose they would say they would be crazy not to, but some are definitely crazy either way).

And in case the Buffett editorial is not excitement enough, we got news of Mark Carney moving to become governor of the Bank of England and Toronto’s mayor kicked out of office. Never a dull moment it seems.

November 25, 2012

I have updated my personal portfolio composition. I find that tracking my portfolio composition and including the value ratios is quite useful for me. And unlike most stock pickers I am willing to share that information. You know not only what I say, but what I do.

It’s always hard to say what the markets will do in the short term. I would be quite satisfied to end the year as things stand right now since I am up 22% for the year and since our Buys and Strong Buys are well ahead of the TSX market index.

November 22, 2012

Today’s star performer was, once again, Research in Motion. Up 17% to an even $12.00. It started this year at $14.50, so it is still down 17% on the year. But it is up 97% from its low of $6.10. Clearly there was money to made and money to be lost by buying and selling at the right time. I don’t advocate a trying to trade rapidly in and out of stocks. But even a strategy of having bought at the start of the year or at any price over the past 18 months or so and then adding on the major dips and perhaps trimming on major rallies would have worked out reasonably okay. The thing is the stock was less risky at $7 than it was at $14. As I have explained previously, this company had no debt and has a huge installed base of subscribers. It is not was not and will not “go to zero” in the foreseeable future because there is too much real value there.

I’ll mention a word on Stop Losses, which I don’t use and have only ever used on extremely rare occasion in my 24 years of investing. Last week a company called Poseidon Concepts Corp. (which I knew nothing about) was in the news because it opened on Thursday morning at $5.79 after closing on Wednesday at $13.22. Anyone with a stop loss below $13.22 and above $5.79 was automatically sold at the open at $5.79. So, if an investor had a stop loess at $13 they got sold at $5.79, which did not stop much of the loss. (it did stop some since the stock is now at $5.26 and had a low of $4.76).

And the way the Stop Loss worked was perfectly as designed and was perfectly fair. The bad news came after the markets closed on the Wednesday. No one got to trade at a high price before the stock plunged. The bad news was “priced into” the stock right at the open.

Now admittedly the stock had come down in the previous weeks from highs of near $17. So some people may have been nicely protected by stop losses that had triggered on the Wednesday or earlier. But that is tough to do. A tight stop loss can be executed just due to sort of normal volatility and sell you out needlessly. A wider stop loss may turn out not to work if there is major bad news and the stock “blows through” the stop loss price and well below before it can be sold.

The bottom line for me is I don’t use stop losses. That’s because I don’t buy or sell based on what the market thinks a stock is worth. Using Stop Losses smacks of “Sell Low”, which is the opposite of what I am trying to do.

Stop losses are for traders who trade stocks. I analyze companies not squiggles on the screen. Some people may be very successful simply looking at price charts (squiggles). That simply is not my approach. I talk about earnings, traders talk about momentum and support levels and 52 week moving averages. I basically don’t even speak that language and have no interest in learning it.

Stop Losses are also more appropriate for more risky stocks where it seems conceivable that a loss of 50% or whatever could happen at any time. For many larger and more stable companies it may simply be very unlikely that the stock would plunge by a huge amount. Therefore there is less need to protect against the risk.

For those who use and swear by Stop Losses, that is great, to each his own. I simply point out that I have little or no use for them. I am more likely to be buying on dips than selling.

November 21, 2012

Research in Motion was up another 5.5% today to $10.23. It is only a week ago that I had bought 700 shares at $8.48. And I probably should buy some more but I always find it hard to buy higher. And of course it is a speculative pick.

There are many who have predicted RIM is toast. And possibly they will be proven correct. But it is a dangerous business to predict the direction of markets.

You may notice I never mention target prices. I simply try to buy what seems like good value. I try to buy good companies at good prices. I have some hope of doing well over the long term. I certainly make no claim that I will do well every week, every month or even every year. Many people seem to think markets and stocks are predictable in the short term. Maybe they are at times. But mostly not.

I took a quick look at the Board members of HP. It appears to be top heavy with private capital type people. Also perhaps top heavy with prima donna former CEO types. There appeared to be little representation from the brainy PhD’s who ought to be the heart of HP’s soul. There were only two members who have been on the Board since prior to 2009, one was 2009, one from 2010 and the other six only since 2011. For whatever reason this Board has not been able to rectify the same horrible mistakes HP has been making for years.

Of course the proxy statement has all the usual useless garbage about corporate governance and director independence. Just a load of useless drivel.

I find it telling that the proxy does not list the academic credentials of the Board members. That is an insult to all the highly educated people who really built HP. The founding Hewlett and Packard families must shudder to look at what these clowns have done.

Incredibly enough, this company now has a tangible net worth on the balance sheet of far less than zero. The net value of the company is in goodwill, which they have busily writing off. Their long term debt is about equal to their equity. With that amount of debt it is not inconceivable that they could go broke. Or at least that the debt investors could end up owning the company. Monstrous incompetence! They are however still generating significant cash flows and so perhaps are not in any dire straights.

This Board ought to be tossed holus bolus. Maybe let the CEO stay and get a new Board consisting in good measure of long-time employees and some representation from the founding families. Some representation from LONG term shareholders as well. They need to look up the criteria that Warren Buffett has described for selecting directors.

I am glad I don’t own any shares.

November 20, 2012

I mentioned a couple of times that the Hudson’s Bay IPO looked to be proceeding quite slowly. It has finally closed. They sold I understand $365 million of shares rather than the hoped for $400 million. And the price at I believe $17.50 is lower than hoped. (hyped?)

Most larger share issues in Canada are “bought deals” whereby the investment banks basically gurantee that they will sell all the shares. Whatever they don’t see they buy. Many of these sell out in minutes due to marketing and/or investor interest. Hudson’s Bay was a “marketed deal” whereby the investments banks just sell what they can. It seems to me that Hudson’s Bay was open for close to two weeks. It appears that they had to flog this hard to get it sold. Much of apparently going to American buyers. Canadians, probably unimpressed with the stores were not much interested. Especially with Target coming in.

I only mention Hudson’s Bay as a sort of curiosity. I have not analysed it at all. I just have no interest in it. The company was very clever in selling off its Zellers leases for $1.8 billion to Target. It’s a bit strange that so soon after that they want to raise money. They had years without much competition to make money and mostly did not make that much. Now with Target coming in they ask you and I to buy it. No thanks.

I noticed the big ($8.8 billion!!!) write-down at Hewlett Packard. To put that in context the company has a total equity market value of $23 billion. So this is a HUGE writedown. Again, this is just a curiosity, I have no knowledge of HP’s value as an investment. But I will say it seems to take CEO’s with huge inflated salaries to screw up like this. Apparently they just completely stupidly over paid for a huge acquisition even after rumors of accounting problems had already surfaced. Absolutely stunning incompetence. Years ago the paid big dollars to acquire Compague Computers (or however you spell that). Another complete disaster, as I recall. A while ago they apparently had a good CEO but then fired him because he had affair with a secretary (I forget why that was such a big deal). I remember Kevin O’leary saying the Board should all be fired and I think he was right. Apparently there was another even huger write-down in August related to the acquisition of Electronic Data Systems. Unbelievable that CEOs get paid millions for losing billions and then we have to hear crap about having to pay big dollars for talented CEOs. The latest occupant of the CEO chair is Meg Whitman. I believe she largely built up eBay so definitely has some credentials. But it is sad that HP could not find talent in their own ranks.

This HP writedown is so big it will likely even make a noticeable little dent in the S&P 500 earnings figure.


November 19, 2012

Okay, so the Dow was up 1.6% today and Toronto was up 1.4%. This gain today is not something I expected or could have predicted. Nor is it much a surprise. Stock markets rise and stock markets fall. Luckily, they mostly rise over time. An investor with a bias to being in the market (at least partially) at all times is always there to benefit from the rises. And yes, is there to be hurt by the declines too. But there are more rises than declines. That’s a fact.

With the market up a lot at the opening, I did not expect to be able to grab any Walmart at around the $68 price. But when I looked a little bit after the open, Walmart was only up a couple of pennies. So I bought 400 shares, paying $68.09. Looking good so far as it closed at $69.02.

Just about everything on our table above was up today. Particularly notable were RIM up 3.9% and Bank of America up 4.1%.

November 17, 2012

Walmart is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $68.03. If it stays at this price on Monday I plan to buy back some of the shares I sold a couple months ago at higher prices.

Markets were reasonable strong on Friday.

Notable winners among our stocks included Toll Brothers up 4.2% and RIM up 4.9%.

November 15, 2012

I took a quick read of the Walmart Q3 report that caused its share price to drop 3.6%. I could not see the bad news. It all looked good to me. Continued modest growth is what I saw. I would be inclined to buy Walmart on this pull-back.

It was a weak day in the markets with Toronto down 1.0% and the U.S. markets down slightly.

Toll Brothers closed down just 0.1% at $29.73. However the Buy order that I placed yesterday got filled at $29. So with one day down and the rest of eternity to go, that looks like a good buy so far.

Boston Pizza closed down 2.9% to $17.99. This may be due to fears that the Hockey strike will affect, which is probably true although that will be temporary. I’d consider nibbling at this price.

Walmart was down 3.6% to $68.72. I had sold my Walmart On October 3 to raise cash. It was sold at $73.63. I will consider buying back at this price.

Bombardier is down to $2.99 after getting a credit downgrade to BB (which indicates high risk) and canceling a debt issue. It might be a good investment but is speculative. I don’t know enough about it to really understand the risks. I own a small amount.

November 14, 2012

Another down day on the markets. Dow down 1.5%, Toronto down 1.7%.

Well, the fact is that all the days of our investing lives cannot be happy days (nor all the weeks, all the weeks, all the months or all the years).

Notable losers included Bank of America down 3.6%, Toll Brothers down 3.5%, Fedex down 3.3%.

And Canadian Tire was down another 0.8%.

I don’t think it is possible to predict what the market will do next. The whole fiscal cliff issue may certainly be a negative factor until it gets resolved around the end of the year. And beyond that the feared recession in 2013 is certainly a possibility. Things should be relatively quiet on the earnings front until late January. Various positive or negative news can come in at any time from economic reports (jobs, housing consumer sentiment, retails sales, producer price index and other).

What has worked for me over the years has been 1. A bias to remaining mostly invested in equities. 2. Investing in the higher rated stocks from our analysis here, and 3. leaning a bit against the market, taking a bit of money out of the market as it rises and buying gradually as it falls.  That has worked over time but admittedly is scary during the dips.

I bought a modest amount of RIM today.

I am inclined to buy more shares in most of what I own.

To that end I have placed some bids modestly below today’s closing price for Berkshire Hathaway, Toll Brothers, Wells Fargo and Canadian Tire.

The majority of my cash has been in U.S. dollars, simply because it was mostly U.S. stocks that I sold this Fall. I moved a bit of that back to Canadian just now to provide funds to buy Canadian stocks. Also with the Canadian dollar below the U.S. the exchange rate is better than it has been. If the Cnadian dollar goes several cents lower I move a bit more cash out of the U.S. dollars.

I notice on the TD Waterhouse new issues page, Hudson’s Bay is still open for buying. I believe this means that the banks are having a hard time flogging this. If it was a bought deal then the banks are stuck with it. If it was not a bought deal then the offer could even be pulled. I suspect it won’t be pulled at this point.

I notice too, three mortgage investment corporation offerings are still open. I believe those are all relatively small. And apparently not meeting with much appetite from investors.

A Tale of Two Lenders…

There is a very interesting contrast between a mortgage investment corporation and a mortgage bank. The mortgage investment corporation takes in equity and lends it out with little or no leverage at 8% or more. The investors may treat their investment as more of a fixed income investment since it funds loans and pays a high yield. The mortgage investment corporation is largely lending out its own money (the equity it raises). It does not have access to deposits from customers that it can lend out. In order to make 10% return on equity the mortgage investment corporation would have to lend at an interest rate probably above 10% since it typically has modest or no leverage. It therefore is going to be targeting commercial borrowers who are will pay that kind of interest rate. The loans may be far riskier than the residential type mortgages targeted by a mortgage bank but then the Mortgage Investment Corporation does not face much risk from its own leverage (its own debt).

The mortgage bank is typically HIGHLY leveraged. It may have 90 cents of customer deposits and other liabilities for each 10 cents of equity. It is largely or almost completely loaning out other people’s money. It can turn take in deposits at 1%, lend at 3%, for a spread of 2% and use 1% of that spread to cover costs and be left with a 1% net profit on the loan and still make 10% on equity due to the leverage. It’s really a totally different operation than the Mortgage Investment Corporation.  The Mortgage bank has to target very safe loans like government insured residential mortgages. With it’s high leverage it has to take on low-risk loans.

It’s a Tale of two lenders and they really are quite different. Both can be good or bad investments.


November 14, 2012 (7:10 am mountain 9:10 am eastern)

Tuesday was another negative day in the markets. Canadian Tire was down a bit more. I can not give any assurance that markets will not continue to all. I do know that Canadian Tire at $67.40 is a better investment than it was at recent prices in the low 70’s. At times like this my thoughts turn more to buying than to selling.

I am thinking of buying  a modest amount of Research in Motion in the hopes that it will turn higher on the Blackberry 10 news. I do consider RIM to be speculative since its fortunes are ties to hard to predict battles in winning the hearts of fashion and technology conscious consumers.

November 12, 2012 -3:00 eastern

I had said I would buy back some of the Toll brothers that I had sold if the price got down to about $31. The price today was $31.30 and so I decided to buy 300 shares.

November 12, 2012 – 1:30 eastern time

Today is a holiday for some, but the markets are open.

The big news among the stocks on our list was a friendly take-over offer for the Brick Ltd. at $5.40 per share. The stock is up 52% form it’s close on Friday. And it is up 126% from the $2.35 at which we added it to this site and rated it a Speculative Buy on October 11, just over one year ago.

Admittedly we only saw it as sort of luke-warm and it was not one we kept on top of.

It does illustrate that sometimes good things can happen when you buy something out of favor as long as the company is capable of surviving to see better days.

It also illustrates that sometimes companies are worth a lot more than the market would indicate.

Canadian Tire fell another 2% today. On that news I bought 200 more shares at just under $68.50. Possibly that is just an act of stubbornness on my part. My modus-operandi has always been to buy what looks cheap to me.

November 11, 2012

Stantec is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $37.14. It is up 35% this year. And is up 1386% since we first looked at it way back at the inception of this site in 1999. While it is not as attractive today as it was then or on the several occasions when it got back down to around the 10 times earnings that it traded at in 1999 it still looks like a good investment today. It’s growth by acquisition model is still in place and still working. (It also grows to some degree organically).

November 9, 2012

Canadian Tire is updated and (still) rated (lower) Strong Buy at $69.81. The market appears to be discounting the value here due to fears of the impact of Target coming to Canada.

November 8, 2012

Toronto was down 0.3% and the Dow was down 0.9%.

Among our Stock Picks, Canadian Tire got pushed down 3.3% despite releasing what seemed to be a reasonably good earnings report and despite increasing its dividend. I took the opportunity to buy 200 shares and now hold 2,236 shares. I continue to see this as a good investment. One does not beat the market by always agreeing with the market’s view of a company.

November 7, 2012

The excitement of the lead up the U.S. election has quickly dissipated in the realization that the election has not changed the government.

The Dow was down 2.4% and Toronto was down 1.1%

Bank of America was particularly hard hit down 7.1% I would view that as a buying opportunity. RIM was down 8.2% and that stock looks attractive but is quite speculative (risky).

In positive news, Constellation Software was up another 2.5%.

I am considering placing some buy orders, perhaps a little below current prices on a number of the stocks I own. Or, I may just sit the cash I have and see what develops.

November 6, 2012

In what seemed to be a surprise, U.S.  markets were quite strong this U.S. election day. The Dow was up 1.0%.

The attention now will turn to what is next including the “fiscal cliff” of potential tax hikes and spending cuts at the end of December. Futures as of about 1 am eastern time show the markets down moderately. So perhaps out little election rally will be short lived indeed.

Melcor came out with earnings after the close today. The earnings were strong, particularly on a GAAP basis.

November 5, 2012

This week starts out with Toronto down very slightly and The Dow up slightly. Toll Brothers was up 3.7% today to $33.39. I had said I would consider buying back some of what I sold a while back at higher prices if it gets down to $31. Obviously, I may not get that chance.

Perhaps the big excitement for the market this week will come on Wednesday after we see the election results.

Canadian Tire will release earnings on Thursday and I am eager to see that. I don’t see why they would not have had a good quarter, but one never knows.

Melcor is scheduled to release earnings tomorrow, Tuesday. My guess is that they will have had a good quarter. But apparently new home permits were down in September and so perhaps they will be a bit cautious in their outlook.

November 2, 2012

At the bottom of the stock list above, I have listed, courtesy of a Globe and Mail article, the fund trading symbols for several bank deposit accounts that pay 1.25%. Over the years I have generally kept my investment account cash in literally cash. This allowed me to have that money instantly available for trading. I tend not to have a high allocation to cash and with money market funds paying very little it just did not seem worth the bother. I have however used a U.S. money market fund because TD Waterhouse allows me to move money between that and U.S. stocks in an RRSP account without paying any currency conversion fee.

Today’s Globe and Mail article indicated that bank account rates of 1.25% can be accessed directly from our brokerage accounts. (A couple years ago it was 0.75% so this increase must be due to competition). At 1.25% and given taht I am currently sitting on more cash than normal at about 18%, I decided to move some money into one of these bank accounts. These actually are insured bank accounts, insured up $100,000. The banks have set these up with mutual fund trading symbols so that we can invest from our brokerage accounts. The interest rate that TD Waterhouse was paying me was precisely nothing and so 1.25% may not be much but it beats nothing. I chose the TD Bank fund TDB8150. I also put some excess U.S. dollars into TDB8152. However, I did leave about half my “cash” in cash or in the U.S. money market account since both are available instantly for buying stocks and I don’t ever want to have to wait even a day to buy a stock.

I notice that the Hudson’s Bay IP is still marked “open” on TD Waterhouse. Normally a successful IPO is sold out and marked closed within a few hours of opening. I believe this indicated the brokers are having a hard time selling the Huidson’s Bay IPO. And no wonder, I remarked on October 18 that I was inclined to avoid this and gave some reaons why.

Also on the IPO list at TD Waterhouse are two Mortgage Investment Corporations. The one I looked at briefly was only trying to raise $50 million. It had a ten year history. It would lend the money at 8 to 10% and hope to earn something close to that for investors. They pay out close to 100% of earnings and are effectively like Income Trusts, they pay no income tax as long as they pay out all the earnings.  It’s interesting to note that while banks are leveraged at least 10 times and lend out depositor money, these Mortgage Investment Corporations do not take in deposits, may use little or no debt. They lend out their own equity rather than depositor money. They might not be a bad investment. But I would be cautious with these. I would worry about mortgage defaults if the economy cools off or if certain real estate projects like residential condos run into problems. They out you somewhat into the position of lending out your money on mortgages. But unlike a private mortgage lender you don’t have to find or screen the borrowers and you diversification. But the company obviously has expenses that must be paid before you. The good news is that as long as they avoid debt they seem unlikely to get into financial difficulty. (Banks, in contrast,  can get into difficulty easily due to the massive leverage). There are three mortgage investment corporations looking to raise money on TD right now. This certainly indicates a hunger for money on their part.

Markets were down on Friday with Toronto and the DOW both down about 1.0%. Our stock picks seemed to fare a bit better than that assisted by Bank of America up 1.1%, RIM up 0.5%

My own account is at its high for the year (save Thursday when it was higher still) and is up 24.2%. I wondered on Friday if I should not sell something but could not seem to bring myself to do so. I do have orders in to trim Bank of America, Melcor and Wells Fargo if moderately higher prices are reached as I mentioned a week or so ago.

Berkshire Hathaway was out with earnings yesterday. As I expected, it was a good quarter, at least GAAP wise. However operating earnings adjusted for gains were down somewhat. I was surprised that the famed equity index put option position had not gained in value (it would have gained on the higher stock market values, but lower interest rates pushed up the mark to market liability under the arcane formulas that are used.). I could find no mention of any early estimate of the loss from hurricane Sandy. I will probably update our report shortly. Buffett bought a “little” Omaha-based internet mail-order company on Friday. At $500 million it’s a not enough to move the needle at Berkshire but instead I expect was a chance for Buffett to work with people he knows, likes and respects and was in a simple business that struck his fancy. And you can be assured that he thinks he can make a decent return with it. This company might be a sort of shiny new toy for Buffett, but he always makes sure his train sets, newspapers, candy shops, jewelry stores and all the other toys make money. (At least they are intended to make good returns when he buys them, but occasionally the economics turn against him).

November 1, 2012

Stantec was a big gainer today, up 8.4% to $37.29 after it released Q3 earnings.  Our last update had rated it (lower) Strong Buy at $31.25 on May 27. See the detailed comments under May 27.  It was rated Strong Buy at the start of this year at $27.57 and has risen 35% since then. I plan to update the report within a few days. I have not looked at the earnings report as yet.

Other notable gainers for us were Bank of America up 4.5%, MicroSoft up 3.4%. Visa up 3.7% and Research in Motion up 10.1% (rumors of its impending death having been greatly exaggerated, apparently).

Markets in general did very well due to reports of a rise in Consumer Confidence and two favorable jobs reports out this morning. Another jobs report come out Friday morning and will likely set the tone for the market on Friday.

October 31, 2012

Markets did not move much today. RIM was up 3.7%, but that is just “noise” for this company. Bank of America was up 2.2%.  Toll Brothers was down 2.2% to $33.01. This despite the fact that house prices are rising.  I has some some earlier at higher prices. I might be tempted to buy back if it happens to go down to about $31.

October 30, 2012

With the U.S. markets closed there was not too much excitement on the markets. But Toronto was up 0.5%.

The latest Case Shiller Home Price index is out and showed a 0.9% increase. The fifth monthly increase in a row.

I was wondering if Berkshire Hathaway would take any losses due to this storm. I would think the answer is definitely yes. Berkshire will probably let us know with their earnings release expected out around the end of this week or next week. Buffett does not enjoy paying out big claims. He is however very proud of the fact that Berkshire is ALWAYS in a position to pay its claims and to do so without ever putting much a dent in balance sheet of Berkshire Hathaway.

October 29, 2012

With the U.S. markets closed for a “storm day” today (and tomorrow, Tuesday) not too much seemed to happen in the Canadian markets.

I saw some discussion that Canadian Tire needs to reduce costs. I am not sure how true that is. I do worry tht is’s dealer-owned stores while benefiting from entrepreneurialism at the store level, also leads to a sharing of profits. I did observe  that Canadian Tire has higher gross margins (sounds good but means higher costs since profits are not that high). But it’s not clear that Canadain Tire should ever have the lower gross margins of a Walmart or Costco since those sell groceries, a notoriously lower gross margin business. Overall Canadian Tire looks cheap and I will take my chances on what Target does to it. Also it appears to me that Target is setting up in quite expensive digs having paid top dollar to take over the Zellers locations, that to my (limited) experience were a bit old and tired mostly and now paying to renovate (re-build) those tired old locations.

October 28, 2012

Shaw Communications is updated and rated Buy at CAN $21.06. It’s also a high yield stock at 4.6%. Shaw is up 4% this year to date, which combined with the dividend of 4.6% has been a good investment. It trades at 13 times earnings which is ostensibly reasonably attractive. However some accounting issues lead to an earnings figure that is not that reliable. Our overall rating is Buy. Subscribers should look at the full report to understand the basis for the rating.

I have added a new row to the report. This is a row to comment on “Long Term Predictability”. This new row is just under Outlook near the bottom of the report.

Ten years ago I wrote an article for this site that indicated that what we were really after was not just Growth-at-a-reasonable-price, but Predictable-growth-at-reasonable-price. Recently someone reminded me about that article. Also I recall how many times Warren Buffett has said he is looking for companies that he is reasonably certain will have materially higher earnings in 10 or 20 years. I have always shown the graph of past earnings growth and commented on outlook. But this new row in the analysis will make sure that I always turn my thoughts to the predictability of the company. It’s one thing to say that a company should continue to grow. It’s another thing to consider whether it is a company that might face major obsolescence, regulatory  or fashion issues that make its growth inherently uncertain.

A major strength of the report format that I use is that it is consistent. The same list of numeric and non-numeric items always gets addressed in each report. Perhaps that takes away from the ability of the report to be customized for a particular industry or company, but I think the requirement for each report to always address a standard list of ratios and non-numeric topics has been a good approach.

By the way I use the term numeric and non-numeric here. In college I was taught to use quantitative (being numeric) and qualitative (a measure of quality and also usually being non-numeric). I think the terms numeric and non-numeric are far more reader-friendly.

The Canadian dollar had declined about two percentage points recently. This increases the value of U.S. stocks when measured in Canadian dollars. And it decreases the value of Canadian stocks when measured in U.S. dollars.)

By the way, stock investments in American companies (like investments in U.S. houses) are NOT investments that are “in” U.S. dollars. Instead they are in investments that are “measured” in U.S. dollars. There is a difference. An investment in a U.S. bond, is truly an investment “in” U.S. dollars.

When it comes to U.S. funds versus Canadian, I generally try to think of my U.S. investments as being permanently left in U.S. dollars. When i sell a U.S. stock, I keep the funds in U.S. dollars. That avoids a currency convserions fee which I would incur if I transferred that back to Canadian dollars.

However, today I am thinking of entering an order to convert some of my American cash back to Canadian. The reason is that most of my cash is in U.S. dollars and it might make sense to balance that out. And with the Cnadian dollar down, (or the U.S. dollar up) it seems like it might be a opportune time to transfer the cash. (I would not have been inclinded to do it when the Canadian dollar had recently risen rather than fallen).

October 25, 2012

Toronto was up 0.9% while the Dow was up 0.2%. Constellation Software was up another 1.8% to $116.20. We had last rated it (lower) Strong Buy on April 1 at $89.35. They will release earnings after the close on Wednesday next week and I plan to update the report with a few days after that.

Shaw Communications was up 1.8% after releasing earnings this morning that were about equal to the prior year on an adjusted basis. Apparently, this was better than expected. I plan to update that analysis before Monday.

Yesterday I provided a link to a lengthy transcript of an interview of Warren Buffett. It is astounding how good his memory is for figures. When the host made a disparaging remark about Dairy Queen, (Berkshire Hathaway owns 100% of International Dairy Queen), Buffett bragged that its same store sales were up 5.8% in September. Berkshire owns about 79 businesses and yet Buffett happens to know this figure from memory. He also is able to condense various economic events into a few crisp sentences that explain a lot and to do that on the fly/ It’s truly remarkable. I have already said I expect Berkshire to report good earnings for Q3. I suspect it will report a week from tomorrow.

I was just noticing one thing, Berkshire owns virtually no rental type real estate, no REITs, no office towers, no shopping malls, no commercial space, no farm lands and no forest lands. Even its own operations including head office are often in rented space. I don’t think he would view real estate as a bad investment. But he has found better investments and apparently does not choose to tie up Berkshire’s capital in real estate.

It is often claimed that “most of the great fortunes of the world were made in real estate”.  Andrew Carnegie   said: “Ninety percent of all millionaires became so through real estate.” I don’t know if that was a true fact when the quote was stated. I do know that this quote is around 100 years old or more! (Carnegie died in 1919) Every real estate promoter since has quoted it. It’s categorically false today. The great fortunes of the world are made in many ways. Most billionaires today certainly did not make their fortune in real estate. By the way it may be debatable whether 50 is the new 40, but there is no doubt that billionaire is the new millionaire, given inflation since Andrew Carnegies’ time.

Buffett does however think that individuals in the U.S. who have stable jobs and who do not own a house would be making a terrible mistake not to buy one now, at today’s low prices, and lock in a 30 year mortgage.

October 24, 2012

Markets were down just slightly today.  As for our stock picks, we had Toll Brothers up 2.0%. We have already had big gains on this one this year, and it does look expensive at this time. But it certainly may continue to rise if the U.S. housing recovery continues.

I am looking forward to seeing the Q3 earnings. Canadian Tire will not be out until November 8th. Melcor and Berkshire will also be most interesting to see. And Shaw Communications should be out with their Q4 report before too long.

Warren Buffett was on CNBC for some two hours today. I have not seen it or read it (yet) but here is the transcript. I am sure it is worthwhile reading.*blog*&par=RSS


October 23, 2012

As most you will have noticed, the DOW was down 1.8% today, Toronto was down 1.4% and the S&P 500 was down 1.4%.

These kind of days are not unusual and simply reflect the realities of stock investing. And I am afraid I can offer no comfort that the market will not continue on down. But I am not suggesting I particularly think it will go down.  I have never claimed to be able predict the market especially in the short term.

I don’t believe that the stocks I own are over valued and I believe that our stock picks will continue to be good investments over time. As for the stock picks in the table, the ratings are as of the date and price indicated and as it states above subscribers would have to make a judgment call as to whether the rating might still apply given how old it is and how much the price has moved (or not) and what other events have taken place. I simply can’t sort of reaffirm each rating without doing the updated analysis.

There will updates coming before too long and there will be definitely a flurry in December as I always try to get everything as up to data as possible for the start of the new year. There is nothing special about a new year but I do measure performance from each January 1 and it is best to measure the performance of a Buy or Sell rating from a fresh update.

Canadian Tire was down a little today to $70.08. Yahoo indicates that is a P/E of 11.3. My analysis agrees with that. I can’t make any guarantees but I note that Walmart was trading around $50 to $55 for much of 2010 and 2011 and I believe the P/E was around 11 at times. It took a while but now Walmart is at $75, not because its earnings soared but because the P/E rose to 15.8. Buying good companies at 11 times earnings (an earnings ratio of almost 9%) will likely work out well over time in a world where the 10-year bond yield is under 2%. I considered adding to my already hefty Canadian Tire position today but I probably have enough already.

October 22, 2012

The Canadian Q3 earnings season has begun with Canadian National Railway reporting slightly better than expected earnings. We had last rated it as a Buy on July 27 at $88.40. While we have not updated it for this latest earnings release I see no reason why the rating would change given the price is now $87.07. As a very long term investment, I like CNR. Its tracks and right of ways are irreplaceable assets. People talk about Gold or land as a real asset and seem to think stocks are “paper” assets. A railway seems pretty real to me.

October 20, 2012

The Dow was down 1.5% on Friday and Toronto was down 0.4%. But our stock picks held up quite well. We did have Microsoft down 2.9%, but we also had Toll Brothers up 1.1% and Canadian Tire and Melcor unchanged. And given the big drop in the Canadian dollar on Friday and also Thursday, I think it turned out to be a very good week for our stock picks as measured in Canadian dollars. (But not when measured in U.S. dollars). Next week we should begin to get the Canadian companies reporting Q3 results. CN is usually among the first Canadian companies to report.

I notice the outrage of the Bell Canada CEO, George Cope over the disallowance of the Astral media take-over. He said Bell could not have done anything differently. Really? In fact it appears they bungled their application to the regulator and it appears they suffered from kind of group think. Now they are appealing to the federal cabinet. Good luck with that. I am no fan of the CRTC but I don’t exactly feel outraged by this decision.

October 18, 2012

While the markets were down very slightly today, our stock picks did reasonably well.

Hudson’s Bay Company is going to go public again. It was founded through the issue of a charter by King Charles II on May 2, 1670 as the Governor and Company of Adventures of England Trading into Hudson’s Bay and continued as a Canadian Corporation around 1970. I do like the history. I don’t like that it called itself the Bay for years and that it sold off its fur operations some 25 years ago (by my recollection). That was under old management but it seemed to be forgetting its proud heritage rather than celebrating it. Very dumb.

My inclination would be to avoid the shares. The Bay has had years to renovate its stores if it wanted to. Now it apparently wants to spend money on renovations just when Target is coming. I think it was very smart indeed to have sold off the Zellers leases at the huge price of $1.8 billion. But that is done and I believe some of all of that gain has already been pulled out of the company. As a shopper at the Bay over the years I have certainly been under whelmed.

To try to analyze this by reading the prospectus would be a daunting task. (I took a quick look at its statement of equity and see that it had a reduction of stated capital in 2010 — I don’t know what that means, it has had returns of capital to the owner rather than dividends in some years — which sounds like the owner extracting money such as leveraging the business up. In short there are many complexities.

And it would seem to me to be in direct competition with Target.

So, while it might turn out to be a good investment, my inclination is very much to stay away from it.

October 17, 2012

With another strong day in the markets we should keep in mind that there will be down days as well. Overall invesing in stocks tends to be rewarding but it can and will have its downs as well as ups.

The TSX was up 0.4% while the Dow was up very slightly. The S&P 500 was up 0.4%. As far as our stock picks go, Constellation Software was up another 2.0%. It has been rising nicely. I don’t know the reason but a quick look shows that they continue to grow and make acquisitions and they have announced winning some new customers. They will release earnings after the close on October 31.

Toll Brothers was up 1.8% on news that U.S. housing starts were up 15% to an annual rate of 872,000. That is still low compared to Canada which is I believe around 185,000 units and the U.S. is often regarded as roughly 10 times larger.

Wells Fargo was up 2.2%.

I neglected to mention that on Monday I did buy back the Wells Fargo shares that I said in the October 13 post that  I was tempted to buy back. They were down on Monday and I bought.

October 16, 2012

Another good day in the markets… It was good in particular to see Canadian Tire up 1.8%.

The Q3 earnings season is just in full swing in the U.S. and about to get started in Canada. So between that and the usual economic news there is lots to push the markets to and fro which will keep investors guessing as always.

October 15, 2012

It seems there are few dull days in the market. Today we had the Dow up 95 points or 0.7%. But Toronto was only up 0.2%. The larger gains among our stock picks were Bank of America, up 3.5%, Toll Brothers up 3.4%, Stantec up 2.4%, Constellation Software up 2.8%.

Also Wal-Mart up 1.8% to $77.15. I suppose it was a mistake for me to have sold recently but I was looking for something to sell to raise cash… Wal-Mart is now up 29% this year. Over the past few years (before this big gain) I explained how Wal-Mart the company had strongly outperformed Wal-Mart the stock. You may recall many analysts harping that the stock was still (then) down from its historic high of around $69 back around year 2000. Many analysts said it had been “dead money”. Yes it had, but that fact was not relevant to what the stock was worth in 2010 or 2011 or 2012. I would not likely be a buyer of Wal-Mart right now since it has gained 18% since we rated it a Buy back in May. (but I might change my mind on the next update, depending how the analysis looks then). I notice when I read the analysis that we knocked it down a bit due to the scandal in Mexico at that time. That seems to have gone away at least for now and so while I am not going to buy, I don’t think the stock is a bad one to hold onto.

No doubt the market will continue to thrash to and fro based on the latest economic news and earnings news. The low points always test our resolve and courage while also often providing opportunities. That is the nature of the markets.

October 14, 2012

FedEx is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $90.40. While the near-term outlook does not appear to be strong, this is a company that I think we can be reasonably sure will grow its earnings per share over the long term. The stock rose about 5.5% late last week on a cost-cutting announcement. However that particular bounce could prove to be short lived as the cost cutting will not be fully phased before about 24 months.

October 13, 2012

Wells Fargo is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $34.25. This appears to be a good investment. I recently sold some shares at $36.46 and $34.90. I did that to raise cash. Still, I am very tempted to buy those back at this slightly lower price. But I still have about 12.8% of my portfolio (and 15.5% of my equity investments) in this company and so perhaps I should not be too greedy about buying more of this one. Most people would think I am already taking a lot of risk having $147,000 in this one company. But then look at how many people with a net worth of under $200,000 have $400,000 of mostly borrowed money invested in a house. Who is really the risk taker?

Friday’s markets were about flat overall but my own stocks took a minor hit as Bank of America and Wells Fargo declined.

October 12, 2012 11:30 am eastern time

Wells Fargo released earnings before the open this morning. It opened down roughly 3.5% and remains down roughly 3.5% at this time. (This illustrates why earnings should never be released during trading hours, by releasing before the open, no one got to trade a single share (unfairly) before the earnings news was reflected in the market price).

The earnings and operations were actually very good, record earnings. The problem was that expectations were even higher for certain aspects of the operation.

With the stock at about $34, I am tempted to add to my position. However, it is not down that much from its recent high of $36.60. I will likely hang onto my cash and see if better opportunities emerge in the weeks ahead for Wells Fargo or other stocks.

October 10, 2012

The Dow was down 1.0% today and Toronto was down 0.5%

Many or most of our stocks picks were down

Fedex was up 5.1% after announcing some cost cutting moves. Coincidently I intend to update the report on Fedex within the next few days.

Alimentation Couche-Tard rose 6.2% late on Friday as I mention below, Tuesday when the market opened again after holiday Monday it was down a bit but today was up 3.0%. Basically it appears something positive was said at their annual meeting on Friday or some analysts have upgraded the stock. I find it odd and have emailed the company asking for some explanation. I don’t expect them to give me one however. It’s an excellent company a real Canadian success story. But it looks about fully valued to me.

With the markets having been down for several days in a row now, and with talk of lower world growth and a poor Q3 earnings season it is natural to be worried about where the markets are headed.

I have always explained that I cannot predict market direction. I doubt anyone can. What I have had some success at is trying to recognize when the market and especially individual stocks appear to be good value. Also I have had success in keeping calm during market dips and trying to buy on dips rather than sell.

At the same time I try to be positioned with some cash on hand to take advantage of dips.

It’s interesting that the U.S. markets in particular have done very well in 2012 and that is despite all the things there are to worry about. At the start of September many were predicting a down month. Yet is was a very strong up month.

At this point, yes, of course, markets may fall. That is always the case. If you are overly nervous and not prepared to hold on come what may then consider reducing your equity exposure. Personally I have already reduced but I still have a high equity exposure. I also find it hard to reduce further at this point because it is I suppose an admission that I should have reduced more in the last several weeks. So I may or may not reduce anything at this point. But if markets were to fall more significantly (and no one can predict that accurately) I will be holding come what may and buying on dips as I have done for the past 13 years or more since starting this web site and even prior to that.

Well perhaps the next few days will bring glad tidings of earnings and the outlook will brighten. As always time will tell. I look forward in particular to Wells Fargo’s earnings report on Friday. They are expected to be about 20% higher than last year. If more than 20% or so the stock may rise. If less, well, you know.

October 9, 2012

Markets were weak on Tuesday with the TSX down 1.2% and the DOW down 0.8%. Most of our stock picks were down. RIM was a particularly notable loser, down 5.5%.

After the close earnings season has kicked off in the United States with Alcoa moderately beating expectations and Yum Brands as well.

Market will likely focus on whether Q3 earnings are better or worse than expected. Expectations are generally low. Other events that will push to market up or down are developments in the U.S. election and well as in the European situation and world economic growth. In other words, markets will continue to be uncertain. But the fact is that markets are never certain. Uncertainty is simply a fact of like in stock investing.

I think there is reason to be hopeful of good earnings reports from Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Canadian Tire and Melcor.

October 5, 2012

Markets on Friday were mixed with Toronto down 0.2% and the Dow up 0.3%. However many or most of our stock picks were down. One interesting gainer was Alimentation Couche-Tard up 6.2% in the final hour of trading. The company held its annual meeting going on on Friday afternoon hosted by the company. At first glance here it appears there was some kind of selective disclosure going on (with news leaked to to this group but not generally disseminated) . The meting seems to have conveyed some kind of good news even though there had been no press release. If so, this action is reprehensible.

October 4, 2012

It was another strong day for our stock picks. The Dow was up 0.6%, and Toronto was up 0.7%. We had Bank of America up 3.3%, Wells Fargo up 1.5% .. almost everything seemed to be up today.

I should probably be looking to trim a bit more to raise my cash and be a bit more defensive. But it is hard to think about selling when things are rising. What I may do right now is stick in a few “stink offers”, that is offers to sell but only if the the stock rises another 5% or whatever. We certainly can’t be sure that stocks will continue to rise or even that we won’t get a “correction”. I have some hope of analyzing which stocks appear to be good value. But I have never claimed to be able to predict short-term market direction. As far as I am concerned the overall market is fairly random  in the short term. I don’t follow any seasonal indicators, presidential cycle indicators, or anything of the kind. I am always at least partly invested in equities. I doubt I have ever been less than 50 or 60% invested and even that low was only briefly. I am often closer to 95% invested in equities. I try to pick stocks that look like good value. When markets fall I try to find some cash to buy at the lower prices. So far it has worked out okay, but certainly with some major bumps along the way.

I have just placed some orders to trim Wells Fargo (at $37.95), Melcor (at $16.95 – correction that should have read, $16.75) and Bank of America (at $10.95). These are a good bit higher than the current market and there is a good chance none of these will sell. But at least if the market happens to sort of rocket higher I will automatically trim a little here. And if markets go the other way, I have some cash ready to Buy.


October 3, 2012

Our stock picks did well today even though the Dow was only up 0.1% and the TSX was down 0.3%.

We had Toll brothers up 3.7% (although that is not one our top picks now), Bank of America up 2.0% and Wells Fargo up 1.8%. Berkshire Hathaway up 0.7% and there were other gainers as well. Of course there were some picks that were down as well such as Wallgreen down 1.5% and RIM down 2.2%. But overall our stock picks did well today.

I’ve just been listening to the U.S. presidential debate. In my opinion, Romney is the hands down winner tonight. He seemed to have Obama back on his heels. Obama seemed to have a look of guilt on his face as Romney went over his record. Romney seemed to have more facts at his fingertips to use. Before tonight it was said that that Obama was the clear front-runner, but if the debate has any impact then Romney will have closed the gap tonight.

Canadian Tire continues to lag and I am almost tempted to buy back some shares in it that I sold very recently (as explained below).

One interesting thing I took note of today was that Hewlett Packard fell 13%. It fell hard starting at noon and this was due to comments its president, Meg Whitman made at its annual securities analyst meeting. This was HIGHLY unfair to retail investors who are not in a position to trade on this breaking news. There is a reason that earnings are almost always released after the markets close. The reason is that it puts on all traders on a level playing floor. When news is released after hours the share price adjusts in one step change fashion and zero shares trade at intermediate prices. In contrast today millions of shares traded at intermediate prices as the news slowly wafted (like a great stink bomb) into the market. I don’t know if companies that release news like this at analyst meetings are unaware of the unfairness, or do they just not care? They could have done the analyst day but should have pre-released the bad news after the close yesterday. This is highly shameful. Similar things have happened in Canada and I have made official complaints on occasion. In fact my complaints have directly helped lead to a situation where in Canada we seldom see earnings released during the trading day now, whereas a few years ago that was common.

Update to this comment:

It’s not that obvious, so let me explain the mechanics of why releasing news during the trading day, without a halt hurts the retail invest. HP opened today at $17.23. It’s price over the past week was consistently over $17, although with a few little dips to right around $17 or a tad under. Now imagine that you, a retail investor wanted to buy some but you decided to place an order to buy at $16.95, hoping to shave off a few cents on the buy. Well at noon today, bang your order would have been filled and you would have bought at $16.95 as these analysts heard the bad news and sold to your order that was sitting there while you went about your life. By the end of the day the stock was at $14.91 due to the bad news released and you were already down 12%.

In sharp contrast, if that news had been released after the close yesterday, here is what would have happened. The stock price would have opened well under $17, perhaps as low as about $15 because the active traders would adjust their bids and asks to reflect the news. Remember stocks don’t open at the same price they closed at the previous day. If the stock had opened at $15, then zero trades would have taken place at intermediate prices between $17 and $15. As a retail investor had you noticed the bad news overnight you could have pulled your offer to buy. But far more importantly, even if you were totally unaware of the bad news, your offer to buy at $16.95 would have executed at the opening price of $15 and you would be about even, instead of down 12%. Kapiche?

This is detailed on my Investor Advocacy page.

October 2, 2012

Most stocks were down somewhat today as markets focus on various risks including lower earnings and the Europe situation and excess government debts…

One stock on the rise was Research in Motion (RIM), up 6.0% to $8.15.

Regarding Corporate earnings, the trailing earnings on the S&P 500 as of Q2 reports was $87.92. At the end of Q4 2011, that figure was $86.95. So that is only an annualized gain of 2.2%, which is pretty weak. On an operating earnings basis the annualized gain in the first six months of 2012 was 4.6%. Projections are that Q3 earnings will be up only 2.9% versus 2011 and on an operating basis will be down 1% from the prior year. All else equal this could put negative pressure on stock prices especially as the Q3 earnings get reported. In theory these projections are already baked in tot he current market index level and so what really matters is whether the earnings come in lower than or better than expected. However, all else is never equal and often reported earnings are not the biggest drivers of stock prices in a particular quarter of the year.

Keep in mind that some companies will continue to report strong earnings. I expect (but certainly can’t guarantee) that the higher rated companies on our list above and certainly those which I own most heavily will tend to report higher earnings growth that the S&P 500 index average.

October 1, 2012

Stocks had a surprisingly good day after a report showed stronger U.S. factory activity and also apparently becasue Spain signaled it might ask for a bail-out (which, for whatever reason is apparently a positive thing).

Stantec was particularly strong up 3.9% to $34.82. It’s a long-term winner.

Bank of America was up 1.5% despite announcing on Friday (after the close, I believe) that it would pay $2.4 billion to settle a class action lawsuit regarding its Merrill Lynch Division. The fact is that $2.4 billion (pre-tax) is simply not that huge for Bank of America which has a book value of $235 billion.  The market has reacted positively because the settlement reduces uncertainty about this liability.

And this brings me to address the topic of Bankruptcy and how the “death” of Bank of America and all the big U.S. banks has been greatly exaggerated.

For the past few years, even after they were bailed out I have read countless claims that all the big American banks were broke and worthless and insolvent if they were honest and marked their assets and liabilities to market. The implication being that a bankruptcy announcement is forthcoming and that one should certainly not buy their shares.

I won’t dispute that some of the banks might have had a negative net worth on market to market basis. But that did not mean they were necessarily worthless or that they were about to go bankrupt.

Banks are generally profit generating machines. Even is they have a negative net worth due to some unusual crisis, they will generally recover if left alone. Basically you just let them sit there and keep the machinery turning and they will crank out profits to rebuild equity. This is in fact what has happened.

In general corporations do not necessarily get forced into bankruptcy just because their net worth falls below zero. They may get forced into bankruptcy but this negative net worth alone is not sufficient to cause it.

In general all three of the following conditions must be met before a corporation would be forced into bankruptcy.

  1. It is making losses and as a result runs out of cash to pay its bills
  2. It does not have assets that it can sell off to raise cash to pay the bills
  3. Its lenders refuse to lend more money or they call in the existing loans.

As long as lenders keep lending money a corporation can go on for a very long time with a negative net worth on the balance sheet and with annual losses. If lenders believe it its future and continue to lend the company money to pay iots bills then it has no reason to go bankrupt.

September 30, 2012

P.S. (update to comment) I had forgotten to mention in this post that on Friday I sold my Walmart shares. I had indicated in Thursday’s remarks that I might sell my Walmart shares.

Friday marked the end of the third quarter of the year.

While, you might not know it with all the talk of the difficult stock markets, 2012 to date has provided good stock market returns, particularly in the United States, with Toronto up 3.0%, the Dow up 10.0% and the S&P 500 up 14.5%. Our Stock picks returned an average of 11.1%. By some combination of concentrating on our highest-rated stocks (to some degree), and having invested only a tiny amount in what has been our worse pick (Research in Motion) and by trading in and out of certain positions, my own return has been 21.5%, year to date.

This past Summer provided quite good stock returns with Toronto up 7.9%, the Dow up 4.3% and the S&P 500 up 5.8%.

Berkshire Hathaway’s earnings each quarter are affected by mark to market changes in its index options “bet” that markets will rise by around the year 2020. I suspect that the strong summer markets will add perhaps a billion to Berkshire’s earnings this quarter. That is significant because Berkshire’s total quarterly earnings tend to be in the 3 billion range. Also it will likely have done reasonably well in its insurance businesses since I don’t think that there any particularly huge storms or other catastrophes in the quarter, although certainly there were some karge ones. On a book value basis it’s investments will also have done well which should generate a strong increase in Berkshire’s book value. Much of this good news about Berkshire (to the extent it is confirmed in earnings) may already be reflected in Berkshire’s stock price. It’s not as much of a bargain as it was this past Spring but it is still probably a decent long-term pick.

Research in Motion only managed an 8% gain on Friday which is a lot lower than the almost 20% gain it was showing in after-hours trading on Friday just after releasing earnings. Despite a lot of gloom and pessimism around this company, it still has 80 million subscribers and it has no debt. The market is valuing it at about $49 per subscriber. I certainly offer no guarantees. But I believe it is hard to go bust without first getting into debt. I think this is a rational speculative pick. It would rise in price if it starts to appear that Blackberry 10 will do well or if it gets a buy-out deal or can license its messaging service to others. Alternatively it could continue to bleed.

Canadian Western Bank was one of few stocks that rose on Friday (up 2.0%). I continue to like this as an investment.

Canadian Tire is up 7% this year. With a P/E ratio of about 11.1, it seems to me that this stock has room to rise on that basis. I don’t see any reason to think it will not have had a good Q3.  It continues to be held back by fears of what Target will do to its business. On the other hand many Canadian retailers should be getting a large boost in Q3 and Q4 since many or most Zellers locations have been closed for conversion to Target. Target is certainly spending a huge amount of money on its move into Canada. First, it paid an amazing $1.8 billion just to take over leases from Zellers. And now it is completely gutting and even expanding at least some of the old Zellers stores. I am curious whether Target’s landlords including RioCan face any expenses with these extensive renovations. Presumably the expansions are paid for by the landlord in return for additional lease payments. I have no idea if the landlord has to pay for any of the massive renovations within the existing store footprints. It would seem odd that Target would take over an existing store and pay Zellers huge dollars for that (due to an attractive locked in lease rate) and then turn around and gut the place and re-do everything but the frame and concrete floor of the building (that is what I witness at a local Zellers) at its own expense. And if RioCan pays for it does it get to increase the lease rate?

I have updated the composition of my own portfolio to reflect recent trades.

September 27, 2012

It was a decent day in the markets with Toronto up 0.9% and the Dow up 0.5%.

I had heard this morning that some of the economic reports out today related to housing and GDP were weak but tht the market was up on rumors that China would stimulate its economy. A source I see tonight says markets were up because of an austerity plan in Spain. These reasons for the market going up do not fill me with confidence. I’d rather see it rise on earnings gains.

So it seems my thoughts are turning more so to selling than buying at the moment.

I reduced my Toll Brothers position again today, this time by 25%. My thinking on that is that it is at $34 having fallen from a recent high of $37. But it was only a month a go that I rated it Speculative (lower) Buy at $32.28. So it was not really a favorite of mine at $34 and so it becomes a candidate for reduction given I am in a selling mood. I am in a selling mood in order to reduce risk, lock in gains and raise cash for possible opportunities ahead.

It was a bit hard for me to sell today given that I could have sold more on Monday when I sold only about 12% at $35.75. So it feels a bit dumb to now sell at about $34. But I also considered that I am still up about 42% on the stock in the account it was sold in. That’s not really a rational reason to sell but it helps emotionally. Rationally stocks should be sold due to risk or valuation or to move to something else. The price paid for a stock is rationally irrelevant to the sell decision. But emotionally, the price paid always comes into play.

This evening I am looking at the fact that I last rated Walmart a Buy at $65.31. Now it is 13% higher at $73.98, down just a little from its high of $75.24. So I think that qualifies as a candidate for sale as well given it is not looking like a bargain. Emotional factors that make it easy to sell include that I have a profit of about 30% on it. Also I have not owned it all that long and I not emotionally attached to it. For some stocks I have to admit that after owning for a long time, perhaps buying on dips, and perhaps after having analyzed a company many times over a period of years I do get emotionally attached to the stock. I combat emotional attachment by trying to be unbiased when I update the analysis. Sometimes my heart says keep or Buy and the analysis says sell or don’t buy and I try to go with the analysis in those cases.

Research in Motion reported earnings after the close. It did lose money, but apparently less than feared. The subscriber count was up to 80 million as its CEO reported a couple days ago. Its cash on hand increased when it was feared to decrease. The stock rose 20% in after-hours trading in the U.S. and so would be expected to pop up about 20% in Toronto tomorrow morning. Sadly I did not buy any today. The reason it is sad is not just that it was a missed opportunity but that in retrospect, at least, it seems like it was a pretty good bet that that the earnings were going to be okay. The CEO would never have mentioned that the subscription count was looking good if he knew that the earnings coming today would be bad news.

September 26, 2012

Markets were a bit weak again today. Toll Brothers was down 3.8% to $34.16 and its recent high was just over $37. New house prices continue to rise in the U.S. but the number of new home sales in August failed to rise as expected from the July number. Overall the housing market in the U.S. continues to recover. But as indicated in our updated report of late August I thought that Toll Brothers was starting to look expensive since it is already pricing in a lot of growth. So I have trimmed my position in Toll Brothers as noted in several posts in recent weeks.

Research in motion was up 5.8% today but has been very volatile. I continue to think it might be a good speculative pick but I have not so far added to my very small position in this company. It releases earnings after the close tomorrow, Thursday.

New figures are out for Canadian credit card delinquencies and the figures continue to show improvement. Which indicates that either 1. More people havve the earnings to pay their credit cards on time or 2. More people can borrow from other sources to pay their credit cards on time (or some combination of the two). Anyhow, it is a small positive indicator.

Also just released today are the latest Canadian mortgage delinquency statistics. One again the 90-day delinquency figures seem unbelievably low at just 0.33% or just 1 in 300 mortgages. The fact that the number is low and getting better is a positive sign. But I frankly don’t believe this number is really accurate. I suspect what happens is the banks don’t like to report a 90 day delinquency. So by day 60 they make some deal with the homeowner to let a couple missed payments get added to the mortgage principal if he makes one payment and this probably starts the 90 day clock over. Or Canadians simply have great access to lines of credit and the unemployed make the mortgage that way. I just don’t believe that delinquencies can be this low. I understood they were at least 10 times higher than that in the U.S.

One reason delinquencies are low however is that house prices kept rising. In a rising market a homeowner that gets in trouble with job loss can just sell the house. I wonder what will happen in a flat to declining house price market? I just don’t see delinquencies staying quite this low. At the same time there is certainly no sign of any real trouble for the banks and after all these mortgages are insured (mostly) by CMHC, so the banks will tend to get paid come what may.

September 25, 2012

Markets were down somewhat today. I was thinking about the fact that I really should reduce my high equity exposure. So I sold a small amount of my two largest positions, Wells Fargo and Canadian Tire. I also sold some Toll Brothers. This just seemed to be a prudent actions just in case markets head down

September 24, 2012

In today’s action, Melcor was up 4.3% to $15.90. But this is very thinly traded stock that tends to jump around like that, so this is fairly meaningless.

I bought a small amount of Bombardier today. I have mixed feelings about it. It’s balance sheet is very weak and so I suppose it could run into trouble if the recession deepens. On the other hand it is a huge industrial company employing thousands in a relatively high-tech environment and so it would likely get support from government even if it did run into trouble. It looks like a decent speculative pick to me but I am not planning to bet too heavily on it. I was tempted to sell some shares to lock in some of the recent gains but could not decide what to sell. (I like what I hold).

September 23, 2012

Bombardier Inc. returns to the list above rated Speculative Buy at $3.71. I wanted to look at it again because the price is well down from its early 2011 level when it reached $7.00. Sometimes a significantly lower price can be a good place to look for a bargain. Upon reading its reports, I was almost ready to forget about it due to its low profit margins. It had an earnings-before-interest-and income-tax “profit” margin of 5.9% in 2011 and 5.1% in the first half of 2012. This seems frightfully low for a manufacturing operation. Although I don’t know the margins of other manufacturers, I would have thought they would be higher than for retailers and some retailers certainly have better margins than this. Even the 8% EBIT margin that Bombardier aspires to seem low to me. However I saw that its P/E ratio was attractive despite the low EBIT margins. It definitely seems like a Speculative Pick but there is certainly some possibility of a good return if the outlook brightens.

I note that Warren Buffett’s NetJets placed a very large order for business jets earlier this year. Although Buffett does not personally manage NetJets, he does approve large capital spending and would have nbeen involved in this decision.

Years ago I though Bombardier might fit the bill for a Buffett buy-out but I am not sure it has either the profit history nor the management team that he would need. I think he would most definitely be attracted to the products it makes. I think it is an interesting company to follow.

I am planning to grab a small position in this company and then see what happens.

Sept. 20, 2012

A mixed day on the markets, Canada down a bit, the Dow up a bit. Canadian Tire did well up 1.4%. I don’t see any reason that Canadian Tire will not report a decent quarter for Q3. But it seems the stock is probably not going to do all that much until it becomes more clear if Target is going to hurt its business starting next year. Meanwhile it appears to offers good value, but there are never any guarantees.

Melcor was up 2.4% to $15.72. But that was on a very small volume. Just a few days ago some shares traded at $15.00 This is is a company where being patient and putting in an order below the current market can work out at times. (If it is at the higher end of of where it has traded over the past month then you can try an order say 50 cents or 75 cents lower and see what happens). Lately it has been in the $15.20 to $16.00 range mostly and so unless one is very hot to buy, I don’t see much reason not to try to get it under $15.40 or so. right now it is showing $15.15 bid and $15.80 asked. That brings up the point that some investors want to know the full depth of the market meaning, how many shares are bid at $15.15 and then how many at the next lower price and so on and how many shares offered at $15.80 and how many at say $15.90 etc. Some people also want to see real time prices. These people are traders and not long-term investors. They buy “stocks” (squiggles on a screen) as opposed to shares of companies. Both traders and investors buy the same thing but it’s just a completely different mentality. Investors tend to add to positions on dips. Traders consider that to be madness and use stop losses to sell on dips. Depth of the market and real time prices would just be distractions to me. I especially don’t care to see real time prices. (Actually I do see it if I place an order and that is fine but I would consider it madness to sit and watch real time prices). And while depth of the market might be interesting especially on a thin trading stock, it’s not something I particularly want to see.

September 19, 2012

Toll Brothers was up another 3.5% to $36.41. It’s now up 177% from its low of $13.16 that occurred just about 12 months ago. But it’s “only” up 78% from the $20.42 at which it was originally put on this site. This just goes to show that the gain is a LOT more when you buy the stock at a somewhat lower price. But it is not realistic to think that we can buy at the absolute bottom .

Our latest update for this stock, just three weeks ago, rated it only a Speculative (lower) Buy at $32.28. I am not a buyer at this price but may hang onto my position or may trim to take profits.

Our history with this stock is it was added to the Site as a Speculative Buy  at $21.03 on June 5, 2011. The idea was that it would rise in price when the U.S. house prices started to recover. I had no cash to Buy at that time but bought on August 3, 2011 at about $19. (This turned out to be just before the debt ceiling crisis of August 2011 and so not great timing).

Subsequently it did fall as low as $13.16.

I updated the analysis to Speculative Buy at $20.42 on December 22 and I bought some more on December 23 , 2011 at about $20. Apparently I did not take advantage of the lower price in September. I bought some more on March 6, 2012 at about $22. And more on April 9, 2012 at about $23. (There may have been another buy as well at a higher price, I am just going from searching the daily comments). TD shows my average price was $19.50 in one account and $23.77 in another and $22.60 in a third account (possibly that includes impacts of currency changes, I am not sure how TD Waterhouse reports average prices for U.S. stocks held in a Canadian dollar RRSP or RESP account)

I sold 20% of the position on June 29 at about $30. Sold another 20% on August 28 at $32.39. Perhaps by selling I have turned what could have been a VERY good gain into just a quite good gain. But I thought it prudent to trim as the price rose especially in this case where the P/E ratio is very high because the earnings still have a long way to go to recover.

I don’t think my buying and selling pattern in Toll Brothers was all that clever. But what did work out is that I identified it as a probable bargain. I bought  and then bought more when it continued to look like a good bet. Sadly, i failed to buy near its low, perhaps due to lack of funds or just out of fear.  Then I trimmed slowly as the price rose. I don’t always trim at higher prices and I have no “typical” buying / selling pattern. All of my trading tends to be ad-hoc. But it also tends to be driven by the ratings above.

September 18, 2012

The market seems fairly quiet as it settles back after the FED’s latest action waits for the next bit of news.

Fedex announced lower expectations. That truly is disappointing because delivery of packages would tend to go up if the economy is improving as hoped.

Microsoft just increased its dividend by 15%. It recently had a 2.6% yield So now it looks like about 3.0% if the share price does not react. The stock was unchanged after hours and so maybe the market is unimpressed.

I notice in the news last week about some GIANT hog farm going bankrupt near Winnipeg. Apparently the second time bankrupt. They blame it on high feed prices.

This hog farming issue was in the news a few years ago in 2007 and part of what I learned was that a huge portion (two thirds at that time!!) of Canada’s hog production gets exported to the U.S. That made no sense to me then or now since I doubt we can produce cheaper than Americans, not with a dollar at parity.

In 2007 some hog industry person wrote to the newspaper asking for support for government loans for hog farmers. I wrote them to say I was sorry but I voted no on the loan. I said that I very much sympathized but that:

I am sorry to say it sounds very clearly like your industry in Canada needs to shrink dramatically. Individual producers will likely want to sell the land or convert to grain production immediately.

Some things in economics are predictable and the continued hardship of hog farming in Canada was predictable due in good measure to the high(er) dollar. (Whether our dollar is high or not is debatable, but it is certainly higher than it was for some decades prior to about 2007.) Loans to hog farmers can’t change the poor economics of their business.

I am basically against all subsidies at all times.

September 17, 2012

Markets fell moderately today as the excitement of last week’s FED stimulus action wears off. Melcor was down to $14.90 but is thinly traded. I am tempted to add to my position.

Our reference article on Canadian Exchange Traded Funds is updated. This gives you ETF symbols and valuation information for about 48 ETFs. It can be a good way to pick up sectors that we don’t have on the list like energy stocks and oils sands stocks. Also it can be a good way to move quickly into and out of the market. The list includes a number of higher yield ETFs. This also includes ETFs for buying Gold, Silver, Oil and natural Gas for those so inclined. There are also Bond ETFs on the list. These ETF can also be used to bet against certain market segments or commodities, for those so inclined.

September 16, 2012

I am just reading the annual report for Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund.

This company (actually entity) is an example of how a share price can increase for reasons not much related to the performance of the company itself. These units have risen 34% this year. We had rated them (higher) Buy at $14.19 for the start of this year and now they are at $19.08.

So why the big rise?

The distributions have risen from $1.104 annually to $1.176 annually. So that’s a 6.5% increase and that does not go very far to explaining a 34% rise in the price.

The mechanics of this fund are such that for the most part new restaurants do not add to the distributions per unit. The owners of the franchise company receive units of this fund when they increase the restaurant count in a year. Roughly speaking the franchise company (which is not the fund) gets 92.5% of the benefit of the increased restaurant count and existing fund unit holders get 7.5% of the benefit. A doubling in the restaurant count, all else equal would only increase the distributions per unit by about 7.5%. So prospects for new restaurants cannot possibly  explain much of the 34% increase in price.

A possible risk the fund faces is if the number of restaurants declines. The franchise company only gets new units for net new store openings. Fund unit holders are basically unaffected by closures, EXCEPT if the number closed exceeds the number opened. Fund distributions per unit would decline (all else equal) if the number of operating restaurants ever declines. This has never happened, but in 2010 there were 6 closures and six openings and so it almost happened. But in 2011 there were seven openings and four closures and this risk does not seem to be a serious risk, but it could be at some point.

The distributions will increase roughly in line with same store sales growth over the years. A very good year in same store sales growth is on the order of 6%. In the first half of 2012 same store franchise sales are up 4.9%. And that presumably was the basis for the distribution increase of 6.5%.

And I don’t think the outlook for future all-important same store sales growth has really changed much since January 1, 2012.

So, again we can explain about 6.5% of the increase in price of 34% and some 27.5% remains to be explained.

Part of the increase is possibly related to the fund’s unit buy-back operation. About 5% of this year’s increase came after they announced in late August that they would buy back some units. The fund can borrow money at quite low rates and then use the money to buy back units which saves it the 6.2% yield on those units. This operation can increase the distributions per unit over time. Buy backs are not magic and are not always beneficial. But in this case it does seem like a beneficial operation. It is particularly wise to do this when the units are under-priced, which was probably the case early this year and may arguably still be the case. While the fund wisely bought back units in 2008, 2009 and 2010 at an average price of $10.10. It apparently did not buy any back in the last 18 months or so until it announced a buyback on August 22. It’s not clear why buying back at $18 or $19 is considered wise when apparently they were not willing or able to buy back at much lower prices in 2011. Reports so far do not show any actual buy-backs under the this new program that commenced on September 4. (They may simply have not reported it yet, or maybe they were hoping to buy at the $18 price

Here is the rest of the explanation.

At the start of this year the units had a yield of 7.78%. Today the yield is 6.16%. The yield percent had dropped by 21% even though the distribution went up by 6.5%.

What has happened is that the while the fund distribution has grown about as expected and its outlook for growth has not changed much, the market has “decided” to place a higher value on the units. Previously the market wanted 7.78%, which was a pretty fine yield considering it could be expected to grow at perhaps 2 to 4% per year based on same store sales growth. But there was some risk that same store sales could fall in a recession or even worse that there would be a net reduction in the number of restaurants if closures exceeded openings.

Now the market has determined that even at 6.2% yield this is a reasonable investment given that the yield might be expected to rise at say 2 to 4% per year. And if it did rise at 6.2% and if the yield and P/E ratios remain the same then this would provide a 10.2% return so that does seem attractive.

Part of the reason the price increased was probably related to the general decline in interest rates. At a 7.78% yield and where the distribution could be expected to grow these fund units were increasingly attractive as interest rates fell and so the price was pushed up. Perhaps the market also became more confident that the unit distributions would in fact grow. In particular the risk of the restaurant count declining may be viewed as being lower now.

The thing to remember at this point is that the price of these units would likely fall if there was a major increase in interest rates. And this would happen even if the restaurant same store sales continued to increase.

At a 6.2% yield (and with probably but not guaranteed growth and with some risk of distribution decline, however unlikely) these units still seem attractive. They may well continue to increase in price even faster than the  2 to 4% per year underlying expected increase in distributions. But at some point if interest rates rise they could fall in price for that reason.

I own some and though I trimmed my position recently to take some profits, I have no particular plan to sell any. And I am wondering now why I did back up the truck at much lower prices when they were available.

September 15, 2012

I am certainly feeling “pumped” about my investment returns and the performance of the stock picks on this site this year. My own portfolio is up 22.6%. Almost all of the stock picks have done well. A notable exception is Research in Motion. But we did include the word speculative in that rating and subscribers who follow this site were aware that I personally invested only a small amount in that one and that it was discussed as a speculative stock. Also it is far from a dead company yet. Our best gainer this year is Toll Brothers the U.S. land developer / home builder up 78%. 

On Friday the market managed to continue going up due to the FED’s action. But the highs in the market occurred Friday morning and there was a moderate give-back by the end of the day. I felt it was prudent for me to take a little money off the table and so I trimmed back my Wells Fargo and Bank of America positions by a modest amount. With these two companies my history has been to buy on dips (although not every dip) and trim modestly when they rise. This has worked out well.

For example my first Bank of America buy was at $9.50 on August 2, 2011. That was very poor timing as the stock immediately fell a lot ultimately getting as low as$4.92. Also I compounded my timing error by, in a spasm of over-confidence, buying way too much all at once in that first buy. Having bought so much it was very hard for me to buy more at lower prices, but I did so, although slowly. The buys at lower prices have resulted in the fact that I now have a decent profit position in this stock despite the fact that the price today is almost exactly the same as it was on my first buy. With Wells Fargo I certainly did not trade it perfectly but I made no major mistakes and I quite stubbornly bought it on dips over the past couple of years (at one point it was over 20% of my portfolio) and I (reluctantly) trimmed some on gains and that has all worked out well.

One reason for trimming positions is I want to have some cash on hand just in case there is a general stock market decline or in case I find a company that I don’t already own (or own much of) and that looks very promising. The other reason is just risk management. I don’t expect a large decline in these stocks to happen but anything is possible in the markets.

I have updated my personal portfolio composition.

September 13, 2012

As you likely noticed, today was a blow-out day in the markets. The Dow was up 1.5% and Toronto was up 1%.

This, of course , was due to the FED’s announcement of additional stimulus consisting of printing money to try to lower interest rates (even though they are already insanely low…)

Notable winners from our stock picks included

Bank of America up 4.8%, Wells Fargo up 3.5% and Berkshire Hathaway up 2.1%.

Will this last? I don’t know… It certainly is no guarantee that it will last.

I considered taking some profits today, probably should have. It would be prudent for me since I am almost 100% invested in equities. But most or all of the stocks I own still seem reasonably priced and so I hesitate to sell. Perhasp just greed wanting more… It’s easy to feel fat and happy after all the recent gains.

Yesterday I was not able to post any comment because my ancient FrontPage software refused to open the site. I got it open today by creating a new copy of the site. I hope to move the site to a more modern software before too long. FrontPage has been out of production for years. But it still met my needs. I have no interest in loading this site up with very fancy components which tend to be slow to load. I keep the site plain and readable. Still it looks like FrontPage has to be replaced.

I believe a highlight of yesterday was Toll Brothers was up again.

So the FED is going to try to lower mortgage interest rates again. I think the safest bet around is that the price of U.S. houses is going to rise. If you know a way to invest in that through the market, let me know. (Toll Brothers might be okay, but I would prefer to find a company that is buying up a load of U.S. houses to rent and later sell and which is doing so with a strong balance sheet.). If you are in a position to buy a house in the U.S. (say you are retired and want to use the house four months of the year or more, then I don’t think you can go far wrong buying now). For most of us Canadians who are still working the idea of buying a house in the U.S. to try to rent out is not particularly feasible. It would probably work out but requires a lot of accounting and you would need to put it with a property management company and you would need to buy for cash if you are a Canadian.

Americans in a position to get into rental houses should probably jump at the chance. It looks like a generational opportunity in many cities.

September 11, 2012

It was a decent day on the markets with the Dow up a half percent although Toronto was flat.

The most notable winner among our stocks was Bank of America up 5.2%. This seemed to on talk that it would start to grow its loan base now that it had jettisoned some other assets and gotten its capital ratios to an acceptable level.

Pension Math:

Yesterday I discussed the case where an investor was going to earn a zero real return on investments (and this is about what is available in real return bonds (0.5% before investment costs) and in probably in 30-year government bonds that pay 2.4% or so before inflation). In this case if the investor wanted to fund a $40,000 per year retirement for 30 years in real after inflation dollars then he or she was going to have to save $40,000 per year (and adjusted up for inflation each year) and do this for 30 years in order to fund that retirement.

This is actually what an investor who goes 100% government bonds appears to be facing today if interest rates and especially real return rates remain as is. My conclusion is that young people looking at that would say “forget it”. It shows that a retirement period as long as the savings period is just not feasible, and far from it if real returns will be 0% (which they are for bonds and which some suspect they will be for stocks). And let’s face it starting the savings much before age 30 is not a feasible answer either in most cases. The only solution here would be to plan to work basically forever. Or to find a way to make more than that 0% real return.

I have done the calculations and as I suspected it takes a real return of about 4% to fund a 30-year retirement in 30 years of saving.

It turns out if you save $12,400 per year for 30 years (say 12.4% of a $100k salary) and you make a 4% real return then you can fund a $40,000 per year retirement for 30 years. That’s a stiff savings rate but at least within the realm of the possible.

If you can get 5% real returns then $9400 per year will do, or 9.4% of a $100k salary.

(If the salary is $50k per year then you can reach 40% of that or a $20k per year pension with that same 9.4% savings rate assuming the 5% real return.)

So basically, the math shows you need at least 4% real returns to fund a retirement of at least 40% of your salary assuming 30 years to save and 30 years retired.

This 4% real return used to be accepted as a reasonable (even minimum) real return to expect. In fact you could have locked in over 4% on long-term real return bonds back in the 90’s.

While many doubt it, I believe that the real return from stocks is likely to average at least 4% per year over a period of many years. That would make funding a retirement with stock investments feasible by saving 10 to 12% of wages. And many government and corporate pension plans are closer to contributions of 15% with say 7.5% each from employer and employee).

Current bond yields are simply too low to fund a retirement at any kind of reasonable savings rate.

I believe current long-term bond rates represent some kind of break-down in the financial markets. It simply does not makes sense that the cost of borrowing (and therefore the return available on savings) is at historic lows at a time when debts are so high. Between governments trying to push rates down and institutional bond investors being so stupid as to invest a dime at these low rates, interest rates are unsustainably low. It will not last. I would avoid long term bonds and wait for the inevitable increase in interest rates. Basically I am advocating that in our capacity as lenders we go on strike and we refuse to lend for long terms at rates that are totally inadequate.

I would (and do) invest in some combination of equities and cash and would (and do) avoid long-term bonds.

For more detailed reason why long term bonds should be avoided see our newer article on that topic (with some edits over the past few days adding in words from Buffett about how attractive bonds are (not) at very low interest rates)

September 10, 2011

Not surprisingly, markets today gave back some of the big gains from last week.

Apparently the big item this week is an expectation that the FED will announce more “easing” on Thursday. If the FED does not come through then I suppose markets would drop somewhat on Thursday and maybe rise somewhat if it is announced. But all of that is just short-term noise in any event. What really counts is longer term earnings and growth and dividends.

I am thinking about doing some analysis about the viability (or possible lack thereof) of retirement savings these days.

The historic assumption was that one could invest say 10% of earnings over the working years and it would grow after inflation at at least 5% per year. The result was that it was possible to amass enough wealth to retire on by age 65 or even as young as 55 and the investment would provide a comfortable living on top of things like the old age pension (or Social Security for Americans).

Today the real return yield on government bonds is a meager 0.5%.

Imagine if today’s fears come true and people basically make nothing on their investments after inflation and after money management costs. (And if you want to guarantee this is the case, and you are ready for retirement just take all your money and buy real return bonds at 0.5% and pay a fund manager 0.5% to do it for you.)

If zero real return is expected (or locked in) and you wanted to retire at age 60 and let’s say draw out $40,000 per year and adjusted up for inflation each year (assume you have no company pension and so $40,000 may be needed on top of the government plan just to enjoy a good retirement with some travel). And imagine you plan to have enough money to reach age 90, so 30 years retired.

In the case of making no money on investment other than inflation you are going to need a starting pot of 30 years times $40,000 or $1.2 million.

And let’s say you are age 30 today and you are going to save that $1.2 million (in today’s money) over the next 30 years. And let’s say that again you are not going to make any return on your money except enough to keep up with inflation and to cover investment costs. Well laugh (or cry) out loud you would have to start saving $40,000 per year (and adjust that up for inflation each year). And that is completely and totally out of reach for probably well over 99% of people.

The conclusion from all this is that if it were the case that people can’t make any positive real return on their investments then the whole notion of saving for a long retirement completely falls apart.

I will do some calculations but I am sure that it will show that a reasonable scenario of saving for retirement requires investment to earn at least 4% or more in real after inflation returns. And it all works out better and better as the real return goes up.

Today’s real return on government bonds of 0.5% simply makes no sense. At that rate people will basically stop saving and have to plan to work (much) longer and have (much) shorter retirements.

My belief is that the real returns we can expect are in fact a lot higher than recent low levels. Just because markets have returned little in the past dozen years does not mean the same will be true of the next 10 or 30 or 60 years. Just as the high returns of the 80’s and 90’s were an aberration so too are the low returns of the 2000’s to date.

September 9, 2012

What to do now?

I must plead guilty to very (very!) much enjoying the fact that I am up 20.8% this year to date. After quite few years investing my investments have grown to the point where a 21% gain is a very good chunk of money (just under 200k). (In an email to subscribers yesterday I said it was almost 22%, actually it was almost 21%)

Some of my accounts a reasonable amount of cash in them (the RRSP and RESP) Offsetting that I have a margin account that is using margin and some of the capital in the margin account is from a small line of credit.

All told, the net cash in the investment accounts is about 6%.

Based on my results it is tempting to put even more money and get my net cash to maybe minus 6% (invest everything plus use margin).

On the other hand maybe I should be thinking of taking some profits.

If I take some profits I do so for risk management reasons, not because I think my stocks will go down. But of course they could go down.

So maybe I will force myself to sell down some of what I have and raise some more cash.

I have not decided what to do yet.

As of Sunday evening, markets are expected to open down about 25 points on the Dow. Not surprising given the gains last week. But probably nothing to worry about either.September 8, 2012

Our popular article that analyses whether or not the S&P 500 index is fairly valued at this point in time is updated.

Alimentation Couche-Tard is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $49.95. This was a great stock pick for us this year since it is up 58% since the start of 2012. It has had its share of volatility over the years but is up 187% from the $17.40 at which we rated it a (lower) Strong Buy in March 2005.

Management has been very impressive and the earnings should continue to grow over the years. At this time it looks expensive although it is possible if business remains very good in north America then the added earnings from the recent big Scandinavian acquisition could justify this share price. Personally, I will not be  a buyer a this price.

Friday was another good day in the markets for our stock picks. Bank of America did well, up 5.4%, Canadian Western Bank was up 2.2%.

In 2012 to date our Stock Picks have done well. For ease of calculation we have always measured the gains from the start of each year. Our 23 Buy and higher rated stocks from January 1 are up an average of 12.6% each. That compares very well to the TSX index which is up 2.6%. In the U.S. the Dow is up 8.9% and the S&P is up 14.3%.

My own portfolio with a heavy weighting to a few of our higher-rated stocks is up 20.8% in 2012 to date.

Subscribers who have invested based on our stock ratings (at their own risk) have also presumably done well. I’d be interested in hearing about that at (If so, let me know if I can use your results as a testimonial, I publish those with just initials, not names of subscribers).

September 6, 2012

It was a very strong day on the markets. Apparently this was mostly due to the announcement that the European Central Bank would support European countries and keep their borrowing costs low by purchasing unlimited amounts of their debt in the market (printing money to do so). Other reasons for the rise included a better-than-expected labor market survey report. These kind of gains can be quite temporary unless followed up by more good news.

Stocks that were particularly strong included Bank of America up 5.0%, eBay up 3.7% Stantec up 3.3%, Wells Fargo up 3.2% and Canadian Tire up 3.1%.

September 5, 2012

Alimentation Couche-Tard released earnings today. Reading through  the report the earnings look very good. However the share price has risen a lot since our last update and I will have to crunch some numbers before I arrive at an updated opinion on this stock.  I expect to update this report by Sunday. As I have mentioned before, I got a bit trigger happy on this one and sold all my shares too early when they “popped” on announcing the big Statoil acquisition some months ago. It would have been more logical to sell only half my shares at that time. (In retrospect I should have kept all, but regardless of where the price went, it was not that logical for me to have sold ALL my shares on the announcement).

New numbers for loan delinquencies and credit losses were released today for Q2. The numbers indicate that delinquencies and bad debts while still high in the United States are improving slowly but steadily. This is positive news in regards U.S. lenders including Wells Fargo and Bank of America.

These delinquency and  charge-off figures are available at the following link.

September 4, 2012

One of relatively few stocks that were up today was Wal-Mart, up 1.25% to $73.51. It’s up 12.5% since we rated it a Buy at $$65.31 on May 28. Considering these facts, and the fact that I have only a small cash position, I decided to sell half my holdings in Walmart today. I also note that Walmart is up 23% this year to date. It may still be a good investment but it’s not as good an investment as it was in may and I just decided to take some profits on this one.

Canadian Tire fell 2.7% to $69.32.

September 3, 2012

RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $27.62. It has been a good investment in 2012 since it rose 4.5% and also yields 5%. However, I am not convinced that a 5% yield is attractive going forward given that distributions per share are likely to grow only slowly at best and given that there are risks that the units would fall in value if interest rates rise. Perhaps not a bad investment but I don’t find it attractive.

The series A preferred shares of RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust are also updated and rated Weak / Buy / Hold at $26.00. These yield 5.0% per year. However it appears that in 3.6 years from now they will be redeemed at $25. So the effective yield is closer to 4% which does not seem very attractive.

Bombardier series four preferred shares BBD.PR.C are updated and rated Buy at $24.73. They are higher risk than some preferred shares. The 6.3% yield seems attractive. These shares will not likely trade above their redemption price of $25 and can move lower. Therefore it may not be a good place to park money that you may need on short notice or on a certain date.

September 2, 2012

Canadian Western Bank is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $28.13. This has been a steady performer over the years. It is up 9.0% this year and that is in addition to a modest dividend yield of 2.3%. Since we first looked at it 13 years ago (and rated it a Strong Buy at that time) it has risen a total of 470%. I don’t expect that kind of performance over the next decade, but I would be surprised if it failed to at least double in price over the next decade. But it will have its downs as well as ups over that period as well. Before to read the full report.

Canadian Western Bank also has a preferred share. This is updated and rated Sell at $26.92. The yield appears quite attractive at about 6.7%. However it seems almost certain the bank will redeem these shares at $25 on April 30, 2014. Some investors may not be aware of the redemption and so the share price may remain somewhat elevated. In 2012 it had declined 1.6%, but still have a decent annualized return of about 5%. The current price appears to reflect an expected yield of about 2.4% and we don’t consider that to be an attractive yield for a bank preferred share. Possibly those who have a need for the cash around May of 2014 would consider it a reasonable investment.

September 1, 2012

I have updated the composition of my own portfolio.

August 30, 2012 

North American markets were down about 1% today…

I did not have a very large position in Canadian Western Bank and I doubled my position in that company today.

August 29, 2012

Stocks overall did not do much today as the North American stock indexes were approximately unchanged on the day. Canadian Tire however was up 2.5% and Constellation Software was up another 2.1%

Canadian Western Bank released earnings after the close today that were quite strong. Our report was last updated in December and I plan to update within the next week. I have mentioned it quite a few times this year as a stock that I bought this year and that I would consider buying more of. (I should have been buying more rather than just considering).

I notice that Canadian Western Bank released its earnings this week at the same time the big banks are releasing (we had big banks yesterday and will have four tomorrow). This may start to get Canadian Western Bank more noticed. It is indeed still tiny compared to the big five or six banks in Canada but it is growing.

August 28, 2012

I sold about 20% of my Toll Brothers position today based on the updated rating which indicates it is not longer the bargain that it was. The latest Case Shiller home price index came out and showed gained but Toll Brothers stock did not react much. I reinvested the money into additional Melcor shares.

August 27, 2012

Toll Brothers is updated and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $32.28. I had hoped it would look better than that. Even assuming house prices and new home sales continue to recover the stock looks expensive. It may continue to rise as the housing market recovers. However I think it is prudent to take a smaller weighting in this than my current 6.6% weighting. I will consider selling half of what I hold and leaving the rest to speculate on higher prices.

August 26, 2012

Back from my travels… I am looking tonight at the Toll Brothers report and will update that company in the next day or so.

Our performance figures year-to-date as of today are very good. The way I measure performance is explained under the individual years in the performance links. I have always measured performance on a calendar year basis.

Our average stock in the Buy or Strong Buy ranges from January 1, 2012 is now up 11.2%. That compares very well to the TSX which is up 1.1% and the Dow which is up 7.7% and is similar to the S&P 500 which is up 12.2%.

My own portfolio which was heavily weighted to a few stocks from the list (as fully documented all year on this page) is up 18.8%.

August 24, 2012

So stocks were up nicely today, after being down yesterday.

Many people complain that “these days” stocks are unpredictable. They seem to think stocks used to be predictable. That is utter nonsense. Volatility in stock prices is normal and in fact provides opportunities for those who invest based on the value of stocks rather than on trying to simply guess or predicts short term stock price directions.

We are in Seattle today back to Edmonton tomorrow.

Visited Berkshire Hathaway’s See’s Candies again and bought some product. Excellent customer service. It’s educational to see how these tiny stores make out-sized profits in tiny retail spaces.

Next over to another Buffett company, Ben Bridge Jewelers. Walked in and they soon charmed us into making a small purchase, though they suggested that a $3k watch would look great on me. We did not go there but they were happy to sell us something very small while treating us as if we were buying the bigger item. We would be happy to shop there on a future trip.

Shopped in Walgreen’s as well (a company that is on our list above). I find their stores pretty densely packed and sort of down-market (no fancy floors or displays in those I have seen). That keeps costs down. Prices don’t strike me as being at bargain levels, yet they are busy. So looks like (and is) a money-making operation.

Lots of other nice retail operations; Stormteck in Victoria (a private company) and Patagonia in Seattle).

Loads of tourists around. It seems clear that many people do have discretionary cash to spend.

I wonder what will happen to the sports business given recent developments.

Lance Armstrong apparently stripped of titles earned years ago. College football cancels league titles for crimes taht while heinous, were totally unrelated to the game on the field. Why should anyone pay to watch a sporting event if the winner can be declared the loser years later? Not a business that I have any much interest in. I think sporting bodies are completely out of control at least as far as football and anti-doping go. I don’t know the solution but it just removes from me any interest in most sports.

August 23, 2012

Still cruising towards Victoria for a 6 pm docking.

Stocks were down today and our stock picks were almost all down. A notable exception, Constellation Software up 1.8% to $99.90, it has risen up a fair amount in the past month or so.

Stocks fell because of less hope for a FED interference (I mean intervention). Whatever, I think the FED has done enough damage since it began its ultra low interest rate policy a decade or more ago.

If stocks fall due to lack of FED interference, I consider that a buying opportunity on selected stocks.

August 22, 2012

On board the Celebrity Infinity cruising to Victoria from Skagway today. Stocks were down a bit but our picks did okay with Toll Brothers up 3.8% and Boston Pizza up about 2%. I have nothing to complain about regarding the markets this year. I have not been trading much but then again what I hold has been working out well.

August 21, 2012

I am just leaving Skagway, Alaska tonight. Will arrive Victoria, Thursday at 6 pm. While the Dow was down modestly today, Toronto was up and our Stock picks did okay. Walmart had been down a bit which is probably a buying opportunity and certainly is not something that worries me.

August 20, 2012

Greetings now from Juneau, Alaska. Shaw and Bank of America were both up about 2% today

August 19, 2012

Greetings from Cape Fox Lodge in Ketchekan Alaska. Internet on the cruise ship is not only expensive but I could not get it to work. I may not be anle to post this week, but probably will find some hotspots in Juneau or Skagway. Stocks did well on Friday. Stocks that I would buy now if I did not already own include Melcor, Canadian Western Bank, Stantec. Those are the three that come first to mind. Canadian Western Bank I feel is a conservative choice in particular. (No guarantees ever, but CWB seems lower risk). Refer to the table above for other ideas but keep in mind the stock ratings are always as of the date written. You would have to judge for yourself whether the rating still applies (which it likely would if price not much changed) or wait for an update.

Aug 16, 2012

Stocks had a strong day. Toll brothers was up 5.8%. Microsoft was up 1.9%, Canadian Western Bank up 2%.

So far I am hanging on not taking profits or adding to positions.

Walmart however was down 3% after reporting earnings that were good but not quite as good as hoped for by the market.

I am in Seattle today, Alaska cruise starting tomorrow.

Checked out some of the Berkshire Hathaway companies today, See’s Candies and Ben Bridge jewelers. Saw a Burlington Northern train and bridge that both looked rusty.

Saw also a new Target store downtown. When Target comes to Canada it could put some pricing pressure on some Canadian retailers including drug stores and general merchandise.

August 15, 2012

Our stocks did well today. Notably Canadian Tire up 1.1% and therefore hanging onto the strong gains it made after reporting earnings last week. Couche-Tard up 1.9%. Melcor was up 1.9% but can be somewhat volatile due to thin trading volume. Walmart was up another 0.6%. Fedex was up 2.2.

August 14, 2012

Wal-Mart was up 0.8% today to $74.01. That puts this company up 23.8% this year to date. For a number of years I Have been explaining that the fact that Wal-Mart was trading under it previous high of about $70 from 1999 was not any fault of Wal-Mart’s. Wal-Mart did its job and increased earnings year after year. Stupid investors had bid the stock to ridiculous levels in 1999.

Wal-Mart is up 58% since I first added it to this site as a Buy in 2006. It’s also up close to 50% from recent lows just under $50 in August a year ago and under $50 in July 2010 and in much of 2009. The point is sometimes significant gains can come from the most boring companies.

August 13, 2012

Our stocks hung in okay today with the markets down a little.

I notice that the TMX Group was down 5.5% today.

This is not at all the same TMX Group as it was. Firstly it is in fact a different company. The Maple Group Acquisition Corporation bought the former TMX Group along with some other things (Alpha Trading Systems Inc. and the Canadian Depositary for Securities Ltd. Then they changed the name of Maple to TMX Group. But it’s actually a different corporation with different Board members.

Not only is this new TMX Group a different corporation (albeit the old TMX Group is its biggest asset and operation be far) but he new company is different in that it has been leveraged up with a lot of debt used to buy out 80% of the old shares for $50 each.

So, the point is that once this offer to buy 80% of the old TMX shares for $50 cash each was done there was no strong reason for the new company to continue to trade at $50. Perhaps management estimated the new company to be worth $50 so yeah somewhere close to $50 might be right.

From a share valuation perspective we have little to go on now as to what these new shares are worth. The history of the earnings per share under the old TMX will not be of much help. Earnings could be higher as there are new operations involved. But there is also debt now. I am not sure what is happening to the share count. It will take a year or so with the new structure to establish a new earnings level. (Though I suppose the buy-out offer gave some estimates).

Even the old TMX Group value of around $50 was not reflective of earnings it was simply reflective of the buy-out offer for 80% at $50.

To the extent the new TMX is free to set its own prices it is a monopoly an could be quite valuable indeed. But from murky details I read, the Ontario Securities Commission will have a hand in regulating the prices it charges. In that case the value of the new entity depends a lot on how it will be regulated.

My point is that just because the same trading symbol applies here, it is not really the same company. Technical analysts will be completely lost because (as in one article I saw today) they may assume it is the same company.

At this point I simply have no idea what the new TMX Group is worth. If I add it back to the list that will probably not happen until 2013 after the next annual report so that I would have something to go on.

I have been dismayed by what I perceived to be the poor and even misleading disclosure of TMX Group and Maple throughout this process. Given their position as regulators it is disturbing.

August 11, 2012

Canadian Tire is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $69.57. The Q2 earnings report was very strong.

August 10, 2012

We closed out the week with a relatively flat day for our stock picks on average.

The year to date however has been a lot better than flat.

As of January 1 we had 23 companies rated in the Buy or Strong Buy categories.  Notice we use the word companies which conveys ownership in a business rather than the word stocks which conveys investing in something abstract. We also like to say share owner or just owner which conveys more permanence and reminds that we are owners rather than share holder which conveys something temporary and perhaps external to the company.

Anyhow of those 23 companies, 19 are up in price and just four are down. The average gain for the 23 (including he four that are down) is 10.7% and that excludes returns from dividends. The only loser of note was Research in Motion which we had labeled as speculative.

The list included a lot of retail stocks. These tend to be unexciting most times. I don’t know how many dozens of times in the past year that I read that “the consumer was dead, tapped out”. So how could retail do well in 2012? Well the fact is that most of these retailers looked under-valued to us. And here are the results, year to date:

Costco up 14%  ( but we had rated that a Weak Sell)

Walmart up 23%

Walgreens up 9%

Couche-Tard up 58%

(The) Brick Inc. up 29%

Canadian Tire up 6%

After the start of the year we added two more:

Dollarama up 45% (but we thought it was too high already so missed this one)

Liquor Stores NA up 16%

So that is a very lovely performance from a boring group of retail companies. Sometimes great returns lie in the most unglamorous and boring places.

Another area we talk a lot about is Banks.

Wells Fargo, it’s up 23%

Bank of America up 39% (I owned it and it was talked about but was not officially on the list)

Not that many people were excited about investing in U.S. Banks. How many times have I read in the past year that they are technically bankrupt? That is not true but was and is often stated.

We also had Canadian Western Bank which is up 3% this year to date.

Related to both retail and banks we had Visa, it’s up 27%

So much for the death of consumer spending…

But we did not select these stocks because of a bet on retailing or banking, they were rated individually as companies. They happened to look like good value (except Dollarama and Costco which looked too expensive for our taste)

August 9, 2012

Canadian Tire came through with good earnings and the stock was up 4.8% today. The actual Canadian Tire stores had about flat sales versus last year but the former Forzani Group stores did well, Marks also did well and financial services did very well. The market is probably going to continue to be somewhat cautious due to worries about Target coming in and Lowe’s. Certainly the company looks like quite good value. I do worry somewhat though that it appears to have a somewhat higher cost structure than some competitors. Possibly its convenient locations offset that sufficiently. I will delve into the earnings to study the details over the next few days.

August 9, 2012 (before the open)

Canadian Tire earnings came out before the open and appear to be quite strong.

August 8, 2012

The Canadian stock market was down 0.7% today but the U.S. markets were about flat. Toll Brothers was up another 1.9% as a report showed that U.S. house prices are now slowly rising. It reports earnings on August 22.

It is interesting to watch RONA claim that it is adopting a new strategy of smaller stores and therefore Lowe’s should go away and not buy it up. The thing is though RONA had only small stores some years ago and then made the bone-headed decision to try to compete head-on with Home Depot. It seems to me the solution is for Lowe’s to buy up all the RONA box store locations and leave RONA have the small stores.

RONA also claims it buys most of its products in Canada. Well that is laudable, but if they can’t make a good return, it is simply not sustainable.

Canadian Tire will report earnings tomorrow (Thursday). The conference call is at 4:30 pm eastern but it is not clear what time the earnings will come out. Hopefully it will be before the open. I am hopeful but also apprehensive about the results. They already said they will take a “charge” to close some of the Forzani sports stores that they bought. That news should be baked in. Other than that they will have to show good results or else the market price will be under pressure due to fears of competition from Target and Lowe’s.

Canadian Tire has a P/E of only about 11.3 and a Price to book ratio of 1.3. It seems to have been well managed. And I think its Board is strong.

I think it could improve its earnings if it wanted by doing a sale and lease back of its stores to a REIT. Canadian Tire is trying make an ROE of I believe 12% or so and REITs seem satisfied with much less than that so it might make a lot of sense to sell the stores and sign 20 year leases to rent them back. Their would be a large profit on the transaction and the cash could be used to buy back shares and raise the dividend.

Unfortunately Canadian’s Tire dual class shares may allow it to refuse to take this step. It may be immune from any kind of take-over attempt.

August 7, 2012

Today was a strong day for the Toronto Stock exchange which was up 1.7%. The Dow was up 0.4%.

Lots of modest gains today… among the larger gainers,  Stantec up another 2.1%.   Toll Brothers was up 2.1% as the market continues to see that the U.S. house market appears to be past its bottom and on the mend. I own both of these as indicated in my portfolio composition at the link above.

August 6, 2012

Canadian markets were closed on Monday. U.S. markets were up modestly.

Bank of America was up 2.8% to $7.64. While it is speculative and is also very complex it does appear to offer good value. Housing markets in the U.S. appear to edging up and this will bode well for banks. On the other hand recor-low interest rates do make it harder for banks to make money. I am comfortable holding this stock but I am prepared to accept the risk as well as the potential reward.

August 4, 2012

Markets were up strongly on Friday mostly due to a better-than-expected jobs creation number and I think partly due to comments that Germany would not stand in the way of the European Central bank’s meddling in the markets.

Whatever the reason it was a nice way to end the week.

Stantec came out with earnings after the close on Thursday. In response to the good earnings the stock was up 9.9% on Friday to $31.22.

We had last rated it a (lower) Strong Buy at $31.25 on May 27. On May 29 I noted I had bought some more as the price dipped somewhat. Subsequently it fell to as low as $26.50 on July 24. On July 27 I mentioned that I would definitely consider buying it and that it was at $27.85. I own 1500 shares and I wish I had bought more after talking about it on July 27. It’s still a good buy for the long term.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway announced earnings after the close on Friday. The earnings were good with operating earnings before gains and losses on investments up 38%. Along with realized gains on sales of investments of just $81 million there was unrealized market gains of about $6.1 billion. (This is not recognized as earnings.)  This is shown in the increase in other comprehensive earnings. This tends not to get noticed much in the financial press.

What will get noticed by the financial press is that Berkshire lost $693 million on mark to market value of derivatives.  Those who like to try to knock Buffett down a notch always have a field day with this one. In reality it certainly has no more meaning than the $6.1 billion in other comprehensive gains that go unnoticed. Buffett will almost certainly ultimately make money on these derivatives.

Berkshire’s book value per share has gained 7.5% in 2012 and stands at $107,377 per class A share. (Incredibly enough, these are the same shares that had a book value of $19 when Buffett assumed control of the company in 1965.) The B shares have a book value of $71.58. Berkshire is authorized to buy back shares if the price goes lower than 110% of book value, so $78.74 per share. Berkshire closed on Friday at $85.58. Although our report is not updated I would continue to consider it a (higher) Buy at that price.


August 2, 2012

Today the market was down because the European Central Bank did not promise to meddle in the markets immediately. It  did however warn (err promise) that it would get ready to meddle before too long.

I view dips caused by this sort of thing as more of an opportunity than anything.

Melcor released earnings yesterday and the report was quite good. This is an under-valued stock that flies under that radar screen. The trading volume is too little to attract much attention. This is a boring company that has been listed on the stock exchange since 1968 and which traces its roots to 1923. It’s still controlled by the founding Melton family. It’s trading at 0.8 times book value and 10 times adjusted earnings. It’s a well managed company. It will have its ups and downs but I would be very surprised if it did not turn out to be a good long term investment (and perhaps good in the short term too). I had an order in to sell some of shares if it hit $15.90. It almost got there yesterday but not quite. I have now canceled my order to Sell. I was only selling to raise cash and maybe play the volatility a bit. Actually, I more inclined to buy more at this price rather than sell.

Facebook (or faceplant) hit $20 today. Linked in reported better-than-expected numbers after the close. I would think facebook should be close to a bottom here. But one never knows…

Yesterday there was a sort of mini flash crash as Knight Capital Group a U.S. market maker had a computer program go wild. It looked to me though that the real error was in their panic selling of some stocks they had bought by accident. Perhaps they could have sold more slowly.

Some investors feel that these events make stock markets more dangerous. I would argue it was nothing but an opportunity. I never use stop loss orders because I don’t believe in the “sell low” strategy. Value investors don’t use stop loss orders, those are for traders. Value investors would be more likely to have “stink bids” in. For example some lucky buyers picked up Berkshire yesterday at as low as $82.12. Not  a huge discount but it was over a $2.00 instant drop that quickly recovered. If you have confidence in the value of the companies you own then the fact that the stock falls even further below a reasonable value is merely an opportunity to buy more. Admittedly it is a worry when it happens but in the long run it is often advantageous.

August 1, 2012

The market was disappointed that the Fed did not come through with some economic stimulation today. Whatever, the FED has done quite enough meddling. I think it is tomorrow that the hope turns to the European Central Bank to do some meddling.

Overall the market did not react much to the disappointment.

We’ll see what tomorrow brings…

I am eagerly awaiting a number of earnings reports due out around the end of next week. Canadian Tire in particular. They already pre-announced they would take a hit on closing some of the Forzani stores they bought. But other than that I am hoping they have done well. If not then I hope someone lights a fire under then with a takeover offer, that would be nice but I guess is not in the cards.

I don’t know why Rona ever opened big box stores. Did they really think they could compete with Home Depot? I think Lowe’s should just buy their big box locations, after all they were closing about 8 of those so might as well sell. I don’t see why Lowe’s would want their many smaller stores. (Although sometimes those small stores are the only game in a small town and can be lucrative).

Speaking of Retail, when I looked at RioCan the figures show that they have some leases with Target (former Zeller locations). And sure enough those leases have a good number of years left and are below market. That is why Target paid $1.8 billion for those leases. But I still think that was a Huge amount of money. And how incompetent was Zellers that they could not make decent money even with the low cost leases?  Far as I am concerned Zellers were junk stores and should have turned themselves into giant dollar stores. Oh well, too late now.

July 31, 2012

The Case-Shiller report today showed that U.S. house prices rose in May.

We are past the bottom of house prices in the U.S. House prices are higher than the bottom on all 20 Cities in the survey / index. The increases range from 1.7% in New York and 2.5% in Detroit to 11.7% in Phoenix, 11.8% in Washington and 14.9% in San Francisco. The average for the 20 Cities is an increase of 3.6% above the lows. I use the raw non-seasonally adjusted figures because I believe that seasonal fluctuations are tiny compared to the trend in increases.

Facebook was down to $21.71. That is just 57% of the $38 Initial Public Offer (IPO) price. So a 43% decline.

It’s interesting to take a look at the share price and valuation of Facebook since just prior to the IPO until today.

As of December 31, 2011 Facebook had paid in equity of $2.684 billion. There was also retained earnings of $1.606 billion for a total common share equity of $4.29 billion. The founders and very earliest investors had paid essentially nothing for their shares and later private investors had paid in substantial amounts. It was not clear what the company was worth.

After the IPO The paid in capital rose to $11.684 billion. So $ 9 billion was raised by the company. The total IPO amount was $16 billion and so it appears the company got $9 billion and early investors sold $7 billion and walked off with that cash. After the IPO there were some 1880 million shares.

At the IPO price of $38, the company was valued at $71.4 billion.

But now at $21.71 the company is worth $40.8 billion. The book value per share is $7.08 consisting mostly of cash.

That is a loss of $30.6 billion in a few weeks.

It’s interesting to think about where the money went. In fact the $30.6 billion of wealth of the owners of facebook simply evaporated. That’s bad. On the other hand most of the original $71.4 billion of wealth was conjured from thin air. After all as June 30, 2012, facebook had raised a total of $11.684 billion from investors, it had earned another $1.654 billion. So that is a total $13.3 billion. (There was also another $7 billion raised at the IPO that went to former shareholders but that was just a trade some investors sold to new investors. Of the $71.4 billion total value, $58.1 billion was the estimated value of future profits on top of the $13.3 billion book value. That $58.1 billion in wealth essentially came from thin air.

What has happened since the IPO is that the estimated value of future profits has fallen to $27.5 billion from $58.1 billion. The difference $30.6 billion has simply disappeared into thin air from whence it came in the first place.

But all of that is just a matter of interest.

The real question is, should we buy facebook?

I don’t know. But I think it might be worth nibbling at. It is speculative and it could certainly fall further. I would not place a big bet on it. But a small position in it would be okay. According to analysts it is trading at 34 times estimated 2013 earnings. Not cheap certainly. But perhaps not totally outrageous. On the other hand the 2013 earnings are only a guess.

The big story on Wednesday will be whether of not the Fed stimulates the economy. If they don’t the market will fall, I suppose. I’m at the point where I really don’t care what the Fed does. The value of stocks will ultimately not be determined by the Fed. They can influence the short term but not so much the longer term. If the market falls substantially, I will be adding to positions.


July 30, 2012

Markets were somewhat weak today. There is some anticipation that the Fed further “stimulate” the economy at a meeting this week.

To my mind it is idiotic for the Fed to continue to try to drive down interest rates. They are already about the lowest in recorded history.

And low interest rates, while they help borrowers and stock prices and house prices inflict enormous pain on those trying to live on the interest from money in the bank. Low interest rates have succeeded in killing off many defined benefit pension plans and severely wounding most of the rest. (At least if the ultra-conservative methods of calculating the pension liability are relied on). Similarly low interest rates are almost death for life insurance companies and make it harder for banks to earn profits.

A far more logical form of stimulus, if that is what is wanted would be federal spending on public works such as roads. Unfortunately the federal government is already over-spending and in many cases not getting much for its dollar (wars in foreign places, rescuing large corporations…)

I suspect the Fed has caused quite enough damage already and not continue the madness of buying up U.S. government bonds and should think about unwinding some of what it has already done.

It’s also very hard to fathom why the Fed should care about the stock market. It is no part of the Fed’s job to stimulate the stock market.

And mature investors know that stock markets fall as well as rise even if over long periods of time they do rise. Trying to stop natural dips in the market is idiotic. If the Fed is trying to do that, its leaders should be fired.

It is ironic that in a so-called free market, the price of money itself is being manipulated down.

July 28, 2012

Some of you may want to consider our longer term and/ or lifetime subscription offers. We now have over 12 years of history of beating the market quite consistently. We can’t guarantee to keep beating the market, but we will be using the same methods that have worked well so far.

July 27, 2012

I am just taking a look at RioCan‘s annual report. I am looking at this company with some suspicion. It seems to me it is to some extent a work of financial engineering. It has a high yield. But the dividend appears to be higher than its earnings (setting aside market gains on the buildings). Some 22% of the distributions flow right back to the company under the dividend reinvestment plan. On top of that the company tends to issue a significant amount of new units each year. So how real and sustainable are the distributions when in the net the company is not really sending out much money?

But the company is growing its assets as well, so that is good.

I am not saying that the new units sold are used to pay distributions, in fact most of the new money is certainly used for new buildings. But does some of the new money go to pay distributions? I don’t know.

Companies that grow by issuing new shares are harder to analyze. The Book value per unit grows not only because of retained earnings but because of issuing new units at higher prices than book value. And RioCan is allowed to mark its building up for gains in market value, so that is vastly different than traditional accounting where buildings were kept on the books at cost.

RioCan tends to rely on the idea that its buildings only increase in value. But at some point don’t buildings basically wear out?

It may be easy to send out distributions as long as money is flowing back in from sales of new units/shares. But what would things look like if they stood still and did not sell new units and did not add new buildings for a while. Would the existing properties be able to support the distributions (after paying building capital maintenance costs)? That is part of what I struggle to understand.

Maybe RioCan is just fine, but I do look at it with some suspicion.

They report Q2 earnings on August 10 and I hope to update the report shortly after that.

Friday was a strong day in the markets. Stantec was one of the bigger gainers up 4.6% at $27.85. This is a stock that I would definitely consider buying. In fact I am wondering why I did not add to my position at recent prices. In recent weeks I was more in the mode of selling stocks to raise some cash…

Canadian National Railway is updated and rated Buy at $88.40 on Toronto or U.S. 87.98 in New York. It is a very strong company with an excellent history. It does not look that cheap but it will likely continue to be a good investment over time.

July 27, 2012 (3 pm eastern time)

Bank of America is updated and rated Speculative Strong Buy at $7.17. ( As I post this it is up to $7.31 today) As mentioned in the report, this is a very large and complex company and our analysis is relatively superficial. I don’t claim any special ability to forecast bank earnings or analyst there many risks. However, on the face of it, this company is recovering and appears to offer compelling value. It has been volatile and will likely continue to be volatile. There are no guarantees but this is a company that could double in price within a year if things go well. On the other hand financial troubles in Europe could certainly send this and other bank stocks down at least temporarily. As disclosed below I added to my own holdings in this company earlier this week.

July 27, 2012 (11 am eastern time)

Stocks had a good day on Thursday and as of Friday morning are having another strong day.

Daybook however is down 14% to $23. I have said it does not have the advertising power of Google. But it certainly does have a tremendous amount of web traffic. I have not analysed it all all. Yahoo is showing it at 35 times 2013 earnings, which is still expensive. (And of course the 2013 earnings are no more than a wild a$$ed guess). It is certain that it is a better investment at $23 than at $38. It is a purely speculative stock at this point. Anyone wanting the excitement of “playing” it should probably stick to putting only some “play” money into it.

As always the market will continue to react to the latest earnings and the latest musings from Europe.

July 25, 2012

There was not too much excitement happening with our stock picks today.

Not surprisingly we continue to get mixed signals. Bad news from Spain. But Caterpillar earnings way up.

A lot is riding on the slow recovery in the U.S. housing market.   With higher house starts comes lower unemployment. And higher house prices help the banks as well.  Rumors of the-end-of-the-financial-world-as-we-know-it continue to be greatly exaggerated.

10 year bond yields in the U.S. are at 1.41%, so let’s see that’s a 70 year payback at that rate. Count me out. Anyone who can’t find a better expected return than that is not trying very hard.

A comment on Pensions…

These low bond yields could be the final nail in the coffins of many defined benefit pension plans. Hopefully this is the darkest hour before the dawn of higher rates. Even government plans are going to have think about closing the plans to new employees. And giving people the right to walk away with commuted values based on these low rates is becoming just too generous.

The Alberta government employee pension plan has seen its contribution rates more than double since 2001. In 2001 it was 4.675% of wages up to the Canada pension maximum (then $39,100 per year ) and 6.55% above that. It has risen sharply since then and in 2013 is set to go to 11.7% up to the Canada pension maximum (now $50,100 per year) and 16.72% above that. So quite a bit more than doubled.

The Alberta government matches these “employee” contributions. (And really the government pays both sides since it pays the employee’s wages). These are staggeringly large pension contributions. It’s driven by an assumption interest rates will stay low.  The Alberta government plan uses a discount rate of 6.35% which was as of December 31, 2011. If they did it today the rate would be a good bit lower and increase the pension deficit even further. The current deficit is estimated at 23% on a going concern basis. A large chunk of the current contributions are to make up for a belated realization that past contributions were too low.

Non-government pension plans have to use discount rates that are even lower, they must use government bonds wile government plans are allowed to use corporate bond yields. Canadian National Railways for example used a discount rate of 4.84%.

If pension plans were allowed to discount the liability at the expected return on assets rate their “deficits” in many cases would turn into surplus. This would not be as conservative, but to my mind would be more accurate. Why should C.N. calculate it’s pension deficit on the basis that it would invest ALL the funds in bonds at 4.84% when in fact it expects to make 7.5% on assets? Now you can argue that 7.5% is too optimistic but to me the deficit should be calculated on some best estimate of the expected return on assets not some nonsense about investing ALL the money in bonds.

If rates are as low or lower at the end of 2012 as they are now, then pension deficits calculated on bond yields are going to be even more eye-popping. And contribution rates will have to rise once again.

This hit to government finances never seems to make the news. At some point it will. And while Alberta can handle this, what about Ontario, other provinces and the Federal government? It’s truly becoming unsustainable.

The whole notion of pensions starts to break down if have a model of working 35 years and being retired for 30 years. If pension returns are so low that one-third of wages needs to be set aside (Alberta is close to that) then something has to give. Either pension returns have to be higher or the retirement age has to increase a lot. Freedom 75 anyone?

Those in retirement now or close to it should be thankful that they can get their pensions before the retirement age rises.

And it may not be implausible that the government could simply make an arbitrary change to some of its pension plans. If features like unreduced pensions at age 55 were taken away, or phased out, the public would support that. Government workers would howl.

July 24, 2012

A weak day in the markets…

Lots of earnings reports coming in to push individual stocks in one direction or the other… Also of course news from Europe. It never ends.

I have tracked my portfolio on Yahoo Finance for something like 15 years now. I way soon try something else. Amazingly enough it does not work nearly as well today as it did 15 years ago. The Yahoo finance page is slow to load and often comes in with errors. At times I can’t even get it to show my portfolio. The news feature used to be great since it showed all the news for every stock in a portfolio on one screen with no need to click each stock. But these days there is so much news on just onebig  name like Walmart that it tends to fill up the page with news on the big stocks and so I can miss news on the smaller companies.

Yahoo truly seems to be circling the drain. It’s quite sad when an internet company can’t even manage to have its pages load quickly. And I never did understand the idea of portal pages that years ago were supposed to be big money makers. (most of the old portal pages like America online and Yahoo have faded away. One of the few real money maker I am aware of as a web site is google because it gives you ads for topics you are actually searching on. Facebook, I don’t think holds  a candle to the powerful idea of serving up ads on items you are actually searching for at that moment. PayPal is also a great money maker because it takes a cut on transactions and has a leading market share. eBay also is a great model because once nearly all the buyers and sellers got to eBay years ago  it was almost impossible to entice them to go elsewhere. Buyers want to be where the sellers are and vice versa.

High traffic is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition to make money on the web.

July 23, 2012

As a long-term investor I really should not be concerned with daily market fluctuations. Yet it seems impossible to keep our eyes off the market. I obviously prefer my stocks to go up. I don’t mind if the general market or any stock I don’t own or have not rated as a Buy goes down. And I don’t get too upset even if the stocks I own do go down. That can be an opportunity. As long as the earnings power of the companies we own goes up, the market will eventually recognize that. Meanwhile we should use the volatility of the market to our advantage, selling high and buying low. (Most investors seem inclined to do the opposite)

As for today stocks had a down day. I added to my Bank of America position. It is a speculative stock. The price to book value ratio looks very attractive. But the ROE is still too low. If the U.S. economy continues to improve even slowly then Bank of America will do okay. But it may be a bumpy ride.

Yesterday I tried to explain the sheer lunacy of a 30-year bond rate at 2.25%.

Let me put it in perspective a different way. I explained that with a 30-year bond at 2.25%, you get your money back on average in 24 years.

This is equivalent to investing 59 cents today to receive a dollar in 24 years. Does that make any sense? This would be a return of 71% in 24 years. But that is before inflation. You would have to hope that inflation was lower than 2.25%. If inflation was 2.25% you would have traded 59 cents today for the equivalent of 59 cents after waiting 24 years. And except in certain tax free accounts you would have to pay tax on your princely gain of 2.25% per year.

And what about buying a 10-year bond that pays 1.5% like the U.S. treasury bond. That is equivalent to paying 86 cents today for a dollar to be received in 10 years (and taking the inflation risk on that).  What investor would admit to taking such a deal? And yet these bonds are being traded by the hundreds of millions daily. It’s simply not rational.

I read this morning where a 2% return might not be so bad because we might get 2% deflation, for a total real return of 4%. But investing in long term bonds will be a terrible investment if it turns out inflation is positive. And you can get the benefit of deflation by simply holding cash.

If it is truly capital preservation, without risk that you seek then consider the following:

  1. For periods of more than about a year there simply IS no investment that can guarantee capital preservation in real terms. Even real return bonds can’t guarantee capital preservation because the real rate of interest can rise. There is no asset, be it paper, real or hard etc. that can be guaranteed to hold its purchasing power over a period of years. Not gold, not silver, not diamonds, nor houses, nor stocks. Some of these may be more likely than not to maintain or grow purchasing power and thus preserve capital in real terms. But none are guaranteed.
  2. For shorter periods such as less than a year where (let’s say) inflation is of no concern (because you are confident inflation will be tiny) cash will preserve your capital. For safety’s sake cash is normally kept in a bank account or (for large amounts) in short-term paper such as a treasury bond.
  3. Over longer periods of time cash will decline in value by the amount of inflation (offset by any short-term interest you can get) or will increase in value if there is deflation. With cash you don’t have to worry about market interest rates changing. Cash does not change in value based on supply and demand. Rather its purchasing power changes only with inflation.

If it is truly capital preservation that you crave then recognize that for very short periods only cash can achieve that. ANd for longer periods recognize that guaranteed capital preservation without risk is simply not possible.

It’s hard to see a role for long-term government bonds at today’s rates of 2.25%. Why would you lock into such a paltry return which will only protect your capital if inflation is less than 2.25% per year and which will subject your asset to possible large market value drops even if it will eventually give you a set amount of nominal dollars in the end?

Stocks on average are trading at P/E’s around 14. So that is an earnings return on market value of 1/14 or 7.1%. AND the earnings are likely to grow. What is the probability that over the next 10 years a portfolio of stocks that starts out earning 7.1% (and which can reasonably be expected to grow) will fail to out-earn a bond earning a fixed 2.25%. And what is the probability of the bond outperforming over 30 years?

Yes, 30-year bonds bought back around 1980 did about equal the performance of stocks. But stocks at around 1980 had a P/E of about 10 or an earnings yield of 10%. Long term bonds (20 years) had a yield of about 12%. So yes indeed bonds did beat stocks but they started with a head start. Today stock earnings yields are about three times the bond returns. Now stock earnings are typically only partially received in cash. But the retained portion is usually invested at an average of at least 7%, and often higher. Even the cash dividends on stocks is higher than the bond yields and the dividend is expected to grow. With such a massive head start it is hard to fathom that stocks will not easily out perform bonds in the next 10, 20 and 30 years.

But, none of this implies that stocks can’t crash very hard at any time. That is always the case. With stocks, you pays your money and you takes your chances. Or go ahead and sit in cash and give up on the idea of good investment returns. Depending on your risk tolerance (both emotionally and financially) sitting in cash may be the best option for some people.

My efforts are dedicated to the more enterprising investor who is willing to make an informed (but never guaranteed) risk / reward trade-off.

July 22, 2012

Friday was a weak day on the markets. Bright spots included Toll Brothers, up 4.4% and Walmart up 1.0%.

Also Liquor stores N.A. up 2.4% and now up 17% since it was added to this Site as a Buy on April 10. eBay was another winner on Friday up 2.0% and up a stunning 48% this year (However we had only rated it a Weak Buy / Hold). Although I have not updated the report I am very doubtful that we would rate it a Buy at this point.

I am currently looking at Bank of America and hope to update shortly. While it has risks it appears to offer compelling value. I may add to my position in it.

I looked closely at Canadian National Railway’s annual report and Q1 report. I like what I see. They will report Q2 very shortly and it should be a good report. This is a good long-term bet.

Interest rates continue to plummet to extraordinarily low levels.

When it comes to long term government bonds, I would not consider owning them. Yes, everyone who invested in these bonds in the past 30 years has made out well and generally saw capital gains. Bonds rise in value as interest rates fall.

I went into this in detail in one of my articles.

Mathematically a perpetual risk free bond can continue to precisely double in value each and  everytime interest rates fall in half. The theoretical maximum value approaches infinity as interest rates (on perpetuals) approach zero. But for 30-year government bonds there is an upper limit to the capital gains.

Consider a 30-year government of Canada bond issues at $1000 at today’s 30-year yield of 2.25%. The total cash flows from this bond over $30 years will be ( a whopping) $22.50 per year in interest for 30 years totaling $675. Plus the original $1000 for a grand total of $1675. But this money will received on average some 24 years from now. (^75 in interest payments received on average in 15 years and $1000 received in 30 years).

If 30-year interest rates somehow fall all the way to zero, then yes there remains a big capital gain on this bond, theoretically as high as 67.5% if that interest rate plunge happened tomorrow. More realistically if the interest rate falls immediately to 2.0% the capital gain would be only 5.6%.

It’s hard to imagine that anyone would buy a 30-year bond today for the sake of getting back their $1000 in 30 years and collecting a measly $22.50 per year in interest. First it would take only a little bit of inflation to make this into an investment that destroys purchasing power. Second, it is hard to imagine that there are not better investm,ents available.

Holding long-term government bonds on the speculation that interest rates will continue to fall could work out. But it comes at the cost of holding an investment that could plunge in value if interest rates rise.

If the 2.25% rate goes swiftly back to 4.0%, this bond would suffer a 30% drop in value.

10-year government of Canada bonds currently yield 1.62%. Even if rates plunged now to 1.0% this bond would only gain 5.9%. Whereas if rates returned to a more normal 4.0% then the bond would suffer a 20% loss in capital value.

It boggles the mind to think that certain investors are voluntarily accepting these flea-sized yields. Pension funds and insurance companies may be virtually forced to invest in these. Banks might also do it. There becomes a certain institutional habit where all these big players continue to invest in an irrational fashion and justify it on the basis of habit and the fact that all the others are doing it. Retail investors are free to think more independently and should think long and hard before investing at these low yields.

I would sooner short these bonds than hold them. However shorting can be emotionally challenging and it is not something that most retail investors should even consider.

I don’t pretend to understand why interest rates are so incredibly low. One possible explanation is actually that there is a huge surplus of money available to be loaned and few borrowers. That does not exactly seem to be the case however. Another possibility is that governments have somehow been able to force the rate low by having their central banks, federal agencies and possibly convincing banks and pension funds to buy these despite the tiny yields. If that is the case I don’t know that it can last indefinitely. At some point lenders are likely to demand higher interest rates.

July 20, 2012 (7:20 am mountain time)

Stocks did well on Thursday but our picks suffered with declines from Walmart and Bank of America.

Walgreen, rated (higher) Buy at the start of this year at $33.06 and had languished this year. But yesterday it announced some good news involving a contract with a large benefits plan that it had lost and now has regained. The stock jumped about 10% yesterday to $34.62.


July 18, 2012

Today was a strong day for U.S. markets with the DOW up 0.8%. This was driven by some good earnings reports and by comments from Ben Bernanke that the U.S. is not likely going into another recession. And, notably due to stronger housing stats in the U.S.

On this occasion our Stock picks failed to get the good news memo. I personally got somewhat clobbered by Bank of America being down almost 5%. But certainly I know that is a volatile and more speculative holding holding. (But that does not mean it may not be a great investment, time will tell)

Somewhat surprisingly Toll Brothers fell today despite the higher housing starts.

Earnings season is now in full swing in the U.S. and will get going next week in Canada. Hopefully some good news here can carry the market along although there is always the specter of bad news that can come from Europe at any moment. (including the LIBOR mess)

July 17, 2012

Markets rose today based on a positive interpretation of Ben Bernanki’s comments. Also positive earnings reports from Goldman Sach’s and Coke.

Based on an order I placed last month and then more recently renewed, I sold some of my Boston Pizza today at $18.10. This selling is just to be prudent and raise some cash as and if markets rise.

If I decide to buy anything it will probably be Canadian Western Bank. It’s always possible it could suffer loan losses due to a recession or from natural gas drillers, but overall it seems like a very safe bet for the longer term.

July 16, 2012

The Dow was down 0.4% today (Monday) while Toronto was very slightly up.

A small portion of my Wells Fargo shares sold today based on an order I had placed about a month ago to sell a few shares at $34.00.

Alimentation Couche-Tard released earnings last week. At a quick look the stock seems expensive now. If I still held I would sell. I would worry how the stock price will react after the next earnings release when, for the first time, it will be showing all the debt it has taken on to acquire Stat Oil retail stores. Long-term it should continue to do very well as a company, but the share price seems too rich at this time. Or at least the evidence is not clearly there yet to support this stock price.

July 15, 2012

Costco is updated and rated Weak Sell at $94.81. It also looked expensive at the start of this year but has risen 14%. It’s an extremely good company. But it simply looks expensive. Possibly there is an argument to pay up for quality but there is also a risk that the P/E ratio could decline despite the stores doing very well. I am not a buyer at this price. I might sell or hold if I already held it. I certainly would not “short” the stock.

Wells Fargo is updated and rated (lower) strong Buy at $33.91. While there are always risks, especially in the short term. this bank has competitive advantages and is likely to continue to do well.

This company has been my top holding for some time and represents about 18% of my portfolio. I am wondering if it should be more than that. I did have an order in the trim my holdings by a small amount at $34. That almost got hit on Friday but not quite. I am tempted to pull that sell order but may just leave it in as a matter of prudence.

Friday was a strong day in the markets. China apparently reported lower growth and paradoxically the market took this as a positive signal since the Chinese might then stimulate their economy. At least that is what analysts said happened… The market also reacted positively to J.P. Morgan’s earnings results. Overall, the DOW and S&P 500 were up 1.6% and Toronto was up 0.8%.

On Friday, Wells Fargo reported earnings and rose 3.2%. Bank of America which has been very volatile was up 4.6%

I heard an Analyst on Friday state that the U.S. airlines business was weak due to slow economic growth. That is completely laughable. The airline industry is weak because it is inherently a commodity product with no customer loyalty, and brutal competition. In such an industry it takes cost advantages to make even reasonable profits.

Interest rates are at historic lows and stock markets seem at least reasonably valued. It is dangerous to borrow to invest. Nevertheless, today may represent a generational opportunity to do so.

I have been disappointed with the performance of Canadian Tire. This quarter I understand they will have some unusual losses due to closing some of the sport stores they acquired from Forzani’s. If they do not do quite well other than that, then I may have to re-evaluate my faith. I am starting to wonder if they are competitive enough on their costs. (Some preliminary calculations indicate that their retail mark-ups are far higher than the likes of Walmart. I do think they have the opportunity to realize value by selling and leasing back stores. But there is no indication that they will do so.

July 12, 2012

The Dow was down 0.25% today and the S&P 500 was down 0.50% and Toronto was down 1.0%

I probably don’t need to say this, but as a reminder I have never said that I could predict the direction of the market. What I can do is analyses whether the market as a whole seems to be reasonably valued. You can check that valuation analysis and the assumptions used and see the results based on other assumptions in my articles about market value for the S&P, the Dow and Toronto 

What I also do is analyze whether the stocks in the table above seemed to be good value as at the dates indicated in the table and analysis.

I view market declines as being simply the nature of investing. I think investing over the years will be rewarding. But yes, we will certainly have our share declines in individual stocks and in the overall markets. Anyone who can’t deal with that should not be investing in stocks, or should limit their exposure to stocks.

The fact is that over 99% (maybe even 100%) of the subscribers to this page seem to be very mature and don’t expect to escape declines from time to time. Nevertheless I think it is good to remind people once in a while that as investors we do risk at least temporary declines.

Very few of our stock picks were up today. Toll Brothers however rose 2.7%

Warren Buffet was on CNBC for a long interview this morning. I saw some reports indicating he was pessimistic. I certainty did not detect any pessimism when I watched the interview. He said most of his companies were growing but at a very slow rate, a little slower than recent growth. His housing related businesses were starting to show noticeable growth but from a low base. His sources indicated that Europe which had still been growing was now really slowing down. He was very optimistic about the future of America.

He also said that the U.S. debt problems are very large but that the solution is very clear (raise taxes and cut spending) but congress has failed to act.

As of just after midnight the futures are up because apparently Chinese GDP numbers were good.

Friday morning Wells Fargo will report earnings before the open. Also J.P. Morgan.

It should be yet another interesting day to close out the week.

July 11, 2012

In today’s “action” the Dow was down 0.4%, the S&P 500 was flat and Toronto was up 0.3%

Our stock picks did okay… Notably Berkshire was up 1.25% to $84.09. The order I mentioned two days ago to sell 100 of my 1300 Berkshire shares at $100 went through.  Bank of America continues to be volatile and was up 2.0% today.

Alimentation Couche-Tard announced earnings today and jumped 4.8% to $48.10. Our last update on the stock was December 11 rated (lower) Strong Buy at $29.29. So, it is up 64% since then. Sadly I had sold my shares at around $38 when it initially jumped several months ago.  I hope to update this one within a week. It’s a great company and I respect management a lot. But I suspect it is going to look rather expensive at this price. Couche-Tard is a huge convenience store owner operating under the banners Winks, Macs and Couche-Tard in Canada and mostly under the Circle-K brand in the U.S.. Most of its locations are in the U.S. The recent pending (and large) acquisition that ignited the share price is in Norway. This is a case that proves that sometimes the most mundane of businesses can make big money for investors. (And RIM meanwhile has proven that the most exciting technology companies can sometimes lose big money for investors).

There is no great correlation between excitement and return in the stock market.

There will be some interesting earnings releases on Friday. I am looking forward to Wells Fargo’s earnings on Friday. The market in general seems keen to see what kind of trading loss J.P. Morgan will post on Friday.

July 10, 2012

Walmart went over $72 today and so my order to sell 300 shares went through at $72. It got as high as $72.58 but closed at $72.11.

Most of our stocks picks were down along with the market but Boston Pizza was up 1.4%. The Canadian dollar was down a third of a cent which amounts to a gain on Canadian’s U.S. investments.

My order to trim 1000 of my 8200 Melcor shares at $15.90 almost got hit today, but not quite. That order as well as a further order to trim an additional 1000 at $16.90 expires today but I will likely renew those orders. The other order I have in (besides the Berkshire mentioned yesterday) is an order to sell some of my Boston Pizza at $18.10.

Today there was news of a small futures broker having scammed some $200 million from customers.

A few thoughts on this.

Firstly there is no reason for a rational INVESTOR to be involved with speculating on futures. First, it’s a pure zero sume game. You can only win what another trader loses. (In stocks all owners can win from profits serving customers of the companies owned). Second, probably 95% of the population would not be able to do the math to think about how to speculate on futures. Thirdly, of the few people who could do the math almost none of them would have any rational reason to think that they are able to predict the direction of futures. Currency futures in particular seem like a total speculation. It MIGHT be possible to predict that corn prices will go up due to a draught. But currencies fluctuate for many reasons and I just don’t think anyone can consistently predict those (and certainly not over periods of less than about a year). To my mind, one does not invest in futures markets. One hedges or one speculates. But investing is not involved.

Also I don’t understand why any investor would want to place their funds with some small brokerage. It seems far preferable to stick with the biggest names in the business. Canadian might not like their big banks. But they do trust big banks not to literally steal their money. The big Canadian banks can easily handle almost any size investment portfolio. I just see no reason at all to start writing cheques to small companies. It’s a risk that is easily avoided.


July 9, 2012

Markets were down modestly today, but our stocks picks held in quite well. Walmart, Wells Fargo and Berkshire  all edged up a little.

I had an order in to trim my Berkshire position by 200 shares (from 1400) if it should hit $84. With Berkshire at about $83.60 today I decided to sell 100 at the market. The other 100 is waiting for $84.

I also have an order in to trim my Walmart position by 300 shares (from 1100) if it hits $72. It was not far from that that today and I considered selling those 300 shares at the market but then decided to just wait and see if it gets to $74.

I probably should be more aggressive about trimming positions just to raise some cash and hedge my bets at least a little.

Alco came out with Q2 earnings that were quite weak but which beat expectations marginally.

There continues to be news about acquisitions taking place at good premiums. Thomson Reuters is buying FXAll at a 40% premium to the recent traded price. This suggests that acquiring companies are perceiving some bargains in stock prices.

July 7, 2012

Our reference article on Global Exchange Traded Funds is updated. Many argue that the best investments are to be found in emerging markets. However most emerging market ETFs do not appear to be obvious bargains, although they may be when the growth is considered. For this update the China ETF appeared to be quite attractive. And a number of other countries are attractive as well. Personally I have restricted my investments to Canada and the U.S. in the vast majority of cases although I currently own a very small amount of the Japan ETF and have in the past briefly owned small positions in the UK and, I believe, the Europe ETF.

Markets fell on Friday due to weak job growth.

Walmart was one of the few gainers, up 0.4%.

Research in motion was also a gainer, up 5.2%

On Friday I read an interesting story about a company that offers satellite internet service in rural areas. With their newest satellite just launched they are able to offer high-speed internet at prices comparable to those paid in the City (although there are limits on the amount of usage).


I really don’t know anything about cell and internet technology but it seems to me that cheap satellite service could one day give cell phone and cable companies a run for their money. Could be a game changer.

But perhaps I don’t need to worry about Shaw Communications too much, I see that they are offering services in partnership with xplornet.

xplornet is a private company out of New Brunswick. It sounds like a nice success story.

Saturday’s Edmonton Journal indicates that home building is still growing in Alberta. I do have orders in to reduce my Melcor holdings at $15.90 and $16.90 but I really not sure I should be selling any.

July 5, 2012

Even with some news of stimulus and rate cuts from Europe and China, markets were down somewhat today. Well, that was to be expected after the recent strong gains.

Toll Brothers managed a gain of 2.3% today to $30.25. This stock got as low as $24 only three weeks ago (and I added to my position at that time). It’s been a nice run. It does look expensive but I think the U.S. housing market is in slow recovery mode. I consider it speculative because the earnings still have to increase a lot to justify the share price.

Tomorrow’s market will apparently hinge on the jobs repot to be released tomorrow morning. And then next week we will be starting to get into the Q2 earnings season.


July 4, 2012

U.S. markets were closed today. The TSX gained another 0.5%

Well before the market opened this morning, the TMX group and Maple group announced positive news about the deal being approved but indicated the Competition Bureau approval, although looking positive, was still needed. TMX Group rose a little on the news.

A few hours into the trading day the Competition Bureau issued a press release that it was not going to oppose the deal. The price then shot up some more. The total gain today was 3.3% with about 2% coming on the Competition Bureau press release.

It’s hard to understand how a regulatory body like the Competition Bureau could be so irresponsible as to release this news during the trading day. This kind of thing caused harm to those few trades that go through just after the news comes out with the buyer aware of the news and the seller unaware. It’s not fair. However, it was just a few shares traded before the price adjusted to the news so not that big a deal. Still it is shameful conduct, in my opinion.

The other concern about this deal is how a near-monopoly like TMX can be allowed to join with its largest competitor. If this is how things are done, then, in my opinion, the Competition Bureau should certainly be shut down as an apparently  worthless government agency. If you consider whether any large company in Canada has any real alternative to listing on the TMX, I think the answer you will arrive at is “no”. No choice would imply a monopoly on the listing business. It’s interesting that the head of the Competition Bureau announced her resignation a week or so ago. I wonder if she was pressured to approve this deal?

Turning to Research in Motion, RIM, I read the editorial by its CEO in today’s Globe and Mail. While every CEO can be counted on the say everything is fine even as the ship sinks, this CEO did strike me as knowledgeable and sincere. I am tempted buy some RIM shares but have no immediate plans to do so. It’s going to be about 8 months (or more)  before we see the launch of Blackberry 10. On the other hand a takeover deal could come at any time. Even if Blackberry 10 is as valuable as the CEO seems to think, I suspect the apparently unknowledgeable Board at RIM would jump at any takeover offer. Other than the CEO I don’t think any of them have an technical knowledge or even any consumer goods experience.

July 3, 2012

Okay, so the Dow was up another 0.6% today. Toronto was up 2.2%. Oil was up… The Canadian dollar was up.

Walmart powered ahead by another 2.0% today to $70.75. No one seems to have noticed that it has passed its lifetime high from way back in 1999. That is really of no relevance but I find it interesting. Canadian Tire was up 1.7%. Shaw Communications (which has been weak) was up 2.4%

Here are my thoughts on some of this…

Personally I am up close to 17% this year to date. That kind of gain is not sustainable. Basically my stocks are doing better than the underlying companies. That is mathematically something that can’t continue for too long.

I have a very heavy exposure to equities somewhere around 95%.

But the stocks I own don’t seem over-valued. I am loathe to sell.

But from a portfolio management perspective (as opposed to from the perspective of individual stocks) it would seem prudent pare back my equity exposure. After all we all know that markets can go down quickly at any time.

I had entered some orders to reduce a few positions a few weeks ago and those never got hit. (Walmart, Melcor, Wells Fargo, Boston Pizza and Berkshire Hathaway. Those orders are still in place. But as reported below I did go in and trim some Walmart and Canadian Tire and Wells Fargo and Toll Brothers.

Even if I sell down a bit I am still going to have a very heavy exposure to equities. I almost always do. I accept the risk of it. It has worked out well over the years. But not without some heart-stopping declines from time to time.

July 4th, Wednesday should be quite given the U.S. holiday, but then again one never knows what news will arise out of Europe.


July 2, 2012

The U.S. markets were open today and closed about unchanged. I would have expected at lest some decline after the big gains late last week.

I have added a new edition of the free newsletter. However, I was unable to email it out due to a system problem.

This newsletter includes a link to my new article about how Warren Buffett motivates his managers.

June 30, 2012

My personal portfolio composition is updated

After Thursday’s market surge, my own portfolio is up a surprising and rather satisfying 16.4% in 2012.

Here is a summary of how all our stock picks have done since the start of 2012.

InvestorsFriend Inc.’s performance – Year 2012
As of June 30, 2012, the TSX is down 3.0%, the Dow is up 5.4% and the S&P 500 is up 8.3%. Our average Buy or higher rated stock is up 7.3%. A notable loser is Research in motion down 49%. It was the only Strong Buy that we called Speculative. The speculative part was accurate.
Group Rating to start 2012 Price Increase Our Performance
Average of 6 strong buys Strong Buy 6.3% good
Average of 17 buys Buy 7.6% good
Average for all 23 buys and strong buys 7.3%
Average of 2 weak buys Weak Buy 21.7% very good
Average of 1 weak sells Weak Sell 14.0% bad
Average for all 8 Neutral ratings (weak buy or weak sell) 19.1%
Average of 1 Sells Sell -2.2%
Rated As – Strong Buy at January 1, 2012
Name Beginning 2012 Price Starting Rating Current Price Price Increase Our Performance
Microsoft (MSFT, NASDAQ)                        25.96 Strong Buy                        30.59 18% good
Wells Fargo (WFC, United States)                        27.56 Strong Buy                        33.44 21% very good
Stantec Inc. (STN, Toronto)                        27.57 Strong Buy                        29.00 5% good
Research in Motion Limited (RIMM, U.S., RIM. Toronto)                        14.50 Speculative Strong Buy                          7.39 -49% very poor
Canadian Western Bank (CWB, Toronto)                        25.80 (lower) Strong Buy                        26.42 2% good
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc., ATD.B                        31.70 (lower) Strong Buy                        44.46 40% very good
Average Strong buy Strong buy 6.3% good
Rated As – Buy
Name Beginning 2012 Price Rating to start 2012 Current Price Price Increase Our Performance
Wal-Mart (WMT, New York)                        59.76 (Higher) Buy                        69.72 17% good
Canadian Tire (CTC.a, TO)                        65.90 (higher) Buy                        68.88 5% good
Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund (BPF.un, Toronto)                        14.19 (higher) Buy                        17.34 22% very good
MELCOR DEVELOPMENTS LTD. (MRD, Toronto)                        13.17 (higher) Buy                        15.50 18% good
Shaw Communications Inc. (SJR.b, Toronto         SJR, New York)                        20.25 (higher) Buy                        19.24 -5% bad
Walgreen (WAG, New York)                        33.06 (higher) Buy                        29.58 -11% bad
FirstService Preferred (FSV.PR.U, Toronto)                        24.76 Buy                        25.00 1% good
FedEx (FDX,NY)                        83.51 Buy                        91.61 10% good
Canadian National Railway Company (CNR, Toronto CNI, New York)                        80.15 Buy                        86.10 7% good
Canadian Oil Sands Limited (COS, T)                        23.25 Buy                        19.72 -15% bad
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRKB, New York)                        76.30 Buy                        83.33 9% good
Bombardier Series 4 Preferred Shares (BBD.PR.C, Toronto)                        23.00 Buy                        23.92 4% good
Preferred Shares of RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust (REI.PR.A, Toronto)                        25.81 Buy                        25.60 -1% bad
Toll Brothers Inc. (TOL, New York)                        20.42 Speculative Buy                        29.73 46% very good
The Brick Inc. (BRK, Toronto)                          3.08 Speculative Buy                          4.11 33% very good
Omni-Lite Industries Canada Inc. (OML, Toronto Venture Exchange)                          1.39 Speculative Buy                          1.17 -16% bad
FIRSTSERVICE CORPORATION (FSV, Toronto) (FSRV, NASDAQ)                        26.49 Speculative (lower) Buy                        27.97 6% good
Average Buy Buy 7.6% good
Rated As Weak Buy
Name Beginning 2012 Price Rating to start 2012 Current Price Price Increase Our Performance
eBay (eBay, NASDAQ)                        30.33 Weak Buy                        42.01 39% very good
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust (REI.UN, Toronto)                        26.43 Weak Buy                        27.70 5% good
Average Weak Buy Weak Buy 21.7% very good
Rated As – Weak Sell
Name Beginning 2012 Price Rating to start 2012 Current Price Price Increase Our Performance
Costco (COST, N)                        83.32 Weak Sell                        95.00 14% bad
Average Weak Sell Weak Sell 14.0% bad
Rated As         – Sell
Name Beginning 2012 Price Rating to start 2012 Current Price Price Increase Our Performance
Canadian Western Bank Preferred Shares (CWB.PR.A, Toronto)                        27.35 Sell                        26.75 -2% good
Average Sell Sell -2%


Research in Motion is updated and rated Highly Speculative Strong Buy at U.S. $7.39 (Canadian $7.54). This company is obviously now very unstable and difficult to predict. It really is not the type of company that is at all well suited to our analysis techniques. (Due to earnings which appear to be turning negative).

This company may represent an opportunity but it is certainly not for the faint of heart.

On the conference call the management seemed optimistic for how Blackberry 10 will do once it is launched in about 8 months. But also they seemed a bit robotic (not showing a lot of emotion) and not that forthcoming on some questions.

June 29, 2012

Well it was certainly a banner day on the markets today to end the second quarter.

The DOW was up 2.2%, Toronto was up 1.5%. Oil was up 9% (although one figure showed a staggering 18% late Friday).

The Canadian dollar was up a remarkable 1.6%.

Walmart was up 2.2% to a new closing record of $69.72. I have not seen this mentioned yet in the financials web sites that I view (mostly Yahoo)/ The last record close was in 1999! Not Walmart’s fault it took so long. Idiot investors has WAY over-priced Walmart back then.

Among our stock picks the biggest gainers were Bank of America up 5.7%, Stantec up 4.8%, Toll brothers up 4.7%, FirstService up 4.6%. Research in Motion was down 20%.

Shaw Communications is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $19.24. It reported a 3% decline in earnings and revenues in its latest quarter. It continues to lose basic cable customer at a rate of about 1% per quarter. Meanwhile telephone customer growth has slowed to the point where it only about offsets the loss of cable customers in termns of numbers. Internet growth is about zero. The television business also declined about 3%. This is of concern. I believe the television shows are strong but it may indicate advertisers switching away from television as people increasingly have the ability to speed past commercials as they watch. However Shaw blamed it on the weak economy. Shaw has the ability to increase earnings by lowering their advertising dollars and are doing this but this could worsen the sales outlook. Overall however Shaw appears to be offer good value. We call it speculative due to technology risks.

June 29 , 2012 10:55 eastern

Update 11:30 am eastern. I decided to also sell 20% of my Toll Brothers. Toll should do well certainly as a company, but I worry about its high P/E ratio and I have had a nice gain already. I always find that once I get in selling mode it’s a bit hard to stop.

The market rally is surprisingly strong this morning on positive news out of the summit of Europena leaders. Hopefully it continues, but often these relief rallies have been very short lived.

I decided to modestly reduce my holding in Wal-Mart and Wells Fargo this morning. I very much like both companies. But it is prudent that I raise a bit of cash in case of a market down-turn and also because there are always better opportunities to be found. And if I find some I will need cash to invest.

I’ll probably leave the proceeds in U.S. dollars, though it will be tempting to transfer some money to Canadian dollars especially if the Canadian dollar falls more (today it is up strongly).

June 28, 2012

Our stock picks managed to do okay today. U.S. investments were helped in terms of their Canadian dollar value by the drop in The Canadian dollar today. Toll Brothers and Canadian Tire did well today.

Shaw Communications came out with an earnings report that after adjusting for unusual items was a bit weak. Research in Motion came out with terrible results after the close. I plan to update both of these by Sunday.

As of 11:30 pm Thursday evening it appears that the Dow futures are up about 100 points probably on some hopeful news out of the European meetings. Recently the positive reacting to such news has melted away pretty quickly.

The take-over of Provident Energy at some 77% premium to the last stock price is another indication that buyers of entire companies are finding the stock market to be cheap. As Buffett has preached, when you can buy small pieces of companies at prices well below the price s that would be paid for the entire business, you are likely to do well.

On the other hand there is certainly no shortage of negative news around and it is going to take mental toughness to stay in the markets to (most likely) reap long term gains.

June 27, 2012

Pleasantly enough (and a bit surprisingly) the market has given back the losses of Monday over the past two days. Well at least that is the case for my own account, and the American market DOW has recovered quite a bit, although not completely. But Toronto has still not recovered much from Monday.

Today Toll Brothers was once again a notable winner, up 3.9% as more data suggests the U.S. home market is improving.

Hopefully, we can get through the next week or two without losing ground. (But one never ever knows). By the second week of July we will start to get the Q2 earnings reports and they should be mostly good and will probably provide support for the market.


June 26, 2012

Note that I plan to update many of the reports during July and early August. And some new companies will be added.

Today the market gave back some of yesterday’s losses. A notable winner was Toll Brothers up 5.3%. The latest Case Shiller report shows that U.S. home prices rose 1.3% in April. Also yesterday there was a report that new home sales were up.

June 25, 2012

As most will have noticed, Monday was a down day on the markets.

Walmart was up 1.3% and was one of very few winners today.

While stocks are generally falling in price, one positive indicator is seen in corporate transactions. Microsoft is buying a web business called Yammer for $1.2 billion, Dell computer has outbid another buyer for Quest software for $2.3 billion. I believe that the indications from corporate transactions is that corporations see many stocks as being bargains.

June 24, 2012

Dollarama is updated and rated Sell at $61.81

I highly respect this as a business but simply find the share price to be too high for all the reasons indicated in the report. As a business it is an amazing success story. And it may continue to do well as a stock. But I have to go with what the numbers tell and that is that it is too rich, a Sell.

On Friday markets recovered somewhat from the gloom of Thursday. Our stock picks did well.

Most notably, Visa was up 4.6% to $125. As I have often said in regard to this stock and a few others. it’s hard to keep a good unregulated-as-to-price monopoly down. And I have explained in the report why I consider Visa to have monopolistic features. And most of its prices are largely unregulated.

June 21, 2012

The Dow ended the day down 250 points or 2.0%. Toronto was down 351 points or 3.0%.

The market had reacted positively this week to news of the Greek election outcome and to the Fed’s operation twist. But the positive reaction has been short-lived. Today the market focused on the weak economy.

I am neither surprised nor particularly worried by today’s market decline. No doubt markets will continue to be volatile. But markets seem attractively priced. I am comfortable holding. However I would like to have some cash ready for bargains.

Canadian Tire was one of the few stocks that was up today. I sold a small portion of my holding in Canadian Tire today just to raise some cash.

Moodys down-graded some 15 large international banks today. They had telegraphed some time ago that they would do so. It seems like a non-event. Credit rating agencies have little credibility these days.


June 20, 2012

I was just reading the Canadian Business magazine article about SNC Lavelin and it’s Libyan scandal. I know very little to nothing about this company. But based on the magazine article its international operations are complex. It seems clear that some of its top employees in were involved in bribes in Libya and there were connections to Ghadaffi. While the company has terminated a few employees and distanced itself from (itself?) this story is not over. Personally I would stay away from this stock. I would say also that over the past few years watching the SNC chairman Gwyn Morgan on BNN and Lang and O’Leary he impresses me not at all. He seems too smooth, even too well groomed for my taste, (looks like an actor or something to me, that’s just my impression) and is perhaps infatuated with himself. I don’t know his history at EnCana and its predecessor which I think (from memory) was Alberta Energy ltd. EnCana came from a merger of Alberta Energy and Pan Canadian Energy and I think Gwyn came from the Alberta Energy side.  Maybe he is highly competent. I don’t know.

Markets held up well today after the Fed extended its “Operation Twist” whereby it would sell short term bonds and buy longer term bonds which would push long term interest rates down even further (or hold them down).

Tonight there are indications that the market will decline tomorrow. (Futures are down slightly)

June 19, 2012

Market were surprising strong today (Tuesday) with the Dow up 0.75% and Toronto up 1.6%.

Almost all of our stock picks rose. Notably Bank of America up 4.5%.

This market rise was partly on expectations that the Fed will “ease” monetary conditions on Wednesday. That being the case if it does not happen we certainly give back the gains on Wednesday.

I mentioned a few days ago that I had some orders in to trim some positions. I was hoping some would sell today but perhaps my prices were a little high. I may regret not selling a little bit on today’s rally, we shall see.

Walgreens however was down 5.9% on news that it was making a big acquisition in the U.K. BUT also on news that its earnings in the latest quarter were down 11%. I have not looked at any of this information yet.

I was in Costco on Sunday and again today. I seldom shop there (I am not the shopper in the family) but always marvel at the place when I do. As a stock it seems expensive. As a business it is exceptional.

It is by far the most efficient retail operation in getting goods to consumers at the lowest cost. It has a limited selection of goods but it has low costs and low prices.

I had heard someplace that Costco marks up everything a maximum of 15 to 18%. In fact on Sunday a clerk told me it 14%. I was not sure I believed that, but maybe. I had calculated its markup to be 17%. By comparison I calculate that Walmart marks up an average of 33%. And small stores like Reitman’s mark up by an average of some 200%!!

The notion of a competitor that can make a decent profit despite marking up by only about 17% (or 15%) must strike a deathly fear in the heart of other retailers.

In the retail business it would be strange to mark all items up by the same amount. Imagine Jewelry. I would guess that most jewelry stores mark up by an average of perhaps 100% or more. How can they compete with 17% (or 15%) (The difference is that I count the membership fees as revenue so it is perhaps 15% actual markup and they get another 2% from membership fees).

I believe Costco has pricing power on may items and could mark up by a higher amount but they choose not to.

The bottom line as an investor the stock looks too expensive but I certainly would not bet against it.

As a customer I trust Costco. In most cases you will get at least a fair price at Costco and I think very often you will get the best price around. Occasionally others may beat it with a special sale but overall Costco simply has a low markup and low costs and the consumer wins with that.

June 18, 2012

The tiny blip of excitement over the Greek election that drove the DOW futures up 66 points on Sunday fizzled out by morning. We ended up down 25 on the Dow but up 76 on Toronto.

The best performer was Stantec up 4.2%.

June 17, 2012

Stock markets were up of Friday despite fears over the outcome of the Greek election.

It appears the outcome of the election is favorable. The Dow futures were up 66 points as of mid-night Sunday night / Monday morning. Not huge but at least it is positive.

Markets may bounce around this week depending whether the proposed coalition government in Greece appears to be coming together or falling apart at any point in time. And depending on news of what policies the new Greek government will follow.

June 14, 2012

Stocks ended up doing well today on rumors / news that certain central banks would take some kind of coordinated efforts to deal with matters in Europe. For our stocks the best performer was Toll Brothers up 3.3%. Friday should be yet another interesting day as the market digests the rumors or news about central bank action and as the market focuses on the Greek Election this weekend.

June 13, 2012

A glance at the graph of today’s trading shows the Dow started out down but was modestly in positive territory much of the day before falling to a 0.6% loss at the close. The TSX started out in negative territory and then traded higher much of the day and finally closed unchanged from yesterday.

Canadian Tire was down 2.3% for no apparent reason.

Dollarama was out with very good earnings and rose 6.6% to $60.36. I will update the report on this company shortly. I thought it was over valued in January at $43.49. So I suspect my analysis will continue to suggest it is too pricey. I do however have a great deal of respect for it as a company and for its management. They are clearly doing very well indeed.

Dollarama now has an equity market value of $4.6 billion while Canadian Tire is at $5.5 billion. While Dollarama is very profitable and has established a lot of brand recognition and drawing power it’s really hard for me to believe it should be worth anything close to what Canadian Tire is. I will looking further into this comparison very shortly.

June 12, 2012

As expected my order to sell 20% of my Walmart shares went through this morning. I had placed a limit order to sell at no lower than $67. The stock opened at $67.68 according to Yahoo finance. My shares sold at $67.70 (I am not sure why it would not have been the $67.68). My shares sold at 9:30 exactly when the market opened.

None of my slightly optimistic orders to sell (a portion of my holdings) at prices a few dollars higher than Monday’s closing price got filled.

The Dow was up 163 points gaining back the near 150 point loss from Monday.

Canadian Western Bank was down 3.3% (to $26.25) for no apparent reason (other than perhaps making up for the fact that it rose yesterday when almost everything else fell). While no stock is free of risk, this one looks like a very good bet to me. Unless the western economy and house prices take quite a beating this stock seems unlikely to decline much. I would suspect that over the next seven to ten years this stock should double but will do so in an irregular fashion. (I may just talk myself into quickly reinvesting my Walmart proceeds into this, except I sold the Walmart to build some cash).

June 11, 2012

Update: earlier tonight I posted some thoughts about selling some shares to raise cash. I have now entered an order to sell about 20% of my Wal-Mart shares at a minimum price of $67. And another 20% if we happen to get to $72. I also entered orders to sell some Canadian Tire if we get to $71 and some Boston Pizza if we get to $18.20. And some of my Berkshire at $83. Also some Wells Fargo and some Melcor. With the exception of the first 300 Wal-Mart shares the rest of these are rather optimistic asking prices. It’s entirely possible perhaps very likely that these will not be triggered in the next 30 days (the orders will expire after 30 days unless renewed). But if these stocks do happen to get a material little bump then I will have taken some money off the table automatically. I usually find that on days the markets is up my brain fills with some sort of endorphins that make me feel very good about stocks and my thoughts don’t much turn to selling on those days. By placing these orders, I take any further thinking and emotions off the table. (well unless I later change my mind and cancel the sell orders).

I don’t know if this strategy makes sense. If I was really serious about raising cash I should simply sell at the market price to make sure I get some cash. But anyhow, this seems to be a way to convince myself to take at least some money off the table though that will only happen if the market rises (except the first 20% of my Walmart will sell if the price is remains above $67 anytime tomorrow.


Well the positive reaction to Spain’s bank bailout did not last long. Futures were up close to 150 points on the Dow yesterday but in the end the Dow was down close to 150 points today.

Canadian Tire and Canadian Western Bank  both managed to rise today. The rest of our stock picks were down or about flat.

Yesterday i mentioned I might sell some Walmart to raise cash. I possibly would have sold some Walmart if had been online Monday morning near the open. What I should have done was entered a sell order last night at say $68 or $67. That way my shares would have sold a the opening price today of $68.39 (this assumes that my oder would have not have affected the opening price, which in the case of huge heavily traded company like Walmart, it would not have). And the lowest I could have been sold at was my price of $68 or $67. Had the stock opened at $66 and went lower for example I would not have been sold.

The type of buy or sell order that I am talking about here (Place a sell order below the last traded price or a Buy order above the last traded price and do this off hours) can work well but ONLY with heavily traded stocks. If the stock opens higher than your limit sell price you will get that price and you cannot get less than your sell price. If the stock opens lower than your limit Buy order you get to buy at the lower open price. This makes sense when you consider that these orders are called limit orders. When I place an order to Sell Wal-Mart at $67 it means I will sell at no less than than $67. I think this sort of strategy can make sense especially for investors who are not online to place trades during the trading day.

This strategy of pricing a bit “off the market” would not make sense during the trading day. If I am willing to sell as low as $67 but the current price offered to buy is $68 then it usually makes no sense to do anything other than place a market order or a limit order very close to the $68. If however the stocks is both very liquid and the price is moving rapidly you can do an order to buy a material bit below the offer price and it has been my experience that you will still be filled at the offer price or something very close to it.

One danger with this type ofs strategy. If you really want to buy or sell then any kind of limit order could mean =you don’t get a fill if the price moves too fast. On the other hand market orders can be dangerous especially with anything other than highly liquid stocks. With a market order it is always possible you will be filled at a price much different than you hoped, that is if the market moves rapidly.

Perhaps I will enter a sell order on some of my Walmart shares tonight. But, I don’t know, I may decide to hang in there.


June 10, 2012

With my very heavy exposure to equities (104% since I am using a bit of margin) it may be wise for me to think about raising some cash by taking some profits. Therefore I will consider selling some Walmart, of my five largest positions, four are rated (higher) Buy or in the Strong Buy range while Walmart is rated “only” Buy and is also now moderately above the price where it was rate Buy. I probably should reduce some other positions to get the cash up to around 20% in order to be well positioned just in case the market declines and also to have funds available for any other stocks that I may want to buy. But I find it difficult to sell stocks that seem to be somewhat under-priced.

As of late Sunday evening, the futures are suggesting a positive reaction to news out of Europe on the weekend. Dow futures are up 129 points but earlier had been up somewhat more.

June 9, 2012

Our average stock in the Buy and Strong Buy range is up 5.9% in 2012 which is better than the TSX which is down 3.9% and it is similar to the S&P 500 which is up 5.4%. My own portfolio is currently  69% concentrated in just five stocks and has managed a 13.0% gain this year to date. However, my approach is relatively risky.

FirstService Inc. is updated but is rated Weak Sell at U.S. $26.30 or $ CAN $26.95. While I like the company and its history, it is complicated and its earnings were negative in Q1. At this time I prefer to avoid it and stay with what appear to be more obvious winners. It is not a company that I would bet against however. And by-the-way, selling a stock and certainly choosing not to hold a stock is a very far cry from shorting a stock. “Sell” does not mean “short” for this company or any other company that we rate.

Walmart was our big winner on Friday up 3.7% to $68.22. I don’t think such a big one-day jump was particularly justified but it was nice to see. It represents about 10% of my portfolio. If it gains a bit more it will surpass its all-time closing high of $69.44 set way back in 1999. Investors were basically idiots to have bid it up so high back in 1999 when it earned just under $1.00 per share. Now it is earning $4.63 per share and so this time its price is quite rational.

Our recent rating was Buy at $65.31.  Because I have 10% of my money in it and because the rating is not one of the higher rated stocks on the list I should probably reduce my position at this point. It will probably be a good but not great investment if held over the next 10 years.

June 7,2012

The big market gains on Wednesday were apparently due to rumors of further “easing” by the Fed and  perhaps some bank rescues in Europe. Today (Thursday) the Fed chairman more or less poured cold water on the idea of immediate Fed easing. But China did some easing. All in all the market held up not badly on the disappointment from the Fed. The Dow was up 46 points but the S&P 500 was down slightly and Toronto was down 41 points.

Canadian Tire was up 1.5%.

Thursday afternoon there was news that a Montreal-based company called Genivar Inc. was issuing shares and was buying a British company WSP Group PLC for $442 million. This was a whopping 67% premium to the share price. Yet with WSP having 9000 employees, the price does not seem all that huge.

I know nothing about Genivar and had never heard of it and I would have no reason to have ever heard of WSP Group. What I find encouraging is that companies are being taken over at HUGE premiums like this. Basically on standard present value analysis a lot of companies look very cheap and that is why we see takeovers at premiums.

June 6, 2012

Well, who’d a thunk the DOW would rise 287 points today, 2.4%? or the TSX 126 points or 1.1%

Apparently the market rose on hopes of government intervention (interference?) into the economy including bank bailouts in Spain and additional monetary easing in the U.S.

When we get gains based on rumors of government actions, those gains can certainly reverse in a hurry. In the long term what matters is holding good companies at reasonable prices.

I am currently reviewing FirstService. It had a good 2011 but its Q1 was weaker. I expect to update the report within a few days.

Canadian dollar rose almost 1 cent today to 97.35 cents after getting down close top 96 cents lately. If the dollar rises that hurts the U.S. investments of Canadian Investors. But long term I don’ think the level of the dollar is that big a deal as far as investments. If a stock doubles in ten years and the dollar moves 15 cents that is not a huge big deal.

I figure the Canadian dollar has an equal chance of rising or falling from here. If it fell to low 90’s I’d be tempted to sell some American stocks but then again my plan was just to keep those funds in U.S. dollars so why should I speculate on the currency? It is easier to find stocks that will be good investments (there are lots of them) than to try to predict currency movements. so why noit play the easier game. In stocks the average investor can win (average investor collects profits from customers of the business) and get a positive return. In currency trading there is a loser for every winner and it is a zero-sum game, negative after costs. Currency trading is more like Vegas, stock investing is more like being a business owner.

June 5, 2012

Markets were a bit more cooperative today with most of our stocks rising. This despite continued negative news out of Europe.

June 4, 2012

With Toll Brothers down another 5% today I added to my holdings. Over the years I have found that by trying to select good companies and generally holding though the down times and buying at lower prices I have been able to beat the market averages. But it has been stressful at times.

June 3, 2012

As of 9 pm eastern on Sunday evening, the Dow futures were down 100 points… I imagine markets will continue to lurch around and that sometimes they will lurch upwards and sometimes downward.

Yesterday I mentioned Toll Brothers which got fairly clobbered the past few days. I was looking today at its annual report. It strikes me as a very well managed company. The type of company Warren Buffett would be interested in if it ever came up for sale. However as a public company with no controlling shareholder it is unlikely it would ever be offered for sale to Berkshire (he avoids bidding wars). I would consider adding to my position in this company. But right now I a, already fully invested.

June 2, 2012

Friday’s market was certainly a reminder that the road to stock market wealth does not proceed in a smooth fashion.

The Dow was down 2.2% and is now down 0.8% in 2012 or about even after considering dividends. The S&P 500 index was down 2.5% on Friday but is still up 1.6% or 2012 of about 2.5% with dividends included. The Toronto market was down 1.3% on Friday and is down 5.0% in 2012.

Our stock picks seemed to enthusiastically join in the misery on Friday with, notably, Toll Brothers down 7.5% and Wells Fargo down 5.9% and Stantec down 5.0%.  (I did mention under May 2 that Toll was looking expensive and note that it was marked Speculative Buy and the word Speculative was obviously there for a reason)

Rare bright spots were Canadian Tire up 0.9% and Liquor Stores N.A. up 1.2%

The value of a Canadian dollar in terms of U.S. currency plunged about 4% in May and this cushioned the decline in U.S. stock values for Canadian investors.

Our Buys / Strong Buys are up an average of 4.0% in 2012 (without considering currency impacts or dividends) and that handily beats the markets. My own portfolio, which is heavily concentrated in relatively few stocks is still up a very satisfying 10.5% in 2012 as of today.

It is of course hard not to be worried about the world economy at this point. I certainly don’t offer any guarantees or even predictions regarding where stock prices will head. I simply try to identify companies that appear to be good investments and which logic suggests will be good investments over the longer term. Buffett has always said that he can’t predict the short term direction of stocks nor does he think anyone else can. But he has had a certain modicum of success by buying good companies at reasonably (or better yet unreasonably) low prices.

May 31, 2012

Our stocks picks did fairly well today. Walmart at $65.82 could soon reach a new all-time high surpassing its old record close which was just under $70. If so it has been a long time coming since its record high was in late 1999. But as I have often said that is not Walmart’s fault. Walmart’s earnings per share are up a staggering 370% since 1999. In 1999 the earnings were 99 cents per share. It was sheer investor stupidity that drove its share to almost $70 and more than 70 times earnings in late 1999.

It is not always the case that a company should be blamed for a share price that under-performs. Investors in late 1999 simply drove the share price far too high. Walmart did its job of growing earnings. Companies cannot be responsible for investor stupidity.

Markets continue to be very skittish and unpredictable (in hind sight markets seem like they were more predictable in the past but looking forward they are actually ALWAYS unpredictable). Tomorrow, Friday, the market may focus on the jobs report. As investors we are probably well served to keep our eyes on corporate profitability. We can’t control the markets but we can choose to be invested in stocks that appear to offer good value.

You know, it is fair to say that the 2008 financial crisis was largely precipitated by faulty notions of risk measurement. This continues today as sovereign debt is counted as zero risk for banks. It’s ludicrous. Pension funds and banks rush to put money into long-term government bonds that are guaranteed to be, at best, very mediocre investments. Regulations and faulty notions of risk prevent the banks and pension companies and insurance companies from investing in equity shares which are virtually certain to provide better returns than long-term government bonds in the next two decades or so.

May 30, 2012

On Tuesday the market gaveth and on Wednesday it tooketh that away and more. Such is the nature of markets.

Canadian Tire announced it will close a almost 100 of its  sports stores (former Forzani Group Ltd. stores). This is 20% of the FGL stores. But it will replace those with new and expanded Sport Chek locations. This seems like a logical move, they had too many different store names. As much as anything it seems to be indicative of Canadian Tire aggressively managing this business. There will however be a $26 million pret-tax unusual expense for this matter booked in Q2. This move could result in Canadian Tire shares continuing to languish unless the rest of its business reports strong growth in Q2 (which is quite possible).

Canadian Western Bank will release earnings very shortly. I suspect they will report good numbers.

Shaw Communications looks quite attractive on a P/E basis and for its dividend. And the Shaw family is buying more shares. However, the market is worried about the “game-changing” impacts of the availability of television through internet streaming and also the issue of competition with Telus TV. If my own cable bill is any indication, Shaw will continue to do well. But I don’t claim to be able to predict the impact of technology longer term. I am comfortable holding some Shaw shares. It would be nice if they would sell off their wireless phone spectrum for a profit…  Canadian Western Bank is probably the safer bet it has up-side and probably not a lot of downside in the longer term.

May 29, 2012

I have updated the composition of my own portfolio.

Perhaps surprisingly, amid  the gloom, stocks did well today.

With Stantec down somewhat yesterday, Monday, I added to my position in that stock.

Walmart is updated and rated Buy at $65.31. While Walmart’s stock is “knocked” for still being below its 1999 peak of about $70, the company itself has performed very well. Earnings per share have increased relentlessly at about 12% per year on average in the past decade. The stock unfortunately had gotten way over valued by 1999 as investors were projecting growth closer to 20%. I feel comfortable owning it. We could have rated it (higher) Buy, but there is a scandal hanging over it in regard to paying bribes to acquire licenses to build stores in Mexico.

May 27, 2012

Stantec Inc. is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at CAN $31.25 or U.S. $30.15

Stantec has been growing its earnings per share relatively steadily for many many years and appears set to continue to do so, although probably at a somewhat lower rate than in the past. It seems like a good bet to forecast that the share price will be double in ten years.

Stantec’s history can be used to dispel several stock market myths.

Note that Stantec’s stock price has risen 1,150% from $2.50 to $31.25 over the 13 years since it was first added to this web-site in September of 1999 (This web-site was started in June of 1999). At that time, Stantec’s earnings per share were about 25 cents per share (split adjusted) and now are $2.46 per share (on an adjusted basis where a recent goodwill impairment is added back and a small amount of amortization of customer lists and purchased backlog is also added back).

Myth one: It is popular among relatively uninformed investors to proclaim that only dividends matter. This is patently false. It is true that a strategy of investing only in dividend stocks can be a very good strategy. But it is completely wrong to suggest that there can be no return without a dividend. In fact a dividend is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition to insure a good return. Stantec rose 1150% in 13 years before only recently implementing a small dividend. Any suggest that the returns from the capital gain are some how “paper” or not real until an investor sells is completely bonkers and shows a lack of knowledge. Even more dramatically Warren Buffett has taken Berkshire shares from $15 in 1965 to $120,000 today and no dividend has been paid (actually there was a single dividend of 10 cents in 1967 when Buffett controlled the company but was not acting as CEO). To suggest that Buffett and the other Berkshire shareholders have only made “paper” gains is sheer madness.  On the other side of the ledger, the fact that Yellow (pages) media was paying a hefty dividend not so long ago did not stop that entity from being an abysmal investment.

Myth two: In order to really prosper a company has to have some competitive advantage. Stantec does not appear to have enjoyed any particular inherent competitive advantage over the years. It was basically management skill that led to its success.

Myth three: Organic growth is what really counts, growth by acquisition is not as valuable. Well it is certainly true that often growth by acquisition does not work out well. (See Nortel). It is easy to destroy value by over-paying in acquisitions. But Stantec has grown largely by acquisition and has achieved exceptional success. Not only has it grown net income hugely, but much more importantly it has gown net income per share hugely.

I suspect that this is a company that Warren Buffett would look upon with favor.

May 24, 2012

Our stock picks made modest progress today.

The lower Canadian dollar has helped out for Canadians holding U.S. stocks. At 97.3 cents I don’t have any particular idea of where the Canadian dollar will head. I did conclude that buying U.S. stocks when the Canadian dollar was over $1.00 would probably work out okay. Over a long period of time the fluctuation in the Canadian dollar is probably not going to be a big factor in our returns. It’s much more important to be in good stocks then it is to worry about the U.S. dollar versus the Canadian.

May 23, 2012

Toll brothers reported earnings early this morning. The earnings and sales figures were good. However, Toll Brothers is already pricing in a lot of good news and will need to continue to improve to justify its current stock price of $27.75. I bought it almost a year ago at around $21 and added later mostly at lower prices for an average cost of about  $20. I bought it a way to “play” a U.S. housing recovery and it has worked out so far. The results from Toll brothers do show an improved U.S. housing market. This bodes well for Wells Fargo and Bank of America (and indirectly for most U.S. companies).

May 22, 2012

Melcor (real estate) Developments is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $15.55. If you wish to own a real estate investment, Melcor seems like a good choice. It does not have a high dividend but instead invests most of the earnings for growth (and has not issued any new shares in at least a decade). I would far rather own this at 82% of book than RioCan at about 150% of book. Both companies mark their rental buildings to market value. But Melcor’s largest asset is a land inventory that is not marked to market and is likely worth more than its book value. Both companies would post losses on market value if interest rates rise significantly. Melcor however could suffer a larger decline in adjusted earnings because its earnings depend largely of sales of building lots rather than collecting rent. If one is confident that the Alberta economy will remain strong then Melcor looks quite attractive. Note that the Melcor shares are thinly traded. with patience you may be able to buy at a better price. Click the price in the table above and study the trading prices in the past few days or weeks before attempting to buy.

It would seem that markets are vulnerable to the continued madness in Europe. However that has continuously been the case for many months. It may be wise to position with some cash in case a market “correction”. However, I am not prepared to put my investing on hold due to such fears. The time to buy shares is when the money available and they seem well priced. The only time to reduce equity positions substantially is probably during stock market bubbles. Stocks are certainly not in bubble territory. Yes, they could decline regarding the Europe situation but other than perhaps some trimming to have cash available I am not going attempt to guess the impact of the situation in Europe.

Between yesterday (with U.S. markets open) and today, our stocks picks did quite well.

As of 12:30 am eastern time markets are set to open about 50 points down on the DOW (never a dull moment, it seems).

May 20, 2012

Canadian Tire is updated and rates (lower) Strong Buy at $65.82. The valuation here looks excellent with the shares trading at only 1.2 times book value despite the 11% ROE. And the company owns substantial amounts of real estate that is carried at lower historic values.

May 17, 2012

Today’s winner was Walmart, up 4.2% after reporting strong earnings. Honorable mention to RIM, up 4.0%. And consolation prize to Liquor Stores N.A. up 1.9% perhaps on the theory that recent market declines will drive us to drink. Just about all the rest of our stock picks were down.


May 16, 2012

Among the very few bright spots for our Stock Picks in today’s trading was Constellation Software which was up 3.1% to $90.74. Canadian Tire was down another 0.9%. Showing the courage of my convictions I bought another 200 shares.

While in an ideal world, all our stock picks would rise steadily, that is not realistic. I certainly don’t believe that the market always gets it right when it comes to stock prices. If I did, I would have to stick to buying a broad stock market index fund.

The stock market gives us opportunities by often under-pricing or over-pricing stocks. While it is not easy to do, that feature of the market can be taken advantage of by buying what is under-priced and then selling if it happens to become clearly over-priced or relatively over-priced compared to other opportunities. Given that our stock picking service would have no reason to exist if not for mis-pricing in the market, I can hardly get upset by Canadian Tire’s little swoon here.

Of course it may be the case that Canadian Tire is not under-priced at all. My analysis suggests it is. Others disagree. The consensus of the market opinion is of course that its current price is fair. I have found and documented over the past 12 years that buying stocks that appear under-priced has worked out well for me. But even if my batting average is pretty good, it is certainly not 100%. I happen to think (based on the analysis) that Canadian Tire will be a good investment. But the validity of that belief will only be known over the future months and years (perhaps many months). Meanwhile the market will, if nothing else, provide excitement along the way.

In other news it was reported today that U.S. house starts are running at an annual 715,000, well above the 578,000 of a year ago although down from the 749,000 annualized figure from last month. Home builder sentiment also rose to the highest level in five years. This bodes well for Toll Brothers and also for the U.S. economy in general.

Lower oil prices are hurting the Canadian stock market but will help the North American economy.

My TSX valuation article suggests that the TSX index as a whole is under-valued. That article suggested that a fair value was 13,216 which is some 17% above the current level. That certainly does not meant that the TSX can be expected to rise soon. What it does suggest (but not guarantee) is that buying the TSX index at this level is a rational move supported by analysis and should turn out to be a good investment.

I also added 1000 more shares of Bank of America to my position today at about $7.11.

As I write this around mid-night eastern time the Dow futures are up 49 points, suggesting Thursday will be a better day in the markets.

May 15, 2012

It was another weak day in the markets.  A few of our stock picks did manage gains. Toll Brothers the U.S. house builder was up 1.8% and is up a total of 33% this year to date. It does look quite expensive because earnings have certainly not recovered. So far it has been a good way to bet on the U.S. housing recovery. It would be a more speculative pick at this point.

Boston Pizza was up 1.6% and has recovered from its unjustified swoon of last week.

Canadian Tire was down another 1.1%. It’s trading at 1.24 times book value and its assets include some land and buildings that are surely worth far more than book. It is trading at 11.5 times earnings and has been exhibiting reasonable growth. I believe it is a buying opportunity with a good risk / reward profile.

A couple of our stock picks that have declined somewhat and that I think are attractive include Visa and Canadian Western Bank. 

May 14, 2012

As you will no-doubt be aware, Monday was a poor day in the markets. And our stock picks certainly got hit. Most notably Canadian Tire was down 3.1%. I don’t see the justification for that. I have read their Q1 report from last week and they appear be firing on all cylinders. It seems the threat of Target coming into Canada is holding back the stock price. Also I did see that certain expenses were up in Q1 more than perhaps they should have been. Some of these may have been temporary. But there was also some indication of facing higher rents at the former Forzani Group locations as leases expire. But overall the Q1 report seemed very positive.  With this company trading at 12.5 times earnings and still growing, I am tempted to add to my position. If I did not own own it I would definitely consider buying.

Much is being made of the trading loss at J.P. Morgan. I have no real basis to have an opinion on that stock but I know Buffett owns it personally and I suspect this swoon is a buying opportunity. It seems like a far-fetched exaggeration to suggest that this loss to this giant company is really indicative of risks to taxpayers.

I would also consider Bank of America now at $7.35

May 13, 2012

Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund is updated and rated Buy at $17.87. Basically it pays a cash distribution of 6.6% and the distribution should grow with inflation but not much beyond inflation.  We were pleasantly surprised to see the units rise 26% this year to date. Investors should not expect too much in the way of gains. This investment is attractive for its yield.

Last week there was a strange development in these units . On Wednesday morning it announced a loss on A GAAP basis but indicated that the cash distributions were unaffected by this “loss”. Upon investigation, we agree, this particular “loss” is a strange accounting artifact and is not a true loss at all. The stock opened almost 10% lower at $16.00. By t  the time I attempted to place a trade it was back up slightly to $16.35. I placed an order for 500 at $16.50. A few minutes later it was back to $16.15 so I placed an order to buy at that price. Strangely enough my $16.50 order actually got filled at $16.21 and I got 400 at $16.15 as well. This worked out well as the units recovered to $17.35 by the end of Wednesday and $17.87 by Friday.

In fact the Q1 earnings were quite strong and the little swoon in the price was unjustified but just reflected the fact that some people (quite understandably) got spooked by the loss on a GAAP basis. It would be complicated to explain it but the loss resulted from a liability being marked to market higher due to the higher prices of the units. But in substance this particular liability is not a liability at all and represents effectively ownership by Boston Pizza International and is just an accounting artifact. (I realize that is about as clear as mud, but it’s the best I can do without getting into a long story). I don’t ignore GAAP accounting lightly, but in this case it did a poor job of reflecting economic reality.


May 10, 2012

Canadian Tire reported strong results this morning and was up 4.2% to $70.23. This is my second largest holding. It has done reasonably well. I feel very comfortable that the earnings and particularly the assets support the share price with a reasonable margin of safety. “The market” appears to fear it will get clobbered by Target. We shall see, Target for one thing has bought into high-cost leases but may still price aggressively. I am not sure there is all that much overlap with Cnadian Tire but clearly Target will pick up business from many retailers and does increase the competitive landscape somewhat. Still, I think Canadian Tire remains a a good investment. If you do a search for Canadian Tire on this page you can see I have been quite bullish on it. Especially last August when it was briefly under $53 (remember the debt ceiling fisaco that sank stocks in August?)

Melcor reported after the close today and had good although not spectacular earnings. But Melcor trades just under book values and appears to be a good investment. With the continued strong economy in Alberta it should do well. In the ling run it will be cyclic however and profits can be hit hard in recessions. Also its rental building values will drop if interest rates rise and this will flow to earnings as a loss. But I would certainly rather hold Melcor trading at just under book value than RioCan trading at 1.5 times book value (Both have their rental buildings fully marked to market, and RioCan profits (but not cash flows) would be hit hard if interest rates rose). I have been consistently positive on Melcor for some time.

I plan to updates the reports for Canadian Tire and Melcor within a few days. Also likely Walmart.

After the close today it was announced that JP Morgan had experienced some kind of unexpected trading loss of $2 billion. To me it’s another example of why I have never believed much in the whole concept of risk management. Many risk management procedures may in fact add to risk because they make people think they can measure the unknowable. They make people too reliant on black box systems and formulas.

All big American banks may get hit on this news on Friday. But Wells Fargo does not engage in much if any of the proprietary trading activities and hedging that led to this loss. It could be an opportunity to add to Bank of America.

May 9, 2012 (10:15 am eastern time)

I added to my Boston Pizza units this morning. The company has reported earnings. It lost money under GAAP rules. However distributable cash flow was okay and same store sales were up 7.5%. I have not analyzed it in detail but it appears the loss is due to a revaluation on the liability to issue certain shares. The liability is higher due to the higher unit price that has occurred since December 31. There are indeed some strange accounting features on this entity. The main driver of the share price is interest rates and same store sales increases. Same store sales are up and interest rates remain low. Therefore I don’t think the little swoon in share price today was necessarily justified and I bought more shares. It is thinly traded so place fixed price orders rather than market price orders.

May 8, 2012

The market down-draft that was supposed to happen Monday came a day late.

In Canada we had news that housing starts are running at 245,000 per year. Meanwhile the U.S. is running at about 680,000. If you consider the usual rule of thumb that the U.S. economy and population is about 10 times that of Canada you see that Canada is enormously stronger than the U.S. Most observers feel that Canada’s housing starts are running too high while America’s are probably half where they should be. The U.S. is forming new households about twice as fast as it builds new houses and this is slowly bringing down the excess supply of houses in the U.S.

In Canada the strong housing starts bodes well for Melcor. It should report Q1 earnings before long and I expect a good report and probably a good outlook.

I was tempted to add to my Canadian Tire position today with the stock down 2.3%. It reports earnings on Friday, so I will most likely wait to see the earnings.

May 7, 2012

As of Sunday and even as of Monday morning it looked like markets would be down noticeable on Monday. Instead they ended up fairly flat on the day.

Banks including Wells Fargo and Bank America were up (1.4% and 2.8%, respectively). Berkshire Hathaway was up 1.9%.

Yellow Media reported today and wrote off all of its goodwill. What a sad story this is. I have not looked at it too closely but basically it appears it way over-paid for various business and blew its brains out (assuming it had any) with debt. As of the end of 2009 it reported equity of $5.2 billion but assets included $6.3 billion and another 2.0 billion in intangibles. So it had no tangible equity. Sometimes, that is okay, goodwill can sometimes be worth what was paid for it and more. But not in this case. Today it reports negative equity, in other words it reports its net worth to be significantly less than zero. Disgusting. But I suspect Mark Tellier and his top managers will still have done okay over the years. Must not be a proud moment for his dad, Paul Tellier (former highly competent CN President, among many other accomplishments)

There are probably a lot of lessons in there for investors.

And Yellow Pages was to some degree a product of the financial engineering and tax evasion scheme called Income Trusts. Many of those defined gravity by paying out more in distributions than they made in earnings. Well, for a while they did. When something can’t go on forever, it doesn’t.

May 6, 2012

Election outcomes in France and Greece this weekend are considered negative for markets. Dow futures were down 131 points as of 11 pm eastern time. Perhaps Buffett will get his chance to buy back some Berkshire shares tomorrow. This is going to create some bargains but will feel painful.

May 4, 2012

Berkshire Hathaway is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $80.94. The Q1 earnings just come out today and were quite good. In particular, the book value per share soared about 6.5% in the quarter due to gains on various investments. Berkshire will buy back shares if the price falls below $78.17 which is 110% of book value. If the economy keeps improving, even slowly, Berkshire should continue to have a strong year in 2012 and since the shares are only at 114% of book value, the shares would likely rise as earnings rise.

It was a weak day in the markets. Markets however are volatile by nature. It’s not something that should particularly concern long-term investors.

May 3, 2012

The TSX was down another 1.8% today. The Dow was down 0.5% and the S&P 500 was down 0.8%.

Constellation Software was down 6.9% today, presumable because its earnings while pretty good were not high enough for the lofty expectations of this stock. We have seen volatility in this stock before and that will no doubt continue.

RIM has continued on down. It looks very cheap but of course the fear is that its sales are going to plummet. It’s not clear if they can turn it around or do some kind of sale of the company or major partnership.

Tomorrow’s (Friday) market will depend a lot on how the jobs report comes out… expectations are weak at this point. Hopefully the report can beat the now lowered expectations.

Tomorrow or Saturday morning Berkshire Hathaway will report earnings.

It’s looking like the TMX deal will go ahead although there are certainly still some hurdles.

The troubles at SNC Lavalin seem to be growing. Veritas Investment research has suggested that the earnings may even have been manipulated for some years. I have never looked at the company but this looks ugly. It is surprising to see this sort of thing at a large Canadian engineering company. One thing that always comes out of these events is some kind of shareholder lawsuits. That would be okay if it meant that any guilty managers or their insurance company would pay. But more often we get the perverse situation of the company (its continuing long term shareholders) paying out a smaller group of transient share holders. And usually the lawyers take much of the money. For example some shareholders got money out of Nortel while long-term shareholders in effect paid for that. Totally perverse.

May 2, 2012

The Canadian market was down 0.8% today at 12,230. This market has not done well at all after reaching levels over 14,000 in early 2011. The trailing TSX P/E ratio is 15.7 which suggests that the index is perhaps fairly valued at this time.

The U.S. market was down much of today but ended up down only modestly.

Constellation Software reported Q1 earnings after the close that seems reasonably good but probably no better than expected.

Visa reported earnings growth after the close of 30%causing me to ask myself why I don’t own this company which I have often said is basically an unregulated monopoly (from the point of view of merchants). I had sold my shares sometime last year just to raise some cash at a time when markets seemed especially vulnerable (remember the debt ceiling crisis last August?) Well I probably put that cash mostly to good use in the interim but nevertheless wish I had ben able to hold the Visa.

In general we continue to see good earnings reports but the market also worries about the economy and Europe and so the direction of the market is uncertain (but then again, when was it ever certain except in rose-colored memory?)

Given the uncertainty I am somewhat torn between trimming some positions, especially if they rise further and just staying put or even throwing into equities what little remaining cash is in my accounts.

Toll brothers was up 1.6% today and at one point was up over 3%. It has done very well and may continue to do well as new house building recovers in the U.S. However it does look expensive at this point.

May 1, 2012

It was a strong day in the markets. Looking at our stock picks we had Bank of America up 2.5%, Toll brothers up 2.1%, Wells Fargo up 2.0%.

I am taking a look at Genworth Financial which is a private mortgage insurer and a competitor to CMHC.

On the surface it looks like a good investment. But it is risky. It does have very good disclosure of the mortgage insurance business. From what I recall CMHC’s annual report does a terrible job of explaining the business.

As I read Genworth’s material, the problem I am reflecting on is that it has no way of knowing the true probability of a house price decline combined with a recession and what that could do to its claims experience. In an extreme scenario it could be wiped out. Now the same is sort of true for Canadian Banks except that the banks actually benefit from insurance on the vast majority of their residential mortgage loans. And banks have pretty good experience with how commercial loan losses behave in a deep recession.

Canada actually does not appear to be under any material threat of a deep recession,. But it most definitely faces the threat of a relatively significant decline in house prices especially if interest rates rise back to normal or even rational levels. And basically no one knows how home owners would react to that. Yes, we have had significant house price declines in the past. But I think we are something of a new paradigm now with house prices that are far larger multiples of income than ever before. And with household debt at huge levels due to both high mortgages and due to the availability of lines of credit. Homeowners in the early 80’s recession and the early 90’s recession, with few exceptions, buckled down and managed to pay their mortgages even when house prices declined. But how relevant is that experience this time when the mortgages are so much larger compared to income and other debts so much higher as well? A lot more people may declare bankruptcy if we get a big house price reduction.

My point is not that I am worried about a house price crash. My point is that under that scenario the rosy financial picture at Genworth could deteriorate rapidly (to the point of being wiped out) and I am not sure that the probability involved is even something anyone could reasonably estimate.

So, despite Genworth looking cheap, I just don’t know that I would want to invest in it. I am attracted to companies that make strong profits. But really, Genworth has only a vague idea of what its real profits are. Its future claims are estimates by nature.


April 30, 2012

The TMX Group appears to be moving closer to an acquisition by the Maple Acquisition Group.

They had a press release on Friday afternoon at 1:43 pm which although a bit cryptic seemed to indicate takeover was progressing and that the Competition bureau concerns might be overcome. The stock shot up about 5.5% on that news. (This was material news released by a company and in my opinion there should have been a trading halt. I have filed a complaint with the regulator about this). Today Monday, after the close, the TMX and Maple released further information which again seems to indicate the acquisition may proceed (although hurdles remain).

Monday’s press release indicated that Maple would acquire 70 to 80% of the TMX shares at $50. The market has at least until not not been totally convinced that the sale would happen. The shares had been $42.75 on Friday before the afternoon press release an closed today at $45.10. As I said below on February 26, it may have been a reasonable speculative pick at around $42 (and that is possibly true  even at the $45, but I will not be buying any). It will likely rise tomorrow so I suppose the time to buy may have passed. If it is bought for $50, I believe one option will be to take the maximum possible shares int eh new entity rather than cash. And the new TMX / Alpha should continue to be a big money-maker.

I have been skeptical that the Competition Bureau would allow this transaction. To my mind the TMX itself is pretty close to a monopoly and I am don’t think it ever should have been allowed to operate as an unregulated-as-to-price monopoly. And it beggars belief to think that the competition Bureau can now allow it to combine under common ownership with its main competitor which is an alternative exchange called Alpha. (What are they going to do? make a rule that the two exchanges will still compete despite common ownership?) But the parties to this take-over seem to think it will go ahead although they also seem to indicate that they may not know before the end of July. So no one should hold their breath expecting a rapid payout of any $50 amount per share from Maple.

In the next couple of weeks we should get earnings releases from some of our higher rated companies. I am eager in particular to see the results for Melcor (should be strong but I am not sure about the outlook), Canadian Tire and Walmart.

April 26, 2012

A nice day on the markets… Toll Brothers was a notable winner up 3.9%, also a partial recovery on Walmart.

Natural Gas

Natural gas prices have fallen to a ten year low. (And now recovered a little bit) Now I don’t know anything at all about the economics of producing natural gas either conventionally or from shale. But it seems to me that buying this commodity at a ten year low would not be a bad idea.

Ideally the investment might be a company that has a strong balance sheet and has vast stores of low-cost natural gas (shale) in the ground. Unfortunately I don’t know of any such company.

What I would consider doing as a bet on natural gas would be to look at one of the natural gas ETFs on my list of exchange traded funds

There is the Alberta natural Gas ETF from Claymore under symbol GAS

There is also January NYMEX contract under HUN and the symbols on my list include a natural gas double bull ETF for braver souls.

Both of these have of course fallen drastically in the past year. Perhaps it is a pure speculation to try these and I don’t know if I will bother at all. But if one has a strong itch to bet on a gas price recovery this is one way to do it.

I would also mention that if natural gas prices stay very low then I would think that at some point it would start to hurt the Alberta economy. I have not heard anything but at some point I would think a lot of gas is going to get shut in and a lot of gas drilling rigs are going top go idle if they have not already.

And by the way Buffett / Berkshire Hathaway made a bad bet buying the bonds of a Texas utility whose prospects depended heavily on natural gas. He wrote off $1.4 billion of that in 2010 and 2011 but has another $0.9 billion left that he said could be wiped out if natural gas stayed low. So we may see some write off of that in Q1. Still, I think Berkshire Hathaway will most likely report a decent Q1. Bufffett made a bet linked to natural gas that has turned out bad, but that bet was made at substanitally higher gas prices than today.

April 25, 2012

We continue to see mixed signals in the markets. North America and earnings doing well, some of Europe seemingly circling the drain…

Couche-Tard has continued to do well now at $41.50. It may well have been a mistake for me to have sold at around $40. I did well on the company. But I have quite a high opinion of its and I may have snatched only a small victory here when a larger victory was possible. I did place an order to buy half back at $37.60 and it subsequently did get as low as $38.60 a couple of days ago but it does not appear to be headed back to $37.60 anytime soon, if ever. I sold partly just because I have a very high exposure to equities. At first I sold only half the day it “popped” but then it initially started to slip and then recovered and I sold the other half (oops). Anyhow, there probably are better investments… the problem is though to find them. Buffett often suggests when you find a well managed company that seems to have a competitive advantage, just stick with it and don’t be too eager to sell.

April 24, 2012

Walmart dropped a further 3.0% today to $57.77.

Walmart, today, during trading hours, released a statement on this matter. To me the statement is very weak in that it was not delivered by the CEO or Chairman. It points to the excuse that these matters were from six years ago and basically says the audit committee  is looking into this.

The stock may start to recover if and when more concrete action is seen from the Board. The main executive involved is scheduled to retire in July. At the least he should be sent packing right now. Also I don’t know why any company would keep a former CEO on the Board (because they will often tend to try to still act like a CEO). Former CEO Lee Scott who is on the board should be sent packing as well because he was CEO at the time of the allegations and apparently swept them under the rug at that time. Current CEO Duke also probably has to go because he was involved in the sweeping up as well.

I added a little to my position in Walmart today because I don’t think this matter has long term impacts on Walmart’s profitability or growth. They can deal with it and move on.

In other news, corporate earnings are continuing to come in higher than expected. In particular Apple reported very stron results after the close and this should push markets higher tomorrow (all else equal).

April 23, 2012

I sent out a newsletter yesterday with a link to a new article on how much money has to be saved and for how long, to amass one million dollars in stocks.

It feels a bit elitist to talk about getting one million in stocks. But then again we live in a world where 20-somethings are buying their first homes at a half million dollars and more in many parts of the country. That being the case any middle class person without a good pension plan who plans to stay middle class probably needs a million dollar portfolio by the time they retire. (With a good pension plan, nothing else is truly needed, but is certainly nice to have).

Walmart dropped 4.7% today to $59.54 on news that it had not only bribed officials in Mexico several years ago but (more seriously) that top management swept the matter under the rug when they learned of it.

The trading action here offers a lesson or two. 1. Once this news hit on the weekend there was no escaping it, the stock opened down about 4.8% this morning. By the time the stock opened for trading, this news was well known no one was able to sell their shares before the news spread. that’s fair. (I assume the same occurred in the oxymoronic pre-market trading (the market before the market?) but I am not sure about that.

  1. This is described as investors sold off Walmart. Well sort of… except that for every share sold there was a buyer. So really investors pushed the price down. Some investors sold at around $59.50 and some bought. In the net no money was “pulled out” of Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is worth 4.7% less than it was on Friday but the money was not “pulled out”. Rather that money (or more properly, that wealth) simply evaporated into thin air).
  2. This illustrates that unexpected crap can happen at any time to any stock.

In the long run it’s unlikely this will have much impact on the value of Walmart but it could stunt it for a while.

Hopefully the Board of Directors will step up and “whack” some people. It may very well be that the CEO has to go.

In other news it was a generally down day in the markets due to concerns about Europe and world growth.

As much as doom sayers wail about the U.S. government debt and money printing, the yield on U’S. bonds was actually down today as people clamored to buy 10 year bonds at a yield of 1.96% which is below expected inflation. It makes no sense really, it just “is”. I certainly don’t think the U.S. government debt is a good thing at all, but that does not mean that the collapse of its currency is in the cards.

I added to my Bank of America position today, taking advantage of the lower price.

April 21, 2012

Comment on Bank of America.

Bank of America released earnings last week. This is a complex company. After reading its earnings press release and looking at the financials in the supplemental release and looking at its Q1 presentation, I conclude the company is really too complex for the type of analysis that I do. It’s earnings have not yet recovered from the credit crisis and are subject a number of large unusual gains and losses.

I own it and I am interested in it because the shares are selling well below book value. If, as expected, it continues to recover then the share price should rise substantially. I normally don’t look at analyst forecast earnings as they tend to be optimistic. In this case the actual recent earnings are not reflective of what it will likely be earning in the next year or two. It trades at 8 times projected 2013 earnings which is an attractive price if those 2013 earnings do in fact materialize. It trades at 42% of book value and 65% of tangible book value (which deducts goodwill).

It definitely has risks including the outcome of litigation related to mortgage activities. If the U.S. housing market and economy continues to slowly improve this stock should do well although it is also subject to company-specific risks that could cause it to lag even if the economy and other banks do well.

I consider it to be definitely speculative I also consider it to have a good probability of being a very good investment over the next year or two.

I am considering adding to my holdings even though it already accounts for 5.1% of my portfolio (I have a very concentrated portfolio).

If things go well and this stock recover significantly then my longer term plan would be to sell and to not keep this company on our list in the long term.

April 19, 2012

It was a moderately negative day int eh markets. Couche-Tard went down a bit to $38.75. I threw in an order to buy back half of what I sold at $37.60 if it happens to dip down. (I sold all my shares on the big jump yesterday).

I notice eBay took a big jump today. I had only rated eBay a weak Buy /hold at the start of this year. But I did certainly have some good things to say about it in the report as well.

There was a large take-over offer in the biotech filed today with Glaxo SmithKline bidding a big premium for Human Genone Sciences (I believe it was around a 70% premium to the stock price or more). What I take from this ist aht we are seeing take over bids well above share prices. Buffett has often said over the decades that when shares are trading in the market at big discounts to what buyers will pay in acquisitions that is usually a good investment. Buffett’s ultimate calculation of value involves the outlook for free cashflow growth, how much cash a company will spit out from now to eternity. But he has suggested that the price paid by in acquisitions is a measure he has looked at as well, at least in his earlier days.

I have basically never looked at any of the big pharma stocks although it seems like a growth sector for sure. The difficulty might be to find a pharma stock that is predictable and not overly dependent on finding the cure for cancer sort of thing. It may not be an area where financial statement analysis works well.

April 18, 2012

The big news today was that Alimentation Couche-Tard was making a huge acquisition of Statoil Fuel and Retail fuel / convenience stores in Scandanavia / Eastern Europe. Couche-Tard closed up $15.4% on this news. And this was on top of being up several percent in the past few days before this announcement.

It is more usual for the price of an acquiring company to decline rather than increase. In this case “the market” is pleased with the acquisition.

Our last update on Couche-Tard was December 11 and we rated it (lower) Strong Buy at $29.95. It closed today at $39.60. I have a high opinion of management.

I was not sure if I should sell my shares at this point or continue to ride along with the good track record here. I decided to sell. So I am not holding any now but made a very nice gain today. And I was up very close to 100% on these shares since I bought in July 2010.

Logically and mathematically, the price I paid for the share should not enter into my decision to sell. But like most investors I can’t help being influenced by the fact that I had a large gain. It made it easier to decide to sell.

I may well regret selling since Couche-Tard could very well continue to grow at a good rate for amny years. Buffett’s approach would likely be to hold.

I don’t have an updated rating on the company.

I am not completely impressed by the fact that the company focuses on the price as a multiple of EBITDAR, rather than price to earnings. However, they certainly have a very strong track record and so one has to give them some benefit of the doubt.

It’s rather astounding to think that yesterday we could have bought shares in this company for Norwegian 35 and yet today we are all excited because a company will buy it at 53. So excited that we drive the price of the buyer up 15%. If in fact Statoil Fuel and Retail is any kind of bargain at 53 then it must have been a screaming bargain yesterday at 35, but apparently few noticed. These kind of acquisitions suggest that many stocks are indeed quite cheap.

Meanwhile stocks were mostly down a bit today… Well., tomorrow is a new day and we shall see what excitement that brings, if any.

April 17, 2012

Our stock picks did well today, notably Walmart up 2.0%, Toll Brothers up 2.0%,  Walgreen up 5.3%, Fedex up 2.6%.

After the close of regular trading (but during the period of that oxymoronic activity “after hours” trading) Warren Buffett announced that he has stage 1 prostrate cancer. Apparently not a very big deal at his age. Still, it may be an indicator that he won’t still be running Berkshire into his nineties. All good things come to an end eventually. But Berkshire will go on and continue to grow after Buffett is gone. And Buffett will stay as long as he is able which could be another decade for all we know.

Berkshire is unlikely to be down much tomorrow but if it should fall more than 3% on this news, I will probably grab a bit.

Cheap articles are written that accuse Buffett of not having a successor in the wings. That is simply false. He has said for many years that the Berkshire Board regularly has an heir in mind but it is never announced because it changes over time. The opposite approach is the clever one where Conan O’Brian was announced as Jay Leno’s successor about five years in advance. Remember how that worked out?


April 16, 2012 (7:30 am Mountain time, 9:30 eastern)

Markets are set to open higher this morning on good earnings and other economic data. We are in the middle of Q2 earnings season now and markets are reacting to the daily reports.

April 15, 2012

Markets were down noticeably on Friday. My level of concern about this is approximately zero. Yes, markets could fall further, that is always the case. But at the end of the day it is a distraction to the larger picture which is that I am confident of growing my wealth through investing over the years.

Wells Fargo is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $32.84. This is my largest holding and I am quite comfortable holding it. I expect but certainly can’t guarantee good returns from this company.

Wells Fargo is up 27% since we rated it a Strong Buy at $25.86 on October 18. Of course you might also point out that it declined 11% in 2011 and we had rated it Speculative (higher) Buy that year.

Shaw Communications earnings were somewhat disappointing and the stock fell. I have not updated the rating. It’s alue hinges on how competitive the future is going to be.

April 12, 2012

Most everything was up today, the Dow was up 1.4%, Toronto up 1.6%.

Canadian Tire was up 1.6% and sits at a 52 week high. Earnings season continues tomorrow with J P Morgan and Wells Fargo which I suspect will report good numbers. More important will be what they say about the outlook. Most everything that was down a few percent a few days ago has recovered it seems. Never a dull moment it seems.

Cogeco cable in Ontario reported lower profits due to faster write-offs (depreciation) on set top boxes. Possibly the same thing will be true for Shaw Communications. In any event we will know tomorrow (Friday) morning.

April 11, 2012

North American markets were up about 0.7% today after ALco reported better-than-expected earnings.

Of note, Canadian Tire was up 3.0%, Toll Brothers 4.0% and Bank of America 3.7%. Melcor was down 2.7% to $14.37 which I think is a buying opportunity.

Dollarama was up 6.9% to $51.70. It released very strong earnings and raised its dividend 22%. It same store sales were up a very impressive 7.9% and it has increased the store count by (coincidently) also 7.9%, which suggest sales growth of about 16% as a run rate at the moment.

Perhaps I was too conservative thinking it was already fully valued at $43.49 in January. I am definitely impressed with it as a business. It appears to nbe extremely well managed. I just thought it looked too expensive. It is now valued at very close to $6 million per store. Clearly that value is not just for the existing stores but also reflects the ability to continue to open new stores. Dollarama has established itself as a brand in Canada. I must confess I completely missed it and I wish I had looked at it much earlier..

Despite all this performance (actually despite the growth performance but BECAUSE of the stock price performance) I cannot see it as a Buy.

In theory we would expect competition to erode their high margins. But to my knowledge other dollar stores have not posed a big challenge (they lack the scale and the management skill it seems). And the likes of Wal-Mart has not responded. And Zellers has decided to sell off its leases to a better operator (Target). So perhaps the best I can do is to copy those academics who refuse to admit that some people (like Buffett)  CAN beat the market and I am left to sniff that that “What Dollarama is doing might work in practice, but it will never work in theory!”

I am not going to worry much about missing out on Dollarama, it simply did not pass my screens. There will always be lots of stocks going up that I don’t hold. What is important is that the stocks I do hold and rate as Buys do well. And they have been.

I look forward to seeing the earnings from Shaw Communications on Friday. I also understand that Wells Fargo will report on Friday.

Speaking of Wells Fargo which is going to benefit from any housing recovery in the States, I notice Warren Buffett’s Home America company has been in the news buying up three fair sized real estate agencies in the past few months. Buffett has said he is absolutely confident houses will recover somewhat (new households are forming as teenagers come of age and this is happenings quite  a bit faster than houses are being built and so Buffett argues that house construction has to pick up at some point and prices too). Buffett also argues that when house construction recovers the impact on thee unemployment rate is going to be noticeable.

April 10, 2012

Liquor Stores N.A. Ltd (formerly Liquor Stores Income Fund) is added to the list above as a Buy at $17.01. Perhaps this can help quench the thirst for dividends with its 6.3% yield. I would not necessarily count on much growth here although we could get some.

Something to think about with EVERY investment is that even though it may be a Buy that does not necessarily means we should buy it. Ideally we place our money in the best investment we can find while maintaining some level of diversification. I am not sure if I will buy this one or not.

A couple of interesting things I learned. It’s bottom line profit as percent of sales is 3.8%, perhaps about what one might expect. But its gross margin is 25% implying a mark-up on the product that averages 33% and which is higher than I would have expected. For some reason I had the impression liquor had small mark ups at the retail level. But this makes sense. The fact is they need the 33% mark-up in order to arrive at a about 4% on the bottom line.

My pre-existing order to buy some Constellation software got filled today as the market dipped. I also picked up some Toll Brothers given the lower price. This rather rapidly uses up much of the cash I have in my accounts and perhaps I should have retained more cash in case we are unfortunate enough to get some real bargains. If that happens, which is always a possibility, I will scramble to find money to buy on dips as I am wont to do and have pretty much always done.

It will not likely be news to anyone that the U.S. markets were down about 1.7% today and Toronto was down 0.7%. Retail stocks did okay today with Canadian Tire and Couche-Tard up with Wal-Mart down only slightly. Also Canadian investors are helped on our U.S. investments by the decline in the Canadian dollar over the past few days. Unfortunately, the opposite is true for Americans who hold Canadian stocks (and that is the case even if the Cnadian stocks trade in New York). When it comes to currency impacts what matters (setting aside hedging) is the currency sales and costs are in. The reporting currency or the currency it trades in are not important with regard to currency movements.

April 9, 2012

Markets were down 1% on the Dow Jones and 0.7% Toronto.

I see where BMO Capital Markets is expected a flat quarter from Shaw Communications. We will see on Friday morning… I was hoping for better than that.

April 8, 2012

Markets as of Sunday night are predicted to open on Monday morning about 125 points down on the Dow. Personally, I don’t see that as cause for alarm at all. Of course markets could take a big drop, that is always the case. But over time as the economy grows so will stock prices.

Soon we will into the Q1 earnings season. It is earnings and interest rates and not emotions that ultimately drive stock prices in the longer term (but emotions rule the short-term).

April 7, 2012

Two important analysis articles are updated for 2011 year-end data.

The first shows what happened to portfolios  for all the possible 30-year savings periods from 1926 to 1955 all the way to 1982 through 2011 invested in either 1. 100% U.S. stocks (S&P 500 index fund in non-taxable account) or 2. Invested 60% in stocks, 35% in corporate bonds and 5% in cash.

The second shows what happened to one million dollar portfolios for all the possible 30-year retirement periods from 1926 to 1955 all the way to 1982 through 2011 invested in either 1. 100% U.S. stocks (S&P 500 index fund in non-taxable account) or 2. Invested 60% in stocks, 35% in corporate bonds and 5% in cash.

Barry Critchley at Financial Post has written an article about how the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System sold shares in Constellation Software and yet for some reason Constellation agreed to pay some of the costs. I had mentioned the situation to Barry Critchley. It’s not a big deal at all but it seems like a big shareholder took advantage of the little guys here.

April 6, 2012

The latest edition of our free newsletter was sent out today.

Stocks were down on Thursday. And today, Friday the jobs report in the U.S. was disappointing and could send stocks down on Monday.  Nevertheless, I feel good about holding stocks at this time.

The Financial Post’s Barry Critchley indicated to me that he is going to do a story on the share sale by Constellation Software that I have been mentioning. My only concern and it is not a huge concern given the size of the company is why the company should pay any of the costs involved for OMERs to sell shares. While it is small dollars, Constellation strikes my as an exceptionally shareholder friendly and rational company (no or few stock options issued for example). So it was disappointing to see Constellation paying any of the costs which does not seem like a shareholder friendly thing to do. I am looking forward to the story.

April 4, 2012

Markets were down again today… Everyday the market turns its attention to something new. Tomorrow, I believe tit will be the latest jobs reports. Next week of the week after the focus will be on Q1 earnings. It seems to me that the economy is still slowly improving… In fact the market was apparently down in part because the economy has improved enough that the FED will not likely need  another round of buying in bonds (quantitative easing).

April 3, 2012

The Dow was down 0.5% today and the Toronto index was down 1.5%. Our stocks picks were mostly down as well.

I have mentioned the secondary share offering of Constellation Software. This was a sale of shares by a major shareholder (OMERs private equity). Although it was offered under a prospectus filed by Constellation Software, the company received none of the money. No new shares were created. All that happened was that a large insider (OMERs) sold shares to the public.

That got me thinking; what was Constellation’s role in this? Why did Constellation have to file a prospectus and did the company incur any fees and was it reimbursed for its costs? So I emailed the company to ask and the CFO replied that the information I sought was in the prospectus. Sure enough, on page one it indicates that Constellation had fees of about $575,000 of which OMERs would reimburse $300,000. And I suspect that this does not include a lot of internal costs in terms of staff and executive time spent on this.

So, it’s interesting. A large inside holder wants to sell  a large block of stock and Constellation (meaning its other owners) gets to pay  much of the cost. And this is on top of the fact that last year OMERs effectively (as I understand it) forced the company to put itself up for sale. No doubt a lot of costs were incurred for that. AND, on top of that the sale by OMERs caused the share price to sink about 10% as they sold over 10% below the market price that prevailed just prior to their sale announcement. As someone who did not own shares, and who is interested in buying, I am okay with the price drop. As a continuing shareholder I would not be happy. And anyone who sold shares in the past couple of weeks, or probably the next period of time until the share price recovers, should not be too happy about this 10% price drop.

But I suspect this is all perfectly normal business. If I were more energetic about I might complain to “the authorities”. But I suspect I would be met by blank looks and arcane (at best) explanations. It’s probably not worth worrying about.

April 2, 2012

It was another good day in the markets. One of our favorites,  Canadian Tire was up 2.3%. Melcor has slipped a bit lately and is definitely worth considering at around $15.

Constellation Software’s secondary offering of shares (it was OMERs private equity and not the company itself that was selling shares) closed today. I understand the shares were sold at $87.50 as planned with net $84 to OMERs.  TD Securities was listed as one of the selling brokers but this offer did not show up on TD (at least not yet).

I know the brokers have bought the shares at $84 and I believe that the shares were quickly sold to investors at %$87.50. As a result of that Constellation did get as low as $87.75 today. It closed at $88.61. When I placed my order it was already a bit above $87.75, which I was prepared to pay. I then decided to get cute and place my order at $87.60 and as a result I did not buy any shares. And barring general market weakness there may be no reason for me to expect to get any at that price, but I will likely leave my order open for a while and see.

I thought better of buying more Shaw Communications since I have a good amount already.

April 1, 2012

In about two weeks Shaw Communications will release its Q2 earnings. No doubt they will report some loss of basic cable customers to Telus. On the other hand they will likely gain customers in total when phone and internet is considered. I would be surprised if they don’t report decent earnings growth. I suspect more people will have rented movies online from Shaw. Many movie rental stores have closed recently. Maybe the tech-savvy are downloading movies for free or at minimal cost but I suspect a lot of people will be renting movies from Shaw. And that has to be a high-margin business. I may add to my position in Shaw in anticipation of the earnings release.

Constellation Software returns to the list above rated (lower) Strong Buy at $89.35. I will likely buy some shares tomorrow. As noted below it may be possible to buy at $87.50.

Here is a bit of history on regarding our analysis of Constellation. This company was first introduced to our list on February 4, 2011 rated (lower) Strong Buy at $51.40. It’s price then rose unexpectedly rapidly to about $70 gaining 35% in just a few months. Then, in April 2011 it was announced that the company was looking to be bought out. This complicated matters as far as analysing the stock was concerned as its price then might be be “event driven” – more related to the buyout than the earnings.  Due to the pending buyout I did not further analyse it in 2011. At the end of 2011 (se January 2, 2012) I removed it (and several other companies) from the list due to the analysis being out of date. I stated then that ” I don’t think I would consider any of these (removed companies) to be Sells. If I held them I would be in no big hurry to sell. Then again, I have not looked at them recently.”  In March 2012, the company announced that it was not longer looking to sell itself. At this time the stock is up 74% since February 4, 2011.

The company had stellar earnings in 2011 and now appears to be worth considerably more than it looked to be worth a year ago. Company management appears to have identified a consistently profitable way to grow by acquisition. Their approach appears to be highly rational and credible. The only nagging concern would be the question of why OMERs private equity was eager to reduce its position selling shares to the public at $87.50 and receiving only $84 after fees payable. Another large institutional holder also reduced its position recently at $84. The share price recently dropped $10 on the news that OMERs would offer shares to the public at $87.50.

Overall I like the company and will likely buy some shares tomorrow. However, since the closing of the secondary offering at $87.50 was to be tomorrow Monday April 2, there may be an opportunity to buy these at no more that $87.50.

March 30, 2012

Sino-Forest filed for bankruptcy protection today. I suspect shareholders will never see a dime out of this. They say they will sue Muddy Waters for defamatory statements that they were a fraud. Well, if they were a legitimate busienss why can’t they just keep operating and eventually return to trading. has been around since mid 1999 (at first we were called and Sino Forest was one of the first companies looked at here. By late 2005 I had lost not only patience but trust with this company. Subscribers to this web site were effectively warned about Sino-Forest at that time. I document the very early warning here.

March 30, 2012 noon eastern time

Today is the last trading day of Q1. It has been a very good quarter for out stock picks. U.S. markets are up 8% in the quarter. The Toronto market is up 3.6% but has been volatile.

With our stocks performing sell there is perhaps a danger of feeling complacent and a bit smug. Yesterday almost of all of our stocks were down and that was a reminder that stocks ALWAYS give us bad days as well as good days. And a reminder not to get too complacent, which I will try to heed.

While there are always dangers, it does seem that the U.S. economy continues to improve. Overall, I see some reason for optimism for the outlook for stocks.


March 28, 2012

Visa Inc. is added back to the list rated Buy at $119.35. I had removed it from the list in late December because the rating had gotten well out of date.

A search of the comments below will confirm that over the last couple of years I referred to VISA several times as being “monopolishious”.  With the recent share price rise it is no longer the bargain it was. But it is certainly a high quality company and worth considering for the long term. (What’s in YOUR wallet?, well probably a Visa card in most cases).

The Canadian market was down 0.8% today, apparently mostly due to weakness in “materials” stocks. The DOW was down 0.5%. So given that kind of day, it was pleasant to see Toll Brothers up 2.7% and Wells Fargo and Bank of America both up as well.

On Thursday Research in Motion will report earnings. This may draw more interest than the Federal Budget…

Speaking of budgets, the Ontario budget put certain corporate tax rate cuts on hold. I think that was completely appropriate. Corporate tax rates in Canada are significantly lower than they are in the U.S. and there is no reason to lower them. In fact, I think a large number of corporate tax breaks should first be taken away, and then perhaps the overall corporate tax rate can be lowered.

March 28, 2012 (11 a.m. eastern time)

Toll Brothers is up 3% this morning and was up a similar amount yesterday. This is the highest the stock has been since the financial crisis. It’s interesting to see the stock rise these two days as the news out of the U.S. housing market this week seemed to be moderately negative.

Canadian Tire is down 2.3% this morning after having done well in recent days. I don’t know anything to attribute this to other than basic market volatility. I continue to have confidence that this is a good investment.

March 26, 2012

It was a strong day in the markets and for our Stock Picks.

Possibly I should be reducing risk by harvesting some gains. But overall I feel good about the markets and am content to let my investments ride (accepting that there is always a risk that prices will fall).

I expect to have updates reports for a couple of companies posted here over the next week.

Barring other surprise developments, the market will now turn its attention to the outlook for earnings reports for the first quarter.

March 24, 2012

I ran some numbers on Amazon today. I have been wanting to add some more well known companies like this to the list above. In part this is because I would enjoy learning more about the business fundamentals of additional companies. Also I could hopefully identify some additional good investments.

In the case of Amazon it’s clear that it is far from being any kind of value stock. It has a price earnings ratio of 142. It trades at 12 times book value. It is profitable but the ROE is only about 9%.  It’s sales have been increasing rapidly, with sales per share growth averaging 31% per year in the past four years. Earnings per share however have only grown at an average of 5% annually in the past four years. Even if analyst earnings growth projections for 2012 and 2013 are accurate, it trades at some 72 times 2013 earnings.

Basically the current share price is already pricing in quite a few years of very strong growth. If growth were to falter from the current lofty expectations then the share price could drop rapidly.

The stock compensation seems too high.

Possibly the earnings should be adjusted upwards to remove some amortization of intangible assets. But I could not see any obvious disclosure of this in the annual report on Form 10-K.

If I were to complete the analysis it would be rated Sell. I do not particularly see much value in adding this company to the list as I suspect very few subscribers would own it. Given its sales growth it is certainly possible that the share price will not drop and may even continue to rise. But I don’t see the support for that in its numbers.

Generally I like to find bargains “hiding in plain view”. If Amazon is a bargain, it is a well hidden bargain.

I have updated my article that examines whether stocks are really riskier than bonds. This article updates a graphical analysis that I first did back in 2001 when I first obtained the necessary data. At that time, based on holding investments for 30-years stocks were always the clear winner at the end of a 30-year holding period. However we have now had a decade where stocks have performed relatively badly and long-term bonds have had strong returns due to declining interest rates.

In fact an investment strategy of holding only 20-year U.S. government bonds started in 1982 and pursued for the 30 years ended 2011 has provided a return of 7.83% compounded annually and has beaten out stocks at 7.78%.

As a result, based purely on historical data it is no longer as clear that we should expect stocks to beat bonds. And certainly a partly balanced portfolio of say 70% stocks and 30% bonds has been a very good choice in recent decades.

Nevertheless when we consider that the reason that long-term bonds did so well was due to the dramatic drop in long-term interest rates, and that long-term interest rates are at historic lows and have little room to fall, then we can logically conclude that a portfolio of stocks can be expected with a high degree of certainty to outperform long-term bonds over the next 30 years.

However, for shorter investment horizons (such as 10 to 15 years) some allocation to bonds is likely appropriate. For very short time horizons such as within one year a high allocation to cash would be appropriate. (Don’t invest money that you really need for next month’s groceries money in stocks)

March 23, 2012

Our stock picks were mostly up of Friday. Notable winners were Bank of America up 2.6% Canadian Tire up 1.8% and Shaw Communications up 1.0%.

March 22, 2012

Stocks were mostly down today. But I don’t think there is any reason to get too worried about where stocks are headed.

March 21, 2012

I have just now updated my reference article on the (inflation adjusted) performance of Stocks, versus Bonds, Versus Gold and Treasury Bills. I consider this article which I first produced in 2001 to be very informative. It seemed particularly important to update this article to reflect the amazing 28% gain in value in 20-year U.S. government bonds in 2011. I will also soon be updating several other articles for 2011 data. I also added a new graph to the article to show how Gold has done much better than stocks since the year 2000. No, I have turned into a Gold bug, but I thought it was fair to the gold bugs to show the data that way. I tire of hearing that “no one has made money in stocks since the year 2000”. Firstly that would only apply if you put all your money in stocks at the peak in 2000 and failed to buy any stocks at lower prices since then. Secondly, we should not focus so much on the year 2000. It was no more important than any other year.

As for today’s markets… Most stocks were down. But we had a 2.1% gain in Shaw Communications. This stock has been a disappointment. It’s share price has not risen these past few years despite much higher earnings. The market fears competition will lower its earnings. Also it started out with  hefty P/E ratio a few years ago. I had thought that the accounting earnings were under-stating its true cash earnings and so I had thought the high P/E ratio was justified. So far, that has not proven to be the case. But I think it is doing well with its Global television stations that it bought from the bankrupt CanWest. Also it has some wireless spectrum that it can hopefully sell for a profit. And hopefully profits on its cable business can continue to grow despite the loss os some customers to Telus. It will release earnings next on about April 13 and I am hopeful to see some positive movement in the stock.

Boston Pizza and Couche-Tard were also up about 2% each today.

March 20, 2012

Most stocks were down today. Bank of America and to a lesser extent Wells Fargo were up however.

The take over of Viterra at a large premium supports the notion that stocks in general are not over-valued. I continue to expect that 2012 will be a good year in the markets.

March 19, 2012

Bank of America fell 2.8% today after initially being up about 2.5%. Apparently the fall was due to rumors it would issue more shares. However, the company has denied this. It’s fully diluted share count will however rise in its Q1 report as Buffett’s options to buy about 6% of the company have come into the money.

I added to my Berkshire Hathaway position today.

March 18, 2012

The latest edition of the free newsletter has been emailed out. You should have received it.

I am thinking of adding to my position in Berkshire Hathaway on the basis that it is likely having a good quarter. It’s book value should gain nicely on its 700 million options to Buy Bank of America shares and on its equity index derivatives (which tend to gain in value when the indexes rise, although there is also the impact of volatility and currency impacts. I expect that Berkshire’s various operating businesses are doing well as the economy recovers. It’s insurance operations however are not something I can predict at all.

March 17, 2012

Our article that calculates the fair value of the Tornoto Stock exchange index has been updated. It suggests taht the index is about 6% under-valued as a point estimate.

March 15, 2012

It was yet another good day in the markets. Bank of America was up another 4.5%. Melcor was thinly traded and was up 6.8%. It’s still quite good value at $15.50.

It would be nice to finish out the week without giving any back, but we shall see…

I really should be thinking of trimming some positions but so far I more inclined to let things ride. None of the stocks I hold seems to be over-valued. (That does not mean they can’t fall but it does suggest I should not do too badly by holding.)

March 14, 2012

Our Stock Picks have been firing on all cylinders.

While Toronto was down 1.3% today our stocks did okay. Most notably, Bank of America was up 4.1%, adding to yesterday’s gains and Wells Fargo managed to hang onto yesterday’s big gains.

After the close Melcor released earnings. This stock closed today at $14.50. It’s earnings per share for 2011 were $2.70. On a GAAP basis that would be a P/E of just 5.4. However, much of the earnings were likely from gains in values on its rental buildings. And even its regular earnings from selling building lots tend to be highly lumpy. Nevertheless the earnings are good news. The book value of the company is now about $18.50 per share.

The full earnings have been released on SEDAR but I don’t think the public gets access until tomorrow. The full earnings are supposed to be on their web site but I don’t see them there.

The bottom line is that this appears to be quite good value at $14.50. It is thinly traded so be careful that way.

Tomorrow the stock may not open higher (it should) instead we may get a delayed reaction, or possibly no reaction at all. Melcor is my third largest position. I am not eager to sell any at this time. I would be tempted to buy more shares especially if it stays under $15 tomorrow.

In choosing between REITs like RIOCAN trading at about 150% of book value and Melcor trading at some 78% of book value, for me it is no contest. (Yes, there are other considerations involved than book value, but the bottom line is I would favor Melcor)

Beware of anyone bearing long term bonds

For literally years I have though long-term bond yields were too low and would not invest in them. And interest rates kept going lower and so bond investors did well. At some point that has to come to an end.

Possibly we are at that point. The yield on 10-year U.S. bonds has gone from 2.0% to 2.3% in the past ten days. That creates a capital loss of 2.7% on that bond. The yield on the 30-year has gone from 3.1% to 3.4% causing a quick capital loss of 5.6%.

People who invest in long bonds at these low rates usually intend to sell if rates rise. If so, I hope they sold.

Most commentary blames the U.S. FED for forcing long-term interest rates down to record lows. I have never been convinced it is only the FED since lots of other parties are investing in those bonds and buying them at low yields as well. I did recently find some data however that shows that the FED owns frightenly large proportions of most of the longer term bond issues. (like 20, 40 and even 60% of the total outstanding in some cases). That gives credence to the notion that the FED has indeed been the main buyer of long-term U.S. bonds. Can they continue to hold these rates down? No one knows, but the rates were certainly on the rise this week.

March 13, 2012

It was a VERY big day in the markets. The Dow was up 1.7%, the S&P 500 was up 1.8% and Toronto was up 0.9%.

For once, the market behaved just as I had talked about in terms of the stress tests on banks. The banks passed the tests and announced dividend increases and their prices rose. (See my comments about the stress test under march 10, March 5, and February 7).

It all happened a bit sloppily today, it was not supposed to be announced until Thursday but J.P. Morgan spilled the beans and then the FED released its report. (It’s unfair to release this kind of news during the trading day, but not unusual.)

Anyhow we enjoyed Wells Fargo up 5.8% and Bank of America of 6.6%. Just about everything was up today but it was the U.S. bank stocks that were the big winners (except poor Citi Group and a couple of smaller banks failed their tests).

This will confuse the heck out of all those doomers who read somewhere that “all the U.S. big banks are insolvent” and other nonsense. As they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing and people need to watch whose opinions they believe.

And that is not to say that the doomers don’t have some legitimate concerns. Many countries are of course in too much debt. Unfunded liabilities are a problem. But when the doomers tip into the realm of thinking the U.S. (fiat) dollar is about to become worthless and when they start ranting that banks create money from thin air  (and that this is a bad thing) and that the FED is a private company and on and on then it is time to stop listening to those doomers because they are alarmists. I mean to each his own, let those people crawl into a bunker with water, tinned food guns and ammo and some Gold, just don’t follow them there. Hopefully they sold their stocks to us near the bottom in 2008 or early 2009.

Perhaps I am being over confident but I continue to feel good about the prospects for stocks.

Still, with my own very heavy exposure to equities I may look to take some profits and move some money into cash.

March 12, 2012

The Dow was up 0.3% while Toronto was down 0.6%.

It could be a big week for the U.S. bank stocks. The Fed will release results of stress tests on Thursday after the close. If the results are good then we could see Wells Fargo raise its dividend as early as Friday. On the other hand the results could disappoint. But I think the signs are pointing towards the banks coming through these stress tests pretty well.

Basically, the outlook for stocks seems good although bad news can always be lurking.

March 11, 2012

Bank of America is added to our list above as a Speculative Strong Buy at $8.05. For a variety of reasons (including that it is tough to value a company with approximately no earnings) this first report is a very preliminary and superficial analysis. As disclosed on this Site I have owned the stock since last spring and I bought it on speculation and was attracted by the very low price to book value ratio. I expect but there are of course no guarantees that the earnings will recover sharply in 2012 and the stock price should rise towards book value. I may add to my position here. (This price of this stock was as low as $4.92 this past Fall and so it has already staged a pretty good recovery, but there should be much more recovery to come).

March 10, 2012

Friday was a good day in the markets and our stock picks are pretty close to their high for the year. I believe my own portfolio is at its high for the year to date. I think there is a good chance that 2012 will be quite a good year in the markets.

So Greece finalised its managed or orderly default on its debt. As I said back on February 14 and other dates the idea that this was going to happen without triggering the credit default swaps was ridiculous. There was no way they were ever going to get 100% of the bond holders to agree to the swap and they did not. So they are forcing the hold-outs to accept and this is indeed a default. A welched debt by other name smells just as rotten. Anyhow it is not that big of a deal. Companies and individuals have been defaulting on debts for time immemorial and so in fact have countries.

Certain system problems that have plagued this site in the past month are mostly fixed.

March 8, 2012

Boston Pizza Royalty Income Trust raised its distribution by 6.5%. The units are now at $16.50 to yield 7.1%. Growth is driven largely by increases in same store sales and so we should not expect growth to be more than 2 or 3% longer term. But even at zero percent growth, the 7.1% yield seems attractive. I had not expected the distribution to rise this fast so soon.

Most stocks were up today, partly due to optimism that the Greek bond swap would go well.

As of right now it appears the swap went very well. There will be a few hold outs however. It now remains to se beseen whether Greece will force them to take the swap. If forced that would be a default and the credit default swaps would pay off. And interestingly enough they would pay off for all holders even those who took the swap. The credit default insurance is not “attached” to the bonds, one can own the default insurance without owning a bond. However according to recent reports there is only a small amount of these credit default swaps out there. Like $3 billion out of a bond total of $120 billion or so. The other choice Greece has is to just continue to pay the interest and eventually the principal to the hold outs. That might annoy those who swapped but so be it, a few clever hold outs would get paid in full.

Stocks of interest that rose today included Wells Fargo up 3.3%, Toll Brothers up 3%. Also Canadian Western Bank was up 2.8% after reporting earnings yesterday and no doubt assisted by the strong markets.

Futures as of about 10:45 eastern time are down 5 points for the Dow, so effectively they are flat.

I had thought Melcor was scheduled to release earnings today, but apparently that will happen next week. The earnings should be good. I’m not as sure if the outlook will be good, but it should not be too bad given the strong western economy.

March 7, 2012

A partial recovery today of yesterday’s losses…

After the close Canadian Western Bank came out with earnings. The report looked pretty good to me. Underlying growth was quite good. The actual adjusted earnings per share were only up 4% however and so that is not too hot. But I think the under lying growth in loans and deposits should still be looked at favorably. If it happens to fall on Thursday (especially if the market is not falling overall then I would judge that to be a buying opportunity.

I am also expecting earnings from Melcor tomorrow, Thursday and expect a good report.

Meanwhile there will be news as to whether Greece got enough big investors to accept its big haircut deal. If not judged to be enough then markets would likely fall. If enough then markets should do well.

March 6, 2012

Well, as you will have noticed markets were down today (DOW down 1.6%, Toronto down 1.8%). It’s been a number of months since we had those kind of days. Remember last August and September? These kind of days are pretty normal really and I don’t see anything to get too worried about.

With the lower prices I decided to do a little buying and added to my Toll Brothers position.

In part markets are now worried about how this Greek “voluntary” debt swap will work out. There seem to be at least three possibilities.

  1. Over 90% of the bonds will be voluntarily swapped and Greece may decide not to force the others. In which case no official default has occurred and the Credit Default Swaps (insurance against default) would then perhaps not pay off. (This scenario seems very unlikely). The clever holders who do not swap may in that scenario collect fully on their bonds.
  2. Between 75 and 90% of the bonds will be swapped and Greece will force the remainder to swap in which case the Credit Default Swaps will pay off (as they certainly should)
  3. Less than 75% of the bonds will be swapped voluntarily and Greece will throw a fit and decide to simply and completely default on these bonds. The Credit Default Swaps will pay off. Various officials will moan and wail and we will probably get some kind of mini panic in the market. Bizarrely this will include another flight to the “quality” of U.S. bonds.

President Obama has announced another program for Americas to refinance to even lower interest rates at almost no cost or fee.  Americans can borrow at a rate that their bank must honor for 30 years but which the homeowner can pay off with virtually no penalty at any time. The main stream financial press in Canada will again fail to notice or question why in Canada we can only lock in for 5 to 10 years and we can face HUGE penalties to get out. Refinancing for lower rates is basically impossible once you are locked in. But, don’t worry. Ottawa is “on” this. Just this week they announced that banks in Canada will have to better disclose the that these huge penalties exist.  The main stream press will not bother to ask why the Americans get such a better deal. As polite Canadians we must be content with better disclosure. (And I am not suggesting that the banks “eat” the penalty, in the U.S. it is basically investors in mortgage backed securities that allow the easy pre-payment terms.)

Well, I expect more volatility in the markets before this week is over…

March 5, 2012

U.S. markets were down modestly today but Toronto fell almost 1%.

I hold out high hopes for Wells Fargo. The FED is going to release results of a stress test analysis sometime this month. I suppose that will show that Wells would be hit hard in another major recession situation. That might temporarily push it and other bank stocks down. But overall I think the test will confirm that Wells has a lot of strength and it may be given permission to raise its dividend.

Ultimately banks will do well if mortgage delinquencies and bad loans improve. And they are improving.

The latest figures from the source I use (the FED) were just published for Q4, they show loan write-offs improving quite noticeably. Loan delinquencies are improving only slowly but at least are improving.


March 4, 2012

Strange Real Estate Developments

On Friday we had the news that Sears Canada has agreed to vacate the premises of three of its large stores and return them to the landlord in return for $170 million.

This immediately strikes me as odd. Normally a tenant is making rent payments to a landlord. Here, we have a landlord paying the tenant $57 million per store to vacate.

I understand that Sears may have had a below-market lease and I assume it must have had many years to run. But that is a staggering amount of money.

In a somewhat similar situation we had the story earlier this year that Zellers was going to collect $1,825 million in return for giving up its leases on up to 220 locations. That’s is $8.3 million per location. Given that Zellers appeared to be a struggling department store and that (from my observation) many of those locations were not that large and not that prime, that seemed like a lot of money.

I am a bit too stubborn to accept at face value that these transactions make sense for the payers of this money.

I am not smart enough or knowledgeable enough about lease rates involved to understand immediately how these transactions make sense.

I’d like to do some analysis and thinking about this and the implications for both the retail stores that have long-term leases and the owners of the properties. I understand that as interest rates have declined the value of retail properties rises since a given flow of rent will support payments on a larger mortgage.  I also understand that if lease rates have increased then the value of property rises. But it seems there is a sharing of these benefits depending on the lease.

If a retailer has a 50-year fixed price lease then I suppose that essentially all of the increase in value really “belongs” to the retailer, even though another company owns the property. Conversely if a store only has a one-year lease then the owner captures the full increase in value. Perhaps most situations are somewhere in between.

Given this information, perhaps we have to be cautious when a REIT states that its buildings have gone up in value. It may be that the tenant and not the REIT will capture that increase in value.

It’s interesting to consider that with Target paying Zellers so much money just to acquire leases, it may not exactly have cost advantages when it comes into Canada.

With these huge dollars at play, it may be necessary to understand the leasing arrangements for retailers. I know Dollarama leases all of its locations. I have not looked in detail to see if it has advantageous long-term leases.

Consider Canadian Tire. It owns 70% of the Canadian Tire store buildings (not sure about the land). From a balance sheet perspective there is certainly hidden value there. Canadian Tire does not mark its buildings to market whereas a REIT does. Canadian Tire may have vast opportunities to sell its properties to REITs. It could get a huge one-time gain. But then it would face high rent costs that would lower future profits. Selling and leasing back its stores might make sense if interest rates subsequently rise which would lower the value of the buildings and leases.

Financial statements may not clearly disclose the details of leases. If the information is there it may be relatively hidden.

March 3, 2012

My article on the valuation of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is updated and suggests that the DOW is probably about 15% under-valued as a best estimate. Of course, that does not mean it is going to jump up 15% any time soon.

Microsoft is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $32.08. This is a “downgrade” from its former Strong Buy rating at $25.06 from September and note that we confirmed the Strong Buy rating still applied at $25.96 to start 2012. In the past two months this stock has surprised many by rising 24%. We also liked it in 2011 and 2010 but it fell modestly in those years.

March 1, 2012

I noticed today that TD Waterhouse has an issue of Firm Capital for sale.

What caught my interest is that this is a Mortgage Investment Corporation. That means it has some characteristics similar to income trusts. It does not pay income tax if it distributes its earnings. This feature means it may be a good investment for an RRSP or Tax Free Savings Account.

The company trades at FC on Toronto, last at $13.65 and the offer is at $13.45 and a 52 week range of $12.00to (ever so briefly, $13.99. The yield appears to be about 6.9%.

This is not an Initial Public Offering it is a new issue from treasury.

Some things to think about:

Lending money is always a risky business.

This lender is into somewhat higher risk lending than banks typically do.

I don’t know who it is lending to but I would imagine there are some Toronto condos involved. And it is always possible that the Toronto values are about to take a dive.

Lenders are typically highly leveraged. This lender is not nearly as leveraged as a typical bank. Its equity appears to be 52%.

The fact that the shares are being issued at only a very small discount to the recent trading price seems positive. And it is a bought deal, TD must be confident that they can sell this at $13.65.

The company has not yet released its December 31, 2011 earnings. I find it odd that they can go to the market without releasing those.

Overall, while the 6.9% yield is tempting, I feel that it is too small and there are too many risks for my taste.

Money is the ultimate commodity, there is no reason to think this company has any competitive advantages (except for the non-payment of income taxes, but some others have that too). It would have a big disadvantage in that it does not have access to low-cost deposits like banks do. It generally has to pay interest on money it borrows and lends out. Also much of its lending is from its equity. It does not have the advantage (but nor the risk) of the very high leverage that banks “enjoy”. (well they usually enjoy their leverage until any bad times arrive in which case high leverage CAN be fatal)

I wanted to mention that I have looked at it but I am not very tempted.

Also, there seems to be no reason to rush to buy from TD Waterhouse. The stock trades and so if I did want to buy it I would prefer to wait for the 2011 earnings and generally wait until I read more of its financial reports to get at least some clue as to who it is lending to. All in all, I would sooner stock with Canadian Western Bank. The yield is much lower but the return ultimately may be higher and the risk may be lower.

In other developments…

Stocks edged up some more today. In particular Canadian Tire was up 2.4% (but this just makes up for some of the recent slippage there) and Canadian Western Bank was up 4.2%.

Overall I feel good about being heavily invested in stocks and particularly the ones I own. As always the market sentiment and can turn sour at any time. But overall I am comforted by the fact that P/E ratios are still reasonable and that Warren Buffett is telling people that stocks are the place to be for the long run. (He always says he has no opinion about where things will head in the short run, he sees the economy improving in the short run but does not predict the market).

February 29, 2012

Markets were a bit weak today with the Dow down 0.4% and the TSX down 0.8%. Nevertheless we had some winners today notably Toll Brothers up 4.6%, Couche-Tard up 2.0%.

February 29, 2012 (just prior to the open)

We are into bank reporting season in Canada. It was interesting to read in today’s paper that analysts were having a very tough time interpreting Bank of Montreal’s earnings due to some unusual profit items. The report was described in the Financial Post as lengthy and complex and one analyst said the earnings were un-interpretable.

Those are the very reasons why I stopped looking at any of the large Canadian Banks years ago. I found their reports too lengthy and complex. I have never agreed with the idea that more disclosure is always a good thing. It’s not if it buries the reader in details especially if the overall picture is not well summarized.

I have always favored looking at a bank like Canadian Western Bank because it was not into more complex (and very cyclical) activities of helping large corporations sell bonds and stock.

The news about SNC Lavelin is interesting. It may or may not represent a buying opportunity. Since I am not familiar with the company it is best I just stay away from it.


February 27, 2012

In accordance with my note yesterday, I did buy some Canadian Western bank today and added to my Shaw Communications.

Some of our stocks did well today, notably Wells Fargo up 2.8%. Meanwhile Canadian Tire was down 1% to $63.27.

I sent an email to Couche-Tard today asking for a copy of their annual report. I own shares but apparently they did not send out the annual report you send in the card to Computershare, the stock transfer agent and ask for one.

Couche-Tard told me to download it from the web and thanked me for my interest in Couche-Tard. I find that annoying, I had told them I was an owner. But it is typical investor relations people treat share holders as just that, temporary fleeting holders and not really owners.  I try to gently and sometimes not so gently remind these IR types that I am an owner and not some mere total outsider. But maybe I should cut Couche-Tard some slack, after all I am up 50% on this holding (over about 19 months holding period).

A lot of companies no longer send out annual reports and some don’t even produce a bound version. It’s fine to say it is all on the internet but sometimes the documents on the net are not very printer friendly and they are certainly not bound. In the end it helps me, the fewer people that read annual reports the more likely that stock prices deviate from reasonable levels allowing more opportunities to pick up bargains.

February 26, 2012

Regarding Melcor. I mentioned under January 31 that I had entered an order to sell what amounted to 18% of my shares if it went to $14.25. By last week I had pretty much forgot taht order was sitting there. Checking my account I notice that sale went through.

One of my RRSP accounts now has around 35% in cash. I am thinking of deploying some of that tomorrow. I am thinking of buying Shaw Communication and Canadian Western Bank. I do want to keep some cash for bigger bargains.

The TMX Group (trading at $42.60) takeover by the Maple Group which is apparently worth about $50. I don’t have a current rating on the TMX but it might not be a bad speculation. It will rise if the Maple takeover goes through and fall somewhat if it does not. But long term TMX is probably a good investment without the takeover in any case.

We should be getting more Canadian company earnings reports in the next two weeks or so (including Melcor). About 95% of the S&P 500 had already reported Q4 earnings by the middle of last week, so their the earnings season is about over.

February 25, 2012

My popular article on the valuation of the S&P 500 index has been updated. With the surge in stock prices in the past few month that market now looks about fairly valued and no longer looks under-valued.

Today’s Financial Post reveals the sad story of First Leaside Group of Companies which with $370 million invested by some 1200 investors has gone into receivership. This is an investment company with very prominent Board members that has been around since the 1980’s.

I note that investors were apparently targeted by cold calls and repeated sales pressure.

There are many thousands of small investment outfits raising money in Canada. Often in real estate and oil and gas. Having listened to their advertisements for many years and having been solicited a few times, I have never invested a cent. (Well, except for about $1500 I put into the Canadian Property Investors Trust back in the early 1980’s which went insolvent shortly after).

One I started investing through TD Waterhouse I have stuck to that 100%. I would not be very comfortable writing a cheque to some investment outfit. I prefer to buy only what trades online. Many small investment outfits are perfectly legitimate. But it would take a lot of effort to get comfortable with any of these. A good general rule of thumb in life is  that the harder (and more desperately) someone is trying to sell you something, the more cautious you should be. The best products, be they cars or investments do not need high pressure sales.

Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders was released this morning. This wisdom-filled letter is in effect a gift to investors and is released in such a way that hundreds of thousands can download it all at the same time. Basically everyone on earth gets this gift at the same time (Who says there is no Santa Claus?).

Buffett has always said his job is to increase the ture or intrinsic value per share of Berkshire at a rate higher than the total return on the S&P 500 index. He uses accounting book value as an under-stated measure of progress. If he can do this the stock price will follow. In 2011 book value increase4.6% which beat the total return on the S&P 500 which was 2.1%.

Since Buffett took over Berkshire in 1965 its book value per share has increased at a compounded rate of 19.8% annually, which just over twice the compounded return on the S&P 500 (including dividends) which was 9.2%. By beating the S&P 500 by 10.6% per year Buffett has grown the book value per share of Berkshire by a staggering 513,055%. The S&P 500 total return over that period was 6,397%. A dollar of book value in Berkshire has grown to $5130 while a dollar in the S&P 500 has grown to $64.

However Buffett is quick to point out that we should account for inflation. The purchasing power of a dollar has decreased such that it takes over $7 (on average) to buy what $1 bought in 1965. Let’s assume it is exactly $7 for the sake of round numbers. Dividing by 7, the real return in purchasing power of the book value a Berkshire share has gown by 513,055% / 7 = 73,294%.

And the share price market value  has grown somewhat faster than its book value per share.

Remarkably, Berkshire shares that were about $15 in 1965 today sell for $120,000 each. A gain of an even 800,000%. It takes 1500 B shares to make an A share. Accordingly the B shares trade at $120,000 / 1500 or $80 per share. (I don’t have the exact price of Berkshire in 1965 and it would have fluctuated through the year, Buffett’s average cost to acquire control of Berkshire was under $15 but some of those purchases were prior to 1965).

Remarkably enough, the equivalent of a B share in 1965 would have cost about $15/1500 or 1 cent. So, each penny invested in Berkshire in shares in 1965 is now worth $80. Even after inflation that means each penny’s worth of real purchasing power has been transformed into $11.43 today. A gain of 114,300%.

I’d be surprised if any public company has EVER provided a return of over 100,000% in real after-inflation purchasing power since 1965. Perhaps Apple has, and if so, that would be over a shorter time.

And I am highly confident that we will see Berkshire’s shares continue to grow in terms of both booth value and market value over the next few years in particular.

February 23, 2012

Markers were moderately positive today. Very soon, I will be updating the report on the valuation of the S&P 500. I expect it will show that the market index still appears to be cheap.

Yesterday I mentioned AIMIA inc. (the former Group Aeroplan, and before that Aeroplan) which released earnings last night. I was bothered by the earnings release that seemed to be trying paint a very positive picture despite reporting a large loss. Perhaps the market was a bit confused by the release. The shares having closed yesterday at $13.08 before this news opened down only very slightly at $13.00. But they trended down all morning before stabilizing at around noon. They ended up down 7.5% at $12.10. Normally on bad news a stock would open down sharply at the open. The trading patter here suggests a delayed reaction to the press release.   It is neither here nor there if you don’t own these shares. But I don’t like to see this kind of confused presentation of results. It’s unfortunate for those who bought this morning before the market was able to digest the news properly.

February 22, 2012

The Canadian market was up 0.6% today but the U.S. markets were down modestly. Some of our key stock picks here and three that I own were whacked down today. Walmart fell for the second day after disappointing earnings. Toll Brothers was down 5%, Canadian Tire was down 2.2%. I am tempted to add to my position in these but instead am trying to have the discipline to hold onto my cash in case further bargains emerge. (One of my RRSP accounts is one third in cash, but the other RRSP account has only little cash and my non-registered account is leveraged (negative cash) so overall I have little net cash). Markets have been up a LOT in the past few months and it’s no surprise to see a pull-back. There are always things to worry about but on the other hand there are certainly positive signs in the U.S. economy as well.  And U.S. election promises may also have some positive effects.

Buffett’s annual letter will be out on Saturday morning. We already know, from the Fortune magazine article that I mentioned last week,  that in the letter he will suggest that Stocks are a better investment in the long run than is gold or bonds. This has prompted may to argue that he is wrong that Gold is a poor investment (which he did not even say!). He will be on CNBC on Monday morning. I would like to hear his views on the Greek debt swap charade.

A company that I used to have on this site has reported earnings tonight. This is Aimia which was formerly called Groupe Aeroplan and before that just Aeroplan. (I wonder why the name change?) They lost money in Q4 and in 2011 but they spin a story that they were profitable without goodwill impairments and breakage adjustments. Their accounting has always been complex by nature and subject to estimates. For a variety of reasons I have lost all trust in this company. I sold my shares some years ago. I would steer clear. They may in fact be a good investment and they may be entirely ethical. But the way they report things and the way they expire Aeroplan points after 7 years (and worse after one year of inactivity) all combined to give me a bad feeling. A few years ago I saw but excused somewhat similar red flags regarding Kingsway Financial and lost money as a result (and worse, we gave a rating here that proved far too optimistic that some subscribers followed, albeit at their own risk and albeit I did reveal the flags I saw). Once bitten, twice shy. (I will assume the rat I think I smell at Aimia is real, even if it might not be a real rat).

Searching back, I see that my last comment on Aeroplan was December 30,2010 when I mentioned the complex accounting, rated it Speculative Weak Buy at $13.75 and said I would not buy it. Today it closed at $10.97. (Update to comment, actually that was the price under the old stock ticker AER from October 6, the new ticker is AIM and it closed yesterday at $13.08).

February 21, 2012

U.S. markets finished only moderately higher but the Canadian market did very well today. It’s enough to make a person dizzy. But the point is to just buy individual stocks of good companies at good prices and not sweat the volatility too much. It’s a bit like a roller-coaster ride. Very scary but if you just hang in there it all works out in the end.

In an interesting development, after the close of trading, Telus announced that it will hold a vote to convert its non-voting shares to voting. I had thought that this might happen but did not know when.

The non-voting shares have traditionally traded at a lower price and in the case of Telus I have said we should favor the cheaper non-voting shares.

I don’t have Telus on the list above at this time. But the last update (Buy rated at $50.70 on May 22, 2011 for the non-voting shares) the last sentence in the summary cell was: “We prefer the non-voting shares since the voting shares are costlier and in this particular case we do not place any value on the vote.”.

I searched back in the old comments since I was sure I said something about the non-voting shares eventually becoming voting. Back on June 27, 2007 the comment included: “In the very long run the non-voting are worth the same as the voting and someday the two classes will likely become one.”

And our article on Dual class shares (of February 6, 2006) states:

“Class merger may be another reason to purchase one class over the other. For example, if there is the possibility of the merger of the classes you may want to purchase the non-voting share because the premium on the voting class may evaporate.”

So, the point is that this Telus development was not unexpected, but it was certainly a long time coming.

Canadian Tire has a very wide gap between its very thinly traded voting shares ($73.50) and the much more numerous non-voting shares ($65.14). I would be very leery to buy the voting shares. I have said previously that I can’t see any justification for that gap. (I can speculate that maybe some party values that vote, but fundamentally I can’t see its value). My understanding is that in the event of any kind of change in control of Canadian Tire (say the founding Billes family sells out) then the non-voting shares become voting. With this development at Telus we may see the voting shares at Canadian Tire drop in price.  (In the case of Telus the non-voting should rise to close the gap tomorrow).

Walmart dropped about 4% today on the revelation that its low price strategy of late caused a drop in profit. My recollection is that back in the Fall analysts were loudly applauding lower prices as it would lead to higher sales and same-store sales. But for some reason they now seem surprised this hurt profits. At the end of the day Walmart still looks like good value. I was tempted to add to my position today but did not.

My understanding of the Greek debt swap deal is that it is still subject to each individual bond holder voluntarily turning in their binds for new long-term bonds at some 47 cents on the dollar. This will happen March 8 through 10th. I read today that they expect a 95% take-up rate. I suppose I am only guessing but I doubt that they will get to 95%. I would think that is a few bond holders refuse to go along with the voluntary swap then those bond holders might get their 100 cents on the dollar. Otherwise this swap that is not “officially” a default would have to be an official default. Also many of the bond holders apparently hold insurance against default. If so, I really can’t see how those parties can volunteer to take a loss and give up on their insurance. (Their stakeholders would sue). Meanwhile this deal may also require agreement of each and every member of the European Union. That is no small hurdle.


February 20, 2012

A Greek debt debt deal was worked of late Monday (early Tuesday in Europe). The next major step is to see if parties actually do show up on March 8 to trade in their former Greek bonds for some 47 cents on the dollar in longer dated Greek bonds. The whole thing looks like a giant charade. A ridiculous attempt to paint a default as being something other than that.

It’s really not impressive to see world leaders involved in this ridiculous matter. Greece was obviously loaned too much money.

Well we will stand by for the next act in this comedic/tragic play.

Meanwhile for the moment the U.S. stock futures suggest the Dow will open roughly 50 points higher on Tuesday morning. But really that is of little consequence as wherever it opens it will move off to some other level up, or dow..

In other matters I was reading Toll brothers annual report on Friday. Everything I read looks good. This company really seems to have been vary well managed through the real estate crash. It saw its sales fall by something like 70% but managed to raise its cash substantially by selling assets and not buying new land during most of the crisis and then finally starting to buy only more recently as the bottom started to near. There are obviously no guarantees but I feel quite good holding this company. I may even consider buying additional shares.

Well, it promises to be another exciting week in the markets…

February 18, 2012

The week ended nicely for stocks.

I have posted a new version of the free newsletter. However, due to system problems I am unable to email it out. The system problems that have occurred in the past two weeks have been partially but not completely fixed.

Here is the link to the latest free newsletter, some interesting topics…

February 16, 2012

The Dow and the TSX were both up 123 points today, or 1.0% each. Bank of America was up 4.0%, Microsoft was up 4.1% and Boston Pizza was up another 1.7%. Stantec was up 5.0% today after instituting a dividend for the first time. And FirstService was up 5.3%.

As I have said in the past, to the brave go the spoils. Over the past few years a large percentage of people shunned the market due to their fears. But, as of now at least, it looks like it was yet another example that it was wise to follow Buffett’s advice and “be greedy when others are fearful” (and vice versa). Those who do nothing but moan about the markets and complain about it being manipulated and on and on tend to stay out of stocks and to not do nearly as well in the long term.

Basically I feel good about the markets right now, although of course it only takes a few days of losses of to add a tinge of nervousness to the equation. Markets are rewarding, but they are not for the faint of heart or those who can’t stomach losses, even temporarily.

February 15, 2012

Today’s markets ended to the down-side mostly. No one can say if this is the start of bigger decline. My strategy will be to hold through any decline and probably add to positions. Stocks still look cheap. I may enter some orders to trim positions a little if they rise and buy a little if they fall. But for the most part I will be standing pat.

Warren Buffett has a new article in Fortune Magazine, looking at cash, stocks and gold as investments:*blog*&par=RSS

This is REQUIRED reading. (Drop what you are doing and read it right now, if at all possible) The writing is so plain, the logic so clear. He says stocks are safer than cash, bonds or Gold in the long run. Nothing in the article surprises me because I have studied what Buffett has written and there is nothing fundamentally new here, although it is packaged up nicely. And it is nice to get the confirmation that nothing has changed that he sees stocks as better than bonds today (Gee, who’d a thunk it with stocks having dividend yields over 2% on average, (and constantly growing) and earnings yields of around 8% with growth potential and with even long term government bonds returning under 3% with zero growth and cash and short term bonds returning nothing. On top of that stock returns are taxed less heavily!)

One place where gold bugs go wrong is they view an investment in stocks as an investment in a paper fiat currency. Not true, stocks are measured in money but they represent investments in corporations that produce something of value. That value is largely independent of the currency it is measured in, especially in the long term. Gold bugs also fail to notice that Gold is also measured in dollars and not the other way around.

My own analysis has shown the same thing as Buffett notes — that stocks wallop gold and cash and bonds in the long term. It’s why I have “foolishly” been close to 100% allocated to stocks since I started invested. (It’s not for everyone, but it’s done well for me).

For example:


February 14, 2012


The financial world is holding its breath waiting for some kind of Greek bond swap deal. The negotiations seem to go on forever.

And what is the point anyhow? It seems like we are trying to avoid an actual default which is considered “messy” by having a sort of soft-landing “orderly” default where investors “voluntarily” swap their bonds for new longer term bonds at some 50 cents on the dollar. It sure looks, walks and quakes like a default but they would try to dress it up as a voluntary thing. Apparently the idea is to avoid the triggering of credit default swaps (insurance against deault) since triggering those would have nasty ripple affects.

This seems to be madness for a number of reasons. 1. Greece is going to have some trouble borrowing in future either way. 2. If Greece obtains this voluntary 50% reduction in its debt it then gets bail out money that it presumably has to repay. 3. The European Union is requiring austerity measures that will shrivel Greek’s economy 4. The Greek people are mad as hell and not willing to take this. 5. It’s exceedingly unlikely that the actual owners of these bonds will voluntarily take the 50 cents at the end of the day. The bond holders are apparently represented by a finance industry group which I strongly suspect has no power to bind the actual bond holders. 6. The actual bond holders are corporate entities and pension funds that probably face fiduciary barriers from negotiating a voluntary hit like this outside of an actual bankruptcy process. 7. Hilariously enough event eh European Central Bank which has bought up a huge amount of the debt is not willing to take this voluntary reduction.

So, what should Greece do?

Here is my (possibly mis-informed) prescription:

Greece should immediately default on all bonds except those held by its own citizens and corporations. (If not an immediate default then consider something like a forced swap for perpetual bonds (at perhaps dollar for dollar or 50 cents on the dollar or whatever) and paying say 3% and redeemable by Greece at any time).

Basically Greece simply can’t afford to pay these bonds when due and so they gotta do something. Just like a peron sometimes has no choice but to go bankrupt.    These (like I guess all or nearly all sovereign bonds) were non-recourse bonds anyhow, too bad people did not read the fine print.   Then simply borrow new money by offering bonds backed by assets and future taxes. Investors world wide will lend to them when backed by assets and enforceable by some kind of world court or United Nations or something.   Sell bonds to its own citizens also backed by assets.   Paint the rest of the world as the villains and encourage Greeks to invest in Greek bonds.   Greece default is thought to harm Euro banks. So what?, the EU can bail those out. Some Greek bond holders will like this plan as credit default swaps will pay off. Too bad for the banks that issued that insurance. Anyhow EU can bail out the banks.

Take some austerity measures like pay cuts to government workers and later retirement ages but try to avoid killing the economy. Sell off assets as needed.

Do this very soon and stop all this nonsense about a voluntary default that is not called a default.

Other News:

It ended up being a “mixed” day in the markets.

I would not mind trimming some of my positions, but for the most part I feel like I would want to hold out for higher prices. And if we instead get a meaningful decline in any of the stocks I own (say 10% or more) I may just add to positions instead. (You know, buy low, sell high).

I almost wish Boston Pizza ($15.64 had not risen so soon after I bought it which was on December 28 at $14.00. I like to think I would have bought more in January had it stayed at $14. I bought it for the dividend. It may still be a good pick but I always have a hard time buying more shares at a higher price since that seems like an admission that I should have bought more. This is basically an illogical thought pattern, but it is an emotional pattern that is a reality I have to deal with. I’ll try to update the report on this one shortly because after I update a report, that seems to act as a re-set switch in my brain and then I am often more prepared to pay the higher price if a fresh analysis indicates it is still a good buy.

Another point to consider is that just because a stock is expected to by a good buy does not automatically mean you should buy it. Perhaps you are already over-exposed to that stock. More importantly it almost certain that out there somewhere is a BETTER buy, so it can make sense to sit on cash and wait for a better opportunity. (Just as girl does not have to grab the first acceptable guy that comes along, she may want to wait and look for a better choice, and waiting is especially wise when applied to life-mates since it tends to be a one-time decision – If you think the cost to trade stocks is at all high — especially including capital gains tax, try trading in your spouse – not something I ever want to experience nor would I recommend you try it.)

February 14, 2012 (7:41 am mountain time)

I mentioned several times recently my doubt that the Greek bond holders could possibly agree to a voluntary reduction in the value of their bonds. I feel there is no way they would ever get the 100% agreement that one would think would be necessary to avoid a default on the bonds. Well laugh out loud I read this morning that the European Central Bank holds 55 billion face value of the bonds and it expects to hold to majority and get paid in full rather agree to the reduction. This is ludicrous. Why would any other bond holder agree to the reduction? In fact many other investors hold a type of insurance on these bonds that pays off in the event of default. The theory is that they will agree to a voluntary reduction so that the insurance (credit default swaps) will not pay off. This is preposterous. It is like asking you and I to have some one drive a large truck into our car causing damage equal to half the value of the car and then agreeing not to calim the insurance we paid for. Get real. How could any pension fund for example agree to this? It would be against their  duty to pensioners. Even for the good of the world economy, they cannot and I suspect will not ultimate do this.

P.S. With the market up today, it might be wise to shave a few positions. The difficulty though is always what to sell… (update, sorry when I wrote this this morning I thought the market was up, I must have been looking at the gain from yesterday)


February 13, 2012

Okay, I am back from my short vacation to Phoenix… Looks like the market took care of itself quite nicely while I was off line.

In particular Canadian Tire came out with good earnings on Thursday and was up quite nicely. I suspect (but certainly cannot guarantee) it will continue to do well in 2012, better than the market as a whole. Wells Fargo and Toll brothers should continue to do well as long as even a slow recovery continues.

There continue to be some technical problems with the log in system for this site. I had hoped it would be fixed by now and I will be attempting to get his resolved ASAP.

February 7, 2012

Note that the log in system has been by passed due to a server problem. This should be fixed in a few days. Meanwhile you can log in without a password.

I am off to Phoenix until Sunday and so will resume the comments here late on Sunday.

For the most part, the economic news continues to be positive. For example strong building permit growth in Canda in December and most company earnings reports have been positive.

Canadian Tire reports earnings tomorrow, Thursday and I am hopeful of a good report. The U.S. banks will get some kind of stress test reports next month and I am hopeful that Wells Fargo will increase its dividend by around the end of March. Bank of America may also resume some level of dividend.

February 6, 2012

Not too much happened in the markets today as we await some kind of a deal from Greece. As the week progresses we will get earnings reports to focus on.

February 5, 2012

Stocks are off to a roaring start in in 2012. The Dow is up 5.3%, the Toronto Stock index is up a similar 5.2% and the S&P 500 is up 6.9%. Our six Strong Buys are up an average of 7.4%. My own portfolio is up 4.7%. ( I have been taking some profits off the table and have some cash, but I am certainly not unhappy with a 4.7% return in five weeks.

Talks to voluntarily restructure Greece’s debt continue. I fully expect these talks to fail or at least to eventually lead to an official default by Greece. This will likely cause a temporary hit to North American markets. (Or it could cause a small rise if it is successful or even appears to be successful this week). I imagine that somewhere a hedge fund is accumulating Greek debt on the cheap and will refuse to accept the 50 cent offer and this will force Greece to officially default. I don’t see much up-side for any investment fund to voluntarily accept 50 cents. And also some of these investors have credit default options which will protect them from losses on the Greek bonds. But they apparently give up that protection if they agree to accept 50 cents. That seems like a ludicrous scenario.

February 2, 2012

U.S. markets were down modestly today while Canada was up modestly.

RIM was up 2.9% today to $17.17. This is nice gain from its recent low of $12.80 in December. We rated it Strong Buy at $13.44. But I did not expect it to rise so fast in the absence of a take-over. It does look like good value but could certainly be quite volatile.

On the European front it seems the Institute of International Finance is still trying to negotiate some “voluntary” Greek debt restructuring. I don’t see how it can happen since there is no possible way anything close to 100% of the bond holders will agree to this and unlike in a real default / bankruptcy there is nothing to compel anyone to accept the deal even if one is reached. I mentioned this also on October 30. I don’t see what would stop a hedge fund or strategic investor from buying bonds in the market now at 40 or 50 cents or less and then refusing to participate in any voluntary exchange. They would ultimately collect 100 cents unless Greece actually does officially default.


February 1, 2012

A strong day in the markets… notable winners were Wells Fargo up 2.8% and Toll Brothers up 3.0%.

Tomorrow is Ground Hog day. It’s interesting how the human mind gravitates towards patterns and sees patterns where none exist and no plausible relationship even exists. Like the length of winter based on a ground hog’s shadow, or such nonsense of January indicators, Superbowl indicator and so many more.

January 31, 2012 (1:15 pm eastern)

Okay, I’m back from my cruise. Excellent weather sunny and just over 80 degrees Fahrenheit most of the time (day and night). Lots of air conditioning to keep cool when that is wanted. It’s a good way to travel. Others to ALL the work. It’s affordable. We were on Royal Caribbean. At least on our late January cruise this is definitely an older crowd. Very few families with kids. Almost no college aged people. Just us wretched boomers spending our money. I am have absolutely no complaints about the trip and the service whatsoever.

I notice Royal Caribbean shares RCL on New York have a trailing P/E of 9.35 according to Yahoo. I may take a look at their annual report when it releases in a month or so. Many businesses could learn a lot about customer service from this company. I also found the four islands we visited work hard to keep tourists happy (and spending). Well trained and knowledgeable taxi drivers and tour guides for example.

The markets seemed to do okay during my trip. However Friday was down modestly  Monday was down modestly most of the day before a late recovery and today Tuesday the markets are again down a little. As always, there is certainly a chance that markets will decline at any moment due to world events. But meanwhile I am mostly holding. Noticing Melcor was up today I placed an order to sell what amounts to 18% of my Melcor shares at $14.25. As I have explained a number of times (and As indicated in my personal portfolio breakdown)  I have a large exposure to a few companies including Melcor. Also I bought additional Melcor and others on weakness this past Fall and it makes sense now to trim on strength.

I observe that the trimming I have done in the past couple of months on strength has cost me money as stocks kept rising. Still, it was definitely a good decision to trim. There is a difference between a good decision and a good outcome. Good decisions are bases on analysis, good outcomes — especially in the short term — are partly due to good analysis but with a huge measure of good luck thrown in.

We are about to enter the year-end earnings reporting  season in Canada. There will be lots of earnings reports in the next six to eight weeks. I am not sure if any Canadian companies have already report December 31 earnings.

January 19, 2012

There will not be any daily posts or updates here for the next ten days or so. I am off on vacation on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship that goes South from San Juan Puerto Rico. We will be stopping at St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Aruba and Curacao on this seven day cruise. Comments and updates will resume on January 30 or 31.

Markets were up a little today. These first three weeks of January have seen excellent market gains. Our average Strong Buy is up 6.2% and our average Buy rated stock is up 3.1%. It happens that our one Sell rated stock is down 2.5%, so that is a good start indeed.  (This excludes Dollarama which was added after the start of the year)

January 18, 2012

I sold the 300 shares of RIM from my wife’s RRSP today at $17.42. I had bought these on December 22 at $13.79, so there was a profit of $1089 less $20 in Commissions. I have always ran that account on a somewhat lower risk basis and I figured why not grab the quick profit. I also sold the options that I had on RIM for a profit. I kept the 300 RIM shares that I have in my own RRSP account. I did mention on December 17 that RIM might be a “real opportunity”. so maybe I should have really loaded up and then hung on. But I figured I would hedge my bets here, keep the 300 shares in my own account and sell the rest. It’s definitely a volatile stock, it will move up and down on rumor until we get some real news.

Today was a good day for our stock picks. Toll Brothers was up 4.8%. Bank of America which I don’t rate but which I have talked about a fair amount was up 4.9%. FirstService was up 4.4%.

January 17, 2012

Wells Fargo came out with earnings before the open today. I think the earnings were quite good and the company is growing. Still the stock did not rise much. I sold 300 shares at $30.40 based on an order I had placed a week or so ago. But I still hold over 6000 shares and it is my largest holding, so I am not exactly bailing out here. I am hopeful the market will take better notice of the good results over the next few days. Also it may increase its dividend before long. I may place another order to sell a few more shares if the price goes up to say $32.

I’ve revised the rating on Dollarama to Weak Sell instead of Weak Buy. The numbers would really say don’t buy. But it is a very strong company and I was somewhat reluctant to rate it as any kind of Sell. But really the numbers indicate it is very richly valued. While it could continue to rise, I think it would be wise to take profits if you own this or to stand aside if you don’t own it.

Canadian Tire share price has slid a bit to $63.07. If I did already own a lot of it I would be buying. On a value basis there is no comparison between Dollarama and Canadian Tire, Canadian Tire is the better value by miles. Dollarama share are pricing in very strong growth. Canadian Tire share are pricing in very little growth. I suspect Canadian Tire could “release value” at will by such moves as selling store real estate and leasing it back or perhaps selling its credit card division. But Canadian Tire chooses not to do that. Dollarama meanwhile has apparently fine tuned the ability to generate profits from its stores. But it does not own its real estate and so any sign of decline or slower growth in its profit could torpedo the share price. In other words Dollarama is priced for near perfection. Maybe it will continue to operate to near perfection. But there is a danger it will not.

January 16, 2012

I just made a few minor edits to the Dollarama report as I noticed a couple of cells were left incomplete. It’s numbers are rather interesting. It’s net profit margins are 9.8% which is I think the highest I have seen in a retail operation. More typical would be under 5%. The market capitalization is $3.3 billion which compares to Canadian Tire at $5.2 billion. Something is more than a little odd about that.

January 15, 2012

Dollarama is added to the list above as a Weak Buy at $43.49. This is a very nice business. It has surprisingly strong margins and excellent growth. However, the share price since its IPO in late 2009 at $17.50 has probably surpassed all expectations. It does not look like a buy to me. It could however continue to do well. If I owned it I would consider lightening my position.

Speaking of retail operations, I was in a Home Depot yesterday. The place was relatively empty and when I got to the register no one was in front of me. I am not familiar with the profitability of Home Depot. But I think it is clear to say that it is not as strong a business as Costco. When you are in a Costco the place is crowded, especially on a weekend. And Costco sells its inventory before it even has to pay the suppliers. The inventory in a Home Depot would likely move through MUCH slower. However Home Depot would have higher mark ups. We rated Costco a Weak Sell above which may have been too low a rating. It always looks expensive but Costco could probably increase its profits at will by raising prices (since its markups are so low) or by using more debt financing. I may need to take that into more consideration at the next update of Costco. The company has a new CEO now and just maybe it will focus a bit more on higher profits.

As of later on Sunday evening, markets are projected to open down slightly.

This coming week we should see some of our companies report Q4 earnings, I am looking forward to seeing the earnings at Wells Fargo.

January 14, 2012

Shaw Communications is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $19.83. Note the 4.9% yield. I will consider buying more Shaw by selling some of my larger positions but I will not likely do that until after my larger holding report their Q1 results.

January 13, 2012

Markets were a bit weak today, but the week overall was good. The year has started off well for our stock picks. The six stocks that are rated in the Strong Buy category are up an average of 3.4%, led by RIM at 12%. The 17 stocks in the Buy category are up an average of 1.3%. My own portfolio which is quite concentrated in a few stocks is up 3.1%.

January 12, 2012

Shaw Communications reported earnings before the open today. The market was not excited by the earnings and the shares were down 1.4%. To me, the earnings looked pretty good. There was a loss of 23,000 basic cable customers or 1.0%. But I figure that is not that bad considering the competition from Telus T.V. And Shaw gained another 23,000 digital phone customers and 11,000 internet customers, so still some growth. And lots of cable customers are upgrading to digital and I suspect more channels.

Dividend was raised by 5% and yield is 4.8%.

But there are some signs of weakness in that the media division revenue was down 3% (on a comparable basis — last year they did not own Shaw Media for the whole three months of the comparable quarter). Cable revenue also was only up 4% and that counts digital phone as well. Also it looks like competition with Telus is getting more intense – never a good thing for profits.

I plan to update the report soon. Our rating on the stock is currently (higher) Buy and so I suspect it will continue to be rated somewhere in the Buy range.

Research in motion was up 5.5% to $16.80, which is a nice recovery from its very recent low of $12.80 in mid December. On December 17 (below) I commented that this stock might represent a “real opportunity” and I bought some options in December being the first time I have bought options on anything in about four years or so. Still, with all the negative publicity I was not prepared to make a really large bet on it. And we don’t know yet where this company is headed. It’s always possible the price will plunge again with the Q4 results. But it sure looks cheap on a trailing earnings basis.

January 11, 2012

Markets overall were down a little today. However, our stock picks did well.

In particular Toll Brothers was up 2%. My Bank of America (talked about in these daily comments previously, but not rated) was up 3.6%. and Couche-Tard was up 2%. I did not do any transactions today or enter any orders.

January 10, 2012

I may trim a few positions…

It was a good day in the markets, Toll brothers was up 4.4%. Bank of America which I hold and have discussed but which is not in the list above was up 5.7%. Here in Canada, Boston Pizza which I bought for yield and not gains was up 1.7%. And Walgreen was up 2.7%.

My Portfolio…

The composition of my own portfolio was very recently updated. It shows that I am over 97% invested in equities and less than 3% in cash. And actually a little bit of money if borrowed outside of my investment accounts and so my net equity position is actually a bit over 100%.

By most any standards my portfolio is very aggressive. On top of the high equity exposure, I am concentrated in not very many stocks. So in that regard I am living dangerously.

So… from an asset allocation or risk management perspective it makes sense for me to trim my equity exposure and trim my exposure to certain companies.

But… I have trouble doing that because all my larger positions are stocks that I rate highly. So I am conflicted about selling a highly rated company.

However, I know that logically asset allocation and risk management should come first and logically i should trim some positions.

And recall that I added to Melcor and other positions as their prices dropped and so it makes perfect sense to reverse that as the price rises.

So… I did sell what amounted to 16% of my Melcor shares today (at $13.65).

I also have a previously disclosed order in to sell a bit more Wells Fargo at $30.40. This will sell only about 4% of my Wells Fargo.

My thinking is to enter a few more Sell order and trim some positions. Ideally I would trim while prices rise in the next few weeks, but certainly that may not be the case.

I really should trim fairly aggressively right now but I am inclined to go more slowly and see where we stand after the Q4 results come in. For example I am hopeful for good results from Canadian Tire in particular. And probably Wells Fargo, although for Wells Fargo the real catalyst I hope for is a dividend increase.

This risk if I don’t trim positions we get a leg down in the markets due to Europe or Iran and I won’t have money to take advantage of lower prices.

Adding to my risk is the fact that my portfolio has grown quite nicely and I have been investing for some 23 years now and I am at the point where new contributions from savings will not save the day if the market falls. Younger investors are in a better position to ride out don-turns since their new contributions from savings are material realtive to their portfolios (no longer necessarily the case for me).

Hopefully that is not too confusing. If it is, well, it is also honest and when we are being honest every investor must admit they have conflicting thoughts about the market. We all struggle with the extent to which greed or fear is going to guide our investment decisions at any point in time. My asset allocation and portfolio composition indicates I have been rather brave — but that does not mean I don’t have my moments of fear or at least moments of thinking I should lower my risks.

Having said all this, I do feel good about the markets right now. And, having said that, anything can happen at anytime. It’s the nature of the beast.


January 9, 2012

It was not a bad day in the markets as U.S. bank stocks rose. We are now into earnings season. Alcoa reported after the close and its results were apparently better than expected.

January 8. 2012

I am taking a look at Dollarama right now. Perhaps I am two years too late, I should have looked at it earlier. As always it is going to take a lot of analysis and work before I add it to the site here. If nothing else it will help me in my understanding of retail operations.

As of late Sunday evening, futures suggest the Dow will open down about 35 points. However there was some indication that certain bank liquidity rules are not going to be enforced as rigorously as earlier thought and this may be good for banking shares on Monday.

January 7, 2012

Our comprehensive reference article on Canadian Exchange Traded Funds is updated. This article contains current P/E ratios and dividends yields for a broad selection of ETFs. It also includes Gold, Silver, Oil and Natural Gas ETFs. Most of you may prefer individual stocks rather than ETFs. still, ETFs can be a good way to rapidly enter and exit the market it you wish to do that. They can also help you fill in any missing sectors. Some of the higher yield ETFs may be of particular interest.

January 5, 2012

Markets did not do much today. But some of our stock picks did quite well.

Wells Fargo was up 1.6% and Toll Brothers was up 2.1%. A stock that I hold but don’t have a rating on, Bank of America was up a hefty 8.6%. My investment in bank of America was detailed in the comments below (see July 26 and August 2 in particular). I ended up buying it at around $9.50. In retrospect I was at least too early. And I was too greedy as I grabbed quite a bit. Perhaps though time will rescue what seemed like a bad investment as 2011 closed.

So far 2012 has started off quite well for our stock picks and my own portfolio. It would be nice to finish off the week this way. However, as of tonight the futures suggest a down day in the market tomorrow. The fun never ends in this game.

January 4, 2012

Of interest today, Toll Brothers up 2.9%. So hopefully that bodes well for the U.S. home building industry.

January 3, 2012

Markets got off to a very strong start for 2012.

Most everything was up.

I sold what amounted to 9% of my Wells Fargo. I had continued to add to Wells Fargo at lower prices this past Fall. So I sold some today at $28.40. I also placed an order to sell a bit more at $30.40. In some ways I don’t want to sell any. But it is my largest holding and perhaps it makes sense to play the volatility a bit. Also I want to raise cash for other investments now or later.

markets seem confident at the moment. Of course things can always change quickly.

January 2, 2012

The composition of my own portfolio has been updated. It includes mainly Strong Buys and (higher) Buys from the list above but also one two that are Buy rated. My portfolio is by almost any standard over concentrated in a few stocks and I may work to reduce the concentration.

Trading for 2012 starts tomorrow. A few companies in the list above were well out of date. I have now removed these form the list. Some of these might return especially if I think that they would be good buys. I don’t think I would consider any of these to be Sells. If I held them I would be in no big hurry to sell. Then again, I have not looked at them recently. The removed companies are:

Staples, Telus Tim Hortons, Visa, Aeroplan, Bombardier, Constellation Software, Reitmans, and TMX Group.

So, we start the year with:

9 U.S. companies

5 Canadian companies that are also listed in the U.S. for a total of 14 U.S. listed

6 Canadian companies

7 higher yield Canadian entities

27 investment choices in total.

7 entities are rated in the Strong Buy category (but please consider the full report and the reasons why we think it is a Strong Buy and all the comments in the report)

5 are rated (higher) Buy and 10 are rated Buy.

I hope to add a few new companies before too long and some of those deleted from the list may return.

Generally speaking stocks appear attractive as we enter 2012. There are, as always, risks. World events could push the entire market lower at any time. And individual companies are always subject to negative developments. Stock investors tend to do well over time but it is not without periods of losses.

January 1, 2012

Walgreen Company inc., the largest U.S. drugstore chain is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $33.06. It’s price has dropped to quite an attractive level due to the loss of about 5% of its customers who are covered bor drugs through a drug plan management company called Express Scripts. Walgreen refused to lower its prices sufficiently for express scripts but feels this was best for Walgreen and it believes it can win back many of the customers. It may be an opportunity to buy a great company at a time when it has been somewhat wounded. I may buy some shares.

eBay is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $30.33. This company is a sort of toll booth collecting fees on everything sold on eBay as well as fees for payments with PayPal. Both auction sites and payment systems benefit from “first-mover” advantages whereby an incumbent has competitive advantages and it is difficult to compete against an incumbent. Given these characteristics eBay could be considered as an investment. Personally I am bothered by its attitude toward stock options and would not buy unless the price were more compelling.

Happy New Year. Our Performance for 2011 has been updated. It was not a great year in the markets but we did easily beat the the market for the 10th year out of 12.

I feel good about the selection of Buys and Strong Buys (in the table above) as we enter 2012. World financial conditions could certainly throw a wrench into he works. But that is always the case. Stocks tend to be unpredictable in the short term but tend to do well over the long term. And if one can manage to hold better than average stocks then, all the better.

Our latest free newsletter was issued a few days ago and you should have received it if you are on the list for the free newsletter (If, not, add your email address to the list, you can also delete old email addresses at that link.)


2014 and 2013 daily comments

December 31, 2014

Element Financial is updated and rated Highly Speculative Weak Buy at $14.14. This company may do very well. Management is expanding it very aggressively. I spent a full say looking at its reports. I just could not get comfortable with what I feel is its aggressive view of how to calculate adjusted earnings and with its high executive compensation. It compensates executives very highly, mostly with stock options but also with millions in cash incentive pay. It then proceeds to add back the stock-related compensation as if it were not a real expense. I totally disagree with that view. In a recent acquisition it paid out $24 million in contingent compensation ($14 million in cash) and then added all that back because it was not an ongoing expense. I have some sympathy for that view but then again if they do repeated acquisitions this expense will occur again. With their method this expense is totally ignored forever. They even add back all income taxes on the basis that they will not pay cash taxes for the next 20 years. That does not give me comfort that the earnings are “real” and basically is simply distasteful to us. Finally, the provision for bad debt looked low to me. I could have rated this a By, albeit a highly speculative one, but overall I am more comfortable calling it a highly speculative weak Buy. Perhaps I am just jealous of the high salaries of management but I just don’t feel comfortable with this investment. (I edited this paragraph on Jan 1 with very minor edits, I generally never change any posts after they are written except I occasionally fix obvious typos, if changes are at all substantive I will make a note of that or add it as a P.S. to identify it was written after the original post)

December 30, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.5% and Toronto was down 0.2%.

I will have a few more updates before the start of trading for the new year.

Bombardier Inc. is updated and rated Speculative Buy at CAN $4.11. It reports in U.S. dollars and does most of its business in U.S. dollars. Our report is therefore in U.S. dollars. The emphasis here is on the word “speculative”. The company has a LOT of negative aspects. But it is likely moving into a period of improved profitability. It is a low margin business but the upside of that is that a given increase in revenues can lead to a large increase in profits. For investors willing to take a risk this could be a good speculative choice. I will consider increasing my position.

The Bombardier perpetual preferred shares report is updated and rated Speculative Buy. at $21.84 These yield 7.2% because Bombardier is a weak company. There is some risk here. And the possible upside is certainly not as good as on the common shares. I hold shares. I am attracted to the 7.2% yield despite the risk. We first added to this site on June 17, 2010  at $21.75. So, overall it has delivered the 7.2% yield since then but has had no capital gain. In the that period of time the shares were mostly above $22 and got as high as $25 but were recently as low as $21 and so there can be volatility.

December 29, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 was up 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.4% despite another decline in the price of oil.

Most of the stocks on my list were up. Liquors Stores N.A. was up 3.3% to $15.46. Maybe some of their stores are doing well. But in my area they have too many stores and the industry has FAR too many stores. One of their small competitors, Solo Liquor is trouncing them in my area. Then there is Super Store Liquor Stores and Costco to compete against. As far as I can see the earnings don’t justify the price. They recently issued stock. I suppose that keeps the dividend safe for a while. But unless earnings increase I don’t see how the dividend can be maintained longer term. And perhaps the earnings will increase but I am just not seeing any sign of it.

Melcor was down 1.9% to $19.51. This is a thinly traded stock which has very little analyst coverage. The market has pushed it down due to lower oil prices. It could certainly fall further and its earnings could certainly be hit hard by low oil prices. But it seem to me that there is a margin of safety here in its assets. Very few profitable companies trade at less than book value. But Melcor’s stock trades at 75% of book value. And that book value consists mostly of raw land, developed land and commercial rental buildings. Those seem like solid assets. Of course land values could plummet if there is a very deep recession in Alberta. And the value of commercial rental buildings would also decline. But it seems to me that it would take a deep and relatively permanent recession in Alberta to justify Melcor trading at 75% of book value. I feel good about holding Melcor but only time will tell how the economy in Alberta unfolds.

December 28, 2014

Alimentation Couche-Tard is updated and rated Sell at $47.50. I feel I am going out on a limb by rating this great company “Sell” but it just seems too expensive at this time. We had rated it only a (lower) Buy at the start of this year and it is now up 78%. We first added it to this site on March 31, 2005 rated (lower) Strong Buy at a split-adjusted $5.80. Since then it is up 719%. Over the years we mostly had it rated in the Buy range and sometimes the Strong Buy range and never in the Sell range. I did (sadly) sell my own shares in April 2012 when it “popped” on the announcement it would acquire Statoil Retail. I have always been impressed with management and the growth. Those who own it could consider selling or reducing their position.

December 27, 2014

FirstService is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $US. 49.95 or CAN $58.49. Due to both its cyclical nature and to a number of accounting complexities it has a been a difficult company to value or predict. I have always thought that it was well managed. It may be worth investing in based on its management. It will also benefit if the U.S. economy continues to improve.  It’s unfortunate that I cannot be more definitive in rating this and other companies as either a buy or a sell. But in theory the stock market is supposed to do a good job in valuing companies and when it does most companies should be rated Hold. It is only a minority of companies that tend to look like clear Buys or clear sells at any given time. Canadian investors face currency risk in investing in FirstService. This is the case even when it is bought on Toronto. Currency risk is linked to where the earnings come from, not from where a stock trades. For this company, the price on Toronto will fall if the Canadian dollar rises, all else equal.

December 26, 2014

Fedex is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold. This company has been difficult to rate over the years due to its profits being quite volatile with the state of the economy in recent years.

eBay is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $57.01. This is a difficult company to rate for several reasons. First, it is to be broken up into two companies in 2015. More importantly it is subject to the risk that larger financial players like VISA or the banks will eventually dominate the online payments business or at least push the margins in that business down. Its marketplaces (eBay and classified ads) may be subject to less competition than the PayPal business.  Given its current market position I would consider buying it as a speculative pick except for the fact that I just don’t trust and respect its management due to their insistence on adding back stock options as if they were not a real expense and also due to the very large compensation and due to a recent flip-flop on the issue of breaking up the company.

December 25, 2014

On the short trading day of Wednesday the 24th the Canadian and U.S. markets were about flat overall.

Melcor was up 4.0% but as always it can jump around more than other stocks due to its thin trading.

The thinly traded Canadian Tire voting shares (CTC) lurched up 10% to a new high of $260. This makes no sense to me and I don’t see the basis for it. The non-voting shares (CTC.a) are at $122.

Yesterday I sold about 25% of my Wells Fargo shares at about $55.60. After the sale it will still represent close to 15% of my equity investments. I had basically been letting this ride despite having a very large position in it. I also added to the position at lower prices in October. Considering that I also have a large position in Bank of America and a very large exposure to Toll Brothers, I have overall a very large exposure to the U.S. economy and the rebound in its housing market.  That is probably a good bet but it certainly seems prudent, given my exposure, to trim this somewhat at this time.

I don’t believe that Toronto is open for trading on the 26th but I believe the U.S. markets will be open.

December 23, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 and The DOW again hit record highs.

The S&P 500 was up 0.2% and Toronto was up 1.1%

Most of the stocks I monitor were up. Canadian Western Bank was up 3.3%. Melcor was down 2.2% which I would attribute more to randomness and the thin trading than anything.

I am pondering if I should trim my Wells Fargo position tomorrow. It makes up a rotund 19% of my equities. I have not taken profits in Wells Fargo in quite some time. Selling it would be an opportunity have at least a modest cash position. The news from the American economy has been quite strong and so maybe I should hang on. But prudence would suggest that I trim the position. I am leaning towards trimming.

December 22, 2014

On Monday, the Dow and the S&P 500 hit record highs….

The S&P 500 was up 0.4% while Toronto was down 0.3%.

Melcor was up 3.2% at $19.56…

I note the very (very) thinly traded Canadian Tire voting shares have dropped from recent highs of $257 to $202,. The non-voting shares are at $123. (The voting shares should probably be about the same.) I said the voting shares were an accident waiting to happen. Maybe they will go back up but I see no reason for it. It seems to me  highly unlikely that 1) Canadian Tire voting shares are about to be sold by the founding Billes family and that 2) in any case the voting shares even then would be worth more than the non-voting shares even if that unlikely scenario came to pass. The voting shares seem to have defied gravity for several years now. I doubt that that can continue indefinitely.

December 21, 2014

Costco is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $141.77. Based on the P/E at 29.5 we could have rated it a Weak Sell. But one has to respect the fact that it is the one of the very lowest cost and most efficient retailers in the world. It will continue to grow. And it could increase profits at will by raising prices or using more debt. But it is very unlikely to raise its markups and there is no sign that it will leverage up or do things like sell off its real estate. We first added it to this site in 2008 rated (lower) Buy at $72.55. Most of the time since then we have had it rated Weak Buy or even Weak Sell. The earnings and the share price multiple have both done better than we would have expected.

The weaker Canadian dollar will hurt it somewhat next quarter. But the price might not fall because it will likely still do very well in the U.S. In the perhaps unlikely event that it fell to $125 or especially $115 I would then consider buying it. It’s a powerful company due to its low costs and so even though the P/E is high, the P/E could stay that way. I certainly would not expect the P/E to rise.

December 20, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 was up 0.5% and Toronto was up 0.8%. The oil sands ETF, CLO was a notable gainer, up 5.0%.

American Express is updated and rated Buy at $92.90. We first added American Express to the site last February 8 rated Buy at $87. We also indicated that a reasonable strategy might be to take a quarter or half position and look to add on dips. That is what I ended up doing. Since February the price has varies from about $84 to $96, with a recent dip to about $80 with the stock market weakness that bottomed in mid October. Overall there has not been that much of an opportunity to buy on dips. I would continue to want to hold a modest position and look to buy more on any sharp dips. Canadian investors have benefited from the slide int eh Canadian dollar. But I don’t attribute that to American Express. That gain is associated with the decision to be invested in U.S. stocks in general and is not associated with the particular stock chosen.

December 19, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was up 2.4% and Toronto was up 0.9%.

Almost all the stocks on our list were up.

As always I don’t spend much time trying to predict where the market is headed. Basically no one can because it is subject to many random events. Instead I focus on trying to react to existing stock prices by trying to find and buy some companies that appear to be under-valued and to sell out of (or reduce) positions that I hold that become apparently over-valued. This is an exercise that at least has a chance of success. Trying to predict random events does not seem worthwhile. Some people may have success predicting how long certain trends will last once set in motion. I don’t think very many have success at that. trends may also end for random unpredictable reasons.

Investors should decide if they think of stocks as ownership of small pieces of real businesses or as mere squiggles on a  screen. Most apparently are in the second camp.

December 18, 2014 12:45 pm  eastern, 9:45 am mountain time.

Wednesday was a strong day in the markets and today, Thursday is strong as well.

Canadian Western Bank and Melcor have risen somewhat.

Couche-Tard (note, our analysis is out of date due to the large price increase) is up 7.6% after announcing a large acquisition. There has just been no stopping this company. I have long said it is one of the best managed companies in Canada. In July I thought it was a reasonable but not a screaming buy at $29.26. Now it is $45.78. I sold my shares a few years ago after gaining a bout 100% and thereby missed out on much larger gains. The value was helped by the lower Canadian dollar as most of its revenues comes from outside of Canada.

When it comes to world markets I wondering what the fallout will be from the Russian situation. Also, I wonder who has lost money on oil futures. When there are massive changes in currency values and commodities there are huge traders and possibly investment banks somewhere that are on the wrong end of those bets. And their losses can cause ripple effects on financial institutions. So far I have no seen any news or concern about this.

December 16, 2014

On Tuesday the price of oil did not drop – which was news. The S&P 500 fell 0.9% while Toronto rose 1.1%.

The oils sands ETF, trading under the symbol CLO rose 4.5%. A number of stocks on our list rose but none by exciting amounts especially given the recent declines. Although CN rail was up 2.7%.

Oil was trading again this evening and appeared to be giving back Tuesday’s increase.

December 15, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 fell 0.6% and Toronto fell 0.2%

Melcor was down another 2.2% to $17.80, Canadian Western Bank was down 1.8% to $29.41.

A few stocks on our list rose – Couche-Tard up 4.1%, and Element Financial up 2.7%.

My long-time and large investment in Melcor certainly has taken a pounding down recently.  And I bought more as it fell. Canadian Western Bank also went down a lot and I bought too early on the way down. I also bought a small amount of Stantec after it fell — and then it fell some more.

These three Edmonton-headquartered companies have fallen due to the lower oil prices. I did not anticipate that oil would fall like that. I have never attempted to predict oil prices and have generally not invested in energy stocks over the years. I did have some exposure to CLO the oils sands ETF for the last two years or so – and managed to add to that position on the way down.

Even with oil down I have been surprised at how far Melcor and Canadian Western Bank have fallen in response. It’s my assessment that Melcor is trading well below its intrinsic value and the same is true to a lesser extent of Canadian Western Bank and Stantec. It is true that if oil prices stay very low then a reasonable assessment of the intrinsic value of these companies will fall. But at this time I would judge these stocks to be under-valued.

If the Alberta economy is larger in several years then it is now then it seems highly likely that these stocks will be significantly higher in several years.

In regards to the reasons for the low price of oil I can’t pretend to have any special knowledge. But here are my thoughts.

I would say that the notion that the Saudi’s are letting oil drop simply to protect market share seems a bit absurd. To use some made up but illustrative numbers: Can it really be true that they would rather have say 30% of a $50 billion market ($15 billion for them) than say 28% of a $100 billion market ($28 billion for them)? These are made-up numbers but that would seem to be the illustrative result if they push oil prices down by 50%. It seems to me that having a market share for a finite resource like oil is a bit different than having and maintaining a market share for something like Coke. It would seem logical that a country would want to maximize its short- and long-term benefit from a finite resource. Driving the price lower would be a strange way to do that. Decreasing production at times of low oil prices would seem more logical.

One explanation for low oil prices that I have heard centers around the Saudi’s desire to economically hurt some of their enemies. That makes more sense to me.

Another explanation is that they are trying to drive shale oil out of the market. That seems unlikely to me since even if current shale producers are bankrupted the resource would still be in the ground and would be bought up on the cheap out of bankruptcy auctions and so would likely then be able to produce at lower oil prices due to the low cost of acquiring the resource.

We are also told that demand for oil is dropping. Yet the graphs I see show it increasing. Perhaps they mean increasing at a a slower rate.

We also hear that oil supply outstrips demand. What does that mean? Do they mean potential supply? I thought Economics 101 teaches that supply must equal demand and that the price adjusts to make that happen. I believe I was taught that every barrel of oil (or anything else) that is supplied (sold) must also be demanded (bought). Perhaps they mean some oil is bought for storage, but that is still demand. Or perhaps we are into some new math of economics?

Or perhaps 90% of what we hear on business television is again the need for talking heads to fill air time whether they know what they are talking about or not.

But I am not suggesting that I know where oil prices are headed. In the short term that would seem to be anyone’s guess. In the longer term I would guess higher but it’s an uneducated guess on my part since I don’t pretend to know the economics of the business. My uneducated guess would be that oil demand will keep growing to some extent with the world economy. And I would be surprised if that demand can be met at lower prices but again I have never followed the economics of the business.

It will be interesting to see if Warren Buffett comes in with an oil investment sometime during the period of low oil prices. I certainly would not be surprised by that. However, upon checking a site called I see that Buffett is busy attending football games at the moment. The man gets around. I marvel at how he manages his time so well. It helps to have private jets at his disposal. Still…

December 14, 2014

Toll Brothers is updated and rated Buy at $31.56. This stock was added to the site in mid 2011, rated Speculative Buy at $21.03 at a time when it was suffering heavy losses. I added it to the site as a way to benefit from the expected recovery in U.S. home building and home prices. After that the stock briefly got as low as about $14 and has been as high as $39 and has spent the past two and a half years mostly in the $30 to $37 range. It’s earnings recovered steadily from negative levels and were recently at an “acceptable” level with a P/E of about 17 depending on how one adjusts for unusual items. This company is unusual in that it operates with a predictable lag of perhaps 15 months from signing a sale to delivering the house and booking the revenue and profit. While earnings continues to increase rapidly in 2014 its contracted sales in terms of number of units were flat with 2013 although up 7% in dollars. however signed contracts were up 10% in units and 16% in dollars in its latest quarter. It now seems likely that its earnings growth will be quite modest in 2015. But if signed contracts exhibit strong growth then the share price could increase on that basis. Now that its earnings have returned to a reasonable level and given the price to book value ratio does not seem excessive at 1.52, this company now seems like an attractive investment. It has potential for significant growth if U.S. new home construction levels return to historic levels and if the economy there continues to recover. Canadian investors face the risk that the Canadian dollar could rise against the U.S. currency.

On Friday, the S&P 500 fell 1.6% and Toronto fell 1.3%. Almost all of the stocks on our list were down as well.

December 11, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was up 0.4% and Toronto was also up 0.4%.

Most of the stocks on my list were up somewhat.

A notable decliner was Melcor, down 7.0% to $18.35. This is a thinly traded stock and can be volatile partly for that reason. But apparently the market is afraid that oil prices are going to stay low and that Melcor’s sales of new home building lots are going to decline substantially and/ or that the prices it obtains for lots is going to decline materially. I notice the Melcor REIT units have not declined much in price and were up slightly today. This would seem to suggest that the market has not (at least not yet) pushed down the value of commercial investment properties. 45% of Melcor’s assets are investment properties of which its ownership in its REIT is part. If the investment properties have not declined much in value with the oil price decline then it would appear that the market believes that Melcor’s land inventory has declined in value quite significantly. And perhaps it has or will if indeed oil prices remain low and if that in turn causes a serious decline in housing starts and lot prices.

I continue to view Melcor as a good investment especially for the long term. I am already heavily exposed to it but may add to my position.

A director at Melcor bought 1000 shares a few days ago at just under $20.

Similarly an executive at Canadian Western Bank bought 2000 shares in the past few days at about $31.50.

Perhaps we will see more insider buying which would be a positive signal.

December 10, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 fell 1.6% and Toronto fell 2.4%.

Almost all of the stocks on my list were down.

The biggest decline was for Toll Brothers, down 7.9%.

Toll Brothers released earnings this morning. Earnings were up 25% compared to the same quarter last year. The company’s earnings and sales have risen rapidly since the low point in 2011. It appears that 2015 will see modest growth but the company was quite optimistic about 2016 and beyond.

This recent market decline marks the third time this year that markets have pulled back noticeably. On the past two occasions our stocks picks recovered on average. Markets are always unpredictable in the short term. In the long term they do continue to rise. The average large corporation is not going to stop making money or to stop growing its earnings.

December 9, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 ended the day about flat while Toronto gained 0.4%.

Canadian Western Bank fell another 1.5% and I added to my position in it. Most of the stocks I track were up somewhat today.

As I drove to work this morning I heard on the business news that “oil is plunging”. That sounded depressing. But, actually, they meant it plunged the day before. It was actually up for the day at the very time they were spreading that false news. In my mind it is almost never correct to say a stock or commodity IS rising or IS falling. That would appear to suggest that someone knows the direction something will head next, rather than the reality that they simply know the direction something headed in the past. And if they really do know where things are headed they ought perhaps to be buying or selling based on their apparent knowledge of the future. I mean every “trend” turns around at some point. How do people who say something IS rising or IS falling know that it did not turn around just as they made their claim? Are these the same sort of people who say things like “my gut tells me XXX will go down another YY%”? Or I “see” it headed down another ZZ%. Do people really listen to the advise of people’s guts or what they “see” (apparently in the stars). Oh well, there are 24 hours times multiple business news T.V. channels and other business news media outlets and they have to fill all that air time with something. And people do listen to this stuff, they will even constantly ask where do you “see” ZZZ heading? I say good luck with that approach to investing. And luck will be needed, I suspect.

December 8, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 fell 0.7% and Toronto was down 2.3%.

Once again lower oil prices were causing investors to bid down the price of many stocks.

Many reports will say that investors “pulled money out of stocks”. It’s true that some investors did so, but they could only do so by having other investors buy their shares. As a population, investors are powerless to pull money out of the market. The overall TSX market had a lower value today than it did on Friday. The difference in wealth was not “pulled out”. Instead, it evaporated into thin air. That’s how markets work.

The value of the overall stock market index should, in theory, reflect the present value of the future cash flows from the market index from now to eternity discounted at an appropriate interest rate. As forecasts of the growth of earnings and of interest rates change then the valuation of the market changes. These changes tend to be fairly radical at times in both directions. On some days the average investor makes money, on other days the average investor loses money. Those gains and losses basically come from thin air (or at least not from other investors) reflecting future expectations. In this aspect of the market winning days outnumber losing days because over time the present value of the future earnings from the overall stock market index (of corporate Canada or of corporate America as Buffett likes to say)  is constantly (but irregularly) growing as the economy expands over the years. This is a positive sum game, the average investor wins over the years. Layered on top of that, everyday some individual investors profit at the expense of other individual investors as they trade stocks with each other. That part of the market is a zero sum game.

Notable decliners today among the stocks I follow included: Canadian Western Bank down 2.8%, Stantec down 3.0%, Couche-Tard down 3.1% and Constellation Software down 3.9%.

Under the category of “Life is Just Not Fair”, we can perhaps file the fact that Berkshire Hathaway was up 0.8% today and has been setting new all-time highs quite regularly including today. And I read today that the recent huge gains in Berkshire has pushed Warren Buffett past Carlos Slim Helu into second place on the list of the world’s richest people. Number one on the list is Buffett’s very close friend, Bill Gates.

Perhaps we can take some comfort at this time from the fact that Buffett never let oil prices or macro economics interfere with his investment decisions. He simply bought the best companies he could find that were likely to earn the highest profits per dollar that he invested. He then benefited as those companies grew through investment of retained earnings. Or, if they paid a high dividend he took that money and repeated the process. He selected only companies that he felt were simple to understand — those where he could predict with confidence that earnings would grow relatively rapidly. And he focused on their earnings, not their share prices. The ideal scenario would be a share price drop even as earnings grew so that he buy more shares (of a fundamentally more valuable company) at a lower price. He never relied on the ability to sell the shares at a profit. He bought companies that he expected would ultimately be good investments if held forever and never sold. But he also did occasionally sell shares when the price seemed over-valued or he had better used for the the money.  When he bought outright control of an entire company for Berkshire, it was always “for keeps”, never to be sold. As he would say, the returns made in this fashion  have been “satisfactory”.

Shares of most profitable companies, and most certainly the broad market indexes, tend to move upwards over time. But not in straight lines. A volatile market presents opportunities for those still in the investment phase of their lives to buy more shares at opportune prices. Unfortunately, once one is in the phase of life where savings are being drawn down it is difficult to see an upside to market declines. Only if dividends are larger than the annual withdrawals or if there was a substantial allocation to cash or to assets that have not fallen in price is there much opportunity to take advantage of lower prices.

It is interesting that it is always AFTER the market falls 10% or whatever that everyone seems to get fearful. It might have been more logical to have been more fearful when the Canadian market was higher. Similarly with oil. At $64 people seem fearful of further drops but at prices over $100 they were not so fearful of a decline. I certainly can’t predict short-term oil price movements. It’s probably safe to say that oil will be over $100 again. Whether that will be in one year or five years or more I don’t know. Does anyone?

December 7, 2014

Canadian Western Bank is updated and now rated (lower) Strong Buy. Its share price has recently fallen from the $40 to $42 range of this past Summer. Nothing it its achieved earnings explains the decline. Rather, the decline is based on fears of a slow down in Western Canada (and possibly a spike in loan losses) due to lower oil prices. The company itself is projecting somewhat lower earnings growth of 5 to 8% in 2015. Obviously a slow down could a occur. Nevertheless on the numbers and on its past record of growth this stock looks relatively compelling at this price. But those who buy should, as always, be prepared to withstand a decline if that should occur.

Stantec is updated and rated Buy at $31.15 (It had a recent two for one stock split). At the start of this year we had rated it Weak Buy at $32.93 (split-adjusted). Since then its trailing earnings have increased 7.1% or 9.5% annualized and its book value per share has increased 12.1% or 16.1% annualized. On the basis of trailing earnings Stantec is a better value now than it was at the start of 2014. There are fears that its outlook for growth is lower no due to lower oil prices. However this may be offset by growth in the U.S. and by the lower Canadian dollar. About 40% of its revenues are from the U.S. I had sold my the last of my shares in Stantec in late 2013 at about $34.50 (split-adjusted) after making a very strong gain. Now I have started to buy back in. I don’t consider it be a strong Buy (which would be a more compelling Buy) but I do consider it to be a Buy and expect that it will be a good long-term investment. The short-term is always unpredictable.

December 6, 2014

I have updated the composition of my own portfolio. For this update I included an explanation of why I like to track the P/E ratio and earnings of my overall portfolio. I had started doing that years ago based on some advice I read from Warren Buffett. Later I could not find where he had said that. Recently I was re-reading his old annual letters and came across the advice in his 1991 letter.

My own portfolio gain for 2014 is still good at 10.2% despite the recent declines in Melcor which is my largest position.

On Friday the S&P 500 gained 0.2% and Toronto was about flat.

Most of our stocks rose but Canadian Western Bank fell another 2.2%. I think that is a buying opportunity. However, I have always said that banks can be risky. They operate with extreme financial leverage. At the same time a well managed bank is an earnings generating machine most of the time. In the past when Canadian Western was hammered down to low prices on fears of loan losses, those losses did not appear and the stock recovered. At this time the fears may involve both lower growth (which is certainly quite possible, even probable) and higher loan losses (which is possible but perhaps not probable to any great degree). Time will tell.

December 4, 2014

Thursday was a nasty day in the Canadian markets with Toronto down 1.9% while the S&P 500 was down 0.1%

Our Alberta stock picks were hard hit with Melcor down 6.2%, Stantec down 2.1% and Canadian Western bank down 4.6%.

I was surprised to see Canadian Western Bank down 4.6% to $33.15 after announcing record earnings of 72 cents per share and a 5% increase to the dividend after having already increased the dividend about 6% since this time last year. If it were to make 72 cents per share for four quarters that would be $2.88 per share or a P/E of 11.5.  It’s actual trailing earnings are $2.70 or $2.76 adjusted for a few items and so the actual trailing P/E ratio is about 12.1. That’s an earnings yield of over 8%. That seems attractive with interest rates at record lows.

Obviously there is a lot of fear in the markets and people are bidding down the price of stocks linked to the Alberta economy due to low oil prices. Will the the down draft continue? I can’t predict that. What I can do is observe that these three stocks alls seem to be trading at attractive prices. Alberta may well have a slow down. But I don’t think it will be permanent. It simply seems to me that on the face of it these three should all be good long term investments.

I added to my Canadian Western Bank position today. It’s always been my strategy to add to positions at lower prices unless something has happened to change the long-term positive outlook for the companies.

I may have to suffer more short term pain before seeing the long-term gains. Time will tell.

Melcor is trading at 76% of book value. And the assets that you can buy for 76 cents of the equity value on the balance sheet consist almost entirely of land, investment properties and accounts receivable. If a huge company came into Alberta and wanted to replicate these assets it seems certain that they would have to pay more than book value for the land while the investment properties and the accounts receivable should be obtainable at book value. Then there would be administrative costs to set up the business. So, it seems attractive to me to be able to buy the equity ownership in these assets for 76 cents on that dollar. In my experience it is rare for profitable companies to trade down near, let alone under, book value. The market however appears to fear that the profits are about to plunge with lower oil prices. That is always possible. It’s my belief that equity investing involves accepting a certain amount of risk and volatility.

December 3, 2014

Wednesday was a better day for the Canadian stock market with Toronto up 0.9%. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 was up 0.4%.

Canadian winners today included Canadian Western Bank up 2.0%, Stantec up 1.9%, and FirstService up 3.6%.

After the close of trading Canadian Western Bank released its Q4 earnings and reported another record quarter. Here are some value ratios calculated based on its trailing earnings as at Q3 (When I enter the Q4 numbers the value ratios will improve slightly). It’s trading at 1.85 times book value. It’s ROE is 14.2%. It retains 68% of its earnings and pays out 32% as a dividend. The dividends  yield is modest at 2.3%. But if you have an earnings engine that that is making 14% on equity it’s questionable if it should pay out any dividend at all. If you had a bank account paying double digit returns would you withdraw any money?

One can always come with scenarios of doom. What if the Alberta economy tanks due to low oil prices? What if the bank suffers huge loan losses. Well anything is possible but the question is, is this company more likely to suffer that problem or more likely to keep growing its earnings? I have been tracking it for just over 15 years. During that time its stock price is up 604% or a compounded average of 13.6% per year. It’s had its downs as well as its ups in those 15 years. I certainly like its chances for being a good investment over the next ten years. As far as the next 10 days or ten months that is harder to predict. But I am happy to climb aboard and see what happens.

December 2, 2014

Tuesday was yet another interesting day in the markets.

The S&P 500 was up 0.6% whole Toronto was about flat.

Most of the stocks on our list were up. But three Edmonton-headquartered companies that I like were down. Melcor was down another 2.8% to $20.77, Stantec was down 3.0% to $31.11 ($62.22 adjusting for its recent split) and Canadian Western Bank was down 1.8% to $34.08. I have been following two these for over 15 years and the third for 12 years. All three have seen big price drops on more than one occasion over that period. And all three have done very well over that period. I consider all three to be very well managed companies. I suspect all three will be excellent long-term investments. In the short term they could certainly continue to go down, as can any stock.

Today I bought back into Stantec which I had sold last year at about $69 (about $35 adjusting for the split). I also added to my Canadian Western Bank position. It’s entirely possible that my buying on this dip has been too aggressive and too early. Only time will tell.

Berkshire Hathaway’s A shares closed today at an even $225,000. It is almost beyond comprehension that these are the same shares that were trading at about the $14 to $18 range when Buffett took control of the company in 1965. In late February Buffett’s annual letter will tally up the results of his first 50 years of running Berkshire. Other stocks have rocketed thousands of percent in a short time. But I am not sure if any others can claim a gain of over one million percent in the last 50 years or less. If there was another, it was likely a penny stock. A one cent stock going to $100 (adjusting for splits) would be a one million percent increase, so maybe it has happened.

December 1, 2014

Monday was another ugly day for the Canadian stock market. Toronto was down 0.8% and the S&P 500 was down 0.7%.

The last I had looked the Canadian dollar was up about three quarters of a cent which reduces the value of American stocks when measured in Canadian dollars.

Notable losers included CN rail down 5.1% (apparently on fears there will be less crude oil being transported). Stantec was down 3.4%. Both of these stocks trade actively in the U.S. as well as Canada. My unscientific observation is that U.S. markets are often a lot faster to push a stock down on bad news. It may be that a higher percentage of market participants in the U.S. are trading on pure momentum and when they see a dip they push prices down fast as many people head for the exits and the only way to find buyers is at lower prices. The fact that these two trade in the U.S. may be part of the reason for such a rapid drop.

I considered buying some Stantec today but I don’t have much cash left in my accounts. Stantec’s earnings come from all over Canada and the U.S. and I don’t think are all that tightly linked to the Canadian energy “patch” or to energy in general.

I may sell more of my rate reset preferred shares to raise some cash. But I hate to sell unless I can get somewhat more than I paid.

Meanwhile seeing a new offering for a 4.5% five year rate reset preferred share from Husky (I got the notice from TD Direct) I put in for 500 shares of that. That was before I noticed Stantec was down.

Another decliner was Canadian Western Bank down 3.9%. I added to my position today. I believe it is due to report earnings in the next week or two.

Liquor Stores N.A. has announced that it is selling 3.4 million shares at a gross price of $14.65. (and presumably somewhat less than that net of fees_. The process will be used “initially top repay outstanding indebtedness under its credit facility, thereby freeing up borrowing capacity that may be redrawn and applied, as required, to fund, among other things, working capital, acquisitions, construction and/or renovations of new or existing stores and information system upgrades.”

The current share count is 23 million, so this is a hefty 15% increase in the share count.

This is a high dividend entity. It is constantly paying out cash and now it is selling shares to raise cash. I struggle with how that makes sense mathematically.

I realize that REITs do this and I hope to do some analysis to understand why it makes sense for REITs.

If a REIT or a Liquor Store chain is paying a dividend from the profit or at least cash flows on existing buildings and stores and then uses newly raised cash to build new buildings or new stores, maybe that makes sense (Although I am not really convinced of that).

But in the case of Liquor Stores N.A. it has been paying our more than it earns lately.  As a consequence , its debt has increased. On the face of it, it appears to have been borrowing to maintain the dividend. It has done some investing in stores, but lately not more than its depreciation expense.

I do think it is a good thing for the company to sell shares. The sale will strengthen the balance sheet and I think they are getting a good price for the shares. If the company is getting a good deal selling the shares at $14.65 (less costs) are the share buyers getting a good deal?

Maybe this will all work out and Liquor Stores N.A. will resume its former growth. But I am just not convinced.

November 30, 2014

Canadian National Railway Company (CNR or CN or CNI) is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at CAN $81.23 and U.S. $71.05. I have now been “tracking” CN for 15 years. Its share price is up a staggering 905% in that time or 17% per year on average. I have not tracked its ROE all the way back but in the last five years the ROE has been above 20%.  That explains much of the earnings and share price growth. I have long described CN as having to some extent monopolistic characteristics. The stock is up 34% this year to date . That’s a HUGE gain for such a large company. Part of the recent gain is explained by the lower Canadian dollar because its U.S. earnings are worth more as the Canadian dollar sinks. It has also see huge growth in hauling crude oil in the past few years and it had a bumper crop of grain to haul in 2014. I like it very much as a company. But as a stock it seems somewhat expensive and I am not a buyer at this price.

Regarding Liquor Stores N.A.  I lost money on that company and, more importantly, some others no doubt invested based on our analysis (albeit at their own risk) and lost money. We have it rated as a Sell at $13.31 and it is currently at $14.85. So, I may be somewhat biased against it. (We all have our biases whether we admit it or not). In any case I was in one of their stores yesterday. (I have to admit they have convenient locations, which is the reason I was there for a small purchase). In other news I spoke to someone recently who had worked at one of their large new Wine and Beyond stores. This person told me that sales were slow in November and that some staff shifts had been cut back. I imagine all liquor stores will do pretty well in December. But the problem in Alberta is there seems to FAR to many stores.

November 29, 2014

Friday was an ugly day in the market for those with exposure to oil and gas stocks or anything related to it.

The S&P 500 was down 0.5% and Toronto was down 1.2%.

Lower oil prices hit the Toronto market hard. I have always been clear that I have no ability to predict oil prices. It seems there are some people who, also having no such ability, nevertheless thought and claimed that they had that ability. Jeff Rubin threw away a very lucrative career as chief economist at CIBC World Markets in order to be free to go forth and warn the world that oils was going to get WAY more expensive. On a quick Google search I find the following: “In April 2008, Jeff Rubin, chief economist at CIBC World Markets, predicted a barrel of oil would cost $225 by 2012. With oil at $118, it was a controversial call.” In 2009 he quit his big job in order to publish his book predicting “peak oil”.

Well at least Jeff had the courage of his predictions. He was wrong but honorable. With the current lower oil prices I am sure we will hear from many who will claim to have predicted it. Many will also jump on the band wagon and predict prices to go lower.

Again, I can’t predict oil prices. I have often mentioned in the posts below that lower oil prices were a risk to the Alberta economy. I did not predict it but I noted the risk.

My approach to investment over the years has not been to avoid risk. It has been more an approach of accepting risk. In particular I accept short term risk when I think the long term outlook for a company is solid.

While my own account saw losses in the last two days, I am still ahead by 11.9% this year which is not a bad result.

Back to Friday’s stock movements…

Melcor was down 6.5% to $21.51. With the lower price I (perhaps in an act of stubbornness) added modestly to my position at $22.10. And I placed an order to buy a bit more at $21.10. Our latest update on the stock indicated that it looked very good based on its numbers but specifically mentioned the risks associated with oil prices and the Alberta economy. I am comfortable holding it, but it is not without risk. Other notable declines, in stocks on our list, were CN rail down 4.4% and Stantec down 1.8%.

U.S. stocks fared better. Walmart was up 3.0% to $87.54

Costco continued its winning ways, up 1.7% to $142.12.

The drop in the Canadian dollar on Friday also pushed up the value of American stocks when measured in Canadian dollars.

November 27, 2014

On Thursday, the American  stocks exchanges were closed. But Toronto was open and fell 0.8%.

I got clobbered on my oils sands ETF CLO which was down 8.7% to $10.59. This ETF reached a high of $16.00 in late Spring / early summer this year. That’s a decline of  34%. With this decline I added a little to my position at $10.73.

Obviously the decline in oil prices is a worry for the Alberta economy.

Canadian Western Bank fell 4.1% to $35.95. I had an order in to add to my position in this bank if it fell to $35.75. As a few days ago that looked unlikely. But it did touch $35.75 today. My order was for 500 shares and I got 100. Canadian Western Bank has a very strong history and I like it at this price. It’s share price could certainly drop if oil stays low and its earnings could too. But longer term on  the balance of probabilities this will turn out to be a good investment.

Canadian Tire had a strong day, rising 1.8% despite the weak market.

My guess is that tomorrow will see some bounce back in oil prices.

The Canadian dollar fell today which does push up the Canadian dollar value of any U.S. stocks that we own.

Given this display in Canada, it will be nice to see the U.S. markets open tomorrow even if for just a half day.

November 26, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 was up 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.2%.

Liquor Stores N.A. was up 1.6% to $14.91. Looking at the earnings and looking at the low level of business at their stores in my area and looking at the extreme level of competition in Alberta I would use the price rise to sell this. I sold at lower prices…

I notice Agrium was down 1.8% to $109.20. I sold last week at $116.69, so with one week down and infinity to go, my sell looks like a good move so far.

Today, Manulife was out with an IPO of 5 year rate reset preferred shares. With a yield of 3.8% I did not buy any. Some of the rate reset shares that I bought earlier this year had yields as high as 4.5% and seemed like safe companies. My threshold is 4%. At 4% or more I don’t mind grabbing some of these as an alternative to cash. But given some risk that they could trade under the issue price I am not going to bother buying any under 4.0%.

The one investment that has been a noticeable negative for my portfolio in the last several months is my investment in the oil sands ETF, that trades under the symbol CLO. This ETF is not on my list above but has long been on my list of Canadian Exchange Traded Funds.

In 25 years of investing I have rarely owned any energy or mining stocks or any other commodity stocks. And that was working well. I bought this one for perhaps a silly reason, to get “exposure” to this sector. This spring I was sitting on about a 30% gain and considered selling but I kept it. Now I am sitting on a 5% loss. I certainly had no ability to predict short-term oil prices. At this point there seems to be a lot of pessimism around oil prices. At this point I will likely keep this and will even add to it if it goes down much more. At some point oil prices will likely rise again but I have no idea when. Also perhaps this one will rise if Keystone pipeline is approved in January. I am not in a big hurry to buy more commodity companies.

November 25, 2014

Canadian Tire is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $125.50. The stock is up 26% this year to date. We had rated Buy at $99.49. Normally it might be expected to rate a weak buy / hold after a 26% gain in 11 months. But the earnings per share have risen about 14% since the Q3 2013 numbers that we used to arrive at the Buy rating for the start of this year. Based on earnings it is roughly 10% more expensive per dollar of earnings than it was year ago.

A bit if history…

I have mixed feelings about Canadian Tire’s performance. I still own 700 shares and so I benefit from the rise. But in the late Summer of 2011 I owned 3736 shares and the price was $57 (and my price paid was likely below that). It was my largest position. Back then the stock was selling down close to book value and seemed like an obvious bargain. We had it rated Strong Buy at $52.40 in an update of August 27, 2011. I mentioned it to a number of people back then even outside of this web site and the general reaction was quite skeptical.

Somewhat regrettably I started selling too soon as the stock rose in price. It had been over 20% of my portfolio which by conventional wisdom was WAY too high. Perhaps I should have ignored such conventional wisdom and let it run up to 30% of my portfolio. In any case I made good money on this investment despite taking some potential gains off the table too early. Also, I did buy some back on dips after selling and then sold those again later but that helped my return versus simply selling.

At its current price it could keep rising. But it could also easily slip back 10% or more on an earnings stumble. Such a slip would likely be a buying opportunity.

I notice the Canadian Tire voting shares CTC are now trading at $255 over 100% higher than the non-voting shares CTC.a The voting shares are extremely thinly trades (635 shares today). I have been skeptical about the huge premium on the voting shares for a long time. And so far I have been wrong. But I firmly believe that these voting shares are an accident waiting to happen. Over 90% of the voting shares are held by the founding Billes family (Matha Billes 41%, her son 20%), the dealers association and the employees profit sharing plan.  In this situation the ability to cast a vote seems pointless as the controlling owners can always win every vote. Possibly someone is trying to get a hold of several percent to try and get a Board seat. Back in the 80’s there was a big take-over battle for Canadian Tire and someone tried to buy control by offering a high price for only the voting shares. The courts ruled against it and there is now a stipulation that if someone buys a majority of the voting shares then all shares become voting. It does not look like anyone could gain control without all shares becoming voting. In theory one might gain effective control by buying only Martha Billes 41% but it is highly likely that such a move would face challenges. And, if someone wanted to Buy Martha’s shares, why would they fool around buying a few percentage on the market at a huge premium?

I conclude that the $255 voting shares are an accident waiting to happen. Someday, someway they will end up worth no more than the non-voting shares. That is my long-term prediction.

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

Couche-Tard was up 4.0% on another good earnings release.

November 24, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% while Toronto was down 0.6%.

Toll Brothers was up 0.8% which put it just above $35. In October it had gotten down under $30 and I reported adding to my position under $30. Stantec was down 2.1% at $34.00 (it recently split 2 for 1). I am tempted to buy back into this company at this price.

November 23, 2014

As another year draws to a close our performance figures for 2014 look good. Our two Strong Buys from the start of the year are up 19% (Wells Fargo) and 18% (Melcor). The average for all the 15 stocks rated in the Buy or Strong Buy ranges is a gain of 10.9% which matches the rise in the TSX. My own total portfolio is up 14.1% despite having a healthy allocation to cash most of the year. Regarding my two RRSP accounts the gain there was 13.4%. If I calculate this year’s RRSP gain as a percentage of the total money that ever went into these two RRSPs the gain on that basis is 107%.

Friday was a strong day in the markets with the S&P 500 up 0.5% and Toronto up 0.2%

I mentioned that I had placed an order to sell any of my pref. shares if they happen to rise to about $26.00. They only pay 4 to 4.5% per year and $26 is 4% higher than the $25 I paid for these and I figured I might as well grab the 4% if they go to $26. Also it was a way to “play” market volatility.

For  Brookfield Asset Management series F preferred share I set the sell price at $26.10 and it sold on Friday. I had bought these at the IPO at $25.00 as noted under May 27 below. I have received one dividend on September 11 of 36.06 cents per share. (I believe the first dividend was for a bit more than three months). So in total I had a return of $1.4606 per share or 5.84% in about six months. So, that is a good return. Some would calculate this as 11.68% annualized but I don’t really think that is a useful way to look at it. In the other half of the year that money might be in cash earning nothing or in stocks earning or losing who knows what. So I just look at it as a 5.84% return. But yes it is nice to do that in six months on a low risk investment. Maybe I would have been better off to hold the shares but that depends what I do with the funds received.

I posted a new article with some very basic math on how to value cash flows from things like safe bonds and safe preferred shares where the cash flows to be received are known with close to 100% certainty.

I plan to write another article extending this valuation to stocks where the cash flows are always uncertain (but sometimes can be conservatively estimated).

November 20, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 rose 0.2% and Toronto rose 0.6%

Couche-Tard was down 3.8%. I did not see any news top explain why.

November 19, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.2% and Toronto was about flat.

Bombardier was up 2.0%. The company always seems to have its struggles. I’d certainly like to see it it do well. It seems to have great products but is in a very competitive industry.

Walmart was up 1.4% to an all time high. It’s still a powerful competitor in the market place. A lot of people sort of wrote it off as an investment in the last decade but it has quietly increased it earnings and gone about its business.

I see a report today that grocer Metro has seen sales benefit due to a rise in meat prices. Actually I don’t think a business benefits when its sales rise simply because of inflation. Same store volume sold matters more than same store sales dollars. If , for example, prices fell 5% and a grocer’s sales fell only 3% I would call that a great quarter because volume had increased 2%. Analyst focus too much on same store dollar growth. If they had the figures they would likely focus on same-store volume growth. But such figures are typically not available. In a world of 3% inflation a grocer needs 3% same store dollar sales growth just to stand still. If inflation were 0% and same-store dollar volume great 2% that would be a strong result, and far superior to 3% growth in a 3% inflation world.

November 18, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 closed up 0.5% for yet another record high. Toronto was up 0.6%.

The biggest gainer for the stocks on my list as Agrium which closed up 2.6% at $115.60. This morning it was as high as $117.56 or up 4.3%. At my recent update of this stock I was relatively luke warm on it. So, this morning seeing a 4% jump and not immediately seeing the reason for it I decided to just sell my relatively modest position. I sold at $116.69. It seems that the reason for the gain today was that another company had had to shut down a potash mine and this would push up the price of potash.  I had bought the shares at the end of June for just under $100. So, I was up about 17% and just decided to take my gain and move this money into cash. Perhaps I should have held to see what happens with the activist investor. I considered selling just half but it was a relatively small position so I just cleared it out.

My thinking is also that I don’t mind having some cash in the account just in case we get a pull back related to the economy or “geo-politics’ / world terrorism.

November 17, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 was up 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.3%.

Canadian Tire was up 1.7% to $127.137and set another high. It’s up 28% this year. And that’s on top of a 43% gain in 2012. It started 2013 at $69.38. I have not yet updated for its excellent Q3 results. Given the strong Q3 the stock is probably still not very expensive. Still, I took most of my money off the table on this one. I still hold some in a taxable account. In tax free accounts where there is more freedom to trade without capital gains taxes I would be inclined to reduce my position at this price (But keep in mind I have not updated my analysis for the Q3 earnings – nevertheless, that is how I feel at the moment).

Liquor Stores N.A. was up 2.9% today. Having lost faith in management of that company, if I had not already sold I would be using this current increase as an opportunity to reduce or eliminate this position.

I mentioned activist investors yesterday. Sometimes they certainly push share prices up. But when I look at the most successful and fastest growing (in terms of share price) companies that I have followed for may years none of them benefited from an activist shareholder. They all have had the same CEO for many years or else promoted CEOs from within. This includes Stantec, Canadian Tire, Melcor, Canadian Western Bank and Alimentation Couche-Tard. I believe that would also include all the big Canadian banks and Wells Fargo and. of course, Berkshire Hathaway.   It seems to me that activist shareholders are a big benefit only where current management is relatively incompetent.

What about some companies that took in CEOs from outside? Nortel was one, Blackberry is another. Air Canada under Robert Milton was one. I always take it as a bad sign when a company feels that it must go outside for a CEO.

November 16, 2014

As you may have seen in my email of yesterday if you are on the list for my free newsletter, I am currently working on a series of articles that shows with actual data that people who invested annually in U.S. stocks (the S&P 500 index) over a 30 year period have ALWAYS ended up at least preserving their spending power after inflation and, on average, have more than tripled their spending power, after inflation. And keep in mind that when money is saved regularly for 30 years, the average length of investment is only 15 years. The results from investing in the S&P 500 index only get better when longer time periods are examined. These results are not restricted to the S&P 500 index, but that is the index for which I have all required the data.

Here is a link to the first article in this new series.

On Friday the S&P 500 was flat while Toronto was up 0.4%.

Alimentation Couche-Tard was up another 1.6% and is up a stunning 52% this year. Subject to further updates we would judge it too expensive at this point. (I personally sold this one WAY too early). This company flies somewhat under the radar but is truly an amazing Canadian success story. Element Financial was up 3.1%. It has been relatively volatile. Liquor Stores N.A. managed a 2.9% gain on Friday after releasing earnings that did not look impressive to me.

Agrium is updated a rated Speculative Buy at $113.19 or U.S. $100.28. It’s a strong company with excellent past growth. It is also cyclical. At this time earnings have been declining and I do not find its valuation to be compelling. It might be worth holding as a speculative pick. The recent share price increase due to an activist investor getting involved is s=not something that enters my analysis. Maybe that investor will encourage actions that “release” value. But to me, activist investors are only a benefit where a company was poorly managed and where a change of management can be brought about which appears to have been the case at, for example, CP Rail. I did not own CP rail and I can not think of a single case where one of my investments benefited from an activist investor in all the years I have been investing.

Agrium is a complex company. It’s relatively new to our list and I can’t say that I have really internalized a lot about its operations to the point where I have much of an understanding of its economics and outlook. In addition its product prices are very cyclic and so are some its major input costs including natural gas.  I cannot claim any particular insight into its future earnings. I do think it is an interesting company and one that I will enjoy learning more about. Looking simply at the numbers right now it is neither very expensive nor very cheap. Given the recent share price rise which was simply associated with activist interest I personally am perhaps more inclined to reduce my position and take my modest profit than I am to add to my position. The path of least resistance for me is to just continue hold my modest position.

My plan for the rest of this year (six weeks) is to try to get all the stocks updated for Q3 earnings releases or any other earnings releases out by year end. Every year I try to start to the new year off with everything updated relatively close to to the end of the year. At that time I also tend to delete any companies that are both well out of date and which I don’t update due to lack of time or interest in them. This year there may not be any deletions or at most about two. After that early in the new year I would hope to find time to add a few new and perhaps interesting stocks to the list.

November 14, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was about unchanged while Toronto fell 0.5% on lower oil prices.

After the close Melcor announced that it would sell $138 million worth of its rental buildings to its 47% owned REIT. It appears that $45 million will be paid through issuance of REIT units to Melcor which will increase its ownership of the REIT to 56%. Fundamentally not a whole lot is happening here since property already carried at market value is being sold to an entity which Melcor owns about half of for market value. If the market views this as favorable to the REIT and its growth then the REIT units might rise which would in turn pull the Melcor shares up. If nothing else this news may bring Melcor to the attention of investors which should be positive for its price.

Berkshire Hathaway announced this morning a small to medium acquisition. It will buy the Duracell battery brand from Proctor and Gamble for $3 billion. It’s an odd deal in that Berkshire will pay for it by trading essentially all of the shares it owns in Proctor and Gamble. To make things even out Proctor and Gamble has to throw in $1.7 billion in cash. This is really not a large acquisition for Berkshire which has $517 billion in assets.

Buffett / Berkshire has held P&G shares for many years. The shares were acquired when P&G bought Gillette which Berkshire had previously owned for quite a few years. In recent times P&G had come in for some criticism and as I recall Buffett had been mildly critical.  Buffett was sitting on HUGE capital gains on these P&G shares and would have faced hundreds of millions in income tax if he simply sold the shares. So this acquisition allows him to trade the P&G shares for Duracell and likely will not generate any capital gains taxes.

I had been surprised over the years to hear that Duracell was a money loser or at least not a big profit maker. When you look at the price of batteries and consider manufacturing efficiencies, I would have though they would be a high profit item. Also Duracell is a strong brand name. To me, this looks like a good fit. Buffett gets yet another brand name business. And he will set it up so that he president of it or top manager will have big incentives to minimize the capital invested and maximize profits. Berkshire will make sure that Duracell has all the money it needs to invest appropriately and to advertise. Any excess cash flow will go straight to Buffett to invest elsewhere. Duracell will be relieved of certain head-office related costs and will likely have a reduced burden of reporting. Buffett will want all the details on weekly sales but they won’t likely have to spend time preparing budgets and strategic plans or Board presentations for Buffett since he is not a big believer in such things.

For Proctor and Gamble this is basically a massive stock buyback funded partly with cash and partly with its Duracell unit.

Berkshire (B) shares are up 23% this year to $146. Buffett has crushed the likes of Doug Kass who was stupid enough to short Berkshire shares in the Spring of 2013 at prices from about $90 to $110 who and even got invited to speak his silly views at the 2013 annual meeting. It would be one thing to simply choose not to own Berkshire. That is perfectly valid. But to short the company was just stupid.

Liquor Stores N.A. released earnings after the close. While the same store sales growth was good at 3%, profits are down somewhat compared to last year. As noted previously, I basically gave up on this company. I used to think it could be a good growth and industry consolidation story with scale advantages but I basically lost faith in management.

November 12, 2014

Wednesday was a case of another day and another few dollars made. The S&P 500 was down 0.1% but Toronto was up 0.6%

Gainers included Canadian Tire up 1.7% to $126.00. Agrium. up 2.3%.

I noticed an offering today of Melcor REIT convertible debentures at 5.5%. I got an alert email from TD Waterhouse. It looked somewhat tempting. One of the problems with new issues is there is usually zero time for analysis by the time the alert comes out. There may have been a preliminary prospectus filed earlier but few investors would be aware of it. If I am not mistaken, the institutional investors do get time for analysis. This takes place in a “road show” process that follows strange archaic rules. I believe it is an instutionalized form of legal selective disclosure. Whatever, there are alwys parts of the market that are unfair to retail investors. On the other hand there are PLENTY of opportunities for retail investors. Institutional investors are usually somewhat forced to go along with the crowd where as retail investors are free to be contrarian whenever they wish. Ultimately, one does not beat the market (the crowd) by following the crowd.

This particular convertible debenture sold out quickly. All else equal a convertible option on a REIT may not be as attractive as a convertible option on a more normal corporation. REITs dividends all their earnings and so can have a hard time growing the unit price. Perhaps Melcor will grow but it does not have the advantage of retained earnings to add to the growth in price per unit.

With the lack of time for any analysis and with the fact that I am already hugely exposed to Melcor I decided not to grab any of this convertible debt.

November 11, 2014

While many of us had today off the American and the Canadian stock markets were both open.

As happens every day “the market” or at least the consensus opinion of the marginal sellers and the marginal buyers of each stock changed the view of the value of most every stock. Some up, some down, a few basically unchanged. This happens everyday and, except for as few as four times a year, usually has nothing to do with any real specific news about the companies involved. Sometimes it has to do with general changes in the economy such as interest rates or jobs reports. Most of the time (probably at least 90% of the time) these day to day price changes are basically meaningless noise. When the moves are larger or accumulate up to larger moves over a period of time we can perhaps use the price change to advantage in buying and selling — assuming we have some idea if the stock is now over-priced or under-priced.

Despite the fact that the movements are usually noise, we do tend to pay attention.

In the longer run there is a method to this noisy madness and stocks tend to rise or fall  for important fundamental reasons over the long term.

And sometimes what looks like daily noise can in fact be linked to important fundamental reasons. Sometimes the reasons are fairly widely known (but I may not be aware of them) other times the reasons could be relatively unknown such as leaked information.

In today’s noise:

The S&P 500 rose 0.1% and Toronto rose 0.3%

Toll Brothers was up 2.3% (In fairness there is some signal on this one as this movement is still related to its improved sales figures released Monday morning).

Melcor fell 1.8%. I certainly consider that to be noise because the stock is thinly traded and therefore subject to downside volatility simply because an extra trader or two decides to sell on a given day. Similarly its price can rise a few percentage points just because a few extra people decide they want to buy on a given day.

I notice the debentures of Liquor Stores N.A. were up 1.4% to $104.98. These pay 5.85% on a $100 and mature in about three and a half years. So roughly this looks like about a yield to maturity of about 4.15% considering that the current yield is 5.57% and from that I would deduct about 1.42% per year to reflect it maturing at $100. (The math is not exact here but should be close). The debentures also are convertible into common shares at $24.90. At the moment the common shares trade at $13.70 and the company has been struggling. So I can’t see much if any value on that conversion option.

For a yield of around 4% and reasonable stability of price or expected redemption I would look to some of the rate reset pref shares I have mentioned.

Overall I would ascribe the little rise in this debenture to its low trading liquidity and what I might call “silly buyer syndrome”. Note that I did rate these a (lower) Buy in August 2013 at $104. But at that time the common was at $15.90 and seemed more likely the conversion option could pay off. The trade up to to $104.98 today looks like noise to me.

November 10, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 rose 0.3% and Toronto rose 0.1%

The Canadian dollar fell which raises your wealth if you own U.S. assets and measure your wealth in Canadian dollars. But it lowers your wealth if you have Canadian assets and measure in U.S. dollars. If you are Canadian and own Canadian assets that are unaffected by currency (houses would be one) then the currency change really has no impact. Most people would measure their wealth in the currency in which they live. If you think you might spend 25% of your wealth in the U.S. then a logical approach might be to have 25% of your investments in the U.S. and then ignore currency movements. That is measure two pots of wealth, a Canadian pot and a U.S. pot and ignore currency changes.

However, some Canadian companies are affected by changes in the dollar. In general those that have costs in Canadian dollars and sales in U.S. dollars (exporters) benefit from a lower Canadian dollar. Those who face costs in U.S. dollars and sell in Canadian dollars (many retailers) are hurt by a lower Canadian dollar. Hedging can offset this for a while but it can only be a temporary solution. (Virtually no company does or even can hedge out more than a couple years.)

Toll Brothers was up 2.3% today after an early release of its latest quarterly sales figures.

As of today, 2014 has been a bumpy but rewarding year.

November 9, 2014

Melcor is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $23.89. Its just released Q3 earnings report was very strong. There was however a modest market value decline on some of its rental buildings and this could be a sign of more to come. Based on achieved earnings and the fact that it is selling at about 92% of book value per share this is clearly a Strong Buy on that basis. However it is a cyclical company and so that certainly adds risk in the shorter to mid term. If Alberta’s economy declines materially such as due to lower oil prices then the share price would likely decline. A sharp rise in interest rates would likely have the same effect. Longer term It is very likely to be a good investment barring any large and permanent decline in the Alberta economy. Overall based o the achieved earnings and the price in relation to earnings and book value, I feel quite comfortable owning this stock. But like most stocks it is not without risk.

November 8, 2014

Berkshire Hathaway is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $143.61. Berkshire has always been difficult to analyze because its results are a bit volatile by nature due to the impact of catastrophes on insurance results. Also its earnings have been under-stated because when it owns say 9% of Wells Fargo it only gets to report the dividends as earnings and not its full 9% share of earnings. These missing earnings turn up in gains on the Wells Fargo shares but those do not flow into earnings. For this update I have introduced a new view of adjusted earnings for Berkshire based on the assumption that its adjusted earnings are 10% of book value per share since it has increased its book value per share by a (lumpy) average of 10.7% per year in the last ten years (and the last five years was over 14%). On this basis its intrinsic value appears to be in the range of $129 to $169.

On Friday the S&P 500 was about flat, while Toronto rose 0.9%.

November 6, 2014

In Thursdays market the S&P 500 rose 0.4% and Toronto rose 0.1%.

Melcor rose 3.0% to $23.90. Volume at 21,500 shares was a little higher than normal. It’s a somewhat thinly traded stock. The value traded today was about $514,000. And lots of days it might trade only $100,000 worth.  By way of comparison, Royal Bank traded about $144 million worth today and Stantec traded about $9 million worth. Melcor is thinly traded but it’s not incredibly thin. It has enough trading volume to suit the needs of most retail investors. One simply has to be a bit more cautious in buying and selling to not simply put in a market order as the price can move even on a few hundred shares bought or sold. It’s best to put in an order at a specific price (a limit order).

About the only time I worry about really thinly traded stocks is that I would not put an extremely thinly traded stock on my list because in that case a few buys from my subscribers could push the price up. I never ever engage in trying to push stock prices up. I try to predict which stocks will rise (on the basis of fundamentals). I would never engage in promoting a stock in the hopes of causing it to rise. I consider that to be unethical even if the stock truly should rise. It’s definitely unethical if a stock is not worth much and someone tries to push the price up just so that they can sell at a profit. Always be cautious is someone is promoting a very tiny company or a very thinly traded stock. Those are prime candidates for “pump and dump” schemes.

I was a bit surprised when Royal Bank rated Melcor a Buy this Spring. With their many thousands of brokerage customers I would have thought Melcor would be too thinly traded for them to rate it.

November 5, 2014

On Wednesday stocks rose. In part, this was due to the republican gains in the U.S. elections.

The S&P 500 was up 0.6% and Toronto was up 1.1%.

Some notable gainers included:

VISA Inc. up 2.7% at $250. This is a company that touched under $200 less than three weeks ago on October 15.  A 12.5% gain in three weeks would not be out of the ordinary for a small company. But this is a HUGE company.  The market cap is $157 billion. On October 15 the market cap was about $126 billion, or $31 billion less than today. It’s interesting to ask where did this extra $31 billion which we might say is “invested in Visa” and “invested in the market” come from? The answer is from thin air. The extra $31 billion is a result of investors simply deciding to bid up the price of the shares. In theory this is because investors have decided that the risk-adjusted or present value of all the probable future earnings of VISA is now about $157 billion, $31 billion more than the perception of the of the value as of October 15. It’s not likely that both of these perceived valued were “correct”.

The financial press likes to describe a price rise as money flowing into a stock. As popular as that description is, it is in fact totally wrong. It is certainly not the case that anything close to $31 billion “flowed into” VISA stock in these three weeks. In fact basically not a cent flowed into or out of VISA. It did not pay a dividend though it may have gone ex-dividend which should have decreased its price by 40 cents, which is immaterial. And a small amount of options may have been exercised but that would be immaterial and also would have added to the share count and should have decreased the share price if anything. And there may have been some share buy backs which would be money flowing OUT of VISA as opposed to in. What happened was investors traded shares of VISA among themselves and bid up the price by $50 and so bid up the market cap by $31 billion but those trades were between investors and did not involve any cash flowing to or from VISA. I am not sure of the total dollar volume traded but it basically has no relation to the $31 billion in any case. (VISA can trade $500 million a day and the stock can go up or down, there is no relation here).

I had rated VISA as only a (lower) Buy on October 12 at $212. It certainly looks expensive now. I had the trailing P/E at 25 at $212, so now it would seem to be about 29, which is high. But the recent share price illustrates that it is hard to keep a good (largely unregulated and near) monopoly down. It seems I recently sold too early at $241 and so I may be a bit biased for that reasons, but I would not buy it now and since I sold at $141 it can assumed that I would certainly be a seller at $250. I would not however short the stock which is a FAR different game. Also the I note that the P/E based on analyst projected 2016 earnings is 20 which is high but not outrageously high. On that basis holding could still be a reasonable strategy. If I held it I would want to be in a position to add to the position if it fell back to $220 or $210 or so.

Okay, other gainers:

Canadian Western Bank up 2.4%, Canadian Tire up 2.2%, The oil sands ETF CLO on Toronto up 3.1% (This one appears on our list of Canadian Exchange traded Funds and is in my own portfolio though not on the list above.)

As far as decliners, Constellation Software was down 3.5% but this is after recent sharp rises.

Melcor was out with strong earnings after the close. This stock looks like excellent value, But there is the risk of a decline in the Alberta economy with lower oil prices. The company has not seen any slowdown and continues to say it is cautiously optimistic. This is my biggest holding which is a risk, but overall I feel very good about owning it. I await to see if there is any price reaction tomorrow.

November 4, 2014

I remember times when the markets seemed boring for weeks and months at a time. But it seems like its been years since that was the case.

Today the S&P 500 fell 0.3% and Toronto fell 1.0% as oil fell about 3% to just over U.S. $77.

I got fairly clobbered with Melcor down 4.7% to $23.15. A 4.7% decline hurts when its your largest position. On the other hand today’s loss comes at a time when my portfolio had in recent days regained and surpassed its previous high for the year. So, perhaps it just my turn. Since I have a highly concentrated portfolio and one with significant exposure to Alberta and oil, a certain amount of volatility is not surprising.

Canadian Western Bank was down 3.8% today to $36.24 and I grabbed some more of that. Also grabbed some more of the oil sand ETF CLO on Toronto which was down 4.3%. That may seem a strange and dangerous strategy given I already had heavy exposure to oil. But it fits in with my usual modus operandi of buying low or at least lower.

I am confident (but can’t guarantee) that Canadian Western Bank will be going higher in the long term.

As for oil, I really have no ability to forecast that but am just buying the oil sands ETF at this lower price.

As always. some stocks rose today. Costco was up 1.7% to another record high.

Sometimes buying on dips can turn into short term pain for (hopefully) eventual long term gain. That is a risk I am taking.

Couche-Tard was up 1.7%, possibly helped by the small cuts to merchant fees that were announced by Visa and MasterCard. Regarding those fee cuts I have not seen any information on how the cost is shared between VISA Inc. and MasterCard versus the banks.

Agrium rose 1.2% on earnings that were lower but that beat expectations. I will plan to update Agrium within a few days.

I mentioned the other day that tend to sell those rate reset preferred shares that I bought on IPOs this year when they hit $26. I had thought one of them was over $26 but I had the wrong symbol. I have now placed orders to sell any of these that hit $26. This is in RRSP and RESP accounts where I don’t have to worry about tax consequences.

November 3, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was about unchanged while Toronto fell 0.5%.

Oil fell 2 or 3% to close under U.S. $80. This pushed the Canadian dollar down so that it worth only 88.1 U.S. cents.

I should probably start to get a bit concerned about the price of oil because I am indirectly but perhaps heavily exposed to oil through Melcor and Canadian Western Bank. (P.S. forgot to mention my oil sands ETF symbol CLO on Toronto) However, I am not inclined to reduce that exposure.

With the Canadian dollar at about 88 U.S. cents I have placed an order to move some cash from A U.S. money market account to a Canadian money market account. In part this is due to the favorable exchange rate but its also because in that account I had a fair amount of U.S. cash and little Canadian cash so this will balance that out.


November 2, 2014

Dolllarama is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $99.02. As I mentioned back on September 27, 2013, this is one of the best managed companies that I know of. They are shockingly profitable. Unfortunately the shares have always traded at a high multiple so it it never looks like a bargain. Certainly, I would like it better at say $85. If I were to buy this, I would buy what amounts to a quarter to half position and hope that the price fell to allow me to buy more at a lower price. Alternatively, rather than buy at $99, I could place an order at say $90 and see if it dips. But its not that likely to dip unless the whole market dips.

In the last 18 months or so Dollarama has been buying back shares quite aggressively. Some people consider that to boost earnings per share by mere financial engineering. In this case while it adds to earnings per share growth the underlying growth was already very strong. This is a growing company but it still has excess profits that it can use to buy back shares. Also it increased its use of debt. But I see nothing wrong with that as long as the debt level is still relatively modest which I consider it to be.

On Friday, the S&P 500 was up 1.2% and Toronto was up 1.1%.

That was driven by renewed quantitative easing in Japan. I can’t pretend to very much understand quantitative easing and the ultra low interest rates that result. Low interest rates make the returns on stocks look attractive in comparison to bonds.

This rapid recovery from the recent market decline has been a pleasant surprise. The U.S. market has fully recovered. My own portfolio has fully recovered and is back to a 14% return for the year. I certainly can’t pretend to accurately predict where the market will head next. On the last dip I reacted by buying. At this time I will look to see what I might sell.

I notice at least one of my rate reset pref shares went above $26 on Friday. The Brookfield A pref. My habit with these rate rest prefs has been to sell when they hit $26 so I will look to do so tomorrow. My reason to sell at $26 is that it is 4% higher than $25 and these things only pay about 4% per year and I expect they will eventually go back to $25.

Constellation Software rose 4.8% on its earnings release. Melcor was up 3.2% but I consider that to be basically “noise” as it is so thinly traded. Agrium was up another 2.0%.

Visa was up another 2.0% or $4.78 to $241.73. It had only been about three weeks since I bought it on October 9 and I was up about 15%. So I decided to sell it Friday at about $241. I had last rated it (lower) Buy at $212 on October 4 and so it seemed to make sense to sell at $241. Selling may well have been a mistake given the monopolistic characteristics. I’ll consider buying it back on a dip to say $220 or lower.

October 30, 2014

Well, I had to laugh when I checked the markets today and saw Visa up about 10%. Not sure I would want to buy at the new price but its certainly a nice jump in the last couple of weeks. I had noted that I bought some Visa on October 9. As a company it is “monopolicious”, though not at any price and again it does face technology and regulation risks.

This sharp rise in Visa contributed to the S&P 500 rising 0.6%. Toronto fell 0.5%.

lat week I circulated the latest edition of our free newsletter in which I mentioned that it was not surprising that Visa had done well (I did not predict this latest “pop”). Most of you likely received a link to that free newsletter in an email last Thursday evening. If you are not on the list for the free newsletter you can join the list by clicking the link here and entering your email address.

If you are already on the list the system will indicate that.

Most of our Stock picks were up today.

Constellation Software announced earnings that were 44% higher in Q3. I had rated it only a (lower) Buy because I would be reluctant to assume and pay in advance for growth anything close to this 44% level. So I assume a more normal level of growth in my analysis. Possibly I should be upping my earnings growth assumptions for really strong companies like this. There is a tendency to assume a regression to the mean which can tend to under value the best companies. Ideally I would find companies that would be good value even at modest growth rates and then if they happen to grow extremely fast that just becomes a thick layer of icing on the cake.

I notice Barrick Gold was in the news today regarding another 20-year low in their share price. I have mentioned the company before. In my opinion (and I admit I don’t know the full story) and on the face of things it has been an abysmal destroyer of shareholder money. I am not talking about a decline in market price. I am talking about a decline in book value where a dollar is raised from shareholders by selling shares and ultimately turned into less than a dollar over a long period of year. Peter Munk is often lauded as a business leader and yet I understand he has been losing money for shareholders for about 50 years. See Clairtone, Nova Scotia which went broke in 1967. Apparently though destroying other peoples wealth has paid handsomely.

Not only has money been lost in Barrick but it apparently (and again I don’t have al the facts) on the face of it, the company has more or less poured equipment and manpower and all manner of valuable and useful materials down a hole much of it apparently never to emerge. The Gold extracted quite simply has been worth less than what was poured down the hole.

Economies (and people) benefit when manpower and materials and knowledge are combined in such a way that the output is more valuable than the inputs.

Barrick’s apparent destruction of real and tangible goods and labour is reflected in its loss of money. I have not done a thorough analysis but I believe the figures indicate that the sum total of its reported earnings since its inception are a negative number.

October 29, 2014

On Wednesday the FED, as expected, confirmed it would end its bond buying program. There was no indication of imminent interest rate increases.

The market fell only modestly. The S&P 500 was down 0.1% but Toronto was down 0.7%.

Visa was down 1.0% but then announced earnings after the close and was up 4.2% in after hours trading. As I have said before its got monopoly characteristics. Despite the risk of regulations of its fees it is never much of a surprise when it earns more money.

October 28, 2014

Tuesday was a strong day in the markets, with the S&P 500 up 1.2% and Toronto up 1.1%

Almost all of the stocks on our list were up. FirstService however was a notable decliner, down 6.9% after releasing earnings before the start of today’s trading. It’s still up 25% in 2014.

Melcor was down 2.7% to $23.70. I would chalk that up to the volatility of a thinly traded stock. Perhaps it is a delayed reaction to the dimmer outlook for oil prices released by A Goldman Sacks analyst yesterday.

Tomorrow, Wednesday should prove to be an interesting day in the market as the FED will apparently have some statement about the outlook for interest rates and is expected to wrap up its QE3 bond buying program.

October 27, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 fell 0.23% and Toronto fell 0.5%.

Constellation Software rose 1.9% to close just over $300. Agrium rose an additional 2.1% for the same reason noted on Friday. While energy stocks were down, most of the stocks on our list were up modestly on Monday. Many Canadian companies will report Q2 earnings in the next two weeks.

October 25, 2014

Bank of America is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $16.72. This bank is difficult to analyze because it earnings have been affected by numerous litigation settlements related to the financial crisis and other unusual items. It’s balance sheet is strong enough that even if the economy int he U.S. continues to languish this bank will almost certainly survive. It’s very likely to be a good investment in the long term. It is expected to report good earnings going forward. The analyst earnings projection combined with the P/E increasing to 14 would push its price up by 25% by the end of 2015.  I consider Wells Fargo to be a significantly better bank but Bank of America probably has the higher short-term potential to rise.

October 24, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 was up 0.7% and Toronto was up 0.4%

Agrium was up 7.5% on news that an activist investor now owned a stake around 6%. I am not sure that this is a good reason for the stock to go up. But the market seems to believe that the activist will generate some change that will drive the earnings up or otherwise add value to the shares.

FirstService was up 4.4% although it will not release earnings until next week.

Anatomy of a Winning Stock

Canadian Tire reached a new high today and closed over $125.

Three years ago in the Fall of 2011 Canadian Tire was trading around $56 to $65. It was under $60 from mid-July through tot the end of October 2011. So the stock is up over 100% from the prevailing price three years ago.

So what explains that?

We can divide the gain into two components:

  1. Gains in its earnings per share and resulting gains in its book value per share.
  2. Gains in its multiple as in the P/E ratio and Price to book ratio which in turn reflect many things including the outlook for earnings.

Canadian Tire’s earnings per share since the Fall of 2011 are up 42%. And the book value per share is up 28%. So, 42% of the rise in the stock can be accounted for by the rise in achieved earnings.

If we are conservative and use $62.50 for the share price in the Fall of then the P/E ratio was an attractive 12.4 times earnings (and at $56 it was only 11.1). Today the P/E ratio is 17.4 times.

So the P/E ratio is up by 40% or more (depending on which price we use from 2011)

If we compound a 42% increase in earnings and a 40% increase in the P/E ratio we get an increase of 1.42 times 1.40 = 1.99 or not coincidently an increase of about 100%.

So… Canadian Tire has risen 100% from about $62.50 in the fall of 2011 to $125 today. This is explained about equally by the increase in its achieved trailing earnings and an increase in the P/E ratio.

In the Fall of 2011 Canadian Tire looked like an obvious bargain and we said so at the time and I made it over 20% of my own portfolio. The stock was basically pricing in a lot fear including what Target would do to it and pessimism about the economy and markets in general.

Today, Canadian Tire is not a screaming bargain but at 17.4 times earnings and just under 2 times book value it is also not all that expensive. We last rated it only a (lower) Buy at $115.51. Possibly I have been too conservative with this company as it has continued to do very well. But at some point P/E ratios can also come down.

A small drop in earnings  combined with a small drop in the P/E ratio can pull any stock down say 20% quite quickly. I have tried to be conservative and assumed that the P/E ratio for Canadian Tire will be in the range of 14 after my assumed five year holding period. Perhaps I should assume more like 16. I also assumed a conservative earnings growth rate of no more than 7.5% per year. By using higher growth rates and a higher P/E ratio it is possible to push the apparent value of a stock to just about any number desired within reason. I try to be conservative without being too conservative (in which case everything looks too expensive).

The ideal scenario is when we find stocks of high quality companies that appear to be obvious bargains even assuming quite low earnings growth and assuming a conservatively low P/E ratio. In 2009 and in 2011 we had a number of stocks like that. Today we don’t have anything quite that attractive on the list.

Melcor is perhaps our best obvious bargain though it can be quite cyclical. Basically to the extent some of our picks look like bargains (our banking picks come to mind) they also come with risk. Then again the market and even Canadian Tire was perceived as quite risky in 2011 which was why the bargains existed.

October 23, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was up 1.2% and Toronto was also up 1.2%

The strength of the recovery, particularly in U.S. stocks, seems surprising. It illustrates how hard it is to guess the direction of the market in the short term. I basically avoid trying to do so.

Like almost everyone, I can’t help but pay attention to short term gains and losses but it is the long term that really matters. The short term is best used to react by taking advantage of (hopefully temporary) lower prices of quality companies when the occur rather than trying to predict them.

Notable gainers today included Melcor up 2.9% to $24.10, Couche-Tard up 2.4% to $36.70.

I did add to my position in CLO the oil sands ETF at the opening price of $12.10 this morning. I had entered my order the night before with a price just above the close yesterday knowing I would pay $12.10 or less but that I would not get any if it opened above $12.10 and stayed there. It closed up  2.7% at $12.29.

Canadian Tire was up 1.0% to $124.15. It’s a strong company but I would likely take some profit if I still held it. In fact I already sold all I had in tax deferred or tax free accounts (sold too early it seems) but have held onto the shares I hold in a corporate taxable account as I prefer not to pay the capital gains tax and also not to create a transaction that I have to report for taxes.

Wells Fargo and Bank of America may be benefiting from a jump in mortgage refinancing in response to lower rates. Strangely in the U.S. most mortgages can be refinanced if rates drop and it does not hurt the banks. I believe the interest rate hit to the bank may be paid by Fannie / Freddie or they have sold the mortgages so that the hit is taken by investors in mortgage backed securities. In any case the banks do earn a fee for the refinancing and benefit that way. However, in the long run lower interest do hurt bank earnings. But then again the p?E ratios rise with lower rates. The end result is that I am comfortable buying or holding these banks.

October 22, 2014

Terrible news from Ottawa today. It was impressive the way the Seargeant at arms apparently shot and killed the terrorist. No surprise really that these ISIS-linked attacked have reached Canada. But Canada will not be cowed by this. Security will be tightened but business will continue. It’s basically our responsibility not to let these events stand in the way of normal day to day life in Canada.

Today the S&P 500 was down 0.7% and Toronto was down 1.6%.

Canadian Tire had a strong day even in the face of this day rising 1.8% to almost $123.

CLO the oils sands ETF was down 3.67% today. I can’t even pretend to know where oil prices are headed. But I do know oil is down noticable from recent levels. I will add to my CLO position tomorrow if it stays around $12.

This ETF is on our list of Canadian ETFs

October 21, 2014

Wells Fargo is updated and rated Buy at $50.45. Possibly it should be rated higher than that but I will be a bit conservative due to its leveraged nature as a Bank and due to the still slow U.S. economic recovery.

Tuesday was a strong day in the markets with the S&P 500 up 2.0% and Toronto up 1.5%.

For the S&P 500, the recent market “correction” has been recovered back to a good degree.

Notable gainers included Constellation Software up 4.6%. Couche-Tard up 3.8%. Visa and Wells Fargo and Fedex all up 2.6%.

Canadian National Railway was out with earnings up 21%  and with revenues up 16% and car loads up 11%. This is another sign that the economy in North America is growing.

October 20, 2014

On Monday the S&P was up 0.9%  and Toronto was up 0.8%. The S&P rose despite IBM reporting a big loss.

I read the Wells Fargo Q3 report (from last week) and this bank is still growing strongly in almost all of its business lines. Its net interest margin however is continuing to decline as older higher interest rate loans roll over to new lower interest rates loan. Overall it looks like a good long term investment.

Toll Brothers was up 1.3% today to $31.64. It appears that its recent trip down to under $30 was a good buying opportunity. I think it is a good investment that has the potential to be be over $40 or higher in the next year. That is not to say it can’t decline. It would if the U.S. housing recovery stalls.

Melcor was about flat today. I continue to think it will be a good investment. It’s trading around book value. There is lots of upside potential and it I think would take quite a sharp decline in the Alberta economy to cause this to be a poor investment for a holding period of at least several years. In other words it seems to me that there is some margin of safety here on a balance sheet basis.

Costco was up 3.0%. I have been waiting for a bigger dip before I would buy but the experience seems to be that this stock has not offered big dips. It’s a case where it might be worth paying a high multiple on earnings due to the high quality of the company.

October 19, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 1.3% and Toronto was up 1.2%.

As of Sunday night the Dow futures were up 84 points. It’s anyone’s guess whether the market remains volatile. But in the end owning high quality companies tends to work out unless one really over-pays for them.

October 16, 2014

On Thursday, the markets again had people guessing where they will head next. Markets opened down quite noticeably but in the end the S&P 500 was about unchanged and Toronto was up 1.3%.

Some of the earnings reports coming out were strong and that helped markets.

I had thought about entering bids on several stocks that I like say 5% below current prices. That might be a good way to buy on the steep dips that have been occurring. For those committed to buying on dips a strategy like that can make sense. But it’s not a strategy that everyone would like because it can you man you buy at 5% down on a day when the stock ends down 10% or more.

October 15, 2014

It probably did not escape anyone’s notice that markets got hammered down on Wednesday. Even after a partial recovery from steeper declines, the S&P 500 was down 0.8% and Toronto was down 1.2%

Bank of America reported approximate break-even results after another huge settlement charge related to the financial crisis. Other than that charge the results looked pretty good. This bank is trading at about 80% of book value and 120% of tangible book value. A more normal price to tangible book might be towards 200%.

I grabbed a few more share of this as Well as Wells Fargo today.

Canadian Western Bank fell 3.5% to $36.46. No doubt there are concerns that the lower oil price could cause bad debt. But overall this price may represent a good opportunity to initiate a position in this banks with its long history of growth.

Boston Pizza  at $19.71 yields 6.2% which seems attractive even though I would expect very modest growth if any due to the nature of this entity.

My strategy be to continue to buy selected stocks on dips.

It remains to be seen whether markets continue to decline or of instead earnings reports or other economic news causes the market to rise.

October 14, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was up 0.2%, while Toronto, playing catch-up (or catch-down) for yesterday’s holiday was down 1.3%.

Wells Fargo ended the day down 2.7% at $48.83. I was surprised they got their earnings out so fast. Seems to be a competition among big companies to see how fast they can report. I find it impressive that a detailed quarterly report can be put together and approved for issuance that fast. I am pretty sure that a lot of people worked late and weekends to get that done. Wells Fargo is now trading at a P/E of 13.0. Now one might argue that the profit has been boosted by low loan losses but even so I don’t think the P/E would be above 14 even adjusting for that although I am not sure. And one could argue that earnings will decline for various reasons. that is always a risk. But this bank has been growing for years and even if earnings do decline (which I have no reason to suspect they will) it would likely recover. The price to book ratio is 1.6 which does not seem excessive. The price to tangible book (after deducting goodwill ) is 1.92 which is not particularly attractive but is also not that high for a best in class bank and one which is earning an ROE of about 13% in a world where 10-years government bonds earn 2.2%. The dividend yield is 2.9%. All in all, Wells Fargo certainly looks attractive to me although there is certainly no guarantee that the price won’t continue to fall.

Toll Brothers rose 2.8% after yesterdays fall of 4.1%.

Stantec was down 1.4% to $67.12 and is worth considering. It’s been a tremendous growth company over the years.

As my own portfolio breakdown indicates, I have a position in the Claymore Oils sands ETF, CLO. I had just let that ride for a long time. Back in June when I updated the list of Canadian ETFs I called that one unattractive and yet I held on to it. The thought of selling it had crossed my mind but I just let it ride. At this point I’d be more interested in buying than selling.

If oil stays down in the low eighties or lower then presumably it will affect the Alberta economy at some point. On the other hand it would likely be good for the much of the North American economy.

I don’t have any particular insight into this market correction. Attempting to guess the market direction has never been part of my strategy at all. I react to where the market is and where stock prices are and try to buy low and then hold or sell high.

Corrections always loom large when we are experiencing them but most turn out to minor in hindsight. But obviously some do extend quite deeply.

I’ve generally ridden through corrections. I try to keep some cash on hand to take advantage of bargains and that has worked for me.

October 14, 2015 10:20 a.m. eastern time

Wells Fargo is out with Q3 earnings this morning. Earnings per share growth was only 3% but overall the report seemed strong. Deposit growth was very strong and loan growth was good. The shares were down 1.5% adding to recent declines. I grabbed a few more shares this morning.

October 13, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 fell 1.7%. Toronto was closed.

It seems that the declines will test the resolve of those of us who invest based on fundamental analysis. Stocks can always get cheaper and for that reason it is probably best to nibble at positions rather than buying too aggressively.

Our Toll Brothers was pounded down 4.1% to $29.18. I added a bit more to my position. American express was down 2.6% to $82.78.

Constellation Software is updated and rate (lower) Buy at $280.50. It’s been a fantastic growth story and will likely continue to grow rapidly. It’s management appears to be excellent and are extremity candid. The difficulty is that the stock is already pricing in a lot of growth. I would consider taking a small position or hope for a pull-back to perhaps $250 before starting to nibble. Those holding it probably should continue to do so.

It recently had a rights offering whereby shareholders received rights to buy a long-term but floating rate bond that initially pays 7.4% and then resets to 6.5% plus or minus inflation. It takes just over 21 rights to purchase just $100 in bond face value and shareholders only received 1 right per share. The rights trade at trade around 54 cents per share and have to be exercised by November  Next March bond holders will have the option of giving the company five years notice that they want to redeem or turn in their bonds for face value. This five year notice seems a bit bizarre. I understand the bonds will trade on the TSX – which is surprising for bonds. I wonder what happens if you give notice in March to redeem in five years but meanwhile you forget about that and sell them. For those holding a few hundred rights I don’t see the point of exercising them it is probably just as well to sell them. The company also has the right to provide notice that it will redeem the bonds at face value but only upon five years notice! The whole matter of this bond and the associated rights seems very complicated and I really am not sure what to make of it. Very strange.

October 12, 2014

On Friday, Stocks also got cheaper. The S&P 500 was down 1.2% and Toronto was down 1.6%.

For the year to date Toronto remains up 4.4% and the S&P remains up 3.1% while the DOW is down 0.2%.

Our two Strong Buys from January 1, 2014 remain up 12% (wells Fargo) and 13% (Melcor). Our 15 stocks that were rated Buy or higher are up an average of 5.0% each. My own portfolio with a heavy weighting in Melcor, Wells Fargo and a few others remains up 7.3%.

Markets and the gains on this site are down from what they were earlier this year. But it is never realistic to expect to invest in stocks without periodic declines. The recent declines are relatively modest. I don’t think it is possible to predict the direction of markets in the short term. Owning shares in profitable and growing companies has always worked out well in the longer term. Shorter term volatility is basically the price we pay to enjoy the longer term gains.

An order I had in to add modestly to my large Melcor position if it hit $23.10 was filled as Melcor closed at $22.71. Melcor is now trading at 95% of its book value. It’s assets are strong. 47% of its assets are investment buildings that are rented out. These are marked to market which means they are fully valued in the book value. 39% of its assets consist of its land inventory. This is reflected at cost (including costs to develop the land and capitalized interest) and is almost certainly worth more than book value. The remaining assets are mostly receivables and cash and would be worth book value.  Melcor is also trading at 10.5 times trailing earnings (with the earnings adjusted down to remove gains related to marking buildings to market). But its earnings are cyclic.

In this case the chance to buy assets and this business below book value seems quite attractive. If you were to start your own such business today, you would have to pay market value for the assets which would be somewhat more than Melcor’s book value. And it seems unlikely that you could be as profitable as Melcor given their years of experience and their scale.

The main risk with Melcor is that due to lower oil prices or for other reasons sales of new building lots in Alberta could slow substantially and/or the prices could drop. I don’t have access to market data but I am not aware of any such slowdown. The company will no-doubt provide an update int his regard when it releases its Q3 earnings in about one month from now. Melcor has weathered such slowdowns int eh past but they do tend to send the share price down when they occur.

There are always risks, but I view the chance to buy this business at slightly below book value to be quite attractive.

The stock is thinly traded which makes it more volatile and which also can allow the share price to deviate further from its intrinsic value than is the case for most companies.

On Friday I also bought a small amount more of Canadian Western Bank and Toll Brothers to take advantage of the lower prices.

By my calculations, Toll Brothers trailing adjusted P/E ratio is 20.3. Still  not cheap but much lower than it has been in some years. I expect it to report increased earnings int he next two quarters based on houses it has already sold and is int eh process of building. Warren Buffett said last week that the housing market recovery has not been as fast as he expected. He expected to to continue to recover. He stated that that with Americans able to lock in 30 year mortgages at very low rates (and to refinance if rates get lower) it was a no brainer for people to buy houses. (I believe he is taking into account that houses in the U.S. are reasonably priced and he referred to new families starting out). His comments add to my comfort in holding and buying Toll Brothers.

Canadian Western Bank is not cheap but tends to grow earnings fairly steadily over the years and the recent price drop provides an opportunity to accumulate some shares for those interested.

For fixed income, I like Boston Pizza. It would decline if long-term interest rates rise substantially but at the moment that does not appear to be imminent.

October 9, 2014

On Thursday … stocks got cheaper.

The S&P 500 was down 2.1% and Toronto was down 1.4%.

One of the few gainers was Canadian Tire up an impressive 3.1% as its new or incoming CEO predicted profit growth an at investor day conference. Those holding a a large position in it may wish to reduce their holdings or even sell entirely.

This stock is up over 100% in three years since the Summer and Fall of 2011. Back then it got ridiculously cheap on worries that Target coming to Canada would give it a pounding. Turned out, not so much.

With stocks down today I figured I should do a little buying. I added to my small position in Canadian Western Bank and opened a new position in Visa.

I can’t predict where the markets will head in the short-term. I do know that most (but not all) of the time it turns out to be a mistake to sell heavily into a decline because it is the rare investor who ever managed to get back in before the market has already recovered most or all of the lost ground.

We are just entering into the third quarter earnings season. Those reports could determine where the market heads next.

October 8, 2014

On Wednesday the markets were down for a time but then ended very strong to the upside as the FED signaled that an interest rate hike was not likely imminent.

The S&P 500 was up 1.7% and Toronto was up 0.6%.

Fedex was up 2.7%. Costco reported strong earnings and was up 2.8%.

Liquor Stores N.A. managed to be down 2.4%. I wonder if someone could buy it out and take it private? Perhaps the money going to dividends now could go to paying debt in a leveraged buyout. But the problem is it has not been earning its dividend and needs some kind of major surgery to get back to profitability. I have lost faith in current management. Maybe they will prove me wrong.

Perhaps yesterday and this morning I should have been nibbling on some stocks but I have wanted to be cautious about spending my “dry powder”.

October 7, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 fell 1.5% and Toronto was down 1.1%.

Most of the stocks I monitor were down. A notable gainer was Canadian Tire up 1.0% to a hew high of $117.37. That is impressive on a down day. I did not see any special reason for that. They were doing some marketing but I am not sure why the stock went up. Actually almost all daily moves in stock prices are pretty much random. Companies only tend to release real news about four to 10 times in a year and yet stock prices gyrate daily. Usually there is really no particular reason.

I have never claimed any ability to predict where markets are headed especially in the short term. I did observe a few weeks ago that the S&P 500 looked some 16% over valued. But that was not a prediction it would fall in the short term and in fact it had looked somewhat over-valued on that analysis since February of 2013. I did not get out of the market in early 2013 and that was a good thing because the markets are up a LOT since then.

In any case I do not find myself disturbed by this decline. It’s always nice when the market is up but declines offer opportunities as well. I will be looking to add to some positions but I don’t want to get into a rush.

This morning, before the open I got an alert from TD about a Brookfield Office Properties rate reset preferred at 4.75%.  and I grabbed some basically sight unseen because with these offering I have no time for analysis. I have never analyzed any Brookfield company but I do recognize them as smart successful companies over the years.

Coincidently Brookfield properties fund bought a casino today for some 5% of what it cost to build it two years ago. Without any analysis that sounds like a sweet deal. I have not analyzed it but am tempted to just buy some Brookfield Properties partnership. But I will likely try to analyze it first.

Another comment on Share Buy Backs

It is often said that companies are inflating their share prices with share buybacks. There is some truth to it. But buying back shares does not automatically raise the share price. If a company is profitable and is sitting on cash earning nothing then yes a share buy back will increase earnings per share. But it also means the company has less cash, and that means it may be less able to fund growth. Its book value per share almost always declines (since the shares usually trade above book value). Sure the buying in itself may support the share price momentarily in the market but that effect evaporates quickly and the shares will stay high based on earnings and growth prospects (or may fall). The shares could fall in price if the market realizes that growth will be slower with less cash to fund it.

It seems true that the market often pushes share prices up on news of buy backs. Sometimes that is quite irrational but it can work for a while. Longer term the share price is determined by earnings and growth prospects not by expectations of buy backs.

Buying back shares makes perfect sense when the shares are trading below a fair value and when the company has no better use for its cash. A one time buyback could lead to a misleading earnings per share growth that can not be counted on in future. But if a company buys back 2% of its shares every year and that adds say 2% to earnings per share in the process and it can keep doing that, funding the buybacks from earnings then to my mind that 2% earnings growth is perfectly good growth and can be projected into the future.

Companies are free to buy back their shares and recent commentary about it is mostly just noise. Non share owners who want to tell companies what they should do with their cash. The noise makers should worry about their own cash.

If a company really wants to increase its share price over the years it should retain all earnings (pay no dividends and do no buybacks) then it can invest all the earnings for growth and if it has good growth opportunities including acquisitions, then its share price will rise. Stantec was an example until it more recently brought in a small dividend. Berkshire is a classic example. In both of these cases the growth was highly logical and not done to pump up the share price per se, though it did do that.

October 6, 2014

Walmart is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $77.32 (That was Friday’s close it closed today at about the same price $77.35). It’s not an exciting investment and it is not very likely to deliver double digit returns over the next five to ten years. But it is likely relatively safe. A reasonable strategy might be to buy on dips.

We first added it to this site on April 20, 2006 rated Buy at $46.70. Since then it is up 65% (excluding dividends) which is a decent but not spectacular return.

It is currently in a period of flat earnings due to currency impacts and weak to moderately declining same store sales. If it can resume growth the share price would likely rise somewhat. If the share price were to decline to about $70 I might buy.

Even if we conclude Walmart is likely to be a decent investment I might still not Buy. There may simply be better opportunities.

On Monday the S&P 500 fell 0.2% and Toronto fell 0.3%

This evening the Canadian dollar is at 89.44 U.S. cents. A lower Canadian dollar means U.S. stocks gain when valued in Canadian dollars. However American investors holding Canadian stocks see a decline. Whether a stock is “Canadian” or America in this context is NOT determined by the exchange it trades on. It is determined by where it earns most of its money. A lower Canadian dollar is generally considered good for the Canadian economy. It will harm retailers such as Canadian Tire as their costs s of good sold will rise.

Recently I have judged the America market to be somewhat over valued. That is definitely NOT the same as predicting it will decline. I will follow Buffett’s view on that and admit that I cannot predict the direction of markets especially in the short term. Nevertheless I can react to the a higher market by being cautious in buying and by perhaps cutting back some positions.

However, another consideration is that an expensive market does not means that every stock in the market is expensive. If I like what I hold I can potentially even add to those particular positions even while suspecting that the overall market is somewhat high.

The Canadian “market” is harder to judge in part because it is too concentrated in a few sectors. And also because I have had difficulty getting reliable earnings figures for the Toronto index.

October 5, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 gained 1.2% while Toronto was up 0.2%. Almost all of the stocks on my list were up.

Wal-Mart will be updated shortly and most likely rated (lower) Buy. Not an exciting investment but probably a fairly safe one.

Walmart has bought back 25% of its shares over the past years and at relatively attractive prices. We like that.

Walmart has continued to grow despite share buy backs and dividends paid and without taking on excessive debt. It can do this because it has been a highly profitable and cash generating entity.

Speaking of share buy-backs…

One of the strange but well accepted fictions is that share buybacks return money to share holders just like dividends do. It may well be the same thing from the companies perspective but it is definitely not the same from the perspective of share owners.

Share buy backs return money only to departing share owners. If the share price was where it should be the continuing owners own a larger share of a company with a bit less money than it had before the buy back. It’s a wash from the perspective of continuing shareholders unless the shares were bought back at a good price. Often that is the case. Sometimes it is not.

To illustrate:

Imagine if 5 people owned 20% each of a local Boston Pizza Restaurant owned through a corporation. One wants to sell out and the ownership corporation has the money to buy back the shares of the departing owner. It’s clear to see that the remaining four now own 25% each of a  restaurant that no longer has the money that was just paid to the departing owner. Money has been returned to the departing owner and not to the four continuing owners. In contrast a dividend returns money to all owners. If the restaurant continues to do well the four remaining owners may well benefit by their increased ownership. But that is not a given. And the restaurant may need to borrow money now that its cash has been depleted by the buy-back. It is not necessarily the case that the earnings per share of the four remaining owners will increase. However that is likely the case if the cash used to buy back the shares of the departee had been sitting earning little return. But the point is that a corporation buying back shares certainly does not return money to the non-selling share holders by buying back shares. For whatever reason the fiction that this is the case seems widespread.

Theorists may point out that the share buy back is exactly like a dividend if all owners sell back the exact same proportion of shares. But no one would suggest that this ever happens in reality. Also the tax consequences would differ.

October 4, 2014

Visa Inc. is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $212. It was last updated on December 29, 2013 and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $220. It traded above $220 for the first tree months of 2014 and then dipped very briefly under $200 in April and has since been around the $215 level plus or minus about $5. It looks moderately more attractive today than at the start of the year because the price is down slightly and the earnings have increased.

We first added it to this site on April 15, 2009 (just after the bottom of the market at a time when fear still reigned supreme), we rated it Buy at $58 at that time. We rated it a Strong Buy in May 2011 at $79 and it is up 167% since then. It dropped off at our list at the end of 2012 but we added it bank to the list March 28 2012 rated Buy at $119 in November 2012 we updated and rated it Buy at $147 on August 4, 2014 we rated it Weak Buy at $184.

Visa is a great company with some monopoly characteristics. It does have risks due to regulation and future competition and it is not a cheap stock. Therefore I am not in a big hurry to invest but would consider a small position with a hope to buy on dips.

October 2, 2014

On Thursday markets were at one point down more noticeably but ended the day with the S&P 500 unchanged and Toronto down 0.3%.

Agrium was down 2.5% on a warning of lower profits. That does not seem too surprising given that profits had declined in earlier quarters. What is more important is the outlook for the next few years and beyond. I did not see any comments about that. I would want to see the Q3 results and more detail on the outlook before buying or selling.

I expect to update a couple of the reports within the next few days.

October 1, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 1.3% and Toronto was down 1.0%. But the S&P is still up 7.3% year to date and Toronto is up 10.3% year to date, so really there is not much to complain about.

Melcor managed a 1.2% gain today although on very little volume. Constellation Software was up  1.1%. My strategy when the market is falling has always been to sort of nibble and add to positions but to do so patiently and slowly. I believe the only order I have in is to buy a bit more Melcor at $23.10. It touched that price a few days ago but my order was not filled as there must have been orders ahead of me at the same price.

I noticed TD Waterhouse has had a couple of new issues of 5 year rate reset shares 3.9% National Bank and 4.5% Brookfield Asset Management. The market apparently has a big appetite for these. If you are interested in getting these when issued you have to register for new issue alerts with your broker and then pounce on them. I bought some earlier this year figuring they were relatively low risk and at least beat holding cash.

Warren Buffett traces his starting point with Berkshire Hathaway back to 50 years ago today. He took over control of the company 50 years ago next May 10. But he counts the year ended September 30, 1966 as his first year for his performance history in running the company. Possibly he was already having an influence on the company somewhat before the May 10, 1965 coup d’etat when he ousted the long-time CEO. At the end of February Buffett will release his annual letter and will review the results of his first 50 years on the job. He has asked his partner Charlie Munger to write about why did their methods work and will Berkshire continue to work in the future. That letter will be absolute must reading.

September 30, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.1%.

The Canadian dollar is worth 89.15 U.S. cents in the U.S. It remains, as always, worth precisely $1.00 in Canada. A lower dollar benefits Canadian exporters and makes imported things more expensive. It makes travel to the U.S. more expensive.  It also hurts the Canadian NHL hockey teams who generally pay salaries in U.S. dollars but collect most of their revenue in Canadian dollars. (So sad for them) For investors if you have U.S. investments that you will eventually spend in the U.S. the exchange rate change is of no real meaning. But it does increase the value of those investments as measured in Canadian dollars.

eBay rose 7.5% today after announcing they will split off PayPal into a separate company. They were under pressure to do so but had resisted the idea. There were some good synergies between the two and it probably is a dumb idea to break it up but activist investors are only interested in short-term gains.

Today marks the end of Q3 and within a week or or so the Q3 earnings reports will start to come in although most will arrive in three to five weeks.

Melcor declined 2.6%. As a thinly traded stock it can be volatile. There may be some fear that the Alberta economy will soften. But overall Melcor appears to offer good value. Melcor will likely report good Q3 numbers. Toll Brothers declined 1.5% and I took the opportunity to add to my position.

September 29, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 ended the day down 0.25% and Toronto was down 0.3%.

I added a new short article about Buffett just to document the total return achieved since he took over Berkshire in 1965.

September 28, 2014

Most subscribers will be aware that this web site is something I work at on a part-time or side-business basis. Starting around next May I expect to devote closer to full time hours to this site and to my investment work in general.

Stantec is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $72.20. It is clearly a great company. But it is not an obvious bargain. Still it will likely turn out to be a good long term investment. I would consider it particularly on pull-backs.

September 26, 2014

My personal portfolio composition is updated. My own portfolio is highly concentrated and not diversified. Somewhat offsetting this is the fact that I have a 23% allocation to cash.

Our Buys and Strong Buys have averaged a gain of 5.9% this year to date. The two stocks that were in the Strong Buy range at the start of the year have averaged a gain of 16.8% each. My own portfolio has a return of up 9.6% (including dividends)

On Friday markets partially recovered from Thursday’s decline with the S&P 500 and Toronto each up 0.9%

September 25, 2014

A down day on Thursday as the S&P 500 fell 1.6% and Toronto fell 1.5%.

It’s anyone’s guess where the market will head next. My tactic has always been to react to overall market moves rather than predict them. I have an order in to get a bit more Melcor if it hits $23.10. Also I may add to my small Canadian Western Bank position.

If you find a pull-back of the size we have had recently to be particularly disturbing then perhaps you should not be invested in stocks at all. I believe Buffett used to say that if you would be very troubled by a 40% decline, perhaps you should not be in stocks. That seems a bit extreme. I think almost all of us would be VERY troubled by a 40% decline. I guess what really matters is what your reaction would be. If you would sell your stocks if they took a sudden 40% swoon and would not be prepared to wait it out then likely you should not be in stocks. If you would be disturbed but would nevertheless hang in there and also not be afraid to put in new money then you are probably okay to be in stocks. If you have a large amount invested and truly would not be upset at a 40% loss then I am not sure I believe you. Anyhow the 40% was just something Buffett used to say probably to scare weak knee’d (is that a word?) investors away from investing with him. I am certainly not predicting a 40% decline.

September 24, 2014

Wednesday was a good day for U.S. stocks with the S&P up 0.8%. But Toronto was basically flat.

Toll Brothers did not participate in the rise and instead fell 0.4% even as a report came out that new home sales (deliveries)  in August were well above forecast. The problem is that orders for new homes have been weaker. Also KB homes reported what was apparently poor earnings today.  We will see in the next few months how the orders for new homes go. In any case I expect Toll Brothers to have another two or three quarters of earnings growth due to orders already in the pipeline. I would think that would push the P/E down to attractive levels but I can’t be sure. Also a lower P/E will still not be considered attractive if the outlook turns to earnings declines.

Costco was up 1.7% today. And Walmart rose 2.0%. Possibly this was due to an announcement that it was getting deeper into banking by offering chequing accounts. Stantec was up 5.0% on news of a fair-sized acquisition in Quebec.

Melcor drifted a bit lower today.

September 23, 2014

Tuesday saw the S&P 500 down 0.6% while Toronto was flat.

Most stocks fell today. Among the rare winners were Couche-Tard, up 3.3%  and Agrium up 2.7% on news that some other fertilizer company was being taken over.

Canadian Western Bank is down to $39.55 and is worth considering.

September 22, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 fell 0.8% and Toronto was down 0.9%.

Stocks on our list that declined included Stantec and Canadian Tire each down 1.9%. Toll Brothers down 3.1% and Liquor Stores N.A. down 3.4%. Toll Brothers shorter term stock price will depend on the U.S. housing market. Given the decline I added a small amount to my Toll Brothers position today.

Stocks on our list that rose today included Couche-Tard up 3.0% and Melcor up 1.8%.

September 21, 2014

I have updated my article on the valuation of the S&P 500. The index does appear to be over-valued using conservative (but not pessimistic) assumptions. That is not a prediction of an imminent decline but it does offer reason to be cautious.

September 20,2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 was flat but at one point during the day set another record high at 2019. Toronto fell 1.3%.

Wells Fargo hit a new high of $53.80 and closed at $53.36. My figures show that the P/E is 14.2, the price to book value is 1.8, the dividend yield is 2.6% and the ROE is 12.9%. While there are always risks in investing, the overall picture here is “what’s not to like?”.

Canadian Tire has been hitting new highs, I calculate its stats as  P/E 16.3, price to book value 1.8, yield 1.7% and ROE 11.4%. Those stats are not as good looking as Wells Fargo but a P/E of 16.3 is still below that of the average stock.

Melcors earnings are volatile due to both its cyclic nature and accounting rules that mark it portfolio of rental properties to market as if they were investments in stocks. In that case I focus on the attractive price to book value of 1.0. I also consider that while Melcor’s reported earnings are volatile they have never been negative on an annual basis in the past ten years.

Overall, I am feeling quite good about how the markets and the economy has been doing. Things can change but at the moment I like how things have unfolded this year.

September 18, 2014

Thursday was a strong day in the U.S. markets with the S&P 500 up 0.5%. Toronto however was up less than 0.1%.

Gainers of particular interest included Bank of America up 1.6% and Berkshire Hathaway up 1.2% and Wells Fargo up 1.4%.

Liquor Stores N.A. was up 6.4% to $14. There has been no news from the company that would explain the recent strong recovery in this stock. Possible some analyst are recommending it. It’s also possible that some good news is pending such as maybe selling some of its British Columbia licenses to large grocery stores. Or maybe it will announce an acquisition (But where would it get the money?). Or maybe a buyout is in the wind? Without confirmation (or even any indication) of positive news I am skeptical that the rise will last. As reported previously I have rather soured on the company and no longer own it. It has lately been earning far less than it pays out as a dividend and seems to indicate that earnings will remain low until 2016. In my area it has way too many stores and they are not busy at all and strong competitors are taking market share. Maybe they are doing well in other areas and especially with their newer big box stores. I was recently in Vancouver and happened to walk past its Kitsilano wine store which was very nice and was busy. Overall, if I owned it I would likely reduce my position given the recent price rise.

I had entered an order a couple of weeks ago to sell my Berkshire shares if they got as high as $141. Partly just to grab profits and partly because there could be a perception of a conflict of interest for me due an acquisition that is pending by one of its subsidiaries that affects a company that I am involved in another aspect of my life. Every time I have ever sold some Berkshire shares it has later felt like a mistake (partly because one never quite remembers or tracks where the money from the sale gets reinvested). Anyhow at this time I don’t own any Berkshire shares.

Berkshire Hathaway closed at a record high of $141.28 for the B shares and a staggering $212,075 for the A shares. Earlier this year there was much ado when Buffett noted that in the six years ended December 31, 2013 Berkshire’s book value had not kept pace with the S&P 500. Buffett measures progress by book value not share price. A number of analysts jumped on this and talked about Berkshire under-performing. A look at the chart will dispel that nonsense.;range=5y

An analyst named Doug Bass was famously short Berkshire and was silly enough to go to Berkshire’s annual meeting in Spring 2013 and debate the matter with Buffett. If Bass is still short the stock he has gotten absolutely clobbered.

September 17, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 rose 0.1% and Toronto fell 0.3%. U.S. markets were slightly buoyed be the FED statement which was basically a stay-the-course statement.

Housing stocks were buoyed by news that homebuilder sentiment was up and by a strong earnings report from one of the builders. Toll Brothers gained 1.9%. Fedex was up 3.3% on a strong earnings report. It is often thought of as some kind of indicator of business growth in the economy so this is a positive sign for markets.

Canadian Tire hit a  new high today.

An interesting news item indicates that Costco will no longer take America Express in Canada. I don’t know if this is particularly bad news for AMEX since Costco had probably negotiated quite a skinny fee. It may indicate retailers starting to push back against the credit card companies. Also of interest Costco has an outsized presence in Canada with 88 stores versus 468 in the U.S. Based on 10% of the population you would expect Canada to have more like 47 stores in Canada. Costco likes Canada perhaps due to our demographics and income distribution and also perhaps because there are few close competitors to Cost in Canada.

September 16, 2014

Markets rose on Tuesday after reports indicated that the U.S. inflation rate remains subdued which was interpreted as meaning that the FED will not be in a hurry to raise interest rates.

The S&P 500 rose 0.75% and Toronto rose 0.2%.

Canadian Tire had a strong day rising 1.5% to almost $116.

Melcor fell 1.9% to $23.19. This thinly traded stock has been relatively volatile since May. It first rose above $23 around May 1 and then rose to a peak of $27.60 but has now fallen back to the $23 level. Apparently part of the reason it was rising this Spring and earlier Summer was a strong recommendation by RBC capital. That at least temporarily boosted demand for the stock. While probably 99% of investors worry about market demand for a stock. That is not my concern or certainly not my main concern. As long as the company continues to do well the stock price will eventually follow suit.  I have always said that every stock and every company has its risks. This is particularly true if you define risk as the chance of a stock price decline even if temporary. I would be more concerned about the risk to Melcor’s earnings. And its earnings would decline if the Alberta economy and the demand for new homes in Alberta slows down. Even in that case the earnings would, if history is any guide, eventually recover. And at this time I am not aware of any slow-down in the Alberta new house market. The bottom line is that Melcor appears to offer good to excellent value. I have an order in to add still a bit more to my position if it drops to $23.10.

Melcor’s stock price has about doubled from the $11 range at the start of 2010. Therefore you might think the stock is not the bargain now that it was then. But the book value has more than doubled from about $10 at the start of 2010 to over $23 at this time. Some of the increased book value is due to new mark to market valuation accounting for its rental buildings. But most of the increase is simply due to retained earnings. The stock may actually be more of a bargain at this time compared to early 2010 based on trailing valuations. But of course we now know its earnings grew a LOT since the start of 2010 and we don’t know for sure what the earnings will do in the next five years. I strongly suspect the earnings will rise although they will have their ups and downs as well.

I was just noticing that Canadian National Railways is up 10 fold since I first started following it 15 years. Over the years it often looked expensive but I consistently recognized it as an excellent company and noted that it appears to have certain monopoly characteristics. In my January 2003 article called “Do as the Rich Do” I mentioned that rich people were buying the likes of CN while most investors were chasing various penny stocks. It’s almost painful to mention that Bill Gates became its largest shareholder I believer over 15 years ago and has therefore made at least 10 times his money on the millions he invested back then. And I believe he has added tot he position over the years.

September 15, 2014

Monday was not a particularly exciting day in the market, at least not for the stocks I follow.

The S&P 500 was down 0.1% and Toronto was down 0.3%.

September 14, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.6% while Toronto was about unchanged.

Toll Brothers was down 1.8% to $33.07. Melcor was down 1.1% to $23.74. That drops the price to book value to 1.0. It is a cyclic company that would suffer if there happens to be a slowdown in housing construction in Alberta and the western provinces. And the book value has been pushed up somewhat by its rental buildings that are marked to market under IFRS accounting. Nevertheless, I find the chance to buy this company with a long history of growth at book value to be attractive.

As of Sunday evening, markets were set to open lower on Monday. While rising markets are always more enjoyable, declining markets offer opportunities as well.

September 13, 2014

Canadian Tire is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $115.51. We rated this company a Buy at the start of this year at $99.49 and it is up 16% this year. At the start of 2013 we had rated it (lower) strong Buy at $69.38 and it rose 43%.  At the start of 2012 we had it rated (higher) Buy at $65.90 and it rose 5%. Back on August 11, 2011 we updated it as a Strong Buy at $52.40 with a price to book value of 1.04 and a P/E of 10.5. Soon after that it became my largest position. Since then it has more than doubled. In April 2013 it represented 22% of my equities. I sold gradually on the way up but it was still recently 6.4% of my portfolio and 8.0% of my equities.

But that is history. At this time it is still a great company but it appears to be about fully valued. On Friday I noticed it hitting $116 and I sold 30% of my position. These were shares that I had bought at $101.50 in late June after I had earlier sold most of my shares at around $110.

I may be tempted to buy back these recently sold shares if it happens to fall back to even $112. In any case it now represents about 6% of my equities and that is held in a taxable account and I will likely hang onto to that for the long term.

I don’t see any reason that Canadian Tire will not continue to do well in terms of earnings. It is also selling off 20% of its credit card operation to Scotia Bank and that could also provide another boost to the share price although that is, in theory, already priced in.

Obviously, the shares could also decline with the general market if the economy softens. Overall it remains a reasonable investment but is certainly not at the bargain basement price it was in August of 2011.

September 11, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was down 0.1% while Toronto was up 0.4%

Bank of America rose again today, up 1.3% to $16.57.

The Canadian dollar was down close to a cent and that pushes up the value of American stocks when valued in Canadian dollars. For the most part, it’s probably not worth worrying about what the dollar does. It’s very hard to predict.  A while back I toyed with hedging against a rise in the Canadian dollar which would reverse my gains from holding U.S. stocks. I bought an ETF called FXC to do that. As mentioned previously I have sold out of that. Since I will someday need U.S. dolalrs in retirement. I rally don’t need to hedge the currency risk anyhow. It’s only because my portfolio is reported in Candain dolalrs taht there is an apparent risk there. The reality is that my future need to spend U.S. dollars provides a natural hedge agaisnt the currency change.

Speaking of currency, I am not at all in favor of currency trading which is a zero sum leveraged game. Many times I have been approached to place links on this site to forex trading sites. I would never do that. The whole notion of forex trading is at odds with the mind set that as investors we should seek to make money by owning profitable companies. Many people think that stock market investing is all about making money from other investors. They think that stock investing is a zero sum game. They are wrong. In stock investing we should think mostly about making money from the customers of the businesses we own (as the company provides valuable goods and services) and not so much about making money from other investors (though we are OK we doing some of that as well).

An old article of mine explains this in more detail.

September 10, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 rose 0.4% and Toronto fell 0.4%.

As long-time subscribers know, my approach when the prices of stocks that I own and like fall is usually to add to positions.

Most investors would not do that. And a major reason for that is that most investors find themselves judging a company by its stock price. Consider that almost all investors look at price charts but are not able to look at charts of earnings per share. Even more shocking is the fact that investment television shows tens to show you a chart of what the price did today. They often don’t even look at the say the last year. They are focused on today. The reality is that the price movements in a given day are almost always effectively random noise as opposed to any kind of signal.

If you own a stock but are not very familiar with how the company makes money, with its long term outlook and with its competitive advantages, then when the price falls your natural reaction is to be very concerned. In this situation most investors figure that “the market” knows that bad news is coming and so they are inclined to sell.

I find that by developing a strong (but certainly never perfect) knowledge of a select group of companies I can be in a position to be much more sanguine about price declines. If it still looks to me like the outlook is good then I would tend to buy on dips. Sometimes that can turn out wrong but most of the time it has worked out well.

September 9, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 fell 0.7% while Toronto rose 0.2%.

I picked up some more Melcor shares based on an order I had placed at $24.10. There was a report today that the pace of Canadian home building was down slightly but that the pace in Alberta was higher. Barring a slow-down in Alberta, Melcor is likely to continue report good results.

September 8, 2014

Stocks fell on Monday with the S&P 500 down 0.3% and Toronto down 0.4%.

Bank of America was up 2.1%. It should rise in price as it finally puts the the problems of the financial crisis and the resulting litigation behind it (or at least mostly behind it).

I added a modest position in Canadian Western Bank today.

Melcor continues to slip and was down 1.4% today to $24.20.

September 7, 2014

Canadian Western Bank is updated and rated Buy at $40.54. This has been a very well managed bank and been an excellent investment over the years. I made the mistake of selling my shares last August (as detailed at that time) due to concerns about their losses caused by the floods in Alberta last year (They have a property insurance division). It turned out the losses were minimal. I compounded that mistake by not buying the shares back at a slightly higher price after it became apparent the losses were minimal. The shares rose a lot in the last part of 2013 which made it even harder to consider buying back into it. Psychologically, it is always hard to buy back into a stock at a higher price. However, I am now ready to do so and I plan to buy some shares.

On Friday the S&P 500 rose 0.5% to another record closing high while Toronto was essentially flat.

Canadian Tire rose 1.0% to $113.95 which is at or close to a record high at it has risen 14.5% this year.

Costco was up 1.5% to a record $127.01 and is up 6.7% this year.

Melcor was down 1.1% to $24.55. It’s still up 22.4% this year but after reaching highs over $27 after RBC has put a target of $35 on it, it now seems to suffer from some lack of interest. Ultimately the share price will be be determined by its earnings performance.

September 5, 2014

Toll Brothers is updated and is rated Buy at $33.78. It’s P/E is still high at about 23 and the ROE is too low at 7.9%. But it is set to continue to increase earnings strongly in the next six to nine months. However with new contracts to sell houses having declined slightly, its earnings may flatten after that. The company believes that the housing recovery continues although it is bumpy. Toll Brothers is a luxury home builder with an average selling price just over $700,000. More recently it has gotten into building expensive condos in New York and other cities. A joint venture in New York is selling condos that in recent quarters averaged $3 to $5 million per unit.

September 4, 2014

On Thursday stocks were mostly down slightly with the S&P 500 down 0.15% and Toronto down 0.5%.

Costco was up 3.1%to $125 on a strong earnings report (and very strong same-store sales in August). It’s another example of a strong and very well managed company that always seems to look expensive but manages to maintain its high P/E ratio. Couche-Tard was up another 3.5%.

Toll Brothers was down 0.7%. I have ran some numbers and I calculate its P/E at 22.5 times adjusted earnings and 20.4 times GAAP earnings. That does not seem excessive given that its adjusted earnings growth has been over 100% in each of the last four quarters. Clearly its earnings growth will slow or flatten now. And the next quarter it faces a high comparable in the prior year. Analysts are worried about a slow-down in signed contracts in the latest quarter months versus the prior year. Sales and earnings lag signed contracts and so this is a worry. Definitely there are some signs weakness in some of its geographic areas. But it has also expanded its geography in the west. Management points to the fact that its business tends to be lumpy and argues that the slow recovery in housing continues. I would continue to judge this to be a good long-term investment.

September 3, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down less than 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.25%

Toll Brothers was down 4.7% to $33.95 after it reported earnings this morning. This was a case where a year over year earnings increase of 110% and revenue increase of 53% was just not enough. The concern is that the sales were a little weaker than its pervious quarter although much better than the year ago quarter. Management appears to believe that the housing recover continues but is “bumpy”. They believe that the pace of new building should be 50% higher to reflect population growth.

Basically this is a bet that the housing recovery will continue in the U.S. In the past the stock has been pricing in a continued rapid increase in earnings. In the past year the stock price has bounced around but is relatively unchanged from October 2013. Meanwhile the earnings are up strongly and so the P/E ratio has started to look more reasonable although it is still somewhere around 24.

I continue to think it will be a good long-term investment and added to my position today at $34.10.

Liquor Stores N.A. was up another 4.4% today.

Couche-Tard was up 6.7% after reporting another strong quarter. It’s a case of a very strong and superbly managed company that has usually looked expensive but that has continued to out perform.

September 2, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 and Toronto both ended the day down very slightly less than 0.1%.

FirstService was up 3.8% to $62.00. I had apparently under-rated it at my last look at it in May. I have long said that I really like the management. It has been a tough company to analyze due to being cyclical and basically my analysis does not seem to work well for this company.

An order I had placed previously to add modestly to my Melcor position was filled today at $25.10. Perhaps I am being reckless adding to my large position but I think the company offers good value. I then placed another order to add a bit more at $24.10 if it goes that low. As a thinly traded stock it can be volatile for that reason alone.

Toll Brothers will report earnings tomorrow Wednesday before the market opens. The expectations are high and the stock will react to the actual results versus the expectations as well as to the outlook.

August 29, 2014

Liquor Stores N.A.  is updated and rated Sell at $13.37. I mentioned in recent posts that I had pretty much given up on this entity and had sold my shares. With a strong gain in the price in the past two weeks (which gains did not seem based on any news from the company as the shares did not gain in the first day after the earnings release) it seems opportune to sell these shares. It seems to me that the company is weak and it is going to take some kind of restructuring for earnings to recover to acceptable levels. The company seems to indicate that the dividend will not be cut but the financials would seem to suggest it should be.

With Warren Buffett’s $3 billion preferred share investment in the Tim Hortons deal in the news, it is interesting to look at his similar $8 billion investment in 9% preferred shares of Heinz with the same partner called 3G.

Berkshire’s Q2 report indicated that it made the expected $360 million in the first half of 2014 on these shares. But that it lost $20 million on its half of the common shares of Heinz. In other words 3G (which only owns common shares) made a loss of $20 billion on Heinz in the first half of 2014 while Berkshire made $340 million even after deducting its share of the losses.  This seems a bit hilarious and is par for the course for Buffett who certainly knows how to make a profitable deal.

In the case of Tim Hortons, Berkshire is not involved in the common shares and is very much a passive investor simply collecting the 9% on  $3 billion. Berkshire has approximately $55 billion in cash (out of total assets of $504 billion) and this$3 billion at 9% is a nice alternative to cash that earns next to nothing. This investment is really not much of an endorsement of Tim Hortons or Burger King since Berkshire is not investing in the common shares. It simply gets its 9% on $3 billion.

August 28, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was down 0.2% and Toronto was down 0.3%.

Melcor was down 3.4% to $25.11. But most of the decline was based on one small trade at the end of the day.

August 28, 2014 (before the market opening)

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was flat and and Toronto was down 0.1%.

Stantec was up  1.4%. Melcor was down 1.25% to $25.98 as the interest that had been generated this Summer by the RBC analysis that it was really worth more like $35 has waned. I will buy a little more if it dips to $25.10 as I havce an order in at that level.

Also on the theme of real estate I am looking forward to see Toll Brothers results on September 3. I expect them to be good but really an expectation for continued earnings growth is already reflected in the stock price. So they might need to be better than just good to move the stock price. What they have to say about the outlook may be more important than the quarterly earnings.

August 26, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 rose 0.1% to finish at an even 2000. Toronto also rose 0.1%.

Liquor Stores N.A. rose 5.9%. I did not see any news to justify the recent gain. Presumably some investors have taken a sudden interest.

Tim Hortons rose 8.1% after it was announced that the Burger King deal would be mostly hash and was worth about $84 per share with $65 of that in cash and the rest in shares of the new combined company. Burger King fell 4.3%. Whiel the rise in Tim Hortons is understandable, the big gain in Burger King (yesterday) is more of a puzzle. Burger King is apparently paying 30 times earnings for Tim Hortons. That would certainly not appear to be a bargain.

They are going to have to leverage the heck out of it and also squeeze costs out like crazy.

Buffett is apparently just collecting 9% on his $3 billion investment. Good for him.

I did sell 150 B shares of Berkshire that I bought about 3 weeks ago. I got a very quick 9% gain. I still own 400 shares in another account. I may sell those because a tiny conflict of interest may arise due to one of Berkshire’s pending acquisitions.

August 26, 2014 (before market opening)

There is in fact mostly cash involved with the Tim Hortons deal, so it appears selling yesterday would have been pre mature. Still there is a long ways to go before this deal closes. As I speculated in my first post yesterday, Buffett is involved. This deal was apparently leaked badly. That is both unfair and illegal. Anyhow good times for Tim Hortons shareholders. I owned it and rated it a Buy here a few years back but got out too soon. I would sell today.

August 25, 2014

Monday provided an interesting start to the week. The proposed Burger King / Tim Hortons merger is big news taht send both companies stocks up about 20%.

In other trading, the S&P 500 rose 0.5% to 1998. It also briefly rose above 2000 which excited some people since it such a nice big fat round number being reached for the first time. Toronto rose 0.4%. Liquor Stores N.A. was up 3.6%. Good for the stock, but as I mentioned recently I have pretty much given up on this company. Melcor was down 0.6% on low volume and seems not to be generating much interest at least at recent prices.

Getting back to the Tim Hortons story, I am not a fan of this. Why should Tim Hortons share owners collectively want to trade say 55% of Tim Hortons for 45% of Burger King? We are told that the Burger King share holders will have majority control so Tim’s is getting less than 50%, perhaps closer to 40%. The deal was announced because news of the merger discussions had leaked (which speaks to poor management of the process). There may never be even a proposed deal here and after that actual approval would be a long ways off.  Most likely the Tim Hortons CEO has been all over this deal. It’s possible the Tim Hortons Board of directors did not even know about it. This might be a case where the Board should vote against it. It’s one thing to allow a CEO to run the company. It’s another thing to allow the CEO to effectively sell more than half of the power house that is Tim Hortons in return for part ownership of the large but third place burger operation.

And if I was a Tim Hortons corporate employee or a franchise owner I would certain not be excited by this. 3G, the controlling owner and manager of Burger King, has a reputation for ruthless cost cutting.

I see no reason for both (or either) company’s shares to rise about 20% given a complete lack of detail and even a lack of a signed deal. If I owned Tim Hortons shares I would sell at least half and perhaps all. And particularly if I owned them in a non-taxable account.

August 25, 2014 7:10 a.m. Mountain time (9:10 a.m. eastern)

There was interesting news yesterday about a proposed Tim Hortons / Burger King merger.

This is far from done and may never happen. It may not be a good deal for Tim Hortons shareholders who will apparently trade a majority stake in Tim Hortons (a wonderful business that has long been number one in its market by a mile) for a minority stake in a rather tired third place burger chain. For Burger King it is apparently driven by Canada’s lower corporate income tax rate (about 25% versus 35% in the U.S.). There was no indication that Tim Hortons share holders would receive cash. If cash were involved then I would wonder if 3G’s friend Mr. Buffett would get involved. Burger King is controlled by 3G, Buffett’s partner in the Heinze deal.

August 22, 2014

FedEx is updated and rated Weak Buy at $149.47. It is an interesting company. It’s profit margin is surprisingly low but may mean there is an opportunity for improvement. It could be more aggressive in the use of debt to boost profits. It is projecting a 30% profit increase in the next year but that appears to be already reflected in the share price.

Markets were relatively flat on Friday.

August 22, 2014 (12:45 eastern)

On Thursday, Bank of America was up 4.1% as it reached a huge settlement of fines and penalties associated with mortgages from the financial crisis era. I had noted previously that it appears that Bank of America is about finished with these past troubles. I expect it to be a good investment.

August has been strong for most of our stock picks and the market. The market “correction” of July seems to have been short lived for the major indexes. My own portfolio has recovered losses from July and moved on to new highs.

Having made a 9% gain on some Berkshire shares that I purchased three weeks ago today, I am tempted to sell for the short-term gain. In the past every time I have sold Berkshire it seems to look like a mistake a year later.

Overall I don’t plan a lot of buying or selling. Continuing to ride along with the stocks I own has worked out quite well.

I own some FXC on New York that is a hedge against a rising Canadian dollar. I find it more of a distraction than anything and may sell that.

August 20, 2014

Markets were positive in Wednesday as the S&P 500 rose 0.2% and Toronto rose 0.5%. CN Rail was up 1.6%. Liquor Stores N.A. rose 2.2%

Melcor was down slightly but still remains close to its recent highs and is up about 30% this year.

August 19, 2014

Tuesday was another good day for our stock picks. The S&P 500 was up 0.5% and Toronto was up 0.9%.

We had Toll Brothers up 2.2% on news of higher housing starts in the U.S. Liquor Stores N.A. was up 2.2% though that is one I gave up on. FirstService was up 3.2%. Canadian Tire hit a new high today.

August 18, 2014

On Monday, the markets got off to a strong start for the week. The S&P 500 was up 0.8% and Toronto was up 0.2%. Toll Brothers was up 1.7%, Visa was up 2.0%. All in all it was a good day for our stock picks.

August 17, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 was about unchanged and Toronto was up 0.1%

I am working now on an update for Fedex. It’s a great company but is probably not much of a bargain. But I have not crunched the numbers yet.

Owning equities is always risky or at least exposes us to volatility. But the only way to benefit from the good days (and years) is to be in the market. That comes at the cost of losses on the bad days. But over time the good days (and years) have historically more than made up for the bad days (and years).

It’s up to each of us to determine how much volatility we can accept emotionally and can afford financially. It’s never a good idea to invest the money you really need for groceries or the rent. Most of us can afford financially to take some risks. And most of us can either emotionally handle losing days (and years) or we can learn to handle it emotionally through experience and and education. Then there is the old saying; If you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

August 16, 2014

eBay is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $52.64. It’s a powerful and relatively fast growing and profitable company. The share price is not cheap at about 22 times earnings. Still, it may be a good investment. I am tempted to buy just a modest amount.

August 14, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 rose 0.4% and Toronto rosé 0.2%.

Notable gainers included Berkshire up 1.7% and Toll Brothers up 2.1%.

Melcor was up 1.3% on decent volume.

Element Financial was up 4.2% and that was on top of a good gain yesterday as it released a good earnings report.

A number of news stores noted that Berkshire had reached $200,000 per share today. Only the American Press service noted that these were the same shares that Buffett began buying at $7.50 and that were at about $15 to $18 as he took over the company 49 years ago. Basically, I think the gain (over one million percent) is just incomprehensible to most people. It seems well beyond the realm of the possible even in 49 years.

Liquor Stores N.A. has released earnings this evening. Better than Q1 but nothing great. Earnings per share are at 14 cents and the dividend is 27 cents. They are expecting improvements in 2016. This company has been a disappointment. As noted earlier, I have sold most of my shares.

August 14, 2014 9:30 am eastern

On Wednesday the markets were relatively flat.

The next update will be for eBay, it continues to show strong growth.

Much has been made of Stats Canada’s error in the July job numbers. I have never believed that things like jobs added or certainly the unemployment rate could be measured very accurately in the first place. Analysts may have been wrong to assume such numbers were ultra accurate and not susceptible to errors. As far as the numbers having an impact on the stock market, I don’t think that is Stats Canada’s worry. They produce the numbers. They have no responsibility for how how others use the numbers. Of course they have to be as accurate as they can. But to assume there would never be errors was unrealistic.

The very thinly traded Canadian Tire voting shares have jumped to $194 versus about $110 for the non-voting shares. I have mentioned before that I see no rationale for the big premium on the voting shares. No one can take over the company by buying those shares as there is a provision that in a change of control all shares become voting. I think those buying the voting shares at such a big premium are at risk for a vary large decline. So far though the voting shares continue to rise and I have been wrong. However over an investment lifetime, acting rationally will tend to win in the end. I just don’t see a rationale to buying the voting shares. If there is effectively one buyer attempting to accumulate the A shares then perhaps they can keep rising. I just checked and the major holding of the A shares have not been buying with the exception that the Dealers association bought a small amount of shares (less than 4000 in small lots)  in the last nine months with the last buy at the end of June at $146.

August 12, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 fell 0.2% and Toronto rose 0.1%

Melcor fell 1.5% to $25.61 after being up slightly for much of the day. I am comfortable holding Melcor and I think it will be a good long term investment and that it will be worthwhile buying, particularly on dips.

I usually do not read any analyst reports on companies. But it is encouraging the RBC has reiterated its $35 target on Melcor. That report was updated yesterday and could cause some short-term interest in the stock. Until very recently no big bank was “covering” Melcor to my knowledge. The recent IPO of the Melcor REIT has no-doubt generated interest in Melcor from the banks. Perhaps they are hoping Melcor will issue common shares at some point. That could even take the form of the Melton family selling off some of its huge stake in the company although I am not aware of any plans for that. And the Melton family is already now collecting very substantial dividends and may have little reason to sell. The company itself has certainly not been a frequent issuer of shares by any means.

Berkshire Hathaway’s A shares almost touched $200,000 each today. Buffett’s birthday is August 30 and perhaps a birthday present will be a stock price hitting $200,000. Imagine, five A shares is a million dollars. Same five shares were worth about $75 dollars ($15 each) when Buffett took control 49 years ago. The B shares are about $133 each. Each A share can be converted to 1500 B shares.

August 11, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 rose 0.3% and Toronto rose 0.4%.

Almost all of our stock picks were up.

I sold most of the rest of my Liquor Stores N.A. shares. I retail a small amount in a tax free savings account. It has been a disappointment. They will release earnings within a week. I am not at all confident that they will have a good report. Maybe they will. I went to pick up beer and wine of Friday and headed for Superstore. I could not get myself to shop much at Liquor Stores N.A. (Liquor Depot and Liquor Barn) and that was not a good sign.

They need to cut the dividend and the refusal to do so seems irrational. There are far too many stores in Alberta and at some point they may announce some closures.

August 10, 2014

Melcor is updated and rated Buy at $25.88.

On Friday, the S&P 500 rose 1.1% and Toronto rose 0.5%.

Toll Brothers was a notable gainer, up 2.7%.

August 8, 2014 (9:30am eastern time)

On Thursday, Canadian Tire was up 2.6% as it released strong earnings. Melcor released earnings after the close that were relatively good. Melcor was set to open up slightly this morning. If RBC updates its report on Melcor that could generate some excitement. Otherwise it is a good company to continue to hang onto and to look to buy on dips.

August 6, 2014

On Wednesday. the S&P 500 and Toronto both closed at approximately the same level as the day before.

Bank of America received permission and raised its dividend from one cent per share to five cents. That is still almost nothing but it is a sign that the Bank’s health is much improved. The market reaction was quite muted because this was widely expected to happen. Meanwhile they are still dealing with payments and settlements related to the credit crisis. many of these payments are starting to look like corrupt shake-downs by the U.S. government and its agencies. It has already set aside or recognized liabilities for these settlements for the most part and so it may be that it is largely past the financial impact of settlements. I suspect it is a good investment but it is not without risk.

Agrium reported earnings. In a pattern that is not unusual the earnings were down versus last year but were still good news because they were higher than expected.

August 5, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 fell 1.0% and Toronto fell 0.2%

Agrium was up 2.0% which was the highest of the stocks on our list.

This week I am looking forward to Melcor’s earnings release on Thursday (probably after the close)

August 3, 2014

On Monday, the Canadian markets were closed. New York was open and the S&P 500 rose 0.7%.

Berkshire Hathaway rose 3.1% due to its earnings release. It hit a new all-time high. The A shares traded as high as $195,000. 50 years of compounding growth within Berkshire under Buffett’s control and with all earnings reinvested (no dividend paid – save literally a single dime per A share paid in 1967) certainly adds up.

August 2, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 fell 0.3% and Toronto fell 0.8%. Constellation software was up 7.3%.

Berkshire Hathaway is updated and rated Buy at $125.83. On Friday I increased my position in Berkshire because the shares were down a bit and I figured the earnings release after the close on Friday would be good and it was.

July 31, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was down 2.0% and Toronto was down 1.3%.

For those with an allocation in cash it now may be time to consider if one should begin buying on this dip. And if so how aggressively. Or should one wait for a larger dip. Logically, dips in the area of 2% to 5% are not much reason for buying. It might make sense to wait and see if more like a 10% dip or larger occurs at least in certain stocks. In my own case I often find myself nibbling on dips. Often I may do that too early when waiting for a bigger dip might have been better. But as long as I reserve some funds in case larger dips appear and/or I have new funds coming in, my strategy tends to do okay.

I noticed today that dividends were paid on Boston Pizza, and my Bombardier pref shares. Dividends can be used to buy shares at lower prices when markets decline.

July 30, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 was flat today while Toronto gained 0.5% and rose to a new all-time record.

Canadian Tire was up 1.5%, Canadian Western Bank was up 1.8%, FirstService was up 2.3%. Bank of America was up 1.6%.

I added to my Toll Brothers position today as it fell 1.1%. I entered an order to add to my Melcor position if it should fall as low as $24.15 in the next month.

Lots more earnings reports are coming… including Berkshire Hathaway on Friday – always ian interesting read.

July 29, 2014

The S&P 500 fell 0.5% apparently due to global tensions (particularly sanctions against Russia) while Toronto was about flat.

American Express reported (after regular hours) a 13% increase in earnings per share and rose slightly in after-hours ttrading.

FirstService Corporation reported earnings before the opening of trade and rose 5.2%.

I sold what amounted to 43% of my Liquor Stores N.A. shares today. Perhaps I should have sold it all.

July 28, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 and Toronto were relatively unchanged.

Liquor Stores N.A. was up 1.8% to $11.42. I probably should use the recent gains to reduce my position in this stock. I consider it speculative and my opinion of the company has deteriorated since I first looked at it. I don’t see a lot of reason to expect the Q2 report to be very good. And that could certainly push the stock price down. But perhaps they will make soothing comments about the future and the dividend that will help the stock price.

I have considered this to be a weak business but which did seem cheap. Perhaps I should have stuck with higher quality businesses.

July 27, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 fell 0.5% while Toronto rose 0.4%.

Melcor declined 1.9% to $25.14. It will report earnings on August 7. With this company I am certainly more inclined to buy on dips than to sell.

Canadian National Railway is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $74.02. This company is exceptionally well managed. The stock is up over 800% since I first looked at it 1999. It has generally done better than expected over the years. Often I had rated it a Buy it did better than expected. The history here illustrates the fact that investors can do very well in buying and holding profitable companies. It is certainly a surprise that CN has gone up 800% in 15 years. But no one in 1999 would have doubted that it would continue to grow and be profitable.

At this time, CN looks expensive. It’s P/E is 22. It appears to be “pricing in” a continuation of very strong earnings per share growth. It would be tempting to justify paying this price. But it would not be prudent to forecast that the P/E will remain this high over the next five or ten years. Also it seems unlikely that it can grow profits are rates over 10% for the next decade.

It seems dangerous to bet against this company and I certainly would not short the stock. If I had a large position in it I would reduce that position (especially in non-taxable accounts). If I had a small position, I would probably just hold onto that.

I have not owned it for quite some years (unfortunately) and have no plans to buy.

July 24, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 and Toronto were each about unchanged.

However Toll Brothers fell 4.1% as some other home builder companies reported heavy use of incentives to sell more houses. Also recent reports indicated some slowing in new home sales in the U.S. Toll Brothers will not report again for about a month. My inclination is to buy this on dips. It’s P/E is high which means it does need to continue to grow profits to justify its price. Based on analyst forecasts of earnings in 2015 it trades at 15 times those projected earnings.

Melcor fell 2.3% to $25.62. Again my inclination would be to buy  on dips. The stock is up a lot lately and so it is going to need a good Q2 report (on August 7) to maintain and grow the price. If the earnings and outlook are strong then Royal Bank will likly update its recent Buy recommendation which could generate renewed interest. Aside from that short-term possibility it is a very well managed company which should be a good long term investment. It does however tend to be cyclic and would drop in price if new home building in Alberta slows significantly.

July 23, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 crawled a little closer to 2000, up 0.2% at 1987. That right around 200% higher than its March 6, 2009 low of 667.

Toronto was up 0.5% to a new record high.

Toll Brothers was up 1.4% today.

Bombardier announced layoffs and a reorganization.

July 22, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 rose 0.5% and set a within the trading day record. It’s very close to 2000. In theory there is absolutely nothing special about 2000. In practice a bunch of traders will take that as either a buy or a sell signal and generally get all excited about it.

Toronto rose 0.4%.

Winners today included Canadian National Railway, up 2.0%, and Element Financial up 3.3%.

Activist investor Bill Ackman pretty much appeared to lose his marbles today with a tearful three hour presentation suggesting that Herbalife was a pyramid scheme. Well apparently it is a pyramid selling scheme. But there is nothing necessarily wrong with that.

I am not sure what to think about short sellers who loudly spread the word that a stock is over-valued. In some way this is no different than owning a stock and then telling everyone what a bargain it is. No one seems to have a problem with that. Probably both should be okay as  long as the view being spread is a legitimately held view. It is wrong and should be illegal to try to push a stock up or down based on no valid reason and done just for the purpose of manipulating a stock.

In my own case I have always wanted to predict which stocks will rise or fall through analysis. I never wanted to cause a stock to rise or fall by pushing the price around such as by convincing others to buy or sell. Even if doing so was based on reasons I thought were correct, the whole idea of doing that does not seem entirely ethical to me. It just smacks of pump and dump.

Anyhow Ackman apparently has a great track record with CP Rail and other investments. But he is looking like a crackpot over Herbalife. I know he is involved with Valient / Allergan and to me, that is a negative as far as Valient goes.

Ackman may be perfectly correct that  Herbalife products are basically snake oil with no redeeming features. But the same may be true of half the crap we buy. I am not sure that should be the concern of a stock analyst. Ackman contends that Herbal life basically sells an awful lot of its product to its own recruits rather than to external customers. If so, that can’t go on for ever. To a greater or lesser degree the same probably applies to Amway and Mary Kay and Avon. If so, so what? Most recruits will never  make much money in these type of multi-level (pyramid if you will) marketing “schemes”. But I know a couple people who have done very well at it. Most kids will never make money at hockey either. But that does not mean we crush the dream of every eight year old hockey player and his parents. 100% of the people who never try will never succeed. A 0.001% or whatever chance is still a lot bigger than a zero % chance.

I have no idea if Herbalife is a good investment. But I am not sure anyone should take Ackman’s biased word on the amtter.

July 21, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 was down 0.2% and Toronto was down 0.1%. So far, it seems that the market is only moderately concerned about recent world events.

I added modestly to my Bank of America position today. If the U.S. economy continues its slow improvement then Bank of America is likely to be a good investment at its present level.

There will be lots of Q2 earnings reports out in the next couple of weeks.

July 20, 2014

Bombardier perpetual preferred shares are updated and rated Buy for fixed income at $22.05. The dividend at just over 7% is attractive. But there are risks. The company is relatively weak financially. Perpetual shares will fall precipitously if long term interest rates rise a lot. The company has certain conversion options that are negative to investors. Still for those looking for income a modest position in these shares is worth considering. The next quarterly dividend is payable July 31 but I was unable to find the record date so I don’t know if anyone buying these early this week would get the next dividend or not. In any case, in theory the share price will drop after the ex-dividend date if it has not already passed.

July 19, 2014

Bank of America is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $15.49. I believe now may be a good time to buy these shares. Its reported earnings are predicted to rise sharply as it puts the settlements related to the mortgage issues of the financial crisis behind it. I will likely add to my position. Bank of America shares will likely do better than the average U.S. stock over the next year.

U.S. stocks are well suited to RRSP accounts because the normal 15% withholding taxes on dividends does not apply to RRSP accounts. Also, most retirees will spend some money in the U.S. and so having U.S. investments makes sense. Regarding taxable accounts, the 15% dividend withholding tax is not something that should stop investors from buying U.S. shares and especially shares of a low dividend company like this one. (For taxable high-dividend shares it does make sense to favor Canadian companies.)

Canadian Western Bank rate reset preferred shares are added to the list and rated buy for fixed income. The 4.3% yield is not exciting. But is seems a reasonable alternative to cash. I first mentioned these shares back on January 31 when I bought at the IPO at $25.00 (with no time for analysis). I mentioned on May 6 that I had sold these at $26.00. The next dividend record date is next week, Thursday July 24. If you buy on Monday (and possibly Tuesday) you will get a dividend on July 31. But, in theory, the price will then drop by the amount of the dividend.

July 18, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 rose 1.0% and Toronto rose 0.4%.

Most of our stock picks rose as well.

Alimentation Couche-Tard is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $29.29. It’s a fantastic company. One of the very best managed large companies in Canada. Also one of Canada’s largest companies by revenue. But at 20 times trailing earnings, it is not cheap. I don’t own it, I sadly sold it a few years ago at only a 100% or so gain and let a potential 300% slip from my grasp. It could rise if it makes another very large acquisition at a good price.

July 18, 2014 (1:30 pm eastern time)

I (very) rarely ever call and speak to company executives. I prefer the results to speak for themselves I prefer not to become friendly with management as that can make me less objective. Also executives will almost invariably paint a rosy picture.

Today, I did speak to the Liquor Stores N.A. CFO today by phone. I was concerned that emails to the company had not been answered. In fact, that was my mistake I had the wrong email address. (But I should have gotten bounce backs but did not) The CFO was quite upbeat about the future but did say it is going to take a while for recent and planned investments to show up in profits. He was also forthcoming about the challenges being faced from competitors. This company believes its expansion opportunity is in the U.S. I confirmed that the CEO does live in the U.S. which I find not at at all ideal. It may make sense longer term when they expand in the U.S.

I am not sure if their future is bright or not. I will likely hang onto my shares but am not planning to buy any more despite the lower price.

July 17, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was down 1.2% and Toronto was down 0.1%. This was apparently driven by the downed air plane.

Most of our stocks were down…

My strategy is to ignore events like this.

I am tempted to buy some more Bank of America shares.

July 16, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 rose 0.4% and Toronto was up 1.0%.

Toll Brothers was up 2.3% as new home builder sentiment improved.

Bank of America fell 2.0% as it released earnings that wer a mixture of good and bad items. Overall it appears that Bank of America continues to improve.

Melcor was down 1.1% to $26.68. However, the trading volume was good. This stock is up a lot and so set backs are to be expected. There is always the risk of a decline, but overall I expect this stock to continue to be a good investment. If I was not already so heavily invested in it I would throw in a stink bid at say $25 as one never knows…

July 15, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 fell 0.2% and Toronto fell 0.6%

In part, the Toronto market has fallen with lower oil prices as oil was down under $100. Thought it is just above $100 at the moment.

Liquor Stores N.A. fell a bit more. It announced after th clo se that it had (as usual) declared its next monthly dividend of 9 cents per share. Unfortunately, the payment of a dividend is no proof that the company is actually earning the dividend. It may or may not be sustainable.

July 14, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 rose 0.5% and Toronto rose 0.3%.

Liquor Stores N.A. was down 1.8%. Of my own investments this is the one I worry about. Historically they had done well. I had thought their size gave them advantages over smaller players. But they seem to be struggling. In my area a somewhat newer competitor “Solo liquor stores” is more popular and more aggressive on pricing. Plus Superstore and Walmart have opened more liquor stores. On top of that when I emailed the Liquor Stores CEO and CFO I was ignored, despite several follow ups. (As an update, I have now learned the emails were not received, I did not get a bounce back so assumed I had the correct email address but I did not, that was my mistake) It will be interesting to see how their Q2 report comes in but I am not overly confident.

This week there will be many more large U.S. companies reporting earnings and that may drive the market in one direction or the other depending if expectations are exceeded or not.

July 13, 2014 

My personal portfolio composition is updated. With the rise in Melcor, I am certainly dangerously concentrated in that stock. I have an order in to begin trimming that if it hits $27.95. I expect it to release a good earnings report for Q2 and I suspect its outlook will continue to be good but one never knows for sure.

We certainly owe much of the strength in Melcor and in the market in general to low interest rates.

I no longer have any stocks rated in the Strong Buy category. That mostly reflects the fact that obvious bargains are simply less common at this time.

July 12, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 and Toronto were little changed, each up about 0.1%.

Wells Fargo is updated and rated Buy at $51.40. Due partly to its price rise (up 13% this year to date), I am no longer rating this a Strong Buy. It’s still considered a Buy and a good long-term investment.

I have followed this bank on the site since February of 2009 when it was very low due to the financial crisis. At that time it was looking cheap on a book value basis but also speculative given the financial crisis. It is up 372% since being added to this site as a highly speculative Buy at $10.91 on February 22, 2009. It then rose rapidly as the stock market recovered sharply in 2009. It is up 92% since being rated a Strong Buy on February 15, 2010 at $26.88. During 2010 and 2011 it was volatile, climbing to close to $35 each of those years before going back under $25. Since late 2011 it has doubled in a fairly steady climb although with some modest pull-backs along the way. Basically it has rewarded patience and fundamental investors. Its volatility has probably left those using stop loss orders wishing they had not.

At this time those who have big gains on it and especially where it may be too large a portion of an equity portfolio (which may mean over 5% or over 10% depending on risk tolerance) may wish to reduce their position. And particularly in non-taxable accounts where one does not have to worry about triggering a capital gain.

Wells Fargo represents about 13% of my portfolio and about 16% of my equities. (I have a high risk tolerance, risk capacity). Given that it is now rated Buy rather than Strong Buy it is probably prudent for me to reduce my position.

July 10, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.7%.

Melcor had a good day and was up 1.6% to a new multi-year high at $27.40. Back in 2007, this stock briefly was around $30.  But back then it did not deserve to be that high. Today it probably does.

This morning the market had opened down due to (of all things) concern about the finances of a large Portuguese bank. Really. Now Buffett might ask, if you owned the finest and busiest large restaurant in your City, would you sell it on that news? And if not, is it rational to think about selling stocks on that news? I don’t think so. Thought I do like to keep an allocation to cash in case others sell for silly reasons and drive prices down.

July 9, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 and Toronto each rose 0.5%

Most of our stocks were up. The biggest gainer was Element Financial, up 3.5%.

I plan to dedicate time for updates the full week starting July 19. Until then I won’t likely have any updates (possibly something this weekend) but definitely a number of updates in the week starting July 19.

July 8, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 fell 0.7% and Toronto was down 0.2%.

Almost all of our stock picks were down.

However, Costco was up 1.0% and Walmart rose 0.8%. Costco always seems expensive but is a great company and I would like to buy it at some point.

July 7,2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.3%.

Most of our stock picks were down. After so  many positive days this tiny decline does not seem like anything to complain about.

The market’s direction this week will likely depend on the first few Q2 earnings releases coming in from the S&P 500 companies.

In the next day or so, Warren Buffett / Berkshire Hathaway will announce that Warren has made his annual charity donation. This is the ninth donation since his big charity plan was announced in 2006. The amount will be about $3 billion. Meanwhile his friend Carol Loomis has announced that she will retire as a regular columnist at Fortune magazine – this at age 85 and after 60 years on the job at Fortune. She is rich from her Berkshire stock and probably other investments. She clearly loved her work to have delayed retirement so long. And, in fact she will still do the odd article for Fortune, edit Buffett’s annual letter for free (as she has done for about 40 years) and sit on the Board of one of a Buffett family foundation. If everyone enjoyed working as much as Buffett and Carol Loomis do, more people would be happy.

July 6, 2014

On Friday, the U.S. markets were closed. Toronto rose 0.05%.

This week, the S&P 500 companies will start to report Q3 earnings, although most will report closer to the end of July. Canadian results will not start for about two weeks.

Hopefully, the results will allow markets to remain strong. However, there is always the chance that world events and interest rate increases or just the age of this bull market could spook markets.

July 3, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 as well as the DOW set new records before closing early for tomorrow’s holiday. Toronto was about flat.

The Canadian dollar has risen to about 94 cents U.S. from lows of 89 and 90 cents earlier this year. And back in January as it went under 90 cents most analyst seemed to be suggesting it would go quite  a bit lower. They were wrong.

My strategy has been to try to buy more American dollars when the Cnadian dollar is higher and convert some U.S. back to Canadian as the Canadian goes lower. But is never easy to know when to do this. It probably does not make sense to be buying and selling on a 1% move in the dollar, maybe on 3% to 5% in either direction makes more sense.

Back in January as the Canadian dollars went lower and as that increased the value (in Canadian dollars) of my American investments I hedged some of the currency buy using U.S. dollars to buy a Canadian dollar fund FXC on New York. I started hedging a bit too early. Most of this year that hedge was in a loss position as the Canadian dollar was lower than where is was when I purchased my FXC (average purchase price). Right now I am thinking of selling some FXC as it has risen. But I am tempted to wait and see if the Canadian dollar goes a bit higher before I do that.

Overall, most Canadian investors probably don’t need to bother with hedging U.S. dollars. Over a long period of years hedging might not make much difference. Also most Canadians will ultimately need U.S. dollars to spend so in that sense leaving U.S. dollars un-hedged is a natural hedge against your future shopping/ vacation/ retirement spending in the U.S.

July 2, 2014

Wednesday was a positive day on the markets as the S&P 500 was up 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

Melcor was unchanged at $26.50 but had 124,000 shares traded. This included a 100,000 share traded that was likely a “block trade” between two institutional investors. In the long run, what is important is how much Melcor earns and what its true value is (hopefully higher than $26.50). But in the short term increased buying interest can push the price up. So far, it seems that the buying interest is supporting the recently higher share price. Right now it seems that those who hold the stock want to keep it and can only be convinced to sell with this recently higher price.

July 1, 2014

On Monday, the TSX was up 0.3%. The S&P 500 was flat.

On Tuesday, the Toronto market was closed and the S& P gained 0.7% and made a new record closing high.

Melcor was up 0.6% to $26.50 on Monday. It had just over 30,000 shares traded which is high for this company. Apparently there is more interest in this company than usual.

Constellation Software rose 5.6% on Monday.

The first half of the year is over and its been a good first half for investors.

June 28, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 rose 0.2%and Toronto rose 0.4%. Most stocks on our list were up including Constellation Software, up 3.2%.

Agrium is added to the list above as a new stock pick rated Speculative Buy at CAN $98.05 and U.S. $91.89. I call it speculative because its earnings are cyclical as it products and major inputs are commodities and the earnings were recently declining. But it will likely continue to be a good investment in the long run. I find it interesting learn about the agricultural economy by studying this company. I plan to buy shares. I will not make a large investment because I want to see how its earnings progress in the next few quarters. It is expected that its earnings will decline in Q2 compared to last year and that could possibly lead to a share price decline when it reports those earnings although in theory that is already factored into the price.

June 26, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was down 0.1% while Toronto was up 0.4%.

Melcor was down 2.6% to $26.22 on good volume (by the standards of this thinly traded stock).

I finally entered an order tonight to sell about 10% of my Melcor shares if they should hit $27.95. This is my biggest position by far and so I think it makes sense to start to trim at some point.

News of Sobeys closing some stores is not much of a surprise given amount of new grocery stores that have been built in Canada in the past decade or so. Where I live in St. Albert, Alberta, I believe the were three or four grocery stores 20 years ago. Now the population is up by a third or maybe 50% but the number of grocery stores has about tripled. Possibly this is a negative sign for certain REITs but it may be more of an isolated incident. Certainly things do not appear to have slowed down in Alberta.

June 25, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 was up 0.5% and Toronto was up 0.1%.

It was a strong day for Melcor, which rose 2.0% to $26.93 on higher-than-normal volume. Melcor announced today that it would redeem some convertible bonds that it has outstanding which are now well into the money. The bonds convert at $18.51. I am not sure if this had anything to do with the price rise today. In fact I would have though it might have a small negative effect.

It’s interesting that the bond holders have until August 7 to convert at $18.51. IF they fail to instruct their broker to take the conversion at $18.51, then the bonds automatically covert on August 8th at 95% of the average trading price in the previous 20 trading days. Based on today’s price the forced conversion might be at about $25.60. In that case investors would be FAR better off to take the conversion at $18.51. I find it disappointing that Melcor has issued a press release that technically gives the facts but omits the simple observation that if the 20 day average price is higher than $19.48 (which seems all but certain) then the convertible bond holders are better off converting at $18.51 rather than taking he default conversion. Every company seems to do this sort of thing. That is, they issue a press release that meets the legal requirements but omit plain language and common sense advice. And they probably could make the default option the $18.51 but they do not appear to be doing that.

Basically the result is that if you get a “corporate action” notice about things like this you as an investor have to take the time to understand the best option.

In the case of Melcor however, the convertible bonds do not appear to trade and were issued on a private placement basis. So, perhaps everyone that owns them would be sophisticated and would know they should convert at $18.51. Perhaps the press release was not directed at the bond holders but was more so to let the public shareholders know about this. If that is the case and the private holders of the convertible bond were notified to convert then perhaps my concern about the press release wording is misplaced.

June 24, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 was down 0.6% and Toronto was down 1.0%.

However, some of our stocks did well, Canadian Western bank up 1.5%, Toll Brothers up 1.2%.

I neglected to mention that on Friday my order to buy back some of the Canadian Tire shares that I had sold at close to $110 was filled at $101.50.

June 23, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 and Toronto were both about flat.

There was nothing too exciting happening with our Stock Picks today.

Currently I am reading a book that traces the history of commerce back about 5000 years. According to this book trading and commerce is basically the fountain of wealth. Many or most rich people throughout history were merchants and traders. I think this is in agreement with Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations. It is the the related combination of the division of labor and trading along with the necessary banking and enforcement of debts and contracts that is the source of wealth.

We sometimes think of retailers as mere middle men. Yet some of the richest people in the world built their fortunes in retail. The Walton family is FAR richer than Bill Gates or Carlos Slim or Warren Buffett if you combine the family. And all their wealth came form the often maligned Walmart stores.

Most of us will never start our own businesses to get rich that way. But the next best thing may be to buy shares and ride the coat tails of successful businesses. Most investors seem to focus on trying to guess which stock is going to rise or fall. But in the long run it may be best to try to figure which businesses will thrive in the long run and buy their shares (if the price if not outrageous). If the company grows its earnings per share at a high rate the stock price will tend to follow along eventually.

June 22, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 rose 0.2% and Toronto was about flat.

Wells Fargo rose 1.7%. Wells Fargo has been a great investment. It was first added to this site very near the bottom of the stock market in February 2009. It was rated highly speculative Buy at $10.91. Since then it is up 385%. It was first rated a Strong Buy on this site on February 15, 2010 at $26.88. Since then it is up 97%. It has also been relatively volatile and offered plenty of opportunities to buy in the 20’s in 2010 and through to the end of 2011. It is by some measures the largest bank in the U.S. Sometimes even very large companies can provide excellent returns.

I am working on the analysis of Agrium but did not finish it yet. It is currently in a period of lower earnings due to lower prices for its commodity products. It has an excellent history of profitability. I believe my analysis may settle on a (lower) Buy rating. I like the company and may buy a modest position and then see what happens after it reports Q2 results. Q2 is by far its most important quarter. It is expecting profits per share to be about 15 to 20% lower than last year. Therefore it seems unlikely that the price would rise much in the near term. It’s financial disclosure is extremely detailed and it appears to have a strong focus on return on equity which I really like. It is however subject to wide swings in the prices of its products and some of its raw materials. Therefore it will never be an easy company to predict.

June 19, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 rose 0.1% and Toronto was about unchanged.

Constellation Software was up 2.5% and Element Financial was up 3.4%

Melcor was down 0.9% and its volume was closer to its old normal. Almost everyone owning this has made exvellent gains recently and many may be predisposed to sell especially if they see the price rise seems to be over or headed the other way. But fundamentally it is likely still good value and so could easily go higher (perhaps after a bit of a breather now) as lomg as the Alberta economy stays strong.

I plan to add Agrium to the site by Sunday.

June 18, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was up 0.8% and Toronto was up 0.3%. Both gains wee after statements from the FED about interest rates rising relatively modestly were taken as positive.

Melcor edged up another 1.4%. Obviously it can’t rise everyday and at some point the impact of the recent RBC report is fully reflected in the price. I am thinking of trimming my large position modestly, perhaps at just under $28 if it should get that high. Obviously the stock could fall based on world, Canada, oil-patch or company-specific news. I think it remains good value but certainly recognize that stocks don’t go up in straight lines and sometimes bad things happen to good stocks.

Fedex rose 6.2% after posting strong earnings and an upbeat outlook. As of my last look at it, I thought it was too expensive. But sometimes it’s hard to keep a good company down.

June 17, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 was up 0.2% and Toronto was up 0.1%

Those who don’t own it may tire of hearing about Melcor but it managed another 1.2 % today. Volume was 25,000 shares. At that level it would trade 6.25 million shares a year.  It has 33 million shares. But over half are with the founding family and lots more are probably held by those who will never trade. So 25,000 shares per day may be at the high end of the trading we will ever expect to see here. (So, again it’s surprising that RBC would mention it to their vast client base.) In theory trading adds nothing to the true value of a company, especially one that is not looking to sell additional shares. In practice it often adds to the share price. A decent volume of trading can facilitate making a quick capital gain and then selling. And it facilitates selling out at any time. Most retail investors do not need to see a lot of volume since we tend to have 1000 shares or (much) less very often. But for those who get into owning say $50 or $100k or more in any one company a lack of trading liquidity can be a concern.

With a company like this, a good strategy might be to have a core or minimum holding intended to hold indefinitely. On top of that when it is cheap one could own another layer with the intention to sell if it no longer looks cheap. Or a layer of stock that is used to buy low and sell high and perhaps repeat that if the stock is volatile. I have tried to do that with stocks like Wells Fargo, Toll Brothers, Canadian Tire and some other over the years. Sometimes it has worked out. I have not however had firm rules so it has been ad-hoc.

Wells Fargo also did well today, up 1.2%. Bank of America was up 2.0%. I read mixed mixed messages about the U.S. economy and about home building. In general, I believe a slow recovery continues and that the big banks and Toll Brothers will do okay.

June 16, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was up 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.3%

Melcor rose 4.0% on the continued effect (or affect?) of the RBC report on Friday. But really the volume, although a good bit higher than normal, is still quite low and for that reason the stock price could be volatile. But overall, I agree with RBC that the company is worth more than it is trading at and I am inclined to enjoy the gains and not sell any at this time. Perhaps I am being  rather greedy in doing that (since I have such a high exposure to it) but that is my thinking at this time.

June 15, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 rose 0.3% and Toronto rose 0.6%.

Similarly, most of our stock picks were up.

There was an interesting development for Melcor on Friday. RBC Capital markets has initiated overage with a rating of outperform and a $35.00 price target.

I am surprised they would “cover” it given the very low trading volume. Their report alone could certainly push the price up.

I have occasionally been concerned that even my own recommendations could push up a stock price. If a stock were under-valued and any analyst said so and the stock rose as a result, there is technically nothing wrong with that. It’s fair game if the stock was truly under-valued. But the worry would be that if an analyst pushes a stock price up, then who would be there to buy when that analyst and his “followers” wanted to sell? Out of caution I never want to push a stock price up. I want to identify under-valued stocks and then ride them up. The seedy side of pushing up stock prices would be “pump and dump” where an analyst purposely pushes a stock price up and then sells ahead of his followers. That of course is highly unethical. About 10 years ago I briefly removed Melcor from this site when its price kept rising and I was afraid I was causing that. (It turned out it was a Calgary brokerage company that had recommended the stock).

So I am surprised that RBC is covering this thinly traded stock. I suspect it will push the price up. I am perfectly happy with that.

The stock initially rose about a $1.00 on Friday but closed up 44 cents. Volume was several times higher than normal but still quite low. Near the end of the day the graph shows a lot of very small trades. I am not sure what to make of that.

Part of the reason for RBC covering the stock may be that Melcor now has someone dedicated to investor relations. Also the company has grown and it makes sense that eventually the bigger brokers would take notice.

In looking into this I also found the following comment about the RBC report:

“A number of other analysts have also recently weighed in on MRD. Analysts at Laurentian raised their price target on shares of Melcor Developments from C$28.00 to C$29.50 in a research note on Monday, March 17th. They now have a “buy” rating on the stock. Analysts at LB Securities raised their price target on shares of Melcor Developments from C$28.00 to C$29.50 in a research note on Monday, March 17th.” (I think that would be just one analyst but the quote implies more than one)

This probably explains much of the recent surge in Melcor’s price. The Laurentian coverage does not seem to have had any great impact on volume however. A worry with Melcor is that if someone were to rush to sell 10,000 shares or more they could push the price down.

I would buy Melcor at this price if I did not already have such a large position in it. My thought has been to not even trim this position unless it gets closer to $30, although prudence would suggest I should be thinking about trimming now.

I will be interested to see how the price reacts this week to the RBC report.

Overall I am happy with my large investment (as a percentage of my portfolio) in Melcor and look forward to  (probable) gains ahead. If it happened to fall back to the $21 range I suspect I would buy more despite already owning what most would advise is too high a position in one company.

Today I am reading the annual report for Agrium. I really like what I see. It’s also trading at a reasonable P/E. I plan to add it to the list above when my analysis is complete and I suspect it will be rated Buy or higher.


On Friday there was news about a very large acquisition by a Canadian gaming company.

“Amaya Gaming Group (TSX:AYA.TONews) announced a jackpot of a deal Friday as the Montreal-based company said it will pay US$4.9 billion in cash to buy the world’s largest online poker company, operator of popular brands PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker.”

.. So a $4.9 billion acquisition. Looking up Amaya Gaming I see that it last reported assets of $519 million and equity of $238 million. I saw some information about how this would be financed including issuing shares through a subscription receipts method at a price of $20, some 42% above the previous days closing price. Most of the purchase price would be raised by issuing $2.9 billion in debt and $1.0 billion in convertible preferred shares at $24 per share in a private placement.

It all seems very strange indeed to me. It appears that the the new pref share holders will eventually own about 30% of the company if the conversion is exercised. (It would make more sense to me if they ended up with over 50% in which case this would be a sort of reverse takeover deal.)

It simply baffles me how the market could so quickly decide that this is a good deal and that Amaya’s shares are now worth some 42% more than they were the previous day. Usually acquisitions are viewed with skepticism.

The reason that the stock price ahs risen close to $20 appears to be that:

Amaya has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters led by Canaccord Genuity Corp. (“Canaccord Genuity”), Cormark Securities Inc. (“Cormark”) and Desjardins Capital Markets (“Desjardins”) (collectively, the “Lead Underwriters”), and Clarus Securities pursuant to which the Lead Underwriters and Clarus Securities have agreed to purchase from treasury, on a bought-deal private placement basis, 25 million subscription receipts of the Corporation (the “Subscription Receipts”) at a price of C$20 per Subscription Receipt (the “Subscription Price”), for aggregate gross proceeds to Amaya of C$500 million.

I remain quite baffled and skeptical of this deal.

June 12, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 fell 0.7% and Toronto rose 0.1%.

Fedex fell 2.5%, possibly because oil prices rose.

I am pretty much holding tight, not buying and not selling though I do have an order in for some Canadian Tire at $101.50 and it got down to $101.84 today.

June 11, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.1%.

Alimentation Couche-Tard was up 2.8%. Canadian Tire was down 1.6% to $103.55. I still own some in a taxable account but had sold most of what I owned (all in registered accounts) at close to $110 (before that I sold most on the way up over the past couple of years). I have an order in to buy some back if it hits $101.50 which it could well do.

Berkshire Hathaway is now number 4 on the Fortune 500 which is ranked by revenue. It’s number 2 in terms of book value of equity. It’s number 5 in terms of market value. It has 302,000 employees in total but only 25 at head office. What Buffett has accomplished starting with a $20 million dollar textile company in 1965 is truly staggering.

June 10, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 was about unchanged and Toronto was up 0.2%

There were no particularly notable moves in our stock picks.

I am cognizant that there have been few updates lately or new companies added to the list. I plan to work to change that.

June 9, 2014

Monday was a positive day in the markets as the S&P 500 rose 0.1% and Toronto rose 0.2%

My own portfolio took a hit due to Melcor being down 2.3%. But that is not something that bothers me given the recent gains in that company. I suspect it will be higher before long and and am highly confident that it will be higher in the long run.

June 8, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 rose 0.5% and Toronto rose 0.3%

Canadian Western Bank was up 3.1% and American Express was up 2.3%

Last week I purchased data from the TMX group (data that used to be free) so that I could check the P//E ratios and yields of the Toronto Stock index and its various segments. The TMX data provides a P/E ratio based on the published earnings numbers without adjustment. In general the P/E ratios were unattractively high. Using this data I updated two reference articles:

  1. The valuation of the TSX


  1. A list of Canadian Exchange Traded Funds with the  P/E ratio, yield and price to book ratio.

In addition to the TMX “raw” P/E ratios I also show the P/E as seen by ishares which are adjusted P/E ratios but which may be more relevant.

Due to the introduction of IFRS accounting in Canada, the reported earnings are often relatively meaningless. That’s mostly because IFRS apparently makes no distinction between a one-time gain or loss and earnings from operations.

These articles were included in the latest edition of the free newsletter which has been emailed out today.

June 5, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 rose 0.6% and Toronto was about unchanged.

I did not note any dramatic moves in our stock picks.

The European central bank will charge banks 0.1% to keep money on deposit at the central back. I don’t pretend to have a great understanding of this but the idea is that the banks should lend out the money instead of keeping it at the central bank. But banks would rather pay the 0.1% than lend to bad credits. Also Amanda Lang pointed out today that most of the countries in Europe can now borrow at better rates than the U.S. That seems strange. It could be because the banks in Europe are buying up the government bonds of all the European countries rather than keeping money at the central bank or lending it out. This pushes down interest rates. Bank regulators always seem to encourage banks to hold government debt as they consider it risk free. The central bank in Europe is also buying up government bonds (and this “support” is why they are considered relatively risk free). Hopefully all of this will lead to a continued and further recovery of the economy in Europe. Stronger companies in Europe are certainly benefiting as they can borrow at ultra low rates.

Possibly, it would be a good idea to invest in some European ETFs. Some are listed in our Global ETF article. The ETF that trades as IEV on New York offers broad exposure to Europe. I don’t have a buy /s sell recommendation. I don’t think it would be a bad idea to purchase some for diversification. I don’t own any.

June 4, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 was up 0/2% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

I added to my Toll Brothers position today based on the update posted earlier today.

The reference article on the valuation of the Toronto stock index is updated. I had to purchase the P/E data from the Toronto Stock Exchange (it used to be posted free). On A GAAP basis the P/E of the Toronto index is apparently 38. However iShares puts the figure at 17.6. Reality may be somewhere in between. I am worried that iShares is too aggressive in assuming that all negative earnings can be set to zero. Nevertheless I used the iShares figure.

I will also shortly update my list of Canadian exchange traded funds and their P/E ratios.

June 4, 2014 11:45 am Mountain time

Toll Brothers is updated and rated Buy at $36.01. As the report indicates its earnings are still too low but they are recovering very rapidly. This still seems to be a reasonable play on the long-term recovery of the U.S. housing market. I first added Toll Brothers to this site on June 5, 2011 as Speculative Buy at $21.03. It subsequently soon went under $15 but then rose rapidly to the $35 range where it has been with some fluctuations for the past two years rising as high as $40. It’s been a good investment and has been a good one to play the game of selling on rallies and buying dips. I plan to add to my position.

June 3, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 was about unchanged and Toronto was up 0.4%

There as a new issue of “split shares” stocks and debt today form a company called. NewGrowth Corp. That’s interesting, a company with a name that contains absolutely no clue about what line of business it is in. From the name all we know is that it is new and intends to grow. While overall the market may not be over-valued, the existence of this company seems a little scary. I realize that one could read its prospectus to find out what it does or in tends to do. The reality is that few investors read the prospectus and in many cases there is literally no time to to do so as the issues often fill and close out very quickly. In this case, and I think it is not surprising, the issue ahs not yet sold out.

Apparently this entity already trades and appears to be a closed end ETF. It was apparently created by Scotia Bank to invest in banks and utility companies. It splits out the income from dividends versus capital gains.

I have never bothered to look into the mechanics of any of these “split” corporations. To me, they just add in a lot of complexity and some fees. If I want dividend shares I will buy dividends shares. If I want capital gains I can buy directly shares in companies that I expect to grow. Bank shares typically offer both and I don’t see any value in separating them.  Most advisors suggest having some of each in any portfolio so why separate them? I doubt that these split entities add any value to the market. And I doubt that very many investors would understand much about how these entities work.

I suppose I might consider it if the closed end fund were trading at a large discount to the underlying shares.

There might be the odd situation where someone with no other income wants a portfolio with 100% dividend income because there is very little tax in that situation. But that is a rather rare situation, I suspect. It could perhaps be arranged for a non-working spouse but seems to be an aggressive form of tax planning and revenue Canada might want a very clean paper trail on where the funds came from that are generation say $60k in dividends, in a taxable account, for someone who is not working or drawing a pension. While such cases might exist, it does not apply to me and I have no interest in this at this time. Even if I was especially hungry for dividend income I don’t think I would look to the complexity of split shares. They are derivatives. Nothing inherently wrong with that but it definitely adds complexity.

Overall I just don’t see it as useful to spend any time looking at this or any other “split share” entity.

And it is just very hard to take seriously an entity called NewGrowth Corp.

June 2, 2014

On Monday , the S&P 500 was up 0.2% and Toronto was up 0.1%

FirstService was up 3.1% on news of an acquisition it is making.

Element Financial was down 2.6% on news it is making a large acquisition. It also has a new issue out for subscription receipts at $12.75 (existing shareholders can buy more shares at $12.75). A convertible debenture at 5.125% and a five year rate reset preferred share at 6.4%. As this company makes acquisitions and issues shares and debt its balance sheet changes rapidly. I think it has to be considered speculative. I am not particularly inclined to invest in it at this time.

Melcor was up 1.6% to $25.40. I think we should not get too excited about the recent increase in Melcor. It’s been on low volumes and it would only take a few sellers of 20,000 shares or whatever to push the price down. So I am enjoying the ride and have not sold any but would certainly not be surprised if it fell back.

June 1, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 rose 0.2% and Toronto rose 0.1%

Melcor closed up 0.6% at $25.00 and is up 25% this year.

The next update will be for Toll Bothers. My preliminary analysis indicates it will be rated Buy at its recent price of $36.22. As its earnings grow it is looking less speculative. I am considering adding to my position.

May 29, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was up 0.5% and Toronto was down 0.2%.

None of our stocks moved much. Today may have been my chance to buy back some Canadian Tire as it hit a low of $102.26 before ending the day up 0.7% at $103.97. I have now placed an order to buy some at $101.50 it it happens to fall that low in the next month.

Also I placed an order by some more Boston Pizza at $20.18

TD sent me notice of about four more stock offering today.

The five year rate reset pref shares that I mentioned yesterday fell a bit more today. Yesterday they fell despite the fact that the five -year government bond yield fell. I think they may be falling due to so many new issues coming out. But given that so many investors look for dividends these are probably good value at this time. Having sold some near $26 I am inclined to buy back in if they go back to $25 or so.

May 28, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.1% and Toronto was down 0.3%.

Toll Brothers rose 2.1% after releasing strong second quarter earnings.

Onex (which we had rated only a Speculative Weak Buy at $62.00 rose 4.3% to $67.70 after releasing earnings.

It will likely take a another day or so for the market to digest the earnings reports of both of these companies. I will plan to update these reports soon.

Canadian Tire was down 1.8% at $103.23. I plan to enter an order to buy back some of the shares I sold.

In terms of preferred shares the three five year rate reset preferred shares that I had bought earlier this year (and then sold out of two of them) all fell in price today. These were Canadian Western Bank CWB.PR.B, National Bank NA.PR.S 4.1% series 30 and Enbridge ENB.PF.A 4.4% series 9. (I also have the very similar ENB.PF.C series 11)

The Enbridge Pref. ENB.PR.A fell to $24.97. I already own this one having paid $25.00 for it. So this seems attractive given that interest rates are now lower than when it sold at $25.00.  4.4% is not a great yield but may be a reasonable substitute if one is holding excess cash. In buying these I would not do it unless prepare to hold for five years if necessary. (I don’t want to buy and then sell at a loss, so if they fell I would likely then want to hold until maturity and hope to get $25 when the rate resets.

TD Waterhouse continues to fairly bombard me with emails about various new issues. The pace of new issues seems to be some multiples of what it was for most of the past year or two. Investors should be a bit cautious to be buying shares at a time when so many companies seem eager to sell shares. Most of these new issues I ignore but these rate reset preferred shares seemed relatively safe. The yields are not great at all but I consider them to be relatively safe.

May 28, 2014 7:10 am Mountain Time

This morning it is Bank of Montreal out with an offering of five year rate reset non-cumulative preferred shares at 3.9%. It is probably a decent alternative to cash but you have to be willing to hold for five years. You could sell any time but it would drop somewhat below $25 if interest rates rise but likely (no guarantee) return close to $25 in any case when the rate resets in five years. I have never analyzed Bank of Montreal but perceive it to be a strong bank. I am not recommending or rating these shares as I have not analyzed them but they are probably a reasonable investment as part of a portfolio. For myself I had bought a few issued previously from other banks and companies at over 4% or so I decided not to buy any that are under 4% so I will not buy this one. It will likley sell out in a few hours or less. I have to wonder at what point the market gets saturated with these.

May 27, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 rose 0.6% to a new closing record high. Toronto fell 0.4%.

American Express rose 2.9% to $91.39. Constellation Software rose 3.1%. and Bank of America rose 3.4%.

Wells Fargo continues to rise and was up 0.8% to $50.55.

This morning I got an alert from TD Direct (my discount Broker) that Brookfield Asset Management was issuing five year rate reset cumulative preferred shares at 4.5%. This compares to a non-cumulative issue a few days ago from Royal bank at 3.9%. I have done well with the 5 year rate rest preferred shares that I bought earlier this year, most of which I later sold for small but quick gains. So it was an easy decision to grab some of this issue. It’s more or less a substitute for holding a higher than normal cash position although I have to be prepared to hold it for up to five years.

These shares are not without risk as they could certainly trade under $25 if interest rates rise. But as long as Brookfield Asset Management remains financially strong I suspect they would ultimately return back close to $25 in five years even if they did fall in price. This is because if rates are higher in five years the yield will reset to reflect that. In the meantime I may well get a chance to sell them off at something like $26 if they prove popular in the market and if interest rates stay low

May 26, 2014

On Monday the U.S. markets were closed for the Memorial Day holiday. Toronto rose marginally (0.05%).

May 25, 2014

FirstService is updated but remains rated Weak Sell / Hold at U.S. $48.77 or Canadian $52.91.

In many ways I like the company and its management. But it has a number of accounting complexities. Also even on an adjusted earnings basis the trailing P/E of 25 is not attractive. It could be bought as a speculative pick due to its long-term growth history.

On Friday the S&P 500 rose 0.4% to close above 1900 for the first time. Toronto was about flat.

Toll Brothers was up 1.6% to $35.50 and will release earnings this week.

Canadian tire was down 2.0% to $103.44. This decline was likely in reaction to other retailers reporting difficulties. I had sold most of my shares (all in registered accounts and kept those that were in a taxable account). I may start to buy back a few shares if especially in the price keeps dropping.

Melcor closed at $24.25 but as usual the volume is thin. At some point I will likely begin to reduce my large position in this stock especially if the price keeps rising.

May 22, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 rose 0.2% and Toronto rose 0.4%.

Toll Brothers rose 2.0%. It will release its Q2 earnings next week.

I am considering adding to my Wells Fargo position and Boston Pizza. But I may wait and see what else turns up.

May 21, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 rose 0.8% and Toronto rose 0.9%.

Element Financial rose 5.3% on some news it would make an acquisition.

Crombie REIT was raising money today by selling additional shares. It’s rather baffling to me why the market rewards the charade action of paying a large dividend only to take that money back in through share sales. Ultimately long-term gains come from earnings and cash flows, not this sort of financial engineering. It is true that the dividends are paid to existing share owners and the money is raised back from new owners but still I think owners would ultimately be better off if some earnings were simply retained for growth. Consider if if a huge investor initially owned 10% of a REIT after some years his ownership falls due to the share issuances. Or if he wants to stay at 10% he has to buy more shares (in effect give back the dividend), so what good did the dividends do in that case? In fact the dividends would trigger taxes in a taxable account whereas retaining the earnings should lead to an unrealized taxable gain and no tax. I believe REITS have benefited greatly from ever declining interest rates. At some point that will end and REITs will not look so good.

May 20, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 fell 0.7% and Toronto fell 0.8%

Most of our stock picks were down although none were down sharply other than Element Financial which was down 2.8%. Liquor Stores N. A. was up 4.8%. It seems someone must think the decline was over-done. I was just checking if perhaps insiders had bought any shares on this recent decline. Nothing has occurred or at least nothing has been reported yet.

TD Direct (Waterhouse) sent me notice of three more stock offerings today. A possible interpretation is that companies are scrambling to raise money while stock prices remain high.

It was interesting to hear today that the Target Canada CEO has been fired and replaced by a Target corporation marketing veteran.  It is clear that Target made mistakes. It is not as clear who made the mistakes. I feel some sympathy for the fired CEO (though I imagine if I saw his severance package I might not shed any tears for him.). He had a very tough job. For whatever reason Target gutted many or most of the old Zellers locations and even expanded some. So this guy has basically been managing a HUGE construction project, or really close to a 100 construction projects. He had to continue doing that even as stores opened. He no-doubt has a construction executive but still it would not have been easy to manage the merchandising and store openings at the same time as maybe 50 construction projects were going on. Overall I believe Target paid way too much to Zellers and cam at Canada too big t and too fast. Now, we will see if the U.S. marketing executive will be able to straighten things out in Canada.

May 19, 2014

On Monday, the Canadian stock market was closed but U.S. markets were trading. The S&P 500 rose 0.4%. Our U.S. stocks picks were mostly up slightly.

AT&T is buying Direct TV for $48.5 billion. I have no idea if that is a good idea for AT&T or not but it goes to show that buying and selling companies remains popular.

May 18, 2014

The composition of my own portfolio has been updated. I am running an extremely concentrated portfolio. Not everyone has the risk capacity or the risk tolerance to do that.

Melcor is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $23.52. I decided to update this again because it was one of two Strong Buys on the site and because the price had risen. It’s up 17% in 2014. I was also interested to update it because it is my largest holding. It’s thinly traded and therefore we should be cautious in placing buy orders (enter an order to buy or sell at a fixed price, not at the market price) and we should be cautious in interpreting its daily price movements. It still looks like a good investment. However, it is cyclical and certainly not without risk especially in the short term.

Liquor Stores N.A. is updated and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $10.21. This company has been a disappointment. It was first added to this site two years ago on April 10, 2012 at $17.01.It subsequently went over $20. But then it started reporting various bits of bad news and has fairly plummeted in the last year.  (There is some offset in that it has paid out about $2.16 in dividends since April of 2012)  It seems I took too much faith in its prior success. I thought it had advantages as the largest liquor store owner in Alberta. It’s sales per share have not been the problem. But earnings have evaporated for various reasons. And lately the sales per store have declined modestly. I am reluctant to give up on it at this point. But Q2 is not likely to be a strong quarter given the weather and given increases to their cost structure, although they did mention on the conference call that the trends in Q2 were good. Management seems optimistic of improvements starting later this year but does not appear to forecast a return to the former profit levels until 2016. The dividend is too high and it seems likely it will be cut. I am holding onto my shares but I will not likely add to my position despite the lower price. I calculate that in buying these shares we are paying about $1.6 million per store fully stocked (inventory is $0.4 million per store net of accounts payable) and that is considering that we notionally paid off the debt. The stores are in rented premises.

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.5%. There were no particularly noteworthy moves in the prices of our stock picks.

May 15, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was down 0.9% and Toronto was down 0.6%.

Most of our stock picks were down. Walmart was down 2.4%. Bombardier was down 7.4% after Air Canada announced it would not be replacing certain jets which “the market” was thinking it would replace with Bombardier’s new C-Series jet.

Most painfully for me, Liquor Stores N.A. was down 7.4% as the market continues to react to its Q1 earnings. If this does not turn around and continues to be a loser it will be something of an unforced error on my part. I had expressed concerns about management and noted the declining earnings but I still added to my position after concluding that the stock was cheap. Buffett has always said to restrict investments to the best companies and I failed to follow that advice in this case. I plan to update the analysis within a few days. I suspect the weather is not doing the company any favors in Q2 either. We are halfway through Q2 and today felt like Fall in Edmonton.

TD Waterhouse seems to be almost bombarding me with stock issues lately. A couple more today. In contrast, early this year it seems there were more like a couple per month. Smart companies issue shares when the share prices are over-valued and certainly not when the shares are under-valued (unless they HAVE to). So, this is a red flag of caution for me.

The TD site shows two REITs offering shares this week. Now I would ask what should we call an entity that pays out a high dividend but then turns around and sells shares to bring in new money? It seems the market values a company higher if it pays out a dollar and then brings that dollar back through share sales than it does a company that merely keeps the dollar in the first place. Both would look the same in substance and so my fear is that some of these REITs are practicing financial engineering designed to raise the share price. Now that may be fine in the short term. But in the long term value is created by earnings not from paying a dividend and then grabbing the money back.

On the Enbridge preferred shares that I attempted to buy at the IPO on Monday morning I got allocated only half of what I put in for. This could be because my order was delayed when their system was not working when I first tried to buy. (I placed my order an hour later by phone).

All of this share offering actively also seems to indicate that investors are eager to buy now that markets have risen so much. This is typical, investors sense less risk when share prices are higher and they perceive great risk when share prices have fallen a lot. Just the opposite of reality.

May 14, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 was down 0.5% and Toronto was about unchanged.

Liquor Stores N.A. was down 2.7% to $11.16, Toll Brothers was down 1.5% to $34.35, Canadian Tire was down 1.3% to $107.94. Meanwhile Element Financial  was up 5.2% to $14.00.

Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund released earnings this morning and same restaurant sales were down slightly. That can probably be fairly attributed to weather. And I suspect Q2 is also affected by the late Spring. I have not updated the analysis but I still look favorably on this company. I may add to my position, especially on a dip.

May 13, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was about unchanged and Toronto was up 0.2%.

The S&P 500 briefly went above 1900 for the first time.

The only particularly noticeable move for our stock picks was Liquor Stores N.A. which was down 3.5% to $11.47. This company released “earnings” actually a loss in Q1. Perhaps I never should have looked at this company. It retails the same products that its hundreds of competitors do. I had thought there was value in its scale and ability to buy up smaller competitors. But right now it’s not clear that this is the case. And it increasingly appears that management is not strong.

I would not be at all surprised if they cut the dividend which is too high. On a positive note they were able to increase their borrowing limit this quarter. I don’t particularly want to see more debt but it is encouraging that the lenders allowed it.

TD Waterhouse seems to be coming put with a lot of IPOs and secondary stock options. It may be that companies are eager to issue shares at the higher prices. This could be a signal that we should be more cautious.

Element Financial came out after the close today with what appear to be good earnings and strong growth.

As expected, the Enbridge pref shares did fall today as they went ex-dividend. They closed at $25.10 versus $25.35 yesterday. However it would have been easy to miss the decline. Yahoo shoes the shares down only 1 cent because they adjusted yesterday’s close for the dividend of 24 cents.  It seems one has to be careful in looking at past prices because sometimes they are adjusted.

May 12, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 rose 1.0% and Toronto rose 0.8%.

Notable gainers included Toll Brothers up 2.0%, Bank of America up 2.2%.

The Enbridge preferred shares that I hold were down 1.2% to $25.35. This would appear to be because Enbridge issued new shares that seem to be about identical priced at $25.00. The existing shares, I believe, pay a dividend to owners of record as of this Thursday, May 15. I believe that means that they trade ex-dividend tomorrow so we may see them pretty close to $25.00 The existing pref never got all that high, it peaked at $25.74 which would have included perhaps 18 cents for the pending dividend. Perhaps the new issue of Enbridge pref which opened (and then closed) today was no great bargain at $25.00. But it was somewhat better than the existing at a recent $25.6 or so (notwithstanding that the $25.60 included a pending first partial period dividend of around 18 cents. I don’t pretend to know the precise relative risks of these shares versus the Canadian Western Bank that paid a similar amount and that I just sold at $26. But I consider the risks to be roughly quite similar and quite low and am happy to buy these Enbridge at $25 with proceeds of selling the Canadian Western Pref at $26.

I did end up buying some of these new Enbridge shares today at $25.00 via the IPO.

Canadian Tire bounced around a bit today from $108.14 to $111.34. I decided to sell what I had inside of tax free accounts and got about $110.00. The Canadian Tire that I hold in a taxable account I have not and may not sell. In the taxable account, which is a corporate account I am up 67% on the Canadian Tire shares. I am not sure what tax rate applies, probably at least 15% and so it may not be wise to sell those unless I thought the price was going to drop at least 10%. That is certainly very possible. But I am not predicting that and I still rate these shares a (lower) Buy and so overall it likely makes no sense to sell these in my taxable account. I am really not sure it made sense to sell int eh non-taxable account either. Every time I have sold Canadian Tire in the past 18 months or more the stock has ended up going higher. In some cases the decision to Sell something will seem clear cut. In this case it was not a clear cut decision.

May 12, 2014 (7:10 am Mountain)

Enbridge just announced (I saw it on TD Direct Investing) a new issue of 4.4% five year rate reset preferred shares. I tried to grab some as they may be more attractive than the preferred I sold last week. The TD site was broken and I was unable to buy.

May 11, 2014

Melcor Developments released earnings after the close on Friday. Earnings were down but that does not mean much because Melcor’s earnings tend to be relatively lumpy. They did increase the dividend. It’s my biggest position and I am relatively  confident that it offers good value for the long term. I wills see if the market reacts to the news and will plan to update this company within the next week.

May 10, 2014

Canadian Tire is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $111.29. Our last rating before this was Buy at $99.85, and before that it was (higher) Buy at $83.78 and it was (lower) Strong Buy at $68.65 back on February 24, 2013. On August 11, 2011 we had called it a Strong Buy at $52.11.

A year ago and certainly three years ago we would not have guessed it could go this high. In some measure the strong price rise is due to strong earnings – especially at its Sports Stores. Certainly in 2011 it was artificially low due to unfounded fears about the impact of Target. It was trading right down around its book value and at under 11 times earnings although it was well known that it had real estate that was worth far more than book value. The fizzling of the Target threat is part of the reason for the strong gains.

A good portion of the gains comes from financial engineering designed to make visible the value of the real estate and the credit card portfolio. By forming a REIT but retaining 83% of the REIT people can see the market value of that real estate. Similarly we found out on Friday that the finance division was worth about $2.5 billion as Scotia Bank is buying 20% for $$500 million.

Many analysts will do a sum-of-the-parts analysis and may conclude it is still under-valued. I focus on earnings. I don’t do any sum-of-the-parts-analysis at all. It only really applies to entities which have subsidiaries that also trade (like Canadian Tire) but is fairly rare and I simply don’t do that analysis.

At a current 16 times earnings its not expensive but it is certainly not the bargain it once was. Anyone with big gains on this would likely be prudent to reduce the holding. Say you put 5% of your portfolio into this in 2011 and it is now 8% of the portfolio. Prudence might suggest bring it back to 5%.

It’s still a great company and make do well but I don’t think we can possibly expect the leaps in price we have seen in the past 18 months or so. And it could always stumble from here. If I had a small position I would hold and look to add on dips.

One ironic thing is that surfacing the value in the REIT came at he cost of some earnings now flowing to the minority owners of the REIT who now own 17%. Canadian Tire got cash for that 17% but may not be earnings much on that cash. Similarly Scotia will now get 20% of the earnings on Finance and Canadian Tire may earn little on the $500 million received for that. For these reasons earnings growth may be hard to come by in 2014 and for example earnings per share were down slightly in Q1 2014.

I still have a fairly large position and may sell the part that is in non-taxable accounts.

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.1% and Toronto was down 0.1%.

Canadian Tire was up 3.3% as the analysts apparently liked the news better after having more time to analyze it.

On Friday my National Bank 4.1% preferred shares that I purchased at the IPO in early February for $25.00 were sold at $25.95. I will also receive a dividend of 27.24 cents per share which will be paid on Monday. So my return was $1.22 or 4.9% in just over three months. The yield on these is now down slightly to 3.95% which is perhaps not bad and beats cash. But as with the Canadian Western preferred shares that I mentioned a few days ago, I am happy to grab the 4.9% in such a short period of time and move on. If I saw these shares retreat to $25 I would quite possibly buy them again.

To the extent I decide I want more exposure to preferred shares perhaps I should buy instead more of the Bombardier preferred shares which yield about 7.0% — although those are perpetual shares and therefore come with a great deal of risk if interest rates were to rise significantly. Or for yield, I might look to buying more of the Boston Pizza. It’s basically a perpetual as well but its distributions should rise slowly over time offsetting some of the risk there. There is always Liquor Stores N.A. but I feel I have enough exposure to that and it is far different than any of the preferred shares.

May 8, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was down 0.1% and Toronto was down 0.8%.

Nothing on our list was down more than about 1%. However the oils sands ETF that I have in my own portfolio and which is on our list of Canadian ETFs was down 3.5%. That ETF has been up nicely this year but took a bit of a dive today. I have not looked into the reason. I suppose it may have been the sad news of a worker being killed by a bear at Suncor. But then Suncor was only down 2.2% so that does not really explain it.

Meanwhile Costco was up 2.5% and was the only notable gainer on our list.

Canadian Tire ended the day down 0.2%. Basically it seems that while the Scotia Bank deal is positive it was already anticipated and “priced-in”. I plan to update the Canadian Tire report in the next few days. I suspect that that the big move up in this stock is likely about done with. It should continue to do well long-term but it has about finished with the financial engineering moves that have boosted its price about 100% in under three years. Presumably the analysts will have further digested the news after close today and we could see some additional price reaction to this news before it settles out.

May 8 (7 am Mountain, 9 am eastern)

There is relatively big news at Canadian Tire this morning about partnering with Scotia Bank and a higher dividend and share buy backs. Offsetting this is a lower earnings per share. As of now shares are set to open at $109.50. I would not tend to buy or sell at that price but rather wait and see how the price settles out today and probably tomorrow as the news is digested.

May 7, 2014

Stocks were up on Wednesday as the S&P 500 rose 0.6% and Toronto rose 0.3%.

The biggest gainers on our list were Fedex and Berkshire each up 2.2% and American Express up 2.1%.

Melcor should be out with earnings in the next few days.

May 6, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 was down 0.9% and Toronto was down 0.6%. That hardly seems noteworthy given all the recent gains.

Constellation Software was down 3.8%. Toll Brothers was down 2.6%.

Recently I mentioned that I had placed orders to sell some preferred shares at about $26. These were shares I recently bought at their IPOs at $25.

My Canadian Western Bank pref. shares sold today at $26.00. They were not in the list above but I had mentioned them when I bought them and several times since. I only held these for 3 months (plus 1 week). I just collected a 1.0% dividend on April 30 and now I have sold at a 4% gain. So that’s 5% in 3 months. I could think of that as 20% annualized although I am not sure that is really a useful way to think of it because it’s not something I can repeat again in the next three months. They were to pay 4.4% annually, so I am happy to grab 5% in 3 months and move on. They still actually yield 4.2% which is not bad and so maybe I should have held. Time will tell if selling was a good move.

Most things in the market are hard to predict. So it’s fun when a prediction comes true. I said from the outset that the amount that Target was paying to come into Canada seemed very high. I said it would be a high cost operation. $1.8 billion to merely take over the leases on the Zellers stores! (which in my experience were in many cases located in tired old malls). I checked at the time with at least one real estate expert and they had no concerns about it. More like no clue. The smart play was selling off leases like Hudsons Bay / Zellers did and like Sears did. And it was smart to sell off real estate into REITs as Melcor and Canadian Tire (although only about 10%) and others did.

Now there is chatter that Target should pull out of Canada. I very much doubt that would happen, they have already spent the money now. The one-time charge to close up now would be several billion, I suspect. At this point I am fairly sure they will stick things out.

May 5, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was up 0.2% and Toronto was down 0.5%

Melcor was up 3.4% to $24.05. But we REALLY need to remember that this is VERY thinly traded. Just a few people keen to buy or sell can really push the price around. I believe they will issue earnings shortly, possibly at the end of this week. And they will likely announce the dividend as well. Last year there was a special dividend but that is less likely this year.

Melcor is my largest position and for that reason I could start to trim my position anytime. But if don’t particularly want to do that and may just let things ride and see what happens with the Q1 report.

May 4, 2014

The latest version of our free newsletter was sent out yesterday. You should have received it but note that it is a separate email mailing list.

On Friday the S&P 500 fell 0.1% while Toronto rose 0.7%.

Notable gainers included Constellation Software up 3.6%, Element Financial up 4.3% and Toll Brothers up 2.0%

After the close on Thursday it was announced that a unit of Berkshire Hathaway was buying AltaLink and electricity transmission company in Alberta from SNC Lavalin. SNC’s stock jumped 5.1% on the news.

It now appears that SNC was a buying opportunity at prices in the $35 to $40 range back in 2012 when major problems with bribery were identified at the company. Back on June 20, 2012 I commented on SNC and said that I would stay away from it. It seemed to me that the corruption was probably well entrenched in the company. Subsequent to that I was not very impressed how it was handling the issue. It seemed to blame it on a few bad apples as opposed to doing a major house cleaning. But perhaps in fact the problem has been well taken care of. Buying a wounded company after its price falls can be a good strategy. The difficulty is to determine how the serious the wounds are. In the case of SNC it was well known that it had two valuable assets in AltaLink and in its 407 Toll road that it could sell. I have not looked at SNC and so I really have no idea if it is still a good investment at this point.

May 1, 2014

Thursday was another decent day for our Stocks. The S&P 500 was flat and Toronto was up 0.1%.

Melcor was up 1.5% to $23.25 (on thin volume). Canadian Tire was up 1.3% to a new high at $109.02.

Constellation software was up 4.6% after posting another strong quarter of earnings.

April 30, 2014

Wednesday was another positive day in the markets with the S&P 500 up 0.3% and Toronto up 0.5% and with the DOW closing at a new record high.

Bombardier was up 5.5% to $4.41. Stantec was up 2.5%, Couche-Tard was up 2.3%. eBay was down 5.5%.

Melcor was up 0.5% on (as usual) very thin volume and at $22.90 is at a 52 week high.

The Wells Fargo Preferred shares rose 1% to $22.63 and I have now sold out of that position.

These perpetual shares pay $1.28125 per year to yield 5.66%. That is perhaps not a bad yield at all but I had bought these shares at $19.90 just a few months ago and so I am basically taking my quick profit and moving along.

The price movements in these preferred shares can be divided into two causes. 1. They tend to move up and down as the yield on long term government bonds move. Most of the reason that they got down under $20 was because the long-term U.S. bond yield had risen. 2. Additional price moves occur (or cause depending how you look at it) when the spread or the yield difference between these shares and the long term treasury yield changes. The other part of the reason for the sub-$20 price was a wider spread at that time. Just in the last two weeks these shares were as low at $21.70 (yielding 5.90%). The rise to $22.63 came despite the long-term treasury bond yield being essentially unchanged at about 3.50%. Therefore this recent price rise occurred as the spread over the Treasury bond declined from about 2.40% to about 2.16%. Wells Fargo has been a strong company all along and so it’s not clear why the spread should change that much. (There is also some impact as it gets closer to and then farther from its dividend date each quarter.)

The bottom line on these shares is that they rose a bit over 4% lately for no reason that I know of and I had a profit in them already and I don’t much like perpetual preferred shares in any case (due tot he interest rate risk) and so based on some orders that I had placed I have sold out of these shares.  With the spread now at 2.16%, it (the spread) may not get much lower and any further price increase here would likely come from long term interest rates falling, and most forecasts suggest the opposite is more likely.

April 29, 2014

Tuesday was a strong day in the markets with the S&P 500 up 0.5% and Toronto up 0.4%.

Looking at my favorite stocks, returns seemed to be bustin’ out all over.

Melcor was up 1.2%. (It’s thinly traded and so it’s gains must be taken with a grain of salt but at least the still tiny volume was a bit more than it is most days). Wells Fargo was up 1.1%. The oil sands ETF, CLO which we don’t have a rating on but which has been in my own portfolio for about a year (as disclosed on this site) was up 1.9%. FirstService was up 2.8%.

Bank of America, as I had expected, recovered some ground today and was up 1.9%.

My Wells Fargo preferred share was up 0.9% today to $22.40 and also rose yesterday and as a result my order to reduce that position at $22.25 was filled. I believe this is the first time in a while that it has been this high (The less than fabulous Yahoo Finance only shows me five days on the stock for some reason). I have entered an order to trim some more at $22.50. The yield on these is perhaps still quite good at 5.7% and maybe I should keep them but I don’t really like perpetual shares in an environment where interest rates could rise.

Yesterday the Canadian government apparently sold $1.5 billion of 50 years bonds at just a hair under 3.0%. I fail to see the logic in that for pension plans, life insurance or anyone else. Years ago Buffett wrote about people buying non-taxable bonds int eh 1940’s at around 1% which he said was clearly an abominable return. I think 3% is quite abominable too especially where the investor is taxable. It’s a P/E ratio of 33 if you want to look at it that way. And while the E, the earnings will be paid in cash (unlike the case for most of the earnings of stocks), it will also (unlike the earnings of most stocks) not grow at all over the 50 years. Well, to each his own.

April 28, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 bounced around considerably but when the bell rang it was up 0.3% and Toronto finished about unchanged.

Bank of America was down 6.3% to $14.95 after it had to admit to an embarrassing calculation error involving submissions it made to the FED when it applied to raise its dividend and buy back shares. Now those two things are on hold. There is speculation that the dividends hike will go ahead but perhaps not the stock buy-back.

I suppose this illustrates what I have said (see April 18 for example) that this Bank is not as well managed as Wells Fargo and is not as much on top of its game. But in its defense this was an arcane calculation that involved reversing some strange mark to market rules that apply for GAAP purposes to debt it owes but do not apply for FED purposes. The fact that the calculation lowered its ratio of investor capital by 20 basis points also points out the fact that those calculations are NEVER all that certain. Equity capital is Assets minus liabilities . And when you start marking some assets to market and some not (as banks must) and marking to market some liabilities and some not (as banks must) and when you start risk adjusting the assets (as banks must do for some purposes), it is an awful lot of arcane calculations and assumptions in the end and yet it gets presented as a calculation to two decimal places. In substance it’s not really a figure that is known to such accuracy in the first place.

In any case although highly embarrassing, this does not appear to change the Bank’s earnings power at all. And as far as being disappointed by the lack of share buy backs, I don’t really share that disappointment. The market is not disappointed because the buy backs are necessarily a good investment in substance. The market only cares that the buy backs would drive the share price up at least in the short term. If people really think the shares are such a bargain that the bank should buy them back then certainly they can buy themselves at 6.3% less than yesterday.

I added to my position in this stock today though I was a bit hasty and only got a 4% discount to yesterday’s price.

I suspect, but certainly can’t guarantee that cooler heads will prevail tomorrow and Bank of America will likely start to recover  form this little dip quite quickly. I can’t predict which way it will head but to me it looked like good value at this price although I do continue to regard it as somewhat speculative.

I mentioned on April 21 that I would sell some pref shares that I had bought this year at $25 if the price should hit $26. I mentioned Canadian Western Bank and National Bank rate reset shares. There was also Enbridge 5 year pref. shares.

I am not sure why I did not choose $25.95 instead because sometimes I figure that is a way to sort of be ahead of all the orders at the even price. National Bank got to $25.95 today which I am not sure is justified. I entered an order to sell eh Enbridge as well at $25.95. The thing is I never expected these to trade more than a few cents above $25 and if I can grab $26 or so I am happy to do so and will have made a good annualized return and can look for somewhere else for a safe alternative to cash as I felt these shares were. If these were in a taxable account I would not do this since selling for a 4% capital gain would not be worth the bother and the tax.

Regarding National bank at $25.95, that seems a bit high. The initial yield was 4.1% at $25, so now the yield would be 3.95% and I believe I would still collect a small dividend since the ex-dividend date was April 9. The yield on 5-year government bonds is not down  and appears to be up about 10 basis points since these were issued and so the decline in yield here is just due to market popularity it would seem. I would have liked to have soldl at $25.95 today because it may not get to the $26.00 sell price that I has entered.

April 27, 2014

Onex Corporation (a private equity investment fund corporation) is added to the list but is rated only Speculative Weak Buy. It’s a complex entity and I may be able to come to a more definitive buy or sell rating over time. (I have emailed the company asking for some additional information) Also there has been and there will be times when ONEX will be at a bargain price. It seems worth keeping an eye on but is not a stock I will buy at this time. I must admit that over a period of many years reports of the CEO’s very large compensation has bothered me. In addition to being worth keeping an eye on as a possible investment, it is also perhaps worth keeping an eye on it for what can be learned about its approach to investing.

April 26, 2014

Friday was a weak day on the U.S. markets as the S&P 500 fell 0.8%. Meanwhile, Toronto fell 0.1%

Most of our stocks fell including Melcor down 1.8%, Canadian Tire down 1.9%, Stantec down 2.1%, Toll Brothers down 1.5% and Bank of America down 2.4%. And Visa was down 5.0%.

I don’ think this is an unusual level of volatility in the markets.

I am working now to add Onex Corporation, a private equity investment company, to the list. Unfortunately, while I can provide substantial information about the company I don’t know if I will come up with any particular rating. It’s a complex entity and may simply be too hard to analyze, at least for me. It’s one of those well-known Canadian companies that I always wanted to know a bit more about. Lately it was in the news when its CEO Gerald Schwartz was reported to have collected biggest compensation package in Canadian corporate history. Taking a quick look I discovered that the company had actually LOST money on a GAAP basis in each of the last two years. Furthermore, it did not have a lot of retained earnings on the balance sheet.

So… I resolved to take a close look at it. I have read its annual report and am in the process of crunching numbers and filling out my standard report format. But my sense is that it may be too complicated to rate. It definitely looks way over-priced on some metrics. But much of the value is not reflected on the balance sheet, and does not seem to be reflected in recent earnings either.

Even if I can’t come up with a definitive rating, I will learn a lot about the company and its approach to investing and will document that.

April 24, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was up 0.2% and Toronto was up 0.1%.

Some of my favorite stocks did well. Toll Brothers was up 3.3%, Melcor was up 1.9% (but it’s so thinly traded that it’s movements are sometimes just “noise”, nevertheless it feels good), Canadian Tire was up 1.5%.

The Wells Fargo preferred shares rose enough to hit my sell order at $21.95 and so that sold 40% of my shares in that. I have now entered an order to sell another 20%(of the original amount) if it hits $22.25 in the next month.

I should keep in mind that part of the reason that preferred shares rise in price is at times just due to value of an upcoming dividend. I now realize that for these preferred shares I should be keeping an eye on the dividend date. For example, I was pleased that the Canadian Western and National bank and Enbridge preferred shares had all moved a bit over the issue price of $25. But since these pay 25 to 27.5 cents per quarter, part of the reason for the increase is just that the next dividend record date draws closer each day. I would expect these shares to decline a full 25 cents or so every three months when they go ex-dividend and then to recover that 25 cents over the next three months. In addition to that they move around a little as interest rates move and possibly as the health of the companies change. This is all well known but really was not top of my mind because I have rarely owned preferred shares in the past.

The same applies for any stock with a material dividend – they will tend to fall in price by the value of the dividend when they go ex-dividend and then (all else equal, which it never is) they recover that ground over the next three months a the next dividend record date approaches. However most common stocks have small dividends and the price movements in the stock that are related to earnings outlook tend to far outweigh the movements associated with the approach of a dividends payment and it is really something that I have rarely considered when looking at a stock. That is, I would rarely if ever delay buying or selling a share based on an impending dividend nor would I factor in the impact of a pending dividend on whether the stock price was attractive. (I am talking about an impending single dividend) I do take the dividend yield into account and consider whether is attractive WHEN COMBINED WITH the expected growth rate.

I had an email today that asked if I put any faith in “rules”‘ like Sell in May or other seasonal patterns in stocks. The answer is, no I don’t put any faith in such rules. I basically studiously ignore all forms of “technical trading” rules. For example, I don’t use stop loss orders. I pay no attention whatsoever to “support” or “resistance” levels. Those things might work for some people but they are just not my approach to investing. All of those rules really treat investments as “squiggles” on a screen as opposed to treating them as ownership in real companies.

I do sometimes trim positions on gains and buy on dips. That is basically the opposite of what momentum and technical traders would do.

April 23, 2014

The S&P 500 was and Toronto were both down 0.2% on Wednesday.

Alimentation Couche-Tard has split its stock 3 for 1 and was up 3.6% today. I had called it only a (lower) Buy in December and it up quite a bit since then. I have to admit to being a bit choked that I sold it way (way) too early. I have long said that it one of the best managed companies in Canada. It goes to show that sometimes sticking with a great company even when it seems quite expensive (at times) can be a good strategy. Dollarama would be another example. Also Stantec and Canadian Western Bank and Constellation Software.

Toll Brothers was down 1.8%. It’s a stock that I am comfortable holding although I long said it was a more speculative pick.

I was reading yesterday that Warren Buffett’s first purchases of Berkshire Hathaway consisted of a measly 200 shares at $7.50 in 1962. ($7.60 counting a 10 cent commission paid). Buffett took control of the company in 1965 with the shares trading around $15. His average cost was $14.86. These are the exact same shares that today trade for $190,800. $200,000 would seem to be within sight before too awfully long.

As much as Buffett’s genius is recognized, I am not sure that the stunning magnitude of this accomplished is widely appreciated. The share price is up 12,720 fold since the $15 of 1965. That’s 1.22 million percent. What is perhaps equally stunning is that this is “only” a compounded annual return of 21.3% per year for 49 years. There are venture capitalists who will tell you that they expect to make 20% per year. Really?, if they can keep that up they can be the next Buffett.

Berkshire Hathaway is perhaps the greatest real life example of the power of compounded returns. I don’t believe Berkshire ever had a year when it soared 200% much less 500%. It never discovered a cure for cancer or anything of the like. I’ve never heard Buffett mention it having any patents. It had some highly profitable business but perhaps nothing in the league of Microsoft or Google or Apple. Returns on equity most years were excellent but only once exceeded 50%. A steady compounding at high but not outlandishly high levels over a period of 49 years has compounded up to a truly outlandish result.

Value investors sometimes talk of finding businesses that are “compounding machines”. If we could find one that would return something in the order of 20% for a very long time, the results would be truly spectacular. Anything that would compound in the double digits would be more than enough to get quite rich over a period of decades assuming reasonable annual investments. of new money.

It’s interesting to note that any early Berkshire shareholder following conventional diversification advice would have had to keep selling down their position to “prevent” it from becoming too large a part of their portfolio. Also Berkshire’s stock price has fallen at least 50% from peak to trough on four occasions sconce 1965. Anyone using stop losses would been sold out and it doubtful that they would ever have gotten back in. And there would have been countless declines of 10% to shake loose anyone trading on any sort of a technical basis.

It’s also interesting to contemplate what a horrible disservice to its long-term investors it would have been if Berkshire had started paying a dividend years ago. Consider, if you had a bank account compounding at 20%, the last thing you would want to do would be to pull money out of such an account. Berkshire has in effect been a somewhat lumpy version of such an account.

April 22, 2014

Tuesday, the S&P 500 and Toronto each gained 0.4%

Yesterday’s chart showed that over 30-year periods the S&P 500 total return (including reinvested dividends) had never failed to compound wealth at at least 4% on a real basis, 4% after deducting inflation. And it was only under 5% in those 30 year periods that included substantial inflation.

Unfortunately the same cannot be said for shorter time periods like tens years. The following graph shows the real return from the S&P 500 over rolling ten year periods.

The graph above shows that there have been occasions where holding stocks for ten years resulted in a negative real return. Most of these periods covered the worst of the high inflation years. The other time it happens was in the ten years ended at the end of 2008 and 2009 which was caused by investing at the top of a market bubble and then experiencing two market crashes.

The point is though, when it comes to holding stocks and especially if one holds the majority of their wealth in stocks, one should have a time frame in mind of something more than ten years.

Despite their supposed safety, the real returns from long-term bonds were negative over ten year holding periods FAR more often than was the case with stocks.

April 21, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 was up 0.4% while Toronto fell 0.1%

Lately, I was thinking about the fact that even if markets were to provide only say a 7% nominal return over the say the next 30 years, that might still work out to a fairly good real return if inflation is very low. So I decided to graph nominal and real returns from stocks over rolling 30 year periods. The following is the result.

It turns out that for 30-year rolling periods starting with 1926 through 1955 all the way to 1984 -2013, the nominal total returns (includes dividends) from the S&P 500 have been surprisingly stable and usually in the 10 to 12% range. After deducting inflation the real returns were more volatile. It appears that in high inflation periods, nominal returns did not rise to “hedge” away the inflation. Instead the nominal returns remained fairly steady and it was the real returns that suffered with high inflation.

Warren Buffett had observed this in 1977 and wrote an article about it in Fortune magazine.

Since inflation is quite low today, this data would suggest that real returns from stocks should be higher than average if such low inflation continues for many many years.

In terms of trading, I have made some gains on the preferred shares that I bought in the last several months. I have now entered some orders to sell some of that if the prices rise to a certain point. I will sell the Canadian Western Bank and National bank five year rate reset pref. shares which I bought at $25, if they should happen to hit $26 (which may be quite optimistic indeed). Also I will sell some of my Wells Fargo perpetual pref. shares that I bought around $19.80 if it should hit $21.95, which it is pretty close to. I am just not entirely comfortable holding perpetual preferred shares. And I may sell the rest if it gets a bit past $22.

April 20, 2014

Constellation Software is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $265. This has been a wonderful investment. It is up some 369% since we first rated it (lower) Strong Buy in February 2011. (Admittedly our analysis and following my own actions would have not have led to holding that whole time.) The price history on Yahoo finance goes back to late 2007 and shows a price just under $25. Viewed on the longer term, there were very few material price drops over the years. It’s been a relatively steady gainer. If there is such a thing in Canada as a “Buffett of the North”, it is Mark Leonard the CEO of Constellation.

Unfortunately the shares are not cheap. It could continue to be a strong investment if its abnormally high growth continues. When a more prudent level of forecast growth is applied it looks expensive. But at least anyone holding it has hitched their fate to exceptionally good management.

Regrettably, I have sold all my shares in this company, most of them far too early.

April 19, 2014

American Express is updated and rated Buy at $86.22. It seems like a decent investment. Not one that I am really excited about, but decent. I did add to my position in it very recently.

April 18, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

Most of our stocks were up but Toll Brothers was down 1.4%  to $34.16. It remains a speculative choice. I have added to my position recently at about this price.

Bank of America is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $16.15. It reported a loss in Q1 due to settlements related to mortgage issues from the credit crisis. These settlements will likely soon be behind it and don’t change the outlook for the bank, which is positive. This bank trades at a low valuation and will likely increase. But it’s not nearly as strong or as well run as Wells Fargo and so I look at it as a more temporary investment.

April 16, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 and Toronto were both up 1.0%

Most stocks were up. Bank of America was down 1.6% on disappointing earnings. Earlier int he day it was down at least 2.5%.  I plan to update the report on Bank of America in a few days and I expect it will continue to be rated speculative (higher) buy. At some point its litigation expenses dating back to the financial crisis will be behind it and should move forward as an earnings engine much like other banks except it will be cheaper in relation to book value.

Liquor Stores N.A. announced it will spit another of its regular 9 cent monthly dividends payable in May to shareholders of record on April 30. This is as expected, they have expressed that they wish to maintain the dividend but we should realize a cut is always possible. The March dividend of 9 cents came into my account today as scheduled.

Melcor is selling two building to Melcor REIT. Melcor REIT is issuing new shares (units, that is) to pay for the buildings (will also use some debt). Melcor is allowing its ownership of the REIT to drop to about 48%. The buildings are already marked to market and therefore there is likely no material gain on the sale. But it frees up Melcor’s cash for other purposes. I suspect this is positive for both the REIT and for Melcor. It was always the plan for Meloor REIT to buy additional buildings from Melcor.

American Express posted a 12% earnings gain after the close. Perhaps about as expected, shared down slightly in the oxymoronically-named “after-hours” trading session.

April 15, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 rose 0.7% and Toronto rose 0.1%

Bank of America was up 2.4%. Toll Brothers fell 1.1%. Earlier in the day it got as low as $34 and I grabed a few more shares at $34.17.

Element Financial fell 3.7% to $13.77. Possibly the pull-back is a buying opportunity. The recent announcements I have seen (I have not read them closely) have indicated that it is still growing albeit by acquisition of loan portfolios. About a month ago I saw a couple of IPOs for new lending companies in Canada so it seems like a lot of companies are keen to lend. Who knows how that will turn out. Lending is a business which required particularly good management. It is easy to self-destruct in the lending business. The hope is that Element has good management. I have not bought any but I might. But I won’t buy a large position in it as I do consider it speculative.


April 14, 2014

On Monday, stocks rebounded based on stronger retail sales figures in the U.S.. The S&P 500 was up 0.8% and Toronto was up 0.2%

Visa was up 2.2% and American Express was up 1.1%.

If one has a decent selection of investments in good companies, then my approach to the stock market much of the time reflects a saying a long ago Toronto Mayor, who was fond of saying – Don’t just do something!, Stand there! Time is the friend of an investment is a good business.

April 13, 2014

I have added a Wells Fargo preferred share to the list above. These are the shares that have been in my personal portfolio since December.

I noted on December 19, 2013 (see below) that I had bought these shares at $19.81 to yield 6.5% and I described them in pretty good detail, and my reasons for buying, but noted that I had not done any real analysis.

They rose fairly quickly and have traded mostly fro $21.50 to $22.00.

These perpetual shares move (inversely) with the 30-year U.S. treasury yield, but also move for other reasons.

When the price changes for other reasons such as the outlook for Wells Fargo or the supply and demand for these shares then the “spread” of the yield minus the 30-year treasury changes. When issued the spread was 2.0%. When I purchased these shares they were at a spread of 2.6% (over the treasury then at 3.9%) indicating a possible bargain.

Most of the price gain on these shares since I purchased them has been due to the U.S. 30-year treasury yield falling from 3.9% to 3.5%, Also the shares rose as the spread reduced from 2.6% to 2.4% at this time.

In looking at the attractiveness of these perpetual preferred shares yielding 5.9% several thoughts come to mind.

Long-term interest rates are likely to rise. I have explained why that makes long-term treasury bonds unattractive. If long-term interest rates rise materially then these perpetual shares will definitely sink in value. And there is really no floor to that if interest rates were to rise to very high levels. On that basis perhaps these perpetual shares are a bad idea.

On the other hand, conventional portfolio management practice would suggest that we always hold some assets in many asset classes. And both long-term bonds and perpetual shares are conventional asset classes. If we wish to hold a conventionally balanced portfolio then we should probably hold some perpetual preferred shares and the Wells Fargo shares are a reasonable choice for U.S. investors and for Canadian RRSPs / RIF – and to a lesser extent RESP and TFSA accounts – where a 15% withholding tax on the dividend will apply. (Canadians should choose Canadian companies for preferred shares in taxable accounts).

There could be some up-side on the shares if the spread returns back to the 2.0% above the 30-year treasury that applied when they were issued.

Even if interest rates rise, and the shares fall in price, the 5.9% yield is not likely to be such a bad yield, on the current value, over the longer term given current tame inflation outlooks. But in that event it would be hard not to be distressed by the share price decline.

For myself, I have made a decent gain on these shares and can sell without worrying about a capital gains tax as they are in an RRSP account. I am tempted to sell these and put the funds perhaps partly into additional Wells Fargo Common shares. Basically I have thought of selling these shares ever since they rose to $22 but took no action. I had some thought that they might eventually return to $25, but after further though and analysis, that is unlikely unless long-term interest rates move back to about 3.0% on the 30-year treasury, and the spread on these would also have to narrow.

Rate re-set preferred shares.

Over the past few months I also indicated had bought some rate-reset preferred shares (Canadian Western Bank, National Bank and Enbridge). (CWB.PR.B, NA.PR.S, and ENB.PF.A) These all had to be bought on a moment’s notice, with no time for analysis, as they were bought at the IPOs. These are now trading at $25.50, 25.45 and $25.40 respectively. They were bought as $25.00 yielding 4.4%, 4.1% and 4.4% as an alternative to holding cash. The 5-year government bond rate is a bit higher since these were issued which should have pushed the price of these down. Apparently the spreads on these have narrowed. I believe that these shares, if they should drop in price, will return to about $25 on their rate reset date in five years. And given the probable return to $25 in five years I don’t think they would ever plunge much below $25 unless interest rates really go high or the companies run into financial trouble. (I consider these to be vastly different than perpetual preferred shares). I think they are a good alternative to holding cash or near-cash for several years. I also never expected them to trade much above $25 and if they get much higher and certainly at $26 I might sell.

April 12, 2014

On Friday, the S&P 500 was down 1.0% and Toronto was down 0.4%

Some weaker stocks of note included:

Visa, down 2.4% to $197. We had last rated this a Buy back in 2012 at $147 and thereafter called it a Weak Buy, most recently at $220. It might be worth nibbling on at this point.

Toll Brothers down 2.4% at $34.73. I may add to my position especially if it goes to $34 or less.

Bank of America was down 2.2% to $15.77. It is speculative but I would buy at this price.

With American Express down a little more on Friday I added to my position in that stock.

Wells Fargo is updated and rated Strong Buy at $48.08. Perhaps I am getting too exuberant, but when you look at this bank and how it is earning an ROE of 14% and trades at a price to book of 1.62 and a P/E of 12 and is growing strongly, it cerainly looks like an excellent investment. There are no guarantees but it seems reasonable to forecast that this will be a good investment if held for the longer term.

April 10, 2014

The Good Times Stop Rolling (at least for a day)

On Thursday, the S&P 500 fell 2.1% and Toronto fell 0.9%.

Most of  the stocks I watch were down. Notably Visa down 2.9% to $201.55. Possibly it’s  chance to buy but I am not keen on it. American Express was down 3.8% to $85.36. I hold a small position and am tempted to add to it t this price. Bank of America was down 3.0% to $16.12 which is attractive based on our last update. Bank of America just had another “settlement” where it had to pay out close to a billion dollars. certainly these payouts are annoying but presumably all that nonsense will soon be behind them. It will report earnings on Wednesday next week.

Wells Fargo will report earnings tomorrow.

April 9, 2014

The Good Times Roll On…

On Wednesday the S&P 500 rose 1.1% after apparently the FED minutes proved palatable to the market. Toronto rose 0.4%

Canadian Tire rose another 2.4% to $108.23. This has been a huge winner for us. Personally I sold too quickly on the way up but it’s still some 8% of my overall portfolio. At this point I think my thoughts should again turn to trimming it even though that has not been so wise to date.

Just about everything was up today…

Liquor Stores N.A. today announced that its CFO is gone for personal reasons and was replaced from within. I had sent an email to the CFO about six weeks ago and then a follow up and he never responded. I worried that meant that he was not on top of his game. Perhaps he did have personal issues to deal with and if so I wish him well. Meanwhile as far as the company is concerned a new CFO is probably a positive thing. I guess though they could use it as an excuse to re-evaluate and cut the dividend. Ultimately I think the dividend is too high and a cut might be the proper move. But the stock would go down on the news most likely. In the last report the company said it was committed to maintaining the dividend. That may be true. But it’s not a guarantee. One interpretation of recent moves is that the Board is on top of things making changes. The bottom line is the stock looks cheap but I consider it speculative.


April 8, 2014

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 was up 0.4% and Toronto was up 0.7%.

The first quarter earnings season has kicked off with Alco reporting a loss but overall the results were better than expected as was their outlook.

April 7, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 was down 1.1%and Toronto was down 0.9%

Not surprisingly, most of our stock picks were down as well. In particular American Express was down 2.9%. I don’t know any particular reason for this stock going down 2.9% while the market was only down 1.1%. The reality is that many times there is basically no real reason as to why stocks wiggle around in price on a particular day. Some price movements are essentially random.

Liquor Stores N.A. managed a small gain today. On the weekend there were more news stories about liquor sales in grocery stores coming to Ontario (which has a particularly backward liquor distributions system in my experience). Also we know it is coming in B.C. and there was speculation about Alberta. I rather doubt much will change in Alberta. We have about 1200 private stores and I can’t see the government cutting all these stores out of their livelihood when the licenses were purchased from the Alberta Government. Also we already have liquor stores located next to grocery stores in terms of Superstore (separate buildings) Sobeys (separate buildings and not very many locations) and Costco (same building, separate entrance. I continue to view Liquor Stores N.A. as a more speculative stock and I not sure how well managed it is. I hope that its founder, who is still on the Board will take action if needed. As the report indicates, I do not consider this to be a great company, I am attracted by the seemingly low price of the shares in relation to earnings and in relation to the dividend (though I am not convinced that the dividend can be sustained). For more thoughts see the report.

This weekend I sent out the latest edition of the free newsletter. You likely received it but note that the list for the free newsletter is separate from the list of paid customers. If you did not receive an email with the free newsletter, you can add your name to that list.

The theme of my newsletter was about the need for people to invest money and grow capital over the decades. Coincidently there as a bit of a book review in the Globe and Mail this morning regarding a brand new book that suggests that those who invest will be the rich and that the gap between rich and poor will increase in a slow growth world. In effect 7 or 8% from the market today, with low inflation, may be a far superior return to say 12% in the early 80’s accompanied by high inflation. 17849036/#dashboard/follows/ -of-economic-villains/article17849036/#dashboard/follows/

The author of the book thinks its a problem that owners of capital will get richer. Perhaps it is a problem. It’s also an opportunity.

April 4, 2014

Today, Friday, started out well but ended negative.

The S&P 500 was down 1.3% but Toronto was down only 0.1%

As for our stock picks, most were down.

Bank of America was down 2.5% to $16.72. While its a more speculative stock, it likely offers good value.

April 4, 2014 10:45 am eastern time

This morning markets are higher as both the Canadian and U.S. jobs reports were considered positive news.

Toll Brothers is up 1.9% and Wells Fargo has pushed above $50.

April 2, 2014

Today, the S&P 500 rose 0.3% and Toronto rose 0.5%.

Canadian Tire rose 1.1% to $106.29. Back in the middle of 2011 this stock had been hammered down by fears of what Target would do to it. I updated it on August 28, 2011 at $52.40 rated Strong Buy. It was trading at just 4% over book value and at a P/E of 10.5 based on trailing earnings. It seemed an obvious bargain. But it had also recently fallen back from prices around $63 and there was never any guarantee that it would be a great investment. I made it my largest holding. Now it has more than doubled. In an effort to be prudent I sold on the way up and reduced my position ultimately to 35%, by share count, of what it once had been. I believe I did buy some shares back on a dip but then later sold those.

Now, Melcor is my largest position. And when I think of buying stocks, buying more Melcor is near the top of my list. By my figures it trades just under book value and at a P/E of 10. But Melcor is more cyclic than Canadian Tire and its assets are mostly marked to market so it is probably not quite the bargain that Canadian Tire was in late August 2011. But it does appear to be a bargain certainly. I heard the head of Edmonton real estate on the radio today opining that house building in Alberta was continuing at a brisk pace. If so Melcor should certainly continue to do well.

I suppose my thoughts should be turning to trimming some positions given recent gains. But I don’t find myself in much of a selling mood.

Very soon we will be into Q1 earnings reports. That always has the potential of moving markets. On Friday we get jobs numbers. The bigger picture seems to be slowly improving economies and interest rates that so far have not risen. That bodes well for markets. Then again there is always the risk of world events such as the situation in the Ukraine or who knows what unexpected event.

Many such event scan have a quick impact on the price of stocks, though they rarely affect the true value of the stocks. The main risk factor that could drive stock values lower is probably a rise in interest rates.

Much investment advice focuses on managing risk. That might be wise. In the long run however it seems that learning to live with risk and volatility is the path to greater ultimate investment wealth.

April 1, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 rose 0.7% to close at a new record high. Toronto rose 0.3%. Toronto remains below the peak it reached around June 2008.

Notable gainers today included Bombardier up 3.4%, Dollarama up 2.7%, and Toll Brothers up 2.2%

I thought Boston Pizza might rise on news of its automated stock buy back program but it fell marginally. I added a few more shares and it is now my fifth largest position.

March 31, 2014

On Monday, the S&P 500 rose 0.8% and Toronto rose 0.5%.

Almost all of the stocks on our list were up today.

It’s been a good start to the year and those of us who have been brave enough to be owners of corporations via the stock market have been rewarded. Those who totally shun stock markets avoid volatility but forego much in terms of long term wealth creation.

I notice Boston Pizza was one of very few (on our list) to decline today, down 1% to $19.53. We recently rated it (higher) Buy at $19.55. Boston Pizza also thinks the price is attractive and after the close today signaled that it will be buying shares on an automatic basis. I believe this will start immediately. They apparently had not bought back any shares for at least six months.

March 30, 2014

Costco is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $112. It always seems expensive. But it is almost certain grow its earnings over the years. Every time it opens a store it seems to create a traffic jamb, at least in Alberta.

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.5% and Toronto was up 0.6%.

This year to date the S&P 500 is up 0.5% while Toronto is up 4.7%.

Our two Strong Buys from January 1 (Wells Fargo and Melcor) are up 9% and 7% while our 13 stocks rated in the buy range are up an average of 0.6% since January 1. The fall in the Canadian dollar has added to the returns for Canadians holding U.S. stocks while harming Americans holding Canadian stocks.

Berkshire Hathaway is updated and is rated Buy at $124. For this analysis I have placed more emphasis on the fact that the stock trades at a premium of only 37% over book value and on Buffett’s view that intrinsic value far exceeds book value and that the gap is widening. To me this looks like Buffett is basically telling us the shares are under valued in his opinion. And keep in mind he has always been very careful not to “tout” the stock and in the late 90’s went so far as to state that the stock was (at that time) not undervalued and was at a price where he would not buy it. In addition I have emphasized the fact that the view of adjusted earnings that Buffett provides annually is understated because it excludes all investment gains and losses, includes only the dividends and not the full earnings from the huge investments in companies like Coke, and deducts income tax at about 31% when in fact cash taxes are running closer to 20%.

I would not expect this stock to soar but it does appear to be a good solid investment.

Earlier this year I was wanting to add to my position in Berkshire but was cheaping out trying to buy at $109.10 (see comment of Feb 3) when it was trading at $112 or so. It did dip to that price and I doubled my position so that it now represents 3.2% of my portfolio. But as noted under March 13 I made the mistake of not grabbing more Berkshire at $112 when it reported excellent Q4 earnings and yet the share price did not initially move. Having done that, I find it difficult to now buy any at $124 but I may do so based on my latest analysis.

By most standards, having 3.2% in a single stock is already a full weighting. But I tend to run a much more concentrated portfolio and believe in Buffett’s philosophy of buying a meaning amount of stocks that I particularly like rather than spreading the investments more thinly, which is definitely conventional wisdom. It takes more confidence to concentrate holdings.

Those who concentrate their portfolio should be aware that most experts argue that it is impossible to consistently pick winners in the stock market and that an index fund is best. Even Buffett recommends index funds for MOST people. My understanding is that he believes that those who can picks stocks successfully (or believe they have a reliable source of such stock picks) can go ahead and concentrate on the best picks. He would also probably warn that most sources who purport to be able to pick winning stocks are not actually able to do so successfully in the long run. But he has always argued that some people can pick stocks successfully by following good logic and focusing on business fundamentals.

March 27, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was down 0.2% and Toronto was about unchanged.

After the news yesterday about most U.S. banks passing stress tests by the FED, Wells Fargo was up 1.2% to $49.10. This stock is up 83% since it was first rated a Strong buy on this site four years ago (February 10, 2010 at $26.88. More impressively it is up 350% since it was first added to this site on February 22, 2009 rated highly speculative Buy at $10.91. It has been somewhat volatile at times. I recall I sold out of it way to early but then got back in heavily and held something of a core position plus added on dips and sold on rallies and have done well that way., though most of my gains came just from the holding, not the trading. Wells has moved up in price since we last rated it (Strong Buy at $46.39). I would guess it would rate perhaps (lower) Strong Buy or at least (higher) Buy it it were to be updated at today’s price.

Bank of America did not do as well in the stress tests. It passed but apparently got its planned dividend hike shaved back a bit. It will raise it dividend from one cent to five cents per share. This is still almost a zero dividend but can be considered a positive step. Bank of America fell 1% today to $17.01. It’s up 112% since we first added it to this site rated Speculative Strong Buy at $8.05 on March 11, 2012. I believe I reported buying it myself at around $9.50 in the spring of 2011 and it subsequently fell under $6. I had bought too much at $10 and was not prepared to load up at the $6 price which was unfortunate. At this time we rate it Speculative (higher) Buy at $17.01 and I do think it is well worth considering. Not as safe as Wells Fargo but quite possibly has more potential to rise in the short term.

I expect to have some updated reports by Sunday.

March 26, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.7% and Toronto was down 0.8%.

Canadian Tire was up 2.9%. This may have been based on a presentation that Canadian Tire made this morning at a CIBC retail analyst conference.

There was news about most of the American banks passing further stress tests and getting approvals for their dividends and buy-back plans today. Bank of America also had news about big settlement payments. It’s hard to interpret but my suspicion is that U.S. bank shares will take this as positive news. Certainly I have no particular concerns about my investment in Wells Fargo or Bank of America. I am hopeful of a dividend increase at Bank of America. (Their existing dividend is extremely tiny)

I received a question from a U.S. based subscriber as follows:

I wonder if you might have any general comments for US subscribers to your service about the impact of the fall in the Canadian Dollar from it’s most recent high to it’s current level under 90 cents as it relates to US subscribers purchasing Canadian stocks.  Boston Pizza, for example, has seen it’s share price (in US dollars) fall from $22.18 (US) to the current $17.55 (US) a drop of over 20% which dwarfs the dividend yield over the same period.

My thoughts are as follows:

As the questioner went on to say in his email, there is nothing we can do about what has already happened. We can deal with where the exchange rate is today but we can’t change what has already happened.

Canadians who held U.S. stocks in 2013 benefited from a 6.6% decline in the Canadian dollar (which was unexpected by most). There has been a further 5.0% decline n 2014.

During this time American Investors in Canadian stocks were harmed by this decline.

In the five years from the start of 2008 to the end of 2012, the Canadian dollar bobbed up and down but started and ended that period at about $1.00 U.S.

In the six years from the end of 2001 to the start of 2008, the Cnadian dollar rose an unbelievable 59% from its low of 63 cents all the way to U.S. $1.00. During that time Canadians who held U.S. stocks (as they were constantly told to do for diversification) got absolutely clobbered by the exchange rate change. On the other side of that, American investors in Canadian stocks enjoyed windfall gains.

Back when the Canadian dollar was 63 cents, many observers seemed to think it was destined to stay low or go even lower.

Similarly, when it hit $1.10 briefly an awful lot of people seemed to think it was headed to $1.20.

My view is that I can’t predict where the Canadian dollar exchange rate will head. But as it rose into 90’s and especially as it got over $1.00. I commented that it seemed to me that the best way to bet was that it would fall rather than rise. I moved money into American stocks when the Canadian dollar was over $1.00 U.S. That has worked out nicely. But as it headed below 95 cents and more so as it got towards 90 cents I moved some U.S. cash back to Canadian funds to hedge my bets a little.

I believe that in the long run the fluctuation of the currency is not that important. Over the last 100 years the Canadian dollar has usually been pretty close to a U.S. dollar but it did spend a couple decades languishing well below 80 cents and had a  brief dip to 62 cents. Those were BIG moves that had a HUGE impact on the returns in certain years. But over the long term such as 50 years stocks have returned at least 10 fold (1000%) even after inflation. In that context the exchange rate movement has not been that huge.

Investing in other countries is part of a diversification strategy.

Most Canadians will want to invest in U.S. stocks for general diversification and because Canada simply lacks enough companies in certain sectors like internet based stocks and, consumer brand name companies and bio-technology. Also most Canadians who invest will eventually want to spend some of their retirement money in the U.S.

American investors may look to Canada to obtain exposure to certain resource sector stocks. However Americans rarely intend to spend much retirement money in Canada so they do not ultimately need Canadian currency in the way that Canadians need American currency. Americas probably have less need to diversify to other countries (given their own huge economy) and other than for resource stocks may not have a lot of reason to choose Canadian investments.

For Americans who bought U.S. Canadian shares for diversification, the recent decline in the Canadian dollar is unfortunate. But it could have gone the other way. Over an investment lifetime some diversification is usually a very good thing. But over any short period of time one might wish they had piled everything into the one stock or the one currency that did the best. You can’t judge whether diversification was wise by looking at just a one or two year period.

Right now with the Canadian dollar at 90 cents it really seems to have returned to a more middle of the road position. I have also often heard that on a purchasing power parity basis it should have been closer to 90 cents than $1.00. So in general I certainly don’t have much reason to expect it to move down or up. I do expect it will move. I just don’t know which direction.

My strategy is to react to Canadian dollar currency movements rather than try to anticipate. So if the Canadian dollar falls I would look to try to repatriate some U.S. dollars back to Canadian. If the Canadian dollar were to rise back towards a U.S. dollar I would be inclined to look to shift cash from Canadian to American at that point.

I would also say that most all investors should steer far clear of foreign exchange or FX trading. It’s one thing for Canadians to buy some American stocks. It’s quite another thing to make a leveraged bet on currency. I see FX trading as a great way to give yourself ulcers and to lose a lot of money.

March 25, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 rose 0.4% and Toronto 0.1%.

Liquor Stores N.A. was down about 30 cents most of the day both yesterday and today before closing about unchanged. As my report indicates, this stock should be considered somewhat speculative. Of the stocks I own, this is the one I worry somewhat about. I emailed the CFO twice in the last week or so and got no response. That is not a great sign. I don’t email executives very often but when I do I usually find they respond. A CFO that does not respond to a question (I asked if they could borrow money to buy back shares) is a bit of a worry. Next time I will email the CEO. They are still generating a lot of cash compared to the share price so I am not prepared to sell my shares but I just wanted to share the fact that this is one I worry about.

March 24, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was down 0.5% and Toronto was down 0.4%.

Before the market opened today I entered orders to Buy additional Melcor at $21.60 and Boston Pizza at 19.60 and both were filled at the open. Later I noticed Toll Brothers was down under $35 and decided to add to that position as well at $34.81. It closed at $35.48.

March 22, 2014

Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $19.55. This entity is an ownership in the the 4% franchise fees on the food (not alcohol) sales of Boston pizza restaurants. The cash distributions essentially are almost unchanged when new restaurants open as new units are then issued to founders of Boston Pizza. The distribution rises with increased food sales on a per restaurant basis. The units have recently declined due to a 3.6% decline in distributable cash per unit in Q4 which was blamed on poor weather. On that basis Q1 could also see a decline. Another possible reason for the decline was that the founders sold units in a secondary offering at $21.10 in march. The 6.3% yield is attractive. I believe the recent price decline presents a buying opportunity. Note however, that Q1 2014 should also be expected to be a relatively weak quarter due to poor winter weather across Canada this year. I will likely increase my position.

It’s interesting to note that the units were first issued in 2002 at $10.00. The units climbed briefly over $20 in 2006 but were hammered down under $8 with the financial crisis. Those who bought at the IPO in 2002 at $10.00, and have held since,  have since collected $14 in distributions in addition to a capital gain of close to 100%. This is a nice illustration of the rewards of investing. At the start of 2009 we rated them a Strong Buy at $7.51. It is stunning to look back now and see how cheap stocks were at the start of 2009 and to remember how scared investors were.

Melcor is updated and rated Strong Buy at $21.50. It’s Q4 earnings were very strong. The stock is thinly traded and so it should be bought with an order to buy at a certain price rather than a market order. I will likely add to my position even though it is already my largest holding.

On Friday, the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.2%. Liquor Stores N.A. was up 2.6%.

March 20, 2014

North American markets were positive today with the S&P 500 up 0.6% and Toronto up 0.2%.

U.S. bank stocks did well in anticipation of stress tests results. Which all the large banks passed. (All except for one whichh I had never heard of). I am not sure if the stress test results came out after the close or before.

We had Wells Fargo up 2.5% and Bank of America up 2.7%.

Liquor Stores N.A. was up 2.9%. Apparently this was on news that it hired four new vice presidents. I don’t really know if that that was such a wise move. Possibly it signals their confidence in growth ahead. But meanwhile it probably adds about a million dollars per year to their costs at a time when they could do with some cost cutting. Also, in general, I’d rather see a company promote from within. What does it say to current staff when people are parachuted in above them?

Once again it starts to feel like the gains have been too easy to come by. We should always be prepared for markets to go the other way. I am not suggesting that we can predict that markets will fall, or certainly when that could happen. We just should always be aware that markets and particularly individual stocks often go down as well. The trick is to react rationally when that happens. I remain in favor of a bias to trimming on rallies and buying on dips. Especially for those with larger portfolios. For those closer to the start of their investing career a strategy of buying regularly works well. When just starting out, a market “correction” is a great blessing (the bigger the better) even though it feels awful. At the other end of the time scale, for those retired people who need to spend their dividends and who have no extra money to invest, broad market corrections have no redeeming features except possibly if some rebalancing can be done such as from cash or fixed income to stocks. We all have different financial capacities for risks and different emotional tolerances for risk and need to make our investment decisions in accordance with that.

I expect to update some of the reports in the next few days. I want to take a look at Boston Pizza and also will likely update Melcor.

March 19, 2014

Wednesday was a weaker day in the markets with the S&P 500 down 0.6% and Toronto down 0.2%.

But the Canadian dollar fell 9 tenths of one percent which adds to the value of U.S. stocks in Canadian dollar terms.

Couche-Tard was up 5.4%. Melcor was up 2.3%, Bank of America was up 1.4%. Almost everything else on our list was down. Overall, with the sharply lower Canadian dollar, we had a good day.

With a concentration in some of the better performing stock picks, my portfolio is up 5.2% this year.

March 18, 2014

Tuesday was a strong day in the markets with the S&P 500 up 0.7% and Toronto up 1.0%. Also the Canadian dollar fell 6 tenths of one percent which adds to the value of U.S. stocks in Canadian dollar terms.

In terms of our stock picks, gains almost all were up and there were no significant losers.

March 17, 2014

On Monday, the market decided that so far at least it was okay with the situation in Ukraine and focused on stronger manufacturing data. The S&P 500 was up 1.0%. Toronto was flat as gold miner shares declined.

Among our stock picks notable gainers included Bombardier up 4.8%, Liquor Stores N.A. up 2.3%, and Constellation Software up 2.1%. Melcor was down 2.8% on usually high volume. This decline comes after the strong gains it made in the past few days after releasing earnings and is no cause for concern.

On average the P/E ratios of the stocks in my portfolio, particularly the larger holdings do not seem too high. A notable exception is Toll Brothers where the P/E ratio is definitely high but where the earnings were still recovering from the housing crisis, and still apparently growing rapidly.

March 16, 2014

I have updated the composition of my personal portfolio.

Indications on Sunday evening are that the market is not bothered by the situation in Russia. If the resounding support for Crimea joining Russian is viewed as accurate then it may be difficult for anyone to oppose it too strongly. The United States should probably but out. A closer vote would have been more problematic. But anyhow I have no special insight into these matters.

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.1%.

Liquor Stores N.A. is updated and rated Speculative Buy at $11.48. This high dividend stock is down 33% since we first added it to this site just about three years ago rating it Buy at $17.01. Even after collecting over $3.00 in dividends it is still down. We certainly did not rate it a Buy just because or even mostly because of the dividend, though that was a factor in its favor. But this decline goes to show that the presence of a good dividend is no guarantee of a good return.

At this time the stock appears to offer good value. I like the dividend. On the other hand I would not be distressed if they cut the dividend since fundamentally it appears unsustainably high. But maybe they will manage to maintain the dividend as they plan to do.

March 13, 2014

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was down 1.2% and Toronto was down 0.5%.

Most of the stocks that I keep an eye on were.

Obviously, the troubles in Ukraine could cause further market declines but I generally never sell on such fears because for one thing there is hardly a month that goes by without some such “threat” to the markets. If we sold on every such fear we would seldom own any stocks.

A notable decliner was Toll Brothers down 2.7% to $36.77.

Melcor was up 3.4% on its good earnings to $21.70. That was a good gain given the market decline. For whatever reasons Melcor remains quite thinly traded which makes it a bit more volatile. I added about 12% to my holdings at $21.50 though it was already my largest holding. I could have had it closer to $20 over the past month but such is life in the markets.

It’s always clear in hind-sight that we could have traded more astutely. For example, I was pretty sure that Berkshire would rise after its earnings release almost two weeks ago. Yet on the Monday after it did not rise and that was due to Ukraine situation. I could have added to Berkshire around $112 but I failed to do so.

I was reading more of the Liquor Store N.A. report today. They certainly seem confident that they can maintain the dividend. If so, this will be a good investment.

March 12, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 was flat while Toronto was up 0.4%.

Liquor Stores N.A. was up 4.9%

After the close Melcor reported strong earnings and a positive outlook. I may add to my position.

I would continue to rate it in the Strong Buy range.

March 11, 2014 (from the Mayan Palace, near Cancun Mexico)

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 was down 0.5% and Toronto was down 0.2%.

I grabbed a bit more Liquor Stores N.A as it fell 3.4%

I believe Melcor will release earnings tomorrow Wednesday after the close  and I believe it will likely be a strong earnings report.

Apparently, New Jersey is the third state to ban direct auto sales that don’t use a dealer. So much for that “land of the free” myth. Tesla shares fell on the news.

March 10, 2014 (from the Mayan Palace, near Cancun Mexico)

On Monday the S&P 500 and Toronto were both about flat while the Dow was down 0.2%.

I sold off my Constellation Software. Possibly a bad decision because it is really great company. But it is expensive.

Toll Brothers was down 2.5% to $38.26. It is up a lot since our last update and the market is uncertain about where house prices are headed do it does tend to be volatile.

Canadian Tire voting shares are trying to prove me wrong as they jumped another 12% to $164. This was on 2,266 shares traded. With that kind of low volume it does not take much to push the price up if there is a few irrational buyers. Possibly someone is trying to accumulate voting shares, but I fail to see why. Only 9% of the voting shares trade and the rest are closely held by the dealers association, the profit sharing plan and a branch of the founding Billes family. So with 9% could one even demand a Board seat? And its not clear that anyone has accumulated even 1% let alone anything close to 9%.

Liquor Stores N.A. was down about 6% to $11.65. I will likely add a bit to my position especially if it dips a bit more.

March 9, 2014 

On Friday the S&P 500 was flat, remaining at a record high while Toronto was up 0.2%

Constellation software released earnings and was up 12% to $265. It’s a great company and has exceptionally good management. Still, the stock is expensive. I may sell my shares with a hope to buy back later or just take the profit.

The Canadian Tire voting shares rose another 5% to $147, on a very tiny volume of 555 shares. While I can’t guarantee what will happen, I would definitely sell if I owned Canadian Tire voting shares.

Wells Fargo was up on Friday and I reduced my position a little at $39.20. (Update, I believe this should have read $49.20)

With the turmoil in The Ukraine, it would not be a surprise if markets pulled back, but I have no ability to predict that. If that happens I will look to buy on pull-backs which has always been my strategy.

This week I am at the Grand Mayan resort near Cancun Mexico.

March 6, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was up 0.2% and Toronto was down 0.2%.

Our stocks picks has a reasonable good day. American Express was up 1.5% to $93.52.

The Canadian Tire voting shares, inexplicably, were up another 3.3% to $140.00. Meanwhile the non-voting shares were down 0.3% to $99.20. Only 656 voting shares traded versus 164,423 non-voting shares. With only 656 shares traded this latest rise in the voting shares cannot be taken too seriously.

Costco declined 2.8% after posting disappointing revenues and profits that “missed expectations” (which probably means the expectations were wrong). I’d love to see Costco fall further since I would like to buy but it seems too expensive. It is a powerful company (due its low cost operation) and will do well long term.

Liquor Stores N.A. released earnings after the close. The Q4 report had some bad news in terms of a write-off of intangibles or goodwill in British Columbia due to the fact that grocery stores are going to be allowed to open liquor store sections in their stores. Also sales growth was weak. They also indicated that profits will not rise until 2016 and that until then operating margins will be reduced as they implement certain plans. But overall the market was probably already expecting this and so it’s not clear to me that the stock will decline tomorrow. The company indicates it is committed to maintaining the dividend which is close to a 9% yield. If that is believed then the price could rise. The best scenario here would be if the company could borrow money at a low interest rate and buy back shares that yield 9% and thus increase EPS that way. This may not be possible. The worse case would be a share issue. I would have thought that a dividend cut would be preferable to a share issuance.

Brave investors could also borrow money and invest in the shares yielding near 9%. But that could certainly be risky.

British Columbia released news on its liquor-in-the grocery store plan just today. It’s my understanding that  grocery store may need to purchase a license from an existing store and so this could be an opportunity for salvation or partnership for Liquor Stores N.A.

Overall these shares remain speculative due to all of these matters.

The Conference call is tomorrow, Friday at noon Mountain time, 2 pm eastern and perhaps the share price will be quite volatile tomorrow morning and then may or may not be volatile during and after the conference call.

Canadian Western Bank released another excellent quarterly earnings report.

Berkshire was up 1.9% to $121.20.

The bottom of the market in the great recession occurred on March 9, 2009, five years ago. Those who either rode out the bad times or kept up their regular investing all this time have done very well.

March 5, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 was flat while Toronto was up 0.1%.

Element Financial was up 5.5%. Bank of America was up 3.2%.

Melcor will release its earnings next week, Wednesday March 12, probably after the close of trading.

I notice that Canadian Tire’s voting shares CTC rose 3.2% today to $135.50. This is a 36% premium to the non-voting shares CTC.A on Toronto. As far as I can see there is no justification for the premium. The voting shares are very thinly traded. My understanding is that for decades now there has been a provision whereby if someone were to take control of Canadian Tire by buying up the voting shares (which would have to be bought from the Billes family to get control) then the non-voting shares would become voting shares.

At last check the ownership of the voting shares was as follows: Martha Billes and her son Owen have 61.5% of the voting shares. The Dealers association owns 20.5% and the the profit sharing plan owns 12.2% of the voting shares. This left about 6% for the trading public.

There was no insider trading in these voting shares since at least 2008. Strangely the Dealers association has bought 1700 of these shares in late February. That’s a tiny amount considering that they own 702,000 such shares.

I don’t think the Dealer’s Association purchase explains the large premium which I believe has persisted for some years.

While it’s always possible that the scarcity of these voting shares will continue to cause a price premium, I would not hold the voting shares. I would be quite surprised if the premium persists in the long term. It may persist for years or it may collapse or be reduced at any time. Both the voting and the non-voting shares pay the same dividend, except it is one cent per year higher on the non-voting shares and the common share dividend is non-cumulative (it would not be made up later if it were ever skipped), while the non-voting dividend is cumulative.

The same situation existed, although to a much smaller extent, with Telus for years. It had a non-voting share that traded at a small discount. I had said buy the cheaper share the non-voting. Ultimately those were converted to voting and so buying the cheaper shares in the case of Telus was the right move. In addition to the cheaper price the trading liquidly was much better.

In Canada we have quite a few cases where both voting and non-voting shares trade. Generally the voting shares have low trading volumes and trade at only a very small premium. Each case may be company-specific. It surprises me that Canadian Tire has this large premium since its non-voting shares become voting on a take-over and since both types of shares are equal if the company is ever wound up (per note 28 of the 2013 financial statements). But, for whatever reason the difference has in fact persisted for quite some years.

“Scarcity” of the voting shares in my opinion provides absolutely no rational support for the premium. But I suspect scarcity has something to do with what appears to be an irrational premium.

March 4, 2014

I think most of us were surprised to see such a strong market on Tuesday with the S&P 500 up 1.5% to 1874 and another new record close. Toronto was up 0.5%.

Most of our Buy rated stocks were up including American express up 2.9%, Element Financial up 3.0%, Bank of America up 2.6%.

I saw a notice today from TD bank for another five year rate reset preferred share. This one at 4.4% from Enbridge. I grabbed some of that for the kids RESP account as I figure it is an alternative to holding cash.

I am basically holding tight with my positions at this time though with an order in to buy some Melcor a little under $20 and a rather unrealistic order to buy Toll Brothers if it falls to $34. I wondered today if I should trim some more Toll Brothers. Many of my moves to trim positions in the last year have not worked out that well as the prices continues to rise. Although I believe some have where there was more volatility and where I bought back later at lower prices. A strategy of trimming gains can work better when the market is  a bit more choppy, which it inevitably will be at some point. Also in some cases while I trimmed and did not buy back I may have made good investments with the funds received. I don’t track all that detail (and it might not even be possible to do so) but I do know that my account is up quite nicely (at 3.7%) in the first two months of this year and so certainly I can’t complain.

March 3, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was down 0.7% while Toronto was flat.

I would not have minded seeing a bigger decline today since it might have given me a chance to pick up some Berkshire at a better price.

Buffett was on CNBC’s Squawk Box for 3 hours this morning (as he always is the Monday after the annual letter comes out). He reiterated his views that we should buy companies for the long term and that we should not be bothered by stock price declines, especially when they are caused by macro economic events. He was accompanied by the two portfolio managers that he hired in the past couple of years as his eventual investment successors at Berkshire. One of these noted that Buffett had once answered that his investment “secret” was that he reads 500 pages per week. (To that I would add his ability to do math in his head and his possibly photographic memory and the fact that he been reading those 500 pages per week for about 70 years now.) People who think his special connections are his secret are wrong and fail to explain what his secret was 60 years ago when he was virtually unknown and his annual returns were higher than today. Yes, he does indeed benefit from special connections but that advantage is outweighed by his disadvantage in having to now manage about $200 billion of assets. I think he could earn far higher annual percentage returns if he was working with just $100 million and relied on no special connections. That was the situation about 55 years ago and he was stomping all over the S&P 500 returns in those days. Anyhow, any special connections he has grew out his own hard work over the years.

It seems to me that an awful lot can be learned from Buffett about how to grow the smaller amounts of investments that each of us possess.

March 2, 2014

Canadian Tire is updated and rated Buy at $99.85.

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% and Toronto was flat.

Warren Buffett came out with his annual letter yesterday. As always it is full of excellent investment advice.

I had expected Berkshire to post good earnings and the earnings were very good in Q4. I expect Berkshire’s B shares to push up to the $120 range on the news.

February 27, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 rose to a new closing high and finished up 0.5% at 1854. Toronto was up 0.2%. Most of the stocks we follow were up including Stantec up 2.9% and Element Financial up 2.1%.

February 26, 2014

Markets were about flat today. But Toll Brothers was up 1.7% to $38.90. I had sold about 15% of my Toll shares last week at $38.00. I still have a lot of shares and given normal volatility, I may get a chance to buy these back at $34. If it continues up, fine. If it declines I can buy back, so fine as well.

Element Financial issued five year reset preferred shares today at 6.5%. This compares to 4.4% for Canadian Western Bank, reflecting higher risk. I would have bought some but the issue closed by the time I saw it. Element common shares rose 4.3% to $13.99 on the news. I think it would still rate Speculative Buy at this price.

Target announced, among other things, that it has lost almost one billion dollars in Canada since it arrived. I take some satisfaction in this since I said from the start that they appeared to over-pay for the Zellers leases and that they would not be a low cost operation. (Search my 2012 comments if interested). Some things are more predictable than others.

February 25, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.1% and Toronto was down 0.3%.

I was not able to enter an order to buy Melcor due to system problems at TD Bank. I may enter the order tomorrow.

Reaction to Toll Brothers report was mixed (glass half full, half empty) it looked positive to me.

February 25, 2014 10:25 am eastern

Toll Brothers is out with relatively strong earnings this morning. The stock has a high P/E as it is still ramping up earnings from the lows of the housing crisis. I consider it more speculative due to that but it is worth considering.

Also, I am will put in an order for some Melcor today.

February 24, 2014

Monday was a strong day in the markets with the S&P 500 up 0.6% (and hitting a new high before dropping back a little. Toronto was up 0.1%.

Almost all of the stocks on our list were up today.

Our Stock Picks have done well and I believe my own account has reached a new high, the first new high since the market pull-back earlier in February.

Warren Buffett will publish his latest annual letter on Saturday. An excerpt on value investing has been published by Fortune Magazine.

February 23, 2014

On Friday, some of my Toll Brothers shares got sold at $38 based on an order I had in place. I then sold a little more at $38.

I am visiting just south of Tampa this week. Went to Branden Mall at noon today, Sunday. On one side of the Mall there was no parking left, people parked on the grass. It seems to indicate that the Florida economy is much improved and recovered.

February 20, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was up 0.6% and Toronto was also up 0.6%.

Toronto is at a three year high. And its quite close to its all time high. The S&P 500 is just a little below its all time high reached in late December. This all seems pretty good considering the market and economic news has been fairly mixed.

Alimentation Couche-Tard jumped another 3.6% today. While it seems expensive I have been saying for a number of years that it is one of the very best managed companies in Canada. Around 2007 I was in Florida and spent some type checking out one of their run of the mill Circle-K stores in Tampa. That may seem silly but I like the idea of owning companies that I shop at and where I can check out their operations that way. This company was a real market darling in the early 2000’s. Then it suffered an earnings drop around 2007 and then of course got clobbered in 2008. Most of the analysts seemed to abandon it and missed out on an absolutely stunning performance since the lows of the 2008 debacle. Buffett is always saying if you invest in a really good company you probably stick with it instead of trying to get cute and sell when it starts to look like less of a bargain. This would be a case in point. (Nevertheless, I am not buying back in at this price).

February 19, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.7% and Toronto was up 0.3%.

Most of the stocks we follow here were down although none precipitously. Some stocks that gained included Canadian Tire, up 1.1% and FirstService up 2.2%

The Bombardier pref share was up 1.3% and has basically done surprisingly well considering the decline in the common shares.

The Canadian dollar dropped over a full cent due to weak wholesale sales data.

For the Canadian market there are still lots of Q4 earnings reports to come in which could move stocks in one direction or the other. I am looking forward to an expected good result from Melcor. Also looking forward to a the report from Liquor Stores N.A.

As investors, most of use spend far too much time looking at fluctuations in share prices. I read an article recently that said that some people and families buy Gold with no intention to sell it ever. It was said that these long-term investors don’t care so much about the price of Gold but merely want to accumulate more and more ounces of it. The same thinking certainly applies to some people who accumulate house or apartments as long term investments. They may tend to measure their progress by the quantity of real estate that they accumulate over time or its earnings power and not by its resale value. This is the way Warren Buffett looks at accumulating companies and stocks. I think he would advise us to track the number of shares in good companies we own and to accumulate more and more with possibly no intention to sell. Or to track the total earnings of the shares we own and pay less attention to the price fluctuations. For Buffett stock price fluctuations are important only to the extent they give us the opportunity to accumulate shares cheaply or to occasionally sell if the price is beyond a sensible estimate of intrinsic value.

February 18, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was up 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.1%.

I’m not sure it was a wise move but I did buy some Bombardier as a speculative pick at $3.60 today (before it fell another 2.2%). I don’t expect any quick turn around here since the next earnings will not come out for about three months. I suppose there could be good news in terms of plane orders or cost cutting, but things could also get worse before they get better. I had understood that Warren Buffett’s Net Jets had placed a very large order in the past year but this did not seem to be mentioned in the annual report. It may be a bit awkward for Bombardier to talk about that since it owned a competitor operation to Net Jets called Flexjet which it just sold and the buyer has placed a very large order and so Bombardier has to be careful not to offend either of these two.  I have said before that Buffett would like the products that Bombardier makes but I doubt he would invest in the company given its low profit margins. To the extent that Bombardier is dependent on the kindness of governments I don’t think Buffett would like that at all. And I don’t really think it has the management quality that Buffett would demand.

February 16, 2014

Bombardier is updated and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $3.60. This stock is down 25% this year and in general the stock has done poorly for many years. The most recent decline was due to delays and higher costs on its new C-Series airplane. The question now is whether the low stock price provides a speculative opportunity for a good gain in the next couple of years. The company has already issued its 178 page annual report for 2013. I spent quite a few hours going through that but really I am unable to get a clear sense of future profits. Since the company is highly leveraged, there is certainly some risk of major share price declines if the C-Series has further problems and if they run into cash issues and have to issue shares at a low price. On the other hand it’s hard to imagine that the government would “allow” the company to go broke in any scenario. And it’s possible that a couple of years down the road there could be large profits on the C-series. Listening to the conference call the analysts seem rather frustrated with management. The analysts share my concern that the margins on planes seem very low.

I am planning to buy some shares as a more speculative position.

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.5% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

Most of our Stock Picks were up on Friday, Toll Brothers was up 2.2%

I made a modest purchase of American Express shares on Friday.

February 14, 2014

It was a strong day in the markets on Thursday with the S&P 500 up 0.6% and Toronto up 0.7%.

Canadian Tire was up  3.1% to $97.39 on its strong earnings. I’d still rate it a Buy (or higher). Constellation Software was up another 3.8% to $249.49. It seems too expensive but has continued to power ahead.

Our only big decliner was Bombardier which was down 9% to $3.68 on poor earnings and outlook and higher costs for its C-series plane. I don’t see a balance sheet in the press release, which is annoying. I am curious to see if the balance sheet looks better after the recent sale of its fractional jet business which I would assume had significant assets and significant debts.

Unless it is going greatly improve its profits down the road, this seems like poor business with weak profit margins. This is particularly bad considering the company is highly leveraged with debt.

It really seems like time for new management here. I am not sure why a public company thinks it is acceptable to keep the founding family member on as CEO in the face of poor performance. The Board of directors needs to be turfed here.

I plan to update this report shortly to see if it might now qualify as a speculative pick.

I don’t really follow it but I notice that Barrick Gold has lost another bundle. What a pathetic sad story of destroying invested capital this has been. Yet there are those who would laud the achievements of Peter Munk in building such a large company here. In corporate performance size should be considered to be a very distant second priority to the goal of making positive returns on capital.

February 14, 2014 8:45 am eastern (6:45 Mountain time)

Canadian Tire released excellent earnings this morning (I might even say blow-out earnings given decent growth when others are struggling). Should be a good day for the stock.

February 12, 2014

On Wednesday, markets ere basically flat with the S&P 500 down less than 0.1% and Toronto up 0.1%.

FirstService jumped 4.4% to $47.25 after releasing a good earnings report. I have consistently admired the management of this company. However it has been quite lumpy in its earnings over the years and I have not had much success in predicting when to buy or sell this one. For example our last rating was Weak Sell / Hold at $45.52. At the start of each of 2011 and 2012 it was rated Buy and it went nowhere. At the start of 2013 we had it rated it weak Buy and it soared 52%. It is well managed but its earnings have been quite volatile. Perhaps I have been too conservative in outlook when its earnings have been in a trough.

I did pick up a bit more Liquor Stores N.A. today at $12.17 and so await with great interest its Q4 earnings report around March 5 or any earlier information from the company.

February 11, 2014

It was only eight days ago that markets were (as we now know) reaching a low point markets fell most days in January and entered February with a down day. Suddenly everyone seemed to accept that we in the middle of a market correction and that it probably had a ways to go down yet. Bu then suddenly the market has risen just about every day since February 4th. It just goes to show that markets are always unpredictable, especially in the short-term.

On Tuesday we had the S&P 500 up 1.1% and Toronto up 0.6%.

Most of our stock picks were up. Liquor Stores N.A. however fell 1.8% $12.19. I attempted to grab some near the close at $12.17 but did not get a fill. Again, I do consider this speculative and it’s entirely possible that they will cut the dividend. On the other hand it certainly looks better to me at $12.20 than at recent prices of $14.00 to $14.50. It will likely announce its next monthly dividend on Friday or Monday. I suspect the dividend will be unchanged and that there will be no substantive news until they release earnings around March 5. But certainly, one never knows.

February 10, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 rose 0.2% and Toronto rose 0.1%

Liquor Stores N.A. fell 3.8% to $12.41. There was further news on the company to my knowledge. I am mildly tempted to add to my position at this or lower prices but will likely just stick with what I have.

There should be lots more Q4 earnings reports coming in shortly and that can always move individual stocks one way or the other.

February 8, 2014

American Express is added to the list above rated Buy at $87.

February 7, 2014

On Friday, the markets ended the week strongly with the S&P 500 up 1.3% and Toronto up 0.5%.

Most of our stock picks were up. Liquor Stores N.A. recovered another 4.5% to $12.90.

February 6, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was up 1.2% and Toronto was up 1.1%.

Almost all of our stock picks were up.

A notable gainer was Liquor Stores N.A., up 4.6% $12.34. I was looking into the report that recommended liquor sales be allowed by grocery stores. One thing I learned is there are over 600 private liquor stores in B.C. and they are about half the market. As I read the report it recommends that grocery stores would have to have separate areas for selling liquor and they would likely have to purchase an existing license. No new licenses were recommended. Overall the decline in the stock price at Liquor Stores N.A. seems over done. That is not to say that Liquor Stores is without risk.

On Friday morning the big news should be the jobs reports.

February 6, 2014 (11:10 am  eastern time)

The last few weeks have been a reminder that markets can certainly fall. Anyone holding stocks has to be prepared for periodic declines. With the market up today, perhaps it is appropriate to think about your risk tolerance and consider reducing your equity exposure if market declines would cause you great distress.

In theory the decision as to the percentage asset allocation in stocks is a separate matter from which stocks to own. In practice it is hard to reduce equity exposure overall if it involves selling some stocks that you like. The theoretical answer would be to reduce all positions fairly evenly if you are inclined to reduce exposure to equity.

I suspect the jobs reports tomorrow could push the market in one direction or the other.

For myself, I will likely hang on to my stocks for the most part with no material reduction to the equity exposure.

February 5, 2014

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 fell 0.2% and Toronto rose 0.4%. Most of our stock picks were up.

Liquor Stores N.A. fell another 3.8% to $11.80. I added modestly to my position in that stock today. I consider that to be a speculative purchase to some degree. I checked the insider trading on this company and there was no insider trading reported since December 31. That was as expected. Most companies prohibit their insiders from trading after the end of quarter until earnings are released. This is to prevent accusations of trading on material non-public information, which is not allowed. Several insiders were buying in December at around $14. So that is a positive sign.

I have updated the composition of my portfolio.

I am currently working on adding American Express to the list of stocks.

February 4, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 rose 0.8 % and Toronto rose 0.1%.

Most of our stock picks were up. Liquor Stores was down another 4.6%. I resisted the urge to buy any more of that.

Canadian Tire was down 1.2% to $93.71. I don’t think we can know much more about either of these retailers until they release their 2013 earnings reports. Canadian Tire has been doing things to “release” value in the past year such as creating a RIET (albeit retaining over 80% of it) and buying back shares. They are also looking for a financial partner on the credit card aspect of their business. Maybe there will be positive developments there. And we don’t know how their Q4 sales went and how the weather impacted things for good or bad. There is also the impact of the lower Canadian dollar going forward. Lot’s of moving parts and I await the next earnings report, which will be a a week from Thursday.

February 3, 2014

As most of you are no doubt aware, on Monday markets were down fairly sharply. The S&P 500 was down 2.3% and Toronto was down 1.5%.

The only stocks on our list that escaped the damage were some preferred shares. Bonds had a comparatively good day as interest rates declined moderately.

One of our stocks, Liquor Stores N.A. fell 10.4% to $12.85 .This was on news that British Columbia, where about 15% of its stores are located has tabled a report recommending that grocery stores be allowed to sell liquor. Quite possibly the stock reaction is overdone, as this change could still be a ways off and it seems possible that the (I believe) relatively few private stores in B.C. would be compensated. On the other hand our report on the company was not exactly concern-free. There is some chance that buying this is chasing a faltering a business. And certainly there must a reasonable risk that the dividend will be cut. The company has saddled itself with paying out all of its earnings (and a bit more). This policy dates back to its income trust days. Still, the company does appear to be profitable and over the long haul has shown good growth.

In reaction to today’s decline I did what I always tend to do. I remained calm. Market declines are a fact of life in the markets.

I had a standing order to add to my Liquors Store N.A. position if the price dropped to $13.67. The bad news was press released only an hour before the opening of trade (It was based on a report issued by the government on Friday or Saturday). The stock opened down only 5 cents but then fell steadily. This trading pattern illustrates a poor dissipation of news. If the stock had been halted for several hours to let the news spread (which takes extra time on a thinly traded stock) it would likely have opened down more substantially which would have been more fair. In any case my order to add 25% to my relatively small position was filled at $13.67 and then I decided to buy another similar amount at $13.00.

I also had an order in to buy back some Berkshire at $109.10 (I had sold almost all of my position months ago as the price rose.) It’s not really relevant what the price was when I sold but the comments below indicate I sold most of it on July 23 so that would have been a little over $118. I would say Berkshire is known to be worth more today than it was six months ago due to its strong investment gains since then and also due to its own retained earnings.  As our report indicated, Buffett has indicated that Berkshire will buy back stock at prices up to 120% of book value, that limit was $101 as of Q3 but will likely rise several dollars after the Q4 numbers are released. So, we are not quite down to the level where Berkshire will buy back its own stock, but we are not far off.

If stock prices continue to decline there are some other stocks that I would want to buy. However I would like to take that slow. For one thing I want to wait until recent trades, including my purchase the National bank and Canadian Western Bank preferred shares settle in my account so I can better evaluate my cash position.

February 2, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.7% and Toronto was down 0.3%. Toll Brothers was up 1.7% to $36.75. My order to trim Toll Brothers at $37.50 was filled as Toll reached a high of $37.58 on Friday. This trimming was a minor one indeed as I only sold what amounted to 7% of my Toll Brothers shares. I have another order in to trim a bit more at $38. I have also now entered orders to trim Well Fargo at $47.90 and more at $49.90. (A typo was corrected here as I originally wrote $37.90 and $39.90)

This level of “trimming” is really not much more than tinkering and a small attempt to take advantage of price fluctuations. It does not really constitute taking much money out of equities (especially given that these orders to sell are above the market and may never get filled).

If anyone is serious about reducing their equity position (as opposed to just a bit of profit taking) they should sell at the market – ideally that would be done during the trading day so you can see the price you are getting.

January 31, 2014 11:45 am eastern

This morning the Dow had been down 225 points but then recovered and is currently down 117 points or 0.7%.

With the market gyrations this weak and with some reports of lower earnings, difficulties in retail and given that market P/E ratios are somewhat above historic averages, it is wise to be aware that markets can go down as well as up.

It’s difficult to know if one should sell down their equity position. Over the past five years there have been many market scares where it would have turned out be a mistake to sell. No one can say for sure if the market will now decline or instead will go on to new highs.

I would say that anyone in the market has to prepared for the possibility of losses. The price investors pay for getting 30% on the S&P 500 last year is that in other years it will surely decline.

My strategy this past year has to been to have some cash on hand and to be prepared to buy on dips. And if there was a major correction I would ultimately end up with an equity exposure of close to 100%. I might even use margin if stocks got cheap enough. Over time this sort of strategy has worked very well for me. But it’s not for everyone.

Certainly I have considered this week whether I should trim even stocks that I like such as Wells Fargo and Toll Brothers and Bank of America. So far I have not done so. I reserve the right to decide to do so at any time. Right now I do have an order to trim Toll Brothers by a small amount at $37.50. I have not considered trimming Canadian Tire or Melcor despite my large positions there.

Canadian Western Bank was briefly out with one of these five year rate reset preferred shares that are non-cumulative and that may be converted to common shares (by the Bank) under certain adverse conditions. These pay 4.4%. I have placed an expression of interest with TD Waterhouse for some shares for an RRSP account. (I am a bit worried I am using up my cash surplus here but I suspect I could sell these to raise cash later and am not likely to suffer much loss to do so). Very soon after I placed my order the offering closed. Some subscribers may wonder why I don’t send an email about something like this. However, that has never been my practice and also I don’t really like the idea of getting in a big hurry in the markets.  In fact my buying even preferred share IPOs seems a bit dangerous, it involves making snap decisions which has never been my approach to the markets. Also, in terms of sending an email, it turns out that the offering was about to close by the time I say it. To access these offers you have to sign up for IPO alerts with your broker.

January 30, 2014

On Thursday we had the S&P 500 up 1.1% and Toronto up 0.7%.

In something of a mirror image of yesterday, almost everything on our list was up.

Regarding the Royal Bank preferred shares that I mentioned yesterday, they started trading today. Symbol RY.PZ They traded at about $24.95. That’s interesting because at the IPO last week they were oversubscribed and the size of the issue was increased from $200 million to $500 million. Perhaps there was a perception of scarcity. They pay 4.0% and reset in five years which likely means that they can be counted on to trade around Par in five years. They are riskier than some preferred because they are non-cumulative and in certain conditions could be converted by the bank into common shares. For those happy to collect 4% yield they may be a decent choice. With interest rates having declined a little in the last week I had expected these Royal Bank preferred shares to trade a little above $25. That may yet occur. If interest rates rise they will decline in value. But I don’t think there is much risk a very significant decline due to the rest in five years.

Yesterday I had purchased similar National Bank at their IPO and purchased them in a corporate account. However I had second thoughts about that due to income tax implications. I called TD and they allowed me to shift the purchase to an RESP account. For the RESP which has just entered the spending phase these shares seem a reasonable alternative to cash. Most of my RESP will remain in common shares because I can afford the risk.

January 29. 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 1.0% and Toronto was down 0.3%. The futures had been positive Tuesday night but turned negative by the opening on Wednesday. In part, this seems to be due to the FED continuing to taper its bond buying, though that was expected. Mostly it may be linked to weakness in emerging markets.

Almost all of our stock picks were down as well. Toll Brothers managed to close unchanged.

At some point it will be time to take advantage of lower prices. I have an order in for some Berkshire at $109.10. I should probably place an order for Canadian Tire as well. Since I already have a large position in it I don’t need to be aggressive and might set a price for a 100 shares several dollars below the current price. I’d like to have some Costco as well but since it still seems expensive I would start with about 100 shares which would not be a big position for me. Again, I want to move quite slowly in putting cash into the market just in case there is a larger “correction”.

A few months ago I signed up with my discount broker (TD) to receive notice of all IPOs. One problem with buying IPOS is that many of them tend to get sold out very quickly. There is almost no time for analysis.

Recently there was an IPO for some Royal Bank 5 year rate reset preferred shares at 4.0%. I noticed that one, thought it sounded decent. It sold out very quickly. It turned out that this one had a feature whereby it concerts into common shares if the bank runs into certain big trouble. Therefore it is riskier and pays a higher dividend. It may have been non-cumulative as well in terms of the dividend. Those risks seem remote to me.

Today there was a relatively similar offer for National Bank five year rate rest preferred shares at 4.1%. Now, 4.1% does not excite me much at all. But I figured it might be an alternative to holding cash. And I figure it won’t likely trade much below $25 due to the rate reset feature. I ended up buying some in a non-registered corporate account. I have a vague understanding that a corporation that earns dividend income pays little or no tax on it. In any case it was a chance to see how TD’s on-line IPO system works. I found that I had bought these shares with about two clicks of the mouse. I did not even have to enter a trading password which did surprise me. I was not sure that I would get the full amount I “expressed interest” in buying. Technically my purchase was called “an expression of interest”. However, for all practical purposes it was my firm offer to buy so many shares at the offered price. TD now shows that I was allocated the full amount of shares that i “expressed interest in”. The issue will close on February 7 and at that time TD will take the cash from my account and the shares will appear in my account and begin accruing the dividend and soon after they will begin to trade on the exchange.

The Royal Bank issue starts trading tomorrow and I expect it might well trade a little above $25 giving a quick capital gain for those who bought at the IPO.

January 28, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 rose 0.6% and Toronto rose 0.8%

Toll Brothers was up 4.1%, Bank of America was up 2.6% and Couche-Tard was up 3.5%.

I don’t put much faith in anyone’s ability to predict the short-term direction of markets but perhaps today’s result indicates that there remains a lot of optimism among investors. For a larger decline to take hold probably requires investor fear. I suppose fear can arise quite quickly but right now it does not seem widespread.

January 28, 2014 (7:30 am mountain time, 9:30 eastern)

Markets were down somewhat on Monday with Toronto down 1.0% and the S&P 500 down a small amount. Markets were set to open higher on Tuesday.

With emerging markets down, perhaps one should consider some of the emerging market ETFs. These are speculative and I woiuld consider only a small investment.

There was news yesterday about Hudson’s Bay selling a large Toronto store and an adjacent office tower for $650 million. They would lease back the retail space. I don’t now the lease obligations that Hudson’s Bay will have but this seems like a very good deal for them. I am not sure it was a good deal for the buyer. It does show the value of real estate and perhaps add to confidence in the Value of Canadian Tire which despite spinning off a REIT still owns over 80% of that REIT as well as substantial additional real estate. Melcor also still owns substantial rental real estate including over 50% of its REIT.

January 26, 2014

Element Financial is added to the list of stocks and rated Speculative Buy at $12.98. It’s an interesting company whereby an aggressive management has undertaken a a very aggressive growth strategy and turned a small financial company into a much larger one. It is in a somewhat higher risk niche of the lending market. Profits are not (yet?) at an acceptable level. The main concern here would be that it is easier to lend money than it is to =lend money wisely. There is an opportunity to ride along and grow with an aggressive management but also a risk that they have lent and grown too aggressively. It’s worth considering but only for a smaller and more speculative position. We will revaluate after the 2013 annual report is issued.

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 2.1% and Toronto was down 1.5%.

Most of our stocks picks were down including Toll Brothers down 3.4%.

I don’t know if this will be the start of a deeper “correction”. We do know that the the US. market in particular had risen a LOT and that the P/E ratio was getting high (see our DOW and S&P 500 valuation articles). This, in part, explains why we started this year with just two stocks in the Strong Buy range and in general our ratings are lower than at the start of last year. Still, we did see good value in stocks like Wells Fargo, Melcor, and to a lesser extent Canadian Tire, Bank of America and Walmart. Toll Brothers we saw as good value but Speculative. We also had some Buys in the higher yield area.

My strategy will not likely include selling any of these companies (even though I have high exposures to the stocks mentioned, other than Walmart. I mentioned last week that on Thursday I had considered selling some Toll Brothers and of course it now seems clear that would have been a good idea.

In any case, it seems to me that the market is as likely to bounce up on the next bit of good news as it is to bounce down on bad news or negative sentiment. But I accept the risk that stocks can go down as well as up.

I am looking forward to more Q4 earnings reports coming out in the weeks ahead.

My strategy will be to watch for the opportunity to pick up better priced shares. I will not get in a hurry to do so. I believe patience is more a virtue in the markets than is a tendency to act swiftly.

January 23, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was down 0.9% and Toronto was down 0.4%.

The Canadian dollar had fallen another half cent on Thursday but in the end closed about unchanged.

Most of our stock picks were down with the market. A few managed gains today including Toll Brothers up 0.1% and Canadian tire up 0.6%. I was tempted to sell some Toll Brothers today but instead just restored my expired order to trim a bit at $37.50 and a put a new order to trim a bit more still at $38.50. I was also thinking about buying back some of the Berkshire that I sold earlier this year but decided not to though I think it is reasonably attractive.

In the next few weeks the market will be reacting to many earnings reports as well as the usual economic reports.

There was interesting news today about Air Canada’s large pension deficit melting away in 2013. I knew pension plans would be much improved in 2013 (and wrote about it here ). But the improvement at Air Canada is even more than I would have expected. (Sounded a bit too good to be true, actually)

January 22, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was up 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.3%

The Canadian dollar declined approximately one cent which benefits Canadian investors how have U.S. investments (at least as measured in Canadian dollars, that is. It’s not of much consequence for Canadian that consider their U.S investments to be permanently in U.S. funds to be ultimately spent in the U.S.) Americans who own Canadian investments are hurt by the decline and must wonder why they invested in Canada or why they did not sell a while ago.

I bought a bit more of the Canadian dollar ETF under symbol FXC on New York. This basically locks in some of my gain on U.S. cash and investments. My strategy is to buy a bit more FXC with every cent the Canadian dollar drops. So far this hedge has cost me money as the Canadian dollar keeps dropping.

Lately it seems like everyone is predicting the Canadian dollar to keep going down. I find that interesting that people are so smart not to have guessed at 92 cents it would keep going down. Where were these same people when our dollar was closer to par? If they are such great forecasters they could have made a fortune on currency bets. I doubt that people can really forecast the movement of currencies. I just react to the movement, buy more Canadian dollars with my U.S. funds as they get cheaper and with the idea to buy back into U.S. funds if our dollar climbs. And I am only nibbling at it, not making any big bets.

Turning to our Stock Picks, Toll Brothers had a strong day rising 2.1% on news that it was making an acquisition of a large and attractive parcel of land in Houston. Overall it was a positive day for most Canadian investors mostly due to the lower dollar.

My order to buy some Bombardier preferred shares (mentioned yesterday) did go through today at $21.80. It’s interesting that the order sat there for a month and it just happened that the price finally fell that low on the day that order was going to expire. Sometimes (but not always) it pays to be patient or to cheap out a bit when placing orders. Of the course the shares could fall even further given Bombardiers woes or if interest rates rise. But it’s still better to have bought at $21.80 than to have paid the higher prices that prevailed all January until now.

January 21, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.3% and the Canadian dollar slipped a bit lower.

Bombardier fell 3.9% after announcing layoffs. I think this company needs new management. But it is also an inherently tough industry. Of more interest, the Bombardier perpetual pref. shares that we have on our list fell 1.8% to $21.95. I had placed a hopeful order at $21.80 almost a month ago. It got very close to that today. My order expires tomorrow, so I can only hope that a few more owners of these shares are spooked by the news at Bombardier. These shares do come with interest rate risk (all perpetual pref shares will get hammered if interest rates rise a lot. They also come with company-specific risk. But I don’t think Bombardier is at much risk of insolvency, though that cannot be completely ruled out given its weak balance sheet and tough industry. You might think that the government would never allow Bombardier to go bust. The same could be said of General Motors Corporation. But the governments did in fact allow GM to go broke and its shareholders were wiped out and a new company bought GM’s assets and changed its name to the very similar sounding General Motors Company and pretended that it “emerged” from bankruptcy. (Not that I think Bombardier is at risk of that, I just say you cannot rule it out). On the balance of probabilities I expect the pref shares are a reasonable investment.

January 20, 2014

On Monday the U.S. markets were closed for Martin Luther King day. Toronto was up 0.7%.

I notice Boston Pizza was down 2.0% to $21.00. It’s worth considering for those wanting yield (and it should grow its distribution slowly over the years).

I plan to add Element Financial to the site before too long. This is a case where new management came in and took over a small company and have been growing it aggressively. So far that has paid off quite well. But the thing is that they may be competing mostly on price. And they do not have cost advantages. (certainly not over the big banks). They do however go after a higher interest segment of the lending business. So I don’t know yet if it a good investment at all. One thing I am eager to look at is executive compensation. Also I will be interested to see what the insider trading looks like. In any case studying this company is helping me learn more about the lending business.

January 18, 2014

Bank of America is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $17.01. It’s not as well run as Wells Fargo but it should do well in 2014 as it continued to recover from the financial crisis.

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

A notable gainer was Visa Inc., up 4.7%. We had recently rated it as only a Weak Buy / Hold. It is a fantastic company with quasi monopoly characteristics. Still, it sometimes faces price regulation and it has become quite expensive trading at about 31 times earnings.

The Canadian dollar is down to a value of 91.2 US. cents.

Most of our stocks picks are down slightly in the first couple of weeks of 2014. However, Our higher rated U.S. stocks are mostly up (Wells Fargo up 2.2%, Bank of America up 9.2% and Toll Brothers down 2.8%). Combined with the sharp fall in the Canadian dollar (from 94.2 cents on December 31) Canadian investors have done well in these U.S. stocks. Overall our Stock Picks are up modestly this new year when priced in Canadian dollars.

Wells Fargo is updated and rated Strong Buy at $46.39. It’s been an exceptionally well run bank. Basically a wealth compounding machine (though it does have its risks in times of recession and credit crisis). I dug a little further into its economics on this update (search the report for the word economics to see that). Banks will do better if interest rise. The reason for that is that banks obtain a lot of deposit money at zero interest rates (most chequing accounts). As interest rates fell the profit spread on lending out that portion of their deposits got squeezed down. This bank was first added to this Web Site on February 22, 2009 at $10.91 and rated Highly Speculative Buy. This was at the height of the financial crisis just weeks before the market finally bottomed out on March 9, 2009. That would have been an ideal time to buy it and hold but did require courage. We first rated it in the Strong Buy range on February 15, 2010 at $26.88. The importance of buying at distressed prices when possible is illustrated by the fact that Wells Fargo is up 325% (up $35.48) since our initial rating but only 73% (up $19.51) since it was rated in the Strong Buy range in calmer times in 2010. The “penalty” for waiting to buy in calmer times does not look so dramatic in dollar per share terms but is dramatic in percentage terms.

I had been considering entering an order to trim my position in Wells Fargo especially if it rose a bit more. However , based on this update I will not do that. I’d be more inclined to add to the position given it remains one of the two highest rated stock Picks on this site. But I also have to consider that I want to keep a substantial allocation to cash in case better opportunities come along (other stocks, or lower prices in general)

January 16, 2014

Today the S&P 500 fell 0.1% while Toronto rose 0.4%

Bombardier common shares fell 7.7% to $4.17. I fist rated Bombardier on this site as a Buy at $12.80 back on November 10, 1999. It subsequently went over $25 in the year 2000 but then soon collapsed and has since struggled to remain over $5.00. It’s sad because it was such a great Canadian success story. It has a wonderful history and makes exciting products. What it struggles most to make is money. It certainly has to be considered a speculative pick if it can be considered a pick at all.

The Bombardier preferred share that I have on this site fell 1.5% to $22.35. This seems like a reasonable investment. I have had an order in for some to buy at $21.80, but that may have been an unrealistically low bid. I may up my bid to about this $22.35 price.

January 15, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was up 0.5% and was at a record high today of 1851 before closing at 1848. Toronto was up 0.6%.

Bank of America released higher-than-expected Q4 earnings this morning and rose 2.3% to $17.15. This stock is up 10% since January 1. Wells Fargo also rose today to $46.40. While I continue to like both and hold both I may enter orders just to trim a bit if they keep rising.

Another notable gainer today was CN, up 2.5%.

It was in the news today and yesterday that General Motors is reinstating its dividend for the first time in some years. This is sort of true but not really. The predecessor company General Motors Corporation went bankrupt and changed its name to liquidation Motors Inc. and has really nothing to do with the new company, General Motors Company. The new company General Motors Company, bought much of the assets from the the bankrupt General Motors Corporation but it is a new and separate company. I think this is an important distinction. GM’s web site under “company” states: “Our story starts on November 18, 2010, when we completed the world’s largest initial public offering…”  The financial press may be willing to pretend that the old GM emerged from bankruptcy and still exists, but that is not technically true. And the bankruptcy should not be forgotten.

The business news these days is mixed. Some companies are unfortunately “laying off” aka terminating employees. Other companies like Desjardins and Gold Corp are making big acquisitions. As is almost always the case, those who fear the markets will find reasons for fear and those who are optimistic will find reasons for optimism.

January 14, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was up 1.1% and Toronto was up 0.1%.

The Canadian dollar slipped about a half scent and is now at 91.1 cents. This is quite grand for Canadians holding U.S. investments and terrible for Americans owning Canadian investments. My trade that hedged some of my U.S. dollars against a rise in the Canadian dollar (see FXC mentioned under January 8) has so far cost me money. But nevertheless I have made quite a bit of gain as the Canadian dollar fell and so it seemed reasonable to hedge a part of that gain given that movements in exchange rates are not something I can predict.

Wells Fargo has released earnings for Q4. Profits per share were up but revenues were down due to a decline in mortgage refinancing (U.S. homeowners can refinance when mortgage rates fall, but in the last six months they have risen). Wells fargo’s earnings were boosted by another “release” of provisions for bad debt.. That is not sustainable but it does indicate continued improvements in the U.S. economy as delinquencies decline.

January 13, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was down 1.3% and Toronto was down 0.5%.

Most of our stock picks were down. The Canadian dollar however rose a third of a cent.

It’s certainly not surprising or alarming to get a down a day like this. As for the next move, I don’t think such things are predictable. We are not getting into the Q4 earnings reports and those may drive the sentiment somewhat. Or numerous other bits of news could drive markets. It’s really quite normal for markets to gyrate.

Rather than try to predict markets it may be best to simply be positioned to react to changes. I like to keep an allocation to cash in case of bargains. And with the big market returns of the last two years (excluding commodity stocks) it seems prudent to have a higher allocation to cash than normal – though each person’s normal may differ. On the other hand if stocks go higher I would like to trim positions a bit in that case.

January 12, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 rose 0.2% while Toronto climbed 0.9%. The Canadian dollar fell another half cent and can now be purchased for 91.8 U.S. cents.

Stantec was up 3.4%, Liquor Stores N.A. was up 1.5% and Toll Brothers was up 2.0% to $36.73 (I have an order in to trim my Toll Brothers position slightly at $37.50).

I added to my Melcor position on Friday. I had entered an order on Thursday evening to buy at $20.00, it opened at $19.88 so that was the price I paid on that order.

Also on Friday an order I had entered to buy some Canadian dollars with U.S. cash was triggered and I bought some Canadian dollars in exchange-traded fund FXC on New York. This basically hedges some of my U.S. exposure. FXC will rise in price if the Canadian dollar rises.

There are also two ETFs on Toronto DLR is U.S. dollars priced in Canadian dollars, DLR.U is U.S. dollars that trades in U.S dollars on Toronto. Apparently it is possible to buy one and then have the broker “journal” it to the other to sell in the other currency. It seems that if you wanted to bet the Canadian dollar will keep falling you could buy DLR.U the U.S. dollars on Toronto. You would pay an exchange fee. Later the investment can apparently be journaled (transferred) to DLR where you could sell in Canadian dollars with no further exchange fee. This is probably not worth doing unless you have a keen desire to bet that the Canadian dollar will continue to fall.

I am currently taking a look at Element Financial an equipment finance company that has been growing rapidly. I plan to complete an analysis and add it to the site. So far my impression is that it looks expensive. If it is bought it would be a speculative situation. While its share price has risen rapidly it is not (yet?) earning a reasonable return according to its financial statements. (There can be a vast difference between shareholder returns and accounting returns).

January 9, 2014

On Thursday the S&P 500 was flat while Toronto was up 0.1%. The Canadian dollar slipped about another quarter of a cent and is at 92.19 cents U.S. per Canadian dollar.

Bank of America was up another 1.5%. Costco which always seems to look too expensive but which is a fantastic company jumped 3.9% on good sales figures in December.

Melcor is my largest position but I plan to add to my position and have entered an order to do so. There are no guarantees but as long as the Alberta economy is strong it seems like homebuilding is strong in Alberta and they should do well. And even if Melcor has some bad quarters it seems like an excellent company for the long term.

January 8, 2014

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was flat (although the DOW was down 0.4%) and Toronto was up 0.1%

The Canadian dollar was down about a half cent.

I have U.S. stocks and U.S. cash. To hedge a bit of the U.S. cash (against a rise in the Canadian dollar) I bought some FXC on Toronto (update this should read New York) which is a fund of Canadian dollars that trades in U.S. currency. This was in an RRSP account. On TD Waterhouse, I get an automated wash trade which means I am buying this in U.S. dollars (with my U.S. cash that was in a U.S. money market account TDB 166). This means I am not paying any exchange fee to get back to Canadian currency. My plan would be to sell this if the Canadian dollar rises and I would have more U.S. dollars than I started with. This sort of thing may not be worth bothering with, but anyhow I am doing this on a small scale.

As the Canadian dollar falls this helps exporters and hurts retailers who sell imported products. I considered if I should trim my Canadian Tire position. But most of that is in a taxable account and I don’t think it is wise to trigger a capital gain.

It certainly has been a good time to own (most) stocks these past few years, especially U.S. stocks. Basically most large companies make strong profits and owning these companies tend to to work out well for investors, although with lots of ups and downs.

January 7, 2014

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was up 0.6% and Toronto was up 0.7%.

Couche-Tard and First Service were each up 3.7% today, which is impressive.

The Canadian dollar was down about one cent and is now at 92.7 cents and this pushes up the value of U.S. dollar investments. At this level I might be inclined to convert some U.S. funds to Canadian.   I don’t know which way the dollar will head, but I do like to sell on rallies, buy on dips, be it stocks or the dollar.

January 6, 2014

On Monday the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.4%

Some of stocks did okay, Liquor Stores N.A was up 1.9%. Bank of America was up another 1.5%.

Fedex is going to borrow $2 billion to buy back shares. Strange that they would do this just after the stock has jumped in price. It does not appear that they bought back many shares in the past few years when they had the chance at lower prices. Share count count has increased. This does not look intelligent at all.

One prediction I will make is that Berkshire Hathaway will report a strong Q4.

January 4. 2014

I have updated the reference article on Global Exchange Traded ETFs. These can give exposure to different regions and countries around the world. Unfortunately there were no real bargains in evidence. Possibly Russia and China could be considered as speculative picks. And others could be selected for diversification.

January 3, 2014

On Friday the S&P 500 was about flat and Toronto fell 0.3%. Bank of America was up another 1.9%

January 2, 2014

On this first trading day of 2014 the S&P 500 fell 0.9% and Toronto fell 0.2%

Bank of America however was up 3.4%

January 1, 2014

I have updated the composition of my own portfolio. It’s not the intention that anyone copy it but it is provided for the sake of transparency and disclosure.

For purposes of performance tracking for 2014, the above ratings will be used as the start of 2014 rating. In all cases the closing 2013 price will be used as the starting 2014 price.

On the last trading day of 2013 the S&P 500 rose another 0.4% closing at 1848 for a stellar rise of 29.6% in 2013. The Toronto market rose 0.3% to 13,622 posting a gain of 9.6% for 2013. In 2013 Stocks and particularly American stocks provided returns that were a lot higher than the earnings of the underlying companies. That partly reflects the fact atht there were previous years when the opposite occurred. Over long periods of time investors cannot expect to make returns that are larger than the underlying earnings.

In terms of an outlook for 2014, my guess is that the earnings on the S&P 500 will advance perhaps 5 to 10%. However the (trailing earnings) P/E ratio which is at about 19 will be hard pressed to maintain that level. It is unlikely to rise. Therefore my guess in that the return from the S&P 500 index in 2014 will not exceed 10% and is more likely to be closer to 0% or less. That does not means that certain U.S. stocks will not rise. Of course, many will. I expect the U.S. economy to continue to improve and house prices there to continue to rise.

For Canada it is much harder to guess the direction of the overall stock market due to its heavy representation from commodities and resource stocks. I won’t hazard a guess. Certainly there will be many Canadian stocks that will do well.

Our performance figures for 2013 have been updated. It was an exceptionally good year, one of our best ever. Interestingly the three stocks that were in the Buy range that declined were all high yield stocks.

In preparation for the new year I am removing a few stock picks that are older and that I am not updating. These are MicroSoft, Blackberry (Research in Motion) and Shaw Communications. I plan to make some new additions to the list before too long.

RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust is updated and rated Buy at $24.77. This is not the type of investment that is going help anyone earn something exciting like 15%. But it should be a relatively safe investment. The units would fall in price if long-term interest rates increase. However it also has modest growth potential and may have a place in the mix of many portfolios.

RioCan Preferred Shares are updated and rated lower Buy at $24.90. The yield at 5.3% is perhaps attractive. But they have little or no upside potential (due to the fact that the company can redeem at $25 in 2016). If long-term interest rates were to fall these units would fall in price and could remain permanently lower unless interest rates declined again. They may be a reasonable investment for the yield but I would choose the Trust units rather than these to get the growth potential. In a taxable account these might be the better choice due to the dividend tax credit. Unless I was dependent on spending the cash flow from a taxable account I would not want to hold these in a taxable account unless I was in a position where the tax was close to zero.

December 31 2:45 pm eastern

On Monday I bought some Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund units based on my update of Friday. I also decided to sell the small holding I had in the Gold ETF, GLD. Gold does not fit into my investment style. Today I placed an order for Bombardier preferred shares at $20.20. The price was up a little from yesterday and I decided to price a bit below the market. On the Bombardier report I just added one sentence under Recent events about them selling the fractional jet division, I had forgotten to mention that. It may possible change the look of the balance sheet by getting rid of both the associated assets and debt.

December 30, 2013

On Monday, markets were relatively flat. Constellation Software rose 4.4%.

The Canadian dollar rose about a half. This reversed a similar decline on Friday.

Bombardier preferred shares are updated and rated Buy at $22.17.

Bombardier inc. is updated and rated Speculative Weak Buy at Canadian $4.64. Basically it appears to be in a low margin business. Due to extreme financial leverage the P/E is reasonably attractive but extreme financial leverage adds to risks. It may be well as its recent new aircraft production models become mature in several years. Overall it seems like a speculative stock.

December 29,2013

Visa Inc. is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $219.67. Visa is a very unusual company. It is basically trying to insert itself as a substitute for money and to collect a toll on every transaction. And it has had great success in doing so. With its powerful “moat” (competitive advantages), it could continue to do very well as a stock. But it is quite expensive with a P/E ratio of 29 and there are risks that regulation or possibly competition will tame its monopolistic pricing habits.

December 27, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was basically unchanged while the Toronto Stock index gained 0.5%. I believe the Canadian dollar fell about a half cent which benefits Canadians that hold U.S. stocks and who track their portfolio in Cnadian dollars. It hurts Americans who hold Canadian stocks.

Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $20.86

This is actually a rather odd entity. A heavily financially engineered entity that collects a 4% royalty from food sales at Boston Pizza restaurants (excludes alcohol). The units unfortunately do not benefit in any meaningful way from new store openings. That is because new units are issued to basically the founders of BP in exchange for the right to the 4% from these new stores. The unit distribution will rise over time only if same store food sales rise. These units have bond-like characteristics but also offer some possible growth (and risk of shrinkage – and shrinkage is seldom or never a good thing!). Overall the 5.9% yield (and the yield should grow over time) seems attractive given today’s low interest rates. If the yield were to grow at 3% per year (as same-store restaurant sales rise) the total return would be about 8.9% per year, assuming no change in the P/E ratio and that would be quite attractive. The units would however fall in price if interest rates rise.

This entity is not the best fit for my standard template for evaluating stocks. For this update I assumed that the P/E ratio in the long term will range from 14 to 17. (Previously i assumed a more conservative terminal P/E ratio). An entity that distributed all of its earnings and which is apparently lower risk can support a higher P/E ratio at a given growth rate.

Certainly there are no guarantees but this looks like an attractive investment to put into the mix in a portfolio. I had sold my units early in 2013 but I now plan to buy back into this entity.

December 26, 2013

On Boxing day the U.S. markets were open (’cause Boxing Day does not exist in the U.S.). The S&P 500 was up another 0.5% to a record at 1842. I’d like to see 2013 slip quietly in the record books before we get any kind of correction. But chances are that some down days will arrive before long and as early as Friday. We shall see.

The latest edition of our fee newsletter has been posted and includes a new article. I have liked something called the Dupont Formula ever since I studied it about 20 years ago. And I have included the formula in my spreadsheet for many years but I don’t highlight it or mention it in the stock research reports. I plan to start doing so because it is an interesting and insightful analysis. This may be the first time I have written about it.

December 24, 2013

On Christmas Eve we had the S&P 500 up another 0.3% and Toronto up 0.5%. It would be great if the market could just coast through to the end of the year. I believe New York will be open on Thursday while Toronto will open again on Friday.

Wal-Mart is updated and rated Buy at $78.01. Growth has slowed somewhat. Not an exciting investment but I would expect it will do okay over a longer term holding period.

December 23, 2013

Bank of America is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $15.69. It looks attractive on a price to book value basis. The P/E ratio does not look attractive but that may be mostly because of various unusual losses that it is still subject to as it comes out of the crisis period. Many of its business segments are recovering rapidly.

On Monday the S&P 500 was up 0.5% to (what else is new?) another record high. Toronto was up 0.4%.

Toll Brothers was up 4.7% today.

Regarding Dollarama, which I updated yesterday I added sentence to the report today under outlook that the lower Canadian Dollar could hurt its earnings. They do hedge currency but typically hedges only go out a year or so, if that. So maybe the lower dollar won’t hurt just yet. And maybe they can pass along all the extra cost. I just point out that all else equal, a lower Canadian dollar is bad for importers like Dollarama.

December 23, 2013 (1:10 am eastern)

Having only trimmed 6% of my Toll Brothers this morning at $35.50, I entered an order to trim another similar amount at $36.50. That has now been hit and I have now entered an order to sell the same amount again at $37.50. I still like Toll Brothers. But all year I have played the volatility on this stock trimming on rallies and buying back on dips and it has worked out pretty well. Toll Brothers was at $32.70 10 days ago and there has not been any company specific news on this rally just optimism on the housing front and optimism that interest rates will stay low.

December 23, 2013 (10:10 am eastern)

Checking the markets this morning, I see the DOW is up 63 points. The thought occurs to me, has this market (or at least investors) been drinking? It just seems like a lot of gains in recent days… I certainly welcome the gains but I also know that markets don’t go up in straight lines, at least not for long.

I have had an order in for quite a while to trim Toll Brothers if it hit $35.50. That got hit this morning so I was trimmed there, but only by 6% of what I owned.

I am somewhat inclined to trim other positions except that my holdings are concentrated in stocks that I like…

December 22, 2013

Dollarama is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $87.78. It’s a great company. They have built a fantastic business. But the stock price is high now and does not seem attractive to me.

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.5% and Toronto was up 0.1%. Most of our stock picks were up. Toll Brothers was up 2.7%.

FirstService is updated and rated Weak Sell / Hold at U.S. $42.79 or CAN $45.52. I have long admired the company. But is has been a very difficult one to value. It has risen a lot since our last update when it was also rated Weak Sell / hold. In part the Canadian dollar price has been pushed up by the lower Canadian dollar. This could be considered for a speculative pick but the achieved earnings at this time do not support a Buy rating.

December 19, 2013

On Thursday the markets basically held on to the big gains from Wednesday. The S&P 500 was down just 0.1%. Toonto was up 0.4%.

Today I bought some Wells Fargo Preferred Shares. I have not analysed these, but I do know Wells Fargo quite well.

These shares trade as WFC.PRO on New York. In Yahoo Finance the symbol is WFC-PO. Use caution as it may be hard to find the right trading symbol in your particular discount broker software. For TD Direct (Waterhouse) the symbol is WFC.PR.O. They are a perpetual share that pays U.S. $1.2812 per year on a $25 par value. They now trade at about $19.81 to yield almost 6.5%.

There shares are non-cumulative which means that if they miss a dividend it will not be made up later. That may be a large part of the reason for the discount.

Another reason for the discount is simply that long-term interest rates have risen since these shares were issued at $25.

As perpetual shares these would get absolutely hammered if long term interest rise a lot. So that may be a reason to avoid them.

But I figured the yield at close to 6.5% was attractive and I would take my chances. It seems to me that the entire decline from $25 to $19.80 is not justified by how far interest rates have gone up. If there are other temporary factors pushing the price down, then I would hope that will be in fact temporary.

I bought these in an RRSP account to avoid the 15% U.S. withholding tax that applies if Canadians buy these in most other types of accounts.

I don’t know if I will add these shares to the list above because I may not have enough information for an adequate analysis.

December 18, 2013

A P.S. to the post below, I was reading that US. mortgage applications are WAY down. I understand that is mostly due to a lack of refinancings as interest rates are no longer falling. Wells Fargo was making a lot of money on refinancings. All else equal this could be a reason to trim a position in Wells Fargo to some extent. Still, like I said it has a low P/E ratio and I know it has lots of growth areas so I don’t know if I will trim.

December 18, 2013

The outcome of the FED meeting was surprisingly positive. The FED announced hat it would moderately taper its bond buying reducing it from $85 billion per month to $75 billion. However the FED also indicated that it would be keeping interest rates low for some time to come. The market initially fell on the news but then almost immediately began to rise sharply and rose fairly steadily through to the close.

The S&P 500 was up 1.7% and Toronto was up 1.2%.

It seems that there must be a strong segment of the market that continues to buy the more it goes up.

I would be a bit surprised if this full gain holds tomorrow (Thursday) but one never knows.

Most of our stocks picks were up. Notably Toll Brothers was up 3.6%, Wells Fargo was up 3.1%. I thought about trimming some positions but did not. Lower interest rates are not good for banks but on the other hand Wells Fargo has a relatively low P/E and so I am reluctant to trim that.

Stantec, Couche-Tard and Constellation software were among the minority of stocks that were down (albeit modestly) on the day.

The Canadian dollar fell about 0.8% (down over three quarters of a cent). This is beneficial to Canadian investors with U.S. investments. (Beneficial when calculated in Canadian dollars, but of no consequence if one intends to ultimately spend their U.S. dollar investments int eh U.S.)

December 17, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was about unchanged.

Constellation Software was up another 5.2% to $217.73. on the same news that I mentioned yesterday.

I first added Constellation Software to this site back on February 4, 2011 rating it (lower) strong Buy at $51.40. It quickly went up to about $67 but then a strategic review was announced. For a long time it became very hard to value as it was trading based on being sold. I believe I sold at something like 50% gain. The Ontario Municipal Employees Pension Pension Plan was a major owner with Board representation and they wanted to cash out. They finally did so around April 2012 at something close to $90. Now these were insiders and you would think they would have a clue. Constellation was superbly run and making big profits. Yet these experts sold. I bought back in around that time as the company was one again trading on fundamentals rather than on a sale speculation. I paid more to buy back in than I had sold at. That was tough to do but turned out well.

Somewhere along the line I sold half of what I had to take profits. In recent updates it has looked expensive.

But it is a great company and sometimes it seems these great companies just keep steamrolling along. I sold half my position today at $118.50. I now hold 75 shares on which my gain is 148%. In addition there was more gain from the first time I owned it.

The total gain since it was first added to this site is 324%. Apparently someone forgot to tell it that “buy and hold is dead” (which of course, it is not.)

I mentioned that the experts at Ontario Municipal Pension plan sold way too early. Another example of experts being wrong was when Bain Capital got completely out of Dollarama at prices in the 20’s and 30’s. Now it’s in the 80’s. I guess it goes to show that investing is not so easy.

Visa had another good day up 2.6% to $213.25. It’s a powerhouse that in recent updates has looked expensive. But being a largely unregulated (as to price) monopoly has its privileges. (Sorry to say so American Express), I call it a monopoly because almost every business has no choice but to accept its cards. I made modest gains on this company but let far larger gains slip from my grasp. Still, I can’t complain.

Canadian Tire also did well today. One negative though on Canadian Tire, at some point the lower Canadian dollar could hurt earnings. Maybe not a huge factor but it is a negative for Canadian Tire (which imports most of its products).

Stantec was down 2.6% today despite announcing a modest acquisition. It’s another great company that just seemed to get too expensive.

On Wednesday afternoon I believe the FED will speak about quantitative easing and the timing of when it will be scaled back. The market seems to expect soothing words like it will be later and it will be gentle. We shall see.

December 16, 2013

It seems like 2013 has been one of the most interesting years in the market in a while (well, then again 2008 was pretty interesting). 2013 seemed to offer excitement in the market almost every week, sometimes every day.

On Monday the S&P captured some attention by rising 0.6% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

Constellation software soared 5.2% on news it was making a sizable acquisition. eBay rose 3.0%. I own some constellation but no ebay. I don’t worry much about what I don’t own. I look at what I do own. I have four large holdings and three of the four were up at least 1% today. Canadian Tire, Toll Brothers and Wells Fargo.

The next update will likely be for FirstService Inc.

December 14, 2013

Costco is updated and rated Weak Sell / Hold at $117.91. As a customer I really like Costco. And as an analyst I am a huge fan of its business model. It is a low cost leader that must strike fear into the heart of competitors. As a stock, however, it does not excite me. It traded at 25 times earnings. That is high in the absence of even higher growth. At $118, investors are basically assuming that growth in the 10% per share range will continue and that the P/E will not decline much. It is a high quality company and maybe it will turn out to be a reasonable investment. But it seems to lack much up-side at this point (absent a take-over or something radical like that) and the price could drop if it falters for a quarter or more or in a general stock market decline.

December 13, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was unchanged and Toronto was up 0.1%.

Toll Brothers is updated and rates Speculative Buy at $32.70. It’s speculative because it’s P/E is still very high at 34. But earnings are set to increase very significantly in the next year due to contracts already signed. This will lower the P/E. Home prices will be higher in 2014 on new sales but new sales (which will hit revenue in 2015) have started off slowly in fiscal 2014 which started on November 1. On this stock my strategy will be to trim my position on gains and buy on dips. If I did not already own this my strategy would be to initiate a modest position.

December 13, 2013 (12:30 pm mountain, 2:30 eastern)

Canadian Western Bank is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $37.77. This is probably still a good long-term investment. But I am not excited by it at the moment as it is not longer clear that it is bargain priced. For more information, as always, refer to the full report.

I have removed  the Cnadian Western Bank preferred shares from the list above. They trade at $25.60 and are likely to be redeemed in April at $25. That is exactly why I have rated those pref. shares a “sell” over he past several years. They are down almost 5% this year, largely offsetting the dividend. The net return was still positive, so they were not a horrible investment, just not a good investment in the past couple of years.

December 12, 2013

On Thursday, the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.1%.

I will definitely have some updates to the reports in the next few days.

December 11, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 1.1% and Toronto was down 1.4%.

Apparently this was due to some disappointing earnings releases as well as fears that the fed would taper its bond buying.

Almost all of our stock picks were down. A notable exception was Visa, up 3.1% and Couche-Tard up 1.9%.

When stocks decline my thoughts turn to buying. But I am not in a hurry to do so.

December 11, 2013 6:50 am mountain time (8:50 eastern)

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was up 0.1%

Toll brothers initially rose on its earnings and then fell 0.7% by the end of the day. The earnings were strong but that was already expected.  Canadian Tire fell 2.1%.

Markets are set to open moderately to the up-side today.

I will have some updates by Sunday (Canadian Western Bank and Toll Brothers…)

The news of job losses at Kellogg in Ontario gets a lot of press but I would not put too much weight on a few events like that. The success of the overall economy is always hard to judge and and the impact on different stocks is often very difficult to judge. I tend to stick with analyzing individual stocks.  The idea is to hopefully find / hold a few things that are obvious bargains or good investments (long term). Buffett calls this stepping over 1 foot hurdles rather than trying to jump over 6 foot ones (he does not try to predict the market in the short term).

December 9, 2013

On Monday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% to a new high closing price of 1808. Toronto was up 0.2%

Toll Brothers was up 2.1% to $33.58. I understand that they will release Q4 earnings tomorrow morning. We might not get much news since they had already partially released the Q4 numbers a few weeks ago as they announced a big acquisition. There will likely be some news on their outlook and so hopefully their will be some good news.

December 7, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 1.1% and Toronto was up 0.6%.

Most of our stock picks were up and Canadian Western Bank was up another 3.2%.

Alimentation Couche-Tard is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $77.50. This has been an incredible and somewhat under the radar success story. The CEO and main founder opened his first convenience store in 1980. He joined with three others who became the long-term management and effectively his partners around 1984. In 1986 a predecessor company went public on the Montreal Stock exchange with 34 stores. Growth through acquisition has been relentless. The company now has 6,215 company-operated stores and an additional 2200 stores which are franchised and/or to which it provides fuel. The founder is a billionaire and the equity market value of the company is almost $15 billion. In 2012 it acquired a chain of stores in Europe paying a 52% premium to the stock price at that time. Despite the premium the price paid was apparently attractive and the acquisition has worked out brilliantly. The balance sheet indicates that the company has taken in a total of $696 million in shareholder capital (via share issues and acquisitions paid in shares over the years). By comparison it has earned more than that amount in the past year alone and the retained earnings are $2,786 million. The company had no usual advantages and I therefore attribute its great success to the drive and skills of management. Today, the share price does not look like a bargain. If I owned it (sadly I sold on the way up) I would probably trim the position. Having sold at much lower prices I personally am not inclined to buy back in. However setting emotions aside a reasonable strategy might be to take a small position and then hope for a price drop to add to the position.

Buying a small amount and hoping for a price drop may seem strange but it hedges the bet. If it rises, fine. If it falls we may regret the initial purchase but the chance to buy more shares of a great company at a better price would be ours.

December 5, 2013

On Thursday the S&P 500 fell 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.8%.

Most of our stock picks were down today. A notable exception was Canadian Western Bank, up 5.6% on strong earnings. I have had lots of good things to say about this bank over the years. I had sold my own shares this past summer when I worried that it would report losses from the Alberta floods (it has a property insurance division). It seems my fear there was unfounded. And I compounded my error when I failed to buy it back when the bank releases its earnings three months ago indicating no such losses (not material at least).  Canadian Western Bank has grown a lot over the years. Despite some major downs as well as the ups, it has been a fantastic buy and hold company over the long term.

Early this morning there was news that the U.S. GDP growth for Q3 had been revised up to a robust 3.6% per year. That is 3.6% real and would be closer to 5% when you add in the official inflation rate. There was also some good news regarding unemployment benefit claims. So, I thought, the market should rise. But it was down instead. The explanations was that the good news is taken as bad news because the FED might taper it’s bond buying. And it is true that higher interest rates could certainly cause stocks to fall despite a strong economy.

Recently I clicked the box to receive all the “new offerings” from TD Securities. I saw an interesting one today, a five year bond paying 4.14% per year from Morguard Corporation. I am not familiar with the company but have heard of it. I clicked on Yahoo and saw it pays a dividend and its share price is up a LOT lately. That gave me some comfort that the bond was safe. The thing with these type of bond issues is that they sell out quickly. There is really no time to do research. It requires a snap decision to buy or not. That’s not my style. I don’t like snap decisions. Anyhow, while 4.1% is unexciting I thought I’d go ahead and buy some as I have some idle cash. I knew that this issue might sell out quickly so there is a certain excitement in the buying process. It would be easy to spend a lot of money fast in a situation like this. In any case when I called in the issue was sold out. I had not seen the email alert until an hour after it came out and the issue sold out in 50 minutes.

If you are interested in bonds for fixed income, I think new issues can be a good idea because you don’t pay any fees to buy and the interest rates may be better than you can find elsewhere on similar risk investments. There are thousands of small bond issues like this and they don’t trade like stocks. Most may rarely trade. If you are a discount broker client (like me) you will likely find that the selection of bonds that you can buy is very limited. These new issues may be the only chance to buy. Having said that, you had better be prepared to hold until maturity because your discount broker may not be willing to buy it from you later and if they do they will charge a fat hidden fee by offering you a low price on it.

As I think about this poor liquidity it is perhaps for the best that I was not able to buy any of this bond today.

December 4, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.1% as was Toronto.

For Canadian investors who own U.S. shares the modest market losses this week have been offset to a certain degree by the lower Canadian dollar.

This morning there was news that would normally send the Canadian dollar higher. First Canada today reported a small trade surplus for the latest month, the first surplus in 22 months. Second, oil prices have climbed this week. The Canadian dollar, however continued to fall due to some indications that the Bank of Canada would not only not raise interest rates but could possibly cut interest rates.

With these few negative days, my thoughts naturally turn to potentially trimming some positions to raise my cash level and lower risks. The thought occurs to me that I could sell some Wells Fargo and although it is down a bit from its highs that is probably offset by the lower Canadian dollar and I would effectively be selling at about the recent highs in terms of Canadian dollars. Again, I don’t really want to to trim Wells Fargo since I rate in the strong Buy range but if the mood strikes me to raise my cash position I may trim that a bit, possibly Toll Brothers as well.

Canadian Western Bank came out with earnings this evening that look quite good.

December 3, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.7%. I never know where markets are headed int eh short term but after weeks of gains it is not surprising to have at least a few weak days.

Most of our stock picks were down but nothing dramatic.

I am still working on the Couche-Tard update. I want to take extra time to understand its success as best I can. I consider it to be one of the most admirable companies in Canada. For one thing, it’s a rare exception to the usual rule that Canadian companies expanding into the U.S. do poorly. It purchased the U.S. circle-K chain some years ago in huge acquisition and this has worked out extremely well. I am pondering its ROE which it says is over 20%. Warren Buffett grew Berkshire into one of the larger companies int he world and himself into one of the riches people in the world by compounding (and retaining) earnings at right around 20% average for the 48 years from 1965 to today. Now, getting 20% for decades is the holy grail of investing, but it makes sense that if you ever want to compound money at 20% a possible strategy would be to climb aboard a company that is making 20% (and expected to continue to do so) and hand on for the ride. The way most people try it is through aggressive trading and leverage and risk (options and such). I actually have never hard of a documented case where that worked out. (George Soros may be one case though I have not seen exactly how he grew all his wealth, it is known that some came from aggressive trading).

Any suggestion that 20% or even 15% is remotely possible is unconventional advice. Conventional and safer (so the conventionals tell us) is to invest in a balanced portfolio widely diversified. Conventional advisors don’t earn that much more if you earn 15% and you might leave them or try to sue if you have a bad year and so conventional financial advisers cannot and will not suggest unconventional strategies even if they happen to think they have merit and are safe in the long run.

I am not 100% sure that we can continue to beat the averages, much less continue to spank the market or to approach 15 or 20% but so far our track record is very good. Follow the advice on this web site at your own risk, however. It is for adults only. It’s for people who are ultimately willing to take responsibility for their own trade decisions. It’s been maybe a couple weeks since I mentioned… InvestorsFriend Inc. (much less myself) offer absolutely no guarantees of investment results. If that is not acceptable, then by all means cancel your subscription. (Note that refunds are not possible after 6 weeks from the date of a payment). Very few people ever ask for refunds.

I did really mean to get into that whole topic, I just write what comes to mind and sometimes the process takes off in unexpected directions. One cannot really talk about 15 and 20% returns without mentioning that such things are by no means guaranteed, nor is any return level guaranteed, but I repeat myself now.

December 2, 2013

On Monday the S&P 500 fell 0.3% while Toronto was up 0.2%.

Some of the bigger moves included CN rail up 2.9% as the stock split. Stantec up 2.8%. Constellation software was up 5.8% and I have no idea why it has been so very volatile of late. It’s still a bit below its highs reached earlier this month. Dollarrama was up 2.4%.

My own account was down slightly as Toll Brothers fell 1.7%.

I am working on the update for Couche-Tard. That company has had astounding success and growth. But I suspect the numbers will not suggest that it is a bargain at this time.

December 1, 2013

One more month to go in 2013. I would certainly be happy if we could hold onto the excellent gains achieved so far in 2013.

This month the big market driver may be whether the FED gives any hint of tapering its bond purchases or not.

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.1% and Toronto was up 0.2%.

FedEx is updated and rated Sell at $138.70. It’s up 51% this year. At this point it appears to be pricing in too much growth. Perhaps it will deliver the growth. It’s a strong company. But it appears too pricey at this time. As much as I like the idea the the founder Frederick Smith is in charge, he is 69 years old and maybe it is time for new management given a less than stellar track record lately. The air express business seems to offer a fantastic service at a low price but the profits seem too modest in that part of the business in particular. FedEx will report another quarter of earnings in mid-December and perhaps things will look better then.

November 29 (11:40 am eastern)

Stocks are up again this Friday morning.

Canada’s GDP grew at 2.7% annualized in the third quarter. GDP numbers are always presented in real dollars so in dollar terms it would have been a little higher than that after adding in the official rate of inflation.

In terms of the stocks I hold I am inclined to trim positions given that I have had such strong gains. But it’s hard to know what to trim. To me, Melcor and Wells Fargo still look quite attractive, so I will not trim those. With Canadian Tire I had quite a large position a year ago and it seems I trimmed a little too fast on the way up. So I am not inclined to trim more.  With Toll brothers having risen lately I may trim that. I have just now entered an order to trim that a little if it hits $35.50.

I am certainly surprised just how well the markets and our stock picks have done this year. Basically I am going to continue to “dance with the ones what brung me”. My cash position is about 34% and if the markets or any of my stocks were to suffer a large decline I am prepared to buy low.

Everyone’s risk tolerances and risk capacities differ based on many factors. These is never a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to being in the market at all or to buying or selling any particular stock. Markets are unpredictable. But they tend to be rewarding in the long run. By attempting to buy stocks that appear to offer good value based on fundamentals and trimming or selling when they appear expensive relative to fundamentals it seems that one can do quite well over the years.

November 27, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was up 0.25% and Toronto was up 0.1%.

Most of our stocks picks were up and there were no particularly large moves in either direction.

This morning I received an email with a press release indicating that Tim Hortons was selling $450 million of ten year bonds yielding 4.52%.

I’ve generally not been interested in long term bonds. On the other hand 10 years is perhaps not so very long and the yield looked attractive compared to the ten year government bond yield which is at 2.62%. A spread of almost 2% looked tempting.

I figured maybe I could put some of my idle cash into this. The idea would be to most likely hold until maturity. Or in the spread (the premium over the government bond yield) decreased I could possibly get a capital gain on the bond.

If interest rates rise, the market value of the bond would fall but the risk of a big increase in interest rates seems to be becoming more remote and in any case I would not have to sell at the loss as I could hold until maturity.

TD Securities was listed as being involved in selling these.

But when I called TD Direct Investing, they said they had no bonds to sell to me. Now, it was a private placement so that might explain it. TD Direct Investing suggested that TD Bank was buying the bonds for its own account or for institutional investors.

I emailed Tim Hortons and they said that accredited investors were eligible to buy. But the issue was already over-subscribed (sold out) in any case.

I suspect full service brokerage clients of TD Securities may have been able to get some of these bonds but not the discount broker clients.

It was interesting to learn a little about this because at some point I will likely want to buy some bonds.

The fact that I could not buy any seems to make the bonds all the more attractive of course.

I may try to get registered as an accredited investor with TD although it may be that as a discount broker client I move not be able to access accredited-investor-only products in any case.

In other news, I note that the Canadian dollar has been falling. This increases the Canadian dollar value of our U.S. investments which is nice added boost. I have no idea how low the Canadian dollar will go but at some point (maybe 93 cents) I would move some U.S. cash back to Canadian dollars and then hope to reverse that if the Canadian dollar rose. In the longer term movements in the Canadian dollar against the American have not been that important. (Consider that a 10 cents move after ten years would only amount to 1% per year, so not that big a deal for investors.




November 26, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was flat while Toronto was down 0.9%.

On the other hand Alimentation Couche-Tard surged 3.0% to $76.17. It’s now up 56% this year having started the year at $48.19 and rated Buy. And, it’s up 338% since it was first added to this site almost nine years ago on March 31, 2005 rated (lower) Strong Buy at $17.40. That works out to an average yearly compounded gain of 18% per year for anyone who bought and held that whole time. Apparently, in the case of this company, rumors that buy-and-hold-is-dead are greatly exaggerated. I plan to update the report for this company by Sunday.

Toll Brothers was up 3.5% as the latest Case-Shiller home price index saw additional price gains for U.S. houses in September.

November 25, 2013

On Monday, the S&P 500 and Toronto both ended the day down very marginally – basically flat.

Constellation Software fell 3.6% to $186.55. Earlier in the day it got as low at $178.50. This caused me to ponder why I had not sold my shares last week (at about $200) when I said I was thinking about it. There was no immediately apparent reason for the drop, as far as I know. Possibly this stock illustrates the perils of stop loss selling. What if someone has a stop loss in at $180 and it sold there just before bouncing back to $186.55? That would not be fun. I virtually never use stop losses. I sell based on valuation, not when the crowd is selling.

November 24, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 closed up 0.5% (and closing above 1800 for the first time ever) and the Toronto was flat. There were no particularly note-worthy moves in any of our stock picks.

eBay Inc. is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $50.33. The company has strong earnings characteristics but with a P/E of 22 it is pricing in a lot of growth. It may be worth considering as a more speculative pick, but overall seems a bit expensive. I had added it back to this site on March 24, 2013 rated Weak Sell at $53.27. Given that the S&P is up over 26% this year and given that eBay’s earnings have continued to rise it’s somewhat surprising that the stock is down a bit this year. Perhaps investors fear that competitors will steal its market, particularly in regards to PayPal. There are always risks.

November 21, 2013

Well, Thursday was yet another very strong day in the markets. The S&P 500 was up 0.8%, The Dow was up 0.7% and closed above 16,000 for the first time ever. Toronto was up 0.3%.

As for our stock picks we had Bank of America up 3.0% and Toll Brothers up 2.0%.

Obviously stocks cannot and do not and will not keep going up indefinitely. They can go sideways or down at any time. If we hold some cash and we hold good companies, declines need not be that huge a concern as we can use declines to add to positions. Still, we all hate to lose ground.

When I look at what stocks I own and might trim myself it’s a bit tough. I have Wells Fargo and Melcor rated in the strong buy range and so it’s not that easy to sell any of those two. Regarding Canadian Tire I already trimmed it by about 50% from what I held about a year ago. Regarding Toll Brothers I believe I have trimmed that as well from my peak levels. I already sold all my Stantec. When I look at what I hold there are few I would want to trim. I mentioned earlier the possibility of trimming or selling Constellation Software, so that is one. There is my oil sands ETF which I don’t have a rating on but which also has not risen much. These is Liquor Stores which I rate low but which I am nevertheless not that keen to trim.

Possibly I should enter some hopeful orders to trim most positions if they rise much further…

My cash is sitting at about 37% which has been a drag on my returns but which seems prudent for risk management given I hold no fixed income.

I could decide to raise the cash to 40% or even 50% and just trim all stocks in proportion to achieve that. That might be logical. My cash level should really be set at some target rather than just be set sort of accidentally as I sell stocks and buy.

As of the moment I am not much inclined to take action on trimming but just wanted to share my thoughts on it.

November 20, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.1%. Markets were initialy positive on positive economic news regarding consumer spending but turned negative when minutes of the FED meeting disclosed discussions that tapering of the bond buying could begin soon. Among the stocks I keep an eye ion I notice Couche-Tard was up another 2.0% to $73.50. It appears that I sold that one far too early. Then again, it’s hard to say what I put the money into and given my gains these past two years I have no complaints about having sold a lot of stocks at well below today’s prices.

It seems to me that gains on higher price stocks are sort of smaller than they appear to be. A stock rising from $80 to $90 seems great and is great. But at 12.5% it is nowhere near as good as the 50% gain when a stock rises from $10 to $15, though at first glance it may look like a larger gain. We may sometimes feel regret about selling a stock at $80 that soon went to $90, when the fact is we may have put the money received on the sale into a $20 stock that rose to $22.50 or more and therefore it was not a bad thing that we sold but it may feel like it. We tend to “compartmentalize” our investments into individual stocks whereby we can regret the gain we missed out on while forgetting the gain we obtained by reinvesting the proceeds. I know that happens to me, where a sale of a stock feels regrettable but really was not regrettable.. And of course sometimes it truly was regrettable that I sold.

November 19, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.2% and Toronto was down 0.1%.

Among our stock picks there was not much excitement although Bank of America was up 1.8%.

I sold the remainder of my Stantec shares today. I was hesitant to do so because it was in a taxable account. And I am not sure I should have sold. I’d like to buy back in in future if the P/E ratio were quite a bit lower.

In 2007 and the first half of 2008 I watched P/E ratios rise higher and higher. To some extent I responded by using higher assumed P/E ratios in my valuation formula. Essentially what that did was more or less justify the higher stock prices that we saw in 2007 and the first half of 2008. As I have mentioned before , it is always possible to torture the numbers until they confess that any particular stock price is a bargain. I did not get as carried away with that as many others but to some extent I engaged in pushing up my assumption of a fair P/E ratio. I will try to avoid that this time. If markets continue to go higher it should lead me to selling out of or trimming some positions as their P/Es (and price in relation to value in general)  seem too high (like Stantec).

I am not suggesting that I am rushing for the exits. In fact some stocks still have low P/E ratios (and also that is not the only thing to consider) so I would not be reducing all positions. In general I am seeing fewer bargains now and that is to be expected as markets have risen.

November 18, 2013

On Monday, the DOW pushed over 16,000 for the first time and the S&P 500 pushed over 1800 for the first time. Bu then both fell back and we ended the day with the S&P 500 down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.2%.

Stantec is a great company. But its price now seems to be rising on a momentum basis. It’s up 74% this year. I had earlier sold the shares that I held in non-taxable accounts. I have some shares left in a taxable account and I will likely sell those tomorrow. The P/E ratio is 21 and that’s certainly not extreme for a growth company. But it does seem a little too rich for me. On the other hand Stantec is almost certain to have a higher stock price than this in 10 years. I certainly would not short the stock but I am inclined to sell.

November 17, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 rose 0.2% to another record high. Toronto was up 0.3%. The next update here will likely be for eBay.

November 14, 2013

On Thursday the S&P 500 index rose 0.5% to yet another record high close of 1791. Toronto rose 0.4% to 13,431 which is roughly 6% below its all-time high from 2011.

Most of our stock picks were up today. Notably Toll Brothers rose 2.6% to $33.51.

I have just updated my analysis of the valuation of the S&P 500 index. The trailing P/E on the index is 18.8. That alone suggests it is not attractively priced unless the P/E was based on a depressed earnings level. But the earnings level is not depressed. Unless we expect interest rates to remain low indefinitely (say for  decade) and therefore P/E ratios to remain elevated indefinitely the S&P 500 index seems somewhat over-valued. As a point estimate it looks perhaps 18% over-valued. That does not mean it will fall anytime soon. But it does suggest we should be cautious about committing too much of our funds to the U.S. stock index.

In the coming weeks I will update a similar analysis for the DOW (which normally looks like better value than the S&P 500) and for Toronto (which is a more volatile index due to the heavy resource sector representation).

November 13, 2013

Today the S&P 500 was up 0.8% and Toronto was up 0.3%

Canadian Tire poked its head just above $100 but closed at $99.74.

Liquor Stores N.A. fell 3.2% to $14.07. I was tempted to buy a bit more.  I have thrown in a bid at $13.51. I also threw in bids for Melcor at $18.75, Toll Brothers at $30.10. Quite possibly none of these will get filled. I used these below market bids because I already hold substantial positions in these three companies.

November 12, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 and Toronto were each down 0.2%

I don’t believe markets are predictable in the short term. The strategy is to react to the market. And it is to try to calculate a reasonable value for a selected group of companies that are suitable for such a valuation process (most aren’t as they are too unpredictable) and then buy these quality companies when they are good values and trim or sell if they become over-valued. As Buffet says, simple but not easy. So I am not fixated on what the market will do, no one can predict that accurately. But if one makes rational moves in response to markets then things tend to work out.

In the next few days I may enter some orders to trim on rallies or sell on dips, whichever happens.

November 11, 2013

Stock markets were open on Monday despite Remembrance day. S&P 500 was up fractionally, up 0.1% and Toronto was down fractionally, down 0.15%.

Canadian Tire was up 2.1% to $99.22. It just about cracked over $100 and if it does (which seems likely) that may generate a bit of news, although in substance $100 is not more important than $99 was.

Constellation Software is updated and rated Weak buy / Hold at $201. It’s a great company. But it does seem rather expensive. It is pricing in a lot of continued growth. Given that other investments seem more attractive I am tempted to sell my shares. I had sold half earlier and may sell the remaining shares. Even if I sell i will keep an eye on this company. It seems to approach the growth-by-acquisition strategy from the most rational approach I have ever seen outside of Berkshire Hathaway.

November 10, 2013

Canadian National Railway Company is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $116.90. This is a great company that has been growing for years and will continue to do so. Right now it just does not look like a bargain.

Here is some history. The stock up 29% this year. We had rated it a (lower) Buy at the start of 2013. In 2012 it was up 13% and we had rated it Buy at the start of that year. In 2011 it was up 21% and we had rated it Buy at the start of 2011. In 2010 it was up 16% and we had rated it Weak Buy, in 2009 it was up 28% and we had rated it (higher) Buy, in 2008 it was down 4% and we had rated it (lower) Buy. In 2007 it was down 7% and we had rated it (higher) Buy.

November 9, 2013

Melcor is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $19.71. Basically it looks like a bargain but there is risk because profits would decline a lot if house building activity in Alberta was to take a sudden plunge. It’s also thinly traded, therefore be cautious in placing orders. I would place an order to buy at a certain price rather than to buy at the market price since the market price can be volatile due to the thin trading. This is my largest holding and I am thinking of adding to my position.

Liquor Stores N.A. is updated and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $15.06. This was a disappointing stock pick for 2013. It is down 19% this year. It started the year at $18.56 and had a dividend yield of 5.8%.

Many investors seem to think that a dividend is a very important consideration in choosing stocks to invest in. I have never considered a dividend to be the main factor in investing. A dividend is usually a plus, but it is neither necessary nor a sufficient condition for a stock to be a good investment.

By some measures Liquor Stores N.A. is attractive at its current price. The dividend is attractive but may not hold, it could be cut. The opportunity to buy at 110% of book value is attractive. Book value consists mostly of purchased goodwill. Still, we are able to effectively purchase liquor stores here for only 10% more than the company has invested in those stores and that does seem attractive. But recent results are weak and it is going to take a bit of turn-around in order for the stock price to rise.

At this time, due to lower earnings and a negative trend in earnings I consider the stock to be somewhat more speculative.

November 8, 2013

Friday was another strong day on the markets with the S&P 500 up 1.3% and Toronto up 0.6%.

Toll Brothers fell 2.3%. This company’s earnings have risen sharply this year but because it started out the year with a very high P/E ratio its share price has been left out of the party this year.

The news of its strong Q4 (which was partially released on Wednesday night) would likely have caused the stock to climb but that was somewhat cut off at the knees by news that they would make a big acquisition and issue shares. The share price was revealed on Thursday night and the price is $32.00. In this case it is not surprising that the TOLL shares traded at about $32 today.

It’s seems unfortunate that the company would issue shares at $32. Luckily it appears this is not that huge an issue. It’s about $225 million while TOLL has a market cap of about $5,700 million. The acquisition is $1,600 million so it will be mostly paid by cash and debt. Hopefully a case of short-term pain for long term gain.

Canadian Tire is updated and rated Buy at $97.15. Its Q3 earnings were excellent. The impact of the REIT transaction is not in the financials statements yet as it occurred after then end of Q3. In any case it really does very little in substance since Canadian Tire still owns 83% of the REIT and since the REIT will be consolidated into the balance sheet at historical cost and not at market value. Canadian Tire seems to have suffered basically no impact from Target and that includes it Mark’s stores. The outlook appears good. I had trimmed my position approximately in half as the price rose 40% this year. However at this time I am more inclined to buy than to trim further.

November 7, 2013

This morning the good news was that U.S. GDP was strong. But the market decided that was maybe bad news since it might point to an earlier end to quantitative easing. S&P 500 was down 1.3% and Toronto was down 0.6%.

Toll Brothers managed only a 0.5% increase on its strong earnings. Canadian Tire came out with strong earnings and a dividend increase but the stock did nothing. (Maybe not so bad on a negative day, and basically a lot of good news was already baked into the price of Canadian Tire.)  Melcor fell 2.3% on its earnings, but that is on thin trading so may not mean much. Liquor Stores N.A. was also out with earnings which were I guess a bit on the weak side, although not terrible. It’s shares fell 2.7%.

I hope to update the reports for two or three of these by Sunday. Toll Brothers has not yet released it full financial results but I may be able to at least update the P/E ratio.

U.S. jobs report will come out tomorrow (Friday) morning. Perhaps it will be bad given teh government shutdown that happened in October. Never a dull moment it seems.

November 7, 2013 (6:55 Mountain time, 8:55 eastern)

There was additional news on Toll Brothers later last night and this morning. They are making a large acquisition of a luxury home builder in California. They pre-announced Q4 earnings and revenues which were stellar. Unfortunately they also announced they will sell additional shares (I could not see a price mentioned). The share counted rises by only about 4%, so not too serious. Assets are rising by approximately 15% after deducting cash they will pay. I was hoping for a big price increase here on the news but given the share sale I now don’t expect too much to happen. I might trim my position it it jumps to say $38 which is perhaps not realistic.

November 6, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was up 0.4% and Toronto was up 0.1% The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.8% to another all-time record high.

Costco was up 3.3% to $124. I have said before it always looks expensive. But what a fantastic operation it is. It appears we should have grabbed some at $112 or whatever even though that did look expensive. It’s one to keep an eye on if it ever falls due to some temporary issue or a general market decline.

Melcor was down 3.1% today. But it’s really thinly traded and it had risen about the same amount in the past couple of days so I consider this to be just “noise”. Melcor released earnings after the close today Wednesday. The headline numbers show a decrease but on an adjusted basis the company indicates a small increase in earnings. The results at Melcor are lumpy by nature and so it should not be expected to smoothly increase earnings every quarter. The company indicates that the outlook remains positive. I will definitely consider buying on Thursday if the price declines but not if it rises. It’s already my largest position and so perhaps I should not be buying. I may also consider trimming if the price rises.

Toll Brothers canceled a planned appearance at an investment conference today. (They canceled today or possibly yesterday and they were to appear today.) Not sure what to make of that. Possibly it canceled pending some news. It just completed its Q4 on October 31 and most companies go into a silence mode between year-end and the release of earnings and so I don’t know why they would be at an investment conference in the first place in early November. I see now after-hours news that they are rumored to be bidding on another company. Sometimes news like that pushes a stock up, more often the buyer’s stock goes down on the news. We shall probably know on Thursday morning. Bidding on another company suggests there are other bidders, so that might suggest they won’t get any real bargain.

November 5, 2013

Markets started out quite negative on Tuesday but in the end the S&P 500 was down only 0.3% and Toronto was flat.

I neglected to mention yesterday that it was nice to see Melcor back over $20. It was up another 2.5% today to $20.70.

Melcor will report earnings this week and I expect good results. As for the outlook, things still seem to be fairly hot in Alberta as far as home building to my knowledge.

But the news that EnCana is dumping 20% of its staff is sobering. natural Gas prices are very low and while i am not tapped into what is happening “in the field” I understand it is very slow. At some point this could affect the broader economy and house prices in Alberta but so far that is not much sign of it to my knowledge. In any case Melcor looks like a good investment and if were to get hit by a weaker home building market that would most likely be temporary. There are always things to worry about but overall I like holding a good chunk of Melcor shares.

November 4, 2013

Stocks were up a bit more today… S&P 500 up 0.4% and Toronto up 0.2%.

Blackberry / Research in motion caused some entertainment and grief in the markets today with a 16% fall. I have no idea what it is worth or what its future holds. Might be worth throwing a (very) small amount on it just for the entertainment value. Presumably Prem Watsa and Fairfax financial have some clue that it is worth more than the current price. It’s probably best to focus on more predictable companies. It seems rather disgusting that this CEO Thurston Heins gets a reported $20 million exit fee. All in all he got  a nice pay cheque in return for doing apparently nothing much good and perhaps a lot of bad.

If you read the press release from the company including the title, it seems pretty apparent that the company is completely delusional. The financial press took this as “Fairfax buy-out is off” whereas the press release is titled Blackberry receives investment of a billion… Just read the press release and you can see how delusional the company is. Amazing.—1-billion–from-fairfax-.html

On third thought. I don’t think I would touch this thing even for the entertainment value. Sure it may bounce up, but I don’t want to get involved with this kind of management.

Constellation Software was out with excellent earnings today after close. I will look to update this report soon.

November 3, 2013

Stantec is updated rated Weak Buy at CAN $65.69 and U.S. $62.81.

Stantec’s share price has risen a remarkable 65% in 2013. In part this is due to achieved earnings growth in 2013. But in part it is due to investors being willing to pay a higher multiple for its earnings. The P/E ratio started out 2013 at 14.7 and is now at 20.2.

Stantec is a great company and has a great future and will likely continue to grow earnings at a strong rate in the long term. However, it is now “pricing in” quite a bit of growth. It is not the bargain that it was before this big price increase.

It does not appear to be the best choice for an investment at the moment though it will likely due okay in the long term. I had recently sold all of the shares that I held in non-taxable accounts. I still hold some shares in a taxable account and am undecided whether to sell those. The stock is not rated Sell, but I could still decide to sell these shares to hold cash or invest in something more compelling.

While the Q3 earnings reported on Thursday morning were very strong, it is not entirely clear why the price jumped quite so much on Thursday and Friday. I did a search for analyst reports and did not see anything that seemed to explain the sharp rise.

November 2, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.2%.

Stantec was up another 5.7% and is now up a total of 65% this year making it the best performing stock on our list this year.

Berkshire Hathaway is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $115.27.

Berkshire is so huge that it is unlikely to provide an outstanding return. It should do okay and occasionally when it becomes more under-valued it can be a great investment. And right now it is probably a reasonable investment.

I follow Berkshire for what it (i.e. Warren Buffett) can teach me about investing in general.

An interesting point is that of Berkshire’s $458 billion in assets, and despite the fact that Berkshire is known for its huge investment portfolio, almost none is invested in U.S. Treasury BONDS. It has a large investment in U.S. Treasury bills which is where it keeps most of its cash and cash equivalents. But there is  a grand total of just $2.5 billion (0.5% of the assets) invested in U.S. Treasury bonds. This is an especially low figure when you consider that most U.S. insurance companies keep a large portion of their assets in U.S. government bonds. Berkshire has only 6% of its assets in fixed income of any kind. This compares to 23% of assets in equity securities. Most of Berkshire’s assets are invested in wholly owned businesses. Of this 6% invested in fixed maturity investments, most has a term of five years or less and very little has a term of over ten years. Buffett has said that long term bonds are a terrible investment at this time. He practices what he preaches (and also preaches what he practices).

Conventional advice is to always have a significant exposure to fixed income. However, keep in mind that not all fixed income is created equal. Most fixed income investments such as medium and especially long term bonds may be fixed income but they are not, by any means, fixed in market value. To the extent that preferred shares are considered fixed income, they often behave very much like long-term bonds, they are in no way fixed in market value. (Shorter term preferred shares with much lower yields may be relatively fixed in value).

Also keep in mind that the three main asset classes are, cash, fixed income and equities. Dividend paying stocks should be considered to be in the equity category even though they pay an income. Preferred shares are something of a hybrid but should probably be considered to be fixed income. Preffered shares are unlike bonds in that they may never mature and that makes them far different than bonds.

If Buffett is right (and it’s ALWAYS wise to assume that he is) then it would be wise to keep fixed income investments to the shorter maturity and to favor preffered shares over bonds. Personally I have been content to hold more cash than usual and in some ways that is in lieu of fixed income. Cash in my investment accounts pays up to 1.25% in accounts like TDB8150 (see list above), although most of my cash pays me nothing at all. Cash (the portion that pays nothing) gives me instant availability in case I wish to purchase stocks. Cash and deposit accounts provide complete stability since they do not decline in value if interest rates rise.  To my mind those advantages outweigh the tiny extra return I could get by holding fixed maturity investments in the two to five year range. Many preferred shares pay substantially higher interest rates but those that do (perpetual preferred shares) would fall in value if interest rates rise. I consider preferred  shares to be an alternative to equity investments and not an alternative to fixed maturity / cash investments.

At this time (of record low yields) I would avoid bonds and avoid perpetual preferred shares. For income I would favor higher dividend paying equities or simply selling down equities as cash is needed. For the portfolio stability features that bonds are often meant to provide I would prefer cash and deposit accounts. Regarding preferred shares an exception might be if the tax advantages were important, for example where they are held in a taxable account and especially if a lack of other income can result in substantial preferred share income at a low tax rate. I simply see no place at all for long-term bonds at this time.

October 31, 2013

Thursday saw the S&P 500 down 0.4% and Toronto down 0.7%.

Not a scary day for our stock picks though, not with Stantec up 6.5% to $61.96 on a good earnings release. We rated it Buy in August at $50.46. I’d be more inclined to sell or trim at this price and in fact I did trim my position as noted in the daily comments. I still have some in a taxable account where I have been following a rule of buy and hold because I don’t wish to trigger capital gains to be paid or even the work of reporting the gain on my tax return. But maybe I will decide to sell that… I will update the report before long.

Canadian Tire ended the day down very slightly. But this morning it was up a little and I decided then to trim a little of my position. The more stocks I trim the more I have to think where can I invest the money. (Given I already have big exposures to my favorite few stocks).  But it does seem prudent to trim on big gains. I’m content to sit on some cash for a while.

Stantec has been a real winner for a long term buy and hold investor. I first added to this (then brand new) web site in August of 1999 rating it Strong Buy at (split-adjusted) $2.50. And the thing is it was actually a pretty obvious bargain, then selling for 10 times earnings and 1.22 times book value. In those days everyone wanted Nortel and Cisco and their ilk and boring companies like Stantec were unloved. Also Stantec was quite small at that time and therefore was under the radar. Having been originally rated a Strong Buy at $2.50 in 1999, Stantec rose $3.81 today. TODAY!. That is the power of a strong ROE and compounding at work. Note that Stantec was volatile over the years. It was not always easy to sleep for those holding a big position in Stantec. Those who bought on major dips and sold on big rallies would have been well rewarded. But I suspect none in reality would have done as well as someone who simply bought and held. See graph.

It’s been a remarkable year for our stock picks so far. Right now it seems reasonable to be looking to trim positions with big gains and try to catch our breath and see what stocks still seem to offer good value.

Not all the stocks on the lost above have very recent report dates. But the two strong Buys do. I continue to like Wells Fargo and Melcor as the two best picks right now. Note that Melcor is thinly traded meaning you can’t really trust a price change of say 2 or 3%, that can just be noise. You can easily over-pay by at least 2 or 3% if you are careless placing an order for a thinly traded stock like Melcor. Don’t use a buy at market order or sell at market. Enter a reasonable price in an order and try to be patient. Of course there are no guarantees and if the whole market should turn down then these two stocks would be pulled down as well. And of course every company can report bad news at any time. Those are risks we must accept if we are to invest in individual stocks and especially if we run concentrated portfolios.

In investing, it’s probably fair to say that good returns usually require us to take risks. And risk means it might not be a good return, it could be a poor return. And contrary to what some say, it does not work the other way. Taking risks in no way shape or form guarantees a high return. If it did it would not be risk. And also many risks are just stupid risks and are not associated with high returns. Only the right types of risk are (usually) rewarded.

For more information on risk, see my articles on that subject.



October 30, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.5% and Toronto was up 0.1%. Apparently the FED is less optimistic about U.S. growth. I did not note anything too exciting in the news regarding the stock picks listed on this site. Visa was reported to ahve suffered an earnings decline of 28% but that was not really true in substance because it was due to last years quarter having a special gain on income taxes and this year having a normal level of income tax.

It seems likely that there will some negative economic reports in the next month due to the slow-down caused by the U.S. government “shut-down” and borrowing limit debacle.

Target is reporting slow sales in Canada. I have said before that their purchase of the Zellers leases for $1.8 billion seemed to set them up as high-cost operators.

Sears is selling the rights to five big store leases for $400 million. Good for them. This seems a smart move. If they can’t make much money at stores like Eaton Center in Toronto, why not grab that kind of cash?

October 29, 2013

Another good day for the markets on Tuesday with the S&P up 0.6% and Toronto up 0.5%.

It seems that there are times when the market goes down much further than most anyone expects (early 2000’s and 2008 into early 2009. Then there are other times like maybe now (thinking here of the U.S. markets) and like late 2002 to mid 2008 and most of the 80’s and 90’s where the market continues to rise more than most anyone expects.

Many people look for cycles or market indicators and try to guess the direction of the market in the very short term, the medium term and the long term. For short term they often speak of over-bought or over-sold, or resistance levels, for medium term they may talk of cyclic trends and cyclic bulls and bears and for longer terms it is secular bull and bear. Laughably they call a bear market AFTER the market is down 20% and a bull AFTER it is already up 20%.

I basically studiously ignore all of that. I cannot predict where the market is headed. But I can react to it. I can try to judge if the market is over-valued or under-valued. If we can buy stocks when the market is under-valued then we may lose in the short term but over the years we will tend to win.

We can also pretty much ignore the overall market and simply buy good companies at good prices. That tends to be a winning strategy over time.

In the next month or so I plan to look again at the valuation of the markets. The biggest driver may be interest rates. When the main choices are i)  long bonds at 3% o 4% (and no growth), ii) short bonds at squat but hoped for reinvestment at higher rates later or iii) a market with a P/E  of as high as 20 (5% earnings yield with growth) the market may be the best of a somewhat unexciting lot.

October 28, 2013

On Monday I did not note much of interest in the market.

S&P 500 up 0.1%, Toronto down 0.2%.

Stantec was up 2.5%.

Canadian Tire finished flat at $97.90. At one point it touched $99.51 today. There is absolutely nothing special about $100, at least in theory. Still, in practice I think a close over $100 would generate some excitement. Maybe that way all the people who ignored Canadian Tire a year ago at price under $70 can start to pile in. However unless there is news on further “release of value” initiatives such as a partial sale or partnership of the finance operation, I don’t see why we should expect much more here in the near term. The earnings release will hopefully show good same store sales. But will also show the one-time costs of the REIT transaction. And possibly there will be some hit from Target. Obviously, Canadian Tire was a better investment last year at around $70 than it is now at close to $100.

There will be some updates to the reports coming soon.

October 27, 2013

On Friday I sold what amounted to 6% of my Toll Brothers shares at $33.56. These particular shares had been purchased two weeks ago at $30.43. This is a strategy I have been using with Toll Brothers, buying on dips and selling on rallies. I do not have any strict rules about this but in this case the swing was about 10%.

Yesterday the latest edition of the free newsletter was sent out. If you did not receive that by email then you could try adding your email to the free list. The system should let you know if your email is already on the list. There is also a “validation” process for the free list. That is not critical because I send out to both validated and unvalidated emails on the list (always with a link to get removed from the list)

My own portfolio breakdown is updated. I continue to run an extremely concentrated portfolio. More concentrated than I have been historically. I have over 48% of my portfolio in just four stocks and that is 74% of the equity portion of my portfolio. That kind of concentration should generally be considered to be HIGHLY risky. I have never recommended that anyone copy my portfolio and have always indicated that it was based on MY risk tolerance and MY capacity to take risks. I happen to have a lot of faith in each of my four largest positions (Melcor, Wells Fargo, Toll Brothers and Canadian Tire). But I have said that Toll Brothers is speculative due to the high P/E ratio. And banks are highly leveraged by nature and therefore can be risky for that reason alone and property development is a cyclical industry. And I have, over time as it rose, sold about half of the Canadian Tire shares that I held around this time last year when the stock was particularly cheap looking. These four stocks could certainly cause me grief at any time. That is a risk I have been taking. I reveal my own portfolio because some people expressed an interest in it years ago and in the interest of transparency. But such a portfolio may not be suitable for others and it is up to individuals to decide that.

A certain amount of concentration should be expected in the portfolio of a stock picker such as myself. As a fellow stock picker recently said, if you can’t pick stocks you should be highly diversified (invest in index ETFs). But if you are convinced that you have a good ability to pock stocks then it makes sense to concentrate in your best ideas.

Subscribers may want to limit the allocation to an individual stock to some lower limit like 10%. Even that is considered quite high by most experts. The limit is up to you, I don’t offer advise on asset allocation or the limit in any one stock since that is highly specific to each individual.

The reality is that it is impossible for the average investor to beat the index. (Just as the average person can not be taller than average). By following a stock picking strategy subscribers to this site are implicitly or explicitly trying to do better than average. Therefore you have opted for a less diversified strategy. But the extent to which you concentrate your holdings is up to you and I wanted to remind you that my own level of concentration is very high and could be highly risky.

Running a concentrated portfolio is part of the reason I have done so well the past two years. That knife could cut the other way at some point. Hopefully these four stocks are not going to decline a lot more than the market at some point while I still own them. But it could happen. This is part of the reason that I am running with a higher-than-usual cash position. If one or more of these four take a big hit due to a company-specific reason but it is a one-time problem, then I would likely be buying on that dip.

I don’t mean to alarm subscribers. I just mean to let people know that blindly following my own portfolio could be very risky. I prefer that my subscribers take more of an a-la-carte approach and pick and choose from the stocks that are rated after reading the reports. Many and perhaps most subscribers will also hold investments not listed above.

The bottom line is that we all invest at our own risk and we should all understand that stocks do go down at times. And some of them stay down.

October 24, 2013

Another day and the markets were up again. This all seems a bit too easy… I am thinking about what positions I might trim…

S&P 500 up 0.3%, Toronto up 0.6%.

As for our Stock Picks, Toll Brothers up 2.3%, Canadian Tire up another 1.0%, Visa up 2.0% to $203.

Less than 24 months ago Visa was under $100. In early 2011 it was under $70 having fallen on some negative news and developments. Ever since I added it to this site in April 2009 at just over $58 and rated Buy I have consistently described it as virtually an unregulated monopoly and when it rose after falling I said it was “hard to keep a good monopoly down”. In May 2011 I rated it a Strong Buy at $79.41. Sadly, I sold my own shares too early. The point is there are times and there are companies where the value seems pretty darn obvious. Visa at times fit that mold. I don’t like it at $203 but it is even clearer now that it was a wonderful bargain in early 2011.

October 23, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.5% and Toronto was about unchanged.

There were a couple of big gainers today, CN up 4.4% and FirstService up 4.9% as both released strong earnings.

I’ve long considered both to be excellent companies though both (and especially FirstService) had seemed too expensive at last check.

The Canadian Tire REIT CT Real Estate Investment Trust started trading today. It rose marginally above the $10.00 IPO price. I understand that for the first few weeks the investment bankers will “support” the stock price, or attempt to, by buying shares if needed.. That sounds like some kind of “legalized” stock price manipulation and I believe that is just what it is and it done for every IPO. It’s yielding 6.5% as I understand. I don’t have an opinion on its value but I assume it will most likely stay above he $10 level (barring any increase in interest rates which is starting to look less likely)

Canadian Tire Corporation still owns about 83% of  CT REIT. The whole purpose of this exercise was to “reveal” the value of Canadian Tire’s real estate and drive up the share price. That is a form of financial engineering and it has worked. I suppose that is okay if the stock price was under-valued previously and I definitely think that was the case. I would have preferred to see at least 50% and as much of 100% of the Real Estate sold since investors are willing to pay so much for REITs.

We can now attempt some interesting math for Canadian Tire Corporation.

The REIT has a market value of $1.76 billion. (I had earlier seen reports of $3.5 billion but I calculate $1.76 billion). Canadian Tire itself has a market cap of $7.7 billion. So the rest of Canadian Tire Corporation minus the entire REIT is valued at about $6.0 billion. This may seem low when we consider that Dollarama is valued at $6.3 billion and Canadian Tire has far more locations (including its Marks and FGL sports locations) and vastly more retail space. Canadian Tire’s financial Services division is worth a great deal. (It accounts for about 41% of profits and is presumably worth at least $2 billion) Canadian Tire also still owns significant real estate outside of the REIT. This appears to leave the retail division not valued that highly.  Financial statements for Q3 and certainly by Q4 may reveal that the Canadian Tire stores (The 490 actual Canadian Tire branded stores) are not that profitable after they pay rent to the REIT. The fact that Canadian Tire owned its own real estate may have been masking relatively low profits on the store. But then again Canadian Tire “retail” is really mostly a wholesale operation since its dealers own the actual retail businesses at each Canadian Tire store.

I suspect Canadian Tire is not over-valued at $96 and may remain somewhat under valued. This is going to become more clear as it begins reporting under the new arrangement. Canadian Tire’s next step may be to sell off a portion of its finance operations in order to reveal the value of that component of the operation.

Canadian Tire’s next earnings release, which should occur with a few weeks id going to be interesting and could cause the stock price to move. I’ve taken some profits along the way but I also feel comfortable hanging on to a relatively lasrge position here.

October 22, 2013

Markets were up nicely today.

S&P 500 up 0.6%, Toronto up 0.5%.

The reason the markets were up was because the employment numbers in September int he U.S. were bad enough that the fear of FED tapering is eased. That is not exactly a sustainable reason for the market to rise.

Markets have risen a lot in the past two yeas. That cannot continue indefinitely of course. It’s anybody’s guess when markets could go the other way for a time. I am thinking of building up more cash and reducing my equity exposure. But it’s hard, after all I like the stocks I hold.

As far as our Stock picks today we had Canadian Tire up 1.7% to $96.30 and Toll Brothers up 2.5% to $32.65.

Given the rise in Canadian Tire I ended up selling what amounted to 19% of my position. As is almost always the case with me this was in a non-taxable account so I don’t have to worry about triggering a capital gains tax. I may regret this if Canadian keep rising. But considering I have made a very good return with Canadian Tire it seemed reasonable to take some profits.

October 21, 2013

The week has started out not too badly on the markets. The S&P was flat awhile Toronto was up 0.4%.

On the weekend there was a report in the Edmonton Journal about a company that owns a facility that loads oil onto trains just outside of Edmonton. Currently the oil is trucked in but soon they will be loading from a pipeline. 100,000 barrels per day capacity. (Which is a lot). It seems like that could be a good business.

The company is Canexus Corporation. They are mostly a company that manufactures Sodium Chlorate and it looks like they got into the oil loading business simply because they already had a train loading facility.  I took a quick look but there were some things I really don’t like. Recently they swung  from profits to losses on their core operations the Chlorate operations. The loss is definitely a negative but there was something else that bothered me a lot more.  The company talks about something called “Cash Operating Profit”. In Q2,  this cash operating profit was $23.0 million despite an actual profit of negative $14.8 million. It turns out that “Cash operating profit” is really EBITDA plus non-cash compensation expense. In my opinion it is outrageous and mis-leading to refer to this as a “profit”. And especially when they focus on this number as the headline number. It is not unusual to refer to EBIT as operating income, but to call EBIT, much less EBITDA profit is just not right in my opinion. I can’t trust a company that does this. I was intrigued by this oil to rail loading facility. It is a large facility and I suspect it could be quite profitable. But it comes along with a commodity chlorate business that is losing money at this time. Possibly I could take another look after the Q3 earnings, but it may just be wise to keep away from a company that takes this much liberty with the definition of the word profit. Also the sight of burning train cars just West of Edmonton this weekend is a worry for all the plans regarding shipping oil by rail. (In this case it was not oil that burned, but still the images are damaging). In addition to all that, the company appears to be trading at close to four times book value.


October 20, 2013

The U.S. markets finished the week at all time highs. Nothing surprising there, stock markets don’t reach new all time highs every week or every year, but over time all previous highs do tend to eventually get eclipsed. The major reason for taht is taht companies on the stock market are generally profitable and they generally retain a portion of earnings to fund growth each year. Economies and stock markets do tend to grow in the long term. But do remember that stock markets don’t move higher every year.

On Friday our biggest gainer was Liquor Stores N.A. up 3.2%.

This week will bring more earnings reports and who knows what other news. Seldom a dull moment.

The Canadian Tire REIT may also start trading this week. I believe the IPO closes on Wednesday. (Meaning, the money changes hands that day). If the REIT trades up then the Canadian Tire Shares may go up a little as well. I don’t really expect much further impact from the REIT on the Canadian Tire shares at this point. The Q3 earnings report will be important. Also any indications of further financial engineering such as a partial sale of the financial services operation (which has been alluded to) could be positive.

October 17, 2013

Onwards and upwards (at least for today)

The S&P 500 gained 0.7% on Thursday and Toronto was up 0.6%.

Most of our stock picks were up. The biggest gainer was Toll Brothers up 4.4%.

Canadian Tire was briefly above $95 today but closed at $94.40 up 0.5%. I had mentioned I had an order in to trim at $95 but that order apparently expired before today. I thought about trimming today but did not. (Sometimes it’s hard to pull the trigger and sell when the stock is rising and that’s why automated orders to sell at a given price can work well.).

The Canadian Tire REIT should start trading within about a week and that could possible give us another few cents on Canadian Tire depending how the REIT trades. The next big news for Canadian Tire should be the Q3 earnings which not come out for a few weeks yet. I expect they had a good Q3 except that they will have unusual expenses for the REIT launch so the headline earnings number could look negative. Also Cnadian Tire (like most stocks) will always tend to move somewhat with the overall markets and with economic news. Overall, I am not in any rush to sell but still, it may be wise to trim a little given the gains.

October 16, 2013

Well it appears that the gong show in the U.S. senate and house is about to be resolved positively.

On this news the S&P 500 rose 1.4% on Wednesday and Toronto rose 0.2%.

It’s still possible that the deal could hit a snag yet, but it appears matters are resolved for now. However I understand this thing will resurface by January. Perhaps the market will ignore it even more so the next time. The politicians can only cry Wolf effectively so many times. ‘course we might remember in the Fable the wolf eventually does come around and eat the boy up as his cries are ignored. (But in this case I don’t think the government will ever allow the U.S. to default).

So, if this deal does get done then it will appear that we have done the right thing by staying the course and by picking up some stocks on dips. Volatility is the friend of anyone who invests on fundamentals.

Seeing Liquor Stores N.A. down a bit more today I added to my position at $14.90. I checked my report to refresh my memory and while it was rated (lower) Buy at $15.98, the report also said the Value ratios indicated a Buy. So anyhow these things are never guaranteed at all but I decided to Buy some. The recent price decline could indicate bad news is coming and has leaked out. Or it could be just a fairly random drop. It’s interesting to note that Liquor Stores had about the highest dividend yield on our list. A high dividend is certainly no guarantee in and of itself of a good investment. I am familiar with their stores in Edmonton. If anyone is making money with liquor stores these guys should be able to given their scale. So my suspicion is that they will do okay. Only time will tell.

October 15, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was down 0.7% but Toronto gained 0.3%.

The big question is what will happen the rest of this week as the U.S. attempts to get past the thatrics of its debt ceiling and budget issues. Futures as of about 10 pm eastern showed the Dow up 70 points, but that could go the other way quickly if it looks like a deal will not get done.

I mentioned Gold recently. (October 1). Today I bought a bit of Gold. I figured it might be a reasonable speculation given it is under $1300. I only put 1.7% of my portfolio into Gold. I bought the ETF that trades as GLD on New York. I am prepared to double my position if Gold drops to somewhere in the 1100’s. And I would add even more if it went lower still.

Also today I added to my Toll Brothers position.

 October 14, 2013

On Monday the U.S. markets were open while the TSX was closed.

The U.S. market opened in negative territory but in the end the S&P 500 closed up 0.4%.

Until the budget and debt ceiling issue is resolved int eh U.S. we can probably expect markets to be quite volatile.

I added to my position in Wells Fargo today.

October 12, 2013

Wells Fargo is updated and rated Strong Buy. It just reported another excellent quarter of earnings. Revenues did decline in the quarter due to lower mortgage refinancings which generate fees. But overall, the business appears to be still growing. It is one of my larger holdings. And I plan to add to my position, perhaps substantially. It is not without risks and certainly if there is a general market decline it will fall in price. But overall it seems likely to be a very good investment.

On Friday the S&P rose 0.6% while Toronto was flat.

On Friday I was tempted to add to my Liquor Store N.A. position as the price fell. But given the rating was only (lower) Buy and the price is only down 4% since that rating it may be wiser to wait until the next earnings release comes out. Or I may enter some stink bid and see what happens.

October 10, 2013

In a remarkably strong day on the markets, on Thursday the S&P 500 rose 2.2% and Toronto rose 1.3%. Apparently this was due to meetings that were expected to take place after the close on Thursday. The rumor was that the Republicans would allow a six week extension to the debt ceiling. It seems remarkable that just a (lousy) six week extension could make the market so happy. Clearly the market is not very fearful of the shutdown and the debt ceiling.

Almost all of our stock picks were up, with many rising over 2%.

Early in the trading day there was news that Canadian Tire’s REIT was all set to go and they would be selling 15% of the REIT and keeping 85%. Around noon, the rumor was confirmed.

So with Canadian Tire now at $93.88, it may be a case of “what you see, is what you get”. That is , the REIT may now be fully priced into the stock. The next driver for the share price (aside from movements in the overall market) might be the Q3 earnings release. I expect that it had a strong Q3 but it likely incurred costs related to the REIT and it is not clear whether the market will essentially look through those earnings and focus on adjusted earnings.

Again, I have not looked at the REIT and am not really interested in it.

October 9, 2013

Stocks rose slightly on Wednesday with the S&P 500 up 0.1% and Toronto up 0.3%. Our stock picks seemed to do a little better than that on average. Notably, Stantec was up 3.0%. Very few of our stocks were down today.

My order to add a little to my Wells Fargo position at $40.10 got filled today as the stock dropped to $40.07. It closed at $40.36.

My buying on this dip caused by the political theatrics in the U.S. has been pretty cautious. Perhaps I should have grabbed CN, Stantec, Costco, Berkshires and others on their dips but I felt it was prudent to be more cautious. No one knows how ugly this little situation could get. I am hoping not too ugly at all and I am not expecting it to be too bad. But it’s nice to retain some cash just in case.

October 8, 2013

Another down day as the S&P 500 fell 1.2% and Toronto was down 0.8%.

Wells Fargo got down close to buy order of $40.10 but did not quite get there.

Alcoa was out with good earnings to kick off the earnings season today. But it’s probably going to take an end to the political nonsense to turn the market around at this time. Strong Q3 earnings will not likely over come the impacts of the political impasse. But that too shall pass.

October 7, 2013

The S&P 500 fell 0.9% on Monday but Toronto was up 0.2%/.

Wells Fargo closed down 1.7% to $40.62. I have an order in to add to my position in this company at $40.10. I have a few such “stink bids” in but this is the only one that is remotely close to being “hit”.

October 6, 2013

This week we should expect more nervousness due to the U.S. government shutdown and the pending debt ceiling limit. As of Sunday night the DOW was projected to open down 74 points.

We should soon hear news about the final prospectus for the Canadian Tire REIT. Presumably things are moving ahead with that. If so we might see Canadian Tire’s shares rise a little on the news. On the other hand it is always possible that Canadian Tire is finding little institutional support for the REIT in which case Canadian Tire’s shares would take a hit. But I suspect the REIT process is going reasonably well. The REIT offering closes the week of October 21, and I am not sure if we hear much news before then. Possibly the final prospectus would come out some time before that.

Also this week we should start to see the first of U.S. companies report their Q3 results.

October 4, 2013

The market and our Stock Picks have weather the first four days of the government shutdown quite well.

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.7% and Toronto was up 0.2%

Most of our Stock Picks were up on Friday.

Toll Brothers however was down 3.2% to $31.06 on concerns that the shutdown would slow or prevent closings on new home sales since they require government mortgage insurance (which is apparently shutdown). Also title insurance may not be possible with the government shut down. This allowed my order at $31.01 to be filled as the stock dropped slightly below $31 at one point. It was a just two weeks ago that I had sold some Toll Brothers on a pop up top $35.01. I am happy to have bought back at $31.01 half of the shares I so recently sold at $34.01. My purchase price is 11.4% lower than the recent sale price.

October 3, 2013

And so the market was sweating a bit more today…

S&P 500 down 0.9%, Toronto down 0.8%

Most of our stocks were down a bit. I have some orders in to buy on dips but none of my prices were hit yet. I don’t want to get in a big hurry and buy heavily on say a 3% dip instead it’s more like start to nibble on say 5% dips (although I don’t use any strict rules, so my bids were not precisely 5% under recent prices). I would nibble slowly if the market keeps going down since I would not want to spend all the cash too early. And I am not saying the market will go down. I treat everyday in the markets as a surprise. Anyone who thinks markets are predictable in the short term should prove it by using options and leverage to get rich fast. I don’t know of anyone who has done that.

Next week we will start to get a few Q3 earnings reports. Possibly that will take some attention of the government issues.

October 2, 2013

It seems the market started to sweat a bit today about the shutdown and the pending debt ceiling issue.

The Dow was down 0.4% although the S&P 500 and Toronto were down only very marginally. Actually a good number of out r stock picks were up today. Melcor was down to $19.06 and I believe it is quite attractive at that price.

Futures tonight are suggesting the Dow will open down 32 points. This afternoon Obama said that Wall Street should be worried. So far it is not much worried.

It is certainly possible that we will see some ugly down days ahead. Some people will have sold out of fear. If we did that every time there was something big to worry about we would never own stocks. So, while it could be a rough ride I have always found that basically riding out the storms has worked well. If stocks happen to decline materially I have cash and will be buying. I really can’t predict where the market is headed in the short term and that has never been my strategy. I react to what the market does and I try to buy bargains and do some selling high and buying low. Selling low has never been part of the strategy for me.

October 1, 2013

Well, it was another interesting day on the markets. How much more interesting does it get than a U.S. government shutdown? But actually the market just yawned and went up. I suspect the market will gyrate around now, this shutdown may be amusing and easy to ignore for a day or so but after a bit the market certainly might get nervous.

Today the S&P 500 rose 0.8% and Toronto rose 0.5%. Most of our Stock Picks were up.

It was interesting too, that the price of Gold fell. I have absolutely no ability predict the price of Gold but clearly today is a better time to buy than when it was at $1800 or whatever. I don’t have any plans to buy Gold but you never know perhaps the mood wills strike me at some point. If I were to buy I would go with one of the Gold ETFs that hold physical Gold. These are listed on my ETF article. But maybe the fact that Gold fell today is telling in that even the doomers are giving up on it.

September 30, 2013

So far the budget show-down and government shutdown theatrics have been something of a non-event for North American stock markets. The S&P 500 fell 0.6% today, so that was not much of a reaction. Toronto fell 0.4%.

Perhaps there will be more reaction on Tuesday if and when the shut-down actually begins. But it looks like there may not be any big reaction. Futures as of almost 10 pm eastern time point to the Dow opening 50 points higher however much can change by morning.

September 30, 2013 7:10 am Mountain time 9:10 eastern)

Given the antics and theatrics to the budget legislation and “government shutdown” in the U.S. the DOW was set to open 142 points down. While anything is possible this is likely to be a temporary situation. It could last most of October giving he pending debt ceiling theatrics that are pending. My strategy would be to buy on dips but slowly, and certainly keeping some funds in cash.

U.S. markets are up a lot this year and so at least a minor decline does not seem like such a big deal to me.

September 27, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 fell 0.4% and Toronto was about unchanged. U.S. markets have fallen moderately due to concerns that the Congress will fail to pass a budget bill by Monday which would force a shutdown of many government departments. There is a also a looming debt ceiling that needs to be lifted. This all appears to be politics and theatrics and is likely to get resolved. Those positioned with some cash to spend on dips may find some bargains.

Dollarama is updated but rated only Weak Buy at $84.30. This is a great company. One of the best managed companies that I know of. But is simply seems to be too expensive. Admittedly I though the same when I added to this site in early 2012 at $43.49. So, I guess I missed this one. But the reality is that I have a system that seems to work well for me. My system is more likely to identify more obvious bargains than Dollarama. My system tends to assume that a company growing at 30% will not keep doing that. When a company does keep growing earnings per share at 30% it may well be that I will not have bought that company or rated it a Buy. (Though I did rate Dollarama a (lower) Buy in December 2012 at $58). I don’t worry much about the stocks I miss out on. There are always hundreds of stocks rising in price. We can’t own them all or hope to identify them all or anything close to that. My goal is that the stocks I do own or do rate as Buys rise acceptably in value. If that happens on average, we will do okay.

In any case I like keeping an eye on Dollarama since it helps me understand what kinds of things can lead to excellent profitability in a retail operation.

September 27, 2013 at 11:30 am eastern

The Dow is down about 100 points or 0.6% this Friday morning. Apparently this is due to concerns about the debt ceiling in the U.S. that needs to be raised. It’s basically impossible to know how much the market will decline as this situation unfolds. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand I never like to see my portfolio value decline. On the other hand the dip is likely (but not guaranteed) to be temporary which creates buying opportunities.

September 25, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was down 0.1%.

Most of our stock picks were down.

Canadian Tire was down 1.5% to $92.39. But earlier in the day it reached a new high of $94.93. As mentioned under September  16, I had placed an order to trim my position at $94 and a bit more at $95. So about 10% of my Canadian Tire shares were automatically sold as the price hit $94. My offer at $95 is for about 5% of my shares.

Back on September 5 I had placed an order add a little to my Melcor position at $19.17. Until today the price refused to drop that low and instead seemed to hover around $19.30. But today it dipped below $19.17 and my buy order was filled.

While I can never be sure of where prices will head, Melcor seems like a better bargain than Canadian Tire right now and so I am happy with the above trades.

It seems the market dropped in part due to fears that the U.S. government would have difficulty passing legislation to raise the debt limit and would therefore run out of cash. But I don’t think the market will react all that much this time around. After all we went through this nonsense in August 2011 and it got resolved so the market will likely assume it will get resolved. Still it could be a catalyst for a “correction” (also often know as a buying opportunity but occasionally is the start of something worse).

Apparently there was also a rumor that Wal-Mart had curtailed orders to lack of sales but Wal-Mart denied this.

September 24, 2013

Tuesday was another decent day for our stock picks.

The S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was up 0.3%

We had Toll Brothers up 2.2% after reports that house prices continue to rise in the U.S. and after a home builder reported good earnings. Canadian Tire was up another 0.5%. Stantec was up another 1.9%. I sold half of my fairly small Stantec position today. Sadly I had sold a third of my then Stantec position back on January 3 at prices quite a bit lower than today. The Stantec shares that I have left are in a corporate margin account and I don’t plan to sell that since I don’t like to needlessly trigger either income tax or even the burden of calculating the income tax. I make well end up regretting today’s sale of Stantec since it is such a great company. But as we should all be aware markets, and especially individual stocks can surprise us with losses at any time and so building cash and trimming some positions as they rise does seem prudent.

September 23, 2013

Monday was another interesting day in the markets. It seems like it’s been a few years since we have had even a week where markets were totally boring.

The S&P 500 was down 0.5%. Toronto was basically flat.

Blackberry / Research in Motion has a tentative agreement to be bought out for $9 a share. It’s apparently subject to 6 week due diligence period. Blackberry is free to accept a higher bid if one should materialize before the proposed deal closes or becomes more firm. The current bidders would receive a $150 million termination fee in that event.

The bidding group is led by Prem Watsa at Fairfax Financial. He has been called the Canadian Warren Buffett. Of course, he is nothing of the sort. Buffett generally only invests in companies where it seems reasonably certain that the company will be around and be much larger in 10 years. That hardly describes Blackberry. Also Buffett would require good management in place. That also hardly describes Blackberry. Buffett also says that turn arounds seldom do turn. Good luck Prem Watsa.

Canadian Tire was up 1.7% to $93.25 today. Not a huge jump but certainly interesting on a day taht the markets were generally weak. Canadian Tire jumped around 1% quite suddenly at noon. It’s possible that its planned REIT IPO has moved closer to reality. Or perhaps some analyst up-graded Canadian Tire today. Recent declines in interest rates (a modest decline which occurred with the Fed’s failure to taper) should help bring a higher price for the REIT. For the most part I am holding my current Canadian Tire position but I do have order in to trim slightly at $94 and $95.

Stantec was up 2.3% to $54.42. That is a gain of 37% this year on top of a 44% gain last year. While it does not look overly expensive I am nevertheless tempted to sell or trim my position. This has been a truly wonderful investment over the years. It can be volatile at times but over the years it has grown hugely.

September 21, 2013

My personal portfolio composition is updated. My four largest positions, Wells Fargo, Canadian Tire, Melcor and Toll Brothers make up a hefty 58% of my equities and 46% of my portfolio. There is no doubt that that is risky. If one or more of these take a significant drop ( a drop unrelated to the overall market) then I may come to ask myself how I let the portfolio become so concentrated. On the other hand I have followed these stocks for years and I am comfortable with them.

If I was not prepared to live with some (perhaps substantial) down-side risk I simply would not be able to hold this portfolio.

Contrary to what I said in my note of September 19, I did in fact sell 12% of my Toll Brothers shares on Thursday morning at $35. These shares closed Thursday at $33.84 and I had not realized that just after the opening on Thursday they had gone up to $35.01. I had mentioned I had put in orders (above market) to trim this position. In this case the order seems to have worked very well. I mentioned earlier that I had added to Toll Brothers as it fell. The 600 shares I sold at $35 were purchased around $31 within the last month. I don’t think this sort of thing would be worth bothering with if I held only say 300 shares in total. When I started this web site in 1999 it was normal for me to own 100 or 200 shares of something like Toll Brothers. As my portfolio has grown I can play the volatility up and down like this. (Though there is no certainty that will work out better than just selecting a good investment and then holding it until the price seems clearly too high.)

My cash position is now 37%. The rest is equities. I hold no bonds or preferred shares at this time.  While building cash has lowered my return this year (but I am still up a very satisfying 24% or so), I don’t regret the higher cash position and may try to move it even higher. Perhaps a high cash position makes good sense considering my concentrated portfolio. This way I have the cash to grab bargains if we do see a general decline in the markets or if one of my larger holdings tanks. There are no easy answers to the asset allocation question and certainly the right amount of cash and bonds versus equities varies widely according to individual circumstances.

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.7% and Toronto was down 0.9%. Most of our stock picks were down. Visa was up another 2.2% to almost $199. We had thought it was already too expensive. But as I have said many times before in relation to Visa, “it’s hard to keep a good monopoly down”. (See the report for our comments on the extent to which it has some monopolistic characteristics). It’s has not gone straight up by any means, but VISA is up 241% since we added it to this site in April 2009, just after the bottom of the big stock crash, at $58.24 rated Buy. And it is up 150% since we rated it in the Strong Buy category at $79.41 on May 6, 2011. But again at this price of $199 we are not fans.

September 19, 2013

Not to say that markets are predictable at all, but the fact that the market today gave back some of the previous day’s gains is certainly not surprising.

The S&P 500 was down 0.2% and but Toronto was basically unchanged.

A notable decliner was Toll Brothers, down 2.2%. I did not trim my position in that as I mentioned I might. I have an order in to trim at $35.

Boston Pizza was down 2.5% $22.25. I would have thought it should be rising like most of the other higher yield investments. However our last update was (lower) Buy at just under $20, so I am not a buyer at this point.

I am somewhat inclined to build my cash position a little higher. (I plan to update the page showing composition of my portfolio within a few days). I do have some orders in to trim Canadian Tire and Toll Brothers and it would nice if the prices would rise up and trigger those sells. But it is anyone’s guess if that will happen. We have had a lot of gains this year and certainly further gains are NEVER guaranteed (especially in the short term).

I notice that Buffett remarked today that stock prices were such that finding stocks to buy was not easy. On the other hand I am pretty certain he is not about to start selling Wells Fargo or Bank of America or Walmart. Buffett said that stocks were more or less fairly priced.

September 18, 2013

Well THAT was unexpected. Fed says slowdown in its bond buying just yet and so the markets rose. DOW and S&P 500 at record levels. Toronto apparently at a two year high.

S&P 500 up 1.2% today, Toronto up 0.8%.

It’s another example of how unpredictable markets are in the short term. That is not necessarily a bad thing at all, it just a characteristic of the markets and one that can be used to advantage as well. I had thought I had an order in to trim some more Toll Bothers at $34 but my order was at $35. I may trim that a bit tomorrow if it remains above $34.

September 17, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was up 0.4% and Toronto was up 0.1%.

Markets don’t move up in straight lines and it certainly would not surprise me to see the market turn down. But, basically the short term moves in the market are unpredictable…

I did sell half of my Constellation software today. It’s a great company but I decided to hedge my bet and take half of it off the table.

September 16, 2013

Monday was a strong day for the markets with the S&P 500 up 0.6% and Toronto up 0.7%.

Most of our stocks picks were up. Most notably Constellation software was up 4.2% to $181.63. I last rated the stock Weak Buy at $142 on May 18. At that time I indicated I might sell half or might not. I did not. Since then it has released an excellent  earnings report and I believe other good news. Still, with this rise in price I am tempted again to sell half of my position. Since it is not a huge part of my portfolio perhaps I will just let it ride. Sorry to be non-committal.

Wells Fargo was up 1.7%.

Canadian Tire was up 1.3% to $93.24. I am tempted reduce my position slightly. I had already reduced a fair amount at around $83 but still hold a large position. If I really wanted to reduce I would use a market order. But since I am not that eager to reduce I will instead place an an order to sell some at $94 and $95. If I only owned a small position in it I would not bother with this sort of thing. Since I have quite a few shares it easier for me to trim a little if and as the price rises.

September 15, 2013

As of Sunday night, markets futures were up on news that Larry Summers is out of the running for the Fed chair job. Also perhaps on confirmation that Syria will not be bombed.

The Summers news seems to illustrate that in the markets news often comes out of the blue. Most investors are better off keeping a relatively fixed percentage of their money in stocks at all times. Market timing does not seem to be a lucrative approach since predicting the future is always difficult.

It’s basically a sure bet that stock markets rise in the long term. So why bet against that?

With roughly two thirds of my funds in stocks and the rest in cash I figure I can do okay no matter what happens. If markets happen to crash I will be buying and eventually it will likely be proven that the decline was a buying opportunity. But meantime I would have to be willing to live with a decline in my investments.

September 14, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% and Toronto was up 0.2%

Walmart is updated and rated Buy at $74.36. This is certainly not a stock that is going to double anytime soon. But it’s a relatively simple (despite being huge) company that seems relatively sure to continue to grow over the years and which is trading at a decent price. I don’t own it at this time but would not be adverse to buying and would definitely look to buy if it happens to go back to the $68 range which it could do if its next quarterly report is a little weak or if the markets in general decline for any reason.

September 12, 2013

On Thursday the S&P 500 was down 0.3%. Toronto was down (again) this time down 1.0%.

Almost all of our stock picks were down but Liquor Stores N.A. was up 2.0%.

Toll Brothers was down slightly to $32.47 But earlier in the day it was as high as $33.52. This caused my order to sell a little at $33 to be filled. As noted yesterday i will sell a bit more at $34, $35 and $36. No plans to buy any but I suspect I will buy a little if it heads below $30 though with the amount I have I should probably not buy any more unless it heads to more like $28.

Yesterday I mentioned that entering orders above or below the market can take emotion out of the decision. More importantly it can make sure the sell or buy trigger is actually pulled. It’s one thing to make a mental plan to sell at $X or buy at $Y. It’s quite another thing indeed to actually do it. I mean it is not hard to buy or sell (although it can be tough to pull the trigger in real time) but I think we all make a lot more plans to buy or sell than what we actually carry out.

As of yesterday my own account is up 24% for this year, which is rather surreal (particularly on top of the 28% form last year). That kind of return is not sustainable but it does feel nice.

Yesterday, Kevin O’Leary commented on the Canadian Tire REIT and said he would not touch it because it was all one tenant and not diversified. I believe Amanda Lang even mentioned that it was possible that this REIT IPO will be a failure to launch.

I have not been much interested in REITs. I can never get very comfortable with entities that routinely distribute more than 100% of earnings (they distribute the non-cash depreciation expense). I have not given any thought to whether the Canadian Tire REIT will be a good investment. I am not interested in it.

As a Canadian Tire share owner I am interested in selling real estate to the REIT. I’d prefer if Canadian Tire would sell at least 49% of the REIT to the public, not the mere 10 to 20% that they plan.

But in order to sell any the REIT has to be attractive to REIT buyers.

In general there is no shortage of REIT investors.

But Kevin raises a valid concern about the attractiveness of this REIT. If I were into buying REITs, the single tenant would not bother me much, not when that tenant is very stable and profitable and well financed, as is the case here. What would concern me is the fact that Canadian Tire will own 80% or more of the REIT and manage it in addition to being the only tenant. In this scenario the REIT management may be always in a conflict of interest. But Canadian Tire is setting it up with long-term fixed leases so that eliminates much of the concern. (They can’t lese property to the stores at bargain rates). And I suspect the REIT management will be strongly incented to work for the REIT’s benefit, not for the the parent company’s benefit.

But the bottom line is that is some danger that this new REIT will not be well received. That would mean it fails to launch or it gets the properties at a bargain price (a high yield is required).

If the REIT failed to launch then Canadian Tire shares would fall in price. But that would be a buying opportunity.  If the REIT is is initially priced too low (yield is too high) then that is not such a big deal since only 10 to 20% of the REIT is actually being sold to new owners. In that case the Canadian Tire shares would fall a little but probably not too much.

The bottom line for me is I am pretty satisfied to have sold some of ]my Canadian Tire shares on the way up but to still be holding a very large position. The stock price may rise or fall and I can react accordingly. (Sell on rallies, buy on dips). There is never certainty, but I am comfortable with this investment.

September 11, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% and is just a shade under its record high of early August. Toronto was unchanged. The Toronto stock index remains noticeably below its highs of early 2011. It’s all time high was back in 2008 before the credit crisis. At last check Toronto seemed reasonable valued at this time. I would not chase the higher performance of the U.S. market at this time. I would tend to have investments in both countries. I have nothing against investment sin Europe and many other parts of the world but have simply not looked at individual stocks in those places and have not looked too closely at global ETFs, though what looking I did did not seem to turn up compelling values although some of the countries were deemed attractive.

Most of our stock picks were up today. But as far as my own portfolio goes, the most notable gainer was Toll Brothers up 2.6%.

Recently I had added to my own already large position in Toll Brothers as its price fell. I bought shares at $32.08 (July 24),   $31.21 (August 14) $30.53 (August 28)  and $30.15 (Sept 5). Roughly, this took my allocation to Toll Brothers roughly from about 9% to about 12% of my portfolio which could certainly be considered risky. (Perhaps over indulging my appetite for this stock as it fell).

Toll Brothers closed today at $32.50.

So I now ask myself if I should start to trim? I think I should and so have now placed orders to sell just these recent buys at $33, $34, $35 and $36. That is, if it happens to hit those prices in the next month. I don’t know if this sort of add on dips and trim on rallies will work out well or not. I often do  this to some degree on an ad-hoc basis, but pre-entering the orders will take any further emotion out of the picture and also allows me to sell even if the stock blips above my sell price only briefly. In any case I will still have quite a large exposure to Toll Brothers even if these sells are all hit.

Recent buy orders that I placed to buy Canadian Tire, Costco, CN, Berkshire and Canadian Western Bank below the recent market price (of a week or so ago) now seem rather unlikely to be filled. But one never knows in the markets. Movements can be sharp and unexpected. The notion that markets are ever or were ever predictable is simply a rose colored view of history.

September 10, 2013

And Tuesday was another good day for the U.S. market with the S&P 500 up 0.7%. Toronto managed to be down 0.2%. The Canadian market has seriously under-performed the U.S. market this year.

Canadian Tire released its preliminary REIT prospectus today. There was no reaction in the Canadian Tire share price. Perhaps there will be a bit more reaction tomorrow after analysts get a bit more time to digest the numbers. I thought perhaps it was showing the real estate was worth slightly more than previous estimates. In any case the REIT transaction is pretty well priced into the stock at this point and so probably we can’t expect much more from the Canadian Tire stock price when the REIT hits the market which could occur with a month I suspect. Canadian Tire is planning to sell only 10 to 20% of the REIT and retain the rest. I’d prefer to see them sell more and cash in while the REIT market is still paying a lot for real estate due to low interest rates. Selling 10% of the REIT does (and has) surfaced value but it is really just financial engineering. Selling half or more of the REIT would be more of a true substantive transaction. Canadian Tire was also looking for some kind of bank partner for its huge credit card operation and that could give us another boost to the share price.

Today I saw that Liquor Stores N.A. was down under $15.50 so I added to my position in that company. I bought at $15.35. I only had a small position so decided to add to it. It is not one of my higher rated stocks but then again it is the highest yielding selection on my list and it gives me some diversification.

September 9, 2013

Monday was a good day in the markets with the S&P 500 up 1% and Toronto up 0.3%. Most of our stock picks were up.

Toll Brothers was up a hefty 4.7% to $31.87. Therefore my recent buys of that stock may have been good timing. It certainly has its risks. Wells Fargo and Bank of America have both indicated that mortgage business will be down noticeably in Q3. Yet both rose today.

Most of the stocks I own (or at least the industries they are in) would seem to be economically sensitive. That is they do better as the economy improves. (I suppose most stocks do netter with the economy but certainly commodity stocks and many individual companies can be disconnected from the economy). One could argue that much of our success in the last 20 months in particular has been based on a certain amount of faith or a bet that the economy was doing better. But I also look at the the valuation of each company and try to avoid being in stocks that are too rich in terms of the P/E ratio (Toll brothers being an exception as it is much more cyclical and still working its way out of a huge profit slump).

The next update will be for Wal-Mart. I try to think of these as companies not just stocks and not just as ratios from financial results.

I find it interesting to try to get a grasp of the size and nacre of the business.

I have read Wal-Mart’s January 2013 annual report and based on that my summary description of Wal-Mart is as follows:

Wal-Mart operates retail stores in various formats around the world based primarily on being a low cost provider of general merchandise and groceries in (mostly) large format stores. It is the largest retailer in the world and groceries account for more than half of its sales. It is the largest grocer in the United States. The company had revenues of $469 billion in fiscal 2013. Total assets were $203 billion and total invested equity was $76 billion.

Wal-Mart’s U.S. stores accounted for 37% of the store count, 60% of the square footage, 59% of sales, 71% of operating income and 49% of assets. International revenue accounted for approximately 57% of the store count, 32% of the square footage, 29% of net sales and 22% operating income and 44% of assets. Sams warehouse clubs accounted for 6% of the store count, 12% of sales, 8% of the square footage, 7% of operating income and 7% of assets.

Operating in 27 countries including the United States with 10,700 stores, 1072 million square feet and 2.2 million employees. Outside of North America it uses about 66 different local banner names. Major Countries outside of the Unites States are (in declining order of store count) Mexico, Central America (Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras) United Kingdom, Brazil, Japan, China, Canada, Africa (largely South Africa), Chile, Argentina and India. No stores in Europe (except the UK) and just twenty in India. It appears from the balance sheet that it owns the great majority of its land and buildings, although it certainly rents a significant number as well.

Wal-Mart may be a boring business and it took over a decade to get back to (and then surpass) its share price high that it set in 1999. In 1999 stupid investors drove the share price far too high. No fault of Walmart’s. I added it to this site in April of 2006 rated Buy at $46.79. It’s up 55% since then. Not spectacular in seven years but certainly not bad at all. Given the recent price increases it may not be much of a Buy at this time. I will evaluate that after I crunch the numbers in the next few days. But I think we can be pretty certain that it will continue to grow over the years. It still has a lot of the world left to conquer.

It was interesting to read today that the Canada Pension Investment plan is a major partner in buying Neiman Marcus for $6 billion. This is a luxury department store chain of some 42 large stores an outlet chain called Last Call. It’s not obvious to me that a luxury department store is a great business. I believe it would sell mostly luxury brands but those same brands would be available in other stores as well like Saks. Perhaps the luxury bands themselves are able to impose rules against discounting and therefore keep the prices up. To my mind it is the various luxury brands that are the better business and not the luxury department stores that sell the brands. I believe people have  a lot of brand loyalty but I doubt there is a lot of loyalty to a particular store. But perhaps Neiman Marcus has a lot of in-house brands as well. When it comes to retail it seems like the Dollaramas, the Costcos and the Walmarts that offer the best value to consumers may be the better businesses by far.

September 8, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was unchanged and Toronto was down 0.2%.

I entered some orders today to move some cash in my TD Waterhouse investment accounts into TDB 8150. I understand this account pays 1.25% per year as noted int he bottom row of the table of stocks picks above. Rooting around the TD site and also on I was not able to find the current interest rate but I believe it is still 1.25% per year. Mostly I just leave my cash in the investment account cash category so that it is instantly available for investment. However, at this time I have relatively large cash balances and so I figured I may as well collect some interest.

In my RESP account I only had three stocks (Canadian Tire, Melcor, and Toll Brothers) and a lot of cash (having recently sold some shares in that account) and so I just placed an order to buy some Wells Fargo for that account. In this account I also have orders in to add to the Canadian Tire and to buy Canadian Western Bank – but those orders are below the market and may not be filled.

September 5, 2013

On Thursday the S&P 500 was up 0.1% while Toronto was up 0.7%

Our stock picks have done well the past few days.

Canadian Tire is at $91.65. That is a gain of 32% this year. Whenever I mentioned Canadian Tire as a good investment over the past few years I was usually met with a look of deep skepticism and confusion. When this stock was trading around 115% of book value last Fall it was pretty clear it was under-valued (see my comments of last December 8 and December 3). Good investments do not have to glamorous. Now at about $92, it’s not the bargain it was. But management is still working to “release value” with its pending listing of its real estate in a REIT. Canadian Tire is up an even 300% since it was added to this Site in February 2000. It happened under the noses of investors and shoppers but few suspected it was one of the better investments to choose in 2000 or in late 2012 and at various (but not all) times in between.

With Toll brothers touching $30 and a bit below I added a few more shares today. Also I placed an order to add to my Melcor position at $19.17.

North American auto sales are back to record levels. There is much skepticism about the U.S. economy but it seems to chugging along pretty nicely.

September 3, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was up 0.4% and Toronto was up 0.7%.

Canadian Tire was up 2.2% and Stantec jumped 4.7%.

Shaw Communications fell 5.8% probably because its wireless spectrum that it plans to sell has declined in value now that Verizon will not enter Canada.

Many investors constantly try to predict where the market is headed. Last week many were convinced stocks would fall due to Syria. Over the weekend that got at least delayed and so stocks rose on Tuesday.

I find it better to acknowledge that in the short term the markets and certainly individual stocks can move unexpectedly. I don’t don’t think I can predict short term movements. But I can take advantage of them when they occur. I can trim stocks that rise unexpectedly and buy stocks that fall. Sometimes that won’t work out but on average it seems a reasonable strategy. Another strategy I use is try to be invested in good quality companies. With good companies that seem well priced I am comfortable buying on dips. If I had no idea at all what a stock “should” be worth then I would be like most people and not comfortable buying on dips. The more familiar I am with a company and the more confident I am about its value then of course the more confident I can be in buying on dips. Market volatility can be very much the friend of the informed investor.

September 2, 2013

Melcor is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $19.36.

Toll Brothers is updated and rated Speculative Buy at $30.61. It’s a good company but the share price is already pricing in a very large earnings recovery. Given the need for earnings to rise rapidly to justify the share price, it is a speculative pick. I originally added it to the site in June 2011 at $21.03 as a way to participate in the U.S. housing recovery. I have quite a large exposure to this stock, it is my third largest position. I have continued to buy as the price fell recently. Possibly I am getting too emotionally attached to this stock.

Recently longer-term interest rates have risen while short term interest rates have remained near zero. In isolation, this bodes well for banks since get higher interest rates on loans and bond investments while continuing to pay very little on deposits. Perhaps higher interest rates will slow mortgage sales. But overall the outlook for U.S. banks seems strong. Our picks there are Wells Fargo and Bank of America. I have not looked at any other U.S. banks and therefore have no opinion on any others.

August 29, 2013

Canadian Western Bank was up 4.7% as fears of insurance losses due to Alberta floods were mostly unfounded. I hope to buy back the shares I sold on that fear but it’s hard to buy back at a higher price. I entered an order to buy a bit over $28.

Markets rose today despite Syria. I don’t think it’s worth bothering to try to predict short term movements, instead I focus on trying to take advantage of random movements in individual stocks. Trim a little on gains, buy on dips, or just hold good stocks and forget about it.

August 29, 2013

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% and Toronto was up 0.1%.

A notable gainer was Constellation software up 2.8% to another record high. It’s a great company by seems expensive at this point. I will think about reducing my position.

After the close, Canadian Western Bank came out with earnings. Given the storm damages in Alberta (where they insure some cars and homes), the earnings seemed surprisingly good to me. I would like to buy back the shares that I sold several weeks ago.

August 28, 2013 10:40 am eastern time

With the markets down yesterday, I decided today to enter of a few trades. I bought some Toll Brothers. I also entered hopeful bids on some stocks. Canadian Tire at $83.10, Costco at $105.10, CN at $95.50 Berkshire at 105.10. I just add the 10 cents in case there are a lot of bids at even dollars in which case I will be a bit ahead of those bids.

August 27, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 fell 1.6% and Toronto fell 1.3%. This was apparently due to fears of U.S. involvement in the troubles in Syria.

Such world events have never factored much if at all into my investing. I have never, to my recollection,  sold due to fears of such events. Instead I try to trim positions that seem fully or over-valued and I buy what seems to be good value. I try to keep some cash around to take advantage of lower prices when from time to time. In keeping with that I added a bit to my Wells Fargo position today. My inclination will be to slowly add to positions if markets decline further.

August 27, 2013 7:15 am

I have read the Q2 report for Melcor. It continues to do well. I am confident it will continue to be a good investment long term. Shorter term it would drop if house prices drop and especially if new house construction in Alberta slows. There is always that risk. But overall I am comfortable holding it and I am thinking of adding to my position if I can get it around $19 or a bit over.

On Monday

August 24, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.4% and Toronto was up 0.7%.

Toll Brothers fell 3.9% as a report showed that new home sales fell in July. Mortgage rates are still low but have increased quite a lot in recent months. Still Toll Brothers management was quite upbeat in its earnings release last week.

With the Canadian dollar down near 95 cents I transferred some U.S. dollars to Canadian. Generally I view my U.S. investments to be permanently in U.S. dollars but I ended up with more cash in U.S. dollars than Canadian and it seemed opportune to transfer some to roughly equalise the cash in each currency. I don’t really want to transfer any more but I would be tempted to do so if the Canadian dollar fell to 93 cents or especially to 90 cents.

August 23, 2013, 9:15 am eastern

On Thursday the S&P 500 was up 0.9% and Toronto was up 0.8%.

This week Target’s earnings report indicated that its new Canadian stores “contributed” a loss of 21 cents per share. There were also indications that sales were slow and customers were disappointed that prices were higher than in the U.S.

From the start I noted that Target in Canada would not have great prices because for one thing it paid so much for its leases, $1.8 billion paid to take over the Zellers leases, then $10 or $15 million to expand or completely renovate each store. After all of that there was still rent to pay. Target now reportedly expects it may not start making money in Canada until 2015. Some things in business are hard to predict but this seemed reasonably predictable. Though I don’t recall any mention, in Canada’s business news, of the high occupancy costs that Target was facing in Canada.

August 22, 2013, 7:30 am eastern time

On Wednesday the S&P 500 was down 0.6% and Toronto was down 0.8%

Market declines are not all bad news since they provide a chance to buy good companies at more reasonable prices. CN and Costco come to mind.

Toll Brothers released good earnings on Wednesday morning but the stock was about unchanged on the day. With its high P/E this stock was already pricing in good earnings growth. The company has been able raise house prices substantially this year and expresses confidence that sales growth will continue for perhaps several years.

August 20, 2013

On Tuesday, the S&P 500 rose 0.4% and Toronto rose 0.6%. Canadian Tire rose 2.6%, more than recovering yesterday’s decline.

Toll Brothers rose 3.1% ahead of its earnings release scheduled for tomorrow morning. Stantec was up 2.1%.

Seeing these fluctuations it often looks like one could make money by constantly placing sell orders for a portion of holdings 2% or so above market and buy orders 2% below. I imagine the academics have tested this and it is unlikely to be that easy… also it takes nerves of steel. And the selling on small rises might wipe out the chance to ever make much bigger gains.

I bought a small amount of shares of Liquor Stores N.A. today at $15.80.

August 20, 2013 (10:15 am eastern)

Liquor Stores N.A. Subordinated debentures are added to the list above rated (lower) Buy at $104. Yielding 4.6% to maturity in April 2018, and fully taxable these are not too exciting but may be a reasonable choice for fixed income. I note that, for example, Bombardier pref shares have a higher yield, but they also have a higher interest rate risk as they are perpetual. I am not sure I will buy any of these, if I did I might enter an order at $100 and see if I get any. I may buy the common shares instead.

August 19, 2013

Liquor Stores N.A. Ltd. is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $15.98. While the yield is quite attractive, keep in mind that a good yield is nether a sufficient nor a necessary feature of a good investment. I’d be willing to take a relatively small position in this.

I will provide some analysis of its convertible debentures tomorrow. They trade at 104% of par but I would consider placing an order at par and see what happens.

On Monday the S&P 500 was down 0.6% and Toronto was down 1.2%

Toll Brothers was down 3.4% as apparently all the home builders fell on fears that higher interest rates will slow the housing recovery. Canadian Tire was down 1.5%.

Interest rates have risen again this past week. I have no idea whether this is the start of a trend up or just another bump that may soon be retraced. I do think that ultimately interest rates will rise but I can’t guess when.

Preferred shares and all high yield investments tend to decline in price automatically with higher interest rates. Especially longer term and perpetual high yield investments.

August 18, 2013 

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.3% and Toronto was up 0.3%.

Our stock picks were mostly up.

I have read the reports for Liquor Stores N.A. and crunched the numbers and will plan to post the report on Monday. As of right now I would rate it (lower) Buy at $15.98. I may buy some. The convertible debentures pay 5.85% and trade at about 103 (103% of par). The conversion price is $24.90 and maturity is April 30, 2018.  These are worth considering as fixed income. I might enter a buy at 100 and see if I can get any.

August 15,2013

On Thursday the S&P 500 was down 1.4% while Toronto was up 0.5%.

Several companies including Walmart reported weak results which has the market worried about growth.

Most of our stock picks were down. A notable exception was Toll Brothers, up 3.4%.

If stocks go down I will be looking to add to positions. But I don’t want to rush to buy anything.

August 14, 2013

The S&P 500 fell 0.5% on Wednesday and Toronto was about unchanged.

Couche-Tard was down 2.9% to $58.48 and is worth considering.

I expect to have an update for Liquor Stores N.A. and Melcor by about Sunday.

I am off for a family trip early tomorrow to Moncton where I have been many times to visit relatives and then later on to my homeland in the Sydney area of Cape Breton where my family has operated a successful and well maintained Motel business for almost 50 years now. These days I don’t think anyone would be wise to open a single location independent Motel or Hotel but my family’s property has managed to fend off the challenge of the bigger chains for decades now. If you are thinking you would like to own your own small business, you might like my article that compares owning a business to owning shares through the stock market. Both are investing but there are a lot of differences too. (A publicly-traded company you own shares in won’t give you a job just because you own shares, but neither will it call you about a plugged toilet).

August 14, 2013 11:15 am eastern

Melcor released earnings this morning. At a quick look I think the earnings are good and the outlook positive. The headline numbers show a drop in earnings due to the costs of setting up the REIT. However I agree with the company that the adjusted earnings that show an increase in earnings per share are more relevant.

I added modestly to my Melcor position this morning.

With Toll Brothers down the last few days I also decided to pull the trigger and add modestly to my Toll Brothers position this morning.

A few subscribers have asked about Liquor Stores N.A. where the share price has declined noticeably after an earnings release. I have taken a preliminary look at the earnings release but have not yet ran the numbers, which I plan to do. I am inclined to Buy at this price. The earnings release did show some some negative items on an adjusted basis and seemed to indicate the next year had some headwinds. But I suspect that the company will continue to do well in the long term.

Bombardier preferred shares have declined partly due to higher interest rates and partly due to operational issues at the company. These shares do face risks if interest rates rise. Also bigger risk if the company were to really falter badly. But the yield seems attractive at this time and I would be comfortable buying these.

August 12, 2013

On Monday the S&P 500 was down 0.1% while Toronto was up 0.4%. We had Toll Brothers up 1.8%. Melcor was down 2.4% but it is so thinly traded that day to day movements are not very meaningful.

Blackberry was up 10.7% on news that it wants to look at strategic options such as going private or being bought out. It’s pretty sad because this probably means that even the company itself has given up on any real future. This sort of thing is very speculative and I would not be too interested in speculating on it. But but certainly it could see a decent return if the right buyer comes along.

August 11, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.1%. Our stock picks on average were down a bit more than that.

I reviewed the Canadian Tire earnings release and everything seems to be in order. While the valuation is not as compelling as previously, I am still comfortable holding these shares. The last rating was (higher) Buy at about $84. Now at about $90 the rating would likely be Buy. I don’t particularly give any extra value for the idea that they will seek a financial partner for the credit card portfolio but it is probably a positive factor. Both the REIT initiative and this finance initiative will not happen for some n=month yet. And so possibly the share price could retreat a little just for that reason as the market’s enthusiasm could want due to the wait. I would likely be looking to add to my position is the share price fell to about $83. That’s not to say I think it will go to $83 or should go there. I simply own a lot of shares as it is and would not likely buy back unless there were a pull-back to the $83 level.

I have updated the composition of my own portfolio. I am now at 41% cash and 59% equities. In many ways I would rather have less cash. But as stocks rose I have taken profits and so my cash has risen. Also I sold the Canadian Western Bank shares just to wait and see what happens with any insurance losses due to the Alberta floods and other weather events.

August 8, 2013

Canadian Tire opened for trading at $86 but then quickly rose to a high of $90.49 and closed the day at $89.45, up 7.1%. The earnings were decent but an added bump came form the fact that they will seek a strategic partner for the credit card operation. In general its seems like the company is trying to do various things push the share price up, namely the REIT and this partner for financial services. I plan to update the analysis within a few days and I suspect it is still a reasonable buy at this price. I did however sell about 25% of my shares at around $89. I may regret that later but I may get a change to buy back at $83 or so if the stock drops. Usually over time stocks do pull back and don’t advance in straight lines. I had earlier sold some shares in Canadian Tire at $83 just to be prudent since I had such a large position.

The S&P 500 rose 0.4% while Toronto rose 1.3%.

Most of our stock picks were up today. The Q2 earnings have come in fairly strong for most companies both in Canada and the U.S.

August 8, 2013 (7:19 am Mountain)

Excitement about Canadian Tire abating , open now projected at $85.28. Well these things usually take a bit of time to settle out, it looks like the headline earnings growth was 16% but was 4% on an adjusted basis, so okay, but not great as far as earnings.

August 8, 2013 (6:53 an Mountain, 8:53 eastern)

Canadian Tire earnings are out and look pretty decent. Announced intention to do something strategic with the credit card operation (they are not selling the operation). I would imagine the stock would rise on this news.

Sure enough TD is showing the open could be $87 that is the bid / ask right now.

August 7, 2013

Today the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.5%.

Almost all of our stock picks were down as well. Constellation Software was an exception and was up 4.2%. Toll Brothers was down 3.0%.

Canadian Tire is expected to release earnings before the open tomorrow. It’s my biggest holding and I am cautiously optimistic that it had a good quarter. It was a late Spring and so possibly the quarter will not be so good. We shall soon see. I expect the credit card division will have done well.

I was just taking a look to see if Canadian Western Bank’s insurance customers at Canadian Direct are mostly in Ontario rather than western Canada. I could not see a breakdown (there may be but I did not find it). I did read however that they have reinsurance and catastrophic losses. So maybe they won’t be hurt much by the Alberta floods or Ontario floods. It’s really just not obvious to me if they will hurt much or not. The fact they have not announced any losses would seem to suggest that perhaps it was not a big deal for them. (In which case I sold my shares too hastily). On the other hand perhaps they have no obligation to report any losses until they report earnings which is probably early September. If they do have a lot of customers that were flooded by they have reinsurance then the fight will be on to see if the reinsurance is going to cover them. Overland flooding could be excluded. Alberta insurance companies are being pressured to “honor” claims for sewer backup even when technically a sewer backup associated with overland flooding was excluded from the policy. Things could get interesting. There could also be a fair amount of vehicle damage due to flooding, and that typically is covered as I understand it.

August 6, 2013

The S&P 500 fell 0.6% today and Toronto fell 1.1%.

Notably we had Toll Brothers down 2.5% to $32.20. I have consistently indicated that Toll Brothers is a speculative pick because it has a very high P/E which mostly reflects that it is still climbing back from the impacts of the housing crisis. I think the stock tends to get pushed around because it’s hard to know what it is really worth and because of various speculations about where housing prices are headed. I am not much bothered by this decline and I will buy more if it continues to fall. Since I already own a lot of it I put my Buy order at $30.10 though I don’t particularly expect it to fall that far, although it certainly could.

Visa got some bad news today as a judge ruled that the maximum fee on debit transactions should be 12 cents and not 21 cents. Although apparently this make not take affect for quite some months and could be appealed. Before 21 cents was adopted as their cap, I believe Visa was charging more like 28 cents on debit purchases. Also they had some crazy system where they (strongly) encouraged the use of a signature rather than a PIN on debit transactions and then charged the retailer something closer to 100 basis points when the signature was used. I believe retailers sued VISA over that.

Meanwhile in Canada I believe debt transactions have basically always been under about 12 cents and I recently heard they were 8 cents. And that is for the purchase of any amount on a debit card. The retailer pays about 8 to 12 cents per transaction plus I understand the debit machines cost a fixed rate of about $40 per month per machine.

Visa has been trying to expand from its credit cards roots and is now heavily involved in debit cards. Basically Visa would probably like to collect a significant toll on every debit transactions.

But it’s interesting to think about this. It seems to me that the variable cost of a giant electronic network to process payments should be close to zero. And I suspect the fixed costs could be covered if they charged something like one basis point on every transaction (1 cent per hundred dollars). Basically Visa and other payment networks would like to take electronic money transfers that should cost very little and charge very fat margins on them.

Now I am all for making a profit. But I am not in favor of very large profits when the service seems to be a monopoly. And it does look like a natural monopoly situation. One central open network could allow the transfer in either direction from any bank account to any other. We should not need multiple networks. But if its one network then the profit has to be regulated.

It seems to me that until recent years paper cheques were centrally processed for a very low costs. Banks and central banks did this (and still do) in some kind of cooperative fashion. Electronic money transfers should costs a lot less to process than paper cheques and yet the likes of VISA want to charge a lot for it. And they really want to set up as near-monopolies all the while claiming to be subject to intense competition.

In Canada Interac has operated as a non-profit entity owned by the banks. Its costs and charges are very low and it was partly as a result of that that Canada has been at least 15 years ahead of the U.S. in adopting the wide-spread use of debit cards. Visa would like to change that in Canada as well.

Regardless of whether VISA is a good investment at this time (which is not entirely clear), it is not a company whose ethics I respect. The same applies to MasterCard.

Think about it. COSTCO operates on a net profit margin of just under 2%. That is the net compensation to Costco share owners for providing the stores and all that goes with it. Meanwhile VISA and MasterCard seem to think they should earn 2% from retailers for an electronic transaction. Something is wrong here. Visa and MasterCard already charge interest to those who pay late so why do they need this fat 2% from retailers? I suspect they charge it because having established dominant positions as quasi monopolies, they can. With the advent  of electronic transactions why did merchant fees not decline? Something is really quite wrong.

Maybe I am just griping because I sold my VISA too early. But really something is wrong here.

August 5, 2013

Stantec is updated and rated Buy at $50.46. The stock has risen 13% since we rated it a (higher) Buy on May 25. It is up 27% this year. Incredibly, it is up just over 1900% since we first added it to this site as one of our first ever picks and as a Strong Buy in September 1999. Since that time Stantec has pursued the same strategy of growing both organically and by acquisition. It has been extremely well managed. The stock price has certainly faltered from time to time but the business itself has not skipped too many beats. With the recent price increase the stock is not as attractive as it was earlier this year. However it still appears to offer reasonable value. My plan is to hold the shares I have and to look to add more if it should have a pull-back to perhaps the $45 level. (I don’t have any hard and fast rules on that sort of thing but that is my thinking at this time.

August 4, 2013

Visa Inc. is updated and rated Weak Buy at $184. (essentially a hold) This is a fantastic company. However its price has already risen spectacularly over the past few years and it now appears expensive and is pricing in a lot of growth. If I still owned it I would be tempted to sell half of what I owned or not to have a huge position in it. But a small position would be okay.

We first rated Visa on this site as  Buy at $58.24 on April 15, 2009. This was near the bottom of the 2008 2009 crash when everything looked cheap but felt risky. Since then I mentioned many times that it had monopolistic characteristics. Most of the time since it was added to the site it has been rated Buy, it was rated (lower) Strong Buy in May 2011 at $79.41 and at one point prior to that was rated Weak Buy. Also at one point it was temporarily removed from the list for a time as the report had gotten very far out of date. Personally I bought on several occasions but then sold too soon.

On Friday most of our stock picks were up. Most notably Toll Brothers was up 2.8%.

I am sitting with something like a third of my portfolio in cash. I have been missing out on some recent gins because of that but that is okay. I don’t need to swing for the fences. And it seems like we seldom go a whole year without something throwing stocks into a bit (or more than a bit) of a panic so most likely there will be opportunities that way at some point. Having cash at that point will be advantageous. But I don’t advocate being out of the market altogether just because it might fall. It always might fall, but over time it rises more than it falls. And if there is not some general panic at some point, there are ALWAYS individual bargains out there to re-deploy cash at some point..

August 1, 2013

The first day of August was a strong day in the markets. The S&P 500 was up 1.2% to a new closing record of 1707. Toronto was up 0.9%.

I am feeling a bit Giddy about the performance of our stock picks this year given today’s action.

Stantec was up 5.4%. That makes 26% this year (it was rated (higher) Buy at $37.14 to start this year) and a staggering 1903% since Stantec was first added to this web site as a Strong Buy at a split adjusted $2.50 in September 1999. It was one of our earliest stock picks and has been the best overall gainer. Their business model has not changed but they have gotten a LOT bigger. Sadly, it is not one of my own bigger positions but it does represent 4.8% of my equity portfolio. By the way I just don’t go in for the idea of putting something like  1% into a stock. If I can’t put at least 3% in, what is the point? unless it is just an initial buy with a hope to add more. I have not read the latest results and so I don’t know what I would rate Stantec at today. I suspect a Buy rather than (higher) Buy, but I don’t know. I don’t think I would rate it Sell.

Another big gainer was Constellation Software up 6.8%. Based on my latest update (from May) for this stock I suspect it continues to be a great company but looks quite expensive.

Our U.S. bank stock picks were up as well today. Also the Oil sands ETF, CLO up 2.4% on news of TransCanada’s planed pipeline to the east and also the general upward push in the markets on good economic news today.

With all this good news the trick now may be not to get over-confident and too exuberant.

I ended up selling the rest of Canadian Western Bank shares today just because I suspect the next earnings release in early September will be hit hard by insurance losses due to the Alberta floods. I will buy some or all of it back if the the stock does drop several dollars. On the other hand if it does not drop the worse that has happened is I have more cash and will I miss out on some gains in CWB. Well by early September we will see if I have gotten a little too cute in trying to sidestep short-term news on CWB. My usual practice would probably be to just hold on and be prepared to buy on a dip.

And then there is Barrick Gold. I mentioned this company July 1 and July 3 when they pre-announced that they would be having (another) huge write-off for Q2.

Well the numbers are in and they now have negative retained earnings to the tune of almost $5 billion. Now to be fair they have paid about $4 billion in dividends since 1998. But it looks like the grand total of earnings in its entire history is now either negative or some tiny number. This is a company with $18 billion in share capital much of which they have had for some years. They had $13 billion of share capital as far back as 2006. Again to be fair not all of that $18 billion was cash forked over by investors, some it came from issuing shares for a large acquisition (Placer Dome) a few years ago. (it’s unknown how much real investor cash had been put into Placer by actual shareholders and how much was just market gains). Still it appears that quite a few billions (maybe $10 or so, to as much as $13) in cold hard investor cash was placed in the hands of Peter Munk and company at Barrick and their job was to make a return on that money. But with accumulated earnings over all the years since their creation of about zero, they have made no return for their investors. It takes a staggering incompetence to achieve such a record. And to do it over a period where Gold was up hundreds of percent is truly a notable feat of incompetence. (well, in my opinion at least).


July 31, 2013

Today the S&P 500 was about unchanged while Toronto was down 0.8%.

Our Stock picks had a better day than that with Toll Brothers up 3.2% and Stantec up 2.0%. Visa was spanked down 7.5% on a court case loss involving debt card fees. I hope to update the report for Visa very soon.

I sold half of my Canadian Western Bank shares today on the theory that they will announce fairly significant insurance losses due to the Alberta floods. I hedged my bets by (so far) keeping the other half.

I neglected to mention yesterday that I had sold my small Bombardier position. They make wonderful and exciting products but they seem to struggle to make a decent profit level. I held these shares in an RESP account and and had a decent gain on them and just decided to sell.

July 30, 2013

On Tuesday the S&P 500 was about unchanged while Toronto was down 0.7%

Potash corporation fell 16% on news that a huge Russian Potash producer, the world’s largest would exit a pricing cartel. I don’t own any potash stocks (or any commodities for that matter save some oils sands ETF units). My sympathies for those that own it. But as for the company itself I am not too sympathetic at all. Potash Corporation had long belonged to a price cartel called Canpotex. I can’t have much sympathy for that kind of price fixing. Especially when Canpotex probably artificially (and significantly) raised the price of fertilizer which is a nasty thing to do in a world where millions go hungry when farmers in Africa can’t afford fertilizer.

I have no idea what Potash Corporation is worth. This development also illustrates the fact that sometimes things can come out of the blue very unexpectedly.

Other news today indicated that TD Bank announced a significant insurance loss due to flooding in Alberta and Ontario. (That should hardly have been considered a surprise however) I alluded to the same happening for Canadian Western Bank in my July 23 comment. I thought I had probably mentioned it earlier but I don’t see it.

Canadian Western Bank has a home and auto insurance business and will surely have suffered significant losses due to the Alberta floods. I don’t think that is any  concern at all in the long-term but it could certainly push the price down temporarily.

I was very tempted today to sell some of my Canadian Western Bank shares. It might even be wise to sell them all and hope to buy back at a lower price when it announces its insurance losses.

Meanwhile we had Canadian Tire up 1.6%. And FirstService was up over 6%. I have long liked FirstService but it did not look like a buy at all in the last update.

July 29, 2013

The most recent of the free newsletter was sent out…

On Monday the S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was up 0.2%. I did not note anything of much interest happening with our stock picks.

It is in the news that Hudson’s Bay Company will purchase Sak’s Inc.  for some $2.9 billion. Hudson’s Bay will pay $16 per Saks share. Saks shares appear to have topped out with a needle peak at About $36 in early 1999 and then crashed to $5 and then clawed back to $20 and bumped around only to crash to just under $2 in March 2009 (just another of the sweet sweet bargains that were around in early 2009 as the market was predicting the end of the financial world or something). Then it clawed back to the $10 range and finally then on up to $15 on rumors of a sale.

Apparently Hudson’s Bay can extract some value by selling off and leasing back the real estate. Though one wonders why Sak’s could not have done that themselves.

I visited Saks on fifth avenue, Manhattan in March. As I documented in the daily comments below, I was not overly impressed.  The place was snooty. I am not sure why store clerks have earned the right to be snooty. No price tags on the first floor or two. The difficulty is that these days it is too easy to comparison shop and it’s hard to maintain huge margins even on luxury products unless they are proprietary brands. It’s the luxury brands that have the cachet and not so much the luxury retailers.

I don’t particularly see a great future for this combination, but we shall see.

July 25, 2013

S&P 500 up 0.3%, Toronto flat on the day.

Toll Brothers was down another 1.1% to $31.95 and the low for the day was $31.00.

Visa was up 4.2% to almost $195. Our ratings on this stock for the past few years (as of the start of each year, except as noted) was: 2013: Buy at $151.58, 2012: not on list at start of year but added back on March 28, 2012 rated Buy at $119.35. 2011: Buy at $70.38, 2010: Weak Buy at $87.46, 2009: Added to the site on April 15  rated Buy at $58.24. Over these years I mentioned numerous times that Visa had characteristics of an unregulated monopoly. I sold it too early myself, then bought back and again sold too early. I intend to update the report in the next week or so. I suspect it will look rather expensive at this price.

July 24, 2013

S&P 500 down 0.4%, Toronto was down 0.6%.

We had Toll Brothers down 6.2% to $32.31. This is a more speculative stock given its high P/E ratio. The market seems undecided about this one as contradictory news comes in about the housing market. I grabbed a small addition to my position at around the $32 mark and placed an order to grab a bit more at $30.10 if it goes there. Other than Toll Brothers it seems our stock picks were mixed today, some up, some down, nothing of much interest.

I notice Empire, owner of Sobeys has announced the sale of 68 Safeway stores to Crombie REIT. I am a bit confused about when this would happen because I would not have thought that the Safeway deal had closed yet. I don’t follow Empire. But I think this is impressive that Empire / Sobeys moved this fast. In contrast it is a bit bothersome that Canadian Tire planed something like none months to get its REIT off the ground. Also i prefer the Empire approach of selling off the real estate to an unrelated party. Canadian Tire in contrast is “selling” its properties to a REIT that it will own 80% or so of. In effect Canadian Tire is in substance not doing much at all but is just doing some financial engineering to “release value”. If REITs are willing to pay silly prices for real estate why not just sell to an unrelated REIT and grab a very long term lease?

July 23, 2013

Today the S&P 500 was down 0.2% and Toronto was down 0.1%.

Toll Brothers was up 2.1%. Canadian Tire was down 0.4% despite news that Canadian Retail sales were unexpectedly strong in May. CN fell 3.1% on concern about increased regulations. It’s a great company but still seems expensive. My “stink bid” is set at $90 – probably unrealistically low but you never know what strange things can happen in the markets.

Canadian Western Bank fell 3.6% and the chart shows that almost all of the decline came at the very end of the day on high volume. Possibly some news has leaked about insurance losses in Alberta due to the floods. Or maybe some large institution just needed to sell a lot of shares. This drop does not bother me at all. Canadian Western Bank appears to be a well run and reliable operation. It will almost certainly continue to grow over the years. If, in the meantime the market would like to offer up its shares at lower prices, I am fine with that.

I sold what amounted to 60% of my Berkshire Hathaway shares today and now hold 200 shares.

I was reading in this morning’s newspaper that the price for Alberta heavy oil (from oil sands) is about $90 per barrel and that this price had been as low as $50 in January. I can’t pretend to be able to predict oil prices and have not looked at the oils sands companies. Still it seems to me that the oil sands ETF symbol CLO at just under $13 has not moved much on the recent positive news. And it is well below its historical peak and the P/E ratio at 17 is not that high assuming that profits could improve quite a lot with this $90 price. (However, I am not aware what this price was as a year ago. I recollect from news stories that it was considered quite low last Fall but I am not sure about last July). I understand that certain bottlenecks in Cushing Okalahoma had caused the price differential or spread for heavy crude to be especially large. I understand that the bottleneck situation is much improved due to the reversal of flow of an Enbridge pipeline and also due to more oil being shipped by rail. The same situation was causing West Texas crude to trade far lower than Brent crude.  If the spread is now much reduced then if Brent crude stays high (and I have no prediction on that) then the western Canada heavy crude price should stay high and I would thing the CLO units would then do well. The bottom line is that I certainly don’t have all the information or all that much to go on, but with the big recovery in that heavy oil price I feel good about owning this oil sands ETF and may add more to my position.

July 22, 2013

S&P 500 was up 0.2% to yet another record close. Toronto was up 0.6%.

I may sell some or all of the rest of my Berkshire Hathaway. I have a good gain on it and it no longer looks like the bargain that a year ago or even at the start of this year. Also it’s anyone’s guess what it’s earnings will look like in Q2. Most of its businesses are probably doing well. There should be a gain on the Equity Index puts. But the insurance business is always a question mark. Maybe a mistake to sell…

Here is a graph of how the Stock Picks from January 1 have done. (They have done very well indeed). The graph has all the Buys and Sells but omits the Weak Buys and Weak Sells as those are pretty close to a hold. I have always omitted those on the graphs going back to the year 2000. The fact is that our stock picks are doing usually well this year and are unusually consistent.


July 21, 2013

Bank of America is updated and remains rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $14.75. As I read the Q22 report, it is clear that many aspects of the operation are improving greatly. I started to plan to buy some more shares. But then spending some time reading the annual report I focused on how complex this bank is. It is not the ideal type of investment because it is definitely somewhat speculative. But it is crawling out a hole and likely will be a good investment at this price. It is nowhere nearly as well managed as Wells Fargo, but it may be the better investment at this price. I may or may not add to my position.

This week we will get a number of Q2 reports for Canadian companies.

July 20, 2013

Wells Fargo is updated and remains rated (lower) strong Buy now at $44.45. It seems to be a very well run company. It should continue to do well over the years. From time to time it will likely have a bad quarter or year simply due volatility in certain gains and losses. It is my fourth largest position. I lament somewhat that I did not leave it as my largest position but instead I sold a considerable amount of shares as it rose, to be prudent. In reality that was probably a very good decision (given the facts and risks) even though in hindsight it would have been better to keep all the shares.

The S&P 500 was up 0.2% of Friday (to another record closing high) and Toronto up 0.4%.

For our stock picks, overall on average there was not much change but we did have Stantec down 2.2% and  Microsoft was down 11.4%.

July 18, 2013

Another good day in the market with the S&P 500 and Toronto each up 0.5%. We had Stantec up 2.8%, Fedex up 4.2% (although we had not rated that one highly), Wells Fargo up 2.1%, Bank of America up 3.2%. Generally most stocks on our list were up.

The next update will be for Wells Fargo which probably will remain in the Strong Buy range or possibly (higher) Buy. I may also update Bank of America which is more speculative but will probably continue to be rated fairly high.

Apparently Detroit filed for bankruptcy today. This was not unexpected. Still it could put a damper on the market’s mood.

I note that yesterday’s comment failed to upload until today apologies for that.

July 17, 2013

S&P 500 was up 0.3%. Toronto up 0.4% as Fed chair Bernanke sooths the markets.

Our stocks picks had a good day with Bank of America up 2.8%, Toll Brothers up 1.8%, and Wells Fargo up 1.1%. Most of our stock picks were up.

2013 has been a great year in the markets for our stock picks so far. It starts to feel like I should have stayed more fully invested. But one should not be too greedy. (Not that greed is any way shape or form a bad thing, let us not be hypocritical about that, but being prudent is also wise.)

July 16, 2013

The S&P 500 was down 0.4% and Toronto was down 0.1%. None of our Stock Picks moved much and most were sown slightly.

Goldman Sachs and Citigroup both “beat expectations” in earnings releases. Home Builder confidence was higher in a report today which bodes well for Toll Brothers.

Wednesday’s, markets will likely be driven by the reaction to a speech by Fed chair Ben Bernanke.

July 15, 2013

The S&P 500 was about flat today but Toronto was up 0.5% as it was boosted by the Loblaws / Shoppers Drugmart deal.

Most of our stock picks were up today but Toll Brothers fell 2.2% to $33.84. They don’t report earnings until around August 22. I expect a good report at that time.

It appears that Loblaws has bid about 20 times earnings for shoppers. And the market cheered this by pushing up Loblaws stock by 5.4%. The fact that companies are willing to pay 20 times earnings provides support for stock prices. Canadian Tire is trading at only 13 times earnings.

Much was made of the fact that the transaction will be immediately accretive to earnings for Loblaws. However adding to next year’s earnings per share is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition to make this a wise investment for Loblaws. I have no idea if it is a wise investment for Loblaws. And knowing that it is accretive earnings does not educate me on that point. Loblaws can borrow money at low rates. Borrowing money at 4% and investing in something that earns 5% is accretive, but not necessarily wise. And it can issue shares, as it is doing in this purchase at 20 times earnings. If I can issue shares at 20 times earnings then any purchase under 20 times earnings is accretive. But 20 items earnings is still only a 5% earnings initially. Whether this works out for Loblaw investors comes down to how well Loblaws can manage the operation in the years ahead.

July 14, 2013

Alimentation Couche-Tard is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $61.88. This company has rather quietly grown int a giant. It has been a fantastic investment. Thirteen years ago the shares traded under $3.00 and they are now about $62.00. It is very well managed. It has grown by acquisition. I started following it in March 2005 at a price of $17.40 and rated it (lower) strong Buy at that time. In 2008 the share price got as low as $10. Great companies are certainly not immune to large price declines but if they are great companies, then the price recovers and grows over time.

Some companies blow their brains out on acquisitions. But it can also be a very profitable strategy. Two cases that I follow where it has worked extremely well have involved simple businesses that made acquisitions in the very same line of business. These two are Couche-Tard and Stantec. Liquor Stores N.A. may be another example. RioCan may be another.

July 13, 2013

On Friday, markets were relatively flat. Among our stocks picks most of them fell somewhat on Friday.

Our two U.S. banks stocks were strong with Wells Fargo up 1.8% and Bank of America up 2.0%.

I reduced my position in Berkshire Hathaway. Basically, I am looking at the fact that I am up 21% this year to date on top of 28% last year and therefore thinking of trying to make sure I don’t end up giving back too much of that if I can help it. Looking at what I hold and thinking about what I might trim, Berkshire has one of the lower ratings and had increased further since my last rating. So, I decided to trim.

It seems I would have done even better this year had I not ran with a fair amount of cash. But I think it was prudent to run with cash. Markets or individual companies can drop at any time for many reasons and a decent allocation of cash is useful to take advantage of bargains from time to time.

I have updated the composition of my own portfolio. My portfolio is particular susceptible to a decline by virtue of the simple fact that it is concentrated in so few stocks. Luckily it seems those have been quality stocks but certainly there is a risk to being that concentrated.

July 11, 2013

Ben Bernanke the FED chair indicated that accommodative monetary policies (probably meaning low short-term interest rates) will remain in place for the foreseeable future (even if QE 3 – the bond buying that pushes down longer term interest rates is scaled back). This pushed the S&P 500 up 1.4% to a new record high. The Toronto stock exchange was up 1.5%.

The big winner for our stock picks was Toll Brothers, up 6.6%. Also, Stantec was up 2.9%.

Very soon the attention in the U.S. will turn to the Q2 earnings releases. They will need to be pretty good to sustain recent gains.

I have enjoyed the rise in stock prices and I am confident that int he long term stocks will continue to rise. But at the same time I see the wisdom of taking some money off the table to be more prepared just in case there is a pull-back or in case better bargains are identified. The percentage on a portfolio that should be in equities is a complex personal matter. Rules of thumb based on age simply don’t cut it.

Berkshire Hathaway A shares have hit $175,644. The B shares are $116.98. We last rated it at (lower) Buy at $111.82 on May 11. I am inclined to maybe trim my position there. It seems like it has up a little too much this year. But good for Warren Buffett. I am not hearing much from all those mis-guided people who for so many years moaned that the stock was not doing well – completely oblivious to the fact that Buffett’s seeks to grow the earnings and value of the company and does not try to push the share price up. He was doing his job all along and now investors have realized it and pushed the stock price up.

July 10, 2013

Markets were about flat in the U.S. and Canada today.

We had Canadian Tire up 1.2% and Stantec up 2.7%. Couche-Tard made a big recovery up 6% and being down 5% on its earnings release yesterday. What this illustrates is that earnings should be released after the close so that there is more time to digest the news.

My order to trim Canadian Tire at $83 got filled today and that sold about 16% of my shares in that company. It’s my largest holding and so I had lots of room to trim.

I’ll plan to post an update on the composition of my portfolio this weekend. I’m not sure what my percentage cash is at the moment.

July 9, 2013

In my July 6 update just below I mentioned that I was thinking of buying some of the oils sands ETF, CLO. I did buy some of that on Monday but forgot to mention that in the update of yesterday.

The S&P 500 was up 0.7%, Yahoo is still showing Friday’s price change for Toronto so as far as Yahoo knows, the rain may have washed Toronto off the map. Google Finance Canada indicates Toronto was up 0.7%.

Toll Brothers went up 6.4% on news that foreclosures in the U.S. are way down. It seems I should have bought additional Toll Brothers shares on Friday or Monday instead of merely being tempted to do so. But I already had it as around 9% of my portfolio so I did okay today.

Alimentation Couche-Tard fell 5% on its earnings release. And that was on top of a 2.3% drop on Monday when the earnings news apparently leaked out early. This is a great company and possibly the pull-back is an opportunity. I will plan to update the report within the next week or so. Meanwhile we can let the price settle out. I suspect it will still look expensive but I need to run the numbers.

Most of our stock picks rose today. Many rose about 1%.

July 8, 2013

On Monday the S&P was up 0.5%. Off hand I am not quite sure what Toronto did because Yahoo Finance seems to think it last traded on July 5. I have mentioned before that I have used Yahoo Finance for at least 15 years. But lately it slow to load sometimes only loads half the page and in general it makes me think that Yahoo is a company that is circling the drain. I really should switch to something else. It’s pathetic when one of the original internet portals cannot even serve up a web site that loads properly.

Wells Fargo was up 1.8% to a new all-time high. You may be aware that over the past few years and especially in 2008 and 2009, it was popular to suggest that the U.S. banks were technically broke. Yet Warren Buffett was telling us that Wells Fargo was a great buy. And gee, it turns out Buffett was right again and the doomers were wrong. Wells is a great company. But I did take the opportunity to trim my position today. It did not quite hit my price of $43 that  I mentioned below under July 6 but when I saw it at $42.95, I figured, close enough and changed my order to a market order and sold what amounts to 23% of what I held.

The whole train derailment tragedy did not affect CN’s price much today. It also did not affect Berkshire Hathaway. It may not be well known that one of the Berkshire businesses in the manufacture and rental of crude oil train cars. This through its Marmon subsidiary. All those cars that we see with PROCOR on the side of them belong as I understand it to Berkshire. And of course Berkshire owns Burlington Northern which carries lots of crude oil these days. And it could possibly have an exposure in insuring or reinsuring the Montreal, Maine and Atlantic railway although I have seen no suggestion of that.  In any event Berkshire is so big that even if crude shipments are curtailed because of this it should not have a very noticeable impact on Berkshire.

I would imagine that the Montreal, Maine and Atlantic will be bankrupted by this unless it has awfully good insurance. Also early indications appear to strongly suggest negligence on the part of that railway and I would also guess that its license to operate may be in jeopardy. I guess it’s natural for the rail road company to deny negligence but it seems despicable that they have pointed fingers at the fire fighters who dealt with a fire in the locomotive hours before the derailment. I am not sure the executive of the rail road would be safe on the streets of that town after saying this.

July 7, 2013

The train derailment in Quebec is obviously very tragic. It seems clear that dozens were killed. (I find it strange that there were no reports of anyone escaping burning buildings with or without injury. It appears that anyone in the burned buildings had no chance. Hopefully most of those were commercial buildings unoccupied at night but apparently there was at least one night club.)

This will be a big deal for the rail industry. I would expect new safety requirements and possibly restrictions on shipping crude oil by rail. This would seem to bolster the arguments for the proposed pipelines.

It may be crass to mention it but I imagine that rail stocks could decline at the open tomorrow morning. The train that derailed was owned by a small private company. But I imagine that there are some negative implications for all rail companies. The only one I have analyzed is CN. Certainly if it happens to fall to $90, I would be a buyer. Perhaps its more likely to decline just a few dollars in which case I would not likely be a buyer.

Costco is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $112. This is a wonderful business. It’s a simple and predictable business with strong competitive advantages that is almost certain to increase its earnings per share for many years to come. I would like to report that it is a Buy but seems somewhat too expensive. A possible strategy would be to take a small position and then hope to buy additional shares at a lower price. Or just wait and see if there comes an opportunity to buy in at a lower price.

It would be tempting and not difficult to “torture” the numbers until they confessed that this is a Buy. This could be done simply by assuming that the P/E will stay at 24. In which case the shares will rise with earnings and its seems clear the earnings will rise. But assuming the P/E will stay at 24 would be aggressive. It is reasonable to pay a higher P/E ratio for a high quality and growing company like Costco. But a P/E of 24 is difficult to justify. At this price it’s unlikely to be a terrible investment if held for five years or so but also perhaps not that likely to be a great investment.

July 6, 2013

RioCan is updated and rated Buy at $25.49. It seems like a reasonable investment choice. The biggest risk factor is further increases in interest rates.

On Friday I was thinking about the rise in oil prices and noting that the Oil Sands ETF symbol CLO has not risen much. I was prepared to buy a relatively large amount of that ETF on Friday but the market was just closing and so I will likely buy some on Monday.

On Friday we had the S&P 500 up 1.0% and Toronto down 0.3%. Wells Fargo and Berkshire Hathaway were each up 2.1%. Toll Brothers was down 3.0%. I was tempted to buy some more Toll Brothers but did not pull the trigger. I may place an order to grab some if it sinks some more.

I entered hopeful offers to trim my Canadian Tire at $84 (correction this should read $83) and Wells Fargo at $43.

The lower Canadian dollar has helped out with my returns as measured in Canadian dollars. For the most part that is sort of noise as I intend to leave those funds in U.S. dollars more or less permanently. However if we got down towards 90 cents I would likely move some U.S. cash back into Canadian dollars. I am not sure that I would sell any stocks to do so. So this is noise but nevertheless has a pleasant sound. The lower Canadian dollar will also nbe good for the economy. My understanding is that fundamentally the Canadian dollar should be more like 90 cents U.S. (purchasing power parity) and actually I was quite surprised that the rapid move from 70 and 80 cents up to the $1.00 level and above a few years ago did not do more damage to Canadian industry.

July 5, 2013 (7:00 am Mountain time (9:00 eastern)

The jobs report came in at 195,000 which is better than expected. Dow futures up 166 points, interest rates up a little. There is a delicate balancing now as the market decides if the jobs report is “too good” meaning that quantitative easing will begin to be tapered off. It’s not at all clear that the market gain will last the full day but so far the reception to the news is quite positive in the stock market. Maybe a day to consider trimming some positions especially for those of us with large positions in certain stocks.

July 4, 2013

U.S markets were closed today. Toronto was up 0.2%. No large movements among our stock picks but it was nice to see Canadian Tire up 1.1%.

On Friday morning we will get the latest jobs report. The hope is that it will be lukewarm. If it is too cool then the market will worry about a lack of growth. If it is too high then the markets will worry that quantitative easing will end earlier. Or the market may focus on announcements today that England and Europe intend to keep interest rates low for some time. Or maybe the market will instead worry about Portugal’s finances or the unrest in Egypt. As of 11 pm eastern the futures suggest the DOW will open 134 points higher. But a lot can change by the time the opening bell rings.

July 3, 2013

Today the S&P 500 was up 0.1% while Toronto was down 0.3%. Canadian Tire was down 1.1% to $80.62. At one point today it was up to $82.45. Given this is my largest holding I perhaps should have had an order in to sell some at $82 or whatever just to take advantage of volatility. There did not seem to be any really notable movements in our stock picks today just the usual bobbing up of down.

I had a bit of correspondence with Barrick Gold as I could not resist pointing out to them how abysmal it was that they had achieved so little in the way of earnings over the years. If I understand and recall their telephone response correctly it was along the lines of: yeah we were really dumb in the past and blew a lot of money but now we have a new CEO and are going to do things differently. Does not exactly inspire confidence. In my opinion, they have become a national embarrassment.

July 2, 2013

This week belatedly starts off with the S&P 500 flat on the day and Toronto up 0.4%. Canadian Tire was up 3.0% apparently for no particular reason.

July 1, 2013

The next update will likely be for RioCan. If you search back in these comments I have not been a fan of RioCan for a variety of reasons. In the last month or so the unit price declined from the $29 range to the $25 range. This was due to higher interest rates.

The next shoe to drop with the Q2 report will be that they will show negative fair market value impacts which will lower GAAP earnings. This type of mark to market accounting is not something that I am a fan of. It was nice though when it was always a positive factor since it was introduced a couple of years ago. I believe it came along with IFRS accounting. The company will focus on Funds from operations which will probably show growth. And quite possible the market will ignore the fair market value losses on the buildings and may consider that this has already been fully reflected in the lower unit prices.

RioCan reports that Target is spending about $8 to $10 million per store in renovations, at Target’s expense. If baffles me how Target could come in and pay about $10 million per store to take over leases and then pay About $10 million to renovate a store and then still have to pay the rent  and still somehow make money.  And why does it make sense to spend $10 million on a leased store without locking in the lease for many additional years beyond the existing Zellers leases? (albeit the Zellers leases had I believe 10 to 15 years left in many cases). And if they can. what in the world was Zellers excuse for not making money in those locations since they did not face the $20 million in costs that Target has. Obviously Target knew all this going in, but it would certainly not surprise me if they announce some losses in Canada. Also I have said from the start that Target is unlikely to offer any big bargains to customers. It seems to me that Target Cando is a high cost operation. I am not sure what RicCan gets out of the deal. Eventually they should get a lot higher rent when the Zellers leases run out, also the presence of Target will up the rents in the rest of the shopping center.

I have been no fan of Gold companies over the years. I took a look at Barrick Gold’s balance sheet and some history there. The company does pay a dividend. But overall it looks like their performance has been quite poor. They currently have $18 billion in equity share capital and $4 billion in retained earnings. When it reports Q2 it may have zero retained earnings. Even with some large dividend payouts (that total about $3.9 billion since 1998) that looks pretty bad to me. This company has definitely been good at raising money from investors (by share issues for cash and by buying Placer Dome for shares). The record in returning money or growing book value for investors looks relatively poor to me even with the dividends. I have asked the company for some information on that. From about 2002 through 2012 they enjoyed an amazing increase in the price of Gold. And so for this company to have a poor record of profit over this period (which I believe it has) seems inexcusable.

This Barrick Gold situation is what Warren Buffett refers to when he talks about being a wise allocator of capital. Investor capital is scarce and ought to be treated with great respect and good stewardship. Buffett would not have dumped capital into a hole like Barrick has apparently done. Society benefits when investor capital is placed in the hands of skilled allocators like Warren Buffett. As Kevin O’Learly would say, some managers basically murder dollar bills and that is not good for investors or for society as a whole.

Now, none of this is to say that Barrack would be a bad investment today. I don’t know. It may not even be knowable given the uncertainty of both gold prices and exploration costs. But it seems fair to say that management has so far been relatively poor, certainly not stellar. It apparently needs to be “cut-off” from access to additional capital lest it continue to make poor use of capital.

On a share price basis the VERY early investors in Barrick have done okay. Those few who were in the company by January 1986 have seen compounded return so 12.6%. That is very good. This is based on the U.S. stock price. Canadian returns would be worse given that the Canadian dollar was far lower over most of the period.

But those that got in 20 years ago at the start of 1993 have seen compounded average returns (with dividends) of 1.44%. An investor in January 1995 has had a slightly negative return. Investors in January 2000 have seen a an average return of 0.39%.   Those invested at the start of 2003 have seen compound gains of 1.28% (lost in share price but did receive dividends). Investors in January 2005 have lost 3.42% per year.

June 29, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 was down 0.4% while Toronto was up 1.0%.

Interesting moves included Shaw Communications up 5.4% to $25.24 on the release of a good earnings report. I have not mentioned it much lately but our last rating was Buy at $21.06 on October 28, 2012.

Then there was Blackbury (formerly Research in Motion) down 26% to $11.08 on a poor earnings report. Our last rating was Highly Speculative Weak Sell at $10.86. I mentioned in the report that the company was difficult to predict but might be considered a highly speculative. Buy for more adventurous investors.

For the First half of 2013 our Stock Picks have done very well.

The three Strong Buy are up 14% (Canadian tire), 21% (Wells Fargo) and 19% (Melcor) for an average of 18%. My own portfolio is also up 18.0%. The 19 Buys were up an average of 11.9% each. There were only three decliners and the biggest decline was 8%.

Here is how our Stock Picks look graphically as of today. (Weak Buy and Weak Sells are considered basically Holds and are not shown in the graph (we have always done it that way) because we were basically sitting on the fence with those.

June 27, 2013

S&P 500 was up 0.6% today and Toronto was up 0.4%.

Almost all of our Stock Picks were up. Notably, Wells Fargo up 1.3%, Toll Brothers up 2.6%, Canadian Tire up 1.1% and Shaw Communications up 3.7%. It’s surprising how the equity market has bounced back from the recent dip.

Fixed income has not recovered much. I think people with any length at all to their fixed income, such as five year bonds or longer (including in mutual funds and ETFs) are going to be surprised at the losses in June.

My own portfolio is, in theory, highly risky, far too concentrated and not at all balanced. In practice it has been relatively stable and I believe dropped less than the equity market (certainly less than the Toronto market) during the recent dip and it has recovered better than the market as well. But there is no doubt that my portfolio leaves me at risk if something nasty happens to one of my six largest holding.

I don’t hold any fixed income. I do hold cash. I am increasingly thinking about the fact that not all fixed income is created equal. Money market funds, very short term bonds and short GIC or even five year GICs behave pretty much like cash (except GICs are locked in). Longer term bonds are vastly different than cash and at this time expose investors to a lot of downside risk while offering scant returns. There are some equities such as dividend stocks and REITs and preferred shares that can behave somewhat like equities and somewhat like bonds. REITs have some potential to grow since they are businesses but they also behave a lot like long-term bonds and should be viewed with a great deal of caution right now. They WILL get clobbered if interest rates rise much. Perpetual preferred shares also get hurt with higher interest rates but at least the returns are usually better than bonds, so the risk reward tradeoff is better. Some preferred shares face almost certain redemption on their reset dates and if they are trading above the redemption price then a capital loss is baked in. Canadian Western Bank preferred shares are an example.

There was news today that Rona is closing stores and taking a $220 million “charge”, of which $195 million will be “non-cash” (non-cash how comforting!). I am pretty sure the sees of demise were plantedd by Rona years ago went it opened big box stores and tried to compete head to head with Home Depot .

In other news this week Hudson’s Bay is considering buying Saks. Apparently Saks is a beleaguered chain. As I mentioned under March 28, I visited Saks 5th Avenue in New York. A very snobbish place where they did not even seem to have prices indicated for anything on the first floor. Higher floors were less snobbish. The whole concept is probably obsolete. Who wants to pay high prices for snooty service? And why would Hudson’s Bay think they could run these places? I do applaud “The Bay” for abandoning that incredibly stupid name and going back to the Hudson’s Bay name. But nothing else about the place impresses me. The outgoing CEO of Hudson’s Bay has been lauded lately. For what I wonder? Has there been any profits of note?

June 26, 2013

S&P 500 was up 1.0% today and Toronto fell 0.5%.

Most of our Stock Picks were up today. That includes long-time favorite Wells Fargo up 1.8% and relatively recent speculative pick Toll Brothers up 1.9%.

With the recent partial recovery and with some recent buying on dips and with the decline in the Canadian dollar helping out, it seems my own account is down only about 1.5% form its late May peak, which puts me up about 17% this year to date which is an excellent return (particularly given how bad the Canadian market has done).

But what of Gold? I never have any opinion on where the price of Gold is headed. I have never invested in Gold or Gold companies or Gold ETFs. (Well save for one ill-fated small investment in Bema Gold back at the time when BreEx was flying high.) From that I learned how Gold companies tended to have little or no profits and were basically priced as lottery tickets and I never touched the stuff again. And I really never regretted that, since why should I abandon a system of picking stocks of profitable companies that has worked fairly reliably for me just because some people won a small lottery prize with Gold in the 2000’s.

Possibly Gold will recover, I have no idea. It is clear that it is cheaper now than it was in about three years. Technical traders who by definition love to sell low and buy high will not consider buying now. If I were interested in Gold (which I am not) I would be more inclined to buy today than at the the former high prices.

As far as Gold Miners it’s hard to get interested in that when I see that Barrick Gold has become a national embarrassment. I wonder how much money Peter Munk ever made for investors as opposed to what he made from investors? According to its Q1 balance sheet it has $19 billion of shareholder invested capital just $4 billion in accumulated retained earnings from its total history. And I seem to recall reading that it facing a big write-off so that may wipe out the retained earnings. Unless it has paid out a LOT of earnings as dividends (and it has paid at least some) this is a very pathetic record indeed. If the purpose of Barrick was to create jobs for many people and to create big salaries and esteem for its executives it has done well. If its purpose was to create returns for its share owners, it seems to have failed pretty badly. And let’s not forget we just finished ten years of strong Gold prices. The real damage in terms of wealth destruction may lie ahead.

The efficient market hypothesis suggests that none of this can be predicted from looking at balance sheets or past history or anything else and that the ability to beat the market is purely random. Well, there is SOME truth to it but it’s certainly not 100% true and I have found some value in actually looking at fundamentals and financial statements.

Well, I suppose I should not get over confident, else the investment gods will smack me down.

June 25, 2013

The S&P 500 was up 0.9% and Toronto was up 1.4%.

Among the stocks I follow there were impressive gains from Boston Pizza, up 4.1%,  RioCan up 3.7% and Bank of America up 3.0%. Almost everything was up today.

With some good economic figures from the U.S. the market turned its attention away, at least for today, from Bernanke and the  possible tapering off of quantitative easing. Soon the market will turn attention to the Q2 earnings reports.

June 24, 2013

It was a negative day on the markets with the S&P 500 down 1.2% and Toronto down 1.3%.

For whatever reason Canadian Tire managed to gain 1.2%.

Despite some recent losses, I don’t feel bad about how our Stock Picks have done.

I think it is fair to say that I have mentioned the concept of taking profits a number of times and that I have done some of that. So I sit with a good amount of cash right now for bargain hunting and I assume that many subscribers may be similarly positioned. I think it is fair to say that I warned that long-term bonds were in a a bubble and should be avoided.

High yield entities have been very popular but I have never had a big exposure to them and was not a big fan, especially lately as yields crept lower. That has worked out well.

I mentioned on Thursday that I had placed an order to buy some Canadian Western Bank if the share price hit $27.10. That order was filled near the open today.

June 23, 2013

I have updated the article on long-term historical asset class performance for the first half of 2013. Given the weak performance of bonds and especially Gold in the first half of 2013, I thought it was worthwhile to update this article.

FirstService is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at U.S. $29.75 or CAN $31.10. I have followed this company since 2002 and I respect the management. Around Edmonton its Colliers International signs are ubiquitous. I currently having one of its franchise companies College Pro painters do a little exterior painting for me. So I was hoping the numbers would look good. Unfortunately the profitability does not look strong and the accounting is quite complex. Things could look a lot better going forward since it has just eliminated its preferred shares which were an expensive form of financing (They paid 7% and were not tax deductible to the company, meanwhile it si able to borrow 12 year money at 4%). On the other hand they may face a goodwill write-off their operation that looks after foreclosed houses in the U.S. Overall it looks best to give this company a pass. Any buying would have to be considered quite speculative.

June 22, 2013

The composition of my own portfolio is updated.

On Friday the S&P 500 was up 0.3% and the Toronto index was up 0.2%.

Canadian Tire was down 2.4% to $77.75. Seeing this decline I bought back (at $78.12) some more of the Canadian Tire shares that I had recently sold at $86.50 and $82.23.

The market may be predicting that Canadian Tire will decide not to sell a portion of its Real Estate into a REIT after all or that the valuation will be lower given recent declines in REIT prices. Most assuredly the valuations would be lower. As far as the ability of selling a portion of the real estate into a REIT to “surface” or make apparent the value of the real estate, that is not overly important. A transaction to “surface” value does not create value. To the extent that Canadian Tire has attractive real estate the value is going to show up either more quickly in the REIT transaction, or more slowly over time in the form of a competitive advantage and higher profits over the years. The proposed REIT transaction is supposed to make more apparent the value of Canadian Tire but it is going to have minimal impact on the consolidated profit or balance sheet because they are planning to retain about 80% of the REIT and only sell 20% to outside shareholders. My thinking was that if fools were willing to pay extraordinary values for real estate, then Canadian Tire might have been wise to lock in very long term leases and sell all of it to the fools. But they wish to maintain control of the real estate. Selling 50% to 100% of the real estate at the top of the market would have locked in value rather than merely surface value.

In any event Canadian Tire looks like good value to me.

Year to date, the S&P 500 is up 11.6% and Toronto is down 3.5%. Our Three strong buys are up an average of 16.3% year to date. Our average for all 23 stocks rated (lower) Buy or higher is 9.8% year to date. My own portfolio is up 15.8% this year to date.

June 20, 2013

The S&P 500 fell 2.5% today and Toronto fell 2.4%.

I did a bit of buying in the morning, which was early because the markets fell further in the afternoon.

I bought some Toll Brothers at $31.21, it closed at $31.70

I bought some Canadian Tire at $79.57, it closed at $79.65

So my prices on those worked out okay even though markets in general were down quite a bit more in the afternoon.

I also placed an order for Melcor if it should fall to $17.90 and for Canadian Western Bank if it should fall to $27.10.

While no one can predict markets in the short term, I don’t see any reason to expect a real dive in the markets. As documented in these daily updates I had sold some shares in recent weeks in order to reduce risk and to have cash for buying. If and as stocks fall my strategy will be to look to buy.

I think it is fair to say that in these comments and in articles updated recently I have indicated that long-term bonds were likely to be a bad investment. In the last couple of weeks long-term bonds have been falling as interest rates rise.

Stocks also fall with higher interest rates, all else equal. But while 30-year bonds were yielding 3% not long ago, stocks were never priced so high as to reflect 3% interest rates. Stock P/E ratios were a bit higher than historic averages. Bond P/Es (the reciprocal of yield) were basically at all time highs. So long-term bonds have a lot more to fear from higher interest rates than do stocks.

June 19, 2012

So, apparently the FED has signaled that the “quantitative easing” consisting of the Feds buying $85 billion per month worth of bonds and mortgage securities will taper off sometime this year and end around this time next year. And all this will occur only if the economy is strong enough. Although totally expected the S&P fell 1.4% after this news and Toronto fell 0.8%.

I am not convinced that this is anything to worry about. Markets are always unpredictable. But if interest rates rise somewhat and the economy continues to recover that does not really portend disaster for stocks. If markets decline much, my thoughts will turn more to buying.

June 18, 2013

It was another strong day on the markets with the S&P 500 up 0.8% and Toronto up 0.6%. Most of our stocks picks were up.

Yesterday I listed the 10-year compound average annual earnings per share growth rates for all the companies currently on my list for which I had 11 years of adjusted earnings data in my spreadsheet. The growth rates were very strong. Now that would not be at all impressive if these were mostly new stock picks that I had recently added to the site. (Since I could have simply added stocks with strong past growth rates). Instead many of these stocks have been on the list for over ten years. Few of them are particularly recent. The one with negative earnings “growth” Toll Brothers, however has been on the list for only two years. RioCan another low earnings grower (albeit it has a large dividend) has been on the list for less than two years. The highest grower, Couche-Tard has been on the list for eight years, it was first rated as (lower) Strong Buy. Since then it is up 239%.

If a stock grows its earnings at 15% per year (three of the stocks below were higher than that) then its earnings grow by 305% in ten years. If that stock was purchased at a reasonable P/E and if the P/E has remained stable or not declined much then the investor is going to have seen returns pretty close to that 305%, plus dividends.

When you boil it down to basics the key to big returns on stocks, is big earnings per share growth (combined with buying at a reasonable price). And the key to big earnings per share growth is (believe it or not) LOW dividends and (most importantly) a high ROE.

If a company has and maintains a 15% ROE and no dividend then its earnings per share will grow at 15% per year. (If it paid a 50% dividend it would grow at 7.5% instead.)  And if it starts out with a reasonable Price to book ratio or price to earnings ratio and if that ratio is stable then the stock price must rise at 15% per year. Now, in reality the P/E ratio and P/B ratio will bump around and it will fall went the whole market’s in a slump. But as long as the P/E eventually recovers, 15% ROE and no dividend generates 15% returns per year as long as the P/E ratio eventually is as high as it was at the start.

This is the very simple math that sent Buffett looking for companies that he figured could be relied upon to deliver growth in earnings per share of 15% or more. And he found that PREDICTABLE growth was available in some (but certainly not all) boring low-tech companies and often companies with very strong consumer brand names.

Having observed as (literally) a little boy that if one could compound money at a rate like 15% one would become very rich, Buffett soon set out to gather the seed money (from massive paper routes as a teenager and some early employment and from performance fees on a hedge fund partnership). He worked like a dog and ferreted out a few companies where he could make 15% plus on his own money and for the hedge fund. Then he kept doing that for 60 years (but stopped the hedge fund partnership when he was 39). He was very wealthy by age 30. He was beyond wealthy by age 40 and on his way to becoming for a time the wealthiest person in the world. His long term average return is around 20% per year compounded in the past 50 years and somewhat higher than that in the early years.

It seems to me that Buffet’s simple formula is worth trying to copy. Find stocks that can be predicted to grow earnings per share at relatively high rates and which sell for reasonable prices. Buy, wait, reap rewards.

To a good extent I have been doing this, but Buffett’s approach would probably suggest more focus on the the company being high quality (high ROE) and not as much focus on it being a bargain. The great company will grow to offset a somewhat (but not ridiculously) higher price paid.

This formula will tend to work. But meanwhile the stocks prices may jump all over the place and predictions of gloom and hyperinflation and all manner of calamities keep most people from staying in the market through the ugly times or buying more shares at the ugly times. But a few brave people will persevere and become rich with simple thinking like this.

June 17, 2013

It was a strong start to the week with the S&P 500 and Toronto both up 0.8%. Notably, we had Canadian Tire up 2.5%, and Toll Brothers up 2.4% and Couche-Tard was up 4.25%.

It’s worthwhile to think about what kind of stock returns to expect going forward. Firtsly the short term is alwasy unpredictable so it’s anyone’s guess. But in the longer term earnings per sgarea growth pushes up stock prices. If we start at a normal P/E level llike 15 or so then if earnings grow 10% per uyear for a decade we could expect our stock price to grow at 10% per year on average. ANd the total return would be expected to be the 10% plus the dividend yield. Which sounds pretty good.

The difficulty is project earnings growth. For individual companies earnings growth is very hard to project. But what Warren Buffett teaches is to focus on a select group of stocks for which it is more predictable (ideally almost certain) that over a decade or so the earnings will grow at an acceptable rate. This is why Buffett famously loves things like Coke and America Express and Wells Fargo and his rail road, Burlington Northern. Buffett did not “miss” any tech stocks like Apple, he simply chose to invest only in companies that he felt were relatively certain to grow earnings and which were available at decent prices. Based on his own knowledge he was just not as certain about Apple, or it was not available cheap enough buy the time he saw that it was a predictable stock.

For the stock market as a whole, we can say that logically we don’t expect earnings per share to grow much differently than the growth in the economy. And the data shows this is correct over the long run.

Unfortunately at this time the economy appears set to grow at only perhaps 3% real GDP. But that may translate to 4 to 5% nominal GDP. Not great but not too bad if we add in a 2% average dividend. (And I suspect in a low growth scenario companies will be able to increase dividends as they have less need to invest in growth). When look at the valuation of the S&P 500 I use growth in the 4 to 6% range.

But when I look at individual stocks I often use growth of more like 6% to 12% for the next five years. Perhaps I am being optimistic. (But this growth is just one input into the stock rating process, it does not determine the rating it is just one factor.)

But then again what has been the past average growth of adjusted earnings per share for the companies I am looking at? In the past ten years GDP in the U.S. has risen at an average compounded nominal rate of just 4.0%. Yet during that time here is the adjusted earnings per share of the companies on our list. These are the ones I have ten years of data for.

Canadian National 12.5% per year average

Canadian Western bank 14.4%

Stantec    17.7%

Canadian Tire 10.2%

Melcor 8.0%

Alimentation Couche-Tard 29.6%

First Service 8.7%

MicroSoft 19.1%

FedEx 11.9%

Berkshire 12.0%

Costco 10.3%

Wells Fargo 7.7%

Toll Brothers minus 10.5%

RioCan 2.8%

S&P 500 7.8%

Don’t get too hung up on the individual numbers but the point is that the stable of companies that I am following appear to have grown significantly faster, on average, than the economy did in the past ten years.

Therefore I am perhaps not out of line expecting them to continue to do so. But at the same time it is impossible for a ANY company to perpetually grow faster than the economy. That is why I am also often assuming that the P/E ratio will decline in the next five years. If I start with a P/E above average, I tend to expect that to come down to about the average P/E in five years.

June 16, 2013

Markets rose substantially on Thursday but then fell and gave back about half of that on Friday. Still the S&P 500 remains up 14.1%. But Toronto is down 2.0% year to date. With our Strong buys up 17.0% and our overall buy or Strong Buy average up 11.6% we are once again well ahead of the Toronto market. As of Sunday evening the U.S. markets are set to open to the upside (based on futures markets which trade on Sunday evening).

As you may have seen, we released the latest edition of our free newsletter on Saturday.

June 12, 2013

The S&P 500 was down 0.8% today and Toronto was down 0.9%.

Almost all of our stocks picks were down today with the Market.

I am fairly certain that Melcor went ex-dividend today meaning that if you bought yesterday you would get the 75 cent dividend on June 28 and if you bought today you don’t. So in theory, all else equal,  the stock should have declined 75 cents today. It was basically unchanged despite the down market. Possibly that is due to its being so thinly traded and not enough people realize it was ex-dividend today. Ooops ignore what is in yellow, Yahoo finance mis-led me.  Correction, it did fall 79 cents today so pretty much as the theory said it would. But this may be a buying opportunity as all else equal I expect it will creep back up. The 75 cents they are paying out does reduce the book value. But it will have only a tiny impact on earnings… But maybe this dip with the dividend just shows how dumb it is for people to always think dividends are so great. It’s our OWN money they are paying out and money paid out does not compound and grow. Which is precisely why Warren Buffett never paid out a dividend at Berkshire going back to 1965. (Actually that is a lie, ironically enough he paid out exactly one thin dime per share in 1969 and never another dime)

June 11, 2013

Canadian National Railway is updated and rated (lower) Buy at CAN $100.44 or U.S.$ 98.54. It’s an excellent company with excellent economics and well managed. It could be bought for the long term but the share price does seem somewhat high at this time.

Markets were down on Tuesday, the S&P 500 fell 1.0% and Toronto fell 1.3%. At this time I am peronally neither inclined to sell nor to buy anything. (But I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.) I’ll keep you posted each evening if anything changes. And based on the ratings above there are certainly some stocks that appear to be good choices for the long term. The short term AS ALWAYS is anyone’s guess. I have generally never let short term fears keep me out of the market. That has at times made for a bumpy ride but has worked out very well overall.

I believe that Melcor will trade ex-dividend tomorrow (25 cent regular dividend plus 50 cent special dividend payable June 28 to shareholders of record on June 14) . Therefore in theory it probably should drop about 75 cents tomorrow, all else equal. Unless the market falls in general tomorrow, I am not so sure Melcor will fall much, but we shall see.

June 10, 2013

I’ve completed and update for Canadian National railway and will upload the report tomorrow evening. The rating will be (lower) Buy at $101. It’s an excellent company. Possibly worth paying up for but in general seems a little expensive.

The S&P 500 was about unchanged today and Toronto was up a tiny 0.1%. Toll Brothers slipped 3% to $32.58 and is worthy of consideration.

June 9, 2013

On Friday the S&P 500 rose 1.3% and Toronto fell 0.3%. Given the rise on Friday I considered if I should be trimming some positions. I considered that I have a large percentage of my portfolio in Wells Fargo and Canadian Tire. I then sold what amounted to 20% of my Canadian Tire shares and 15% of my Wells Fargo. I concluded it was prudent to trim these positions and also it gives me cash to look for better investments. I definitely like these stocks long term or I would have sold all. I have no idea where they will head in the short term but there is always a risk they could fall. There is also a “risk” they will rise but if so I still own a lot of them both. I have a lot of gains in the past 18 months and despite being confident that stocks will rise long-term, I would not feel good about leaving all my money in equities at this time. I want some in cash. I won’t touch long-term bonds.

My next update will be for Canadian National Railway. It looks to me like a great company but the stock may look expensive.

June 6, 2013

It was not a bad day in the markets. The S&P 500 was up 0.8% while Toronto was down 0.3%.

Toll Brothers was up 4.5% and Wells Fargo was up 2.3%.

As always the market gyrates with each piece of good or bad news.

Apparently Friday’s market tone is expected to be set by the U.S. May jobs creation report. Markets probably should not fixate on the net jobs created (or lost) in a single month when that number is probably only a rough estimate of reality, but fixate they do.

June 5, 2013

Okay, so stocks were down two days in a row.

S&P 500 down 1.4%, Toronto down 1.2%. With the U.S. markets up so much this year the notion of a decline two days in a row seems foreign. But really it is nothing more than a small dose of reality. Stocks do not go up in straight lines and sometimes they go down. Sometimes a lot.

At this point people who have no idea what their stocks are really worth and who think of stocks as nothing but squiggles on a screen start to panic. As far as they know a stock is worth what someone will pay for it in the next two minutes and it has no intrinsic value. Wiser investors however know that stocks are shares in companies. And if they have chosen their companies with care and if they are confident that those companies are likely to continue to make growing amounts of money not every quarter or year but most quarters and years then these investors are much less likely to panic.

Personally I am not only not panicked I am barely bothered at all by this level of market decline. Sure it’s always nicer to see stocks rise. But I do have cash on hand to take advantage of dips. And I do have some sense that the stocks I own have fundamental value and are likely (but not guaranteed) to rise in price in the long term. Buying shares on dips is part of the reason I have made an average of 16% per year over the past ten years. Often I have bought too early on the way down. But I have tended to keep buying as my favorite stocks declined. And this has paid off in most (but not all) cases. And I have tended to trim positions that seemed to be fully valued or over valued. And I have tried to move money into stocks that seemed the best bargain I could find while also staying mostly with large stable companies. And I have sometimes increased my cash allocation when stock markets rose. (Like I did last week).

That has been a recipe for success for me. So no, I will not be panicking even if markets continue to fall. And I am not suggesting they will continue to fall. They might or might not.

But not everyone can take the heat and volatility of being in stocks. If you can’t take the heat then by all means sell some or all of your stocks. I don’t advise on individual asset allocation levels or risk capacity or risk tolerances. Our Stocks are mostly up a lot this year and if you sell some now you still most likely have good gains on them. There is nothing wrong with moving at least some cash to the sidelines if that is what you wish to do.

June 4, 2013

Our report on global exchanged traded funds has been updated.

Most of our stocks were down today. The S&P 500 was down 0.6%, Toronto down 0.1%.

Toll Brothers was down 2% to $32.92. We last rated it Speculative Buy at $34.13. And it is speculative given the high P/E ratios but would definitely be inclined to buy if I did not already own quite a heavy position in it. There is chatter about the housing recovery being “fake” because homes are being bough by investors or because the market is propped up by the Fed. On the other hand I read that homebuilders have a hard time finding enough workers and Toll Brothers reported it was increasing the home prices. There are ALWAYS reasons for fear and there is ALWAYS The possibility of a sharp market correction / crash. But many investors have learned that over the years accepting risks and accepting that portfolios will decline from time to time is usually quite rewarding in the end. Being too fearful and too worried about capital preservation is a mindset that can forego a lot of gains. You end up sleeping better I suppose with strategy but you seldom end up ever sleeping in real luxury with a too cautious approach.

For Canadian investors, the decline in the Canadian dollar today was beneficial to U.S. holdings.

June 3, 2013

At the end of the day the S&P 500 was up 0.6% and Toronto was down 0.3%.

We had Toll Brothers down 1.7%. But most of the stocks on our list were up.

I like to think that you the customers of InvestorsFriend Inc. are smarter than the typical investor. As do your selfers (albeit with a little help from your (Investors)Friend) I think you are more savvy then average.

Here’s what average looks like:

A bank employed senior financial advisor friend of mine was explaining to me today that he puts the vast majority of clients into pretty bland portfolios with usually a heavy allocations to bonds. He thinks they would be better off with more equity exposure in most cases. But he explained that when client accounts are up 20% in a year, no one calls to thank him. When they fall 5% they all call in to gripe and some leave. So investors have trained the advisor community to act very meekly and to travel in a herd. If you bet against the herd and win your client benefits and congratulates himself on his astuteness in choosing you. If you bet against the herd and loser, the client screams, calls you idiot, tells all his friends you are an idiot and then leaves with his money. So, investors who wish to do well on management fees and who want a sane life act meekly and follow the herd. Failing with the crowd, you still get yelled at but maybe not as loudly and the client may stay put as he sees most everyone failed.

This is not that intelligent. For one thing, long term bonds may be riskier than equities. Almost all long term bonds (except very recently issued ones) are trading above par. Some trade well above par like 30% above par. They WILL mature at only par. They WILL decline in price and market value. That is a mathematical fact. They could gain in value in the next year. But any bond that currently has a market value above par WILL suffer a capital loss eventually as it matures at par. (I set aside convertible bonds, I speak of plain bonds). And long term bond funds will be affected by this as well. Now perhaps the yield on the bonds will still make them acceptable investments but I doubt it.

Now it is possible that in say the next ten years equities will decline even more than a long term bond with 10 years left on it (Say a 30 year issued in 1983 that is trading way over par today). But I highly doubt that will be the case. For my money, equities are a safer bet than long-term bonds over say the next ten years.

And maybe rebalancing and investing new money will mean that the bond portion of the portfolio will do okay. But the math suggest to me that equities held today will almost certainly (but its not guaranteed) outperform long term bonds held today if we check back in say 10 years.

But Advisors are mostly going to recommend a hefty allocation to bonds including some long term bonds. That’s because the customers trained them to do so and when the long term bonds eventually fall in value at least the Advisors will fail with the herd and not on their own.

More intelligent investors (like most of you, I think) know that occasional losses, maybe even sizable percentage losses is just a part of the winding road up the hill to wealth. And if we are going to have losses either way (I’ll bet even balanced portfolios have some substantial losses in some years over the next ten years), then why not choose the route with the higher expected returns (more equities)?

With markets at record highs (at least in the U.S.) it’s a reasonable time to ask yourself if you can stand the heat and the volatility off equities. I am not in the business of setting asset allocations (the percentage of your portfolio in bonds, cash and equities). That is a personal decision and I don’t give personal advice. Periodically, it is good to reflect on what exposure to equities you are comfortable with. I would put the non-equity portion in cash and short-term stuff and I personally would avoid long-term bonds and most perpetual preferred shares for that matter.

June 3, 2013 1:20 pm eastern

With Toll brothers down today I decided to buy back 500 shares. As mentioned under May 29, earlier this month I sold 500 at $37. Around May 29 I placed an order to buy 500 at $32.10. But just now I decided to grab them at $33.30. Toll was down as low as $32  At the same time a headline today was “Homebuilders struggle to find workers.” With my trimming of positions last week my cash position had reached 27%, the highest in quite some time. So that also made it easier for me to grab 500 shares. I now hold 3600 shares of Toll, it’s around 9% of my total portfolio. I tend to hold a much more concentrated portfolio than most people. My approach would be considered quite risky in that respect.

June 2, 2013

On Friday the TSX fell 0.8% and the S&P 500 fell 1.4%. In the U.S. the declines came in the afternoon. For the moment the trimming of positions that I did on Friday morning and in recent days seems to be good timing.

I never claim to be able to predict short -term market moves but in general I don’t see that anything has occurred that would lead me to particularly expect a market decline.

May 31, 2013 (12:10 pm eastern)

A subscriber just emailed and asked me if I would trim Berkshire. On May 11 below I mentioned I would consider that. It was last rated here as (lower) Buy at $111.82 on May 11. Now it is at $114.75.

So perhaps being in a bit of a selling mood this morning I have now sold 400 of the 1200 shares I had. In my kids RESP account I had 200 shares and was up 57% and sold 100. In another account I had 1000 shares (B shares obviously) and was up about 32%. I sold 300. Logically having a gain or a loss on a share in a non-taxable account should not enter into the thinking about selling it at all. Selling should be based on the current price of the stock versus its perceived value and prospects. But emotionally it does always seem easier to sell something with a gain on it. Obviously I may regret selling these because Berkshire is doing very well on its various businesses. Also many Johnny come lately analysts are suddenly much more fond of the stock and Buffett now that it has risen so much. But I think trimming this after recent gains is prudent. It’s up 28% this year. It was up 18% in 2012. That is a HUGE amount of gains for such a large company.

May 31, 2013 (11:50 am eastern)

A note to our American subscribers: Are you able to easily buy stocks on the Toronto stock exchange? Canadians can buy on the major American exchanges as easily as they can on Toronto and for the same low commissions. But over the years I have understood that American investors could not easily buy on the Toronto Stock exchange. It was possible but involved higher Commissions. This was due various regulatory factors that required a Canadian broker to get involved and perhaps also a lack of interest by U.S. brokers in making the Toronto stocks available to their customers. But I wonder if anything has changed? Are those treading through American discount broker systems able to easily buy on Toronto and with low commissions? Let me know your experience at

The reason I ask is that over the years I have been hesitant to market this site to the American audience since only about half our stock picks trade in the U.S. (that includes American stocks plus a number of Canadian companies that also trade on the big American exchanges.)

May 31, 2013 (11:15 am eastern)

I sold what amounts to 54%of my Bank of America shares this morning. It probably still has strong potential for gains because its price to book value is still low. But looking at the comments in the summary of our last rating it, we were considering it speculative and we were not impressed with management. Anyhow I have had a relatively large exposure to U.S. banking and I have made strong returns and it just seemed prudent to reduce this holding. As always it is a struggle to decide these things as one weighs the possible upside against the possible downside. It is seldom easy to decide.

May 30, 2012

Markets were relatively flat today. However, several of our Stock picks did very well.

Wells Fargo was up 1.2% to $41.25. Seeing it was up I decided to sell some just to be prudent.  I was not sure I should sell, after all Buffett was still buying fairly recently (and may still be). And it was rated (lower) Strong Buy at $37.21 as of April 13 on this Site. But I own it mostly in non-taxable accounts and I have good gains on it and I was stubbornly buying in the past when it swooned. So it seemed prudent to sell some and so I sold what amounts to 20% of what I held. I got $41.50.

Bank of America was up 2.6% to $13.83. Quite possibly I should be trimming that as well.

Berkshire Hathaway was up 1.8% to $114.84. Yet another new high for that stock. The A shares closed at $172,200. As I have mentioned before, these are the very same shares that were trading in the $14 to $18 range in 1965 as Buffett was accumulating enough to take control of the company. I don’t think it has really sunk in for most people just how remarkable that is. This stock is up over 10,000 fold! That’s over one million percent since 1965!

It would be one thing if Berkshire started out in 1965 as a penny stock with few assets and then had a moonshot through some kind of invention or gold discovery or valuable patents or the invention of an immensely popular software or product(s) or the like. Instead Berkshire was already a large company in 1965. It then had an equity book value about $20 million, $19.46 per share. Not a small amount in 1965. And Berkshire has never owned anything that really rocketed up in value in a very short period of time. Berkshire is a testament to the power of compound returns. When the time involved is 48 years, it “only” takes a return of a little over 21% per year to compound up to a 10,000 fold gain, that one million percent gain. It’s not the 21% that is particularly remarkable. It’s achieving that kind of return on a compounded basis for 48 years that is remarkable. A huge part of the success came from insisting on retaining ALL the earnings over all those years. A company that pays out a dividend when it could have kept that money invested at 21% does its investors a huge disservice.

The profitability of its various ventures has generally ranged from quite good to superb. But there was nothing the likes of Facebook or Google. A major key was the avoidance of losses. Berkshire has had a decline in its book value per share on just two occasions since 1965. And those declines were due to market value declines of its stocks. I am not sure if the company has ever had negative earnings since 1965.

In many ways what Buffett has done is merely to observe that if money is compounded at a reasonable return for a long period of time it will grow dramatically.  That truth was evident and well known when it came to bonds. What Buffett did was look for equity investments that had returns higher than bonds and where in fact this result was highly certain to occur. Buffett famously avoids the technology sector and most commodity companies because the returns are not predictable enough. He has described his stock picks as being like “equity bonds”. This is the simple and extraordinarily powerful concept that we are all free to copy from Buffett. Growth at a reasonable price is NOT enough. Buffett insists on highly predictable growth at a reasonable price.

May 29, 2013

A moderately negative day on the markets with the S&P 500 down 0.7%. But Toronto was down only 0.1%.

Toll Brothers was down 5.2% to $34.47. On May 22 I had sold 500 Toll Brothers at $38.58. With the lower price today I bought back the 500 at $34.80. On May 14 I had sold 500 at $37 I have placed an order to buy those back at $32.10 should the price go that low. Also I have placed an order to buy a few more Melcor shares at $18.51 but only until June 11 because I want to buy before the ex-dividend date.

May 28, 2013

It seems crazy just how good the U.S. market and out stock picks have done this year, especially after doing so well last year. I’d appreciate it if you could spread the word to friends and family about this web site.

It was another strong day on the markets. This was due to positive economic reports. The S&P 500 was up 0.6% and Toronto was up 0.4%.

We had Microsoft up 2.2%, Berkshire up 1.3%, Wells Fargo up 0.8% and Bank of America up 0.7%.

Toll Brothers was down 1.0% despite the strong housing price report. This is most likely due tot he fact that Toll Brothers has a very high P/E and is already pricing in a huge increase in earnings.

Melcor is set to pay a dividend of 75 cents on June 28 to shareholders of record as of June 14. 25 cents is the regular twice yearly dividend and 50 cents is a special dividend.

With the shares trading at around $19 that is a dividend of 3.9% on June 28. That seems attractive on its face. But, in theory, Melcor shares should decline about 75 cents right after June 11 (or so) when it goes ex-dividend. In theory those of us who own shares should not be at all excited by the dividend since the company is in effect giving us what we already own. But practical reality may be different than theory. I am not sure Melcor will decline much due to the dividend. I believe it is easily worth the $19 with or without the extra 50 cent dividend. I own quite a few shares. When it pays the dividend that will be the largest dividend I have ever received all at once by a factor of about three. My own money or not, it will be nice to receive it into my accounts.

May 27, 2013

U.S. markets were closed today for Memorial day. Toronto rose 0.2%.

It’s interesting that Valeant Pharmaceuticals has risen so much on the announcement it will buy Bausch and Lomb for some $8.7 billion. More typically when one company acquired another the one being bought has an increase in the share price and the one doing the buying sees its shares sink somewhat.

One explanation for the rise in Valeant’s shares was that it will be immediately accretive. Well of course it will. It’s financed mostly with debt. If you can borrow at 4% then buying any company with an earnings yield of at least 4% or a P/E under 20 will be accretive. And if you can forecast huge synergies that can make most any deal accretive.

But, a transaction being accretive to earnings per share is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for a wise acquisition.

The following statement seems rather ambitious (but then again I know nothing about Valeant)

Valeant expects to achieve at least $800 million in annual cost savings by end of 2014. Bausch + Lomb expects to have revenues of approximately $3.3 billion and adjusted EBITDA in 2013 of approximately $720 million .  The transaction is expected to be immediately accretive to Valeant’s cash earnings per share.  Assuming the transaction occurred on January 1, 2013 and assuming the full realization of synergies, the acquisition would have been approximately 40% accretive to Valeant’s expected 2013 Cash EPS.

However growth by acquisition can indeed be an excellent way to create value for shareholders as long as it is done properly. So perhaps the market is correct here.

May 26, 2013

FirstService Preferred is removed from the list because the company has redeemed them. Investors in the preferred shares received cash and or common shares. FirstService common shares remain on the list above. The common shares are a far different investment than the preferred shares were. I very much like the management at FirstService and it may do well long term. But the valuation did not look attractive as of our last update. Things may look better going forward as they will no longer face the expense of the preferred share dividend and I believe their balance sheet has been strengthened. However they did send some cash out of the company and the common share count has increased. It will take some time for all of this to work through the value ratios. We will start to reflect it with our next update on the company.

May 25, 2013

Stantec is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $44.50. I have now been watching this company grow steadily for fourteen years. The share price is occasionally volatile but the earnings have been marching upwards at a high and relatively steady rate. In recent updates I have added a cell to look at the economics of each company. Stantec does seem to have excellent economics. I believe its client customers are “sticky”. It would be false economy for its clients to switch to a cheaper consulting firm when the clients are undertaking very expensive projects.

Perhaps I am becoming complacent but it occurs to me that it is a good thing to own a stable of companies like the ones I own which seem to have good economics which it seems reasonably certain will grow their earnings at some reasonable rate over the next decade or so and furthermore for the most part have reasonable price to earnings ratios. Sure, their share prices would drop if the economy slows but these do seem like the type of companies that can be predicted to recover and grow their share prices over time. Of course I make no guarantees of that, but that is my thinking.

May 23, 2013

Today the U.S. markets showed some resistance to negative manufacturing data from China and worries about a slowdown in the FED’s money printing initiative. The Dow was down just 0.1%. Toronto was down 0.7%.

I thought about trimming my large positions in Canadian Tire and Wells Fargo in case they drop. But I decided not to. If stocks drop I do have some cash ready to go.

Toll Brothers was up 1.4% today. The surprising news in the U.S. is that new home prices are at record highs.

Canadian Western Bank was up 1.8% today despite the fact that TD Bank reported disappointing earnings including an increase in bad debt provisions. Most of our stocks were down somewhat.

May 22, 2013

Today started out with markets up substantially as Ben Bernanke signaled he would keep on stimulating the economy. But markets cooled significantly in the afternoon after Fed meeting minutes revealed some Fed members want start to phase down the stimulous.

Toll Brothers had excellent earnings and got as high as $39.25. It closed at $37.07 up 2.9%. I took the opportunity to sell about 16% of my Toll Brothers at $38.56.

I don’t pay too much attention to the market trends (I focus on individual stocks and valuation). But it does seem like we have had a very good run here. It may not be a bad idea to trim some positions. We should always be comfortable with the fact that  markets can and do drop. The trick is to be confident in what you hold when markets decline and to be ready to take advantage of bargains even as the crowd runs scared.

May 21, 2013

Markets did well today with Toronto up 1.0% and the Dow up 0.3%

Toll Brothers will report earnings before the open tomorrow (Wednesday morning). Toll Brothers fell 1.6% today, presumably on nervousness about the earnings.

Toll Brothers is pricing in a lot of growth and so any sign that it is not growing earnings (and especially any sign that the outlook is not rosy) could send the stock down. I show the adjusted P/E as a whopping 68, which means it has to grow earnings a lot to justify its price. I do expect it to grow earnings a lot but that’s not a certainty. And note it was last rated Speculative Buy at $34.13. As I contemplate what the stock might do tomorrow and as I recall that the stock got as low as $30 in mid-April I start to wonder if I should have sold more than I did at my $37 price where I did sell some last week on May 14. But that is the nature of markets especially if we get fixated on the short term. We second guess ourselves a little (or a lot). Anyhow if it rises tomorrow I will smile and probably sell some more and if instead it happens to drop toward the low thirties I imagine I will buy some. Toll Brothers strikes me as a well managed company. I expect it to do well, but that does depend on the rebounding housing market in the U.S.

I was reading that analysts expect 7 cents per share earnings this quarter and 28 cents per share next quarter. I find the notion of analyst earnings projections to be preposterous. In my opinion there is no way for analysts to predict earnings to that kind of implied accuracy unless it is a very predictable company (which Toll Brothers is not) or unless someone inside is whispering the number to analysts. As others have pointed out it is completely backward to suggest that a company has missed or beat analyst expectations. Instead it should be said that analysts over-estimated or under-estimated what the earnings would be.

May 20, 2013

We’ve just pretty much ended the annual season for voting our shares. I used to vote my shares years ago. Then I gave up because really it is usually a waste of time since the recommended slate usually gets in with 99% of the votes or something. Also, in Canada, we only get to withhold our vote; we don’t get to vote against a director. And rarely is there ever a competing slate of directors.

But it is easy to vote online once they send you the ballot. So sometimes I would go in and withhold my votes on someone if I had a reason to. But I was never sure if anyone really saw or cared that my few votes were withheld.

But this year there seems to be a new development. All the companies now issue press releases showing the results of the vote including the number of votes withheld for each director. Well, let’s face it you or me withholding our votes is not going to change the result. But in most cases there are few votes withheld and so even a few hundred votes withheld may add noticeably to the withheld number. It might be 14,600,000 votes for and 14376 votes withheld but that means you can almost see your contribution to that 14376 or whatever. And it seems to me that it is embarrassing for a director to get too many withheld votes. And especially when it is selective. I am seeing cases where most directors had 1% or less withheld but one or more directors are singled out and have 5% or more withheld. Everyone sees that. It sends a message.

So the bottom line is that withholding your votes (especially selectively on a few directors you don’t want) is now a bit of an interesting spectator sport. So, hopefully more people will get involved with voting.

The Canadian markets were closed today. New York was open. Wells Fargo climbed a little and is now over $40. But generally it was a quiet day in the U.S. markets.

Yahoo is paying  one billion for Tumblr which is apparently exceedingly popular but apparently has little revenue let alone profits. Well, a quick glance at the balance sheet of Yahoo suggests they can afford to throw away a billion if they wish. They have a couple billion cash and essentially no debt. But meanwhile I have used Yahoo Finance for over 15 years and these days I often have to hit refresh multiple times just to get the web page with my portfolio to load. Years ago their web pages used to load at least. I am certainly not impressed. But it seems they are profitable so perhaps they do know what they are doing.

May 19, 2013

Canadian Western Bank preferred shares are updated and rated Sell at $26.38. I believe the bank will redeem these next April 30 for $25, therefore I don’t think they are a good investment.

Bombardier Preferred shares are updated and rated Buy at $24.75. At 6.3% these seem worth considering. They could fall in price if Bombardier faces problems but I suspect the dividend would continue to be paid. I would not put a large percentage of my portfolio into these. But certainly I would consider putting in 5% or so. I don’t think Bombardier would be interested in redeeming these at $25 even if they begin to trade somewhat above $25. The reason is that Bombardier has a realtively weak balance sheet.

There are updated stock market valuation “Special Reports” articles in item 2 in the list of Links just above.

My personal portfolio breakdown is updated.

Constellation Software Inc. is updated and rated Weak Buy at $142.48. This is a great company. It is very well managed. It has great economics and it will grow. For that reason it should be a good long term investment. But the recent share price increase makes the stock somewhat expensive. This company makes up about 3% of my portfolio. I am not going to add to my position at this price but would consider adding at a lower price. I may sell half of my position or I may just hold on.

May 18, 2013

My analysis of the valuation of the Dow Jones Industial Average is updated. It suggests that the DOW is about fairly valued  (3% over-valued as a point estimate). For whatever reason the DOW valuation has generally looked more attractive than the S&P 500 for some year s now. The S&P 500 valuation paints a less benign picture.

My analysis of the S&P 500 valuation has been updated. It’s a bit scary since it suggests that the S&P 500 index may be 18% over-valued. The trailing P/E on the index is a hefty 19.0. That is troubling. However, not all U.S. stocks have such high P/E ratios. I invest in individual stocks and not in the S&P 500 index.

Friday was another strong day for the markets and our stock picks. We had Toll Brothers up 2.2%, Wells Fargo up 1.6%, Berkshire up 1.3%, The Dow and the S&P 500 are at record highs (as they probably should be – given record low interest rates, an economy that is growing, albeit slowly, and the passage of time and the retention of earnings since prior market peaks). But the Toronto index is well below record highs and lags due to its heavy weighting in the energy and commodity sectors.

May 16, 2013

Melcor is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $18.62. I may add to my position in this company.

Constellation Software rose 4.5% today. I don’t know the reasons that it is has been rising. I will plan to update the report on this company in the next few days.

I have mixed feeling about the markets. My analysis of the S&P 500 dated March 24 suggested that the S&P 500 looked about 12% over-valued at 1557. Sine then it has risen 6% to 1650. It’s trailing earnings are just a little higher than they were in March. This analysis is meant to be a long-term indicator but it does suggest that the S&P 500 is somewhat over-valued.

Meanwhile I like the U.S. stocks I hold, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Toll Brothers. I like Berkshire as a company but its shares no longer look particularly attractive. And I like the Canadian Stocks that I own including Canadian Tire and Melcor. Also Canadian Western Bank and probably Stantec (this one not updated recently). I am not sure about Constellation until I update it. These are all the stocks I own in any meaningful amounts.

So, it’s hard to know if I should add to the stocks I like or instead take some profits since the overall S&P 500 seems somewhat overvalued. There is also the option of sitting tight and re-evaluating as time goes on.

May 15, 2013

It was yet another day where the American markets did much better than Toronto. The Dow was up 0.4%, the S&P 500 was up 0.5% but Toronto was down 0.8%.

Canadian Tire slipped 1.2%. However Wells Fargo was up 1.4% to a new high.

Our next update will likely be for Melcor. I have read its Q1 report and its very positive. I definitely like this company and will consider adding to my position. The report did not mention the outlook and that is always uncertain but over the long term this company just keeps adding to its book value per share. Earnings and the share price can be cyclical but the underlying growth trend seems strong. The new Melcor REIT seems to be trading well and will be a positive factor in keeping the Melcor share price up.

I notice a lot of positive articles about Berkshire. This seems to be a case of Johnny-come-lately. Most analysts were a lot less excited by Berkshire when it was at much lower prices.

May 14, 2013

Today was surprisingly strong on the markets. The Dow was up 0.8%, the S&P 500 was up 1.0% and Toronto was up 0.4%

Many of our favorite stocks did well, Bank of America up 2.8%, Toll Brothers up 1.7%, Wells Fargo up 1.5%, Canadian Tire up another 0.5%. Stantec up 3.0%, Melcor up 1.4% (but Melcor has tiny volumes and so tends to move somewhat randomly).

20% of my Toll Brothers shares made a quiet exit from my account today. Automatically sold at $37 based on an order I had placed about two weeks ago to trim that position if the shares hit $37. I have mixed feelings on that but it did seem the prudent thing to so.

Greece had a debt upgrade today. Fitch raised it from CCC to B-. The rating is still very much in the high risk junk category. Nevertheless if is a welcome  change in direction. Estimates of the U.S. deficit for this year fell sharply to $642 billion. That’s down from 1100 billion last year and down from a peak of 1400 billion. Slowly but surely the financial world is recovering and all those doomsday predictions are proving to be wrong. But worry the prophets of doom will continue to predict the end is nigh.

May 13, 2013

The S&P 500 ended the day about unchanged while the Dow was down 0.2% and Toronto was down 0.5%

Canadian Tire did okay, up another 0.6%.

May 12, 2013

Canadian Tire is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $83.78. It is obviously not the buy it was at my last update on February 24 at $68.65. But it is still not an expensive stock and I am not in a hurry to sell any more at this point. The sale of real estate to the REIT is maybe six months off and so meanwhile the stock may fluctuate with the market, with its earnings and with fears of competition.

May 11, 2013

Friday was another good day on the markets with Canadian Tire up another 1.7% and Melcor up 1.9% and Bombardier was up 5.4%.

Berkshire Hathaway is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $111.82. With the recent strong gains in this stock (it is up 25% this year) I am tempted to sell some of my holding. It is not going to rocket ahead and could suffer a decline. But generally anytime I have sold this stock it has been a mistake.

The story of Berkshire is well beyond remarkable. Buffett took control of the company in 1965 and he measures its growth based on the growth in its book value per share from September 1964 which was the last annual report before he took control. The share price was driven up over $19 as he took control but was apparently in the $14 range earlier that year. The same shares now trade at $167,780. The increase in the share price since 1965 is just under or somewhat over one million percent (10,000 times increase) depending what price you take as the starting point.

I have not seen this one million percent ,milestone mentioned in the financial press. It seems like the press are not quite able to comprehend this figure. Buffett very quietly mentioned in a CNBC interview that the stock was up 10,000 fold but the journalists failed to pick up on this.

Buffett has ALWAYS judged the growth of Berkshire by the increase in Book Value per share. This has grown at about 615,000% since 1964. I have it on the very best of authority that Buffett “likes that one million percent figure”. I think he would like to see that mark reached before his time as CEO ends. That could be done at the end of 2017 if the growth averages 11% per year, which is a stretch but possible. Buffett is an EXTREMELY competitive man (though he comes across as low key).

Berkshire also reached number 5 on the Fortune 500 list this year. Although Exxon and Walmart are much bigger, you can bet he has his eye on the number 1 spot, or at least on moving up another spot or two.

At the annual meting this year Buffett noted that Berkshire had reached number 5 as well on the list of most valuable companies in the world by market capitalization. Again, he will have his eye on the spots above him.

With all of this, I think I shall ride the Buffett coattails for a while yet and hang onto my shares. If the shares should drop say 10% I would then likely add to my position.

May 9, 2013

As most will have heard, Canadian Tire came out with decent earnings today but more importantly announced plans to spin off the real estate into a REIT which they would continue to own 80 to 90% of. But the existence of the REIT would make the value of the real estate more obvious. Canadian Tire shares ended the day up 11.2% on the news at $82.36. The stock opened at $86.50. I sold what worked out to 15% of my shares at the open based on an order I placed just before the open. I only heard the news a few minutes before the open. I might have sold closer to 20% but actually did not know off hand how many shares I owned across several accounts and was in a rush.

Selling some at $86.50 looks good right now, and may look even better tomorrow if the stock slips lower. Or perhaps before long I will regret selling at that price.

The actual REIT IPO will not take place until the Fall and so there is a lot of time for the market to digest the news and to worry about other things. So I don’t necessarily think the stock will rise over the summer. But really nobody knows and it depends on many things. The best that we can hope is to understand that the stock is probably still selling below a reasonable value and for that reason (and not for short term gains) I am comfortable holding it.

I have to wonder who were the buyers today especially at the open. It actually reached a high of $87.45 just after the open. Ya gotta feel like a chump if you bought near the open today and you end up losing money on this company today when 99.99% of its owners were making money on the stock today.

I had been advocating for Canadian Tire to do something like this. Still, in many ways the whole thing is strange. They plan to retain 80 to 90% of the REIT. But the 10 to 20% that trades is expected to fix a value on the real estate that is far higher than the common shareholders of Canadian Tire were apparently fixing on it until now. But the existence of the 10 to 20% that trades will effectively cause the common shareholders to now fix a higher value on the real estate as they can see its market value transparently due to the REIT. In the limit if they retained 99% of the REIT, you have a situation where basically NOTHING has changed in substance and yet the company jumps in value. It is financial engineering. In a pure efficient market this sort of thing would not increase the share price. But markets are not 100% pure and efficient. Thank goodness since if they were 100% efficient it would not be possible to find under-valued companies except by random luck).

In other news Melcor came out with earnings after the close. The earnings were good and they announced a 50 cents special dividend. I suspect that with push Melcor up tomorrow but we shall see.

May 8, 2013

Another decent day in the markets.

Thursday should be interesting as a some of our companies will report earnings. I believe Canadian Tire and Melcor will report, although Melcor will likely be after the close.

I have not looked at Tim Hortons in quite some time. They announced today that they have a new CEO coming from outside the company. To me, that is not a great sign. Tim Hortons is a unique and highly successful Canadian company that has built itself up remarkable over almost 50 years now. There should be someone in-house capable of being the CEO. An outside CEO could be some kind of prima donna (aren’t they all?) who will look to do things differently. Also it announced earnings today and everyone is disappointed same store sales are down a bit. Same Store Sales gets a bit too much attention for restaurants and retail. Imagine you own a golden goose. Do you complain because the size of the egg does not grow each year? Or do you contrate on getting the goose to reproduce itself. Tim Hortons can still grow by opening new locations. Obviously the gallons of coffee or pounds of food that can be served at one location cannot increase forever. And if same store sales are flat due to no inflation, what is the problem with that? All that Tim Horton’s needs to do is study its own history and if it has gotten off-track of historic methods then fix that. It certainly does not need any new ides form the Nestle executive that they are bringing in. That is my opinion. I would send this new CEO guy on a road trip across Canada to visit at least a 100 Tim Hortons locations and get him to read the several books that have been written about Tim Hortons and do that before he is allowed to step foot in head office. And he should seek out the advice of Ron Joyce who is the former owner who largely built the comapny.

May 7, 2013

Okay, so I know that technically we are not supposed to get excited about day to day moves in the market. In fact for those still in the early savings phase of life, lower stock prices are what you should rationally cheer for. The ideal scenario is low stock prices as you save money followed by soaring prices in retirement.

But anyhow even if it is not rational to get too excited by short term stock price increases it nevertheless always feels good.

Today we had Canadian Tire up 3.0%. I guess the negative analyst report that pushed it down 1.8% was now yesterday’s news.

Wells Fargo up 1.3%.

A little here and a little there, and no real big losers and it’s been adding up nicely so far this year.

I am considering buying some of the Claymore Oil Sands ETF , CLO on Toronto. This is listed in our Canadian ETF reference article.  I don’t try to predict oil prices but the ETF has a reasonable trailing P/E and has declined in price significantly in the past two years. Almost down tot he 2009 lows… And also I rather like the idea of having some skin in the oils sands game.

May 6, 2013

Our stocks picks did better than the market today.

Bank of America was up 5.2% after it settled a dispute with a major credit card company.

However Canadian Tire was down 1.8%. Apparently this was due to an analyst downgrade predicting that the Q1 report will be weak. Perhaps it will be weak. We had a later Spring in most of Canada and perhaps Spring sales in march were weak. And certainly in Western Canada April was still winter and so the early sales in Q2 may have started out weak. If the recent to sell is merely due to Q1 earnings, that does not seem a great reason to sell. The stock appears cheap based on trailing earnings. Possibly its earnings are going to decline material but I’m don’t see the basis to assume that is so.

Warren Buffett was on Squawk Box this morning for three hours. This followed his huge annual meeting weekend that just took place. Some of his comments illustrate how incredibly hard he works and how passionate he is about business. He reported that sales at his Nebraska Furniture Mart will likely come in at around $40 million for the weekend up from $36 million last year. And he reported that the carpet and flooring department was up 36% and drove the sales increase. It is incredible to me that as busy as he was this weekend he took time to review and memorize these figures. He will know as well the sales that took place on the meeting convention floor and at his Borcheim’s jewelry. He reported (from memory) on the number of carloads that Burlington Northern is carting today and what it carried at the peal in 2006 and how far it dropped at the bottom in 2008. The point is he is still an incredibly hard working individual who has a photographic memory and still has incredible passion to see all of his businesses succeed. I would bet that the average small business owner hardly knows his sales from last week and somehow Warren Buffett tracks such numbers for numerous businesses.

May 5, 2013

Weather is always interesting… Here in Edmonton Spring refused to arrive in April and winter hung on strongly. We got a good bit of snow this past Monday and Tuesday and freezing temperatures. Spring then arrived on Thursday and by today we moved straight to Summer (at least temporarily). I used the opportunity to sit outside on the deck and read the Berkshire Hathaway Q1 report. What could be better? I will update the report for Berkshire before long.

A word about Bonds and Bond funds.

As I updated my ETF article I noticed that under bond ETFs the cash yields were significantly higher than the yields to maturity. This could cause investors to think they are getting say 4% when it is really more like 2%. A similar situation would occur if you bought a bond at par some years ago at higher interest rates. You now have a capital gain on that bond because interest rates have declined. It is still paying you a high interest rate but really your yield to maturity is far lower. The capital gain on that bond WILL disappear by the time it matures at par.

Also if you buy such a bond today at a premium it will still give you  a cash yield that is higher than the yield to maturity. You have to have higher cash yield now to make up for the fact that it will decline in price by maturity. If you think of that cash yield as being really a return, that is wrong since part of it is in effect a return of the premium over par that you paid.

I had a question from a subscriber and I want to share the response here. This is for those interested in bond ETFs.


In your article about Bond ETFs, you didn’t mention symbol CBO.  This is a five year laddered bond ETF.  I think it is a good place to park cash.  It pays 4.5 plus interest.  I would be interested in hearing what you think. Thank you.


I think the 4.5% yield is true but is misleading.

All bond funds today hold some bonds that they bought a little (or a lot in the case of long bond funds) earlier when yields were higher. There bonds now trade above par and that tended to push the bond ETF price up as interest rates fell.  As these particular above par bonds approach maturity they will fall to par value and be redeemed at par (barring bankruptcy). So, these ETFs will fall a little in price if interest remain stable and fall further if interest rates rise. A five year laddered  fund suffers less from this issue than a longer fund.

ishares is showing a yield to maturity of 1.76%. They do show current yield of 4.41%.

I believe the 1.76% is the best guess at what you would earn over the next few years on this fund. You should expect the trading price of CBO to fall a little, offsetting your 4.5% yield.

The price of CBO has trended very slightly down over the past five years despite declining rates.;range=5y;compare=;indicator =volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;

I don’t hold any fixed income and so am not a good person to have a view on whether 4.5% with expected capital loss and 1.76% net expected return is attractive. Things will work out a little better than 1.76% over the next few years if interest rates continue to decline.

Looking at their holdings, everything is showing coupons in the 4 to 6% range.

That seems odd to me as interest rates are lower now. But they don’t show yield to maturity for each bond.

For one year bonds or two year they appear to be buying the tail end of bonds that were originally much longer. These bonds boast high interest but they pay a premium above par that quickly withers away as the bonds mature in one or two years or three etc. This is the issue I mentioned above except I did not realize they are sort of manufacturing that issue by buying the tail end of long bonds rather than new one year bonds and two year etc.

However, they are following the DEX 1-5 year index so it seems the issue appears to be embedded in the index, it’s not ishares that creates the problem.

At the end of the day I find the 4.4% cash yield to be highly misleading.

End of response, but a few more thoughts…

It is disturbing that people may be buying this 5 year laddered ETF and think they are actually earning 4.4% yield. It’s not true, not unless you count return of your own money (represented by the falling ETF price) as your money.

Personally I see little or nothing to attract me to invest in bonds. I believe you can find Guaranteed Investment certificates from banks that pay more than this laddered 5 year appears to pay (more than the yield to maturity, that is). I had never looked into this but I looked just now and TD Waterhouse offers GICs from a number of banks. Unfortunately the rates are pretty low, but at least the product is very straightforward. You cannot cash these prior to maturity.

Or buy individual bonds. I just don’t see anything of interest (no pun intended) in bond ETFs.

May 4, 2013

Markets were strong on Friday. Our Stock picks have done well year to date, up 11.1% on average. My own account is up 10.6%. This compares to the Toronto market which is “up” 0.0%. In the U.S. the S&P 500 is up 13% and the DOW is up 14%.

I just updated my reference article that provides Canadian ETF symbols along with P/E ratios and dividend yields for a a selection of equity segments and also Dividend ETFs and Canadian Bond ETFs and also ETF for Gold, Silver, Oil and Natural Gas. For this update I added direct links to show the holdings of each ETF.

I consider this to be a very valuable reference article. I know of no other similar reference article for Canadian ETFs. Most lists of ETF symbols don’t even mention P/E ratios. does contain mucj of this information but my article includes additional ETFs and also is easier to use especially for non-experts. And I include some indication as to the attractiveness of may of these ETFs.  It takes me a full day just to update all the links and figures in this article.

Looking at the P/E ratio of the Toronto Stock Exchange it is about 19. Therefore the Toronto market does not appear to be attractive even though it has lagged the U.S. market. Some of the segments however appear to be attractive.

May 2, 2013

Markets recovered the ground lost yesterday. Our Stock Picks had a particularly good day with Toll Brothers up 3.1%. Almost all of the stocks on the list were up.

Canadian Western Bank is updated and rated Buy at $28.42. I am comfortable holding it. I did not own it I would be comfortable buying some at this price. Since I already hold it I would be more likely to add to it if the price falls.

After an extensive look at its annual report I can boil down the economics of how it makes money as follows:

The bank takes in depositors at a weighted average interest of 1.88% and lends out money at an average of 4.77%. The net interest spread was most recently 2.62%. This spread (unfortunately) is falling as market interest rates drop but 0% interest deposits cannot decline any further. The range of deposit interest paid is 0% to 2.53% with most of the deposits being in the 2.53% category. The 2.62% gross profit is then reduced by the banks operating costs. The net interest after operating costs and income taxes is about 1.0%. With such a thin margin it becomes very important to avoid defaulting loans and where defaults occur to have security so that at least some amount is recovered. CWB’s allowance for bad debt runs at about 20 basis points. The 1.0% net profit on loans is then leveraged up by the fact that the loan assets are financed with only about 8% common equity (they are mostly financed with deposits) This results in an ROE on the lending business of about 14%.Residential mortgage loans average 4.06% interest while the much larger category of all other loans averages 5.57%. Business is competitive but some of it tends to be sticky to a good degree.

(Some of the math above does not work out exactly but the above represents the economics as I understand it)

May 1, 2013

Markets were down today. They can’t rise everyday.

The Melcor Real Estate Investment Trust started trading today. It was issued at $10.

It traded all day around $9.96, $9.97.

It’s interesting… With an IPO like this the company and the IPO investors hope that it will trade vigorously and for a price higher than the IPO.  But really why should any of the IPO buyers be eager to sell today especially for under $10. They bought this for yield so why sell? And why should Melcor want the new IPO owners to abandon the REIT to be replaced by new owners? (especially if it is donmne below $10). The REIT price should tend not to fall much (if any) since the IPO buyers presumably are happy with it and can hold for the dividend rather than selling at a loss. Ideally new buyers who missed out on the IPO will come in and bid the price up to pry some shares loose from the hands of the IPO investors.

I would expect this REIT to gravitate to being quite thinly traded (like Melcor Corporation itself) . And if interest rates stay low and as the market gains comfort with this REIT and as it grows the price should rise. Today’s trading was probably orchestrated by the investment banks that sold these shares. They probably trade it back and forth to generate some liquidity in the units.

Melcor will release Q1 earnings on may 9. I would expect decent to possibly quite good results in their sales of building lots and a reasonable outlook for that. They may report modest gains on investment properties as interest rates continue to decline. They will likely report unusual expenses due to the issue of the REIT. For Q2 outlook (or as an event subsequent to Q! quarter end)  they will likely indicate that they made just a very small gain in selling properties to the REIT. The trading of the REIT could pull Melcor up a bit since Melcor trades below book value and this REIT should reveal that the investment properties are worth the full book value.

April 30,2013

Well, today seemed to be another case of another day, another few dollars gained.

S&P 500 at a record high. Most of our stocks were up…

Case Shiller home price index shows U.S. house prices rising.

Melcor had some strange trading today. About 200,000 shares in smaller lots traded over the noon hour (eastern time) and pushed the price over $18 to briefly $18.30. But then the stock fell to $17.70, albeit on just one trade and  it closed at $17.90. This trading is strange because Melcor often only has only a few thousand shares trading in a day. About half the time less than 10,000 shares trade. So, I figured maybe there was no news on the REIT front. But there was no news. So it may have just been that someone bought about 100,000 shares and had to bid up the price to get them and after that the price retreated again.

Melcor is so thinly traded that it’s price really can’t be trusted. It can move several percent just because someone is in a hurry to buy or sell 10,000 shares.

I already have a lot of Melcor but have toyed with the idea of buying more especially if I could get it under $17.50.

I believe the REIT should start trading as early as tomorrow (Wednesday May 1) and that should may have some impact on the Melcor shares one way or the other. (I suspect the impact would be positive).

April 29, 2013

It seems that the Market works in mysterious ways. We see lots of stories warning about slow growth and slowing earnings and too much debt. And yet the DOW rises over 100 points today. And the S&P 500 hits a new high.

Most of our stock picks were up today. With the markets have done so well in the past 18 months or more (at least if you had a good exposure to U.S. stocks and little exposure to commodities) the danger now is perhaps in becoming over confident.

Toll brothers at its high today was up over 50 cents but then closed down 50 cents at $34.19. I just entered an order to trim my position if it hits $37. At least that way if it rises that high some will be sold automatically. I find that if I see a stock I own has risen it’s not that easy to pull the trigger and trim the position. After all when seeing that a stock has just made you money it’s harder to get in the mood to sell it. So perhaps when it comes to trimming on rallies and buying on dips, an automated approach is best.

This weekend I studied the annual report of Canadian Western Bank closely. It’s a well run company and is very likely to be a good investment over any longer period of time.

A big issue facing banks at this time is compression of their net interest margins. Traditionally banks earn a “spread” by taking in deposits at say 3% and lending out at 6%. In that scenario a 1% drop in interest rates might change that to 2% and 5%, so no big deal. But many deposits have been paying about 0% for several years now. In that case when lending rates go down the spread has to go down since the deposit rate of o% cannot be lowered.

Banks today have many loans outstanding that were made when in interest rates were higher. As those loans are paid off new loans are made but at lower interest rates and lower spreads . That squeezes profits. At Cnadian Western Bank in 2012 they grw loans by a robust 14%. But adjusted earnings per share were only up by 6% due to interest margin compression. 6% earnings per share growth plus a 2.5% dividend is  not bad, but it would be better without the margin compression.

As examples of the margin compression that may occur at Canadian Western Bank, residential mortgages averaged 4.06% in 2012. But new five year mortgages are going out at closer to 3%, so I have to think this 4.06% figure is declining. However most of Canadian Western Bank’s loans are commercial loans where they face less competition and they may be able to hold their interest rates up better than is the case for residential mortgages.

It’s interesting to note that Canadian Western had invested in the preferred shares of other banks. These had attractive yields which were taxed at a lower rate. But bank regulators in their “wisdom” have passed new rules that effectively limit CWB from investing as much in those preferred shares.

Despite any struggles that CWB has in the short term, it seems reasonable to forecast that it will continue to grow and be a good investment in the long term.

April 27, 2013

Toll Brothers rose 2.4% on Friday which was nice to see after my recent comments about it and purchases of the stock. This builds on the bigger gain of Tuesday.

I have updated my article that compares the long-term performance of stocks, bonds, cash and Gold. It was back in the Summer of 2001 that I first was able to obtain the data to calculate for myself the after-inflation gains from the various asset classes over the long term. Since then I have updated the graphs each year. Little did I know that stocks were going to do quite so poorly in the years since the stock market bubble peak of 1999. Nevertheless the data gives me confidence that stocks do win out in the long run. Besides that with judicious stock selection some investors can make good returns in stocks even when the stock indexes do not do well.

April 25, 2013

Today was another decent day in the markets. There were no big gainers among our stocks but a little bit here and a little bit there and overall a good day.

In the short term our stocks rise because other investors bid up their prices. That always feels good. But much more importantly in the long run our stocks rise because the businesses in which those stocks represent tiny slivers of ownership increase their earnings and improve their future prospects.

I find myself increasingly drawn to the Warren Buffett style of restricting investments to good companies. If we can buy good companies at good prices we can win with that one decision. We can potentially just hold that stock thereafter. Or we can layer on some trading, trimming or selling positions when stocks rise and being a buyer on dips. And migrating to the best companies and values over time.

Buffett no longer plays the trading game with stocks at Berkshire. When it came to entire companies he decided about 40 years ago that it was just too unpleasant to buy a company and then sell it. He would be dealing with real people -managers and employees.  He decided he would only buy companies for keeps. Then he turned that into an advantage becoming the buyer of choice for anyone who had built up a large business and who wanted to sell it but who wanted it looked after properly in a permanent home. And even with stocks, Berkshire is so large and Buffett’s influence is so huge that he can’t very well buy a stock today and then turn around and quickly sell it. He would be accused of manipulating markets if he did that. And while Buffett has said that selecting stocks very wisely and trading infrequently is a good plan for most people, he has also said that more money could be made by an astute investor if some trading and arbitrage is layered onto that.

April 24, 2013

Toronto had a good day, up 1.5%, while the DOW was down 0.3%. It seemed a decent day for our stock picks with Bank of America up 2.0%. Toll Brothers gave a back 1.35% after its big gain yesterday. It seems I sold my Microsoft too early as it was up 3.8% to $31.86. Still I have nothing to complain about overall.

April 23, 2013

It was certainly a pleasant surprise to see Toll Brothers up over 9% today to $34.13. Yesterday morning it had been under $30 briefly. It seems for a day at least the market shared my enthusiasm for the company. Apparently this move was due to an “upgrade” from Barclay’s and perhaps others. That’s a bit scary. It prefer stocks to go up based on earnings rather than based on an upgrade.

The Dow was up just over 1% today.

Wal-Mart was up1.4% today to tie its recent highs at just over $79. For several years I had explained that while Wal-Mart’s stock had not done well since its peak of $60 back in late 1999 that was simply not Wal-Mart’s fault. The market had stupidly bid Wal-Mart way too high back then. The stock then fell to the $50 range and it has taken years of steady earnings growth that has now allowed the stock to set new highs. We rated it (higher) Buy in 2010 and (higher) Buy to start 2011 at $54. And also (higher) Buy at about $60 to start 2012. It was mentioned many times over that period as worthy of consideration. Many analysts considered Wal-Mart to be dead money. It seems they were dead wrong. I recently sold my Walmart to buy more Toll Brothers and to raise cash.

April 22, 2013

On Friday, Melcor‘s new Melcor Real Estate Investment Trust posted its final prospectus. The REIT will yield 6.75%. It appears that this  Initial Public Offer has successfully closed (has raised the money it was targeting). This created some transaction costs for Melcor and may mean that Melcor’s Q1 will not look that great. But Melcor has done this to benefit Melcor share owners and certainly if all goes according to plan, Melcor’s share price will benefit from this. I do not have any opinion on the REIT but I continue to like the Melcor shares.

Regarding Toll Brothers, I note a headline tonight that says: Home sales Begin to Slip as Buyer Demand Outpaces Supply. That does not exactly look like bad news for Toll Brothers.

Another headline tonight reports that News Corp will receive $139 million from its Directors and Officers insurance in regards to the phone hacking scandal. That is bizarre. It makes me wonder what companies are paying for directors insurance fees if these kind of payouts are possible. That’s not an expense item I have ever seen disclosed – with one exception. Berkshire Hathaway has disclosed that it pays zero for directors insurance because it does not provide any to its directors. If they mess up they are on their own. And I would bet that none of Berkshire Hathaway’s insurance companies are involved in paying out this money to News Corp. To be sure, they do offer that insurance but I suspect they know how to pick which companies to insure and were unlikely to have insured News Corp. And if they did they will have had the amount capped as they always do.

April 21,2013

Bombardier Inc. is updated and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at CAN $3.89. This is an interesting company that certainly makes fun stuff – It makes Lear jets, other business jets, smaller commercial jets, high-speed trains and subway cars. But the profits seem inadequate and highly unpredictable. Management has managed to destroy large amounts of invested capital in the past dozen years. However it does have a very good order book at this time and so the short-term outlook while speculative could be considered fairly strong. I have about 1% of my portfolio in these shares. I’m not planning to sell that. I would consider adding to that as a speculative bet but would not want to place a very large bet on this company due to its poor earnings history.

It has received a very large order from Warren Buffet’s Netjets subsidiary. I have wondered in the past if Buffett might be interested in the company. I think he would definitely like the idea of owning a producer of planes and high-speed rail cars. He would also like the long-history of the company and the fact that the founding family still runs the business. But I am not convinced that he would like the economics of the business at all or that he would be be at all impressed by management.

April 20, 2013

Our stocks had a good day on Friday. Overall our average Buy or higher rated stocks is up 7.4% this year to date. This beats the TSX by over 10% but trails the U.S. markets by a few percentage points.

Bank of America is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $11.66. For this update I read the front section of the annual report where the business segments are described and the President’s letter if given. I did not attempt to read the voluminous material on risks nor review all of the very numerous tables of figures. The analysis is necessarily at a high level. As always, I entered the key financial numbers for our analysis. Unfortunately, in this case the net income is relatively unreliable due to numerous adjustments and the lack of any reported adjusted earnings figure. What I read did not impress me. I listened to the Q1 conference call. The CFO read through a pile of material in a completely monotone and robotic fashion and using a copious amounts of acronyms. The CEO then came on with a discussion that sounded a lot less scripted. This bank is nowhere near as strong and well run as Wells Fargo. But it is trading cheaply. There is probably an opportunity for a good return on these shares as the bank continues to recover from the financial crisis.

April 18, 2013

Most of our stocks were down today but Canadian Tire was up 0.8%. The company has reached a new 10 year agreement with its dealers. The dealers operate each store as business owners in a manner that is similar to owning a franchise. I thought about trimming my Canadian Tire a bit today. I know I was adding to my position a while back on dips so it may make sense to trim. But I decided to just hang on. As I have mentioned before the market seems leery of the impact that Target will have on Canadian Tire and that is simply not going tobe known for some time. Meanwhile the stock looks like good value.

Toll Brothers however went down 4.0% today.

April 17, 2013

Today’s market decline seems more sensible than yesterday’s gain…

It is perhaps an encouraging sign that Toll Brothers managed a small gain today (0.5%) given the market was down. Canadian Tire was also up (0.6%) despite the TSX being down 1.4%.

Fed “beige” book came out at 2 pm eastern and indicated U.S. economy continues to grow but the market did not seem to react to that.

Bank of America was down 4.7% today on disappointing earnings. I will plan to update that report by Sunday as I now have the annual report and the Q1 report.

April 16, 2013

Well, I don’t think too many people were expecting this big rebound (or any rebound for that matter) today. It goes to show markets are very unpredictable, particularly in the short term.

One of the bigger gainers were Berkshire Hathaway up 2.5%. This was partly due to Coke being up 5.7% and Berkshire owns about 8% of Coke.

Toll Brothers was up 2.9% on larger-than-normal volume. Every stock on our list was up with the exception RioCan pref shares which were down 1.0%.

I plan to have more updates before long as the Q1 reports come in.

One trading idea would be to enter orders, for the stocks you own to trim positions at say 10% above the current price and orders to buy more at 10% below. (Or you might choose 5% or 15%…) You can leave orders like that in place for 30 days and see what happens. I have done a bit of that on occasion. It can be a way especially to trim positions without emotions getting in the way  since it would be on auto pilot. This obviously is more applicable to those of you that have larger positions. For example if you hold 1000 shares of something you might place an order to sell 100 to 200 on a 10% rise and buy 100 or 200 on a 10% dip. But there are absolutely no rules around this. And I can’t say if this tends to work better than buy and hold. It seems like it would be a good way to take advantage of volatility. But if the stock rises 10% and then keeps on going you may regret selling. It’s just an idea that you might sort of layer on top of whatever else you are doing just targeted to take advantage of volatility. And you could also decide to do it on just a few stocks.

April 15, 2013

It was a nasty day in the markets. The TSX was down 2.7%, the Dow was down 1.8% and the S&P 500 was down 2.3%.

In particular Toll Brothers was down 7.7%. Apparently this was mostly due to a report that home builder sentiment was down.

Higher costs for building materials and rising concerns about the supply of developed lots…

Many builders are expressing frustration over being unable to respond to the rising demand for new homes due to difficulties in obtaining construction credit, overly restrictive mortgage lending rules and construction costs that are increasing at a faster pace than appraised values,” said Rick Judson, National Association of Home Builders Chairman and a home builder from Charlotte, N.C.

However, Toll Brothers has said that it has an advantage in that it has its own large supply of developed building lots and has access to credit due to its strong balance sheet. Also its customers are higher end and have less difficulty obtaining mortgages. Toll Brothers is not a company that is “unable to respond to the rising demand for new homes”.

Overall I suspect Toll Brothers is  doing well. But perhaps the stock had gotten too high. I was aggressive in buying on the recent dips and should have bought slower or waited to see if this bigger dip would happen. Nevertheless I added again to my position in Toll today.

The other day I wanted to check the P/E ratio of the Toronto Stock Exchange Index. My ETF article has links to where the TSX shows the P/E ratios for the index and all the segments. But the links had changed and I can no longer find the P/E ratios. It would not surprise me if they simply stopped publishing it. Few investors are interested in such matters. I will look into this with the TSX. Possibly the data is still available on a paid subscription basis.

I suspect that the sharp drop in Gold was partly responsible for a nervousness in the market today that led to equities falling. And certainly the explosions at the Boston Marathon later in the trading day would have added to the fear.

This sort of thing is in the nature of markets and it’s why investors need to be able to handle risk and to take advantage of dips rather than fearing them.

April 13, 2013

Wells Fargo is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $37.21. Although I have a large exposure to this, I may add to my position. There are many companies where it would be difficult to guess if they can continue to grow earnings over the years. But Wells Fargo seems to be a company where it seems quite safe to predict that it will continue to grow its earnings over the long term. And it appears to be under-valued. Still, earnings and particularly revenues and net interest margins could decline in the shorter term and there is certainly no guarantee that the share price will not fall. But in the long term it seems a good bet that the share price will rise. At last last report Warren Buffett was still buying it.

April 11, 2013

MicroSoft was down 4.4% today on news that PC sales have fallen. It has risen about that much in the past few days. I decided to sell my shares and move on. I had been wanting to raise cash anyhow. MicroSoft is a complicated company and basically I did not have that much conviction or emotional attachment around owning it and so is easier for me to sell that as opposed to something like Wells Fargo that I have rated higher and bought often. Also MicroSoft seems like a difficult company to predict given technological changes.

In general the U.S. market was positive today and Canada lost ground.

Tomorrow (Friday) morning Wells Fargo will release earnings. I suspect they will have done well. Interest rate spreads (net interest margin) will likely be a little lower however. Credit losses should be steady or improved. There will be some expenses to settle litigation and related matters around the whole mortgage fiasco situation of circa 2008 but much or all of that will have already been booked in previous quarters.

April 10, 2013

So far this year it has certainly been a good time to be in the U.S. market. Despite various worries and warnings the DOW and S&P 500 are up a lot this year and the DOW was up 0.9% today and the S&P 500 was up 1.2%.

Prudence would suggest trimming some positions for those of us with high exposures to equities. I thought of doing that today but ended up not selling anything. And with Toll Brothers down 2.3% today, I added to my position in that company.

Constellation Software was up 3.3% today.

In the next few weeks we will have earnings plus the usual economic reports and various world events all of which ,the reality is, can push the markets around unpredictably.

April 9, 2013

After scaring people last week, the markets have surprised with a strong start to this week. A new record for the DOW today.

Microsoft was up 3.6%.

I was reading Canadian Tire’s annual report which arrived in the mail a few days ago. Management does seem very energetic and confident regarding growth. While there are never any guarantees, I feel good about my investment in Canadian Tire.

Meanwhile in the U.S. J.C. Penny has fired the CEO it hired about a year ago. The guy was a Prima Donna who changed absolutely everything at Penny’s and rolled out the changes without bothering to test them. He had apparently been responsible for Apple’s retail stores. What he did not realize was that Apple stores worked because they were selling a unique and hot product. It was not the stores that sold the products. It was the products at Apple that made the stores successful. And even to the extent that the Apple stores were in fact hip and very well designed, it was a mistake to think that similar concepts would appeal to J. C. Penny customers, who apparently were mostly an older crowd, or that hip young people were going to rush to a fuddy duddy old brand like J.C. Pennys. It is one thing to sell a hot proprietary product that you make yourself and quite another thing to try to make it selling the same stuff as numerous competitors. The simple fact that Penney’s went outside for a new CEO last year tells me they had no confidence in themselves at that time.

April 8, 2013

Monday ended up being a decent day in the markets for our stock picks. Most notably Toll Brothers was up 2.9% and Bank of America was up 2.0%.

Canadian Western Bank was down slightly and closed at $27.63. I am tempted to add to my position at or below this level.

We are now into the Q1 earnings reporting season. First the U.S. companies start reporting this week and then in a couple of weeks the Canadian companies will start reporting.

April 6, 2013

FirstService is updated and rated Weak Sell at U.S. $33.50 or CAN $ 34.01. I like it as a company and would be interested to buy on a speculative basis at $30 or less. It announced this week that it would eliminate its preferred shares. This could cause some selling pressure as the preferred holders are likely to sell the common shares that they will receive in early May. Also the outlook for the first half of 2013 is weak. The company expects very good results after that.

I will remove the preferred shares from the table above fairly shortly. I did indicated in the report on the preferred shares that it was possible the preferred shares would be redeemed.

It was a bit odd that FirstService introduced preferred shares some years ago since the move almost eliminated its common equity. It will now have a stronger balance sheet.

Friday was a down day in the markets although a late day rally eased the losses. In keeping with my April 4th comment I sold the remainder of my Walmart at $75.73 and bought more Toll Brothers at $31.17. I honestly don’t know if that was wise though Toll Brothers did end up closing at $32.16. My portfolio is perhaps dangerously concentrated in a few stocks at this point.

The composition of my own portfolio has been updated.

I saw a story that indicates that Target’s prices at its new Cnadian stores are higher than Walmarts. That is not a surprise. I mentioned in previous comments that with the lease purchase from Zellers and the renovations they did to those stores it did not appear that they would be a low cost operation. Also the story talked about empty shelves at the newly opened stores. That seems surprising and would seem to indicate that they don’t have the supply chain in Canada figured out.

April 4, 2013

It was another day of the U.S. stock market doing better than the Cnadian market.

A notable winner was Wells Fargo, up 2.0%.

The stocks that I have the most interest in buying at this time are Toll Brothers, Melcor and Canadian Western Bank. If I sold anything, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind would be my remaining Walmart shares.

Part of the reason Toll Brothers has fallen this week appears to be an announcement that it will borrow $300 million. I did not see the borrowing as a negative since they are a growing company. This company hunkered down and sold assets as house prices declined with the real estate crash. Now with the recovery they are investing in growth.

I note that chairman Gwyn Morgan and three others will leave the SNC Lavalin Board. I had mentioned under February 11 below that I expected Gwyn to bail ASAP. And I really don’t blame him. He is a relative newcomer to SNC and Did not create the mess and did not sign up to fix a mess. He does not need the money from this gig and it is really not worth it. Plus he did not seem to have the stomach and/or talent to do much about really digging into the rot at SNC and getting this mess put behind it. Next we may see the company sell off its infrastructure investments. The new Board is independent and new enough to go after the rot more aggressively. And the new members come in knowing what they have signed up for. (Which is to clean house.)

April 4, 2013

Ouch, markets took a drubbing today. Dow down 0.8%, S&P 500 down 1.1% and Toronto down a painful 2.1%.

Our stocks did not escape and almost all were down. Boston Pizza was one of the rare exceptions as it rose a bit more.

My recent purchases of Toll brothers yesterday and today were a bit pre-mature as I bought above the current price of $32.48m down . But that is what happens when one buys on the way down. If it is a good company buying on the way down tends to work out in the end.

I notice SNC Lavalin will hire an outsider as CFO. It’s rather pathetic that a company does not have the faith in its own staff to hire from within. Or the sense to have groomed a successor. This could get interesting though as an outsider will have no vested interest in protecting past accounting. Maybe he will come in with the perspective of an auditor and find more transactions that reek. The old refrain is that where there is one or a few cock roaches, there are many.

I don’t know what to make of the threat from North Korea. If they actually could strike North America with nuclear weapons (which I understand they say they can’t but which experts dispute) then I suppose we would have bigger things to worry about than our portfolios.

I would like to have some cash or buying power in case markets decline for whatever reason. But I don’t think I am prepared to do much if any more selling.

April 3, 2013 (11:40 am eastern time)

As mentioned yesterday I wanted to raise some cash today. sitting at home after my trip I took the opportunity to so some selling this morning. I sold half my Walmart. I then sold my Shaw Communications which has risen about 18% since my last rating which was Buy at $21.06. It may have risen on faint hopes of a Rogers take-over. Certainly I may regret selling this, but I needed to sell something to raise some cash as it seems prudent to have some cash around in case better bargains emerge. I also sold the rest of my Boston Pizza. It will continue to do well as an entity and the cash flows I think are secure and will grow although only quite slowly. But it would fall if interest rates rise and I just was not sure it should be this high ($22.25) my last rating was (lower) Buy at $19.96. Also some of its price rise seems a bit financially engineered when they borrow money to buy back shares. We could all borrow at low rates and buy this stock and make money on the dividend but it is risky. Having the company do it is convenient as we don’t have to make the payments. Still it somehow smacks of risk and a bit of a free lunch. The strategy made a LOT of sense when the units were clearly under-valued but I am not sure it makes sense now. I then bough a bit more Toll Brothers as it was down 2.25%, perhaps I am being stubborn there as it is not clearly a bargain but I do think the U.S. housing recovery will continue.

I saw some figures yesterday that indicate that loan delinquencies in the U.S. are WAY down from what they were a couple of years ago – with one important exception. Mortgage delinquencies are still VERY high (30 day delinquent around 10%). But I wonder now it that is an artifact of the past. These loans may have been delinquent for a very long time and we are looking at the same loans. Banks are allowing the delinquencies under various government programs and also due to the very slow foreclosure process. I think the current mortgage delinquencies may far overstate the situation on a go forward basis.

April 2, 2013

I spent some of my travel time carefully re-reading a book called Buffett the Making of an American Capitalist. Buffett’s feats of wealth creation are truly extraordinary. And his methods are well chronicled and can be copied. Few bother to try.

A plan is starting to gel in my mind to somehow get together a pool of money to be invested in ways that copy Buffett. More details will follow although it could be a few years yet before I get this off the ground.

It was a strong day for our stocks. Berkshire up 1.6%. Not really any big gainers but certainly most of our  stocks were up.

I have little cash in my accounts. I will look tomorrow to see what I might trim to raise some cash, maybe Shaw and Walmart, not sure yet.

Final thoughts on Manhattan as we left this morning.

LaGuardia Airport is so close to downtown, it is great. The airport is old and crumbling. Yet it was very functional and we fairly whizzed through security. The flight left a bit early! And this was Air Canada.

As far as businesses in Manhattan and especially Times Square. Well known brand names are what people flock to. Many independents are there but the brand names are gaining ground. That applies to just about everything. Hotels, drugstores, candy stores, jewelry, restaurants, clothing. Both brand name stores (Macys, Saks, Levies..) and brands themselves do very well.

April 1, 2013

A  moderately weak day in the markets. Most of our stocks were down. Melcor, Boston Pizza and Walmart were among the winners.

Day 7 in Manhattan

Walked up to see the Touraine a luxury condo building owned by Toll Brothers (units range from $3 million to $20 million with only the $20 million penthouse as yet unsold. A nice building in a great neighborhood. Several blocks off south end of central a

I am thinking of placing an order to buy more Toll Brothers but I may try to get cute and go a bit below the market price.

Also today, shopped at Macy’s. Much of it is very price but they also some deals. With the traffic they get through the store they must be selling a lot. Then shopping on Fifth avenue including FAO Schwartz (toys) which is worth a visit, some unique and quality items there and finished with Dinner at Bubba Gump’s Shrimp Company.

March 31, 2013

Day 6 in Manhattan:

NBC studios tour, SOHO, Chinatown and a show (The Book of Mormon).

One disappointment the green hop-on-hop-off bus service had very poor service. Buy the red hop-on-hop-off by Gray Line or just take taxies and subway.

Another minor disappointment, the McDonalds next to our hotel is the slowest ever. Tonight they were horribly slow and also out of Coke and out of chicken snack wraps. It goes to show that businesses have to work to stay on their game.

But overall Manhattan is great. Well worth a visit.

In terms of Canadian businesses, TD Bank has a huge presence in Manhattan. Tim Hortons is here but nearly invesible. ALDO shoes has a good presence. Did not notice any other Canadian companies here.

In regards to Melcor, as I mentioned, market interest in the Real Estate Trust spin-off may not be that high. In any case the real estate was already marked to market (unlike their development lands) and therefore there may not be any material value gain when the REIT starts to trade. So, perhaps the January pop in Melcor’s price to $21 and higher was overdone. But anyhow I think Melcor is still good value at around $18 or $19 and will be a good long term investment. There is always the risk of a housing slow down in Alberta but in any case that would be temporary.

Day 5 in Manhattan (March 30)

Museum of Natural History, Central Park and Ground Zero. We continue to find everyone to be very friendly to and patient with tourists.

March 29, 2013

The stock markets were closed today, but Manhattan was certainly open.

Day 4 in Manhattan:

Short bus tour of downtown… water taxi tour of Statue of Liberty (view only) and several stops of interest. Excellent tour guides. Did some shopping. Grimaldi’s pizza at Brooklyn bridge Visited Wall Street (and met Grimaldi himself who actually sold the original pizza store and opened a new one next door (presumably after a non-compete ran out)). Walked the Brooklyn bridge. Visited Wall Street and the nearby famous Bull. Rode the subway for the first time. (The rest of the time we just walked since so much was so close).

P.S. Goodbye to Ralph Klein.

March 28, 2013

S&P 500 reached an all time closing high today. And will reach many more in the years to come.

Canadian Tire was up 2.0% and that is on top of recent gains. This seems to be fairly random. Why investors would ignore it for a while and now bid it up is a mystery — though not unusual. To me, it looks like good value. Canadian National Railway was also up 2%.

Melcor was down 2.9% today and had been down over 4%. Possibly the market knows that Melcor may be having trouble marketing the units in its proposed new Real Estate Investment Trust. Or it could be just normal volatility on this thinly traded company. I grabbed 600 shares at good prices on this decline.

Day 3 in Manhattan included the following:

Saks 5th Avenue – worth touring through and has great brand names. But outrageously over-priced. It’s probably coasting on its history and brand value. Rather snooty and pretentious.

Then off to the Museum of Modern Art. This place is the very definition of pretentious. Some of the art was literally garbage. But to each his own.

Went through Grand Central Station (Grand Central Terminal) which is truly grand.

Also the Waldorf Astoria on Park Avenue which was grand and would be a nice place to stay.

Finished with an off Broadway Show “Avenue Q.”

March 27, 2013

Markets were a little negative today. My American Banks and Berkshire were down. No big losses overall though.

Day Two in Manhattan… Rockefeller tour, skating rink, buildings, history and art work. Observation deck is better than Empire State but one HAS to do both. Staff were great. We had New York pass book which includes both. Lunch at a little Chinese restaurant $8.75 lunch special included soup, very generous beef and vegetables (lot’s of other choices) and rice. Excellent value. Lots of staff on hand they do a huge phone order business. Excellent service they knew how to maximize revenue over that lunch period.

New York Knicks game tonight… sold out… almost bought fake scalper tickets but were warned against it. Bought from Tickets Now affiliated with Madison Square Gardens and ticket master. Everything about Madison Square Garden was first class.

March 26, 2013 

A strong day for the markets. Right now I am just holding and enjoying gains.

As far as my trip to New York I have the following notes.

United Airlines rep in Edmonton was exceptionally good. United Airlines flights were smooth and even arrived erarly.

United Airlines terminal in Houston was a bit gross, not that clean, even the service at a Wendy’s there was strangely slow and confused.

New York LaGuardia is in a run down area. American Airlines buildings looked circa 1940. Lots of crumbling infrastructure.

Taxi was low cost and traffic was light, cheaper to get downtown NYC from LaGuardia than downtown Edmonton from the Edmonton (actually in Leduc) airport.

Empire State Building staff were very effective at ushering people in. Very friendly and good at what they do. It’s a slow process because they do such a booming business. Down town New York seems great. Holiday Inn Express has been great. Visited M&M world store (part of the Mars empire) in Times Square, friendly and busy. Tony’s Italian restaurant in Times Square was excellent.

March 25, 2013

I leave tonight for a family vacation in New York City. I hope to visit the New York stock Exchange among many other attractions. It’s my first trip to New York City unless I count visiting Coney Island and the Bronx Zoo in 1972 when I was twelve years ago.  I expect to be able to update the daily comments from New York. But if I am not able to, I am back on April 3.

It should be no surprise that markets were down on Monday. This business of depositor “haircuts” for Cyprus bank depositors may not be any big deal at all for North America but it certainly is not a positive development.

I think there will be some ripples from this. Depositors in any weak bank especially those with deposits above the insured levels should be looking to move their deposits to more solid banks.

Banks hit with large deposit withdrawals may have problems unless central banks lend them enough money to cover all withdrawals. Most banks will have their assets tied up in loans.

These weak banks facing deposit withdrawals will call call in all the loans they can. Corporations and individuals who have borrowed from weak banks may find themselves scrambling to get new loans and new lines of credit.

All of this should mean that short-term interest rates on treasury bills of the strongest countries will go down and even go negative. The bond interest rate for these countries may go down as well. Tresury bill interest rates for and bond interest for weak countries will rise.

Costs for corporations to borrow should rise as many banks will not have money to lend.

Weaker banks will face nationalization or a forced takeover or in some cases even failure. Virtually none of this will affect the big banks in Canada. Smaller banks or weaker banks in Canada could face some deposit withdrawals.

Deposit insurance and implicit government guarantees have made people largely indifferent to which bank they had deposits with. These latest developments should make people, especially very large depositors including large corporate deposits more selective in choosing a bank.  And that is a good thing. We may see the emergence of small banks with much higher equity ratios. Possibly the higher equity will be invested in equities but it would still be there to provide security to depositors while also earning decent returns for bank shareholders.

It is sad indeed that Warren and Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway is not allowed in the banking business in the U.S. Berkshire owned a small bank in the 70’s and was forced by regulators to sell it.  If it were it would be showing how banks should be run.

I considered reducing some of my positions today but in the end decided rather than do something, I would just stand there.

Meanwhile Walmart and Canadian Tire did well today.

Visa was up 2.4% today. It has looked quite expensive for a long time but as I have said before it is hard to keep a good monopoly down. It is not on our list at this time.

March 24, 2012

My article on the valuation of the S&P 500 is updated and now suggests that as a point estimate the S&P 500 is about 12% over-valued. Basically the as reported earnings on the S&P 500 have remained stable over the past six months (since the last update) while the index has risen significantly. Although the particular stocks that I hold seem to offer good value this analysis may cause me to consider taking some profits and reduce my equity exposure somewhat.

I have added eBay back to the list of stocks in the table above. It is rated Weak Sell at $53.27. The company has many strengths. It is expensive but possibly the growth will take care of that. I am troubled by its excessive executive compensation and by an irrational insistence that stock options are not real expenses.

I had last rated this only a Weak Buy/ Hold at the start of 2012 at $30.33. So it seems I missed an opportunity to invest in a winning stock in 2012. That really does not bother me at all. I made excellent returns in other stocks in 2012. And even though my return would have been better had I invested in eBay, I don’t regret it. If I have developed a method of stock investing that works well on average that is all I need. Investors who would insist on never missing out on any stock that moves up strongly are simply being unrealistic and really showing a lack of knowledge and/or an immaturity.

Some subscribers may wonder why I would return a stock to the list that is rated Weak Sell. The main reason is that I did not know what rating it would have until AFTER I completed my analysis these past two days. The alternative of only adding stocks that are Buys would cause me to bias my ratings toward Buy. Also some of you may read the report I have compiled and conclude that you would in fact like to buy based on the strong growth and notwithstanding a high valuation and the executive pay.

March 22, 2013

Friday was another strong day on the markets with the DOW up 0.6%. Most of our stock picks were up.

Overall, my own account is up 8.5% since January 1. Our average stock that was rated in the Buy or Strong Buy range (everything above Weak Buy) has risen 6.8% since January 1. The Toronto Stock Exchange index is up 2.6%. The DOW is up 10.7%.

I sold 900 of my 1900 Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund units. I am not sure it was wise to sell. But is was only last month that I rated these units a (lower) Buy at just under $20 and they went up another 7.5% since then. I believe they raised the distribution 4% since then and also resumed borrowing money to buy back shares. There is probably no reason to think the units will not continue to do well. But they were starting to look expensive and so I pulled the trigger and sold half. I am up 45% on these units (which I believe I have held for several years). That is in addition to the distributions received. These units briefly went under $8.00 in the despair of December 2008. We rated it Strong Buy at that time.

With Walmart now above $74, it is probably still a good investment. Still, it is one that I may consider trimming to raise cash.

For the most part I am inclined to remain near fully invested. But I do recognize that markets can always decline at any time. I focus on owning businesses. I like owning shares in profitable companies that I frequent like Canadian Tire, Walmart, Boston Pizza and Shaw Communications. I also enjoy owning shares in well known companies like Berkshire, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Stantec, Melcor, Canadian Western Bank and Toll Brothers. Even if the market declines I will still own the same number of shares in these great companies. And I will have the opportunity to buy additional shares at lower prices. I’m confident that these will be good investments over the long term.

March 21, 2013

Melcor Developments reported today that it has filed a preliminary prospectus for the proposed partial spin-off of its rental properties into a REIT. This will not likely lead to an accounting gain for Melcor since the real estate is already marked to market. But if the REIT trades above book value then that could push the Melcor stock up. When I saw the press release today it looked like good news to me and I was able to buy more Melcor before its price rose much today. Melcor was up 4.0% on the news today. Possibly it will rise further as this news gets reflected in the stock price. It’s thinly traded and so does not instantly reflect news.

Boston Pizza was up 2.4% to $21.40. I find it expensive at this price. It recently announced it will borrow money to buy back shares. That is accretive to the yield. But it feels a bit forced. Also since our recent update they raised the distribution by 4%. It has done very well indeed but it does seem expensive at this point. I am more inclined to sell some as opposed to buy more at this point.

Canadian National Railway was down 2.5% today. It does not look cheap but possibly the decline is a buying opportunity. CN should do well long term.

March 20, 2013

Toll Brothers was up an impressive 5.8% today. I added a bit to my Melcor position today based on an order that I had placed a week or so ago.

March 19, 2013

Our stock picks did okay today. Canadian Tire was up 1.1%. I did not sell any of my Shaw at least not yet and it rose 1.3%.

The whole business with Cyprus is not something that would cause me to sell any stocks but it was a very stupid situation.

Cyprus, for whatever reasons, had a huge banking industry with substantial foreign deposits. Those banks lost a lot of money when Greece defaulted. Banking regulators in their “wisdom” encourage banks to hold government bonds and usually consider them to be risk free. Left on their own these banks even if they were short capital would almost certainly have recovered. Now the IMF and European Union or whomever have basically waved a huge red flag that tells everyone to pull their money out of the Cyprus banks. If the banks and Cyprus got into trouble die to the banks losing money on Greek bonds then destroying the reputation and business of these banks is hardly going to help matters. What must be done in the event of weak banks is for government officials to to either nationalize the banks or profess great confidence and financial support for the banks. What was done here (or attempted to be done) just seems idiotic.

March 18, 2013

As expected, markets were weak today due to the Cyprus bail-out situation. But overall the reaction was modest and not as bad as many feared. I have not seen any good analysis of exactly what was being proposed there or why the banks were involved. What was the financial health of the banks? How did the banks relate to the government which was being bailed out? I understand that the terms of the deal may change… The idea of “taxing” bank deposits does seem like a singularly stupid idea. Just how broke was Cyprus what were the consequences if it defaulted on its debt? Surely some $12 billion is not really that much money, surely the government had some kind of assets it could sell instead? Why not issue a series of Cyprus patriot bonds to be sold to Cypriots at home and abroad who would buy the bonds as a show of patriotism?

I’m tempted to take some profits on Shaw Communications which has done very well as far as the stock price in past six months. Profits and free cash were strong in Q1 (our last update was Q4). It appears that the company was not predicting much growth in 2013 overall and so subsequent quarters may not look as strong as Q1.

March 17, 2013

As of late Sunday, it appears that the markets will open down 1% or so due to events in Cyprus whereby depositors in apparently insolvent banks will have to give up about 7 to 10% of their savings deposits in exchange for shares in the banks. (Which shares might or might not be worth anything.). Shock and anger is apparently the reaction from financial commentators. But really, banks have historically been known to be risky ventures. It’s precisely because of that high risk that they generally have some amount of deposit insurance. Bank depositors, especially those in Canada and to a lesser degree the U.S. have forgotten that banks are highly leveraged and therefore risky. There is a ton of misconceptions about events like this. It seems likely that Cypress simply did not have the money to make good on the guarantees (They use the euro and therefore can not simply print money). Presumably the banks were very weak and this was about the best that could be made of a bad situation. Also, apparently much of the money was deposits from outside the country. Do we really need to have all that much sympathy for people who put their money into foreign banks on tiny island countries to earn the extra return or to avoid taxation or whatever?

This could indeed have unintended consequences as bank depositors in other countries may rush to remove cash.

I think this is only a big deal if the financial commentators and traders make it out to be such.

I certainly would not be selling my stocks on this news. Others likely will which could push markets down further.

I will mention though that I had occasion in late November to need about $7000 in cash to make a large purchase (of a shiny object) from Costco. Costco, being the crafty devils they are, would not take a cheque that large. And debit cards only go to $1000 it seems. And I don’t carry American Express. And Costco does not take Visa. I went to TD and tried to withdraw $7000 from my account. They said sure, it will be ready first thing in the morning and the maximum allowed today was $3500. But interestingly I could get $3500 from each of two branches on the dame day, which I did and I made the purchase. It was an interesting learning though. We do trust our money to the banking system and it may not be as accessible as we think. (The fine print states they can require notice to withdraw cash from most accounts).

And early this year I was moving a large amount of money around and I found that about $25,000 was the limit for an electronic transaction. If you had the idea you could instantly scoot a few hundred grand to the Caribbean or someplace on a whim you might find it is not that easy.

I don’t think any of that really needs to be something to worry about. But it was an eye-opener.

March 16, 13

Toll Brothers is updated and is rated Speculative Buy at $34.13. As the report indicates, this luxury home builder is not an obvious bargain. But as it roars back (in terms of sales) from the depths of the U.S. housing crisis it appears set to show much larger earnings over the next couple of years. The issue becomes whether or not the growth is already priced in. Personally I plan to add to my position but not go overboard. I will be prepared to add to my position if the share price should happen to decline by say 10%.

On Friday our stocks had a particularly good day. Bank of America was up 3.8% and Wells Fargo was up 3.3%. The banks were up after having passed the Fed’s Stress Tests and having announced stock buy backs. Canadian Tire was up 2.2%. While some of the stocks were down, it was a strong day overall.

March 14, 2015

Today, Thursday saw another good day in the markets.

Most of our stock picks were up nicely although nothing spectacular. Boston Pizza certainly had a good gain up 1.9%to  $20.99.

It is amusing watching the stock market television channels attempt to analyst the market. Is there a stock market bubble they ask? Really? since when does an S&P 500 trailing P/E ratio of 16.2 constitute a bubble? And especially when interest rates are at record lows. Yes, the stock market can always fall hard on bad news but it’s clearly not in a bubble. And the notion that the market should fall because it has reached a new high would defy a couple hundred years of history whereby the market always eventually surpasses its old highs and moves on. Though sometimes that takes a long time. And sometimes there are gut wrenching declines. But by what logic would we expect the market to necessarily fail to move past its 2000 and 2008 highs at this point? Maybe the market will fall but it won’t be because of a triple top or any such nonsense.

It seems like for years we listened to many commentators on television tell us we were in a long-term bear market. Now that the market has already risen and left these geniuses behind, now many of them are suggesting we are in a bull market. I have no use for such concepts. In fact bear market and bull market theories are just another form of sell low and buy high which does not make a lot of sense to me.

I am pretty sure that there is a strong negative correlation to watching stock market television channels and investment performance. They are just far too fixated on short-term matters.

I am often asked if one needs to watch their stocks very closely after buying. My reply is not at all. Firstly watching will not usually provide any clear signal. Secondly the effort should be on buying carefully in the first place.

I seldom ever watch BNN, although I am sure they have some good segments. Same for Bloomberg and CNBC.

I do record and watch Lang and O’leary almost every day. They have a good variety, great guests and are not fixated on micro movements in the stock market. And I always find Kevin O’Leary to be entertaining. I certainly don’t agree with everything he says but I do agree with a lot it. And I marvel at his quick wit. He is very sharp.

March 13, 2013

The Dow and the S&P 500 were both about unchanged today but the Toronto Stock Exchange Index was down 134 points or 1.0%. For many years I have found that my stock picks tend to move more with the broad U.S. market indexes and not Toronto. I pay little to no attention to the Toronto index. Except I do use it as a benchmarked to compare my performance each year. I have not paid a lot of attention to the components of the Toronto Index. My understanding is that it is heavily weighted to resources (oil & gas, minerals, forests…) also a heavy weighting to financials. Many other sectors are not well represented in that index.

It was a mixed to slightly down day for our stock picks.

If anyone knows of any seminars on stock picking and investing using fundaments I would be interested in knowing. I’d like to find one where I could participate as a presenter. The type of seminar or course I am thinking of is probably two full days or more and charges a fee to participants. (Free courses would likely be trying to see something rather than provide education). Obviously, I am totally not interested at all in anything to do with technical analysis, charting, or foreign exchange trading. Also I am not interested in options or derivatives (not as a presenter anyhow). My interest is to participate in a seminar that focuses on fundamental analysis and also asset allocation. If you know of anything, let me know at

March 12, 2013

Our banks stocks lost some ground today as did Toll Brothers and Canadian Tire. The noise to signal ratio from this as far as I am cornered is a great deal of noise and no signal. I take signal from earnings reports not stock price blips.

As far as Canadian Tire goes, I like it because (among all the other reasons mentioned in the report) it appears to have decent earnings with a P/E of just under 11. And it trades at just 1.2 times book value. And I suspect some of the assets are quite a bit under-valued. Overall it looks like good value to me with some safety margin that should mean it is quite unlikely (but always possible)  I would take a loss if I held it several years. However there may not be any catalyst to push the price up any time soon. It could take a year or more before the impact from Target is known. On the other hand it has said it will be buying back shares. (none yet reported since the Q1 report came out). There are also possible catalysts in terms of acquisitions and divestitures. Overall I think it has good value and I plan to ride along with it. Around 2002 my feat was that Walmart was then moving out of the Woolco stores into much larger stores. Canadian Tire did not seem to miss a beat on that. Canadian Tire has its large auto service operation. Target is not competing there. (I keep waiting for Canadian Tire to start selling a line if Indian or Chinese cars, low priced ones. They are ideally positioned to do it.)

Speaking of the auto service, I took our 2005 Volvo cross country wagon there last Thursday night because my wife had complained it was making unhealthy noises after starting. They diagnosed the problem in about 30 minutes and explained it was the starter failing to fully retract but did advise replacing the (volvo= expensive) starter yet as the situation was harmless. In fact we then realized it mostly happened when we used the auto starter and we are soon out of that season. My point is, I got excellent very speedy service and no up selling. And I like shopping where I own shares. They charged me the agreed upon diagnosis fee, and I was perfectly happy with that. (Car problem diagnosed = happy wife = happy Shawn)

Retailing can be a tough business. So it’s interesting to observe that the single greatest family fortune in existence is that of the Walton heirs. On billionaire lists they rank as high as number 11 as individuals. Christy Walton $28 billion, Jim Walton $27 billion, Alice Walton $26 billion, Robson Walton $26 billion. All told for the Walton family that is $107 billion and WAY ahead of the ostensible number one, Carlos Slim Helu who scrapes by with $73 billion. Naysayers will complain that the Waltons were retailers who did not add value to the products and who destroyed the Mom and Pop shops. The other side of that argument is that they brought huge economies of scale to retail and have improved the lives of millions upon millions by lowering the cost of everyday goods. I certainly make no apologies for owning some Walmart shares and I hope the Walton’s don’t either. Anyhow, it’s not like that family is ever going claim the $107 billion dollars of goods and services that they could buy and go waste that money. Most of it will go to benefit society one way or the other. Anyhow my intertest in Walmart and its history is to study how retail makes money and how I can apply that in buying shares of other retailers.


March 11, 2013

Of note today was Wells Fargo up 1.7%. I like the prospects for this bank and also for Bank of America.

I added a small amount to my Canadian Western Bank position today after it fell 1.4%.

March 10, 2013

Melcor Developments is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $18.61. This is a very well-managed Edmonton-based company that has traded on the stock exchange since 1968 and which traces its roots back 89 years under the ownership of the same founding family. Earnings are cyclical and the stock price can be highly volatile. I first added it to this site in late 2002 rated Strong Buy at $3.60 (Actually at $36.00 but it later split its stock 10 for one). Since 2002 the assets on the balance sheet have increased from $209 million to $1447 million (boosted somewhat by mark-to-market valuations on rental properties). This company illustrates how owning shares in companies can work. The company does pay a dividend. But it retains most of its earnings to grow the business. And those retained earnings have greatly benefited share owners. Anyone who argues that companies should always dividend out as much of their earnings as possible (or even pay any dividend) is dead wrong in the case of companies like Melcor.

By simply hitching a ride at a time when the share price is reasonable investors who bought and hold did very well indeed.

However, Melcor’s shares did soar to the unreasonably high price of just over $30 in the Spring of 2007. The shares rose about 500% in just over two years. The shares were over-valued at that point.  In late 2008 through early 2009, Melcor shares traded as low as under $4.00. This was during the financial crisis (which turns out to have been the financial opportunity of a lifetime). At $4.00 Melcor shares were extremely cheap and far cheaper in relation to book value than at any time since I began following the company in late 2002. This illustrates the fact that both the quality of a company and its price are very important factors.

With a company like a Melcor a reasonable strategy is to have a default position of buying and holding. But also be prepared to buy on dips and be prepared to sell if the market exhibits irrational exuberance about the stock.

I am comfortable holding this stock although I realize it can fall significantly in times of recession in the home building industry in Alberta.

March 7, 2013

Two of our Stock Picks were down noticeably today. Canadian Western Bank was down 4.8% and Constellation Software was down 4.4%. On the other hand, Bank of America was up 2.8%.

Canadian Western Bank released earnings this morning and the stock fell 4.8%. At a quick look, the earnings were not bad. Adjusted earnings per share were up 2%. Not great but not awful. The market does not like that the net interest margin is lower. But the lower margin should not be a surprise with interest rates so low. I believe that the shares offer reasonable value at this price and that a Buy rating remains applicable. I don’t think a person would go too far wrong in buying and holding these shares.

Constellation Software released earnings this morning and the stock fell 4.4%. At a quick look, the earnings were quite good. I am comfortable holding this stock.

U.S. banks stocks may do well in the wake of the Fed’s stress tests taht were released today. Apparently further results are due next week and by the end of next week there may be indications of increased dividends at some U.S. banks.

Melcor showed little reaction to its earnings report. It is thinly traded and not followed by many analysts and so that may explain the lack of reaction.

March 6, 2013

Well, it was yet another strong day for our stock picks. But we should not get over confident. There will be down days as well and down months and even down years. But right now, all the painful down days (like 2008) seem like a distant memory.

Bank of America was up 3.2%. Toll Brothers was up 1.8 %, Canadian Tire, which is my largest holding was up 0.8%.

The down-side is that many of our stocks have risen substantially since the last updates, and so the bargains are less obvious now, and so I am eager to get more updates done. But it’s a nice problem to have.

Melcor Developments came out with earnings after the close today. The earnings and the report looked quite strong to me. At this point I would wait and see how the market reacts. (Although I will probably trim my position if it rises). I will update that report by Sunday after first seeing where the price settles on the earnings news. However it does trade quite thinly and so the price may take some time to react to the earnings news. They also have a new CEO promoted from within but that does not appear to be a disruptive event at all. (The best run companies usually do promote from within. If a company’s  board of directors can’t find a new CEO from within it means they don’t respect their employees and they don’t think the company has much proprietary knowledge or culture to build on.)

March 5, 2013

So the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached a new all-time high today. Not a big deal, but it does seem an encouraging sign.

I have a very heavy weighting in equities (around 90%). For that reasons I may look to see what positions I should trim a little as prices rise. But for the most part I am content to let things ride.

Warren Buffett was on CNBC’s Squawk Box for three hours on Monday before the market opened. He said that equities remain good investments compared to other assets. He never makes predictions about the stock market except that he thinks it will rise in the long term. He said a long-term government bond was the dumbest investment around. He encourages Americans who need a house to buy ad to take a 30-year locked in mortgage rate. He does think that at some point the FED will begin to reverse its easy money policy. When that happens he believes most institutional stock investors w will be looking to sell some stocks. (Basically he is saying stock prices will fall then, perhaps a lot). Berkshire will not be looking to sell stocks at that point.

I notice that lower mortgage rates in Canada are in the news. In some ways it is surprising that banks have not always been more competitive. People say the industry is an oligopoly with only five major competitors. Actually five is plenty to promote competition. Consider, three airlines in a market will usually beat each other to death. Banking should be very competitive in that their products are the ultimate commodity. And with the internet the old convenience of the local branch is not much of a factor. But there remains an inconvenience and a high a=switching cost (in time and effort) to se=witch banks. Big banks are very silly to offer mortgages through brokers. That is a low profit business. Smart banks will try to capture you as a customer and have you using five or more of their products. When they do that they don’t have to be as aggressive on prices.

Speaking of airlines/ I saw an ad today where Air Canada will match prices and give you an extra $50 off if you find a cheaper flight within 24 hours of booking. This is a really stupid strategy for Air Canada. It’s seldom a good idea to compete on price. And I don’ think it is ever a good idea to price match since that means you are agreeing to match whatever stupid price your competitor offers. And it’s really dumb to compete on price when you are not the low cost operator. Air Canada should try to compete some other way like convenience, comfort, safety service and on-time travel. On top of an already stupid idea, this will create  a customer service nightmare when people start trying to phone in and prove they saw a cheaper flight. As Buffett also said yesterday, Airlines have all the characteristics of a really bad industry. Encouraging customers to shop even harder for the lowest price every time is not going be a money making strategy.

March 4, 2013

It was a decent day at least in the American markets with the DOW up 0.3%.

Walmart was up 2.2%.

Some people figure that stocks are expensive simply because the DOW is near its record high. But that is totally normal. The last high was five years ago. S&P 500 as well as DOW earnings are somewhat higher than they were five years ago. The U.S. GDP is higher than it was five years ago. Interest rates are lower. So we should fully expect the markets to surpass their old highs. That’s what markets do.

On the other had growth expectations are low and that does act as a gravitational force on the markets. And if interest rise that is also a gravitational force. Investors may be wise to keep some cash ready to buy bargains should they appear. Or be ready to use new savings to do so.

Overall the fact that markets are at record highs is far from any clear danger signal. Markets are unpredictable. In the short term, they will rise and they will fall unpredictably. Over long periods of time they will rise due to profitable businesses retaining earnings and growing.


March 3, 2013

Berkshire Hathaway is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $102.05. For the reasons given in the report this rating may be conservative. By my reading, Buffett has hinted (but not stated) that the intrinsic value is closer to the $130 range.

Buffett’s much anticipated annual letter came out after the close on Friday. As always it was chock full of investment wisdom.

Berkshire had an excellent year although Buffett, in typical fashion called it a sub-par year because it slightly trailed the S&P 500 this year in terms of the increase in book value per share.

The entire annual report runs to 109 pages (not excessively large by the standards of large companies and considering it includes the 24 page letter form Buffett). I read the entire thing. Years ago I had assumed that Buffett himself was not much involved in the writing the official parts of the annual report. I was wrong. Buffett’s fingerprints are all over the report including even the notes to the financial statements. He has a particular succinct style of presenting information. No words are wasted. No doubt, his CFO and controller write much of it, but they follow the Buffett format and it seems clear that he edits it.

Over the years I have read a huge amount of negative comments about Buffett. The indisputable fact is however that he is one of the greatest investors and CEOs in history. People would be wise to spend their time learning from him and not bashing him.

A subscriber asked about whether U.S. stocks should be purchased in a U.S. dollar investment account. The answer is yes. Unregistered accounts (taxable accounts) usually offer the ability to set up a U.S. dollar account. The strategy then would be to move some money to that account and then buy the U.S. shares. You will incure a currency conversion fee. But thereafter the money can be left in that U.S. dollar account even if you later sell the stock or dividends are received. This avoids further currency conversion costs. In registered accounts, TD Waterhouse offers the ability to automatically do “wash trades” whereby U.S. stocks are funded from a U.S. dollar money market account and no further currency conversion costs apply. If the U.S. stock is sold the money goes automatically back to teh U.S. money market account. Other discount brokers may require you to call in each time to request the wash trade (as TD used to require) or may not offer this.

February 28, 2013

Strong gainers today included Canadian National Railway up 3.0%, Couche-Tard up 2.7% and Melcor up 2.4% (but it is thinly traded and tends to jump around a bit). Also RioCan up 2.8% although that is similar to its price at our last update.

Canadian Western Bank was down 2.1%. It will likely release earnings soon. I certainly like it longer term.

Warren Buffett will release his annual letter tomorrow at about 4 pm eastern time. Also the Berkshire Hathaway annual results will be released. Berkshire will have had a good year.

February 27, 2013

Markets were very strong on Wednesday with the DOW up 1.25% and Toronto up 0.6%.

Berkshire Hathaway was up 2.5%. Toll Brothers was up 2.0%.

At lunch time on Monday I bought additional Berkshire Hathaway shares paying $99.54. It ended Monday at $98.58. On Tuesday it opened at $99.05, got as low as $98.25 and closed at $98.72. Today, Wednesday it opened at $98.58, but closed at $101.21. So I did not get the best price this week and certainly I should have been buying quite some weeks ago. But nevertheless I am happy I bought some on Monday.

Target indicates it will spend $1.5 billion in capital in Canada in 2013. (possibly that was meant to include the 2012 spending). That would be on top of the $1.8 million they paid to acquire the leases (though some was recouped selling some leases to Walmart. They presumably also spent a lot in 2012. They say the stores they acquired “were in very poor physical condition”. I know the Zellers near me was stripped to the bare steel and concrete. Even the exterior walls were torn out for an expansion. They will open 124 stores. It sounds like they will have spent at least $3.3 billion on the 124 stores. That’s a remarkable $27 million per store — and they will still be paying rent. That strikes me as expensive. I don’t know how that fits in with expectations that Target will offer low prices. Consumers should not expect anything close to the U.S. prices. For may reasons they will face higher costs in Canada.

Perhaps it is a great deal for the landlords like RioCan. Target apparently pays for all these capital costs. It will be quite some years before the leases come up, but at that time the landlord would have the benefit of the renovations and be able to charge a high rent to Target.

February 26, 2013

Markets were generally strong today.

Toll Brothers was up 3.3% on strong reports regarding U.S. housing prices and new home sales. It should really be no surprise that U.S. house prices are rebounding given record low interest rates and given that houses were often selling below replacement cost less an allowance for depreciation and obsolescence. Stories of shadow inventories had many convinced that U.S. house prices would not rebound. But last Spring, Warren Buffett was saying that houses were among the best investments possible for U.S. citizens due to their low prices. When Warren speaks, smart investors listen. Uniformed people disparage him despite his 60 year record of exceptionally astute investment moves.

Melcor has fallen to $18.25, down 2.7% today and down from recent highs of over $20 on news it will spin off some investment properties into a REIT. I suspect there are fears that the Alberta market is cooling. And fears that the REIT plans could fall through. I am holding this stock with excellent gains on it and will re-evaluate after it releases earnings around March 7.

I have been thinking of adding Proctor and Gamble to the site. I like their brands and I don’t think the stock will look overly expensive. But a fortune magazine article has painted a disturbing picture of the CEO. Apparently several years ago he was involved with some 18 outside organizations and commitments including sitting on various boards. Now he has culled that back to about six. I guess I would have thought that being CEO of a huge company would be a full time job. It would seem to take a special kind of idiocy to be involved in 18 outside organizations. I would seriously question his judgment on that. I would think that about 2 outside commitments would be enough.

There was an interesting story today about the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan. Indexing of the pension for inflation, for service earned after 2013,  will only occur if the plan is fully funded. Past service will apparently remain fully indexed. Even though it is being made on a go-forward basis this change apparently entirely eliminates the pension’s deficit calculation as at January 1, 2012. The plan had a relatively modest deficit of 8.2%.

I believe this is a wise and fair move. It’s not that pensioners do not “deserve” inflation protection. They do. But from now on it will be paid only if investment returns are such that there is no pension deficit. Currently all the pension investment performance risk has been with the still-employed teachers and the employer. There has been zero risk for the retired teachers. This change puts some of the risks on the retired teachers but only on a go-forward basis. In fact it appears to have no impact on current retirees and will only affect those that retire after 2013. For retires in the next five years or so the impact should be very minimal. But those retiring in (say) 20 years will only receive inflation indexing if the fund is fully funded. In hind-sight the plan has been too rich and the contributions were too low. Contributions have already been increased about as much as feasible and there was really no choice but to deal with the benefits. This change appears to be a good one although it might be described as the lesser of the possible evils.

February 25, 2013

A graph of today’s markets shows that they started out strong, but reversed to losses by mid-day and then fell heavily at the end of the day.

Apparently part of the reason was election results in Italy.

As an investor I pay little attention to things like elections in Italy. I figure if I own stocks at reasonable prices I will do okay long term. The shore-term is anyone’s guess.

With the market down today, I decided to add to my position in Berkshire Hathaway. I should have been buying it before Christmas…

I’m tempted to add to my positions in Wells Fargo and Bank of America but I may not given I already have a relatively large allocation to each of these.

February 24, 2013

Canadian Tire is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $68.65. There are risks with any investment and I would urge subscribers to read the report. Subscribers may wish to place more emphasis on the risk posed by Target and a more competitive retail market. For a wide variety of reasons I conclude that it is likely, but certainly not guaranteed, to be a good investment.

My personal portfolio is updated. My cash component is lower than the last update due to some buying and due to withdrawing some cash from my non-registered account.

Markets were up strongly on Friday.

It’s been interesting to see the Canadian dollar fall to 98 cents. Ever since the Canadian dollar soared some years ago I have felt that the risk had been more to the downside than the up side. At this point I have no strong feeling at all as to whether it will rise or fall. There is actually no reason why our currency should trade at par with the American dollar although it does make it easier to compare prices across the border. My approach has been to move a certain amount of money into U.S. dollars and leave it there.

February 21, 2013

I plan to update a couple of the reports this weekend based on earnings reports. I also plan to update the composition of my own portfolio. It has not changed a lot since the last update and I don’t recall any new stocks being added, just additions to existing positions. I see little need to hunger for new picks if the existing ones seem good. Some subscribers have asked for more guidance on what to buy. At the end of the day I provide information and opinion here. Each company has a report. My opinion of the company is not totally captured in just the rating. Subscribers should, ideally, read the report on any stock they are interested in. There are never any guarantees in the investing world. Many investors become comfortable with volatility. If you own shares in good companies they usual recover but once in a while a company can really collapse. And occasionally the overall stock market takes a dive. I don’t pretend to be able to predict those things. I simply try to buy some good stocks at good prices. I then sell some if I need to raise cash for better opportunities or if the overall market is seems too high in relation to earnings and interest rates.

After posting the note on Canadian Tire this morning I went into TD Webroker and the stock was set to open down modestly somewhere under $68. So I placed an order for a small additional amount at $68 which meant I would get the opening price to a maximum of $68. (If it opened and stayed above $68 my order would not be filled). It ended up opening at $67.30. It closed at $68.91 so, with one day down and forever to go, it looks like a good buy so far. I am happy to hold this stock but as mentioned just below I don’t expect any sudden surge in the price. Maybe a little positive move due to the share buy back and that assumes all else is equal like the overall market remains pretty stable.

Bank of America was down 3.2% to $11.42. I still think of this stock as being a good investment but somewhat speculative.

Walmart was up 1.5% to $70.26 after it reported earnings. I mentioned under February 16 that I added to my position on a price dip that day at $69.29. I am comfortable buying or owning this stock at this price.

February 21, 2013 (approx. 8:45 am eastern, 6:45 Mountain time)

Canadian Tire earnings came out prior to the opening of trade. The fourth quarter was okay, at best, not terrible, certainly not great. The full year was pretty good. They are doing a modest stock buy back and emphasized that. If the share price drops on this news I would be a buyer.

February 20, 2013

Markets fell today on fears that the FED would stop buying back bonds and interest rates would rise.

Well, maybe that is a legitimate reason for the market to fall but I am not so sure. Interest rates are at record lows and I don’t think the P/E ratio on the market indexes is too high for thee low rates or even somewhat higher rates. The end of FED bond buying would also signal some return to a more normal state of affairs. Personally, I just can’t see panicking and selling overtime the market might fall. It always might. But long term good companies rise in price.

Toll Brothers fell 9.1% after lower-than-expected earnings and lower-than-expected home deliveries. Both were above last year but lower than expected. I have been saying that Toll Brothers looked expensive though I did hang onto my shares. I expect to update the report by Sunday.

Constellation Software is down to $115. It has fallen in recent days and weeks from the $124 level. When I look at is recent press releases I don’t see any bad news. It will releaase earnings March 7. It is always possible that the market has detected a negative report coming. But I do not see cause for alarm. I don’t particularly plan to buy at this point but I would be more inclined to buy than sell.

I expect Canadian Tire to release earnings before the open tomorrow (or at least by end of trading tomorrow). This my largest holding. I own it because it looked like it was bargain priced to me. But earnings reports are always unpredictable. I certainly have no idea of what might be in the works. Generally I expect that they had a decent Q4. The credit card portfolio should have done well. The stores, I can’t predict but see no big reason to be worried. The wild card might be if they announce some cost-cutting efforts (unfortunately these are usually associated with costs for severance) and how the market might react to that. By the time most of you read this, we will likely know how things turned out. The conference call is scheduled for 4:30 pm so that may mean the release is after hours instead of pre-opening. I find it rather bizarre that they would issue a press release about the conference call and not indicate the time of the earnings release. This seems to be standard but dumb practice.

If the stock happened to drop several dollars or more on bad news I would be inclined to buy but I would also want to first be aware of the news.

On the positive side if they happen to announce any strategic moves like selling real estate or the credit card operation or a heavy share buy back then it could rise in price.

If there are no surprises in the earnings news then I expect the stock might rise a bit but not much as the market is going to be waiting to see the impact from Target though that won’t really be apparent for up to a year.

February 19, 2013 (these comments did not upload until the 20th)

Well, a pleasant start to the markets this week. ‘course we’re supposed to be thinking longer term but still a gain always feels good. Stantec up 3.3%, Shaw Communications up 2.5%, almost everything was up, but Constellation software was down 3.1%.

And a good day for Buffett, Berkshire A shares were up 1.6% to $152,498, a new record high. The B shares were up 1.25% to $101.02. These are basically the same shares except one A share is convertible into 1500 B shares (but not vice versa).

I have not seen much mention of the fact that Berkshire closed at a new record today, nor that it is up over one million percent since Buffett took over the company. His average cost of acquisition was $14.86. His first buys were at $7.60 per share in 1962. These are the same shares that are now worth $152,498. I don’t know what the shares traded at on May 10, 1965 when Buffett took control, perhaps it was a bit over $15. But most assuredly the shares were under $15 in early 1965. Buffett tracks his performance back to the start of fiscal 1965 which was October 1, 1964. I believe he was already influencing, if not controlling the company by then.

It seems to me that this kind of gain (one million percent or more) is worthy of a bit of recognition.

February 17, 2013

As many of you saw, I sent out an email today intended only for former (not current) customers. The email went to everyone on the free and paid lists by mistake. There was a link there to subscribe at a special price. If anyone who was not a current customer used the link that is completely fine.

It does create a bit of an issue where any existing paid customers used the link as they may end up with two subscriptions in PayPal. That can cause login problems as well as double billing. If you did that it’s fine except please understand we may have some issues to get through in regards to any billing or login problems.

If anyone has a big issue with some other people getting a special price, email and tell me what you would like done. I think the service is great value at the regular price and so I am hoping not too many people will be upset that someone else got a discount. But if you are just tell me what remedy you would like to see.

My apologies for the confusion created by the mis-directed email.

As you will see just below, one company on the list has been updated. And accordingly it is highlighted in yellow on the list. It will remain in yellow for about one month.

There had been a total lack of new updated reports in 2013 to date and that was related to the fact that basically everything had been freshly updated near the end of 2012. There have of course been comments about five days per week.

There has been a flurry of new subscribers due to some newspaper media coverage of my self and this site in Edmonton.

New subscribers should read the short article (the link to this article is also near the top of this page and many of you will have already reviewed it) with some information about using research page.

Occasionally people email to ask if I can review their portfolios. No, that is not a service we offer. InvestorsFriend Inc. and myself as its editor owner cannot give any personal advice. All of the advice here is generic. It’s not tied to anyone’s particular circumstances. Also, I also cannot comment on any stock or company not on the list here. My approach has always been that analysis must precede opinion. Unless I have analyzed a company in at least some detail I try to refrain from forming much less sharing an opinion. Analysis, of the sort that I undertake, cannot always prevent mistakes but it certainly helps.

Updates to the stocks on the list will come. I believe that over the course of several months or a year there will always be sufficient updates. Occasionally a new company will be added.

Boston Pizza Royalties Income Trust is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $19.96. In this case notice that it is not a corporation. This is actually a rather odd entity. A heavily financially engineered entity that collects a 4% royalty from food sales at Boston Pizza restaurants (excluded alcohol). The units unfortunately do not benefit in any meaningful way from new store openings. That is because new units are issued to basically the founders of BP in exchange for the right to the 4% from these new stores. The unit distribution will rise over time only if same store food sales rise. These units have bond-like characteristics but also offer some possible growth (and risk of shrinkage – and shrinkage is seldom or never a good thing!). Overall the 5.9% yield seems attractive given today’s low interest rates.

I own units and sometimes toy with the idea of selling as the price has risen. I have excellent gains on these units and so I worry about losing that gain. But overall it seems a good investment. If the unit price should fall due to perhaps a weak quarter or just lack of buying interest then I might buy more. If an investor is truly looking for yield and truly would not be bothered by a unit price decline as long as the cash distribution was unaffected then this might be good choice. But it is very hard to not be bothered by price declines. Those are always a risk.

Subscribers tell me they value me giving my though process. I probably should have bought more Boston Pizza even as the price rose. I believe I probably got (back) into this stock in the $11 something range. When I buy at $11 it simply becomes hard to buy later at say $13 or $15, much less $18 or $20. This is especially the case given that the share price did not rise because of any great earnings or dividend surge at all. To acknowledge that these units are still a (lower) Buy today  at $20 is to admit that they were probably a steal at under $12 in 2010 rather than the Speculative Buy we rated it at. Even there we had to contend with our own history that called it a Strong Buy on December 13, 2008 at just $7.15. That was after it fell hard in the financial crisis, like everything. It would have been hard to keep calling it a Strong Buy after a swift rise the the $12 range. (I do try to make the ratings independent of past history but one can’t simply erase their memory of prior prices).

Although these units seem to be a reasonable investment, if one needs cash for other investments or purposes I certainly don’t see an issue with selling this one.

Our ratings history is:

Today (lower) Buy at $19.96

December 12, 2012 (lower) Buy at $19.05

May 13, 2012 Buy at $17.87

December 24, 2011 (higher) Buy at $14.18

November 28, 2010 Speculative (lower) Buy at $13.78.

May 16, 2010 Speculative Buy at $11.45

The difficulty in 2010 was that we knew the distribution would be sharply cut when it became taxable at the start of 2011. We also knew that the lower dividend would then be eligible for the dividend tax credit. But it certainly seemed a more risky situation given the then pending distribution cut.

November 28, 2009, Buy at (about) $11.40

August 15, 2009 (higher) Buy at $10.20

February 9, 2009 (higher) Buy at $8.65

December 13, 2008 Strong Buy at $7.15 (financial crisis, err… financial opportunity days)

Our initial rating was (lower) Buy at $14.47 on January 9, 2005.

We dropped it from the list in 2006 after our report got outdated and the price rose very steeply and I sold my units at a gain. It briefly soared to $20 in 2006 but we were not rating it  at that time.

All this detail I got just from looking back at the links to my old comments. Anyone industrious can check it out if they wish. Just do searches for comments on Boston Pizza. For past years scroll to the bottom of this page for a link to past years’ comments. Of course there is always the risk that I backdated the old comments and ratings. Anyone who has the slightest suspicion of that should shop elsewhere for advice.

February 16, 2013

Berkshire Hathaway A shares closed Friday at a record closing price of $150,141.

This exceeds the previous high close of $149,200 on December 10, 2010. It did however reach $151,650 on December 11, 2007.

Regaining a high from five years ago is nothing to brag about. But still Berkshire has certainly done well of late. There will likely be some news about it reaching the all time high.

What I find fascinating it consider that these shares were in the $15 range as Buffett took over the company in 1965. He paid an average $14.86 for his controlling stake. The shares have since risen  a staggering 10,104 fold. That is just over one million percent. And yes, the math is correct. What is equally remarkable is that it “only” took a compounded gain of 21.2% per year to achieve that. This illustrates that absolutely stunning results can occur if you compound money at 21% for say 50 years. (Even at 10% your gain is 117 fold in 50 years. Each extra tiny bit of return after 10% adds a staggering amount over 50 years. A 1000 fold gain in 50 years (100,000% gain) requires 14.8% per year compounded. It also suggests that getting much over 10% for 50 years is no easy feat. Only a few people can possibly accumulate huge wealth otherwise there would be nothing left for others. But don’t begrudge Buffett. His fortune represents “claim checks” on the goods and services produced by society (including produced by Berkshire) But he is never going to cash these claim checks he is giving it ALL away. He lives on the modest half billion or so that he has accumulated outside of Berkshire, and he will apparently give much of that away as well.

Walmart fell 2.2% to $69.30 on Friday on news about an internal email describing February month to date sales as a total disaster. And the executive wrote “The worst start to a month I have seen in my ~7 years with the company”.

When I saw the price down My reaction was to think about buying and certainly not selling. This was an internal email and no doubt was at least a bit exaggerated. Anyhow, I don’t think one should change their outlook on Walmart based on an email about sales over a two week period.

I don’t know if I honestly say I would have preferred a 5% or larger decline (I own some Walmart) but given the decline had already happened I figured the thing to do was to consider buying. I looked at my last rating which was (higher) Buy at $68.03. I had also been wanting to perhaps deploy more cash into the market. So I ended up adding 50% to my Wal-Mart position. Wal-Mart at 2.9% of my portfolio (prior to the add) was only my 12th biggest holding and so I also considered that. It had been a much larger share of my portfolio but I had sold some at about $72 and so this was also just in some way restoring the position. There are always lots of complex reasons to buy or not and in the end one just pulls the trigger or not. But those were some of my thoughts as I bought on Friday. I bought on my lunch time at $69.29. It had gotten as low as $68.13 earlier.

I have looked it up in the comments below and I note I had sold all my Walmart on October 3 at $73.63. (And I would have had good gains on that). I had previously some some on July 10 at $72 based on an order placed some days earlier to sell at that price. Also I sold some on June 12 at $67.70. The notes below indicate I bought some Walmart on April 12 at around $58. At that time it was one of my five largest holdings. I don’t know what my average price on Walmart was. TD Waterhouse shows my my average price paid for stocks I hold but it does not show me a history for a stock like Walmart that I owned and then did not own and then own again.

I also bought some Walmart back on November 19 at $68.09.

One way to pick up possible bargains without having to monitor the market at all is to enter “stink bids” below the current price. The discount that you apply in the stink bid strategy would depend on many factors. It might be just 2% low in one case and 20% in another case. Anyone who had a buy order in on Walmart at say $68.50 or $69 (which can be left as an open order for a maximum of 30 days) would have been filled at that price while being blissfully unaware of any news or price decline. That works well if the decline is temporary and rather sucks if the decline is larger and the stock falls well below your buy price. If the bad news happens when the market is closed and it opens at a price lower than your buy order you will get that lower price.

In general stink bids can be a decent way to buy and to take advantage of volatility. I have done this on occasion. If you really want to buy a stock then you probably should just buy. If you kind of want to buy but are a bit ambivalent this can be a good strategy.


February 14, 2013

In today’s news, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is partnering with another outfit to buy Heinz. This is not a huge surprise considering it fits much of the profile Buffett likes. It’s sells branded consumable products that are not likely to change much in the next two decades or longer. It’s simple, stable and predictable. It has a very long history. Buffett likes his history. It was a family company though I am not sure there is any family involvement left. I have no idea about the valuation. I do know that the fact that he is paying some 20% more than the market place is no indication that he is paying too much. He has always held that he can calculate the value of a company like this better than the market can.

I usually don’t have any short term predictions about share prices. But I did mention in my January 20 note below that I expected Berkshire to hit a record price this quarter. It’s just about there. It’s up 4.2% since then. Not huge put the thing is the upside seemed predictable and there did not seem to be a lot of downside risk over a reasonable holding period. I own Berkshire but I should have bought more. I was cheaping out hoping it might fall a bit.

February 13, 2013

Today we had a number of stocks falling in price. But that is nothing unusual.

Boston Pizza was up 2.5% to $20.40. It just released earnings last week which at a quick glance were pretty good. I’ve toyed with the idea of selling some of what I have (It’s in RRSP so no capital gains tax to worry about). But then again I see no reason for it not to hold up pretty decently and so I just hold it. (Of course it always COULD fall).  When it was at $14 about 16 months ago I never expected it to jump so fast or to anything close to this $20. From here I really see also no reason for it to increase much if at all. The yield already seems a bit low for an entity that will not grow dividends per unit fast at all (for the reasons indicated in the report). Longer term if interest ever finally rise its yield will rise meaning the price would drop.

With Canadian Tire down, I bought a bit more. This may in fact be sheer stubbornness on my part. The stock just looks cheap to me. If in fact earnings do stumble than I am hoping for some kind of action like a change of management to release value. I think the value is there (in the credit card portfolio, and the real estate in addition to the actual retail business)  so that provides some downside protection. But hopefully earnings do not in fact stumble. In December the company started buying back its own shares for the first time in a while (outside of smaller buys to offset stock option grants). They did not buy any since year-end but often companies are not allowed to buy shares between the end of a quarter and when they release earnings. The share buy back gave me some hope that management as of December saw the stock as cheap and therefore were not likely expecting to report bad news. We shall see around February 21 when they report earnings. But even if earnings are good, the market may not push the stock up until and unless the company proves it can maintain earnings after Target gets in operation.

Mortgage rates:

About 14 months ago I did a lot of digging into why Americans can lock in mortgages for 30 years (30 years!) at really low rates while in Canada the normal maximum lock-in was five years, although seven and ten years were available at rather exorbitant interest rate premiums. A 25 year lock in was available at a huge premium. I never did get any satisfactory answer to the mystery.

The interest rates I saw at that time were:

5-year fixed 5.29% but 4.09% special deal (so similar to U.S. 30-year fixed rate)

10-year fixed 6.75% but 5.45% special deal (39% higher than U.S. 30-year fixed)

25-year fixed 8.75% (call for special deal) I called and the mortgage specialist was not aware what the special deal might be and had never heard of anyone locking in for 30 years. The posted rate is more than double the U.S. 30-year fixed rate.

Well some things have changed.

Today a number of banks are offering very competitive 10 year locked in mortgage rates:

Scotia Bank has the lowest at 3.69% locked in for 10 years.

For the Canadian market, that is phenomenally low. Many people with large mortgages who cannot afford it if rates rise should consider locking in. The lowest posted rates are around 2.4% locked in for one year. So it is tempting to take that lower rate.

Maybe you can get even lower than 2.4% through a mortgage broker. But there are certainly people who might want to consider that 10-year lock-in.

Interest rates have gone lower than almost anyone thought they could and they have stayed low. But things can happen fast in the finance markets. Rates can rise. Rate are at record lows and they will rise at some point.

At 3.69% I almost tempted to take a few hundred thousand out as a mortgage and invest that. I would be very surprised if I could not make more than that 3.69% on average over the the next ten years by investing. But in the end, I don’t need the stress. Markets can fall and one way to add a lot of stress to your life is to be in the markets with borrowed money during a major market decline.

I suspect banks are able to do this because they have in turn found investors willing to lend money to the bank for ten years at something like 2.5%. If they can securitize these mortgages and fund them from investors locked in at say 2.5% then that is okay for the banks. (A 1.19% spread for the banks is not great but not horrible). 10-year Canada bonds pay investors 2.0% so I can’t see any sane investor offering ten year money to the banks at less than about 2.5%.)  If on  the other hand the banks are funding these mortgages with non-locked in deposits (on which they pay approximately nothing) then the banks are playing a very dangerous game. Higher spreads now but massive risk if deposit rates rise in the market.

Then there are the American banks who manage to offer 30-years locked in at 3.5%. The 30-year treasury in the U.S. pays 3.23%. So we have homeowners somehow borrowing at nearly the same low rate as the U,S, government. This is only possible due to a phenomena that I would call “stupid investor tricks”. In order for a bank to lend at 3.5% for 30 years it needs someone (investors) willing to lend it money at less than that. (And, no, despite what you heard about fractional reserve banking, they don’t get to print up the money in the basement of the bank)

Part of the game here is that mortgage investors expect a lot of the mortgages to be paid out early and so they don’t expect their money to really be tied up for the full 30 years. These investors will be sorry if rates rise, as their money will be locked up for a long time at low rates.

Warren Buffett has advised that it is wise idea for American’s to buy houses and to lock in at these ultra low 30-year rates. What is smart for the borrower will not ultimately be smart for the investor who funds that mortgage . (The banks tend to be in the middle hopefully collecting a spread and fees and not taking the risk).

February 12, 2013

Markets were higher today… In particular we had Toll Brothers up 4.4%. It looks expensive at this point but I continue to hold it. Also we had Bank of America up 3.2%.

February 11, 2013

Stocks were generally down a bit today. The Q4 earnings for many Canadian companies should be rolling in shortly.

I note today that the former CEO of SNC-Lavalin has been charged.

Wow, that is certainly a fall from grace. From rich and powerful CEO to looking at possible jail time and certain large legal bills, stress and embarrassment.

I don’t know much about SNC. But my understanding is that huge bribes were paid in Libya  (and possibly elsewhere including even possibly Canada). And it seems that the top people knew about this. In the case Libya it may have been sort of excused as a cost of doing business, a case of “when in Rome”. They may have felt they were doing this for the good of shareholders. But it is illegal under Canadian law for Canadian companies or Canadians to offer bribes anyplace in the world.

While not knowing anything except the few news stories I have read, I think SNC faces a lot more trouble over this yet. I think they had some connection to that Canadian woman who is in a Mexican Jail accused of helping to try to smuggle out Saadi Gadhafi. From all appearances the company (or at least some former executives) were involved but now they have abandoned her. Nice. With several men now charged someone will sing in turn for a lower sentence and perhaps many more will be implicated. Possibly the company could be given a large fine. That would punish innocent shareholders but still it could happen I suppose. There is even the ridiculous possibility that some shareholders who bought more recently will win a class action suit and the company (i.e. indirectly other quite innocent long-term shareholders) would have to pay that.

I am not impressed with chairman Gywn Morgan’s handling of the whole affair and I expect him to try to jump ship as soon as he can. He is newer at the company and he never signed on for this crap. He seems to be too optimistic that the rot has now been removed. I would doubt that. To me, it seems more likely that rot had invaded quite deeply. We shall see.

I don’t know if SNC is a reasonable investment or not. I understand it has good assets and a good break-up value. But I tend to think its future is very unpredictable. I would not be comfortable investing in it. (Though it turns out that one would have been wise to got in at the lows a few months ago and yet I felt the same way then, too uncertain.)

February 10, 2013

Greetings and welcome to a new group of subscribers who joined this weekend after seeing an article in the Edmonton Journal.

For the benefit of the new subscribers I will mention that I usually post some comments here five times per week. Usually it is Monday through Thursday evenings and then sometime on the weekend, often Sunday evening. Sometimes I don’t have much to say, other times I will comment on one or more of the stock picks or comment on something that has been in the business news or something related to investments. I rarely have anything to say about where I expect the markets to head in the short term since I don’t believe I have any ability to predict that. Markets tend to rise in the long term and be unpredictable in the short term. It’s better to focus on trying to identify and buy some companies that are likely to do well in the future (in terms of earnings), that are well managed and that are available at good prices. With this type of company purchased at a reasonable price the future stock price may vary but will ultimately tend to reflect the growth in earnings.

Dividends are nice but are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition. Berkshire Hathaway has made a return of literally one million percent for its investors since 1965 and without any dividend (well ironically enough it did pay a single dime out in 1967 but nothing since then). Of course many investments do pay excellent dividends. And there are examples of companies that were paying good dividends until suddenly suspending the dividends and then plunging in value. Sustainable earnings drive returns for investors over the long run. If the earnings are not growing then the only way the return is going to be acceptable is with a good dividend yield.

Subscribers often ask which stocks to purchase from the list above. I can’t make that decision for investors. I hope that subscribers will pick and choose from the list  based not only on the rating (and noting if the current stock price has changed since it was rated) but also based on reading and contemplating the reports on each company.

Of the companies on the list I tend to like all of those in my own investment portfolio but certainly can’t make any guarantees. In particular I like the prospects for Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Canadian Tire. Canadian Tire is facing increased competition and so maybe it will suffer. But my expectation is that it will report reasonable good earnings for Q4. It reports on February 21, I believe. It basically seems to be priced as if the outlook is somewhat pessimistic.

Almost all of the stocks in the list were updated near the end of 2012. The ratings were our opinion as of the date and price indicated. Some of them have subsequently risen quite nicely in price which makes it more likely that if we were to update today, then the rating might be a bit lower. In particular, Melcor is up significantly and while we still hold it we would not likely consider it to be a Strong Buy at the current price. Similarly Toll Brothers is up significantly compared to the price at which it was rated in early December. Some others have had fairly strong increases and in some cases the increase has been quite modest (making it more likely that the rating would still apply).

There will be some updated ratings over the coming weeks and months. In some cases I will update for the Q4 earnings reports. I tend to focus first on the higher rated companies in terms of doing updates. I will also keep you informed of any trades in my own account.

Patience is a virtue in investing. New subscribers should not necessarily be in any powerful hurry to make trades based on the information on this site. It makes sense to get familiar and comfortable with our approach.

February 7, 2013

I’m featured in the business section of the Edmonton Journal tomorrow.

Our stock picks have ended out the week in decent shape.

As always the signals from the economy are mixed. The U.S. economy continues to recover.

Canadian multi-family housing starts dropped a lot in December. Single family housing starts were also a bit lower I understand. In general house prices in Canada appear to be slipping a bit.

In Alberta things seem strong. But we do have the issue of a low oil and gas prices and eventually that couold cool the economy in Alberta. So Melcor faces that risk. On the other hand I expect Melcor to release good Q4 earnings (around March 6) although it may report a weaker outlook. Melcor had of course risen about 20% last month when it announced it would spin off its office and retail rental properties into a REIT (which is would continue to own a majority of that REIT). If that plan were to fall through then presumably Melcor would decline. And if the plan goes ahead perhaps it would rise a a bit more on that news. It is tempting to sell or lighten up on Melcor. On the other hand it’s probably going to be a good long-term hold. My strategy at the moment is to hold and I would probably buy if there was a significant pullback.

February 6, 2013

A notable winner among our Stock Picks today was Alimentation Couche-Tard, up 4.7% to $52.60.  I did not see the news that prompted this. This company is an incredible (and under-reported) Canadian success story. I am not eager to buy at this price but it has been a good stock pick for us over the years. It has certainly not gone up in a straight line. But is has done very well indeed over the years. It was under $20 at the start of 2010.

February 5, 2013

Most of the stocks that declined yesterday recovered today. There does not seem to be much sign of fear in the markets.

For the moment my strategy might be described as “Don’t just do something, stand there!”

February 4, 2013

Markets were negative today. It’s certainly not something that worries me. I think any pull-backs right now might prove to be more of a buying opportunity than anything.

February 1, 2013

So, we got a surprise 150 point, 1.2% jump in the DOW today. Which goes to show that in investing half the battle (actually 100% on average) is just showing up. The market tends to rise over the years. A buy and hold index investor can get the average return just by showing up and staying put. These are the passive investors. All other investors try to beat the index by stock selection and various forms of timing strategies. The passive investor grabs every 150 point day just by showing up, but also gets the down days but does make the average return over time, which works out okay. The markets timers try to side-step the down days but more often than not also miss too many of the big up days.

This web site is dedicated to beating the market by superior stock selection. In order for some people to do that others must trail the market. (That is harsh but it is the math of the matter.) Luckily there is a large pool of people who can be expected to trail the market because they follow non-sensical methods and jump in and out of the market at the worse times.

When you think about it, value based investors ended up experiencing more of a “financial opportunity” than a financial crisis. It felt ugly a the time but the financial crisis allowed the smart money to scoop up stocks at very attractive prices from the panicked dumb money. (Again, harsh but true). Or perhaps more kindly it allowed those willing and able to take risks at the bottom of the market to scoop up bargain stocks from those who would not or could not bear the risk.

Most of our stock picks gained today. About the only notable loser was Toll Brothers down 3.1%. I have said that Toll Brothers does not look like any real bargain to me. Still, in it could do okay with the recovery in house prices. And I do hold some Toll Brothers.

January 31, 2013

Markets were generally down on Thursday. This hardly seems surprising after all the recent gains.

There was unfortunate news for employees at Best Buy / Future Shop and Sears Canada with layoffs announced.

Sears Canada was smart in 2012 to have sold off some leases for huge gains. If they have any long-term leases at good rates on large stores they would likely be best to try to sell the lease holds if they can.

I don’t have any good opinion of Sears Canada. At West Edmonton mall a week after Christmas, I walked through one of their stores at 3 p.m on A Saturday and the floors were full of mud that appeared to be left there from previous days. If they can’t even bother to clean the floors they are toast. Simons of Quebec has opened in West Edmonton Mall. I had seen their store on St. Catherine’s Street in Montreal several years ago and liked the prices and merchandise (like Canada Goose jackets). The new Simons in Edmonton is carved up into boutique areas within the store and in general seems to be a good shopping experience. In retail I think you either have to be a low cost operation (Costco) or go for higher end brands and service. Trying to compete on price while not having low costs is a losing strategy.

I suspect Best  Buy / Future Shop can survive but Sears is probably circling the drain.

January 30, 2013

Markets were moderately down today. Notably (especially to me, since it is my largest position) Canadian Tire was down 1.8%. But I consider that to be basically just normal volatility on a negative day.

U.S. GDP was down 0.1%. I don’t know how that is measured. But I feel safe in saying that the accuracy of measuring the output of the entire U.S. economy is not likely more accurate than a half percent or so. So I don’t put a lot of faith in numbers showing quarterly growth to the nearest tenth a percentage point. In addition there were apparently temporary factors including Super Storm sandy at work. I understand military spending was down quite a bit. That may have been more a case of deferring expenses rather than real cutbacks. But, who knows? it is certainly possible that the U.s. will cut back quite substantially on military spending. But overall I think the slow but steady growth pattern in the U.S. is well established.

We continue to be in the middle of the Q4 earnings release season with many reports yet to come in, especially for Canadian companies.

January 29, 2013

Today was another decent day in the markets with modest gains in most of our stock picks.

Dow up a half percent. Doomers are still waiting for end of financial world and have missed relatively massive gains since the bottom in March of 2009. I think you subscribers are on average much more intelligent than the average investor. Sure we all have our moments of fear when listening to doomers and talk of currency collapse but for the most part I suspect few or none of you are certified doomers who want to sit close to 100% in Gold and want to avoid all “paper” assets. (Actually I would argue that many “paper” assets are in fact quite real and that some so called real assets are just as much paper as are stocks that represent ownership of real companies with real asset and real earnings power. Ownership of my house is indicated by papers. Gold coins in my safe would admittedly be quite real if I had any. Gold kept by a custodian may be evidenced by paper.

On January 27 I mentioned the topic of unconventional wisdom.

Warren Buffett has pointed out that it is very dangerous to fail with an unconventional strategy. You can be fired or sued often. Filing conventionally or with the crowd is not as dangerous. Because of this not many people will succeed unconventionally because they don’t like the risk of unconventional failure. This is true in all aspects of life.

Buffett said in his 1984 letter:

(Failing conventionally is the route to go; as a group, lemmings may have a rotten image, but no individual lemming has ever received bad press.)

Buffett went on to say that he was willing to risk unconventional failure.

The risk of failing unconventionally is why advisors seldom or never encourage a client to go in too heavily on any given stock or to go all equities. I also try to avoid giving any personal advice to do that. I reveal that I am not running a diversified portfolio but I will not accept the risk of advising any individual to do what I do. My advice is generic. I rate stocks. I show evidence of what running 100% equities has resulted in the past (basically higher returns over the long run but gut-wrenching losses from time to time). You subscribers decide your own asset allocation and exposure to each stock and indeed whether to buy any particular stock. I do not know your particular individual circumstances nor would I want to be responsible for your decisions.

And I should hasten to add that you subscribers as a group have been very mature over the years and with extremely rare exception (like about three people in thirteen years) have never even hinted at blaming InvestorsFriend for any bad outcomes in the market. (There were some additional subscribers who expressed concern about the results from time to time but without hinting that they considered InvestorsFriend or myself in any way responsible for their trade outcomes, much less financially responsible). You subscribers (with the three or so exceptions in thirteen years) have been grown ups and have accepted the risk of your own trades. The requirement to do that is posted on this Site in several places (including the login screen) and you have agreed to that and I am grateful for it. I (technically InvestorsFriend Inc.) could not provide this analysis on any other basis. Our disclaimer of course disclaims any financial responsibility for trades made on the basis of the information provided). There is no possible way that advice purchased for $15 per month or less could come with guarantees even in the event of errors or omission. If anyone happens to disagree with that, please unsubscribe.

I did not intend to get into all of that, it just sort of popped out of my brain as I wrote tonight, but perhaps it is good to point this out from time to time.

For any comments about this, email me at

January 28, 2013

Our stock picks lost a modest amount of ground on Monday. Following up on yesterday’s comment I added somewhat to my Wells Fargo holdings today.

Moody’s debt rating service downgraded six Canadian banks today. I doubt that this is anything to worry about at all. These banks are still very highly rated.

As I troll around several financial sites on the internet it is scary to see the number of comments posted online from people who mis-guidedly believe that “the end is nigh”. That gold is only real money. That paper currency will be worthless. That fractional reserve banking is evil. That central banks will print their way to hyperinflation. These people often gravitate to hard assets especially gold. They usually seem to forget that owning shares in, for example, Canadian national is also a fairly hard asset in itself.

In my 52 years of life the Canadian dollar has lost somewhere close to 90% of its value. That would be a big problem for me and my parents if we had kept our money under our mattresses. We did not. Myself and my parents before me invested in businesses both as direct owners and through the stock market. Our wages, dividends and retirement cheques, as the case may be, have on average far more than kept up with inflation.

We were seldom much bothered by the fact that the dollars in which we were paid did not have a fixed value in relation to gold, or to gasoline, or anything else. Sure, we wished we our wage increases were not partly offset by inflation but as long as we were running ahead of inflation we were okay with it.

I can’t guarantee it but I suspect that inflation is not going to be any great concern in the next several decades. I figure if I focus on accumulating higher amounts of wealth as measured in dollars, I will do okay.

There is, by the way, a vast difference between financial wealth and money. Financial Wealth consists of real goods and services and the ability to buy same. Financial Wealth is measured in money, but is in basically independent of money. Money may be slowly declining in value in terms of the wealth each dollar will buy. But wealth can nevertheless grow, in real terms, as long as wealth grows faster than inflation when measured in dollars. If a new currency were adopted tomorrow, the wealth of our nation would not necessarily change much less evaporate even if all the old currency was burned. Some financial wealth is held as money or the equivalent (cash, term deposits, bonds), but much financial wealth is not invested in money as such but is merely measured in money (houses, clothing, stored food, vehicles, shares of companies, and even gold are examples).

January 27, 2013

Friday was another decent day in the markets. Toll Brothers was up 2.4% to $37.98. That’s a 23% increase since we rated it a Speculative Buy on December 8 at $30.77. With a 23% increase our report has effectively become out of date. I have a position in it and would be more inclined to trim that position than to buy at this price.

Based on the ratings above, and current prices, I think the best buy would be Wells Fargo and Canadian Tire. Also to a lesser degree Bank of America. Both banks reported Q4 results and our analysis is not updated for that but I don’t think the ratings would have changed. I don’t offer any advice on what any investors exposure should be to the banking, retail, or any other sector since that is very much dependent on a host of personal factors.

Conventional wisdom might suggest never getting too high of an exposure to any one sector and certainly to any one stock. On the other hand I can point to some individuals, including myself, who have long ignored conventional investment wisdom and things have worked out nicely. Perhaps there is something to be said for unconventional wisdom. Often being unconventional may be very unwise. But there are times when one can be both unconventional and very wise.

January 24, 2013

Not surprisingly, Constellation Software recovered from the little dip it took yesterday, rising 3.7%. Canadian Tire did well, up 2.1%. The lower Canadian dollar has also helped out the value of American stocks when measured in Canadian dollars.

January 23, 2013

Constellation Software was down 3.3% today. This occurred in the last hour of trading and was on relatively small volume. It could well be that someone was just a bit impatient in selling and wanted to sell today and that could have pushed the price down. I don’t see this as reason for concern. Those with a trader mentality however, might.

Couche-Tard was down a modest 1.1% after Metro Inc decided to sell half of its very large stake in Couche-Tard and did so by way of a secondary offering of the shares tot he public. This naturally tends to push the price down at least temporarily. This also does not appear to be any cause for concern.

Toll Brothers was up 2.1% on continued strength in the U.S. housing market. There were many doomers who were calling, over the past six months to a year or more  for U.S. house prices to keep falling (oh the debt, oh the unemployment, oh the shadow inventory). Meanwhile Warren Buffett was calling houses the best bet around (household formations were much higher than home construction and the excess inventory was being whittled away, he said, and oh he mentioned too that people could and should borrow at the dirt cheap rates for 30 years locked in). That was about nine months ago, I believe. One bets against Mr. Buffett at one’s peril.

Overall it was not a very eventful day for our Stock Picks.

January 22, 2013

Today we had Bank of America up 1.9%, Melcor up 1.6% to $19.75.

CN fell about 1% despite a dividend increase and good earnings released today. I am tempted to buy some CN. It does not look particularly cheap but I am attracted to the quality of its business.

Wells Fargo announced, after the close, that it was increasing its dividend by 14%. And apparently is is hoping to increase the dividend again in 2013 pending permission of the Fed. This bodes well for Wells Fargo and for other banks as well.

January 21, 2013

U.S. markets were closed today for the Martin Luther King holiday. The Toronto stock exchange index rose 0.5%.

With Canadian Tire down 1.3% I added a small amount to my position.

Research in Motion was up another 11% to $17.41. Regrettably I had sold my shares on December 26. (It looks like I “cleverly” sold in the U.S. market since Toronto would have been closed that day). In any case, I cant worry about what I don’t own. There will always be many rising stocks that we miss out on. As long as we can make a good return overall, that is what counts.

Canadian National Railway is scheduled to release earnings at 9:00 am tomorrow (Tuesday). I don’t know why it would release only 30 minutes ahead of the opening of trading. That does not give sufficient time for the market to digest the news before the start of trading. It could indicate that there will be no big surprises in the numbers. I think it should have a good report. One area of possible concern would be its increased pension liability, but that will not likely flow into earnings. (I believe it will be reported in comprehensive earnings). The pension expense in 2013 will also likely rise. Overall CN will probably continue to do well.

January 20, 2013

On Friday we had an okay day in the markets with the Dow and Toronto each up about 50 points. Research in Motion continues as a surprise winner this new year, up another 7% on Friday.

I’ve been reading a few annual reports and hope to have a new company to add to the list before too long.

Warren Buffett in an interview on Sunday morning once again expressed his optimism for the the U.S. and its prosperity over the long run. Those who have dismissed Buffett and his optimism over the past few years (or over the past 60 years for that matter) have generally lived to regret it.

Berkshire Hathaway has had a good year in 2012. I expect it will have had a strong Q4 although Super Storm Sandy may have put some dent in the results. I expect Berkshire shares to hit an all time high this quarter. But that is nothing to brag about. The best companies reach all time highs on a relatively frequent basis. They retain a portion (or even all of ) of their earnings and grow their book values per share and earnings per share and so it is logical that the share price should march higher.

January 17, 2013

Toll Brothers was up 3.6% to $36.16.

Bank of America was down 4.3% after a disappointing earnings report. Given the price drop I decided to by back (in a registered account) the 1500 shares I had sold at a slightly higher price when I cleared out my margin account a couple of weeks ago. Bank of America is a huge and complex business and I consider it to be more speculative than most of the stocks I own. However, I am hopeful that it will increase its dividend sometime in the Spring and that it will continue to slowly recover from its various wounds (from the financial crisis).

January 16, 2013

Although the Dow was down we had Bank of America up 2.0%.

We are now entering a period where many U.S. companies are releasing their December 31, 2012 results. Obviously the market will react to those depending if they are better than expected or lower than expected. The other thing driving the markets will be the usual political madness in the U.S. and whatever unpredictable random events happen around the world. As always, seldom a dull moment.

January 15, 2013

Today ended up being another good day for our stock picks. Notably, Toll Brothers up 3.8%, Canadian Tire up 1.6%.

I’ve been thinking about adding to some positions. But overall I am already heavily invested in equities and I am just going along for the ride with the companies I own for now.

January 14, 2013

Shaw Communications announced after the close that it had sold its Mountain Cable franchise in Hamilton to Rogers for $400 million. Also Rogers bought for $50 million an option to buy Shaw’s wireless spectrum. Shaw bought the one third of TVtropolis from Rogers for $59 million (possibly Shaw already owned the rest of it?). The total deal was indicated to be $700 million after deducting the $59, so that seems to leave $300 million unexplained by the press release.

There was no indication if there was a loss or gain on the transaction. In any event whether it is a gain or loss, positive or negative, the share price should adjust for this at the open tomorow and there will likely be no opportunity to trade based on this information even if we knew if this was positive or negative. I would guess that it is at least slightly positive.

Shaw also announced the results of its election of directors. The main trading shares of Shaw are non-voting. I would have liked to vote and I would not have voted for Sheila Weatherill as a director. She is the former CEO of of the capital region health authority in Alberta who got a rather obscene severance package severalk years ago and then soon got a job on the Board of directors of Alberta Health.  And under her CEO watch (and signature) it was recently revealed that totally obscene expense claims were routinely approved and she was recently forced (that is my interpretation of her “resignation”) to resign from the Alberta Health Board. And oh yes she has just finished testifying before an inquiry that as health CEO she routinely informed hospital staff when VIPs were in their care but insisted unconvincingly that this was not preferential care. So she seems a rather tainted board candidate for Shaw Communications. And all this was in the news just in the past few weeks. So how did the vote turn out? Well, 12 of the board members received 100% approval with zero votes withheld. Four others including the (in my opinion) rather tainted Ms. Weatherill received over 99.99% approval with just 785 of 20,888,380 votes withheld. That kind of support sounds like something out of the Russian elections of the 1970’s. False democracies everywhere would be proud of such a farcical result. Some of the voting shares do trade and so it is incredible that only 785 shares were withheld from such a relatively notorious candidate. With online voting it is getting easier to vote our shares (when they carry a vote) and I have recently been voting my shares and typically withholding my vote from some candidates. Realistically it’s a total waste of time but maybe it will send a message in a few cases.

January 12, 2013

My popular article on the valuation of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is updated. I see the Dow as about fairly valued.

On Friday we had Constellation Software up 3.7%.

I no longer have Research in Motion on the list, but it was up 13%, again indicating that rumors of its death may have been premature.

Wells Fargo came out with excellent earnings although just a hair above expectations) and dropped 0.9%. Apparently bank analysts were disappointed that its net interest margin fell to 3.56% from 3.66% last quarter. So let’s examine that. The average 30-year mortgage rate in the U.S. is 3.4%.

Now, if Wells pays nothing on deposits it still can’t make 3.56% on a mortgage sold at 3.4%. Wells Fargo has about the highest net interest margin in the business. Part of the reason its margin fell is that it took in a lot of new deposits on which it is paying nothing or next to nothing (that’s the good news for the bank) but it has parked those deposits at the Fed earning 0.25% because it can’t find suitable people and businesses to lend all that money to (that’s the bad news, but keeping cash on hand is better than lending it to those who can’t pay it back).

And remember Wells is not making this 3.56% on its own equity. It is making a gross margin of 3.56% on lending out depositors money. It’s own ROE is MUCH higher due to leverage.

I am no expert on bank finances, but I do know a little bit. And I think these analysts get too focused on particular ratios. In this case it is net interest margin. In other cases it is same store sales for retailers. I may be naive but when I see a 25% increase in profits like Wells has posted here, I tend to think that is pretty good. I am a happy Wells Fargo owner.

January 10, 2013

It was another strong day for stocks…

Melcor continues to bounce around.

Yesterday I mentioned that having seen Tuesday’s closing price of over $20 most of us would be reluctant now to sell much below that. Of course another option is just to keep the shares indefinitely. After all at $20 the shares would certainly not seem over valued. The company is well managed and even by the is REIT action demonstrates an interest in making sure the share price does not languish below a reasonable value if they can help it. Sure, there is always a risk that Melcor shares will dip with a slow-down in housing construction in Alberta if that occurs  and may dip if the REIT plans fall through. But long-term there is no reason at all to think that this will not continue to be a good buy and hold company.

Speaking of buy and hold, in a 2009 newsletter I explained why any suggestion that “buy and hold is dead” is a mathematically challenged view. i.e it’s demonstrably and mathematically wrong.

I read today that Warren Buffett had explained how U.S. banks wee now in better shape financially than they had been in years. That is in contrast to thousands upon thousands of articles and comments on the internet about how the banks are technically insolvent. So who are you going to believe? Those comments usually based on old articles from 2009 and parroted by financially illiterate doomers or will you believe Warren Buffett?

Of course the doomers and doubters then say that Warren is talking up his own book since he owns banks shares, oh and he is also a tax evader, they gripe. It it all so tiring to read such drivel. Any fair minded person who has actually studied what Buffett has said and done over his 60 year investing career has to conclude he is a man of the highest intelligence and integrity. But you know each to his own. Frankly if it were not for mis-informed people using poor strategies to invest and using twisted thinking there might be no one for us to “beat” in the stock market. Those who still believe that most U.S. banks are near insolvency are easy prey for more intelligent or more informed investors.

I understand that Wells Fargo will report earnings on Friday morning.

Canadian Tire confirmed to me today that they are buying some shares based on the price. They did so in December. I don’t see any buys yet in December (correction, January) however which is disappointing.

January 9, 2013

Melcor gave back 8.2% today closing at $18.70 But it is still up about 19% this brand new year. As I mentioned yesterday the trading is thin and it was not cleat that yesterday’s close of $20.37 was where the stock really ought to settle out after the news about the REIT plans. Today only 36,000 shares traded so again it may continue to be volatile. Today at least will have benefited from at least some time for those few analysts that watch this stock to have done some calculations. They will probably try to estimate what the REIT will trade at and what Melcor will trade at after the planned spin-off. (That is not an approach that I use).

Perhaps the best move was those who sold yesterday. Time will tell.

It’s interesting that having seen the $20.37 price yesterday that tends to put price in our minds and we may tend to be reluctant to sell much below that. It’s mostly an irrational feeling. After all the $20.37 price (and the high yesterday of $21.25) were reached in a moment of excitement on thin trading and with a lack of much information or time for analysis. And maybe it is wise to hang on for that $20+ price/ Melcor would not likely have looked into doing this REIT business if they thought that the price was not going to go up significantly. And I am not sure that a 20% rise really would have been enough for them to do this. So certainly it is very possible indeed that before long we could see that $20+ price again.

But keep in mind there are other factors that can drive the stock higher or lower including interest rates, the outlook for home building in Alberta and its Q4 earnings report and outlook for 2013.

Overall, I inclined to hold on at this point though I also see nothing wrong with selling a portion to grab some gains.

In other developments… Bank of America was down 4.6% apparently after being “downgraded” by Credit Suisse analysts. Perhaps it is ironic but I tend to pay zero attention to what other analysts think about any stock. It may be a sign of over confidence but I very rarely even read much less pay attention to any stock research reports other than my own (I make an exception for anything Warren Buffett says). If I do happen to pick up a hint from some analyst that I respect, I first run the numbers myself before deciding if a stock is a buy.

It’s somewhat bizarre that yesterday there was MAJOR news about the big banks in terms of settlements of litigation and a favorable change in the amount of cash or “liquidity” that banks have to keep on hand and yet bank shares barely budged. I would have thought that all that news would be either positive or negative overall but not neutral. And then today the stock sinks simply based on the opinion of some analyst.

Bank of America had risen quite a bit lately. It is a volatile stock and in this context I don’t think a 4.6% price drop is any particular big deal.

Shaw Communications came out with earnings that were apparently a bit better than expected. Also I believe there was a dividend increase. I have not looked at that report yet. I tend to have a slower approach to analysis and trading. It’s just not in my temperament to make a snap decision by glancing at earnings news. There are many people who would argue that success in trading comes only from keeping an eagle eye out and fingers on the trading keys. It’s been my experience that old fashioned buying good stocks (that is, companies) at what appears, after thoughtful analysis, to be good prices and then simply going along for the ride as earnings (hopefully) rise or (hopefully) the P/E multiple rises, can be a good way to invest.

January 9, 2013

Today would have been a mildly negative day for our stock picks except for one stock.

Several alert subscri9bers emailed me this afternoon to report that Melcor shares were up sharply (almost 20%) this afternoon (closed at $20.37) after announcing that it would look into the idea of spinning off its commercial rental income properties into a Real Estate Investment Trust that it would retain significant ownership of. This sounds similar to a plan that Loblaw recently announced.

There are several points to consider here:

  1. This is not a done deal. Then again there is little reason to think it can’t or won’t be done.
  2. These properties represent about 43% of Melcor’s assets, the raw land and developed land is not included here.
  3. We can’t be too sure where the share price ought to settle out on this news. Melcor is a quite thinly traded, most days less than 10,00 shares trade, some days there are no trades. Only 93,000 sga=hares traded today. Many Melcor investors were likely unaware of this news. The share price could easily slip back as people take profits in the coming days. Or maybe it will rise.
  4. I certainly have no idea where the price should be in terms of fundamentals. The REIT structure saves income taxes and that alone does add some real value (even considering REIT distributions will be not qualify for the dividend tax credit).
  5. Fundamentally the value of Melcor should in theory not be changed by this excect for the income tax savings. But practically speaking it’s value is increased in the market.
  6. Melcor was under valued before this announcement.
  7. Having bought Melcor at an attractive price it is not surprising that an event has happened to release value. In some ways the REIT does not so much create value as release value that was already there.
  8. I had not thought of Melcor doing this, but now that it is announced it seems almost obvious that this is something that they might have looked at.
  9. I don’t think there is much reason to think that this in isolation would increase Melcor’s dividend much. The partially spun off REIT will trade independently and will have a high yield. But Melcor itself will not see its cashflow per share rise much from this. Melcor would get a cash infusion from the partial spin-off but may use that for new investment or debt repayment rather than dividend increases.
  10. It’s really anyone’s guess whether an investor should take profit at this time either fully or partially. I am inclined to sell half or so especially if the price stays over $20. I doubt that we have to worry about it falling back to say $17 anytime soon.
  11. I am not sure why they don’t consider selling off the entirety of this into a REIT and not retaining any. After all if the market offers really high (stupid high?) prices for real estate why not sell? And it if makes sense to sell some, why not all? Perhaps the market would not take up all the shares if all were offered. If they sold all they could do a special dividend. But companies are usually reluctant to do things that materially reduce their asset base since that diminishes the domain of mangement.

By the way ,I emailed Canadian Tire several times over the past months suggesting they do something like this. I wonder though if the moment has passed for Canadian Tire given it seems so many others are doing this. Loblaw and I believe the Bay might be doing this as well. I can’t recall them all but I believe there has been a relative flurry of this type of announcement just in the past month or so.

January 7, 2012

Markets gave back a little today after the recent gains. However Melcor was up about 2% on decent volume and Toll Brothers was up 2%. Based on the rating above I would not be an enthusiastic  buyer of Toll at today’s $34.35 given it was rated only Speculative Buy at $30.77 on December 8, though it is certainly possible that our rating was too conservative. Certainly it’s a bit more speculative at $34.35.

As I have tried to make clear many times the ratings above apply at the date and price indicated (and certainly there are no guarantees). Whether the rating still applies some days, weeks or months later as the price changes and as earnings and other events unfold at the company is unavoidably a matter for your judgment since I don’t/can’t update the ratings any more frequently than I do.

Also, as you can appreciate, each report provides numerous facts, figures, and observations that are ultimately distilled into a rating. What is provided is both the rating AND the report with all the reasons for the rating. Some of you may read the report and conclude that a different rating should apply. Or you may just see some factor in the report (or from your other sources of information and general knowledge) that causes you to avoid a certain stock for whatever reason.

At the end of the day if the stock ratings here have helped you pick winners it was in large measure because you ultimately agreed with or trusted the rating and pulled the trigger on certain trades, knowing that it was at your own risk. Congratulations to all those subscribers who have done well with these stock picks.

The big U.S. banks made some settlements regarding foreclosure and mortgage issues stemming from the financial crisis of several years ago. Their stocks did not seem to react much indicating that the news was about as expected. But in general it should (all else being equal) pave the way for continued gains in Wells Fargo and Bank of America. There was also a  favorable development that delayed a planed increase in the amount of cash they have to keep on reserve. Such cash tends to earn very little or no interest for the banks and so they like to hold minimal reserved of cash on hand. In this case cash does include deposits at the Federal reserve bank (hence the name I guess) which these days does pay 0.25% – I believe it historically may have paid nothing.

The earnings season will kick off this week with Alcoa which somehow manages to get its December 31 year-end numbers out extremely quickly after year-end. In Canada Shaw Communications reports its Q1 results on Wednesday.

January 6, 2013

I have updated the table showing the percentage of my portfolio that is is invested in each stock I own and in cash.

January 5, 2012 (from Lloydminster)

Friday was another positive day in the markets.

I finished selling out everything in my margin account. 200 shares of Canadian Tire were sold but were replaced with an equal buy in an RRSP account. 3000 shares of Melcor were sold. 500  shares of Shaw Communication were sold. Again, this selling was to clear out the margin account. I would have preferred to keep these stocks.

I mentioned I had a problem accessing TD Waterhouse when I updated to Windows 8. That was resolved by added TD to a short list of sites that are to be opened in compatibility mode. This is available under tools on internet explorer.

At the moment I am down to about 75% equity (and 25% cash).

My next step is to withdraw some of that cash in the margin account and to use it also for contributions to RRSP and TSFA. Also will move some more business cash into the business investment account. I plan to update my portfolio break down (percent I have invested in each stock) in the next day or so. I will be looking to buy a few of the higher rated stocks that I don’t already own and perhaps replace some of what was sold from the margin account.

It would not upset me to see a pull-back in the market to facilitate some buying. On the other hand if stocks continue to rise in value I can certainly live with that.

January 3, 2013

The TSX finished down 0.6% today. The Dow had been up but finished down 0.2% after the market began near the the end of the day to fear that the FED was going to stop buying bonds. (FED minutes revealed a worry about all this bond buying).

The markets never seem to focus on any one thing for long. So the euphoria over the fiscal cliff deal was unlikely to last too long and now we are moving on to the next worry or opportunity. None of this is predictable. Markets tend to move higher in the long term and are unpredictable in the short term.

Canadian Tire was down about 1.4% today. It’s always possible that my assessment of the value of Canadian Tire is too optimistic. Time will tell. But the fact that the share price declines is in no way convincing evidence that it is not a good investment. Some of the best opportunities in the markets (and perhaps some of the worse) will always be found among unloved stocks.

Dollarama was down 2.1% to $57.65. Possibly that had to do with poor results at a U.S. Dollar Store. It may be an opportunity to nibble at Dollarama.

My thoughts today again turned to selling. In particular I want to get rid of the margin I have been using in my margin account and may also end up withdrawing some money from the margin account for other purposes and so I may end up selling most or all of the stocks in my margin account. This will reduce my equity exposure and give me cash to be ready in case the market does dip. However, since I like the stocks I hold I will try to replace some of what I sell in the margin account by buying the same in the RRSP accounts.

I sold some Berkshire in the margin account today. Also I sold 500 shares of Stantec in the margin account. I still hold 1000 shares in other accounts. My gain on those 500 shares was 107% and so that made it easier to pull the trigger and also it has jumped quite a bit in the past six weeks.

I would like to update my personal portfolio breakdown but am having a technical problem even seeing my portfolio details in TD Waterhouse. I updated to Windows 8 because Microsoft had a special $40 deal on the Windows 8 update (for Windows 7 customers) until January 31 and now it seems some sites I visit are not yet compatible with Windows 8.

It may not have been wise to update to Windows 8 so soon. There was a promise that my machine would be faster. Yeah, not so much. Also my machine was trying to to add some newer Windows 8 updates tonight and then reported that it failed and was reverting and then it almost looked like it was not going to boot up at all and so overall I would caution people not to update to Windows 8 just yet. Possibly you could buy the update for the $40 but not install it yet.

January 2, 2013

I don’t think too many people expected today’s big market rally. After all we already got a big rally on Monday when it looked like this fiscal deal would go through.

Today we had the DOW up 2.3%, Toronto up 0.9%. We had Berkshire up 3.9%, Toll Brothers up 3.6%, Melcor up 3.7%, Stantec up a scorching 4.9% and loads of other nice gains. Canadian Tire was among the few that managed to go down a bit today.

Our Stock Picks have done very well lately. But it’s starting to feel a bit like manna from heaven. And it seems wise to remember that stocks don’t go up in straight lines. We will have our down periods as well. And it would be nice to have some spare buying capacity when that happens.

So on that note I forced my mind to think about trimming some positions today. I have a margin account where I have been making some modest use of margin and had some Wells Fargo and Bank of America sitting there and it was bought with margin (borrowed money). I was waiting until this new tax year and with the arrival of a new tax year and with all the pleasant gains of late I decided to get rid of those stocks in the margin account (I have plenty left in the RRSP accounts and in a cash account). While I was in a selling mood I decided to reduce my Toll Brothers position as well. It’s about the highest P/E ratio stock I own and also one of the lower rated ones. But I still have some. I sold 700 and have 1050 shares left.

None of this means I have turned negative on these stocks. I added heavily to Wells Fargo and Bank of America when they fell and so I became rather over-weighted in them and it just seems prudent to trim as they rise. And more importantly it seemed prudent to find something to trim given the recent market gains. I chose Wells Fargo and Bank of America mostly because they were in that margin account and I really don’t need to be using any borrowed money.

(Before anyone emails me about this “revelation” that I had a bit of margin, it has been disclosed before and only very briefly did it ever get the the point where I was more than 100% in equities. I think I got to 102% or something very briefly. Almost always my net cash has still been positive (I was using margin in the margin account but there was more than offsetting cash in the RRSP accounts).

January 1, 2013

Well, the 2012 year is now over. Our Stock Picks this year had an excellent performance. Click to see the detailed performance by company for 2012. The six Strong Buys were up an average of 19.6% each. The 17 Buys were up an average of 14% each. Only 3 of the 23 Stocks rated in the Buy or Strong Buy range at the start of the year fell in price. Meanwhile, the the TSX was up only 4.0%. The Dow was up 7.3% and the S&P 500 was up 13.4.

My own portfolio benefited from being concentrated in some of the better performing stocks and from buying on dips and a certain amount of selling on rallies and in general a certain amount of trading during the year. I managed a 27.6% gain (subject to the final numbers on my December statements which tend to differ very slightly from the online figures).

All the Performance figures are updated for 2012.

There is really no such thing as a typical gain in the stock markets. Some years will assuredly be negative. But overall stocks do tend to rise in the long term. Add overall our approach has beaten the market. But we make no guarantees or promises about the future.

Every year at this time I make a special effort to update as many of the reports as possible. This has now been completed.

It is also appropriate at this time to remove a few companies. The Brick is deleted from the list because it was taken over by Leons.

I am removing E-Bay because it is out of date. It rose a surprising 68% in 2012. I do not have an interest in updating it at this time.

I am removing Walgreen because it is out of date. I may update it and add it back at a later time.

Omni-light industries is removed because it is out of date. This was our only micro cap company last year. It did not work out well. It may be a good company but I am not too interested in updating it.

Costco is updated and rated Weak Buy at $98.73. It always seems expensive as a stock. As a company it is a fantastic business. It has co0st advantages over stores like Walmart, Target and all specialty retailers. It has the ability to open new stores that will instantly draw traffic and be profitable.

It has recently paid a special dividend and also has been buying back shares. It is not the case that buying back shares or even paying dividends is automatically a good thing. It may be that Costco has excess cash and/or has made too little use of debt. It borrowed the money to pay the special dividend. Cost co shares trade at 3.4 times book value. If it came down to a choice between building a new store at 1.0 times book value or buying back shares at 3.4 times book value, then shareholders would clearly be better off with the new store. If it is the case that Costco can build all the new stores that it can comfortably manage in a year and still buy back shares and pay special dividends then it does make sense to do so.

As a customer I am increasingly a fan of Costco. I know they mark up products by  maximum of 15% over their cost for the goods. Therefore I am confident that I am getting a good price on anything I buy there.

Daily Updates 2006 – 2007

December 31, 2007


As indicated yesterday, I did buy some some IGM shares today.


The Kingsway CFO and a couple of other insiders have bought shares around Dec
20 at about $12. Kingsway is hosting a conference call on Wednesday after the
markets close.  expect the purpose of this is to try to sooth the analysts
about recent increases in their estimated liability for insurance claims
(reserve increases at Lincoln General). Despite its problems, the stock does
look cheap and given the insider buying, I bought additional shares today.
Clearly this is risky given I already have a high exposure to this troubled


Stantec was last rated Weak Buy at $32. Now it
has risen to $38.89. It is a great company but seems expensive. We would not be
buyers at this price.


Home Capital was last rated
Speculative (lower) Buy at $40. The same rating would apply at today’s close of
$41.90. However, we do think it is speculative because it could suffer a large
increase in bad debt expense in any recession. Also it has relied on
securitization for some of its profits and we are not entirely clear if it can
continue to securitize mortgages given the difficulties in the asset backed
commercial paper markets. Due to risks, it might be better to wait for its year
end report before investing in this one.


Canadian Western Bank
updated and rated Buy at $31.45. This has been a great stock year after year. It
is up 535% since we first added it to this Site as a Strong Buy back in 1999 at
$4.94 (adjusted for stock splits). In recent years it has not been cheap and
therefore was not rated Strong Buy but has managed to perform beyond
expectations. It is not cheap but has been a proven winner and will likely
continue to be a good investment for the long term. It is occasionally volatile
in price.


December 30, 2007


IGM Financial is updated and rated
Strong Buy at $49.82. This company has had a history of growing its earnings
relentlessly over the years, getting larger like a snowball rolling down hill.
It may have trouble growing earnings in 2008 if markets decline. But over the
long term it seems highly likely that it can continue to grow. And it is
available at what seems to be an attractive price. It also pays a reasonable
dividend at 3.7%. While no stock is without risk, I suspect it could add some
stability to a portfolio in the next 24 month period. I intend to buy shares


December 29, 2007


FedEx is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at
$94.91(this was our analysis price from Dec 21, but it closed Friday at $90.62).
This is a great company but the current outlook appears to be weak.


Canadian Tire is updated and rated Buy at
$71.62 (This was our analysis price, but it jumped to $73.53) as of Friday’s


Melcor Developments
is rated Speculative
(lower) Buy at $18.77 and is returned to the list above. I had removed it a few
years ago due to low trading liquidity. It now has better trading liquidity.
This stock is a way to participate in land values in Alberta and Western Canada.
It is also a way to participate in owning a land developer that in the long run
can make money even when land prices are stable.  The stock price has
retreated significantly from its $30.47 high. But I consider it to be
unpredictable at this time since lot sale volumes could decline significantly in
2008. The best approach may be to buy a small amount and then monitor through
2008. In the long run it will likely continue to do well, but the short-term
seems particularly uncertain.


I had an order in to sell a small portion of my Western Financial if the
price reached $5.49. That trade went through on Friday. I like WES long term.
It’s model of acquiring privately held insurance brokers and folding them into
WES is a winning strategy. But I worry about its banking operation. That can be
a risky area. At this time I decided to reduce my exposure to the company.


December 27, 2007


I took advantage of a dip in the price of
Shaw communications today to add
to my position. As of their August year-end they were still growing. With some
slowing in western Canada they will not likely add the same number of new cable
subscribers in the current fiscal year. But they may be able to grow profits
through switching more customers to digital television. And their digital phone
business is still growing rapidly. The stock is not cheap but given the past
growth and the monopoly aspects of their cable service, I believe it will
continue to do well. They will likely release Q1 earnings in the second week of


I had placed an order to add a small amount to my Tim Hortons if the price
fell. It did fall today and I picked up 100 shares. The stock is not cheap and
so that causes some risk that it could fall to a more sustainable P/E ratio.
Still, given the quality of the company and the continued obvious success I am
happy to add to my position if or as the stock drops. In terms of same-store
revenue growth, it does face a tough comparable in Q4 but overall I see no
reason that Q4 will not be a good quarter. The U.S. operations are a possible
are of concern but I believe that ultimately with time and advertising they
should do well in the U.S.


I took a look at Melcor Developments today. This is a land developer and real
estate company that operates mostly in Alberta. This was a stock that we first
introduced on this Site as a Strong Buy at $3.60 exactly five years ago. It
subsequently got as high as $30.47 but has dropped back and closed today at
$18.20. We no longer have this company rated on the Site. Nevertheless, I can
make a few comments about it.


Melcor is a very well-managed company. If history is any guide it will
continue to grow earnings in the long term. But in the short term earnings will
likely fall. In the past few years its profits soared as land and house building
lot prices soared. Now lot prices are flat or falling. And lot sales are
expected to slow significantly because of an existing supply of new homes on the


On a P/E basis Melcor looks very attractive with a trailing P/E of 8.1. But
that P/E reflects high earnings not likely to be repeated in 2008. The price to
book ratio is 2.2. This may be moderately high given the outlook. The next
earnings report will likely be strong based on a gain on an asset sale, but lot
sales could be quite weak.


Overall, this is a very difficult company to predict at the moment. I hold a
few shares and will likely keep those. However I am not confident that right now
is a good time to buy this.


December 26, 2007


Berkshire Hathaway rated (lower) Buy at
$4570 is added to the Site. Berkshire of course is Warren Buffett’s investment
holding company. He took control of the company as a textile operation in 1965
and turned into an investment holding company. The share price since then has
risen from under $20 to a present level of $138,500. (But you can buy a B share
which is 1/30th of an A share for a recent price of $4570). Amazingly, over 42
years it “only” takes a return of 23.4% compounded annually to turn $20 into


As a huge conglomerate, Berkshire is not really the type of company that is
best suited to the analysis template used on this Site. But I have added it to
the Site because it is a stock that is of interest to many and I do hold a few
of the B shares.


Regarding Kingsway, it is possible that the next piece of bad news will be
that some investors will sue them for late/improper disclosure of their earnings
troubles at Lincoln General. Much of that risk may already be “priced in”.
Still, on such news the stock would likely drop. Certainly based on its own
accounting, Kingsway is now a bargain. However, any recovery is probably going
to be many months and will require patience and a tolerance for volatility.


Note that we will have more updates prior to the start of trading for 2008.


December 23, 2007


The Thomson Corporation is removed from our list above for two main reasons.
Firstly, it is basically just too complex. It is a huge company that operates in
a number of different business segments. This has resulted in it being very
complex, partly due to the way the accounting for its numerous acquisitions and
divestitures must be done. Currently it is in the midst of attempting to acquire
Reuters and this would increase its size by about 50%. A full valuation of
Thomson should therefore include a valuation of Reuters. Secondly, when I look
at its valuation based on managements view of the past 12 months adjusted
earnings from continuing operations (and I add back 70% of the amortization of
intangibles on the basis that intangibles are like goodwill and should not be
amortized) it has a P/E of around 21 and so does not appear to be a bargain. (A
third reason to remove this is to free up time to look at other stocks)


We originally added Thomson to this Site because we really like its business
model of selling information electronically. It seems to have the potential for
high returns and growing profit margins. But to date it appears that this is not
showing up in the reported earnings to the extent we had hoped. I suspect there
is hidden value here and that it would be a reasonable long-term investment. But
the complexity is too great to have confidence in that.


I consider Thomson to be more of a U.S. company than a Canadian one because
most of the revenues and operations are in the U.S. But for some reason it
trades mostly in Toronto. Perhaps due to its history with Canadian investors.


One ‘knock” against Thomson is that for Canadian investors the shares have
really not gone anywhere for years. But that’s not really the company’s fault/
Investors bid these shares up to unrealistic levels with a P/E well into the
30’s around the year 2000. As the P/E has now regressed back to more reasonable
(but still high) levels the stock price was unable to grow despite higher
earnings. Also given that most of the earnings are in the U.S., it really should
be judged based on its New York stock price growth. It amazes me when Canadian
stock analysts comment on the stock price in Toronto without mentioning the
obvious boat-anchor-like affect of the huge climb in the Canadian dollar since
2002 and in 2007 in particular. The stock price has risen somewhat since 2002 in
New York, although again the stock price was hurt by the fact that the P/E had
simply been pushed too high around that time. In my view the company has done
quite well since 2000 (adjusted earnings per share up about 90% in 2006 versus


I have a modest position in Thomson. I am inclined to hold onto it except I
may sell simply to raise cash.


December 22, 2007


Property insurance companies have certainly proven to be an unpredictable
bunch. By their nature, their reported earnings really cannot be trusted. They
really don’t know their own profitability for a given year until several years
later when all the claims for that year have been settled. One thing I have
observed is that a low price to value ratio is probably the most reliable
indicator of value.  If that is the case then Kingsway Financial probably
will turn out to be a good investment after its recent plunge. It is now at a
price to book value of under 70%. Despite recent problems it has reported
profits every year since ’96 (or earlier) and it will likely still have at a
positive profit (although small) in 2007. Over the longer term it has produced a
reasonable return on book value. Therefore the opportunity to buy at 70% of book
value may prove to be a good opportunity. However, I do acknowledge that its
management appears to be far less than competent and so it does remain risky.
The bizarre and embarrassing way that the founder has now retired from the CEO
chair just after mis-speaking about their claims reserves on a recent conference
call and coincident with a large surprise increase to reserves could possibly be
cause for law suits. It is a good thing that the CEO or CFO have not been active
sellers of the stock prior to the recent plunges in price.


E-L Financial
is updated and rated
(lower) Buy at $565. This will likely be the last update for this company and
then it will be removed from the Site. It was originally added to this Site
because it owns Dominion General Insurance company and a few years ago it seemed
apparent that Canadian auto insurance companies were set to make a lot of money.
The stock is up 64% since it was added to this Site in March of ’04. But lately
its earnings and its share price have been falling. 


The company trades at only 90% of book value and for that reason it may turn
out to be a good investment. But other than that I am not very interested in
this company. It is rather strange company that is majority owned by the Jackman
family. They really don’t seem all that serious about being a public company.
(It is thinly traded, they do not hold analyst calls, it appears they do not
even have an a web page for investor relations, the stock price is too high to
be of interest to most investors). They describe it as an investment holding
company. In general I prefer to focus on single-line-of-business type of
companies rather than holding companies. I do hold some shares in this but
intend to sell those shares particularly if the stock price goes back to about
the $620 range or above.


Performance figures for 2007 as well as the
model tracking portfolio and my own
portfolio composition are all updated. This
past week was not kind at all… particularly the plunge in Kingsway.


I few stocks that we are no longer following are removed from the list above.
These are Cognos (it was bought out). Burlington Northern Santa Fe (We added
that because Buffett was buying it., we may add it back at some point…)
Canada Bread (it seems expensive at this time and we are not following it).
There may be a a couple more removed by year end. It makes sense to remove some
stocks to concentrate on the higher rated stocks and to make room for new picks.


December 21, 2007


FirstService is updated and rated Buy
at U.S. $30.11 or CAN $29.90. This is a Toronto headquartered company, but
should really be considered to be a U.S. investment given that most of the
operations are in the U.S. The stock has tended to be volatile but the company
itself has been consistently growing on a per share basis. We could have rated
it (higher) Buy but we are somewhat concerned about any slow-down related to the
slowness in the U.S. property markets. Currently I don’t own it but I plan to
buy some probably on Monday and I would look to add to the position on weakness.
This really seems to be the type of simple company with strong management that
Warren Buffett suggests we invest in.


Regarding Kingsway Financial, I note that while TD Securities has cut its
target price to $12, Scotia has a target of $17, BMO $15 and Desjardins $19 (all
of these issued after the recent bad news from the company). So… there is
certainly a variety of opinion. Fundamentally this is simply a difficult company
to predict.


Alimentation Couche-Tard is updated and
rated (lower) Strong Buy at $17.25. The price has dropped lately. Partly this
was due to the higher Canadian dollar, given that 80% of sales are in the U.S.
Also earnings per share were down but the company claims that if gasoline
margins were the same the earnings would have risen. The longer term trend to
growth appears to be intact. This may be an opportunity to buy a good quality
company at a reasonable price. There is always risk in the shorter term given
the recession risk in the U.S. I am attracted to owning this simple type of
business that caters to consumers and where an investor has the opportunity to
see the stores personally. I am adding to my position in this company.


December 20, 2007


An insider (Board member James Reeve) at Kingsway bought 20,000 shares today
at $11.39 to hold 40,000 shares. At $228,000 dollars this is a very nice vote of
confidence. Hopefully Kingsway itself is also buying. I am also pleased that
they reported this the same day to the SEDI system. It is definitely scary to
buy Kingsway at this time. But with the stock trading around 70% of book value
it seems like a bargain. But there are certainly no guarantees with this one.


There continues to be bad news in the financial sector… I took the
opportunity to add to my Tim Hortons position today. Also I had placed an order
to buy additional Western Financial Group
if it fell and that order got filled today. Although I have done some buying
lately, I am still quite cautious on the markets and I would like to make sure I
have a reasonable cash position in case certain stocks fall. Western Financial
Group may have fallen due to a slowing in Alberta. Also there was their recent
convertible debt issue. I like the company but the stock price has not been
cheap. I like their insurance brokerage operation. But their banking operation
could be risky.


Watts Water Technologies
is added as a
new company rated (lower) Buy at U.S. $30. (It closed today at $28.68). This
company is a market leader in selling water-related hardware to plumbers and
contractors. Note that the share price has been trending down, presumably due
tot he construction slow-down in the U.S. We selected this company after
screening for lower P/E type stocks. It looks like a good long-term bet. But we
do worry it could suffer further from the construction slow-down. It may be best
to wait for its earnings trend to turn back upward. Or take a small position now
with a view to adding to it at lower prices.


December 19, 2007


Kingsway fell about 22% today and that is on top of already huge declines
this year. I always said it was an unpredictable company. But I thought the book
value, (still around $16.50, even after the announced large increase in
estimated claims liabilities) would provide support for the stock price. I added
to my position at this lower price today. This stock could fall further and in
the best scenario is going to take quite a while to recover. It will only rise
much if it can announce good earnings results each quarter in 2008. At the
moment management has basically lost all credibility and investors wonder what
the next bit of bad news will be. Although, Possibly we will get some bounce
back from today’s lows…


With this happening and with the overall outlook for stocks being rather
gloomy, I am definitely inclined to look for positions to sell and raise my cash
position. (I sold a small portion of my ING Canada today). But I did buy some
Tim Hortons on weakness today. I really would like to see Tim Hortons drop
another dollar at least and then I would buy more. It’s a company that seems
relatively predictable and is highly profitable and so any further decline in
its price to my mind are buying opportunities. (Though in this market I would
average in because if the overall market drops it tends to pull everything down
and so it is wise not to buy too aggressively at this time).


December 18, 2007


Kingsway Financial is out with bad news
and is likely to fall sharply tomorrow. Yesterday they announced that their
founder/CEO/chairman, would retire as CEO but stay on as chairman. Today they
announced that once again they have to sharply increase their estimate of claims
liabilities at their biggest subsidiary. Given a history of this sort of thing,
this is very annoying. It was only 5 weeks ago that they came out with earnings
and basically gave assurances that the claims liabilities were sufficient. In
the Nov. 11 update I suggested that this might be a case of a mediocre company.
It was apparently attractively priced, but perhaps this is a lesson that
mediocre companies should be avoided, even at bargain prices. Personally I have
been analyzing the company for a long time and perhaps I have become more
attached to it than I should have.


It is possible that it will recover because it does make good returns on its
investments. I don’t particularly think that it makes much sense to sell at this
point. Unfortunately, it remains a risky and unpredictable company.


I ended up adding slightly to my position in Kingsway today because I had an
oder in below the market price and it dipped down at the end of the day.


On a brighter note, Berkshire Hathaway also dipped down today and I bought
back some shares I had sold a couple weeks ago. The buy price was 10% below the
recent sale price.


I also placed order to buy Tim Hortons and Western Financial Group at lower


Given this latest hit to Kingsway, I will be in a defensive move and may look
to reduce some poistions.


December 17, 2007


A bad day in the markets. But certainly not any big surprise. I sold my
Canadian Western Bank shares to take the profit there. I reviewed my own
holdings again with a view to wanting to sell because I remain quite cautious in
my outlook (i.e. I am scared that stocks could fall – that is not such a bad
thing as long as one then has cash to buy). I have a large exposure to Tim
Hortons but had already trimmed there and also I am very confident that it will
be a good investment long term and so I was not inclined to sell more of it.
Much of the rest of what I hold seems to be reasonably valued and/or I just like
the outlook for the stock and therefore am not inclined to sell. I believe I am
now around 40% in cash.  EL-Financial fell about 9% today, but it tends to
be quite volatile and so I am not sure that the price on a given day is all that
meaningful there. FirstService fell quite noticeably today and I am not aware
why. It does have exposure to apartment management and that may be a slowing
industry. I plan to update the analysis of FirstService soon.


December 16, 2007


Manulife Financial
 is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at $41.01. Based on its earnings, this stock could be rated
higher. But this this a hugely complex company. I may delete it from this Site
because it is simply too complex. It has a history of steady earnings growth. In
some of its product lines it has displayed amazing growth. But I see it as risky
due to the complexity. It may not be immune to some of the write-offs that we
have recently seen from big financial companies. I would be prepared to hold a
reasonable amount of it, but I would not want to get over-exposed to it.


In terms of the general markets, my outlook remains cautious. I am thinking
of taking at least profit in Canadian Western Bank since it is at a high, at a
time when many large bank stocks are at risk of falling due to sub-prime related


The weird effort to interfere in the market for Asset Backed Commercial Paper
in Canada has failed to be resolved and the artificial freeze on the market is
extended to the end of January. This could lead to some investors finally
selling out of this paper at fire-sale prices. The law-suits will soon begin.
Expect to see more write-offs and lots of law suits. This could push the
Canadian market down tomorrow Monday.


December 12, 2007


The markets at first rose today on news of an agreement for central banks to
help banks (oh joy more interference in the markets). But the gains were later
retraced and I think this shows justifiable nervousness of investors.


I am tempted to add to my position in Kingsway. Perhaps this is a case of
clinging to a stock that has not done what I had expected. It looks bargain
priced. On the other hand since I think that market could easily fall, I am more
inclined to sit on my cash.


December 11, 2007


Reitman’s (a Canadian women’s clothing
chain) is updated and rated Buy at $19.19 (it closed today at $19.36). Based on
its achieved numbers it should be rated higher than Buy. But it did have an
earnings drop in each of Q1 and Q2 before recovering strongly in Q3. Therefore
we are a bit cautious on the outlook. It is not entirely clear how the Canadian
dollar is affecting it. The higher dollar lowers its costs of goods, which could
lead to higher profits (unless it was forced to lower prices to compete with
other retailers and cross-border shopping). It is is up nicely since my note of
December 4.


The Fed lowered interest rates today and yet stocks fell. The reason is that
the the 25 basis point cut was already fully “priced in” to the market. It
appears that a hope of a 50 basis point cut was also partially priced in. When
the cut was only 25 basis points then stocks fell as the extra hoped for rate
cut did not materialize. In addition I understand that the press release
accompany the interest cut was not as suggestive of further rate cuts as had
been hoped for.


In addition now that the rate cut has been made there is little reason now to
expect stocks to rise in the very short term. Investors may have also concluded
that tax-loss selling would be a negative in the nest two weeks. And then there
is our old friend the sub-prime crisis.


The American bail out plan for certain sub-prime borrowers is a colossal
mistake. One of the absolute key requirements for a functioning free market is
the “rule of law”. Here the U.S. government has decided to help out
irresponsible borrowers by allowing them to change the terms of their mortgages
at the expense of the banks and investors who are owed the money. If the banks
wanted to give a break, to avoid the cost of foreclosure, fine, that is their
right. But the government should not have the right to break those contracts. It
is a slippery slope. Where will it lead? I suppose the U.S. government’s word is
still usually pretty good but ultimately how can they be trusted to pay their
own debts if they are willing to break contracts like this? Directionally the
financial trustworthiness of the United States has taken a turn for the worse.
The government should have paid for the bail out from tax dollars not from the
pockets of banks and mortgage investors. It is a black moment for capitalism. If
the stock market figures this out (as the corporate bond market, and certainly
the debt derivatives market already has) then the market could take a sharp dip.
For these and other reasons I remain with a bias to increasing cash.


For that reason I sold some Tim Horton shares this morning to take some
profits off the table. It remains my largest position. I love the company but
that does not mean I can’t take some money off the table.


December 10, 2007


Canadian National Railway is updated and rated
(lower) Buy at $51.49. This has been an excellent company and continues to have
a strong long-term outlook. However, the earnings trend has now flattened and
this seems likely to continue inQ4 and well into 2008.


tomorrow the Fed is expected to lower interest rates. Stocks may rise on that
news. However, I believe the markets are vulnerable now to to the next wave of
worry over sub-primes issues and possible recession.


Tim Hortons has done very well lately.
It is an exceptional company and one which I am very comfortable holding. But I
may trim position since I have a large exposure to it. (Like almost all
investors I reserve the right to worry about my money and therefore to sometimes
trim positions. This is especially the case right now because I still have a
bias to increasing my cash position to hedge against the risk of a general
market decline).


December 9, 2007


is updated and rated (higher) Buy
at $48.24 (it closed Friday at $49.02. The stock price has done well lately but
has been volatile this year due to recession worries. The investment thesis here
is the opportunity to buy an exceptional world-class company that appears to be
still growing earnings at low double digit rates at a P/E multiple that is below
the market average. While the stock price has been disappointing for some years,
the earnings per share have pushed steadily higher. There is some risk of slower
or lower earnings in the short-term but based on the achievements to date this
looks like a good investment for the long term.


December 8, 2007


Performance figures for 2007 are updated.
Also my own portfolio and the
model tracking portfolio are updated.


Yesterday I noticed Berkshire Hathaway had leapt to $150,000 per share. The B
shares were at $4991. That’s up about 36% from the $110,000 / $3,666 range at
the start of the year. This is not a stock that we rate on the site for a
variety of reasons that have been mentioned before. I had mentioned under
January 2 below that Berkshire was probably a good bet at $3666 and I indicated
I had bought some on January 3 and added more on August 28 (at about $4,000).
I had fully intended to hold that “forever”. But on Friday as I looked at the
price and with my cautious outlook for the markets I sold half my small
Berkshire position. I can only hope and pray that it will fall back
substantially so that I can buy more.


December 6, 2007


The market was up due to the rate freeze for some sub-prime borrowers. I
don’t really “get” this plan. Apparently no Federal money goes in. If Banks are
better off doing this (as claimed) then they could do it themselves. Sounds to
me like some borrowers will get a free ride and some of these would have paid
the high rate. It sounds like it totally tramples on the rights of banks and
investors who bough the mortgages to foreclose if they want. That is the
definition of a mortgage. You pay it or the bank gets to sell your home. If the
Feds wanted to interfere they should at least pay for it (although that would be
with taxpayer money). The market needs to take it course here.


The market may continue up due to interest rate cuts. But overall there seems
to be a ton of “rot” in the financial system. Also, home prices are still
falling. The recession in the U.S. has probably already started. Markets look
reasonably priced on a P/E basis but given that earnings are headed down
(possibly a lot) it is hard to imagine that stocks can stay level much less rise
in the next year. But there will always be individual stocks that will do well.


December 5, 2007


A strong day in the markets as we continue to see rather wild fluctuations.
Berkshire Hathaway was up 1.7% today and so Mr. Buffett was up just over $1
billion to $64 billion. Life just is not fair. But rather than pout about that,
my strategy is to try to learn from him. I will be updating some articles about
his methods soon.


The Americans apparently will freeze certain sub-prime mortgage payments for
five years. Apparently this will only be for those who were making current
payments at somewhat lower rates. This will not protect those who defaulted even
on the initial rates on their mortgage (and there are plenty of those).
Conspicuous by its absence was any hint in the story I saw of who would pay for
this. I don’t know if the federal government will pay or they expect banks to
pay or will the amounts be simply tacked onto the mortgages for later. Overall I
am skeptical that this will prevent house prices from falling. There are still
going to be probaly literally millions of foreclosures in the U.S.


Kingsway was down noticeably again today. Still no reports posted of any
share buy backs which they promised to do. Reitman’s has shown us that sometimes
the market is wrong it sends stocks down too much and they become bargains.
Kingsway continues to look like a bargain but is a very unpredictable company.
I’m certainly not a seller at this price. But I have a large exposure to it and
so I am not too inclined to buy more, particularly until I see that the company
is at least buying back shares. If management believes its own story, they
should be backing up the truck to buy. We shall see.


December 4, 2007


The Bank of Canada did lower its interest rate by 0.25% today. This led the
Canadian dollar a little lower. Stocks did not react. It seem that there is a
good chance that more rate reductions are on the way in both Canada and the U.S.
All else equal this is good for stocks. Problem is, all else is not equal. The
rates are being lowered due to the housing price “correction” and probable
recession, these things are decidedly bad for stocks. I remain quite cautious on
markets overall. I expect continued relatively wild swings in the market.


Reitman’s released earnings during the middle of trading day today. Many
(maybe most) companies do that, releasing earnings during to day. I consider it
to be unfair to small investors but there is not much you can do about it.
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway as usual is the model in this regard. He
likes to release earnings on Saturday mornings if possible to give the most
amount of people the most amount of time to digest the news. By the way
Berkshire has galloped higher this year and Buffett may have surpassed Bill
Gates as the richest American. Berkshire is up over 50% in the last 18 months. I
have not analysed Berkshire.


Reitman’s had a pretty reasonable quarter and I suspect exceeded
expectations. Same store sales were down about 3%. Retail analysts seem to focus
huge attention on same store sales. But if the decline was driven mostly by
deflation associated with cheaper cost of goods (due to the higher Canadian
dollar) then that is not a problem. Earnings per share on a comparable basis
were apparently up about 18%, which sounds very good. They also increased the
dividend. Same store sales were up about 1% in November and that may be pretty
good performance in the face of a surge in cross-border shopping and a probable
deflation in prices in the month. We have not yet analyzed the results but on
the face of it, they look good. Reitmans was up on the news today and I suspect
it could go higher tomorrow. I will place an order to buy some.


Back to Warren Buffett. I am wondering if Buffett will one of these days buy
a big retailer. If he could find a retailer that had a huge amount of sales of
gift cards, he might like that. Gift cards (like insurance companies) give him
interest free money. And he absolutely loves interest free money, because he can
invest it. Making 15% on his own money is nice. But making 15% on someone else’s
money (which they have voluntarily loaned to him at 0%) and pocketing it is his
idea of heaven.


December 3, 2007


There is a possibility that the Bank of Canada will lower interest rates
tomorrow, Tuesday, if so that could send stocks up and the dollar down. If it
does not happen we may see stocks down and the Canadian dollar might go up
(though with the lower oil price, I am not sure the Canadian dollar can rise


Telus has certainly been disappointing
lately. The market seems to be expecting that its earnings growth will be much
weaker than in the recent past. Also Telus announced last week that it acquiring
Emergis for $763 million for the equity share .


“Emergis (TSX: EME –
News) develops and manages
solutions that automate transactions and the secure exchange of information to
increase the process efficiency and quality of service of its customers. Emergis
generated $170 million in revenues in 2006 and currently employs approximately
1,100 people in offices across Canada including: the Longueuil, Québec
headquarters and offices in Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Ottawa, Toronto, and Calgary.
Emergis has expertise in electronic health-related claims processing, health
records systems, pharmacy management solutions, cash management and loan
document processing and registration. In Canada, Emergis delivers solutions to
major insurance companies, top financial institutions, government agencies,
hospitals, large corporations, real estate lawyers and notaries, and 3,100
pharmacies. Emergis’ shares are included in the S&P/TSX Composite Index.”


I have never understood why Telus would be involved in software for
healthcare. This initiative does not really seem to fit with the mandate of a
telco. The market seems disappointed with it. I don’t really like it but at $763
million for the equity it is not a huge acquisition for Telus.


Some investors might wonder if it would have been smarter to sell Telus when
the share priced turned down. In hindsight (which as they say is always 20/20,
that is true). On this Site we are fundamental analysts, we take our cue from
the earnings and the fundamentals, not from what other investors are doing.
Sometimes we will be wrong. But on average we have a good track record using a
fundamental approach.


December 2, 2007


Recent market events once again illustrate how very unpredictable the market
is in the short term. At the start of last week it was looking like a number of
huge U.S. banks were facing severe problems related to sub-prime loans. And it
looked like this would take a natural course that would get worse. House prices
would fall causing more and more people to default on loans. It was also not
clear that the Fed could lower rates given the low U.S. dollar. But later in the
week there was a firm expectation that the U.S. government will have some kind
of bail-out for mortgage borrowers facing sharp increases in interest rates
(their initial rates were below-market teaser rates). Apparently the Fed is also
prepared to lower rates.


This has helped and may continue to help markets. But it all seems very
dangerous. The U.S. government seems to be supporting a system where a housing
price bubble is allowed to form, but they try to prevent the bursting. It is
unrealistic to think that house prices and stock prices must only be allowed to
ratchet upward and never down. Attempts to delay natural corrections will likely
end badly. It may be okay to ride stocks higher for a while but most investors
may want to consider having cash available to take advantage of an eventual
deeper correction in stocks (probably linked to a fall in U.S. house prices /


December 1, 2007


Walgreens is updated and rated Buy at $38.74.
Based on its achieved earnings and growth and valuation, it looks like a
definite Buy. This company is well respected as a long-term strong performer.
However, it has announced that earnings growth is expected to slow somewhat.
Consequently the share price did drop significantly. It appears to be a good
investment but patience could be required as the share price has been trending
down. We analyzed it at $38.4 but it dropped to $36.59 as of Friday.


November 28, 2007


Don’t Just Do Something! Stand There! 


This usual strategy would have worked out well as a way to react to Monday’s
sell off. Those who did nothing saw Monday’s losses reversed and then some. It
seems the rebound is mostly based on the expectation of lower U.S. interest
rates. This continued wild action illustrates the fact hat no one ever knows
where markets are headed in the short term. But I remain cautious on markets
given the huge write-offs related to sub-prime loans and given U.S. housing
prices that continue to fall. As always as strategy of “just standing there”
will likely work out well in the long run, but at the expense of significant
declines from time to time. With a weaker economy my belief is that there is
significant risk of market declines in the next six months or so.


Telus may fall tomorrow on the news that some spectrum will be auctioned to
new players. But overall this is still an industry largely protected from
competition (U.S. telcos, banned from Canada). It’s not clear that any new
competitor would have much impact. Perhaps of more risk to Telus is its ability
sustain its historic growth. Telus will likely forecast its outlook in December
and that may be the next possible catalyst for the stock to rise, if that
forecast is strong.


Nov. 27, 2007


It has been some time since we updated TSX Group. We lat rated it a
wspeculative Buy at $43.74. We mentioned under Aug. 14 that it is facing more
competition. Recently a small competitor called Pure Trading has gotten up an
running. TSX Group closed at $49.10 today. I hold some and I am planning to sell
it tomorrow. It has continued to report strong profits and volume as competition
so far has been minimal. For the purposes of the Model Portfolio Iwill
notionally sell half the TSX at the opening price tomorrow..


It was yet another “interesting” day in the markets. My sense is that markets
are more likely headed down than up, givemn more bad news from the banking


It seems this may be the time when we all realize that the phrase “off
balance sheet liability” should have been an obvious red flag. By definition,
liabilities belong ON balance sheets.


The one pattern that seem s to keep repeating this year whether for huge
banks or for the companies on this Site is that almost every small sign of lower
profits, lower sales or other bad news somehow seems to get worse rather than


Regarding Kingsway, they had promised on
the conference call that they would be buying back stock in the period before
year end (i.e. now) having been blacked out of that previously due to pending
earnings release or due to other inside information. But checking today I see
one insider sold about 15,000 shares in the last week at about $16 to hold about
7,000 (and he may not be done selling yet).  Another insider bought 260
also at about $16 to hold 5,660. There was no report of any share buy-backs,
although I believe that their habit in the past was to report those only
monthly. The insider sale here is a worry. The shares do look cheap and are
under book value so it is distressing that an insider would sell.  But then
again it is only one insider selling so it may just be that the person needed
money. Still it is a negative factor to consider.


A lot of stocks tend to look like bargains now. However, given he overall
trend of market to the downside, I would be inclined to hold on to any cash for
now and wait for possible better bargains ahead.


I f I did buy stocks now I would want to average in buying some now and then
waiting perhaps a month or two to consider buying more.


The problem is that some of the events in the credit markets are quite scary.
Credit truly has been the grease of the economy for decades and without that
grease it could slow considerably.


In a slowdown it might be the discretionary purchases that get hit first and
hardest. A person can put off buying a car, house furniture and new cloths. Also
restaurant meals are discretionary. But insurance bills, cable and telco bills
tend to get paid without cutting back unless things get really bad. If in fact
the general markets slide back noticeably however, it will tend to pull just
about everything down somewhat.


The one possible salvation is more interest rate cuts, that could help at
least temporarily. I tend to expect interest rate cuts in both the U.S. and
Canada by year end.


November 26, 2007


Stock markets continue to be highly volatile. It looks as if the sub-prime
problems could continue to get worse. And related to this, lower house prices in
the U.S. could lead to a recession there. Investors should always remember that
stock markets (i.e TSX index, DOW index) can at times decline in the range of
30% and very occasionally more than that. Most individual stocks can drop by
huge amounts on unexpected bad news. Investors accept this risk in return for
returns that are expected to be attractive in the long term. These situations
create stress but also create bargains. Investors who cannot accept the
volatility of stocks should reduce their exposure to stocks.


Stantec is updated and we rate it weak Buy at
$32.00 (We analysed it at $32 but it closed at 34.09 today). It has definitely
been  a great company.  If you believe in betting on a winner, it may
be a reasonable bet. However, at this time it appears that its growth could be
slower which would hurt the stock price.


November 24, 2007


Quebec has announced aid for manufacturers due to the high dollar. That
should help Bombardier (which we do not have on this Site) it may also help
Dalsa and Clemex (a company we used to have on this Site). If you hold these,
this might be a reason to continue holding. But with no figures announced for
any given company, this is not a reason to buy.


Reitmans (now $16.95) has not performed as
we expected since we rated it a Buy September 9 at $20.18. We did highlight in
our last update the unexplained 6% drop in August same store sales. Since then
we have had a massive increase in the value of the Canadian dollar. As mentioned
under September 20, we had thought that might help them as they would save on
inventory purchases given much of their product comes from the U.S. On the other
hand when prices in Canada started to come down they may have suffered due to
older high-cost inventory. Also the dramatic rise in the loonie above $1.00 U.S.
caused a wave of cross-border shopping that may have hurt Reitmans. In addition
we understand that the weather was unseasonably warm this Fall and that could
have hurt sales. On the other hand Stats Canada reported inflation in women’s
cloths in September and we though that might indicate that they were doing well.


Looking at insider trading, 3 insiders did exercise options and sell shares
in September and a fourth also sold shares. One insider bought shares in early
October at $19.15. This would not seem to particularly set off any alarm bells.
The company itself was buying back shares in September. For whatever reason, the
company did not buy back any shares in October. The recent stock price drop took
place in November and insiders would likely have been prevented from buying
then, because the end of the quarter had been reached, but the earnings not


The company will release earnings soon and we will know then how the weather
and the dollar has impacted it.


EGI Financial (property insurance) is
updated and rated Weak Sell at $14.00. Based on its reported earnings it looks
cheap. But a large portion of its earnings in the past two years came from
retroactive recognition of profiuts from prior years (reserve releases) and that
is not sustainable. For this year without the retroactive gains it is still
reasonably attractive. However, earnings in the property insurance segment have
been trending down. Overall we are inclined to sell this at this time. This
stock was rated Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at $9.90 the start of this year
and is up 41%. It is up 81% since being added to this Site as a Speculative
(higher) Buy in September 2006 at $7.75. So, the stock has done better than we
expected but it is probably time to move on.


For purposes of the Model Portfolio we had sold half the EGI on Aug 21 at
$11.75. And I sold muy own position September 7 at $12.49 as mentioned on those
dates. At this time we will notionally sell the rest of the EGI from the Model
Portfolio at he opening price on Monday. Note that these shares are thinly
traded. Therefore I would not use a market order. One possibility is to place an
order now to sell at say $13.75 and you would then get the higher of $13.75 or
the opening price on Monday. But if the opening price is lower than $13.75 your
shares would not sell, so you could consider placing the order somewhat lower
than $13.75. If placing an order during the trading day you probably would want
to take the offered price rather than trying to get cute and trying to get say
the last price traded at.


November 23, 2007


Our Performance for 2007 is updated. In 2007
it looks like our performance may, for the first time, trail the market.


In my own portfolio I have a large exposure to Tim Hortons. I sold some of
that today and hope to buy back in if it drops to about $36.


Loblaw Companies Limited is updated and rated
Weak Sell at $33.30. Our last update called it Weak Sell/ hold at $45.15 so we
were on the right track but not pessimistic enough. We wanted to keep an eye on
this because it could show a big rebound in share price if it can get back on
track. It’s really quite shocking what has happened to Loblaw. For over 20 years
prior to 2005, this company reported amazing and steady earnings growth. It had
a premium P/E multiple. The ROE was high. It was considered to be perhaps the
best managed grocer in North America. At that time it was thriving despite the
competition from Costco, Sobeys and others.


But since 2005 it has had special charge after special charge. A major
project to consolidate distribution centers was totally botched and left the
shelves short of stock! (for a couple of years it seems!). The 30-something son
of the controlling owner was installed as president. What was left of the
talented senior management group that had done so well historically, decamped.
Junior has decided on a low price strategy and seems bent on forcing costs down
accordingly one thousand people are being let go in head office (which seems a
strange step in a company that is apparently flailing operationally). In the
last 12 months its profits have been about 1% of sales. To me it would seem
logical to simply raise prices by a measly 2 or 3% which would at least double
the profit, even after tax. I would have thought a focus on quality and perhaps
offering Aeroplan points to gain loyalty would be in order. To me low prices
gain no loyalty since you only get customers only at the expense of too-low
profits. Also if not already in place they need to insure an entrepreneurial
structure where store managers share in profits.


Maybe they are simply the victims of too much competition, but then again
their competitors I believe are still doing very well.


At this point the share price will likely languish unless junior is ousted,
the real estate is sold and leased back, or the whole company is sold. We will
continue to keep an eye on it for signs of life.


Western Financial Group is updated
and rated Speculative Buy at $5.54. It appears that this company will continue
to grow solidly over the years. However, there is certainly a risk of a
pull-back in the share price due to loan losses, a slow down in the economy or
even just because financials in general are viewed as more risky at this time.


I have done some edits on our
Special Report on Asset
Allocation in Retirement  (This report is listed in the links for
members above).  After listening for many years to claims that a balanced
asset allocation was best (which was hard to believe given that over the long
run stocks tend to way outperform bonds and cash) I obtained actual past data
and did graphs to show the result of different exposures to stocks versus bonds
and cash. I believe that these are very important articles. They do show that
going 100% in stocks exposes one to occasion huge losses of capital but that it
tends to be worth it in the end. I find that looking at this article and the
graphs therein can cause me to be more comfortable with taking the risk of
losses. It adds to my confidence that equity markets do tend to come back and
outperform in the end.


November 22, 2006


When markets decline it is easy to doubt the wisdom of being in stocks. If an
investor cannot handle significant losses on the equity portion of their
portfolio then that investor should not be in equities. Past data suggest that
the investor who learns to tolerate the occasional large losses that are on
average associated with equities will be rewarded in the long run. Our
Special Report on
Asset Allocation During the Savings Phase may help to calm some nerves. This
article is in the list above.


November 21, 2007


Obviously stocks are not doing well lately. It is always very difficult to
guess where markets will go in the short term. At the moment the trend appears
to be to continue down and this is driven largely by the increasing concern over
sub-prime mortgages and related banking issues, by concerns over lower house
prices and concerns about a U.S. recession. It’s always difficult to say to what
extent this is already “priced in” to the market. At any time there could be
good news such as particularly an interest rate cut that could drive markets.


This has been a tough year with an awful lot happening in the markets. A
subscriber emailed me indicated some frustration in being able to follow this


This is a good time to remind all subscribers to review the short
article on how to use this Site.
There is also a link to that article at the top of this page.


Subscriber feedback is welcome at


For most of this year I have indicated that I am defensive and cautious on
the overall markets markets. Several times this year the market seemed to defy
gravity by coming back to about its previous high and at that point it looked
like being cautious was not the right strategy. But after each rally, we have
again see a market dip. Therefore as of right now, the cautious strategy seems
to be vindicated.


The level of cautiousness is another word for how much risk to take. This is
a very individual decision because it varies greatly by age and a host of other
factors as discussed in the articles section of this Site.


Clearly stocks are better bargains now than they were a few weeks ago. It may
be time to do some bargain hunting. An investor with cash could go into the
market gradually, perhaps planning to invest an equal amount over each of the
next six months.


A number of stocks on this Site have declined and may be attractive. I prefer
to buy those that have been updated more recently including Kingsway, Telus, and
ING Canada. Although not updated very recently I believe that Canadian Western
Bank  Canadian Tire, Shaw and Western Financial Group are attractive.
However, with stocks generally trending down, and with financial stocks coming
under particular pressure, there certainly are no guarantees.


I am tempted to do some bargain shopping but I will be hanging on to most of
my cash in order to have cash avaialble if the markets decline further.


A subscriber asked me to comment on the
Model Portfolio and I have made an updated comment there.


November 20, 2007


Alimentation Couche-Tard came out with earnings today around noon. Earnings
were down from last year but they indicated that this was because gasoline
margins were abnormally high last year and they claim that on an adjusted basis
earnings were actually up. Certainly the higher Canadian dollar hurts the value
of the earnings once translated back to Canadian dollars. We intend to have this
report updated by Sunday.


News about sub-prime loans continues to be a threat to markets especially
since it tends to feed into predictions of a recession in the U.S. This
continues to be a reason to be cautious in the markets at this time. The percent
of a portfolio allocated to stocks is a very personal decision depending on
numerous factors. Personally I am 35% in cash, 65% in stocks whereas
historically I have been close to 100% in stocks.


Shaw communications looks more attractive now after declining back under $24.
The P/E on it does not look cheap but its earnings have grown steadily as its
revenues grow and its costs do not grow as fast as the revenue. If this can keep
up as more people switch to digital cable then Shaw should do well. In this
market environment it seems best to average in, buying stocks gradually rather
than all at once if possible.


November 19. 2007


A bad day on the markets. But on the bright side for those with cash stocks
are cheaper now. Markets could certainly go lower, no one really knows. If we
can own good profitable companies at reasonable price/earnings or price/book
ratios we will do well in the end.


I added to my Kingsway and my Western Financial positions today.


As the Canadian dollar backs off, my strategy that I followed of buying
gradually on the way up is looking good. As it hit $1.10 it felt like I should
have waited and not bought at 95 cents and 98 and $1.02 and $1.05 etc. But now
that strategy looks okay. I probably should have bought more U.S. dollars as the
Canadian dollar fell back to $1.08 then $1.06. But it is just hard to do that.
Logically I see nothing wrong (and a lot right) with buying U.S. dollars at
$1.01 or 99 cents etc, since barring the last couple of weeks that is still a
30-year bargain. Emotionally though I guess I now prefer to wait and see if we
get back to $1.05 or higher. In any event I also have already converted a
reasonable amount of cash to U.S. dollars.


November 18, 2007


I have entered the data for the Western Financial Group Q3 report but not yet
completed the report. It had a good quarter with good internal growth.  And
it continues to have a good strategy of growth by acquisition. It’s not clearly
bargain priced, but with all the trends moving favorably, it will likely be a
good investment over the medium to longer term. I may add modestly to my
position in this. I do worry that eventually it could face some credit losses in
its banking operation but there appears to be no sign of that yet. One
interesting fact is that it reports EPS unchanged year over year at 4 cents
diluted and 5 cents basic. But is proper significant digits are used the growth
was 19% in diluted EPS and 15% in basic EPS and that is a lot better than the
zero that they show. ROE has also increased and is now 10.6%, not high but the
trend is very good. If it were not for share issues the growth in earnings per
share would be a LOT more. If it ever gets to the point where it does not need
to keep issuing shares, we may see accelerated growth. In some ways it is
following a similar path as Canadian Western Bank which started out with low ROE
and it eventually grew quite nicely and also CWB at one time was increasing its
share count very quickly but that has stopped increasing so fast and I am hoping
WES is on the same path.


I took a quick look at Loblaw Q3 report. At this lower price of around $35
it might be worth sticking a speculative toe into it but overall it looks like
the any turn-around in profits is not imminent.


Home Capital
is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Buy at $40. We last rated this Speculative (lower) Strong
Buy on August 28 at $34.30 and it has risen nicely since then. We had first
introduced this stock to the site as a Buy on April 26, 2002 at $7.43. Right now
it is a tough one to call. The value ratios would indicate a Strong Buy. But we
are worried about a possible recession in Ontario with the high dollar and we
worry that the sub-prime mortgage issues could have some impact on the company.
Although we are cautious with our rating at this time, it could certainly be
bought as a speculative pick.


November 17, 2007


Performance figures for 2007 are updated.
The model portfolio’s performance is
also updated. My own portfolio is updated. It
can be seen that I am personally way over-weight in “dollars and donuts”. (cash,
financials and Tim Hortons)


I added to my Kingsway position on
Friday. It has been quite disappointing. However, it is now trading at just 88%
of book value. Book value is determined by the estimated actuarial value of the
claims liabilities. In theory book value is under-stated somewhat (making it
even more attractive) because management chooses not to discount the liability
for the time value of money. Lately it has had a history of having to restate
upwards its liabilities for past periods related to its largest U.S. subsidiary,
and that is bad. But it had a similar problem in Canada a few years ago and that
was eventually solved. It’s earnings in any one quarter or year are highly
unpredictable and almost meaningless by nature. What matters is the earnings
over long periods of time. It has a reasonable record in that regard. For
property insurance stocks the most reliable indicator may be price to book value
(Fairfax financial turned out to be a great investment when it was looking ugly
and traded under book value, ING Canada turned out to be a bad investment when
it was reporting exceptionally strong ROEs over 25% and was trading at about
250% of book value). Kingsway at the moment has not proven itself to be a great
company at all and in fact appears mediocre.  Also the company basically
promised on the conference call that it was going to start to buy back
meaningful amounts of its shares before year-end. Overall it it does look like a
good bargain here but is not for the faint of heart or the risk averse


November 15, 2007


Markets were down today, but our Picks are holding up better than average.
Tim Hortons has been particularly kind to me as my largest holding. For those
not holding it, I think it is still okay to average in at this price. Sure, it
could dip, but it’s a keeper for the long run.


Loblaws reported and it was ugly. The stock got hammered today. It’s stunning
how this star has fallen from grace. It traditionally did sport a very high P/E
and so there was room to stumble, but they seem to be falling down drunk! Can we
bring back Richard Currie?


I still think at some point this will be a bargain and that time may be now.
(I will take a look at the financials in the next few days). . At some point the
buy-out funds will pressure them because this could be bought and then the real
estate sold and leased back. The Weston family may not want to sell, especially
at this price, but a take-over offer, might at least spark some action. I guess
jr. Weston was not kidding when he said the turn-around would take a couple


November 14, 2007


If you looking at a rating in the table above please remember that the
ratings are as at the particular point in time as stated above the table. Prices
change fast in the market and so if the price has moved much you should consider
whether the rating still applies. It’s not possible for us to keep updating the
rating for each price movement or new information.  It’s hard to give
guidance here, but for most stocks if the price has moved 10% then that could
easily affect the rating if we were to update. Also occasionally things in the
market change. Recently the sharp jump in the Canadian dollar has had impacts on
various stocks and I have posted comments below.


 I think the best way to use this Site would be to consider making use
of our ratings soon after our report date. Unlike many people I don’t
particularly believe in rushing when it comes to stocks. There is always another
buying opportunity to come. If you want to follow our Buys and Strong Buys
(always at your own risk, and after reading and agreeing with the detailed
report,  and always with you considering your own risk tolerance) it
probably makes sense to do so close to the time of new ratings or when we make
an updated comment in the daily comments or we indicate we have traded the


You can search the daily comments using the search capabilities of your
internet browser (control-F for most computers). It may make sense to search
back for comments made after the date of each rating above.


A subscriber questioned whether the Couche-Tard rating of (lower) Strong Buy
at $21.70 as of September 3 is still valid, given that I personally just reduced
my position and the stock is around $19. It’s a fair question. I have been
mentioning below that this company will be hurt by our higher Canadian dollar as
most of the operations are in the U.S. The dollar is up a lot since September 3
(95 cents at that time). Then again the stock price is down a similar amount.
The two may offset and maybe the rating would still apply today, but I think I
would quite possibly rate it a little lower due to the currency.


I was thinking that the when earnings come out, they may look good in U.S.
currency but then when translated back into Canadian dollars it might look bad.
I just decided to sell some but not all. Another reason I sold is my general
bias right now to raise cash. I had bought several stocks on Monday as reported
below and was looking to raise a bit of cash.


It’s unavoidable that in my own trading , emotion and fear tends to come into
the picture, whereas in a  stock rating I can be more logical and
unemotional. A stock may be rated Strong Buy, but every stock has a certain
amount of risk and at times I may sell a Buy rated stock to reduce risk.


Today’s rise in ING Canada may be
indicative that it was at bargain levels which our rating suggests.
Kingsway is supposed to be starting a
buy-back program and this could lift the stock, though in the past they have
said they would buy and then ended up not but they say that was because they
were in a black out period such as when they are looking at an acquisition. I am
tempted to add to my Shaw
Communications position given its price drop.


The Canadian dollar is sinking now. It now starts to seem like it would have
been a good bet to load up on U.S. dollars when the Canadian dollar was up above
$1.08. I wonder how many people caught the very top? I am comfortable with my
own strategy which was to buy gradually as the dollar rose. I switched some
money to U.S. funds and I  consider that money to be permanently in U.S.
dollars. There are a lot of investments and other things to buy with U.S.
dollars. I probably should have switched even more, but I am comfortable to go
slow. We may see another chance to get  above $1.05 and perhaps even above
$1.10 but I don’t think we can count on that.


November 13, 2007


There is never a dull day in the markets lately. On some glimmers of good
news today the market fairly soared in the U.S.


Regarding the insurance stocks that I follow, I guess I have good news and
bad news (depending how you look at it) which is that they are cheaper yet again
today. With these stocks if you are buying, it seems best to average in.


I did trim my Couche-Tard position today. That may not have been a wise move
since we had rated in very highly on September 3, and the stock is down since
then. (So normally I would look to add rather than trim) But most of its
earnings are from the U.S. and the price drop since early September does not
match the dramatic increase in the Canadian dollar since that time. When it
reports earnings next week it may look good since it reports in U.S. dollars,
but the translation back to Canadian dollars will look disappointing I think. So
I just thought I would sell some and hope to buy back in after the earnings
release and as the market digests the harm that the high Canadian dollar has
caused. Normally I would not be jumping in and out but I find these $10 dollar
trades make it so easy to jump in and out particularly in an RRSP account.


Nov 12 2007 (the following was sent to subscribers via email)


You may have heard that the Canadian dollar fell back to $1.03 today. It goes
to show just when everyone is convinced a market can only move in one direction,
it turns around and surprises most people. Most investors I think should be
taking the opportunity to move some Canadian funds into U.S. dollars. No ones if
we now slip back under $1.00 or instead it goes back to $1.10


Cognos, which we last called a Speculative Buy at CAN $42.48 is being taken
over at U.S. $58. Over the years this stock has often looked expensive, though
we have long stated that its accounting may be conservative and that there might
be hidden value in all that R&D expensed over the years.


Cognos was one of the first stocks ever rated on this Site when we called it
a Strong Speculative Buy at $15.83 in June 1999.


Nov 12, 2007


Based on the recent updated ratings, I added modestly to my positions in
Telus, Kingsway, ING Canada and Northbridge. I still have a bias to keeping cash
for possible bargains ahead but still wanted to nibble at what looked like good


I am tempted to trim my positions in Western Financial Group on fears of a
slow-down in Western Canada and in Couche-Tard on fears of how hard the high
Canadian dollar will hurt it as it translates back earnings from the U.S. But so
far I have not taken any action on these. I have basically no exposures above
about 4.5% of my portfolio (most are blow 4%). Therefore I am less nervous about
dips in any individual name. I do have 14% of my portfolio in Tim Hortons.
Certainly I am vulnerable to volatility there, but I am comfortable to accept
the volatility because I am confident it will do well in the long run. (In fact
I had been hoping for a dip to below $35 to add to my position, but it does not
look like that is going to happen).


November 11, 2007


Note that in many of the recent updates the cell that is supposed to give the
summary of the rating and a summary of the reasons for the rating was missing.
This has been corrected.


Kingsway Financial (trucking and
high-risk driver insurance) is updated and rated Speculative (lower) Strong Buy
at $16.69. This stock has not been a happy story for us. It has now fallen back
precisely to the price it was at on June 17, 2003 when we first added it to this
Site as a Speculative (lower) Strong Buy. Subsequently the price has ranged all
the way from about $11 to as high as about $26. The recent fall is caused by
three main reasons. 1. After several years of very high insurance industry
profits. the industry in general is now displaying lower profits. 2. About 70%
of the business in in the U.S. (although it is head-quartered in Canada) and the
high Canadian dollar hurts the Canadian share price. and 3. It has a nasty habit
of reporting retroactive losses from other years. Even though reported profits
have still been good despite the retroactive losses, the market HATES this and
figures more bad news could be coming. 


So, it’s hard to now get excited about investing in Kingsway. But the fact is
that the stock looks very cheap right now. It is rare to see profitable
companies trade below book value. However, this may be a case of buying a
mediocre company at an attractive price (maybe even very attractive price). But
Warren Buffett has said he prefers a great company at a fair price, rather than
a mediocre one at a great price. Overall based on the valuation, I will likely
add to my position in this stock.


ING Canada (Home, auto and commercial
insurance) is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $38.60. Over the past few years
when we analysed ING Canada it has always been extremely profitable on reported
earnings. Although we rated it in the Buy range we had expected earnings to
decline from recent extraordinary levels. And we had noted that the high price
to book value was a risk. Now the earnings have come down and the market seems
to be “spooked” by this which is surprising given that the company predicted
profits would come down. At recent prices ING looks like a good long term
investment. The short-term as always is much more difficult to judge. I am
inclined to add to my position in this company.


GAAP earnings for insurance companies are best looked at over the long term.
Quarter by quarter and year by year the earnings by nature tend to be extremely
lumpy and therefore difficult to interpret.


A point of interest in the Q3 report for ING Canada is that they wrote off
$40 million of a $70 million exposure to Asset Backed Commercial Paper. That is
a much higher percentage write-off than others have taken. The difference here
is that they did not invest in Asset Backed Commercial Paper. Instead they
actually invested in (I believe the subordinated debt of) two of the “conduits”
that sell the commercial paper. Those conduits are clearly at risk of being
worthless. The conduits will have to make good on any losses in ABCP suffered by
the note buyers. That could use up all the equity in the conduit and next the
subordinated debt is at risk of being used up (made worthless) and then the
senior dent of the conduit. After that the conduit would be worthless and the
ABCP note holders will suffer the loss. I will go on record here as predicting
that the remaining $30 million of their investment could be written off. Overall
though this is not a big deal for ING Canada which has over $7 billion in
investments and $3.2 billion in shareholder equity.


The Asset Backed Commercial Paper situation in Canada is really quite
remarkable. Many conduits are in default on repaying 90-day term investments.
They normally repay these by issuing new 90 day notes. (The equivalent of paying
off a floating interest mortgage every 90 days by taking out a brand new
floating rate mortgage). Recently the conduits found no one wanted to buy their
90 day notes and they are in default. In normal circumstances they should be
forced into liquidation. Bizarrely some big institutional investors have agreed
to hold off on forcing the conduits into liquidation and instead may accept
longer term notes. (If you loan someone money for 90 days and they can’t pay,
why should you then agree that they don’t have to pay for say two years?). It
seems possible that small investors could also force the conduits into
liquidation. Perhaps the current approach is best because in liquidation, the
conduits will have to sell off assets perhaps a fire sale prices and ABCP
investors may lose money. This is a strange situation and not how markets should


If you hold any Asset Backed Commercial Paper investments that are stuck in
this mess then you probably had help and advise from a broker or financial
advisor. You may want to suggest to your broker or Advisor  that you want
your money NOW. I predict advisors are going to have make clients whole in some
cases. That may then lead to liability insurance claims by the brokers. It may
or may not be fair for brokers and advisors to face any liability. Investors are
supposed to know all investments are risky. It seems the entire market mis-judged
the risks on these ABCP notes.


If you bought ABCP (the kind that is now frozen) completely on your own in a
discount account then you may ultimately face a loss. And I can’t think of much
you can do about that. You may want to harass the entity that issued the notes
and try to be first in line for  any redemptions. A discount broker almost
certainly has no liability to you in this case.


Another category would be mutual funds that invested in these notes. In this
case the mutual fund company may pay money in to offset investor losses. But
that would only work where the losses were small compared to the value of the
mutual fund company. If a mutual fund has a lot of these notes then the
investors in the mutual fund could face losses.


November 10, 2007


Telus is updated and remains rated
(lower) Strong Buy at Canadian $50.98, for the non-voting shares. The price has
fallen lately while earnings remain strong. The market seems concerned about
higher competition and lower growth. Based on the achieved numbers Telus looks
like a good investment. I am not sure if I will add to my own position because
overall I am inclined to hold onto cash in casee the overall market declines


Markets took a hit this week. No one should claim to be surprised by that.
The bigger surprise all year was the strength in markets in spite of the risks
from sub-prime loans, falling American home prices, potential U.S. recession,
the sheer five year length of the current bull market, and the inescapable fact
that markets have always been known to be volatile. They seldom go up in
straight lines.


Most of this year it was tempting to be bearish or at least defensive.
However, that seemed a losing strategy most of the year as the markets regained
ground time and again after each decline.


My own strategy (as chronicled on this Site was to move towards cash on
several occasions this year. Most recently I have been at about 37% cash for a
number of weeks. I also indicated I was still in more of a selling mood than a
buying mood. But I tended to ‘like” the individual stocks I was holding and so I
stopped selling. At the moment it feels like I should have gone to a higher cash
position. But sentiment can turn quickly. Over the long run it pays to have
exposure to stocks. I am not too fussed about declines in stocks that I think
are good bets to be higher in the medium to long term.


In the short term the declines of this week could certainly continue. I don’t
see much reason for a rally. As I mentioned previously earnings on the S&P 500
declined on a year-over-year basis in Q3 and this is the first such decline in
several years.


In fact on a GAAP basis the S&P 500 earnings declined a frightful 27% in Q3
year-over-year (Thanks to GM’s huge write-off and the huge write-offs at big
U.S. financial institutions). Even on an “operating earnings” basis which
excludes some one-time items these earnings dropped 5%.  In general, it is
expectations of profit growth that drives stocks higher. If the market starts to
sense that earnings will decline in 2008, then certainly the U.S. market will


The Canadian market is always much harder to predict due to its high
weighting in commodity stocks.


So, certainly investors should be cautious at this time. In any market
bargains will appear and I will be watching to find some of those.


In my recent new article on the Canadian
Economy I expressed surprise at finding that the energy industry accounted
for only 4.7% of Canada’s GDP in 2006 despite accounting for 36% of the TSX
market value. I came across an article by CIBC’s Jeffery Rubin that confirms
this. He said oil and gas is ten times more important to the TSX than it is to
the GDP figure.


The reason for this is that almost all of the oil and gas industry is listed
on the TSX. Even where U.S. and world companies own oil and as operations in
Canada they have tended to so so through Canadian subsidiaries that do trade on
the TSX. Meanwhile, huge swaths of the Canadian economy such as government and
all private businesses do not trade on the TSX. Canada’s auto industry is mostly
ran by foreign companies that do not trade on the TSX.


Manufacturing is a big part of GDP, and a huge component of exports,
but a tiny component of the TSX. This may be one reason why manufacturing
company woes (due to the high dollar) are not getting that much attention. When
the oil and gas industry was hurt by the Income Trust taxation decision the
wailing that was heard was not that of the employees in these companies but was
that of investors. Manufacturing has few investors to wail for it, therefore the
sector may be half dead from the high dollar before it gets any attention.
(Long-time readers know I am generally in favor of free markets, let the chips
fall where they may. But I just want to point out that a Canadian dollar above
the U.S. dollar will almost surely decimate the manufacturing industry in this
Country and therefore I think government is likely to take action to reduce the
dollar’s level at some point).


In my article and recent newsletter I also indicated Canadian exports would
drop and imports rise. Figures just out for September confirm this. Perhaps
within a couple of months Canada will be into a trade deficit after years and
years of surplus.


November 8, 2007


A couple of days ago, I mentioned you are now able to subscribe for three
years, five years or even a lifetime. The lifetime option is rather unusual,
although some other newsletters do offer it. So far there has not been much
interest and I may remove the lifetime option very shortly. I’m certainly more
than happy to have you as a monthly or annual subscriber, but I wanted to offer
these other options to anyone interested.


New Longer term subscription Offer. Some subscribers have asked me
about longer term subscriptions. The following link will allow you to subscribe
for three years, five years or even a lifetime. If you take any of these options
I will refund the unexpired part of your current subscription.


Click to see how these longer term
subscription options work.


The market ended okay today after being down a noticeable amount earlier in
the day. There is some fear around and it seems sure that more bad news is
coming in regard to sub-prime loans and related matters.


Banks with their thin equity ratios are finely tuned instruments. When they
do occasionally lose money it can get ugly because of the leverage. Overall I am
not inclined to go bargain hunting just yet.


In the midst of all this market uncertainty, the incomparable Warren Buffett
is having a magnificent year. His Berkshire stock is up a tidy 22.3% this year
to date. Now Buffett still held about $50 billion in shares at the start of this
year after having given away about $2 billion in 2006, the first year of his
20-year mega-donation to charity plan. So clever, Warren often described as
yesterday’s man is up 22% on about $50 billion, which is over a $10 billion
gain, which is beyond eye-popping. After giving away about $4 billion to charity
in the past two years, his wealth in Berkshire shares has gone from about $44
billion to now $59 billion, and he may possibly have passed Bill Gates as the
richest American. (Berkshire share are up an incredible 46% since he announced
his donation in June 2006).


I plan to soon update and edit some of the articles on this Site regarding
how Buffett does things.


November 7, 2007


I can’t say I was surprised at the tumble in the markets today. I have been
defensive to somewhat bearish most of this year which was why I took my cash
position from near-zero to 37%. I am not ready to start buying yet and will wait
to see if further bargains emerge.


ING Canada took a big hit today. I think this is over-done .The company is
still very profitable. Given the current market I am not ready to buy yet, but
if I was starting fresh with a portfolio to invest then this is one I would
likely buy.


The Canadian dollar finally took a breather today. A report by the conference
Board indicates the auto parts industry profits will be hurt by the high dollar.
I suppose they know a lot more about the industry than I do, but margins on
parts sent to the U.S. would presumably have been crushed by the rise from 85
cents to $1.08, not to mention the earlier rise from the 70 cent level. Margins
on parts sold in Canada would be largely unaffected, unless there are competing
parts available from the U.S. and unless the car plants shut down. I don’t claim
to know much about the auto industry but if a Canadian plant was not obscenely
profitable at an 80 cents dollar, it’s hard to imagine it is making any money at
a $1.07 dollar. Basically the more Canadian labor and material content in a car
the less competitive that car is right now compared to where it was at a lower


I suspect the cross border traffic this coming Holiday weekend will be a
to behold.


I am all in favor of free markets, and cross border shopping, but I do see
this as very devastating for the Canadian economy. Canada gets certain benefits
out of having a currency that floats against the U.S. But it certainly gets
certain ill effects as well. Europe adopted a single currency and Canada really
needs to think about first pegging the Canadian dollar to the U.S. and then
probably eventually adopting the U.S. dollar. Apologies to anyone who thinks
that is unpatriotic, but I think this would be best for the Country. Many will
say, why chain ourselves to a sinking stone like the U.S. dollar? I just think
we are already chained to the U.S. and may as well admit it. I don’t think this
country can afford a currency that rises 50% plus compared to the U.S. given we
trade so massively with the U.S.


And, how much has a lower dollar hurt the average U.S. resident? Somewhat
less than the impact the average Canadian felt when the Canadian dollar dropped
to 62 cents, which is to say not much at all. A change in currency value matters
little to an American. The biggest impact is higher gasoline prices.


November 6, 2007


The Canadian dollar continued to “gap” upwards today at unprecedented rates.
The Bank of Canada apparently is not ready yet to step in to halt the rise. I
really don’t think the Canadian economy can sustain this sharp rise without
literally hundreds of thousands of job losses.


Last night CBC National news showed that there was gridlock at the Peace
Bridge crossing back into Canada on Sunday as hordes of Canadian cross-border
shoppers tried to return home. They mentioned 65 tour busses full of shoppers.
An awful lot of Canadians live within driving distance of the U.S. and I suspect
a lot will do their Christmas shopping across the border. I welcome your
thoughts and observations on this at


To date, I think Canadian retailers or wholesalers have been scooping higher
profits on imported products. Now they may be forced to sell at U.S. prices due
to so many shoppers going to the U.S.


I have continued to move some funds slowly into U.S. dollars. So far it has
been a losing strategy. But at some point when the Canadian dollar starts to
slide back, I will have U.S. dollars. If I tried to wait for the peak, I might
miss it.


The low U.S. dollar is not hurting the average resident of the U.S. because
the U.S. mostly trades within its own borders. It does hurt a bit in terms of
oil and gasoline prices, but overall the impact is small. Inflation remains low
in the U.S. There is no sign that the U.S. will move to halt the slide in its


Manulife came out with earnings today. I have only glanced at the report but
I did see that their sales increases were eye-popping. The high Canadian dollar
continues not to hurt them very much (which surprises me). I plan to update the
Manulife report by Sunday.


New Longer term subscription Offer. Some subscribers have asked me
about longer term subscriptions. The following link will allow you to subscribe
for three years, five years or even a lifetime. If you take this option and
I will refund the unexpired part of your current subscription. If you
take one of the longer term options I will also cancel your existing
subscription in PayPal where applicable.


Click to see how these longer term
subscription options work. I plan to offer this longer term option for only
a limited time depending on response.


November 5, 2007


Today’s news regarding CitiGroup reinforces my perception that it continues
to be a time for caution.


If anyone has basically first-hand knowledge of Canadian companies that are
being hurt by the high dollar I am interested in hearing about it at


November 4, 2007


Northbridge Financial (commercial
property and casualty insurer) is updated and rate Buy at $36.52. It released
what appeared to be very strong earnings for Q3. However insurance company
earnings are typically affected by unusual gains (so frequently that unusual
items are in fact usual). It seems well managed and with a Price to Book ratio
of 1.38 combined with a longer term ROE historically above 15% it is probably a
good long term buy.


The share price can be moderately volatile. The shares are up nicely since we
rated it a (higher) Buy August 4 at $33.52. And it is up 82% since we introduced
it to this Site almost four years ago on December 5, 2003 rated (higher) Strong
Buy at $20.10.


November 3, 2007


I have really been surprised to see the Canadian dollar jump so high. as of
Friday it was gapping higher at an extreme rate. Some observers claim that
Canada’s economy can handle this, that manufacturing is no longer that


I looked up figures at Statistics Canada and it sure looks to me like
manufacturing is still very important. See our new article summarizing the
Canadian economy.


Based on how important manufacturing is, I believe a dollar above par
constitutes an economic emergency. You should have received our
emergency newsletter on this topic.


On the plus side, we are all a LOT richer in terms of what we can buy in the
United States. On the negative side “would the last one out of the Canadian
factory, please turn off the lights”. Lord knows they probably can’t afford the
power bill to keep any extra lights on!


November 2, 2007


MicroSoft is updated for its latest
earnings release and rated Buy at $37.16. It has jumped 25% since we last
updated it only 3 weeks ago when we rated it Buy at $29.77. It is a complex
company.  Given recent earnings performance  it is still rated Buy.


FedEx is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at
$102.43. The company has had some weaker earnings and has not been a good
investment over the past couple of years. It is down 9% since we added it this
Site about 1 year ago rated Buy.


Historically it has provided excellent returns over the longer term. Warren
Buffett suggests we invest in relatively simple companies with good or great
long term prospects, with competent trustworthy management and when available at
reasonable prices. FedEx may fit the bill in the long term going forward. But it
is forecasting little to no earnings growth this fiscal year (on an adjusted
basis). I am not going to buy a this time. If I held it I might sell to move
into something higher rated.


On a positive note they have said they expect this current quarter to be a
record in terms of volume moved and they have raised priced.


November 1, 2007


Today’s market dip reinforces my thought that it is a time to be cautious.


Northbridge Financial released earnings after the close today. At first
glance the earnings look very good. I do note that some of the earnings were
related to one-time events and no-doubt analysts will find a cloud around this
apparent silver lining.


I continued to move some cash into U.S. dollars.


Yesterday it was reported that there is so much on-line shopping going on
that Canada Post is falling behind in processing the parcels coming in from the
U.S. Chrysler has announced price cuts on its cars to compete with U.S. prices.
Wal-Mart is selling books and magazines at U.S. prices, as are some private book
stores and Chapter/Indigo I understand has cut prices a minimum 10%.  So,
some of the higher dollar benefits are flowing to consumers. Retailers who are
bringing in new inventory from the States and who are not sitting on old
high-cost inventory should do well. Retailers with older high-cost inventory may
have to sell at cost. Bombardier Recreational Products has been in the news
because it is becoming well know that “quads” and probably “sleds” are thousands
cheaper in the U.S. Also most of us have noticed that Canadian Tire was selling
a medium size “quad” for $4500 last summer and in fact had it on sale in June
for $3500. Good luck competing with that. (And next year the price will likely
be lower still). Bombardier Recreational Products is probably going to have to
help their dealers out by giving rebates on their inventory to get it sold.


At a 95 cent Canadian dollar I wondered how an auto plant in Canada made any
sense given that the car companies were not exactly reporting big profits even
when the dollar was 80 cents. At $1.05 it’s getting really hard to imagine how
it makes sense to make cars or parts in Ontario. Sorry, but I think the math is
clear there. (And the corporate income tax cuts will not help that situation
because they will no doubt be losing money and so income tax is not a problem).


October 31, 2007


A big day on the markets with the TSX up 313 points and the Dow up 138


The market is always hungry for good news. In Canada the market has now been
fed by announces tax reductions, higher oil prices and probably some spill over
from the U.S. interest rate cut. All this good news allows the market to forget
for the moment about lower earnings for some companies and the risks posed by
the high dollar and a possible U.S. recession/sub-prime/housing slump.


In the U.S. the market has been fed by lower interest rates and this allowed
it to forget about lower earnings for some companies and the risks posed by the
high dollar and a possible recession/sub-prime/housing slump.


So it’s nice to have all these gains but I have to think caution is still
warranted. I have to wonder what the markets can feed on next. Taking some
profits and positioning for any market correction is probably a good idea,
especially for those with very high equity exposures. Admittedly a 100% equity
strategy will do well in the long term, but except for younger investors just
starting out, that just does not feel like the right strategy right now.


Possibly in Canada the next feeding will consist of an interest rate cut to
stem the rise in the Canadian dollar. With that in mind I will likely move a
little more of my cash to U.S. dollars tomorrow. So far, hindsite says I
transferred money too early. But at some point if the dollar falls I will
already have some funds in the U.S. Those who wait for the very top could miss


I’m going to think again about the stocks I hold and that I have identifies
(below) as being hurt by a higher Canadian dollar. I may trim a bit more there.
For example with Kingsway I have liked the company but I was not factoring in a
25% increase in the Canadian dollar this year. (Kingsway reports in U.S. dollars
so on a reported earnings basis a higher Canadian dollar actually helps it. But
when converted back to a Canadian stock price. a higher Canadian dollar is
definitely negative for Kingsway. As I have said before, currency exposure
depends on where a company has its revenues and expenses. It does not depend on
where the stock is listed.


Ya can’t keep a good monopoly down?


The TSX Group which still has basically a monopoly on the Canadian stock
exchange business had yet another big earnings increase released today. The
stock had fallen on threats of a competitor to come in 2008. But now the market
has forgotten that threat for the moment and is focused on the good earnings
news. It’s really hard to say if there is any serious threat of competition


Heard about any hurricanes this year? I have not. This could be why Berkshire
Hathaway is doing so well.


October 30, 2007


Today’s tax reduction announcement should be good for stocks due to lower
corporate taxes (though in a competitive market the tax savings may get based on
the customers eventually) and due to higher consumer spending.


The big news tomorrow should be regarding the expected FED interest rate cut
of 25 basis points.


That and the tax cuts could drive the Canadian dollar still higher. I
transferred a little more cash to U.S. today and intend to transfer a little
more this week, no matter if the dollar is up or down.


The Case-Shiller index of home prices in the U.S. released today shows U.S.
house prices fell about 1% in August. More importantly U.S. consumer confidence
slipped about 4% in the latest survey.


An article in the current issue of Fortune magazine tells the story of how
bad some of the sub-prime mortgages are. Someone is going to lose a lot of money
on those mortgages and I suspect most of those losses have yet to be announced.


October 29, 2007


U.S. markets are maintaining a bullish trend driven mostly by the expectation
of an interest rate cut at the FED meeting on Wednesday. If interest rates are
not cut then I expect stocks would fall.


According to figures on the Standards and Poors Web Site at the S&P 500
earnings in Q3 are down slightly from Q2 and down compare to Q3 last year, but
so far this slightly negative earnings growth has not bothered the market.


I notice that Canadian Pacific took about a 15% write-down on some Asset
Backed Commercial Paper investments. Those investments are in default but the
big investors have agreed not to push the entities that issues these into
insolvency. This is a very strange situation. In some cases the under-lying
long-term assets are good, in others they are not good. I suspect that if this
is not resolved by year-end then the write-downs will have to be bigger.


My own results have been hurt by my somewhat cautious stance this year. But
with an equity exposure of just over 60% I have not been overly cautious and I
think it was a good decision to be somewhat cautious. We have seen a lot of
turmoil this year and may see more yet. It is now five full years since the
Canadian stock index bottomed out and markets simply do not tend to go up every
single year.


October 28, 2007


eBay is updated and rated Speculative Buy at
$36.72. This company is very complex, generally we prefer more simple


Attention Doctors, Dentists, other medical
professionals and anyone running a similar professional office that provides
professional services to customers.  Please
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My personal portfolio composition is
updated as well as the performance

figures for


This coming week on Tuesday October 30, the FED is expected to lower interest
rates yet again. To a large extent this may already be factored into stock
prices. But it could drive stocks up a little further. It could also drive the
Canadian dollar higher. But if that happens I would think that Canada might
decide to lower the dollar by cutting interest rates (which is good for stocks).
Meanwhile, I fear that certain Canadian companies (see comments below,
particularly September 20) will report lower earnings due to the high dollar, if
not in Q3 then in Q4 (where the dollar at and above par may apply for the full
quarter). I also fear that at any time further bad news will result from loan
losses in the U.S. and from lower house prices in the U.S.


Shaw Communications is updated
and rated Speculative Buy at $26.03. This company has been increasing its
revenues at strong rate. Earnings have been increasing at a very rapid rate but
from low levels. The company has some accounting complexities that may it
difficult to evaluate. On a P/E basis it looks expensive. But with earnings
recently rising very sharply and with a very strong insider buying signal, I
feel good about holding this stock. I intend to place an order to add to my
position if the price should fall to the $24.50 range. The reason I hesitate to
add at the current price is that I still wish to maintain a high cash balance in
case the stock market in general drops.


We also rated this stock Speculative Buy as at the start of 2007 and it is up
41% since then.


October 26, 2007


Tim Hortons
is updated and rated Buy at
CAN $36.05 or U.S. $37.35. This is clearly a great company. But it certainly is
not particularly cheap. To buy this is a case of paying up for quality. It may
be best to average in. It is possible that earnings will show strong growth in
the next 12 months as earnings growth has lagged revenue growth. After that I
believe it has a strong probability of growing at about 10% to 12% over the
years as it grows into the United States. It is also possible that it could move
into other countries. In Canada it is the largest “fast food” chain and has
easily competed with all the American chains. I see no reason that it cannot
compete successfully in the U.S. and even other countries. But I do think it
will take some years to establish itself in new markets.


If Tim Hortons happens to fall in price, that will not bother me much and I
would use the opportunity to add to my position.


In 1995, Wendy’s had bought the then-private Tim Hortons for about $600
million. Wendy’s wisely left Tim Hortons to grow and left the Tim’s management
in place. Today Tim Hortons has an equity value of $7.0 billion U.S. while
Wendy’s is only at $3.0 billion.  Ironically, Tim Hortons could now
probably buy Wendy’s if it wanted to.


October 25, 2007


Tim Hortons
will release earnings tomorrow
morning. (That’s unfair because the retail investor has no time to react, they
should release earnings after the Friday close – like Warren Buffett does –
which gives everyone a fair shot at reacting to the numbers. At least they don’t
commit the ultimate sin of releasing earnings during the trading day – as many
companies do – which surely should be illegal).


I expect the headline Tim Hortons earnings to be an increase because Q3 last
year was weak. But the important thing may be how it compares to expectations
which I understand are around 35 cents per share. I do expect some bad news from
the American operations since the high Canadian dollar will hurt that investment
– possibly even some write-down of the U.S. investment. But operationally in the
U.S. as far as sales I expect it to be okay and to improve slowly.


Alberta came out with the Royalty increase today. It seems the consensus is
that oil stocks, especially oil sands and especially those linked to Suncor and
Snycrude will decline tomorrow morning. My sense is that royalties did need to
increase for oil sands. I don’t know about the other sectors (conventional oil
and gas). The biggest concern is that the Premier seemed to be threatening to
take action unless they “agree” to “renegotiate” the favorable contracts that
run to 2016. That seems extremely bad and sends the message that the Alberta
government’s signature on a contract cannot be trusted. Sure, taxes and
royalties can increaser that is always a risk, but here they seem to be in
effect ripping up a contract. Some of the Premier’s answers displayed either a
deep mis-understanding of economics or that he is not being truthful.


It seems some of these stocks already went down (although Suncor was “only”
down 6%)  in after-hours trading. By the way what is this after hours crap?
If you and I can’t trade after hours why should others be allowed? This sounds
like legalized insider trading on a grand scale.


There may be some bargain opportunities in Canada tomorrow but I am not sure
that I will want to wade in until things settle down a bit.


In the U.S. markets we have the continuing worry about sub-prime related woes
that are pulling down on markets, while expectations of Fed rate cuts push it
up. This week the upward pressure seems to be at least equal to the down-ward
pull even in the face of some big financial write-downs. Lower interest rates
certainly are good for stocks (all else being equal). But if the financial loan
defaults get big enough then no amount of rate cutting can fix that. Possibly
wild actions such as the giovernement stepping in to guarantee loans would help.
But overall I remain cautious. The U.S. markets are probaly due for a pull-back
related to the financial issues and home prices.


In Canada CMHC (a government creature that surely should not exist in a free
market) has – with amazingly bad timing – now stepped in and said investors can
buy investment properties with nothing down and the banks will be protected by
adding the 7.5% fee to the mortgage. At least the banks are protected but in
that scenario maybe the banks are then incented to give out risky loans. If the
buyer defaults then the CMHC will pay the bank. Who would pay a 7.5% insurance
fee except those who cannot otherwise afford the property – and therefore are
bad credit risks. Even with a 7.5% fee CMHC could lose on this deal. CMHC now
has a number of viable private sector competitors. It should be getting out of
the mortgage insurance business and sticking to setting housing policies and
regulations for mortgage insurance and such. It should not be competing with the
private sector.


October 24, 2007


I had the following question today:


you ever looked at Norbord (NBD on TSX)?

Would it be a good investment at today’s depressed price?


The answer is no I had not looked. I did have Ainsworth lumber on the site
for a while and I think it did okay. But I really shook my head when Ainsworth
loaded up on debt
a few years. I even emailed them about it thinking it was
risky in a down-turn. They did do very well for a while. Now that debt chicken
is home to roost.


As for Norbord. I have not looked closely enough to have a strong opinion at
all. It has a number of really great years but right now it is losing money. And
it has some debt. I would worry about the debt with the panel board prices being
low and with the American housing recession. We would need to understand if it
is cash flow positive even though earnings are negative. If cashflow is negative
then that is ugly…   In fact the balance sheet on their site does
show negative cash from operations this quarter and year to date. Debt has gone
up a lot in the last year, I am not familiar with why, other than if it was
borrowing to cover negative cash flow and dividend and some cap ex. Certainly
the Norbord dividend is a positive but it was cut once and could be again. Sorry
I can’t be more definitive. The high dollar is hurting it as most sales are into
the U.S. and if it hurt in Q3 watch out for Q4 with the dollar over par. This is
just my quick look. To really form an opinion would take me at least 4 to 6
hours effort and even then how can I predict panel board prices. Overall I am
not too excited to look at it.


This is why I prefer the more predictable companies. A company like Norbord
faces very volatile product prices. In contrast look at Tim Hortons, they
control their prices, that is easier to deal with.


Another interesting day, as the DOW was down 200 points at one point today (a
noticeable dip but really not a huge dip). It was down due the Merrill Lynch
announcement of a bigger write-off on sub-prime. But by end of trading the Dow
recovered and was almost unchanged on the day. The recovery was linked to the
thought the FED will cut interest rates. As I said in a recent newsletter, it
feels like you can’t beat this market down with a stick. I remain cautious,
although i suppose a “pop” is possible on an interest rate cut.


In Alberta, the Premier in a speech tonight seemed to indicate pretty
strongly that the energy royalties will be increased but also said in effect
that he wanted to be fair to business. The actual royalty rate increase will be
announced tomorrow after the market closes, I believe. That could make for some
dips in the energy stocks tomorrow.


October 23, 2007


Discount Trading Fees


I mentioned under Nov. 17, that TD Waterhouse has reduced trading charges to
about $10 (for those with at least $100,000 in accounts which on request can
include all accounts in a household) and best of all it seems that the $10
applies to an unlimited number of shares. TD’s fee used to be $30 with a 1000
share limit. I never really minded paying $30 because I did not trade that much
and seldom traded over 1000 shares. But I was not happy when I sold 4000 shares
of a $3.00 stock and got dinged $120 for a $12,000 share sale. It did not seem
fair to me that the percentage charge should be different just because the share
count was higher. It’s all electronic and I don’t see much difference between
1000 shares at $12 and 4000 shares at $3.


TD started offering the $10 fee about a year ago for accounts over $500,000
(on a household consolidated basis). This new $10 fee is much better. Except I
must admit it may be leading me to trade far too frequently.


A subscriber emailed today that National Bank had charged him $780 to trade
26000 shares prices at about $6.00 each. (About a $156,000 trade so nice to have
that “problem” in a way!). This was in a discount trading account. This was $780
to do a completely electronic trade. On a percentage basis the $780 does not
look that bad (about 1/2 of one percent). This was a large trade. But TD is now
allowing this trade to be done at $10. And E-Trade I believe has been at $10 for
a long time. It seem to me that if you are paying $30 and especially if that
includes a limit of 1000 shares, it is time to really start complaining. It’s a
hassle to change discount brokers but there are limits to what you should put up


If you have a full-service broker and are relying on the broker for advice,
that is a different story and you would expect to pay much higher fees.


Mortgage Issues in the U.S.


One story today was that Countrywide Financial would offer to renegotiate
mortgages and lower the payments for homeowners that are in difficulty. They
have a partner Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America that is involved
and that may be taking some of the risk.


This is probably a good thing and probably what should be done. But I suspect
that bank regulators will still want these loans marked as non-performing. You
just can’t make a bad loan good, by agreeing to stretch out the payments.


It seems to me that banking statistics are soon going to show sky-rocketing
numbers on non-performing loans. That is, unless policy makers and government
somehow work together to throw out normal banking regulations and try to
sugarcoat what is happening.


I maintain a cautious stance, particularly on the lending sector in the face
of this.


However,  Canadian Western
Bank has dipped a bit. I would think it will not be exposed to any loan loss
issues at least not soon. So this dip may be a buying opportunity.


Our last update on Home Capital was
very positive but we mentioned it had some speculative aspects. Now with this
surge in the dollar I fear for the Ontario economy. I am under the impression
that Ontario has a large number of manufacturing jobs and I believe many of
those jobs are at risk due to the high dollar. In that scenario, if it comes to
pass, I would expect Ontario house prices to fall or at least stall and I would
expect Home Capital to have some loan loss issues. So far, so good, but I would
not get over-exposed to the company. On the other hand it has an exceptional
track record so there is no need to panic.


Nice to see Tim Hortons doing well, although
I was almost hoping for a dip to $34 and might have added to my position.
Earnings are out on Friday, I believe.


We should have a few companies updated by Sunday at latest as earnings
reports come in.


October 21, 2007


The latest edition of the free
newsletter was sent out today.


Given my cautious stance of late, I was not surprised by Friday’s
pull-back…  I have not ever had much luck forecasting short-term market
moves, but my bet is that markets move down further this week.


October 18, 2007


Google is out with amazing profit growth. This is definitely a great company.
Most of the earnings come from the ads we see when do searches. Google has a
huge market share and since we don’t pay to search, it is extremely difficult
for competitors to get us to use other search engines. I’m not sure at all that
Google is worth its price but I do know that as a company it is a great company.
It will earn very high returns on equity for the foreseeable future.


I have been a paying customer of Google in that I have paid them to place
advertisements to this Web Site. In my experience two years ago, the Google ads
were a great investment for me. They were able to send me lots of new visitors
every day for a modest cost. And a reasonable percentage of these  visitors
signed up for my free newsletter and eventually this paid stock service. But
lately Google sends me a lot less visitors and it costs a lot more (like four
times more!) to attract a visitor. But much worse than that a much lower
percentage of the visitors Google sends are joining my free newsletter list or
taking this paid service.


It even looked like Google had figured out better ways to send traffic to me
to get the fees from me but the traffic was increasingly of little or no value
to me.


My experience has been in the early days, Google advertisements were very
cost effective for me. However for the last 6 to nine months they seem to
have been a waste of money. I have stopped using them.


Possibly this is because stock markets are not as attractive at this time.
But I suspect it has more to do with email fatigue. More and more people are
reluctant to sign up for a newsletter when they get so many emails
already. If this is true then we may start to see Google’s growth slow.


I am now relying more on free organic traffic from Google, which I attract a
lot of based on the articles on this Site.


As I watch the volatility in the markets I am tempted to buy some stocks on
dips. But overall, I am still interested in maybe trimming some positions. I
have a large exposure to financials and that area is vulnerable to the sub-prime
issues and possible recession in the U.S. Also before buying I will see how the
Canadian Q3 earnings reports come in. These will start arriving next week.


Meanwhile, let me know your thoughts on this Web Site or on investments in
general. What can I do to make this Site more valuable for you? (I may not be
able to accommodate your requests, but if enough people ask for the same thing,
then perhaps I can). email me at


October 17, 2006


If you are still paying $30 per trade, call your discount broker and
complain. TD Waterhouse is now charging $9.99 per trade (and I believe there is
no limit on the number of shares) for all accounts with more than $100,000
(previously it was $500,000). And they allow you to count all your household
accounts in reaching the $100,000 level. This is a remarkable cut in fees. Only
about 1 year ago I had to pay TD $120 ($30 times 4) to trade 4,000 shares of at
$4.00 so $120 on a $16,000 trade. Now it’s $9.99.


These lower fees prove that competition can lower prices when you are dealing
with a commodity product and when the price charges is very visible. It’s really
rather shocking because it is a hassle to move brokers and so I would have
thought that they would keep the fees higher and instead try to use incentives
to get new customers. Like cell phones, give something free but then lock the
customer into high monthly charges.


These lower trading costs are leading to lots more trading. I don’t do penny
stocks but I suspect the trading of those is way up. I’m not sure that the lower
fees have saved me any money though. I have been trading WAY more. I am spending
about the same amount in trading fees as ever. And I am also paying hidden costs
in the buy/sell spread (scooped by the market maker).


I moved some more cash into a TD U.S. money market fund today. I may try to
be patient and wait for $1.04 or $1.05 to move more, but then again I may just
decide to move it sooner. The dollar can go in either direction from here. I
feel good about getting U.S. dollars for 98 cents and I don’t want to get too
greedy waiting for 95 cents.


Berkshire Hathaway was up another 2% today. I wish I had done the full
analysis and recommended it on this Site. I did give it some very solid plugs
especially in the last year most notably on January 2 and I reported when I was
buying it. Unfortunately I did not buy enough. Buffett may have just overtaken
Bill Gates again as the richest American. If so, you heard it here first. (He
was up over $1 billion on his personal stake in Berkshire today alone!).


This credit mess in the U.S. is likely to get a lot worse.


How could it not when these idiots were loaning out money on “stated income”
(liar loans). And lending money on the basis of a 2% interest rate for the first
year or three which then resets to maybe 7% or more. Loan companies we must
remember operate on a sliver of equity. I have always said that all banks were
potentially quite risky. Normally they operate as finely tuned machines. But
when things go wrong they can go wrong in a big way. For example Banks usually
set aside only 1% to 2% of loans as a contingency for bad debt. Then they have
something less than 10% in owners equity. So what happens if house prices plunge
and they get into 3 or 4% loan loses? This chews into their equity in a big way.
And it only takes maybe 10% loan losses to bankrupt them typically. Of course a
bank does not lose 100% on a bad loan. But if 20% of their loans are bad and
they recover only 75% on foreclosing on the homes. That would work out to a 5%
loss of assets or maybe half their equity. However some banks may be protected
by mortgage insurance. we will probably find that many banks do okay but some
U.S. financial institutions are likely to go bankrupt.


House prices are falling in the U.S. not too sharply yet but falling.
Meanwhile millions of people have mortgages that they never really could afford.
They may walk away. Then the banks will need to foreclose but they will be lucky
to recover in may cases 75% of the loan after costs as they sell into a down


One solution might be to offer lower payments to the homeowners. But under
banking regulations I believe they still have to mark that as a bad loan. You
can’t make a bad loan a good one by agreeing to make a concession on the
payments or extending the term of the loan.


Then there is the Asset Backed Commercial Paper situation. This “paper” is
backed up by sometimes suspect loans. Ameritrade of all companies today
apparently wrote off $200 million of what they thought was a cash equivalent.
Watch for more of this.


Almost any company with cash on the balance sheet could be holding some of
the Asset Backed Commercial Paper. Not a huge deal for most profitable
companies, but it would be a one-time hit.


If financial companies in the U.S. start to suffer it may drag down the
Canadian financials at least somewhat. I am hopeful that the property insurance
stocks that I rate will not be much affected, but that remains to be seen. There
could be a few surprises in the Q3 financials. And even more when we get to
audited year-end financials next February.


October 16, 2007


A story in today’s paper talked about how United States Bombardier
recreational products dealers are now not allowed to see snowmobiles to
Canadians coming across the border for bargains. Apparently they rationally
applied a 7.5% surcharge to cross-border shoppers. Then they raised that to a
minimum of $1250. Then they changed the policy two weeks ago and applied a $3000
surcharge. And finally now they have banned the U.S. dealers from selling to
Canadians. This is to protect the Canadian dealers.  The article did not
address the reason that a Canadian-made product is cheaper in the U.S.


This is just an example of the pressure that is exerted by cross-border
shopping. Bombardier will I think be forced to lower the prices dramatically in
Canada. Canadians will shop in the U.S. and if Bombardier won’t sell their
snowmobiles to Canadians then I suspect maybe Yamaha or Artic Cat will.


I moved $20,000 into U.S. funds today at about CAN $1.02. I probably should
have moved more, but so far I have under-estimated how high our dollar went.
Still, few people are suggesting it can go much higher. I continue to think it
is a good idea to move some funds into U.S. dollars, especially if you have any
plans to buy U.S. stocks, or to travel to the U.S. I would be comfortable moving
about half my cash into U.S. funds. The dollar has already backed off from the
recent $1.03 level. It’s anybody’s guess which direction it will go now. With
high oil prices, there is little reason for it to drop unless the Canadian
government signals that it could lower interest rates. They did not do so today,
but I believe they signaled they are no longer thinking of raising interest


October 15, 2007


I sold my BCE shares today for the reasons mentioned in yesterday’s note.
Tomorrow, the Bank of Canada is expected to leave interest rates unchanged. My
view is that they probably need to lower interest rates to push the Canadian
dollar down. What ever harm the high dollar is doing will not show up in the
statistics for some time, but I definitely think the damage is happening now.
Stephen Jarislowsky, one of this country’s most successful investors has stated
that there is no way our manufacturing and forestry industry can withstand what
amounts to a 50% increase in labour costs when measured in U.S. dollars. (and
that was before this last push up from 96 cents to $1.02). Inflation numbers
will come out later in the week. I expect the high dollar to curtail inflation
but again it may take a number of months before the price cuts show up in the
stores and a another month after that before the statistics reports show it.


My cash position is now at about 38%, this leaves me pretty well positioned
if stock prices fall but also leaves me with a reasonable exposure to stocks in
case they keep rising based on interest rate cuts.


Many investors simply take a  balanced approach to stocks, bonds and
cash and don’t attempt to ever try to time the market. Nothing wrong with that
approach. Younger investors who are still very much in savings years can afford
to go 100% equities and they will do all right because any losses in a
market correction would be more than recovered as they continue to invest at
lower prices. Retirees with substantial exposures to equities (higher than say
40 to 50% should probably be concerned since if you are living off a portfolio
and not investing new money, than a market correction is only bad news, it has
no silver lining in that scenario. But these asset allocation decisions are all
very personal and generalizations based on age often do not apply well to any
particular individual.


October 14, 2007


I have been predicting price reductions in Canada as a result of the higher
dollar. It’s worth considering, how fast should price reductions occur?
Retailers would like to wait until they sell their inventory of U.S. goods
purchased when it cost maybe CAN $1.10 or more to buy a U.S. dollar.
Retailers that I talked to said that they tend to order product up to one year
in advance and that the price drops are a long way off. But consider if one
retailer had no inventory of such goods and brings in fresh new product now when
it costs CAN $0.97 to buy a U.S. dollar, that retailer could drop prices
immediately. In competitive markets we should expect price drops to be fairly
fast. But retailers will want to drag their feet. It will be interesting to see
just how fast the prices drop. My advice to individuals is to really shop
around, to ask retailers when the price will drop, to delay major purchases and
to look at ordering in products from the U.S.


I believe the big retailers like Canadian Tire and certainly Wal-Mart will be
faster to drop prices. Small independent retailers are going to be hurt because
it is much harder for them to drop prices and “eat” the exchange rate change on
their inventory.


I have some shares in BCE (last traded at $40.66) that I am holding as
an arbitrage against the agreed purchase price of $42.75. Ontario Teachers
Pension plan is apparently firmly committed to proceeding with the deal. I do
worry though what the American partners are thinking as the Canadian dollar
soars. Possibly they have already locked in the financing and the currency. But
it cannot be denied that BCE at CAN $42.75 looks a lot more expensive now to an
American than it did at the time of the deal.  I may sell some or all of my
position to get rid of the deal risk.


We are hoping to add some new companies to the Site. We would like to do some
pre-screening and target the type of companies that Warren Buffett might suggest
we consider.


The following is the result of some preliminary screening.


Freight Car America (symbol RAIL, price $39.75)


RAIL turned up on a list of low P/E high return on capital companies. The
company manufactures repairs, sells and leases rail cars. S&P shows an ROE of
87% and a P/E and a trailing P/E of 5. On the surface that looks like a
screaming Buy. But sales in the latest quarter dropped by 47% year over year.
That is a HUGE drop in sales. Amazingly they still had a profit in Q2. In fact
if the Q2 profits were annualised the P/E would still be an attractive 11. And
maybe the sales drop was just the result of lumpy order from rail roads. But the
past few years shows no other dips. Luckily the company appears to have
substantial cash and almost no debt. This should allow it to survive even if it
loses money for a period of time.


Overall this is not a company I want to look further at. The recent 47% drop
in sales tells me that this is a very unpredictable company.  In order to
understand its sales outlook I would have to understand how many rail cars are
likely to be needed in North America. I suspect that rail cars are a commodity
product and that profits are low except in times when there is huge demand and a
shortage of available rail cars. I suspect its costs have increased tremendously
due to the fact that steel prices rose by (I believe) hundreds of percent in the
past few years. Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger talk about having three
baskets “in”, “out” and “too hard”. I put this company into the “too hard”
category. It may turn out to be a good investment but for me it is too hard and
too unpredictable.


McGraw-Hill Companies (symbol MHP, price $52.77)


I am interested in this company because it owns Standard and Poors (S&P).
S&P strikes me as possibly being a wonderful business because it shares a
dominant position  in credit rating reports with competitor Moody’s. I
suspect that their costs have been going down due to electronic delivery of
their products. In addition this company turned up on a list of companies with a
good combination of high returns on capital and lower P/E ratios.


MHP consists of S&P 44% of revenues, Education 40% and other information and
media 16%. The P/E is about 19. The ROE is reported by S&P to be only 12.8% in
2006 but in past years was usually over 20%. Another source (Argus) reports the
ROE at 55%. The share price dropped recently from about $70 and went under $50.
This was due to the criticism that S&P took over the sub-prime and Asset Backed
Commercial Paper situations. The stock has now recovered somewhat.


With a P/E of 19 this may not be a  screaming Buy but I believe it is a
high quality company that is likely to continue to be highly profitable and to
continue growing in the long term.  It is worthy of further analysis.


Moody’s Corporation (symbol MCO, price $49.40)


I have log been interested in looking at Moody’s because it shares something
of an oligopoly in credit ratings with S&P. Also Berkshire Hathaway owns about
17% of Moody’s. MCO has a P/E ratio of 17 and an ROE which is well over 100%.
Similar to McGraw Hill the price of Moody’s fell substantially over the Summer
due to the sub-prime and asset backed commercial paper problems. On the surface
Moody’s looks more attractive than McGraw Hill. I also like that Mooy’s is more
of a pure play. I intend to further analyze Moody’s.


Costco Wholesale Corp (symbol COST, price $68)


I chose to take a look at Costco simply because it is well known as a highly
successful big box retailer. Warren Buffett has often favored companies that
sell directly to consumers (rather than to businesses) because they tend to be
easier to understand.


Costco has a trailing P/E of 30 and its ROE has been around 12% for several
years. On the face of it, that looks somewhat expensive – even for a
high-quality company. Given that I am screening for bargains, I will choose not
to analyze this company further at this time. Inc.


I decided to take a look at Amazon because of its dominant position as an
internet retailer. Also in the past Buffett has spoken favorably about it.
However, it has a P/E of around 82 based on 2007 projected earnings. Even though
its profits may grow very strongly, the valuation is far to rich for me. I will
not analyse it further at this time.


Speaking of Warren Buffett…


He was in Toronto on Thursday and exerts of his speech were reported. He
views the U.S. market as expensive even with a modest P/E of around 17. The
reason is that he thinks that corporate earnings may be unsustainably high. He
indicated that corporate earnings as a percent of GDP are much higher than
normal (I believe he said TWICE as high). If earnings regress back to a more
normal percentage of GDP then corporate earnings would drop markedly and
therefore today’s reasonable P/E levels could be mis-leading.


Buffett, by the way, has also seen his wealth absolutely leaping in the past
weeks and months. The Berkshire shares are up a LOT lately. In fact I calculate
that he held about $43 billion in Berkshire shares in June 2006 when he
announced his big charity give away. He has now given the first two
installments, some $4 billion. But instead of now holding $39 billion in
Berkshire shares, his remaining shares are now actually worth about $55 billion.
He has been written off many times as “yesterday’s man”. Once again he is
proving his critics wrong. (He may even pass Bill Gates to regain his spot as
the richest American at this rate – But presumably won’t catch Carlos Slim of
Mexico given the plummeting U.S. dollar).


October 13, 2007


My personal portfolio composition is
updated. My most recent sales are a reduction in the Thomson position and the I
sold the few shares that I had in Canadian Pacific. This was to raise the cash


October 11, 2007


Yesterday, I left off saying I was feeling cautious and might raise my cash
position. This mornings paper had a story about a real slow-down in gas drilling
in Alberta. So I did go ahead and trim some positions (sold some of my Kingsway
Couche-Tard and Canadian Western Bank and TSX Group). The first two on concerns
that this rocketing Canadian dollar will be a drag on earnings (in Canadian
dollar terms). The second two just to take profit.


The market then rose sharply today but then fell sharply and was down at the
end of the day.


No one can predict the market direction in the short term. But we can make
reasonable decisions such as lightening the exposure to stocks when predictions
call for earnings to be about flat in Q3 and when we have all the worries about
housing prices, sub-prime and possible recession. History shows that in the very
long run you can always just ride these things out. But personally I just feel
better to move more into cash and then eventually re-group and I hope to buy
back into a more concentrated portfolio if markets happen to fall. The danger of
course is that if the market keeps rising then I will be sitting with cash and
missing the up-side.


Also even if I think the market in general will dip, I also think the Stock
Picks on this site will do better than the market.


In Canada we may get an interest rate drop next week to combat the dollar.
That would be good for stock prices.


October 10, 2007


Greetings to all new subscribers. Actually things have been quiet over the
Summer and into Fall, not a lot of new subscribers. I always appreciate any
referrals for new subscribers. I know many of you have referred people and I
thank you. I also know in many cases people are just not receptive to the
suggestion. You tell them you have a good source for stock investment ideas and
education but they ignore you. Such is life.


I read a scary little story today. Apparently the Thomson First Call earnings
estimates are suggesting that the Q3 earnings will be a little under last year’s
Q3 on average. If that happens it would be the first earnings drop since early


Stock markets NEED expectations of earnings growth in order to go up. The
market at any given time is usually pricing in average earnings growth of at
least 5% per year. Combined with a 2% dividend that gives 7% return. The market
in today’s low interest rate environment is probably priced to give an
of 7% to (at most) 9% return or 5% to 7% growth. If earnings
start to fall it will be tough for markets to continue to expect that kind of
growth. In fact earnings growth has far outpaced nominal dollar GDP growth for
the last five years. That cannot continue. Either earnings were clawing out a of
a deep hole since about 2001 (which is partly tue) or earnings have over-shot
the sustainable mark (likely partly true). In any case the earnings cannot and
will not exceed the growth in the economy in the long-term. If earnings decline
Stock prices would drop on average. Lately it seems like low interest rate and
the hope for more rate cuts is all that holds/pushes the market up. But interest
rates can’t go down forever. And if earnings growth turns to earnings declines,
the market would definitely decline.


I’m not trying to scare anyone. In fact a  market drop will provide
investment opportunities. (For those with cash) But I am definitely cautious. I
have been cautious most of this year and so far it has cost me money. But when I
see a forecast for earnings to decline I have to think stocks will drop. I may
try to get my cash position up more towards 40%.


Here is a thought – Just because you expect a stock to go up does not mean
you have to own it. For example maybe you have a better stock to put the money
in. Or you may expect a stock to go up, but you are not sure. In that case if
you don’t like the risk regard ratio, then don’t buy the stock even though you
fully expect it to go up. I often have trouble selling a stock just because it
would then cause me pain if in fact it went up. But that’s not very rational
thinking. If I have a better use for the money (even to sit in cash) that’s
okay, it’s okay to sell even if you think (but are not sure) a stock will go up,
or you just have a better use for the money.



October 9, 2007


A subscriber had the following question:


Hello — I see
that Reitmans is still listed as a “buy” although it seems to be steadily going
down (all the more reason to buy?)  I bought some at a higher price and am
thinking of averaging down.  Do you still consider this a good buy?  I read the
article some weeks ago about their apparent miscalculation of their market but
think they might recover–what do you think?  I guess the downside is a general
recession and lack of consumer confidence.


Our Reitman’s report was dated September 9. Since then we
are not aware of any new info and so with the price down somewhat since then, we
still consider it a Buy. We mentioned in the report that its current quarter had
started out with an unexplained 7.2% decline in same store sales in August. We
have not seen that figure reported for September. The company seems well managed
and should do well in the future as it has in the past. The high Canadian dollar
should be good for profits given it sources much of its cloths from outside of
Canada. Possibly it could even show negative sales growth due to price cuts and
still make good profits. If clothing prices fall due to the higher Canadian
dollar, it would be possible that Reitman’s would have to write down the value
of inventory but we see no sign of such precipitous price drops, most
competitors would likely try to sell off stock before dropping price. We continue to think it is a reasonable to stock to


On the overall markets, Q3 earnings seasons kicked off today. We may see some
volatility the next couple week as major headline companies report either strong
or weak earnings. Many U.S. companies have substantial earnings from outside the
U.S. and the low U.S. dollar could help their earnings.


I plan to move some cash into a U.S. money market tomorrow. Perhaps I should
wait for an even higher Canadian dollar, but my view is that I should take
advantage of the high dollar now rather than getting too greedy (especially
given the unpredicatble nature of exchange rates).


An analyst on BNN yesterday made the comment that the Manulife stock price
has not risen much in the last year or so. In my view you cannot talk about a
company like Manulife without talking about the Canadian dollar. Manulife is
headquartered in Canada and is very much a Canadian managed company. But the bulk
of its its profits are earned in the U.S. and outside of Canada. It seems to me
that the performance of Manulife has to be judged in U.S. dollars. The price is
up quite steadily in U.S. dollars. Earnings could continue to rise in U.S.
dollars. But I would think it will have difficulty reporting much of an increase
in earnings in Canadian dollars. If it can grow earnings in Canadian dollars then
in U.S. dollars it will show huge growth.


I believe that any Canadian company that earnings most of its profits in U.S.
dollars (Kingsway, Thomson, Couche-Tard, and Cognos, should really be judged on
its U.S. stock performance rather than Canadian. (I can’t hold management
responsible for changes in currency rates). But even if it not management’s
“fault” a drop in earnings due to a currency movement still leads to a drop in
stock value.


October 8, 2007


Target is updated and rated Buy at $66.31.
This stock is up 35% since we added it to this site on June 2, 2006, rated Buy.
It’s another example of a high quality company available at a price that is
reasonable although not particularly cheap.


Microsoft is updated and rated Buy at
$29.77. The company is still growing is earnings and profits quite rapidly. But
the P/E ratio has come down under 20. Therefore the overall thesis here the
ability to buy a dominant company with strong growth at a reasonable price.
Canadian investors in all U.S. stocks will be hurt if the Canadian dollar
continues to rise. But they will benefit if the dollar sinks. And in the long
run movements in currency tend to be small relative to returns.


Cognos rose 13.6% on New York today because a competitor received a takeover
bid. Cognos is a great company but usually looks too expensive. Sadly, I have
very recently sold my Cognos shares to raise my cash position. I don’t think I
would buy on this jump given that no take-over offer is on the table.


The composition of my personal portfolio is
updated. I keep this updated for my own information as well as for the interest
of subscribers. It can be hard to remember to overall number of shares held,
when they are held in a few different accounts.


I had sold most of my Clemex shares but still have a few. I hope to sell
those tomorrow. In some ways I would like to hold some shares in case it ever
finally produces meaningful sales and profits. That is much more of an emotional
reason than a logical reason. But it is another company that will be hurt badly
by the high dollar.


I don’t mean to be fixated on the high dollar. Certainly the high dollar is
not the only factor in the market. But it is one factor where we can with some
reliability predict that an impact on earnings for a number of companies. Often
earnings hits are a totsl surprise, but in this case certain predictions can be


October 7, 2007


I sent out the latest issue of the free
newsletter today, if you did not receive it check that you are on the list by
simply joining the list “again” and the
system will indicate if your email is already on the list.


October 6, 2007


Another very strong week in the markets. Our
2007 performance is updated.


October 4, 2007


I sold my double bear position today. I said before that I don’t really like
holding the bears. I prefer to just raise my cash position when I am cautious
about the market. But the beta pro bear ETFs are a way to quickly hedge against
a drop in the market. Tomorrow certain jobs data will be released in the U.S.
that could drive the market up or down. I just did not want to hold the bear in
case the market keeps going up due to anticipation of lower interest rates.


It is quite possible the market will fall, but I personally find that holding
both stocks and a bear position means that I am in effect betting on both a
market rise and a market fall, and I just don’t like taking both positions at
once. Again. I will try to raise my cash position by taking profits. Most of the
stocks I own I am confident that even if they decline in a market down-turn,
they will tend to come back before too long.


October 3, 2007


I mentioned in recent posts that I had placed some orders to sell portions of
my positions if the price happened to rise say 5 or 10%. This would hopefully
take advantage of temporary volatility. I placed such an order on
Shaw Communications. However, in retrospect it
was not the best candidate. The reason is that it is about to release earnings.
In that case any jump on an earnings release would not be volatility but would
be based on the news. However, I did have such an order in and sold 1/3rd of my
position today at $25.90. So far it looks like a good move because Shaw closed
at $25.47. (But if Shaw comes out very shortly with strong earnings, I will
likely regret having sold at $25.90). Normally I would rather just hold the
Shaw, but right now I am still feeling cautious and this is one way to increase
my cash position.


Overall, my account and I think our stock picks on average were up today,
despite the market being down…


Couche-Tard has fallen about 10% since we
rated it (lower) Strong Buy on September 2 at $21.70. Reasons for the fall
include the surge in the Canadian dollar in the past month. As a company with
substantial operations in the U.S. It actually report in U.S. dollars. So, on a
headline basis the rise in the Canadian dollar will actually help reported
earnings due to the higher value of Canadian earnings. But the shares trade in
Canadian dollars and when we translate the American dollar earnings back to
Canadian dollars to calculate a P/E ratio, the rise in the Canadian dollar does
hurt the earnings in Canadian dollars and does hurt the share price. It will not
be hurt nearly as much as a Canadian exporter but it will be hurt. We won’t know
how much it is hurt until after it reports a full quarter with the dollar at say
about the $1.00 U.S. level. I still think this is a strong company and I am
happy to hold it. But there are always risks in any stock, that is the nature of


October 2, 2007


A strong day for a number of our Stock picks today including Canadian Western
Bank, Couche-Tard and Shaw Communications…


A subscriber emailed me today and asked:


Just curious about your thoughts on US ETFs.  I read
your article on CDN ETFs, however, I’m
more interested in exploring US ETFs right now with the dollar being on par.
Any reputable companies you suggest looking at?


The first source that comes to mind for me is Go tot hat site and then
roll your curser over the menu items at the left and menus appear for different
ETFs. Click on thse and you can see various ETFs. If you click to the page for
each ETF you can get the trading symbol and also see fundamentals including the
P/E and Price to Book ratio. And you can closely approximate the ROE by
calculating it as ROE = Price/book divided by P/E. In fact this gives you last
12 months earnings divided by current (ending) equity (A standard ROE
calculation is earnings divided by mid-year equity).


Anyhow… that page and calculation gives you some idea of
the valuation of the ETF. There are now apparently thousands of ETFs most not
based on traditional indexes but rather most new ones are based on made up brand
new indexes. A Canadian investor looking for exposure to certain sectors in the
U.S. should probably stick to ETFs that are based on traditional segments and
indexes rather than some very narrow index that was cooked up last week.


If there is a sufficient demand for it I will do an article
that lists the ETF trading symbols for the U.S. segments from ishares and maybe
one other ETF provider and also I will comment on the P/E level. If you are
interested in such an article email
me to let me know. If you are emailing me, I would be interested to know a
little about what kind of stocks you own, what your percentage allocation to
stocks (as opposed to bonds and cash) is and how this Site has helped you or
what your other sources for stock ideas are or any other thoughts you have. (I’m
not trying to track that information by individual subscriber at all, but just
trying to gget a sense of what subscribers in general are up to).


Yahoo Finance has an ETF center that may be of some use.


There is also an article on our Site regarding

global ETFs.


October 1, 2007


A very strong day on the markets. Personally I would have done better if I
had not hedged by buying some of the double bear funds as described in earlier
postings. That is the nature of the hedge there, it protects on the downside but
it cost me upside today. As I said in earlier posts, rather than the double bear
type of hedge I would be more comfortable simply being in a higher cash
position. I will continue to review my portfolio to see what I might sell or
trim. I hate to sell the two bear positions now at a loss, but it is no fun
holding them right now…


I entered an order to trim my Shaw at $25.90 and to trim the Couche-Tard at
$21.  Previously had orders in to sell my BCE if it reaches $41.29 and my
EL- Financial if it reaches $674. Despite it being already my largest position I
placed a low bid to buy more Tim Hortons if it falls to $33.10


The strength of the market continues to surprise me. Once again it goes to
show that while it is risky to be in the market, it is also risky to be out.
Markets certainly trend up in the long term and therefore anytime we are out of
the market we may miss out on gains.


It seems that the market is going up in anticipation of interest rate cuts.
Paradoxically, those cuts would be in response to weakness in the American
economy. So certainly this rally seems tenuous when it is based on expected


It really does seem like a particularly uncertain time in the markets.
Dangerous to be fully in the market due to expected economic weakness, but
dangerous to bet against the market due to possible interest rate cuts. And in
Canada I believe that the high dollar could be a reason to cut interest rates.


Walgreen reported disappointing results
today and took a big fall. It made money and its earnings were just 1 cent per
share less than last year but the market was expecting a gain of 6 cents. My
sense its that this could be a buying opportunity. We’ll update our report soon.


EBay reported a big write-off on its Skype business. This may not be such a
big deal because Skype was not contributing to earnings anyhow (and was most
likely a big drain on earnings). eBay has two exceptional businesses, being
firstly its auction business where it enjoys close to monopoly status and
secondly the PayPal business where it also does not face that much competition.
I understand those two businesses and I have been a long-time use of PayPal.
Call me a ludite, but I never understood Skype. I personally have zero desire to
make a telephone call over the internet and anyhow there are tons of competitors
to Skype. And for the most part, I understand Skype was free. eBay may
eventually sell it off and that would be a good thing, I believe.


September 30, 2007


My personal portfolio composition is
updated. (I don’t know of any other “newsletter” editors who keep their
subscribers up to take on the editors personal portfolio holdings and
performance.) Perhaps most of those editors would not want to disclose that
information. Also I have a vague understanding that regulators, in their
“wisdom”? actually discourage such disclosure.


Our three Strong Buys from January 1 are now up an average of 14.4% (Manulife
4%, EGI Financial 31%, Telus 8%). The average Buy or higher rated stock is up
6.7%. The Model Portfolio is up 3.0% and my own Portfolio is up 3.1%. The TSX
market is up 9.2%, the DOW is up 11.5% and the S&P 500 is up 7.7%.


I have mentioned a number of times that is seems rather surprising to see the
American markets up significantly for the year and near record highs given
worries about the U.S. economy (particularly housing prices) and the subprime
mortgage situation. (The TSX is up mostly due to high oil and commodity prices
so that is not perplexing).


So far, my cautious stance this year (if reducing my equity position but
still remaining mostly invested in equities can exactly be called cautious) has
cost me return. Moving some funds into U.S. investments to take advantage of the
high Canadian dollar has also cost me as the Canadian dollar continues upward.
But I don’t really regret those decisions. I think my cautious stance was


I tend to stick with certain investments for the long-term. At the same time
when the situation changes I need to be prepared to abandon even old favorites.
For example, Dalsa is a Canadian manufacturer that sells mostly to U.S. and
international markets and has been hurt significantly by the higher Canadian
dollar. I think the company has great technology and it has a very low price to
book value and probably has hidden assets due to “investments” in R&D that has
been expensed over the years. Still, it seems like there is a great risk that
profits will be further damaged and that losses could be reported due to the
extreme rise in the Canadian dollar. Therefore I reluctantly abandoned this
company for now.


 I also took a look at other stocks and considered if it was reasonably
predictable that some of these could be hurt by the higher Canadian dollar. I
sold my Cognos shares last week for that reason and notionally sold half of the
Manulife in the Model Portfolio. See recent comments for other stocks likely to
be hurt or helped by the high Canadian dollar.


One strategy that I may employ now is to enter some bids to sell a portion of
any stock that I own if the price should rise say 5% and to buy additional
shares on dips of 5 to 10%. This strategy of putting in optimistic offers to
sell and optimistic bids could help me benefit from simple volatility.


September 26, 2007


It seems clear that we are in a more risky stock market environment than
usual. That’s because the U.S. is fairly widely thought to be headed into a
recession brought on by lower home prices, a hang-over from excess borrowing,
and simply the end of a low economic growth cycle. So those who are unprepared
for short-term losses should be reducing their exposures to stocks (unless they
are already in a well-balanced position).


On the other hand young investors may be better served by staying and in
continuing to invest new savings though-out any market down-turn. And maybe a
recession will not materialize. Maybe governments will succeed in stimulating
the markets through interest rate cuts.


In my own case, at age 47, I can afford to take some risks but I am not so
young that I can ignore the risk of a market down-turn. At this point I am
willing to give up some potential returns by moving into a higher cash position
which will protect me if the market does correct. But I certainly want to keep a
good portion of my funds in stocks and I want those to be quality stocks.


So what to do in this uncertain market?


One idea is to move out of any stocks where the company can reliably be
predicted to have an earnings decline in the next quarter to year.


Consider the impact of the higher Canadian dollar. The Canadian dollar
averaged roughly 85 cents U.S. in Q1 2007, and  close to 90 cents in Q2. It
looks like it might average 95 cents in Q3 and end the quarter at $1.00. The
dollar had been over 80 cents since late 2004, and so the 85 cents in Q1 was not
too much of a shock. But 90 cents in Q2 was a shock and 95 cents in Q3 is a huge
shock. And certainly $1.00 in Q4 would be a huge jump from the 85 cent level.


So, this is one of those cases where we know something has happened and we
can make reasobanle predictions about which companies will be hurt and which


And this move in the dollar will be a huge impact for some companies.
Consider a Canadian manufacturer that sells all its product in U.S. dollars.
With a total cost of 1.00s Canadian and revenue of $1.00 U.S, that was $1.18
Canadian in revenue and a very healthy profit of 18%. Now with a U.S. dollar
worth just $1.00 Canadian, the profit margin has totally evaporated!.


Some of these Canadian companies may have hedged their currencies, but hedges
don’t tend to last forever. So in general it seems like a good idea to sell or
reduce positions in companies that will be materially hurt by the higher dollar.


There is a lag in that we will not see the damage in Q3 until it is reported
around November 1. And even the damage from Q2 could have been reduced by
hedges, but those hedges eventually run out. So, the opportunity right now is to
try to guess which companies are hurt. I have addressed the specific companies
in industries in recent posts below.


On that note, I decided today to sell my Dalsa shares. That is a logical step
given the weak rating we have on it. I had earlier sold over half my position in Dalsa but wanted to hang on to some since it seemed like such a smart and
company and has great technology. But I just think their earnings are continuing
to be crushed by this high dollar, so I am moving on for now at least.


I also sold today 40% of my Northbridge shares. Thos shares look quite cheap
and I hated to sell. But I did not want to be over-exposed given the risk that
it may be exposed to investments in Asset Backed commercial paper.


The other though I have is that I want to raise cash by selling anything
questionable, trying to keep my higher quality stocks. Then after moving into
more cash I may move that back into the higher quality stocks (and those will
low exposure to the high Canadian dollar). This may also be an opportunity for
me to increase my U.S. and foreign stock positions.


In terms of the Model Portfolio, it
is meant to be a  100% equity portfolio, but based on the above I will
notionally sell half of the Manulife. I did sell my own position in CN, over
worries about lower revenues and the higher dollar but will leave it as is in
the model portfolio for now. Also I considered selling Northbridge in the model
over worries about possible asset backed security exposure. On the other hand
Northbrige may benefit from the high dollar to the extent that some payments
from the 2005 hurricanes have not been made yet and can now be paid at a lower
Canadian dollar cost (assuming they did not hedge).


Also given the high dollar, I continue to think it is a very good idea to be
moving money into U.S. stocks. Sure, the dollar could go higher, but it could
also go lower. I don’t think it is a good idea to try to wait for the very


September 25, 2007


Canadian Tire is updated and is
rated at (lower) Buy  at $79.50. This company has performed very well. We
would have rated it Buy except for concern that growth could slow as Canada’s
economy seems likely to slow with the higher dollar (although the high dollar
does help Canadian Tire in the short term until prices adjust down to reflect
the higher dollar).


I decided to sell my CN and some of the Telus today just given my defensive
outlook. Hope to buy back at a lower price later. With CN I like the long-term
but short term they are reported hurt by low forestry shipments.


September 24, 2007


My mood is defensive at this time. I expect markets to pull back temporarily.
I may raise my cash position.


September 23, 2007


Another edition of our free newsletter has
just been sent out. If you did not receive it by email, check your junk folder
and then try using the free member login menu item at the left to see if your
email is on the list for the free newsletter.


Topics are:


you know that consumers pay up to about an obscene 2.5% in fees to banks just to
convert money?


Canadians richer now that their money is worth much more in U.S. funds?


it seem like we can’t Beat This Market Down with a Stick? (not that we want to!)


Speaking of being richer due the currency movement…  I recently
calculated my personal return in U.S. dollars. Since the start of 2003, my
personal compounded return is 177%, but compounding in 58% for currency gains,
my return in U.S. dollars is 280% since the start of 2003. Similarly the model
portfolio is up a compounded 178% in Canadian dollars since the start of 2003 or
281% in U.S. dollars.


September 21, 2007


Performance figures are updated for 2007.


September 20, 2007


The market direction was down today. I had been expecting that after the
market rise on the Fed cut interest rates then there would be a pull-back
because the gloom of the sub-prime, housing and recession still looms despite
the Fed rate cut. But so far only this small pull-back in the DOW today.
Canada’s markets were dropping fort he same reasons as the U.S. but also because
of the threatened increase to emery royalty rates in Alberta.


The big story continues to be the  Canadian dollar now basically equal
to one U.S. dollar.


Here are some thoughts on how the dollar affects our Stock picks.


First, any company that trades in the U.S.  in U.S. dollars has done a
lot better in U.S. dollars than in Canadian dollars. Canadians that invest in
any company that has either costs or revenues that are not strictly in Canadian
dollars are then exposed to currency risk.


The major risk of concern now is companies that are hurt when our dollar
rises against the U.S. dollar.


Most at risk are companies such as manufactures that face labour and
other costs in Canadian dollars but with the majority of revenue from the U.S..
This includes Dalsa, Cognos and to some extent Manulife. Each company may be
affected to different degrees and may be partially hedged but in general I
expect the higher Canadian dollar to hurt these companies, and there prices,
would fall, all else being equal (although all else never is equal). Companies
that we don’t cover but that are similarly affected would include manufactures
like Bombardier and many forestry companies. With many companies being
international the extent of the pain is very different for each company.


Also at risk is any company that has big U.S. operations. In this case the
hit to revenue is offset by a benefit on the expense side, but in the net they
are hurt. This includes Kingsway, Couche-Tard, and First Service and Thomson
corporation. In effect these are essentially U.S. operations that happen to be
managed from Canada. All of these report in U.S. dollars because that is where
they get most of their revenues and also face most of their expenses. Manulife
is also somewhat in this category, although it reports in Canadian dollars.
Virtually all of the U.S. headquartered companies on our list would be not very
much affected by the dollar movements but Canadian investors in these are hurt
by the rise in the Canadian dollar. (The exposure on say Thomson corporation
might be similar to that on say Fed Ex). The location of the official head
office has little impact on the currency exposure, it is the location of the
expenses and revenues that drives the currency exposure.


Companies that are primarily operating in Canada but with substantial
revenues and expenses in the U.S.. are also hurt by a higher Canadian dollar.
Companies in this situation from our list are are CN, Stantec and Canada Bread.


Some companies should be almost totally unaffected by the rise in the
Canadian dollar (unless for some reason they had borrowed in U.S. dollars). From
our list such unaffected companies include, Shaw Communications, Telus, E-L
Financial, Home Capital, IGM Financial (at lest prior to its Putnam
acquisition), ING Canada, Loblaw, Northbridge Financial (Northbridge has a small
U.S. exposure), Tim Hortons (though Tim’s has a small U.S exposure) TSX Group,
Alarmforce and EGI Financial (EGI has a small U.S. exposure and I believe Alarm
force has a very small U.S. operation).


Finally some companies benefit from the higher Canadian dollar. These are the
lucky companies that face import costs in U.S. dollars and collect revenues in
Canadian dollars. Thier imported goods costs should be dropping like a rock.
These include Canadian Tire ad Reitman’s both of which source most products
outside of Canada. Under perfect competition they would pass the savings onto
customers, but I suspect right now they are not passing all of that along.


We will be updating our Canadian Tire report very shortly and it might be a
good way to ‘play” this dollar rise.


As far as companies that are hurt, your investments in U.S. companies show
the hurt instantly on your Web Broker account when translated back to Canadian
dollars. But for many companies it is not clear that the hurt has yet been
reflected in the share prices. Certainly it has not all shown up in the earnings
reports yet. Again some of these Q3 reports could be ugly. And for many
companies a drop in value due to the rise in the Canadian dollar is like a
permanent one-time hit to valuation. There is generally nothing the company can
do. (It it could cut costs it presumably already would have). Companies with
expenses in Canada and revenues from the U.S. could driven from profit to loss.
These have to be looked at individually. Luckily, Cognos and Manulife have
traditionally been very profitable, but I don’t see how they can escape some
pain in this regard.


Companies like Couch-Tard where it is a matter of the repatriated profits
from the U.S. being lower due to the dollar are not as bad off. The growth in
profit can resume once the dollar stabilizes but basically the profit level may
have been effectively set back removing several years of growth.


Overall, the story is mostly one of pain here, it is another reason to be
more cautious on the market at this time.


Canadian that have invested in U.S. have been hurt, but there is a (very)
bright side, your wealth when measured in U.S. dollars has increased
dramatically. I’ll address that topic further in the next day or so.


If you are thinking about the impact of the high Canadian dollar on other
companies, here is the general rule:


Revenues mostly from outside of Canada with expenses mostly in Canada equals the house of
severe pain (exporters)


Expenses outside of Canada and revenues inside Canada equals heaven


Operations out side Canada (revenues and expense) equals more moderate pain


Hedges can eliminate the pain or gain but it is difficult to know who is
hedged without detailed study. And generally currency hedges are only temporary.



September 19, 2007 (This comment is a day late getting uploaded, due to a
technical problem)


The Dow continued up a little today but I think the American market will now
likely pull back… So I bought some of the Canadian bear ETF funds (HXD and HFD) today.
However, maybe I should have waited on that because it is very possible that
Canada will now lower interest rates to put the brakes on the dollar and if so
that could move the market up.


September 18, 2007


Does our now mighty Canadian dollar deserve a new name? If so I have a
suggested name. Believe it or not there are better names for a currency than the
“loonie”. Or should we adopt the U.S. dollar?

Read the full story here.


An impressive rally today. But now what? We have the Dow up 10.2% this year.
That is a surprisingly high return in the face of a major credit crunch, an
ongoing decline in  U.S. housing prices and a looming U.S. recession. It
seems to me that the market has now wrung pretty much all possible optimism out
of the Fed interest rate cut and other good news on lower inflation. For the
short term it is really hard to see how the U.S. market can continue up. I am
thinking defensively, and looking to take partial profits. As usual, the
difficulty I face is that I do like the individual stocks I am holding and so it
can be hard to decide where to trim. But my outlook is definitely cautious and
defensive at this point.


September 17, 2007


Monday was a day of little movement as we wait for the Fed move today
Tuesday. If it’s not 50 basis points of lower interest than I think the market
drops. If it is 50 basis points then I suspect we get a short-lived rally. But
then again. trying to predict short term moves in the market is very difficult.


is updated and rated (higher)
Buy at $43.32. As an investment this company gets no respect these days. It’s
stock price has trended down for quite some years. But wait a minute because
meanwhile, its earnings per share continues to march up steadily. Right now the
market seems to be assuming that its growth will be close to 4% going forward
than it’s historic 12 or 14% level. This really seems to be a chance to buy a
great company at a bargain price. Sure, recession could hurt earnings
short-term. but recession is not a long-term concern. Buffett had bought a large
position in 2005. It would be interesting to know what he thinks of it now. I am
very tempted to buy some myself. My only hesitation is that I prefer to raise my
cash position at this time.


September 16, 2007


As we start the week, the surprising thing is that the DOW is up a rather
impressive 7.9% this year to date and the S&P 500 is up 4.7%. That is a
surprisingly good return given we have been hearing about the sub-prime /
housing / consumer recession scare since February. We have been on a roller
coaster… I suspect the move this week will be down. After all, if the Fed
announces a rate cut that is already expected and any rally on that news seems
likely to last about 5 minutes.


The TSX is up 7.3%, but that is not so surprising given the oil price.


Overall, I am inclined to be defensive this week. I would be very selective
in any buying, and would be more inclined to try to get my cash position up as
my cash position is still only around 12%.


As I post this the Japanese market is down…


I updated my personal portfolio composition.
With stocks held in four different accounts, I find it necessary to enter the
amounts into a spreadsheet to show me the overall percents otherwise it is easy
to lose track. I also have to admit that my portfolio is the result of a lot of
individual buy / sell decisions. In theory I should set target percents for all
these stocks and then move towards that. In reality a lot of emotional baggage
and past history gets in the way of establishing the correct percents in each
stock. Still. if I were particularly uncomfortable with the weights in each
stock I would move to adjust it.


The ratings in the table above represent my (our) best rational assessment
for each stock. Sometimes there too our past history with a stock can influence
our thinking but we lay out all of our thinking in each report… It is my own
portfolio that more emotional and historical baggage would come into play.
Therefore I suggest subscribers look first to the individual stock ratings in an
a-la-carte approach rather than mimicking my own portfolio. The model tracking
portfolio is also a possible guide though in general subscribers have stocks
outside of what we cover here and I do think the a-la-carte approach is best.


September 13, 2007


The market rose nicely today once again confounding (at least so far) those
who preach doom and gloom. The strength in the U.S. market is all the more
impressive because it came on a day when oil prices reached record highs (which
is bad for the U.S. economy). Shaw Communications
did very well today closing at $24.50 and it may go to show that it can be a
good idea to place orders to buy good stocks on dips (Shaw had dipped to $23.24
last Friday and had been dipping even as the market rose). It’s a bit surprising
to see Tim Hortons down in the past few days
even as the market was rising, and also given it announced a deal to be located
in the new Wal-Mart superstores in Canada.


Business ideas. I know many of you are highly successful individuals
and may have many business interests. I am opening up my Blog at for members to share some thoughts on
ideas about business opportunities outside of the stock market.. I had started a
discussion there last February but we did not get many posts to the blog. You
can post anonymously so, why not add your thoughts and responses to what you
read there? I only intend to keep that open for about 5 days, so lets get, your
thoughts up there. (It will be open for reading after that but I will only
encourage posts for the next few days).


You can also email business ideas to me at


Sometimes I am asked to comment on specific stocks. I really can’t give
useful thoughts on companies that I have never looked at. So I focus on trying
to be quite knowledgeable about a selected group of stocks rather than knowing a
little about hundreds of stocks. For discussion of stocks not “covered” here,
you could try See the
Bulleting Boards there. For Canada enter the symbol as T.TOC for U.S stocks just
enter the symbol.  At least there is some discussion there. But often I
must admit the discussion there is based on absolutely nothing. It’s often a
case of the blind leading the blind. Still on the blue-chip type stocks there
are some useful discussions. As far as on speculative stocks, it is 99% useless
chatter and hype, but can be mildly entertaining.


September 12, 2007


The Canadian dollar is back to 96.5 U.S. cents, which about ties the 30-year
record high it briefly reached on July 24.


My thoughts are: buying a car? go across the border and save thousands.
Shopping? consider a trip to the U.S. or consider on-line shopping. Retailers
need to drop prices in Canada to reflect the higher dollar but will only do that
if they see that shoppers are heading across the border. Our retailers (those
that sell U.S. and other foreign made goods) have benefited greatly from this,
but at some point the pressure will be on to lower prices.


This high dollar will I think at some point brutally hurt the manufacturing


The United States remains a hugely important country for most Canadians. Most
of us should think about having U.S. investments. We could wait for our dollar
to reach parity and higher, but that has risks too. I have moved some funds into
U.S. dollars and would like to continue to do so, averaging in when our dollar
reaches new highs, like now.


It’s an outrage that we are now allowed to invest all of our RRSP and RESP
funds outside of Canada but the banks are prevented (by some old-fashioned law,
as I understand it) from giving us U.S. dollar accounts within our RRSPs.
That means you face currency conversion costs on every U.S. stock you trade in
your RRSP. That is a needless cost.


September 11


This morning I heard that China had passed Canada as the number one import
country of the United States. Wow, that kind of crept up on us. I think it bodes
well for the rails like CN and Burlington since a lot of imports come by rail.
Also inflation in China is rampant. I suspect taht may mean wages will rise fast
in China and pretty soon some production will move to even cheaper countries.
But China will still be growing as an import source for the U.S. (And Canada


This morning there was news that one of the Fed Governors had hinted that a
rate cut was coming. Therefore the market opened higher. I then decided to sell
my two small position in the Horizons Beta Pro bear ETS. I believe this takes my
cash position up to about 15%. I would rather go to cash than the beta pro bear
funds because holding any bear fund while still being 85 or 90% invested just
seems too inconsistent. Still the bear funds can be a good way to hedge on short


I’m still feeling nervous about the U.S. housing / mortgage situation… But
right now the market seems to be holding in well on the anticipation of a FED
rate cut. But I wonder if after that happens, the overall market will basically
say, okay that’s fine, but it’s not enough and the selling sentiment might


In the long term markets always do well, but I don’t think the U.S. can fend
off a recession forever and the negative short-term affect that has on markets.


September 10, 2007


Hopefully markets won’t do much as we wait for the Fed to confirm  a
rate cut. For the short term I remain more nervous than optimistic. For the long
term I am confident that good companies will do well. In any market there are
always some bargains to be found, although it definitely is harder to well when
the general markets seem to be declining.


September 9, 2007


Canadian Western Bank is
updated and rated Buy at $27.10. For many years it has grown steadily in
earnings. It should continue to do well unless there is a major slow-down in
Western Canada.


(women’s clothing stores) is
updated and rated Buy at $20.18. It’s earnings have dropped somewhat in the
first half of this year. Based on the ratios it would still look like a (lower)
Strong Buy. However it reported that its next quarter has started off with a
7.2% drop in same store sales in August and therefore we are being more cautious
on the rating at this time.


September 8, 2007


I always appreciate any referrals that subscribers make. I am including here
a link that you can use to refer friends and relatives and which gives a special
price of $100 per year (regular is $120 per year).


I would be very grateful if you would email your endorsement and a link to
the following page to anyone you think might be interested.
Link to referral special rate.
Hopefully, it is clear that the value of the analysis here is well beyond


The TSX index is at 13651 and sports a P/E ratio of 17.8. This looks
expensive. See our updated analysis here of the
TSX valuation.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed on Friday at 13,113. Looking at a
long run analysis, this seems like a reasonable level. Our analysis of the
DJIA P/E ratio and valuation is updated.  (In the short-run the
direction is anyone’s guess but my sense is that markets will decline more due
to the sub-prime mess and the housing situation in the U.S.)


September 7, 2007


Another volatile week in the markets. Our Picks were generally down this
with, with the market. My own portfolio is up slightly on the week, helped by
the beta pro bear positions that I mentioned under September 5 and helped by
some of the selling I did.


As mentioned under September 2, I had placed an order to Buy Shaw if it
dipped to $23.25. It did dip to $23.23 today before closing at $23.54.
Therefore, so far it looks like my strategy there was a good one. Similarly I
had placed an order to sell my EGI Financial shares at $12.49 and it looks like
I got the high price of today as these sold today at $12.49 but then EGI closed
at $12.20. The idea here was to use volatility in my favor by placing some
orders to buy below the market and some orders to sell above the then market.


September 6, 2007


After the market close today Dalsa announced it would take measures to cut
costs. This included some down-sizing and lay-offs. There will be usual expenses
charged to earnings next quarter for this. There was also mention of possible
asset write-downs. It’s hard to say how the market will react tomorrow but my
guess would be that the stock will decline.


Today the market once again rose in spite of fears about sub-prime problems
etc. I was feeling in a defensive mood and slightly trimmed my position in Tim
Hortons today at $35.20. Also I trimmed my Telus position by half. I still like
these stocks but I want to have some cash in case better bargains appear. In
addition BCE was up nicely today and decided to sell half my position there.


While the market does not seem expensive, I do think U.S. housing prices are
going to fall, possibly a lot, and that is probably going to have some general
negative impact on stocks.


September 5, 2007


I mentioned yesterday that it is a time to be cautious. This morning a
headline in the National Post talked about large losses on non-bank sponsored
Asset Backed Commercial Paper. These short term investments could be on the
balance of many companies. If the 50% loss figure is correct than we will
certainly have a few companies that will be hit with surprising losses. I am not
aware if any of the stocks rated on this site are directly at risk… But it’s
easy to suspect that the U.S. economy will continue to be hit by the sub-prime
mess. Therefore, overall I would not be surprised to see markets head back down.


As a partial hedge I may trim some positions. Today I sold a but more of my
Western Financial Group. I also sold one third of my Canadian Western Bank
shares. I also bought a small amount of the double bear TSX Financial sector HFD
and the double bear TSX 60 ETF which trades as HXD. As I mentioned before, I
would really rather pull money out instead of buying the bear ETFs, but there
just were not any other stocks I want to sell at the moment. My biggest position
is Tim Hortons. I may even trim that back but as of today could not bring myself
to do so. Unless the market really tanks, I think Tim Hortons will be higher by
the end of this year, but it certainly could dip in the meantime. Overall I am
still reasonably close to fully invested.


September 4, 2007


Today I grabbed some Couche-Tard at the
opening price which was good since it was the low price for the day. A previous
order to sell my EGI financial was partially
filled. Also a previous order to trim my
Western Financial position back a bit was executed and some of that sold at
$5.85. I may enter an order to sell just a bit more at around $6.00. While the
market has recovered from August lows, there is still certainly the threat of an
American recession. It’s a time to be cautious and try to avoid stocks that will
sink really hard in a recession. But even more so, avoid stocks that might sink
and never recover. If it sinks but then comes back that is hard to take but in
the end does not really hurt you…


September 3, 2007


(consulting engineering
services) is updated and still rated Weak Buy, now at CAN $34.50 or U.S. $32.57.
It’s a great company with a great ROE and a steady history of profit growth. But
the high P/E at 24  and the housing recession outlook in the U.S. are
reasons that we can’t rate it higher. Recently in the market turmoil it got
under CAN $30 and that might be a reasonable entry point, if it happens again.


It has been exactly eight years since we first added Stantec to this Site. It
was one of our first stocks we looked at. We called it a Strong Buy then at
$2.50 (actually $10 but adjusted for splits, it is $2.50). It has been a winner,
but the P/E was no where near 24 back in 1999.


Attention, any Dentists
reading this: (everyone else if you have any dentist email pals you may want to
forward this)



My latest newsletter spoke of the huge
value of information. Coincidentally a friend of mine in Calgary has an “e-book” available that will be extremely valuable to any Dentist who is
interested in learning how to make more money from his or her practice. My
friend Dr. Dave Robertson, DMD owns a $6 million per year multi-dentist practice
in Calgary. And he works only 2 days per week. Dave told me last year that he
was thinking of setting up a program to offer all his dental management tricks
and tips to other Dentists. Just today he emailed me and it is up and running.


You may think you have seen and heard all this before, but Dr. Dave is the
real deal, he’s the guy actually working 2 days per week and making a LOT of money. Check
out Dave’s program at There is a lot if information to
read there. After he describes it all you will likely be shocked at his low
introductory price for all these secrets in his e-book format.


P.S. If you make a purchase from him let me know.



Alimentation Couche-Tard (operator of
Couche-Tard, Mac’s and Circle-K brand convenience stores) is updated and
upgraded to (lower) Strong Buy at $21.70. Reading their annual report I was
impressed by the simple strategy and the success they have had. It has been a
growth company and should continue to be. In fiscal 2007 ended April 30, their
earnings were about flat due to lower gasoline margins and also less acquisition
in 2006. However earnings growth has resumed strongly in the latest quarter with
strong gasoline margins and the impact of quite a few acquisitions in the past
year. The stock price has been hurt by the pause in earnings growth and also by
the higher Canadian dollar (They report in U.S. dollars and I translate that at
the current exchange rate). Based on past trends this should be a good
investment. It is always easy to point to risks like competition and the
pressures to stop smoking but the fact is that the numbers indicate that they
continue to do very well despite those pressures. One negative is that Q2 faces
a “tough comparable” and therefore cannot be expected to show robust earnings
growth. I plan to add to my position in this company.


September 2, 2007


Loblaw is updated and rated Weak Sell /
Hold at $45.45. There have been no signs of recovery. Even though it has
potential and has valuable real estate it is perhaps just as well to Sell and
move on. It is surprising because this was formerly thought of as the best
managed grocer in North America. Now they made errors in strategy in getting
into merchandise sales in Ontario. But worse then that they seem to have
repeatedly fell down in the simple execution of being able to stock the store
shelves! Too bad the family would not decide to sell to Warren Buffett if he
would have it. But Buffett usually insists on good management being in place.
But he does like family companies. Certainly if the family ever sells out,
Buffett and Berkshire would be a buyer of choice.


Loblaws (adjusted) net profit margins are only 1.2%. Personally my first
thought would be they can simply raise the prices by about 5% and I suspect the
bottom line would improve a lot even after losing some customers. To my mind it
was silly to cut prices in advance of Wal-Mart coming in because in the grocery
business, a customer will not stay with you next year because you gave him a
deal this year. They probably need to raise prices, focus on execution (stock
the shelves!) and figure ways to really retain customers like locking up either
the aeroplan points or the airmiles points in as many provinces as they can if
it is not too late. They give store-brand points, but I never know what those
are worth and am not much interested in collecting points other than airmiles or


My own portfolio composition is updated.


I took a look at a number of the Picks to see if any kind of unuusal insider
treading was happening. Of Note Some big Shaw insiders are buying JR Shaw bought
around 1 million shares. Ron Joyce was also buying. Also a few executives. This
is very positive signal for Shaw. Which we rate
a Speculative Buy.


I am surprised to see that Telus was not
buying back its own shares given the price drop. I thought possibly they are
under a black-out but then again one of their Directors was buying. It is
surprising because until about the end of June Telus was buying heavily and
steadily – possibly there is just some delay in getting going again.
Kingsway also continues not to buy its shares
even when they had dipped to the $18 range.


With the end of Summer and the start of a new month I decided to take a look
at my portfolio to see what adjustments I might make. I am inclined to place buy
orders on a number of stocks at 5 or10% below recent prices. But I have little
cash to do that. I also looked to see what I might sell in order to raise some


I have a sell order on EGI Financial at $12.49 to take profit and clean up
that small position from my portfolio. Similarly I have a sell order
EL-Financial at $679. I have a sell on all my CE if it gets to $40.95. I have a
sell on a small potion of my Western Financial at $5.85 as I am over-exposed to
it. I have a sell on a potion of my Northbridge Financial at $35.90. And I
placed an order to buy additional Shaw at $23.25 if it should dip that low. Also
a buy on some Berkshire Hathaway B shares at $3810. This is more orders than I
normally have but it might be a way to take advantage of volatility. If some of
these sell then I may place some buy orders below the market.


Burlington Northern Santa Fe
added as a new company and rated Buy at $81.15. I added this to the Site because
Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway)
has been purchasing shares at about $80 and now owns 15% of the company. I
wanted to put this company through my analysis process partly in order to gain
further incite into how Buffett might be thinking. This railway bears a lot of
similarities to Canadian National. In both cases there lots of deferred income
taxes which adds to earnings quality. In both cases the ROE are very strong.
They are great companies but usually don’t tend to look cheap.


Buffett has said he prefers a great company at a fair price to a mediocre
company at what looks like a bargain price. I suspect Buffett is attracted by
the way rail companies can sometimes be protected from competition. Also as the
economy grows and they run more trains over the same lines they can be very
profitable. Right now there is the uncertainty about the economy and that causes
me to hesitate to assume that Burlington can continue to grow earnings very fast
. In fact for 2007 earnings are expected to grow only in the low single digits.
My strategy here would be to take an initial position and then hope to buy more
if recession drops earnings and the price temporarily by late this year or
through 2008. Buffett may see other things and he may have an ability to
influence management to cut costs or whatever. Based on my analysis I would
consider CN to be as good as or a better investment than Burlington. However,
buying what Buffett is buying seems like a very good idea to me.


September 1, 2007


Bargain opportunity on bronze statutes and decorative pieces
topic, I admit)


A friend of mine started a company and early this year imported a stock of
bronze statutes and decorative pieces. He intended to wholesale these to
retailers. Sadly he was unable to gain traction in getting sufficient retailers
to stock his products. Now he is selling off the stock at very substantial price
reductions. Many are half price or less.


I was at his open house and was certainly impressed. Some of these are quite
large and could be used outdoors. Most of the pieces are, I believe, for display
on a small table or the like. Frankly, I am no connoisseur of such things but to
me the articles looked to be of high quality and some would be suitable to
decorate the finest of new homes.


Prices now appear to range from about $150 to $3200. The original prices were
$300 to $7500. For $229 for example you can get a fish figure that is over 2
feet long and over 24 pounds. The $3200 statute is stunning and is basically
life-sized (6 ft and 218 pounds) and would be suitable for a finer home or
business and could be used outdoors.


My friend is able to ship these pieces anywhere in North America. He is
located in Sherwood Park, just outside of Edmonton.


If you have any interest in such baubles, check out his Web Site at


At these prices, these articles will not last long. (In fact, I almost
hesitated to post this, because I may want first dibs myself!).


The latest edition of the free
newsletter has been sent. If you did not receive it by email, enter your email
address onto the free newsletter list, using the
menu item to the left.


I have updated the 2007 performance figures.
It’s no one of our best years, but we are doing reasonably well in a tough


The market recovery was surprisingly strong on Friday. I had expected initial
gains on the speeches by the President and the Fed chair, but I then expected
the gains to fade on Friday afternoon, but they held strong.


August 30, 2007


President Bush is going to outline some kind of sub-prime mortgage imitative
tomorrow (Friday). This should provide at least a brief rally in markets
especially banks and builders – which will send short sellers into a tizzy. With
the continued volatility, one idea would be to place order to sell a portion of
holdings at say 5% to 10% above the current price and to buy more on a 10% dip.
This would work well in  a non-taxable account. If you are sort of luke-warm
on a stock. then this sort of “stink-bid” 10% below market could end up getting
triggered just by volatility. Or same on the up-side an overly optimistic offer
might get taken up…


August 29, 2007


The market today again showed its ability to bounce back. Convenience store
operator Alimentation Couche-Tard (Macs, Circle-K) released strong earnings
today and jumped 7% to $21.88. We last called it a Buy at around that same
price. We have not updated our report but it will still be rated Buy or higher
given the strong earnings report. Tim Hortons also did well today. At times like
now when investors are realizing the complexity of some companies (such as those
with sub-prime or asset backed commercial paper), it is comforting to own a
simple business like a convenience store chain and a coffee chain, where you can
drive in and judge for yourself the quality of the operation. Warren Buffet has
always favored simple businesses. Frankly the more I have learned about the
complexities of financial and other companies, the more I have come to
appreciate a simple retail business, or any business with clean uncomplicated
financial statements. Other reasonably simple (and profitable) businesses like
Shaw and Telus also did well today. Again these are the type of businesses that
you deal with yourself and it becomes easier to understand how they make money.


I removed Pet-Value from the list above, it was a new addition that turned
out to be only a weak buy and so I am removing that to focus time on more
productive areas. Similarly, Clemex has been removed since our report was out of
date and I have little interest in this stock which has been a frustrating
under-performer for many years (notwithstanding that it is up in price this


In the past year I cleaned up my own portfolio by selling off a lot of small
positions that really had almost no chance of having a major impact on my
results and which basically were taking up valuable “mind-share”.  I still
hold over 20 positions spread across 3 portfolios. Ideally I would like to trim
that back to 15 or even 10 positions. That will involve greater volatility. But
it will also force me to be more selective and invest only in my better ideas.


August 28, 2007


It was certainly a bad start to the week. Perhaps we should all have a plan
for what to do as the market falls. Will you sell to preserve capital? or ride
it out? I have said before this decision has to be different for each individual
depending on both capacity to take risk and the willingness to take risk. I do
not believe that there is a “right answer”.  If you are intending to buy on
dips you should decide that ahead of time and take action accordingly. If you
intend to sell on dips then you should enter stop losses so that the job gets


The markets have shown surprising resiliency as in last week when they were
strong. But when I think about the housing foreclosures in the U.S., it is easy
to conclude that a consumer recession the U.S. looms. In this situation the
earnings of many companies would fall and P/E ratio would probably drop somewhat
as well. Perhaps a good strategy would be to stick with stocks where earnings
are not likely to drop due to a U.S. consumer recession. That might include
stocks like Shaw, Telus, our property insurance picks, Canadian Western Bank and
Tim Hortons. But I certainly can’t guarantee that these stocks will not drop.
What I am quite confident of though is that the fact that if they do drop, they
are strong companies that will recover.


Home Capital is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at $34.30 (it closed today at $33.25). Based on
past earnings it qualities as a Strong Buy. But it is speculative because of its
possible exposure to sub-prime issues and because financials in general are at
risk of falling. Also a housing recession could cut its earnings sharply.
Possibly we could rate it lower, but the fact is that on its achieved numbers
and its trend to date it looks like  Strong Buy. It looks like a reasonable
pick but I would not bet too heavily on it given the speculative aspects. I plan
to buy a few shares in Home Capital.


Today I bought 1 B share in Berkshire Hathaway. I would have liked to wait
for a lower price and have an order to buy another if the price drops a bit
more. I also bought some shares in Wendy’s International today on the news that
it may get a buy-out offer. This speculative. Wendy’s has a high trailing P/E at
29 but indications were that this $33 stock might get an offer around $40. But
again that is speculative.


I was looking again at Coventree Inc. (COF on Toronto). This was the company
that has been in default in August on some of its Asset Backed Commercial paper
as it was unable to “sell” new debt to pay-off the maturing debt. I was looking
at its book value and discovered some shocking issues. Its 2006 fiscal year
ended September 2006 and the annual report stated that its book value per share
was $4.99 per share and bragged that this was a 64% compounded annual growth
since 1998. But this was “excluding Variable Interest Entities”. In reality the
book value per share was about $1.16. That is a shocking over-statement in my
opinion. If they are going to use a non-gaap figure like that, they should
clearly state the gaap figure at the same time. Apparently there were some 110
Variable Interest Entities consolidated in for GAAP purposes but excluded for
these non-gaap figures.


As of its latest quarterly report the book value per share is negative.
Clearly there are some enormous complexities and issues in the accounting here.
Clearly we have to very careful in looking for issues in the financial
statements of Coventry and any other company involved in asset backed


Home Capital seems a lot more straight forward than Coventree, but perhaps the
issues at Coventree do illustrate that there is risk in financial companies.


August 27, 2007


With this whole credit crunch I believe it is still safe to invest in
commercial paper issued directly by a large investment grade corporation. For
example, TD Waterhouse lists some commercial paper that is issued directly by
corporations. As I understand it the entities that are most trouble are sort of
shell companies that bought the right to receive say car loan payments (average
term maybe 24 months left to go) and then they funded that by selling 90 day
commercial paper. At the end of 90 days they redeem to commercial paper by
selling new commercial paper. If they can’t sell the new stuff that is a big
oops, they can’t redeem the 90 day paper that has matured.


If a little Trust like that trades then its market price has probably
plummeted. Thus could be a big but risky opportunity to buy the beat up little
Trust. After all the car loan payments will likely still come in, the Trust has
value, just no liquidity. I am not going to find the time to dig into these but
it is an opportunity. If there is a brave mutual fund that is swooping in to buy
these Trusts (assuming there are some that trade) then that mutual fund would be
a good investment.


However, I just took a look at Coventree Inc COF on Toronto. The shares have
plummeted. But the company is showing negative book value so I would not touch
that one at all.


DBRS listed other Conduit companies with liquidity issues


I suspect most of these do not trade in the market. If any do trade and have
book values well above the share price, they might be good, but risky
investments. Even if they trade, it may be under a parent name and so these
would be hard to find.


Based on my new Global ETF article, I
bought a few shares of the United Kingdom index EWU. I bought this in a U.S.
margin account, that way I will not face currency bid/ask spreads if I trade in
and out of this (I do face though the currency movement risks). I considered
Belgium and Italy with their lower P/E ratios but looking at the constituent
companies in those indexes (see
I saw that those indexes have some huge weightings to single companies and are
not that diversified. So I chose the U.K. However, I do worry that the U.K. is
exposed to a large bubble in its property prices. Anyhow, this little purchase
gives me a toe into into international diversification. (Although some of the
Canadian companies like Manulife have big international components).


August 26, 2007


Thinkin’ Global – For a long time I have wanted to take a look at some
global Exchange Traded Funds( ETFs). Basically the idea was to see if the P/E
ratios are a lot lower in some other countries. If so, an ETF investment would
probably be a good idea. Part of the idea was to “fish where the fish are”. In
other words if the low P/E stocks are in other counties then it might make sense
to invest there rather than strictly in Canada or the U.S.  What I have
found though is that in a global world the average P/E ratio in most counties,
even in emerging markets is up around 17 or higher.


Still, it is useful to know the ETF symbols and the P/E ratios for some
international ETFs in order to diversify. Also I did find a couple of European
countries that had lower P/E ratios.


You can click here for this important new
ETF article.


For now at least I am not making this available to the free members of this
Site, this is reserved only for you paid subsbcriber members.


August 25, 2007


Important article update – Our Special Report that analysis the valuation ratios of
Exchange Traded Funds and sectors
on the TSX is updated.  I also include there the symbols for the Exchange Traded
Funds that allow you to buy exposure to a given sector through an ETF and we include comments on the valuation of
each sector. I have added many more ETF symbols to this article. As subscriber to this Site you have access to all our special
reports. See the list above of links for members only.


I am hoping to develop a similar article with selected global ETFs. However,
it may not be easy to find the all-important P/E ratios for global ETFs.
(update, actually it was a lot easier than for the Canadian ETFs)


August 22, 2007


It was nice to see the recovery today. But it’s not at all clear if the
credit crunch has been fixed. I would be surprised if we don’t get some bad days
the other way, although the market direction seems to be up now for the moment.
But the real point is to keep investing in strong companies at low or at least
reasonable prices.


August 21, 2007


It was nice to see many of our Picks up today. It was not clear why the
telecos were up other than bargain hunting. But with the DOW down today the
overall market direction still seems to be down. I had hoped to buy some
Berkshire today but I cheaped out with a low bid and the price did not come down
to meet my bid.


With BCE up nicely today I sold part of my position there. Buying BCE was a
speculative bet that the take-over at $42.75 will happen. But there has been
some doubts that it will and so I took the opportunity to reduce my risk. At $38
BCE is hard to resist but at $39.88 it seemed opportune to sell some. In some
ways I am reluctant to sell more BCE since it seems more likely than not that
the $42.75 will eventually be paid. But then again if I sell now there may be
better gains in a stock like Telus and then I avoid the “deal risk” associated
with BCE.


EGI Financial
is updated and rated Weak Buy /
Hold at $11.75.  This is a stock that we rated Speculative (lower) Strong
buy at $9.90 at the start of this year. However, at this time I am focusing on
the fact that its high GAAP earnings are driven in large part by retroactive
gains related to prior years (what the industry calls “favorable reserve
development”). After adjusting for that and for realized gains on investments
the earnings look much less impressive. The fact is taht the profits of property
insurance companies are inherently volatile and we should not get too wrapped up
in the P/E ratio or ROE which can be highly volatile. Price to book is a more
reliable indicator. In this case price to book is reasonable at 1.27, but we
have some other property insurance stocks on this site with lower price to book
ratios. I am also cognizant that this company is small which adds to risk and
the trading is thin which adds to price volatility. Overall I am inclined to
reduce or eliminate my position ion this stock and take the profit. For the
model portfolio I will notionally sell half at tomorrow’s opening price and put
the proceeds half into Reitmans. and half
into Telus.


I also intend to no longer update the report for this stock in order to focus
more time on other stocks (I have too many property insurance stocks on the
list). EGI actually did exactly as I hoped since it was added to this Site in
that it has reported retroactive gains on auto insurance from prior years. This
drove the stock price up about 49% sincce it was added to the Site. But it is
not realistic to expect those retroactive gains to continue indefinitely.


August 20, 2007


Today’s market reaction was a pretty weak follow up to Friday’s FED interest
rate cut. Markets started out positive, then went negative and then finished
mildly positive. So that is hardly an enthusiastic reaction.


I decided to bargain hunt a little today and bought small amounts of Canadian
Western Bank and Kingsway.


I was hoping Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway would pull back a little and
I would buy. Instead it rose. Wiley old Warren Buffett is doing just fine in
this market. In fact his stock is up 29% since June 2006 when he announced he
would start giving away his money. So far he has given about $4 billion worth of
Berkshire stock to the charitable foundations he selected last year. Nevertheless
his own stake in Berkshire has increased from about $43 billion at that time to
about $52 billion now.


Warren Buffett has over 99% of his wealth in one stock, Berkshire Hathaway,
the giant conglomerate of which he is President and controlling owner. If you
look at the stock price history of Berkshire, it becomes apparent that some
years Warren has lost billions in net worth. Yet it does not bother him.
Occasional declines in wealth are a fact of life when one chooses stocks as the
road to riches. In times of decline we need to remember that id f we own shares
in good businesses and if we purchased those shares at reasonable prices, our
wealth is going to grow satisfactorily over the years despite some setbacks.


It’s up to each individual to decide if they stomach the volatility of the
market. My sense is that there may be further down-side ahead, but in the long
run, the markets will reward those who hold quality stocks.


August 19, 2007


I had mentioned in some detail under January 2 below that I thought that
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway was a good investment at $3666 per B share
and I mentioned under January 3 that I bought a small amount. And I mentioned
under August 16 that these shares are doing well and that I think the big
company is well-positioned. Berkshire fairly leapt (up 4.1%) on Friday and now
are $3948 per share. I am thinking of buying more but would prefer if they
dropped back a little first. (Hopefully it will dip a little with the
approaching hurricane Dean)  I have long considered adding the stock to the
list above. However, it is very complex and the earnings tend to be volatile and
Buffett himself has said it would be very difficult to analyze based on the
financial statements. And there is no way that I could understand all of its
complexity. Still it trades at what seems like a modest 1.54 times book value.
Given its reputation I am willing to invest in it.


Transfer some money to a U.S. account? In recent editions of the free
newsletter I indicated it might be wise to transfer some funds into U.S. dollars
if possible. When I mentioned that in early July our dollar was at 94 cents and
looked to be headed to $1.00. But I thought it was prudent to transfer some
money now rather than getting greedy and waiting for parity. Unfortunately U.S.
dollar accounts are not possible inside an RRSP. I transferred a small amount
into U.S. dollars when our dollar was over 96 cents (I lost about 0.85 cents on
the exchange fee but a fee always has to be paid). I intend this money to
permanently remain in U.S. funds. That way when I buy and sell U.S stocks I will
not face an exchange fee each time. Today with our dollar above 94 cents having
recovered from about 92.5 cents, I took the opportunity to transfer a little
more into U.S. funds. Some experts are predicting our dollar will fall into the
mid to lower 80’s. On the other hand with the FED rate cut maybe our dollar will
rise. My thought is to take advantage of our high dollar and get some money into
U.S. funds. If we reach close to parity I am prepared to think about borrowing
money to put permanently into U.S. funds.


I am not doing this to make money on the exchange bet. Rather it is a hedge.
I know I will need U.S dollars in the future. They are cheaper now than they
have been in 30 years (except for very recent spikes above the current level).


In theory one could also buy options on currency and really make some money.
In reality that would not be hedging and would be pure speculation. And I
believe you need a special trading account to do that. I don’t know how to do it
and I am not particularly interested at all.


The market direction still appears to be down. Friday’s rally was really not
that strong given the Fed action. We have perhaps been “spoiled” by almost five
years without a 10%-plus market correction. Now, we are reminded that these
things do happen in the markets. Quality dividend paying stocks have been hurt
along with the market. But at least with those kind of stocks we can be
confident that they are good investments in the long run.


At some point if the market continues to drop I will be looking to bargain
hunt. However at the moment I am also thinking defensively.  I may decide
to reduce some positions, particularly on rallies.


With the large swings in the market, one strategy might be to place partial
sell orders 5 or 10% up on some stocks and buy order 5 or 10% down (on the same
stocks). In the past week some of these would have been triggered to advantage.


Our Performance figures for the year are
updated. It was quite a bad week for our stock picks.


Our article that looks at the
valuation of the S&P 500
index is updated. The conclusion is exactly the same as it was in our
February 10 update to that article, that the S&P 500 index is probably
moderately over-valued and caution is warranted. This is a long-term indicator
and not a predictor for the short-term. There is a link to these members-only
articles above, or click the link here.


August 17, 2007


Western Financial Group is updated
and rated (lower) Buy at $5.60. It just released a strong earnings report.
Given recent stock price volatility it may be possible to purchase this stock at
closer to $5.00 or less. It should be a good long-term investment. This stock
has done very well since we first called it a Strong Buy just over two years ago
at $1.96. It’s no longer a clear bargain like it was at that time, but it still
should do well.


August 16, 2007


The good news today was the recovery in the U.S. market. The Dow at one point
was down 2.6% but recovered to be down just 0.1%. The S&P 500 actually managed
to finish up slightly on the day. But the TSX was down 1.5%. The big declines
earlier today show that there is a lot of fear in the market. Despite the late
recovery in the U.S. market today, the trend still appears to be down.


When the credit markets recover we may see private equity buy-outs come back
into the market looking for bargains. But that does not seem to be immediately
on the horizon.


Possibly there were some good bargains to be had today (we won’t know if this
was the time to buy until we see where the market goes next. But Canadian
Western Bank was down to just over $23, Kingsway was close to $18, CNR was under
$50. But I must admit, I was not in a buying mood but was instead thinking
defensively. I sold a small portion of my Tim Horton shares. Also I bought a
small amount of the beta pro funds that is a two times negative bet on the TSX
60. It trades as HXD. This was as a hedge. Rather than hedge like that I would
prefer to simply sell something and move into cash, but I bought the HXD as a
quick way to hedge.


BCE has fallen to $38. This is on fears that the Teachers Pension Plan and
its partners may not be able/willing to complete the buy-out at $42.75. I don’t
enough about it to understand how likely it is that the deal could fall apart. I
hold BCE and I amof course worried about the possibility of the deal not getting
done. I saw a report today that “accuses” about 10 banks of not hooring their
promises to provide emergency funding to certain sellers of securitized debt. If
it is true that the banks are not absolutely living up to their commitments,
that is quite scary. The BCE deal also requires banks to honor their commitments
to finance much of the deal.


One stock that was up today was Berkshire Hathaway. I own a bit of it and I
had been thinking of buying more. I have not analysed the stock, but my sense is
that it is reasonably priced. Warren Buffett’ Berkshire Hathaway is sitting in a
great position now. They have cash and can swoop in to pick up bargains in this
market. Many private companies would probably love to be bought out by Warren
Buffett and Berkshire. They would be a buyer of choice.


At this point my plan is to pretty much continue to hold my stocks because I
am confident that my portfolio will recover in the long run. I also intend to
buy additional shares in our higher-rated stocks but I am not inclined to start
buying just yet.


August 15, 2007


There is not much to say about the market declines since no one knows how low
it will go. Some experts think the worse is over, others think it is yet to
come. As I post this Japan is down 2.6%, Hong Kong is down 3.3% and Australia is
down 5%, so things could be ugly tomorrow (Thursday), if this is any indication
(though North America often leads rather than follows Asia)


Reitman’s is updated and rated (lower)
Strong Buy at $22.07. This retailer has carved out a profitable niche in the
Canadian women’s clothing field. I plan to buy shares in this.


August 14, 2007


Another negative day in the markets and it seems likely that further declines
are coming.


The TSX Group announced certain fee cuts. The National Post reported that the
TSX was cutting trading fees by as much as 20%. That may over-state the cut
since listing and secondary listing fees are also big sources of revenue. But
there does seem to be a risk that the TSX Group is moving from being a virtual
monopoly (and almost obscene profit margins) to more of a competitive company. I
think it still ahs a lot of monopoly characterizes in taht most companies in
Canada are captive to having a listing on the TSX for the foreseeable future.
Still, I considered selling my TSX shares this morning but I have a relatively
small position and decided not to sell.


At some point stocks that have declined become bargains. The difficulty is to
know when we are at or close to the bottom.


I believe that Northbridge offers
excellent value at today’s close of $32.43. In fact I understood from their
conference call that they have a “out” on the S&P 500 and they will make gains
on this as the market falls and this will hedge them from about half of any
stock losses that they suffer in the market. Also
Kingsway  and ING Canada appear
to be attractively priced now. Shaw and Telus and
CN have all fallen quite a bit from their highs despite what appears to be
reasonably good outlooks. I would be inclined to buy these rather than sell. It
seems these last three had all benefited to some degree from premiums associated
with possibility of a take-over and that premium has been eliminated. At some
point stocks will certainly turn around. I believe that that there still some
very well financed private equity companies that will be looking at these lower
stock prices and thinking about acquisition targets.


But everyone has to consider their own risk tolerance and ability to stomach
losses since in this market everything seems at risk for further declines.


I did sell two thirds of my Dalsa today for
the reasons mentioned yesterday and also sold a bit more of my Clemex alluded to


August 13, 2007


The overall markets recovered a little ground today but then failed to hold
that ground and finished slightly negative. This is in site of whatever efforts
central banks are taking to “add liquidity” (I won’t pretend I understand how
that works). The ripples of sub-prime debt and a drying up of certain high-risk
debt markets are still spreading. As some assets go down in price then certain
investment funds start to report loses on those assets or (worse) an inability
to estimate the value of their investments in high risk debt. This tends to send
out shivers of fear and everything drops including stocks with absolutely no
exposure to any of this. Hopefully at that point the bargain hunters step in to
support prices of the better stocks. Overall it looks like the general market
trend is still somewhat downward.


Western Financial reported good earnings growth today and also reported low
loan losses in the banking business. Last week they had announced a small
acquisition. We’ll update our report after they release the full financials and
notes which we have not seen yet. But at today’s $5.66 and under it probably is
a Speculative Buy. But in this market expect volatility. I was able to buy a few
shares on Friday at $5.15.


I mentioned you might get EL-Financial under $600 and someone did grab 200
shares at $590 today, which I think was a nice price and then it finished at
$665. Partly that reflects the poor trading liquidity. This goes to show it can
pay to be patient, especially in a volatile market.


Our next updated report will likely be for Reitman’s. It looks good, probably
a (lower) strong Buy, though we are not quite finished the report. At tomorrow’s
opening price we will notionally sell the Dalsa in the
model portfolio and replace it with


I may sell some of my Dalsa tomorrow to
reduce my exposure. I have been a fan of the company. But who knows when they
will be able to convince Hollywood to start using their camera? (It should come
but when?). They were hammered by the high Canadian dollar and that problem is
not going away. In the last conference call they alluded that they may do some
restructuring to cut costs. Maybe the stock would rise on that news or maybe it
would fall since it might involve severance costs and other costs. I will not
get out entirely, but I may reduce my exposure.


Somewhat similarly Clemex is a stock I have grown extremely tired of waiting
to see some good news from. They were lately optimistic that sales of some of
their new products were about to take off – I have heard it before. And they
were also hurt by the high Canadian dollar. Again I will keep some but may
reduce the position. They are up about 50% since the start of the year but their
results don’t justify it.


August 12, 2007


A new edition of the free newsletter has been sent. If you did not receive it
then try adding your email address to free
newsletter list.


Given that there seems to be a higher than usual risk that the overall stock
markets will decline many of you may be thinking about increasing your cash
position and lowering your equity position.


In February this year as the market fell I went to 20% cash and later to
about 30% cash. But through the late Spring, early Summer as the market rose I
invested the cash back down and as bargains appeared more recently I have taken
the cash all the way down to 0%. During this period I also ended up clearing out
a lot of smaller positions and also clearing out some stocks that I just was not
at as “attached” to.


Now, I find that I might like to increase my cash position somewhat again.
The difficulty is that I am invested in stocks that I like. As a fundamental
investor I have put a lot of time and energy into understanding these companies
over the years. Therefore I have grown “attached” to many of them. Also I find
it difficult to sell even a portion of a position if we have a “Buy” rating on
it. When I look at my portfolio, there is just not much that I would consider


In this situation, one solution would be to “short” the overall market or
target segments of the market while keeping my portfolio as is. But this require
margin capacity or cash.


If the market declines further due to sub-prime worries the most vulnerable
stocks are probably U.S. sub-prime lenders, and possible some big U.S. financial
institutions that are involved in selling “securitised” mortgages to investors.
It’s difficult to say what Canadian stocks could be most affected. Possibly all
the financials could be, although in theory they have little exposure. Any big
company that has a “take-over premium” in the stock could drop further given
that private equity bids are drying up. This may explain why Telus and Shaw and
certainly BCE have dropped.  I think the entire real estate sector is quite


In addition in a market pull-back everything tends to get hit to at least
some extent. In these situations, stocks that trade at lower P/E ratios and that
are cash-flow positive should do better than average. Industrial companies that
have a high ratio of debt maybe affected because the borrowing costs for riskier
companies has risen.


Shorting the market or segments of the market can be done in margin accounts
by selling short ETFs. For the overall TSX market, sell short the XIU exchanged
traded fund (60 largest stocks on the TSX index). For the TSX Financials you can
sell short the symbol XFN, for the TSX real estate, you can sell short XRE. For
the S&P 500, sell short the symbol SPY exchanged traded fund.


Short selling is not allowed in RRSP accounts nor I believe RESP accounts.
For these, one can consider the new Horizon beta pro plus funds that allow you
to buy a position that is effectively in reality a two times short position. For
the TSX 60 two times short bet the symbol is HXD. For the TSX Financials two
times short bet, the symbol is HFD. These are useful symbols to keep handy if
you wish to bet that the market will go down.


Shorting the market might be a good idea at certain times. But keep in mind
that if you do this you will likely want to watch the position carefully. It
becomes almost an obsession. Taking a bet against the market takes up a lot more
“mind space” than does riding along with the market.


Shorting the market can be considered a hedge against your portfolio. The
idea might be that you are synthetically taking yourself out of the market. In
reality you will tend to watch thee individual positions rather than just
looking at the total hedged portfolio. If you really want out of the market, or
partially out, it is probably better to sell than to attempt to hedge.


I will give some consideration to selling a few small positions that I can
part with. I will also think about hedging. But for the most part I am probably
going to ride along with the portfolio I have.


August 11, 2007


YAHOO came out with a new feature to add stock quotes to a web site. I added
this above so that you can check the current price of any stock you are


BCE may represent a good opportunity. It closed Friday at $38.85 and was
available under $38 earlier ion Friday. Meanwhile the Ontario Teachers Pension
plan and its partners are to buy the company at $42.75. That transaction will
not close until perhaps March 2008. There appears to be a nervousness that the
deal will not go through. But the Teachers plan late in the trading day on
Friday reaffirmed their commitment to buy. It seems quite likely that if the
market starts to be more assured that the deal will happen then the price could
jump quickly back to the $41 range. So the opportunity here would be to buy now
in the hope of a small gain. The risk is that if the deal is somehow canceled
then the BCE price could tumble back to the $30 range.


In some ways BCE looks like a good bet for the small gain but then again
these are complex matters. I had bought some BCE on speculation on August 8
(unfortunately paying $39.60). I bought some more on Friday at $38.49.


A few weeks ago I had placed a bid for some additional Western Financial
Group at $5.15, well below the market price. Yesterday as the market tanked,
that order was filled.


EL Financial
is updated and rated (higher)
Buy at $660 per share. This is mostly a property and liability insurance company
but also has a large life insurance arm and a general investments arm. Like the
other property insurance companies, the earnings are cyclic and inherently
“lumpy”. Perhaps the most reliable measure of value here is the book value. This
stock trades at only 1.06 times book value. The stock price can be volatile and
you may be able to buy much lower (under 600) simply due to volatility and
especially if the markets are dropping in general. It has a strong profit
history and the chance to buy around book value is attractive. But this is a
long-term investment. Be prepared though for the price volatility.


August 10, 2007


Our performance figures for 2007 are
updated. Despite the last few days, we still have a reasonable return year to


ING Canada is updated and rated Buy
at $45.56. This appears to be Canada’s best property an casualty company. It is
the largest in Canada and has no exposure to the U.S. and no exposure to
high-risk drivers and little exposure to commercial insurance. It appears to be
highly profitable. However, I am increasingly of the view that the reported
profit of property insurance companies is too lumpy and cyclic to put much faith
in the numbers from any quarter. But ING has proven to be highly profitable when
looked at over a period of years. Its price to book value ratio is somewhat high
but may be a case of paying up for quality. I think it will be a good long-term


(11:30 Eastern time) Today’s continued decline is not what we like to see.
And it could get worse. But so far I am not all that distressed. After all what
we have so far amounts (for investors who have been in the market a long time)
to giving back several months gains from a bull market that is almost five years
old. Even if we get to the point that the market backs up a year or two,
(hopefully very unlikely) most investors are certainly well ahead over the past
five years.  In the long run markets go up. We are not at bubble valuations
and therefore I think a very serious decline is not that likely. Hopefully the
bargain hunters will be stepping in. So it could get worse before it gets better
but in the long term investors will always do better than non-investors.


For those with large holdings in cash, there will be buying opportunities…



August 9, 2007


Today’s stock market decline cannot really be described as a surprise. And it
is very possible that the market decline will continue.


In the face of this it was nice to see Tim Hortons rising. It has been
disappointing to see the declines in Telus and Shaw (although it creates
opportunities for new investments in these). These would generally be considered
relatively safer stocks and so I am hopeful that they will start to stand up


I sold more of my Clemex today and may sell more tomorrow. (See yesterday’s
comment on Clemex).


August 8, 2007


Another strong day in the markets. Surprisingly market sentiment seems to
have turned bullish again. But with the sub-prime issue still menacing and the
decline in the U.S. housing market things can turn bearish very fast.


Tim Hortons continued to climb. In the past six months or more it has been
volatile and those who waited for dips were rewarded. Given the generally
volatile markets, I suspect dips will occur. But if I owned none, I would start
to average in now, since we can’t be assured it will dip and I think it is a
long-term winner.


Telus and Shaw Communications have both declined probably because there is
now little or no speculation that they might be taken over. I hold more Telus
than I do Shaw but I would like to even that up by buying more Shaw.


I bought some BCE today. I paid about $39.70, maybe I should have been more
patient for a lower price. But with the take-over offer at $42.75 I think the
BCE price should move up.


I sold a small amount of Clemex
today. This a tiny Canadian manufacturer of computerized microscope image
systems. Recently it released poor results for its fiscal 2007 ended April 30.
It has been one of those companies that always has big promises about the future
and seldom delivers much.  Last year it looked like it was on the road to
good profitability but now it has stumbled yet again. I have kept a base
position for quite a few years in it in the hopes of being around if it finally
ever gets going but it hardly seems worth the aggravation. I’ll plan to update
this report soon but on the face of it, it looks like a Sell.


came out with a strong earnings
report today. The stock moved up 2.5% but could move higher again tomorrow as
the market digests the news. Manulife is a very complex company. I don’t
understand why it has not been hit hard by the higher Canadian dollar. After all
most of its revenues are from outside Canada with about 50% from the U.S. The
standard answer might be that it is hedged. There are certain natural hedges
given that its liabilities are also mostly from outside of Canada. But the
profits are not naturally hedged and it is not reasonable to think that it could
have hedged against the Canadian dollar’s huge rise these past few years. It
boggles the mind to think how well it might have done if our dollar had not
increased. Certainly the old John Hancock shareholders (who received Manulife
shares on a takeover deal several years ago) have done extremely well, as the
price of Manulife has soared in U.S. dollars. I plan for our report on Manulife
to be updated by Sunday.


I opined in the last free newsletter that
lululemon was over-valued at about $30. Now it has soared to almost $40. Clearly
it is a great company. But the market is effectively valuing it at $45 million
per store. Now these stores do roughly an average of $4 million per year in
sales (per the prospectus). At a 10% profit margin that would work out to about
113 times earnings. In Q1 the profit margin was in fact 8%, but it does seem
possible it could grow that margin (But 15% is probably at the high end of an
optimistic forecast) . Of course the market is valuing the future stores, not
just the existing stores. But any sensible math here shows the market is
requiring shareholders to pay up in advance for years and years of
phenomenal growth – which may not occur. Apparently the stock is going up
because among other things Jim Cramer recommended it. Jim is a smart guy but I’m
not sure he has done the math on this one.   I can’t see any analyst
recommendations for it except RBC said it was worth about $23 and an independent
firm in Canada said it was worth $16. I’m glad I did not short it. But I have to
think that shareholders now are unwittingly playing a dangerous game of “musical
shares”. I probably should just ignore this stock but it is a good illustration
of how the market can temporarily depart greatly from reason.



August 7, 2007


Tim Hortons
is updated and rated Buy at CAD
$33.95 and U.S. $33.20. The Q2 report was consistent with my expectations noted
under July 30. Profits up in Canada except down marginally after the much higher
income tax rate versus last year. U.S. division struggled somewhat. Overall the
stock does not look cheap but I have a strong suspicion it will do well. Q3
earnings last year were not very good and so in Q3 this year it should be able
to report a double digit earnings per share growth.


Tim Hortons was up nicely today. It is my largest position and I have felt
comfortable owning it because I think it would do better than the market if the
market “corrects”.


I’m not sure why Tim Hortons was up so much today. I expect it to bounce
around a bit before hopefully going higher after the Q3 earnings. Of course it
will also be affected by how the general market does. I may add more to my
holdings particularly if it happens to dip back to the $32 level.


Telus dropped further today. I noticed that TD Waterhouse is still bullish
with a target price around $70. It seems the market in general sees risk in
Telus. If I did not own any, I would definitely want to start a position at this


BCE has slipped to $39.05 despite that fact that the Ontario Teachers Pension
Plan has agreed to buy it out at $42.75. Investors who buy now will not receive
the $42.75 until perhaps March 2008. There may be some risk that the deal will
fall through but my understanding is that the risk is low. I believe that BCE
would be a good bet at this price. One ha s to be a bit cautious though. If BCE
is a smart investment at say anything under $41, then it seems strange that
various financial players have not bid it up to that level. So I think it is a
good bet, but would not “bet the farm” on it.


August 6, 2007


Fed Ex is updated and rated (higher) Buy at
$109.04 (the price today closed at $110.83). With a P/E of about 16.8 this
appears to be an opportunity to acquire a high-quality company that is the
leader in its field at a reasonable price. I have not personally bought this but
would consider doing so. Canadian investing in this face down-side currency risk
if the Canadian dollar goes up but benefit from the currency move if the
Canadian dollar goes down. I believe it is prudent for many Canadians (those
with little or modest U.S. investment exposure) to move more investments to U.S.
stocks given that the Canadian dollar is recently near 30-year highs.


Markets were open in the U.S. but closed in Canada today. The DOW was up
2.2%. The only thing that seems clear is that the direction of the market is
very uncertain at this time. There appears to be bargain hunters pushing prices
back up when they fall, but at the same time there is a lot of fear that markets
will fall.


Early today Telus was down over $1.00 on New York. Seeing this I decided to
add to my position in Telus.


August 5, 2007


Telus is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy
at CAN $55.99 or U.S. $53.00. It had an earnings report on Friday morning that
was bad on the surface although it appears that after adjusting for one-time
items, earnings were up. It seems the market is worried about the rest of the
year and does not believe Telus when Telus says it will still meet its target
earnings per share for the year. Maybe that is true, but on the numbers the
stock looks good at this price. I think it will do better than “the market” in
the short-term. (But if the general market drops further it may get pulled


August 4, 2007


Kingsway Financial is updated to
Speculative Buy at CAN $20 or U.S.18.95. Kingsway is a property and liability
insurance company that insures mostly vehicles  and operates 69% in the
U.S. and insures mostly high-risk autos and also trucking.


I am considering adding to my position in Kingsway.


I added a small amount to my Northbridge holdings on Friday.


Northbridge Financial
(a property and
liability insurance company with business that is 90% commercial and about 87%
Canadian, 13% U.S.) is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $33.55. At the present
time it is highly profitable and would be rated a strong buy except for the fact
that profits are expected to decline in the near term due to both increased
competition (lower prices) in its market and also recent profits were boosted by
unusual capital gains.


The market in general views property/liability insurance companies as very
risky and unpredictable. The market always seems to focus on any aspect of the
earnings which are negative. Northbridge trades at a relatively low (1.26)
multiple to book value. It seems likely that if book value can be increased in
future then the stock price will rise. While earnings are unpredictable
Northbridge has been able to increase book value per share rapidly in recent
years. In the near-term I expect lower but still positive earnings which should
push up the book value (even after the dividend is paid) and this in turn should
push up the stock price. I view Northridge as a good long term investment.


August 3, 2007


Our Performance figures are updated.


August 2, 2007


Today was a good day for markets and our Picks in particular. Telus,
Kingwsway. Tim Hortons, CN , Cognos were among the stocks that rose noticeably.
Again it is encouraging that the market seems to keep showing signs of optimism.
But at the same time the credit problems remain.


I saw a report today that close to 1% (1 in 120) of all house in the U.S.
were in foreclosure proceedings. I’m not sure i believe it can be that high.
That sounds like a huge rate… It is hard to imagine how the U.S. will escape a
recession if this is true and that would definitely drag markets down.


So despite a good day today, I definitely remain cautious.


Northbridge Financial reported
excellent earnings today after the close. I have read the report but not
completed an analysis yet. On the surface earnings were phenomenal, $2.29 in Q2
and this is a $34 stock! It has earned $3.17 year to date. But there were some
one-time gains. Still the operating profitability is quite strong. Book value is
$26.70 per share and so the premium to book is only about 27%. In the short term
though the revenue is shrinking and profits are expected to decline somewhat.
Overall, I think the stock should rise tomorrow but the market always seems to
value property insurance stocks lower than most sectors in terms of multiples of
earnings and multiples to book value. I would definitely consider buying
tomorrow, especially if it has not risen at the open. We will update our report
probably by Sunday and based on where the price goes tomorrow. On a quick check
on insider trading, there was a little bit of selling and less buying. Not
enough selling to be a concern. The company itself has not bought back shares
this year even though at times the price seemed quite low.


Kingsway Financial also reported earnings
today. I have read the report but not in detail and have not done any analysis
yet. Kingsway had a good quarter with an ROE of 17%. (And this is all the better
given that the high Canadian dollar hurts them). But the market may focus on
the bad news that had more retroactive losses (reserve developments) in its
Lincoln General division. Also they predict lower profits and sales ahead due to
competition. But this stock trades only about 7% over book value and has an
attractive ROE. In addition the company states that it had retroactive gains
(positive reserve developments) in Canada, but chose not to “release” these
earnings. Overall I am not as confident that this will rise tomorrow, but I will
consider adding to my position if it does not. We will update our report
probably by Sunday and based on where the price goes tomorrow. Taking a quick
look at insider trading there appeared to be a number of buyers including the
CFO and fewer sellers. This is positive. The company itself did not buy back any
shares in the quarter which is quite disappointing given what they would
presumable view as a low price.


Kingsway provided a link to a conference call but it was a dud link tonight.
Also they said the conference call link was on their Web Site, but I don’t see
it there. Their Site does not seem to be up to date. It seems like they are a
bit sloppy with their Site and I think that reflects a company that overall I am
sorry to say seems always a bit sloppy around the edges. (For example poor
supervision of subsidiaries and the credit analysts at S&P complain that their
risk management is not up to par. So overall not a bad company and the price is
cheap but they simply do not seem to be on their game.


Tim Hortons will report tomorrow morning and I am hoping for good things
except from the U.S. division they may report more problems.


August 1, 2007


Another volatile day in the markets. The Canadian market was poor, it was
down 330 points but closed down “only” 214 points or 1.5%. But the U.S. DOW and
S&P market was only down very modestly most of the days and then surged in the
final hour to be up 0.7% for the S&P 500 and 1.1% for the DOW. I always consider
the U.S. DOW and S&P 500 to be a better indicator of broader market sentiment
than the TSX composite index. The Canadian TSX index is more volatile due to its
concentration in energy, financials and resources.   So overall while
the dip in Canada is a bit scary, the strength int he U.S. is encouraging.


Nevertheless I think the fear meter has been turned up for all of us. I am
certainly optimistic about markets in the longer term. But in the shorter term I
am worried the market could fall further due to problems in the lending markets
and a possible slow-down in the economy.


On the Canadian market there are certainly good dividend-paying companies
that are down in price. If the markets goes back up we may kick ourselves for
not buying this dip. But then again the dip may deepen. markets are always
unpredictable in the short term. While stocks like CN, Shaw, Tim Hortons and
Telus may go down further I am quite comfortable holding them as I think the
longer term direction is up.


Stantec is down noticeably. I would wait until after the quarterly earnings
are released (tomorrow, I believe) before possibly buying. I suspect they will
have been hit by the Canadian dollar and so it will be interesting to see if
they can post a good number despite the dollar.


I am about 90% invested in equities and 10% in cash, therefore I am not in a
big hurry to bargain hunt.


The fact is that markets normally do go down as well as up, although the
long-term trend is up. I am prepared to hold good stocks through a period of
decline. The decision as to whether to try to move some money to cash is alwys a
very personal one, depending on each investors situation.


lululemon (lll, Toronto, lulu, NASDAQ)


Wow, this stock has done well, despite a small drop today. If you want to you
can let me know if you own it or are thinking of buying. It is a great company
with exceptional marketing. But he stock price seems grossly high to me. I was
in the Edmonton store at lunch today at Kingsway Garden Mall. I saw that the
merchandise did seem to be high quality and probably unique products possibly
not easy to find elsewhere (although I suspect some sport stores have some
similar products). The products are high-priced but not outrageously so. I saw
nothing over $99 (pants for personal trainers to wear). Shorts and “tops” tended
to be in the $50 range. That does not strike me as obscenely profitable unless a
high volume is sold. I was in the store about 15 minutes. There were other
customers and browsers but it was not crowded. The cash was not lined up but
they did make some sales during my time in the store (not from me, although I
would consider buying if I had been there to shop).


 The store is pretty small, I would guess maybe 1000 square feet. In
Sunday’s newsletter, I had estimated that
based on 2006 sales of $149 million and probably the equivalent of 40 stores
open all year that was roughly $3.7 million per store or $10,000 per day. I
don’t have a good feel for estimating retail sales but I suspect $10,000 would
be considered a really good day in most small stores in a shopping mall. In the
store I was in, I doubt that there was enough merchandise for sales to be much
higher that roughly $10,000 in a day. (And I would not be surprised if Summer
sales are more like $5000 per day at that store). Although I guess in retail the
reality is it might be $5000 or less many days and then would ramp way up close
to Christmas. But the point is the stock market is valuing lululemon at over $36
million per store (based on 59 stores $33 dollars and about 65 million shares).
Obviously most of the value being paid is not for the existing stores, but it is
for the growth. But the problem is that investors are paying up in advance for
years of growth that has not yet happened. I maintain my prediction that this
stock has to drop in price.


Consider too, there are almost no analysts putting out valuations so far. I
believe RBC Capital put a target of about $23 on it. (As I recall based on
earnings tripling by 2009 and then a P/E of some 36 applied). The investment
bankers that sold the shares for lululemon and its insiders received an option
on over  I believe 2 million shares. Those investment banks have an
incentive to make sure the price stays high so they can sell those additional
shares. I do not believe in conspiracies, but I think this stock is selling on
pure hype. In the coming couple of weeks I would suspect that retail analysts
will come out with price targets well below $30, but we shall see.


I mentioned I was thinking of shorting and that I think shorting is very
risky. Clearly had I shorted on Friday I would be deep in the loss territory
now. TD Waterhouse does not have this available for shorting. Is that because it
is too new? I don’t know.


If anyone has facts on lululemon that counter my analysis, please let me



July 31, 2007


On the one hand it was nice to see a positive sentiment in the market this
morning. But the sharp dip in the DOW near the end of the day indicates a mood
of fear still exists..


Canadian National Railroad is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at CAN $55.30 or U.S. $52.20. It has proven itself to be very
well managed. In the near term earnings are projected to grow only 5% in 2007,
much lower than its recent growth. But it will likely resume higher growth and
meanwhile is available at a reasonable price. It has been a bit volatile lately.
I hold a position and I would consider adding if it dipped to the $52 range. For
new positions a good strategy might be to buy some now and then look to buy
again on a dip.


July 30, 2007


Tim Hortons will release earnings Friday morning. Here are some thoughts on


I am hopeful of strong sales increases for Canada. I note that their recent
Camp Day raised 15% more than the prior year. So that is a positive indicator.
At all their better locations I see big line ups… With over 3000 locations,
the few I see may not be indicative but still…  Profits in Canada should
be up but that depends on any unusual charges… last year they had a low tax
rate in Q2 due to a one-time tax refund…   I expect the U.S.
operation will still be having some trouble, it is going to take I think a few
years to gain traction in the U.S. and at any time they could have a
restructuring charge to close a few stores in the U.S. Recall they had bought a
small chain in Southern New England a few years ago an converted the stores to
Tim Hortons. Those I think are the ones that have not worked out, probably
better that they build their own locations, not buy and convert. The high
Canadian dollar will hurt the results from the U.S. also. But going forward it
gets easier to invest in new locations in the U.S. with our now-mighty Canadian


Regarding Manulife financial which should also report shortly, for some time
I have expected them to be clobbered by the high Canadian dollar and it never
happened. I don’t know why, given most of their earnings are in U.S. dollars. It
seems to be a great although very complex company. It would not surprise me
though if the dollar finally catches up to it.


Basically any company that has a lot of revenue outside of Canada could be
hit hard by our dollar in Q2 and harder still in Q3. The worst hit are those
with most costs in Canada and most revenues from outside. Meanwhile a retailer
like Canadian Tire enjoys bring in cheap imports with our high dollar…


Obviously it was  good to see the market recover a bit today…
But with all the credit worries in the market, it seems like the overall
sentiment in the market is quite nervous and dips to the downside seem more
likely than does a full recovery of the recent dip.


lululemon went up again today. I did have a thought to short it, but on the
other hand it would be dangerous to short it when it seems to be still rising.
Shorting is always very risky. I have had very little experience with shorting.
It can sound easy in theory.


I spoke to TD Waterhouse about shorting it early today and they indicated
they had not available. Possibly that is because it is so new, that it has not
landed in the customer’s accounts yet. I know when I have bought a stock on an
IPO with TD it has not landed in my account right away. I wonder if some people
who bought on the IPO are still waiting for it  to appear in their
accounts? lululemon traded 2.8 million shares on NASDAQ today and only 423,000
shares in Canada. So it may be that most of the share are in U.S. hands.


July 29, 2007


The latest edition of our free newsletter has just been sent. We keep totally
separate email lists for the free newsletter versus the list of paid
subscribers. But most of you are no-doubt on the free list and have recently
clicked to verify your membership in the free list. To access this latest
newsletter click the menu item  for the login for subscribers to the free
newsletter at the left.


In this free newsletter I discuss the lululemon IPO that was much in the news
on Friday. I believe that this IPO was grossly over priced. And that is the case
despite the fact that it then popped upward in the market. This seems almost
sure to sink and I’ll bet the investment banks that touted it will have some
explaining to do.


I am thinking of shorting lululemon, if it is possible to do so. But I view
short-selling as extremely risky and complex. In short-selling you can lose an
unlimited amount.


July 28, 2007


Alarmforce is updated but still rated
Weak Sell / Hold at $5.61. For this update we added back an expense for
amortization of an intangible asset since that was a non-cash items and since
unlike depreciation, it does not represent the wearing out of any asset that
will have to replaced in future.  Despite this the adjusted P/E still seems
very high and we can’t justify buying this stock. However, we continue to think
that the earnings are conservatively stated and that at some point as it gains
scale it may start to look attractive. 


The performance figures for all of the stocks in the
model portfolio have been updated.
However we have not done and any trades there. Performance figures for all the
stocks picked at the start of 2007 are updated. While we rate stocks all through
the year, we track performance on an annual basis based on the picks at January 1
each year. Full details of all the ratings throughout the year are also
maintained and are provided in the daily comments below. That way subscribers
can track our performance on ratings made at any time through the year.


e-Bay is updated and the rating is raised to
Speculative Buy at U.S. $33.53 (the price last closed at U.S. $32.57). For this
update we have added back amortization of purchased intangibles. This expense is
very similar to goodwill which is no longer expensed and we simply do not
consider that to be a real expense. The result is that our rating increased. We
call this a Speculative stock because it is a large international company that
operates in several lines of business and thereof we consider it a hard company
to understand. It is not cheap but if the growth trend continues then it should
be a good investment.


Shaw communications has run up steeply on take-over rumors. But the whole
environment for takeovers has cooled. Shaw could easily slide back a few dollars
at this point.


Dalsa is updated and our rating is cut to
Speculative Weak Buy at $10.19. Dalsa has clearly been a disappointment for us.
With most of its costs in Canada and the great majority of its revenues in U.S.
dollars, it has been “hammered” by our higher dollar. And that is in spite of
some hedging which it has in place. I had hoped it would be able to adjust
prices upward, but it seems that has not been the case. The company is going to
have to reduce costs significantly in order to regain profit in its core
business. They do seem optimistic that they can do this starting in 2008. The
company indicates that some cost-cutting initiatives could be announced within
weeks. That could lead to restructuring charges before it leads to actual
savings. The company has a new digital major motion picture camera which it is
trying to convince Hollywood to use. If they can convince a director to use
their camera in a major motion picture, then this could send the stock price up.
In the near term it is certainly possible that this stock will continue to
disappoint. I am reluctant to reduce my position but I do view it as
increasingly risky. On a positive note the company has little debt and has great
technology and it should eventually recover.


July 26, 2007


It was a nasty day in the markets. It is always frustrating to see investment
values drop.


But no one should claim to be particularly surprised. The market has had two
earlier “corrections” this year and the surprise has been that it came back and
resumed new highs.


This time there are indications that higher interest rates are putting a real
damper on future private equity take-overs. That becomes a double whammy. All
else being equal markets do fall with higher interest rates. But private-equity
deals were pushing the market higher. Without the support of private equity
deals the market could easily fall a good deal more.


I don’t think we are in for any kind of disastrous decline but a pullback that
totals say 15% down from the high would not be a shock. But I don’t think anyone
can predict what the market will do in the short term. Perhaps tomorrow the
bargain hunters will be out. Personally, I am comfortable holding the stocks I
own because most of them are solid, dividend paying and profitable companies
that are likely to move higher in the next few years, no matter what happens in
the next few days and weeks.


Dalsa reported weak earnings after the close
today. It has been hurt by the high Canadian dollar. It is also hurt by losses
in its digital cinema division (which is attempting to get Hollywood to switch
to digital). I view those losses as more of an investment than as “real” losses
but that is only the case if they will eventually gain success in this business.
Dalsa trades at only about 1.2 times book value and book value will increase
next quarter when they close a land sale at a material profit. Given the high
Canadian dollar I think the stock is going to continue to languish or decline
somewhat until they are able to announce significant progress in digital cinema.
Our report on this stock will be updated in a few days after we see how the
stock price reacts to the earnings.


July 25, 2007


Of note today, Shaw was up to $53 which has been a sudden strong run for this
stock. I suppose one could trim positions but often when you trim a position on
a good stock, you may never end up buying it back on the dip, so maybe it is
best to just hang in there and see where it goes. Meanwhile Telus is down so I
would consider adding to positions there.


Tim Hortons was among the stocks that slipped lately and I would consider
adding to positions there.


Canadian Tire should be benefiting from our high dollar and personally I am
thinking of buying. It always looks somewhat expensive but has been an


The TSX continues to earn outstanding profits (released earnings after the
close today) The problem there is that its long standing (virtual) unregulated
monopoly position is coming under fire from new competitors and it is very hard
to know if the TSX will be harmed by the competition. I am therefore cautious on
that stock at the moment. I have effectively a “half” position in it (2% of my
portfolio rather than my more typical position of closer to 4% in a number of


We are in the middle of earnings season for stocks that had a quarter end of
June 30. Therefore we will have a number of updated reports over the next few


July 24, 2007


This was a negative day as the Toronto stock index fell 2.8%. Of more
concern, even the less volatile DOW fell by 1.6%. It will take a few more days
to see if this turns into a larger drop or instead proves (once again)  to
be short-lived.


As our dollar moves ever higher, it is certainly a good opportunity buy some
U.S. stocks or even to simply convert some Canadian cash into U.S. dollars.
Sure, our dollar could continue to rise. But like the stock market, that can
also turn around fast. Right now we have the best opportunity since 1977 to buy
U.S. dollars on the cheap. If you have a need for U.S. dollars for a trip or
just for diversifying your investments, I think it is a good decision to buy now
and not be too greedy in waiting for parity.


Having said that it does look like there is reasonable chance that we could
get to parity with the U.S. dollar. But as I have said before, this high dollar
is really going to hurt Canadian manufacturers and our tourism industry. At some
point the Bank of Canada may have to try to reverse this.


Meanwhile, many of you will no doubt be planning shopping trips to the U.S.


July 23, 2007


Market Outlook


Markets have done very well lately, apparently shrugging off worries about
inflation, sub-prime loans, housing price declines and a potential U.S.
recession. It would therefore be easy to become complacent and assume that the
good times are set to roll on.


But keep in mind that a rising market give no guarantee that it will
continue. After all, logic would suggest that all major market declines begin at
a high point and I suspect most major market declines begin directly after
strong up trends in the market. (1929, 1987 and 2001 being the most notorious
examples). So… while I am enjoying the ride I am also keeping a cautious eye
on things. Markets can change direction very rapidly indeed. I am hopeful that
most of our higher-rated stocks here, would do relatively well even in a market
decline. A falling tide does pull down all boats but at least companies like Tim
Hortons, Telus and Shaw would tend to be somewhat recession proof (though they
would certainly be hurt by higher interest rates).


There were a number of interesting developments today.


Shaw Communications jumped over 3% to CAN
$51.68 this is up almost 7% since we updated it last week. I like the company
and would consider averaging in at this price for new positions. Personally, I
already hold it and was hoping it would dip so I could buy more.


Canadian National Railway reported
earnings after the close. Net income was down but on an adjusted basis it was up
6% which is not too bad given they had some weather and line closure problems.
They lowered the earnings outlook for the year partly due to the higher Canadian
dollar. This is not a surprise given that they have significant operations in
the U.S. An earnings slowdown due to a higher Canadian dollar should be viewed
as a one-time impact. It does mean that the profits are at a lower level going
forward but if the dollar is expected to stabilize then it has no further impact
on the rate of growth. We will update our analysis after we see how the stock
price reacts tomorrow to the earnings results.


dropped in price today
but that was due to a special dividend whereby it is handing out about $5 U.S.
in preferred shares for each existing share. This seems a bit strange. However
it is probably a positive indicator overall. It is somewhat equivalent to
roughly a 13% stock buy-back (which is huge) financed by a preferred share
issue. I am not at all clear as to why they chose this rather unusual route.
When looking at the stock price in future it would seem fair to add back the $5
U.S. in preferred stock that will be received.


Dalsa jumped a surprising 8.6% today ahead of
its earnings to be released on Thursday. The stock had suffered lately partly
due to our higher dollar. Perhaps its recent dips under $12 were good buying
opportunities. While we had last rated it (higher) Buy I was not sure it would
recover meaningfully until it is able to announce much better revenue results
for its digital major motion picture camera product. Hopefully today’s gain is a
a signal that the earnings will be good or at least reasonable.


July 22, 2007


The composition of my own portfolio has been updated. (See the last item on
the list of links for Members only above – below the table of stocks.)


Alimentation Couche-Tard
(the big
convenience store operator with main brand names Couche-Tard, Mac’s and
Circle-K) is updated for its fiscal 2007 results and rated Buy at $21.26. The
stock price has been hurt in recent months by the sharp rise in the Canadian
dollar (80% of its operations are in the U.S.). The company had a relatively
flat earnings year in fiscal 2007. However indications are that earnings may
grow in the range of 20% in fiscal 2008. I am comfortable holding shares in this


July 19, 2007


Another good day in the markets, with the DOW up 82 points to 14,000. My
strategy is for the most part to hang on for the ride while selectively buying
on dips. A focus on cash generating stocks will continue to to rewarded as long
as private equity buyers remain active. Things to watch for are higher interest
rates or recession which are likely to eventually bring the party to an end.


CP and CN stayed pretty high despite the fact that CP indicates it is not in
active talks to be acquired.


July 18, 2007


Today’s big news was the news that Brookfield Asset Management might bid for
CP Rail. This sent CP up 15.5% and CN up almost 6%.


This adds support to other potential targets that are profitable and generate
cash such as Shaw Communications and Telus.


If this bid materializes, CP may rise more and also CN could rise further.


Today I bought shares in


July 17, 2007


Where’s the Bear?


Once again reports earlier this year of the death of the now 4.5 year old bull
market have tuned out to be greatly exaggerated. Markets have continued to do
very well. A key driver seems to be high bids to take companies private. It’s a
bit odd since in most cases companies always traditionally were worth more in
the public market.


With a possible U.S. recession looming and also higher interest rates it’s is
a bit hard to believe that markets can continue to rise. It’s not time to panic
in any way given that valuations still seem not excessive in most cases. But in
my view we should be cautious because a market decline is overdue and seems sure
to arrive at some point. Nevertheless in the long term markets will continue to
do well.


July 16, 2007


As the Canadian dollar seems to keep going up, it may seem est to wait before
investing in the U.S. But keep in mind the dollar could fall. And it is at a 30
year high. So I believe now is a good time to invest in U.S. stocks and take
advantage of the high Canadian dollar.


Shaw Communications is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at CAN $48.35 or U.S. $46.38. It just released an excellent
quarter and also increased the dividend by 18%. On value ratios it still looks
expensive but I think this may be a good investment due to the growth. I am
looking to add to my position in this.


July 12, 2007


WOW! a 2% rise in the DOW today. Again it goes to show that the risk of being
out of the market is often greater than the risk of being in the market.
(Although to an academic there is no risk in a sure return of 0%, while even a
return that may vary between 10% and 20% would be considered risky, because it
is uncertain. No wonder most academics are not rich!). As noted a number of
times I have been a bit cautious on the markets. But at the moment sentiment
driver by merger mania is certainly high. It’s okay to ride with the merger
mania as long as we don’t get to a point where the market is clearly
over-valued. We don’t seem to be there yet. The market is not cheap but its not
stupidly expensive either.


July 11, 2007


With the modest weakness in Western Financial Group I placed an order to
re-purchase some of what I sold at $5.55 and some more at $5.25. Seems a
reasonable chance it will dip at least to $5.50 area…


I bought some Telus today on its recent
weakness. I did not see any reason for the weakness although it could be due to
fear that they will mount a bid for BCE. I now hold a large position in Telus
than I do in Shaw. I would prefer to have more
Shaw and will buy it on
weakness. Shaw will release earning on Friday morning and I suspect they will be


July 10, 2007


A negative day for the markets due to some earnings disappointments and
worries about sub-prime loans (which is also related to U.S. housing price
declines and a U.S. house construction decline which could lead to a general
slow-down in the U.S. economy). If earnings reports in the next couple of weeks
are positive then the market will continue upward. There are always individual
bargain stocks to be found. But it is certainly possible that we are in for a
market decline in the overall market averages. If that happens I suspect that
the type of stocks featured as Buys on this Site will perform better than the
market average.


On July 5 I mentioned Wi-Lan shares and indicated I might buy some. I have
now bought some Wi-Lan shares. I bought these on speculation, it is not a
company that can be analyzed based on past profits since it is really just
getting started in the process of beginning to collect royalties on its patents.
It’s not clear how successful they will be in convincing the alleged patent
infringers to pay up.


July 9, 2007


Walgreen the large U.S. drug store chain
is updated and rated Buy at $43.88 (it closed today at $44.69). It looks well
priced given its growth. I am considering buying. Canadian investors face
currency risk if our dollar continues to rise.


I sold my BCE shares for a small profit today. They have been a little
volatile and I am just not that hopeful that Telus will try to make a bid given
the Competition Board issues. Although the fact that the BCE Chairman Richard
Currie has now called them amateurs might provoke them. Ironically, in the same
interview Currie called attacks on the BCE bid process “graceless”. Not a lot of
grace shown by anyone here…


July 8, 2007


Pet Valu
a pet store retailer is added as a
new company but is rated only Speculative Weak Buy at $12.81. I screened for
some new companies to add and this one looked good with a P/E around 11 and a
very high ROE. And a pet food retailer seemed like a potentially high profit
business given the tendency for ever higher spending on pampered pets. But on
detailed analysis it is not clear that this is a bargain. The P/E turned out to
be about 13 on a diluted earnings per share basis. Earnings have been growing
sharply but that was partly due to the higher Canadian dollar. The store count
is flat and therefore we cannot expect the strong earnings growth to continue
for too long.


But it could be bought on speculation that the recent sharp rise in the
Canadian dollar will result in strong earnings growth in 2007.


Some subscribers may wonder why I would post a new company that is only a
Speculative Weak Buy. Our policy is that we cannot know the rating until the
analysis work is done. Having done the work here, the rating turned out to be
lower than hoped. But having done the work it is still worth posting as some of
you may hold the stock or be familiar with the stores.


I do think the Pet supply retail “space” is worth watching.


We hope to be in a position to post a few more new companies in the coming


July 6, 2007


Performance figures are updated. Our three
Strong Buys from January 1 are now up an average of 20.0% each since then.


July 5, 2007


I am considering buying some Wi-Lan shares. They are now a patent royalty
company hoping to earn revenue by colleting license fees from a large number of
companies that are allegedly using its patents. It’s definitely quite
speculative and is a story stock. It is not proven yet that these companies will
pay the royalties and they could be battling in the courts for years. Nokia has
signed on to pay for use of the patent and I understand another unnamed company
has signed on. Companies have until the end of July to sign on at a reduced rate
or face law suits and a higher rate.


BCE moved up 26 cents today mostly near the close. There has been further
speculation about a Telus bid. That still seems unlikely unless Telus could get
an advance ruling that the competition board would okay the merger. But its hard
to see how the competition bureau could possibly give any kind of advance


July 5, 2007 (before market open…)


My buy of BCE at about $41.30 may not do well unless Telus decides to bid
again for BCE (which I doubt). The deal will not close until first quarter 2008.
So I have a long time to wait to collect $42.75 – but I will get dividends along
the way and so the downside seems limited (Teachers unlikely   to back
away form the deal, BCE shareholders likely to approve. The other possibility was
that Teachers would go into the market now and buy up shares.


Meanwhile the market overall has done well this week and my purchase of Telus
and Tim Hortons this week looks good so far. (I am supposed to think long term,
but it’s always nice to see things go in the right direction…)


July 3, 2007


Today I added a small amount to my Tim Hortons shares. I think the recent
price drop provides a buying opportunity.


I was thinking about Bell and Telus. BCE is to be purchased at $42.75, the
stock was trading today at $41.30. It probably makes sense that there be  a
discount since the deal is not expected to close for some six months. But there
is still the possibility of a Telus bid (although I think that is a slim chance
and is problematic given the competition Board review). Still I decided to buy
some BCE hoping it will trade up closer to $42.75 and I can make a tiny but
hopefully fast profit. Possibly Teachers Pension Plan will go into the market
and be a buyer. If they can buy now at say $42 that might be better than buying
later at $42.75.


I also thought maybe Telus will rise if those who have BCE sell now and then
look to replace it with Telus. Also the BCE bid validates a high value for Telus
and it is possible some of the failed BCE bidders would look to buy Telus. …
So I bought a few Telus shares on that basis.


All of this goes against my wish to keep holding cash but I thought these
might be good opportunities…  I would hope to close out the BCE purchase
for a small gain and get that part back into cash.


July 2, 2007


Home Capital is updated and
rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $36.90. Given its growth we could rate this
higher. But it’s hard to understand how it can sustain this kind of growth in
the supposedly competitive mortgage market. And in a housing recession it could
even face losses if loan losses grew large. But based on the numbers it does
look like it would be a good investment. It has done very well in the past and
the price is almost 5 times higher than when we first looked at it, calling it a
Buy in April 2002.


Note, our new business opportunity described above.


The latest issue of our free investment newsletter was sent today. You should
have received it. In addition you

can access it here.


June 30, 2007


Our year-to-date performance figures have
been updated. With the year half over our Picks are ahead of the market.


Cognos is updated and rated Speculative Buy
at U.S. 39.70 or CAN $42.48. The company does not appear to be cheap but the
accounting seems conservative in that a tremendous amount of R&D is expensed
under accounting rules  even though one would suspect that some of that
spending represents an investment rather than a current expense. I am tempted to
buy some Cognos. I may enter an order below the market and see if it dips a
little. I am a little hesitant to buy because of my inclination at this time to
raise or at least maintain my cash position in case the overall markets decline.


Note that while Cognos trades on the TSX and is a Canadian company, investors
should judge its performance and price trend in U.S. dollars, not Canadian. This
is because it earns most of its money in U.S. dollars. Accordingly it reports in
U.S. dollars and our analysis is in U.S. dollars.


Since we first rated the company calling it a Speculative Strong Buy in June
1999, it has risen 269% in U.S. dollars. The rise was 168% in Canadian dollars.
Canadian investors were hurt by the rise in our dollar and this happened even
though the stock traded in Canadian dollars on the TSX.


June 28, 2007


I sold 25% of my Canadian Western Bank position today. This was not due to
any dis-like of CWB but rather was a desire to raise cash. I considered adding
to my large position in Tim Hortons but did not do so. I may start to add to
this position since I am confident of the quality of Tim Hortons in the long


I am current working on an update for Cognos, which will be posted in the
next day or so. Based on the accounting results it looks fully valued. But I
believe the accounting may be conservative due to expensing of R&D. Earnings
were up sharply in the latest quarter and yet the price has declined. I expect
to rate this Speculative Buy. I may buy some.


June 27, 2007


Another interesting day in the markets. The Dow at one point was down 77
points but then rallied to close up 90 points.


Western Financial Group announced today that its convertible preferred shares
would have a dividend of 6.75% and be convertible at a  price of $7.25. On
reflection, maybe this is a good thing. It’s a lot better than issuing shares
now at some price below the market price, as they have done in the past. If the
stock price continues to go up over the years then in effect they will have sold
shares at $7.25. WES closed at $6.18 today.  I hold shares and will
continue to hold and would be interested in adding to my position if the stock
fell back to say $5.50 or lower. The preferred shares might be a good investment
since they mostly insulate an investor from the volatility of the shares and
still leave upside if the shares eventually go above $7.25, which does seem
likely in the longer term.


June 26, 2007


It was a big surprise this morning to find that Telus had pulled out of the
bidding for BCE. This sent BCE shares down 3% while Telus was initially up as
much as over $2.29 but ended up 19 cents. Yesterday the Telus CEO was asking
that a competition review be done immediately in order that Telus not be
disadvantaged in the bidding. Wow, what gall. Telus should have expected to be
disadvantaged in that they proposed to merge with one of only two other National
competitors in the cell phone industry. We happen to have a legal requirement
for a competition review. (And on the face of it if this deal was allowed the
what point is there to ever  review any deal for competition? This was
clearly going to reduce competition.) This brash CEO thought he could whine and
get his way? I recall that did not work in October when he thought the
government should allow Telus to turn into an income trust. Sure we have too
much government in this country. But  given the laws the government and the
competition bureau has to be shown respect.


I said when Telus announced the bid, I did not think the merger would be
allowed. It’s probably for the best that they withdrew the bid. If the BCE was
faced with the highest bid from Telus then it would have had to decide if it
would accept a bid subject to a competition review or go with a clean bid from
the other bidders. My guess is that the Telus Board which apparently met last
night to consider the bid price decided it was not likely the bid would fly. I
think the Telus CEO was prepared to go ahead but was likely over-ruled. If so,
we have a rare case of a Board of Directors actually doing its job and not just
rubber stamping whatever the CEO wants to do.


At this point I suppose BCE has some up side. Then again any accepted bid
could take months to close… I am not too keen on the BCE shares right now,
although if they fell to $38 during the bid review that would likly be a good
bet. And also buying at $40 or so might work out well, especially if they
announce an attractive bid in the next few days. There was talk of the
successful bid being revealed by Friday. A bid of $43 might see the stock run up
close to that but then would likley fade a bit as the reality of a long wait for
the cash sets sets in.


I would consider buying Telus (the voting shares see below) here as they are
down from recent highs and we had last rated the company (lower) Strong Buy at
$56 so I think $62 is not unreasonable…


I notice the Telus voting shares closed at only 42 cents higher than the
non-voting. Often the voting shares trade at $1.50 or even $2.00 more than the
voting (I have not tracked the exact spread so going by memory here). At he time
of the Trust conversion, the spread got tight like this but then went back to a
much wider spread. In the very long run the non-voting are worth the same as the
voting and someday the two classes will likely be come one. But meanwhile there
is a lot of risk the spread will widen. So if I owned the non-voting I would
probably sell now and buy the voting while the spread is tight.


Market sentiment continues to look negative. The DOW was up as much as about
70 points today but then closed down 14 points. It seems there are bargain
hunters out there but fear seems to be winning out most days. Toronto has had
some bad days but I always expect volatility based on oil prices and that is
very hard to predict. I mentioned that my own bias is to raise more cash, but I
keep having trouble deciding what to sell.


I was tempted to buy more Tim Hortons today but first I may force myself to
sell something as I do want to keep my cash position at its present level of
about 23% or higher.  So far my stocks and our picks in general have held
up very well in this market correction and this has left me less anxious to sell
any of what I hold.


June 25, 2007


Again today the broader U.S. market showed signs of both fear and bravery
with no clear direction established.


Canadian Western Bank
updated and rated Buy at $28.26. In recent years it has not seemed cheap but it
seems to keep on doing an imitation of a slower but steadily rolling snowball by
growing ever larger and more profitable. It has jumped in price recently. It
might be wise to take a half position and then hope for a pull-back.


June 25, 2007 (pre-market opening)


The drop i the DOW on Friday reinforced my defensive outlook on the market.
So far the markets seem to keep bouncing back but with higher interest rates
broader declines seem more likely than gains in the short term. In such an
environemnt it seems wise to trim more speculative positions and concentrate on
more solid companies that have lower P/E ratios. Divend stocks do get hit when
rates rise but at least most of those are solid and tend not to fall


My bias at the moment is to increase my cash position but to still be on the
lookout for bargain priced stocks. We will have a couple of updated reports
within the next few days (Canadian Western Bank and Cognos) 


June 21, 2007


A big story today was that Telus would like to buy BCE. On this news BCE was
up 4% and Telus down 3%. I can’t see this deal being allowed to happen. For
better (or more likely) worse we do have a competition board in Canada. It’s
hard to imagine the competition Board letting this through. Also why would the
BCE Board accept a bid from Telus if there was a big risk it would not go
through? Better to take a lower but more certain bid. On this news I would be
inclined to sell BCE if I owned it and consider buying Telus since it has moved


June 20, 2007


Today’s 1% fell in the Dow reminds me of the fact that I have a generally
defensive view of the market right now. Markets were still heading down at the
Close today and this could indicate the down-trend will continue tomorrow. This
fall was apparently caused by higher interest rates in the bond markets.


Unrelated to this I reviewed some data today that showed that in the past few
years lenders have experienced very low default rates even on junk debt. This
cycle will likely turn at some point. At that point (after it settles out) there
could be better bargains in the debt markets as interest rates jump especially
for junk and other risky debt.


I do think stocks are destined to continue to do well in the long run. Still,
I am inclined to want to increase my cash position to build cash for future
investments and to limit my risk at this time. I have not made any decision yet
on what I might sell.



June 19, 2008


Today, Western Financial Group indicated it will issue $15 to $25 million in
referred shares. The market showed little reaction but did push the share price
down a few cents. When I read the press release it is difficult to understand.
They indicated the share will be convertible at a price not yet determined. In
general I view this as negative for the share price at least in the short term.
At this time I might be more interested t buy the convertible preferred shares
than the common shares. I like WES, but the use of dilutive securities like
this makes the stock more difficult to analyse. What tends to happen, as the
earnings improve these things come into the money and suddenly the diluted share
count shoots up. It’s harder to grow earnings per share when the share count
goes up.


On the other hand the fact that they are raising money is perhaps indicative
of more acquisitions ahead and those have been good in the long run.


By-the-way, I am downtown Toronto this week. They have a very nice waterfront
area here. I was pleasantly surprised when I visited this area this evening.


June 18, 2007


Another interesting day in the markets.


A couple of financial stocks really jumped.
Western Financial Group jumped to
$6.48 although there were probably extremely few share traded at that price. It
ended the day up 3% at $6.05. Partly this may have been a delayed reaction to
the confirmation last week that (as previously announced) it will start to pay a
small dividend. An interesting trading strategy with a small stock like this is
to put in a sell order say 10% above the usual price and just maybe you will get
a sale at a high price. I did not consider selling today because I have already
sold probably too much of this Stock on the way up. Possibly now though the
trading is getting a bit silly. There is a lot of excitement about the dividend,
but the reality is the the dividend at 4 cents per year is less than a 1% yield.
At this point some people are buying WES simply because it has momentum. But
momentum can evaporate quickly…


Similarly Canadian Western Bank
was as high as $29.40 before closing up 2% to $28.55 and this was on top of a
big jump of around 6% on Friday. But the higher price did not last long. I was
about to sell some at $29 but the price had slipped to $28.55. Again an interest
strategy would have been to have been sitting there with an offer some 10% above
the recent price. This could give a sell at a good price but also can mean you
sell too early if the stock for example jumps 15% and stays there. I have placed
an order to take partial profits here by selling at $29.50 if it should hit that
price. (I am not sure that that is a good move because this stiock may go higher
than that before too long, but as always nothing is certain in the markets, and
at $29.50 I will have made a very quick 20% as I only recently bought this
stock. And I will only sell 40% of my position)


June 17, 2007


I rarely do this, but I wanted to let you know about a business operated
by a friend of mine who is also a member of this Site. He is importing unique
products to decorate finer homes and offices. If you are looking for something
special to decorate your home or office check out


This company is bringing in unique products and can ship to you anywhere
in North America. I have seen the products in person and I thought that they
were very reasonably priced given the size and quality. 


Canadian Tire is updated and rated
(lower) Buy at $82.10. This company has often appeared to be fully valued and
not a bargain but then it has managed to out-perform by growing earnings faster
than expected. Our last update in February we called it (lower) Buy at $73.20
and it has done well since then. It has more than tripled since it first was
added to this Site as a Strong Buy at $22.90 on February 4, 2000. Admittedly and
regrettably subsequently under-rated it, even calling a Weak Sell at some times
as the Wal-Mart threat loomed. I personally held it years ago and sold too
early. We had removed it from the Site and then brought it back as a (lower) Buy
at $39.45 for the start of 2004 and it has doubled since then.


Investors are often eager to know when to Sell. But as this company
illustrates, it may be that a good time to sell is never reached if the company
keeps growing earnings. When I look at some of the big-ticket items like “Quads”
that they are selling at very attractive prices, I suspect this stock may
continue to surprise to the up-side. The stock has been moderately volatile and
so it might pay to be a bit patient in buying it.


Hub international is removed from the Site since it was taken private. Bank
of Nova Scotia is also removed. The report was out of date. We prefer to focus
on smaller banks like Canadian Western Bank.


Canada Bread
is updated but rated only Weak
Buy/Hold at $58. The stock has been volatile but with no clear trend since we
added to this site in 2005. While sales have started to grow, earnings even
after adding back restructuring costs have been flat. It is possible that there
is up-side if its parent Maple Leaf decided to take it private, but based on the
numbers this stock is fully priced. If I held it personally, I would likely sell
and move into something higher rated.


is updated and rated Buy at $63.79.
This company was added to this Site one year ago (May 29) and was rated Buy at
$48.82. It has done well and is up 31% in that time in U.S. dollars. Most of the
increase in the stock price is due to the earnings increase and the P/E also
rose somewhat. This continues to look like a good investment.


June 16, 2007


FirstService is updated and rated
(lower) Buy at U.S. $ 36.59 or CAN $38.79. This stock has done exceptionally
well since we rated it (lower) Strong Buy on February 6 this year at U.S. $25.16
or CAN $29.68. This was an example of the benefits of buying a high quality
company. It is a great company. However, give the big stock price increase it is
no longer clear that it is a bargain. At this point it would be prudent to
average ina nd perhaps hope to buy on a dip. If its past growth rate continues,
it will continue to be a good long term investment. It has had a history of
significant stock price volatility which can be frustrating but which has
created buying opportunities in the past. Looking at the long-term, the stock
has almost tripled in U.S. dollars since we first added it to this Site in 2002
at a split-adjusted $12.28. Although headquartered in Canada this should be
considered to be effectively a U.S. stock since the majority of its operations
are in the U.S.


June 15, 2007


Performance figures for the year to date
have been updated.


There was a very strong gain for Canadian Western Bank up 6%  to $28
today. This stock was mentioned as a buy on dip at May 15 and at $24 of April 24
(see below). Given no news today, I am not at all sure that this jump in price
is sustainable in the short-term. But long-term the stock should continue to do


June 14, 2007


Another surprisingly strong day in the market. In particular Couche-Tard did
well today which comes after a long slide in this stocks – partly the slide was
caused by the higher Canadian dollar. Western Financial had a strong day.


Tomorrow, the direction that market will likely be determined by a U.S.
consumer price index report that I understand comes out tomorrow.


With the market up, I thought about what I might sell. My second largest
position is Northbridge and so I decided to reduce my position in that stock by
one third. We recently rated the Stock (higher) Buy but I just wanted to reduce
my exposure. We have had some minor storm damage in the West lately. It should
be no big deal at all, but in the past I have seen insurance stocks get hurt
over payouts on relatively small storms, so that was another reason to reduce my
exposure to the property insurance segment. My cash position is now about 23%.


June 13, 2007


Today’s market rise was a welcome surprise. It illustrates that, as always,
markets are very unpredictable in the short term.


June 12, 2007


Wal-Mart is updated and rated (higher)
Buy at $50.08. That was the price yesterday. Today it closed at $48.91. It
appears to us that the stock represents good value at this price. We had last
rated this (higher) Buy Nov 29, 2006 at $47.39, and it has risen somewhat
since then.


A negative day on the markets. With market interest rates increasing on
government bonds, the negative trend seems set to continue. A couple of bright
spots were Western Financial Group and Canadian Western Bank as well as
Northbridge Financial. Western Financial tends to be volatile and it could
certainly move lower if the negative trend continues.


In order to build cash I decided to sell some shares today. Instead of
following my idea of cutting my larger holding proportionately, I decided to
first sell some other positions. I sold my New York Stock Exchange Group shares
because I don’t follow the company and therefore do not have a strong basis to
hold it. Also I sold half my TSX Group position because of concerns about
competition there. I sold my IGM position simply because it was a small position
and I have decided to hold a more concentrated portfolio. I sold my small
position in XEG the oil and gas exchange traded fund because it is not a “stock”
that is rated on this Site. In general these sales are not a comment on the
value of these stocks but rather reflects my desire to hold more cash. My cash
position is now 22% with the remainder being all equities.


My portfolio is almost entirely in non-taxable accounts, this allows me to
trade in and out without worrying about triggering taxes. Ina taxable account I
would be more reluctant to take gains.


In terms of the Model portfolio, as mentioned on the
model portfolio page, the percentage
of cash to hold is a personal decision and so the model is meant to be a 100%
equity portfolio except when small amounts of cash are parked as a result of a
stock sale.


I find myself certainly in a defensive frame of mind, but certainly not in
any panic. The market really has not fallen all that much. If it continues to
drop my inclination is to sell more shares in order to raise cash just in case
the correction does deepen as in that case there will eventually be bargains to
be had.


June 11, 2007


Our Stock Picks did well today as did the Canadian market. However, the DOW
was flat.  I remain concerned that the recent minor market down-turn is not
over yet. Still, market timing is always difficult and for the most part I will
remain in the market. I am prepared to suffer the risk of short-term declines in
return for long-term gains. As alluded to earlier, I may engage in limited
market timing by raising my cash position from 14% to perhaps 20 or 25%. We also
intend to look for additional bargain priced stocks, as investing in bargain
stocks is a good way to insure against major losses in a market down-turn.


June 10, 2007


Friday’s partial recovery is encouraging. But it is fair to say that the
market may be “due” for a more significant down-turn than we have so far seen.
Market P/E ratios are perhaps moderately high but not excessive. But given
inflation and interest rate increases and slowing economies and given the fact
that markets have risen for some 4 and one half years, a down-turn of 10% or
more would certainly not be much of a shock. As always I would hope that the
Buy-rated stocks on this Site would do better than the market. Nevertheless a
significant market down-turn would tend to pull almost all stocks down to some
degree. that is simply the reality of the stock market.


As I post this late Sunday evening, the Japanese and Chinese markets are up
in Monday trading and so perhaps this will meant hat the North American markets
will not be down tomorrow.


The percentage holdings in my personal
portfolio is updated. My largest holding by far is Tim Hortons. Given that
it was not one of the highest rated stocks on this Site (great company but
expensive) and given the recent price decline it now seems apparent that based
on my enthusiasm for this company (despite the expensive stock price) I may have
let myself become over-exposed to this company.


Last week I found myself wanting to increase my cash position. But given that
I like the companies I hold, I found it hard to pull the trigger and sell. In
particular I do find it hard to sell shares of companies that we are rating here
as Buys.


To combat this I believe I should set a cash percentage target and then sell
proportionally from all or most of my significant holdings. In this manner the
sales I would make would not be an indication that I no longer like any
particular company. Rather it would be based on an indication that I want to
raise cash in case the market does correct further. With commissions of only
about $10 per trade it is feasible for me to proportionately trim back positions
in say 10 stocks and it only would cost me $100 in commissions.


My current cash position is 14.3% which is up from about 0% in April.
Depending on the market’s direction this week, I may raise this cash position by
selling proportionately from five to ten of my larger positions.


June 8, 2007


I sold half my Shaw shares today. This was one of my largest holdings and yet
was rated only Speculative Buy. I think the company will do well. The stock
however had a high P/E and so I was worried about a decline and wanted to move
some funds to cash.


June 7, 2007


We have had a modest “correction” in the markets and it could certainly get


I believe it is very much an individual decision as to whether one should now
attempt to time the market by selling some stocks in the hopes of buying back at
a lower price, or stay the course. In depends on time horizon and individual
tolerance for loss.


So far this week, I have not sold stocks because I do like the companies I
hold and I can’t be certain that the market will continue to fall.


If an investor is inclined to sell when the market appears to be going into a
correction, then it is probably not too late. The market is really only down
enough to suggest that a deeper correction may be underway. It is hard to say if
the correction will now end or will deepen. It is certainly possible that a
correction in excess of 10% could develop here. But I see little danger of a
really deep correction because stocks still have reasonable P/E ratios on
average given today’s low interest rates.


June 6, 2007


A bit of a nasty day with the Down down 130 points. Toronto was down 200 but
I look at the Dow as a broader indicator – Toronto moves with commodities. We
could very well be in for further declines. It’s never easy to decide if one
should stay in the market or instead reduce positions at a time like this and
hope to buy at lower prices. My inclination is to stay mostly in the market
given that I believe I am holding high quality companies that will do well in
the longer term. At the same time it would be nice to have an allocation to cash
in order to buy if the market does drop a material amount. I see little
advantage in holding longer term bonds because higher inflation and higher
interest rates – which seems to be the expectation a this time  – drive
longer term bond prices down even faster than they drive stock prices down.


Tim Hortons
has dipped lately. While it
could dip further I view declines in a strong company like that as a possible
buying opportunity. A good strategy might be to average in buying as it
declines. Similarly ING Canada is at low
not seen in over 1 year and this could be an opportunity.


Couche-Tard has not done well.
Apparently two senior managers recently left. However I understand that its four
most senior officers remain in place. Part of the frustration for the next level
of management is that the old-guard who own significant shares are in no hurry
to leave. Part of the reason for the decline in Couche-Tard is certainly the
fact that most of its revenue and profits come from the U.S. and the higher
Canadian dollar hurts this company. On this one I would wait for the next
earnings report to see how the valuation looks at that time.


June 5, 2007


The following was sent by email to all paid members late on June 5:



The stock markets in general have done very well this year to date.


Our main focus is always on individual stocks. In terms of the general
markets I think they may be somewhat over-valued but not in a bubble state by
any means. The long-term outlook remains good for stock markets. In the short
term I note a rather sharp rise in Canadian interest rates (10 -year goverment
yield at 4.5%). Most of the past few years that has been closer to 4.0% and
even lower. Last May it also went up to around 4.6% very breifly and we had a
noticeable decline in the markets at that time. Also there is talk of Bank of
Canada interest rate hikes and inflation worries are surfacing.


The factors above are negative for stocks. On the other hand corporate
buy-outs have continued to support stock prices.


If your equity exposure is very high, it may be prudent to move some funds
to cash. The decision to attempt to time markets is always very dependent on
individual circumstances and preferences. There is a risk of being in the
market and there is also a risk of being out of the market.





Walgreen Company
is updated and rated Buy
at $45.14. This stock seems to be reasonably priced,. If it can keep up its
historic growth levels then this will be quite a good investment. Even if growth
falls somewhat to the 11% range (from 15%)  it will be a reasonable
investment. I do not own this stock but I am very tempted to buy some. Canadian
investors do face the risk that the Canadian dollar will continue to rise.


June 4, 2007


is updated and rated Speculative
(lower) Buy at $50. The stock is well down from its historic highs. Even when we
add back restructuring, goodwill impairment and related charges identified by
management, our resulting adjusted earnings figure is low and results in a P/E
of 35. It’s unclear what the “normal” level of earnings would be in the absence
of current problems but in the presence of the recent more intense price
competition. We continue to hope that they can resolve their problems and
increase the earnings but it is not clear if this will happen. The price to book
is 2.5 but we suspect that the building assets would be worth far more than book
value…  In the end it is not clear when the problems with this company
will be resolved and therefore caution is certainly warranted.


Most of the subscribers to this Site are Canadians. Lately Canadians who
invest in U.S. stocks have been hurt by our higher dollar. The consensus seems
to be that our dollar will continue to rise. From that point of view Canadians
might not want to buy more U.S. stocks.  But then again, with our high
dollar U.S. stocks look cheaper… If there is a very attractive U.S. stock
which Canadians would like to own, it probably makes sense to buy and not worry
too much about the currency. Most Canadians will eventually spend some money in
the U.S. and that offsets some of the risk of a higher dollar. Despite all the
predictions of a higher Canadian dollar, there is always a chance that out
dollar will decline. If a person were certain that our dollar would rise then it
might make sense to buy the appropriate currency futures to capitalize on that.
I view currency futures as a specialized and risky area…


American investors who own Canadian shares (those that earn their revenues in
Canada – as opposed to Canadian based companies that earn most revenue in U.S.
dollars) have benefited from the higher Canadian dollar. 


FedEx is updated and rated (higher) Buy at
$111.18. This appears to be a relatively simple business. It has brand value and
continues to grow with global trade. This appears to be an opportunity to
purchase a great company at an ordinary (although not particularly low) P/E.


is updated and rated Buy at
$30.48. This is a huge and complex company. The investment thesis here is taht
while the share price has bumped along the share price is not much different
than it was five years ago. And it is well down from the breif euphoric peak of
around $60 of 1999. Yet the revenues per share have grown steadily over the
years and the earnings per share have grown. The P/E of 21.5 is higher than the
market average but is not grossly high and would normally be considered low for
a company with an ROE of 40%. Canadian investors face currency risk if our
dollar continues to rise.


June 3, 2007


Stantec is updated and rated Weak Buy at
$34.20. This has been an amazing stock – rising some 1268% from the $2.50 that
we rated it a Strong Buy at when we first looked at this stock in September
1999.  This growth was supported by earnings to a degree with earnings per
share rising some 400% over those years. The P/E ratio has also risen
substantially from 10 to a present 24, which actually accounts for most of the
stock price increase.


Over the years we initially called it a Strong Buy and then Buy or Weak Buy
and it was (lower) Buy at $25.25 for the start of 2007. It seems we have been
conservative by not rating it high enough most of the time…


This is clearly a Great Company. It would be easy to change our growth and
P/E assumptions enough to keep on rating it a Buy. But from a conservative value
analysis perspective it is hard to rate this a Buy at this time. Yes, the stock
price may keep rising if it keeps on growing at past rates. But I have to think
the P/E can’t get much higher.


I have very much liked its growth strategy of buying private companies at
lower P/E multiples and folding them into Stantec which trades at a higher P/E.
But now there is a danger they could over-pay. The reason is that with a P/E of
24, any purchase at a P/E lower than 24 is accretive to earnings per share. But
if they start paying high P/Es for acquisitions (and I don’t know if they are)
the danger is they would be over-paying. Just because Stantec trades at some
high P/E does not really mean that they get a good return by paying high P/Es in
acquisitions. They continue to buy back shares despite the high price. This may
indicate a lack of discretion in this area.


I am just wondering if the stock is now pricing in a rosy future of continued
very strong growth. In such a case we then leave little room for up-side and
lots of room for downside.


Also their U.S. based earnings are hurt by our higher dollar.


Overall, give the high ROE and the great history we can’t call it a Sell and
we rate it Weak Buy.


Regrettably, I sold my Stantec too early some years ago. I do have some in an
account I manage for a relative. Although we rate it Weak Buy, I may sell that
and transfer the money to something we rate higher. (This is a non-taxable
account and has a 75% gain on Stantec achieved in a relatively short period…In
a taxable account I would be less inclined to sell)



Our performance figures including the graph for 2007
are updated.


June 1, 2007


A strong end to the week with renewed interest in the bids for BCE driving up
the telco / cable sector.


I am in Fort McMurray right now, my first trip here ever. I have a little oil
sands tour tomorrow. It is amazingly warm here, over 30 Celsius, and probably
the same tomorrow. If you are ever here in Summer I highly recommend the jet
boat tour of the river. A one hour tour that includes some of the history of the
City and the role of the river. Incredibly we saw a couple of groups of young
people swimming in the river. (Don’t tell Al Gore, or David Susuki, they will
blame global warming…).


I noticed two Tim Hortons here both lined up out the parking lots, despite
the hot day… While the stock has slid down and certainly could slide back
further I do think it is a reasonable investment at this price. Likely to do
well in the long run…


We will have several updated reports within the next few days.


May 30, 2007


The S&P 500 finally closed at a new record high after 7 years. In some ways
that could be interpreted to mean no money was made in stocks in the last seven
years. The reality is that anyone who kept investing every year in the S&P 500
has made money. Those who started investing around 2002 or were making larger
investments in recent years have done well.


I’m not sure that this record S&P 500 close will generate much excitement…


I sold a bit more of my Western Financial today. I then entered an order to
buy around $5.10 and would not mind seeing it take a  dip to $5 or below.
But it certainly has momentum lately and maybe will not take such a dip.


As the Canadian dollar continues to soar any Canadian who invested in U.S.
stocks feels some pain. The natural reaction is to now favor Canadian stocks. In
reality we clearly have a good opportunity here to use our high dollar to
diversify into the U.S. and other countries. Sure maybe the dollar will keep
rising, but at some point if you don’t put some dollars outside the country then
you could miss the boat and see our dollar slide back. I am of the view that
over the longer term the movement of our dollar against the U.S. will not be
that large. For example if our dollar rises to say $1.14 in say 10 years , that
would only be 2% per year and if one could make 2% higher in some U.S. stocks
then that would be a wash. And I feel I have no ability to predict where our
dollar will go. I do have trouble believing our economy can withstand it getting
much higher. And it could certainly go lower.


Of course those Americans who bought Canadian stocks are smiling all the way
to the bank. This should create more interest for Americans to buy Canadian
stocks, which is a good thing.


May 29, 2007


Western Financial was up again today. I did have some correspondence with the
CEO today and he explained that the reason that he sold shares recently was
because an interest-free loan from the company that he had used to buy the
shares some years ago, had to be repaid. So that takes away what I thought was
quite a negativee factor. I have revised the report a bit for that. Perhaps I am
being too conservative but I an leaving the rating at Weak Buy / Hold at $5.42.
I may sell a few shares and try to buy back at a lower price. But I will
definitely continue to hold some shares.


My Tim Hortons Pick has not done so well
lately. There is probably no reason to expect it to recover until and unless Q2
comes out and is positive in late July. But long-term I definitely like this
stock. Today in the Financial Post there was a story they may have to close a
few stores in Southern New England. I was already aware that they have a few
poorly performing stores in Southern New England and this was mentioned in my
note under May 6 below. I believe those are stores from a chain that they took
over and re-branded so this situation may not have happened had they built their
own stores and chose the locations. In any event it does not seem like such a
big deal to me but does indicate expansion in the U.S. will take time. My view
is that this could be an opportunity to average in as the price declines.


May 28, 2007


Western Financial Group is
updated but rated only Speculative Weak Buy / Hold at $5.42. This stock is up
99% since we first added it to the Site as a Speculative Buy at $2.73  in
September 2004. Subsequently it fell to $1.96 where we rated it Speculative
Strong Buy at $1.96 and it is up 177% since then. It has grown a lot over those
few years, but the share count also went up a lot. In the past 3 months it has
jumped from $4.25 to $5.42 on the strength of a very good Q1 and strong
prospects. It would be easy to get over-excited and keep buying. But the stock
has tended to be volatile. On a number of occasions they have issued equity
below the market price. They just announced a pending acquisition and my fear
would be that they would issue shares to pay for it and might have to issue at
$5 or so (that is pure speculation on my part). On the one-hand it is a growing
company and will likely be a good investment if held for the next five years. On
the other hand I am nervous about this higher price and believe it could easily
come back under $5.00 I trimmed my position at $5.38 and do not regret that. I
may possibly trim more but will definitely hold some. I like the company a lot,
but the share price seems somewhat high.


May 27, 2007


An edition of the free newsletter was sent late Saturday night. If you did
not receive the email, here is a copy of what was sent access it here



Fellow investors, please click the link below to access the latest edition
of our investment newsletter.


This issue I take a look at the mathematics of how to eventually grow a
portfolio into the $3 million range or even the $10 million range.


I review why Warren Buffett, by age 20,  did not merely THINK or HOPE he
would become rich, he KNEW he would. – Because he had a PLAN and so can you.


I discuss the pontential for a Registered Retirement Savings Plan to grow
to $100,000 and a bold idea to find another way to pay for college allowing
the RESP to become the seed money for an investment fortune for your child. 


I also discuss some of the expected winners and losers that will emerge due
to the recent surge in the Canadian dollar.



EBay is updated but remains only a
Speculative Weak Buy / Hold at $33.01. Given its stature it is worth monitoring.


May 24, 2007


With Western Financial up 10 cents this morning I decided to take some
profits and sold 3000 shares at $5.38 to hold 6500. Also I decided to take some
other profits as well. BCE was back above $39 and I sold my BCE shares which I
had bout very recently at $36.03.  I also decided to sell my Telus shares
since they were at about a record high. If the BCE bidding cools a bit both of
these would fall and I may get a chance to buy back in. 


Longer term interest rates in the U.S. rose today on the news that the prices
on new houses fell 11%. My sense is that we are quite likely to see some sort of
decline in markets.


May 23, 2007


The S&P 500 failed to close at a new high despite flirting with this for the
third straight day. This was blamed on Alan Greenspan’s comments about China’s
stock market being over-priced and ready to burst down. I read something about
stocks in the same company that trade higher in China than they do in Hong Kong.
If true, that is scary. I’m beginning to feel that the market is due for some
kind of correction. Long-term interest rates are creeping up and yet the market
has not reacted. Still, I am reluctant to sell much right now given the recent
upward trend and the buy-outs. Strong cash flow companies will likely fare well
in any correction.


With Canada’s higher dollar, any company that has a majority of earnings
outside of Canada could be hit with lower earnings and a lower stock price in
terms of our dollar. It would not change the true trend of earnings growth for
such companies but would lower their earnings. An example is Manulife. I have
been amazed that Manu life managed to grow earning very strongly these past few
years as our dollar soared. Partly it may be offsetting liabilities in the
foreign currencies, but I think the dollar will hurt Manulife. Canadian
Manufacturer’s would also be hard hit. A company like Dalsa would be hit
somewhat. Others that are affected include Kingsway, Cognos, Thomson and FirstService. These company’s should be judged by their performance and share price
in U.S. dolalr terms but even if they stand still in the U.S. they decline in
Canadian dollars.


But I don’t regret having some exposure to U.S. equities or Canadian
companies that have exposure to the U.S. dollar. Our may very well trend higher,
but I would not try to get too cute and for example get out of U.S. stocks on
the hope of buying in later with a stronger Canadian dollar.


A good day for Western Financial Group on the news mentioned in yesterday’s
posting here. It opened at $4.95 (only up about 2 cents) but got as high as
$5.48 and closed at $5.28 on over double the normal volume. This was a rare case
where the market was slow to react to the news in the morning. I grabbed 1500 at
$4.96 (Almost bought more but chickened out). This is a great growth story.
However as I look at the value ratios it is hard to justify this price. I have
some concerns about the way the share count has grown due to dilutive
securities. More shares appear in the diluted share count as convertible debt
came into the money. Also there were preferred shares issued last year and
apparently these are convertible into a lot of shares. I like the story here,
but not so much the price. I may reduce my position particularly if it goes
higher tomorrow. I will update the report on this company within a few days.


May 22, 2007


The S&P 500 failed to close at a new high after flirting with it two days
this week. Hopefully it makes the push across that line tomorrow (Wednesday) or
else the technical guys will probably conclude the old record is a resistance
level and failure to cross it would be negative from that perspective.


I added to my positions in both Northbridge and ING Financial today.


My next update will likely be
Western Financial Group and then WalGreen. I was reading the Western annual
report tonight and was impressed with the Growth and the optimism. I have said
before that CEO Scott Tannis is building a growing business there and it might
be a good idea to tag along. Coincidently, they just announced they bough a
small Bank to merge with their Bank. I don’t think they released the price paid.
The Bank acquisition is $125 million in loan assets, which is very tiny by Bank
standards but big enough for Western and it gives their little Bank needed
scale. Hopefully they can finance without issuing more shares. It may not be
more than a $25 million or so acquisition, we shall see.


Maybe it’s a good think their Chairman, Jim Dinning did not win the
conservative leadership and become Premier. I have a lot of respect for Dinning
and if he can focus more attention on Western Financial that is great. If
Western does not jump tomorrow it might be worth picking up some shares. But I
would not buy too much at once, their shares tend to be volatile and so their
may be better opportunities to Buy later on, so on this Stock I would average


May 21, 2007


Northbridge Financial
is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $34.07. This is a property and liability insurance company
operating 90% in the commercial (non-residential) market and about 87% in Canada
with the remainder in the U.S. The stock is up 12% since we called it a
Speculative (higher) Buy on February 24 at $30.49. Longer term it is up 70%
since we rated it a (higher) Strong Buy in February 2003 at $20.20. However, in
the last 20 months it is has been frustrating as it reached $35 several times
only to fall back to the $30 range. The set-backs were mostly related to
hurricane losses that happened in 2005 but for which the loss estimate was
increased several times. They have since exited that volatile business. Still,
unpleasant surprises are to be expected with insurance stocks. Overall this is
not a growth story but is a value story. It appears to be a company that making
attractive profits over the long term and which is available at about 1.26 times
book value. With some exceptions, buying insurance companies at this lowish
multiple to book value usually turns out to be a good investment.


At the last update we called Northbridge Speculative – that is because it is
unpredictable. But as a solid usually profitable company it is not particularly
speculative and so we have dropped the Speculative word from the rating this
time. Recently the price jumped a couple dollars to $35 and then fell back to
$34.07. These are reasonable entry prices, but possibly it will fall back to the
$33 level…  The Q2 earnings will likely boosted by a large gain of about
$1.75 per share on the sale of its shares in HUB International.  while that
is a one-time event and is already known, it may still provide the support to
push Northbridge up somewhat. There is also a possibility that its controlling
parent Fairfax could either sell it or take it back private.


Northbridge appears to offer better value than ING Canada at this time.
However, with insurance stocks it seems preferable to spread an investment over
several rather than making too large a bet on any one company. I may increase my
position in this stock.


May 20, 2007


If the U.S. market rises this week, that should push the S&P 500 index to a
new record, finally regaining its high close from March 2000. Making a new high
after 7 years is nothing to write home about, but still it could generate some
excitement in the markets.


May 19, 2007


ING Canada is updated and rated Buy at
$48.11. It recently released earnings. Although earnings were down from the very
high level of Q1 last year, they were still very good. Most of the value ratios
look very good, but the Price to Book value at 1.9 may be somewhat high for a
financial company. Earnings will continue to be volatile and unpredictable which
is the nature of property insurance companies. Earnings may continue to trend
down from recent very high levels. But this is a very well run company and it is
lower risk than the other property insurance stocks that we feature because it
focuses on lower risk mostly residential business. I intend to add to my
position in this company.


May 18, 2007


Our Performance figures for this year have
now been updated.


If you need to change credit cards in PayPal see the link near the very top
of this page to a short article
that covers some tips on how to do that. If the credit card is changed
PayPal requires you to go in and find the subscription to investorsfriend and
then update the funding source for this subscription. Otherwise when the old
credit card is expired or is deleted from payPal they automatically cancel the
subscription to investorsfriend.


May 17, 2007


The market continues to show good strength. It was good to see the Telecom
and cable stocks rise today on news of renewed interest in BCE. Hopefully that


Currency Moves


The Canadian dollar has risen back past the highs of last May and so is at a
high not see in I believe 20 years. As it continues higher this hurts our
investments in U.S. dollars. And it could very well go higher given the trend
and given that the consensus is that Canada is more likely to raise interest
rates then is the U.S. and given that higher oil and commodity prices tend to
push our dollar higher.


But when it comes to investing in the U’S’ I am not going to be too bothered
by the risk that our dollar could move higher. There are several reasons for


1. Like most Canadians I will likely have a need for U.S. dollars at some
point for short visits to the U.S. and in later life longer visits or even
winter residence in the U.S. Therefore having some U.S. investments is a hedge
against our dollar moving lower. If I had substantial non-registered assets I
would definitely consider having a U.S. dolalr account for U.S. invesments and I
would monitor  the value of those assets in U.S. dollars and not worry
about the value in Canadian dollars, since these would be dollars destined for
U.S. spending.


2. It’s always possible our dollar will fall. If it falls then it will turn
out that buying U.S. stocks now iwas a good move.


3. In the long term of over ten years, the currency movement will not likely
be all that large. I would hope to double or triple my money based on U.S.
returns over a ten year period. If the investment is up say 150% in ten years,
then even a 20% movent in the currency over that period is not a big deal.


I believe that his high dollar will be very bad for exporters and for the
tourist industry. The tourist industry will also be hit by moves to require
passports for Americans that visit Canada via air travel. Ground travelers from
the U.S . don’t need passports (yet) but may stay home thinking they do need
passports. My suspicion is that a huge percentage of Americans don’t have
passports and will not get one. Ontario could be hurt badly.




Recent figures show that inflation in Alberta has really taken off. As a
resident of Alberta I was surprised that inflation seemed pretty tame at about
3.5% annually through most of 2006. By March 2007 the year-over-year rate was
5.5%. Recently apartment rents in Alberta have truly sky-rocketed and with that
and labor shortages, I would not be surprised if inflation in Alberta zooms to
the 10% range. That would be very significant and could lead to lots of labor
trouble. Government unions are going to want raises tied to inflation but the
government will not want to give them.


It’s gets interesting because Alberta almost needs the brakes to be applied
such as through higher interest rates. But the rest of Canada has inflation
close to 2% and could use lower interest rates to stem the rise in our dollar
which as noted above hurts both exporters and tourism.


As we update various companies we will be thinking about how our higher
dollar may be affecting them.


May 16, 2007


is updated and rated Buy at $58.01.
(it’s $56.92 as I post this). It’s got attractive profitability and past growth
and should be a good long term investment. In the short-term recession could
temporarily slow it down but as a discount chain it should not suffer too badly
in a mild recession.


May 15, 2007


Buy ’em when they’re down? A reasonable strategy is to buy good
companies when they dip in price. If they truly are good companies then they
will bounce back. However, when a company slides down on bad news it is usually
difficult to have the courage to buy.


In the past seven months CNR got to $55 and then had dips back to around $50.
Early this year it was affected by strike action and by poor weather. Given that
the stock is now at $58.78, it looks like buying on those dips would have been a
good idea.


A number of our Picks have dipped from their recent highs and are worthy of
consideration for a Buy on dips strategy.


TSX Group – down on concern of a possible future competitor


Telus and Shaw are down from the recent highs that they reached in the
excitement over the BCE bid and the run-up in BCE. They could regain those highs
if related merger and acquisition activity heats p again or may do so by Fall
based on earnings results.


NYSE/ Euronext symbol NYX – Not a stock we have analysed but I have commented
on it before and do own it. The stock has lately been volale and is currently
down at an eight month low. The P/E is shown at about 52 by Yahoo so that seems
very expensive.  But the NYSE is still transitioning from its former
essentially non-profit days and its profit has been rising sharply. Given the
brand name I felt it likely has some competitive advantage and pricing power.
It’s hard to get a feel for such big numbers, but it’s $12 billion market cap
seems reasonable compared to the TSX at $3 billion. I consider it speculative
given that I have not analysed but simply note that this mght be a reasonable
entry point on the expectation the price will recover…


Couch-Tard – Down due to lower profits on gasoline sales but management
expects that to be temporary and the company continues to grow. Should be a good
long-term investment.


Tim Hortons – Down from recent highs, could rise in 3 months if the Q2 report
is good. I think we can have good confidence that even if volatile it will very
likly be higher in 2 years.


ING Canada – Down due to a more competitive environment for property
insurance. It remains the only pure exposure to strictly Canadian standard home
and auto insurance. A blue-chip type stock. A good candidate to buy now on the
assumption it can recover.


Canadian Western Bank – recent dip should be an opportunity to buy…


Kingsway – another possible candidate but I do consider it more speculative
due to recent and ongoing issues regarding its insurance profits and retroactive
changes to estimates made in prior years.


Tomorrow I will review my holdings and will likely add to my position on one
or more of the above.


May 14, 2007


Over the weekend I sent out the latest edition of our
free newsletter, which you should have


late last week I sold my shares in Pason, a company we used to cover but no
longer do. I did not analyze the results so I sold without a lot of basis to do
so. I generally think very highly of Pason. They seemed to be signaling a poor
quarter or two coming up so I decided to sell and try to buy back later at a
lower price.


May 11, 2007


It seems like there is no stopping this market. The DOW roared back from its
little setback of yesterday. I am somewhat worried about the soft retail sales
figures in April. Today, the market seemed willing to shrug that off. If retail
sales are poor in May then that would likely put a damper on the market. But in
that case interest rates would stay and low and so it seems unlikely that we
would see any huge market correction. I am hoping that the S&P 500, next week,
can finally and at last pass its old record from year 2000.


May 10, 2007


Western Financial Group came out with very strong earnings today. Given the
recent increase in this stock, this kind of growth was probably largely priced
in. The stock did not move today on the news. But I think it is possible that
these earnings will push WES up somewhat in the next few days. I have not yet
updated our report. I suspect it will not look like a real bargain, but if it
can keep growing at anything close to the recent pace this will be a good
investment. If it happens to fall in price I will be looking to add to my


May 9, 2007


EGI Financial
came out with quite good earnings
today but the stock did not react. It’s thinly traded and so may be slow to
react or perhaps this good news was already “priced in”. I would consider adding
to positions at this price (about $12.30)


Shaw has come down in price partly I think because the excitement about BCE
that had pulled it up has die down. It’s always hard to buy on dips but I would
consider adding to positions as it drops. I think it will do well, unless
competition with Telus erupts into a pricing war. It would be nice to see
Buffett buy into this as well (fit’s the bill as a family controlled
cash-positive business with to some extent monopoly like characteristics – but
as always Buffett might not like the price and never gets into bidding wars).
Foreign ownership rules would prevent Buffett taking full control but he
sometimes gets around such rules by leaving the votes with the family. Anyhow,
it’s probably not for sale. The Shaw’s are having a great time owning it and
collecting lots of dividends so why sell?


May 8, 2007


Thomson fell 3% today on the confirmation that it will bid to buy Reuters. I
am not in a position to judge if they are paying too much. The fact that they
are buying at a time when many companies are buying could suggest the price
might be high. I do like the economics of selling electronic information. As I
understand it this move would leave just two major players in the financial
information field, Thomson-Reuters and Bloomberg. Bloomberg apparently has no
history of competing on price. So it should be possible for both Thomson and
Bloomberg to make high returns in this business. The acquisition at around $17.7
billion U.S. is large for Thomson which has an equity value around around $26
billion U.S. and another $4 billion in debt. This will increase the size of
Thomson by over 50%.


It seems to me that Thomson made a very smart move to get out of newspapers
some years ago and focus on providing subscription based information to
businesses and to do so increasingly in electronic formats. Those smart changes
were made under the watch of current CEO Richard Harrington. (He will retire and
the Reuters CEO will take control if this friendly take-over proceeds).


A situation like this certainly makes the Thomson stock more risky. It will
take some years before we would know if the take-over was a wise move. Still,
with the stock down I am certainly inclined to hold my position and if did not
own any I would consider buying.


The Thomson stock price in Canadian dollars has also been hurt by our higher
dollar. Since it earns most of its revenue in the U.S. it is really in substance
a U.S. company and the stock performance should be judged in U.S. dollars.


I had pondered whether Warren Buffett might have been interested in buying
Thomson – assuming the family would sell. It might be the type of company that
he likes – though he might not like the price. Buffett often buys
family-controlled businesses, but only with the cooperation of the family and
never in an auction situation.


Another one I would like to see Buffett buy in whole is CN but that is
probably quite unlikely. It would be nice though if it turns out this is one of
the rail roads he has been accumulating shares in.


May 7, 2007


It is encouraging to see the DOW and S&P 500 continuing to go up. In addition
private equity deals and mergers and acquisition activity continue at a fever
pace. Therefore market sentiment seems strong.


May 6, 2007


Kingsway is updated and rated Speculative
(lower) Buy at $CAN $20.48 and U.S. $18.50. Q1 was disappointing because of yet
another retroactive reserve development related mostly to 2004 and 2005 and
related mostly to U.S. trucking insurance. This is an actuarial increase. Partly
it may reflect a more conservative estimation approach. Kingsway’s earnings are
volatile by nature. It seems clear that “the market” is not pleased with the
unpredictability. It would be easy to rate Kingsway no higher than a hold. But
it does look attractive on a price to book value basis. Sometimes good
opportunities arise by buying on bad news. The recent problems relate to
retroactive claim estimate increases for past years. The company indicates that
current profits would be quite attractive if not for the retroactive issue. If
there is no further retroactive problems then the reported profits would
increase to attractive levels.


Tim Hortons is updated and rated Buy at
CAN $34.99 or U.S. $31.53. It is not a cheap stock and in rating it Buy (as
opposed to Hold or (lower) Buy) we are giving weight to the quality of the
company. It probably has the highest consumer loyalty and brand value of any
large Canadian company.


Q1 was not as good as I had hoped but it was still a good quarter with 14%
revenue growth. The company has room to expand in Canada particularly in the
West. The U.S. expansion will likely proceed slowly and will take heavy
advertising to build awareness. In particular the company has had trouble with
about 60 locations mostly in Connecticut and Rhode Island. The Company is
running these units directly and having difficulty getting franchisees due to
lower sales.


Just over half of the trading takes place in New York, which may indicate
that U.S. residents still own perhaps half the she shares. U.S. residents have
enjoyed stronger returns recently due to our higher dollar. Possibly, this
explains some of the price weakness recently as U.S. residents may be taking
profit as our dollar rises.


I see this as a good long term bet, not a company that is likely to shoot up
in value but also one where there is little chance of losing money over a period
of years and certainly some chance for returns in the low double digits. My
strategy is to hold the stock and to add to add to my position on dips.


May 5, 2007


The TSX Group is updated and rated Speculative Buy at $43.74. This stock fell
significantly on Thursday after the big Banks announced they plan to develop a
competitive trading exchange. This is viewed very negatively, given that TSX has
enjoyed essentially an unregulated monopoly position to date. The stock is
speculative now because it is not at clear what the impact of competition will
be. The Banks may take only a niche slice or they may take a big slice. This
will not start for about 1 year. Meanwhile the TSX still is very profitable and
has a number of plans for expansion. It may be unlikely but a take-over offer is
also perhaps possible. The stock did recover somewhat on Friday.


TSX had a weaker Q1 for earnings, but that was mostly due to growth-oriented
spending initiatives, the revenue growth remained strong.


It is always hard to wade in and Buy when a stock is down like this. I feel
comfortable holding a modest (4%) exposure to it but given the uncertainty I
have no plans to add to my position.


On Friday, I added a small amount to my Tim Hortons position.


Sobeys is removed from the list above given that it is being taken private.
We had under-rated that stock based on its weak earnings. We had noted that it traded
(previously) at only about 1.3 times book value and that it was likely trading
at less than market value of the assets. This is an example of the concept that
“value will out”. When a company trades at less than market value of assets
(because earnings are low), it can often be a good opportunity because there is
safety in the market value of assets and because sooner or later that value
tends to be released.


I suspect Loblaw is far to large for Weston to ever take it private, but
still the valuation of Sobeys may be an indication that eventually a way will be
found to realize more value from Loblaw.


May 4, 2007


Performance figures (see links above) are updated. Our Picks took some hits
this past couple of weeks (most notably TSX Group and Kingsway Financial).
Nevertheless, our performance in the year to date is still good.


May 3, 2007


There is a LOT happening out there


TSX Group fell 12% to $41.77 after the big banks jointly announced some kind
of competitor system. I have said before that TSX Group was obscenely profitable
and was effectively an unregulated monopoly. Given the high profits of the TSX
it is not all that surprising that a competitor would try to come in. The TSX’s
former president Barbara Stymiest had moved to RBC last year and I suspect this
may have been her idea. Normally, it would be very difficult to mount a
competing exchange and gain traction with customers. In this case the big banks
probably represent a large percentage of the TSX customer base and therefore may
be able to mount an effective competitor. It is not clear if the new competitor
intends to go after most of the TSX’s business or just a smaller portion. It’s
very hard to say if the TSX Group’s share price will now go lower… We intend
to update our TSX Group report by Sunday.


Tim Horton’s reported earnings per share that were lower than last year. But
that was mostly due to a very low tax rate last year. The stock will likely fall
tomorrow. The U.S. same-store was only 4.0% which will be viewed negatively.
It’s my view that U.S. sales traction will take a few years and a lot of
advertisement investment, but they will ultimately do well in the U.S. Dunkin
Donuts outlets appear to look like poor cousins compared to Tim Hortons, and
Starbucks is a different market. Canadian same-store sales growth was 6.3%, down
from a stellar 8.7% last year. But it seems to me that 6.3% is very good, we
can’t expect these little locations that are already lined up to continually
increase volume, it looks like they are producing a maximum volume already in
many locations. The real growth in my view is from added locations and they
expanded the store count by about 6.5% in 2006. In Q1 revenues grew by almost
14% which is very strong growth. It seems clear also that the company could
raise its prices and add to profits in that way if it wanted (although the bulk
of any price increase would go to franchisees). We intend to update our THI
report by Sunday.


Kingsway was down 13% for the reasons mentioned in yesterdays post here. This
has been a very disappointing company. But at this point it is down around book
value and for that reason alone it should turn out to be a good investment over
the next couple of years. At this point though I am glad I had reduced my
position earlier this year. It’s not a stock I want to get over-exposed to.


Northbridge Financial reported after the close. While its profits were down,
I believe they were still excellent profits. They made 6.5% profit on insurance
(before investment earnings) and note that Warren Buffett considers it
acceptable to break even on the insurance and let the investment side make the
money, so making 6.5% on insurance is outstanding. This stock is not well
followed. If the stock is about flat tomorrow then I believe this would be an
opportunity to Buy.


Our picks have taken some hits in the last week or so. But I am encouraged by
the continued rise in U.S. markets. It is the nature of stock markets that they
go down at times. But over the years being in the markets gives you a share of
the profits of large corporations and it usually brings a very good return over
the long term.


May 2, 2007


Q1 earnings releases are now coming in.


Kingsway reported poor results after the close today. The market will not be
pleased that is is once again reporting retroactive losses. The company contends
that it is currently quite profitable except for large retroactive adjustments
to insurance loss estimates of prior years. The stock will likely drop quite
materially tomorrow (Thursday).
If what the company says is true then
ultimately this will still prove to be a good investment. Admittedly it is
getting very hard to believe this company. They have not been on their game.


I added a small amount to my Western Financial yesterday at $4.71. I placed
an order to buy more Tim Hortons if it falls to $34.75 (corrected I had said
here $34.5)


The Dow has continued its march upwards… This bodes well blue-chip type


With the Canadian dollar rising, now may be a good time to buy U.S. stocks
(on the assumption that our dollar is unlikely to rise much more and could


April 30, 2007


CN is updated and rated (higher) Buy
at Canadian $55.61 or U.S. $50.24. The stock has done well despite a Q1 that was
weak due to weather and labor problems that were likely temporary. The Canadian
price is also hurt by the higher Canadian dollar.


Our Picks have suffered some declines in the past few trading days. Partly
this reflects the big run-up in cable and telco stocks which has now cooled
somewhat. BCE has cooled as the market realizes the sale/auction will likely
take some six months. This has affected telcos and cable companies.


Tim Hortons will report earnings on Thursday. Apparently the market is
expecting 32 cents earnings per share versus 39 cents last year. This may
reflect some one-time items. I think the strength of Tim Hortons is obvious and
that earnings will almost certainly continue to increase. If Q1 shows an
earnings decline and the stock backs off below CAN $35 or U.S. $31.50, this
would be a buying opportunity. I have great confidence in this company for the
long term.


April 26, 2007


The late-in-the-day announcement that Sobey’s controlling parent would buyout
the trading shares at a 50% premium was big surprise. It reinforces the notion
that these acquisition type deals may keep pushing the market higher. It also
reinforces the value of cash flow producing companies. It may fuel speculation
that Loblaws will also have to do something to increase its share price. The
share price jumped about 51% to just a few cents below the offer price.
Therefore, I see no opportunity to get in on this at this point. If I held it I
would tend to sell at prices above $57 rather than wait for the full $58 offer
price – which could take some time.


ING Canada
has slipped all the way to $48.
Possibly “the market” knows that Q1 was not a good quarter. But I have no reason
to suspect that. The nature of property insurance is that earnings can swing
quite wildly due to the impact of storms and even retroactive adjustments to
prior years. Overall, I have long considered ING to be probably the highest
quality property insurance company in Canada that trades on the market but it
has been expensive. It is still not cheap, but I suspect at $48 this will turn
out to be a good investment. I may add to my position. I checked insider trading
and there was none in 2007 other than when the company bought back shares in a
dutch auction at $54. The parent company did sell some shares into that auction.


Dalsa reported earnings after the close.
Earnings and sales were disappointing but the backlog was up and the outlook
seemed improved. My sense is that the company is more valuable than its earnings
would suggest. I believe that soon some film makers will start using their
digital cinematography camera. They are very confident that they have the best
product and it seems a safe bet to assume that digital will eventually replace
film in motion pictures. I consider the stock somewhat speculative due to low
earnings. But it also has little debt and is cash flow positive and it trades at
only about 1.25 times book value all of which should provide some down-side
protection. If the shares fall on Friday then I believe that this will be a
buying opportunity.


It was mentioned in today’s Financial Post that BCE bonds have dropped as
much as 16% in price due to credit worries associated with the possible buy-out
of BCE. However bond holders are working to try to protect their interests. A
reasonable trade now would be to buy the particular long-term BCE bonds that are
yielding the most. This would be based on speculation that when the dust settles
the BCE bonds will still have a strong credit rating (that is unknown at this
point). I have little experience in buying bonds. Be careful because the trading
commission is hidden in the bid/ask spread from your broker. Ask your broker for
the bid/ask in terms of percentage and try to negotiate. Be aware that buying
long-term bonds is also effectively a bet that interest will not rise. I would
not bother with this trade unless willing to invest at least $10,000. Having
little cash right now, I will not try this trade.


My old “friend” Clemex inc. is
showing signs of life at last. It reached 31 cents today on volume that is much
higher than normal for Clemex but which is still just small dollars of volume.
This recent price has been as low as about 20 cents. I know of no news to
account for this. I am not inclined to Buy but hold onto my very long-standing
and money-losing position. Those interested in speculating on such penny stocks
might consider a small bet on it, but I have no great faith that anything much
will happen. It would be nice to see a buy-out but I would really only like to
see that at 50 cents or hopefully higher. They seem to have great technology but
questionable marketing over the (way too many) years that I have followed it.


April 25, 2007


It was nice to see the DOW go through 13,000 so decisively, closing at 13,090
for its first ever close above 13,000. It’s just a number but I think it does
indicate that the buying enthusiasm in the market. The S&P 500 should soon close
above 1500 for the first time since I believe 2000. It does not have too far to
go to surpass its all-time high. In many ways that is nothing to brag about, we
expect markets to go up and so it’s a about time it did pass that old high. But
the old year 2000 high was at the top of a bubble. This time around the index
deserves to be this about high and so is much more sustainable than it was in


Many people thought that the rally that began all the way back in late 2002
was a sucker rally and that based on chart patterns from 1929 and from Japan
they thought the DOW would fall back below it’s year 2002 lows. Many of those
bears are still waiting, having missed out on tremendous gains since late 2002.


I entered an order for some shares of
Western Financial at $4.71, the low today was $4.76, on relatively light
volume. I like the company and would not mind seeing it fall temporarily so I
can buy more.


April 24, 2007


In the next week or two, Q1 earnings results should be a driver for many
individual stocks…


As some of the excitement over BCE has warn off, Telus and Shaw have also
dropped… The Pension plans still have to bid enough to entice the BCE
shareholders to sell and that could be an amount of $40 or $42 or more. If the
bid comes in that high then Telus and Shaw should climb back up. Either way both
Telus and Shaw seem set to continue to rake in higher cash flows.


While some of my stocks lost ground the past few days, it was good to see
that the DOW kept rising. I consider the DOW more of an indication of the trend
given that the TSX is so volatile with energy.


I hold some NYSE Euronext Inc. I have not analyzed the stock  and I
believe it has a very high trailing P/E ratio. But I hold it in hopes that it
can ultimately earn high profits like the TSX has and other exchanges have. But
unlike the TSX, the NYSE faces active competition. lately it has been volatile.
Right now it has swooned down to levels where it worth considering as a
Speculative Pick.


Western Financial Group has also backed off. I am not that keen to add to my
position unless it backs off further. Canadian Western Bank has come back to $24
and I think that is a good entry point. I suspect it is still growing its
earnings given the hot Alberta economy.


April 23, 2007


Before the markets opened today there was an expectation that something of a
bidding war for BCE might erupt. Instead the indication was the opposite.
Several pension plans lined up to get in on the bid that involved the Canadian
Pension Plan investment Board. So rather than mounting an alternative bid these
firms just wanted in on the CPP bid. Meanwhile Ontario Teachers Pension Plan
indicate it would not over-pay for BCE. I suppose we would never expect any
bidder to suggest they would over-pay. But it seems like things are cooling down
a bit. I mentioned I had bought some BCE on April 16 (at $36.03). I sold half of
that today at $39.83. I was hoping this whole BCE situation would continue to
lift Telus and Shaw along with BCE. This will depend on how the bidding action
for BCE goes.


I had not analyzed BCE, I bought it purely as an opportunistic move based on
rumors of a take-over bid of around $40. Some have suggested as high as $45, but
that may be a stretch.


I decided to a bit clean-up on my portfolio today. I have long been carrying
about a dozen or more small to very small positions. These are mostly stocks
that I have owned for years and which I have never done an analysis or I stopped
analyzing them for some reason quite some time ago. I kept some of these just
for diversification. Also it can be painful to sell a stock that is really down
only to see it rise later. But for the most parts these tiny holdings were just
a distraction. The positions are too small to really affect my portfolio (unless
they jump 500% or something). Another reason I kept these was it would have cost
me $29 per trade to sell but for the last six months my trading costs have been
reduced to $9.99 per trade.  Anyhow I cleaned out four of these minor
positions today. It feels good to be rid of the distraction. And I would rather
redeploy the money to stocks that are on our current buy list.


CN reported earnings after the close. As expected they were not great. But at
a quick look, they did not seem that bad given the strike and bad weather. If CN
happens to fall on this news then I think that would be a buying opportunity.


ING Canada has fallen noticeably. Meanwhile
our other property insurance stocks seem to be mostly rising. Therefore it might
be opportune to buy some ING at this price.


Couche-Tard has fallen to about $23.
In part this may simply reflect the higher Canadian dollar. Most of their
revenue is from the U.S. so its value falls as our dollar rises. This is
unfortunate but a fall in price for that reason would not indicate anything
negative about the company itself. Possibly though the drop also reflects that
the market may be aware that fuel margins remain low (I am personally not aware
of where fuel margins are). The bottom linme for me is that I still like the


With our dollar at a relative high point compared to where it has been, now
may be a good time to buy some U.S. stocks. I don’t claim to predict currency
moves, but I figure right now our dollar could either rise or fall, but if I
were looking to buy U.S. stocks I would not wait for our dollar to rise further.


April 22, 2007


I have not updated the Performance figures this week, but as summary, the
model portfolio is up 9.1%, the Strong Buys are up an average of 16.1% and the
24 Buys or Strong Buys are up an average of 9.9%. My own Portfolio is up 8.0%.
The TSX is up 5.9% and the DOW is up 4.0%. Heading into 2007, after four strong
years, I was not expecting the markets to do this well.


With markets doing this well, our brains tend to assume the trend will
continue. In fact we should be watching out for the opposite. High gains in the
last 4 and one half years could mean we have squeezed all the good out of the
markets and it will be time for a rest or a retraction. I am trying to keep that
in mind and watch out for signs of a decline.


But overall, my inclination is to hold my equity allocation close to 100%
given that private equity and acquisition bids seem to be pushing the market
higher. Today’s market may be somewhat overvalued on a P/E basis but it is
certainly not wildly over-valued given today’s low interest rates. But markets
could fall if interest rates rise or if earnings or expected earnings drop. I
reserve the right to change my mind and start lightening up on equities if the
market starts to drop.


I have updated the breakout of my own portfolio.
My cash position is about 0%. In response to the February market correction I
had taken my cash to about 30%, the highest ever for me. As I re-deployed the
cash I took the opportunity to rebalance my portfolio. For example, I took my
weighting in insurance stocks down quite a bit.


While you may find it of interest to know what I actually hold, I also do
this exercise for my own use. I hold my shares in two RSP accounts and one RESP
account plus a small unregistered account. I find it useful to have a
spreadsheet where I put it all together. I currently own 24 stock (plus a
another dozen or more very tiny positions – which are becoming insignificant and
which I may soon weed out entirely). Right now a lot of these 24 are at about 4%
of my portfolio. Tim Hortons is my largest position at 13.3% and I feel quite
comfortable with that. You may notice Tim Hortons is only rated (lower) Buy. It
has a high P/E and maybe I am being aggressive in holding it as my largest
position. It also has a very high ROE and basically I have decided it is worth
paying the high price for the quality.


April 20, 2007


Well this week certainly ended on a high note, with the DOW leaping 153
points or 1.2% to a new all-time high. It seems entirely possible that the S&P
500 index will soon surpass its old all-time high from way back in 2000. The
last time the S&P 500 was this high, its P/E was around 28. Now it is at a much
more sustainable 18.


I have just added a new Article that looks at the historic results from using
a 100% equity
strategy during a 30-year savings period, as compared to a fully Balanced
approach. For many years I have been reading advice about asset allocation.
Much of the advice never made sense to me – for example we are told that
equities are expected to have the highest return but that despite this we should
still invest some of our money in bonds. I could see the logic of this for some
retirees but was not convinced it was right for most savers or even for all


In earlier articles I have plotted the results of investing a one-time lump
of money and the results strongly favored equities. However, plotting a more
realistic savings strategy with investments in each year is more complex and it
seemed possible that dollar-cost-averaging would pull the results in favor of a
balanced approach. Now for the first time I have plotted the data myself to see
the results for myself. The results are very enlightening. Take a look,
questions are welcome. I have made this report available exclusively for you
paid subscribers.


April 18, 2007


I recently posted a few new testimonials. I
really appreciate receiving those. It really makes my day to hear about
subscribers doing well.


BCE, Telus and Shaw all cooled somewhat today. But if the reported bidding
war erupts for BCE then we could see more up-side soon. However, given the
run-up there is certainly the risk that they come down. I am content to hold.
Meanwhile Tim Hortons, and CN were up nicely today. Even though Tim Hortons is
up a couple dollars very recently, I like its chances to go higher when it
releases Q1 earnings. It could easily soon surpass the temporary high it made
last April in its first day of trading $37.74. That was a pretty meaningless
high that was made in the excitement of the first few minutes of trading when
buyers got over-excited. But it may be news when it eventually passed that old


All the Tim Hortons that I visit are extremely busy.


Has anyone visited a Tim Hortons in the U.S. in the past few months? I
suspect it will take a few years at least before it really starts to catch on
even in the Northern States. 


April 17, 2007


I had the following question from a Member of this Site:



I note that in take-over deals often the stock of the company being taken over
goes up and the stock of the company doing the taking over goes down.  Why is


On a take-over deal the target usually goes up simply because the price being
offered is higher than the recent trading price. If the offer is a cash purchase
the stock price often rises to close to the offer price. Sometimes it can stay
below if the market thinks the deal could fall through and/or take a long time.
Sometimes the target companies trading price rises above the offer. This usually
means that the market expects a higher offer to materialize. If the offer is for
shares of the buying company then the price of the target will jump around as
the stock price of the buyer moves.


The stock of the buying company can go up if the market thinks the purchase
of the target is a good idea and especially where their are synergies or where
competition will be reduced. But often the buyer is paying a hefty price for the
target and may be taking on debt to pay for it. In these cases the market price
of the buyer can fall. Basically it signals that the holders of the buying
companies shares are not in favor of the deal.



Another nice day for telecommunications shares. At this point I am just
enjoying the ride. I am thinking about taking profit on Telus but so far I am
just holding.


April 16, 2007


As markets reach new highs in spite of predicted lower earnings growth and a
possible U.S. recession we should be growing cautious. But take-over offers are
driving the market higher and it is hard not to be optimistic.


In a fit of exuberance today, I bought some BCE given that there is much talk
of a take-over at $40. I then added to my Tim Hortons and my Dalsa position,
taking my cash position down close to zero. Tim Hortons is not a cheap stock but
rather seems to be a case where paying up for quality will likely be rewarded.
It’s a fun stock to own because every day you can see evidence of how well they
are doing.


I was surprised that Telus has jumped so much. Partly that is due to the BCE
increase. It looks to me like Shaw communications is taking a lot of customers
away from Telus but the market seems unconcerned. I own Telus but my larger
position is in Shaw.


April 15, 2007


Shaw Communications is
updated and upgraded to Speculative Buy at Can $43.73 or U.S. $39.90. It
released strong earnings on Friday morning, but the share price fell. I doubled
my personal position in Shaw on Friday. I did that based on the growth story.
When I now review the value ratios, my enthusiasm is somewhat tempered. The
stock appears expensive. However, that seems partly due to conservative
accounting. The sales growth storey has been very good. I like the potential for
future strong earnings growth based on digital television. Phone revenues are
also growing strongly, but that does bring up the concern that a price war with
Telus could occur. It may be unlikely that a take-over offer would occur but it
would be an attractive company for take-over if the Shaw’s wanted to sell.


I had unfortunately sold half the Shaw in the model portfolio earlier this
year. At this time I will notionally buy it back at tomorrow’s opening price.


Shaw has been a good Stock Pick and more than doubled in the past two years.


April 13, 2007


Performance figures for 2007 are updated.
Our average Strong Buy or Buy is up 7.7%. There were only three Strong Buys as
of January 1, 2007, but these are up an average of 13.4%


April 12, 2007


The TSX closed at a record high today. A number of our Stock picks did well
including CN, Shaw, Thomson and Tim Hortons. For now at least the bears and
doomsayers have been foiled by the resilient market.


April 11, 2007


My article on the valuation of the various segments of the Canadian Stock
Market is updated. You can access it
here. (See the fifth article, updated April 11). This article also gives you
the trading symbol for Exchange Traded Funds that track various segments.


April 10, 2007


I added to my Tim Hortons position today. I notice Canadian Western Bank has
been a bit weak and I think this may be an opportunity to Buy.


April 9, 2007


CN rose today on news that Warren Buffett’s
Berkshire Hathaway had invested in three rail roads and that CN might be among
these. CN might very well be included. I note that CN serves Omaha and that Bill
Gates has been a long-time major investor in CN.


April 6, 2007


In the Links for Members Only section above, the performance figures for 2007
are updated.


April 5, 2007


Markets continue to do well. The Dow is back almost to record highs. In the
short term it appears that private equity buyouts continue to provide support to
stock prices. The sentiment can turn negative at any time but so far market
sentiment seems reasonably strong. The old advice that while being out of the
market protects from risk, it also exposes one to the risk of missing market
gains has proven true since the little correction in February.


April 4, 2007


Cognos is updated and rated (lower)
Speculative Buy at Canadian $46.65.This is a good, possibly a great company. It
always appears expensive but that is perhaps due to conservative accounting
rules. For those interested, this is probably a good entry point, particularly
if one averages in with a smaller initial position.


April 3, 2007


An edition of the free newsletter was sent out
today. If you did not receive it, this may be due to your spam control system.
You can check if you email is on the list for this free newsletter by adding
your email “again” on the signup box on our home page, or the bottom of any page
on this Site. If the email is a duplicate our system will indicate it is a


Our stock picks continue to do well this week.


April 2, 2007


The model Portfolio has been
updated to show performance by individual stock. I have not made any notional
trades in this Portfolio.


March 31, 2007


2007 Performance figures are updated. With
Q1 over, we are ahead of the market.


March 29, 2007


Cognos is out with strong earnings. I like the company but when I last
analyzed it, it was too expensive. I plan to update our rating in a few days.
The stock will likely rise tomorrow as the earnings were apparently higher than


The rumor of a take-over bid for BCE this morning was interesting. These type
of take-overs and rumors of takeovers are definitely a factor in keeping the
stock market going up.


I bought some BCE this morning but then sold at a small profit given that the
rumor was denied. But it does seem quite likely that an unsolicited bid for BCE
could emerge and so I suspect it would be okay to hold BCE. But there would be a
danger of it falling back to where it was if no offer materializes.


It has been a good week for our Stock Picks, hopefully it finishes off that
way on Friday.



March 28, 2007


With the DOW down about 100 points today, I suppose my recent feelings of
caution should be reinforced. As I write this, the Japanese market is down 1%
and so tomorrow may well be another down day.


But meanwhile my own stocks were up quite nicely today and were up each day
this week. So I feel good about that.


I am interested in buying TSX Group as it has come down, and particularly if
it drops more. Also Tim Hortons comes to my mind.  The recent update of my
portfolio composition indicates I am 21% in cash. But I am somewhat inclined to
wait and see if better bargains emerge before adding to my equity allocation. If
the worse happens and we get a major correction, and I I happen not to have much
cash at that point, then my plan is to borrow money to invest at some point. I
feel that the borrowing capacity that I have allows me to be more aggressive in
my asset allocation. On the other hand I want to move slowly, if the market does
drop, it will not be easy at that point to decide to borrow for investing.


I have removed the link to my Blog area for now. There is into that much
activity and it is only a nuisance for you to check it only to find no updates.


Business Update:


As investors, I suspect that you would agree that this Web Site business
needs to continue to grow and that growth will enable us to expand the number of
stocks provided and to add more U.S. stocks and ultimately some international


The paid subscriber count stands at about 540 having grown slowly but surely
over the last four years. I would certainly like to see that grow to 1000 this
year. We tend not to cover thinly traded stocks and so there is plenty of room
for lots more subscribers.

If you know other people who could benefit from this
Site, please consider referring them to this Site.


You may see some advertisements on this Site starting very soon. I am going
to use an ad agency that promises not to post ads for any dubious products.
Presumably the ads will be non-obtrusive.


Thanks for your continued support.


March 27, 2007


I note the Canadian dollar is up quite a bit from recent lows. In my view
this may be an opportunity if one is looking for U.S. stocks, our dollar goes a
little further now.


March 26, 2007


This week is off to a good start. I bought Couche-Tard shares today.


March 24, 2007


U.S. stock markets rose this week, largely on indications that inflation is
tame and that therefore the Fed will likely not raise interest rates and may
even lower them. On its own, that is good for stocks. However, if the the reason
that inflation is tame is that the economy is cooling and companies are less
able to raise prices, then that is bad for stocks. Overall, I remain cautious on
the direction of the markets in general. A stock market that rises due to a
cooling economy does not sound all that promising to me.


Higher oil prices helped the Toronto market. That was partly due to increased
middle East tensions. If such tensions ease then oil could head back down. My
understanding is that on a supply and demand basis, oil should be somewhat


The Thompson Corporation is updated and
rated (lower) Buy at U.S. $42.45 or CAN $ 49.23. Most of its revenues are
derived from electronic information sold on a subscription basis. I am attracted
to the economics of the business. However, Thomson does not seem to be bargain
priced. Over the six or so years that I have been looking at it, it has tended
to under-state its earnings. Possibly this family controlled company has little
incentive to try to inflate the share price. For this update, I added back 70%
of the expense related to amortization of trademarks and customer lists. These
are very similar to goodwill which is not amortized and I do not view these as
real expenses.


I also include earnings from divisions that are for sale, while management
excludes those earnings. This allowed me to arrive at a higher and (I think)
more realistic view of adjusted earnings. Still, the P/E based on such adjusted
earnings was above 20. Management seems optimistic about growth but they still
indicate that earnings growth will be around 9%. On that basis I cannot rate the
Stock higher than (lower) Buy.


Because of its activity in acquisitions and divestitures, Thompson’s
accounting has some strange complexities. I believe this is a case where some
view of adjusted earnings is needed since GAAP earnings are distorted in various
ways by acquisition and divestiture accounting rules.


The stock may be a bit volatile as the market attempts to figure out where
earnings will go after the Learning division is sold.


It would be nice to think that after the sale Thomson would issue a special
dividend, but there is no indication that this is planned. Due partly to
securities regulations, it is expensive for companies to issue shares. Therefore
when they have excess cash they tend to hang on to it, since if they dividend it
out, it is expensive to raise new equity later when needed.


I hold some Thomson and I like its prospects over the long-term. If the stock
falls to about U.S. $39 I would definitely consider buying more at that price.


I removed AeroPlan from the list above because the report was out of date.
The unit price has moved up a lot since I last looked at it. Although I really
like the business model, it looked expensive =to me even before recent
increases. Also I had concerns about the negative equity on the balance sheet.
Overall it may be okay, but I had no plans to update it and so it is best to
remove it from the table above.


March 23. 2007


In the section below the Stock table that is labeled “Links For Members
Only”, the 2007 Performance figures are
updated. It has been a volatile year, but our Stock Picks have done well. The
composition of my own portfolio has also been


Alimentation Couche-Tard
(which is
more commonly know as simply Couche-Tard) is updated and upgraded to Buy at
$23.71. The stock is not cheap but does represent at least reasonable value if
its past growth rate is any indication. Earnings declined in Q3 but the company
believes that is simply due to volatility on gasoline margins. The store count
continues to increase. If the controlling shareholders ever decide to sell, I
believe it would be an acquisition target. The stock is cheaper on a P/E basis
than it has been in some time but that may be due to fears that earnings growth
has faltered. If it continues to operate as it has in the past, I suspect this
will be a reasonably good investment. I am considering taking a small position
in this.


March 21, 2007


A very strong day in the markets today. Once again rumors that this bull
market is over seem to have been greatly exaggerated. I still remain cautious
however, it seems like liquidity and private equity are pushing markets up, but
I think with earnings growth now moderating quite a bit, the market will be
nervous and will tend to be volatile on any hint of bad news.


March 20, 2007


I notice Tim Hortons down a bit today. We only rate it (lower) Buy. Still it
might be worth nibbling at at this price. Even if just for the psychic pleasure
us shareholders get every time we see those big lineups, this is a stock most
Canadian investors should consider owning.


Canadian Western Bank is updated
and rated Buy at $25.95 (it closed today at $25.72). Our last full update on
this company was in September when we rated it Buy at $20.96 (as adjusted for
recent split). For January 1, we called it Weak Buy at $26.39. Given the strong
Q1, we are now back to Buy. This has been an exceptional investment over the
years. We first featured it on this Site way back in August 1999 at $4.94 (split
adjusted) and we rated it Strong Buy at that time. This stock has grown somewhat
like a slowly rolling snowball…


In recent years it has not been bargain priced (and still is not a clear
bargain) but the earnings have managed to grow to support the price. Until very
recently I was concerned that the return on equity was okay but not impressive
at under12%. Now it is up around 14%. Perhaps with scale this will keep
improving. With the strong Western Economy this stock seems likely to continue
to do well. I do not look for any huge price jumps, but rather reasonable steady
gains over a period of years (which is not to say that at times it will not fall
in price).


March 19, 2007


A nice day in the markets. I added to my Telus position today. I also placed
an order for Western Financial at $4.16. Perhaps I should have just paid the
$4.25 but since I already have a reasonable exposure, I decided to try under the
price. It’s possible the stock will jump a somewhat in one direction or the
other in response to Wednesday’s conference call. Q4 was very strong, if it is
confirmed that this in a new “run-rate” for earnings then it might rise, if on
the other hand they reveal there a one-time gain that explains the Q4 earnings
jump, then the stock could fall. Either way I like it long term.


An interesting story today was a pet food Income Trust called Menu Foods that
fell 25% and at one point was down about 40% on news that some of its pet food
product was causing sickness in animals and there would be a big recall. It is
not a stock that I have ever looked at.


There is not much that can be done to avoid getting exposed to a situation
like this. Investors who pick and choose individual stocks (on their own or with
the help of advisors and newsletters and other sources) hope to beat the market.
As a result of attempting to beat the market we will tend to have significant
positions in individual stocks. As a result we will tend to be less
diversified than the index. It then becomes a fact of life that occasionally
something bad and unexpected will happen to some of our companies. Even if you
invest in solid companies with excellent managers, things can go wrong. That is
simply a fact of life. Certainly Warren Buffett teaches us that we should take
big positions in our best stock picks. If we choose our stocks wisely then we
will beat the index but unexpected volatility is part of the price we pay top
play the game.


Below I answer three questions from Members of this Site.


QUESTION: Am I correct to recall that about 2-3 years ago, that you
were not in favor of investing in Telus? Now you are saying a strong buy. I am
wondering how the turn came about.


You can see most of our history on Telus by hitting Control-F and entering
Telus this will search for every mention of Telus in the dated comments below.
Then scroll to the bottom of this page and click a link that gives the dated
comments all the way back to 2002. Also if you click to our Performance figures
and then find the ratings for the start of each year, you can see where we had
Telus as of the start of each year.


But here is the story: Telus was rated Weak Buy at $39.50 on October 3, 1999.
Even Weak Buy turned out to be too high a rating. On November 3, 2000 it was
rated Weak Sell, also at $39.50. (I don’t have all the intermediate ratings at
hand, but they are in our records). For the start of 2002 we rated Telus
Buy at $23.56 (It sank a lot from there but is now well above that). On February
15, 2002 we updated Telus to sell at $20.30. That was the last update for a long
time (it was removed from the list at some point) By the summer of 2002, Telus
was briefly under $8 and I bought a tiny amount at that time. The market
effectively was pricing Telus as if bankruptcy were a possibility at that time.


As it struggled back from its lows I suspected that its earnings would rise
sharply at some point but it was difficult to analyze given that it had very low
earnings at that time.


Telus returned to the Site as a Speculative Buy, October 6, 2004 at $28. By
then its earnings had recovered. Subsequently it has at times been rated in the
Strong Buy range. Basically a few years ago Telus was not earning any money and
insisted on talking about EBITDA rather than earnings. Eventually the earnings
did recover and that explains our rating change. In retrospect it would have
been nice to have called it a Buy at about $14 rather than $28, but still even
since $28 in late 2004 we have done well.


QUESTION: When we go shopping for stocks, should we be looking for 15%
per year annual growth in individual stocks? I think that is a good target. I
was a member of the Canadian Shareowners Association for some years, about 10
years ago. That was their mantra. Steady growth and growing earnings to the tune
of about 15% combined, with the growth plus dividends.


I think using a potential increase of 15% is a reasonable hoped for target.
However, interest rates have come down a LOT in ten years. These days if we were
pretty confident of 8%, that would probably be high enough. Our reports indicate
that when we calculate intrinsic value we use an 8% discount rate, which means
we require a minimum expectation of 8% return (an expectation is not a
guarantee. As of recently, we  also calculate what kind of growth would be
needed to give us a 15% return per year for five years, assuming a selling P/E.
(We may start mentioning this calculation in future reports).


QUESTION: I’m curious why you rate WES a (speculative) buy at $4.25 and
would consider buying more, yet your high estimate of the intrinsic value is
$4.11.  Does this mean your assumptions are inherently conservative?  I have
viewed your high intrinsic value estimates compared to current prices as
indicators of expected gain. Is that a valid approach?  If you bought WES now,
what price do you think (at this point in time obviously) it should reach before
you sell some again? 


Intrinsic value is just one tool and factor to look at. Intrinsic value
estimates a value based on having a current earnings per share level and then
assuming some growth and assuming a P/E ratio at which it can be sold after a
holding period (we use five years). This works best for companies that already
have a string of smooth annual earnings increases and where the company is
stable and the future is somewhat predictable. In the case of WES earning per
share jumped 33% in 2006, but had fallen in 2005. Our assumption of 10 to 15%
earnings per share growth annually over the next five years might be
conservative. But it is also rather uncertain, it’s tough to predict when the
recent history is pretty volatile. For more mature companies we would place more
weight on the intrinsic calculation. However, in no case do we want to
over-emphasize the intrinsic value calculation. It’s only as good as the
assumptions that go into it. Our overall rating does not tend to focus too
heavily on the intrinsic value, again it is one of quite a few factors.


If I bought some WES now around $4.25 or lower I would consider selling some
if it quickly jumped to $4.75 but I would definitely keep some as well. Should
be a good stock for the long run.


I have cleaned up the Blog somewhat,  removing some Posts. It does not
look like the Blog is going to get a lot of traffic. Use the Blog when you want
to share ideas with other Members or seek feedback from them. For questions
emailed to me I will try to Post here. I do not plan to Post very often to the
Blog, but rather let that be for Members to share ideas.


The Blog is at


March 18, 2007


AlarmForce is updated and remains
rated Weal Sell/ Hold at $5.60 (It last traded at $5.55). This is a stock we
liked at considerably lower prices. With a P/E of 38, to buy this is to believe
that earnings are grossly understated (and we do think they are  at least
somewhat under-stated) or that growth will be very high. At this time it seems
priced to high.


Microsoft is updated and rated Buy at
U.S. $27. (It last traded at $27.33). This is a huge and complex company. I don
not currently own it. I would consider averaging into over time.


is updated and remains rated Weak
/Buy / Hold at $39.17. (Our analysis price is from Friday morning, but is
dropped to $37.75 by the close on Friday). We continue to monitor this. It has
an attractive price to book ratio. If the competitive situation improves and
earnings increase then it would do well, so there is some up-side potential
here. However, we do not think that now is the time to buy.


Canada Bread is updated and remains
rated Weak Buy / Hold at $55.30. (It last traded at $53.45 and our rating would
still apply at that price). This is not a stock I have much interest in but we
continue to monitor it.


Western Financial Group is
updated and upgraded to Speculative Buy at $4.25. The company released 2006
earnings after the close on Friday. The details were very skimpy and further
details will likely be released tomorrow and there is a conference call on
Wednesday at noon. Q4 was not reported separately but was apparently very good.
I had sold some of my holdings at around $4.20 in February but now I am strongly
considering adding to my position. It’s possible that the shares will trade a
little under $4.25 but it may be more likely that they will return to recent
highs around $4.50. Partly this will depend on the outlook that the company
presents during Wednesday’s conference call.


March 17, 2007


Telus is updated and remains rated (lower)
Strong Buy at CAN $56.06. The overall investment thesis is that it has a
reasonable P/E, and attractive price to cash flow and its earnings have been
ramping up. If it continues to execute it the same way, adjusted earnings are
expected to rise about 20% in 2007 and this will be a good investment. If
overall markets “correct” downwards, this would likely be hit but not to the
same extent as the overall markets.


March 14, 2007


North American markets were down slightly most of the day but ended positive.
It seems the battle between those who are nervous on dips (and are inclined to
sell) and the bargain hunters continues. As I post this late Wednesday night,
Asia markets are up…


In any event the best approach is to be invested in stocks that are
relatively under-valued, that will provide some cushion if the market falls and
ultimately such stocks tend to out-perform the market. We have several updated
reported we are working on and will have some updates by Sunday at latest.


March 13, 2007


I think today’s slide was a reflection of the nervousness in the markets.
Most investors are sitting on excellent profits from the last few years and
there may be a tendency to head for the exits on any bad news. Today the bad
news was related to sub-prime banking loans and also weaker than expected
economic news. Sub-prime problems were nothing new but the market seemed to
react sharply. As of late Tuesday, Asian markets are down and my bet would be
that North American Markets will fall on Wednesday.


It’s always questionable if one should attempt to time markets or just ride
through the dips. That I think depends on each persons circumstances and
attitudes. Two weeks ago I increased my cash a fair amount but then bought some
back last week. I’m inclined to just ride things out at this point. If the
market does drop, it will eventually recover.


March 12, 2007


The markets were up a tiny bit today. There was also a huge private equity
deal announced with a famous investment fund known as KKR buying Dollar General
for about $6 billion. This may be indicative of how private equity money can
support stock prices.


My sense is that the market will edge ahead, but I think there is a
nervousness in the market such that on my bad news the markets will fall fairly
hard (not disastrously, I suspect – but still hard). So we may do okay until and
unless some bad news event sends us down.


I notice Western Financial down a fair amount from its peak. It has tended to
be volatile and so a dip like that is not unexpected. I had sold some at about
$4.20 and might look to buy back if it happens to go under $4. It will likely
release earnings soon and I would think they should have done well in Q4.
Possible they are being hit with worries about bad loans given the sub-prime
situation in the U.S. But in Western Canada right now it is hard to imagined
that very many people will default on loans.


March 10, 2007


If you pay by credit card in PayPal note that updating a credit card in
PayPal involves a couple steps. The tricky part is that if the credit card is
changed, PayPal requires subscribers to go into any active subscription and
change the credit card associated with that particular subscription. If the
credit card is changed and the old credit card is removed or expired and the
subscription is not updated to the new credit card, then PayPal will
automatically cancel the subscription. Specific instruction are included in the

short article about how to use
this research page.


March 9, 2007


2007 Performance figures are updated.
Despite the market correction of last week, we are still up for the year and
ahead of the market.


March 8, 2007


I purchased Canadian Western Bank shares today when it released what appeared
to be good earnings. We will update our Canadian Western bank report shortly.


As of this morning the markets continued bounce back from last week’s dip has
been surprisingly strong. Most observers seem to agree that we should expect
continued volatility. I remain cautious about the short-term outlook. However, I
did purchase back the Tim Hortons shares that I sold last week.


On Feb. 25, we had updated Canadian Tire but had neglected to update the link
inth table above. That has now been corrected.


March 6, 2007


hmmm, well, maybe the bargains were yesterday. The reality is no one knows if
the market has now recovered from its recent correction, or if the correction
will resume.


Warren Buffett says Be scared when others are greedy and be greedy when
others are scared. Maybe at the end of yesterday I should have been feeling
brave and greedy. But I must admit I was being more cautious than greedy. In the end I
think my decision to move my cash position up to 33% was wise for my particular
circumstances. It allowed me to hedge my bet, in terms of the market direction.
I remain in a wait and see mode for now.


March 5, 2007


I have good news and I have bad news… and I can express both with the same
two words “Bargains Ahead”.


The Dow showed surprising strength and was in positive territory most of the
day when we might have expected something of a plunge based on world markets
overnight. The strength in the DOW seemed like a good sign but then it took a
hard dip at the end of the day. I’m generally not a trend investor but it does
look like we are in some kind of down-trend and it seems likely to continue.


Note that an edition of the free newsletter
was sent out yesterday. If you did not get it, try adding your email to our free
list with the link on the home page. If the system indicates your email was
already on the list then our newsletter must have got blocked as spam.


Part of the market decline is due to concerns over sub-prime mortgages in the
U.S. I mentioned this issue on Feb 9. I am not surprised that Home Capital was
hit by this today. Their loans are probably a LOT safer than many of the
American Sub-Prime loans but it is in that sub-prime market and therefore it
will likely be hit further by this issue.


You can share your thoughts with other paid members of this Site at our
Members-only Blog page.


March 2, 2007


The TSX was down 3.7% this week and the DOW was down 3.3%. Our Buys/Strong
Buys fell by 2.3%, The model portfolio was down by 2.5% My own portfolio fell by
2.4%. So, we got hit, but not quite as badly as the market did.


March 1, 2007


To Sell or Not to Sell?


With the market “correction” this week most investors are wondering if they
should reduce their equity position and perhaps at least partly step aside from
the markets for now.


This is an tough question and there are no universal answers.


Firstly, no one knows if the market correction will deepen or has already



The S&P 500 P/E ratio is 17.2 as of today. That’s above long term averages
which might suggest that markets are somewhat over-valued. But with today’s low
interest rates a P/E of 17.2 is certainly not grossly overvalued. The market is
very unlikely to crash like it did in the early 2000’s. At that time the S&P 500
P/E ratio was aroundd 30 and the market was grossly over-valued.


Factors which could drive markets down include. High oil prices, its moderate
overvaluation, terrorist attacks, international market events such as the drop
in China’s stock market, declining housing prices, a recession, back credit
losses brought on by lower housing prices and/or recession, lower earnings
expectations, or lower earnings reports (and this is not an exhaustive list).


Factors which might drive the market up are, bargain hunting, continued
excess money from inside and outside North America looking for a home, mergers
and acquisition activity by corporations, private equity and pension plans
taking over companies, continued or increased consumer confidence, lower oil
prices, a recovery in housing prices, the absence of recession (and this is not
an exhaustive list).


The market has now risen for four and one half years since it bottomed in
late 2002. Huge earnings growth supported this rise. But now earnings are
growing only slowly.


On balance we should not expect a strong year in the markets. A 10% gain is
probably the most we should hope for and a 10% drop is perhaps almost as likely.



But markets will go up in the long-run. If you pull money out of stocks you
risk missing the upside.


Young investors who are just starting out should simply rejoice that stocks
are cheaper. You will be be buying for may year to come and if the market
crashes that is simply an opportunity to buy stocks at a better price.


Wherever the market is going to be in five years or ten years, will depend
mostly on earnings at that time. If the market goes down 100 point tomorrow or
goes up 100 points, that does not change where it will be ten years from now.


Any investor with a fully balanced portfolio may want to simply ride out any


Sound advise might be “Don’t just do something, stand there!”


However, investors who perhaps have a very high exposure to stocks given
their age and circumstances might well want to sell some stocks now and move
some into cash. And selling at a point that is several percent below recent
highs may still look like a good idea if the market happens to correct more


The bottom line is that I can not tell people whether they should sell any
stocks or just ride out the bumps. That is a very individual decision.


In my own case when the week started I was over 90% in equities. And at 46 I
do have some years of saving ahead of me. At the same time I have accumulated
enough investments that if I were to take a 10% decline or greater it would be
pretty painful. In my own circumstances I felt it was prudent to sell into the
correction and increase my cash position.


Today with the market down almost 200 points (DOW) in the early going I did
sell some shares. I sold my Shaw Communications, my FirstService, some more
Kingsway and some more Tim Hortons. I think these are all good stocks. Possibly
I over-reacted, but I simply wanted to get into a reasonable percentage of cash.
My cash position is now about 33%.


I think that is a reasonable level. But I reserve the right to move into even
a higher cash position if it looks like the “correction” is going to deepen.


I am not in any way in panic mode. I expect there could be volatility and I
am prepared to accept losses. At some point the market would bottom (if it has
not already) and with a reasonable cash position, I would then hope to Buy close
to the bottom.


In addition, I have mentioned before that I had become over-exposed to some
stocks like Kingsway, so this recent action of lightening my position there was
perhaps long overdue.



February 28, 2007


I just posted a Question on the Blog, Is critical Illness Insurance something
we need, or is it just a high-profit margin scam? What do you think?


It was nice to see the DOW end in positive territory today. I think that
indicates that there are still lots of bargain hunters out there. I am not sure
that this correction has ended yet. I think it will take at least a few days to
settle out.


Early today the market opened higher but then fell back some and later was
rising… In the face of this I decided to trim partially my CN, Shaw
Communications and Tim Hortons. That brings me only to 18% in cash and I wanted
to have at least some cash to take advantage if the markets do fall. I am not
sure if I will sell anything else.


February 27, 2007


is updated and rated Weak
Sell / Hold at $5.40 (It last closed today at $5.20). We have rated this stock a
Buy in 2005 at $3.33 to $4.15. Since then we called it a Weak Buy and it has
done well. But at recent prices it seems expensive.


The market slide today was about 3.5% in the U.S. and 2.7% in Canada. It ‘s
not really that huge of a slide but it certainly is an attention grabber. The
question now is whether investors will see this an an opportunity for bargains
tomorrow or will they start more of a stampede to get out? I don’t think anyone
knows the answer to that. If the market is still trending down tomorrow than it
might be wise to reduce some positions to get into cash.


I wanted to do that this morning but then again it is always hard to sell
something that is already down. I did sell my Manulife shares this morning, just
to raise cash. I’m cautiously optimistic that this slide will soon turn around.


February 26, 2007


If you have done well with our Stock Picks I would appreciate if you could
send in a few words for our testimonials page.
(Thank you to those who have already done so) email


I no sooner had Hub updated than it was announced that it was taken over at a
premium today. Northbridge has an investment in Hub and will make a gain that
will add to its book value and to reported earnings this year. Stantec had a big
day, up $2.00, I am not sure why.


The U.S. market has been down a bit the last four days partly on concerns of
mortgage delinquencies. Sooner or later that is likely to be a very big issue
for the States but should not have much impact in Canada except that our
financial stocks may fall just because multiples in the sector fall with the U.S
troubles. With oil up over $60 the U.S. market is actually hanging in pretty
well. There was a huge take-over announced a record $32 billion leveraged
buy-out of a utility by private equity. It was also so private equity that is
buying Hub.


It looks like private take-overs could keep the general market rally going…
unless a recession or other event like a terrorist attack trumps that…
I’m inclined to build a higher cash position but at the same time I want to stay
mostly invested to take advantage of further price increases…


February 25, 2007


If I decide to raise my own cash position, one stock I may sell is Manulife
mostly I suppose because I do not have any emotional attachment to it.
(Logically we should all trade on cold hard logic, but realistically that is
simply not always the case). Also it is not one of our higher rated stocks.


Stantec is updated and rated (lower) Buy
at CAN $ 28.19. It has done very well in growing earnings. It may tend to be
volatile and there is some risk that the U.S. housing slowdown could hurt it.
But its management tends to be resilient in finding ways to grow…


Canadian Tire is updated and rated
(lower) Buy at $73.20 (It last closed at $72.31). It had a weak Q4 which was
blamed on weather. It has done very well in growing profits over the years.
Certainly not a company that I would bet against.


Home Capital
is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Buy at $35.30. (The price closed Friday at $35.95. Given its
strong growth history and reasonable valuation is may be a good speculative
Pick. But we worry how loan losses would affect it if housing prices begin to
decline even moderately or a recession takes hold in Ontario. I would be
inclined to wait for a better entry point.


February 24, 2007


Hub International
an insurance
brokerage company is returned to the Stock list above but only as a Weak Buy /
Hold. Certain acquisition-related charges were depressing its earnings. Earnings
have now improved but the P/E is still very high at 29. It will release Q4
earnings next week and we plan to update this report soon after that and
re-evaluate at that time.


EGI Financial, a small high-risk auto
insurance company is updated for Q4 earnings and is rated Speculative (higher)
Buy at $11.05. This company is up 43% since we added to this Site as a
Speculative (higher) Buy in September 2006 at $7.75. The company had an
exceptionally good quarter and year. This auto insurer is doing what I had they
all would – release redundant reserves from prior years when auto insurers had
become very conservative in their claims estimates in the past few years and
then claimed had fallen sharply as drivers avoided claims and laws changed to
restrict court awards. At this point the company still looks attractive but is
hard to evaluate since earnings are likely to fall (perhaps substantially) in
2007 from the very high level achieved in 2006.


Northbridge Financial is updated for
its Q4 2006 earnings and rated Speculative (higher) Buy. The price to book value
of 1.33 seems attractive. Also the P/E nominally is attractive but earnings
could drop due to competition and possibly lower realized gains. I like that
this company is 90% in Canada and 38% in autos. But the approximate 60% exposure
to commercial property and liability could make it more volatile. Last year my
thesis for insurance stocks was that they would likely report reserve
redundancies (retroactive gains) particularly in the Canadian standard auto
segment. Some of the companies have now done that and for those that have not, I
am now less confident that this will happen. My thesis on Northbridge at this
time is that it looks like good value. It offers a good leverage to bonds in
that for each dollar of stock market value it has about $2.00 invested, mostly
in bonds. It should be a reasonable investment for the long-term but I don’t see
any reason for a near-term jump in price (Other than possibly if it were bought
out at a premium). While the value looks good the price could drop if earnings
drop in 2007 due to competition and/or lower realized gains on investment. Due
to uncertainty, I see it as Speculative particularly in the near term.


February 22, 2007


There have been  new posts to our new Members Blog, check it out at
Share your knowledge…


Two property insurance companies reported earnings today. EGI Financial
posted excellent results during the trading day but was only up 1.5% on that
news. It may move more in the next few days and looks like good value.
Northbridge posted after the close and I thought the earnings were reasonably
good, but not exceptional. At this point I will wait and see where it moves
tomorrow. We will likely have both of these stock reports updated by Sunday.
Kingsway continues to slide. Probably no reason to expect any turn-around there
until they and unless they report good earnings in Q1. I don’t think now is the
time to sell Kingsway and it it may very well turn out to be a good buying
opportunity but it will require patience.


February 21, 2007


Manulife is updated for its Q4 earnings
and rated Speculative Buy at $40.78. We had last rated this as Speculative
(lower) Strong Buy at $39.35. However, as I read the Q4 report and looked at the
50 page statistical supplement, I was reminded again of the incredible
complexity of this company and the fact that earnings are basically estimated by
actuaries. Some of its product lines continue to grow at absolutely amazing
rates but some others have slowed down. Overall I am just not as comfortable
with it as I was earlier. I don’t mind holding it but would not want a very
large position in given the difficulty of understanding its financials. It gives
Canadians international exposure but also exposed Canadians to currency risk as
most of the revenues are in U.S. dollars.


February 20, 2007


A surprisingly large jump in Western Financial today. This has been a good
run. I do expect continued volatility as the trading is still thin – although
improving. I’m not sure when the earnings are coming out. I had reduced my
position yesterday (a good decision despite a bad outcome). I will not sell any
more at this point. At this point I am waiting for the earnings report.


In general, markets have continued to do well. The Q4 earnings season for the
S&P 500 apparently came in at about 9.2% growth year-over-year which is quite
good although lower than the double digit growth of the past few years. The
danger is that soon the market will start anticipating lower earnings growth. I
am watching cautiously.


Regarding the new article on
asset allocation and
portfolio performance in retirement, I have made some relatively minor edits
in the article and I updated the date written to February 20.


Regarding our new Members Blog, note that you can post anonymously. For now
at least I will only advise paid members of this Site about the Members Blog.
But if too few posts are made I will make everyone on the free newsletter list
aware of the Blog as well. (A members Blog like that is of little value if no
one is posting to it.) I am convinced that the paid members of this Site form a
knowledgeable group of investors and have also generally been successful in many
ways beyond investing. Therefore this may be a great group to bounce ideas off
each other. So post away at Already there are some posts there.


February 19, 2007


I recently created a Blog area for Paid Members of this Site to post comments
or question to other Members. See . Why not be among the first to post
something there?


Just below the Stock table above is a link to four items that are available
exclusively to you paid subscribers and two additional items that are also
available to those on our free newsletter list. None of these eight items are
available to casual visitors to the Site. Of particular interest are eight
articles that examine the state of the broader market’s current valuation levels
and the expected long-term return going forward. Most of these eight were very
recently updated.


Just added to that list today today is an
exclusive special report
that graphically delves into the question of how balanced portfolios compare to
all-equity portfolios in a retirement scenario, where money is being withdrawn
each year. This asset allocation problem is often discussed, but usually with no
real data to back up the arguments.


Portfolio Review


In reviewing my own portfolio it is apparent that I have a very high exposure
to property insurance. And in some cases my larger positions are stocks that we
only rate as (lower) Bur or even Weak Buy. Logically I should probably keep my
portfolio closer in line with the stocks we rate higher and should trim the
lower rated stocks. Also I should be careful about too high an exposure to any
one stock or sector unless I am very sure of my position. It is particularly the
case that I should rebalance given that my portfolio is about 95% in non-taxable
accounts, where tax impacts of trading are of no concern. Also I recently
qualified to trade at $9.99 per trade with TD Waterhouse. Therefore, trading
costs to rebalance are not a concern. So, logically I have little excuse not to
trim certain positions, and rebalance my portfolio. And this could include
moving to a targeted level of cash.


However when I sit down to do this, logic seems to meet emotion. It is
difficult to trim any position I own because “its price might rise”. Logically
this should not stop me from moving to a more balanced portfolio. But
emotionally I find it difficult.


Therefore I find myself unable to fully rebalance. But I did trim my
Northbridge position today. And I entered an order to trim the Western Financial
if I can get $4.20 or $4.19. I did get $4.20 on some of it but quickly ran into
the fact that this stock is not very liquid and had to drop the price a bit in
order to sell more. I may trim other positions later today. In some ways I
should trim both Tim Hortons and Shaw Communications because both are lower
rated. Their prices are high in relation to trailing earnings. But both appear
to be in a great position to increase earnings in the next 12 months and
therefore I find it difficult to trim these.


In a future newsletter, I will further address this emotional difficulty that
arises in trying to rebalance a portfolio.


I have done very well in the markets the past four years. Naturally, I don’t
want to see my portfolio decline by any material amount. If I begin to have a
greater fear of general market correction, I will be trimming positions and this
could include even higher rated stocks where I am simply over-exposed.


February 17, 2007


ING CANADA is updated and is rated Speculative
Buy at $51.50. I do not view it as highly speculative but it could be volatile.
The property and liability insurance business, by its nature, is difficult to
forecast. ING remains highly profitable but its earnings are declining from a
cyclic peak. It appears to be the highest quality Canadian stock in this sector,
but it also trades at a higher valuation. I expect it to do reasonably well in
the next several months. The company has offered to buy back $500 million of
shares in a Dutch auction and announced -after the close of trade on Friday –
that it will accept bids within a range from $51 to $59. It seems to me that
should place a floor under the share price at $51 and possibly the shares will
move up on the news that the company views the shares to be worth up to at least


February 15, 2007


ING fell on what were considered disappointing earnings today. In fact the
earnings were actually quite good and only looked bad compared to incredibly
high earnings in Q4 last year. There are many issues here. Insurance accounting
is a strange mix of inconsistencies. Realized gains come directly into earnings
(though often ignored by analysts) Unrealized gains, which are just as real are
not brought into income. Income is affected by changes in estimates from prior
years. Bottom line, ING remains highly profitable. But it commands a premium
valuation. I will update our rating in the next few days. This company does not
have the type of issues that hurt Kingsway… I don’t expect it to trend down
now as Kingsway has.


CN has done surprisingly well in the face of the strike… Could easily
pull-back a bit if strike is expected to cause problems. So far market seems to
assume strike not hurting CN…


The overall DOW continues to show momentum to the up-side…


February 13, 2007


It was nice to see the Dow up 102 points, so maybe the overall trend is still
up… (Toronto was up 131 which is great but Toronto is volatile with energy so
I don’t get excited by jumps up or down in Toronto as I have little that is


I had sold some Shaw Communications near the peak and bought some of that
back today. Also I redeployed some of the money from selling Kingsway into ING
Canada. I no longer owned any ING and I wanted to own at least some in case it
comes out with strong earnings. I like that it sells standard home and auto
insurance and strictly in Canada . I have said before it is the highest quality
Canadian property insurer. But it also sells at a premium price compared to the


February 12, 2007


A negative start to the week. After a very positive start to the year,
perhaps we are in for a bit of a pull-back. I sold 40% of my Kingsway today
because my weighting in it was too high and because although it still seems
cheap, it has not done what I expected it to. The company has repeatedly said
that it was “reserving” very conservatively for claims. Therefore it should have
been releasing redundant past reserves. Instead it added to prior year reserves.
Over the years it has been a good investment but very volatile. It seems like
management is not on top of their game. I always said with these insurance
stocks it is best on spread the investment over several of them. I had too much
in Kingsway… I don’t see it plummeting or anything since it trades only about
1.25 times book value and some 9.1 times trailing earnings. But with negative
sentiment it could go somewhat lower especially if the credit rating agencies
decide to down-grade them. I have not seen anything about that however a and in
this case “no news is good news”.


February 11, 2007


Tim Hortons is updated and remains
rated (lower) Buy now at CAN $36.16 and U.S. $30.83.


It’s not cheap because the market is pricing in robust growth. But given the
earnings growth in 2006 it looks more attractive now at $36 than it did last
Spring at prices under $30. With a P/E of 26, this is a case of paying up for
quality. Also its U.S. expansions appear to be proceeding well, whereas these
were more doubtful last Spring. I expect its Q1 to be strong which could be the
catalyst to get it over its IPO opening high of $37.99. On the other hand there
is some risk that profit taking and a general market correction could see it
fall back to the lower 30’s. In that case I would add to my position.


February 9, 2007


Web Site Developments


I have moved 8 articles that
use recent data to examine whether or not markets in general are a bargain at
this time. These 8 were formerly available under the Free Reports button but
will now be available exclusively to paid subscribers and those on the free
newsletter list. I have placed a link to these articles above under the Stock
Picks table.


In addition, I am working on a couple of advanced articles (asset allocation
graphs of actual past results and ETFs) that will be exclusively for you paid


This move is designed to give more value to those who join the free list and
particularly to those who join the paid service.


Kingsway Financial is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at $23.16. The overall thesis is a good (not great ) company
available at what seems like a good price. It has been frustrating due to its
unpredictability. Some of that unpredictability is inherent in this industry. It
will likely require patience and the price will likely rise only as the company
demonstrates earnings growth. Not a company that the market is likely to get
excited about any time soon.


For those owning property insurance stocks I continue to think it best to
spread the investment across a number of companies. Personally I became more
exposed to Kingsway than I should have.


Loblaw has continues to disappoint. It is
incredible that they are letting so many experienced staff go. Just a few years
ago they were considered the best grocery operators in North America. I would
not buy at this point. Analysts have pointed out that they coould easily raise
the share price by doing a sale and lease-back on the real estate. But there is
no indication that they will consider such a move.


Market Comment


HSBC bank yesterday announced higher bad debt on sub-prime mortgage lending
inthe U.S. This could be the beginning of many announcements regarding bad debt
in the U.S. After all lending criteria have been soft (for example lending
mortgage money on stated income – ne need to prove your income). A ridiculous
practice that evolved in the U.S. was to offer mortgages with below market rates
for the first few years and then that rate would climb significantly in a few
years. This was an obvious recipe for trouble.  Marginal consumers are
likely running into trouble as interest rates have risen and as their
teaser-rate mortgages come up to market rates. Trouble with bad debt losses
could create a lot of negative sentiment in the market if it takes hold.


February 8, 2007


Kingsway Financial came out with Q4 earnings after the close of trading and
they were disappointing. The headline is Q4 earnings down by 53%. However, I
have said many times that insurance company earnings are lumpy and therefore
straight GAAP earnings year-over-year comparisons are not that meaningful. The
company did disappoint by announcing (in effect) retroactive reductions to prior
years earnings (pre-tax) of $53.6 million.


That’s bad but it helps that it was confined to just one of their
subsidiaries and that it related to discontinued lines of business. In any other
business, analysts would treat this as an unusual loss and add it back in for
adjusted earnings. But in the insurance industry this “unusual” loss is
considered sort of normal business and by convention it is not added back.
Also the $53.6 million hit was offset by opposite developments that totaled
about $30 million (pre-tax). Overall the quarter was disappointing but it was
still a pretty good year. And overall we still have a company that earned 14.5%
ROE and that trades at a P/E of 9.9 and a price to book of 1.35. I consider it
an “okay” to “good” company (not great given no inherent competitive advantage
or barriers to entry) and it is available at an attractive price.


This is a stock that is probably going to continue to require patience. I
will update our rating after we see where the price goes tomorrow. It could well
go down tomorrow. Certainly it should not go up. Some analysts may gripe about
the (in effect) retroactive change to prior years results but unrealistic to
expect insurance companies to report smooth earnings. Analysts may also focus on
the fact that revenues were down in 2006. I’m not bothered by that as I focus
more so on profitability rather than revenue growth. Management stated that they
were confident earnings would grow in 2007.


Kingsway shares did fall about 3% today, perhaps in anticipation of the
disappointing earnings.


Feb 7, 2007


An excellent earnings report from Tim Hortons today. But it seems the market
was expecting it and therefore the stock price basically did not move. They
increased the store count by around 7% this year. Therefore it seems to me that
they have two ways to grow. One is by adding more stores the other is by selling
more in dollars per store. We’ll update our report by Sunday.


Kingsway was up nicely today, hopefully this signals that its earnings will
be good.


February 6, 2007


FirstService Corporation is updated for
strong Q3 earnings and we upgrade our rating one notch to (lower) Strong Buy. I
am attracted to the management quality here. The insider buying and holding
signal is also strong. Our report is in U.S. dollars because it reports in U.S.
dollars and it trades in the U.S., but Canadian investors should buy on Toronto.


Tim Hortons has been creeping up towards
the high that it reached in the euphoria of its opening moments of trading when
it hit the exchange last Spring. Possibly that will generate some excitement. It
may be largely still owned by Americans who received the shares in the spin off
from Wendy’s. The Tim Horton shares have done better than the Wendy’s since the
spin-off and I see no reason for those American to rush to sell, although
certainly some will continue to take profits since the stock does seem
expensive. While it is expensive, I am satisfied to hold onto my position.


February 5, 2007


Dalsa declined today and it seems that the
market is worried about low revenues on its semi-conductor business. I believe
that this will turn out to be a good investment over a two year plus holding
period. But as a technology company, it is less predictable than many companies.


February 4, 2007


Earlier today, I sent out an edition of the free newsletter. If you did not
receive it, check your junk mail folder. You can access the

free newsletter here.


The TSX Group is updated. Its rating drops to
Buy from (higher) Buy because of the strong price increase since our last update
in November. We consider this company to be almost an unregulated monopoly and
this is reflected in its staggering profitability of 40% on sales and an ROE of
70%. Certainly the price could drop if market volumes or fall or the TSX index
falls. But overall, it still looks like a good investment. A case of paying-up
for quality.


February 3, 2007


Our Performance in 2007 has really leapt out of the gate. The 24 Strong Buys
/ Buys are up an average of a rather amazing 5.8% (in 1 month!). The Model
portfolio is up about 4.9%. In comparison, the TSX index is up 1.2%. Click to
see the results graphically. The graph does not
show the company names. I’ll resume more detailed reporting of performance later
in the year. 19 of the 24 Buy / Strong Buy stocks are up and 5 are down, with
the largest decline being only 3%.


Dalsa Corporation is updated and remains
rated (higher) Buy at $12.35. Its profits are low, but is has been cash flow
positive and has been reducing debt at a good rate. It has little debt. This
represents a chance to buy a small technology company that probably has little
down-side risk if held for several years, but which could double within a couple
years if its revenues improve and if its digital major motion picture camera
product becomes accepted in the picture industry. The shares trade near their
low points of the past four years despite profits having improved from a steep
fall in 2005. I am tempted to add to my position but will likely decide to be
content with the position I have.


February 1, 2007


Wow, another great day. Just about everything up… I notice Lakeport Brewing
Income Trust to be bought by Labatt for $28 and the stock is up about 36% to
$27.92. Good for those holding it!. I have never looked a it in detail but I
understand that they have done a great job. If I owned it, I would be very much
inclined to sell at this price and take my gain and run. Investors may be hoping
for a higher bid. On the other hand the controlling owner has tendered her
approximate 25% stake, so I highly doubt that a competitive bid will be
realized. Also there is a question of this deal being stopped by the competition
bureau. I’m no fan of government control, but if ever a deal looks like it would
reduce competition, this looks like it.


Lately I am focusing more on companies with strong competitive advantages (In
the best cases things that look like unregulated monopolies). Basically I am
looking for more great companies at good prices and fewer good companies at
great prices.


At the other end of the spectrum are companies that are in horrible
industries like (most of the time at least) Airlines. I avoid those. Some years
ago I analyzed Nova Chemicals. I really respected its management. And it seemed
to be a low-cost producer. But I eventually concluded that they were in a
horrible situation. They produce as I recall commodity products like Styrene
where they cannot command pricing power and where there often seems to be excess
capacity in the market driving down prices. Meanwhile one of their big inputs I
recall was natural gas which was shooting up in price. I gave up on them. I last
looked at it May 11, 2001 at $35.10 and called it basically a hold and then
stopped looking at it. It subsequently got briefly over $60 but today trades
again at around $35 and just announced a big loss. For me, this is a type of
stock to avoid. It’s to hard to understand, it’s too volatile and it just seems
to be in a really tough industry.



January 31, 2007


eBay is updated for Q4 and rated Speculative
Weak Buy/ Hold at $32.06 (it closed today at $32.39). It is a great company, but
with a P/E of 41 it is pricing in growth around 20% which means it probably has
to grow at 20% just for the price to stand still (and management is projecting
20%). It could well exceed that growth so it is a possible speculative Buy but I
am not planning to buy it. We like that it probably has barriers to entry but we
were bothered by management’s attitude toward executive compensation and an
apparent refusal to acknowledge that stock option expenses are real. Note that
others may report their P/E as 25, which is based on 2007 non-GAAP earnings. But
those Non-GAAP earnings exclude stock related expenses, which is just plain
wrong. But again, it does have strong business characteristics…


A good day for the markets with the DOW up 98 points. (Unfortunately the TSX
index is so heavily weighted to energy, that the DOW is a better indicator of
broad market trends).


We have some new earnings reports to deal with. The TSX Group had a great Q4
as expected. Dalsa’s earnings after the close looked good. I am not clear if the
TSX earnings came out before the close or not. In any event we usually wait at
least a day or so before updating our reports because if for example the
earnings after the close are higher than the market expects, then the market
price will tend to jump at the open and so if we rate it a Buy the night before,
it will usually be too late to act. So we tend, as I said, to wait until we can
give a rating based on a more stable price after the market has reacted to the


I’m going to be doing some analysis of the risks of being in all equities
versus balanced portfolios. This will be based on actual patterns of returns
that investors (both those saving for retirement and those living off of a
portfolio) would have seen with those strategies had they followed them in
various years for 10 and 30 year periods going all the way back to 1926. The
results in some ways were surprising. Stay tuned for a new article on this
subject. (I already have some articles like that on the Site, but this will show
graphically year by year volatility and return of various strategies of balanced
versus all equities).


January 30, 2007


U.S. Fed meetings started today but I now understand their economic comment
will come out tomorrow. That and the release of earnings reports could cause
some higher volatility in the next few weeks (hopefully volatility in the upward


January 29, 2007


I notice that 10-year interest rates are up about 1/4% since December. In the
face of that , the fact that our stocks have done well is a positive sign.
Tomorrow the U.S. Fed will release a statement on interest rates and inflation
and this could move the market.


Kingsway has been volatile and at $24 is
down from its highs of around $26. The company has a share buy-back program and
was active in December. They only seem to report the activity once per month and
so we don’t know if they were buying in January. Possibly the market knows that
its 2006 final earnings report is not going to be great. With property insurance
companies, we never know if they are going to report retroactive losses related
to prior years. I was hoping they would be reporting retroactive gains rather
than losses. We shall see. In any event at $24 it appears to be a solid
long-term investment, but the short -term is very difficult to predict. It’s my
largest holding.


January 28, 2007


I’m working on an article that looks at exactly how all-equity and balanced
portfolios grew or shrunk, based on actual data from 1926 to 2006 and for both
the investing phase of life and the spending-the-portfolio, phase of life.
Preliminary results are rather startling. This article, when completed will only
be available to you paid subscribers.


Our article Are Stocks Really Riskier
than Bonds? has just been updated for the 2006 data. I’ve also just updated an article that looks
at the returns from stocks, versus bonds and cash for different time-periods
since 1926. I consider this to be a very important article. I recently paid $135
U.S. just to get the updated data for 2006, so that also gives an indication of
the value of this information.


January 27, 2007


Microsoft, is added to the list above rated
Buy at $30.97. Microsoft has spent the last five years trading mostly between
$25 and $30 and the stock is well down from its highs of over $50 reached
briefly around year 2000. But the company has continued to grow although at a
slower pace and its P/E ratio seems reasonable (although not compelling) at 23.5
Combine that with its quasi-monopoly characteristics in some of its products and
we think the stock is worth considering.


January 26, 2007


Performance Update


The TSX index has jumped around a bit this month and is up 0.6% year to date.
While the Dow is up 0.2%.


Meanwhile our three Strong Buys from January 1 are up an average 4.0% and the
average for all the 24 stocks that started the year in the Buy and Strong Buy
categories is a gain of 4.6%. And only a few of these 24 are down, and the most
any of them are down is 3%.


I just added new material to the Performance
page that indicates that over the years our high returns have apparently not
come with high risks. I can’t say that the future will not be risky. I have
always said stocks involve risk, especially in the short-term. But the numbers
indicate that for calendar year holding periods our Picks have exhibited little
risk (with the exception of 2002 which does exhibit more risk).


January 25, 2007


Canadian National Railway is updated and rated
(lower) Strong Buy at Can $53.00  U.S. $44.96. This company has
exceptionally good history of growth in profits per share. They were at around
$1.00 per share in 1998 and are now at $3.40. This seems to be another huge
company that has defied the usual assumption that big companies cannot grow very
fast. The share price today is pricing in growth of around 8% assuming that the
P/E remains around 15 to 16. If it grows faster than that it will be a good
investment. As mentioned in comments on January 23, I am attracted to the idea
that this company is likely somewhat protected from competition. If you want to
move freight by rail along its networks, I suspect you would often have at most
1 other choice of rail company. Sure, you could use trucks, but it seems that
rail is more cost-effective over long-hauls. I suspect that if this stock is
held for the next five years, it is quite unlikely to be a poor investment such
as losing money over that time, but is has a reasonable chance of earning 10 to
15% annually. So, that seems like a good risk-reward tradeoff.


January 23, 2007


fall a bit today after announcing
800 to 1000 layoffs in head office (15 to 20% of staff). It seems the market is
having a hard time accepting this as good news. I have to wonder how cutting out
a big chunk of workers will fix the distribution and computer system problems
that they had. They will take a yet another special charge to cover the cost
$150 to $200 million.


I still think Loblaw will be a great bargain at some point, but it’s not clear
if that is now, or will it decline back to its recent low around $45 and below?


It is a bit scary to think that a 33 year-old is in charge and that he got
the job largely because of being the controlling owner’s son. Maybe it’s good
that he is taking decisive action. But the market is going to continue to punish
any perceived mistakes.


I don’t own it and am not thinking of buying at this time. But again, at some
unknown point, it will have hit its lows and the brave buyers at that time will
likely be rewarded. So, it’s worth watching.



A very nice day all around today. CN was up
almost 3%. And after the market closed it released a strong earnings report and
raised its dividend by 29%. I would think it will be up tomorrow as a result.


I was thinking about CN in terms of whether or not it would be a company that
Warren Buffett would approve of investing in. (Note his good friend Bill Gates
is a big shareholder in CN, and CN’s U.S. line runs through Omaha where Buffett
lives – coincidences?)


His investment criteria stated in his 1977 letter to shareholders was:


We want the business to be (1) one that we can understand, (2)

with favorable long-term prospects, (3) operated by honest and

competent people, and (4) available at a very attractive price.


In later years he said the same thing applies but he is now satisfied with an
attractive price rather than requiring the price to be very attractive.


He often talks about companies that make high profits because they are
protected from competition by their superior “franchise” or brand name appeal.
Therefore, I think his favorite type of company might be an unregulated
(virtual) monopoly in a simple, predictable business, ran by competent and
trustworthy management and available at a reasonable (preferably a bargain)


Examples of unregulated monopoly companies are rare but they do exist. I
believe the TSX group is an example. In the U.S. there are only are two main
bond-rating agencies that virtually every large corporation has little choice
but to use. These are virtually unregulated monopolies. Coke used to be one. For
many decades there was no way in the world you would open a convenience or
grocery store or restaurant and not sell Coke.


And I wonder if maybe CN qualifies? There are only two railroads in Canada
and I suspect many CN customers may not have access to CP. It seems to me that
railroads have proven themselves to have big cost advantages over trucks at
least for long-hauls and bulk product. I suspect it would impossible for anyone
to build a third competing railroad in Canada even if they had billions to
spend. So, I think if CN is not a monopoly, it is at least a duopoly with CP. CN
is generally acknowledged to be the best run railroad in North America, so that
means management is quite competent. While management is no-doubt well rewarded
I don’t think anyone questions their integrity. But what about price? This great
company sells at about 15 times earnings. So basically, it is a well above
average company and is selling at a below average multiple of price to earnings.  We will
update the CN report soon, after seeing where the price settles out in the next
few days.


Yesterday I was mentioning energy trusts, I added a new paragraph to
yesterday’s post.


January 22, 2007


Today our stocks were generally up most of the day but ended down slightly.
The 88 point drop in the DOW is a bit of a worry. I don’t sense that we’re into a
general down-trend, but certainly if the earnings season is perceived as weak,
we could be in for some negative market action in general. Still, P/Es are
generally not too high and I see no reason to think we are in for a big


Energy and oil stocks march to their own drums. I’ve never claimed any
ability to judge where oil prices are going. But with prices now down to the
low 50’s I would think it could certainly head lower unless the weather turns
and stays cold in the Northeast U.S. If not the market will soon look to Spring
and I suspect that would be negative for oil. (Probably the same applies for
natural gas).


I don’t follow energy trusts but I believe I have said in the past that when
energy prices were rising that was covering some sins on the energy trust side
like high-payouts and high acquisition costs. An ever higher price for your
product can make any company that bought more oil and gas fields look like a
hero. Now the reverse is true. Lower energy prices are sure to hurt any Trust or
corporation that bought oil and gas fields based on say $70 oil prices.


Basically, even over-priced acquisitions of oil and gas fields would have
turned out to be accretive to earnings and cash flows per unit as energy prices
jumped upward.  But a falling energy price can make a good acquisition look
bad. As energy prices have fallen, distribution cuts were likely a given. But
certain Trusts and corporations that made high-priced acquisitions will face a
double whammy. I would predict more pain in this area, but again it is not an
area I know much about.



January 21, 2007


Reitmans is updated and rated Strong Buy
at $21.25 (it closed Friday at $21.45). This stock is far too boring to be of
any interest to the ninnys who spend a lot of time of stock message Boards.
(Sorry if I cause any offense with this remark, but most of the posts I have
ever seen are based on absolutely no knowledge or analysis and message boards
tends to be most active for penny stocks that have no earnings).  It’s
so boring – all it seems to do is make money. It’s also up 32% since we added to
this site on October 21, 2005, rated (higher) Buy. The basic investment premise
here is that it is a good company (23% ROE) that is trading at a relatively
cheap multiple of earnings at about 16.


I don’t own shares in it, but plan to buy some. Logically it should be added
to our model portfolio, and I will consider doing so soon.


Walgreen Company is updated and is rated
(lower) Buy at U.S. $46.16. This is definitely a great company with a excellent
history. Unfortunately with a price/earnings ratio of about 25, it seems fully
valued. It’s up 6% since added it to this site on December 11. It could be
bought on the basis that it is worth paying a premium for such a high quality
company. But I would prefer to wait and see if an opportunity to buy at closer
to $40 happens to occur.


January 18, 2007


A negative day today. But I am encouraged that the DOW lost only a small
amount. Most of our picks are unrelated to oil and energy and tend to move more
in tandem with with the DOW than the TSX.


With recession still being talked about for the U.S. we should keep in mind
that market sentiment could certainly turn negative.


Telus has been weak and it may be that the
market senses it is being hurt by competition. We will know more when it
releases Q4 earnings.


January 17, 2007


fell back today. It seems this
company will only rise if it reports strong earnings. The market always seems to
be pricing it pessimistically. I believe “the market” finds it frustrating that
this company like most insurance companies is so unpredictable. We never know
when they will surprise us with retroactive charges or credits as their
estimates of the profits of prior periods keeps changing as their accident
claims get filed and settled. Still, it continues to look cheap.


Tiny Clemex did well today rising 4
cents to 25 cents releasing some good news. This is an extremely tiny company.
It has disappointed me in the past but may be poised to move somewhat. I think
its a reasonable speculative pick, but given the volatility I would try to get
it for 22 cents or less and would not be too eager to pay the 25 cents unless it
trades at that level for at least a few days. It is definitely speculative. But
they have survived for a long time and appear to cash-flow positive, so that
should support the price in the 22 cent range at least. A buy-out is possible
but my sense it that the founder/President values his independence and has no
intentions to sell out.


Tim Hortons continues to creep up, now
at $37.30. It tends to look expensive but then again is a case of paying up for
quality. In the euphoria around its over-subscribed, much-hyped IPO last Spring
it apparently traded as high as $37.99 that first day but soon started falling
and bottomed out at just under $27 around August and then again around October.
It was widely expected (not by us) to “tank” somewhat when the Wendy’s
shareholders received their Tim’s shares in early November (increased the
trading float by some 5 times). Instead it has climbed steadily since then. It
may make some news if it it goes over the $38 mark, setting a new high and
generating excitement. I’m happy to hold at these prices but am not adding to my
position. If I had none, I would consider buying a small amount and then adding
to that if the priced dropped several dollars.


January 16, 2007


Nice increases from Tim Hortons and
CN today. At this point I am just enjoying the
ride… We will have a couple or more updated reports by Sunday.


January 15, 2007


A good start to the market week today. I sold what amounted to 31% of my Shaw
shares near the opening this morning. It opened at $42.50, I sold at $43. In
retrospect I could have waited because the price was over $43 most of the day
and closed at $43.61. But the reality is that when you want to sell, you pretty
well have to take the bid price or risk the price dropping. It was good to see
the price climb today after the opening drop and so maybe it will hang in there
and rise. But I just thought it prudent to take some money off the table on this
one. I still have a large position in it and may trim a bit more or may just
hold on to the rest.


January 14, 2007


Late Saturday I sent out an issue of our free
newsletter. If you did not receive it, this was either due to the email
getting blocked as spam or your email is not on our list. To test if your email
is on our list for the free newsletter just enter it again in the box on our
home page. If it is a duplicate email, the system will indicate it is a


A technical note – In some browsers you may need to do a control-refresh to
see the latest version of this web page. We typically post updates, evenings and
weekends, and very seldom during the trading day.


Shaw Communications is updated
and now rated Speculative Weak Buy / Hold at $43.81. The stock price has really
jumped recently. Our prior ratings in the past two years were:


Oct 27, ’06 Speculative Buy at $34.90


July 3, ’06 Buy at $31.55


April 14, ’06 Buy at $28.49


Jan 14, ’06 Speculative Buy at $25.60


also January 21, 2005 Buy at $21.20


The investment thesis over that time was that earnings seemed under-stated
and both earnings and cashflows were increasing rapidly. Now the earnings have
increased sharply as expected, but the price has also doubled and the P/E is
still over 30 so it no longer looks like a bargain.


It may keep going up on earnings and price momentum… On the other hand I
would think a lot of people including insiders will now look to take profits.


It is 10% of my portfolio. Therefore, I will likely reduce my holdings
probably by at least half. Since I am of course still greedy for up-side I may
just enter a stop-loss at say $42 for half or more of my position. I don’t have
any real reason to think it will drop, it’s more that it looks fully priced and
I don’t want to risk 10% of my portfolio on it. I also have little cash and
selling some of this allows me to raise cash.


I hold my stocks in RRSP and an RESP account. In a taxable account I would be
more inclined to hold.


For purposes of the model portfolio,
I will notionally sell half the Shaw at tomorrow’s opening price.


January 11, 2007


Wow! Shaw Communications was up $2.95 or 7.5% to $42.38. That is quite a
large jump for such a large company. This jump was in response to a good
earnings report released this morning and perhaps also sparked by what must have
been an enthusiastic mood at their annual meeting today. At this point I do
wonder if it is a bit over-done. But I’m not anxious to sell yet because it
could keep moving up based on its earnings and sales performance.


Kingsway also did well today. And a couple
of more volatile stocks, Western
Financial and Clemex also did
very well today. Moves in small volatile stocks are often pretty meaningless but
nevertheless the whole situation looked nice on my screen as my stocks were up
over 1.5% today.


E-L Financial has come down to $600
which makes it a better Buy than when we very recently rated it a Buy at $635. I
understand that in B.C. there was considerable property damage due to recent
storms and this my hurt E-L Financial somewhat, but overall should not have any
lasting impact.


January 10, 2007


Shaw Communications (last rated Speculative Buy at $34.90 was up about $1.00
this morning to $39.24. Possibly driven somewhat by anticipation of its annual
meeting tomorrow. It may also be about to release earnings for its Q1. It’s up
6% since the start of this new year. And it’s up 12% since we rated it a
Speculative Buy on October 28. Our report indicated that the value ratios did
not look strong but that the cash flows were higher than suggested by the
earnings. If I decide to raise cash in my own portfolio, I may sell some of
this. But on the other hand, it still seems to have strong price and earnings
momentum, so I will most likely hang on to this.


One bothersome negative aspect of Shaw is its rather obese pension and
related compensation to the Shaw’s. The company is big enough that it may not be
a big concern. But the fact that they chose such lavish pay packages is


In general, I would like to be about 20% in cash at this time to take
advantage if the market dips. But I like the outlook or the stocks I hold and
therefore I am not inclined at the moment to sell. Recent market weakness has
not affected our Stock Picks, which are up slightly in this new year.


January 8, 2007


We really should not judge stock selection performance over a period shorter
than at least six months or a year. But it’s human nature for most of us to
watch stock market performance by the day, if not by the hour. I have not yet
started to calculated returns for 2007, but I do know that the TSX is down about
3% and my own account is slightly up. So it looks like we are off to a good


I had mentioned in notes below (see Nov 9 and Nov 28)  that at some
point Loblaws was going to be a good investment opportunity. The trick was,
when? Now it is at $51.21, up from lows around $45. So perhaps the bargain level
was $45 to $47. Perhaps it is still a bargain. Again it is interesting that most
analysts fell all over themselves recommending this at prices over $70 but then
abandoned it and were not recommending it at $45. Admittedly, we were too early
in rating it Buy on the way down.


The market is applauding recent continued changes in the executive ranks. I’m
not so sure all these changes are a good thing. Loblaw’s for many years had a
reputation as the best grocer in North America. They were on their game. They
seemed hungry, always finding a way for profits to go up.  They must have
had some very good operational managers all up and down the chain of command.
Given that I would have thought promotion from within would be called for. Sure
they ran into problems lately but I don’t think that is reason to start making
wholesale changes in management. When you do that the message to existing staff
is, “you are not competent, we need new people to run this place”. That does not
seem fair given the three decades of prior stellar performance. At this point, I
continue to wait-and-see. I would not be surprised to see the stock settle back
at least a few dollars before things eventually turn around. But then again if
they get their act together again, it could just continue up.


January 7, 2007


is updated for its price increase
and remains rated (lower) Buy at $24.54


January 5, 2007


A nice bump on Tim Hortons up 5.5% today, because of a strong sales report. I
think this is an example of how investing in an obviously great company can
pay-off even when the stock is not cheap. Even when the stock looks a little
expensive, common sense as you see the line-ups says buy this stock.


Kingsway was down 2% today but on no news. Insurance companies are hard to
predict and at this point I am waiting for the Q4 report to see how Kingsway did
in 2006. But it looks attractive to me.


January 4, 2007


Our Picks held up well today despite the TSX being down another 1.2%. The DOW
was down at times today but in the end was up slightly, which is encouraging.
Tim Hortons did well today perhaps in anticipation that its Q4 same-store sales
to be reported tomorrow will be strong.



January 3, 2007


Toronto market was down 1.7% today. That was mostly related to energy and
gold stocks. I am encouraged that the DOW was up a small bit today because most
of the picks on this site are more correlated to the broader economy like the
DOW, and our picks are not so much correlated with the TSX.


The Home Depot President today resigned or was asked to leave and it is
reported he got a severance of $210 million. Actually the severance was $20
million and a lot of the other amounts are for stock options he already has but
which vest early and for other entitlements already earned like an obese
pension. Apparently most of the $210 million was contractually obligated under
his contract. It crazy that the Board of directors approved that contract back
in 2000. Imagine how motivated this guy must have been lately. If he did nothing
but suck his thumb all day then he gets to be fired and walk away with $210
million. So basically he had very little motivation. That sucks.


I added today to my position in Berkshire Hathaway, per my comment yesterday.


Just based on volatility it might be a good entry point for a general
exposure to energy through the XEG exchanges traded fund on Toronto. I
considered buying at $78 today but cheaped out and placed an order at $75.10. I
usually go with individual stocks but for a number of reasons (including the
difficulty of predicting energy prices) we do have any energy stock picks here –
and will not be adding any – but we have some XEG in the model portfolio.


January 2, 2007


..And we are off to the races for another year and the market is up this
first day…


BerkShire Hathaway and Warren Buffett


I have often though about adding Berkshire to my list. I own 1 B share and
attended his annual meeting in Omaha in 2003 (along with 14,000 other people
that year). But even Warren Buffett warns that Berkshire can be hard to analyse
because it is a huge conglomerate and has “lumpy” earnings. Still, this summer I
was thinking of analysing it but sadly never did. (There will always be many
missed opportunities in investing, especially in hindsight). Berkshire B shares
are up from about $3000 last summer to $3666 today. And last summer would have
been a good time to buy using our higher dollar.


But that’s history. I have not analysed Berkshire in any detail but took a
look today and I believe it is a good investment at U.S. $3666. Q4 will likely
show a profit drop because last year it had a special $5 billion gain in Q4.
Reading the Q3 earnings press release, my sense was that Buffett is excited
about business prospects at this time. Not a stock that is going to leap in all
probability but I think it will be a good investment over the long term.




Telus announced that its president, Darren
Entwistle has sold 168,000 shares (wow that’s about $8.8 million worth). He
still holds about 402,000 ( $21 million). Back around September they were
bragging he was the largest individual shareholder and had never sold any shares
except to pay the taxes when he exercised options. But then on November 1, with
the Income Trust Announcement he would have lost about $6 million on his shares
and another $4 million on his approximate 400,000 options. That’s about $10. No
wonder he was real cranky about the Government’s move. 


..So I can’t blame him when he decides to diversify out of Telus somewhat.
And who knows, maybe he suddenly felt the need for $5 million in spending money.
But I also have to take it as a somewhat negative signal, in isolation. If he
had full and total confidence that Telus shares will rise this year, he might
not sell. We still rate Telus a (lower) Strong Buy, but this news in isolation
is cause to be a little cautious. The numbers and trends on Telus look quite
good, but maybe, just maybe, the Telus president is sensing increased
competition ahead. (Sorry to send a mixed signal on this stock, but the fact is
the signals are almost always at least a bit mixed when it comes to the
prospects for stocks).


Loblaw will take a $100 million write-down
to liquidate some non-food merchandise. Market reacted well to this. A bit
disappointing. As merchandisers I would have thought they could sell that stuff
on their own without resorting to selling it off to a liquidation chain. I
totally respect their past history of profit and growth. And maybe their current
actions are a sign they are going to turn things around. Here in the West their
Superstores with cheap bag-your-own groceries and with lots of general
merchandise have apparently done well over the years. With recession looming in
Onterio I would think the budget no-frills approach would be good. But then a
gain maybe demographics is against them, many of us are tire of no-frills and we
want to enter a nice bright clean full-service grocery and we are not too
interested in buying a shirt and pants with our groceries! Again, I respect
their history but they need to show some strong management action soon. The
market will punish any negative surprises. I am taking a wait-and-see on this


January 1, 2007


Happy New Year and greetings in particular to new subscribers.


Heading into 2007, markets appear strong. Valuations generally seem good, due
to high earnings. In general corporations are likely to keep on increasing
earnings over time and shareholders will benefit from that.  However, there
can be no guarantees. A recession in the U.S. could push markets down. As could
a terrorist attack – particularly if on North America. And individual stocks are
always subject to negative surprises.


For purposes of Performance tracking for 2007, the above ratings will be used
as the ratings at the start of 2007. Most of the reports are fairly recent and
in most cases the price has not changed much and those ratings from various
recent dates still apply for
January 1. In a few cases above we have adjusted the rating to reflect stock
price changes or a change in view.


These were:


Canadian Western Bank now considered a Weak Buy at 52.78


Home Capital now considered a Weak Buy / Hold at $34.05


Tim Hortons now considered a (lower) Buy at $33.69


I am removing some companies from the table that have not been updated in
some time. These include Hub International and Forzani Group.


December 31, 2006


Happy New Year to all of our valued subscribers. I am hoping that 2007 will
be another successful year for all of us.


December 30, 2006


FedEx is updated at rated (higher) Buy at
$108.62. This looks like an opportunity to buy a “great” company at a reasonable
price. We first added this stock to the Site in October at $112.


Manulife Financial is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at CAN $39.35 or U.S. $33.79. Manulife is one of
Canada’s very few “world class” companies. Our last update was September 9, when
we applied this same rating at $36.10. We originally added it to this Site as a
Strong Buy at $17.48 (adjusted for subsequent split) on Dec. 13, 2002.


The final performance figures for 2006 have been updated. It was another good
year in the markets. Although the TSX index did well, we managed to beat it for
the seventh straight year. And, I believe our Model Portfolio and also our group
of Buys and Strong Buys were a lot less volatile over the year than the TSX


December 27, 2006


E-L Financial (property insurance life insurance and other investments) is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at $635. This company can tend to be volatile
given its earnings volatility and low trading liquidity. However, it appears to
be a good long-term investment. I bought shares in this today. Our previous
rating was Buy at $622 in June this year. We originally added it to this site as
a Speculative Buy in March 2004 at $345.


When it comes to property insurance stocks I believe in holding several of
them rather than just one or two.


The earnings of these companies tend to be quite unpredictable. Therefore,
the ratio of price to book value may be a better guide to value.


(Note a table that was here has been removed as it was causing a problem in
width of this page)


It’s not our particular intention to focus on the insurance sector. But it
has been a sector that appears to offer good value. Therefore we continue to
have an over-weighted focus on this area.


The market is worried that auto insurance rates will will due to competition
and that therefore these companies will not grow. That may be true. But,
off-setting this is high current profits and the fact that sharply higher real
estate prices could allow revenues to grow despite lower auto insurance prices.
Also, to date, it does not look like auto insurance rates have come down very


December 26, 2006


Sobeys is updated but remains rated Weak
Buy/ Hold at $39.25 (Our analysis date was Dec 19, since then the price has
increased to $40.75). The company is not over-valued but basically we would like
to see evidence of more robust earnings per share growth before we would be
interested in this stock.


EGI Financial is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at $9.60. This means that we consider it
Speculative and also consider that it fits into the Strong Buy category, but at
the lower end of that category. We could easily have rated this lower on the
basis of risk. But on the basis of the value ratios it certainly looks like a
good Buy. In essence, here we have an established  company with a good
history of profitability where the market is willing to let us buy in 1.21 times
book value, which seems reasonable. But it is in a risky and often unpredictable
industry. I may add to my position in this company.


I sold my Cognos shares based on our updated rating. I was a bit hesitant to
sell since, although it seems over-valued, it is a great company and it
certainly could continue to rise in price. But logically, it makes sense for me
to move my money toward my high-rated picks. For the same reason, I added to my
FirstService position (Actually, I entered an order to Buy FirstService at its
last traded price but it did not hit my price today) . (Canadian Markets are closed today, but I was able to
these trades on the the U.S. market.)


December 24, 2006


FirstService Corporation is updated
and rated (higher) Buy at U.S. $23.42 or CAN $27.14. This company has a strong
history of growth and appears to be available at a reasonable price.


Cognos is updated and rated Weak Sell at
CAN $47.55 or U.S. $40.97. This stock is up 54% since we called it a Speculative
(lower) Buy at $30.29 on July 21. At $47.55 it looks over-valued. Possibly it
will keep going up on the hopes of higher profits, a special dividend or a
take-over. But based on fundamentals it appears over-valued. I plan to sell my
shares in Cognos.


To our valued subscribers:


I hope that everyone is having a great
Christmas season.


It has been our pleasure to provide stock
research to you. As a group, our subscribers have always demonstrated
great maturity and intelligence when it comes to investing. You have looked
for guidance in picking stocks but at the same time you have taken ultimate
responsibility for your own investments. You have understood that that there
are rewards in the stock market but also risks.


If you know of others with similar
attitudes, who are looking to invest in stocks and are looking for some
guidance and high-quality stock analysis, please consider emailing a link to
our site to them with your comments. 


At InvestorsFriend Inc. we are just
completing our seventh full year of operation and our seventh year of beating
the market index.


Each year at this time we update and/or
reconfirm our stock ratings for the new year. You can login over the next week
to check for updates. I trust we will continue to earn your business
throughout 2007 and beyond.


Many of you are set up on monthly or
annual subscriptions that renew automatically through PayPal. If you paid by
cheque you can check the end-date of your subscription by choosing “My
Account” on our login page.


December 23, 2006


I’ve reorganized the Articles list so that you no
longer have to drill down more than 1 level to find any article. Many of these
articles are definitely worth reading again even if you have already read them
once. (My view is that in any endeavor, you can never review the basics too many


My own portfolio break-down has been updates (see links below the stock
table) and the 2006 performance has been updated as of Dec 21 (Thursday).


December 21, 2006


Note that we will be updating a number of reports (as many as we can get to)
in time for the start of trading for 2007.


I just sent out an issue of the free newsletter, which you should receive.


I was very pleasantly surprised to see
Western Financial Group jump to
$4.20 today. This may have been the result of an institutional player trying to
accumulate shares. It announced today that its underwriters were using a
“over-allotment” from their recent share issue to buy more shares. That gives
the company cash but I don’t see why that should have driven the stock up,
unless these brokers were encouraging their clients to buy it. I like WES long
term but it does look expensive right now. I would not be surprised at all if it
fell back to say the $3.70 level. It is thinly traded and that makes it
volatile. I considered selling at $4.15 today but decided to hang in for the
long term.


December 19, 2006


Kingsway financial was down 2.7% today to $23.28 . My comments just below
under Dec 13 still apply. CN and Telus were also down which could be good buying
opportunities for both.


I note that the Dow Jones set a new record high today. As long as the Dow is
still going up, it seems unlikely that most “blue-chip” stocks like Telus and CN
will continue to slide.


December 17, 2006


My analysis on the valuation of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average is updated. Since the last update in September, the Dow
index is up a fair amount, but earnings also rose. Therefore the index remains
perhaps moderately overvalued. I expect the Q4 earnings reports to be good. On
that basis, the Dow could continue to rise unless fears of recession grow.


December 16, 2006


Walgreen Company is added to the list of
stocks above as a (lower) Buy at $43.56. (That was our analysis price but note
that it closed on Friday, up slightly at $44.50). It is not a screaming Buy and
in fact is pricing in continued strong growth. But this may be a case where it
is worth “paying up” for quality.


We have added a few companies lately. At this time i am also removing
Sleeman’s which was taken private and Brampton Brick (which we have lost
interest in).


December 15, 2006


Telus is updated and rated (lower) Strong
Buy at $53.17. I plan to increase my position in this stock.


December 14, 2006


The markets have kept powering ahead with the Dow and the Toronto composite
index at record highs. At some point we will get a down-turn. Therefore, it
seems wise to have some money in cash or short-term investments to take
advantage of any major market decline. But the market certainly may continue to
rise. P/E ratios are still reasonably low compared to where they have been over
the past ten years. Therefore I am comfortable keeping most of my investments in
stocks. I tend to take a long term view and I am willing to live with the risk
of a market pull-back.


Clemex, which is a very tiny higher
risk company announced earnings today. Q3 Sales were down 6% to $1.40 million
which is disappointing. Profits were down over 70% but that may not be too
meaningful as profits last year were only $147,000 and so a small decline in
revenues combined with a small increase in expenses made for a large drop in
profit. The comapny had indicated last quater that this Q2 would not be
strong… The company seems confident about the future. I tend to think it is
worth its current price, but then again this company has a bad history of
under-delivering (see my comments dated Sept 16 below). The company did not yet
release its balance sheet but I believe its debt has continued to come down
which has reduced its risk.


I did add to my Kingsway position today.


December 13, 2006


Kingsway Financial fell under $24 today.
It’s always hard to “step-up” and buy on dips like this. There is always the
fear that a dip means that someone knows something negative is coming. Thos who
trade on based on analysis of charts and momentum would tend to sell rather than
Buy. However, those who, like myself, trade on fundamentals are inclined to buy
on dips. In the past three years buying Kingsway on dips would have worked well.
But there were periods in earlier years where a little dip was followed by much
bigger drops. At this time I believe that the fundamental value of Kingsway is
such that a very large price drop is unlikely. Therefore I am inclined to Buy on
this dip. Many times in the past I have regretted not adding to my positions on


One thing that is a bit annoying is that Kingway is “supposed” to be buying
back shares but have not reported buying any shares since mid-September. They
have said that it can be hard to buy since they are only allowed to buy on a
down-tick in price and cannot buy on an up-tick in price. I would have thought
that they could have stepped in to Buy in the past few days. (Maybe they have
bought and have just not reported it yet).


Meanwhile a number of our other Picks were going up…
Clemex reported that it believes its
shares are under-valued and indicated that it will buy back some shares. I’m a
bit surprised that they would have the cash to do so, but anyhow this was
positive news. Tim Hortons seems to be
fighting back from a recent small decline in its price. They have not reported
their same-store sales increase for November (This use to be reported when they
were part of Wendy’s)


December 11, 2006


Western Financial Group fell to
3.61 today. Based on the financials it looks like only a hold or weak buy. Buy
as a speculative play on the Alberta economy it may not be a bad pick. In early
December it bough 15 new insurance agencies with the proceeds of its equity
issue. This brings the total number of insurance offices to about 71. It may
take at least 6 months before this shows up in earnings, so this Stock is likely
to require patience.


December 9, 2006


Performance figures are updated.


Target is updated and is rated Buy at
$58.09. This retail stock has done very well (up 19%) since we added to this
Site in late May at a price of $48.82.


December 7, 2006


I sent out an email to all paid subscribers tonight. It was really just a
reminder to login to this Site, but if you did not receive it, we may not have
your correct email address (You can check that under “MY Account” on our Login
Page). (If you change your email address, the email that is your user name will
not change unless you request me to change it.)


Dalsa reported today that its CFO was
resigning as of January 13. They did not say why but they thanked him for his
service and giving that he is staying until January 13, I suspect he simply left
for a bigger opportunity.


Check our recommended book section, I have started to
add a few comments under each book.


December 6, 2006


IGM Financial is updated and rate (higher) Buy
at $48.80. Since our last update in March the price has not changed but earnings
are up. In addition long-term interest rates are down and dividend stocks are
more in favor due to the announced Income Trust tax changes. IGM’s earnings
could fall if the market falls or if Banks win more of the business. But overall
if IGM keeps on doing what it has been doing and has success similar to its past
then it seems likely to provide a return in the range of 10 to 15% annually
(although with volatility) if held for five years. In the short term if markets
continue to do well, it could certainly advance to $55 or $60


Good gains today on Kingsway and Shaw
Communications. CNR was down but I suspect
that is just normal volatility. I did hear today that American executives were
selling shares at record or near-record rates. That ‘s not a piece of
information that I would act on but it is a reminder of the fact that with the
Dow  and TSX at record levels we have to be aware that a significant market
“correction” is always a possibility. As mentioned earlier that is offset by
very low interest rates and still-strong earnings. In the end I don’t think
anyone can accurately predict when a market correction will arrive.


December 5, 2006


A number of our Picks did well today including
Kingsway, CNR and
Western Financial Group. Based on
economic news today, there was some talk today that the U.S. economy will do a
soft-landing rather than a recession. That remains to be seen. But for the
moment the market sentiment seems good.


December 4, 2006


The market continued to show strength today. I was surprised that the
TSX Group rose 3.5% today on the same day when Instinet announced it would
start competing with the TSX in 2007. I’m not sure how big a threat Instinet
would form. Tim Hortons was at first up
today but ended up down for the day even though the overall market was strong. I
don’t think there is much reason to think Tim’s will rise much more in the short
term. Perhaps a dip is more likely but at the same time I am not going to sell
since the dip may not happen.


November 30, 2006


Wal-Mart is updated and rated (higher) Buy
at $47.39 (our analysis price was $47.39, but the stock closed at $46.10 today).
Analysts are focused on weak same store sales growth in the past two months.
However total sales increased almost 12% in the past two months year-over-year
which seems impressive. Overall the stock is out of favor and may well fall in
price, but I view it as an opportunity to buy a company that historically has
been exceptionally strong but which is available at a very ordinary multiple of
price to earnings.


November 28, 2006


It was good to see stability in the U.S. market today therefore there seems
to be no reason to think that Monday’s drop was the start of a down trend. EGI
Financial holdings appears to have dropped back to reasonably attractive levels.


Loblaw is updated and rated Speculative
(lower) Buy at $47.70 when evaluated (closed at $47.26 today). I continue to
watch this stock and believe that at some point it could offer good value if
there is an indication that profits will rebound. But currently it is not clear
if profits can rebound quickly to the 2004 levels. Therefore I continue to take
a wait and see approach to this one. It did drop since we gave it the same
rating in August at $49.01. It remains to be seen how effective and aggressive
will be the new CEO, Galen Weston jr.


November 27, 2006


Home Capital is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Buy at $28.75. It closed today at $27.94. This stock has
struggled lately and we last rated it Speculative (lower) Buy at $31.80 on
August 7. The high was reached early this year at $43. We first rates this Stock
a Buy at $7.43 (adjusted for subsequent split) in April 2002. We have done well
on it but don’t currently own it.


It seems unlikely that Home will regain it former 30% growth rate. Recently
net interest revenue was growing at 14.5%. It faces more competition. Lately I
keep hearing advertisements from more and more new mortgage companies that I
have never heard of. At some point some of these companies are going to suffer
credit losses. But Home has a strong history and I would not bet against it.


I don’t own it and am content to wait and see how Q4 does, before considering
a purchase.


Our Stocks took some hits today mostly on names that had gone up a lot
lately. (New York Stock Exchange, Tim Hortons, Cognos). I had thought about
reducing my position in NYSE but having already reduced it once this year, I
just decided to ride it out as a speculative pick. I think this company has lots
of potential but it certainly go much lower, having risen do quickly. With Tim
Hortons, I had mentioned on Nov 9, that I would think about trimming. But again
I just decided to ride it out and bank on the long-term strengths of this


Today I did add to my positions in TSX Group and Thomson, both as longer term


Nov 25, 2006


The Thomson Corporation is updated and
rated Buy at CAN $48.30 or U.S. $42.66. This is another stock where the GAAP
earnings appear under-stated. The value ratios would suggest hold rather than
Buy. However, it is in a good position for strong earnings growth due to the
electronic delivery of most of its products. I may add to my position in this
stock. It is essentially a U.S. company although it is based in Toronto.
Canadian investors face currency risk. It is up about 7% since we rated it lower
Buy in September. The stock price has not done that well over the past 6 years
or so, but that was partly due to currency for Canadian investors and for U.S.
investors it was mostly the fact that the stock had simply become over-valued in
the early 2000’s.


The TSX Group is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $45.81. This Stock was originally added to this Site as a Buy on
October 12, 2003 at $14.43. (adjusted for a split and for a special dividend)
Clearly it has done very well since then. At various times I have considered it
to be too expensive. It is not cheap. But I believe that its special
characteristics as a near-monopoly in Canada do justify its current price. I
have a small position in it and plan to add to my position.


Nov 23, 2006


Performance figures have been updated.


Nov 22, 2006


More gains today…


Note that we will likely have a couple of updated reports by Sunday.




Most of you pay your subscriptions through Paypal. New subscribers to this
Site who pay through PayPal end up opening a PayPal account as you sign up with
us. We use PayPal because they are an established secure payment processor. But
admittedly they do have some confusing and or annoying practices.


If you just opened a PayPal account, they will email you to confirm your
email address with them (confirm your PayPal account). If you never intend to
use PayPal except for payments by credit card, I don’t believe it is necessary
to confirm the email. I don’t think there is a harm to confirming the email at
all but you don’t need to do it in my experience.


PayPal may also encourage you to link in your Bank Account. Personally I see
no benefit to that and would not do it. In fact if you do confirm your bank
account, they will make the bank account the default payment source for any
future PayPal transactions (existing subscriptions paid by credit card would
continue to go to the credit card). Bottom line, is unless you use PayPal for
something other than credit card payments I see no benefit to linking in your
bank account.


Be aware that scammers often pretend to be PayPal. Be careful of any email
from “PayPal” that asks for credit card info etc. Often they will show PayPal as
the link but if you click through you will see the URL is not really a PayPal
URL. This is not PayPal’s fault it is scammers but the point is always be very
careful. If you need to change something on PayPal log in at Also the PayPal buttons on
this Site of course are safe and go to the real PayPal.


I hope the above is not confusing or alarming. In fact none of our
subscribers have ever reported being scammed by a PayPal look-alike. But I just
thought the above might help in trying to understand the various emails from
PayPal about confirming email address and confirming / adding a bank account.


Nov 21, 2006


Our model portfolio got a nice boost today from New York Stock Exchange
Group, up 9.7% today and it has been on a real tear lately. It started this year
as Archipelago rated Speculative Buy at U.S. $50. Archipelago was attractive
because the it was about to buy the New York Stock Exchange (in a reverse
takeover where the former owners of the NYSE would own most of Archipelago – and
where Archipelago would be re-named NYSE Group). For a variety of reasons the
new NYSE Group is hard to value and we did not have a rating on the combined
entity but we kept it in the Model portfolio and I own it personally.
Archipelago went up to about $85 soon after the takeover of NYSE and then fell
back briefly to the low 50’s. We sold half at $65.69 on the way down. It has now
climbed all the way to U.S. $104.50. I really don’t know what it is worth now.
But I have a feeling that the brand power of the New York Stock Exchange makes
it worth a lot. It will have to increase its profits by a huge amount to justify
its current price. But I suspect it can do that. Having already sold half, and
not having a huge position in it, I am content to just let it ride. But I do
view it as being quite Speculative at this price.


In terms of easier to predict stocks, Shaw Communications and Kingsway both
had nice gains today.


Nov 20, 2006


A good start to the week. Kingsway, Shaw, CN, Tim Hortons all up. Western
Financial was down a couple cents most of the day. It finished up one cent but
that was on a tiny end of day volume. I did not sell any yet. I may sell some


Nov 18, 2006


Western Financial Group is
updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $3.64. In August we had rated this a
Speculative Buy at $3.25. At the beginning of 2006 we rated it a Speculative
(lower) Strong Buy at $2.80.


In Q3 the earnings growth was definitely good with a 44.8% growth and in 2006
to date earnings have grown 38%. But we focus on earnings per share and more
particularly on earnings per diluted share. The diluted share count has
increased quite materially due to conversion of debentures in January and due to
other convertible securities that are now “in-the-money” given the share price
increase. In addition the company just issued additional shares at $3.50.
Fundamentally, I have trouble paying $3.64 for shares that the company is
apparently willing to sell for $3.50 (though I realise the company may have had
little choice but to issue shares to finance growth – although I believe they
previously indicated growth was more likely to be financed by debt).  I am
still reasonably comfortable holding it and I believe it should do well
particularly given the strong Alberta economy. But I expect the share price to
be volatile. I have a large exposure to it and I may reduce my position, but I
will definitely continue to hold some.


For purposes of the model portfolio I will notionally sell half the position
at Monday’s opening price (but not lower than $3.45) This could be accomplished
by placing a sell order now for $3.45 since I would then get the opening price
if it was higher than $3.45 or if lower, this becomes a  limit order at



Nov 17, 2006


ING Canada is updated and rated Speculative Buy at $54.60. It is not highly
speculative but has to be considered somewhat speculative due to its high price
to book value and the volatile nature of earnings. But overall it will likely
continue to do well. Our previous rating on this stock was Buy at $52.96. It
started this year rated (higher) Buy at $51.25. It originally was added to this
site as a (higher) Strong Buy at $34.15 in June 2005.


The main reason I was attracted to insurance stocks in 2003 was my theory
that auto insurance rates had gone too high and with drivers avoiding claims if
at all possible, I figured auto insurance profits would go very high. This has
definitely happened with ING.


Nov 16, 2006


I never did own any oil and gas Trusts, and I don’t know much about them. But
for many the business model included buying production. There was perhaps not
much value added in those cases except maybe the tax savings were a big value
add if purchased from a taxable corporation . Though I suspect exploration
companies never paid much cash tax anyhow with their capital cost allowance
deductions or other depletion deductions.


One thing, for sure in a rising oil and gas market if a Trust over-paid for
assets, that sin was hidden as the market rose and took care of it. In today’s
market, oil and gas have fallen therefore we may see some cases where Trusts and
others over-paid for assets. That is just one more piece of bad news for the


If I wanted to play oil and gas right now I would likely buy the exchange
treaded XEG units on Toronto. I don’t disagree that it is a good idea to have
some exposure to oil and gas, though I happen to have none and I focus my
attention on companies that seem more predictable to me than oil and gas prices.


Loblaw was up only $1.00 earlier today but ended up $2.40. I did not buy. My
strategy there would be to establish maybe a third or a half of a target
position and then wait and see. Q4 will be ugly and the price may drop . Then
again the market already knows about the write offs coming in Q4, so maybe it
will just focus on the future. They say it will be a  long haul though so I
guess no reason this will shoot up. (unless maybe they did something big like a
sale and leaseback of the real estate – and maybe new CEO (young Galen Weston
junior) will try something like that to make his mark…) I have not analyzed
the Q3 results yet…


Nov 15, 2006


Loblaw reports earnings, tomorrow, Thursday. They announced a certain key
executive will stay (I think he had resigned but now will stay..). I’m tempted
to Buy but will likely wait for the earnings and then see where the price goes
and re-evaluate.


A good day in the markets. Markets can always turn down quickly, but right
now it feels like the market will keep rising. The last three calendar years
ended very strongly, I hope this will be one more. We expect to have a couple
updated reports on the Site by Sunday.


Nov. 14


Kingsway is down from its highs. Basically this stock tends to be volatile
but has trended up over. It could certainly drop somewhat more but I am
comfortable holding it. Recent lower oil prices and lower inflation in the
U.S. bode well for most of the stocks we feature here.


Nov. 13, 2006


Note some of these updates under Nov 13, will not get posted until the
14th due to a problem uploading the Site at this time.


Stantec is updated and rated (lower) Buy

CAN $22.65 or U.S.$19.99 (Subsequent to our analysis date, it closed today
at CAN $23.62 and U.S. $20.83).



Canada Bread is updated but remains
rate Weak/Buy / Hold at $53.80. Basically not a stock we are too interested in
at the moment but given past growth we feel it is worth keeping an eye on.




With all the spam and spam filters these days it is easy to miss legitimate
emails. My emails may get blocked as spam because they contain links or because
they are not addressed to each recipient but rather do not show the recipients.  If you
use Outlook, take a minute to go to Tools, Options, then hit “Junk Email” (near
the top of the box under Options) then hit safe senders and add This
should ensure you get my emails… unless of course they are blocked by a spam
protector before they ever hit your inbox.


As a reminder, those that subscribe by cheque can see the end date to which
access to this site has been paid under “My Account” on our Member login page,
after you login but before you click through to this page.  Unfortunately,
our email system is not (yet) set up to issue reminders about expiry dates.
Because this is a subscription system, the expiry is indicated as “Next Payment
Due”. For PayPal subscribers this indicates when the next payment will process
(of course it will not process if the subscription has been canceled).


Given our rating on Dalsa I decided to add to my position in it today. I also
added it to the model portfolio. As a high-tech company it is always possible
that it will surprise us with some bad news such as a write-off of its
investment in the cinematography camera. But the stock seems cheap and I believe
the risk/reward balance is quite good at prices under $13. I’m not taking a huge
position in it, but I figured why have a tiny position that would hardly matter
to my portfolio?


Nov. 12, 2006


A edition of the free newsletter was
just sent out (1:15 pm eastern time). If you did not receive it by email, let me know, as I am
interested in knowing if it is not getting through to some of you for any
reason. (To email me click on )


Nov. 11, 2006


Dalsa is updated and rated (higher) Buy at
$12.23.  With a P/E of 21 the stock does not look cheap. But the price to
book value ratio of 1.27 is quite attractive. It appears to me that earnings may
be considerably under-stated due to (presumably temporary) start-up-stage losses
in digital cinema and also due to amortization of intangibles and the expensing
of R&D. The stock price has not done well over the past few years. However, at
prices under $13, I believe that this stock represents strong value with
excellent potential. As always though, there are no guarantees. As I mentioned I
would under Nov 8, I have added to may position in this stock. I doubled my
position and it represents 2.3% of my portfolio and I may increase this to as
high as 5%. I would note, that listening to the conference call, the analysts
seemed to have some concerns and did not seem supportive. Therefore the Dalsa
shares will not likely rise until it actually produces higher earnings, it is
unlikely to be driven up by analysts recommending it.


Nov 9, 2006


I notice Loblaw down around $46 again. I
believe this will be a bargain at some point. For example they could announce a
sale (and lease back) of real estate to a REIT and that would lift the price. I
don’t believe they have announced Q3 earnings so I would wait for that.


Western Financial Group has
announced today (I believe it was after the close) that it will issue $25
million in shares. This is hefty considering it has a market cap around $120
million. I notice this press release did not get picked up in YAHOO Finance, so
not all investors know about this. I have often mentioned in my reports the
possibility of a share issue as a negative thing. It may be good long-term, but
in the short term it usually drives the stock down, and sometimes substantially.
Possibly, they can market this at around $3.80. Given their earnings growth and
the recent stock price increase it may be possible for them to sell the shares
for $3.80. But certainly $3.50 or lower is possible. Given no price is yet
announced, we may very well see noticeable drop tomorrow. Unfortunately, if that
happens it will likely happen fast and there will simply be no chance to sell at
say $3.75 or higher with the hope of buying back in as others sell. Trading was
halted as of the end of today. My bet is it will open $3.50 or lower,
unfortunately. We have had a good run with this stock and volatility is to be


Tim Hortons is updated but rated only
Weak Buy / Hold at $33.55. They really did not release a lot of financial data
for Q3 and also due to the share issue in June and other factors associated with
the spin-off from Wendy’s we really don’t have comparable financials for even
the last 12 months. It is going to be a least after Q1 2007 and possible later
before we really get an accurate picture of the annual profitability of Tim
Hortons as a public company -particularly given that there were some unusual
expenses associated with going public and the separation from Wendy’s. The stock
is up 18% since we rated it a (lower) Buy at $28.37 and indicated we were buying
on July 30. It has been moderately volatile.


After this run-up and given the quality of the company I am reasonably
comfortable with the 5% weighting in the Model Portfolio. However, my own 8.9%
weighting may be a bit high and I may trim that. If I did not own any I would
probably buy just a small position and average in that way. It’s certainly
possible that it will fall in price, although long-term the direction is up.


Whenever I am in their stores, or drive by, I think, “how could I not own
some of this?”. It’s a case where the numbers do not indicate a bargain, but
then again the strength of the brand is apparent to all and that should bode
well in the long-term.


Nov 8, 2006


Wow, yet another great day in the markets.
EGI Financial Holdings came out
with earnings mid-day and rose 11% to $9.41.
Western Financial came out with
strong earnings after the close. Clearly the market has been anticipating strong
earnings from WES so it remains to be seen if the stock will rise tomorrow.
Cognos also did well today.


Our performance is at a record high for the year, and that is a good
accomplishment considering the Income Trust situation that negatively affected
many investors.


On the other hand Dalsa closed at $12.01
today, although a more realistic price is about $12.50 since it traded at that
level most of today. It looks like someone traded a block of 200,000 at $12.01
late today. In the last update I said I would be interested if the price fell
below $13. I am going to add to my position in this stock. It could turn out to
be a real gem, but is likely going to require patience. It recently reported
earnings and I have not updated for that. Basically their digital movie camera
unit loses money, but this may be more of an investment than a true loss.


Nov 7, 2006


I ended up selling about 40% (had entered an order to sell 50% but then
decided to sell a bit less) of my Kingsway on the stop loss. I really don’t like
stop losses, I would have got a better price by just selling. But I was
reluctant to sell and this stop loss at $25 was a way of forcing myself to sell
but only if the price dropped. Tim Hortons had another good day today. I will
update the Tim Hortons report in the next couple of days.


Nov 6, 2006


Kingsway Financial is updated and is
lowered to a Speculative Buy at $25.60 from the former Speculative Strong Buy at


It may be useful to review how the investment thesis on property insurance
has changed over the past few years.


When I began looking at insurance companies in 2003, I was attracted by the
extremely high insurance rates that were in the news. I figured they might be
making a lot of money. GAAP earnings were low or negative around that time but
that was being caused by retroactive expenses (developments) related to prior
years. My theory was that insurance rates had over-shot the mark as they were
moved high enough to generate profits in spite of retroactive expenses. It
seemed likely that a profit gusher was around the corner. And this came true,
insurance profits have absolutely soared since then. (I hope I am not
over-stating the accuracy of my thinking in 2003, but that is how I recall it).


Over the ensuing period profits did rise and so did the share prices but in
general the property insurance companies looked very cheap.


At the present time, profits are still high, but rates are declining. And the
stock prices have risen noticeably. In general insurance stocks look like good
investments but are not as compelling as before. Update added Nov 17, 2006.
While rate decreases put revenues and profits under pressure, an offsetting
factor is that property values have increased dramatically and ultimately this
should increase the revenue and size of the industry.


In the case of Kingsway I was very hopeful that they had over-reserved and
would at some point release these reserves creating huge profits and increasing
the book value. Now I am not as sure this will happen. It sounds like they were
so burned on being under-reserved in the past that even if they think they are
over-reserved they will be very reluctant to release that as earnings.


So… I still think Kingsway is a good investment. It should continue to do
well. But I will definitely consider cutting my exposure to it. I may put in a stop loss at $25 on half
of my
Kingsway position. (Hopefully the
stop will not be hit…). I generally don’t use stop losses but I will make an
exception here due to my high exposure to the stock. The model portfolio has a
much lower exposure to Kingsway than I do and so I am comfortable with keeping
the Kingsway position in the model.


Update: for my own account I entered a stop loss order to sell half my
Kingsway if the price goes to $25 or below but not to sell below $24.


Nov 5, 2006


Northbridge is updated and continues to
be rated (higher) Buy at $30.84. Northbridge had a combined ratio of 93.6% in
Q3. This means it made 6.4% on the insurance itself before any earnings on
investments. For whatever reasons insurance company analysts have come to view
that kind of profit as normal when in contrast Warren Buffett considers it quite
acceptable to merely break even on the insurance. The industry is still quite
profitable but is viewed as very risky. Basically this company will likely
continue to drag its share price up slowly by its own bootstraps (profits add to
book value and that tends to drag the price up). Also it plans some significant
share buy-backs which should help although that will actually pull the book
value down a little.


Nov 5, 2006


ebay is updated and rated Speculative Weak
Buy/Hold at $32.67. We added it to this site back on July 17 with the same
rating  and at a price of $25.66. Maybe we were a little conservative then.
We realize it still has great potential if past very high growth continues. But
the fact is that investors buying now are paying up-front for some pretty robust
growth. If growth slows the price would drop. In addition I really don’t like
their high executive compensation and the fact that they were so slow to expense
options. It’s an okay investment as a way to benefit if it keeps growing fast,
but I definitely consider it somewhat speculative. I hope to have one more
updated report later today and some through this week as well.


Nov 4, 2006


Performance figures are updated, as well as for the Model Portfolio, and my
own portfolio. See links above (below table of stock picks).


Nov 3, 2006


I’m now in Toronto Airport. Big line up at Tim’s… Although not a cheap
stock I love the company.


I will update performance figures tomorrow. Also some report updates by
Sunday night. Looks like the week ended on a positive note.


Nov 3, 2006


Northbridge earnings out… it fell but does not look bad to me…


I’m sitting in Ft. Lauderdale airport returning to Edmonton. Check for
updates over the weekend.


Even with Trust and TSX situation we have not had a bad week maybe down a
little but not much.


Nov 1, 2006


A big hit for Telus today… I don’t see it going lower from here. This
income Trust tax announcement is a bit of a shock, but not really. There has
been lots of speculation that the government needed to do something and it was
only wishful thinking that people thought the government would stand idle. Our
picks lost I believe about 1% today while the market was down 2.4%.


As usual these things happen so fast that there was no time to react. I am
not thinking of selling anything on this news. It does take away some of the
upside for Shaw, CNR, TSX Group and Tim Hortons.


October 30, 2006


This week started off with a good day for our stock picks, although the
overall market was flat… Various stocks could be volatile in either direction
in the next few weeks as they release earnings which in a few cases may have
negative surprises and a few other cases may have positive surprises. But
overall the market tends to “know” (somehow – such as insider leaks) what the
earnings will be and therefore the stocks often don’t move much at all on an
earnings release.


October 28, 2006


The model portfolio is updated. Until Friday, I am attending a course at
Delray Beach Florida and may or may not be able to respond to emails.


October 27, 2006


Shaw Communications is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at $34.90. The current profit would not justify this price but
profits have been trending up very strongly. It seems to be in a good position
to keep growing cash flow. With the recent dividend increase to $1.00 per share
from 60 cents, we may see interest from income oriented investors. I believe it
is generally thought that if the company was for sale it would fetch over $40
per share. Also the Income Trust route is a possibility. So it may be somewhat
speculative at this price because it needs to keep growing the cash flow and
earnings to justify this price, but I like its chances.


October 26, 2006


Lots of earnings news today.


Shaw Communications had great earnings which must have been anticipated,
given that the stock was flat today. I plan to update our report on on this
company soon. My sense is that it will continue to well.


Tim Hortons reported great sales but lower net income. It showed surprising
strength on that news. I was almost tempted to take some profits but thought
better of it. It certainly could pull back, but I would not count on it.


I don’t follow Wendy’s any longer. But I wonder if the market is confused
about how much Wendy’s is making without Tim Hortons. Some headlines today spoke
of Wendy’s earning 61 cents per share. But that was with it owning 82% of Tim
Hortons for most of Q3. Absent Tim Hortons Wendy’s earned a paltry 16 cents per
share. That would appear to make its $35.50 share price look pretty expensive.
Meanwhile Tim Hortons earned 27 cents per share. I really wonder if the U.S.
market totally “gets it” regarding the fact that Tim Hortons was the main profit
element of Wendy’s in recent years. I like Wendy’s as a business but it looks
expensive and it will now be necessary to analyze its profits without Tim


October 25, 2006


Yet another good day today…


Check out our Performance page. I have added
bar graphs to show the average return for Strong Buys and Buys etc. in each year
since our inception. Until now this data was in a table format, but as more
years were added to the table, it is probably a lot easier to see graphically.
Of course past returns are no guarantee of future results, but it seems logical
that if we have done well each year for seven years and we keep with the same
approach, we can reasonably expect good returns in future.


October 23, 2006


I added to my position in CN today… If oil prices stay low/decline, it
looks like the general market outside of energy can keep rising. Nevertheless,
it is not a bad strategy to build some cash and also to be ready to react if the
market starts to turn down


October 22, 2006


Canadian National railway is updated and
continues to be rated (higher) Buy at $52.31. It had a great earnings report. We
started the year with CN rated (higher) Buy at $53.15. When it fell to around
$46 it was tough to have the resolve to keep rating it highly. We kept it at
(higher) Buy. In retrospect maybe we should have said Strong Buy, but we bought
in to the fears of recession.  It turns out that $46 was a great
opportunity to buy CN. And at around $52, indications are that it is still a
good investment opportunity. (But there are never any guarantees).


October 21, 2006


Couche-Tard (operator of the over 5000
Mac’s and Circle K convenience stores) is updated and rated Weak Buy at $25.85.
This has definitely been a great company and it probably has substantial growth
ahead of it. But it seems too expensive at this time. If I owned it I might
continue to hold or I might look to re-deploy the money.


Kingsway fell noticeably this week but
this may just be normal volatility especially in light of its very strong recent
gains. Overall performance of the stocks on this site was up again this week.


CN certainly did well this week. I had mentioned a few times in September and
October my interest in CN as it had fallen to prices around $48 and $46. It’s
always hard to be brave and buy on those kind of dips but now we have CN
suddenly back over $52.


October 19, 2006


CN released yet another great earnings report after the close today.
Presumably it will rise tomorrow. I think it is becoming even more clear that
this was a real bargain when it fell to the $46 level recently.


October 17, 2006


FedEx Corporation is added as a new
company rated Buy at $112.68 which was our analysis price. It closed at $115.82
and in any performance figures we would start measuring from that higher price.
Our Buy rating would apply up to at about $120 at which point we would want to
re-evaluate. The investment thesis here is the chance to buy a great company at
a pretty ordinary price to earnings ratio.


We could easily see a few more down days in the market. My hope would be that
strong Q3 earnings would quickly reverse any negative trend. I thought Western
Financial held up surprisingly well today given a negative day in the markets
and the fact it rose so much recently.


October 16, 2006


It was interesting today that Aeroplan
announced that points will now have to be used within seven years. That is
probably reasonable but will still breed some resentment. I know a lot of people
have accumulated a ton of miles via the aerogold credit card. At this point if
they don’t have travel plans maybe they will switch to another credit card that
gives a different benefit. Aeroplan also upped its dividend which is a positive.
More importantly Aeroplan introduced a new system whereby all seats will be
available but at various levels of points that will be linked to the cash fares
of those sets. This should be a very good move and could see a lot more points
being redeemed. Bizarrely this will be bad for cashflow but good for GAAP
accounting earnings. (Although it could also possibly lead to more accumulation
of points which is good for cashflow).


Another good day… particularly for Western Financial Group. I would worry
that this could certainly be volatile. Most of the recent increase was on low
volumes but today the volume was good. It may start to attract more attention
just because it has done so well. At this point our rating at $3.25 is quite a
bit below today’s close of $3.88. We will update in November after they release
Q3 earnings.


With such strong gains lately one could fall into the trap of thinking the
market will just keep going up. But from experience we know that it can turn
around easily to the down-side. But so far so good…


October 15, 2006


In terms of stocks to Buy I am personally thinking of adding to positions in
CN, Shaw communications and maybe E-L Financial and Bank of Nova Scotia. All of
the Buys and higher above are worth considering but note that our ratings apply
as of their date and if the price has jumped a lot or too much time has passed
then our rating would likely change if we updated it. As always, subscribers
invest at their own risk. Although we have done very well, stocks are always
risky in that surprise events at a given company can take the price down in
a hurry – as we recently saw with Cryptologic. The Q3 earnings will soon be
rolling in and we will update many of the reports for that.


I made a note on the model portfolio
page that I will notionally buy CN, Manulife and Bank of Nova Scotia


Alarmforce is updated but is only
rated a Speculative Weak Buy at $4.66. We continue to monitor the company but it
is not one we have much interest in at this time.


Bank of Nova Scotia is updated and
rated Buy at $48.20 as of our analysis date (it closed on Friday at $47.74). The
basic investment thesis here is that buying a company with an ROE around 21% is
a good deal when the P/E is only about 14. Should continue to do well barring a
recession that causes significant loan losses.


Performance figures have been updated. Outside of energy stocks much of the
market has been doing unexpectedly well and seems to have momentum heading into
the Q3 earnings release season.


On Friday, I bought back the half of my
Kingsway shares that I recently sold. I felt that the pain of missing out on
the the potential gains there outweighed the potential pain of the loss if it


If anyone has emailed me and not heard back, try re-sending the email. I get
a huge volume of spam emails. Occasionally when deleting spam I may end up
deleting a valid email.


October 11, 2006


Looks like I was early in taking profits on Kingsway and in trying to play
the volatility on Western Financial. Both up today.


So.. BCE goes the Trust route, I first speculated on that on this site
a couple of years ago that we might see some mega-conversions. There should be
more to come why not Loblaws for example? (not that I have heard anything).
Large coprations that pay lots of cash taxes will be looking to convert. Maybe
big energy companies…


Some people talk of leveling the paying field with a higher dividend tax
credit. That will not work. The playing field would only be level if corporate
dividends were tax deductible (like interest payments) to the corporation and
fully taxable to the shareholder. Even then some trusts have the advantage of
being able to flow through distributions as return of capital so corporations
would need that right as well, dividends in excess of earnings would be tax-free
return of capital.


Overall there still seems to be some financial engineering at work which is
still providing a one-time boost to stocks.


October 10, 2006


Sobeys is updated but remains a Weak
Buy / Hold at $37.58 (We analysed the ratios based on a price of $38.16 but the
same rating applies at today’s closing price of $37.58). It’s not an investment
we are interested in at the moment but we feel it is worth monitoring and
keeping an eye on Sobeys will help us in monitoring other grocers including


Tim Hortons was up again today. If I did not own any I would not take a large
position at this price but would definitely be interested in owning at least
some of it. It looks expensive but it may be a case where paying for quality
pays off in the longer term. I would not mind seeing it drop in price because
that would be  an opportunity to accumulate it.


October 8, 2006


I have updated the percentage holdings in my personal portfolio. (See link
just below the stock table above). My cash position at 27% is the highest it has
ever been. This was due to profit taking and a desire to build up cash in case
of a market correction. I have missed out on some return by moving into cash but
I think it was a prudent strategy. I may even give some consideration to more
permanently allocating a portion of my portfolio to safer short-term


An edition of the free newsletter was
emailed out late Friday night.


October 5, 2006


Earlier today, I posted the following note on the login page.



I may sell half my Kingsway today. I was wondering if I should take some
profit or maybe even buy more. Checking insider trading I see a a few sells in
September and no buys. Just to be prudent I think I will sell half… Later I
indicated that I had indeed sold half.



There is a very good chance I will regret selling half my Kingsway shares.
But at last check it was about 14% of my portfolio and I just wanted to take
some money off the table. I’m not sure that the insider sales in September were
anything to worry about at all. Insiders still have very large positions and
this was probably just the normal exercising of options and sale of shares that
happens to most companies all the time. But Kingsway tends to be volatile and I
just did not want to be holding so much of it if it fell – which I have no
reason to think it will. In the model portfolio it is around 8% and I am
comfortable at that level.


As always there are no truly easy answers in the market, no guarantees. Each
of us has to decide what we are comfortable with.


I bought back the 25% of my Tim Hortons that I had sold last week, plus a bit


October 4, 2006


Today was another positive day for our Stock Picks.


There was no sign today of selling pressure on the Tim Horton shares despite
the float of shares having increased by over 400% on Monday. Volume continues to
be ten times normal. It occurs to me that some of that volume is probably just
due to arbitrage between the New York and the Toronto price. If it gets cheap in
New York based on the Toronto price adjusted for the $U.S. dollars then the
arbitrators sell in Toronto and buy in New York and ten minutes later may be
doing the reverse so that creates some of the volume I believe.


I was skeptical that all the Americans would sell, but at the same time it
seemed logical that there might be some selling, when the number of owners goes
up 400% and the pool of potential buyers is unchanged. Tim Hortons itself was
going to buy back shares and this may be helping. Also the news stories on the
share distribution may have generated some buyer interest. And there is perhaps
still the effect of it having been added to the Canadian indexes last week which
forced index funds and other mutual funds that track the index to buy it.


I had sold about 25% of my Tim’s just as a precaution in case it dropped. Now
I think it is time for me to buy these back in the next 1 to 5 days. We only
rate it a (lower) Buy but I like the company and it would be a shame if I fail
to buy back just because it is up 20 cents from where I sold and then the thing
keeps going up. But I will not buy too much, I want to be ready if the price
does fall back below $27 and will buy more if that happens. In the past I have
sometimes been stubborn and failed to buy a share just because it was 20 cents
or a $1.00 higher than where I thought it was going. I’m trying to become less
stubborn that way. In other words my “clever” trade of selling 25% of my Tim’s
last week has not worked out and it is best if I admit that and reverse it by
buying back in.


Apparently there is a new OPEC agreement to keep oil above $50 to $55 through
production cuts and Wednesday night this has driven oil up somewhat. I guess the
point here is that oil will certainly continue to unpredictable and that in turn
will push the markets around.


The Dow Jones has certainly shown strength after pushing through its highs. I
don’t follow technical analysis but I understand that a decisive push above an
old high is considered to be a positive indicator.


As planed I sold my small amount of Wendy’s today.


October 4, 2006 (6:45 am)


I did bail out of Cryptologic yesterday for the reasons mentioned previously.
I plan to remove that company from the list above as the report is no longer at
all valid given the retreat from the U.S. market and the move to Ireland and the
pending change of CEO. I am thinking of selling my Wendy’s shares today. They
are up a lot… may have more upside as they sell off the Baja Fresh division.
But on the other hand their earnings will look bad I think without Tim Hortons
and it will take a while to sort out the value of the company on a stand-alone
basis. Tim H. shares have not yet landed in my TD Waterhouse account.


October 3, 2006 (6:35 am Mountain time)


I am going to notionally sell the Cryptologic in the model portfolio at the
opening price today. Currently the opening price looks like it will $19.
Everything has changes for this company and it is likely to make months to get
back on track and a couple years to get back to where it was in profits. I may
sell what I have as well and move on. It is not worth the mental distraction at
this point.


October 2, 2006


CN will report earnings on October 19. I am
tempted to add to my position before the earnings come out.


I took a hit on Crypotologic based on news today that they will no longer
have revenue from the U.S. due to a change in laws. They will lose about 30% of
their revenue and probably a bigger percentage of profit. Perhaps I should have
seen it coming , in  fact I had this listed as a risk for this stock. It
was no secret that the company operated in an arguably illegal business, which I
mentioned in the report. This is (in part) why the stock was called (highly)
speculative. Again perhaps I should finally dump it but it is not a large
holding for me and so I have not decided to sell. It will be very difficult to
analyze the company at this point because one has to figure the earnings under
the new situation with the loss of the U.S. customers. The company was trying to
put a positive spin on the fact that it was well prepared for this. But still,
it is certainly a major blow to them. In retrospect I should have steered clear
of this company but as they say, you can’t win ’em all.


I mentioned on September 28 that I would place an order to sell about 30% of
my Western Financial at $3.35. On Friday there were some trades at $3.35 but
those people must have been ahead of me as my shares did not sell on Friday. But
they sold today. I hope to buy back at $3.15 or lower. I complained to TD about
the high trading charges for stocks like this. The charge is 3 cents per share
for amounts over 1000 shares. That is 6 cents for a round trip trade or 1.8%.
Compare that to the paying $58 for a round-trip trade of 1000 shares of a stock
that is priced at $58 where the percentage is then 0.1%. I feel that the fees on
a small dollar shares are way too high on a percentage basis. I am seriously
considering switching over to E-trade.


It was interesting to see that Tim Hortons was down only 23 cents today. A
lot of people expected it to plummet as the Wendy’s shareholders who received
Tim Horton shares over the weekend start to sell. Volume on Toronto was 10 times
normal so indeed there has been some selling. It may take at least another few
days to see if a down-trend develops. My “free” Tim Horton shares are not in my
account yet so some people may not have been able to sell yet. I’m hoping it
does fall at least to $27.50 so I can buy back what I recently sold at $29.13.
If it goes much lower that will be hard to take in the short term but would
actually be a good buying opportunity. I mean if a stock goes lower just because
more people own it and want to sell, that seems like a decline that should be
temporary. The stock is ultimately valued for its future earnings and cash flows
and that has not changed with the Wendy’s spin-off. Tim Hortons was going to buy
back some shares so that may have supported the price today. The bottom line for
me is I have some exposure to it, I would like to have more but I am going to
wait to see where the price goes in the next week or so.


Kingsway has been up very nicely lately… I am certainly hoping for more yet
from it.


October 1, 2006


It will be very interesting to see what
Tim Hortons does in the next few days. Report on Business Television were
indicating that it was expected essentially all the Americans who receive the
Tim Horton shares will immediately want to sell and Canadian shareholders will
buy. If true, it seems logical that that Tim Hortons could dive a few dollars.
But then again if the market really anticipated this then it should be already
“baked in” to the price.  Of course Tim Hortons rose on Thursday and Friday
due to a surprise announcement that the stock will be included in the TSX/S&P
index. Perhaps many funds were forced to buy for that reason and perhaps all the
more so because Friday was the end of Q3. But it would really seem strange if
the Tim’s were now to dive early this week because if that is expected I would
have thought that many of these funds could have waited for the cheaper price
this week.


Well, Q3 is over and there has been little or no damage from hurricanes this
season. I have to think the property and casualty insurance stocks will report
excellent Q3 results. Therefore I am hopeful of good gains in our insurance
stock picks by the end of this year. But possibly any gains will be held back by
reductions in insurance rates and general fears of risk regarding this sector.


September 29, 2006


This was an extremely good week for our Stock Picks here. See updated
performance figures at the links above.


September 28, 2006


Onward and upward so far. I have been surprised by the gains this week. As
alluded to yesterday, I did sell just over 25% of my Tim Horton shares at the
opening this morning. I intend to buy back if it drops to about $27.50 when
Wendy’s dividends out all its Tim Horton shares tomorrow. (It may take a few
days before the recipients will be able to sell any even if they want to, I know
with TD it usually takes a few days before shares like this show up in my


Similarly I placed an order to sell roughly 30% of my Western Financial
Shares at $3.35. I am gambling that before the stock goes to up to say $3.50 and
beyond (which it should eventually) it will first fall to say $3 and I can buy
back in. I usually don’t try to get cute like this and play the volatility but I
am giving it a try with these two stocks. If nothing else I will have raised my
cash position in case the general market falls.


September 27, 2006


Adding to the note below about Tim Hortons. Given that the rise today was
apparently simply due to the stock getting added to the TSX/S&P  composite
plus TSX/S&P 60, and given all the shares due to hit the market on I understand
this Friday, it might make sense for anyone with a lot of Tim Hortons to sell
some if the price is still near CAN $29 tomorrow and then hope to buy back in a
few days at a lower price. I may do this with a small portion of my shares. The
risk of course is that the stock will stay high and I won’t get to buy back, so
this would just be a short-term risk management type of trade.


Tim Hortons jumped a surprising 5% today… just when it looked to keep
dropping due to the flood of shares that will hit the market in about 7 days
when Wendy’s spins off the approximate 82% of Tim Hortons that it owns and those
shares hit investor accounts and some of them start to be traded. But I said
before that may not push Tim Hortons down much and if it does it will be


The 5% rise today was because Tim Hortons will be added to the TSX
composite. Actually this is a pretty dumb reason for a price increase. It should
have been anticipated and it has nothing to do with valuation, so this
particular rise may be indeed temporary.


A new share called WEN-WI is trading and it is Wendy’s without the Tim
Hortons and it reached $31 yesterday. Back in the Fall of 2004 we had a Strong
Buy rating on Wendy’s at U.S. $36 and it fell as low as about U.S. $31 briefly
after that. Those who bought Wendy’s at that time still have Wendy’s worth U.S.
$31 and will receive about 1.36 shares of Tim Hortons now worth about U.S. $35.
So this was a great deal back in 2004. We saw Wendy’s as a great deal in 2004
due to the value of Tim Hortons, although we did not expect a 100% gain two
years. I did not happen to Buy Wendy’s at the low and keep it until now but have
still done well on the stock. Also in the Spring of 2006 when investors were
frothing at the mouth to buy Tim’s at the IPO (and were told they could not get
any) we were calmly indicating that you could get Tim Horton shares simply by
buying Wendy’s.


Tim Hortons may continue to be volatile and could certainly fall several
dollars quite easily, but long-term it still looks good. With a good company
like this, time is on your side if you hold long term.


September 26, 2006


Canadian Western Bank is updated and
remains rated Buy and was analyzed at $41.91 (closed today at $41.49). If you
are interested in this or any other stock on this page, please be sure to read
the report closely. It is always a judgment factor to come up with a rating and
subscribers should read the report to be sure they agree with the analysis.
Various facts in each report could cause you to come to a different conclusion.


Kingsway rose 18 cents today. However,
very briefly just after the open of trading it was down over $1.00. I have seen
this stock do that before. This suggests that one strategy would be to place a
bid about $0.75 or 1.00 below the close and just see if it dips down the next
day. One strategy might be to keep changing the offer every night to only buy if
it dips below the previous day’s close. But the danger is that if there is some
bad news that sends it down rather than just a dip, you will have bought on the
way down. Basically such a strategy would just be a trading a strategy. If you
really want a stock then often you are forced to offer the market price. Another
strategy is to place an offer more substantially below the market like 10% below
and then you only buy if it drops, and in this case you would leave the offer
and not change it every day. I paced an order today about $1.00 below the close
to add a small amount to my position if it drops.


As mentioned previously, the trading volume on
Western Financial is down. It did not trade yesterday at all.  While I
definitely like it long term, it could certainly dip below $3.00 quite easily on
this lack of liquidity.



September 25, 2006


Cryptologic took a nasty 11% hit
today on the news that it move headquarters to Ireland and that the CEO is not
able to move and will be replaced. Our report did note that this was risky,
after all it is engaged in internet gambling which is of questionable legality.
From a risk management point of view it might make sense to sell and move on. I
have a fairly small position in it and may hang on to see what happens. I would
not be surprised though it it falls further just on the uncertainty. The stock
fell steadily all day today, so that might mean it will keep falling tomorrow. In terms of
the model tracking portfolio I have not decided what to do there either. It is
2.9% of the model tracking portfolio. If it was 5% I would likely sell half just
to manage risk. Unfortunately I can’t give a clear direction here, the
fundamentals still look very strong but there is now much uncertainty as well as
significant one-time expenses for the move.


Sept 24, 2006


Click on “Our Track Record” at the top of this
page to see our new “Mountain Chart” that shows the results of investing in our
Stock Picks over the years.


Sept 23, 2006


EGI Financial Holdings is added
as a new company rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $7.75. This means it is
Speculative and that I consider it to be somewhere between a Buy and a Strong
Buy. It is quite thinly traded, perhaps almost too thin to put on this Site. It
may not be possible to Buy at $7.75 but I would consider the same rating would
apply up to about $8.75. Basically, the investment thesis here is that buying a
nicely profitable company at a price around book value should be a good


I first mentioned this company around November 2005 when I bought shares at
the IPO at $10.50. I did not add it to this Site at that time because I
certainly already am over-represented in property insurance companies. But as I
see the price here fall under $8.00 I think it is worth considering. Due to its
speculative nature I would not want to put too much into it however. Although I
am inclined to keep building my cash position, I may add to my position in this
stock. I will not do so before Wednesday Sept 27, because it is fair that I
trade only after giving subscribers to this Site an opportunity to buy before I
do. For most of the stocks on this site, that would be a rather pointless
restriction since most of the stocks here are very liquid and my trades would
not disadvantage anyone. However, I will make it a practice not to Buy any
company until at least 2 full trading days after it has been, for the first
time, rated a Buy or higher on this Site.


Speaking of property insurance companies. I continue to think Q3 should look
very good for them, given the lack of extreme weather or major fires in Canada.
I am tempted to buy back into ING Canada as it
has fallen in price in recent days.


Performance figures are updated. My own portfolio and the Buys had a small
gain on the week even as the TSX went a bit lower.


Sept 22, 2006


At this time the overall broad market such as the DOW index is in something
of a tug-of-war between lower oil prices and lower long-term interest rates
which should both push the broader market up and fears of recession which is
pulling the market down. This week the fear of recession was the stronger force.


The Thomson Corporation is updated
and rated (lower) Buy at  CAN $45.02 or U.S. $40.31. I like the business it
is in – selling information electronically. I seems to me that profits could
really grow as it continues to deliver more products electronically and less in
print. But the price is high. I prefer to wait for a pull-back before I would
buy. I have a small position in it and may even consider selling that to raise
cash or to move into a stock that I rate Buy or high. A (lower) Buy rating means
I consider it somewhere between a Weak Buy / Hold and a Buy.


Sept 20, 2006


Loblaw was down 2% today after announcing
its President is being replaced by Mark Foote an executive that had joined them
from Canadian Tire earlier this year. I was also surprised that Galen Westin
senior age 65 will hand over the executive chairman role to junior aged 33. In
some ways I saw the moves as positive. It says to me that the Weston family is
concerned about the stock price and the profit slide and they want action to fix
it. On the other hand, it could well signal that Q3 will be bad. The new CEO
could take the opportunity to make certain “charges” for the future costs in the
restructuring which would drive earnings down in Q3. After all if there is any
way to transfer expenses from Q4 when the new guy is in charge to Q3 where it
can be blamed on the old guy, it would be an easy decision for the new guy to do


My belief is that at some point Loblaws will be a good investment but it is
not clear if it has bottomed yet. I believe there are things the company can do
to “realize value” these include turning into an income trust (why not?,
everyone else is) or selling off the real estate and leasing it back. I have not
bought any yet. If I did I would consider buying about 25% of the shares I would
ultimately like to have and then waiting to see where it goes after it post the
Q3 numbers. If the family ever wanted to sell, I wonder if Buffett would be
interested? Other Canadian companies that I have thought Buffett might like to
buy include Thomson,
Shaw Communications and any of the Power
Financial group. (Although Buffett prefers totally private companies that do not
trade on the market.)


Shaw was up nicely today. With oil down I would think
CN might recover. It may depend if the market is
still expecting a recession.


I may place an order to sell some (say 25%) of my
Western Financial if I can get
say $3.30 or more. I have a big exposure to it. I notice its trading volume is
down so not much buying interest right now. On the other hand it could announce
an acquisition which could boost the price. And Q3 should be strong unless there
are developments in the area of bad debt on loans. But with the strong Alberta
economy there is little reason for people to default on loan payments.


September 19, 2006


With oil down today and with benign inflation reports I would have thought
the DOW and non-oil stocks would go up. At some point I may become interested in
the Energy Exchange traded fund XEG if oil falls further. We have some XEG in
the model tracking portfolio but I do not own it personally.


September 18, 2006


It was not surprising to see CN go up today.
This is a strong cash generating stock and it should do well. If we had a bad
recession it would likely drop but it’s not clear that we will have a bad
recession and in the long run it will do well even if it does dip temporarily.
As a different situation I also like Shaw
Communications as a company that is increasing its cash flows. It seems it could
be running a path similar to that of Telus but maybe a year behind Telus in its
move towards better profitability. I sold some of my Pason Sytems stock today
(no longer rated on the Site). If I bought anything right now it might be to add
to my Kingsway or
Northbridge positions.


September 16, 2006


A tiny company, Clemex is updated and
rated (highly) Speculative Buy at 22 cents. This stock would not be on this Site
if it were not for the fact that I have held this stock for many years and that
it was one of our picks in our earliest days on this Site.


I will provide here some “true confessions” on my history with this stock:


I have a rather unfortunate history with the stock having first bought it at
its IPO around 60 cents, followed it down to under 30 cents and then very
briefly up over $1.00 where I sold only to buy back at around 80 cents and then
bought more as it fell to 20 cents. As I averaged down all the way to about 15
cents I became way over-exposed to it. Around then I removed it from this Site.
It ultimately fell to under 10 cents.  As it finally became profitable
again in recent years I sold some around 23 cents and 33 cents but still have it
as about 1.6% of my portfolio. As it recovered in the past few years from under
ten cents to the 40 cents level, I finally added it back to this Site at 38
cents which in retrospect was either too late or to early given the recent move
back to the 20 cent level.  This is a stock where I basically clung to my
early positive views on the stock (from year 2000) even when it began posting
losses. Hopefully that is the type of mistake that I can avoid in future.
Certainly most of my trades in recent years have worked out much better than
this one.


The thing is, it really does seem to have great technology and so I keep
thinking there is potential here. Right now I consider it quite speculative but
I keep it on the Site because of my own interest in it. It is not a stock that
investors should get over exposed to. Management appeared to indicate that Q2
will not be all that strong, but that Q3 and Q4 will be strong. (The year end is
April 2007). If so the stock price could recover nicely in the Spring of 2007
but may or may not do much until then.


September 15, 2006


Recently I decided to refresh my memory by re-reading a book called How to
Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett
by Timothy Vick. According to Vick, Buffett
had a rule that he would not invest in a stock unless there was a reasonable
chance of making 15% per year if held for the longer term (say ten years). We
calculate intrinsic value on the assumption that an investor would be satified
with an 8% return. However, in truth most of us are certainly hoping for more
like 15%. Therefore we have added a new calculation to to our analysis where we
will calculate what earnings growth would be required in order to provide a
return of 15% per year using a reasonable projection for the selling P/E in five
years. In some cases this may help reveal cases where there is little hope of
ever achieving a 15% return.


Canadian Tire is updated and
rated Weak Buy at $69.02 (it closed today at $69.85). In the past we have under
estimated the company’s ability to grow earnings and perhaps that is the case
again. But the stock price is pricing in fairly robust earnings grow at a time
when the economy in most of Canada may be slowing.


September 14, 2006


For those holding Wendy’s, do not panic if the stock appears to plummet from
its current $63.84 level to about the $29 level. It should do so on whatever
date it starts to trade without the right to receive the 1.3593 shares of Tim
Horton per Wendy’s share that it is expected to spin-out at the end of this
month. I saw an indication today that tomorrow Friday September 15th may
possibly be the last day that Wendy’s trades as a Wendy’s / Tims combo. But I am
not sure on that date. The correct date may be Oct. 2. TD indicates record date
September 15 and ex-date Oct 2, so it seems more likely that Wendy’s will drop
to a “Wendy’s only” share on October 3. It’s been a nice run for Wendy’s
considering that when I first added to this site in 2004 it was just under $38
and it fell as low as about $31 before eventually doubling to in the two years
after that.


Tim Hortons has fallen back a bit and while we only rate it a (lower) Buy I
do like the potential and will likely add to my position if it should happen to
drop to about the $27 level.


My cash position has increased to about 16%, which is still not that high
given the possibility of a pull-back in the markets. Still, I find myself itchy
to add to some of my higher rated positions.


September 13, 2006


Performance figures have been updated. Our Buys and Strong Buys have done
well in the past few weeks even as the TSX index has fallen. At the moment I am
feeling optimistic about how things will go through to the end of the year.


September 12, 2006


Quite possibly I was too hasty in selling off some of my Telus shares. For
the model portfolio purposes I will hold onto Telus for now at least and see
what happens.


I don’t se why a company like Loblaws or CN might not think about going the
Trust route as well, which is an added bonus in holding those stocks. (Though I
have heard absolutely no indication that they would consider it).


The conversion of Telus could cause the government to start looking at this
again. If they don’t do something, then at some point very few companies will be
left paying income tax. If they do announce a review of Trust taxation then it
will send the Trusts down in price.


Trust conversions are financial engineering – wringing more value out of the
same pre-tax cashflow. We seem to have had an awful lot of that in the past five
years or so. But at some point I would think most of the financial engineering
and mergers and divestitures will be essentially done and then we could enter
quite a dry spell where this extra boost to stock prices will no longer happen.


I noticed today a stock I used to cover, Sino-forest is down to $3.70 from
highs around $7. Based on earnings it would look quite cheap. Also there has
been some insider buying. So that seems tempting. But as I said earlier about
this company I was just not comfortable with it due to past changes in strategy
and seeming inconsistencies in their story. Warren Buffett teaches us to not
invest unless we are comfortable with management. For whatever reason I am just
not comfortable. Therefore I think it is best if I just stay away from this
stock. Maybe I will miss out on something here. But the fact is that there are
thousands of companies to choose from and I prefer to put money into companies
where I don’t have any nagging doubts about whether I quite trust management.
So, I think I will continue to ignore Sino-Forest.


September 11, 2006


The TSX market was down over 200 points today as the hot energy and minerals
sectors continued to cool. However my own account and our stock picks here had a
positive day.


The big news was Telus announcing it would become an income Trust. I did
mention that rumor under March 9 below. But we rated Telus a (higher) Buy even
without the Trust conversion possibility. So the Trust conversion is just an
added bonus. I sold just over half my position this morning. For the model
portfolio purposes I will continue to hold it.


Another interesting thing with Telus today. The non-voting shares which in
recent days trailed the voting by $2.00 and have generally trailed by about
$1.50 closed the day at only 40 cents lower than the voting shares. I have for
some time felt that in the case of Telus it would be best to buy the cheaper
non-voting shares because the vote was not really worth anything to a retail
investor and because the two share classes would likely eventually come
together. The non-voting shares existed so non-Canadians (mostly Americans)
could hold more Telus than would otherwise be allowed. As soon as Telus found a
way around that foreign ownership restriction it was predictable the two share
classes would converge. That’s why I switched to analyzing the non-voting shares
back on May 7, 2006. And under Feb 21, I mentioned I bought Telus non-voting for
my account.


For the moment I consider Telus to be a hold. It may well rise further if the
conversion goes through but that is some months off. If the conversion does not
go through it would drop. So overall I am comfortable with my decision today to
sell about half my shares and play wait and see with the other half.


It looks like this Fall could be a tough period for stocks. Ina falling
market it will be more difficult for the picks here to rise, still I like the
chances for these picks.


September 10, 2006


An edition of the free newsletter has just been sent out (11:35 pm Eastern
time). If you have not received this then try adding your email to our free list
on the home page. The system will tell you if your email was already on the free
list or not. If your email was on the free list then my email with the free
newsletter was likely blocked by a spam filter. Some spam filters may block any
email with links in it. If you did not receive the free newsletter despite being
on the list let me know, since I am interested in knowing if it is getting
blocked by spam filters.


This weekend I have been doing analysis regarding whether or not the broad
stock market indexes such as the TSX or the Dow Jones Industrial Average are
fairly valued and what return we can expect on these indexes in long-run if we
purchase these indexes today. This analysis is based on logic and also on
looking at historical relationships between stock market returns and growth in
the economy. I have updated 6 articles that explore this topic. To explore these
important articles, click on the “Articles” link at
the top of this page. A new summary article has also been posted.


September 9, 2006


Manulife Financial is updated for
its strong Q2 earnings and rated Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at $36.10 (The
rating is better than Buy, better than (higher) Buy but not quite a full Strong
Buy). Few analysts would call it speculative. I think it is moderately
speculative due to the “black box” nature of its earnings calculations. Earnings
are calculated using actuarial assumptions which are rather opaque. In addition,
I don’t think management does as good a job explaining those assumptions as it
could. Howeve, this is a company that hhas really delivered. The stock is up
107% since it was first added to this site as a Strong Buy in late 2002.
Earnings have almost doubled since that time as well. I would consider adding to
my small position in this stock except that right now I have a goal to be a bit
higher weighted in cash.


Telus has slipped back a little on its announcement that it will increase
capital spending on its internet facilities. Given there recent successes I am
willing to assume that the investment will pay off and so my opinion of the
company has not changed.


September 8, 2006


Our stock picks lost some ground this week. Performance figures have been
updated. But they held up quite a bit better than the TSX which was down 2.4%.
Kingsway Financial did quite well this
week. It now becomes even more clear what a bargain it was when it fell to about
$19 in June. It still looks to be a bargain. Even though it is my largest
position I am tempted to add to my position. So far in Q3 the hurricane season
in the U.S. has been tame. And in Canada I have not heard of any major fires or
weather causing property damage. Therefore, I believe Q3 is shaping up to be
quite good for insurance company earnings. However, I always have to caution
that insurance stocks are by nature risky.


September 6, 2006


The markets took a hit today. Just when they seemed to be reaching for new
highs. It goes to show the market is nervous about a U.S. recession and
therefore it may be a time to be in safer stocks and to raise the cash
percentage somewhat. Still our picks did not get hit as bad as the market today.
With the oil price coming down that is good for many stocks. Also long-term
interest rates have come down which is generally good for stocks (unless that
is, it signals a recession). These are some of the factors the market is trying
to digest at this time.


September 5, 2006


I did sell my small position in Aeroplan today, as I indicated on September 3
that I might do.


Nice gains today in Kingsway and Cognos. It is disappointing to see Western
Financial fall to $3.06 from recent highs over $3.40. But this is the nature of
smaller companies, they do tend to be volatile. Also provides a chance to buy it
at lower prices (I have enough of it already…).


September 3, 2006


Aeroplan is updated and is rated Speculative Weak Buy at $13.60. On the one
hand I really like the loyalty points business model. It is a virtual business
with few hard assets and it does not actually create a product. It has great
strength as the loyalty program of choice in Canada. It appears to be a cash
generating machine as points are sold and the cash is in hand long before the
members ever cause a cash expenditure by using their accumulated points.


However Aeroplan is saddled with problems related to Air Canada. Until 2002,
Air Canada essentially used to take out all the cash and nothing was set aside
to pay for the trips earned by members. Even after raising money from the public
it still retains a billion dollar deficit rather than any equity. That does not
seem exactly a responsible situation. If Aeroplan were regulated like insurance
companies and banks it would have to have equity. Perhaps it should not be a
Trust. As a Trust it is paying out essentially all earnings and does not seem to
be building equity at the current time.


Maybe the strong underlying business model will allow it to prosper. But
overall it makes me somewhat nervous. Also I found the accounting to be complex
to understand. Given that I wish to build my cash position, I may sell my small
holding in Aeroplan. (Having said that, I would expect Q3 to be strong from a
GAAP earnings perspective as many points will have been redeemed for air travel
and it books earnings only when points are redeemed.)


I understand that ACE aviation may distribute its 75% stake in Aeroplan to
its shareholders. his may be good for ACE shares but could have a temporary
negative impact on Aeroplan.



September 2, 2006


Reitman’s is updated and rated Buy at
$20.61. This company has performed well and if the trend continues it will
provide a strong return.


Sobeys is added to our list of stocks
and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $38.88. (the price closed at $39.15 on Friday and
that is the price we will use in any performance figures). Sobeys has an
attractive price to book ratio (which should limit its downside risk) but the
recent growth is quite low and the growth outlook is quite uncertain.


Heading into the Fall I am somewhat cautious about the direct of the overall
markets. In any event I expect the Buys and Strong Buys on this Site to continue
to do better than the market averages. The U.S. market rose yesterday based
partly on lower inflation indicators. The danger is that the U.S. will enter a
recession due to high interest rates, stagnant or falling house prices and high
energy costs. Offsetting this is the fact that interest rates are still not high
by historical standards. Also it seems likely that the Q3 earnings reports will
be good.


I note that Western Financial came back to $3.15. It may settle at this level
until such time that the company issues further news such as acquisitions.


August 28, 2006


I sold my Jean Coutu shares (see posts of the last few days) today at a small
loss. Normally I am investing for the longer term. This was a case where I
thought the market might grow to like the Coutu deal more and more over a period
of a week or two. Instead the market decided, the more it understood about the
deal the less it liked it. The original basis for my trade was proved wrong and
I decided to make a quick exit.  When the entire basis for a trade changes
then it probably makes sense to get out.  Coutu could do well in the long
term but since I have not done a detailed analysis I had no good reason to
continue to hold.


August 26, 2006


FirstService is updated at U.S.
$23.81 or CAN $26.45 and is rated Buy. This is a company with a great history of
growth in earnings per share. With a P/E around 20 it is not necessarily a
bargain but it is reasonably priced if it can grow earnings at at least 10% per
year and historically it has been closer to 17%. This is analyzed in U.S.
dollars, even though it also trades in Toronto, because it reports in U.S.
dollars. Revenue comes mainly from the U.s. with some international and only 22%
from Canada. So it makes sense for it to report in U.S. dollars. Canadian
investors have been hurt by the rise in our currency and that risk continues to
apply if our dollar keeps rising.


It was disappointing but not exactly shocking to see
Western Financial Group trade
down 8.7% to close at $3.15 on Friday after reaching $3.45 on Thursday. This is
thinly traded. Possibly what happened was that someone wanted to sell say 25,000
shares. In fact it looks like someone sold about 17,000 at $3.40 and then
another 9,000 or so went at lower prices with probably only 4000 at $3.15.
Basically the $3.15 is meaningless. The bid was at $3.25 at the close. The point
is this stock will tend to be volatile and it may pay to be patient in placing
orders to buy or sell. As mentioned below I let a small potion of my shares go
at $3.40. I considered placing a “stink bid” to buy back at a lower price like
$3.05 but I still have this as one of my biggest holdings and so will probably
sit tight. Possibly I would sell a bit more if it happens to climb to say the
$3.60 range, just to take advantage of the volatility.


Wal-Mart is updated and rated Buy at
U.S. $44.09 (it last traded at $43.88).  The investment story of Wal-Mart
is that the stock rose by something like 1800% from the mid 70’s to the start of
1993 (with some volatility but generally pretty steady). During 1993 to about
mid 1997 it declined noticeably. Then it took off and rose sharply about 400% by
the start of 2000, peaking over $80. In the over 6 years since then it has
trended mostly down. This was the moody “Mr. Market” (See Benjamin Graham’s The
Intelligent Investor) at his “finest” given that the earnings per share of the
company advanced in much more steady fashion than has the share price. On a
valuation basis the stock appears to be a  reasonable long-term investment
at this time.


My speculation on Jean Coutu shares is not going so well. A major difficulty
is that a large portion of the purchase price will paid to Jean Coutu in the
form of shares of Rite Aid. But Rite Aid is apparently a weak company that will
(especially after this deal) have excessive debt. The future valuation of Jean
Coutu is therefore tied to that of Rite Aid. For one thing that makes it complex
to figure out even if Rite Aid was a strong company. But worse, Rite Aid is
weak. The market is therefore not too excited by the deal.


The announcement of
the deal was certainly badly handled as it was leaked Wednesday night and then
hurriedly announced Thursday morning but with no analyst conference until
mid-day Friday. Some news reports indicated that Jean Coutu was getting $3.4
billion for stores it had paid only $2.4 billion in 2004. However the company
indicates it will post a loss of $140 million on the deal. (Just in the past two
days our dollar has moved noticeably higher which will add to the loss.
Coutu also indicates it will take 12 months before its earnings go up as a
result of the transaction and for the first 12 months it would lower earnings.
Apparently there may be some legal challenges about a transfer of debt to Rite
Aid. Overall this is looking very messy. I believe I should exit my position. It
no longer looks like the Coutu shares are about to rise unless somehow an
alternative bid were to materialize and there is no sign of that. The lesson for
me is to stick with investing only after making an analysis of the facts and to
avoid speculating and investing before the facts become clear.


Listening to the conference call Coutu seemed less than fully open and also
seemed less than totally “on their game”, in terms of being able to answer the


August 25, 2006


Stantec is updated for Q2 earnings and
rated (lower) Buy at $20.75 (note it closed today at $20.48). The graph of the
revenue and earnings per share growth for Stantec is a thing of beauty. It has
truly been a remarkable success for many years. However it now gets about 40% of
its revenue from the U.S. and with a housing slow-down there and a possible
recession looming, we rated it a (lower) Buy rather than a Buy. If the past is
any indication, it would be a good long-term investment, but the share price can
be volatile. This stock is up 730% since it was first introduced to this Site as
a Strong Buy in September 1999.


August 24, 2006


There are more and more signs of a slowing U.S. economy. Nine or twelve
months ago I worried about energy prices and higher interest rates but the
consumer boom roared on. Now it looks to slow considerably. This is one reason
to have a higher allocation to cash and to generally watch the market closely.


I mentioned Jean Coutu yesterday. Like I said, I normally don’t get into
speculating on takovers. By this morning Jean Coutu had confirmed a big deal was
in the works, so that made it a bit less speculative. As expected the price
moved up at the open. It opened up $1.70 at $12.65. Had a range today of $12.46
to $13.24 on huge volume. Therefore existing holders of Jean Coutu were up about
$1.70 at the open and ended up being ahead $1.81 at the close.  That’s
fair, on this kind of positive news it should be existing shareholders who
benefit, which is what happens unless the news gets leaked and then a few inside
players get to scoop the gain from some shareholders who unwittingly sell ahead
of good news.


Anyone who bought today paid at least $12.46 so most who bought today are
only up a few cents and some were down. I decided to buy some on speculation. I
have not analyzed the stock. But I understand that the U.S. stores purchased in
2004 were viewed as a big problem. From what I can see they did not lose money
on the sale (may have gained) and so it appears that a problem has been solved
or at least made a lot better. If a big problem has been solved then it seems to
me that the share price might jump a bit more yet and at the same time hopefully
will at least stay where it is. Again, I normally have analysis to back up
opinion, in this case I am speculating on the news event so that is risky.


They have an analyst conference tomorrow at noon and maybe the price will
move one way or the other based on the conference. It is not unusual to have the
analyst conference in the middle of the trading day like this. But I find it
unfair and frankly offensive to retail investors since most retail investors
will not be a position to react to the news but the big guys will. If the
conference were after the close then retail investors would get a better chance
to digest the news.


There should be a couple or three updated reports on the Site over this
coming weekend including most likely a new stock being added.


August 23, 2006


It was a good day in the markets for many of our picks. Western Financial
closed at $3.44 on higher than average volume of 88,000 shares – which is still
not that much volume. Based on my order placed when the stock was $3.20 or so, I
sold what amounted to 18% of my Western Financial shares today at $3.40 to raise
cash and possibly take advantage of volatility. It’s hard to say if this will
turn out to be a good move. But based on normal volatility it will likely be
back to the $3.25 level unless it announces news like acquisitions that are
viewed favorably. And despite the fact that we rate the stock a Speculative Buy,
it could also fall noticeably if it happens to announce any bad news.


The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Jean Coutu is close to a deal to
sell its problematic U.S. stores for cash and shares in the purchaser (U.S. Rite
Aid Corp). From the figures quoted I suspect Jean Coutu will rise sharply
tomorrow. (Sounds like they would be selling at a noticeable gain over what they
paid in 2004). However I have never looked at the company and so my suspicion is
based on very limited information. The problem with this type of news is that
usually the market reacts so fast that there is no time to trade. But if this
turns out to be a good deal and if the deal is actually struck (they are only
reported to be close) then maybe the price of Coutu will go up only gradually.
The danger is it jumps up and then the deal falls through. Might be okay to
throw some speculative money at it. Overall though my inclination is to sit
these things out since it does seem quite speculative.


For the story see:



August 22, 2006


Cognos had moved up nicely to about $35
since our report at $30.29 but now has fallen back to $31.80. It’s always hard
and possibly dangerous to buy into a down-trend. I hold some and I would
consider buying more but will likely just hold tight.


Western Financial has been somewhat volatile, with a range today from $3.13
to $3.39 on light volume. On a stock like this it may pay to be patient in
buying or selling to try and get a better price. Of course the danger with that
is is that it then refuses to be volatile in your favor and you fail to buy or
sell as intended. Similarly I sometimes think with a stock like this, I should
put an order to sell  a bit if it moves up say 5% and to buy if it moves
down 5% and hopefully take advantage of the volatility. Since I hold a lot (by
my small standards) of Western Financial I put in an order when it was $3.15 to
sell a bit if it goes to $3.40. Almost got there today. The danger with my
strategy is that if it moves more permanently up I will have sold and miss the
upside. Similarly if I put an order to buy some if it goes to say $3.05 then if
it takes a sustained run under $3.00 I will have bought on the way down. There
are no riskless strategies but I will leave my order to sell a little if it
happens to get to $3.40 in the near term.


On the subject of Western Financial. They are trying to grow their little
banking operation. One of their main strategies has been to offer financing for
recreational vehicles including travel trailers, largely in Alberta. A Trailer
dealer that I talked to told me that Bank West had been aggressive in that it
gave financing to some people of lower credit quality. That trailer dealer who
had some experience in loans said he would not have given the loans. That is a
bit scary. I have always said that a bank can wipe out its equity on bad debt if
it is not careful. And I have said in the report that Western Financial Group in
particular faces this danger due to its inexperience. On a positive note though,
the economy is so good in Alberta that it is hard to imagine there would be many
people who default on payments. Also Bank West is only a part of Western
Financial’s operations. Even in a worse case scenario where Bank West lost money
and maybe closed up shop, I see no reason that Western Financial would not
survive. But it would be beaten up by such an event. I hope I am not sounding
too scared about the company. The fact is that every stock has some kind of
risk. If investors always worry too much about worse cases then probably
investing in individual stocks is too risky for investors that would worry too
much or who are not prepared to take the occasional hit. Overall my sense is
that Western Financial is going to continue to do well. (But I wanted to pass
along the the word of caution from the Trailer dealer).



August 20, 2006


Canada Bread is updated for its Q2
earnings and is rated Weak Buy / Hold at $62.40. Our analysis was done at a
price of $62.40. We note that the stock last traded at $61.00. Our rating would
not change with that small price fluctuation.


August 19, 2006


Our Performance figures are updated above. We are not yet back to where we
were in early May. But the progress in the last few weeks has been quite good.


The Q2 earnings reports are mostly in now. From the S&P web Site I calculate
that reported earnings per share on the S&P 500 were up 10% year-over-year,
while adjusted earnings per share were up 13%. That is yet another quarter of
very strong earnings growth. In the long run earnings per share growth in the
stock market does not tend to exceed the nominal growth in GDP which is closer
to 6%. Earnings growth has been running well above the long-run expected level
for at least three years.


Market sentiment seems to be strong at the moment as the market is expecting
that interest rates will not rise. Offsetting this is the fact that a possible
recession is the reason that interest rates will not rise. As always the
sentiment in the market can change very quickly, but for the moment thhe trend
is positive.


Western Financial Group is
updated and rated Speculative Buy at $3.25. This is one of own largest holdings.
In terms of a trading strategy the price is a bit volatile and it may well be
possible to get it at close to $3.15. I have an order in to sell a bit at $3.40
if it is should reach that price in the very near term. That is just to raise
cash and if it falls to $3.05 or so I would be tempted to add to the position
rather than reduce. I look at this as the chance to buy at a reasonable price –
into a successful company that probably has a lot of growth ahead of it.


On Friday I sold half of my Wendy’s because the price was up. I may move that
into Tim Hortons. I was only ever holding Wendy’s because of my interest in Tim
Hortons. Now that I am not rating Tim Hortons and no longer rating Wendy’s it
made sense to move my holdings directly to Tim Hortons which I have largely
done. Still I would not have minded continuing to hold the Wendy’s until it
spits out the Tim’s shares on October 1 because that potentially could work out
well. Also Wendy’s may still get a boost if it splits off its Baja Fresh unit as
some activist shareholders want it to do. For me, though the Wendy’s seemed more
speculative as I am more familiar with the Tim Hortons.


August 15, 2006


A number of our stock picks moved up nicely today (Kingsway, Telus, Western
Financial) and some others). Tomorrow, (Wednesday) an important consumer price
index will be released for the U.S. If inflation is low, the market will
conclude that the Fed will not raise interest rates in September and therefore
the market could do well tomorrow in that case. If the report shows high
inflation, the market will likely fall tomorrow. Canada will follow to some
extent except that energy stocks as always will march to their own drum.


August 12, 2006


ING Canada
(Canada’s largest property and casualty insurance company) is updated and rated
Buy at $52.96. Three years ago I began adding property insurance companies to
this Site because I felt that they were going to enter a period of very high
profits on automobile insurance, because rates had been raised substantially and
laws were being changed to limit claims for personal injury and drivers were
becoming ever more reluctant to make claims. All of that came true and remains
true. It appears that ING Canada will continue to be very profitable for at
least the next few quarters. However at some point insurance prices and profits
should come down because the claims are lower.  So far, it seems that the
insurance rates and profits are staying quite high. ING is the most expensive of
the insurance stocks on this Site but also the most profitable. As noted in
comments below on this Site, I sold my ING to raise cash a few months ago. I am
not sure if I will buy any at this point. Possibly I will sell some Northbridge
and move into ING.


Western Financial Group’s results look good, net income was up sharply in the
quarter but revenue was only up 12%. (But this moderate revenue growth was
expected because of lower insurance rates). There are also more shares due to a
conversion of some debt to equity. The full financial statements and discussion
of results have not yet been posted. I will wait for the full results before
updating the report. The recent little jump to $3.20 is nice but I note that
this was on low trading volumes. I expect this stock to require patience. It
could certainly retreat back below $3.00 in the short term. Lower insurance
rates are probably hurting revenue growth but this is being offset by the growth
and strength in the Alberta economy.


August 11, 2006


Telus (non-voting shares) is updated for
its Q2 earnings ad rated (higher) Buy at CAN $51.35. This has done very well
since we called it a Speculative Buy back on October 6, 2004 at $28 (that was for
the voting shares, the non-voting were a bit lower). At that time, our theory
was that the GAAP earnings were under-stating the true value and that GAAP
earnings would rise and that the company was generating more cash than the GAAP
earnings suggested. Our theory was correct and the price has risen. Perhaps most
of the “easy money” has been made. But if the company continues on its current
trend then the shares should continue to rise. As always, there are risks. In
this case more intensified competition with Shaw Communications is a risk.


For interest the old Telus report from October 2004 happens to be one of our
example reports and is available here:


August 10, 2006


Good earnings reports out from ING Canada and Western Financial Group today.
By Sunday, we will have some updated reports for these or other companies that
have recently reported.


After today’s terrorist scare (threats to blow up large passenger jets) I was
pleasantly surprised to have a good day in the market. Our stock picks have
recovered much of the ground lost in the recent market down-turn. The Q2
earnings releases have been strong, as expected.


But I am getting nervous being about 91% invested in equities. Historically,
a high equity allocation is best over the long run. But if the market takes a
dive due to recession/interest rates or terrorist attacks, I am then going to
regret being so heavily weighted to equities. I am therefore going to look at
trimming my equity position. I find this hard to do because it might mean
selling some stocks that I really like and which I think will continue to rise.
But I won’t sell whole positions on any buy or strong buy rated stocks, rather I
hope to just trim some of those.


Given today’s terrorist scare and given all the problems in the middle east,
we certainly should not be surprised if there does come major terrorist attacks
in North America. It seems there are millions of people with a seething hatred
for the United States. Partly this is due to the U.S. support of Israel. I make
no judgment who is “right” in these wars. But I can imagine that when people
have family members or fellow citizens killed, emotions run extremely raw. Also
many of the survivors are leading bleak lives and see no bright future. Under
that scenario, it is really not that hard to imagine someone deciding to become
a suicide bomber. Unfortunately that is starting to lead me to think that a
major terrorist attack(s) in the U.S. will occur.


Having said that, North America is a resilient place and stocks will
eventually do well in almost any imaginable future. Still, I think I will feel
more comfortable if I can raise my cash position to say 25%.


For those with exposures to oil stocks I would think that recent events bode
well for the price of oil. I also think Alberta will continue to do very well.
This would benefit any Alberta-based companies including Stantec, Canadian
Western Bank, Western Financial Group. Even if oil prices drop, I would think
that North American governments would desperately want to see the Alberta oil
sands developed as fast as possible. More Alberta oil supplies mean less
dependence on the middle east and it also means that less money flows into the
hands of the potential enemies of the United States.


August 9, 2006


I added to my Tim Hortons today as I
had entered a price below the market and ended up buying as the price fell. This
stock is now below the $27 IPO price and certainly well below the $36.21 that it
opened trading with on its first day back on March 24. Remember back in March
there was a frenzy to buy and you could not get your hands on any at the $27 IPO
price and so it “popped” into the mid-thirties when it started trading. Now it
is available in the market at $27 and apparently few people want it at this
price. The frenzy is long gone. I only rated it (lower) Buy at $28.37 so I too
think it is not a screaming bargain. Still, I am happy to hold some and may buy
more if the price keeps going down.


Apparently one reason for the decline is the fear that all the American
Wendy’s shareholders will dump it when they are handed their shares on October
1. Well maybe so, but that has exactly zero impact on what the shares are
actually worth, and will affect the share price only temporarily. Also Wendy’s
went to great pains to insure that the Tim Hortons shares would be received
without a capital gain by those American Wendy’s shareowners. They will have to
keep the Tim Horton’s if they want to avoid the capital gain.


Maybe Tim Hortons will not have any kind of spectacular growth but I am
willing to bet that this company which has been growing fast in Canada for 40
years has a bit more growth left here. And maybe it will stumble in the U.S.,
but on the other hand maybe it will start to slowly build up in the U.S. as
well. I like its chances.


August 7, 2006


The market has now recovered half or more of the losses from the recent
down-turn – although this depends on an individual’s portfolio composition.
Investors may be wondering if it would be best to reduce the equity position and
move into bonds or cash. I believe that such a decision is very much dependent
on individual circumstances and risk tolerances. For that reason, I will have
little to say on that subject.


Personally, I do see some risks in the overall market. There is the risk of
higher interest rates and a consumer recession due to interest rates and high
energy prices. The events in the middle east are indicative that major terrorist
attacks in the U.S. are certainly a possibility. For that reason I would prefer
to be adding to my cash position (given I am about 91% in equities and only 9%
in cash). However, right now I not holding stocks that I would like to sell. I
will be reviewing that and may sell some lower rates stocks just to raise cash,
although I have nothing definite in mind. For the next week or two I am hopeful
that strong earnings releases will out-weigh the negative influences of oil
prices, possible recession and the middle east situation.


Home Capital is updated and rated
speculative (lower) Buy at $31.80. The value ratios indicate it would be a Buy
but I am worried about the possibility of bad debt losses if house prices turn
down and a recession causes some people to be unable to make their mortgage
payments. The company has been highly profitable and for that reason may
continue to do well. But given higher interest rates and the possibility of
recession, I am cautious on this stock at this time.


August 5, 2006


Kingsway Financial is updated and rated
Speculative Strong Buy at $CAN 21.97. The market sent it up $1.45 on Friday
based on its strong Q2 earnings. The stock certainly appears to be good value
but the market gives it little respect – the stock price certainly has not kept
pace with its earnings growth. The earnings graph shows that the annual earnings
have gone up fairly steadily over the years. Meanwhile, the stock price has been
very volatile. This stock is likely to continue to require patience but such
patience seems likely to be rewarded in the long run.


August 3, 2006


Note, that a number of the companies we rate here have released Q2 earnings,
watch for more updates in the next few days and weeks.


Loblaw is updated and rated Speculative
(lower) Buy at $49.01 (it closed slightly higher than our analysis price today
at $49.21). Loblaw a long-time market darling and strong performer has struggled
in 2005 and 2006 and its stock price has fallen about 33% from highs around $75
in 2005. We call it speculative because it is trending down and that could
continue. On the other hand if the earnings start to climb in Q3 then this may
turn out to be a great opportunity to buy into this company. The grocery market
has become more competitive and Wal-mart may enter it. On the other hand, Loblaw
has an extremely strong operating and profit history prior to the problems of
the last year or so. I am tempted to buy some at this price but may wait for
further word of how Q3 is progressing.


Kingsway Financial came out with excellent earnings today. This was after the
close of trading, so we will not see the market reaction until tomorrow. It
seems to me that Kingsway should rise on this news. But, when it comes to
property insurance stocks the market always seems to look for something negative
to react to. Kingsway did increase its claims estimates for prior years by a
small amount. The market may see that as a negative since it means that
management was apparently not as conservative in estimating those claims at the
end of 2005 at it claimed to be. The other way to look at this is that
Kingsway’s earnings would have been even higher in Q2 2006 without this charge
related to prior years. I’ll update my report over the weekend. I continue to
view the stock as very attractive. If it keeps making profits like this, the
stock price will rise, it just becomes a question of when. Of course there is no
guarantee that the earnings will continue to rise, but I am certainly happy to
hold it given the current strong earnings and low premium to book value.


August 1, 2006


Northbridge financial is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $29.76. It’s Q2 report included a big surprise earnings
hit related to the 2005 hurricanes. In many ways that should be treated as a
one-time cost since it related to a prior year and since Northbridge is no
longer offering new policies in the areas that caused the hurricane losses.
Absent the 2005 related hit, the profits in 2006 are very strong. It appears
that overall the Canadian auto and property insurance is very profitable. While
that will not last indefinitely Northbridge appears quite attractive at the
current price. However its parent (Fairfax Financial) may run into further
problems which could affect Northbridge. Overall I still like Northbridge but my
enthusiasm has been tempered by the added hurricane loss estimates from 2005.


Rogers communications (not covered here)  had strong results today. I
would expect Telus to have good results on
Friday driven by cell phones although Shaw
Communications is taking away significant numbers of land-line phone
customers. Shaw should continue to do well but it will not be reporting results
until perhaps late October as it has an August year-end.



July 30, 2006


Tim Hortons is added to the Site and
rated (lower) Buy at $28.37. Tim Horton’s on Thursday released strong Q2
earnings and sales growth. As discussed in the report Tim Hortons is a very
strong company. It is not bargain priced, but this may be a case where it is
worth paying the price to hold a high quality company.


Wendy’s is removed from the Site since our interest in Wendy’s was always
driven by its ownership of Tim Hortons. Also, it would be difficult to calculate
a fair value of what Wendy’s will be worth in the absence of Tim Hortons since
Wendy’s itself has recently been losing money. Wendy’s has potential but needs
to restructure further before it will become profitable again.


For purposes of the model portfolio, I will notionally sell the Wendy’s and
replace it with Tim Horton’s at tomorrow’s opening prices. I intend to soon do
the same with my own Wendy’s shares. With Tim Horton’s I feel I am getting a
known quantity but by continuing to hold the Wendy’s I take the risk on what
those shares will be after it distributes out all its Tim Horton shares
(scheduled for October 1).


Boston Pizza is removed from the site as the report was well out of date. I
hope to add some more Income trusts in future.


July 29, 2006


Dalsa is updated for its Q2 earnings and
rated Speculative Weak Buy. The earnings had declined in 2005 and this makes the
value ratios continue to look weak. But profits are now recovering and my sense
is that the company is better than its current value ratios would suggest. I am
comfortable holding a small position here, partly because i have little other
exposure to high-tech and I do like the potential here.


The latest version of the free newsletter has
just been sent out.


In regards to Fairfax, which I mentioned on Thursday. I decided to “get out
of Dodge” and sell my few shares on Friday. I bought it as a speculation based
on the very low price to book value. Ultimately is should recover. But it is
extremely complex and is undergoing some serious problem at this time. The
company itself says not to trust the financial statements so I decided to take a
small loss and get out.


July 27, 2006


TSX Group is updated for the Q2 earnings
release and rated Buy at $45.95. This is an extremely profitable operation.
Growth has recently been very strong.


Not surprisingly, Tim Hortons reported strong growth today, I continue to
like this stock. It is a bit difficult to analyze since it is so new as a public
company. However, I plan to add an analysis report for Tim Hortons to this Site
soon. Wendy’s reported more troubles. I am only holding Wendy’s (in my own
portfolio and notionally in the model portfolio) because it will spin off Tim
Horton shares to me on October 1. For those not facing capital gains taxes on
Wendy’s, an equally valid strategy would be to sell Wendy’s and put the money
into Tim Hortons directly.


On July 11 and June 14, I mentioned Fairfax as a speculative pick. There has
been more bad news about this company. Yesterday it announced it would sue some
hedge funds. Maybe the hedge funds did something wrong. If so, I think that
should be left to the police and regulators to pursue. I believe Fairfax should
get its own house in order and not focus on such a lawsuit. Today, after the
close, it released earnings which included bad news and indicated that its past
financial statements would be restated and are not reliable. I expect the stock
to fall tomorrow and now consider it to be extremely risky. I hold a few shares
and I may sell tomorrow.


July 26, 2006


The TSX group released – after the close of
trading – another quarter of astounding earnings growth (after adding back a
one-time income tax charge). Due to accounting rules free cash flow tends to
materially exceed net income. The market may worry that the TSX group cannot
continue such torrid growth. However, based on the earnings I would expect the
stock to rise. I will consider adding to my position in this stock tomorrow if
the price remains no higher than $45 to $46. This company is unregulated as to
its pricing despite holding a near monopoly position in Canada. Nice for
investors. I will update the report on this stock after I see where the stock
goes in reaction and after the financial statements are made available. (It is
very disappointing, and I think unfair to retail investors, that financial
statements did not seem to be posted tonight).


Strong markets the past three days were a welcome relief from the recent poor
markets. This illustrates that while the market has seemed risky lately, it is
also risky to be out of the market because rally’s like this are unpredictable
and those hoping to buy at the market risk being left out when the market and
various individual stocks eventually recovers to new highs.


July 24, 2006


Today, Monday, saw a great start to the week for the market. Many of the
Canadian companies will be reporting earnings in the next few weeks. We will
soon have a number of updates as a result.


July 21, 2006


Cognos is updated for its earnings release
this morning and is rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $30.29. After its big price
drop, I had hoped it would look cheap but it still does not look exactly cheap.
But it may be a good opportunity to buy into a strong company at a reasonable
price. And an RBC analyst has speculated that IBM would like to buy it and if
so, I would think there would be a reasonable price premium paid. A reasonable
strategy here would be to buy 1/3rd to 1/2 of an ultimate position and look to
add to it over a six to twelve month period.


Canadian National opened at $48.40 but then fell and is at $46.49 as I write
this. So, the stock has dropped despite stellar earnings and operating
performance. I believe that this is a reflection of the current overall
pessimistic mood in the market. Investors are afraid of higher interest rates
and a recession and therefore nervous investors are cashing out which drives
down prices. Taking a long term view I believe CNR represents good value.
However, it could very well go lower before recovering. A strategy of averaging
into this and other strong stocks that are down may be wise. On the other hand
those with cash may wish to stay on the sidelines and wait for signs of a
general market recovery before buying.


Northbridge was down 6% on no news today (see update just below), the same comments would apply in
that it looks like good value but that does not mean that it will not continue
to decline. The action on CN suggests that investors should wait for Q2 results
before investing. Most stocks seem unlikely to jump even if earnings are good,
so it seems best to wait until the Q2 reports are out. UPDATE – I have now
learned that Northbridge did release an earnings estimate for Q2 which was the
cause of the 6% slide. Northbridge revealed that losses from the 2005 hurricanes
were significantly larger than earlier estimated. This was partly offset by
realized gains on securities (unrealised gains have fallen). Northbridge has now
sharply reduced its exposure to hurricane losses for hurricanes in 2006.
Northbridge indicates that profit on its standard Canadian operations remains
very high. This bodes well for the results from ING and from EL-Financial. Given
that Northbridge has sharply reduced its exposures to hurricanes, it does
continue to look attractive, however this latest development does illustrate the
risk of this stock.


July 20, 2006


Canadian National is updated and now rated
(higher) Buy at $47.45. CN reported Q2 earnings after the market close today and
those earnings showed a very strong increase year-over-year as well as
sequentially versus Q1. The updated report indicates the reasons why CN seems to
offer good value at this time. Of course, there are always risks and counter
arguments – like CN cold suffer in a recession. But I would rather invest in a
company where one has to think of reasons why it is not as good as it first
looks, rather than the usual approach of investing in high P/E companies that
will only be good investments if in fact predicted growth materializes.
Consider too, that Bill Gates is a big investor in CN and Bill may well have
been advised to buy this by his good friend Warren Buffett. I regret that I took
profit on CN and sold some years ago. I plan to buy tomorrow if the price does
not jump too much. Logically I would expect the price to jump somewhat tomorrow,
but given the recent market pessimism it may not do much tomorrow. for the model
portfolio, I will notionally double the position in CN at tomorrow’s opening


July 19, 2006


There have been many times when the market has been going strong and many or
most stocks start leaping up often for n apparent reason. Clearly now is not
such a time. In fact the market seems in a negative mood. In this type of
situation, good news is often oer-looked and the market seems to pounce mostly
on bad news and fear leads to a situation where stocks go down easier than they
go up. This is depressing. However, he silver lining is that at some point it
definitely leads to bargains. A strategy of averaging into stocks at current
lower prices may turn out to be wise. For the stocks on this site, I have the
following thoughts. (In many cases these stocks are in down-trends so keep in
mind they may g lower before they start to recover. Also keep in mind tha
individual companies can be hit by surprises. Read the latest updates above on
these companies for further information. In many cases Q2 earnings will soon be
released and that could change the picture).


Target and Wal-Mart look quite reasonable at about 16 times earnings.


Loblaws will likely be a good investment assuming that thir current
turn-around strategy starts to work soon.


Cognos, looks like a Buy and its P/E ratio is lower than it has been in


Stantec, Alimentation Couche-Tard, and the TSX Group have all declined and
look like reasonable bets. CNR has also declined, and this may be a good
opportunity. There was news about a strike this morning but so far the stock
reaction is minimal and therefore I suspect this is a minor strike but I have
not seen full information yet.


Manulife has been a perennial performer and continues to look reasonable.


Cryptologic is a very speculative pick and declined sharply yesterday. For
aggressive investors it may be a good pick but I have to wonder about the reason
for its big decline.


I have not analyzed Tim Hortons partly because I believe it will take some
time of it operating as a separate public company to get a sense of its
earnings. I believe the stock is not necessarily cheap but that it will do well
do to profitability and growth. The maritime provinces are said to be saturated
with Tim Hortons. However, I have recently been traveling in the martimes and
all the Tim Hortons I saw were very busy. That hardly seems like saturation. As
I stood in line yesterday waiting for a coffee I thought, “how can I not own
this stock?”. I think it will do well. If not, at least when I have to wait in
one of its lines I will feel good abut owning a piece of it. It seems like the
more locations they put in, the more customers they generate. I bought a few
shares yesterday and this will add to the shares I will receive (on October 1)
from my Wendy’s holdings.



July 17, 2006


ebay is added and rated Speculative Weak
Buy/Hold at $25.66. The report is dated July 14 as it was posted prior to the
market opening today, Monday. This is certainly not a very definitive rating but we think ebay is worth watching. Recently we have been adding more U.S. stocks and we do
intend to add more of the well known U.S. names, on a selective basis.


July 13, 2006


The markets continue to be on a negative sentiment. At some point it will
turn around but it is unclear when. We are hoping that the Q2 earnings reports
will be quite strong, particularly for our strong buys. Property Insurance
Company earnings should do well on an operating basis but may have capital
losses due to the market decline. The market tends to ignore insurance company
capital gains but may not be as forgiving of capital losses (when they sell
stocks and bonds at a loss). Overall, in this period it seems patience is


Alarmforce is updated and rated
Speculative Weak Buy at $4.42. We have followed the company for a few years and
it has done well operationally. However, the accounting has undergone changes
which lowered reported net income. My sense is that the accounting earnings are
understated. But the market price seems to already reflect that fact. If we held
it we would likely continue to do so. I do not hold it at this time but might be
interested below $4.00.


July 11, 2006


The Bank of Canada interest rate was left unchanged today which should be
good for stocks.


The Q2 earnings reports will begin to come in very shortly and we will soon
have updated reports for many of the companies here. I mentioned Fairfax under
June 14, it did fall further since then but then recovered. I think it may be a
good pick although it is quite speculative. As a speculative pick, I will buy
some today.


Jul 7, 2006


Stantec has fallen under $21 and I would consider it a buy at that price.
Cognos was down 4% today to $30.70, on no additional news. I am going to buy
some shortly. As mentioned under June 11 this might be a good entry point
although it may be risky due to an on-going accounting investigation by the SEC
and delay in reporting results. I continue to view Kingsway very favorably
although it is apparent that “the market” has little interest in the stock and
therefore patience will be required. I hold Wendy’s which has risen lately. My
tentative plan is to hold Wendy’s until October 1 to collect my Tim Hortons
shares and then I would likely sell the Wendy’s which at that point would likely
fall to the $20 range or below when they no longer own 83% of Tim Hortons.


July 6, 2006


Manulife indicates that investor sentiment was at a high in June. This may be
a contra-indicator given that this sentiment had a record high in early 2000
(just before a market crash) and was at a low in early 2002 not long before a
long bull market that started in the Fall of 2002.


Canadian Tire is updated and rated
Weak Buy at $65.61. This is a great company and has done extremely well over the
past five years. At this time it seems fairly priced rather than particularly
attractively priced.


July 3, 2006


Shaw Communications is updated and rated Buy
at $31.55. It just release very strong earnings for its Q3 fiscal 2006. We began
rating this a Buy around 18 months ago at $21.50 (see Jan 21, 2005 below). Since
then earnings have increased sharply as we expected. If current trends continue,
the stock should continue to do well. I particularly like the strong levels of
insider ownership and buying in the past few years.


June 29, 2006


The market went up sharply when the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S. raised
rated only 0.25% to 5.25% instead of a feared 0.5% and softened its tone on
inflation warnings. Given the market may still expect the the rate to go to
5.50%, this optimism on the interest rate outlook may soon fade. However for
July we can hope that earnings announcements will dominate the market’s
direction and I expect the Q2 earnings reports to be mostly strong.


Loblaw is updated and rated Weak Buy at
an analyzed price of $52.50 (closing price today was $52.02). This has been a
great company but earnings recently fell on some restructuring problems largely
related to a change to large more centralized warehouses and partly due to
competition. Based on the lower earnings and uncertain outlook it is rated a
Weak Buy. If growth was to return to it’s long term history of double digit
percentage earnings growth then this would be a Buy. More aggressive investors
could consider buying now on speculation earnings growth will resume. However
conservative investors should wait to see the results of Q2 and possibly Q3.


I would like to review some history for this stock. We first covered it as a
Weak Sell on January 3, 2001 at $50.50. At that time the adjusted P/E was 29.5
and the price to book was 4.7, so we considered it expensive. Since then the
stock generally continued to look expensive to us and got as high as $76 in
early 2005. As the price fell throughout 2005 we started to find it looked
reasonably priced, but were a little early. Now the P/E is more attractive than
it has been in many years, but the earnings have declined and earnings growth
seems more uncertain. While it may be best to wait for an earnings turn-around,
my sense is that this stock will turn out to be a good investment at this price.
Despite only a Weak Buy rating, I will retain it in the Model Portfolio.


An interesting point – in our analysis when a stock has a current P/E of say
30 (Like Loblaw in 2001) our analysis assumes that the P/E will regress to some
more sustainable level such as 18 by the end of an assumed five year holding
period. Sometimes that is too conservative since if the company keeps growing
strongly the P/E can stay high. But in the case of Loblaw the P/E did indeed
regress to about 18 over five years. Ideally we would like to buy when the the
price is reasonable even assuming the P/E will decline, then if it stays high we
earn a bonus return over and above the minimum hoped for level of 8 to 9%.


June 26, 2006


Well the week is off to a positive start…


Very interesting news that Warren Buffett will begin giving away his fortune
starting in July. In depth news about this is available here and particularly in
the Fortune article


I am not much interested in the giveaway. What fascinates me is how he
amassed this fortune. The combination of returns averaging well over 20% per
year and his 60 years of investing means that he did not have to start out with
all that much money in order to obtain his fortune.


Mathematically, if he had $70,000 at age 15 as a one-time lump-sum investment
and made 25% per year (after tax) it would compound up to $46 billion in 60
years. In reality he had far less I think than $70,000 at age 15 but he also
made and invested money from employment and from large  profit commissions
on his Buffett partnerships (essentially a hedge fund).


The point is that at a very young age he absolutely KNEW he was going to be
very rich because he was confident he could make 20% plus on money and he knew
that over time it was going to compound up to a huge amount.


This should be pretty motivating to younger investors. For people that are
planning to be alive in 30 plus years and who are willing to let money compound
for that period it does not take all that much money to compound up to several
$million if one can find higher returns through finding under-valued stocks. And
if you think of teenagers who have 60 years and more ahead of them to compound
money, there is every possibility of reaching mega millions. I will do some more
math on this…


In this charity he continues his amazingly loyalty to his friends. It has
long been reported that he is very good friends with Bill Gates. Carol Loomis
wrote the Fortune article. Carol is over 70 and has been a friend of Buffett’s
since the mid-sixties. Fortune and Carol Loomis get to do articles on Buffett
frequently with access to Buffett while other publications do not get that


June 21, 2006


We are now announcing a new referral program. If you recommend the Site to
someone and that person subscribes, (and you let us know) then we will
immediately refund you $20 via PayPal. If you pay monthly, it will come off your
credit card. If you pay annually or by cheque it will come as an email link and
can be transferred to your bank account. (Naturally, the expectation is that
these subscribers will remain our customer for several months or possibly much
longer – as indeed most of you have, or that they take an annual subscription.)


It’s my expectation that this referral program will work to the advantage of
InvestorsFriend Inc. as well as offering a reward for referrals.


If you wish to participate in the referral program, simply refer someone to
subscribe (for example, send them an email link to the Site with your
recommendation) and if and when they indicate that they have done so, email me
( or with
their email address that they used (preferred) and/or their name.


A nice move in the markets today – but one day does not make a trend. Given
higher interest rates and inflation and higher consumer spending, the markets
are in a tug-of-war between, earnings growth pulling it up and higher interest
rates and a feared recession pulling markets down. This volatility seems likely
to continue.


FirstService corporation is updated
and remains rated (lower) Buy at $U.S. 25.87 or $CAN 28.83. The report is
updated extensively to reflect the recent 2006 fiscal year earnings and annual
report release. While it is not compelling, it has a great long-term history of
earnings growth, although the stock itself has been volatile even while earnings
were growing relatively steadily. I own a small amount and have no immediate
plans to Buy but may consider adding to my position particularly if the price
should fall.


June 20, 2006


After three and a half years of almost uninterrupted gains in our stock
picks, the past month has clearly been a less happy time. As the saying goes –
this too will pass. I don’t think anyone can say when things will improve or how
much worse the market decline might get. But I am confident that over time our
performance will continue to be strong. Over longer periods of time the general
market will rise and although it it can not be guaranteed, we definitely expect
to continue to out-pace the market.


In times like this I am most comfortable holding stocks of companies that are
making good returns on equity, that have growth and that are trading at
reasonable prices. While I did move 20% of my funds to cash I don’t plan to move
any more to cash. In fact I am trying to hold myself back from buying as prices
go down. I see no reason to panic and sell out of good companies. But everyone
has to consider their own particular circumstances and time frame.


Canadian Western Bank is updated and remains
Buy rated at $41.00. This is not a screaming Buy but it has been a very steady
performer and the outlook is good. This stock is up 315% since we first placed
it on this Site as a Strong Buy on August 5, 1999 at $9.88 ($9.88 after
adjusting for the stock split). Over the years since then we have not always
rated it a Buy but often we have and it has generally surprised to the up-side.
Check out, the very nice graph of its growth on a per share basis. It’s
interesting to note that by December 31, 1999 the stock was down 13.5% to $8.55
– we hung in with it and it rose 32% in 2000 and another 283% since then!


June 17, 2006


E-L Financial is updated and rated
Buy at $622. Last year (See Aug 26, below) we rated this a Buy at $392.
Unfortunately I failed to buy it myself at that time. Since then the earnings
and book value are up quite a bit. It’s not as tempting as it was back then but
still looks like a good long-term pick. However it may fall somewhat when the Q2
earnings come out since it will take an earnings hit due to the lower stock
market as it has investments that it must mark to market. Therefore, it may be
best to wait for the Q2 earnings before buying. If bought now, the best strategy
would be to be prepared to add to the position on a significant dip in price. In
other words the Buy is more a long-term rating. This company is more complex
than the other property insurance stocks tat we follow because it also has a
large component in life-insurance and because at the holding company level it
has additional investments. The accounting for each of property insurance, life
insurance and the holding company is different with repect to gains on market
investments and that adds to the complexity. Also note the thin trading and
largetr bid /ask spread. It may pay to be patient and place an order below the
asking price when buying this stock.


June 16, 2006


Performance figures are updated. While the picks hare have suffered in the
market drop, they are still doing well for the year to date and better than the
market and with less volatility.


Cryptologic is updated and rated
(highly) Speculative Strong Buy at CAN $27.14 or U.S. $24.14. On the face of it
the financials suggest that this is a highly profitable fast growing company
with no debt and is available at under 15 times earnings. That seems quite
attractive. But as mentioned in our report here and under April 24 below, it
seems that this company has been accused of being a criminal organization. I
note that the market price has not done well lately in spite of stellar Q1
earnings and a very large increase in the dividend. Perhaps that is a warning


Overall, I am very tempted to buy back into it but given these accusations I
would avoid taking a large position. It would be nice to think that because it
is audited by KPMG and listed on several stock exchanges that we can trust it.
But that is not necessarily the case. (On the other hand the accusations may
simply be from people who lost large amounts of money gambling and also some
former casino customers that were hurt perhaps partly by the decision of U.S.
credit card companies to stop processing payments for on-line casinos in
December 2001). I spent several hours reading the 2005 annual report and
everything certainly looked legitimate – but I can’t be sure. The notion that a
company that makes software for on-line gaming would be highly profitable is a
believable storey.


June 14, 2006


I added to my Kingsway position today. While there can never be any
guarantees and while insurance companies are risky, I believe that at a price of
around 1.25 times (diluted) book value Kingsway should be a good investment. No
doubt it will have suffered somewhat from the stock market decline, but most of
its investments are in relatively short term bonds. Clearly market sentiment is
not in favor of the company and therefore it is unlikely to recover much until
and unless it can continue to report strong earnings, and it may take several
quarters of strong earnings. If it continues to report reasonable to strong
earnings then the growth in book value should pull its share price up.


I have recently been looking at Fairfax Financial as a very speculative pick.
The following will only be of interest to more aggressive investors. Fairfax is
a large property insurance holding company headquartered in Canada. However the
great majority of its operations are in the U.S.


The earnings (and losses) and share price has been extremely volatile and
currently the company is somewhat under siege.


Right now, the shares at $U.S. 107 are trading at only 69% of (diluted) book
value per share. In isolation that is very attractive. If the company can put
its troubles behind it the share price could easily double (but even if it
occurs, that could take many months at least).


However the company has had poor earnings over the period since 1999. In 2005
it really got hammered with hurricane related losses. Prior to 1999 it had a
very good record with an average 20.5% return on equity.


Most recently the stock has been hammered down because of the losses in 2005
and because the Securities and Exchange Commission was investigating certain
accounting practices and it has been targeted by a number of class-action law
suits claiming improper financial disclosure. In many ways that is reason enough
to avoid this stock.


Fairfax’s debt ratings are poor with most at bb+ by A.M. Best.


In the first quarter of 2006, Fairfax reported strong earnings.


This is clearly a highly risky company, the share price has been falling and
may continue to fall.


It also certainly faces the risk that 2006 could be another bad hurricane


However, it is a large company with strong subsidiary companies. It is
certainly very possible that it will put its troubles behind it and the stock
could rise substantially. However even in a positive scenario, that could easily
take 6 to 12 months or more. Several of its subsidiaries are not 100% owned
trade separately (most notably, Northbridge and Odyessy Re). It appears that
Fairfax as a holding company trades at a discount to the value that would result
from the sum of its parts (only some of which trade on the market).


My conclusion is that this is a risky stock that has potential to move in
either direction. The company is very complex and certainly its legal and
regulatory troubles are very complex and I am not in a position to have a good
understanding of all of its risks.


It may be wiser to wait for a partial recovery before touching this. I may
consider a very small position now with a view to averaging UP if it starts to
recover. If I do so I will be prepared to hold while the stock price drops
because I would be buying into a downtrend. Again, it may best to wait for more
positive news.


June 13, 2006


I sold the rest of my ING Canada today as well as just a small amount of my
Northbridge and a small portion of my Wendy’s all just to raise some cash. At the
moment I don’t plan to sell anything else.


Kingsway credit rating was reaffirmed at BBB- by Standard and Poor’s which
could be viewed as a minor positive. Wednesday there is a consumer price index
report coming out that should move the market one way or the other. Hopefully
the market already expects it to be based (high inflation) and if so then their
might be little reaction if it is high as expected.


For those in oil, it is interesting that oil stocks have come down so much
when oil itself is not really down all that much… (In any event I don’t follow


June 12, 2006


Another ugly day for stocks. And this could certainly continue if more people
decide to cut their losses and get out. I understand that certain economic data
that will come out this week as well as speeches by the U.S. “Fed Governor” will
be closely watched and could throw the market either higher or lower depending
if the market likes what it hears.


Hopefully before two many more weeks the market can start to focus on Q2
earnings which are likely to be strong…


It would of course be nice to be sitting on some cash to take advantage of
bargains at some point… I may possibly trim some of my positions to raise
cash. Possibly the rest of my ING Canada, maybe some Wendy’s. I may consider
somewhat trimming anything that we are not rating a Strong Buy at or above the
current price. The decision to try to cut losses in a market decline is very
specific to each individual and includes the tax status, the risk tolerance, the
stage of life and other factors.


I’m certainly hopeful that the down-turn will not get much more severe. On
the other hand it is hard to feel optimistic about the markets direction in the
next few weeks at least. As always the market tends to do well in the long terms
but the bumps along the way can be tough to live through.


June 11, 2006


Dalsa is updated and remains rated
Speculative Weak Buy / Hold at $15.00. It seems like a good small technology
company but it definitely had some struggles in 2005. If profit returns to the
2004 level the stock price would definitely rise. I hold shares and will likely
continue to hold. I would consider buying more if it dropped under $13 again.


Note that an edition of the free newsletter was sent out late on Friday. If
you did not receive it, you can access it here.


Cognos has fallen hard since we last
updated it at $43.42 on April 8. At that time we rated it Weak Buy / Hold. The
company announced that Q1 earnings would likely be only 15 to 19 cents per share
compared to last year’s 25 cents. The earnings decline is partly due to the
higher Canadian dollar. But the biggest reason for the share price drop is that
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is looking at how it allocates or
recognizes revenue. This caused a delay in filing the last fiscal earnings
report in the U.S. and a delay for Q1 as well.


The SEC investigation at first glance appears to be much ado about nothing.
They are looking at the allocation of revenue between the actual software and
the support services. Cognos apparently provides both the software and at least
some support for a bundled price. An SEC investigation sounds like an ominous
thing. But in this case the issue seems less than ominous. The Cognos press
releases do not suggest that any changes in earnings will result. (I am not so
sure of that, I think there could be some change in earnings as the revenue
recognition could affect how the software development cost is amortized).


I note that Cognos has no debt and has a about $6 per share in cash and
short-term investments. Therefore it would appear to be in absolutely no danger
of any financial difficulty. I also note that it’s free cash flow generally
exceeds earnings, which is normally a sign of conservative accounting. It would
be well positioned to buy back shares after the accounting issue is settled.
Over the past seven years that I have followed the stock it has always had a
high price/earnings ratio. Now it is trading at a much more reasonable 21 times
trailing earnings (although note that earnings may decline this year).


This could turn out to be a wonderful opportunity to pick up the stock at a
more reasonable price. However, wading into an SEC investigated stock is
certainly somewhat risky. At this point it is probably best to wait until the
SEC issue is resolved and the Q1 report is released. That should also provide an
indication of the earnings and revenue outlook.


More aggressive investors could consider starting to average in at this


June 9, 2006


Note that the TSX has recently been simplifying a number of stock symbols.
For example SJR.nv.b becomes SJR.b, ATD.nv.b becomes ATD.b. If you are tracking
stocks, be careful to update your symbols. If a stock is shown as not trading,
it may be because the symbol has changed. On this site it is going to take some
time before all the symbols are updated.


Performance figures are updated. The last
month has not been good. But we did lose less ground than the TSX market and the
return this year to date is still relatively good and are well ahead of the TSX


I decided today to sell most of my ING Canada and entered a sell at the bid
of $56.05 I have approximately zero in cash and 100% in equities and I thought
it prudent to move something to cash, in light of recent market weakness. ING is
very strong but it also trades around 2.5 times book value which is aggressive
for an insurance company. I had mentioned a number of times in the past that at
any time I might lighten up even on stocks that we still rate highly. I am very
highly concentrated in the top picks here and for diversification may sell some.
Right now, I have nothing else in mind to sell. I will not be selling any
Kingsway. I will also treat the ING Canada in the model portfolio to be sold at the opening price on Monday (that is more fair than me assuming it sold


June 7, 2006


It has been an ugly few days in the market and the markets have trended down
significantly since May 10. I can offer no assurance that things will not get
worse. On the other hand earnings are strong and stock market valuations are
generally reasonable. Strong companies that make double digit returns on equity
and that trade at reasonable prices will, on average, be good investments in the
long term. The short-term however is always unpredictable. Hopefully what we are
experiencing is short term pain in return for long term gains.


June 5, 2006


The DOW and the TSX were both down 199 points today…


Kingsway was down 4% to $20.81. This is
now well below its high of around $25. I don’t know of any material specific
reasons for the decline. It just seems investors are nervous about this stock.
With the overall stock market being down, Kingsway may not have gains on any
investments stocks it sells this quarter and may report losses. Certainly its
unrealised gains will decline unless the market recovers in June. But these are
non-operating items. The market usually focuses on underwriting profit and on
cash yield on investments. I know of no reason that Kingsway should not continue
to report good underwriting results. The higher Canadian dollar hurts it
somewhat but not to a huge extent since it also has substantial costs in U.S.
funds. The company is facing a low growth period but the stock price appears to
assume that growth will be stagnant for several years…


It is disappointing that the company does not appear to be buying back its
own shares – as it indicated it would. Perhaps it will start to based on the
latest price decline. There was also a small amount of insider selling lately
which is not encouraging. Overall the stock looks attractive and I am
comfortable holding. However, property insurance stocks do tend to be risky and


It is always depressing to see prices fall on the stocks one holds, but in
the long run it is long-term earnings per share growth that matters most and not
the short-term volatility in stock prices.


June 3, 2006


Wal-Mart is updated and rated Buy at
$48.34. The growth chart for annual earnings and revenue per share is a thing of
beauty for this company. Future growth may slow but I would not bet against a
track record like this. My theory is that when it comes to earnings per share
growth consistent Winners usually continue to Win and losers usually continue to
lose. Note that Canadian investors face currency risks investing in this stock.
Gains in the Canadian dollar hurt the returns in Canadian funds versus U.S.


June 2, 2006


Target, the big U.S. retailer is added as a new stock on our list. Our
initial rating is Buy at $48.82. (This was evaluated at the closing price of May
29, but today’s price was about unchanged at $49.19). This stock has an
excellent history of growth in earnings per share. The valuation of big U.S.
“blue-chip” stocks like this has recently come down to attractive levels in
terms of P/E. For that reason we have been adding more U.S stocks to the Site.
Note that Canadian investors face currency risk.


May 30, 2006


With the market decline today it continues to look like markets are going to
be difficult, probably for some months. Things could turn around quickly but it
seems like markets overall are going to be tough. I don’t like the cliche that
it is “a stock pickers market” since I think it always makes sense to pick the
best stocks if you can. But it is true that in any market some stocks will still
rise. Still, it is always difficult to escape some pain if the markets in
general are going down.


Reitmans Canada is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at $20.15. (Price today was $20.39). In some ways it does not
get much more boring than a women’s clothing store. Then again this stock is up
25% since we first added it to the Site as a speculative (higher) Buy at $16.06
– which is not so boring at all!


Stantec is updated and rated (lower) Buy
at $22.72. This is a stock we first rated as a Strong Buy back in 1999 at
(adjusting for two splits..) $2.50. Most recently we called it a Buy in march at
$19.90 ($39.79 before the recent split). It’s a great company and the graph of
its 10-year earnings per share growth shows very steady and strong growth. The
share price has been somewhat volatile over the years but the earnings on an
annual basis have grown steadily. It does look fully valued at this point
however. And there is the risk it will be hurt as the construction industry in
the U.S. appears to be softening. Still, in the past 10 years it has managed to
grow every year…


May 29, 2006


Another good day in the markets… ING Canada has been volatile but seems to
bounce back well after any declines – up $1.01 today. They will start offering Aeroplan points in September so that may be a competitive advantage – but then
again they must pay for those points and it will cost a lot to buy the Aeroplan
points for existing customers. But they can entice new customers with these


May 27, 2006


It ended up being a good week in the markets. Nevertheless with interest
rates still climbing it’s not clear that the market decline has ended.


Canada Bread is updated and rated Weak
Buy /hold at $59.50. That’s back up from a recent decline to the $50 range in
response to a good Q1. It seems about fully valued now… It’s a good company
though and so we would not sell it at this price.


May 25, 2006


A welcome jump in the market today. It would be nice to see two positive days
in a row… We will have several updated reports by Sunday.


May 22, 2006


The decline in the markets in the past two weeks or so is certainly dis-heartening.
But in many ways it comes with the territory. Markets tend to go up in the
long-run but certainly not in a straight line. It’s tempting to feel bad about
about not jumping out of the market two weeks ago. And it’s tempting to think
about getting out now. It’s hard to feel optimistic about the market in the next
few weeks or months. It seems like inflation and high energy prices are finally
having an impact and pulling markets down and that could certainly continue and
get worse.


On the hand it is very hard to time the markets. Those who got out a couple
weeks back may still be out when the market turns around and may miss a big
rise. The list of of famous rich investors who are successful market timers
seems conspicuous by its absence. The market has risen by a huge amount since
the bottom about three-and-one-half years ago. Over that time there were periods
that I felt quite pessimistic and might have gotten out. But I would have
regretted it as the market pulled ahead.


So… while I don’t feel optimistic about the markets in the short term, I am
reluctant to sell the shares I own. Possibly I will trim some positions just to
be prudent but I will not be bailing out of the markets.


Each individual investor has to make their own choices in these situations.
For younger investors it may make a lot of sense to stay in the market and
continue to buy in on a steady basis from savings. For older investors who are
not investing new money, it certainly may not be prudent to be 100% in equities.
But if a retired investor is well diversified and has a suitable asset
allocation in equities, bonds, cash and other assets then it may make sense to
stay in the market. The point is that the asset allocation decision and any
attempt at market timing are very much individual decisions that depend on
individual circumstances and preferences.


Insurance  Stocks


The material below reviews how insurance companies work and then reviews
data for our insurance company picks – a bit of a long story, I may move it to
the articles section later..


Property and liability (casualty) insurance stocks can be though of as being
two businesses. The first business is the insurance or “underwriting” business.
The second business consists of investing the insurance premiums that always
build up in an insurance company.


Profits on the insurance business itself are measured by the “combined ratio”
which is the ratio of the total of claims and operating expenses divided by the
insurance premiums related to a particular period of time. A combined ratio of
less than 100% means that the company is making a profit on its insurance


For each year an insurance company can only estimate its combined ratio
because it can only estimate what its ultimate claims pay-out will be for
accidents and claims related to that year. When a company reports its combined
ratio for each year we can break that ratio out into an “accident year” combined
ratio relating strictly to that year plus or minus an adjustment related to
prior years.


For example Kingsway reported a combined ratio of 97.2% for 2005, which is a
good ratio. However, Kingsway reports that its accident year combined ratio for
2005 was even better at 95.8% prior to recognizing a loss of 1.4% related to
prior years (this prior years adjustment is called unfavorable development).


On the one-hand a 95.8% combined ratio is excellent. On the other hand the
market gets nervous about the unfavorable development related to prior years.
Kingsway has had a history of unfavorable claim expense development and the
market wonders if it can trust that the accident year ratio for 2005 will really
turn out to be as good as 95.8% – or will Kingsway have unfavorable development
related to 2005?  Kingsway maintains that it has learned its lesson and
that it is now conservatively reserved. If so we should expect positive reserve
development in future years.


For some reason analysts usually focus largely on the reported combined ratio
even though it may be affected by prior year adjustments. I would prefer to
focus on the adjusted or accident year combined ratio, excluding prior year’s


My thesis on insurance has been that rate increases (particularly for
automobiles) probably over-shot the mark by 2003 and that we would now see
positive developments in relation to 2003, 2004 and 2005. To a large extent this
has been the case.


The other big business for insurance companies is the investment of their
equity and debt capital as well as the investment of un-paid insurance claims.
The balance sheet of a property insurance company will show a large liability
ear-marked for future payment of claims. This is often referred to as a
“reserve”. Most of this money is not actually owed on any particular claim.
Rather it is a pot of money set aside that is meant to be an estimate of the
amount that will eventually be paid out on claims incurred as of the balance
sheet date. Some of these claims may have not even been reported yet to the
insurance company but they still need to notionally set the money aside for


The pot of money that is notionally ear-marked for future payment of claims
is meanwhile invested in bonds and stocks to earn a cash yield. Insurance
companies count on this cash yield for much of their profit. In fact, in many
cases an insurance company that merely breaks even on its insurance operations
can still achieve an acceptable overall return on equity through its profits on


Typically an insurance company invests mostly in shorter term bonds although
it also usually has some funds in longer-term bonds, dividend paying stocks and
other stocks. Recently cash yields on such investments have been in the 3 to 5%
range. However this can translate into 6 to 15% return on equity given that the
pot of money that an insurance company has invested is often two to three times
(or more) larger than its common equity value. The leverage comes from investing
the money that is ear-marked for future claims payments and in some cases
additional leverage is created through debt on the balance sheet.


In addition to the cash yield on investments, insurance companies often have
capital gains on investment and occasional capital losses. They also typically
have some “unrealised” capital gains or losses since they are not always
required or allowed to mark their investments to market. These gains or losses
usually add to profits in the long run but are usually ignored by analysts in
the short term as they are so unpredictable.


With the above background, we can now take a look at some ratios for our
insurance company stock picks.


  % U.S. % Auto % Commercial. 2005 reported Combined Ratio 2005 Accident year Combined Ratio
Kingsway 70% 41% 53% 97.2% 95.8%
Northbridge 16% 38% 90% 92.9% 95.9%
ING Canada 0% 56% 44% 86.0% 92.2%

The table above reveals that Kingsway does most of its operations in the U.S.
while ING Canada has no exposure to the U.S. All else being equal I would prefer
a 100% Canadian exposure. We can also see that ING has the largest exposure to
automobile insurance (which I believe has been the most lucrative segment in
recent years). ING also has the least exposure to commercial insurance, which is
probably riskier than personal insurance.


The above table also shows that all three companies have good reported
combined ratios. They are all making money even before considering investment
cash yield and investment gains and losses. With a 97.2% combined ratio Kingsway
made 2.8% on its insurance (good but not exceptional). Meanwhile ING made an
incredible 14% on its insurance which extraordinarily good.


But we should also look at these figures after adjusting for retroactive
insurance profits related to prior years. On this basis the companies look a bit
more equal. Kingsway and Northbridge both made around 4.1% on insurance in 2005.
ING made 7.8% which is exceptional. However we also have to be aware that these
are only estimated figures. Kingsway has a habit of over-estimating its profits
and then faces negative retroactive adjustments later. ING and Northbridge have
more often under-estimated their profits and then had positive adjustments
later. But Kingsway claims it has reformed…


Based on the above table in isolation ING would look best.


  Price P/B Yield Interim P/E fiscal P/E adjusted Interim ROE fiscal ROE adjusted
Kingsway 22.25       1.37 1.1%      8.53          9.7 16.1% 15.0%
Northbridge 33.61       1.59 2.0%      8.42          8.6 18.8% 21.0%
ING Canada 52.26       2.29 1.9%      8.63        16.9 26.6% 16.7%

The above table shows that Kingsway is trading at only a 37% premium to book
value while ING is trading at a 129% premium. All three companies have very
attractive P/E ratios below 9. But these are distorted upward due to capital
gains and for Northbridge and ING, due to retroactive recognition of increased
profits that actually occurred in prior years. It is very difficult to precisely
adjust the figures, but our adjusted P/Es remain very attractive for Kingsway
and Northbridge but is somewhat high for ING.


On this basis, in isolation, Kingsway and Northbridge look quite good and
appear preferable to ING.


  Invested Money Book Equity Book value Leverage Market Cap Market Value Leverage Debt
Kingsway     3,398     925.5   3.67    1,271        2.67      416.5
Northbridge     2,593   1,080.3   2.40    1,713        1.51           –  
ING Canada     6,466   3,046.0   2.12    6,989        0.93      127.0

The above table reveals the leverage on investments. For every $1.00 in book
equity Kingsway has $3.67 in invested assets. All else being equal this is very
attractive. ING has “only” $2.12 in invested assets for each dollar of book
equity. All else being equal if both companies made the same on their insurance
operations, Kingsway would have a higher ROE since its cash yield on investments
is more leveraged. Partly this is due to Kingsway’s use of debt (which however
adds to risk) and I believe it would also be partly due to the fact that
Kingsway’s claims liabilities take longer to settle (They are able to hold onto
the money longer due to the nature of their business.


The leverage available to new investors is reduced because the shares trade
above book value. For every $1.00 invested in Kingsway, the investor effectively
owns $2.67 in invested assets. This is an attractive leverage. Due to the high
price to book ratio of ING, an investor owns $0.93 in invested assets.


Therefore it appears that an investor in ING is counting on growth and /or
higher profits on the insurance itself while an investor in Kingsway could
expect a reasonable return from the cash yield and needs a smaller boost from
growth or profit on the insurance. Northbridge is somewhere in the middle.


Based on this last table, Kingsway appears to be the most attractive.


Overall considering that insurance companies are inherently unpredictable and
have different exposures to weather impacts, I prefer to spread my insurance
investments across all three.


I believe that insurance companies should continue to make high profits on
their insurance operations particularly in automobile insurance. However, the
impact of storms and hurricanes is very unpredictable. Kingsway had little
exposure to hurricanes last year while Northbridge had some but Northbridge has
reduced its exposure for 2006. ING was unaffected by hurricanes last year but
would be affected if hurricanes or other storms hit Canada.


Due to the recent market downturn, these companies will likely have lower
unrealized gains at the end of June. They may also face realized losses on
investments. On the other hand rising interest rates are good for them in the
intermediate and long term in terms of their cash yields. They have generally
reduced the term of their bond investments and seem well positioned for higher
interest rates.


Overall Kingsway and Northbridge look quite attractive and ING also looks
like a Buy. In the long-run they should do well, but the short-term is less
certain. At this time I believe there is relatively less down-side risk in
Kingsway and so I see this stock as the best risk/reward ratio.


Ultimately, subscribers must decide for themselves which stocks to invest in.


May 21, 2006


Western Financial Group is
updated and rated Speculative Buy at $3.02. This is a small company with big
ambitions and is available at a reasonable price. I don’t see any near-term
reason to think that the price will jump. Instead it will probably be a longer
term performer. The price could be volatile in either direction. In the past 18
months the shares fell from $2.70 to $2.00 then rose to over $3.30 but then fell
back to about $3.00. Trading volume is up to about 60,000 shares per day and
there is recently more interest from small cap analysts. The company is
converting $10.5 million in debentures into 4.2  million shares (13% of the
existing share count) on June 30 this year . This could cause down-ward pressure
on the share price as these debt investors may not be interested in holding


May 20, 2006


Manulife Financial is updated and remains
rate Speculative Strong Buy at $72.83. With yet another quarter of growth over
20% it seems like somebody forgot to tell Manulife that a huge company doing
over $30 billion in revenue per year can’t grow fast. I call it speculative
because the accounting is a “black box”. But based on the P/E ratio of 17.1 it
is not pricing in all that much growth. It could certainly fall a bit if the
market continues down but in the long term it seems quite likely to do well. I
would like to add to my position in this stock.


May 19, 2006


Home Capital is updated for Q1
earnings and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $31.97. For the first time in over 10
years quarterly earnings fell. The stock price fell about 25% in response.
Perhaps this is an opportunity to buy it at a more reasonable price. But I
prefer to wait and see if growth resumes this quarter. It could be considered a
Speculative pick for more aggressive investors. (Our report is dated May 15,
there was a delay in getting it posted but the analysis was done May 15).


This was clearly a bad week. Our Picks lost ground but not as much as the
overall markets did. Performance figures are updated and still look quite strong
for the year to date.


May 17, 2006


While the drop in the market is scary, it is very difficult to guess if it
will keep dropping. For prudence reasons I would like to built up some cash and
may sell some smaller positions. At most I might trim some of my insurance
positions (maybe Northbridge) but I am not going to abandon these stocks when
they still have such strong earnings. Western Financial could drop just because
it is a small company and those tend to be more volatile. Listening to the
conference call Western is making steady progress but as a longer term play it
could well fall back if investors grow nervous due to overall market conditions.


The markets could also turn to the upside quickly… The Q1 earnings reports
were strong and the P/E on the DOW and S&P is lower than it has been in years.
That should limit the damage unless interest rates rise a lot more. Overall this
correction is a reminder that markets do not always go steadily up. We have been
a bit spoiled with strong markets for the past three and one half years.


May 16, 2006


Cognos fell hard today for the reasons I
mentioned yesterday. It could always fall further but then again it is a strong
company with no debt so I it may not fall any further. I would definitely be
interested in starting a position at this price. I would buy some and then wait
and see what happens, I would not take a large position all at once until we see
where it is going. However, I am about fully invested at the moment so not sure
I will be able to Buy any.


A nice recovery on the insurance stocks today.


May 15, 2006


I was surprised at the announcement that Sleeman’s was for sale. I did not
think John Sleeman would sell it. Also in some ways I am surprised it is worth
much to say Molson or Labatt. But maybe each will bid on it just to keep it out
of the hands of the other. I would have thought it would be better to stay as an
independent and go the Income Trust route. Some analysts think Sleeman’s could
be worth $19. It’s hard to say what it is worth to a “strategic buyer”. I have
no plans to Buy.


Cognos had a couple of troubling press releases. First they will be late
filing 2006 fiscal earnings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. It
appears to be a non-cash accounting debate but I imagine what the SEC wants to
do will lower the reported earnings. Also they hired a new VP for sales/
operations and did not explain if someone had left or been fired. I would not
buy the stock yet. But if it falls a lot a some point it should be great value.


Today was the third bad day in a row in the markets. That is scary even for
longer term investors. It was good to see the DOW up today because the DOW is a
much better broad market indicator than is the TSX index. I had mentioned under
May 10 that I thought moving more to cash would be a good idea. However, it is
always hard to decide what to sell and I did not end up selling anything.
Certainly our picks could continue to move lower since there is always that risk
in the market. However the TSX has fallen faster than our picks these past few
days. I am hopeful that things will look better the rest of this week. I tend to
look at things one stock at a time and will be adding more Q1 updates…


May 13, 2006


ING Canada is updated and rated Buy at
$52.40. The stock fell about 10% on its earnings release of Thursday. By any
reasonable standard I believe that the earnings were quite good. The company
estimates it made 3.5% on its insurance operations in 2006. Because insurance
companies often make most of their money on investments it used to be that just
breaking even on the actual insurance was considered pretty good. They would
have made around 5% absent some unusual expenses. Counting retroactive profit
from past years they reported 9.5% total profit on insurance operations which is
stellar. They also obtained a 4.8% pre-tax cash yield on their large investment
portfolio which is good. In addition there was very strong realised gains on
investment trading but that is usually considered as a one-time unsustainable


My basic thesis that auto insurance is highly profitable is intact for this
company. ING Canada gets 50% of its business from auto insurance. The company
has relatively little re-insurance with other companies. It has essentially no
foreign currency risk. It has very little debt. Overall this is probably the
highest quality property insurance company in Canada. The only problem is that
much of the quality is already reflected in the price and it does have a high
price to book multiple at 2.3. Given that the stock price fell on strong
earnings it seems the market was perhaps pricing in unrealistic short-term
earnings expectations.


Overall I am comfortable holding this insurance company along with the others
on this Site. ING provides higher quality but is relatively more expensive.
There is always a risk it can fall further but in the long-term I suspect it
will do well.


May 11, 2006


ING Canada fell almost 5% in spite of reporting excellent earnings. Partly
this probably reflects fears of lower income ahead. Also it probably represents
the fact that investors are generally feeling nervous about higher interest
rates. I’ll update my report on ING by Sunday.


Western Financial reported “okay” earnings. Not great but still progressing
in its growth plans. Also announced it will redeem convertible debentures which
will add to the share count. I would hae thought the shares might fall on this
report but they rose.


I note the Manulife CEO is selling a small portion of his shares to diversify.
I have sometimes overreacted to insider selling, but certainly it gives me less
confidence in holding the stock. I will update the Manulife report soon as well.


May 10, 2006


Some good gains today … Western Financial has fallen from its high of over
$3.40 to $3.05 to $3.09 today.  I already have a lot or would be tempted to
Buy here. This is really not that much volatility considering this is a small
cap stock. Volumes are lower now than when the stock was reaching its highs. I
look forward to the Q1 earnings report in the next few weeks and will likely
neither Buy nor Sell until that comes out. ING Canada reports tomorrow and I am
hoping for good things there…


Interest rates rose again today in the U.S. putting their Federal Funds rate
to 5% and consumer prime rates around 8%. The market has done well in the face
of these increases. When it comes to the general markets I am definitely worried
due to higher interest rates and higher energy costs. When it comes to oil and
commodity related stocks I can’t guess which way those will move.


The Canadian dollar has really jumped lately. I expect this to hurt many
Canadian companies that have operations or sales outside of Canada (Manulife is
an example). Companies that import goods to sell in Canada will be helped.
Canadian Tire is an example. American companies that do a lt of business in
Canada (Wendy’s is a prime example due to its 82% ownership of Tim Horton’s)
should be helped by the higher Canadian dollar as far as their U.S. share price
goes. Some of these currency impacts are hedged away in the short term but
hedges are usually only temporary. Even with currency pushing a stock in a given
direction, many other factors could cause the stock to move the opposite way.


Despite some danger signs I still am optimistic that InvestorsFriend’s stock
picks will do well on average. But if the market turns down it will be hard to
escape some damage. Therefore it may be prudent to move some funds out of stocks
and into cash especially for anyone who is fully invested in stocks and/or
bonds. Bonds will not do well if interest rates keep rising.


May 8, 2006


Kingsway was up nicely today, hopefully more to come as the recent drop in
price seems unjustified.


May 7, 2006


Telus is updated and remains rated (higher)
Buy at $45.95. I have switched to using the non-voting shares in the analysis as
those shares are a bit cheaper and in this widely held company the value of the
vote to a retail investor is approximately zero, in my opinion. The non-voting
shares exist so that Americans can hold a high proportion of the company without
violating Canadian voting ownership restrictions on telecommunications
companies. Buying Telus is basically a bet that their current huge momentum in
wireless sales will continue and that higher profits on wireless will outweigh
declining profits on the fixed wireline business.


May 6, 2006


Those who chose annual subscriptions through Paypal. I want to remind you
that as indicated in the subscription sign-up page,
the annual subscriptions do renew automatically on the renewal date, unless they
have been canceled. However, recognizing that a year is a long time and that in
some cases the renewal may not be wanted, simply notify me within four weeks of
an automatic renewal and if requested I will cancel the renewal and make a full
refund through PayPal. Unfortunately our system is not set up to issue reminders
when the renewal date is approaching, but you can see it by clicking “My
Account” when you log in.


Performance figures are updated. Some of the picks were quite volatile this
week but in the end there was only a small loss for the week.


Kingsway Financial is updated and rated
Speculative Strong Buy at CAN $22.36. Property and casualty insurance companies
are exceedingly difficult to analyze because of lumpy realized gains and losses
on (mostly) stock sales and because of very lumpy retroactive changes to claims
expenses of prior years which flow through the current year’s income statement.
I am attracted by the fact that the stock sells at 1.4 times book value and
appears to be earning about 15% on equity. My hope is that the claims reserves
for 2005 were too high (given the price increases of 2003 and 2004 and given
reluctance of people to make claims and given lower limits on injury claims for
Ontario). It’s less clear if that situation also applies in the U.S. Over the
years the company has produced strong earnings but the share price has been very


All else being equal I would prefer to invest in Canadian insurance
operations. Kingsway operates mostly in the U.S. which introduces currency risk
for Canadian investors.
I would also prefer to invest in personal standard auto insurance while Kingsway
is into mostly commercial and high-risk insurance. Overall Kingsway seems to be
well valued and I am comfortable with a large position in it but I am prepared
to accept near-term volatility. In the next few months I am hopeful that the company
will be buying back its shares and that the price will rise to at least $24. If
the company were to recognise retroactive lower claims expenses for 2004 or 2005
this would create an up-side potential but even if this occurs it might not be
until the end of this year. Higher interest rates hurt the investment value but
increase the investment income yield.


May 4, 2006


I was disappointed by the the drop in Kingsway Financial. Earnings were down
but insurance companies are usually judged on operating earnings and that figure
was up 11%. Clearly this sector of the market remains out of favor and perhaps
Kingsway is particularly out of favor. When I read the report and listened to
the conference call I thought it was a good quarter. In their report TD Bank
also thought it was a good quarter but they believe the stock only deserves a
price to operating earnings multiple of 10 and a price to book value ratio of
1.3. To me those kind of multiples look low. I added to my position today. Given
a current price to book value ratio of under 1.35, I don’t see why the stock
should fall. I would expect the company to now begin to buy back shares. Overall
it looks like this is going to require a lot of patience. I’ll update my report
by Sunday.


May 3, 2006


Kingsway Financial released earnings after the close of markets today. Net
income was down due to a small loss in investments sold. But operating profit
from insurance and from yield investments was up. Normally the market focuses on
operating earnings and so I would expect the price to rise on this news. However
there are always lots of factors to consider. I will wait and see how the market
reacts before I update my report but I would be prepared to buy tomorrow unless
it happens to jump too fast at the open. I continue to think of this as a solid
long term investment although I am not expecting it to move up very quickly. One
negative factor is the currency risk since it does most of its business in the
U.S. But I believe there also many positive factors including the strong current
profits and strong balance sheet.


I sold half of my New York Stock Exchange shares today. I still like it long
term but it’s not a stock I have evaluated (other than at a very high level for
reasons I have stated earlier), though I have made comments on it
earlier (search below using Control-F if interested). It was a speculative pick
that I made money on although I certainly missed selling it at the top. Given
the trend in our dollar and given that NYSE seemed to keep sliding I decided to
sell half and limit my exposure. For consistency I will also notionally sell
half in the Model Portfolio.


May 2, 2006


Based on our recent report, I added a few shares to my Northbridge position
on Monday. I note that Monday was a negative day in the markets but today was
positive. Strong earnings reports are so far holding the market up in the face
of higher interest rates and Higher energy prices. I would not be surprised to
see the overall market retreat. My hope is that the Buys and Strong Buys on this
site will continue to outperform the market. Perhaps tomorrow will be strong in
Canada based on the Federal budget. Also I am expecting more good earnings
reports in the next week or two.


April 30, 2006


I have reorganized the stock table above to show separately those stocks that
trade in the U.S. or in both Canada and the U.S. U.S. residents generally do not
have access to trade stocks on Toronto (there are special procedures and higher
costs involved). Therefore showing these stocks separately will allow any U.S.
subscribers to this site to see which stocks they can easily access. Some of the
other stocks also trade on “Pink Sheets” in the U.S.


Canadians will generally want to trade these stocks on the Toronto exchange
to avoid currency conversion charges. However some Canadians may have U.S.
dollar accounts and in that case it makes sense to trade the stocks on the New
York or NASDAQ exchange.


This Site will continue to focus on Canadian companies but will likely also
include more U.S. stocks. Canadian investors should be aware that the rise in
the Canadian dollar lowers the Canadian return when U.S. stock prices are
converted back to Canadian. For Canadians it is difficult to completely avoid
U.S currency risk. Some Canadian companies report in U.S. dollars. And some
large Canadian companies do most of their business in the U.S.  Currency
risk is driven mostly by where a company does business and not much by the
exchange that it trades on. Most U.S. based companies do most of their business
in U.S. dollars – as do some Canadian companies.


Thomson Corporation is updated and rated
Buy at U.S. $39.91 or Canadian $44.68. With a P/E of 27 it does not look like a
bargain stock. But I believe that it’s earnings are understated and the price to
free cash flow ratio at 20 may be more representative. I like that that it is in
the information business and I like the subscription based revenue model.
Customers are probably reluctant to switch to other products after they have
integrated Thomson products into their work. Possibly an entity like the New
York Stock Exchange would like to acquire its bond trading platform TradeWeb and
if so I suspect that would be at a large gain. Canadians face currency risk on
this stock even when we buy on Toronto because the great bulk of its revenue is
in U.S. dollars.


April 29, 2006


Northbridge Financial is updated and
rated Strong Buy at $32.60. While insurance companies are inherently risky, my
view is that a company which has earned over 20% on equity for the past three
years and which has a very long history of profitability and which trades at
1.54 times book (and just 1.30 times book adjusted for unrealized gains) is a
good bet.


In valuing Northbridge many analysts will discount realized gains on
investments entirely. That is in spite of the fact that it has had such gains in
each and every one of the past 20 years!


Analysts also worry that insurance prices are dropping in Canada. That is
true but the company indicates that prices are still more than high enough to
achieve its target of a 15% ROE. Analysts also worry about Northbridge’s
exposure to further losses from hurricanes. However, the company has stopped
writing the Marine wind policies on which most of those losses occurred. It
still has some exposure in 2006 for policies written in 2005 but the exposure is
declining. There certainly can be no guarantees but the figures suggest to me
that Northbridge is likely to be a good investment both in 2006 and in the


Note that I could have updated Northbridge on Thursday night after it
released the positive earnings report. But it would do little good for me to
rate it a Strong Buy at Thursday’s close of $31.09 given that the opening price
on Friday would be expected to already reflect to some degree the earnings
report. Some stock rating sites inflate their performance by resorting to such
tricks -rating stocks at prices which are not available even at the instant
their report is published.


My own portfolio was down just a bit this week as I lost ground on Wendy’s
and the New York Stock Exchange Group and some others but made gains on a number
of stocks as well. I will update the performance figures at the end of next


April 28, 2006


Northbridge Financial released very strong earnings after the market close.
The profitability on insurance (before profits on investments) continued to be
very high at 9%. I am not sure if it will go up tomorrow or not. Ordinarily I
would think it should, but from past experience analysts seem to be very
conservative on the stock. There will be a conference call tomorrow at 9:30 am
and we shall see which way it moves after that. If it is trading about unchanged
first thing tomorrow then I believe it would be attractive to Buy at that point.
So far it still appears to me that this company is very profitable and should
continue to be profitable. Even if the market is unexcited about it I believe
that the increase in book value through earnings will push the stock price up. I
will update our report over the weekend based on Friday’s closing price.


The TSX Group is updated as (lower) Buy at
$48.50. The Q1 earnings were tremendous. By some measures like price to book,
the stock is very expensive. But the ROE is huge and the P/E is high but perhaps
reasonable given the ROE. The company announced some fee reductions which caused
its stock price to drop. My sense is that Q2 earnings will be very good and
therefore I bought some shares today. But given the uncertainty my approach is
to average in, not taking too big a position.


April 27, 2006


I did buy a small amount of TSX Group today, my strategy would be to average
in since the market price may not yet have fully reacted to the news of lower
fees ahead.


April 26, 2006


The TSX Group reported extremely strong earnings today. But the stock fell
because the TSX is lowering some of its prices to be more competitive. I have
almost completed my update and will post it tomorrow night. I will be rating the
stock a Buy. But be aware of the concern about increasing competition. I may buy
some TSX stock tomorrow and I am even thinking of selling part of my NYSE shares
and buying the TSX to have some of each. I may do the same in the model
portfolio but have not yet decided.


I note the insurance picks are creeping up and I am hopeful this foretells
good earnings reports on the way.


April 25,2006


New York Stock Exchange, a stock which I have no rating on but which is in
the Model Portfolio (for reasons why, search below using control-F for
Archipelago), has been volatile and trending down after having delivered big
gains earlier. In retrospect perhaps I should have sold at higher prices and I
have indicated all along that this was speculative. I also own it personally. I
find myself unwilling to see this partly because (quite honestly) that would
make me feel worse about not selling earlier. Also I still really like the
potential of this stock in the long term. So I would not be surprised if it does
trend lower partly because the NYSE is about to sell more of this stock… Still
I will likely hold onto it.


I bought a bit more Western Financial today at the $3.21 level. I am not much
bothered by this pull-back because it did run up rapidly to the $3.40 level.
Hopefully, the Q1 earnings report will support the recent price rise and more,
but that remains to be seen.


We should have some earnings releases and updates by this weekend.


I did sell half my Cryptologic today, per my comment yesterday. I felt I
owned too much of what is fundamentally a more speculative stock. I will also
notionally sell it in the Model Portfolio
and replace that half with CN.



April 24, 2006


I note cryptologic fell today. A subscriber pointed out that there is a site
that has a major hate on for this company. I don’t know what to make of it,
maybe just a very disgruntled former licensee. Still I may lighten my position
in this stock tomorrow out of caution.


Click for a look at the chart of
Wal-Mart’s price versus its earnings per share growth. Clearly the market is
predicting some trouble or slow-down a Wal-Mart. It’s far from clear if the
market be be correct.


April 23, 2006


CNR is updated and rated Buy at $53.49. It
release very strong Q1 earnings last week. Possibly I am being a bit aggressive
calling it a Buy after its recent strong price increase, but the earnings growth
has really been strong. I should add it into the Model Portfolio but right now I
don’t have anything that I should really sell in the model so I will hold off
putting it into the model for now.


April 22, 2006


An exceptional week. I updated the Performance figures after Thursday. I
should have waited until after Friday since it was another good day. The Model
Portfolio composition is updated for the addition of Wal-Mart. My personal
portfolio composition is also updated. See links above.


Western Financial Group
has risen quite a bit lately. It seems to me that this was eventually to be
expected given that it had been trading near book value ($2.13) no so long ago.
However, it could well fall back from here probably temporarily since stocks do
not often rise in straight lines. The company might decide to take advantage of
the higher price to issue shares. While that would hurt the price, it would
probably be good for the company long-term and if they need the money it simply
makes sense to raise it when the share price is higher. I’m willing to accept
volatility and I am not planning to sell any shares in this. Having built my
position at lower prices, I also am not planning to buy at this price because I
probably have sufficient exposure at this point.


April 20, 2006


Wal-Mart is added as a new listing rated
Buy at $46.47. Look at a stock price chart of Wal-mart and you will not be
excited. The stock touched over $60 way back in early 2000 and again in early
2002 and early 2004 and is well down from that level. But check out the earnings
per share and revenues per share growth in our report. (The graph is a thing of
beauty!) The company has been growing earnings quite steadily even as its stock
gyrated to probably unjustified heights and then came back down. Sure, growth
will not likely be as strong in future as in past but it still seems to be
growing at a health pace. And it is now available at a pretty attractive P/E
around 17.5.


I don’t have immediate plans to buy it myself but I will notionally sell the
HUB International in the model portfolio and replace it with Wal-Mart at
tomorrow’s opening price.


Our Picks may have lost a little ground today, although some were up. But I
was pleased that any losses today were minor on a day when the TSX market was
down 1.4% and this was after several very strong days for these picks.


Google releases strong earnings after the close. I will not hazard any guess
as to whether this stock is a good investment and I have not done any analysis
of it. What I can’t believe is that analysts and the media are quoting their
earnings on a basis that excludes stock based compensation. They report $2.29
per share non-GAAP and actual GAAP earnings 15% lower at $1.95. The biggest part
of this is stock based compensation. For years companies argued that stock
option compensation was non-cash and somehow irrelevant. They LOST that argument
big time. In my view, the fact that Google is reporting on this basis at $2.29
means they just don’t get it. They may have a fantastic business model but it
scares me that they they don’t seem to understand that giving out stock options
like candy, is an expense. And it’s also scary that the business media is going
along with this. Remember the last time that this sort of pro-forma nonsense was
happening big-time was back just before the market crash of the early 2000’s.
It’s unbelievable how investors can fall for this again. I have no opinion on
the value of Google stock, but certainly this nonsense is not comforting.


The New York Stock Exchange Group is not a stock I cover, but I had picked
the predecessor stock Archipelago as a speculative Buy earlier this year. As an
update, I continue to hold NYSE but I have no rating on it at this time. They
just released earnings which were 34 cents per share on an adjusted (ex-items)
basis. Annualized this would be $1.36 per year in earnings. This implies a P/E
ratio of about 55. Also the price to book value ratio is about 6.6. Again I have
no rating on the stock but clearly stock is “pricing in” a lot of earnings
growth. I believe that the underlying business is in a very strong position and
likely has a certain amount of ability to increase prices. It also probably has
the ability to expand into bond trading and to do further partnerships or
acquisitions. Nevertheless I consider my own position in it to be rather


April 19, 2006


At the top of this page is a link to
how to use this page. At the
request of a subscriber I just added in there a ranking of how the ratings are
ordered from Strong Buy down to Strong Sell.


The ranking order is as follows:


(higher) Strong Buy


Strong Buy


(lower) Strong Buy


(higher) Buy




(lower) Buy


Weak Buy /Hold


Weak Sell / Hold




Strong Sell


The word a “Speculative” or
particularly ‘(highly) Speculative” at the front of the rating would indicate
more speculative… but all stocks can be considered speculative to some degree
especially if too large a position is held in one stock.



It was a nice day in the markets for our picks today. Nothing spectacular but a good
number of our picks were up and this is on top of a good day yesterday.
(Logically I should have a longer term outlook and not care about day to day but
let’s face it as internet connected investors most of us check our progress at
least daily).


It a cliché to say that we are in uncertain times but I know that while I am
pleased with the gains this week, my mood will turn somewhat fearful, if we get
a couple of down days. I think that matches the overall sentiment of the market.
We are happy to still ride this bull up but we know that the bull market will
end some time, and we know there are dangers lurking from higher interest rates
and a possible slowing economy, people getting into trouble with debt etc. I’m
certainly hoping that the stock picks here will weather any storm better than
most portfolios but at the same time I am just saying that I think the market
could very well turn or even lurch down at any time. So far it seems the Q1
earnings reports are keeping the market momentum going. (Also oil prices and
gold when it comes to Canada although high oil prices are bad for many


April 18, 2006


Forzani Group is updated and rated Weak
Sell at $15.60. It did have a strong Q4 and apparently a good start to Q1. But
it looks quite expensive especially since the price has already moved up
materially due to the strong Q4. Management has a bit of history of missing
targets. Maybe it will turn around but much of the turn-around potential already
seems to be baked into the price. I have largely lost interest in this stock and
plan to remove it from the Site soon to focus on other companies.


Based on my recent comments about Shaw Communications, I added to my position
in that stock on Monday. In order to raise cash I sold my SICO at $19.86 rather
than wait and get $20 (and avoid the commission) when the announced take-over at
$20 is completed.


April 17, 2006


The week has started off with my property insurance picks moving higher.
Western Financial was down which I would view as a buying opportunity. It was
announced after the market close that the CEO of Wendy’s has quit. It will be
interesting to see if the stock moves up on that news or down, I would think up
but, we shall see… It may tend to gyrate in the morning as investors try to
figure out if this is a good thing or a bad thing.


It seems like a consensus is building that long-term rates will keep rising
for a while at least. I certainly cannot be sure of that but if anyone is really
confident that this will happen then one way to trade on that would be to sell
short a 30 year Government Bond. I know this can be done through TD Waterhouse.
I view this as quite risky, but if an investor is strongly convinced that long
term interest rates will rise then this is one way to profit if long-term rates
do continue to rise. One tip, would be to try to negotiate the price at which
the bond is sold short. The big brokers profit by charging a bid-ask spread of
probably 1% or more for small trades but it may be possible to negotiate.



April 16, 2006


I have just sent out an email with a link to a new edition of our free
newsletter. If you did not get that email, you can link
to it here. The free newsletter is sent to a separate list, you can check if
your email is on that list by entering it in the box on our home page.


April 15, 2006


As long-term interest rates continue to move up, it is worth thinking about
what to do. Raising cash and trimming both equities and any longer term bonds
might be a good idea. Income Trusts and higher dividends stocks would likely be
hit earliest by interest rate increases. Stocks that have the potential for big
earnings gains even if the economy cools a bit should be better bets. It’s hard
to say where insurance stocks fit in that picture, on the one hand I expect
there profits to be strong and to be fairly recession resistant. But they would
likely face some losses on the market value of their bond and equity portfolios
later in the year if interests rates rise. But on the other hand their cash
yield on bonds and preferred shares are rising with higher interest rates. So
overall I still the insurance stocks as better than most stocks as interest
rates rise.


Brampton Brick is updated and remains rated Speculative Buy now at $13.85.
This company was added to this site only on January 22. While it does not seem
that exciting, it did move from $12 to $13.85. In the initial report I indicated
that there was a risk of a write-off of goodwill and this indeed happened with
the Q4 earnings release. It looks like the company is taking some actions to
improve earnings. The biggest risk here is probably the risk that housing
construction slows.


April 14, 2006


Shaw Communications is updated and rated
Buy at $28.49. It released strong earnings on Thursday morning, but the market
was unexcited by the figures. As we had expected earnings and cash flow were up.
Subscriber growth in terms of basic cable, digital cable, internet and the new
digital phone service were all very strong. This is a company that becomes more
profitable with scale and it is growing. I am very much attracted to the growing
profits and cash flows. However, the price / earnings ratio is very high and
there are reasons for caution as explained in our report. The accounting is very
complex and I spent more hours than usual studying the annual report and notes.
Overall I am very comfortable holding this stock and intend to buy more. I
believe this stock has a good chance of providing a 15 to 20% annual return or
better over the next two years and I see relatively little risk of down-side if
held for the next 12 months to 24 months (although it could certainly fall a few
dollars if the general market turns down – and as with all stocks there is
always some chance of a bigger decline).


April 11, 2006


I note that long-term interest rates have been moving up the ten-year Bank of
Canada bond yield has gone up to 4.40% today up from about 4.20% in most of
March. This is a negative factor for all stocks but particularly for Income
Trusts and higher dividend paying stocks. It’s also very negative for longer
term bonds which fall in price as interest rates rise.


These higher interest rates as well as high energy prices are definite
negative factors for the market. I was hoping that strong Q1 earnings would
overcome this negative factor, but that remains to be seen. I am considering
trimming some of my positions to build cash and protect against the down-side.
However, it is always challenging to decide which positions to trim. I will post
any trades I make to this Site.


It seems that the market is cautious on the property insurance companies
perhaps partly due to recent Tornados in the U.S. Given the mild winter we had,
and the strong markets, I believe that the insurance companies will generally
report very strong earnings for Q1. But the market may focus continue to focus
on storm risks. I believe ING
Canada and E-L Financial have
very little exposure to hurricanes as they operate strictly in Canada.


April 9, 2006


Clemex Technologies returns to the list
above rated (highly) Speculative Buy at $0.38. This stock disappointed me deeply
in the past with both losses and (unforgivably) big revenue declines. But they
appear to have cut costs way back and refocused on the core product and have
been profitable for the past five quarters. This is an extremely small company
(that really should never have gone public). It now appears to have good
potential, but due to past mistakes and volatility caution is warranted. Still,
it is not a bad pick for a small amount of speculative money.


April 8, 2006


Cognos is updated and rated Weak Buy /
Hold at $43.42. I was hoping it would rate higher as I do like the company. It
may have hidden value, but the valuation based on achieved earnings seems too
high. A recent decline in earnings seems to be turning around but still
management is projecting an earnings decline in the next 12 months. I would not
want to bet against the company but the timing does not seem right to buy this.


On Friday I added a small amount to my holdings in Western Financial Group.


April 6, 2006


This week I purchased some shares in
Manulife, based on our recent rating of (lower) Strong Buy.


Tonight I was listening to the conference call for
Western Financial Group. It
sounded like this company will continue to grow steadily. It can be volatile and
if it issues shares the price could certainly drop. At times in the past it has
had to issue shares below book value to finance growth. Now the shares are above
book value and so at least any share issue should be above book value and that
may help  avoid a price drop if shares are issued. (Issuing shares below
book value is unfortunate because it dilutes both earnings per share and book
value per share). But it appears that over the next few years this is likely to
continue to do well. I own a reasonable amount but I am tempted to buy more.


April 5, 2006


A big day today with many of our Stock Picks up. Most notably
SICO has a take-over offer at $20 (which is
acceptable to management / insiders that own 34% of the shares and so it jumped
42% to close at $19.82.  Our last rating on the Stock was “Buy” and it was
in the model portfolio as well as in my own portfolio. Our first rating on this
stock was (lower) Strong Buy back in July 2003 at $10.53.


The takeover offer is for cash. For small holdings like 100 or 200 shares I
would wait for the cash (although I suppose it could easily be 6 or 8 weeks or
more before we see the cash)  and get the full $20 and avoid the trading
charge. For somewhat larger holdings like 1000 shares a $29 trading charge is no
big deal and maybe it would be wise to sell at about $19.80. It also depends if
you intend to put the cash to work right away or just sit on it. It seems
remotely possible that at some point it would trade above $20 but then again
management has basically accepted the bid so there seems to no reason the bid
would increase. On occasion I have seen a stock trade above the offer when the
acquiring company is trying make sure they get enough shares. But today it
locked in pretty tight at $19.81…  Also to get the cash you have to
tender to the offer through your broker, but note that after you tender you
don’t get the cash until the deal goes through. There is always a small chance
that the deal will not proceed, that risk can be avoided by simply selling


April 3, 2006


There was possible good news about
Northbridge at the close of
markets today. A.M. Best the insurance company rating agency removed a negative
indicator that they had placed on Northbridge because of a problem at Odessey Re
which is controlled by FairFax Financial which also controls Northbridge.
Apparently not all of the problems of Odessey Re are yet resolved so I am
therefore not sure if this news will help Northbridge all that much. But it did
seem that it was partly the negative action by A.M. Best that had hurt
Northbridge recently so therefore this latest news should be beneficial. See the
news at


McKenzie Financial a large division of IGM
Financial just reported strong sales for March. I suspect IGM has had a good
first quarter.


April 1, 2006


The first quarter of the year is over and we will start seeing earnings
reports in about 3 weeks. I believe that the earnings reports will generally be
quite strong, which, in isolation, should be good for the market. However,
interest rate increases are starting to have an effect. The Government of Canada
10-year bond yield has moved up to 4.27% from lows that were well under 4%. This
increase and fears of further increases will tend to hold the market back. Also
higher energy prices and stalling real estate prices may cool the economy.
Still, the economy so far has remained strong. Overall, I am feeling somewhat
cautious about the market. But I hope to continue to do well by being invested
in stocks that represent good value and which generally have good prospects.


March 31, 2006


IGM Financial is updated and rated Buy at
$48.35.  This has been a great and steady performer.


March 28, 2006


Canadian Western Bank is updated and rated Buy
at $40.71.This has been a steadily growing bank. Profitability has increased
with growth. It’s move into auto insurance probably came at a good time and
appears to be successful.


Reitman’s is updated and rated
Speculative (higher) buy at $20.50. This also has been showing steady growth.


March 27, 2006


I am not sure why Shaw
cable has fallen back to about $27.70 (from about $30 recently). Possibly
the market is worried about more intense competition and maybe higher capital
spending. But I like the increasing profits and cashflow they have reported. In
early February there were rumors a take-over offer of $45. If there was any
truth to that (even though Shaw denies it) it gives me added comfort. I would
like to buy more at this price.


March 24, 2006


Tim Hortons IPO price was $27 Canadian, it opened at $36.21 and closed at
$33.10. A nice gain of 23% for those who obtained it at the IPO price. 29
million shares were sold in the IPO and there were 44 million shares traded
today. This indicates that probably most of the lucky institutions that obtained
it at the IPO, sold their shares already (talk about lack of commitment to a
stock!). Many of the shares that were sold then traded hands again during the
day. It’s hard to say how many of the shares are now owned by Canadians.


Wendy’s hardly budged with the strong opening for Tim Hortons and then
Wendy’s fell as Tim H. fell during the day. This suggests that the Wendy shares
as of yesterday were already “pricing in Tim H. at around CAN $32. When Tim fell
below that Wendy’s dropped.


Tim H. made $1.19 per share in 2005 but management indicates that on a
pro-forma basis (as if the new shares were added) this was $0.99. I adjust that
to $1.18 when a goodwill impairment is added back net of tax. There it appears
that Tim H. is now trading at 28 times earnings. High but perhaps not outrageous
for this high quality company.


It’s hard to say if the shares will now trend up. Certainly there should be a
demand from Canadian investors. However if Tim H. goes up, so will Wendy’s and
then many Wendy share holders might sell to cash out their gains in Wendy’s.


Each Wendy’s share “owns” about 1.35 Tim H. Shares currently at U.S.$28.17,
therefore the market appears to be saying that Wendy’s without Tim H. is worth
62.88-1.35*28.17=$24.85. Wendy’s shareholders will push for more value out of
Wendy’s such as by selling its Baja Fresh chain and perhaps by handing out the
cash just raised on the sale of Tim Horton shares.


I’m still hoping for some increase in Tim H. and Wendy’s as the Canadian
retail investor jumps in. But that is certainly speculative.


My insurance stocks have not done well lately – Part of the reason is that
Fairfax Financial (parent of Northbridge) has some serious accounting and
regulatory concerns to deal with. It seems the whole sector is being looked at
as more risky. On the plus side, there is no indication that the above average
profits in the industry will not continue. With recent price drops these stocks
sport quite low P/E ratios. So I remain optimistic about these stocks, while
acknowledging that the sector is a risky one by nature.


I will update the Performance figures for all the stocks at the end of next


March 23, 2006


The big story for tomorrow will be what the new Tim Hortons shares trade at.
Wendy’s based on its total earnings looks overvalued -using a normal P/E of 20
or lower. (That’s why my last rating on Wendy’s above is a low rating)  BUT
with Tim Horton’s now trading separately and with Wendy’s still owning some 82%
of Tim Hortons, Wendy’s now has to be valued based the fact that each Wendy’s
share now represents about 1.35 shares of Tim Hortons plus a share of Wendy’s
without Tim Hortons (including about $5.70 per share of extra cash just now
received from selling 18% of Tim Hortons). It’s hard to say what Wendy’s should
trade at absent Tim’s but I have heard figures of around $25 to $30. Assuming
$30 then with Tim’s at $23 U.S. Wendy’s would be worth $23 times 1.35 plus $30 =
$61. On that basis if Tim Hortons jumps to U.S. $30 tomorrow then Wendy’s would
be worth about $70.


Tomorrow for those who want Tim Hortons you could either buy it on the market
or Buy the Wendy’s (which will spin off Tim’s to you by December 31). In taxable
accounts there will be tax to pay on the Tim’s stock dividend so be careful
there.  Presumably Wendy’s and Tim Hortons will move together. Both up or
both down. I am hoping for both to go up. If Tim’s gets up into the mid-thirties
(in U.S. dollars) and Wendy’s is up accordingly then I will sell some Wendy’s to
lock in profit. I did buy some options on Wendy’s today so I need a noticeable
jump in Wendy’s to make money on those options.


Canadians will presumably be buying Tim Hortons tomorrow, but Americans might
decide to take profits and sell Wendy’s and as the two will move together the
selling of Wendy’s may prevent Tim’s from going too high.


March 22, 2006


Today brokers took orders for Tim Horton shares. A TD Waterhouse rep. told me
the book was open for only about 2 minutes in Canada. The shares were snapped up
immediately. They will announce the price tomorrow. The shares start to trade
Friday. While many commentators are cautious I suspect the shares will jump on
Friday. If that happens, Wendy’s should also jump somewhat on Friday. A
speculative play would be to buy Wendy’s tomorrow – but remember Wendy’s is
already up a LOT because of Tim Hortons IPO and there is only so much up-side
left. The really brave could buy call options on Wendy’s I am considering it
myself, but any money invested in call options has to be money a person is
prepared to lose 100% if the Wendy’s does not pop.  Whether or not it would
be a good idea to buy the Tim Hortons in the market cannot be known until they
start to trade on Friday.


Fairfax Financial got hammered today after a subpoena from the SEC. This is
the parent of Northbridge and so Northbridge could see further damage from this
before it is all over. I am not selling my Northbridge because so far I don’t
see why Northbridge should be damaged by this in the longer term



March 21, 2006


After a very strong week last week, and a good day yesterday, I lost
noticeable ground today on Wendy’s, NYSE Group and ING Canada. I am still
hopeful that Wendy’s will pop somewhat on Friday as Tim Hortons begins trading.
I added to my Wendy’s position today… just as a speculative play. I suspect
that ING Canada is having a strong quarter and so I am not worried about it in
the long term (although as always there are no guarantees)


Western Financial Group adopted a shareholders rights plan today. Essentially
this looks like an action to prevent a take-over. It’s probably a good sign in
that management is afraid that some other company would see the shares as
under-valued and mount a take-over offer. Short-term a takeover might be nice,
but I prefer to stick with current management for the long term. Basically this
shareholder rights plan appears to have no impact on shareholders, until and
unless a take-over offer materializes.


March 19, 2006


Bank of Nova Scotia
is updated and rated Weak Buy at $46.92


March 18, 2006


I have just sent an email to all paid subscribers reminding you to check for
updates. If you did not receive it, let me know (see my email link at the top of
this page), as it is probably getting marked as spam.


Alimentation Couch-Tard (the
owner of the Mac’s and Circle-K store chains) is updated and rated (lower) Buy
at $24.41. It has a great history and seems to be executing well on growth
plans. But it is not bargain-priced at this time. Formerly I called it
Speculative but on reflection it is not unusually speculative although it is
priced based on an assumption of continued growth.


March 17, 2006


The Thomson Corporation is updated
and remains rated Buy now at U.S.  $37.77 or CAN$43.68. With a P/E of 26 it
does not look cheap but I believe that earnings may be conservatively stated due
to amortization of intangibles (these are a lot like goodwill, which is not
amortized – except these intangibles are viewed to have finite lives, but in
fact may not be a wasting asset). It should do well as long as the stock market
and the general U.S. economy remains strong. It’s worth remembering that the
Thomson family are the richest family in Canada and they hold a big percentage
of their wealth in this company. Dare I suggest that the richest family in
Canada may be smarter than your average day-trader and may not be a bad group to
follow along with?


Late today A.M. Best announced that its ratings on Northbridge were
under review with negative implications. This was not directly related to
Northbridge but instead is related to OdyessyRe a re-insurance company that is
owned by FairFax Financial which also owns about 58% of Northbridge. The problem
at OdyessyRe relates to an accounting restatement at that company announced on
February 9 (as I learned today). This may explain why Northbridge has been sliding down of late. In
reviewing the re-insurance receivables of Northbridge it is not clear that it
has any exposure to OdysseyRe. Certainly it has some exposure to FairFax which
in turn owns most of OdysseyRe. As a result of the A.M. Best announcement we may
see Northbridge slip further on Monday. While I am concerned about the
situation, I am not planning to sell any Northbridge shares at this time. Since
FairFax lost money in 20005 and seems to be under some cloud of suspicion, I
would be glad if FairFax sold off its interest in Northbridge, but there is no
indication that this will happen anytime soon.


March 16, 2006


Performance is updated and is very good even
considering that the three Strong Buys are down on average. The 18 Buys are up
an average of 9.9%.


Northbridge has continued to slide down. Kingsway and ING Canada had done
well earlier this year but are weak lately. I still like these stocks and I added to my
position in Northbridge today. Yesterday, the Consumers Association of Canada
had a short press release “accusing” this industry of making record profits and
basically being too embarrassed to tally up the total as an industry. I believe
that is true as that is the reason I have been investing here for over two
years. Hopefully when the profit story becomes better known, more investors will
get interested in this out of favor industry.


Stantec is updated and remains rated
Buy at $39.79 It’s been a bit volatile lately. It is not exactly cheap but if
management keeps performing the way that they have in the past then this will be
a good long-term investment.


March 15, 2006


I note that Home Capital
unfortunately fell quite
a bit to $33.45 on an announcement that its earnings would be disappointing in
Q1 with lower securitization gains. On Feb 21, we updated our report rating it
Weak Buy at $41.85. On that date I indicated I had just sold my own shares. We
did not expect this fall (otherwise we would have called it a Sell)  In our report under quality of earnings we indicated
that securitization gains might not be sustainable. The company would also likely
be hit with loan losses if we get a housing recession. It’s been a great company
and so maybe it is a buying opportunity but I am reluctant to buy back in until
I see the Q1 report. If I held it a this point  would probably hold on.


March 14, 2006


Western Financial group is updated for 2005 earnings and rated Speculative
(higher) Buy at $2.70. At first glance it looks fairly valued rather than cheap.
But I believe it has excellent growth prospects and that earnings are somewhat
understated as it invests in the start-up of its Bank operation. I call it
Speculative due to the small size but actually barring some disaster it is seems
like a safe investment. I suspect that the customer base that it has built up
would allow it to be sold profitably to another financial institution at any
time and that marketability provides some safety to this investment. However it
could be volatile. In the past it has issued shares and that can easily
temporarily knock 15% of the price off the shares if it should occur again.


March 13, 2006


Western Financial Group released 2005 earnings today. I have not updated my
analysis but the earnings looked good. Earnings were up 53% while they were down
slightly on  a per share basis. I normally focus on the per share results.
However, in this case I think we have to understand why the shares were issued
and consider if more shares are likely to be issued. My sense is that the share
issue in 2005 was a necessary evil but eventually the company will grow without
share issues and will be a good investment. … But I still need to update my
analysis in the nest few days. The market was unexcited by the results – but
that is okay as it gives more time to build a position at a low price.


ING Cnada will become past of the TSX 60. Fundamentally this changes nothing,
but still it will likely help support the stock price.


NYX (formerly Archipelago had a great day today).


As a speculative short term pick, I added to my Wendy’s position today. My
hope is that the stock will rise somewhat soon after the Tim Horton’s IPO. At
that point I may sell half the Wendy’s to lock in gains and then keep the other
half until Wendy’s spits out my share of Tim Hortons to me.


March 11, 2006


Manulife Financial is updated and
upgraded to Speculative Strong Buy at $74.28 based on its strong 2005 results
and particularly the strong Q4. Over the past few years I have sometimes been
bullish on the company, in fact a few years ago I believed it was a “no-brainer”
at around $40,. But in 2005 I became concerned by its opaque accounting. In 2004
I was worried about the impact of the rise in our dollar and I remain perplexed
why that did not hurt it more. I still call it speculative because of concern
about the accounting and how it escaped problems due to our dollar and due to
lower interest rates. But given the tremendous profit and sales growth I am once
again bullish on it. I am definitely thinking of buying back into this stock. I
am also adding this to the model portfolio


The overall market as well as many of our picks were down a bit this week –
although some like Archipelago/ NYSE Group were certainly up. The model
portfolio as well as our Buys and my own stocks are all ahead of the market for
the year to date – and the TSX itself is up a healthy 5.0%. The Strong Buys are
down for the year but it should be noted that was a small group of only 3
stocks. I plan to update the performance figures next weekend. I usually update
at least every two weeks.


Regarding NorthBridge Financial I know of no reason other than pessimism on
the part of analysts for it to have dropped. See also comments below
particularly Feb 18 and Feb 24. I remain quite optimistic about the outlook for
the property and casualty insurance companies that we rate here. It seems to me
that in Canada we have had a mild winter and this should reduce car accidents.
Nevertheless, I believe I have always indicated that insurance stocks are risky
and can be unpredictable. I like to hold more than one of these to help spread
the risk. Although I have a very heavy exposure to this area, I am thinking
about adding to my position in Northbridge. As always subscribers invest at
their own risk. There are never any guarantees when it comes to investing in
stocks, particularly when it comes to looking at one individual stock, as
opposed to a portfolio of stocks.


March 9, 2006


If you did not receive an email with a link to the free newsletter, you can
check if your email address is on the list by entering it again on our
home page. (If your email is already on the list the
system will indicate this). If your email is on the list and you did not receive
my email about the free newsletter then it probably got caught as spam.


While is was disappointing to see a decline in ING Canada and Kingsway
Financial today, we must remember that even good stocks tend to have occasional


I read this morning that some investor group was pushing Telus to turn into
an Income Trust. While that may be unlikely, the very possibility is music to my


My NYX stock (rated a Buy in early January at $50 when it was called
Archipelago before it acquired the New York Stock Exchange in a reverse
take-over that left the NYSE seat holders an the majority owners of the new
company) had another interesting day, after the big gain to $80 yesterday, it
got as high as $88 today but then closed at $76.10. Clearly the market is still
feeling its way with this new company. While I expect volatility, my plan is to
hang on. It will be very difficult to value this stock until it has at least a
year of earnings under its belt. Therefore it has to be considered speculative,
but I like its potential.


March 8, 2006


The latest edition of the free newsletter has been posted,
see it here. You should receive a copy by email
soon as well.


In a big development today, Archipelago was renamed NYSE Group Inc. as
expected and began trading as NYX. This was as expected. In a nice surprise it
jumped 23% to day to U.S. $80. We rated this stock a Buy at $50 on January 2, so
this is a nice 60% gain. This gain today more than offset a decline in ING
Canada and Kingsway today.


With ING Canada now down noticeably from its recent high and with Archipelago
(now NYSE Group) now at a new high (by a wide margin) the question arises as to
whether to try to sell at the peak. In the case of ING, we last rated it a
(higher) Buy at $56. Therefore I am comfortable holding it at today’s price of
about $59. Perhaps I should regret not having at least trimmed when it was about
$62. But this is a strong company and quite often when I have tried to take
profits on such companies I have regretted it as the company often tends to
continue to make new highs even after pull-backs.


In the case of NYX I indicated all along that this was a speculative pick and
that I was not able to analyze it. Therefore I probably should take some profit.
But I really like the idea of holding a past of the New York Stock Exchange and
I am inclined to hold on. But I would not likely be a buyer at this point even
if I held none.


I am removing Archipelago from the stock list above given that the rating
there is now well out of date


March 7, 2006


I got hit with some declines today especially in Archipelago which is
certainly a volatile stock. Archipelago will soon be renamed New York Stock
Exchange Group. I bought it without being able to really analyze it for a
variety of reasons. I have  made money on it. Even though it seems to be
sinking now, I like the idea of owning a piece of the New York Stock Exchange
and so I will likely hang on to what I have. But I do consider this a
speculative pick. It was nice to see Kingsway going up today when many stocks
were falling.


Longer term interest rates have started to move up and this will be a drag on
the market. Bonds and especially those longer than two or three years will
automatically decline if/as interest rates rise.


March 5, 2006


Canada Bread is updated for Q4
earnings and upgraded to (lower ) Buy partly due to a recent price decline. It
has a great recent history of earnings growth except for a decline in Q4.


Trades – On Friday I added some shares to my Wendy’s position. I had
mentioned this as being speculative at the recent higher price of Wendy’s but I
just wanted a bit bigger position in case the Tim’s IPO goes really well. Further
to my note from Feb 19, I did put in an order to sell Alarmforce and those
shares have been sold. I mentioned on Feb 21 that I had placed an order to sell
some ING Canada if it got to $58. In a fortunate mistake, I made that a day
order and it expired and therefore I did not sell any ING Canada. Whenever I get
nervous I may reduce my position in some of my large holdings, even if I still
rate them as Strong Buys. But right now I am inclined to just hold. My personal
portfolio holdings have been updated at the link above the dated comment


March 4, 2006


Warren Buffett released this morning his latest letter to shareholders. This
is a must-read for those investors who happen to believe that it is a good idea
to understand business and how companies make money. When the world’s most
successful and respected investor shares his ideas, how can you afford not to
read it? See his latest letter at (It would be a good idea to read some of the past
issues as well).


Performance is updated. This
past week saw some very satisfying gains indeed.


March 3, 2006


Cryptologic is updated for Q4
earnings and rated Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at U.S. $26.60 or CAN $30.27.
It appears to be reasonably valued given its strong profit growth. It is more
speculative and can be expected to be volatile in price. By (lower) Strong Buy I
mean that it is somewhere between a buy and a Strong Buy based on this analysis.
Q1 tends to be one of its stronger quarters so based on seasonality, this may be
a good time to buy.


March 2, 2006


Some very nice gains today…, ING Canada is at a record high. It was only a
couple of weeks ago it had fallen from $58 down to just over $51 but has now
rocketed up to $61. It does not look very cheap at this price but I am inclined
to held rather than sell. In fact I ha intended to sell some at $58 on the way
up but luckily I failed to  do so. If the mood strikes me I may take
partial profits at any time or I may just hang on to see where it goes. Even if
I take partial profits I will definitely still hold some.


I note that in Alberta we had an incredibly mild January and February. I
understand most of Canada was pretty mild with a lack of snow in the cities.
Therefore I expect a lower auto insurance claim rate in Q1. Even house fires may
be down due to warn weather. This should be good for the property insurance


Some news after the close today that Wendy’s will complete the sale of 100%
of Tim Horton’s by the end of 2006 and look at options for its Baja Fresh
division and look at ways to return cash to shareholders. All of this should
push Wendy’s up tomorrow.


March 1, 2006


It appears that the overall market is holding up very well. At the start of
this year I was hopeful that the general market would see another leg up on high
Q4 earnings. The TSX is not really a general market anymore as it is so heavily
influenced by oil and gas and other commodities that it cannot be expected to be
move with the general economy. I view the DOW as more tied into the general


Regarding the general economy it’s hard to be very optimistic in the face of
higher interest rates and higher energy costs for consumers and with housing
prices possibly starting to fall. Therefore I think investors have to be
cautious and perhaps move more towards cash and be ready to sell some stocks.
However, there will always be some bargain stocks.


This week some of my stocks have moved up including ING Canada and


I have been bullish on Telus and Shaw, in some ways Shaw seems like a stock
with little down-side risk and quite a bit of upside potential. But it does
worry me that Shaw recently started to heavily discount its telephone offering.
If these two get into a price war, customers will win and not investors. But so
far, I am still comfortable holding these two.


February 28, 2006


Our stock picks are doing well despite a flattish market. Definitely a lot of
volatility though.


Wendy’s announced the IPO price on Tim Hortons which values Tim Horton’s at
U.S. $3.67 billion or 55% of the total  Wendy’s value of $6.73 billion. I
have not looked at the Tim’s prospectus yet, but my sense is that the stock will
go higher as soon as it it is issued. That would push Wendy’s higher as well as
they will still own some 82.5% of Tim Hortons. A speculative play would be to
buy Wendy’s now and hope for a quick gain after the IPO. And if there is no gain
one could hold on to the Wendy’s and eventually collect Tim Horton shares when
the rest of Tims is spun off to the Wendy shareholders in about 1 year.


Canadian Tire is updated and
still rated Weak Buy at $64.99. This is a great company but seems to be fully
priced. I would not bet against it but I am also not a buyer at this price.


February 24, 2006


Friday finished out a good week. I’ll update the performance figures next
week. I’m away from the computer this weekend and so will have no updates.


Regarding Northbridge, I was listening to the conference call from last week
and noticed several things. Management just seemed incredibly boring to listen
to, they should probably show a little more enthusiasm for what they are doing.
At least one analyst was very concerned that the bad hurricane seasons of the
last two years will repeat again this year.  That seems quite pessimistic
to me, but I guess who knows given climate change. This may explain a large part
of the drop in Northbridge. The other frustration for analysts is that it seems
impossible to get a base level of earnings, they simply can’t predict how
profitable the business will be even long term. In this scenario they tend to
err on the conservative side. The unpredictability of earnings is one reason
that price to book value becomes more important for this sector. Given
reasonable price to book values and high reported earnings and a reasonable to
strong outlook, I like the sector. Northbridge indicated that while insurance
rates will not rise in 2006 (may fall) they should nevertheless be more than
adequate to achieve at least a 15% return on equity.


February 23, 2006


Northbridge was down over 3% today which hurts but which could be a buying
opportunity. Back on Nov. 17, I mentioned I was buying some EGI Financial at its
IPO. As it is yet another property insurance company and it is new I did not add
it to the Site. Tonight it is out with some pretty strong earnings. To me it is
one more confirmation that my faith in insurance companies these past two yeas
has been well placed. Since I have not analyzed it in depth I have no strong
opinion on the stock but I do hold it.


While Northbridge fell today, two of my speculative U.S. picks were up
nicely. Wendy’s was up almost 2% and Archipelago was up over 3% and has been
rising lately.


February 21, 2006


Home Capital is updated and rated
Weak Buy at $41.85. This company has a fantastic history of earnings per share
growth. The chart of annual earnings growth is a thing of beauty. But it seems
quite richly priced. The market s essentially assuming that the growth will not
slow down much and it always dangerous to pay prices that reflect over 20%
annual growth. Then again this company has delivered the goods for  a
number of years and I would not want to bet against it. Still, after a quick
recent run-up I sold my position in it. I put that money into Telus non-voting


Yesterday I also cleared out my small position in Quebecor (a stock I have
not featured on this Site for some years). I entered an order to sell a portion
of my ING Canada if it reaches $58. Also I entered an order buy a bit more
Western Financial Group if it falls to $2.60.


February 19, 2006


Telus is updated and rated (higher)
Buy at $44.55 I spent several hours reading its excruciatingly detailed 72 page
quarterly report (and this excluded any notes to the financial statements which
are not yet published).  I wish they could summarize the info a bit more
succinctly but I have to admire the ability to put this report together and all
the factors they report on.


To me, the Telus story is one of impressively increasing cashflow and
earnings. Going back about 4 years ago their reported earnings were quite low
and I speculated that the accounting was conservative by expensing so much of
the cost of acquiring customers. I speculated that cashflows would increase
sharply and this has now happened and appears set to continue. The company looks
reasonably priced based on its current earnings and growth. There are risks due
to competition but I suspect it will do well in 2006. I may add to my position.


I may sell a bit of some recently purchased ING to take profit and also I may
sell some other small positions including Alarmforce – which is above the price
at which I called it only a weak Buy.


February 18, 2006


In the past week I have updated three property and casualty stocks. I am
personally WAY over-weight this category (which is risky). The following
table attempts to compare the three.


  Price P/B P/B adjusted  Yield Interim P/E fiscal P/E adjusted
Kingsway 23.74    1.45        1.41 1.1%    8.29       10.6
Northbridge 31.03    1.54        1.31 2.1%    7.97       15.9
ING Canada 55.99    2.59        2.30 1.8%    9.56       18.1


  Interim ROE fiscal ROE adjusted % U.S. % Auto % Com.
Kingsway 17.4% 14.7% 70% 41% 53%
Northbridge 19.3% 10.5% 16% 38% 90%
ING Canada 27.0% 16.7% 0% 56% 44%



While I like all three, each has different pros and cons. I believe in
holding more than one of these in order to spread risks. I have attempted here
to adjust earning to remove realized gains (gains tend to usually be positive
each year but are lumpy and could go negative if interest rates rise). I also
adjusted for reserve developments in 2005 which are essentially retroactive
recognition of profits or loss from prior periods. Well-managed insurance
companies like ING may have ongoing positive reserve developments but to be more
conservative I assumed zero development in the adjusted figures. And for
Northbridge I adjusted for hurricane losses. But even on an adjusted basis, the
earning and P/E ratios may not be representative due to the volatility of
earnings. Adjusted P/B figures add back unrealized gains on investment.


Kingsway appears to be the best value but it has currency risk with a huge
U.S. exposure. Also it is in higher risk business and has a history of negative
reserve development. But at this time my theory is (from listening to the
company) that its claims liabilities are very conservatively stated and
therefore on the insurance profitability I expect positive retroactive profits
to show up in 2006 although the company may try to hoard the “excess” reserves
(if they really exist) and use when needed in a future bad year. Kingsway may
also benefit from acquisitions although these can also be viewed as risky.


Northbridge appears more expensive and suffered from hurricane losses. It may
do quite well in 2006 if we have a mild hurricane season.


ING has the best recent record of profits. I also like the big exposure to
standard Canadian auto insurance. ING may also benefit from more acquisitions.
But ING looks more expensive than the others…in particular the price to book
is much higher.


Property insurance companies do tend to have volatile share prices, so
investors should be prepared for that and consider their own tolerances for
risk. As always, there are no guarantees in the market.


ING Canada is updated and
remains rated (higher) Buy at $55.99.


This stock fell quite sharply in the past few weeks before recovering much of
the loss after the earnings were released. This illustrates the fact that even
though these insurance stocks seem to be excellent value, they can certainly be


The automobile segment of the property and casualty (liability) insurance
sector is the segment that I have been most interested in since I first started
looking at insurance companies in 2003. ING has the highest percentage exposure
to Canadian standard (non high-risk) auto of the companies that I cover. ING’s
report confirmed my hypothesis that auto insurance remains highly profitable
because of sharp rate increases of 2002 and 2003, combined with government rules
that have limited claims in some provinces and a customer base that is basically
scared to  make claims unless absolutely necessary, for fear of driving
their future insurance costs up. Basically rates were jacked up too high by 2003
and the auto insurance industry has since been enjoying a gusher of
profitability. ING’s underwriting profitability on personal autos in 2005 was an
obscene 22.5% (Historical industry average would be under 5%), but some of the
22.5% came from retroactive recognition of profits from prior periods.


ING Canada appears to be the most successful and profitable of the Canadian
property insurance companies. However it also has the highest price to book


I expect strong underwriting profits in personal auto to continue in 2006.
However, commercial underwriting profits are less certain due to high building
costs and a possible increase in major storms. I also expect lower or even
negative realized investment gains for all property insurance companies,
particularly if interest rates rise (which leads to losses on bonds and possibly


February 17, 2006


Bank of Nova Scotia is
added to the site as a new listing rated Weak Buy at $46.92 (The analysis was as
of Feb 10 price, but today’s close was very similar at $47.17). The large
Canadian chartered banks have been very good investments. However, they are very
large and complex and therefore difficult to predict. Also their earnings can be
hit quite hard in recessions due to loan losses.


Feb 16, 2006


ING Canada earnings were released before the opening of trading today. At
first glance they look very good. Strong results and a good outlook for 2006.
ING is set to open higher today.


Feb 15, 2006


I just sent an email with an edition of the free newsletter, You can access
it at the link to the free newsletters below the stock table above.


Performance figures are updated and have taken a hit in the last 10 days or
so. Thursday morning ING Canada will release earnings before the market opens.


Feb 13, 2006


A big fall in ING Canda today. They will release earnings in a few days and
it makes one wonder if some bad news has leaked out. On the other hand ING had
really been climbing in the last few months and even since January 1 was
recently up about 15%. So maybe it had just risen too fast and some profit
taking has resulted. This last week has been negative for me and it is a
reminder that markets tend to be volatile they do not always go up. In the last
few months until about Feb 6, the market had been almost steadily up for many of
my stocks. It is easy to get lulled into thinking that will continue. In reality
experienced investors should be willing to accept some bumps along the way.


In terms of ING I will not be a buyer or a seller until I see their results
and which point I will re-evaluate. I did as noted on January 19, sell some ING
at that time to take profits. I am optimistic that the earnings will be at least
reasonably good, but one never knows. Also ING has been extremely profitable in
the past year so it actually has a hard act to follow due to its own past


It is starting to loom like some negative sentiment is coming into the market
and it might be wise to consider moving some money into cash. I sold my Boston
Pizza Income Trust shares today partly to raise cash and partly because I was
just not that committed to holding that particular position and it had been up
noticeably in the last few days. I will be updating my report on Boston Pizza


I also bough a few more Kingsway shares today. That was very aggressive of me
since I am very over-weight in that sector. I do not have a well-diversified
portfolio. Instead I have chosen to place a big bet on insurance stocks. It
should be understood that this is quite risky, at least in the short term. In
the long-term I believe the risk is mitigated by the fact that these stocks are
generally trading at low multiples to earnings and I believe reasonable
multiples of book value.


Feb 11, 2006


Northbridge Financial is
updated and rated Strong Buy at $32.75. I have stated many times that insurance
company earnings are very difficult to predict. On a reported earnings basis
Northbridge looks cheap with a P/E of 8.4.  It’s difficult to say if
earnings will rise or fall in 2006 but I would expect earnings to rise in the
long term. Even if earnings fell in half in 2006, that would be a P/E of 16.8
which does not strike me as particularly excessive in today’s market. The price
to book value is 1.63 but falls to 1.40 considering unrealized gains. To my way
of thinking, the opportunity to buy into a established company that is
apparently quite profitable at 1.4 times book value is attractive. Most
profitable companies certainly trade at higher multiples than that.


I do note that most analysts tend to be very conservative in valuing
insurance stocks. They have probably been burned by periods of lower earnings in
the past and are reluctant to pay high multiples. So perhaps I should be more
conservative here, but the numbers indicate to me that this will be a good
investment if held for say five years. In the shorter term it could of course
fall. As an example I first looked at this stock around $20 in late 2003 it went
quite quickly to $26 but then fell to about $22.50. But I stuck with it and it
has certainly been a good investment for me so far, being up 63% since I
initiated my rating on this stock at $20.10 on Dec 7, 2003. Interestingly the
P/E and price to book at that time were quite similar to where they are today.
Of course 2004 and 2005 turned out to be great years for this sector and I can’t
say that the next few years will show similar gains, but I still think buying a
profitable company at what looks like a good price will work out well.


When it comes to insurance companies they are volatile and so I prefer to
hold several rather than place all of my bets on one company.


Feb 10, 2006


Kingsway is updated and remains
rated Strong Buy at $24.55. With a P/E of 8.6 it is clear that the market tends
to be very unexcited by this stock. In 2005 it earned $2.32 per share. This was
despite a charge of about 40 cents per share related to higher than booked
claims from prior years. Many analysts view this as a big negative and yet in
any other industry they would probably add it back as an usual charge. Earnings
included about 64 cents per share from realized gains on investments. Manu
analysts are quick to deduct this as a one-time unreliable source of earnings,
despite the fact that realised gains tend to occur more often than not in any
given quarter. Overall Kingsway was recently making 19% return on equity and
12.5% return on market value. If Kingsway can continue to earn at this level,
even without growth it would be a good investment. And in the long term I do
expect growth. For 2006 revenues may decline due to rate reductions but it is
entirely possible that earnings in 2006 will increase over the 2005 level. The
stock has been quite volatile in the past although the earnings have grown
reasonably steadily although with some declines. Overall this appears to be a
very good investment. Although it is my largest holding, I am tempted to buy
more at this price.


Feb 9, 2006


Kingsway rose only 38 cents today. I saw on analyst report (TD Bank) that
focused on the one negative aspect of a very good earnings report. The TD
analyst deducts realized capital gains on investments to get a lower income. He
then applies a P/E of only 10 because U.S. peers trade at 10. I don’t much like
that approach (which led to buying the likes of Nortel at say a 40 P/E based on
peers at one time) but we are all entitled to our opinions. Even without much
analyst enthusiasm Kingsway has done well. And if it keeps on showing good
earnings it will continue to do well. If analysts ever decide they like it that
will be a bonus. There are no guarantees but I feel that Kingsway will likely be
a good investment at its current price.


Northbridge reported earnings that were hurt by hurricanes. I don’t expect
the stock to move much tomorrow. I will update my reports on Kingsway and
Northbridge by Sunday.


February 8, 2006


Aeroplan Income Fund is updated and
downgraded to Speculative (lower) Buy at $12.84. My opinion of this business has
cooled somewhat after reading the earnings release which showed little growth
compared to 2004. I find is annoying that distributable cash figures for 2004
were not released. This makes it hard to understand the growth. I can see that
GAAP earnings were flat in 2005 but the that was because earnings were lower in
the first half of 2005 and I am not clear why, possibly it was the costs of the
IPO. Also management indicates some unusual gains in 2004. I am taking a wait
and see attitude on this one at this time. This is a “stock” tat looks expensive
and one has to make excuses as to why it is actually better than it looks. I
prefer Kingsway which looks very cheap and people have to make excuses as to why
it is maybe not as good as it looks.


Kingsway Financial released earnings today. The earnings were very good. At
the today’s stock price around $24.25 I would definitely maintain my Strong Buy
rating. However, the earnings have been very good all year and yet the stock
price has not moved up all that much. I will update my report after I see how
the market reacts in the next day or two. Analysts can always find negative
aspects if they want to focus on negatives. For Kingsway, possible negatives are
lower prices and lower revenues in 2005 (even though profits were higher).
Kingsway had a small negative reserve development (retroactive loss) in the U.S.
and analysts that want to be negative will focus on that. I prefer to focus on
the low P/E at 8.5 and lowish price to book value at 1.5. Also I continue to
think that book value is conservatively stated as the company appears to have
conservatively calculated its liabilities for future claims. Higher short-term
interest rates also benefit the company. While insurance rates have declined due
to competition, I believe that claims are still running at low rates and
therefore insurance company profits have remained high so far.


I was encouraged by the rise in the DOW today because this tends to
illustrate that the market decline in Canada is focused on commodity stocks and
not so much the general market.


February 7, 2006


A large drop in the TSX today but only a small drop in New York. I don’t know
if today’s action is the start of a trend but I do know that the market has been
up a LOT recently and therefore there certainly is the risk of a general market
pull-back. I had been hoping that the strong earnings season would at least hold
most stocks up in the short term. Those who are more worried about a pull-back
could consider trimming positions to raise cash. In New York the market has not
risen much and so at least I would not expect a pull-back there (which if it
happened would affect Canada).


I was encouraged by today’s rumor that the
Shaw family had
turned down a $45 offer from Rogers. Shaw denied the rumor but thought it made
some sense given what looks like a strong outlook for Shaw and the insider
buying by the Shaw family. It also makes sense that they are not interested in
selling. I am tempted to increase my position in Shaw.


Wendys is updated as Speculative Weak
Buy / Hold at $57.50. I am interested in the stock at this price solely for the
value of the Tim Hortons side. However a lot of that value has been now
reflected in the stock price and it has to be considered speculative at this
price. My strategy now will be likely to be to hold my Wendy’s shares until the
Tim Horton IPO. At that point I may sell the Wendy’s shares to buy Tim Hortons
in the market. (or I may hold the Wendy’s until they give me Tim Horton shares
in 2007) I would also be interested in buying Tim Hortons at he IPO but believe
it will be difficult to get any.


February 4, 2006


Performance figures are updated for yet another strong week.


Wendy’s released Q4 earnings on Friday. These shares are priced higher than
current earnings would support and are essentially being valued as a special
situation due to the value of the Tim Hortons IPO. The company will hold an
analyst meeting on Monday and information to be released at that time could
affect the stock price on Monday. I recently added to my position in this stock
although I do consider it to be speculative. I’ll update my report after I see
where the stock price moves in response to Monday’s meeting.


The TSX Group is updated and remains
rated Weak Sell / Hold at $48.90. This near monopoly makes totally obscene
profits but has become quite expensive. A recent required accounting change has
lowered its reported earnings materially, making the P/E look rather high. While
this would have been a great investment back when I rated it a Buy in October
2003 at $14.43 (adjusted for split) and it turns out would also have been a
great investment if bought almost anytime since then, I think it is now
expensive and this would not likely be a good time to buy – although it is such
a strong company that I would never short it or bet against it.


FirstService is updated and
remains rated (lower) Buy now at U.S.$26.83. A good company with a strong
history of growth. Not particularly cheap at this time but earnings have been
rising faster than management expected.


February 1, 2006


Our picks are really doing well. My account was up over 1% today, on a day
the TSX was about flat. Most or all of my insurance stocks were up nicely today.
I’ll have some updates by this weekend as earnings reports are starting to come


January 30, 2006


Gains today in ING and in Kingsway. Also Alarmforce was up as it released
good results. The earnings press release did not include full financials at this


Dalsa is updated and upgraded slightly
to Speculative Weak Buy / Hold at $12.50. Q4 was poor as expected. 2005 in
general was disappointing with the company essentially forced to make excuses
for poor results in several areas. Still this company is cheap on a book value
basis and may be quite valuable for its technology. Also it will be a good
investment if it can regain the profits it had in 2004. Managements seems
optimistic about 2006. Having been disappointed by the company in 2005 I am
inclined to wait for results to improve before I would buy more shares. But I
will likely hold what I have.


January 29, 2006


2006 Performance figures as well as the
composition of my own portfolio have been


I added to my position in Wendy’s even
though I only rate the stock a Weak Buy/Hold at its current price. I had reduced
my position on fears of a short-term slide some months ago and I should have
bought it back much earlier. I wanted to hold a meaningful amount of it on
speculation of a further gain when the Tim Hortons IPO occurs and also I expect
to receive Tim Horton Shares when Wendy’s divests the rest of Tim Hortons
hopefully, within one year.


Canadian National Railroad is updated
and remains rated (lower) Buy now at $103.25. Their press release was short and
concise. I guess not that much needs to be said when you are reporting yet
another great quarter. I have long said that this was a great company but I have
tended to underestimate its growth. I did rate it Buy with some very positive
comments at times in 2005 (See April 22, July 20, Oct 19, Nov 17 comments). At
$103.25 it is not cheap but nevertheless could be considered at this price. As
always it would be of more interest if there was a pull-back. Given that CN is
confident that it can pass on fuel price increase with its fuel-price surcharge,
this tells me that it has “pricing power”. A lot of its traffic may not have
much other choice than to pay CN’s rates as trucking or other railroads may not
be viable. If so, it should continue to do well.


January 25, 2006


Kingsway fell another 50 cents today on no news. While its possible there is
a reason for it is also possible that it is just volatility as we wait for
earnings news. ING was up. Overall my portfolio was up today despite having
Kingsway as one of my largest holdings. This illustrates the benefit of owning
several of these insurance companies rather than just one.


January 24, 2006


Today I took a hit as Kingsway fell 70 cents on no news. I’m looking forward
to seeing its Q4 earnings report in the next month or so. I don’t have any
reason to think it will be anything but good, but one never knows.


Western Financial also fell today but to my mind that is just the normal
volatility with this stock and is pretty meaningless. Telus was down also on no
news and I continue to think its Q4 report and growth will be strong.


Other than those most of the other stocks I follow did well today.


January 23, 2006


Well, here’s hoping that the conservative government elected tonight will be
good on balance for all Canadians including investors.


Today, Western Financial Group
announced an initiative to buy into more insurance brokerages in B.C. The stock
fell a bit on news. Perhaps out of fear that WES will issue shares at a price
below the market as it has done before. Overall, I think WES is doing what it
has done which is growing incrementally with reasonably priced acquisitions.
Bringing privately owned businesses into its publicly traded fold. I think it is
a good strategy. I expect and am prepared for volatility but if the company
continues on its current course this will be a good investment. Due to the
volatility and bid /ask spread it is a bit tricky to buy as one does not want to
pay the high of the day but then if one wants it one might have to just buy at
the offer. One strategy, buy some by bidding the last traded price and try to
add to it 5 to 12 cents below that (over the next 30 days) with a bid that may
or may not be taken. You could even consider a “stink bid” to buy more maybe 20
cents or more below the market. Not likely to be hit and if it is hit it then
you are probably buying into bad news. But if one likes the company long term,
that may not be a bad strategy. Remember too, when it releases earnings, which
may be not for some time, it might jump in one direction or the other on the
news. (I am hoping it jumps up but more realistically it probably just creeps up
even if the news is good).


January 22, 2006


Brampton Brick Ltd. is
added as a new company and is rated Speculative Buy at $12. This is a chance to
buy a long-established company with strong historic growth at a price equal to
book value. However, earnings have declined recently and if this continues the
share could fall further. The cash flow is good and there is little debt and so
overall I think this could be a good investment but I am not willing to take a
large position at this time. In fact I am not sure if I will buy or not. I do
note that a few large private and institutional investors have taken very large
positions, which I find encouraging.


January 19, 2006


I was pleasantly surprised by a strong day for most of my stocks today. I was
starting to fear that negative sentiment was starting to take hold. In my own
particular case I have a very large percentage exposure to property insurance
stocks. I decided to sell about one third of my ING Canada this morning. I
definitely still like the stock but it was my largest holding and I just decided
it might be prudent to take some profits and build up some cash – just in case
of a downturn.


Fear of a downturn raises the question of, Should investors try to trim
positions with a view to timing the market? I think that depends on each
investor’s personal situation. For example young investors just starting put can
more easily afford to ride out any downturn since their annual new contributions
to stocks should be relatively large compared to their portfolio and in the end
lower stock prices are good for young investors. Those with larger portfolios
may find that that any new money thy are putting in is small compared to what
they already have. These investors are probably more risk adverse and also may
not need to swing for the fences. These investors might want to move more
towards cash if they sense a downturn. But as I say this asset allocation
decision is a very personal one depending on each persons age, portfolio size,
plans for the money, new savings rate, risk tolerance etc. I pretty much rode
out the last down-turn in the early 2000’s and in the end that worked out well
for me. But I am less inclined to do so if I sense a downturn now. Therefore,
you may see me announce that I am trimming positions even in stocks I like. That
is, I will do so if I think a down-turn is taking hold, which I don’t yet think.


Loblaw’s fell had today on a negative announcement about Q4. I still think
this will at some point be a great opportunity but it’s hard to guess where the
bottom will be. I would consider averaging into it very slowly. At this point I
will likely wait for the annual earnings release and update my report before I
buy any.


January 18, 2006


Canadian Western Bank is
updated and rated (lower) Buy at $38.02. This has been a great company and has
grown steadily. It is not cheap at this price but give the strong Western
economy it will likely continue to do well.


January 17, 2006


Well, a down day today and I was down a bit yesterday as well. My hope is
that strong Q4 earnings reports will bring at least one more little surge to the
market. But overall we can’t expect the market to always rise.  I’m worried
that very high energy prices will finally begin to pull the rest of the economy
down. If the overall market falls then of course almost all stocks would fall
but I think most of the Buys and Strong Buys here would perform better than most
stocks. Anyhow one or two down days certainly does not make a trend…


I doubled up my small position in Shaw Communications.


January 14, 2006


Shaw Communications
is updated for a strong Q1 and remains rated Speculative Buy at $25.60. While it
still looks expensive on a P/E basis, earnings have been rising rapidly and free
cash flow exceeds earnings. The part of the story that I really like is that a
few very wealthy insiders including the Shaws and at least two outside investors
have been buying heavily. This may be a case where it is wise to assume that
multimillionaire investors might know what they are doing.


January 13, 2006


Performance is updated and is off to a great
start for 2006. The model portfolio is
updated as well.


January 11, 2006


Canada Bread is updated and
rated Weak Buy / Hold at $58.61. This update was strictly for a price increase,
no new financials at this point.


Well, the strong start to the year is certainly continuing.


Wendy’s has announced that its shareholders will receive Tim Hortons shares
sometime soon after the IPO of Tim Hortons. This is exactly the scenario
I was hoping for and have discussed. (It’s nice to see a plan come together like
this) My initial Strong Buy rating on July 23, 2004 at $35.90 was certainly a
good call. And I have talked about liking the stock for its Tim Hortons division
many times since. Since it hit $45 or certainly $50 I have considered it
speculative since the price could not be justified by the earnings but only by
financial engineering including the sale of Tim Hortons. It may not be too late
to speculate on it but it would definitely be a speculative pick at this point.
If I were to Buy more now it would be with the intention of collecting the Tim
Horton shares at some point and then selling the actual Wendy’s. I like Wendy’s
but I like Tim Hortons more. As Canadians realize that one way to get shares in
Tim Hortons is to Buy the Wendy’s we could see the Wendy’s price drive up.


The recent strong market performance cannot be sustained indefinitely.
However, I have noted with surprise that long-term interest rates have continued
to fall in Canada. The 30-year government of Canada Bond yield is around 4.16%
having almost got down to 4.0% over the Christmas break. In comparison a market
P/E of around 20 does not seem so expensive. Effectively stocks are earning, on
average about 5% and that may be expected to grow in the long-term. Therefore
stocks look like a good return compared to bond yields on this basis. It is
possible that I have been conservative in assuming that stock P/Es over 20 are
expensive. In this low interest environment a P/E of 25 is not exactly
outrageous. On this basis this market could continue to do well. On the other
hand we have to watch for any signs of recession or a consumer slow-down. If a
recession occurs then I would think many stocks could easily decline 20%.


In any event I always focus on looking for good stocks to hold on a
one-stock-at-a-time basis. There are never any guarantees on performance but


January 7, 2006


This week was a remarkable start to the 2006 investing year. The TSX was up
an astounding 3.1% in four days. The Buy rated stocks on this site also mostly
did well.


Cognos jumped 9.6% on Friday despite
no news. Possibly someone knows positive news is coming or maybe this will
correct next week. I may have been hasty selling my shares in this company since
I did state it was a great company, but was afraid of a short term dip.


Wendy’s released news yesterday of
same-store sales and more detail on the Tim Hortons IPO and ultimate divestiure.




Once again, the U.S. financial press focused on the declining sales at
Wendy’s and largely overlooked the strong growth at Tim Hortons. They fail to
realize that Tim Hortons accounts for over half of the combined company’s
profits and therefore on a profit-weighted basis the same store sales were
clearly up. The market itself seemed to understand and sent Wendy’s higher on
the news. The Wendy’s share price is already “pricing in” a high value for Tim
Hortons and therefore it is not clear if one should buy Wendy’s at its recent
price. My hope is that the Tim Horton IPO price will be quite high and then will
rise higher in the market. That scenario would likely drive Wendy’s up as well.
My understanding is that Wendy’s will ultimately divest all of Tim Horton’s and
given their comments about doing it tax efficiently I hope that  they do
this by simply giving the Tim Horton Shares to the Wendy shareholders sometime
after the IPO. But I don’t know if that is what they plan and maybe investment
bankers would discourage that.


January 5, 2006


I have just updated two analysis articles that look at the
P/E ratio of the various segments on
the TSX and also look at the
exchange traded funds for buying some of these segments. The valuations of
most of the segments certainly appear to be high. This is a reminder that when
the market goes up rapidly it can get a bit risky in terms of valuation.
Hopefully my approach of picking individual stocks will be better than going
with entire segments. However, if the overall segments fall then most stocks
will certainly be affected to some degree. I don’t mean to be alarmist because
certainly market momentum seems strong, but we should remember the market is not
cheap and therefore there are always risks being invested.


January 4, 2006


Nice gains on ING Canada and Archipelago. Meanwhile KFS fell today. No news
in either case. ING has the higher profits and momentum but I like holding
several property insurance stocks. IGM Financial reported strong December mutual
fund net sales and – predictably – its assets were up strongly in December. It
should report a strong Q4. My own portfolio breakdown is updated (see link
above). Most analysts would consider my portfolio to be too concentrated in
financials and particularly in the property insurance segment. However, I am
comfortable with it in my circumstances which include having a long time horizon
to recover from any set backs. It is a fact that different people in different
circumstances should have different portfolios suited to their own, time
horizon, risk tolerance, risk capacity and needs for cash, and perhaps other
factors. My own portfolio has become more concentrated in the past year. In the
next year I may try to consolidate some of the smaller positions.


January 3, 2006


Okay, this great start to the year is too good to last, but meanwhile it is
very nice indeed!


January 2, 2006


Stocks that were not very recently updated are carried forward for the start
of trading for 2006 at their current rating (and at the Dec 31 price). An exception to this is that
Canadian Western Bank is upgraded to (lower) Buy and Canada Bread is downgraded
to (lower) Buy for performance tracking purposes.


I have added Archipelago to the stock table as a Speculative Buy at $50.00.
Archipelago is an electronic stock exchange that will effectively merge with the
New York Stock Exchange in early 2006. I am not in a position to analyze the
company but figures I have indicate that the stock is trading at a P/E of 45
based on projected 2006 earnings and just under 30 based on 2007 earnings.
Therefore, it is no screaming bargain. However, stock exchanges have done very
well recently and I am rating this a speculative Buy on the possibility that the
privatized company will be able to grow earnings rapidly. It is definitely
speculative and certainly could fall in price, but nevertheless I like it as a
speculative pick.


January 1, 2006


Stantec is updated for its Q3
earnings and rated Buy at $39.75. This company has been performing extremely
well. It seems likely to be a good long-term investment. In the shorter term the
performance in 2006 may depend on how well the integration of the very recently
acquired The Keith Group goes. Also the 2006 results will depend on the strength
of the construction economy in Canada and the U.S. I believe that a reasonable
strategy would be to purchase a moderate amount and then be prepared to buy more
if the price happens to drop.


In reviewing the stocks picks for the beginning of 2006, I have removed
several stocks that had not been recently updated and which I have lost interest
in for various reasons. Stocks removed were Transcontinental and Sino-Forest.


Canadian National Railroad is
updated and slightly downgraded to (lower) Buy due to its recent price
increase. Given that Q4 is likely to have been strong it should do well in the
very short term. However I believe there is a definite risk of a pull-back in
this stock sometime in 2006 due to higher energy costs (as fuel hedges expire)
higher pension costs and a possible slow-down in the economy. At this point, my
own strategy would be to re-evaluate after the year-end figures are released.


Northbridge Financial is
updated and slightly downgraded to (lower) Strong Buy due to its recent price


The Thomson Corporation is updated and rated Buy at CAN $39.66 or U.S.
$34.60. The adjusted earnings figures would justify only a Hold rating. However,
earnings appear to be conservatively presented and trail free cash flow by a
significant margin. If the U.S. economy remains strong, this stock should do
well in 2006. Note that Canadian investors face currency risk and this stock
should be considered to be a $U.S. holding even if purchased in Canadian funds
on the Toronto Stock Exchange. While the stock could be volatile in the short
term it should be a conservative long-term investment. It is worth noting that
Canada’s richest person, Ken Thomson has a very significant amount of his
family’s wealth in this stock. (Copying from extremely rich investors may not be
a bad strategy).


See older comments back to 2001

Daily Updates 2001 – 2005

December 31, 2005


Kingsway Financial is updated to
start the new year due to its price appreciation and is rated Strong Buy at
$23.50. I expect it to report strong earnings for Q4 given that it reportedly
had only small losses due to the hurricanes (though it is a bit hard to
understand why its hurricane losses would be so small). It should report good
investment gains in Q4. I expect the property insurance market to report record
profits for 2004 and this may generate some added interest in this segment of
the market. Overall I see moderate to little long-term risk in this stock
although in the short term it could surprise with higher hurricane related


Final Performance figures for 2005 have been
updated. As we closed out the year the performance figures increased notably in
December. The progress since the beginning of 2005 was remarkably steady with
essentially no notable declines in the performance throughout the year. 2005
turned out to be a remarkably good year for our stock picks. There can be
absolutely no guarantees regarding the performance in future years, but we will
be applying the same methods and diligence that have worked out very well for
the past six straight years since the inception of this Site.


December 29, 2005


The TSX Group is updated and
downgraded to Weak Sell / Hold at $47. Key facts about this stock are that the
company operates as virtually an unregulated monopoly and is extremely
profitable. However, the stock has risen 75% in 2005 and its value ratios were
beginning to look quite high. On top of that a recent accounting change that may
not yet be fully reflected in the market has substantially lowered the equity
and profit and revenues. While I view the accounting change as being highly
inappropriate and while analysts may attempt to use cash flow to rate the stock,
the resulting very high P/E on GAAP earnings is likely to drag the stock down.
Based on the numbers I should perhaps rate it an outright sell. However, this is
a very strong company and does have pricing power (the ability to raise prices
almost at will, and it ahs announced a 7% price increase for 2006. I would be
quite interested in the stock if it falls back under about $35. However at the
$47 price, I sold my small position.


Meanwhile shares of Archipelago (AX) which is buying the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) moved lower today to $49.60. Seats on the NYSE traded hands
today at around $3.6 million, down from a recent price of $4 million. However,
tomorrow is the last day for these seats to trade before the AX (reverse)
take-over. Seat holders will receive the equivalent of $4.4 million (about $4.1
in AX shares and  0.3 in cash). Existing seat holders will not be able to
sell the AX shares for some three years. Therefore I believe that the recent
seat sales are likely from disgruntled seat holders who voted against the AX
deal and want no part of it. AX shares at $49.60 value the seats at $4.4 million
and I don’t believe that the $3.55 million seat sale of today is necessarily
very representative of what the seats should trade at.


Based on $4.4 million per seat the total value of the NYSE plus Archipelago
is about 8.5 billion. That does not strike me as at all excessive given that the
TSX is trading at a value of $3.2 billion. The NYSE and Archipelago do face
competition. However, I suspect that the NYSE has considerable pricing power.


I am holding AX shares as a speculative position and would consider buying
more at the $49.60 price. In the long term I would be surprised if this were a
bad investment and it could turn out to be quite a good investment even in the
short term. (Of course the AX shares could fall in the short-term… markets are
always risky). I have not analyzed the AX shares because with the reverse
takeover of NYSE it is essentially a new company and I don’t believe that the
historic earnings are necessarily at all representative.


I note that Western Financial Group
seems to be holding above $2.50 and had had trades at $2.65 before
retreating. I like this stock and if I held none I would buy but would probably
use a LIMIT order to avoid buying at a “mini-peak” such as buying at $2.65 only
to see it jump back to $2.55.


December 28, 2005


I sold my cognos shares today. If I had a lot I would have only reduced the
position but since I had a relatively small amount, I sold it all rather than
keeping some.


December 27, 2005


ING Canada is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $51.10. This stock was updated because the price had
jumped a significant amount since our last update.


Cognos is updated and rated Weak
Sell / Hold at $40.78. It’s near-term earnings outlook weakened considerably
since my last review of it. Still a great long-term company. Maybe I am being
too harsh as it appears insiders are not selling, but I fear a fall in the
near-term but probably a recovery by year-end 2006. If its new product release
goes well it could do quite well in 2006 but they have already projected the
current quarter to be quite bad so I am taking a wait and see approach right
now. It is annoying that the company pays no dividend. In my view the lack of a
dividend is a sign of immaturity. (The company has however, been buying back
shares which is a positive signal).


December 26, 2005


IGM Financial is updated
and remains rated Buy at $45.65. This company has an exceptional record of
steady growth. It’s Q4 report should be good given the strong markets. This
should be a good long term investment.


Manulife Financial is updated and
now rated Speculative Buy at $68.11. This has continued to be a truly world
class Canadian company with growth that is tremendous, given its size. It should
be a good investment even at a more moderate growth level of 9 to 12%, leaving
up-side potential if it continues to achieve exceptional growth in Asia and
Strong growth in North America. Q4 should prove to se strong, given the strong
equity markets. I call it speculative due to the “black box” nature of its
accounting. Most analysts would likely consider it to be extremely safe. I would
not hesitate to Buy at this price and would consider it a longer term
investment. Possibly some risk of changes in accounting estimates that could
cause a short-term hit, but there has been no indication that this will happen.


December 21, 2005


Another good day for ING… I will have a number up updates by year-end but
nothing planned for the next few days.


December 20, 2005 (this comment failed to upload on Dec 20 and was
uploaded Dec 21)


I note the insurance stocks continuing to do well. I am enjoying the gains
and have no intention to sell any of these at this time. That’s my strategy. But
always remember there are never any guarantees in the market.


The one stock I have an order in for is Western Financial Group. Some people
got it today in the 2.40’s and it closed at $2.68. Already holding a fair amount
I tried for $2.41 but did not get it. With their announcement yesterday about
buying more insurance agencies, there is the possibility of a share issue which
tends to depress the price. But if so, it  won’t  bother me much I
would look at it as a buying opportunity. Any maybe they won’t need to issue


December 18, 2005


E-L Financial is updated as
Speculative (higher) Buy at $535. Las time I rated it was with that same rating
back on Aug 26 at $392. I hope some subscribers bought it. My rating at that
time was probably too conservative. I should have paid even more attention the
the price to book value ratio being below 1.0 at that time. I missed buying it
myself because the price did jump quickly above $400 and I cheaped out hoping it
would pull-back. One negative I would note is the thin trading. But with a $2
billion market cap, I am less concerned about trading liquidity than I would be
on a micro cap. On these property insurance companies I like to hold several to
spread the risk around.


December 17, 2005


Performance figures are updated and are at a
record for the year.


Telus has come out with its earnings estimates for 2006. The company expects
earnings per share growth of 23 to 33% . Since 2005 was depressed by the strike,
Telus indicates this is equivalent to 17 to 27% on a normalized basis. Using
2006 projected earnings of $2.50, Telus is trading at a forward P/E of about 18.
This is moderately attractive given the growth outlook. Telus has really
impressed me in the past few years. Unless severe price competition sets in,
Telus should continue to do well.


I am almost tempted to sell some Wendy’s shares and hope to buy back on a
pull-back below $50. But the last time I tried a similar trick Wendy’s fell a
bit and then rose and I never bought back what I sold. So, given that I expect
the stock to rise after it does the IPO on Tim Horton’s I will continue to hold.
Wendy’s is “a special situation” in that its earnings do not justify the stock
price but the market is expecting value to be realized through the IPO of Tim
Horton’s and other restructuring initiatives.


Several of the Strong Buy picks here continue to be in the property and
casualty sector. I continue to think that the outlook for the sector is very
good. I’m almost certain that 2005 will be another record profit year for the
industry and 2006 looks good as well. The way that short term interest rates
have risen while longer term rates have fallen for most of 2005 is very good for
insurance company investment returns. They will get higher yields on their short
term money and another year (in 2005) of capital gains on their long-term bonds.
They should also have done well on realized stock gains in Q4 2005. Meanwhile in
the auto insurance segments, claims remain low and the industry has benefited
from government actions to reduce certain pain and suffering type claims in some
provinces. Despite some price reductions, the industry appears to be highly
profitable at this time. Perhaps profits will decline in 2006. But the share
prices appear to be reflecting that expectation given P/E ratios well under 10
in most cases. While it never seems to be a popular sector in the market, I
continue to like the sector.


A new edition of the free newsletter is
available. It has not been emailed out yet due to a technical problem.


December 15, 2005


A good day for Kingsway and the other insurance picks… As noted in the
past, I hold some shares of Archipelago (AX) a company that will essentially
merge with the New York Stock Exchange, with Archipelago shareholders ending up
with 30% of the the company that will be renamed with the NYSE brand. I called
this a special situation in that I am not able to calculate the value of AX on a
P/E type basis. I calculated that at $52.30, AX shares are equivalent to paying
$4.3 million for a NYSE seat. That’s somewhat high because seats were recently
trading just under $4 million. But the market for seats is apparently extremely
illiquid. In any event I do hold AX shares as a speculative bet and I added to
my position in those shares today.


December 14, 2005


As of yesterday, I was at a definite new peak return for the year.  Gave
some back today… Today I sold the last of my Sino-Forest. See my previous
comments on the company. The numbers still look good on the stock. But I was just
no longer comfortable with the company  in terms of really understanding
what they and what the risks are. I placed an order to buy more Western
Financial if I can get it at $2.41.


December 13, 2005


A nice 7% move up for Wendy’s today  after a relatively large activist
investor pressured the company to sell all of Tim Horton’s (rather than the
planned 15 to 18% and to sell other non-performing or non-core assets.
Apparently this investor believes that if properly restructured Wendy’s could be
worth $90 per share. I agree it has potential upside. When it sells off 15% of
Tim Hortons and if those shares then rise rapidly, this would push Wendy’s up.
On the other hand this rise today could be short lived since Wendy’s is not
agreeing to do what the activist investor wants. I Hold Wendy’s and wish I held
more, but I am not that keen to buy at $55. Maybe if it falls to $50 or below.
(But in my last post about this stock I was waiting for it to fall to $44 before
buying more, but that did not happen). In any event all of this certainly
vindicates my keen interest in this stock back when it was in the 30’s not so
long ago.


I continue to comfortable with my heavy position in property and casualty
stocks. I am considering adding to my position in the insurance broker, Western
Financial Group, particularly if I can grab some at $2.35 or maybe $2.40.


December 11, 2005


My personal portfolio breakdown is updated. Most
analysts would consider my portfolio to be extremely overweighed in property and
casualty insurance stocks. I am comfortable with the high weight because I view
the sector as under-valued. However, I do recognize that I am taking a risk. In
particular I am at a high risk of short term negative volatility. (Possibly also
a longer term risk).


December 7, 2005


Reitman’s (women’s clothing store
chain) is updated and remains rated  Speculative (higher) Buy at $16.82.
The number look quite good. Possible negatives are the recent sale of shares by
family members and the inherent cyclical nature of retail. Overall it seems like
a good pick and the stock should do well early next year if its Christmas sales
are strong. I may buy some.


No big surprise that ING Canada gave back some money today…


December 6, 2005


Wow, another great day for ING up $1.99. Market sentiment seems strong. It is
looking like the year is set to finish strongly. Regarding ING, I definitely
still like it for the long term. Sure, it could give back some of this quick
gain, but I am not inclined to trim my position at this point.


December 5, 2005


A very nice day for ING Canada – up $1.37, Kingsway also up a bit but
Northbridge slipped a bit.


I note Loblaw down another 3% today. Since the downtrend could continue, that
is why it would be a good idea to average into this stock rather than take a
large position all at once. It’s hard to say where this stock will bottom out at
but I think ultimately when it does then a year or so after that it will be
clear that the bottom was a major buying opportunity. While the stock could fall
significantly from here, I believe that there is little chance that it will just
keep on dropping for a very long time. This is not some risky tech stock.


December 4, 2005


HUB International, which is an
international  insurance brokerage company is updated and rate Speculative
Buy at $U.S. $24.22. The analysis makes a very large adjustment to add back
certain stock based compensation that appears to be essentially like a deferred
addition to the purchase price for an acquisition. My own approach will be to
monitor this company further before possibly buying.


Loblaw is updated and rated Buy at $59.80. Loblaw is having a poor year
mostly due to supply chain disruptions caused by a major restructuring (includes
consolidating warehouses and moving 2000 head office staff to a new central
location). Q4 will also probably suffer the same problem and I understood from
listening to a web presentation that problems could continue for most of 2006.
Nevertheless it’s not clear if the share price will fall further. Given the
strong growth history of this company it seems likely that the stock will
ultimately recover strongly. My own strategy would be to average into this
stock. Although the stock could certainly fall further in the short term I
believe that this could be a great opportunity to get into this company at a
price that turn out to be quite attractive if earnings turn around. I also note
though that the company has stated that too much supermarket capacity is being
built. In that case we could see grocery prices becoming overly competitive
which would hurt Loblaw.


It’s interesting to note that the stock price is back to where it was in
early 2002. (and down considerably from a high of $76.50). But the company has a
lot more earnings and equity and assets than it had in 2002. This stock provides
a perfect illustration of why it is dangerous to pay a very high P/E for a stock
(and to therefore pay in advance for robust growth that may or may not occur).
Here is what I said about Loblaw in January 2001



From January 2001: At a share price of $50.50, the price to
book value ratio seems high at 4.7. The dividend yield is low at 0.5%. The
Interim price earnings ratio is high at 32.3 and 29.5 before amortization of
goodwill. The interim adjusted return on ending equity is quite good at 15.9%. I
calculate an intrinsic value per share of between $18.14 and $36.62. These
ratios indicate that the shares are somewhat over-valued at this time.



Back in early 2001, I valued the stock at $18.14  if it would only grow
at 7% and if the P/E would regress to 15 in five years. That was quite
conservative. I valued it at $36.62 if the earnings would grow at 12% and
assuming the P/E would regress to 20. In actual fact the earnings growth was
higher than 12% but nevertheless the P/E ratio did regress to about 17. It is
reasonable to assume that stocks with very high P/E ratios will suffer some
regression in the P/E over say a five year period.


It’s interesting to note too, that many analysts were recommending Loblaw
continuously over the past five years. Now that the stock has fallen
considerably I would expect that many analysts are no longer recommending it.


December  3, 2005


Alimentation Couch-Tard is
updated and remains a Speculative (lower) Buy at $22.41. The company does not
seem like a compelling Buy. However, if it continues to grow at anything near
its historic pace (on a per share basis), it would be a good investment.


Performance figures are updated for yet
another winning week.


December 1, 2005


I mentioned yesterday that the market sentiment seemed negative… and the
market promptly rose 175 points… Hopefully a sign of a strong December.


Cognos warned of a weak results today. I don’t have a large position and I
still like it for the long term so I am not sure if I will reduce my position. I
would definitely be interested if it falls toward the $35 range. My last report
basically indicated it has high multiples but that this seemed to be justified
by the growth. Certainly it seems more speculative at the moment.


Wendy’s filed material for its prospectus today. So far they have not filed
in Canada and it is not clear if they will be offering the shares in Canada. If
not we will have to wait and buy them on the market. I think they would be
making a big mistake not to offer it in Canada at the IPO. But maybe this is a
good thing. If they only offer in the U.S., the IPO price is likely to be lower
and then we can buy in the market.


November 30, 2005


A lot of stocks were down today. The market seems weak is spite of strong
earnings from the Banks and other strong earnings releases. Unless something
changes we seem to be in a bit of a down-turn. If the general market does
decline somewhat then I feel good being in stocks with lower P/E ratios like
most of the picks on this Site.


Northbridge has declined the past few days. Last week in announced a $15
million pre-tax loss due to Hurricane Wilma. It is unfortunate that it has this
U.S exposure. Only 16% of the revenues are from the U.S. but that is where the
trouble has been this year. With annual earnings that were recently over $200
million, a $15 million pre-tax loss is not that serious. I am very comfortable
in continuing to own Northbridge.


November 29, 2005


I was hoping to have an update for Boston Pizza completed today. However,
they have been forced to make some major accounting changes. (Nothing serious
just new accounting rules) The income stays the same. But the revenue and the
balance sheet change. I am no longer sure if the 2004 earnings per share are
reported in the same way as the Q3 2005 figures.  I will likely have to
wait for the 2005 annual report to get a better view of the impact of the new
accounting rules.


In any event Boston Pizza yields 7.7%, not that high for a Trust. But
is has been increasing the distribution slowly and same store sales are very
strong. New restaurants are opening but the Fund actually has to purchase the
expected revenue stream of the new restaurants which adds to the unit count and
adds very little if any  to earnings per unit. My sense is that Boston
Pizza remains a (lower) Buy at $15.84. I hold some and will probably hang on
although I would not mind selling it it rises above my very recent purchase


In other news the 10 year Canada Bond interest rate is once again down to
just under 4.0%. This generally bodes well for the market except that it could
be foretelling a recession ahead. It may be a good time to be in defensive
stocks that are somewhat recession proof. I think the property insurance stocks
are somewhat recession proof. Some strong Bank results out today which also
bodes well for the market to do well in the final month of this year.


I’m overdue to mention that credit should be given to ACE Aviation for some
good results lately. I have been no fan of this company. I still see some
dangers ahead in terms of seeing some very low priced seat sales (good for
customers but generally bad for airlines) But apparently some reports indicate
that overall their fares are remaining higher right now and they are perhaps
less aggressive in mounting sales wars against West Jet. Certainly the announced
spin-off of Jazz appears to be a good thing. I am still not at all interested in
this stock but given I have criticized it in the past it is fair that I
acknowledge better performance lately.


November 27, 2005


Canadian Tire is updated and now
rated Weak Buy / Hold at $67.43. In the past few years this company and stock
has tended to surprise on the upside. Certainly the graph of the earnings per
share and the sales per share growth looks very good. Still, it is not cheap at
this price…


Performance figures and my own portfolio are updated. Regarding the Income
Trusts that I bought as mentioned under November 24: The hoped for increase in
price after the open did not occur (the price increase occurred at the open also
on the Wednesday before the announcement of the tax ruling). Given that this
position which was meant as a short term trade did not work out, I sold half the
BAI.un (I attempted to sell the other half but priced it too high.) I really
should have sold the Boston Pizza as well but it would have been at a small loss
and I was unable to convince myself to accept that loss and move on. I still
hope these will rise tomorrow.


I notice that Canadian 10 year interest rates have declined again to close to
4%. This is a positive factor for the Trusts and for the market in general. News
that interest rates have risen refers mostly to very short-term rates. The
10-year rate has declined most of this year, ticked up from 3.8 to about 4.2
this Fall and now is back close to 4%.


November 26, 2005


Telus is updated and rated Moderately
Speculative (higher) Buy at $46.43. Earnings momentum is strong. Free cash flow
materially exceeds net income. Continues to sign up surprisingly large numbers
of new cell phone customers. While there is always the risk of competition,
right now the outlook and trend seems positive.


November 24, 2005


Well a strong day today with the Income Trust news. The Trusts mostly opened
very strong (up 5 to 10% or more) so it was really almost too late to take
advantage of the news because the price jumped at the open. Many of the Trusts
then came down a bit during the day. Hopefully tomorrow and Monday there will be
an increase as more people react to the positive tax news. Possibly when the
American traders are all back from their holiday on Monday there will be more
interest in the Trusts. I ended up taking about 10% of my portfolio that was in
cash and putting it into BAI.un which is a diversified closed end group of
Trusts and some into Boston Pizza. Normally I like to take my time and do more
analysis before investing but at this time I thought there might be an
opportunity for a quick gain.


I will have some company updates over this coming weekend.


November 20, 2005


An addition of the free newsletter has just been sent. If you did not receive
it then just add your email address to the list on our home page and you will
see a link to the free newsletters. I just received a message indicating that
some people on the free newsletter list did not receive it.


If you already know your email is on the list but it was not


you can see it here.


November 18, 2005


Performance and the model portfolio is updated.


November 17, 2005


I notice CN is up to $91.39, a surprising 10.6% jump since I called it a Buy
on October 19. I am not inclined to Buy a this price but I definitely would not
sell it if I held it. It’s really been a great performing company since its IPO
10 years ago. The shares are up 900% in 10 years. (Update it is the share market
cap that is up 900%, the share price is up more like 400%). And yet as I have mentioned
before the “hot money” and the stock bullboards pretty much ignore it.


The market has certainly been good lately for the stocks that I hold. In some
ways that should make me cautious, but human nature being what it is, I am
feeling pretty good about how the market will do in the next 6 weeks. Given
lower oil prices, a lot of non-energy stocks should do well. And I think we may
be seeing dividend stocks increase as people move out of Income Trusts. That may
be creating a great opportunity in income Trusts and so I hope to analyze an
Income trust or two soon.


I noticed that TD Waterhouse has a new IPO for EGI Financial Holdings. This
is a rather small property insurance company that specializes in high risk
drivers. I have only skimmed parts of the prospectus but it looks like it has
been quite profitable and it looks like the price to book ratio will be around
1.5 to 1.8. Although I certainly have not done any close to a full analysis I
decided to take a chance and buy some shares at the IPO.


November 16, 2005


Wendy’s is updated for its Q3 earnings
report and remains rated Weak Buy / Hold at $48.36. Although it is a great
company with good profitability, the valuation appears rich. However, I am
holding it based on a potential price increase when it sells off 15% of Tim
Horton’s in Q1 2006. I believe that there will be a great demand for Tim Hortons
shares and it will get a strong valuation. Tim Hortons now represents almost 60%
of Wendy’s International’s total operating income despite having fewer than half
as many locations. The U>S. market may be unaware of the growth potential for
Tim Hortons. I hold shares. If the price happens to dip back to the $44 range
(which is quite possible) I will likely add to my position.


November 14, 2005


I sold 4/5ths of my Sino- Forest today. Again, the numbers would say buy
more, but there is something about the long-time lack of clear disclosure and
the changes in business plans that makes me uncomfortable. I also just made a
note on the model portfolio page that I will notionally sell half the position
at tomorrow’s opening price. I have sent an email to them and they have
responded partially and another person from Sino invited me to call to talk
further, so maybe I will change my mind but for now I am comfortable with a
smaller position in Sino-Forest.


Update – I have now spoken with the company by phone, perhaps I am needlessly
nervous. If everything is as they say it is these shares are a definite Buy.
But the company was unable to explain to my satisfaction why we do not see much
higher revenues from their own planted lands. I remain skeptical at this time.


Today, the property insurance stocks were up moderately, which is comforting.


November 13, 2005


Performance figures are updated. The picks
have now regained the moderate losses suffered in this Fall and are at the
highest levels of the year.


Home Capital is updated and remains
rated Weak Buy at $36.25. Earnings and ROE performance have been fantastic but
the stock still seems a bit expensive.


Sino-Forest is updated and rated
(highly) Speculative Buy at $3.45. Based on the value ratios this would seem to
be a very good buy that could easily soon double. However, I have some nagging
concerns. The company that has all its assets in China and it must be difficult
for auditors to confirm the existence of the stated amount of trees. Recently
the earnings have been driven by the purchase and re-sale of standing trees.
It’s hard to understand why that would be a high margin business. For quite a
few years now I have expected to see the company start to sell from its own
planted tree plantations. In Q3 only a tiny 391 hectares were sold from
plantations and these were at the low price of $1,217 per hectare. Several years
ago the company built a number of mills to process wood, there were were
start-up delays and then ultimately little seems to be said about those mills.
It seems like management has changed the business plan a few times. Overall,
this may be a wonderful investment but I am concerned about the risks and I plan
to reduce my holdings from 4.2% of my portfolio down to probably less than 1%.


November 11, 2005


Western Financial Group is updated and rated Speculative (lower) Strong Buy
at $2.45. Here we have a profitable company selling at about 17 to 20% over
diluted book value. There is a considerable amount of goodwill on the books, but
I think the goodwill has real value given the earnings and given that when small
insurance brokerages were purchased it is natural that much of the value would
be in goodwill- as the value of the established customer base is not on the
books. Book value may be understated given that the company has invested in the
start-up of a banking operation. Given the historic growth the P/E seems
reasonable at 15. I also like the fact that the highly regarded Jim Dinning is
chairman. On the one hand I don’t necessarily expect the stock to do much in the
next year. On the other hand it is cheap and growing and I don’t see much risk
that the stock would decline and not recover and so the term “no brainer” starts
to come to mind. As always there are risks though.


Convertible debentures (convertible at $2.50) maturing in February 2007 also
trade under symbol  WES.DB.A on Toronto. Buying the convertibles may be a
good investment. They recently traded at a premium of 10 to 15%. I understand
the book yield is 9% but my source did not indicate the market yield when bought
at 110 to 115. I may add to my position in the stock or I may take a position in
the debentures.


I am surprised to see Cognos drop under $40.
It ‘s always hard to buy on such dips due to the fear of a further drop but I
would think a strategy of averaging in by buying some at this price might work
out well. It is never clear in these cases if the market knows something or if
the price is dropping for no good reason…


ING Canada is updated and rated (lower)
Strong Buy at $45. ING Canada released a Strong Q3 earnings report. Earnings
were extremely high with an annualized ROE of 31%. However, this was driven in
good part by retroactive recognition of higher earnings from past years and by
strong realized capital gains. Sustainable earnings are lower but it is not
clear how much lower. Entering 2005, I had predicted very high earnings for
automobile insurers due to low claims rates and retroactive recognition that
rates were too high in 2003 and 2004.  This has definitely proven true so
far in 2005. Despite lower rates in 2005 and more competition, it still seems
likely that profits will remain quite attractive for the next year. ING Canada
has a high exposure to auto insurance and does not target the high-risk segment
and has no U.S. exposure. Its price to book multiple is higher than Kingsway and
Northbbridge and EL-Financial but it has the highest ROE and perhaps the best
potential for growth. This is a difficult segment to predict and can be somewhat
risky but overall, I like the risk reward trade-off and have added to my
position in ING.


November 9, 2005


An edition of the free newsletter was sent yesterday. If you did not get it
or it came thorough garbled, let me know (for at least a few people it was
garbled and I was wondering how wide-spread the problem is). Link the the
free newsletters here.


A nice jump for Northbridge today and Kingsway up a bit as well… Tomorrow
ING Canda and Western Financial report earnings. I will update both of these
over the weekend. I bought more ING today, just to replace what I got stopped
out on. I guess stops are not for me… I also had a stop on Northbridge which I


November 7, 2005


A good day for most of the stock picks here… At least for the short term
the market sentiment appears strong…


November 6, 2005


Cryptologic is updated and remains at
Speculative (higher) Buy rated at U.S. $ 20.29, $CAN 24.20. I may add to my


November 5, 2005


The performance figures as well as the model portfolio and my own portfolio
composition are updated (see links) below stock table above. The Model Portfolio
and my own portfolio have returned to about their peak levels for the year and I
think this is impressive given the overall market decline in many sectors since
early September.


Generally, I have been cautious about the outlook for the past few months and
took defensive moves by selling some positions to raise cash. This led to a fair
amount of trading and in the end most of what was sold has not declined, but
still I think being a bit defensive was prudent. Last week the mood in the
market seemed more buoyant. Q3 earnings have generally been good. Still I think
a certain amount of caution is warranted at this time.


Clearly the market once again did not share my enthusiasm for Kingsway. TD
calls it only a hold. I am still committed to it as a Strong Buy but will remove
the (higher) qualifier in front of the rating. I bought more Kingsway on Friday.
As well I bought back some ING that had sold on a stop loss but still have a bit
more of that to try to buy back. I’m cheaping out trying to buy it a bit below
where it sold when really I should probably just use a market order…


November 3, 2005


I will notionally buy Kingsway in the model portfolio at tomorrow’s opening
price. However since I don’t want to write a blank cheque I will use a limit
order at $21.75 to do this.


A good day in the markets, for our picks, with Cryptologic in particular up
nicely on strong earnings. I have not yet updated my report on cryptologic.


Kingsway Financial is rated (higher)
Strong Buy after updating for Q3 results released after close of market today.
Kingsway had a strong earnings report. With a P/E ratio of just 7.4, the market
appears to believe that earnings will decline. Certainly the recent realized
gains on investments may not be repeated in 2006. But the company gives no
indication that profitability on the insurance itself will decline. And I expect
a release of reserves from 2004 that will further increase the insurance profits
in 2006. In addition the stock is trading at only 1.3 times book value. Although
there are always risks and although insurance companies are inherently
unpredictable, I have no hesitation calling this a Strong Buy. The market has
tended to ignore the earnings here but given this latest strong quarter I am
quite optimistic that the stock should rise to $25 in the short term (but there
are no guarantees of course). It is one of my larger holdings but I intend to
buy more shares tomorrow unless the price jumps too much at the open.


Sico Inc. is updated and rated Buy at $14.40.
This rating is lower than previous due to slightly lower earnings in Q3. SICO is
being hurt by higher prices for raw materials and higher trucking delivery costs
due to higher fuel costs. It looks like these challenges will continue for at
least the next six months which is a reason to downgrade the rating. At the same
time it trades at a relatively low multiple to book value and to earnings and
has a good history. Buying stocks like that usually works out in the long run.
Therefore I am not inclined to over-react to the recent stall in earnings. I
hold shares and intend to continue to hold but will not likely add to my


Canada Bread is updated and remains Buy
rated at $50.76.


November 2, 2005


A good day in the markets. I remain cautious on the market in general as
interest rates rise and because consumer spending is likely to be hit by the
high home heating costs this winter.


Aeroplan Income Fund is added as a new
entry to the stock table above and is rated Speculative Buy at $11.94. I
consider it speculative because it has a negative book equity. However it is
generating attractive cash flows. The accounting is conservative in that when
points are sold Aeroplan collects the cash but cannot book the earnings until
the points are redeemed. Given its growth and the economics of its business I
like it as a speculative pick. I own a few shares but have no plans to add to my
position at this time. Like all Income Trusts there is some uncertainty now
regarding income taxes.


November 1, 2005


Dalsa Corporation is updated for Q3 earnings
and is downgraded to Weak Sell at $12.26. I like the company long term due to
its extremely highly educated team. Also it has little debt and is cash flow
positive so should be able to ride out any dip in earnings. And the
insider buying signal is positive. But sales and have stalled in 2005 and
earnings have declined. And Q4 is expected to show another significant drop in
earnings (before accounting for a small restructuring charge). So, while it will
likely rebound in the long term, the near term does not look very good. I’ll
probably hold on to my shares and hope for things to turn around by the time it
reports Q1 2006.


In better news, all of the property insurance stocks that I rate were up
today. I have a big exposure in this area. About half of my ING Cnada stock got
sold when a stop loss order was hit at $44.50. It now appears I may regret that.
In general I don’t really like stop loss orders but with such a large exposure
to the sector I felt that the stop-loss was needed in order to protect me from a
large loss.


I’m looking forward to seeing the results from Kingsway and ING Canada.


I saw a TD Waterhouse report on Northbridge and as expected they essentially
ignore the earnings due to realized capital gains and they did not comment on
the fact that absent the hurricanes, Northbridge’s earnings would have been
truly exceptional. They also focus on comparisons to U.S. stocks. My philosophy
has always been that I will buy cheap stocks it does not matter much to me if
even cheaper ones are available in the U.S. since that introduces currency risk.
Most analysts would recommend buying the cheapest stock in a sector even if all
the stocks in that sector were very expensive. That is, they may focus on
relative bargains (compared to other stocks in the sector) whereas I try to
focus on a stock just being a bargain on its own.


October 29, 2005


The market reacted unenthusiastically to Northbridge’s earnings. It seems
that the property insurance companies, although seemingly quite cheap are going
to require some patience.


Shaw Communications is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at $23.83.  Based on accounting earnings it is
unattractive. My normal approach is to use accounting earnings and to look for
“bargains hiding in plain view”. In this case Shaw may be a bargain but it is
hidden by the accounting.


I view it as being similar to where Telus was a few years ago when Telus had
very low earnings and the potential of the huge cash flows from its cell
customers was not yet apparent.  Shaw is still growing its internet
customers rapidly and the advertising to do that is depressing earnings. Once
the high speed internet penetration reaches full potential in Canada that
advertising can probably be scaled well back. Also they are spending on
advertising and capital investments for digital phone and that can tend to depress
earnings and cash flows temporarily. On a free cash flow basis I calculate that
Shaw is trading at about 17 times free cash flow which I view as reasonably
attractive given that I expect strong growth in free cash flow after the heavy
spending on digital phone ends.


I also very much like the fact that insiders are buying heavily. Overall I am
willing to tag along with the insiders. I believe the stock has good potential
but it may not move much in the next 12 months as the spending on the digital
phone initiative temporarily lowers free cash flows.


The biggest danger I see is if it gets into a price war with Telus. Absent
that it should be a good long term investment (possibly very good).


October 27, 2005


Northbridge Financial is updated for
its Q3 earnings and remains a Strong Buy at $31.85. Earnings were strong
at $43.3 million and would have been spectacular at abut double that amount if
not for losses related to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and an unusually intense
thunder  storm that hit Ontario in August. While insurance company earnings
are inherently unpredictable, all the indications seem very positive. Some
analysts will do no doubt point out that a good portion of the earnings came
from gains on investments which may be considered unusual. However, I would
counter that hurricane losses could also be considered unusual. Overall the
stock is cheap. The profitability of this company appears to be unfolding much
as I thought it would (absent the hurricane). The company indicated it had
positive development (retroactive profits) related to prior years. They did not
indicate the amount  but this positive development is what I had predicted
given that insurance rates in 2003 and 2004 were probably higher than they
needed to be and even with some rate cuts the industry appears to be highly
profitable in 2005.


Nevertheless the market may continue to place a low price earnings multiple
on Northbridge. I note also that its parent Fairfax had a bad quarter and I
don’t know if that might hurt Northbridge by association.


In other developments Home Capital came out with yet another great quarter. I
bought some shares on the news although I have not yet updated my analysis. The
stock dropped a bit today. I last called it a Weak Buy and I may have been
pre-mature in buying today but it has been a great performer and the recent
price drop makes it at least moderately attractive (but note I have not updated
my detailed) analysis)


I am not sure why Kingsway Financial continues to drop – perhaps the market
knows something. I am certainly hoping for a good (or great) earnings report
given that they indicated very little exposure to the hurricane losses.


October 26, 2005


Further to the results for the TSX Group. The company had an outstanding Q3
due to higher trading volumes, price increases and somewhat lower expenses.
Unfortunately they have been forced to make an accounting change. Listing fees
are now to be deferred and amortized into income over 10 years even though these
are non-refundable and received in cash. I do not agree that this is better
accounting, but they are forced to do it. Unfortunately it wipes out a big chunk
of their book equity value and it lowers earnings in the prior periods even
though it has no impact on cash or cash flows.


The TSX Group has not yet released all the restated financial numbers and so
I am unable to update my report. My sense is that I would likely rate the
company a Buy or (lower) Buy. My concern would be that they may have a period of
lower earnings if we enter a period of low trading activity. Still, in the
longer run they remain a well run and unregulated virtual monopoly so I think
they will do well.


If I did not already hold some I would consider buying a few shares now but
then waiting to see if it drops further due to the accounting change situation.
If it does drop substantially it would be a definite buy. Due to the accounting
change it is likely to have a P/E that looks quite high. This could cause the
price to fall. I do own a few shares and I will now wait and see the price
reaction as analysts grapple with the accounting change.


I saw a report yesterday about a “surprising” drop in consumer confidence. I
can’t see how anyone could be surprised. I think a lot of consumers were almost
shell-shocked at the big jump we saw in gasoline and the impacts of the
hurricane. I see a continued drop in confidence as a big risk to markets right
now. However I think in the last week or so confidence has probably come back
somewhat as gasoline and oil prices fell and as the shock of the earlier
hurricanes fades a bit.


October 25, 2005


TSX Group released (as expected) a strong Q3 earnings report. They also
announced that they will restate past revenues and profits downward due to an
accounting change. There past accounting was correct but the accounting rules
have changed. If by chance TSX Group falls tomorrow, I believe that would be a
buying opportunity. I think it is more likely to rise on this earnings report.
TSX may be hard to predict now because there is a lot of concern that new
listings will fall off due to the Income Trust uncertainty with Ottawa. I will
update my report in a day or so after seeing where the stock settles on this


I am surprised at how low Shaw Communications has fallen. I suspect it would
be a good investment at this price but we don’t know what its Q4 earnings (year
ended Aug 31) were like as those are, I believe, due out shortly.


October 24, 2005


Reitmans (Canada) Ltd. is added to the
stock table above as Speculative (higher) Buy at $16.06. Based on its last 12 months
earnings, it looks to be under-valued. I call it Speculative because retail
companies can face volatile sales and so profits may not be very predictable and
also the fact that the Reitmans had sold a large block of shares recently causes
me to think there could be some uncertainty ahead.


Another interesting day in the markets today. Just when it seemed like the
market sentiment was quite negative we were delivered of quite a positive day.


October 23, 2005


Last night an edition of the free newsletter was sent out. If you did not
receive a email regarding this, then it may be that your email address is not on
the list for the free newsletter. In that case go to the home page of this site
and sign up for the free newsletter. The system will let you know if your email
address is already on the list and it will take you to the free newsletter page.


Regarding my comment on the trading price for Sportscene from Friday as shown
on YAHOO, the YAHOO graph shows everything at $10.50, but the day’s range does
show $10 to $10.50.


October 22


With the current market decline I am keeping a close eye on performance. So
far the stock picks on average are holding up very well in this market decline.
Performance figures are updated, see links just below the stock table above.


As announced in advance, I sold half my Sportscene stocks yesterday just to
raise cash. The price I got was $10.00 One fact of interest is that YAHOO shows
that all trades yesterday were at $10.50. I may look into this, possibly a
“market maker” got the other 50 cents. I have no complaint since my sell order
was at $10.00 but I am curios what happened. This stock is thinly traded and
therefore the price tends to jump around and while I still like it, it does
subject a portfolio to bigger swings in value at times.



October 21


Regarding Sportscene Restaurants in the model portfolio, none traded yet and
I am changing my order to a notional sell at $10 for half the position. I did
the same in my actual portfolio. Maybe a mistake as they should do well with the
end of the NHL strike but they also lose some “Income Trust” premium they may
have had… I sold the IGM in one of my accounts this morning but kept it in
another account. Where my account goes in the next few weeks is heavily
dependent on the property insurance stocks to which I have a very large
percentage exposure. I may or or may not lighten up on this just because of the
heavy weighting I have. Northbridge in particular could well fall on Q3 earnings
since it has already announced some hurricane and other losses that totaled I
believe 90 million pre-tax (in theory the stock already has adjusted for that).
We also don’t know which insurance company is bearing the loss for the CN oil
spill at lake Wabemun in Alberta. Again, I still think Canadian insurance stocks
seem cheap and are making record profits on auto insurance. But the market
always treats them as risky and may focus on the fact that rates are getting
more competitive and earnings will likely fall in 2006 from the record levels.


Update – I have now placed a stop loss on half my ING Canada at 44.50 and
about half my Northbridge at 30.50, just to protect from downside risk. Will
note similar in Model portfolio.


October 20, 2005


The property insurance stocks generally did well today, particularly ING
Canada and this saved my portfolio today…


In an effort to raise cash I sold my Couche-Tard today. I like the company
but it was not one of my higher rated stocks… I also put in an order to sell
my IMG Financial but the order was not filled as I tried to get a bit higher
than the bid price. IMG is a great company but I figure its assets under
management have to fall with this market correction and that will hurt earnings
temporarily. Also this funds management industry will eventually face lower
management fees.


I am notionally selling some stocks in the

model portfolio as well.


Obviously I am cautious on the market right now, but I am not about to panic
and sell too much. In the past I have done well by riding out dips in the type
of stocks that I own.


In that regard, so far I am not bothered by the drop in the price of Western
Financial. This stock now trades only 10% over book value (at $2.25 today) and I believe
ultimately will be quite a good investment. But certainly there is a lack of
buying interest and it could certainly go lower. (I put a small order below
market and it filled at $2.26 today and then the stock closed at $2.35.)


If the market keeps dropping there will obviously be some good bargains. The
trick will be to have some cash available and to step in and buy at the right


One of the reasons for caution is that the 10-year Canada bond yield is
finally starting to go up a bit as the market begins to take inflation threats
more seriously.


As a point of interest I note that Clearwater Income fund plunged after
suspending its cash distribution. This was not exactly a surprise to me. I
looked at in March 2003 and was not impressed with its cash flow generation.
Here is what I said about Clearwater at that time:



RATING: Clearly the yield is attractive. Appears to be an attractive industry
structure due to the barriers to entry. But does quite poorly on Buffett’s
tenets in my opinion (see below). This is a cyclic business that has significant
debt and that is attempting to distribute a fairly large proportion of its
distributable earnings. The unit values are heavily dependent on the ability to
continue to meet large cash flow needs. It’s hard for me to understand how a
company that historically consumed huge capital spending will now be capable of
throwing off steady cash flows of the required magnitude. For tax purposes the
distributions for 2003 are expected to be 57% return of capital, 8% dividend and
35% other income, so this is a relatively tax efficient investment. However, my
overall rating is Weak Sell / Hold at this point.




October 19, 2005


CNR is updated and rated Buy at $82.85 after
another great earnings report. CN is generally acknowledged as the best run
Railroad in North America (despite some recent high profile accidents).  I
have long commented on how individual investors tend to ignore large cap stocks
like this ($23 billion). It is sure not the “loud and hot” money that has been
invested here, instead I believe it has been the quiet rich smart money. Based
on exceptional past performance and the P/E I should rate it a higher buy but
there are some risks ahead including unhedged fuel prices in 2006, higher
pension costs and a general slowdown in the economy.  I would like to Buy
but at the moment I am more inclined to raise my cash position rather than buy
more equities. I definitely like it as a long term pick.


Apparently analysts were surprised that GM lost $1.5 billion or so last
quarter. I wonder how they could be surprised when it was well known that they
were offering huge employee pricing incentives and that they were losing money
even before those incentives. I suspect GM will not make money until it
eventually shifts its production to China. Sorry if that would be bad for the
economy and their workers but that is what it will likely take to see profits on
GM. (Short term they may make a big profit by selling off their profitable
finance arm but selling off limbs is not exactly a sustainable move).


October 18, 2005


Ouch a big hit for oil stocks today. I don’t cover oil stocks at all but I
notice that the XEG Index Traded Fund has been coming down in price, in the last
several weeks it has bounced up several times but each bounce weaker than the
last and the downward bounces going lower. But I can’t say if that means it will
now trend down…


Meanwhile my picks did well today on insurance stocks.


I notice a West Jet founding vice president left the company today “for
personal reasons”. That was announced after close of market. I no longer rate
Westjet but I rated it a Sell at the start of this year. I don’t think this
latest news can be good.


CNR came out with very strong earnings with per share earnings up 24%. For
whatever reason the market knocked it down 2.3% on this news. I will update my
report very soon. This strong earnings report came in spite of the huge Wabamun
lake diesel spill (loss of $28 million) and in spite of high fuel costs.
Apparently they were helped by some one-time tax savings. The phrase that always
comes to my mind every time this company reports yet another strong quarter is
“Winners Win” These people really do know how to run a railroad.


October 17, 2005


Certainly some mixed signals, Northbridge and ING Canada doing well while
Kingsway fell to low it has not seen in some months. I am hoping that the Q3
earnings for these insurance stocks will be quite good (except we know
Northbridge had a material hurricane hit) however, these insurance stocks are
subject to actuarial assumptions and losses and gains on investments that make
the earnings quite unpredictable (not to mention unpredictable insurance
claims). Western Financial fell to $2.40 which I consider a buying opportunity.
However note it opened at only $2.32 on 2000 shares traded at the open which
illustrates probably a smart buyer and not-so-smart seller. But I think the low
open also indicates the lack of ready buyers for the stock which is a danger in
a relatively thinly traded small cap like this. For the market in general, my
sentiment right now is more cautious and not particularly optimistic for the
short-term. (But given the difficulty of market timing I will largely be staying
in the market although I will look for opportunities to sell some holdings to
raise some cash)


October 16, 2005


Sleeman Breweries is updated and rated
Sell at $13.75. The first two quarters of 2005 were weak. They announced a
cost-cutting effort which may be good long-term but which will cause a $2.1
million charge in Q3. Any Income Trust premium in the stock has recently been
reduced and I am not certain that they have the cashflow to go that route. Some
insiders were selling. My strategy would be to sell at this time if I owned it
in a tax sheltered account. I probably could have rated this a hold but given
its situation and a market that seems to be going down in general, I believe a
sell rating is warranted.


October 15, 2005


Performance figures were updated as of Wednesday’s trading figures. The
market was down on Thursday. As an update, as of today,  the market
portfolio is still up 22.8% and my own portfolio is up 21.3%. There has only
been a moderate hit due to the recent market correction.


With continued interest rate hikes, and the much higher gasoline and heating
costs I am very cautious on the overall market direction. I would certainly not
be surprised if the overall market falls materially in the weeks ahead. I would
prefer to move somewhat more into cash. However it is always difficult to know
what to sell. I will be looking to sell some of my holdings but probably only a
small portion. In most cases I would rather wait and seethe Q3 earnings reports
before taking any action. I continue to have faith in the Strong Buys and Buys
on this Site. But I recognize that even stocks that will do well long-term can
certainly suffer setbacks. It is up to each investor to decide whether they are
willing to ride things out or would prefer to sell some holdings now.


I am giving mixed signals here but that is because stocks are inherently hard
to predict and because even good stocks are usually pulled down by overall
market declines. But the danger of selling on short-term nervousness is that we
then miss out if these stronger stocks do not in fact fall.


In regards to oil stocks, I always consider these to be very hard to predict.
There are mixed signals. Certainly the argument that demand is exceeding
dwindling supply seems logical. hen again that argument has been around since
early 70’s and still oil has mostly been a lot cheaper. Yesterday I heard that
oil storage facilities were “full” suggesting there is no immediate shortage. So
I am really unsure if the recent pull-back is a buying opportunity in the oil
area.. or the beginning of a further correction. (I have a small amount of the
Energy Exchange Traded Fund XEG in the model portfolio but I will not be
covering any individual energy stocks)


October 14, 2005


While the recent decline in the market is painful, I don’t think we can claim
to be surprised. I had mentioned my worries about the consumer being hit by high
energy costs and higher interest rates. I had increased my cash position as
well. But it’s never clear if market declines will continue and that as well as
trading costs and tax considerations make it somewhat impossible to escape these
type of declines.


As of Wednesday’s figures I had not been hit too hard and I believe a strategy
of holding lower P/E stocks will turn out well in a market decline situation.


I am hopeful that the Q3 earnings reports will turn out pretty well. However,
it does appear that the earnings outlook for Q4 and beyond will be weak at best.
The insurance stocks continue to suffer from the fallout of the hurricanes.
Northbridge had announced a material hit there. ING Canada as well as
EL-Financial should be unaffected and Kingsway indicated a very minor hit.
Therefore I am hopeful of very strong earnings reports in Q3 from these last
three. Wendy’s is expected to have a poor Q3 so could fall more before they get
back on track…


Q3 earnings reports should begin arriving in the next week…



October 12, 2005


Performance figures as well as the model portfolio and my own portfolio
breakout have been updated, see links just below the stock table above.


I ended up buying a small amount of Aeropan Income Fund units at $12.50
today.  Also today a buy order that had been below the market triggered and
I therefore bought more Northbridge shares.


October 11, 2005


I am working on a report for Aeroplan Income Fund as a new investment on this
Site. The information is incomplete since the Fund only came into being on June
30 and certain prior period financial information was not released and in any
event is not comparable. The yield is low at 5.4% However, I believe that the
yield should grow. There are a lot of things I like about the business. It sells
points for cash now and only has to pay for a reward when the reward is claimed
an average of 30 months later. And they estimate 17% of points will never be
redeemed. They have a very strong market position in Canada and I think they can
grow. The current uncertainty over the Federal Government’s position on income
taxes is a risk. My current indication is that the value ratios will not look
compelling but nevertheless I think the long term characteristics of the
business may make this a reasonably good bet. I may buy some units but my rating
is not yet complete. I would definitely be interested if it fell back to the $11


In the past I doubted the worth of Aeroplan since I knew that most of the
money it made selling points over the years would not have been set aside and
instead would have been sucked up by Air Canada. That is true however, it turns
out Air Canada and not Aeroplan will pay for seats purchased with points
accumulated in 2001 and prior.  Aeroplan still has a big negative net worth
on its books but at least the $551 million owed in rewards earned in 2001 and
prior is not the responsibility of Aeroplan (although it will be if Air Canada
fails to cove these).



October 10, 2005


FirstService Corporation is updated
to (lower) Buy at U.S. $22.34.  I have always liked the business model of
the company since I first looked at it in 2002. Investors were burned when the
share price fell over 50% in 2003 but in reality the  company never
faltered, it only grew less fast… Very rapid growth has now resumed and the
share price has recovered to new highs before a recent small decline. Note that
Canadian investors face currency risk if our dollar continues to rise. Although
the value does not seem compelling, this is a very well managed company and is
probably a good long term pick.


October 6, 2005


The impact of the hurricanes on insurance stocks is far from over.
Northbridge estimates it will pay out $40 million , therefore an after-tax
impact of roughly $30 million which I expect they would show in Q3. Since
Northbridge earned $39 million in Q3 2004, this will be a big hit to Q3
earnings. But it is arguably a one-time impact and is not a very big hit to the
book value equity which is $800 million. So I see no need for the stock price to
drop on this news but it may do temporarily. Recall Kingsway had indicated most
of its exposure was reinsured and so it was expecting only a $2 million hit on
Katrina. ING Canada would presumably have no hurricane costs. Also EL-Financial
would have no impact.


Energy stocks have never been an area I know much about… However, I see
little reason to expect oil to continue to drop much more (then again
commodities are notoriously hard to predict)  I expect the pull-back in oil
at some point represents a buying opportunity but I am not sure if the decline
is over yet…


My own portfolio took a hit today but not a very big hit compared to the
market decline…


Currently I am looking at the financials of Aeroplan Income Fund and intend
to add it to the Site soon. I am not sure yet if it will be a buy rated stock
although I like the business model.


October 5, 2005


A bit of a pull-back in the markets and I suspect that this could continue
tomorrow… I note Kingsway is down but ING and Northbridge have been doing
well. Insurance losses from Katrina are starting to be announced and hurting
some U.S. insurers. Kingsway is perhaps being affected by this.


Today I saw that Wendy’s released poor same-store sales for Q3 but its price
after initially dropping rose, then settled back… I had recently bought a few
additional shares at $43.90, adding 20% to my position


While I like the stock long term I decided to take some profit at $47.79 In
order to avoid excessive trading costs I sold  about 40% of what I held. I hope
to be able to buy it back cheaper after the Q3 earnings are announced…. I
hedged my bets and did not sell all of it because I do like it long term and
maybe there will be no price dip…


October 3, 2005


I am tempted to buy more Western
Financial on its recent minor pull-back to and below $2.50.


Wendy’s has rebounded well from it recent dip below $44. The recent pattern
has been that around $44 is a good opportunity. But I worry about how bad Q3
was for Wendy’s (Tim Hortons I don’t worry about). Also our ever rising dollar
hurts us on U.S. stocks (although that should be partially hedged by the
earnings from Canada). It seem this stock may continue to be “volatile”.


October 2, 2005


September is over which means that the third quarter is over and companies
will be busy preparing their next earnings reports. Most of the earnings reports
will be issued in the next three to five weeks. I am generally expecting strong
earnings reports. Exceptions would be companies that face costs in Canada but
get most of their revenue in the U.S. since our dollar’s rise would hurt these
companies. (Oil and gas companies are an “exception-to-the-exception” since it
does not matter much if the dollar hurts you by 10% when your product’s price
rises close to 100%! Possibly we will see some earnings warnings in the next
week or two by companies that not making their expected numbers.


Sept 29, 2005


An edition of the free newsletter was just sent. If you did not receive this
let me know. In any event it can be accessed at the link just below the stock
table above.


Yesterday I bought back the remainder of the ING Canada shares that I had
sold on fears these insurance stocks would drop due to the Hurricane.


Today I added to my position in Wendy’s at $43.90. Our higher dollar means
that I have suffered a currency lost on what I held but at least new purchasers
are less expensive in Canadian dollars. This stock could drop more before
probably rebounding nicely when it finally sells off a portion of Tim Hortons.
However recently it seems to have “support” at $44.


Sept 27, 2005


I bought back most of the insurance stocks I had sold due to concern about
the hurricane impacts. Today I bought back the Northbridge, the Kingsway and a
portion of the ING Canada. Therefore my trades are now aligned with the Strong
Buy ratings on these stocks. I had sold a portion of my holdings out of fear of
a price drop due to the hurricanes. The price drop was moderate and now seems to
have stabilized and so it made sense for me to buy these back. ING Canada seems
to be the most stable of the three and although more expensive on a Price to
book basis I may buy more of it even though it would over weight me in that


Western Financial dipped in the
past few days to about $2.52 which I suspect would be a buying opportunity.
However this is a volatile stock and at any time it might decide to issue shares
at a somewhat lower price and that would drag it down – probably temporarily.


Alarmforce is updated to Speculative
Weak Buy at $3.86. I like the cash generation features of this company. Until
recently it seemed too pricy. It recently released Q3 earnings which were up
16%. However, at the same time it announced a retroactive accounting change that
will cut earnings in half retroactively (ugh!). This was not a total shock to me
since I had discussed the fact that it was deferring marketing expenses rather
than expensing them. I think the strong cash flows and lack of debt are
indicative of the fact that deferring those expenses did match economic reality.
however GAAP accounting is becoming more conservative…  On a very tiny
scale this company reminds me of Telus. Recall that a few years ago Telus’
earnings were very low due to expensed marketing costs to acquire cell phone
customers. But the operating cash flows were strong. I believe a similar thing
could happen with Alarmforce where the earnings eventually catch up to the
operating cash flows to a degree. However, given the low GAAP earnings I am
hesitant to rush in. I rate it speculative Weak Buy at $3.86 but consider it a a
speculative Buy if it should fall to $3.60 or lower. Maybe it will fall when the
Q4 earnings are released because the new accounting will be in place at that
time. Or maybe the recovery in price that it started to make today will continue
if investors focus on the operating cash flow.


In terms of Trading I did pretty well on this since I sold 2/3rds of the
Alarmforce in the Model portfolio at $5.50 (for a 55% profit) and therefore
missed most of the ride back down to about $3.50 that happened in the last few


Sept 23, 2005


I notice the big increase in Telus ( to
$49.87) when much of the rest of the market is not doing well. I last rated
Telus a speculative Buy at $45.65 . Back in December I was rating it higher Buy
at about $29. Recently it was revealed that CEO Darren Entwistle owns 323,000
shares. He has been buying shares with options and then selling only enough to
cover the taxes and has kept the rest. He has also invested in Telus shares from
his savings and through a bi-weekly share purchase program. In my view this is
unusual and is a huge vote of confidence. While I have not updated my analysis,
my sense is that Telus and its shares will continue to do well. One caveat would
be that we don’t know what earnings hit if any Telus might have due to the
ongoing strike. Also we may find that its new customer sign-ups have faltered
due to the strike – but maybe not. It might be safer to wait for the Q3 report
before buying at this point. Or a person could buy some now but be prepared for
a possible price drop if the Q3 report is not good.


Cognos is updated for its Q2 earnings released
this week and remains Buy rated now at $44.07. My sense is that this company is
better than its earnings suggest because of the fact that it expenses so much
research and development.  I am adding to my small position in this stock.
I would note that the stock has fallen a bit on the earnings release. I also
note that the stock price has had strong support at about $40, so hopefully that
is the most likely downside risk (although lower is always possible of course)
although I have no reason to think it would fall and my analysis indicates it
should rise.


As hurricane Rita looms, and as I think about the pressure on consumers due
to higher energy prices I am surprised that markets are holding up as well as
they have been. I continue to review my portfolio for stocks to sell.
Fortunately most of my stocks have lower P/E ratios and do not seem to be the
type of stocks that will be hard hit in a consumer spending recession. I sold
100 of the 300 shares in archipelago that I owned to lock in a small gain there.
(I do not rate Archipelago but have mentioned it as a special situation since it
is to take over the New York stock exchange – although the New York seat holders
will end up owning most of Archipelago. But that deal is by no means certain to


Sept 21, 2005


Thomson corporation  is updated and remains
rated Speculative (lower) Buy at U.S. $38.08 or $CAN $44.50. This company does
not look cheap. On the other hand I believe it is in a good business area and it
appears that earnings are under-stated.


Some reports have indicated that at least some planed Trust conversions will
not be affected by the governments announcement that it will no longer provide
advance tax rulings.



Sept 20, 2005


I was surprised by the $5.00 drop in TSX due to the government announcement
of no more advance tax rulings for potential income Trusts. As I mentioned under
Sept 6, TSX group is probably having an excellent Q3. But it looks like the
stock had a “potential Trust” premium built into it. Another reason for the drop
is that there will be fewer Trust IPOs coming onto to the TSX.


It looks like any company that was trading higher on speculation it would
become a Trust took a hit today. I think these particular companies could easily
slide further as it looks like Trust conversions may be on hold for a while.


Wendy’s took another hit and it looks like it could get worse before it gets


My insurance stocks were down today. AIG and Berkshire announced loss
estimates after market close today. While they were large I don’t think they
were larger than one might have expected. I still think the Canadian insurance
stocks could fall a bit yet in sympathy to the situation in the U.S. However, I
also think these are definitely bargain priced and will do well in the next 6
months. I will be looking for an opportune time to buy back some of what I sold
in this sector. And I continue to hold a big exposure to these stocks.


Sept 19, 2005


Wendy’s chief operating officer “resigned” today. This may be good long term
as the CEO takes over more direct control and tries to get back to basics. But
short term I would think it signals a poor Q3. The question is whether the stock
will respond more to the poor Q3 or continue to be driven by the hoped for
spin-off of Tim Hortons. I am committed to my position in Wendy’s and would look
to add to it on significant further weakness.


Insurable losses from Katrina are now estimated at up to $60 billion. It’s
reassuring that Canadian property and casualty stocks have not slipped any
further on that news. Even Allstate in the U.S. has really not dropped much. I
expect U.S. insurance companies to drop when the results by company are released
and I expect the $60 billion loss figure to rise. But I am not sure that this
will have any effect on the Canadian insurance companies that I rate (though
Northbridge had some direct exposure and Kingsway had possible exposure if
reinsurance companies fail). I still have a good exposure to the sector and I
may buy back some of what I sold but perhaps I will wait until more Katrina
figures are released.


Sept 17, 2005


Canadian Western Bank is
updated and down-rated to Weak Buy / Hold at $39.55. I had started 2005 calling
this a weak buy at $26.58 (see Dec 31, below). I then raised it to Buy on Mar 9
at $27.30 and to (higher) Buy on June 3 at $27.50 (in response to a strong Q2
report). It has now shot up 44% since I rated it (higher) Buy on June 3. I
believe I have consistently said it was a good long-term pick. Right now though,
if I held it, I would certainly take some profit. It’s a great company and I
would not want to bet against it. But it could certainly suffer a pullback to
the mid 30’s quite easily and I would be interested in buying at the mid 30’s or


I have updated my personal portfolio to reflect the increase in cash as I
took profit on certain stocks as discussed below. Very recently I have taken
profits on Melcor Developments and on some insurance stock holdings. My cash
position at 23.4% is the highest cash position ever for me. I  wanted to
get my cash position up partly because of uncertainty about the market direction
and to hedge my bets.


Sept 15, 2005


See my earlier note on Melcor in the model portfolio page (see link above
these dated comments) dated Aug 23 and Sept 10. I let most of my Melcor
Development shares get sold on a stop loss today They sold at $90 as the price
dipped to $89 before recovering to $92.75… Not sure this was a wise move but I
wanted to protect the downside… While I may have left money on the table, I
was up about 130% on my Melcor stocks.


I hope to update several stocks over the coming weekend.


Sept 14, 2005


Hub International is added as a new company
but is only rated Weak Buy at $22.76. It may seem like a waste of time to add a
new company that is only a weak buy. However, if I decided to only add companies
that were Buys and Strong Buys then I might be tempted to over-rate new
additions. Some subscribers had expressed an interest in this company. Also I
believe it does have potential and is worth watching. Hub is an insurance broker
business. This is a completely different (although related) business compared to
actual insurance companies that take the insurance risk. Hub is essentially a
sales and service company. I like this type of business because customers tend
to be “sticky”. It seems to be the type of business that can be slow to build up
but which eventually becomes a strong cash generation machine with little
capital investment required.


As far as the property and casualty insurance stocks go, I am still uncertain
if we are going to see any further down-side from Katrina. The Canadian market
has certainly shown good strength and not just in energy stocks…


Sept 9, 2005


Forzani Group is updated and remains a Sell
at $12.08.


Performance figures are updated. I note that
the model portfolio as well as my own portfolio and the average Buy moved ahead
this past week. The Strong Buys fell back a bit mostly due to hits on the
insurance stocks from Katrina.


My personal portfolio is updated for my trades last week. My exposure to
property insurance stocks was very high and so I used stop losses and a sell
order to reduce my position.  I also sold a portion of my Melcor
development shares to take profit on the huge run-up there. I am glad to have
the cash but I certainly have mixed feelings about letting go of these shares
(insurance and Melcor).


I was surprised that Kingsway Financial (which operates mostly in the U.S.)
announced that due to catastrophe reinsurance its hurricane Katrina losses would
be limited to $2 million. That is very good news and I now wonder if I did the
right thing to reduce my Kingsway holdings. I am almost tempted to buy it back
but will probably resist any temptation to see if its price drops as other
insurance companies get hit. I still have a stop loss that would sell more of my
Kingsway and I may take that out. There is also some danger that reinsurance
companies would fail (and losses would flow back to Kingsway) but I have no way
of knowing how realistic that danger is.


I’ll continue to watch the insurance stocks closely. Again they are very
cheap on trailing earnings and these Canadian insurers are still on track for
record (arguably obscene) earnings this year… But this is tempered by negative
influences on share prices if American property insurance companies get hit


I notice EL-Financial has risen
since my recent rating. I am tempted to buy some of it particularly if I can get
it at $400 or lower. If there is a flight to lower risk insurance companies in
Canada, I would think EL-Financial is perhaps the most conservative and lowest


Sept 8, 2005


Somewhat to my surprise, given the recent uncertainty, my portfolio has
continued to gain in the last few days…


My Northbridge stop loss was triggered today at $31 to sell 36% of my
holding. I’m not sure if I will sell anymore of this since I definitely like it
and suspect any swoon would be short-lived. But I reserve the right to change my
mind and sell a bit more…  Subscribers should consider the insurance
picks to all be speculative as far as movements in the next few weeks… Even
ING Canada with no exposure to the U.S. could be pulled down. At the same time,
these stocks are all very cheap on a trailing earnings basis and so I am
comfortable with an exposure to them. In my own case I had a very heavy exposure
to the sector and that is why I was more concerned to move some money out of the
sector as I await the the katrina impact on these stocks.


Northbridge has announced estimated Hurricane Katrina costs of $20 to $30
million pre-tax. I did not think they were exposed, although my report does
indicate 16% of revenues from the U.S.


Northbridge fell a $1.00 on the estimate ( update, by end of day it was down
$1.75). This makes me more worried about Kingsway which has 71% operations in
the U.S. However, they have only 12% from property coverage, but still they may
have substantial vehicle claims. I still tend to think all insurance companies
will fall temporarily when the estimates of losses by individual companies come
out. I decided to sell some Kingsway (about 32% of holding) rather  than wait
for the stop to possibly activate. Also I placed a stop on an additional
approximate 30% of my recent kingsway holding. (update, I believe Kingsway could
offset much or all katrina losses by releasing “reserves” but they might be
reluctant to do that as they would be accused of massaging earnings)


Melcor a thinly traded company that I no longer cover but was a pick at $51
at the start of this year, jumped to a new high of $98.50 today on thin volume.
I raised my stop loss price to $92 on a portion of this holding. Also placed an
order to sell some at $99.50. I’m up about 150% and thought I should look for
partial profit especially as I no longer rate it.



September 7, 2005


I was pleasantly surprised at the gains today. ING Canada still jumping up.
I’m not sure why it should go up so much now, the last earnings report was great
but why the sudden move up now? It hit another new record high at $45.89, closed
at $45.26 I had a stop on 30% of my position here and now moved the stop up to
$44 from $41.50.   Given I recently rated it a Strong Buy, I expected
ING to go up, but given the hurricane and given a report today that insurance
losses in Ontario due to an August 19 storm will be $400 million it seems odd
for ING to go up this particular week. Wendy’s up nicely today, I had been afraid the slow drift down
would continue. Western Financial up as well.


On Aug 30, I noticed Cognos had declined to
$41.29 and indicated I thought it was a good entry point. Today it closed at
$48.80. It the past year or dips toward $40 occurred about 3 times and were good
entry points. It’s a great company and I am not sure it dip again to the $42
range but if so that tends to be a good price. Normally I don’t bother much with
trying to play dips, I just buy what seems a bargain at a given point in time…
In the case of Cognos I had last rated it Buy at $43.50 so both the fundamental
signal and the price fluctuation history both suggested that the dip under $42
was a good entry point. I would still consider it at $49 but maybe on an
averaging in basis hoping for a dip. Cognos will release earnings on Sept 21.


September 6, 2005


So far the market is certainly not suffering due to any worries about the
hurricane’s effect on the economy. I even checked AllState, an American insurance
company and it had fallen only a small amount last week.


I notice the TSX Group released market trading statistics for August and it
looks they had a very big month. Value traded was an astounding 88% higher than
August 2004, volume was up 38% year on year. August was also much stronger than
July. Although the stock is not cheap it is probably still a reasonable
long-term investment. I had sold half my position at $38.50 and it subsequently
dipped to $36, but based on these statistics it should rise as it it must be
having an excellent Q3.


September 5, 2005


Late yesterday, September 4, I sent out an edition of the free newsletter. If
you did not receive the email then you can check if your email address is on
that list by attempting to add it again in the sign-up area for the free
newsletter on the home page of this Site. If your email
is already in the list it will tell you that and take you to the free
newsletter. If your email address is not on the list, it will be added and you
will be taken to the free newsletter page.


Please let me know if you did not receive the email about the free newsletter
despite your email address being on the list for it. The free newsletter goes
out “from” but with the “To:” address not visible. For
that reason some systems might block it as bulk email. If that is happening I
may need to address that. Thanks for your help with this.


September 3, 2005


In the aftermath of the hurricane and after such a strong run in the markets,
I am feeling nervous about where the market is headed. I’m taking some time this
morning to think about my own portfolio. I’ve updated my personal portfolio


Obviously the insurance pay-outs on the Gulf coast will be huge (although
much of the flood damage many not have been insurable). This should not directly
affect Northbridge, ING Canada or EL-Financial. But Kingsway may have some
exposure. I used to cover Fairfax Financial and I saw an estimate of a bit over
$100 million for them. I also saw a comment that Manulife has some property damage
exposure and this would be in addition to any life insurance pay-outs. The first
estimate I heard of total Gulf coast insurable losses (across all insurance
companies) was $15 to $25 billion. That figure was maintained even when the City
flooded. It’s hard to have a feel for such large numbers but I said, once I saw
the City flooded, my guess would be more like $100 billion. Now given the slow
response and the looting (although I think riots are usually not covered) and
the fires, I would guess it will be well over $100 billion. As far as the total
economic loss, that will probably be impossible to estimate and impossible to
measure. Perversely, there will be some economic benefits in the rebuilding. I
think the response has been shamefully inadequate.


If U.S. property insurance stocks start to fall due these costs I think the
Canadian companies might fall in sympathy. Any fall in Canada might be
short-lived as I still think these companies are well on track for an absolute
record profit year in 2005.


I rarely use stop-losses but I am going to be disciplined here and place some
stop losses under these Canadian insurance stocks to try and protect my gains
and my capital and move my cash allocation up beyond my current 5% cash level.
The danger is that these stocks will dip down, I will be sold, and then the
stocks will rise. Therefore I am only going to stop-loss 30% to at most 50% of
my holdings in each stock. And not that I have a very large percentage exposure
to these stocks, I might not be thinking about stop losses if I had only say 10%
of my capital in this sector.


I have now placed these stop loss orders


Northbridge to sell 36% of my stock if the price drops to $31 but sell no
lower than $29


ING to sell 30% of my stock if the price drops to $41.50 but sell no lower
than $40


Kingsway to sell 32% of my stock if the price drops to $20.50 but sell no
lower than $19.00


It’s hard to make these decisions, what percentage to sell?, what price to
set the stop at – how far below the last trade price?, what to set the lower
limit of the sale price at? Lots of opportunities to set it wrong.
Psychologically it might be easier to do nothing and just hold the stocks for
the long run and ride it out and blame any dip on unforeseeable events. But in
this case I wanted to be proactive and move to protect part of what I have
against losses. Hopefully the stocks will stay up and these stop loss orders
will expire in about 30 days unfilled.


Also as I think about selling a portion of these stocks, I don’t have to
worry about tax consequences since I hold these almost entirely in RRSP
accounts. In a taxable account I would be more inclined to ride out an expected
short-term dip in these stocks.


And of course maybe there will be no dip. Maybe one of the effects of the
hurricane will be that people all over North America decide to make sure that
their insurance is topped up to match the real estate gains, that would
obviously increase revenues for the industry.


September 2, 2005


Performance figures are updated. I am
pleasantly surprised to see that the performance has improved since last week.
Given the events of this week, and with no exposure to energy in the Buy  /
Strong Buy picks, it is quite gratifying to see the performance continue to be
so strong. The consistency of the picks is evident in the 2005 chart on the
performance page, where you see that fully 16 out of 21 stocks moved in the
predicted direction – and of the 5 that moved the wrong way, only 3 did so by
noticeable amounts.


September 1, 2005


I have to think that the impact of the Hurricane combined with high gasoline
prices and high oil and natural gas prices will have a negative impact on many
stocks. Gasoline prices in Alberta jumped about 15 cents per liter today. Given
the jump in gasoline and the chaos in the New Orleans’ area, I was expecting the
market to fall today. However things held up well with the DOW down a little and
the TSX up due, I understand, to oil stocks. If this were to spill over and be a
catalyst to stop the rise in real estate prices then clearly things could get a
bit ugly.


It’s always very difficult to judge the direction of the overall market and
certainly surprise events can happen. My goal on this Site is to rate individual
stocks. I don’t think I can give much guidance about trying to time the market
since it depends so much on individual circumstances.


I find myself wishing I could have a larger cash component to take advantage
of buying opportunities . But at the same time as I analyze stocks I see stocks
I like, so it’s hard to be in cash.


If the market does turn down due to higher gasoline prices and a loss of
consumer confidence, then logically consumer discretionary stocks would be among
the hardest hit. Almost all stocks would feel a negative affect. But it seems to
me that the property insurance stocks would likely hold up well since this is
not a discretionary purchase.


I sold my Manulife shares this morning. It’s not that I don’t like the stock
but it’s more that psychologically it was one I was willing to let go of to
raise some cash. So I sold this not to take profits but just to get some cash in
the portfolio.


In terms of taking profit, my usual approach is to not take profit if I still
think the stock is a Strong Buy or (higher) Buy. If it’s a Buy but I have a
large position, I might trim it. For Weak Buy / Holds, I consider selling if
there is somewhere else I want to put the money. Obviously I tend not to hold a
stock I rate as Sell. Unfortunately taking profits is an exercise in psychology
as well as analysis. When thinking about selling a stock I have to consider how
it will feel if I sell and the stock keeps going up. I also have to consider how
I will feel if I fail to sell and then the stock drops materially. The fact is
that the psychological factors do come into play whether I like or not. I think
that these psychological factors are different for each investor. Tax impacts
also have to be considered.


Overall, while a certain stock might be rated Buy each investor has to also
consider a host of individual factors to determine if he or she should be a
Buyer or a seller. That is one of the reasons that I describe my ratings as


If the above seems a bit confusing, that’s because the decision to sell or
take profits is a very difficult one, often more difficult than the decision to
Buy. Some subscribers asked me to address the topic and so I have attempted to
do that here.


August 31, 2005


Loblaw Companies Ltd. is updated and upgraded to Buy at $69.38. I had not
looked at it since Q3 2004. Since then it reported a very strong Q4. But in Q1 2005
had a fairly large restructuring charge which disappointed the market. This
has done extremely well over the past number of years., The stock
meanwhile has only done moderately well. This was because the P/E had gotten up
towards 30 and has now regressed to a more sustainable level of about 19.3. The
result is that the stock is now reasonably valued. Management has a great track
record and seem to be focused on earnings per share growth. While the price was
recently still slipping, I believe the current price represents a good entry
point to Buy. This is not a stock that I would expect a huge gain on but I would
not expect a large loss. It should add stability to a portfolio.


I find it interesting that with a market cap of $19 billion, it must surely
have a number of wealthy share owners in addition to the wealthy controlling
Weston family. However, this is the type of stock that active traders (such as
many on tend to ignore. I tend to think that the wealthy people
who own this might be a better group to emulate than your average day trader.


August 30, 2005


I notice Cognos down  $2.06 today to
$41.79. I believe that would likely be a good entry point to Buy the stock.
Wendy’s continues to sag after the big
run-up. I thought it might sag because the wait for the spin-off of a part of
Tim Hortons is long. The Hurricane in the U.S. will also hurt August sales,
although I believe last August also suffered so maybe it will be okay by
comparison. I am tempted to add to my Wendy’s especially if it drops another $2
to the $45 range, but  in any event this stock is likely to require
patience in the next six months.


August 29, 2005


Well it seems my decision to sell half the energy index in the model
portfolio was not such a wise a move. I think if I had had a 30% weighting in
energy it might have been a good idea, but I only had about 12% in XEG so
probably I should have hung on.


Possibly my property insurance picks will come under some pressure due to the
Hurricane. But the only one with any possible exposure is Kingsway and even
there I think it would be a very small exposure.


August 26, 2005


E-L Financial is updated and upgraded to Speculative (higher) Buy at $392.
This stock is a bit thinly traded at an average of 275 shares per day, that does
represent about $11,000 per day. Also given a market cap of $1.6 billion, thin
trading may not be as much of a concern as with tiny companies. I would expect
institutional players to step in if they saw the stock move too far simply due
to thin trading.


I had considered removing this stock from list due to thin trading and
relatively poor disclosure. But disclosure seems to be improving. The bottom
line for me is that this is a profitable company with a strong history and is
trading at 83% of book value (after adding back a deferred realized gain). At
some point maybe the family will decide to sell off some or all of the company
to others and that would likely be at a good gain. It might be a good stock to
hold if the market turns down because it will tend to move with insurance
profits and not with the general market. I would be comfortable holding this
stock. It does have a volatile history, but probably a good bet for the


An annoying problem that was causing subscribers to receive duplicate emails
from me when a payment was made through PayPal, has now been resolved.


I noticed yesterday an announcement that the Shaw family had purchased an
additional 1 million shares of Shaw
Communications and intend to continue such purchases. That is roughly $25
million injected by the family and or entities they control. That adds about
4.5% to their holdings. The family controls the company through multiple voting
shares.  This seems like a very positive signal. The family seems to think
the shares are a good investment. The usual pattern would be for the family of a
company like this to be selling some shares (for diversification, estate
planning) and not buying. Possibly they want to get their ownership higher in
case they eventually are pressured to get rid of the multiple voting shares.
While my report notes some concerns about the company, the insider buying is
certainly very impressive and I take it as a very positive signal.


August 24, 2005


Couche-Tard is updated and remains a
Speculative (lower) Buy at $21.58. It has a very strong history. Right now it
does not seem cheap. Gasoline margins may become more competitive with the
recent focus on higher gasoline prices. Nevertheless it is a strong company and
I would not bet against it.


I added to my position in Cryptologic today.


August 23, 2005


Performance figures are updated.


My property and casualty insurance stocks certainly did well today. This was
nice to see particularly on a day when the markets were down.


I took some profit on IGM today mostly to raise cash to possibly move into
stronger picks. I still like IGM but just wanted to raise some cash.


Cryptologic is updated and upgraded to
Speculative (higher) Buy at $U.S. $18.01 or $ CAN $21.65. The stock has fallen
45% since I last rated it which was (highly) speculative Buy at $32.76 (use
Control-F to search for previous comments  on Cryptologic below). Some would
ask, why upgrade a stock that has fallen so much. I would counter that the fall
in price is the reason that drives the upgrade because the bad news that caused
the price drop seems to have caused an over-reaction. One of it customers (and it
only has about a dozen customers) is planning to stop using Cryptologic software
and develop its own as early as early 2006. This would be a concern but not a
huge concern unless other customers did the same. Meanwhile we still apparently
have a highly profitable company with fairly fast growth and now available at a
P/E of 16. Further it has no debt so there appears to be no danger of a
near-term collapse.


To me it looks like a good bet at  this price. I had indicated earlier
that this was a speculative stock and that I would not be comfortable with a
large position. I think that was a good strategy as I can now add more at this
price and still not be overly exposed to it. I call it speculative and given the
price trend I guess that is appropriate. But really at this price it does not
seem overly speculative to me. One strategy might be to wait for the price to
stabilize or jump 10% before buying. I usually ignore price trends in favor of
fundamental analysis but nevertheless buying into a downtrend is usually
considered dangerous.


I note Melcor (which I no longer cover) has continued its big run-up.
Long-term I have little concern about holding it but psychologically it would be
a real downer to see the price drop and to have failed to take more profit at
this price. Today as of 2 pm Eastern, it had been down $1.24 on 75,000 shares. I
find it encouraging that 75,000 shares could be sold on this thin-trader without
much of a price drop, and Now I notice the price is actually back up. I decided
to enter a stop-loss order on my account with a price of $86. I also put a stop
limit price of $85, which means if the the price declines to $86 my order
becomes a sell but if the price goes below $85 I will not sell. Perhaps I should
use a wider spread on the two numbers but this is what I did for now. I will treat the
model portfolio the same. That way I can continue to hold this but be protected
on the downside. I set the stop a reasonable distance below the current price to
protect from getting stopped out on minor volatility.


August 21, 2005


The Model portfolio (see link just above) has been updated with a number of
changes to better align it with the current stock ratings.


August 18, 2005


Home Capital is updated and upgraded
to Weak Buy at $38.08. This is a company that I first covered as a Buy at $7.43
in April, 2002. I may good money on it buying on the way up but eventually
taking profits and finally selling all the shares I had. I was concerned the
valuation was too high. But given the continued strong performance and a recent
minor pull-back in price I now rate it Weak Buy. It’s a great company and
although it is not cheap I would be comfortable holding some at this price.
However, given a lack of cash position in my portfolio, I have no immediate
plans to Buy.


An interesting news item today was that Google will raise about $4 billion by
selling additional shares. In my view this is a very smart move. Given it’s
profitability and growth, Google may or may not be over-valued. But it’s share
price has clearly gone up a lot. By selling the shares, Google raises a large
amount of cash and further insures it’s future will be long, no matter what its
stock price ever does. The move could dampen the share price but that is small
price to pay to get their hands on $4 billion. Contrast this with Nortel which
did not sell many shares when it’s share price was flying high. Had Nortel done
so, it would have easily emerged from the tech wreck with no debt and lots of
cash in the bank. Instead it ended up having to cut it’s dividend. What Nortel
did in those high-flying years was trade it’s stock for ownership in other
companies at inflated prices. It mostly wanted the intellectual Knowledge of
those companies, but ultimately fired a lot of those staff (who presumably had
much of the knowledge in their heads)  when money ran short.
In summary Google makes another smart move and reminds me of how incompetent
some other company managers are in comparison.


Another interesting move in the market today was long-term interest rates
heading down again. It’s hard to believe they can stay down with short-term
interest rates being raised so much… but it is good for stocks.


August 17, 2005


Sino-Forest is updated and remains a
(highly) Speculative Strong Buy at $2.56. It has fallen since I rated it the
same at $3.03 in May but if the market was always correct then we could all
stick to index funds and exchanged traded funds…


Given the strong run-up in the price of oil and now seeing a pull-back, I
will notionally sell half of the “XEG” (energy index) in the model portfolio at
tomorrow’s opening price. This will lock in a gain there. I don’t have any
rating on oil or the XEG index, but I just feel more comfortable locking in part
of the gain at this point.  I am also making a number of other notional
trades in the Model portfolio to reflect recent ratings changes and insure I am
holding all the strong Buys in there (as well as some Buys). I will update the
model portfolio for these trades in a few days.


August 16, 2005


Canada Bread is added as a new
listing rated Buy at $50.10. I have not been able to add very many new listing
lately and although performance has not suffered for it, I have taken steps to
address this. I now have another CFA charter holder who will work on reports
using my templates and methods. I will review and finalize each report he works
on. Canada Bread is the first of these new reports. MapleLeaf Foods owns 90% of
Canada Bread. Some years ago I covered MapleLeaf Foods and was looking forward
to a turn-around.  I got tired of waiting although subsequently Mapleleaf
also started to finally perform.


Western Financial Group is
updated and remains a Speculative Strong Buy at $2.47. While the stock has
proven volatile, the company itself has been progressing steadily. Over a the
next few years I believe that there s a substantial up-side potential here and
relatively little down-side risk (although there are never any guarantees that
any  particular company will survive if something very unexpected happens).


I have been asking myself if this is “a no-brainer”.  A “no-brainer”
stock usually occurs when a profitable growing company is available at or near
book value and with a low P/E. This stock is just a bit above book value and the
P/E is not that low. It still has to prove its potential, and it has some risk
so I would say it is NOT a clear no-brainer but it does seem like a good value
oriented pick to me.


Another way to play this stock is to buy its convertible debentures that
trade on Toronto as WES.DB.A. These pay a 9% coupon and, I understand, are
convertible at $2.50 They are due to pay out at par in about 18 months. The last
trade was at 105 which means you would effectively have paid $2.625 plus the
impact of commissions for the shares if you buy and convert. A reasonable
strategy might be to buy the debentures 105 and then convert in about 18 months.
Hopefully the shares are then higher than the conversion price. You get a yield
while you hold the bond and you are protected against a drop in the share price
although you do take the risk of not getting your money back if the company for
some reason collapses. (At maturity they are allowed to pay you out in stock
based on a 5% discount in your favor rather than cash but you should be able to
sell the stock to get the principal back). Overall, compared to the stock I
think the convertible is a good strategy at maybe 105 to 110. I don’t think I
would want to pay more than about a 10% premium (110) for the convertible.
(Although even 10% may be low for what is effectively an 18 month option) The
105 price may have occurred when the stock was lower in price. The debentures
appear to be exceedingly thinly traded so that may be a problem. Check the facts
(especially the conversion price) on the debentures independently or with your
broker, since convertibles tend to be complex. I understand the company cannot
force conversion on these until the maturity in Feb 2007 or unless the stock
price exceeds a $3.10 average for 20 days. I got a bit gun shy about convertible
debentures since the TELUS convertibles I bought ended up being converted much
earlier than I though was allowed due to what I think was incomplete information
in the TELUS annual report – so be careful with these.


August 15, 2005


Western Financial Group announced strong growth today although on a per share
basis the growth was modest. The market did not show any reaction to the news. I
think the report bodes well for the stock. The company is trying to grow very
fast and unfortunately has had to issue shares to do so. I believe that the
earnings are probably a bit under-stated by the expenses of being in start-up
mode. I like the stock and will be looking to buy more. Still, it is speculative
due the small size and aggressive growth. I will update my report in the next
day or so.


IGM Financial is updated and Rated
Buy at $41.30. IGM Financial was formerly know as Investors Group before it
acquired McKenzie Financial. It is a large mutual fund manger and sales
organization. The earnings per share graph is a thing of beauty. It is
surprising how steadily the earnings have grown since in theory it should have
been badly hurt as assets under management fell with the stock crash of the
early 2000s. But they manage through it using a combination of sales and cost
management. This company is controlled by the Desmarais family who also control
Great West life. They also control Power Financial and Power Corporation which
are largely holding companies. These companies all have a strong history on
steadily increasing earnings and dividends. IGM is not a screaming buy and faces
some risks as noted in the report. Still, it is reasonably priced and hitching
on to the Desmarais family’s  coat tails has a history of working out well.


August 13, 2005


Long-time subscribers may recall that I removed Melcor Developments from the
companies covered here because it seems to be too thinly traded.  Early
this year I had it rated (higher) Buy. I am very leery to rate highly a thinly
traded stock and put it on this Site. The reason is with thinly traded stocks
just a few investors could drive the price up. I am trying to predict which
stocks should go up, I am not at all in the business of trying to drive stocks
up. The stock has continued to rise very strongly after I removed it from my
list, but on mostly very thin volume and with just 2 days of significant volume
(Over 20,000 shares just twice in the last 3 months, usually well under 1000
shares per day).


However, I thought I should provide some kind of update for those subscribers
who may hold it. Basically what has happened is a valuation “multiple
expansion”. It used to trade at almost ridiculously low multiples to book values
and to earnings. Now it trades at 1.7 times book and 12.5 times earnings. Those
are still not expensive multiples. The bottom line for me is that I am going to
continue to hold this stock and not take any more profits (I did unfortunately
take some profits a while back as I would have noted on this Site. And perhaps
if I had not taken some profits earlier I would now). Still, given the price
increase on low volume there is some danger it could easily slip back to say
$70. But there is also a good chance the price will be keep moving higher. So I
am going to sit tight. There is always a chance they will do something like
split the stock, or turn into an income Trust. Also with a market cap of $266
million, Melcor may be benefiting from the fact that it is now large enough to
attract some institutional buyers like small mutual funds.


Performance figures are updated.
2005 detailed performance figures are
available only to subscribers.


August 12, 2005


ING Canada is updated and rated Strong
Buy at $40. I sold some Kingsway and bough more ING this morning at $39.34. I
had much more Kingsway than I did ING and I simply wanted to get that into
better balance. ING looks like a bargain to me. However, the difficulty is in
predicting how fast auto insurance rates will drop and when drivers will resume
a normal level of claims. Most Canadians were a little shell-shocked at the high
premiums and various horror stories and most are very reluctant to make a claim.


Comparing ING to Kingsway, ING is less risky since it insures standard auto
and commercial. Kingsway is into higher risk drivers and commercial trucks. ING
is also operating only in Canada. ING has the best exposure to the auto market.
On a risk scale I would place Northbridge between the two. ING appears to be the
cream of the crop, perhaps the best managed. It shows the highest profitability
but also trades at a higher multiple to book value. I like holding all three.


ING only came available to trade last December 2004, I did not immediately
place it on my Site, although I announced I was buying at the IPO. I hesitated
to add it to the Site because I already had so many insurance companies. But I
am glad I did add it in June.


So far, ING is the property insurance company that is best doing what I had
predicted for this year, (reaping large profits due to what are frankly still
excessive insurance rates as the market over shot the mark with all its
increases and due to low claims for accidents and some restrictions on pain and
suffering type awards and due to booking gains from 2004 and 2003 as they now
realize the rates were too high then.) Most of the reason that ING is best doing
what I expected is that it has the biggest percentage exposure to Canadian auto
insurance. Also I believe that Kingsway is simply trying to delay recognizing
some of its profits by keepings its future claims estimates higher than they
need to be. So going forward it may be Kingsway that will do best. As I say, I
like to hold all three. (Kingsway, Northbridge and ING). Given the higher risk
of Kingsway, if I had to pick only two, I think I would drop the Kingsway first,
but it would be a tough decision.


August 11, 2005


ING Financial came out with stellar results
today. Obscene profits really, although they say it won’t last but they seem to
indicate the next 12 months should still be good. I have not yet updated my
report but I am confident the rating will remain a Strong Buy or (higher )
Strong Buy. This was my highest rated stock of late. I am considering possibly
shifting some of my Kingsway or Northbridge into this stock. This company is
fairly new as a traded stock. But it is the largest property and casualty
insurance company in Canada. It really appears to be the best one. For example,
not as risky as Kingsway. If I had not already owned so much Kingsway and
Northbridge I would have had more in this stock. I had already shifted some of
the Kingsway into this one some months ago. Even though it seemed to be the best
of the insurance companies I still was a bit reluctant to sell my Northbridge or
Kingsway to move into this one since I like those two a lot as well.


Having expressed caution yesterday about the impact of energy prices, today I
had a good gain on my portfolio even as oil rose again. I’ll just keep updating
my reports and trying to make sure I am not in things that seem over-valued.


I no longer rate Melcor although it is in the model portfolio and I still own
some. It has really jumped. I have not updated my analysis even for my own use
but I may sell some of what I have. So far, I had already taken profit many
months ago and I was just letting the rest ride. But I think it might be prudent
to trim some. But also I am wondering if the market is signaling some kind of
announcement so again I have just let it ride. I just wanted to let any
subscribers who hold it know what my thoughts are. I worry that with it being
thinly traded it could also drop quickly…


August 10, 2005


Telus is updated and rated Moderately
Speculative Buy at $45.65. I was certainly on the right track when I
re-introduced Telus to the Site as a Speculative Buy last October 6 at $28. Now
the price is well up but so are the earnings. I still expect earnings to grow
fairly quickly as the cash from the cell-phones rolls in. As indicated in the
report Telus is still signing up pretty staggeringly large numbers of cell
customers. Once the advertising costs and commissions of sign up are paid for
those are definitely high profit customers. I hold some of the non-voting. I
don’t think I will buy more right now but I regret now that I sold some earlier
when the strike spooked me a few months back. The market certainly seemed to be
shrugging off the strike for now. I had to call about my internet line on
Monday night and the I got through easily.. so maybe the strike is not impacting
it that much although managers cannot work the long hours forever…


Looking at the overall market, I am seeing some contradictory things. The
U.S. Fed funds over-night interest rate was raised again to 3.25%. Yet the 10
year Canadian bond is barely off its recent 40-year lows and is around 4.05%.
Oil is around $65 per barrel and yet the economy shows no signs of slowing. I
just wonder when a combination of moderately higher long-term interest rates and
the high energy prices are finally going to start to slow the economy. In
anticipation of that I would consider selling some stocks. In particular the
stocks that are trading on yield such as perhaps utility stocks and some banks
and slower growth Income Trusts could get hurt first. When I look at my
stock list though I don’t think the Strong Buys and Buys there would be among
the first hurt. So I am just saying I am getting more cautious but I have not
yet decided which stocks if any to sell or take partial profits on.


August 9, 2005


Regarding Kingsway Financial, clearly the
market does not share my enthusiasm. But sometimes one has to be patient. While
losing some ground on Kingsway I have recently been making huge ground on Melcor
Developments. This was in the model portfolio and rated (higher) Buy at the
start of this year. Unfortunately is is very thinly traded and when it was
jumping a lot earlier this year I no longer felt comfortable rating it as I felt
my rating and my subscribers might be driving the price up. Perhaps I was
over-cautious as it has certainly continued its ascent, after I stopped rating
it, and is  now up over 60% this year. However when I first covered it as a
Strong Buy in late 2002, it did not really do too much for two years and had
some dips before finally starting to rocket up in 2005. The point is that with
value -priced stocks patience is usually required and sometimes (but not always)
well rewarded.


Regarding Wendy’s it seems to be grinding
down now as we settle into a long wait for it sell off a portion of Tim Hortons
in an IPO early in 2006. Hard to say where the stock will go in the meantime. It
will depend on their same-store sales each month and earnings reports. I don’t
have any plans to take profit but I would not argue against a strategy of taking
some profit. If I owned none, I would consider nibbling at this price
recognizing that it could fall and provide a better buying opportunity ahead.
Clearly patience is required to hold here.


I notice DALSA had an announcement after
market close today of a partnership with Xerox on some work. I would definitely
consider buying or adding to this stock.


Comment on Air Canada... As someone who has been no fan of either the
old Air Canada or the new Ace Aviation, it is only fair that I give them some
credit for the earnings posted in Q2. I mentioned under July 8, I was expecting
a profit from them largely because of a one-time gain in selling off a
portion of AeroPlan. Sure enough they had a net income of $168 million. More
impressively even after deduction $190 million gain on AeroPlan and deducting
the tax on that and adding back a large foreign exchange item it indicated and
adjusted net earnings of $116 million or about $1.00 per diluted share. So
that’s maybe not too bad for Q2. Q3 is peak season and should be better. It
appears too that Air Canada has some good financial advisors and they are
figuring out ways to make money by selling off certain parts of the company.


Still.. I saw on Saturday a big advertisement for a Seat Sale for flights all
the way to December and with prices as low as $209 plus taxes and fees one-way
from, for example Edmonton to Orlando. With a stop in Toronto that’s just $105
per “stage length” and I’m almost certain that would be below the average seat
cost. Now maybe there won’t be that many of the cheap seats. But I really wonder
why they found it necessary to offer a seat sale. Seat sales are what bankrupted
Air Canada so recently. In my opinion seat sales like that cheapen the product
and setup unrealistic expectations and result in over-crowded planes. They might
be better off to leave those seats empty rather than sell them at low prices and
annoy the people who paid a more normal price.


Overall I have to admit that ACE Aviation will probably do okay for the next
while, but I still worry about irrational pricing tendencies in this industry. I
have no rating on ACE shares and no plans to analyze it at least not until its
gets a few more profitable quarters under its wings.


Comment on CN – I live not too far from a huge recreational lake in
Alberta where CN dumped some 750,00 liters of oil into the water. This is
looking very bad for CN, they are coming across as quite slow and unprepared for
the clean up. Things were already bad enough when after 5 days CN announced that
one of the cars may have carried a far more toxic and water soluble substance
and the Health Authority ordered people not to even water their grass with this
water pending investigation. CN came off as not knowing what is on its train.
The cottage owners affected include many rich and powerful people. This is going
to cost CN (and /or its insurance companies) plenty. I could imagine the figure
exceeding $100 million. But that may not be a huge big deal to CN which made $1
billion in 2004. I imagine too that CN may be forced to adopt better controls
over what it is carrying and this could add to expenses and even slow their
operation. I generally like CN but I am a little cautious on it right now. (Also
making matters worse was a second spill into a river in B.C. two days after the
lake incident.)



August 7, 2005


I felt a bit a of a chill in the market on Friday, lot’s of red figures.
Possibly the strong run we had based on the Q2 earnings is now about to end /
reverse. Certainly I don’t think we are in for a big drop in the market but
still I will be looking for opportunities to take some money off the table.
Possibly I would even trim holdings in some stocks that I like just to get some
cash position.


Manulife is updated and upgraded to
Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at $62.62. This means I think it is a Strong Buy,
but just barely a strong buy, I could have called it a (higher) Buy. There a re
always lots of a factors to consider in pinning down a rating for a company.
That is why it is wise for subscribers to look at the value ratios I give and
look at my rationalization for the rating to see if you agree. Also investors
have to consider how each stock fits into their existing portfolio. For example
an investor with a lot of other life insurance stocks might not want to add
Manulife, but someone with nothing in that sector might want to add it.


In the past I have pointed out that Manulife is Canada’s most valuable
company by stock market value. In fact I said it is a World Class Company and
maybe just about the only example of a World Class (and world size) company that
we have. Despite its size it has managed to grow rapidly. WE may see periods
where its price fall back but over time it will probably continue to be a good


Last quarter I expressed a lot of concern about the actuarial estimates of
the company. Strangely enough this came up for a lot of discussion in th=is
quarters conference call. And I was reasonably satisfied with Management’s
answers. They seemed more sure of themselves and they seemed confident. On that
basis I feeling better about their accounting. But the company remains
essentially a black box and therefore I few it as speculative since a change in
actuarial assumptions could cause a big hit to earnings at any time.


Sico is updated and continued as (lower)
Strong Buy at $15.00.


I also updated two cells of the Kingsway report to update its geographic and
end-user market segmentation. Also under  quality of assets I noted that
the company does not “discount” its liabilities although it is entitled to do
so. I estimate roughly that this understates book value by perhaps 5%.


August 6, 2005


Stantec is updated and remains rated (lower) Buy at $36.78. This stock has
really jumped lately based on a pending large acquisition, the fact that it just
got listed on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday and the based on an
extremely good Q2 earnings report. One concern is that the Q2 net revenues were
only up 7.5% while earnings jumped 60% (in fact 103% before adjusting for a
one-time gain on bad debt). The gross revenues were up and administrative
expenses as a ratio were down. There did not seem to be a good explanation and
so to some degree the earnings in Q2 may not be entirely sustainable. Still, the
quarter was undeniably great and hopefully they can keep the margins up towards
this level. And, this is a great company with a great track record. Probably a
good long-term investment although it is getting more expensive on a price
earnings basis.


I first rated Stantec a Strong Buy at $5.00 in
late 1999 ($10.00 prior to the stock split, $5.00 adjusted for the split). Sadly
I sold in the low $20s but I tell myself I put the money in a good place. I’m
trying not to let the fact that I sold it early influence my thinking now,
however, I seem to have been underestimating the company in the past few years.
Due to possible volatility, I would average in and hope to take advantage of any
dips. I don’t have plans to buy it personally.


Kingsway Financial is updated and
continues to be rated Strong Buy now at $21.39. The stock fell yesterday despite
a pretty good earnings release.  On the surface this certainly looks like a
bargain with a P/E of 8.1 and a Price to book of 1.36 combined with a 12 month
ROE of 16.8% and ROE in 2005 of close to 20%. Naysayers would point to risk and
point out that earnings are cyclical and subject to estimates. But as I study
the report and listen to the conference call, I have every indication that
earnings are conservatively stated at this time. 2005 is expected to be a record
earnings year. Yes, earnings could decline in 2006 with lower insurance prices
but they may be able to offset that with positive reserve releases from 2004.
Also investment yields on their short term bonds may be higher with higher
interest rates. Most of the time large established businesses with apparent
strong profits are not available at such a small premium to book value. And if
you look at the earnings per share graph it is very strong. It does seem that
patience will be required as the market seems skeptical. However, I believe that
patience will be rewarded. There are never any guarantees but it seems to me
that this stock has a reasonable chance to double kin a three year period, and I
don’t see much reason to think it will decline significantly. I have large
exposure to it and continue to hold that. Given my total exposure to the
insurance segment I probably will not add to my position.


August 4, 2005


A good earnings report from Kingsway, after the market close today. I
understand it beat expectations but I was hoping it would be better. It should
go up maybe a little tomorrow but I don’t expect a big jump. I continue to
suspect that they are using their discretionary judgment to keep their
“reserves” higher (they have pretty much said this) which essentially hides
earnings for release on a rainy day.


Manulife and Cryptologic released earnings during the trading day.


I will review the earnings releases and update my reports on these three in
the next few days.


August 3, 2005


Tomorrow, Kingsway will report earnings as will Cryptologic. Hopefully these
will continue the trend to good earnings reports that most companies have had
with the Q2 reports.


As subscribers know, I don’t cover any oil and gas stocks and seldom comment
on that sector, although I did include an exposure to it in the model portfolio.
Lots of commentators are suggesting the sector will stay red hot. On the other
hand some analysts are pointing out that oil has had a huge price run and that
this in spite of the fact that new supply is coming on and there appears to be
no real shortage of oil. Under this view it would be wise to take profits in the
sector. I am toying with the idea of notionally taking profits in the energy
component of the model portfolio by selling 50% of the XEG holding in the model.
I think that would be prudent. Even if it turns out to be a bad moves that does
not change the fact that is probably best not to get over-exposed to energy
unless one has good reasons to be very confident that the sector will keep



July 31, 2005


Wendy’s is updated and is rated Weak Buy /
Hold at $51.70. Wendy’s is now being valued as a “special situation” since it
plans to sell off 15 to 18% of Tim Horton’s as a separate stock. The market now
appears to realize that Tim Horton’s is worth a lot more on its own than hidden
inside of Wendy’s. It might still be reasonable to Buy Wendy’s at $52 and hope
for a run to $60 by the time of the IPO. The other reason to buy the Wendy’s is
that you would likely with a few years receive some Tim Horton shares when
Wendy’s spins out the remainder. I’m not sure I will want to buy the Tim Hortons
at the IPO because it may be pretty highly priced.


Some of the American analysts clearly still don’t “get it”. One of them
questioned whether there would be enough appetite in Canada for the Tim Horton
shares given that institutions here already own a lot of Wendy’s. This is
absurd, there will be a huge demand for the Tim Horton shares and I think pretty
much every Canadian would agree with that.


The one down-side is we have up to a 9 month wait for the IPO of Tim Hortons
and during that time the Wendy’s shares could drop back. But I am certainly
willing to ride that out. If anything I would use a price drop, if it occurs, to
buy more Wendy’s. Remember too, that as Canadians we face currency risk on this
stock should our dollar keep rising.


Forzani Group is updated and rated Sell
at $12.77 (I would Sell if I owned it but I am not indicating that I would Short
Sell it, a short sell is very different than a Sell). The Forzani group is
Canada’s largest retailer of sporting goods, operating stores from coast to
coast including Sport Chek, Coast Mountain Sports, Sport Mart, National sports,
and Nevada Bob’s . Also a franchiser under the banners Sports Experts,
Intersport, RnR, Atmosphere and Econosports. The numbers indicate the stock is
over-valued. There is always the chance that they will turn it around and the
earnings will grow rapidly, but as of now that does not appear to be happening.
If I owned it I would sell and move on. (In fact I did own it and sold my shares
a few years ago at $16.95 as indicated on this Site at that time).


July 30, 2005


Dalsa is updated and remains rated
Speculative (higher) Buy at its new price of $12.50. It was definitely
disappointing to see this fall about 25% on Friday. This stock has a lot of
analyst coverage and my sense is that the analysts were caught off guard by the
the fact that the sales outlook is lower and the profit outlook is quite a bit
lower. I have to wonder if this drop is not an over reaction, but in any event
this is the new price.


I continue to think that this is a great little company. But it seems it will
be volatile and it seems it may take some patience. Overall, although I am
disappointed with the lower sales and lower profits and particularly the sharp
price drop, I still think the outlook is good. I’m comfortable holding a small
position in it. I may add to my position or I may wait for another quarter or
two to see if things start to turn around.


Performance is updated for an excellent week.


July 29, 2005


I was expecting to have a good day in the markets today. And I did, but for
unexpected reasons. The market once again yawned at Northbridge Financial’s
great results. But Wendy’s had an announcement that sent it up 14%. Melcor which
I hold but no longer cover due to thin trading liquidity also had a great day.
Despite a big fall in Dalsa, I still had a really good day to cap off an
excellent week. Performance figures will be updated tomorrow.



July 28, 2005


Northbridge is updated and continues
at a Strong Buy now at $31.00 Earnings were released after the close of market
and were, once again, very good. The price should jump a few dollars tomorrow
although in the past the market has refused to move much, despite the strong


Here we have a company trading at a trailing price earnings ratio of 7.5 ,
earning 24% ROE and selling at 1.62 times book value (or 1.38 time book value
adjusted for unrealized investment gains). On the face of it this is incredibly
cheap, a real “no brainer”. I am then forced to think of why it can’t be as good
as it looks and yes there are some reasons that it is not as good as it
looks. Insurance prices are declining. Some of the profits are from realized
gains on investments and these are volatile and generally not considered
repeatable (even though they had positive gains in 7 of the last 8 quarters).
Insurance stock analysts tend to focus on these provisos and so are conservative
in the outlook for this stock. My view is that it is a great investment. I don’t
think there is much chance it would triple in the next four years, but I think a
double is possible. And given the book value ratio  I very much doubt it
would be a loser if held for at least four years. And I expect it to do well in
the next two quarters and therefore a quick 30% gain here, is very possible. As
always there are no guarantees, but this is my largest holding and I am tempted
to add a bit more at or near this $31 price.


Dalsa also reported earnings after the market close. Earnings are down
although sales are up. I will update the report after I see where the price goes
tomorrow. Overall I still think this a great investment in the medium to longer
term but it does not look too likely to go up much in the next six months due to
lower earnings. Hopefully this result is already reflected in the stock price
which has fallen lately…


July 27, 2005


Almost everything was up today it seems… The market cannot stay this strong
long term but hopefully at lest the next few weeks are strong as the market
adjusts to the strong Q2 earnings reports.


TSX Group is updated to Weak Buy / Hold at
$38.39. It’s Q2 earnings were fantastic and so far Q3 must be running strong as
well. My only concern is the stock price has gone up so much and eventually this
should be a cyclic stock when we get into a quieter time in the market. However,
right now the profitability is fantastic with a 40% ROE. I sold half my small
holding but will hang onto the rest for now. The company has given guidance for
10 to 12% long-term earnings growth. This is less tha useful considering they
have grown at more like 35% but in a slow market would likely see earnings
shrink. The stock seems to be pricing in at least 10% growth going forward and
that may be ambitious if we are at a cyclic peak of stock market activity right


Wendy’s seems more likely to continue to fall somewhat short-term than rise.
It will report earnings soon but had preannounced that they would be lower than
originally expected. The catalyst for the run up to $48 had been rumors of a Tim
Horton spin off. I am holding the stock for the potential in Tim Hortons (spin
off or expand in U.S.)  and  think this will be good long term


July 26, 2005


The TSX Group released very strong earnings results and an increased
dividend. This release was after the close of trading and so the price impact
will be seen tomorrow. At a price of $37.90, the TSX has a P/E ratio of 23. This
is not a bargain but may be reasonable given the virtual unregulated monopoly
nature of the business. Offsetting that is the fact that earnings may be a a
cyclic peak as the Stock market is currently booming but will eventually
encounter slower periods. The TSX also mentioned that some prices will be cut by
a small amount. I would think the stock price would rise moderately tomorrow
unless the market focuses on the minor price cuts. I’ll update my report in the
next day or so to reflect where the price moves in response to these earnings.
At the current price of $37.90, I would rate this a Weak Buy / Hold to possibly
a (lower) Buy.


July 24, 2005


Alarmforce is updated and downgraded
to Weak Sell/ Hold at $5.37. This is a strong little company that will likely do
well, but the share price seems to have risen too rapidly. Based on the numbers
I could call it a Sell. But I am reluctant to come out too strongly against this
proven performer.  For purposes of the Model Portfolio I am notionally
sellling two-thirds of the Alarmforce position at the opening price tomorrow.


Performance is updated. My own portfolio as
well as the Model Portfolio registered further gains this week, while the Strong
Buys (from January 1) slipped just a bit.


I’m looking forward to the earnings reports on the insurance stocks due out
in the next week or so.


The overall market seems positive to me. Perhaps the biggest concern is that
as gasoline goes over a $1.00 per liter the consumer will be hit. For that
reason and given strong gains this year I continue to look for opportunities to
move some funds into cash.


July 22, 2005


Several subscribers have expressed concern about the fall in the price of
DALSA. Firstly we have to be aware that small
companies do tend to fluctuate in price. I have just now reviewed the annual
report and the Q1 report. I remain convinced that this is a great little company
with a bright future. Possibly a real gem of an investment. Earnings fell in Q1
as it began expensing start-up costs for a new digital camera rental operation
in Hollywood. Also the semi conductor fabrication operation suffered from some
over capacity and/or excess inventory in the industry. I like the company and
think it will do well long term. At Q1 it had no debt but has taken on moderate
debt for an acquisition in Q2. The low debt level and positive cash flow should
mean that there is no danger that the company will run into financial
difficulties. Quite possibly Q2 will be affected by similar issues and this may
be why the stock is falling. But I think this is more of an opportunity than
anything. I would be tempted to buy a few shares ahead of the earnings, however,
given that the earnings will probably not look that good in Q2, I don’t expect
the share price to really jump much (in either direction) on the earnings
release. Q2 earnings will be released on July 28 and I plan to update my
analysis and rating by July 31.


July 20, 2005


CNR is updated and rated Buy at $78.50. I have
said in the past I liked it. Once again it’s earnings (released today) showed
that it is an example of the fact that “Winners Win and Losers Lose”. This
company just keeps on winning. It’s not a screaming Buy but then again
considering its size and stability and its record it is very much worth
considering. I don’t have funds available to buy at this time but would be
interested in averaging in. I would definitely consider it on a pull back of any


Apparently the market was surprised by a big loss at General Motors announced
today. Why would anyone be surprised when an uncompetitive North American
company saddled with huge “legacy” costs for pensions and healthcare and starts
offering huge family discounts? it seems likely to lead to losses…


Most of the Q2 earnings reports so far seem good and so hopefully the next
few weeks should be positive in the market.


I did end up selling half my TSX shares today…


July 19, 2005


The TSX Group is updated and rated Weak Sell / Hold at $39.50. I had first
covered this stock as a Buy at a price of $14.43 (adjusted for a special
dividend and stock split) less than two years ago. I made a good profit on but
did sell some of my stock much too early. Given the almost “unregulated monopoly”
status of the company I hesitate to again make the mistake of selling too early.
But I find the recent share price run-up a bit much. They will release earnings
on July 26. Based on trading statistics on the TSX the earnings will be good.
Still, the market must be expecting a very strong earnings report and so is
subject to disappointment. I may hedge my bets and sell half my position.


With strong performance from quite a number of stocks this year, it is hard
to decide where to take profits. I hate to sell winners unless they are clearly
getting too high. Overall the outlook for stocks still seems good. With the Q2
earnings reports it may become more clear where to take profits.


July 18, 2005


An edition of the free newsletter has just been
sent. If you have not received an email about this then, add your email address
to the free newsletter list on the home page of this site.


July 17, 2005


Performance is updated and continues to be
very strong.


July 14, 2005


Alimentation Couche-Tard is updated and downgraded to Speculative (lower)
Buy at $20.25. I had only added this company in March when the shares were at
$17.40. I now realize that I was mis-led in March regarding how many shares
there were. The company did a share split in March and did indicate this clearly
in its Q3 report, but they reported earnings and shares on a pre-split basis
(and I assumed that they were post-split). I had actually noted my surprise at
the low P/E in March but I noted that YAHOO was also showing a low P/E although
a bit higher than I had, I suspect they suffered from the same problem I did in
not interpreting the number of shares properly. The bottom line is that this is
not the bargain stock I thought it was. But is is still a very good growth
story. It’s just a lot more speculative than I thought because it is pricing in
fairly robust growth. I may reduce or sell my position and take my profit  since
although it will likely do well if the growth continues, it is just not the
bargain I thought it was when I bought.


While I took a hit today on Wendy’s the overall market aside from energy was
very positive. Continued strong consumer spending in the U.S. combined with a
low inflation report would seem to bode well for the markets.


I have been rather surprised at the strength in the $Canadian dollar, it
seems it is focusing on probable Canadian interest rate hikes this Fall but I
would have thought it now has more chance to fall than rise in the next few
months. But I am not brave enough to place a bet either way.


July 12, 2005


I note cryptologic down sharply the last few days. When I look at my report I
had certainly called it speculative and not that compelling. At this point I am
not interested in adding to my position and will re-evaluate after the next
earnings release. Wendy’s is gyrating… market trying to figure out if the
company will agree to spin off Tim Hortons. Indications are it will not so stock
could easily fall. Also the strong Canadian dollar is hurting our U.S.
investments. As noted before I like it long term and am reluctant to sell out to
avoid a possible short term loss, given the long term is positive.


For a speculative pick I think Western Financial Group is a good pick even
though it is off its lows. If this company does half what it hopes to in the
next five years it will probably still be a pretty good investment. Given
volatility perhaps averaging in is best.



Alberta today announced some changes that could open up health care to more
for-profit opportunities. The howls of protests of “two-tired health care are
predictable. I can see why those who live pay-check to pay-check (with no
savings) would object to any loss of so called free healthcare (meaning someone
else pays). But I can’t understand why almost all Canadians seem to protest
letting the market have a place in health care. People who support free trade
and free enterprise and self reliance suddenly turn into committed socialists
when it comes to health care. I advocate keeping the public system. But i sure
protest a law that says it is illegal to sell insurance for access to speedier
health care and basically illegal to set up private hospitals etc.  Strangely we
have no qualms about letting the for-profit system take care of such
“non-necessities?” as food, clothing and shelter.


On a related note a huge swath of subdivisions near me full of $200,000 plus
homes is left begging to get an elementary school. And very well-paid Fort
MacMurray workers are begging for an improved highway. When these same people
want a car, a house, food etc. they don’t beg, they go buy it! If we introduced
toll roads and appropriate gas taxes used for roads, the improved highway would
soon appear. I’m not sure the answer on the school, but maybe if people (who
could afford it) were paying a realistic portion of school costs and if schools
operated on some kind of profit incentive, the school would come too. I simply
observe (and it is, I think, absolutely indisputable) that the for-profit system
is what has brought us the wonderful abundance and comfort we live in today and
for-profit probably has a place in setting up competitors to the public health
care and schools and highways.


When I was a kid I happily relied on my Mom dole out food and all things in a
fair manner among the six kids. Then I grew up – and became able to earn my own
living and decide myself what I can have, and I don’t need some government nanny
to decide if I need a certain heath care item or not. And I would rather pay for
roads in a higher gas tax than have the government nanny decide what is needed
with no user-pay signal…


Hope no one finds my views offensive, and hope if nothing else it gets you
thinking… I’ll be watching for opportunities to invest in for-profit


July 9, 2005


Communications is updated and rated Speculative Buy at $24.70. There are
definitely some things I don’t like here such as huge past losses and mistakes
on acquisitions. And there are some accounting complexities. When I read my own
comments under “management quality” it seems like I should avoid this stock. But
then again there are some real positives. Earnings are ramping up very sharply
(albeit from an unacceptably low level). Free cash flow is more than double net
income indicating net income may be very significantly understated.  The
situation reminds me a lot of
TELUS which a few
years back was reporting quite low net income but high free cash flow and in the
case of TELUS, net income began to quickly catch up and its share price rose
rapidly. (Both companies are in the business of attracting customers to
subscription services – high customer acquisition costs can depress reported net
income but eventually the cash from subscriptions does come in). Finally, there
is a very significant amount of insider buying at Shaw. The company is also
buying back its own shares. Overall, I think this will be a good investment.
With a recent pull-back in the price, I think the timing for buying is good now.
The stock fell moderately on Friday after the release of Q3 earnings after the
market close on Thursday.


July 8, 2005


Another good week in the markets…


Regarding property insurance stocks I not that
ING Canada
reports it will take a hit of $40 to $50 million pre-tax for the recent floods
and hail in Alberta. Although this does not include other Western provinces, I
continue to think that this is not a major big deal to these insurance
companies. Profits will take a hit in Q2 but I still expect 2005 to be another
record profit year particularly for automobile insurance.


Further to my comment on ACE Aviation, (Air Canada) and Aeroplan Income Fund
under June 6 below…


ACE Aviation will likely report a large net income for Q2. ACE Aviation sold
$270 million worth of Aeroplan. The value of those units on ACE’s books was
negative so this will result in a one-time “dilution gain”. ACE may also report
a positive net income before this gain but I am much less sure of that.
Certainly ACE should have a net profit in Q3… Still I will not invest in ACE
given its history (bankruptcy!).


ACE typically focuses on operating earnings before taxes and interest. It
will be interesting to see if they now trumpet the expected one-time net profit
figure in Q2, rather than continuing to focus on operating earnings.


July 7, 2005


It is certainly encouraging to see how the market shrugged off today’s
terrorist attacks.


Wendy’s reported declining same store sales for the Wendy’s – down about 4.3%
but (as usual) strong gains for Tim Hortons. (up 5.6% Canada and up 9.1% at the
(few) U.S. locations). Still the stock rose today. I note (from the comments I
saw) that the U.S. analysts just don’t seem to get it that Tim’s is half the
profit and therefore on profit a weighted basis same store sales were up. The
stock price is higher than it would be in the absence of speculation that
investors may force Wendy’s to spin off Tim Hortons. Therefore there is some
short term risk here. But long term I really like the idea of owning a piece of
Tim Hortons and I feel confident that this will be a good long term investment.


I have updated the report for
Boston Pizza
Royalties Income Fund which I continue to rate a (lower ) Buy at now $16.19.
It’s too bad that the Fund does not own the franchising company but instead just
owns a 4% royalty stream on the non-alcohol sales of the restaurants. I
basically luke-warm on it but I do like the restaurants and it is relatively
easy to understand so it might be “fun” to own just so that you can eat at your
own restaurant… (Maybe not that logical a reason to invest but then again
Warren Buffett drinks lots of Coke and he bought its shares…)


July 5, 2005


By today’s actions, the market seems to be shrugging off both higher interest
rates (short term U.S. rates) and higher oil prices. Therefore I feel
comfortable staying the course and hoping for more gains as the Q2 earnings
reports come in. A nice bump of $1.00 to day in Northbridge…..


July 1, 2005


The free newsletter
was sent out yesterday. If you did not receive it then enter your email on the
list for the free newsletter using the signup box on the home page of this site.
The automated system will indicate if your email is already on the free
newsletter list.


Summer is here, is it time to drink beer and buy a beer stock?


Breweries is updated. I now rate it a Buy at $12.25. I has last called it a
Weak Buy on Dec 17 at $14.15 and I indicated early winter was probably not the
best time to buy it. Now the price is down somewhat and we are into peak season
for beer sales. I would feel pretty confident buying Sleeman at under $12.75.
(Although there is the risk of lower profits due to competition). There is also
the chance for a quick gain if they decide to go the Income Trust route
(although they don’t appear to be planning that)..


I note the U.S. market was up today so hopefully the fact that the “Fed” did
not signal an end to interest rate hikes is not going to impact the market


June 29, 2005


I have added a new article that looks at the P/E ratios and dividend yields
of all the
TSX sector indexes. Some interesting results.


June 27, 2005


The market is now awaiting Alan Greenspan’s next move and comments on
interest rates. Hopefully he will either not raise the short-term interest rate
or he will raise it but will signal this is the last increase for the
foreseeable future.  The ten year Bond yield in Canada has fallen again, now to
3.73%. Certainly that would seem to suggest no fear of inflation and yet
Greenspan seems to still fear inflation.


It seems that the oil price is now worrying the market. Hopefully the Q2
earnings reports will allay that fear. However the market will focus on what the
high oil price will do to profits in the future. Certainly in the 70’s high oil
prices really tanked corporate profits. But the economy today is far different
and les dependent on energy. So far the higher energy prices have not seemed to
change consumer behavior but eventually it could…


I would not expect a high oil prices to have much impact on the stocks that I
have rated as Strong Buy.


In other developments I suppose the mad cow scare could harm Wendy’s,
although so far there was not much impact. If it did take a big hit, I would
take the opportunity to add to my position.


June 25, 2005


figures are updated. It turns out this was another positive week for the stock
picks, although my own portfolio declined marginally.


Cognos is
updated and upgraded to Buy at $43.50. I have always considered this to be a
great company but most of the time it has been quite expensive. I believe a
recent pull-back should represent a good opportunity to Buy. Profits do tend to
flatten out when the economy turns down and that may be a risk in the months
ahead, but overall I think the price has come down to a reasonably attractive



June 23, 2005


This is shaping up as a negative week for my stock picks. However, I believe
this is the first negative week in about 10 weeks, which was a pretty good run.
I don’t  see any reason to think that the general markets are going to turn
down. They could of course, but I am hopeful that Q2 earnings will soon give the
general market another lift.


June 22, 2005


Wendy’s was downgraded by a credit rating agency today after close of
markets. This could cause it to fall tomorrow. This stock has been bid up in
anticipation that it might sell off the Tim Hortons division. Absent that
speculation it would fall. It’s actual earnings have not been great. But I
expect things to improve. I like it long term but I am prepared for the reality
that it could easily fall back…


I updated two important articles that look at the overall valuation of the
U.S. stock market. While the stock market has risen the past few years, earnings
and dividends have risen even faster and the P/E on the overall market is lower
than it has been in some years. The average market P/E is not at bargain levels
but it also certainly is well down from any kind of bubble level. Click to see
these articles.


I had earlier mentioned my disappointment with the disclosure by Manulife
Financial, which made me a bit nervous. After doing some investigating including
speaking to a Standards and Poors analyst I learned that they have no concerns.
I continue to think of Manulife as a black box with earnings that I don’t
understand (partly due to limited disclosure of actuarial estimates) . However,
I have no reason to suspect that their earnings are not being conservatively
calculated. I will hold onto my investment.


June 21, 2005


I don’t think the flooding in Alberta will be much of a big deal to my
insurance stocks. Certainly Kingsway should not be affected. Northridge might
have some small impact and ING Canada might be impacted.


The ironic thing is most of the damage will not be covered by insurance (as
an investor, ya gotta love this business!). There will be some claims and I
heard of figure of $60 million for the industry and that could easily rise to
$100. But I don’t think that is a lot for the industry to deal with…


June 20, 2005


In my last update of
Thomson, I
indicated that the earnings are probably understated due to the amortization
expense. I believe that much of the amount that is being amortized is similar to
goodwill which is not amortized. If I add back 50% of amortization the the
earnings would increase by about 18% and Thomson could definitely be considered
a Buy. It also offers diversification into an area that is rather unique in the
Canadian market. I am considering adding to my position in this stock.


Today was another strong day for many of my picks including most notably
Kingsway Financial. The outlook appears to be good for most stocks although
transportation companies and others that use a lot of oil and gas might suffer
due to the high energy prices.



June 17, 2005


It is pretty much accepted theory that all investors should hold a mixture of
stocks, bonds and cash. Several years ago I set out to examine the actual
historical data
of holding various percentages of stocks, bonds and cash
over 10, 15, 20 and 30 year periods. For long-term investors the actual data did
not seem to support the theory. In fact, the actual data gave me a great deal of
comfort that my own 100% stocks strategy was not at all unreasonable (That is
given my particular circumstances of being a long-term investor who also has
secure employment and a good pension and benefits plan). I have now updated the
two important articles that examined the historical data. The results continued
to favor a 100% allocation to stocks but only for a long-term investor who is
also tolerant to annual volatility (including losses).


Asset Class
Performance 1925 to 2004


Are Stocks
Really Riskier than Bonds?



June 15, 2005


Another good day in the markets as Northbridge and Sino-Forest had strong
gains. I had a bid in to buy a bit more Western Financial Group at $2.25. Today
it dropped and my order was filled and then the stock jumped to 2.50 before
finishing at $2.28. Looking at the chart on YAHOO this is probably just normal
volatility but does illustrate that it can pay to be patient in bidding


I am working now on an update to some very informative asset allocation
articles and graphs. This will be posted in the next day or so.


June 14, 2005


I bought some ING Canada. I could now definitely be considered over-exposed
to the property insurance sector and therefore may take some profits on
Northbridge and Kingsway. But I’m not in a big hurry to do so.


I hopeful that stocks will continue to rise based on higher earnings and
lower interest rates. I have never in my life seen a better environment for
business in Canada. The great majority of businesses seem to be doing well,
especially consumer oriented businesses. Perhaps this will soon come to an end
but so far there are few signs of any slowdown.


June 11, 2005


ING Canada is
added as a new company above as a (higher) Strong Buy at $34.15


I did not add this company in earlier, despite the fact that I bought it at
the IPO in December as indicated under November 2 below. I already had coverage
of four property and casualty insurance companies (Northbridge, Kingsway, E-L
Financial and Fairfax). However the reason I began looking at property insurance
companies in the first place was in an attempt to cash in on the extremely high
automobile insurance rates. ING Canada is the best company for that purpose. ING
revenues are about 56% from automobile insurance, Northbridge is 38% auto (much
of that commercial). Kingsway derives most of its revenues from the U.S. and its
auto business is concentrated in high risk drivers. Fairfax also derives most
revenues from the U.S. E-L financial operates only in Canada however, I have
other concerns about its lack of trading liquidity and lack of disclosure.


Therefore, to take advantage of current huge profits on auto insurance, I
believe ING Canada is the best bet. Also it seems a well managed company with a
great long term future even when auto profits return to normal levels.


While I still definitely like Northbridge and Kingsway, I will be moving to
increase my exposure to ING Canada and this may necessitate selling some of my
Northbridge and or Kingsway.


I am not much interested in Fairfax Financial and have removed it from the
list above. I may also remove E-L Financial.


June 10, 2005


What a week!
Performance is updated.


June 8, 2005


Western Financial Group was up again the past two days. I think it is still
good value at today’s high of $2.55. However, it could certainly fall back and
so, given I already own it, I would prefer to wait for a possible pull-back
before adding to my position.


I note that this company was featured Saturday on “Money Talks” a very
popular radio investment show. I also note that the buying this week was in
relatively small orders (indicating small retail investors) and the volume was
up. Therefore, this recent price jump may not be all that sustainable. I would
prefer to see a price spike caused by an earnings report rather than simply by
an analyst recommendation. My strategy will be to hold unless the stock price
goes over about $3.00 (at which time I would possibly reduce my position) or if
the price falls back under $2.25 and certainly $2.10, I will add to my position.


With strong gains in the past number of weeks and seemingly accelerating
gains this week (so far) I am feeling good about the potential for continued
gains in the short term (but of course there are never any guarantees).


June 6, 2005


Western Financial Group rose 5.6% today. While it will likely be volatile I
believe it has much more room to rise.


Archipelago which I mentioned under April 21 and April 25 and indicated I was
buying but was unable to analyze due to its particular situation, was up 8.5%
today and is up about 37% since I first mentioned it. This was definitely a
speculative pick. It probably still has a lot of potential upside.


Comment on Air Canada (ACE Aviation) and Aeroplan Income Fund


I have been quite negative on ACE Aviation / Air Canada to date. With the
demise of JetsGo things have improved.


Prior to the JetsGo failure, it was clear to me that Air Canada was pricing
flights below its cost. However as soon as JetGo went, Air Canada (in a rare
sane move) increased its prices. I recently had to pay $1200 to go from Edmonton
to Moncton return. That was on short notice but a few months ago would have been
half that. Also the Air Canada plans are very full with recent 80% load factors.


It’s almost enough to make me think that Air Canada will start to make money.
But then again given the same loser management I am not interested to invest in
ACE Aviation.


I did more recently warm up to the idea of Aeroplan Income Trust. I long
questioned it because I knew that the money it should have to cover all the
flights it owes to point holders would not be there. But then again is has an
excellent business model going and is now generating significant cash. So
despite having a negative book value, the Aeroplan business may be very good. In
fact I really like the business model as it sells points for cash and then
inherits an obligation to buy seats on planes, but many of those points will not
be cashed in for years, if ever. It is a “virtual” business and I like that.


I finally saw the AeroPlan financials today they were posted May 20 to


I have not gone through the prospectus. I understand they are raising $250
million and it may be hard to get any. Not having looked at the numbers I would
be going on faith in the investment bankers and it is speculative, but I would
be willing to risk a moderate investment in AeroPlan. But I understand it will
be difficult to get (oversubscribed). Call your broker ASAP if you want to try
to get any. Again though it is speculative. I did look at the financials in the
prospectus and it shows a large negative book value but shows profits in each of
the past three years. I was unable to get a sense of the projected price
earnings ratio etc. I do understand that the units are being priced at a lowish
yield of 6.5% to 7.5%. That would indicate that the business is expected to be
perceived as low risk.  I don’t think it is known yet, how many units will be
issued therefore, it is probably not possible to calculate any P/E ratio etc
yet. Unfortunately this thing probably has to be bought on faith or you have to
wait for the units to start trading. Again overall I don’t have enough info to
judge it but would be willing to risk a moderate investment given the business


On the other hand it might be best to wait and see how the units trade and to
wait for financials that present earnings per unit etc.


June 5, 2005


I have posted a short article that discusses the fact that

long-term interest rates are still declining precipitously and looking at
the implications of this.


Tire is updated and upgraded to Buy at $59.38. The company is not bargain
priced but it has really been doing well for several years and if recent trends
continue, it will be a good investment. I am tempted to buy shares but have not
yet decided if I will do so. This is a stock that would be hurt in any kind of
consumer recession, but so far I am not seeing any signs of recession.


June 3, 2005


Canadian Western Bank is updated and upgraded to (higher) Buy at $27.50. On
Thursday it released a good report for Q2, but the stock price then declined
moderately. This is a conservative stock which I think has a good risk / reward
outlook. I do not currently own it but will consider buying it.


June 1, 2005


caught my eye this morning when it was down to $44.55, it recovered to close at
$45.94, down $1.21. I would definitely consider averaging in a these prices.
However, with not too much cash on hand, I did not buy today.


Regarding Manulife, I have not sold my shares. I listened to the Question and
Answer portion of its recent conference call. I was struck by the fact that
management was a little rusty on many of the questions, which is indicative of
the size and complexity of the company. I found many of the questions to be
superficial and about sales and seemed to indicate that the analysts did not
have a deep grasp of the profit drivers. Management prepared a “source of
earnings” summary at year end that is helpful, but they essentially said they
were too busy to do this quarterly. So I did not get a very positive feel from
the call. On the other hand I note that TD Securities is quite bullish on the
company with a 12 month target of $66. I’ll probably hold for now… (or I may
sell half and hedge my bet that way)


May 31, 2005


This week is shaping up well so far… I continue to feel good about the
prospects for the higher rated sticks on this Site.


May 28, 2005


Financial is updated and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $57.45. I recently
spent about 5 hours looking closely at its 2004 annual report. While the
disclosure was voluminous, I was struck by how useless and non-user-friendly
much of the material was. We are treated to section after section that indicates
how revenue and earnings and various components thereof were way up. But these
had to go way up given the huge acquisition of the John Hancock company in April
2004. Most of these figures were not normalized to a per share basis and so the
actual trend of improvement was hard to see. Also it appears that the earnings
in 2004 and 2003 were boosted by (non-recurring) “experience gains”. But I saw
little discussion of this and no useful discussion of an adjusted earnings


I also noticed that the liability side benefited from an incredibly huge $12
billion benefit from the higher Canadian dollar. Presumably most of this was
offset by a similar loss on the asset side. But I did not see a discussion of
this.  This company earns the majority of its money outside of Canada and
despite any hedging I am surprised that the huge movement in the Canadian dollar
did not have a bigger net impact and did not seem to merit much discussion.


On the one hand I have considered Manulife, which is Canada’s most valuable
company to be perhaps our only truly World Class corporation. And it appears to
be doing very well and has rewarded shareholders greatly. Nevertheless this
annual report scares me. I realize in reading it that the company is hugely
complex and with what I consider to be poor disclosure I have very little
understanding of the company.


It seems to me that the earnings of this company would be very open to
inappropriate smoothing. And I observe how smooth the earnings growth is despite
the massive move in our dollar and the massive acquisition of last year, also a
massive downward movement in interest rates. This smoothness, in the face of
such change, makes me worry.


Overall this may be a great company with a continued great future but I find
myself feeling nervous about it. I have made a good profit in it and will
consider at least reducing my position if not selling it all to sit in cash or
move to simpler companies.


I have no yet decided if I should sell it (notionally) from the model
portfolio, but if I sell my own shares then I think I will sell it from the
model as well. I am not advocating panic here as I still rate it a Speculative
(lower) Buy, but I am just saying I ma not felling as comfortable holding it.


I may remove this company from my coverage list simply because of what I feel
is the complexity of its financials combined with less than user-friendly
reports from management.



May 27, 2005


A strong week – year to date returns for my own portfolio and the model
portfolio are over 10%. The Strong Buys (as selected at January 1) are lagging
at 5.1% but have started to come to life.
Performance figures
and the Model Portfolio are updated.


May 26, 2005


As of today, this week is shaping up quite good with gains in Northbridge,
Couche-Tard, Sico, Wendy’s and arcapelago (I don’t have a report on arcapelago
but if you do a “Control-F” you can see that I recently spoke highly of it and
bought some). Hopefully tomorrow will round out a good week in a positive
way…although apparently Friday’s of a holiday Weekend in the U.S. are usually
down days… I really should pay less attention to daily and weekly moves, since
I invest for the long term, but it’s human nature to focus on the short-term
results as well.



May 24, 2005


Sino Forest fell about 9% today, which illustrates the risk of this company.
Still, that certainly does not mean it will be a bad investment. This is the
nature of buying stocks that are less popular. Maybe it will go nowhere but down
for a while, but the numbers suggest to me that it will be a good investment.
Time will tell. It does illustrate too why a person does not want to get
over-exposed. Several years ago I had a fair amount of Sino-Forest and made good
money. But I took profits along the way since I did not want to end up with more
than 10% of my money invested in a Chinese Forest company (even if it  looks
good). I don’t know how long the current down-leg in its price will last but if
keeps on performing I don’t see why it would not get back to the $6 or $7 level.
Basically it will take some good earnings reports and some interest by mutual
funds. Right now it could be that some funds are sour on it and are dumping
shares. (Or maybe the market knows some bad thing… but I can only go by the
numbers which look good).


Meanwhile… on a more positive note a nice 2.5% increase in Northbridge
today, and 3% up on Couche-Tard. I continue to feel pretty good about the
market, though the thought of a summer slump is also on my mind. I would like to
accumulate cash but I tend to see too many stocks (good businesses at good
prices) I want…


May 23, 2005


Stantec is
updated and rated (lower) Buy at $30.00. This is a great company and has risen
exactly 500% since I first rated it as a Strong Buy at $5.00 on September 3,
1999. But now the stock is pretty much fully pricing in a substantial growth
rate. The large acquisition of the Keith company recently announced should be
accretive to earnings but there is a danger of one-time charges in Q4 when the
transaction closes. I would not want to bet against the winning track record of
this company but unfortunately, the current stock price does not seem like a
compelling bargain. I will not be a buyer at this time.


is updated and rated (highly) Speculative Strong Buy at $3.03. (This same rating
would apply until a price of at least $3.75). The value seems compelling with a
P/E of 5.6 and with strong growth and selling below book value. However, the
location in China and the complexities involved as well as the commodity nature
of the products make this higher risk. I would not want to get over-exposed to
it but it seems like it has a very reasonable chance of doubling in the next
year if past earnings trends continue. Therefore it may be reasonable as a
speculative pick.


I am going to add to my position in Sino-forest, also I will add to it in the
model portfolio.


May 21, 2005


figures are updated.



May 18, 2005


Capital is updated for another great quarter. But I continue to rate it a
Weak Sell/ Hold at $35.00 since it seems to be pricing in so much growth. It has
really done well in the market but I suspect by the end of 2005 its growth will
be slowing due to competition. And when an eventual down cycle comes in housing
prices it will surely see higher bad debt. I certainly would not short the
stock, but I just think it seems a bit too rich to buy. If I held it I might
hold or might sell.


Well most stocks other than energy are certainly up this week.


I am feeling reasonably confident that the market will continue to do well.
The reason is that earnings are strong and long-term interest rates far from
rising (as was expected) are actually at record lows. With the ten-year Canada
bond yield at just over 4%, that makes the stock market look great by
comparison. Even at a P/E of 20 in stocks, the stock market earnings yield is 5%
and then there is usually growth. Historically the market does poorly in the
Summer but right now with inflation under control and long-term interest rates
very low, I don’t see much reason for stocks to fall.


May 15, 2005


Sico Inc. is
updated for Q1 earnings and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $30.55. This is one of
Canada’s largest paint manufactures. The company has a good history of
profitability and growth and is available at a reasonable price.



May 13, 2005


Western Financial Group is updated and rated Speculative Strong Buy at $2.10
(I would rate it the same at prices up to at least $2.30). Note also the
comments under May 8. The Q1 report came out and was excellent. Profits are
strong and should continue to grow rapidly as the company achieves more
economies of scale. The stock price did not react to the strong earnings. This
may be partly due to the fact that this company is too small to be of interest
to most large stock brokerages. While the stock is, I believe,  liquid enough
for me to rate it in this newsletter, it is not liquid enough to be mentioned
by, for example, a big bank brokerage. While there are always risks, I see a lot
of upside here and I am glad to be able to buy in at around book value. I will
likely add to my position.



May 12, 2005


is updated and remains rated (highly) Speculative Buy at U.S. $32.76 (also
trades on TSX where it closed today at $41.10). This stock offers exposure to a
very fast growing and profitable industry. However, the stock price reflects a
high growth expectation and therefore is somewhat expensive. I like it a s a
speculative pick but would not want to get overly exposed to it.


I sold my shares of
E-L Financial
today at $397.25, mostly to raise cash. I will also consider these to be
sold in the model portfolio at the same price. This company is very thinly
traded and I was planning to remove from my coverage on this Site for that
reason. Also while I respect the owners they don’t seem to respect retail
shareholders very much. They released a very brief earnings report on April 28
with no balance sheet and not much detail. Their earnings report with balance
sheet still has not been posted to SEDAR. They don’t appear to be as profitable
as the other property and casualty insurance companies  I cover but it’s hard to
tell given their lack of disclosure. On a positive note it trades at close to
book value.


On a related note ING Canada which I own but don’t cover (but did indicate I
was buying at the IPO) just posted absolutely stellar results. However the stock
declined a bit on the news. They refer to lower prices, but lower claims and
much higher profits which is exactly the pattern that I have been predicting for
the industry in 2005. They appear to be down playing the results and mentioning
that growth will be slow in the next two years, prices will drop etc. But they
don’t mention profit, which I think will continue to be strong. I have to wonder
if they are down-playing the results to try to avoid criticism by the public
over such high profits.


I note some weakness in the markets the last few days and this seems to be in
spite of good earnings reports. While I am not one to attempt to time the
markets I am fearful of at least a moderate decline over the summer. I would not
mind being in cash to the extent of about 15 to 20%. On the other hand since I
will be largely in the market rather than cash I feel comforted that I hold
mostly stocks, with strong earnings and strong balance sheets and relatively
moderate price to earnings ratios, that will tend to hold up reasonably well
even if the general markets decline.


Financial is updated for Q1 and downgraded slighted to (higher) Strong Buy
at $36.90. This Canada’s largest mutual fund manager. The company has a suberb
history of steady earnings increases and even grew quite well through the whole
market down-turn. If you believe in betting on winners this hast certainly been
one. I lowered it from Strong Buy on a concern that future growth will slow and
that the general market may decline over the Summer. But for the long term this
certainly looks like a good bet.


May 8, 2005


Note I will notionally add to the Western Financial Group position in the
model portfolio at tomorrow’s opening price. In reality for my own account I
would not likely use a market order on this stock but rather a limit price
order, but for the purposes of the Model I will use the opening price.


Note that I sent out an issue of the free newsletter late on Saturday. If you
did not get that, you can add your email to the list by going to the home page
of this Site.


Financial Group is updated and rated Speculative Strong Buy at $1.96 (I
would probably give it the same rating at anything under $2.20). This is a small
financial company with big ambitions. Since about 1996 it has gown by acquiring
insurance brokers in small western towns and now has 54 such agency offices.
Somewhat amazingly it also formed its own Bank. It also has an investment in a
stock brokerage (Jennings Capital) More recently it acquired a life insurance
company. Recently the stock has declined about 20% on heavier than normal
volume. Maybe the market knows something is up. But maybe it just means some
investors wanted to sell. The financial numbers appear good to me. While the
stock price has been volatile over the years, sales and earnings and earnings
per share have increased quite steadily. I really like the idea that the former
Treasurer of Alberta, Jim Dinning is the chairman. If this company can continue
to execute on its growth plan then this will probably turn out to be an
excellent investor. I own some shares purchased at about $2.70. I plan to take
the opportunity to double my position at this lower price. Clearly a small
financial company like this has to be considered risky, but overall they really
appear to know what they are doing and I am going to tag along and see what
happens. UPDATE: I may not double
my position since I realized that would probably over-expose me to this. I will
add 40% to my position and then wait for the Q1 report. Also due to the
commission structure on $2.00 shares there is not that much point to buying a
lot of shares at once since the commission at the banks is $29 per 1000 shares,
there is no commission saving by going to more shares. It’s ridiculous the same
commissions is charged on 1000 shares at $2.00 as would be on 1000 shares at


The Q1 report should be released soon and one strategy would certainly be to
wait for that report. This will be the first report since they acquired the life
insurance company and so might be quite illuminative of the new balance sheet


May 7, 2005


Telus is
updated and remains rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $40.90. The interesting
thing about Telus, from my perspective is that the story is playing out much as
I indicated I though it would in a post on October 6, 2004 and thereafter (do
control-F and search below for Telus to see these older comments). In fact I had
suspected for several years that the earnings were understated and that the
cashflows from all those cellphones would soon turn into better reported
earnings. In fairness I guess management was more or less saying that as well
although they did it by talking about EBITDA. This story of growing cashflow can
probably continue to bring the share price up for at least the next 2 reporting
periods (6 months). One risk is a temporary pull-back if a strike or lock-out
emerges as the union recently predicted.



May 5, 2005


And it seems that some things are not so predictable…


Kingsway opened up 70 cents higher but managed to close 35 cents lower. This
is surprising given their strong earnings release. While there are always risks,
I am beginning to think of this as a no-brainer investment. But it seems like it
will take time before the apparent value is reflected in the share price.


May 4, 2005


It seems that some things at least are predictable…


Kingsway Financial reported a record quarter. Also there was no retroactive
charge to increase reserves for claims pay-outs of prior years. In fact there
was a small release of such claims from prior years. Things appear to be
unfolding as per my comment on the Insurance industry outlook under April 30
below. While there are no guarantees I strongly expect a record year for
Kingsway in 2005. I would also expect its debt rating to be upgraded due to
better cash flows and profits.


Kingsway is
updated and continues to be rated a Strong Buy at $20.20. If there is any sanity
I expect the stock to rise tomorrow. However, I have learned that the market
really does not like the unpredictable earnings of insurance companies and
therefore the reaction may be subdued. Analysts will no doubt focus on the fact
that part of the earnings came from realized gains on the stock portfolio. But
that was not a very huge part of the earnings… I just can’t see too many other
investments available at not much over book value and earning high ROEs. (albeit
a volatile ROE).


Also, predictably,
TELUS had a great quarter. I have not read their earnings report yet and
will update my report in a day or so. As disclosed earlier,  I did recently sell
my TELUS shares (at a decent profit) but that was because the talk of a strike
spooked me (although the TELUS offer to the union seems generous to me so
hopefully no strike). I also sold simple to raise cash for other picks.


May 3, 2005


Finally some better action on the insurance stocks today. Wendy’s doing well
but I expect volatility in both directions in the short term. It’s a good long
term investment and so I feel very comfortable holding it and would buy more if
it dipped. I note
Cogos is down about $5.00 since my report on it. I think this would be a
good entry point to start averaging in but keep in mind it has been falling.


May 2, 2005


Well… Northbridge did not rise today, but instead fell slightly. I think
the bottom line here, is that the value is unlikely to jump soon, instead the
value will be realized over a period of time if, as I expect, the next few
quarters continue to show strong earnings. It appears that analysts are being
cautious with Northbridge. They tend to ignore realized capital gains
altogether, even though it is logical to expect some level of capital gains on
an equity portfolio over a period of time. My analysis indicates that it will
very likely be a good investment in the long term. However, the market is
telling me to expect volatility in the short term.


For those interested I have updated the composition of my own
portfolio.  I have
been wanting to move into a higher cash position. Therefore I reduced my
position in IGM and Telus. In the case of Telus, the talk of a strike/ lockout
scares me. I recall when Air Canada was completely decimated by a pilots strike
a few years ago. However, in the case of Telus I understand that service will
continue to be provided and therefore, maybe it will not hurt them. The Union is
talking about a 6 to 9 month strike which strikes me as insane on their part…
hopefully just a threat… I still have exposure to Telus through a convertible
debenture. Telus will release earnings this week and I will update my report
soon after that.


April 30, 2005


International (or should I call it Wendy’s / Tim Hortons?) is updated and
rated speculative Buy at $42.93. The stock has risen a lot and based solely on
the numbers I might be tempted to take some profit. But the reason it rose is
that two very large investors have acquired about 17% of the company and will
apparently push for Tim Hortons to be spun off as an Income Trust. I would love
that as I would get units in Tim Hortons and I’m sure the share price here would
run up past $50 (hopefully well past) if this plan were implemented. But the
stock is now speculative in the short term since this plan would take a long
time and since management may resist it vigorously. They are aware that Tim
Hortons is their growth future and they would no doubt rather keep it. Canadians
have had an advantage here because we are familiar with Tim Hortons and
Americans are not, but apparently some of them are catching on.


Performance is
updated and is quite good, compared to the market overall.


There were two stories in the Financial Post today speculating that Wendy’s
would be pressured to spin off Tim Horton’s as an Income Trust. This talk could
easily drive Wendy’s stock higher. It is one of my larger holdings but I may
consider buying more.


is updated and rated Strong Buy at $28.75


Northbridge came out with very strong earnings after the market closed on
Thursday. I was disappointed that the market did not react on Friday, in fact it
went up about 50 cents and then closed flat. It boggles the mind to think that
there was not enough new information in that earnings release to move the stock
even 10 cents! It may move a bit Monday after analysts get a better chance to
digest the numbers.


Here are some quick facts.


last 12 month earnings = $3.67


However, it is very difficult to figure out the sustainable going forward


Current earnings were boosted by strong realized gains on investment, about
51 cents per share


Current profit on insurance is very high but competition has heated up and
rates are declining. It’s extremely difficult to say how many cents the
unusually high rates added to the earnings.


Current earnings were lowered by about 19 cents per share for costs related
to prior years.


Based on the Northbridge numbers and the comment below, I am very confident
holding and buying Northbridge at this price. There are never any guarantees but
it looks like a good bet that this stock should move up materially by the end of
2005 and I see little probability of a material decline. For long-term investors
I think this should work out well.


Insurance Industry Outlook – This is very hard to predict but here is
my take. Property and liability insurance rates turned out to be too low for
much of the last decade as payouts and claims were much higher than forecast.
Insurers put through very sharp increases since 2001. By 2003 the rates may have
been higher than needed but this was masked because the companies had to book
expenses related to prior years due to past rates being too low. By 2004
customers were becoming afraid to make a claim having heard horror stories about
exorbitant insurance rate increases following any claim. By 2004 the rates were
probably significantly higher than necessary. Industry profits hit a record and
that was despite still having expenses related to prior years. So… by 2005 the
need to book expenses related to prior years is hopefully behind us. In fact in
2004 both Northbridge and Kingsway lowered their estimates of claims for 2003,
but this was obscured by the fact they had even bigger increases in claims for
years prior to 2003. But the reduction for 2003 indicates those 2003 rates were
higher than needed. The same should apply to 2004, they should be booking
reductions to claims estimates for 2004 which will boost 2005 earnings.
Offsetting this will be the reduction in rates that is happening in 2005.
Despite the rate decreases, I would think that 2005 will prove to be a record
year for profits on the insurance. Profits on investments are less predictable
and could be good or could be negative. On the balance of probabilities I
predict a record profit year in 2005 for the industry.


The market is reluctant to pay a high earnings multiple for insurance stocks,
but as they book earnings the book values rise and this tends to eventually
drive the stock price up.


The property and liability insurance industry in Canada has not been well
known to investors. There are very few publicly traded companies and they get
little attention. ING Canada was created as a new publicly traded insurance
company in 2004. My hope is that this new player will focus more attention on
the industry and more investors will become interested.


April 29, 2005


TSX Group is
updated and upgraded to Buy at $62.00. This stock has more than doubled since I
first called it a Buy at $34.00 ($29.00 adjusting for a $5.00 special dividend)
in October 2003. Subsequently at higher prices I have tended to be a bit too
cautious. This company is effectively an unregulated monopoly  and is extremely
profitable. By all accounts it is also very well managed. It can be considered a
Buy if it will achieve managements projected groth of 10 to 12% and if the P/E
ratio stays around 20. Normally I would project the P/E to regress back to about
15 over a 5 year holding period. But the near-monoploy characteristics of this
stock should keep the P/E reasonably high. It should be noted though that
earnings and the stock price would likely fall if we enter a bear market for
stocks in general. This stock can be volatile and so it might be wise to take an
initial position and with a view to add to the position if it should dip down
several dollars or more.



April 28, 2005


As I had expected,
has reported a great quarter. Total earnings were exceptional. However, a good
portion of the earnings came from realized gains on investments. The market will
tend to discount that as non-recurring. But even so the underwriting profit on
the insurance itself was exceptional at 8.6% of net insurance premiums.
Historically, insurance companies have been quite happy to merely break even on
the insurance since they can make adequate profits by simply investing the
insurance premiums that they hold. The company noted that competition is more
intense than it was in 2004 but indicated that prices were still adequate and
the competition was rational.


The bottom line is that I expect Northbridge should rise in price several
dollars tomorrow. However, it has also been my experience that “the market”
tends to be cautious about insurance company stocks and so the market may not be
as strong as I would hope. I’ll update my report by Sunday based on the new
price that results from this earnings release.



April 26, 2005


Wendy’s fell 3.8% today after first being up to a new high, earlier in the
day. It has been announced that a large investment group has acquired 10% of
Wendy’s with the intention of pressuring Wendy’s to do something that would
release share value, such as possibly spinning off Tim Hortons into an Income
Trust. That was music to my ears. I suspect that would easily add a big boost to
the Wendy’s price if it were announced. (Of course if they spun off Tim Horton’s
to us shareholders I would keep the Tim Hortons and at that point would sell the
Wendy’s to buy more Tim Hortons). However management indicates no plans to do
that. So the bad news is that the reason Wendy’s has done so well lately was
probably due to this big investor buying all those shares. So… we could easily
see the share price slide back. But given that I think the long term for Wendy’s
is very positive, I am not going to sell any. Instead I hope to buy more if it
falls. And it may not fall. The market certainly has been looking much stronger
this week…


I find myself almost 100% invested at the moment and I would like to be more
like 10% in cash so that I have funds to buy opportunities that I see. Therefore
I may trim some positions even though I still rate them a Buy. I would do this
is spite of still liking those stocks. What I may do is wait until more of the
Q3 earnings come in and then look for something to sell.


Thompson and the TSX Group both had good earnings reports before the market
closed today but the stocks did not do much. I hope to update both of those
companies in next 5 days.


April 25, 2005


As an update to the New York Stock Exchange reverse takeover of archipelago
story, I did buy a small amount of Archipelago. I’m not in a position to
analyse it since I don’t know what the numbers will look like after the NYSE
exchange is combined in with Archipelago. But I have been following the
story of the seats on NYSE trading at recently under $2 million, compared to
some $20 million on the TSX. There are 1366 NYSE seats and so that is valuing
the NYSE at under $3 billion. That sounds low for the premier stock exchange in
the world (by brand name). Buying Archipelago may be a way to get a piece
of the NYSE, if the deal goes through. This is a very speculative thought since
I don’t have the numbers to analyze. But given the success of the TSX
privatization, I am willing to grab a piece of this.


A surprising 4.4% jump in Wendy’s shares today. I really like this company
long-term for solid gains over time but it does seem to show short term
volatility. I have about 7.5% of my portfolio in this stock. I’ll probably hold
what I have and look to add to my position if it should fall. Right now, I would
wait for the earnings release at noon on Thursday before buying since it could
fall if Q1 is not as good as expected. If I was more of a short term trader, I
might be tempted to take partial profits at this price and re-evaluate after the
earnings release.


FirstService Corporation is added as a new company above and rated Hold at
U.S. $19.12.


This is a Canadian Company but has most of its operations in the U.S. I
really like the company and the business model, but unfortunately it seems
expensive at this time. Hopefully, there will be a better buying opportunity
ahead. While the stock price has been quite volatile, the company itself has
grown steadily except that profits flat-lined for a period in 2002 and 2003
which sent the stock price diving.


April 22, 2005


Canadian National
Railway is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $72.55. This is one of a handful
of world class Canadian companies in that it is perhaps the best managed
railroad in the world. It has a very strong history of earnings growth mostly
through efficiency gains and through good acquisitions. My strategy would be to
average in taking a small position and buying more particularly if the price


April 21, 2005


As of today, it looks like the hoped for rally in the market based on Strong
Earnings may be on again…


CN reported very good earnings this week. With a P/E of about 16, CN is well
worth considering. The earnings are high quality in that it deferrs most of its
income tax and so free cash flow is larger than net income. It has been a
consistent winner and is very well managed. I have not quite completed my
analysis but my indications so far are that I would rate this Buy or (higher)
Buy (which means a Buy but leaning towards a strong Buy.)


In big news today, the New York Stock Exchange bought an electronic stock
exchange called archipelago. This was a reverse takeover, whereby archipelago
technically bought the NYSE but the members of the NYSE will end up owing most
of archipelago. The existing archipelago shares will be the trading shares but
will likely be re-named. This will likely be a very good investment to buy the
archipelago shares even though they rose 61% today. Even at the new price, Yahoo
is showing a P/E of 22 for archipelago, which does not seem unreasonable given
this development.


archipelago trades as AX on the Pacific Stock Exchange.  I don’t have hard
numbers here but I have a very strong feeling that this will be a winner. The
New York Stock Exchange “seats” have been way under-valued to what they should
be and this should release value. Definitely a speculative pick because the deal
could even fall apart.



April 19, 2005


Wow, a surprising 4.5% jump in
Wendy’s today. I was not expecting that given the recent “finger food”
incident. It now looks like that was a sick attempt to sue Wendy’s – the woman
may have brought a finger in with her and claimed she found it in her Chili.
Anyhow, that was affecting sales particularly in Los Angeles. So despite really
liking the company, I thought it might drop short term. I think it goes to show
with some of these strong companies that are available at a good price, it’s not
a bad thing to buy at a reasonable price rather than hoping for a real bargain.
Who knows maybe it will drop tomorrow but long term this is a definite keeper
for me.


I note some weakness lately in my favorite insurance stocks. I’m not aware of
any specific news that was causing that.


Alberta today announced mandatory 6% minimum cuts to the liability portion of
insurance. I am not aware of all details . I don’t think it’s such a big deal. I
think rates were coming down anyhow, as profits really were getting too high.
I’m still confident that these are good investments particularly for the long
term (of course I can’t guarantee that). I’m eager to see their earnings
releases around the end of this month.



April 18, 2005


The new password protected login page is now available. Click the subscriber
login  link at the top of this page for more details.


The Thomson
corporation is updated and upgraded to Speculative (lower) Buy $CAN 39.39 or
U.S. $31.61. This is one of Canada’s very few “world class” companies. I am
attracted by the fact that the while earnings and free cash flow are up sharply
in the past few years, the stock price is down. I also like the information
based business model. It is the type of business model where free cash flow can
be higher than earnings and where a higher earnings multiple might be justified.
However, despite a decline in the P/E ratio, the stock still seems expensive.
Still, this may be a good entry point to start accumulating a position. I would
definitely be interested if the price continues to fall. Earnings will be
announced on April 26.


April 16, 2005


figures have been updated. Despite the recent market declines, the 2005
performance is good and is ahead of the general market.


I had mentioned on March 9, 16 and 21 that I was adopting a defensive view of
the market. On April 7 I said I was hopeful for a rise from strong Q 1 earnings.
It certainly does not look like the Q1 earnings are going to be strong enough to
overcome the current negative sentiment and so I would wish to take some
opportunities to move some money to cash. I’m still hoping that the Canadian
earnings reports will be strong, particularly in the insurance sector.


Although I am thinking defensively, I am not in a rush to sell good stocks. I
am not a market timer and I realise that in holding stocks there will be times
when most stocks will decline with a broad market retreat. I have tended for the
most part to ride these things out… It’s always very difficult to predict
where the braod market is going and it can turn around quickly…


Update on two companies removed from coverage:


I recently removed from coverage Sportscene Restaurants and Melcor
Developments. (It became apparent that they are too thinly traded to be
included). For the benefit of those that hold them I will provide a few
thoughts. I hold them and have no intentions to sell. Sportscene just released
earnings that were just slightly better than last year. However, given the
hockey strike they expect the current quarter to come in below last year and the
fiscal year ending in August to be about flat with 2004.  That’s really not bad
given the strike and hockey seems likely to be back next year. The share price
increase in Melcor has been stronger than I would have expected. I had earlier
sold some to lock in profits but plan to now hold what I have.


Communications is updated and rated Speculative Buy at $24.30. At first
glance this stock looks very expensive. But the accounting earnings may be doing
a poor job of reflecting the “true” earnings. It should really be capable of
generating attractive free cash flows. Recently the earnings and free csh flow
have been increasing strongly. I take the strong insider buying to be a very
positive indicator. The company may be considering going private or doing
something that would increase the share price. It has to be considered
speculative due to the very high price / earnings ratio and due to the potential
for increased price competition in the industry. Overall, I am comfortable
holding a moderate amount.



April 14, 2005


Shaw Communications posted improved Q1 earnings today. Insiders have been
buying shares. The market may be a little disappointed that free cash flow is
not higher, but things have really improved in the last 18 months. The stock
does not appear to be that cheap but earnings are ramping up. I think they are
poised to cash in on all the past investments, but the danger is that
competition will heat up. Overall it is speculative but I think it is an
intelligent speculation. The dividend is still quite small but was just raised
40% today. I’ll update my report by Sunday based on the market reaction price to
the earnings release. I think it is a speculative Buy at this price.


April 13, 2005


With the market weakness, I think it is important to have a good portion of
my investments in solid companies that pay dividends, earn good profits and that
will not be overly impacted by any mild slow-down in the economy. For example,
Also Northbridge
and Kingsway
seem like good bets.


All stocks tend to be dragged down or due less well when the market is
falling, but when I look at the Strong Buys above and the Buys, I think most of
them would hold up well or do better than the market average, if the market
should fall. The weakness in the U.S. market could easily be short-lived as they
tend to focus on the “news-of-the-day”. Today’s news was weaker retail sales.
But we also have lower long-term interest rates this week and lower oil prices,
which helps most stocks.


Sino-Forest last rated Speculative Strong Buy at $3.50 has seen weakness and
traded down to $3.14 today. I note no insider selling or trading in 2005 (which
I am glad to see). They recently announced a transaction to invest in another
Chinese forestry company. See press release




This may have been viewed as overly complex. Also they recently changed
auditors also they indicate this was not about arguments over the accounting.
See pres release. Overall these factors
increase the risk, but certainly the value looks quite attractive.


I own a small amount and am tempted to add a bit more although I don’t want
to get over-exposed to a Chinese Forestry company.


April 12, 2005


Note that the new login Site is  (Update, April 13, this is on
hold, you can ignoire this new Site for until further notice).


Your user name is your email address.


Most of you have already received your username (your email) and Password in
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April 7, 2005


I note Sino-forest has changed auditors. The market reacted a bit negatively
but the company indicates there were no accounting arguments that led to the
change, they just wanted a different auditor with different international
experience. Just tonight Sino then released details of a new partnership. I’m
not really sure how the market will react. To me it looks positive. Generally, I
find it is not feasible to try to react to every press release. If its bad or
good the market usually moves too fast for retail investors to react anyhow.
Sino has a good record and trades at a low P/E. On average that type of
investment will work out well…


I’m feeling a bit more optimistic about the overall market after a few good
days. In general I think the market has held up very well in the face of higher
oil prices and some movement upwards in U.S. interest rates. Hopefully, the
earnings releases for Q1 will generally be positive and send the market higher
this month. Still, I would not mind being a bit higher in cash heading into
Summer and so I will look for opportunities to take some profits.



April 6, 2005


I am pasting in here, the comments that were posted to the new subscriber


site over the past two weeks.


April 3, 2005


I have bought a few shares of Mount Real (MRF Toronto). It has a very low P/E
around 4 but has been very low like that for years. In the past I thought it was
too good to be true. Recently it has moved up in price partly due to discussions
involving a shareholder proposal to convert partly into an Income Trust. It
trades around 60% of book value. I view it as somewhat risky but a reasonable
speculative pick. In the past I found the annual report rather cryptic on what
the company really does. This year the report seems better. I understand that
the company is largely involved in helping companies do telemarketing to get
magazine subscriptions and then the company buys the receivables. Possibly there
is a risk that bad debts will be higher than expected but I am trusting the
accounting here.


Regarding the Model Portfolio


I will notionally sell the E-L Financial at $390 and half the Melcor at
$64.50 (I will consider these sold if there is sufficient actual sales at these
prices, on these these thinly traded stocks). These are sold to take profits and
move toward higher rated stocks and into some cash.


I will also notionally sell the Ainsworth lumber at the opening market price
on Monday April 4.


With the proceeds I will Buy $5000 worth of
at Tuesday’s opening price and leave the remainder in cash for now.


March 31, 2005


Note: most of the research is still on the other site at


Cognos is
updated and rated (lower) Buy at $50.91. This stock never seems to look cheap
but the business is very strong. With the latest strong earnings combined with
the recent price pullback, this is probably a good entry point to Buy, although
again it is not a screaming buy. The accounting is conservative which is
probably creating hidden value.


is added as a new listing here rated at (lower) Strong Buy at $17.40. I intend
to Buy some. I was surprised to find that it seems to be a pretty good bargain,
given that it has been well-recomended by analysts over the past few years. But
the earnings have risen quite sharply so that it still looks very good despite a
strong rise in price over the past five years or more. This company fits in with
my idea to bet that winners (in terms of earnings growth as opposed to stock
price growth) will tend to keep on winning. Also this company fits in with the
Warren Buffett advice to buy simple low-tech cash generating companies.
Hopefully it is a case of a “bargain hiding in plain site”


March 30, 2005


Update –
Sino-Forest report is updated. (unfortunately certain characters in the
report are garbled, but it is still generally quite read-able). I understand
Jennings capital recently rated it a sell, so be aware that it isrisky. Based on
2004 earnings it certainly looks attractive. Still the future is uncertain and
management seems secretive. I am willing tospeculate on a small amount.


I added a small amount to my small
holdings based on recent positive news.



March 21, 2005


Note that there will likely be few updates to this page for the next two
weeks as I will be away from home base. I may use email to contact subscribers
for some updates. Also I am in the process of setting up a new Subscriber login
area with password protection. For the next two weeks you can access this on a
temporary basis at


enter username as “subscriber” and password as “subscriber” (please, do not
change this password)


Once logged in look for the line marked “March 21, 2005 CLICK HERE FOR
UPDATES” (date may change)


You will receive individuals usernames and passwords in the next few weeks.


State of the markets


Even though the markets have done well the past two years, stock markets do
not seem to be excessively valued. The P/E ratios seem reasonable given today’s
low interest rates. In the past five years stock markets have fallen but
meanwhile, earnings are up significantly and interest rates are down. Therefore
as stock market indexes start to approach the old highs of 2000, they do so with
much lower P/E ratios. That means that the market should be much safer than it
was in 2000 (but that does not mean markets can not fall, they would likely fall
if interest rates rise).


I have updated my article on the valuation of the
Dow Jones Industrial


As for Toronto, I note that the composite index P/E seems reasonable at 17.9


The Financial index P/E is attractive at 14.4


Other indexes can be viewed here:






Click each index and then see the P/E ratio to the lower right.


I note a number of stocks falling today, including Northbridge and Kingsway.
I am viewing the market defensively right now. However, I continue to believe
that Northbrige and Kingsway will report strong earnings this quarter and
throughout 2005 (although there are never any guarantees). Therefore I don’t
really see any reason for these insurance stocks to fall and I think they
represent good value.


I definitely continue to like Wendy’s. The Tim Hortons division continues to
do extremely well. Most Canadians would get a certain satisfaction out of owning
this stock because the evidence of how well they are doing is so plain to see.


A comment on Airlines


Air Canada sort of made a surprise profit in Q4, except not really. Air
Canada made $15 million net income in Q4, but $98 million was from a gain on the
Canadian dollar exchange rate. This is a totally unsustainable one-time item and
the net loss absent that gain was about an $83 million loss. This was what I
totally expected a loss. Meanwhile the press release from Air Canada focused on
a $3 million “operating loss”.  This is a confusing term, but means a loss
before interest payments are considered. This is typical of Air Canada to focus
on trying to make money before interest expenses rather than to focus on net
earnings, which is what shareholders need to care about.


Meanwhile Westjet was also losing money in Q4.


JetsGo went bankrupt which should have been a surprise to no one.


I was surprised at how much the Westjet shares jumped after the Jetsgo
bankruptcy. I would have expected some jump, but not that much. The theory now
seems to be that Air Canada and Westjet will raise fares and at least Westjet
will make money. I think Westjet would like that, but Air Canada has a long
history of ruinously cutting fares to compete with Westjet. I will believe that
this can be a profitable industry when I see it demonstrated. I find it hard to
get excited about investing in Westjet and on the basis that a major competitor
just went broke. And I certainly would not touch Air Canada.


March 19, 2005


is updated and upgraded to Buy at $28.78. They recently reported a very strong
Q4 which lifted 2004 to a strong growth position. If you believe, as I do that
“winners win” (success breeds success) then it might be reasonable to bet that
Stantec will continue to be a winner. It’s not particularly a bargain but if
past trends continue, it will be a good investment.


Western Financial Group is updated and remains rated Speculative (higher)
Buy at $2.22. This little company has already grown a lot in the past few years
and certainly has plans for lots more growth. If that happens this should be a
very good investment. I recently added to my position at $2.25. Although this is
a small to almost micro cap at $64 million, it does seem to have good and
improving trading liquidity.


P.S. This company has a history of growing but of issuing too many shares and
apparently issuing shares below book value. That is not a good thing. I like to
see a focus on growth in earnings per share and not just absolute growth. But
hopefully the company is now getting to a size where it can start to get more
noticed in the market and hopefully the days of trading below book value will


figures as well as the
model portfolio
and my own portfolio
are updated.


I have removed Melcor Developments and Sportscene Restaurants from the list
above because they are both too thinly traded, given the number of subscribers
to this Site. I continue to hold both but I now view them as too thinly traded
to post on this Site.


March 17, 2005


Transcontinental is updated to Weak Buy / Hold at $25.00. They released
pretty good earnings today and raised the dividend 22%. Therefore I was
expecting to upgrade this stock or at least maintain it at a buy. But management
seems subdued in outlook (although maybe they are just being conservative). But
I look at the impact of our higher dollar and I look at some recent insider
selling even at lower prices and I don’t see much near-term up-side. The
dividend is very small and so while a 22% increase is nice, it really does not
mean that much. On the other hand it is a good cash generator with a good
history and there is always the possibility of a take-over or an Income Trust
Conversion. I could easily have called it a (lower) Buy but I went with Weak Buy
/ Hold. (The ratings are always a judgment call). I only have a small position
and I am inclined to sell and move on. Also I will notionally sell it out of the
model portfolio. Still, it is a solid company and any decline would be
recovered in the long run, I believe.


Note that Melcor is very thinly traded and has risen a lot lately. At about
$65 I would not rate it Strong Buy. Also note it is very illiquid which can mean
that a relatively few buyers could push the price up somewhat artificially.


March 16, 2005


I continue to think somewhat defensively due to high oil prices and higher
long term interest rates particularly U.S. rates. Nevertheless I have not been
selling anything and will indicate if that changes. I continue to think the
insurance stocks in particular are “keepers” and will show strong profits this
quarter. Nevertheless, as always they can be volatile. I will have some updates
by Saturday.


March 12, 2005


Industries is updated to Speculative (lower) Buy at $4.15. This stock is up
25% since I rated it Speculative Buy at $3.33 in October. I have seen similar
subscriber based businesses do very well. I know it is building a lot of brand
awareness through radio advertising. Overall, it is certainly not clearly
bargain priced but I think it will do well. I like it for a small speculative
position, although I have not purchased any yet.


March 9, 2005


Western Bank is updated to Buy at $27.30.


There was general weakness in the market today. My sense is that it would be
a good idea to adopt a defensive mindset. This might include taking partial
profits. It seems likely that interest rates will rise at least moderately.
Perhaps the weakness will quickly pass since it comes on the heels of recent
strong gains. But I am growing more cautious at this time.


March 7, 2005


I am just working on an update for Canadian western Bank, it is not complete,
but they had another good quarter. My sense is that I will upgrade it from weak
buy to (lower) Buy. It always seems a bit expensive but it is doing very well
operationally and seems like a good low risk long term investment.


Similarly TSX group was last rated Weak buy. However the TSX statistics for
February indicate another good quarter is well underway. Also they just
announced some cost cutting measures … a bit strange given the profitability
but this should add to earnings (although we may see a restructuring charge this
quarter). In any event my sense is that if I were to update the report right now
I would increase the rating to perhaps (lower) Buy. Again probably a good low
risk long term investment.


March 6, 2005


SICO Inc. is
updated and upgraded to Strong Buy at $27.35. As anticipated earnings have
improved at a good rate in 2004 as the integration of its last acquisition was
completed.  This appears to be a very well managed company with a strong ROE
around 15% that generates significant free cash flow. The Dividend was just
increased by 16.7%. In the past my valuation has assumed the P/E stays at 11.
But given the strength of the company and given the tendency of the market to
pay up for cash generating businesses, it does not seem aggressive to assume the
P/E will rise slightly to say 13 by the end of a five year holding period. To
assume that the P/E would stay at 11 while assuming a company at 15 stays at 15
is to assume that cheap companies will stay cheap and more expensive companies
will stay that way. Every stock involves risk. But given the very low debt
levels the downside risk of this company is more limited.


Performance is
updated. Last week was an exceptionally strong week in the markets.



March 2, 2005


I’m surprised at the continuing quick gains in
Melcor. Note
that this stock is very thinly traded which can lead to substantial volatility.
With the recent run-up in price not that many shares have actually traded. I
would be patient if trying to buy this, it might make sense to try to buy below
the last traded price. What you don’t want to do is drive the price up with your
bid, only to see it drop. It’s unfortunate that the TSX does not allow us to see
the depth of the market. It may be that if you wanted to sell 100 shares the
price might not drop, but if you wanted to sell 1000 shares the price might
easily drop several dollars. If we could see the depth of the market we could
have more faith that the recent traded price is sustainable.


March 1, 2005


This week has started off very strongly for the Strong Buys… Melcor,
Northbridge, IGM, Kingsway. Also a number of the Buys doing very well. Hopefully
more to come.


Ainsworth lumber released earnings today. Unfortunately there was no balance
sheet provided and the earnings were affected by large one-time items. At a
quick look the company still appears to be a bargain. But then again it is very
difficult to get a sense of its current profit “run rate” at the current
Oriented Strand Board  prices and one never knows where OSB prices will go next.
My source for lumber prices indicates that OSB prices are below last years level
but still high. And prices are higher in Q1 than they were in Q4. Overall
Ainsworth has to be considered to be quite speculative. I don’t own own it. For
purposes of the model portfolio I am not taking any profits yet. I’ll update my
report and rating after the annual report comes out which will have the balance
sheet and better explanations of the various one-time items.


I find it “interesting” that the stock price did not move more than about 10
cents on the earnings release. Perhaps the earnings  figure was well anticipated
by the market but really it is unfathomable that the market would have “guessed”
the earnings so well that the stock would not move on the earnings release.


Alarmforce release earnings after the market close today. Revenue was up
substantially but earnings were down somewhat. I suspect the market will like
the numbers. If the the stock should fall tomorrow on these numbers I would
consider buying. This company also did not release a balance sheet.



February 26, 2005


Developments is updated and upgraded to Strong Buy at $60.00. I had been a
bit cautious on it because as of Q3, earnings were 22% below the prior year and
yet it had jumped from $51 to $60 since since the start of 2005. I had spoken to
the company (something I rarely do as I prefer to let the numbers talk for
themselves) and they indicated no explanation for the price rise which was on
very thin volume. Now the Q4 earnings are out and were very strong up 60% from
Q4, 2004 allowing earnings for the year 2004 to be a bit above 2003. I also note
that my previous valuation may have been overly cautious in assuming the P/E
would still be at 10 in five years. By then this will be a bigger company and
there is no reason not to think the P/E will not rise more towards the market
average. The bottom line is that this is an acceptably profitable and growing
company that sells at not much more than book value. Yet it is probably sitting
on land that is worth much more than book value. If held for 3 to 5 years it is
hard to imagine that this will be a losing investment, but it is not hard to
imagine making a low double digit return. So I think the risk reward tradeoff is
very good. There could be some volatility short term, certainly it is not a
trading stock since the liquidity is very thin. This is not a stock to buy for
investors that are not prepared to hang on for several years. Investors need to
be cautious in placing Buy orders since the bid / ask spread is typically wide.
I would use a fixed price in placing an order to buy this stock.


is updated and rated (highly) Speculative Buy at $U.S. 31.39. The company
supplies software to internet casino sites including on-line poker. Recently
revenue growth is very strong. In the latest quarterly release, the earnings
growth was good but did not seem spectacular. Still, this is a very high margin
business and the company and the industry are exhibiting strong momentum. I like
it as a speculative pick.


February 25, 2005


Financial is updated for the 2004 earnings. It is rated a Speculative Buy at
$365.10. However, no balance sheet was released and so a full update was not
possible. The earnings were great. However, as with most insurance companies it
is really not possible to get a sense of what the sustainable earnings are. It
looks like a bargain given that it is trading below book value. But it has a
habit of doing that. Still, when one buys good solid companies below book value,
one will usually do well. This company certainly has a bit of history. It’s
Subsidiary company, The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company was founded
in 1887, with John A. MacDonald as President. Unfortunately, the trading
liquidity in this stock is very thin.


Performance is
updated. What started out as a bad week, certainly ended very strongly.


Capital is updated and rated Weak Sell / Hold at $34.58. I had rated this as
Sell at December 31 at $31.20 and was recently asking myself if I was wrong to
do that. The situation was and still is that we have a really great company.
(Witness the Earnings per share graph in my report.) It is growing by leaps and
bounds. It is making profit levels that just are not supposed to happen in the
competitive banking industry. On the one hand it would seem prudent to sell. On
the other hand it will continue to be a good investment if it can continue its
past track record of earnings growth. Management seems to genuinely believe that
they have carved out a unique high-service and low cost operation and that
growth will continue. On that basis it might not be bad to buy on speculation of
continued good times. Maybe I am being overly cautious but based on the numbers
I rate it a Weak Sell / Hold. If I did buy it I would not take a huge position.
I certainly would not short this company. Overall, I would tend to wait for a
substantial share price correction before considering this stock.


IGM financial
is updated and rated Strong Buy at $37.00 This is a giant wealth management
company that owns Investors Group and McKenzie Financial. The earnings per share
graph in my report is also a thing of beauty to behold. On the theory that
success breeds success, this company should continue to win. It appears to be
pricing in relatively moderate growth. Of course, it is always possible growth
will falter. But right now the market is growing which suggests that their
earnings will grow. I will consider adding to my position at this price. In
terms of risks some people believe that margins and management fees will fall in
the industry. That could happen, but I believe the industry is driven by a
segment of the market that is “sold” mutual funds. Its customers are mostly not
capable of buying Exchange Traded Funds on their own. They don’t know how to do
that and don’t have the inclination. I don’t see their management fees falling
soon. As always, there are no guarantees.


Melcor just released earnings of $6.30 per share. Full details of earnings
not yet available, however this probably justifies the recent run-up to $60. I
would not be a seller today at the $60 price.


February 21, 2005


Well that was a chilling wind blowing through the American markets today,
with the DOW down 174 points. Hopefully, it will rebound a bit tomorrow. It is
always possible it is the start of a pullback. Lately investors have started to
forget that markets can go down as well as up. I’m hopeful that strong earnings
and low interest rates will continue to buoy the markets.


February 20, 2005


updated to Speculative (higher) Buy at $38.05. It is up a lot since I called it
a Speculative Buy on Oct 6 at $28. At that time I was betting that the company
was going to start showing a lot more cashflow and earnings. And that has
happened. I believe it probably has a long way to run, the company can still be
considered cheap based on its cash flow. Still there are some risks due to
competition. But I am more than comfortable holding it at this time.


I was surprised the stock did not hold on to any material gain after its
earnings release on Friday. Perhaps the analysts will digest the numbers over
the weekend and it may rise on Monday.


I note that the non-voting shares have the same dividend and are about $2.00
cheaper. I am not aware of the reasons for the price gap, but it appears to have
existed for some time. Long-term investors might want to consider the non-voting
shares. For the shorter term I prefer the voting shares. If considering the
non-voting be sure to investigate further, the reasons for the gap.



February 19, 2005


Tire is updated. I left the rating at (lower) Buy at $57.19.   Generally the
numbers would only support a Weak Buy / hold. But if recent profit trends
continue, the stock should continue to do well. I don’t hold any and do not plan
to Buy. I would be interested on a pull-back. Note that the shares I analyze are
the non-voting shares. The voting shares also still trade although quite thinly.
Traditionally the voting shares did not trade at much of a premium but for
several years have traded at a large premium. Without knowing the reason for
this I would view the voting shares as much riskier. Possibly one of the holders
of the voting shares is trying to increase their stake, but I have not heard
anything like that. It’s always possible that in the future the non-voting
shares would become voting. Therefore, I would not risk paying the large premium
to buy the voting shares.


Regarding the “obscene” insurance company profits that are in the news this
week. Insurance companies have indicated that insurance rates will fall this
year due to competition. But they have generally also said they will not drive
profits too low. I believe there will be a lag effect in the profits whereby
even as rates drop this year, profits will likely continue to be very strong or
even rise. In past years, most insurance companies were constantly playing
catch-up whereby they were recognizing additional expenses related to prior
years. Now they have generally got themselves to a point where they are being
very conservative (high) with their estimates of claims costs and where they are
generally profitable despite some expenses related to prior years. Now the
claims frequencies have declined just when rates are high. So, I expect high
profits even if rates drop because there really should be no added expenses
related to 2003 and 2004 as the rates were high in those years. In fact, we may
even see that they over-estimated claims in those years and they could release
some of their reserves as profits. However, at the end of day, insurance
companies are always uncertain and therefore risky. These stocks could fall due
to the talk about declining rates. But I remain optimistic that the insurance
stocks will continue to rise in response to profits as we move through 2005.
Overall being accused of obscene profits is a nice problem to have.


The February edition of the free newsletter has been distributed. If you did
not receive it, you may not be on the list. I keep a separate free newsletter
list that some paid subscribers may not be on. You can also access the
free newsletters here.


Performance is
updated. The Buys and the
model portfolio
did well this week, but the Strong Buys and my own portfolio were down somewhat
this week.


February 17, 2005


My purchase of TELUS convertible bonds yesterday has quickly turned out bad.
It turns out, the company has the right to redeem these bonds at par after June
15, 2005. In an incredible stroke of bad timing, TELUS announced last night that
they will in fact redeem these bonds at par on June 16, 2005.


This was news to me given that the note in TELUS’s financial statements made
no mention that TELUS could do this. Admittedly this was clearly spelled out in
the prospectus. But I was unable to find the prospectus on SEDAR even when I
looked at the correct date range. (The prospectus is however available on the
TELUS Web Site). This redemption must have been news to others as well. The
price of the bonds dropped from about 108.30 to 101.0 With $150 million
outstanding, this means that investors lost about $12.4 million today or 6.7% of
their investment.


This is actually smart for TELUS as they can refinance these 6.75% bonds, at
today’s lower rates. But I take issue with the lack of disclosure in the note to
the financial statements.


Well, it has been a learning experience regarding convertibles debentures. I
broke my own rules and bought these without fully understanding the situation.
I’ll consider this as tuition paid on my education. Convertible debentures may
still offer some good opportunities elsewhere. I will be more careful to read
the prospectus before buying in future. It is absolutely essential to understand
if the company has the right to redeem and payout the bonds before maturity.


continued to drop. I did buy 100 shares as it appeared to stabilize a bit.
However, this could very well continue to slide a fair amount yet. I am prepared
to average down because of long-term potential here. But I don’t expect the
stock to recover for at least another few quarters unless they were to do
something drastic like spin off Tim Hortons (which would be completely wonderful
if they did). Tim Hortons would be worth a LOT more as a Canadian Income Trust
than it is as a part of Wendy’s.



February 16, 2005


In a completely new twist for me, I bought some Telus convertible debentures
today. This is the first bond I have ever purchased. The bonds mature June 15,
2005 and yield about 4.95%. But they are convertible into Telus non-voting
shares at $39.73. The non-voting shares closed today at $36.70. Because the
bonds traded at 108.50, today, I would in effect be paying $43.11 for the shares
if I converted today. Not such a good deal! But my hope is that the Telus shares
go up by a lot in the next five years and then I will make a good return. In
that case I would have a much higher return by simply buying the shares. But I
figure buying the bonds (rather than the shares) limits my downside risk. I
would warn that these convertible bonds are complex and I don’t fully understand
them myself. Still, I took a chance and bought a small amount today. The
convertible debentures trade somewhat like stocks on the TSX with symbol T.db.


I’ll have more to say about convertible debentures (bonds) in my next


It’s interesting too that the
Telus non-voting share trade at about a 4.5% discount to the voting shares.
I normally don’t like non-voting shares. But it might be worth considering the
non-voting in this case, given the discount. Hopefully something will happen
eventually to make the discount disappear. The non-voting shares pay the same


As per posts from Jan 5 and Feb 8, I was not surprised by the 5% drop in
Wendy’s today. I was almost hoping for a drop in order to add to my
position. I’ll watch it to see if it appears to stabilize and then I will Buy. I
am a big believer in this stock for the long term and I would like the
opportunity to take it from 6% of my portfolio and move it up to around 10%.
Melcor fell to
$57.50 but there were only 200 shares sold at that level. It will be interesting
to see if buyer support brings it back toward $60 again. I like it long term but
remain hesitant short term. I note Clive Beddoe at West Jet talking about
lowering fares to keep the revenue up. This just shows how horrible this
industry is and it appears that West Jet has caught the same sickness. I would
not touch that stock.


February 13, 2005


I have moved the model portfolio to its own page of the Web Site. It is
accessible from the link just above. To date, I have not made any notional
trades in this portfolio. I expect to make some trades over the course of the
year, but generally I had not intended that it require much trading.


Kingsway and Northbride both fell today as well as a number of other picks.
This was a bit of an over-due reminder that stocks do fall as well as rise. I
remain confident in Northbridge and Kingsway – though there are never (ever) any


February 12, 2005


is updated and rated Buy at $58.27. With an equity market value of $48 billion,
this is Canada’s most valuable corporation. It truly seems to be a “world class”
company. It has achieved exceptional growth despite its size. However, I view
the earnings as being extremely complex to understand. I listened to the
conference call and it seemed apparent that the analysts who called in had
little understanding of the results. We are basically left to trust management
that the earnings are real and are not being manipulated. Due to the nature of
life insurance it is necessary for management to make various estimates tat
could be used to smooth or manipulate earnings if it wished to. However, the
earnings do appear to be strong and indications are that they will grow robustly
due to synergies with the integration of the John Hancock purchase. Also based
on the theory that companies that “win” usually continue to “win”, this should
be a good bet.


figures are updated.


As I mentioned earlier that I was considering I did take partial profits in
Melcor selling 38% of my position at $59. This was more of a short term trading
move and was prudent because Melcor was my largest position. I still definitely
like Melcor for the long term. On a similar note, although my favorite industry
right now is property and  casualty insurance, that does not mean that one
should get over exposed to it. There are always risks. I did purchase some
additional Kingsway yesterday and this is aggressive on my part considering my
exposure to this segment. I have updated my
personal portfolio,
for those interested.


February 11, 2005


Financial is updated and rated (higher Strong Buy at $31.31


Financial is updated and rated Strong Buy at $20.31


I continue to really like this property and casualty insurance sector,
despite the fact that these stocks have already risen substantially. Northbridge
is almost strictly Canadian in operation and appears less risky. Northbridge is
achieving extraordinary profit margins on its insurance. Kingsway is riskier
because of currency risks and the fact that it is in riskier markets of
high-risk drivers and trucks. Kingsway appears to be quite a bit less profitable
(but still good). However, it really sounds like Kingsway is deeply massaging
its earnings to keep them lower now which in effect gives it a cookie jar of
(arguably excess) “reserves” which it could release in future. If I had to hold
only one, I would pick Northbridge. But I also like Kingsway and so I hold them
both. It appears that “the market” is still reluctant to pay up for these stocks
and so we may see a gradual rise and not any sudden rise. My current thinking is
that the sector will increase perhaps for the next year (but there are never any


February 10, 2005


We are firing on all cylinders here… Manulife up 3% today. Wendy’s up 1.6%
today. Best of all
Kingsway and
both reported very strong earnings after the close. I would expect these both to
jump tomorrow, if there is any sanity. If they don’t jump at the open, I think
it would be a buying opportunity. Northbridge has its conference call at 9:30 am
so there may be a delay before it moves in the morning. Kingsway also initiated
a dividend. Although the dividend is very small, it is a sign of maturity and
confidence. Kingsway will probably jump more than Northbridge. I’ll update both
companies over the weekend based on the earnings and where the prices move to


February 9, 2005


jumped up to $60 today. I spoke to the company and the CFO indicated that no big
announcement is pending that would explain this. Basically the company is just
chugging along doing quite well but nothing seems to be in the works to explain
the latest jump. I note the trading is quite thin. Therefore while I definitely
like the stock long term, in the short term it would probably be a good thing to
take some profits off the table at $58 or above. I have not decided if I will
sell some of my shares to take profit. I may do so tomorrow. This is my largest
holding. Another reason for me to sell some is to free up cash to buy some other
companies. My suspicion is that we will see $55 or lower again but also that
this is still a good long-term hold.


I note another increase in Northbridge today. Hopefully this bodes well for
the earnings to be released after the close of trading tomorrow, Thursday.


February 8, 2005


I should have a number of updates soon as the earnings reports for Canada
come in. I updated my
personal portfolio percentage breakout, this reflects trades I have
mentioned in the past few weeks. I am hoping for good reports from Kingsway and
Northbridge by week’s end. Anything is possible due to the actuarial nature of
their earnings but I think they should have done well in Q4.
International released good same store sales growth on Monday. The financial
press focuses on the 0.5% at Wendy’s and tends to ignore the strong 7.0%
same-store growth at Tim Hortons even though Tim Hortons represents about half
the earnings. I still think Canadians have an advantage here as Americans have
no way of understanding the profit machine that is Tim Hortons. Wendy’s also
raised the dividend by 12.5%. I would not have been too sad to see a drop in
price so I could buy more. Wendy’s will release earnings on the 18th and if it
drops at that time I will be a buyer.


February 7, 2005


Today was another good day for a number of the picks including Wendy’s and


I note that the TSX came out with market statistics for January. It seems
January was a very quiet month in the market. As the market fell after big gains
in the prior four months, a lot of people lost interest in trading. January
volumes were down 31%  and value of trades down 10% from the prior year. I don’t
know how much this will have hurt the
TSX Group but all
else being equal it is a negative factor for the stock. On the other hand the
market is really pulling ahead this month so it’s hard to say how the quarter
will shape up for them. I would be a buyer on a significant pullback but I am a
little cautious on it at the $60 price.


February 5, 2005


figures are updated. It was a great week in the market and the picks here did
better than the market this week.


is added as a new “listing” rated (highly) Speculative Buy at U.S. $25.82. It
also trades as CRY on Toronto at the Canadian dollar price. I prefer to use the
U.S. dollar stock price since it reports in U.S. dollars. I had bought a few
shares last week after a preliminary analysis. I was attracted to the high
profits and potential of its on-line gaming software product. One of the
benefits of my analysis method is that it forces me to look at a variety of
factors rather than getting wrapped up in one aspect of a company. after this
more detailed look I do view it as certainly speculative. It will release
earnings in two weeks. Normally my inclination is not to buy just before an
earnings release since I have no ability to predict the release. Rather my
normal strategy is to look for companies that appear under-valued after the
earnings are released. In that area I believe my fundamental methods can be
effective. Therefore, I definitely consider it to be more speculative to buy
now, rather than waiting for the earnings release and then seeing how the market
reacts. In any event I would consider this stock only for a small position and
not a major holding.


January 31, 2005


I plan to add Cryptologic to the Site. It provides software for internet
gaming. With a P/E of 26 it is not that cheap, but growth has been very strong
and it has a strong history of profit. I have not yet completed my analysis.
Definitely a speculative pick.


I am surprised that
Melcor Developments
has jumped up to $57.50. I had rated it (higher) Buy in December at $51.
Given the rise and given the volatility caused by thin trading, I would be
cautious about buying it at this price. I like it long term. From a trading
perspective, I am tempted to reduce my position moderately and take some profit
at this price.


January 30, 2005


Performance is
updated. I am happy to be up 1.8% given that the TSX is down 1.1% and the DOW is
down 3.3%.


Dalsa is
updated and upgraded to speculative (higher) Buy at $19.00. The upgrade is due
to both significantly better earnings and a lower price (which is a nice
combination for buyers). This is an established and profitable (17.5% ROE)
high-tech company that trades at a rather ordinary multiple of 16.3 times
earnings. I have to think this is a better than average company, so I’m happy to
buy it an a market average P/E. I believe management are both smart and ethical.
On the negative side, management is projecting earnings growth of only 6% to 14%
for 2005. Hopefully, they will exceed their target as they did in 2004. The
higher Canadian dollar is also a problem, as the vast majority of revenue is
from outside Canada. Still they overcame this in 2004, and they are partly
hedged again for 2005. This seems like a good pick, particularly for those
seeking exposure to high-tech.


As alluded to in my last posting, I did add to my position on Friday. After
now reviewing the numbers more closely I am very comfortable holding this stock
and may add a few more shares this week.


I note that Westjet and Air Canada jumped a bit yesterday on a rumor that
Jetsgo might be running out of money. As long-time subscribers know, the rumor,
if true, would be no surprise to me. This industry seems infested by idiots that
insist on selling air travel below cost. If Jetsgo does go, that would help
Westjet and Air Canada, but it’s hard to get excited about an industry where
participants regularly go bankrupt…


January 27, 2005


released a strong earnings report after the close of trading today. However the
outlook for 2005 was not very strong. Still, this stock should rise, probably a
few dollars on this news. I’m very comfortable holding this and would consider
adding to my position.


January 26, 2005


TSX Group is
updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $60.10. A great stock but seems expensive
now. I sold half my position today at $61.25. (I had only bought that portion on
Jan 11 at $51.85). Long term, definitely a great company but I am not confident
that right now is a good time to buy. I suppose a possible up-side is a
conversion to a Trust but that seems remote…


I was clearly pre-mature in buying
Financial Group in December. The price has fallen to $2.15 and a share issue
at $2.15 was announced. I had mentioned under Dec 30, that it might decline on
the share issue, but I had not expected this big a drop. It is unfortunate for
current share holders that the new shares are priced below book value which is
about $3.09. This is probably a great opportunity to buy. It is speculative due
to the small size and the leverage that all financial institutions have. I have
an order in the buy if it falls to $2.10. In retrospect, I should have averaged
in… I note that at TD Waterhouse the trading cost per share is already
minimized at about 1000 shares. So, if buying say 4000 shares it might make
sense to do so over several days or a month since the trading charge will not
change by doing four separate purchases (at least at TD Waterhouse as far as I


I am turning less enthusiastic about

Transcontinental when I read that newsprint use is declining. Newspaper
subscriber numbers are declining. Also Q4 could be hard hit by our higher
dollar. Still, the company is well managed and could always go the Trust route.
And I think its direct marketing materials business will continue to do well –
certainly the number of flyers arriving at my door seems to be increasing.


I think the decline in
to about $28 is a buying opportunity. I would think that Q4 was a good quarter
for them. Also they have no U.S. dollar exposure to worry about. It’s already my
second highest position and yet I am tempted to buy more… I probably shouldn’t
because there is always a chance that they had a bad quarter…


January 25, 2005


Our Earnings season is off to a great start with great results released by
both CNR and TSX, after market close today. The market already moved up on both
today (although in theory the results were unknown until after the close). I’ll
update my reports on these soon. I want to see if they move much tomorrow based
on the earnings released today.  I would expect both to be up tomorrow. Although
they both seemed expensive to me, their performance reminds me of a harsh but
often true phrase that I coined… “Winners Win and Losers Lose”. Here we have
two very strong companies that have continued their winning ways in terms of


I noticed today that the 10-year Canadian government bond yield was down to
4.22% as of Monday. This is almost a record low. It took me a bit by surprise
since in the media it seems accepted that interest rates had bottomed out and
were now on the rise. Canadian rates had risen quite a bit last Spring but have
then declined quite steadily and dramatically in the last 6 months. This may
explain part of the reason the markets were so strong.  If rates stay this low
this certainly is a positive factor for stocks.


I suspect Canadian exporters will continue to be hurt by our higher dollar. I
think there may be a lag effect here whereby for exports priced in constant
Canadian dollars revenues at first held steady as customers may not have had
alternate sources or were locked in by contract. But as customers adjust to our
higher U.S. dollar prices, they may find alternate supplies. Companies that sold
products priced in U.S. dollars would have seen a more immediate impact from the
dollar. I would worry about any company that relies heavily on exports or makes
most of its revenue in U.S. dollars.


The balance of trade figures have remained good through November, possibly
because our high dollar lowers the dollar value of imports. However, companies
may adjust by importing a lot more cheap goods, by outsourcing. Canada’s
customers will adjust by purchasing less from Canada. The result after a lag,
should be a significant drop in our trade surplus figures. In this case the
Canadian government might move to lower interest rates. In that event our dollar
should fall.


In terms of the dollar I see at least as much risk of downward movement as I
do of a continued rise.


January 24, 2005


I may buy some shares in CV Technologies last traded at $3.14. The stock
trades as CVQ on the TSX Venture exchange. This is not the type of company I
usually look at. It is fairly early stage. However it does have a proven product
in COLD-fx. Sales jumped from $2.27 million in the 3 months ended Sept. 30, 2004
to $11.3 million in the quarter ended Dec. 31. The company also has other
products both for sale and in development. This product is touted as possibly
preventing colds and flu and definitely reducing the severity. There are about
100 million shares on a dilutive basis. Therefore the market cap is about $314
million. This can be considered very high in relation to book value of about $5
million as of Sept 30. If sales were to average $11 million per quarter in 2005,
this is a ratio of about 7 times sales which is high but not that outrageous
given the potential here. Sales may tend to be seasonal, so the next two
quarters may see a decline from last quarter. But perhaps that will not be the
case this year.


I normally don’t bother with this type of company. However in this case I may
buy a small position. The stock is very volatile. It recently had a pullback but
has recovered most of that in short order. The company is definitely
speculative. But I think it is on track for a bright future and so it my be
worth a speculative bet. This company does not fit my usual value analysis
template and so I will not do that type of report at this stage.


January 22, 2005


Occasionally, I am asked about my personal portfolio. Of course it largely
reflects the Strong Buys and Buys on this Site. In the interests of
transparency, you can click here to see the percentage breakout of my
personal portfolio.


January 21, 2005


Communications is updated and I now rate it a Speculative Buy at $21.20.
What I really like about the company is that logically it seems like a
straight-forward business that should throw off substantial free cash flow. It
has excellent penetration of cable with 2.14 million customers. An astonishing
50% of these take internet by cable as well and 25% take digital cable. The hope
is that capital spending will decline from prior years and free cash would grow
as more people take digital cable to take advantage of the newer televisions on
the market. I really like that the Shaw family is buying stock. It seems quite
unusual for a controlling family to be buying stock like this. They clearly
think the stock is under-valued. This could mean that they know something that
is not showing up in the accounting, or it could be that they are simply
deluding themselves.  Maybe the Shaws are about to do something that would
release value in some way through financial engineering…


What I don’t like is the huge debt, continued large capital spending, high
executive bonuses, complex accounting, low reported net income, and past
management mistakes in acquisitions. Still, overall I am willing to speculate
that management is correct and that cash flows and earnings will soon
accelerate. This stock reminds me a bit of TELUS where for several years I
suspected that cash flows and income would rise as they eventually cashed in on
all their wireless customers. That did happen for TELUS recently and I am
hopeful of the same for Shaw.


I note that
Financial Group has dropped to $2.20. I had indicated it might drop due to a
share issue that is currently in progress. I would definitely view this price as
an opportunity buy. Of course, there is always a risk that the market is
signaling a bigger problem… but I am inclined to add to my position at this


January 19, 2005


This is a slow period for news as we await the Q4 earnings… My picks were
mostly up nicely yesterday and up  a bit today…


January 15, 2005


restaurants ($7.25, Strong Buy) is updated for Q1, 2005 earnings. In many
ways it seems very cheap. On the other hand, I could point to reasons for
caution such as the poor trading liquidity (very difficult to sell without
knocking the price down considerably, so only suitable for a long-term hold).
Also although the P/E is under 8, it is very tiny and maybe the P/E will stay
that low. Also it is currently being hurt by the NHL strike. But overall, I
think it really is cheap. On average buying this type of stock should be a good
investment. I am comfortable holding it and may add to my position.


January 12, 2004


restaurants released what I think were good earnings for Q1 today. After
adjusting for a one-time gain earnings were down very slightly. But the dividend
is up 20% year-over year. They do warn that the lack of NHL hockey is hurting
sales and will affect Q3 particularly versus last year when Montr顬 was in the
play-offs.  Still, they have good plans to promote the restaurants in other
ways. I would reiterate that it seems a strong Buy at my last rating of $7.35 or
below but it is risky as a small company and will be somewhat volatile. Note
that the flattening shown in the graph is exaggerated well beyond the reality
since the last 4 quarters actually overlaps 2004 by 3/4ths. Ideally the graph
should show the last four quarters as being much closer along the “X” axis to
2004, this would remove the distortion that is causing much of the apparent


January 11, 2004


I have added a link to some of my
recent free newsletters since some subscribers have asked for old issues. I
hope to add more of the older issues to this link soon. I added to my position
in the TSX group recently. I last rated it a (lower) Buy but I had only a small
position and wanted to add to it, whereas I already had bigger positions in the
higher rated picks. Also the TSX Group yesterday released its trading statistics
for December and I thought they looked quite strong in terms of the increase in
activity versus 2003.


January 9, 2005


Boston Pizza
Royalties Income Fund is added as a new listing (and is rated (lower) Buy at
$14.47) This is an interesting structure, where the operating company is not
owned by the Trust. The risk is reduced because the Trust collects royalties
based on revenues, which is less risky and volatile than relying on the bottom
line earnings. I selected it because the restaurants appear to be doing well and
they are building more. Not a screaming Buy but perhaps a good risk/return
tradeoff and also probably a good pick for those needing yield.


Regarding Ace Aviation Holdings which owns Air Canada, I did rate it a Sell
(that was for tracking purposes and without any detailed analysis as stated
below)  The one possible up-side that I see for it is the potential to spin off
Aeroplan at a good profit. I have been skeptical of Aeroplan because it must owe
hundreds of millions in trips and I don’t think the cash is on hand to pay for
that. But the cost of buying those trips may not be so high given all the price
wars. Also Aeroplan as a business   model is very attractive in that it has
great presence in the market place with a ton of Aeroplan cards issued. It is a
virtual business without a  lot of expenses for buildings and the like. I would
be interested in looking at Aeroplan itself as an investment separate from Air
Canada. The separate financials for Aeroplan will apparently be  revealed soon.
So, while I would certainly be nervous holding ACE aviation shares, given its
pathetic past, perhaps there is some hope for it in the spin-off of Aeroplan.
Certainly if that happens I would then expect ACE itself to do poorly but
Aeroplan might do quite well as a separate company.


January 7, 2005


I have removed the
2004 model portfolio since the 2005 model portfolio is now available.


The first week of this year was a moderately negative one for almost all
stocks. The Buys and Strong Buys are down an average of about 2%. I may not
update the detailed performance chart before the end of January in order to give
the stocks a bit of time under these 2005 ratings. But, I will indicate if
things are improving or deteriorating, each week in January.


Sportscene restaurants moved down to $6.15 but this could just be noise due
to its low volume. I certainly like it even more at this lower price of $6.15


January 5, 2005


Looks like we could be in for a reminder that markets go down as well as up.
The last 4 months were terrific in the market so a pull-back is not surprising.


released some figures today, indicating lower same-store sales in Dec. However
same-store sales for the year were up. And apparently the expectation had been
that December would be even lower than it turned out. As usual, the Tim Horton
same-store results were very good. Interestingly this stock has been up sharply
the last two months despite some bad news. I continue to really like this
company for the  long term. But I had “down-graded” it to Buy from Strong Buy
due to the recent price rise. Right now might not be the best time to Buy. If I
had none, I would probably buy some now but hope for a drop in price to Buy
more. I have a reasonable exposure to it now. Still, I would not mind very much
if it happened to fall several dollars or more, as I would then add to my
position. (Short-term pain for long-term gain).


The Wendy’s press release


January 3, 2005


I note that I have just one sell pick. The reason for that is that I tend to
drop companies or not introduce companies that appear to be sells. Just for
tracking purposes I will also consider Air Canada and West Jet to be sells. I do
not have a detailed analysis but I feel strongly that this industry will not do
well in Canada in 2005 due to intense competition. I am not saying that I would
short sell these stocks. If I owned them I would sell. But short selling is a
far different and risky thing. I would not short sell these stocks.


January 1, 2005


The 2005 model portfolio is added above on a preliminary basis.


The stock ratings as they currently stand will be used to track performance
for 2005. I have updated many of the ratings in the past two weeks and I judged
the remainder to not require an update. Performance in 2005 will also be tracked
through a model portfolio and my own personal investment results.


The final
Performance figures for 2004 are in. It was another outstanding year. In
particular the consistency shown in the
2004 graph is
remarkable. I can’t expect to do this well every year but I expect to do
reasonably well by continuing to apply detailed fundamental analysis and common
sense to the process of stock selection.


December 31, 2004


Melcor at
$51.00 is updated due to its price rise and is rated (higher) Buy. I would
consider it a Strong Buy at around $47. Note the the thin trading liquidity. It
can be difficult to buy quickly without raising the price, on the other hand
with patience it may often be possible to buy at a price somewhat lower than the
last trade.


Canadian Western Bank at $26.58 is updated due to its price rise and rated
Weak Buy / Hold


Capital Group at $31.20 is updated due to a substantial price rise and is
now rated Sell. This company has been a great performer and the stock may well
continue to rise if the past growth continues. But it is dangerous to pay up in
advance for too much growth. If I still owned the stock I would sell and take
the profit.


Three property and casualty insurance companies are updated due to price


Financial at 19.00 is rated Strong Buy.


Financial at $29.12 is rated Strong Buy


Financial at $203.63 is rated Weak Sell / Hold


I think this industry is still benefiting from a cycle of rising premiums,
combined with less or no need to increase estimates for pay-outs related to
prior years. In terms of Q4, I expect it will have been a very profitable
quarter and that these companies may take advantage of higher stock markets to
realize capital gains. In terms of the three companies, Northbridge seems to be
the lowest risk with less exposure to automobile insurance and no exposure to
foreign exchange. FairFax seems to be the most risky. I hold both Northbridge
and Kingsway and I recently sold the small amount of Fairfax that I owned.


December 30, 2004


Western Financial Group at $2.59 is updated and rated Speculative (higher)
Buy. This is risky due to the small size and the risks of its new lending
operations. However, it has a strong track record and is executing on a credible
growth plan. I also like that its Chairman in Jim Dinning who is seen as a
credible candidate to replace Ralph Klein as premier of Alberta in a few years.
He has an exceptional track record. I also like the strong shareholdings of
Board members. This is somewhat risky but also has good potential to double or
triple in a few years. If they did run into major difficulty it seems likely
that much of the asset value could be recovered in a sale to other financial
institutions, although some loss would likely occur in that event. They are
preparing to issue more shares very soon, this could lower the price in the
short term depending on the offering price. But it might also generate more
interest in the company.


December 29, 2004


Wendy’s at
$39.42 is updated because of the strong 24% price increase since I called it a
Strong Buy on Oct 21 at $31.80. I now rate it Buy. If the Tim Hortons concept
catches on in the U.S. then this should be a very good long-term investment. I
don’t see much down-side risk here, if held for the long term.


I have removed a few stock reports that were out dated. These are BCE,
Contrans, Liquor Stores and Energy Savings.


December 27, 2004


I updated
Communications at $21.90 but was unable to arrive at a rating. It is about
unchanged since I first added it to the Site in February, calling it a Weak
Speculative Weak Buy at $22.46. Since I was unable to rate it, I could have
removed it but I thought I might as well provide the analysis to those
subscribers that may be interested. Understanding Shaw also helps me to better
understand Telus. I think Shaw has a lot of potential. It’s hard to understand
why its monopoly position in basic cable is not allowing it to report high
profitability. Profits and free cash flow have improved, but do not yet justify
the share price. I find the accounting to be very complex. As an illustration
the book value and the net income under U.S. GAAP are both vastly different.
There is a lot of debt. The company speaks of intense competition. I don’t like
the high executive salaries and the multiple voting shares. For all these
reasons I will avoid the stock but I do think it is worth keeping an eye on.


December 26, 2004


Stantec at
$25.99 is updated and now rated weak buy/ hold. A great company but seems a
little expensive at this point.


The Forzani
Group Ltd. at $11.80 is updated for its recent Q3 report and rated a Weak
Sell / Hold. For at least two years they have been under-delivering.


Cognos at
$52.80 is updated and rated weak sell/ hold. Clearly a great company. The
valuation seems a little rich a this time. It has had a good run and it seems
less likely it would continue to rise from here. I have a very few shares and
may continue to hold. I would be interested in buying if there is a significant
pull-back in the price.


Performance is
updated for another Strong week.


December 20, 2004


$1.54 today to $36.54 is up a very nicely since I indicated I was buying on Dec
1 when it was $29. I would still definitely consider buying at this price.  If
it happens to pull-back, that is all the better since it is a good bet to be up
nicely over the course of 2005. Northbridge slipped $1.11 today, which I view as
an opportunity. It is my largest holding. Regrettably, I ended up selling a
portion at $27.50, on a stop loss, when it had a minor reversal from $29 a few
weeks ago. For new positions I would average in at this price.


December 19, 2004


Breweries is updated. I don’t think the time is right to Buy this or most
other Beer companies. The NHL strike and the smoking bans are making sales
tough. Competition is intense. Also early winter is not a great time to buy a
beer company. Things may look better in the spring.


December 18, 2004


report is updated per the comments made yesterday. Since I am already well
exposed to all my Strong Buys, this is a stock that I am considering adding to.
I rate it (higher) Buy, which means higher than a regular Buy rating but not
quite Strong Buy.


Two important articles were recently updated. One of the possible
over-valuation of
trusts and the other that concludes that the
Dow Jones Industrial
Average is at about a fair level at this time.


Transcontinental is updated for fiscal 2004 earnings released this week. I
had last called this a hold and had sold half the amount in the model portfolio
back in September. Now the price is somewhat lower and the earnings were good in
2004, excluding certain write-downs. Seems to be a boring cash generating
business. They do report strong competition but nevertheless forecast a good
year in 2005. With low debt and strong cash flow, I don’t think there is a big
down-side risk here. And it does have reasonable up-side potential. I rate this
a Buy at this time.


Dec 17, 2004


Performance and
the model portfolio are updated and continue to be exceptionally good.


TELUS has released its 2005 guidance and it is quite positive. The shares are
currently up only 14 cents which indicates, in my opinion, that the guidance was
either well anticipated or leaked in advance to some traders. If it was leaked,
that is annoying but seems to be something that small investors have to live


In any event I would essentially continue my rating as (higher) Buy. I would
remove the label speculative because the company has now started to prove that
its earnings are rising rapidly.  The 2005 guidance included a further increase
to 2004 guidance which had already been increased at least once since the start
of 2004. Therefore the company has now demonstrated a period of beating its
goals. It appears to me that the company is really starting to generate a lot of
free cash flow. Based on the mid-point of 2005 earnings guidance the shares are
trading at a P/E of 20. More impressively the shares are trading at 10 times
free cash flow.



Dec 16, 2004


Wow, great performance from Northbridge, Wendy’s,  IGM Financial and Telus
today and recently. I continue to like these.  Tomorrow I am hoping for even
better from TELUS when they release their 2005 projections.


Dec 15, 2004


Bombardier – and let’s not forget that the two independent directors that
just quit were members of the audit committee. That could mean that these two
wanted Bombardier to do some ugly write-down. Whatever the reason, its hard to
imagine it is something good.


Back to safer bets, Northbridge and Wendy’s were both up nicely today. So far
this week, picks have done quite well and my personal portfolio is at its peak
for the year so far.


Dec 14, 2004


Bombardier – I read in today’s paper that the pension deficit is $2.8
billion, if so, this “pig” could be worthless. Maybe it rebounds today but I
think I will avoid it, at least until the year-end financials arrive.


Also while revenues have been steady maybe we just have not got to the point
yet where they fall due to plant closures and other reasons…


Dec 13, 2004


I have had my best investment success with more stable companies. But I
thought it might be good to take a quick look at Bombardier given its new low
share price with Paul Tellier leaving today.


First and foremost, remember, this is a company on hard times and a “falling
knife”. It is therefore probably very risky.


I’ll use a share price of $2.11, which was the closing price today. I’ll
convert that to about U.S. 1.72, since the company now reports in U.S. dollars.
All subsequent dollar figures are U.S.


There are 1750 million shares


The recent earnings in the last 9 months are negative so I can’t easily use a
P/E analysis


Revenues are about $14.7 billion annually or $8.40 per share. So it trades at
only 1.72/8.40=20% of annual sales, which seems very attractive.


Book value is $1894 million or $1.08 per hare. Therefore the price to book
multiple is 1.6, which seems reasonable, except that we must remember that
further write-offs could substantially lower the equity and increase the price
to book ratio. Tangible book value after deducting goodwill is negative.


I was tempted to suggest that Bombardier Capital might be worthless. But in
fact it actually was able to pay a recent $450 million dividend to the parent.
This sharply increased its leverage, but does seem to suggest that it must be
reasonably strong.


The company reports negative free cash flow of $316 million in the past 9
months. But I note that negative $440 million came from changes in accounts
receivable and the like that tend to be temporary and lumpy. Adding that back
free cash would have been $124 million in 9 months or (annualizing) $165 million
annual. Or 9.4 cents per share. In that case the shares trade at 18 times this
adjusted free cash. Operating cash flow before the changes in non-cash operating
items was $336 million in the last 9 months or (annualizing) $448 million or
25.6 cents per share, so shares trade at 6.7 times operating cash flow, which is
reasonably attractive.


With $6.8 billion in debt , bankruptcy is not completely out of the question
if the situation deteriorates. But right now there seems to be no indication
that it is in that kind of danger.


This is no Nortel. Bombardier makes products we can understand, (trains and
planes) and it has a financing business. Now these sectors may be on hard times
and may be low-margin businesses. But in contrast to the Nortel situation,
Revenues are not down but are up, although about flat after correcting for
currency changes. The Order back-log is shrinking a bit but not very much, so
far at least.


The bond rating is below investment grade but is not horrible.


According to the company lenders are still prepared to lend it several


Possible fixes include selling the Bombardier Capital, hopefully at a large
profit, or why bother. Maybe Warren Buffett will swoop in and pick it up…He
likes family run companies as long as the family is competent to manage it.


So…where does this leave us? Good question, there is no clear answer.


Conservative investors should steer clear. And if it does start to recover,
maybe it is better to jump on Board only after the stock recovers and more
confidence is shown. It might also be best to wait until the year-end financials
come out, around March 1, to see if there are more write-offs.


On the other hand for the brave it might be an idea to gamble a bit of money
on this.


I’m tempted, but I’m not brave enough to put any meaningful amount into it.
I’ll think I’ll probably just stay away for now. Well at least I have taken a


Dec 12, 2004


The Thomson
corporation is updated. In many ways, this should be a great investment. It
is a huge information based company. It increasingly delivers its products
electronically, which should add to profits. Profits will likely rise
substantially in the next 12 months. But it seems over-valued or at least not a
bargain at its current price. In addition Canadian investors face currency risk.
I have lowered my rating from Speculative (lower) Buy to Weak Buy / Hold.


Dec 11, 2004


Performance is
updated and continues to be excellent.


The December free
newsletter was just distributed as an email with link. Some of you may not
be on that list. Let me know if you did not receive it.


I sent an email tonight to all paid subscribers, just reminding you to check
this Site. If you did not get it, let me know (see email link above) and I can
check the reason. (I may have a bad email address or your mailbox could be over


Dec 9, 2004


Loblaw Companies
is updated. This is a boring company that has increased earnings steadily. A
great company. But right now the valuation seems high. I would not be too
uncomfortable holding it it. But for buying I would hope for a price closer to


Impacts of recent economic events on selected individual stocks:


The TSX index has risen considerably in Q3. This will be beneficial to mutual
fund companies because their revenues are generally a percentage of assets held
and so higher stock market indexes raise their earnings. So,
IGM financial
should benefit from that. In addition it reported reasonably good mutual fund
net sales for November. It had also reported positive net sales in October. It
seems fairly predictable that this company will report a good Q4. Therefore I
continue to like this stock at this price. Similarly, the
TSX Group
will automatically benefit from the high stock market and the high amount of new
financings. It just reported November trading figures and they were quite good.
October statistics were not as good, but were still relatively good. I believe
the December trading statistics should be strong given that ING Canada just
completed about a $2 billion IP). The TSX Group also faces a relatively “easy”
comparable in Q4, in that Q4 2003 was about $18.2  million while in 2004,
quarterly earnings have averaged $23.6. Therefore it seems likely that the TSX
Group will report a very good Q4. I last rate it a (lower) Buy but would
probably raise that to at least a Buy if I did a full analysis at this time.


I do rate
Sportscene restaurants a Strong Buy but the Hockey strike could be quite bad
for earnings in this quarter. I am prepared to add to my position if the price
falls. The same applies to the larger brewers since Draught (Draft) sales have
apparently been hit hard.


The Bank of Canada’s decision not to raise interest rates should help the
Bank stocks. Home building and related should also benefit.


Just when the main stream commentators started advising to avoid U.S. stocks
because our dollar was rising (though they urged us to diversify into the U.S
when the dollar was at 63 cents) our dollar has now fallen back a fair bit. I
personally don’t target a big exposure to the U.S. But I was certainly
comfortable holding
Wendy’s and I felt that that there was just as much risk of the dollar
falling back from 85 cents as there was that it would continue to 90 cents.


slipped a bit in the past few days and I view that as a mild buying opportunity.


I would avoid the Canadian airline stocks at this time. I traveled by air
twice in November and I got amazingly low prices even though I only booked two
weeks ahead. These guys are cutting each others throats and I think they will
all lose money in Q4. The new Air Canada just got its bond rating and it was
only a “B” rating which is indicative of high risk. If debt investors have some
risk, equity investors must face higher risks.  Maybe Air Canada will do great
but I doubt it. Air Canada had a great load factor in November which is good but
may not be sufficient to insure profitability because the seat prices may have
been too low. One part of Air Canada that may truly be very valuable is Aeroplan
– even if it does owe hundreds of $millions in free trips. So the talk is that
Air Canada might sell Aeroplan.  I don’t see why it is so smart to sell off the
most profitable part of the company. However, I would not risk shorting the
stock …yet.


Dec 6, 2004


For those who hold it,
Canadian National
Railway is updated. Right now I think it is only a hold or Weak Buy.
However, this has been a great company. It’s up 119% since I first looked at it
back in 1999. It seems like a lot of small retail investors ignore boring
companies like this. I would not buy right now, but this is not a company to
ignore. In fact it is a world class company worth $21 billion and has made a lot
of money for investors. I’ll be watching for an opportunity to Buy if it should
drop sufficiently in price.


In terms of updates, stay tuned since I will be reviewing my ratings on all
the stocks by January 1. I may remove a couple of listings but I may also add a
couple of back that I used to cover. I certainly can’t begin to cover every
stock, my goal is to have enough good picks to have a reasonable chance of
making 20% or so in the next 12 months and also beating the TSX for the 6th
straight year. (No guarantees, but my analytical methods have worked well so


Dec 4, 2004


updated. I believe this could be a very timely Buy although it is risky in that
the earnings have to grow to support the stock price. However earnings and free
cash flow have been growing rapidly as its investments in building a huge
customer base are starting to pay off. The company will release guidance for
2005 on Dec 17. I would consider buying now in anticipation of strong guidance
on Dec 17.


Western Bank is updated. This is a great company but the stock is not
compelling at this time. It may continue to do well, but I would only Buy if the
price falls somewhat to $44 or below.


Dec 3, 2004


Performance is
updated and continues to be very good. I did Buy some more TELUS as indicated
just below and the stock price has already recovered from the drop due to the
Verizon stock sale.


Dec 1, 2004


Wendy’s jumped nicely today on what was ostensibly bad news regarding closing
some of its Baja Fresh restaurants. The analysts viewed this as cleaning up a
problem and the stock jumped. Even at $38 or $39 I think it is a great long-term
choice. But given the big recent run, it’s not as timely now. I have shares and
would have liked to grab more if it fell. I won’t add more at this price since I
have a reasonable position.


TELUS fell because a major shareholder (A U.S. phone company called Verizon)
is selling its stake which is huge and represents about 21% of TELUS’s equity.
This drove the stock down today, but long-term it has no impact on TELUS.  I
view this as an opportunity to Buy. I might grab a few shares tomorrow and then
wait and see if it keeps falling and grab another few.



Nov 28, 2004


is updated. This has been a profitable company and may have good potential.
However management are secretive and its operations are all in China. I was
tempted to remove it from list, after having looked at it for a number of years
now. But I decided to update it for those interested. I hold only a small
position after having sold most of my position at a good profit last year (as I
reported at that time).


Nov 27, 2004


Restaurants is updated for its fiscal 2004 earnings released last week. The
company operates 42 LA CAGE AUX SPORTS restaurants in Quebec. (16 are franchised
out). With a market cap of $30 million the equity is trading at substantially
less than $1 million per restaurant. This seems very cheap for a business that
returned 30% on equity in the latest year. The current year is suffering from
the NHL strike but that is unlikely to be a crippling blow. Note that the
trading liquidly is poor with a wide bid-ask spread. This means that it is
possible to easily pay 5% or 10% too much if you enter a market order rather
than being patient. It also may not be feasible buy a large position without
affecting the price. Overall, this company has a strong history of profit and is
available at a very good price. I view it as probably a “no brainer” for those
willing to hold for several years and who are sure they will not need to sell
urgently at any time. However, be prepared for substantial price volatility.
It’s probably not suitable to be one of the larger holdings in any portfolio due
to the volatility, unless an investor has a particular high tolerance for


Nov 26, 2004


Tire is updated. This company has surprised me by more than facing the
competitive challenge of Wal-Mart over the past few years. They have unique
strategies. Management appears to be very strong. They are “on their game”.
However the stock price has risen sharply and I would not consider it to be a
bargain. Still, Q4 is likely to very good. The recent strong growth is unlikely
to be sustained, but they should get a boost from our lower dollar as imports
cost less. Also there appears to be room to continue improvements in their
Mark’s Work Warehouse. Overall, I am not a buyer at this price, but I do respect
the company. If I held it I would probably continue to hold.


Nov 23, 2004


Dalsa Corporation
is updated. This is a company involved in niche areas in semiconductors.
Probably a good long-term pick. No debt, well managed good recent growth and
priced at a P/E of 20. Management indicates that some areas will be a bit slow
in Q4 and so I am not sure that now is the best time to Buy. I am comfortable
holding a small position and if I were to Buy now I would plan to average in so
that if the price does fall I could take advantage of that.


I note that the insurance company picks have backed off a bit from their very
recent highs. I have no reason to think that these stocks will not continue to
rise in the next few months. (However, there are never any guarantees)


Nov 19, 2004


As of 2 pm eastern time it looks like a bit of a pull-back to end the week.
Still a fantastic week. Note I will have no further updates before at least late
Sunday as I am otherwise engaged this weekend.


Nov 18, 2004


Make that 4 days this week of Strong growth.
Performance is


I noted a rapid rise in Melcor today but this was on just 100 shares traded.
Investors should be cautious on thinly traded stocks like this. I would not
enter an order to buy at he market since there is a wide bid-ask spread and an
offer to buy at the market can drive the stock up $2.00 or more. The stock still
looks good to me but I would be patient and attempt to buy a bit below the
current offer.


I don’t think the Strong Buys are over-valued despite the recent rise,
(though I would put Melcor at a Buy rather than strong Buy above about 52) but
subscribers should use judgment when the price is up significantly from the
price at which I analyzed each stock. For those sitting on large gains on stocks
that I cover, it might be reasonable to enter a stop loss somewhat below today’s
prices, on a portion of the holdings. If I were to go strictly on logic I would
not enter such a stop loss since I like to sell high rather than low. But from
an emotional perspective, I would kick myself if I had a large gain and then the
stock happened to fall. So a compromise is to use a stop loss to protect a
portion of gains on stocks like Northbridge that are up sharply. Please remember
that I do not give individual advice, you should consider your own situation,
and check other sources. I give only “generic” stock ratings. You always invest
at your own risk (I should not have to say this and it is covered in my
disclaimer but there may always be less experienced investors out there who do
not understand this).


The recent strength in the market should be good for all mutual funds
including IGM Financial and also good for the TSX Group.



Nov 17, 2004


The first three days of this week have seen continued steady increases in
most of the Strong Buys and Buys on this Site. I’m hopeful that this will


Turning to a different type of stock,
Ainsworth Lumber
is updated. This is clearly speculative. It has a lot of debt and would be at
risk of a total collapse if Oriented Strand Board prices fell far enough. But it
does appear to be quit cheap. I would consider it as a speculative pick but
would not place a large bet on it. I called it a speculative Buy. Based on
historic earnings it is beyond a Strong Buy. But it is almost a given that
earnings will fall somewhat from recent extraordinary levels, still it should be
a good investment even at significantly lower earnings. However, it will be
volatile and and if OSB prices collapse totally for some reason, there is
essentially no floor under this stock in my opinion. Commodity stocks are not my
specialty due to their inherent unpredictability. Still, this does look cheap. I
don’t own it and I am not sure that I will be a buyer. If I buy, it will be a
small amount.


Nov 15, 2004


Financial a property and casualty insurance company is updated. It’s tough
to say if this is a great investment or not. It is selling below book value and
has a history of steady but unspectacular earnings. Past earnings appear to be
conservatively stated. It’s probably very safe for the long term. I rate it a
speculative Buy. The reason I call it speculative is that insurance company
earnings can be quite volatile. But it seems like a conservative company. (The
main operating company is “the Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company” – a
staid old company if there ever was one. Given the recent strong performance of
the Canadian property and casualty insurance companies and given the IPO of
ING’s Canadian insurance operations it seems likely this this under-followed
segment could be given more attention by investors in the near future, which
would be positive for the share prices. Although I call this only a Speculative
Buy, it is worth considering as it is perhaps the most stable of the 4 property
and casualty companies that are on this Site. I am comfortable owning 2 or 3 of
the 4 (I exclude FairFax at this time) rather than betting on only 1 of these.


Nov 14, 2004


SICO Inc. is
updated for it recent Q3 earnings release, which was very strong. This is a
steady money maker with free cash flow exceeding earnings. Debt is relatively
low. The valuation is low at  around 11 times trailing earnings. These
characteristics make this a relatively low risk investment. Earnings are growing
as the company continues to integrate and rationalise a large acquisition made
about 18 months ago. Buying this stock could be quite timely as the stock price
has not moved up much to reflect recent higher earnings. I think this is well
worth considering. I rate it a (higher) Buy. I may add to my position in this.


Nov 13, 2004


Financial is updated for its recent Q3 earnings report. In Q3 it had a
significant loss due to the Florida hurricanes and another one-time charge. I
had added this Stock to this site in August calling it a highly speculative
strong buy. The reason I thought it would be a good investment was that it was
selling at only 73% of book value. It’s still selling at just 77% of book value
but I have become even more concerned about the complexity of the company. Given
the poor Q3 and the complexity and uncertainty I am now calling it a Weak Sell.
Also the price has risen 10% since I last reviewed it. I believe that
Northbridge, Kingsway and E-L Financial are all better choices for Canadian
investors. I still think that Fairfax could well be a good investment but it
just seems too uncertain at this time. Regarding Q4 I note that the company was
recently shorting the S&P as a hedge and this could cause a loss, also it seems
quite possible that Q4 will indicate more losses from the fourth Florida


Performance is
updated and is excellent, helped by a very strong run in the past two weeks.


Nov 11, 2004


Performance on the stock picks has been very good in the past two weeks
particularly. The property and casualty insurance stocks have done quite well. I
am hopeful that there is a lot more upside to come. It may happen slowly through
this quarter or it might have to wait until the Q4 results. On the other hand if
these stocks do happen to drop then I would see that as a clear buying


Nov 9, 2004


IGM Financial
(formerly Investors Group) is updated. Before updating this, I was getting a bit
worried that earnings would slow due to slow net sales. But the numbers still
look quite good. The stock appears to be pricing in only about 10% growth.
Historic growth has been steady at about 17%. If my adage “Winners Win.. and
Losers Lose” is true then it makes sense to forecast that this company will find
a way to grow at at least 10%. For the long term this seems a safe investment.
However it could be a bit volatile in the short term. If the Canadian market
continues to rise then this stock should do well. Overall I rate it (lower)
Strong Buy.


My stock picks continued to do well today, my own portfolio is now up about
13% this year. The model portfolio is updated above and was up 17.3% as of Nov


Nov 7, 2004


Manulife is
updated. It fell about 4.5% on Friday after announcing earnings that were good
but which were somewhat below analyst expectations. Manulife is the most
valuable corporation trading on the TSX and I consider it to be a world class
Canadian company. However, at the moment I am luke-warm at best on this stock. I
have a substantial exposure to it and am more incline to trim that rather than
add to it. Nevertheless it should be a good long term investment. At this point
I would consider buying below $50 and reducing my exposure above $56. The higher
Canadian dollar reduced earnings by $27 million in Q3, which was moderate given
the $717 million earnings. This impact of the dollar will be at least a moderate
drag on earnings growth in the next few quarters.


Performance of the stock picks this week was very good with good gains on the
property and casualty insurance picks. Also Wendys and IMG Financial did very
well. The TSX Group surprised me with its gains.


Nov 3, 2004


Another strong day for my picks with
Kingsway Financial
up 9% on its strong earnings release. I have updated my report and still
consider it a Strong Buy. The model portfolio is doing very well this week. I am
away the next few days and will have no further updates until late Saturday at


Nov 2, 2004


Another good day for insurance companies, particularly for Manulife.


Financial reported strong earnings growth after the close of the market. The
results look good and I continue to consider it a Strong Buy. The trailing P/E
is very attractive at 7.7. I am hopeful of a strong move upward tomorrow and
will then update my report based on where the price lands in the next few days.
Kingsway operates mostly in the U.S. and therefore is more risky than
Northbridge give the currency risk. It appears that they are now making very
high profits on current business and as the older 2001 and 2002 claims “run off”
the profit could grow sharply.


went to a new high today which is very positive. I definitely like it long term.
However, I am a bit nervous about the Q3 results due to the impact of the higher
Canadian dollar.


ING Canada is about to do an IPO on its property and casualty insurance. I
have not analyzed the prospectus but I would consider buying on the IPO. I was
shocked to learn that ING is now Canada’s largest property and casualty insurer.
This reflects the fact that this industry is not well known in the stock market
in Canada. The new ING IPO will probably benefit all the companies by raising
the profile of this industry.


Nov 1, 2004


A nice move up on Northbridge today, hopefully a sign of things to come. I
called Telus a speculative Buy on Oct 6. The Q3 earnings release was quite good
and I like the stock as the company is now generating good cashflow. I will
update soon.



October 31, 2004


Developments is updated. The Q3 earnings and lot sales were disappointing.
However the company expects a good Q4. Also the comparables in Q1 and Q2, 2005
should be easy to beat since those quarters in 2004 were not very good. I am
surprised that 2004 to date is down 22% from 2003 which in turn was down 22%
from the record 2002. The results are more cyclic than I thought and do not seem
to track the general health of the Alberta economy as well as I would have
thought. The company is expecting a good Q4. The bottom line for me continues to
be that this company has a very long history of profits and it seems to me that
they are sitting on a large inventory of land in an environment where land
prices have increased sharply and seem likely to stay high, and the company
trades at book value and a relatively low P/E. Although patience is required, I
believe this will be a good investment.


TSX Group
is updated. This is a low-risk investment if held for the long term. But short
term it could easily drift lower if the stock market sentiment weakens. Overall
I rate it (lower) Buy. I’m comfortable holding a small position and would add to
that on weakness.


October 29, 2004


Performance is
updated. Market sentiment was strong last week. In terms of my picks and
holding, insurance stocks performed well this week. Many Canadian companies
released Q3 earnings last week but many other large companies have not yet


October 28, 2004


Northbridge is updated for its earnings released after close of market
today. The earnings were very good, up 69% versus the prior year. The
underwriting ratio continued to be exceptional at around 90% or a profit of 10%
on insurance, prior to investment gains. The earnings would have been
substantially higher except for unusual losses associated with the Florida
Hurricanes.  Insurance companies by their nature are risky and unpredictable.
However, this company does seem to be significantly under-valued. I expect the
price to rise at least moderately tomorrow and I hope for a steady rise in the
next 6 to 12 months if the company continues to perform. Hopefully the market
will eventually recognize the performance with a higher multiple to earnings and
book value.


October 27, 2004


TSX Group did not decline today as I thought it would on its
lower-than-expected earnings. I’ll update my report on TSX by Sunday. Short term
I am thinking it would drift a bit lower.


Melcor released earnings after the market close. Quite a bit lower than last
year but they describe it as above their plan for 2004. I still think this is
good value since it trades at book value and I think they must be sitting on
land that is worth far more than book value given the rise in land prices in the
past few years. They did increase the dividend slightly today. (update, actually
the dividend increase was not today but was earlier this year) This is very
thinly traded so the price could jump around. I’ll update my report by Sunday
after seeing where the price moves in response to the earnings.


Northbridge will release earnings after market close tomorrow. I note Q3 2003
for Northbridge and also for Kingsway was weak and so it should have an easy
time of beating those earnings. But insurance earnings are all based on
estimates of futures pay-outs and are therefore very difficult to predict.


October 26, 2004


It was nice to see the DOW up sharply today, hopefully some better sentiment
in the market…


TSX Group released earnings today after close of market that were
disappointing. Profits were up about 4% versus 2003. But they were below
expectations and down substantially from Q1 and Q2. It was expected they would
be down sequentially, but not this much. Still a great company for the long
term, but it seems sure to drop tomorrow. From past data I have seen, I believe
August was very slow while it had a good month in September with increased
market activity.  It generates strong free cash flow somewhat greater than its
net income which is a positive. It remains an unregulated bear monopoly which
is  a definite positive. For Q4 forward, the comparables from last year are
tough and it will take strong markets for it to show much growth in the next few
quarters. Right now I am not sure if Q4 will bring strong markets although the
oil and gas situation is helping. Overall, I am going to to try to reduce my
position by selling a portion.


I have no idea how much it will drop, so I am not willing to risk an order to
sell at the market on opening. So… I am thinking of entering a sell order of
say $48 right now. That way I will sell at the opening price if it is higher
than $48 but I will not sell if the price is below $48. I have to be careful
with this strategy. It works well with high volume stocks where my $48 price on
a few shares would not affect the opening price. But TSX is pretty low volume so
if I go too low I could affect the opening price. I’ll monitor the bid / offer
before the market opens tomorrow.


The difficulty with a negative earnings surprise like this, is that after it
happens it’s usually too late to react. The stock could simply open lower
tomorrow, with no ability to sell at today’s closing price.


I’ll update my rating after I see where the price settles out in the next few


October 24, 2004


Alarmforce is added as a new small cap listing. The company is profitable
and the P/E at 21.5 is reasonable given the growth. Also I believe this type of
subscriber based company often is a strong cash generating model. I like that
the company has essentially no debt. They do a of of advertising and seem to be
growing steadily. I think they have a good product. I find their ads to be


October 23, 2004


I made a few minor changes to the wording of the
report. Basically it has a lot of debt but current profits are very high and the
P/E is very low. Is has to be considered speculative but it does look cheap and
is probably a reasonable stock to speculate on. Its fortunes will be driven by
Oriented Strand Board prices. I was not able to find any convenient free source
of OSB prices.


October 22, 2004


Capital is updated for yet another very strong earnings release. This little
Trust company has achieved massive growth and profitability. Almost seems too
good to be true. Looking at a 5 year holding period I find the stock is pricing
in too much growth and I rate it only a speculative Weak Buy. However in the
short term it might keep growing this fast. Therefore one strategy would be to
buy now but place  stop about $2.00 under. If it ever runs into bad debt
problems or if earnings stop growing, the stock would fall hard. Generally I
think the easy money has been made here (I first rated it a Buy back in 2002 at
$7.43) and I worry about the risk/reward at this point.


figures are updated and still look very good. The last two weeks my picks have
slipped a bit but overall the Strong Buys and the model portfolio are hanging in
quite well. This year the Buy picks have done better than the Strong Buys. This
was due to the remarkable performance of Sleeman’s and also great performance
from Manulife, Canadian Tire and Canadian Western Bank. The link to the specific
details for 2004 performance is available just below the table of stock picks


The week certainly ended on a negative note with stocks mostly declining due
to high oil prices. The DOW is now down 6.7% in 2004. Sentiment seems negative
now but can turn around on a dime. My strategy is usually to ride things out
since the overall market direction is so hard to predict and since my
investments are mostly in relatively lower P/E stocks.


Most Canadian companies have not yet reported Q3 earnings. There will be a
flurry next week. I’m hopeful of strong results from the insurance sector.


October 21, 2004


Wendy’s is
updated for earnings released after close of market today. The stock price is
down because the company had previously indicated lower earnings guidance for Q3
and Q4. The stock moved up a bit in after-hours trading and so I think the
market saw some good in the earnings release although indications are that Q4
will not be a great quarter. I don’t see much down-side risk in this company. It
is a great stock available at a good price. I continue to think the Tim Hortons
operation is something of the crown jewels here. I think the market still
focuses on this as being Wendy’s restaurants even though the much smaller Tim
Hortons represents very close to half the operating earnings.  So… possibly it
would slide a bit more if Q4 shapes up worse than anticipated but overall in the
long run (say 18 months to 3 years) I am very confident of this stock. For my
money, now is a good time to buy the stock.


Home capital;
had yet another wonderful quarter released today. Almost seems too good to be
true. I will update by Sunday.


October 19, 2004


The next stock that I am adding to the site is Alarm Force Industries. I
chose this because I hear there ads every morning and it really does sound like
a good product (wireless direct voice contact alarm system.) I have no interest
in an Alarm System and yet they have almost got me convinced to think about it.
This is the type of company that tends to spend heavily on advertising customers
but which eventually starts to generate good cash flow because subscribers tend
to stick around. (Sell them once, reap the benefits for years). A preliminary
look indicates the company has been profitable for some time although that is
based on capitalizing much of the advertising costs. The P/E is over 20, so it’s
not really cheap. But I think it is worth my taking a detailed look because of
growth. It is the type of company that makes a good Income Trust at some point,
although it may be a little too small at this time. Also they were smart enough
to recently raise equity and therefore have little debt.


I note Wendy’s
has received some negative analyst reports and is down. It’s always hard to get
excited about a stock that seems to be falling, but I am still very confident of
this stock for if held for at least 12 to 18 months. Possible it will fall a bit
more if reports of poor same store sales in October are true. But I wonder how
true that is with only 2 weeks of October to go on. I would like to add some to
my position now and if it falls I would like to add more at that time.


fell a surprising but not huge, $1.45 today to $54.35 after hitting a high of
$56.71. I consider this to be Canada’s best example of a World Class
corporation. Profits have grown relentlessly. I am a bit worried about the
impact of our higher dollar since they sell so much out side of Canada. I’ll
probably hang on and see how the earnings come in. A recent large acquisition is
helping it grow.


October 17, 2004


Note, I just sent an email to subscribers regarding adding Ainsworth to the
Site. If you did not get an email from me dated Oct 17 (or possibly Oct 18
depending on your time zone) then I probably have an incorrect email or your
mail box was full. If you did not receive the email, let me know.


I notice Air Canada and Robert Milton are still up to their old tricks. On
Friday, the company bragged that it made $235 in “operating earnings” in Q3
(ahem, before massive restructuring charges that is). Now this is still the old
Air Canada not the new ACE company that starts out October 1.


I find it repugnant that Air Canada is still talking exclusively about
“operating earnings” a term which means “earnings before interest and taxes”.
Common share holders care about the bottom line net income. The press release
did not say what the actual net loss would be nor what the adjusted net income
(if any) would be before restructuring charges and after normalizing to the new
level of interest payments. I am fairly confident that under Milton’s guidance,
ACE shares are more likely to see $5 than $50. It will be interesting to see if
ACE is still talking operating earnings rather than net earnings when it reports
its first restructured quarter early next year. I expect them to continue to be
long on excuses and short on performance.


Lumber is added as a new stock on my list. I decided to analyze it because
of its very low P/E. It does look cheap. However, due to two recent acquisitions
it has very high debt in relation to its equity. Only 10% of the shares trade,
the other 90% are owned by the Ainsworth Family. I am surprised that the family
members several of whom are of retirement age are making such a big bet by
having the company borrow a huge amount for acquisitions. They have owned the
company for 50 years and so they are survivors, although I believe the company
was in financial danger a few years ago when it was losing money and debt was
high relative to equity. Recent profits have been tremendous and the family
seems to be betting this will continue, in which case this will be a good
investment. But if they are wrong, and Oriented Strand Board (OSB) prices
collapse, then the share price would likely collapse. I have no knowledge of OSB
price patterns and also I was not able to understand how far OSB prices would
have to drop before the company starts to lose money. (I have sent off a few
questions to the CFO)


Overall, this is a speculative pick and not a safe type investment but it
looks like it could do quite well. As investors we don’t need to buy every stock
that we think will rise. It would be perfectly reasonable to avoid this stock on
the basis of its debt and commodity-linked volatility. On the other hand if an
investor wants to take a small position for speculation, this could turn out to
be a good move. I’m sorry I can’t be more clear of my view as to whether to Buy,
but that is the nature of commodity based stocks. That is one of the reasons
that I mostly cover non-commodity type stocks.


October 16, 2004


Right now, I am working on Ainsworth Lumber and may add it it next few days.
I picked it because of its low P/E ratio, and because some subscribers have been
asking about forest product companies.


I note that a high-profile analyst has downgraded his estimate on
Wendy’s. He lowered his target price from $40 to $33. It seems that
MacDonalds has done better lately. But I don’t think the U.S. analysts truly
understand the earnings power of Tim Hortons. I suspect Wendy’s could easily
spin-off Tim Hortons into an Income Trust at a huge gain if it wanted to.
Perhaps Wendy’s will struggle a bit in the next few months but longer term I
think it will do very well. I am very comfortable holding Wendy’s. One downside
is the currency hit because I expect the Canadian dollar to continue to rise.


Performance this week for not great, with a bit of slippage in the Strong
Buys and the model portfolio. But not that much of a slip. I’ll update the
Performance figures at the end of next week.


October 14, 2004


Within about 1 week the Canadian Q3 earnings will start to roll in and I will
have lots of updates. Recently the DOW has been down while the TSX has trended
higher based on oil and commodities. I note that many of my Picks and my own
larger holdings like
Manulife, TSX Group
and most of the other Financials that I cover have done quite well in the past 6


Based on existing analysis I would consider buying more of the property
insurance stocks,
Kingsway Financial,
Financial, Fairfax
Financial and
E-L Financial. I am hopeful that all of these will report very strong Q3
numbers and in any event they seem cheap.  Also, right now would be a good time
to buy other stocks that you suspect might do better than expected. My suspicion
is that Telus may
do better than expected. I think
Melcor should do
well and really seems like excellent value particularly if you can get it at $47
or $48. (It is thinly traded and tends to have a wide bid/ask spread which makes
it moderately volatile and can move $2.00 up and down between trades for no
particular reason).


October 11, 2004


Liquor Stores
Income Fund is added as a new listing. I do like the business model here.
They probably have a strong competitive advantage in acquiring existing liquor
stores since they are the only publicly traded company in this business in
Alberta. However, the units are not cheap so I am not much more than luke-warm
on the Trust units at this time. For Albertan’s it might be a nice stock to own,
as there is a certain pleasure at being able to shop at your own store.


October 9, 2004


I have recently been trying to refine my understanding of precisely how some
companies can be worth more than their net earnings would suggest. I want to
find under-valued companies this way. In addition, I note that Income Trusts are
trading on the assumption that their distributable cash flows are a lot higher
than net income. This assumption makes me nervous. But there are cases when it
can make sense. A new article on
finding value beyond net income addresses this topic. As well an update to
an article regarding
alternative measures of net income has been updated.


Performance is
updated. This was an excellent week for my stock picks.


I note with interest that
which I called a sell Jun 11 at $13.80 is now down to $10.93 after just
reporting poor results. This was a former market darling. But for some time now
it has been unable to make its numbers. As a shopper I note it has some newer
strip mall stores in my area that are not busy enough. I also note that it seems
to charge more for the same equipment that Canadian Tire carries. I turned
negative on this company quite some time ago and reported on this Site that John
Forzani was selling shares in 2003 and that their earnings forecast was not
credible back in the summer of 2003. I sold my shares at $16.95 back in February
2003. I have lost interest in this company  and will delete it from my list
rather than update it.


October 8, 2005


I turned out to be right about TSX Group today, as it shot up 5.25% today.



October 7, 2004


I note that the TSX
Group released market statistics for September. The numbers were very
strong, a good increase year-over year in trading value and a huge increase in
total public offerings and secondary offerings (driven by Petro Canada). The TSC
Group was up today on the news and I think it should do relatively well tomorrow
as this news continues to be digested. I expect a Strong Q3 from the TSX group
which will lower its P/E. I continue to like it.


October 6, 2004


TELUS returns
to the stock list above as a speculative Buy. In some ways this company does not
fit my analysis methods that well because its earnings had been depressed. On a
P/E basis it does not look cheap. However, for the past 2 years I have suspected
that it would eventually look good as it begins to harvest all the cash flow
from its huge cellular customer base. Spending on customer acquisitions has been
obscuring the profits to some degree. But recently the net earnings have been
recovering very strongly. It still has to be considered speculative because the
earnings still need to rise sharply. However, I think it is an intelligent
speculation at this point. Operationally it is doing well with strong customer
growth and a low churn rate in cellular customers. The all-important cost of
acquisition of a cellular customer has come down to $381. At one time this was
over $600. With an average revenue per customer of $60 per month and with I
suspect low incremental costs per customer, this is a rapid pay-back situation.
Based on reasonable valuation and the strong earnings trend my strategy would be
to Buy now. I would hope for a good gain through the fall as the company reports
Q3 and then provides earnings guidance for 2005.


October 4, 2004


The latest free
newsletter dated October 2, was sent out on Saturday. If you did not receive
it, let me know and I will add you to that list. I keep separate lists for the
free newsletter and the paid subscribers.


I have added a new article that suggests that considerable caution should be
exercised when it comes to
investing in
Income trusts. TSX figures indicate that they are distributing twice their
earnings! It amazes me that even the Energy Trusts are not showing very good
profits at all in the past 12 months compared to their distributions. (This may
turn around with the $50 oil but I would not be an investor now) They are
focusing on cash flow to the point of flouting (update Oct 5, actually,
“thumbing their noses at” would be a better description than “flouting” since
they are following GAPP) or being very disrespectful of GAAP earnings. I am
afraid that this is eventually going to end badly. It’s easy to get
over-confident regarding Trusts because they have done so very well in recent
years. But of course when it comes to market corrections, things always look
quite bright until the cold darkness suddenly falls over us.


Stocks got off to a very nice start for the week. Hopefully more good times


October 1, 2004


Performance is
updated. Last week was quite strong. We ended up with the first two weeks of
September being strong, the third week quite weak and the fourth week quite
strong. The TSX is now up a respectable 6.4% on the year mostly due to resource
stocks. I am ahead of the TSX despite not covering resource stocks, so I’m happy
with that. The DOW is down 2.5% on the year. I think things look reasonably good
as we now await the third quarter earnings reports. I am hopeful that the
property and casualty insurance companies in particular will report strong
earnings. Certainly Northbridge was unaffected by the hurricanes…


September 27, 2004


A new article on investing in

Canadian Exchange Traded Funds (“EFTs”) has been added.


September 25, 2004


The Thomson
corporation is updated. It continues to look quite expensive based on
fundamentals but it has a lot of characteristics that make ita  reasonable
long-term pick.


This past week was not a good one for me as earnings warnings weighed on a
number of my picks. However, for 2004, I am still running reasonably well ahead
of the index and ahead of the great majority of Canadian equity funds including
hedge funds.


For a variety of reasons I don’t cover oil and gas stocks. For overall
exposure to the segment I would consider buying the Exchange Traded Fund on
Toronto that trades under the symbol XEG. If you believe that oil and gas prices
will remain reasonably high then you could consider XEG as a quick way to gain
broad exposure to the energy segment. EXG closed on Friday at $46.25 on Toronto.
The largest components of XEG are Encana, 17%, Suncor 11% and Petro-Canada 11%.


September 24. 2004


Cognos is
updated for its strong earnings release. I like the company but it still seems
expensive. I would consider buying below $40, if it should decline again to that


Financial Group is added as a new listing here. This was at the suggestion
of a subscriber. Also I had been seeing this company in the news for the past
few years. CEO, Scott Tannas has been very ambitious in his plans and he appears
to be delivering. Certainly this is speculative but it could do very well as it


September 21, 2004


Wendy’s came
out with a slightly reduced earnings estimate for this year of $2.25 to $2.32
per share down from $2.32 to $2.37. This was caused by poor weather, higher beef
prices including the hurricanes and by some unusual losses for litigation and
for its small Baja fresh  restaurant chain. Of course this is somewhat negative.
But in the big picture this is just a bit of “noise”. Earnings would still be up
10 to 12% versus 2003. In after hours trading the shares fell 3% to $34.50. So
if you own shares there was no opportunity to react to the news. Frankly anyone
who has ever been involved with financial reporting for a business would know
that it is somewhat ridiculous to think that a company can accurately forecast
in advance whether its earnings will be up 12% versus 14%. That level of
accuracy is a farce that can only be achieved if the company massages the
numbers somehow to make the target. Of course we would like to see the company
miss its estimate to the high side rather than the low side, but the point is
that missing the earnings target by 3% is hardly cause for alarm. The reasons
given seem real enough, we all know about the hurricanes.


At $2.25 for 2004 and the after-hours price of $34.50, Wendy’s has a P/E of
15.3. For a company growing at 10% this does not seem too expensive. And I
believe there is potential for accelerated growth in earnings as Tim Hortons
rolls into the U.S. Wendy’s has a good risk reward profile but may require a bit
of patience. Subscribers should review my analysis and draw their own


I contrast this little reduction in earnings to many Canadian company’s like
Hudson’s Bay or Air Canada who have often blamed outright losses on the weather.



September 20, 2004


The market now awaits the Q3 earnings reports to start rolling in starting
the second week of October. Meanwhile we see a few earnings warnings. On
average, U.S. earnings are expected to be up about 17% versus 2003 but this is a
smaller increase than we have seen the last year or so.


In terms of the top picks here some are recently up from my last analysis
date and some are down. Higher rated picks that are up include Manulife,
InvestorsGroup and Kingsway. Higher rated stocks that are down include TSX
Group, Northbridge and Melcor.  I continue to like all of these for the long
term. It’s always hard to buy the ones that are down a bit but I suspect that is
where the better bargains are. Northbridge is down near its 6 month low and
certainly looks increasingly attractive to me. Melcor suffers from a lack of
trading but seems like a no-brainer, for the long term, given the continued
health of the Alberta economy. TSX Group is more dependent on stock market
activity. I expect a reasonably good Q3. After that growth may be slower as it
will be up against stronger comparable earnings in the prior year but it still
should do reasonably well. I continue to definitely like Wendy’s as Tim Hortons
powers on. Other picks would include Sportscene Restaurants particularly at the
$7.50 or $7.00 level of recent trades, but again this is very tiny and very
thinly traded company and so is only suitable for small investors.


I have not added many new picks lately. The main reasons for that are that I
think the current picks are pretty good and I want to be selective about trying
to add better quality stocks. It is easy to get side-tracked on lower quality
companies that seem to be cheap but often end up going no place. I am looking
for some Business Income Trust ideas at this time.


September 17, 2004


Performance is
updated. The remarkable consistency by which the Strong Buys and Buys are up and
the Sells are down can be seen in the
2004 performance
numbers and graph.


This week Manulife really flew. I have not called it a Strong Buy this year
but I have consistently called it a Buy or (higher) Buy and indicated it was
definitely worth considering because it was lower risk. This is truly a World
Class Canadian company (maybe the only one we have now that Bombardier and
Nortel have fallen on such hard times). You can quickly find my prior comments
on this page by hitting “Control F” in your browser and seng for Manulife.
(Comments are under Aug 8, June 29, June 20, April 28, April 27 and Feb 18).
This stock is up 36% this year which is very sweet for a low-risk stock.


Entering September I was quite optimistic and so far my optimism has been
rewarded. I remain optimistic about the Fall because I expect the Q3 earnings
reports to be strong and because it now looks like interest rates will not be
rising (the all-important 10 year rates, that is).


September 15, 2004


Transcontinental is updated. This seems to be a good cash-generating
business. However earnings are quite volatile and it does not seem to be a
compelling bargain at this time. There is a moderate amount of insider selling
and that concerns me because a number of executives do not choose to hold any
shares. I rate it Weak Buy /Hold.


In order to lock in profits and because it is getting more expensive I will
notionally sell half the Sleeman’s at tomorrow’s opening price. Also half the
Transcontinental will be sold at tomorrow’s opening price. The proceeds will be
used to buy Wendy’s at tomorrow’s opening price.



September 12, 2004


Canadian Western Bank is updated. This is a well managed little Bank that is
growing steadily. I upgraded it to (lower) Buy. It is not a compelling Buy, but
then when one considers that it has been a very low risk stock, it is worth
considering. I would consider Buying at the recent price of about $42 and would
probably be a Buyer if it should fall below $40.


I was going to add Laurentian Bank to the Site because it seems to be cheap.
However, it is cheap for reasons that include low profitability some negative
growth features. It does not seem to have been very well managed. It might be a
good investment based on a take-over or turn-around but that is quite
speculative. I decided to ignore it. In any event, I already have a lot of
financials that I am covering.


The September
newsletter was sent out on Saturday (as an email link). If you did not
receive it let me know and I can check the email address I am using to reach


September 10, 2004


Performance is
updated and continues to be exceptional. I recently saw an article that
indicated that Sprott Canadian Equity has been the best performing Canadian
equity fund in 2004, with a return of 6.3%. I compare that to my personal 9.3%,
and my model portfolio and Strong Buys at 15.3%. And I did this by being
virtually 100% in Canadian equities.


A new companion article to my Dow Jones valuation article has been added. The
new article examines

whether or not the S&P 500 index is at a fair value at this time. The S&P
500 index trailing P/E is at about 18.7. That it’s lowest P/E since 1997. But
18.7 is not bargain territory. So… while it appears that the DOW 30 stocks may
be trading at an attractive level, the S&P 500 is less attractive. Overall, the
market is more attractive than it has been in about 7 years but that does not
mean it is set to rise. As a long term investor I would not want the risk of
being out of the market.


In any event I am a stock picker, but it’s good to know that the overall
market is starting to look reasonably priced. That should help prevent any
really big decline in the market in the near-term (barring big interest rate
increases or big terrorist events -there are always risks, but I believe in
investing based on the balance of probabilities).


September 8, 2004


I have updated my article that analyzed
whether or not the
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW) is over-valued or not. Essentially this
is driven by current earnings on the DOW, the expected growth and the expected
long-run P/E ratio on the DOW.  I assume that the DOW will grow earnings at
about the same rate as the overall economy grows. Over the past few years this
analysis was showing that the DOW was probably overvalued. This was because it
was trading at too high of a current P/E ratio. It was too high based on the
earnings of the DOW stocks. However, earnings of the DOW stocks have now
recovered well into record territory. The trailing P/E is down to 16.8. Based on
year-end figures it has not been that low since the end of 1995. And earnings
appear to be still be rising.


The bottom line is that the overall DOW is starting to look attractive to a
value investor for the first time since 1996. Given today’s very low interest
rates the DOW can support a somewhat higher than average P/E. If earnings keep
rising and if interest rates don’t rise very much, we could be setting up for a
strong increase in the DOW. Of course the DOW P/E might well continue to decline
in which case a rise in the DOW will be delayed. But the point is that stocks
are at their cheapest average level (compared to earnings) in about 8 years. I
therefore feel pretty comfortable being in the market. The nature of the market
is that people felt more comfortable investing in early 2000 when the DOW P/E
was at 24 and rising, than they do now at 16.8 and falling.


The fall in the DOW P/E was not caused by a drop in the DOW but mostly by a
sharp rise in earnings.



September 4, 2004


I have not updated the Performance figures this week, but the model portfolio
and my own stocks were up slightly. The Strong Buys from the start of the year
were down slightly.


Savings Income Fund is updated. I really respect the company and it probably
has an upside as it adds customers. However it is already pricing in a lot a of
growth and therefore has a down-side on any hiccup. I am not a buyer at this
time but would be interested should it dip below $13.


September 3, 2004


Fairfax has
fallen to about U.S. $130 and also the Fitch credit rating agency put it on
watch. The company responded by asking Fitch to stop rating it since it has four
other credit rating agencies that it has better relationships with. This kind of
reaction from management is a bit troubling. It goes to show that Fairfax is
indeed a speculative pick. Some subscribes have suggested they can’t buy such a
high priced stock because it costs over U.S. $13,000 to buy a board lot of 100
shares. I had no problem buying 20 shares on Toronto. It is true if you enter an
order for less than 100 shares you might find that your offer is not the first
accepted, even if it is the highest. Also be cautious with market orders of
under a Board lot amount, you could be charged a higher price. But you can offer
to buy at whatever price you want as a limit order and my experience is that it
is not at all difficult to buy less than a board lot at the market price. My
usual rule is to invest at very least $2000 so that the round-trip commission is
limited to 3% ($60/$2000) and 1.5% for the buy. My more preferred minimum is
more like $4000 and of course the more the better to limit the commission. On
the other hand this stock is volatile and I prefer to buy in smaller lots to
average in, because the price could easily drop (temporarily I hope). If that
works out to 12 shares for $2000 worth, so be it,  I will place an order for 12


The stock that I am most comfortable buying right now is
Wendy’s. Its fun to own a stock like this because I know it is good value
and every day I see people walking down the Street with Tim Hortons coffees. I
also frequent Wendys because I can get an excellent hamburger there, special
ordered the way I want it, in about two minutes flat. The Wendy’s are busy and
the Tim Hortons are usually very busy. On September 1, the company released
August same store sales (that’s right August same store sales released on
September 1!) and they were strong. The stock is up nicely the last few days. I
would not hesitate to buy at this price. It’s not a stock that will double in a
year but it should do well and I see little potential for much of a move down –
barring some real catastrophe.


August 29, 2004


Financial holdings, a property and casualty insurance conglomerate, is added
as a new listing. This is the parent of
Financial. Fairfax is a Canadian company but most of its operations are in
the U.S. It reports in U.S. dollars and trades in both Toronto and New York. I
am using the U.S. trading price for my analysis. Subscribers should review my
previous comments on insurance companies
(Aug 16 newsletter
in particular). The company has a history of mostly strong but very volatile
earnings and with losses in some years. The company is currently trading at
about 73% of book value.


Now it is certainly NOT the case that the accounting book value of a company
generally represents its true value. In fact most companies are worth more than
book value and some are definitely worth less than book value. However, a
financial company should not generally be worth less than book value. That is
because the assets and liabilities are financial in nature and are generally
more easily sold or converted to cash than is the case for physical assets (such
as specialized buildings and equipment). The auditors are generally required to
insure that financial assets and liabilities are shown at reasonable or
conservative values. However, the net book value of this company is definitely
an estimated and uncertain number. However the estimation of the figures on the
balance sheet are subject to heavy regulation and standard procedures.


When the market prices Fairfax at 73% of book value then the market is
essentially saying it does not believe that the auditors and actuaries got it
right. The market apparently thinks that the risks are higher or that the
balance sheet is not conservative enough, that claims payouts will be higher
than estimated. That could be true. But to my way of thinking, the market is
offering me a 27% head start here. It is always possible that this company could
really crash and burn but I think that is a remote possibility. On average I
believe investors would do very well by investing in big companies like this
that are not under any immediate or known financial threat and that are
nevertheless available at well under book value.


I call this speculative mostly because the stock price has been very
volatile. But I think there is a margin of safety here and to the extent it is
speculative that is probably more so to short term investors.


In early 2003, I missed a golden opportunity when this stock fell to under
$50 U.S. before quickly roaring back above $200. Essentially what had happened
was that some U.S. insurance industry stock analysts had effectively argued that
the accounting book value was inflated because the future claims estimates were
too low. The risk still exists that they were right. But I will trust the
auditors here. I think the 27% head-start that the market is offering me is a
pretty good investment.


But be aware that things could always get worse before they (hopefully) get
better. Q3 could easily be a bad quarter for the company. This should be
considered a long-term investment and one in which a position should probably be
built over time in case the price does drop.


As a general indication of the fact that the market can sometimes definitely
be wrong, consider that at the end of 1998 this company traded at 4.5 times book
value. That was an outrageous multiple for a financial company. The
market was far too optimistic then and in my opinion is probably being too
pessimistic at this time.


August 28, 2004


Performance is
updated. The Strong Buys and the model portfolio as well as my own investments
did quite well this week while the TSX was flat on the week. Right now I am
working on Fairfax Financial. Perhaps I am over-emphasizing property and
casualty insurance but I see some bargains in this sector and Warren Buffett
preaches the importance of trying to develop an expertise in one or a few
segments rather than spreading your investments over all sectors. This industry
is very different than most. I am certain that the vast majority of even the
likes of MBAs and professional accountants have almost no understanding of how
to interpret the earnings and the balance sheets of insurance companies. As for
the average retail investor or even broker, there is no hope that they
understand these companies. So… while there will always be risks with these
companies, and I still have more to learn about the industry, I have to think
that I have a real advantage in looking at these companies versus the average
market participant.


August 24, 2004


DALSA corporation
is updated and upgraded to speculative buy from speculative weak buy. The
upgrade is because the price has fallen sharply from $23 to $17.35. At the same
time earnings were up 76% in the recently released Q2 and guidance for the year
was raised. This is a complex company in that it makes semiconductors and
digital imaging products, hardly household goods and not items that I am
familiar with. However, management appears to excellent and ethical. It is
trading at a reasonable P/E and this is in spite of a large R&D expense that may
be causing earnings to be under-stated. Given the strong earnings growth and
reasonable valuation, this is a good pick to add some speculative “juice” to a
portfolio. I hold a small amount and am very comfortable holding this. There is
essentially no debt which means that we are in no bankruptcy danger if it does
hit a dry spell. The run-up in price past $23 and subsequent decline was on
fairly low volume, it may be the price got ahead of it self and has now simply


Well Robert Milton has done it, finally piloted Air Canada shares down to
close to zero. The strange thing is “everybody knew” the shares were worthless
for at least 9 months now and yet they traded mostly over $1.00 valuing the
company at over $80 million. Even today $70 million shares traded (out of about
80 million total so can assume some shares traded hands at least twice today).
Even if the average price was only 10 cents today that is $7 million thrown down
the drain. Some of that is short sellers buying in, but only a small part since
the short interest was in the 10 million share range.


I don’t buy the story that short sellers were the reason the stock was up at
$1.00. I put the blame on investor stupidity/ignorance and quite possibly
stupid/ignorant or unscrupulous brokers who may have recommended this stock
partly to churn accounts. Clearly the brokers made a ton of money on commissions
as millions of worthless shares traded each day at $1.00 or more for months on


The message I take from this is that the market certainly is not always
efficient at all. The lack of efficiency means there are bargains out there
(hopefully my Strong Buys are examples).


August 22, 2004


Canadian National
Railway (which now likes to be called just CN) is updated. This is a great
company and they have done very well. I called it a (lower) Buy but considering
the low risk for a long-term investor, I could have rated it Buy. Should have a
strong Q3 with grain movements. However, the high Canadian dollar and high fuel
prices may hurt it.


Breweries is updated for an excellent second quarter. This is a great little
company, but the price does not seem compelling at this time. I rated this a
(lower) Buy although I might almost equally have rated it Buy. The stock price
is up significantly this year. Q3 should be their strongest but they may not
exceed last’s year’s level by too much given costs they will face this year to
integrate a new acquisition. Probably a reasonable longer term pick. A bit of
insider selling caused me to be a little cautious at this price.


August 21, 2004


Canadian Tire
is updated. I have under estimated the company in the past. They have really
done well. They seem to have a low-cost way of acquiring credit card customers
with in-store promotions and the credit card business has been lucrative for
them. Still, at the current price, I don’t see them as a compelling buy.


August 20, 2004


Stantec is
updated. I last called this a Weak/Buy hold at $27, and I was right to say I
would not buy at that price. Now we are at about $22. Earnings growth has slowed
but should resume. This may be a good opportunity to get in before a price rise
but I am still a bit cautious until the earnings growth resumes and until a lag
that has developed in invoicing customers is resolved. Absent that I would look
to Buy below $20.


Performance is
updated. If you check the graphs under the Performance tab you can see that the
relative consistency with which Buys have moved up and sells have moved down.
This was a really strong week for my Strong Buys and the model portfolio. Last
Friday, August 13 turned out to be (at least for now) a bottom for many of these
stocks and they were looking quite cheap. But at that time the market had been
declining for some time and it seemed like a major chill was blowing over the
market. Logically we should be buying at that time but psychologically it is
very hard to Buy when the trend is negative. That’s why I generally try to
ignore the  trend. Once in a while I will get burned by ignoring the trend. But
more often such a strategy allows me to buy great companies at good or great


August 17, 2004


EL-Financial is updated. This not-very-well-known company owns Dominion
General Insurance Company as well the Empire Life Insurance company.  It is a
complex company and earnings are hard to predict. But 2004 is shaping up to be a
very profitable year. The stock is trading at book value. Normally buying solid
companies at book value is a good investment. In this sector Northbridge would
be my top pick at this time followed by Kingsway. However, I am probably wise to
hold all three to spread my risk. They all seem cheap.


I was feeling a bit badly that
Wendy’s had
fallen 10% or so to about $32.75 since I recently called it a Strong Buy. But
then today it rose almost $1.00. It is inherent in my methods that sometimes I
go against the trend. I call it a bargain and it may still drop. But ultimately
if I am right about the earnings and fundamentals it tends to go back up. My
record is pretty good. (But there are always risks and exceptions) In this case
the insanity is that on YAHOO the average analyst target price is about $40.00
but the rating is basically hold. That does not make sense. In this market we
probably don’t have to be in a hurry to buy. Rather we can nibble at price
drops. Similarly
Melcor is thinly traded and has dropped lately. I definitely think it will
be a good investment.



August 15, 2004


The latest issue of the free newsletter has been sent. You can access here


If you did not receive it then let me know. I use separate email lists for
the free list and the paid subscriber list.



August 14


Performance is
updated. This week particularly was a bad one for many of my favorite picks.
Still, the model portfolio and the Strong Buys are well ahead of the TSX index
for the year.


August 12


I am not much for trading in and out of the market but it certainly seems
like the market is in a down-draft and I would prefer to be somewhat higher in
cash. However, I still feel comfortable holding and or buying the Strong Buys
the (higher) Buys and the model portfolio. I expect things will get worse before
they get better, but then again the general market can sometimes turn around
very quickly.


Restaurants is updated for its recent very strong fiscal Q3 report. It appears
to be on track to finish out its year end on August 31 with another good
quarter. If so, the stock price would likely rise to at least $10. But those
earnings will not be out until around early November or later.


This stock is extremely thinly traded, as well as being quite tiny, and
therefore not an ideal stock for me to cover. But individual investors who want
to buy and who are patient should be able to get it. I would be cautious though
since one does not necessarily want to pay the asking price on such a thinly
traded stock.


August 9


Regarding the market in general, clearly it has been in a down-trend. I don’t
try to time the market. If the market is going to fall, I feel pretty good with
most of my portfolio invested in companies with reasonable price earnings ratios
and increasing earnings. Recently the Q2 earnings have been very strong and yet
the market has declined due to oil, jobs and interest rate worries. Basically,
the market is fundamentally a better value than it was 3 months ago. If I were
holding a lot of high multiple stocks I would be much more worried. It is always
possible that the market could decline significantly pulling everything down. In
that case serious bargains await us. But I am not going to sell and take that
chance. I feel pretty good buying and/or holding the Strong Buys and higher Buys
on this Site.


A case in point…
IGM Financial
(formerly Investors Group) is updated. Q2 earnings were stellar with a 16%
increase and with a continued 20% ROE. But the stock price has recently fallen a
bit. Clearly the recent fall in the market will hurt this company somewhat in
Q3. But the overall earnings  trend has been very positive. I expect earnings to
be down from Q2 but still up from Q3 last year. Mutual funds for the company
were still in net sales (as opposed to redemptions) as of July. However, August
may be difficult, it depends if retail investors start to flee the market if the
down-trend in the market continues. But overall I still find IGM to be a good
value. My strategy would be to average in.


If I were sitting on a lot of cash I would want to average in slowly to high
quality stocks. Many stocks are a much better value than they have been for some
time as earnings have risen and prices have not done much or have fallen. But
there is always the chance that things will get even cheaper so keeping some
cash is a good idea.



August 8, 2004


Manulife is
updated for its recent strong earnings release. This company is a rare example
of a Canadian company that is a “world class” company. Historic revenue and
earning growth has been very strong. With an equity market cap of $43 billion,
the company indicates that it is now the biggest Canadian company when measured
by stock market value.


August 7, 2004


SICO Inc. a
paint manufacturer and distributor is updated. I rate it a Buy. It could be a
potential candidate for conversion to a business income trust which would give
it additional up-side potential. I own shares but will not buy any more at this


Developments is updated. It is a real pleasure just to look at the balance
sheet of this company. Here is a company that has original invested equity of $8
million (the company started out in the 60s) and has retained earnings of $137
million. In addition to the retained earnings it has paid out quite a few
millions in dividends. This company recently was earning about 13% on equity and
was available at near book value. You can expect to earn about 13% per year if
the company continues to earn 13% ROE and if the P/E and price to book remain at
today’s low levels. Any increase in the market multiples would add to your
return.  I rate the company a (higher) strong buy because I expect it to
continue its winning ways. I don’t expect any drastic decline in building lot
sales or prices in Alberta. If held for at least 3 years, I see little downside
and a definite possibility of a 50% gain in a 1 to three year period. As always
there are no guarantees…


The recent stock price was $49.44, given the low trading liquidity, the
bid/ask spread is high.


August 6, 2004


The markets certainly got hit hard late this week. However the Strong Buys,
the Buys and the model portfolio on this Site were, on average up somewhat for
the week. I will update performance at the end of next week. Above, I updated
some comments about the model portfolio table. Lately I have been very pleased
by both the the earnings performance and (to a lesser extent) the market
performance of the model portfolio stocks. Currently the model portfolio has a
weighted average P/E of 12.5. These stocks are mostly relatively “cheap” on an
earnings multiple basis and on a multiple to book value. This kind of portfolio
tends to outperform the market over the long term and also offer better
stability. When the market declines, value stocks tend to hold up better than
average. When the market rises, these stocks can lag, but if they deliver strong
earnings growth then they rise on that basis. They are less driven by market
sentiment and more driven by earnings performance.


Kingsway Financial rose a little bit today in a declining market, based on
its earnings release. The “market” definitely remains skeptical about this
company. It looks like we are going to have to be patient before we see big
gains from Kingsway. But if earnings continue at the current level or (as I
expect) rise, then this stock will rise. There is not much room for the P/E or
price to book ratio to decline so if earnings rise the stock will rise.


I have discussed previously the unique nature of property and casualty
(liability) insurance companies. They collect insurance premiums. About 25% of
the premiums are typically used to pay expenses including commissions to
brokers. Claims paid out to customers cause total expenses to rise to an average
of roughly 95% to 105% of premium revenue. This causes an average insurance
“underwriting” profit of 5% to a loss of 5%. So far this does not sound so good.
But the reality is that the claims to customers are typically paid out many
months or even years after the premiums are collected. Meanwhile the insurance
company invests the proceeds.


In the case of Kingsway a virtual mountain of invested assets has built up.
Shareholders equity is about $800 million. But the total invested assets are
$3,100 million. As a result if Kingsway earns 4% on investments then this
translates to 4% times 3100/800 = 15.5% on equity and this is on top of any
return on equity earned on the insurance itself. Traditionally, insurance
companies were happy to break-even or even lose a bit on the insurance itself
and made their profits by investing the premiums. In today’s lower interest rate
environment it is more important that they at least break even on the insurance


If all goes well, Kingsway behaves as a cash engine, continually building up
its invested assets.


However another characteristic of this type of company is that the claims
expenses are all based on estimates. It can be very difficult to predict the
claims payouts. Accidents occurring in one year can take years to wind through
the courts and the ultimate court awards are hard to predict.


Unfortunately Kingsway has had a bad habit of under-pricing its insurance and
then having to continually book expenses related to increases in claims from
prior years. In essence the reported profits in the past have often proved to be
in a sense partly fictitious. Despite that Kingsway has managed to grow retained
earnings partly because it has grown rapidly so that its past sins are easier to
make up for on a larger current revenue base.


The result is that reported earnings for any year are not very reliable. They
may turn out to be be understated or overstated when all the claims are finally
settled for that year (which will be some years into the future).


Now… the company says that it has finally become much more conservative in
“reserving” for claims. For example at this time 42% of its reported liabilities
for claims ($821 million) relate to claims “incurred but not reported”. The
company reports that this is much higher than many of its peers. If so, this
could represent a hidden asset. This $821 million is not owed to anyone and
represents claims that have not even been reported. The company clearly thinks
that much of this will ultimately be paid out when claims that have already
happened are actually reported and finally settled.  But listening to the
conference call, I got the distinct sense that management thinks that there is a
cushion here.


It may even be that Kingsway has attempted to report lower earnings by
increasing its estimates for claims in this fashion. We all know about the
controversy over high insurance prices. It seems to me that the company has a
strong incentive to report no more than a reasonable level of profits.
Hypothetically, if they are making excessive profits this can be “hidden” by
being very conservative by increasing reserves for future claims. The profits
could then be recognized in later years by recognizing that the claims estimates
were too high.


This is a long story but the bottom line for me is that Kingsway looks like
an excellent value stock. There are always risks but I feel very good about the
potential of this stock to rise 50 to 100% within 12 months. (But please
remember, you invest at your own risk! and note that I thought the big rise
would have occurred already but it did not).


Northbridge Financial is in the same industry but has been much more
profitable and has not had problems with having to increase reserves for prior
years. Northbridge will likely be a more stable stock but also represents good
value (although a higher price to book value) with an excellent potential to
rise by 50% within 12 months. I am comfortable holding a significant weighting
in both. I have a higher weighting in Northbridge. As final point, not that
Warren Buffett made much of his fortune by investing in insurance companies and
that makes me feel more comfortable about investing in the industry.



August 5, 2004


Financial is updated for earnings released after market close today. The
earnings were quite strong. They would have been even stronger except the
company continues to add to reserves for potential claims. This stock should be
set to rise sharply. However the market has yawned at good earnings lately and
so it may be a slow rise. I rate it (higher) Strong Buy. I am no longer calling
it speculative, all stocks are speculative to some degree but I think the value
here based on the earnings and book value makes it less speculative than it was.
I view
Northbridge as a higher quality company, but Kingsway is lower priced with
respect to book value and its current earnings appear to be understated, due to
reserves for prior years and increases to “losses incurred but not reported”
whereas Northbridge may be at the top of its earnings cycle. I would be
comfortable with equal dollars in the two companies at this time.


August 4, 2004


International reported strong same store sales increases for July. The
company owned Wendy’s were up 3.9% while the franchise Wendy’s were up 2 to 2.3%
(but note most Wendy’s are franchised and so overall is probably closer to 2.5%
growth). The Tim Hortons same store sales growth was a huge 8%. There are now
228 Tim Hortons in the U.S.   I continue to suspect that the U.S. market does
not appreciate the strength of Tim Hortons even though it already accounts for
44% of Wendy’s profits while it is only 28% of the store count and despite the
fact that 23% of Wendy’s are company owned and only 2% of Hortons are company
owned. Company owned locations should be far more profitable than franchise
locations given the higher investment by the company.


Morons at the Gate…


I just sold my WestJet shares. I had only rated it a “(lower) buy” but then
decided to buy on speculation. A number of things cause me to lower my
expectations here. First, I heard advertisements today for Jetsgo offering
ridiculous prices well under $100 for flights in Western Canada and even
something like $89 from Edmonton to Halifax!.


An hour ride in a taxi costs about $70 and and yet these morons are charging
less than that for flights around 1 hour and some fares that work out to $20 or
less per hour in the air. I don’t know that much about Airline costs but I am
pretty certain that these fares are HUGE money losers. As long as WestJet faces
moronic competitors like this it will not make decent profits. I recently flew
out of Toronto and I saw the likes of Jetsgo and Canjet. Actually seeing their
planes helped me realize the problem that WestJet faces.


In addition WestJet just reported a poor quarter and the lawsuit from Air
Canada grew from $5 million to $220 million. Also Westjet had a history of
making profit using exceedingly old airplanes and avoiding Toronto. Now they are
buying new airplanes and flying into (high cost) Toronto, so this is almost a
new business model for them.


I still pick Westjet to be the last man standing but meanwhile all players
are going to lose money or at least have inadequate profits.


So… I sold my shares and will not consider buying again unless the stock
drops to the $9.00 area and/or the profit situation is resolved. I am removing
the report on Westjet because it is now outdated and it is not worth updating at
this point, unless subscribers have a particular interest in it.



August 3, 2004


a very big winner for me in 2003 that has since fallen in price is updated and
upgraded based on a strong Q2.  The numbers indicate Strong Buy but I am also
rating this high speculative. The best value investors in the world suggest
sticking to the highest quality companies that you really trust. Although cheap
this company would not pass that test. Still, it might be a worthy speculative
pick. Overall, I rate this a highly speculative Buy. (Initially I posted as
highly speculative Strong Buy but quickly had second thoughts)


August 2, 2004


Northbridge Financial is updated. I am calling it a Strong Buy rather than a
(higher) Strong Buy as indicated in my recent email to subscribers. The P/E
based on actual earnings is very attractive at 8.4. However the earnings were
achieved based on an underwriting profit ratio that was unusually high and also
based on realized investment gains that are somewhat higher than recent years.
Still, the company seems cheap with a price to book of 1.52 and 1.34 after
including unrealised gains on investments. My expectation is that very good
underwiting profits will continue for the short term and that this will push the
book value and the share price up. However, the market does seem skeptical
(given the low P/E) and therefore this investment may require patience.


The updated reports for
TSX Group,
Home Capital,
Wendy’s International
and Loblaws
are now added to the table above. These reports were distributed to subscribers
by email in July because I was unable to directly update this Site while on


August 2, 2004


I am back from vacation.
Performance is
updated. The Strong Buys and the model portfolio performed very well during
July. The Q2 earnings for most of these companies that have been released have
been strong. While the Canadian market is up slightly on the year and the U.S.
market is down, my own portfolio is up 10.4% this year, the Strong Buys are up
an average 14.4% and as detailed above, the model portfolio is up 14.5%… so I
think the performance of the stock picks here has been quite good this year.
(Some of the richest and most successful investors in the world target 15% per
year as a realistic and very good return if maintained over time.)


During July I was able to communicate with subscribers by email and sent a
number of updates. Most of these were sent from “Lisette Messervey”‘s email and
had “Shawn Allen” as the first part of the subject line so that you would
recognize who it was from. However, the emails for a very few subscribers
bounced back as undelivered. If you did not receive emails in July, particularly
later July dealing with the Q2 earnings reports let me know and I can check my
email address and also let me know if you are requesting a refund for July.


Meanwhile… based on the strong Q2 earnings and a market that is still
cautious there are a couple of companies that I feel very good about including
Northbridge Financial and Melcor Developments in particular. I will upload
reports on these companies later today, the July emails indicated that these two
were quite Strong Buys or “no brainers”. (Remember these are “ratings”, I don’t
give recommendations as such since I am not licensed to do so and since I don’t
know your personal circumstances. This a bit of a legal distinction but
understand that I am holding those shares myself, indicating my confidence in


July 6, 2004


Note that updates may be sporadic at best in July. I will be traveling and
whether or not I can update this page will depend on technology. If it
should turn out that I am unable to do updates then subscribers will be credited
a free month, but my plan is to continue with a reasonable amount of updates,
technology permitting. Also I way be away from email for much of July. I will
try to respond to any emails, but there could be significant delays.


So far, it looks like I was too conservative on West Jet. It is up from
$13.50 to $14.05. I bought a few shares at $13.97, having hesitated at $13.50.
It could move back down if earnings in Q2 are no good, but longer term I think
this is a good company. I would not load up though because it is a risky


The TSX Group has moved up a bit lately and I think it will report a strong
Q2. I am considering adding to my position here.


Regarding Wendy’s
I think we Canadians may have an advantage. Tim Hortons accounted for an
astounding 44% of their world-wide profits in ’03 and most Americans have never
heard of Tim Hortons. I don’t see any reason that Tim Hortons will not do very
well as it is rolled out (or is that rolled up?) across the U.S.


A Motley fool article July 1 indicated Wendy’s sales were not doing so well
and said:


The June backslide led to a mere 2.3% increase in Wendy’s same-store
sales, as compared with May’s whopping 6.7% growth. However, Wendy’s Tim
Horton’s concept eked out a 9.5% same-store sales increase in the U.S.


Wendy’s blamed wet weather on the apparent lack of traffic to its
restaurants; June weather, routinely described as cold and wet for much of the
country, has been blamed for discount retailers Target (NYSE: TGT – News) and
Wal-Mart (NYSE:


I’m not so sure a 2.3% same store increase is that bad, in a wet month, and a
9.5% same-store growth at the U.S. Tim Hortons is a bit better than the term
“eked out” would suggst.


For whatever reason Wendy’s is a bit out of favor in the market lately, I
view this as a definite opportunity. This is a stock that I am considering
buying more of.



July 3, 2004


As promised,
Westjet is added as a new listing. Not incredibly cheap despite the price
decline, but this is a very smart well-run company that has much growth ahead of
it. I fear it may drop a bit more yet as Q2 may not have been very good. Also
June passenger data will be out Monday or Tuesday and will likely move the stock
one way or the other. I am inclined to Buy a small amount and then wait and see
what happens in the next 6 weeks, adding more if the price drops.


June 29, 2004


No new updates but I can make a few comments about some of the picks and
recent prices.


Q2 ends tomorrow but earnings will not be out until starting mid-July


TSX Group has certainly been falling. The P/E is around 19 so not ostensibly
cheap. But when you think of it as an unregulated monopoly, 19 times is not too
bad. See my comments under June 6. I think this is a high quality company, could
always drop short-term but I think it is a good time to buy. If I had none, I
might buy some now but be prepared to buy more if it dropped to lower 40’s. It
has been very breifly at 60 and for a longer period at 55 but the market has
quieted since then…


Someone got 100 shares of Melcor today at $45.75, bouncing $45 to $47 lately,
very thin volume, P/E around 8 to 9, trading at about book value. They own land
around Edmonton and Calgary that they develop for houses. Lots are selling
slower this year than last, but prices still high. I can’t imagine a scenario
where I lose money on this if held for 5 years and yet it is not too hard to
imagine it doing very well like a double in 5 years. If you don’t think that is
very good then you are a gambler not an investor.


I’m certainly hopeful that the earnings on the insurance picks KFS and NB
will be good… Always hard to guess with insurance…Manulife has done well,
always a good pick on pull-backs it seems.


June 27, 2004


The latest edition of the
free newsletter
has been sent last night. If you did not receive then you are probably not on my
email list for the free newsletter. Let me know if you want to be added to that


I hope to add WestJet to the Site very soon (next weekend at latest).


June 20, 2004


In terms of what to Buy right now, as always the reports above are my views
as of the date of each report. I continue to like in particular TSX Group,
Wendy’s International, Melcor, Investors Group and Northbridge. Sportscene
restaurants is very tiny but is probably good if you can get it under $7.25.
Manulife and Loblaw are also good. In my view a portfolio consisting of those
names would be relatively low risk and probably offer above average returns.


Within a week or so I hope to Add West Jet to this page because it might be
attractive after the recent decline in its price.


Atlas Cold Storage


I was interested in Atlas Cold Storage Income Trust because its unit price
has fallen from $13.42 to $4.75 and I thought it might be getting to the point
where the units were trading for less than the asset value and might be a
classic value situation.


However, the Atlas units are still trading at 81% of book value, calculated
as Trust Equity of $363.9 million divided by 61.8 million units outstanding
(basic and diluted).


81% of book value would normally be considered attractive but given all of
the problems that Atlas faces, this is still not a compelling bargain.


Here are Atlas’s major problems as I understand them.


Restatements of financial statements precipitated a total loss in confidence
of the former management that has resulted in a total replacement of top
managers and trustees. The top former executives are now facing quasi-criminal


The company has about $206 million in debt that is due and payable on July 23
and which it does not have the cash to pay and no new borrowing is in place.
This can likely be extended but the lenders are charging high interest rates and
fees on top of the interest.


There is a class action law suit against the company in the amount of $358
million. If successful this would likely put the unit value at about zero.
Meanwhile this action is causing the company to spend on lawyers and


The majority of the assets consist of buildings ($402 million) and equipment
($161 million). On a going concern basis I would normally expect these assets to
be worth significantly more than book value. However, since most of the goodwill
was written off in 2002 and 2003 I have no confidence that these assets are
worth any more than book value. On a distress sale basis they may not even be
worth book value.


It’s hard to tell if Atlas is generating any free cash flow. It generated
just less than zero in Q1. But this was impacted by a cost of about 10 cents per
unit in professional fees. Absent the professional fees it would appear that
Atlas would have generated about 9 cents per unit in Q1.


U.S. revenues in U.S. dollars declined slightly in Q1 versus the year-ago


With all these problems, it may be too difficult for the company to get back
to normal operations and eliminate all the unusual professional fees, any time


Overall, there are just too many problems here for me to consider investing
even at 81% of book value. The lenders will insure that the entity keeps
operating but they may do it in such a way that they end up owning the equity


If the company could convert its debt into at least a five year mortgage loan
then things might turn around quickly for a fast gain here. But it just seems
too risky to me. I’ll try to take another look at this in late July.


As an aside, the former management appear to have been exceedingly
incompetent. I am not aware why the Trust was not capitalized with more equity
and less debt in the first place, or at the time of acquisitions. Also it seems
very curious that there was not long-term mortgage financing in place for the
building and land assets (if not equity).


June 19, 2004


Performance is
updated. Right now I am taking a look at Atlas Cold storage and may add to the
Site as a new pick if it looks good.


June 11, 2004


Regarding Wendy’s
international and its Tim Hortons business I am reminded of what Warren
Buffett said about cigarettes as an investment which was something along the
lines of… make it for a penny, sell it for a dollar and it’s highly
. The implication being that the economics of the cigarette
business were extraordinarily attractive – but that was before all the big law
suits. But I think much the same applies for coffee, the incremental cost of
making a coffee is probably not more than 10 or twenty cents including the cream
and sugar and the selling price is over a dollar and the product is highly
addictive, consumed several times daily and with a huge loyal customer base. I
walked by a Tim Hortons in downtown Calgary yesterday morning and every third
person on the Street was holding a cup of their coffee and inside there was a
crowd. Considering all of that and the fact that Wendy’s is selling for a P/E
around 17 which is not a screaming bargain but also probably not too high, I am
very comfortable owning this stock. And note that Tim Hortons contributed a
surprisingly large 44% of Wendy’s Internationals profits. I like Wendy’s as well
so for me this “combo” is irresistable.


Transcontinental is updated but maintained as a weak buy/hold. It is
possible that its free cash flow is significantly higher than earnings but I am
not yet convinced that this will continue. If it is the case then they ought to
be able to increase the dividend substantially which could lead to a higher
share price.


I intend to analyse West Jet soon. The price has declined but the P/E is
still not very attractive at 26. Still, this is a great company and it may be a
good time to acquire it. Their load factor fell recently, but I think that
simply demonstrates their rationality. They were not willing to lower fares to
match the money-losing fares of Air Canada and a few other brainless companies.
I understand that their costs are about half of Air Canada’s per mile flown and
ultimately the low cost provider in this business will win. Note that I have not
analysed it yet and have no opinion on the stock until I do. (I have a high
opinion of the company but no opinion on the stock price).



figures are updated. This last week was quite positive for my stock picks.


The Forzani
Group is updated. I have further down-graded this from weak sell to an out
right sell. (But I do not recommend short selling it). They continue to see
declines in same store sales and “price deflation”. For reasons indicated in the
report I am not comfortable trusting this management. I continue to cover this
stock because I did previously own it and because I think there will come a
point at which it will turn around. Some of the best gains can be made by
continuing to monitor companies that are experiencing difficulty, because when
they resolve the problems, the price can rise quite quickly.


June 7, 2004


The latest edition of the free newsletter has been sent. If you did not
receive it, you can access at Let me know if you want
to added to the list for this if you are not already getting this. (The free
newsletter in only sent about once per month).


The free newsletter talks about companies that can generate very high profits
on incremental business. I think the TSX Group is an example of that. Their
costs do not change that much when volume increases and therefore they can make
very high profits on their revenue growth.


Banks are another example as they become increasingly electronic. They pick
up revenue from electronic transactions. Their fixed cost for the technology are
high but their incremental cost on volume growth is very low.


I note that TSX Group dropped again today (to $50.80). While one can always
hope for a lower price, I think it is very attractive at this price.


I notice that my insurance companies did very well today, hopefully, the
start of a trend.



June 6, 2004


Canadian Western Bank is updated. I am calling it only a weak Buy at this
time. But it is a lower risk stock. It has doubled in price in the past 5 years.
I would be more interested at a somewhat lower price. It’s worth keeping an eye


Group dropped $1.24 yesterday to $52.25. I last called it a (lower) Strong
Buy at $50.00.


On June 3, the company released its trading statistics for May which
indicated that the trading volume on the TSX was up only 1% while the value of
trades was up 24%. Year to date the volume is up 39%. According to their annual
report, trading revenues rise with both volumes traded and the value of trades.


While the market has slowed somewhat, it still seems highly likely that the
profits of the TSX in Q2 will be up significantly from Q2 2003.


This company is unregulated but has a virtual monopoly. It also conducts
business largely electronically so that incremental business is highly
profitable. I continue to think this company is an excellent investment.


I note that TD Waterhouse analyzed the May trading volume and rates the
company a BUY with a target price of $60.



June 2, 2004


As an investor in several property insurance companies, I was delighted today
to hear that two insurance companies are pulling out of the Newfoundland market
because of government insurance rate roll-backs. One of the companies was a name
I had never heard of, but the other was Dominion General Insurance Company which
is one of the countries largest property insurance companies and is owned by
E-L Financial.


The story said that Dominion General was pulling out and refusing to insure
drivers in Newfoundland. In reality they are only refusing to take new
customers. This will send a small shock wave through the land as governments
make plans to interfere in the free market for insurance and try to cut
premiums. The next step would be for them to refuse to renew existing policies,
that would really be a shock.


Smart insurance companies refuse to take on business that is unprofitable.


Hopefully, this news will make governments think twice about their roll-back


May 31, 2004


Financial has been falling. (as have a lot of stocks) I don’t know any
particular reason. They did just sell off a small life insurance division for
$20 million for the shares. They got a pre-tax gain of $4 million, so a gain of
25% on the $16 million book value.


This was a small non-core area for them.


The market may be thinking that Q2 will not be as good as Q2 last year since
last year they had big realized capital gains on stocks. But even if Q2 this
year is well below Q2 last year, the P/E will still be very low here. And the
operating ratios indicate that this is a very profitable insurance company. Note
from the report that this company is mostly in commercial insurance and property
insurance rather than car insurance which has been more volatile.


It looks cheap to me and I would not revise my rating. However, I already own
a fair amount and I am not going to buy more at this point. It is not wise to
get over-exposed to the company. But I am definitely not selling.


May 29, 2004


International Inc. is added as a new listing.  Wendy’s owns Tim Hortons.
Canadians are well aware of the obviously high profitability of Tim Hortons. It
seems to me that Tim Hortons will continue to do very well against other coffee
shops. In addition, it has added enough other items like soup and sandwiches to
do well in the fast food segment as well. And I think its newer menu items fit
in well with the movement to healthier choices. I definitely see lots more
growth for Tim Hortons and I see no reason why they will not do well in the U.S.
as well. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Tim Hortons makes up 46% of
Wendy’s profits. Turning to Wendy’s, my personal experience is that they are
leaving McDonald’s and Burger King in the dust with their better quality food
and faster service. The stock is priced at about 18 times trailing 12 months
earnings, which is not a screaming bargain. However when you consider the
quality of the company and the fact that there is probably very little risk that
you would lose money if you held for several years, then I think this stock is
well worth considering.


figures are updated.



May 23, 2004


Lately, it appears that the price of oil is what is driving the market lower.
There was some sign this weekend that OPEC might increase production to drive
the oil price down. After the recent market pull-back I am hopeful that things
will at least stabilize. However, market investors should always be prepared for
the market to sink from time-to-time. I remain confident that I can do well over
the years by selecting better valued stocks usually in high quality companies.
Bad markets will tend to pull almost all stocks down somewhat, but being patient
with high quality companies will usually be rewarded in the next up-cycle.


Breweries is updated. I rate this a Buy and it is definitely worth
considering. It has increased in price 28% this year which could leave it
vulnerable to some pull-back. But it is a solid cash generating company and
profits have grown. Hopefully, it will continue to strengthen as we go through
the summer season.


I note that Fairfax’s earlier announced sale of
shares did take place at $25.60 as planned. I was worried that the issue price
might come in lower but appears that the price must have been locked in.


When strong stocks like Investors Group, (now re-named IGM Financial) decline
it is always tempting to wait and try to catch the bottom. But a better approach
is probably to go ahead and Buy at least some perhaps holding aside some funds
for a further drop.


May 22, 2004


Performance is
updated. Obviously the last number of weeks have been disappointing, but the
overall performance of the stock picks is still very good compared to the TSX


May 16, 2004


The market has been declining on fears on higher interest rates. In fact, the
the higher interest rates are already here. The Federal Reserve Board in the
U.S. controls very short term interest rates. This is the rate that may rise in
June. But long-term rates are set in the market. The U.S. 10 year bond yield has
risen from 3.83% in March to 4.79% on Friday. This is a huge increase. Stock
market values are affected by long-term interest rates. This is why the market
has fallen despite strong earnings growth in Q1.


It is more correct to say that the market is down because of higher market
interest rates and not because of the fear of higher rates.


It seems possible at this time that the markets in general will continue to


Those who think they can time such things might want to take money out of the
market at this time.


However to the extent that you have money in the market, my belief is that
companies with solid earnings and dividends will provide more protection in a
market decline than will more speculative stocks.


At this time the bulk of my own portfolio is in stocks with strong earnings
and with P/E ratios below about 15. And some is in stocks with P/E ratios below
10. I have very little in stocks with P/Es above 20. If the market does fall, I
believe I will well served by these stocks in the long-run. On the other hand, I
am trying to sell some of the positions that I don’t like as well to insure I
have some cash to invest at lower prices if the market does fall.


May 15, 2004


Companies is updated for Q1 earnings. This is considered one of Canada’s highest
quality companies in terms of high profitability and sustained growth. It has
always seemed pricey. But the P/E has fallen from about 28 a few years ago to a
reasonable 19.5 at this time. The price has fallen on price competition in the
grocery business. But the company ,maintained earnings growth in Q1. This may be
an opportunity to add this high quality company to a portfolio at a reasonable
price. I may buy some and if it falls below $60 again, I would likely buy more.


is updated for Q1 earnings and a recent very large share issue. The numbers
indicate that this is excellent value. But the company seems very secretive. It
seems strange indeed that a company that has been growing trees on plantations
and which has been selling standing timber is now saying that it will use the
money just raised to purchase mature pine trees! The shares were issued at $2.65
which was lower than expected and which has hurt the share price. If management
is trustworthy this will likely be a very good investment, but I don’t totally
trust that management is trustworthy and I consider this to be highly
speculative I lowered my rating to Speculative Buy.


Performance is


May 9, 2004


Note that BW Technologies is being taken over at a price of $36. I first
rated this a Buy just over two years ago at $19.54. I last called it a (lower)
Buy at $26.75 on March 19. It always seemed like an excellent company but was
generally not bargain priced. This transaction proves that it is often good to
stick with excellent companies even when they don’t seem too cheap. Excellent
companies usually do not have much down-side risk.


Dalsa Corporation
is updated for Q1 earnings. This is an excellent company with strong technology
in digital imaging. It has appreciated significantly in price recently. It is
not bargain priced but may be a reasonable pick to get some exposure to


Financial is updated for its Q1 earnings. This is not one of my stronger
picks at this time but could be a good long-term investment.


May 8, 2004


Financial is updated for its Q1 earnings. I have lowered my rating on this
from (higher) strong buy to (lower) strong buy. The reason for this is not the
Q1 earnings but rather that I am taking a more conservative view of its 2003
earnings. In 2003, the company earned an unusually high amount from realized
capital gains on its investments and this is not sustainable. It’s very
difficult to know what level of capital gains should be assumed for the future
since there have been some gains every year. After adjusting to remove 60% of
the gain the ratios are not as good. (see report).


However I note that the company has made exceptionally strong profits of
about 7% on its insurance operations before any investment gains. (Insurance
companies are traditionally happy to break-even on insurance and make all the
profit on investment yields and gains). I also note that insurance premiums have
risen and 2004 should be very profitable on insurance operations. Overall I
still think that this is a strong investment. However Q2 earnings will not
likely match the very high Q2 last year which had very large realized capital


Financial is updated for its Q1 earnings. Q1 earnings per share rose by 12%.
However the market reaction to this was muted. Analysts are disturbed that the
company had even a small amount of additional increases to estimated claims
related to 2003 and earlier. I focus on the 17% ROE in Q1 along with the fact
that the shares are trading at only 1.15 times book value. With all the problems
the company had in 2003 with increased expenses for claims related to prior
years it should be easy for the company to increase earning markedly compared to
2003. The now declining Canadian dollar is good for this company. Investment
returns on bonds will be enhanced by higher interest rates. The stock may not do
anything until the Q2 and then Q3 earnings are released later this year
(assuming they are good). Overall I rate this a speculative strong buy. Owning
companies with double digit ROEs that trade near book value tends to be a good


Performance is
updated and is still very good. You can see the
2004 results here
for the stocks picked at the start of 2004. Of course I also change stock
ratings throughout the year continuously. It’s difficult to track the
performance there but the results from my own portfolio and from the model
portfolio are somewhat indicative.


The trend to higher interest rates will have a definite negative affect on
the market. I’m definitely not going to start selling stocks that I think are
still bargains. Buy I might sell some stocks that I rate as weak Buy or lower.
If the market falls it will be nice to have cash to pick up bargains. Selling is
an easier decision for stocks in tax-free plans, it is a tougher decision if the
sale will result in capital gains taxes.


I don’t have any money in bonds or bond funds but if I did I would probably
sell because those will definitely fall as interest rates rise.


The pressure for higher interest rates is the strength in the economy. In
this environment many profitable companies will continue to do well. In cases
where such companies are not trading at a high multiple of book value and are
good value, I don’t see that much risk from interest rates. Basically, it should
be a period where quality stocks will do reasonably well.


May 4, 2004


No trades on Sportscene today or yesterday but the offer was $7.51 so I will
use that price to notionally sell half the Sportscene. This gives up some gain
but locks in a 50% gain. I hold some Sportscene which I am not selling but in
the model portfolio it had grown to too large a percentage of the portfolio.
I’ll notionally put 2/3 of the proceeds into TSX Group and 1/3 into Investors
Group at tomorrow’s opening price.


The mutual fund industry saw net sales in April. Investors Group which
includes MacKenzie Financial had a small net sales result. It is almost a given
that Investors Group will show a large earnings increase in Q2 2004 versus 2003.
However earnings may be down from Q1 2004. I noticed in the mutual fund industry
report that all the Banks had the best net sales while some independent funds
had net redemptions. I have not analyzed any of the big banks in a long time due
to their complexity, but I may do so since I feel that in general the big banks
are probably a good long term investment.


You can see the mutual fund industry report for April at


May 2, 2004


In the model portfolio, Sportscene has become a large part of the weighting
due to its performance. It seems prudent to rebalance by selling half of the
Sportscene at tomorrow’s opening price or the next time it trades but with
minimum sell price of $7.00. It’s unfortunate to set the minimum so low but that
is realistic for such a thinly traded issue.  I still like both of these stocks,
but its not realistic to leave Sportscene at 19% of the portfolio.  After I
confirm the price at which these are notionally sold, the intention is to put
about 2/3 of the proceeds into TSX Group and the remainder into Investors Group.
I would use the opening prices the day after the Sportscene is notionally sold.


Northbridge, I was expecting the full financials on Friday plus a conference
call. I see no sign of that. They released earnings about a week earlier without
full financials. The parent company fairfax Financial released poor earnings on
Thursday. This seems to confirm my earlier conclusion that the sale of
Northbridge shares by Fairfax has nothing to do with any problem at Northbridge
but reflects the parent’s need to shore up its balance sheet.


Investors Group is updated. I rate this company a Strong Buy based on
valuation. Combine the good value with the stability and relative low risk of
this company and for me it is an easy decision to Buy.


paint manufacturer is updated. Q1 earnings were lower than the year ago figures.
I’m down-grading this from “(lower) Strong Buy” to “Buy” due to increased
uncertainty over valuation. But is still a steady profitable company that may be
a good investment. It made a large acquisition in 2003 and the next two quarters
will likely indicate if this is working out. I will hold my position in this
company at this time.


Developments a residential property developer in Edmonton is updated. This
profitable company sells at about book value while most companies trade well
above book value. The company trades at a P/E of 8.5 when the market average is
roughly double that figure. However Q1 earnings were below the year ago figures
due to timing events and the cyclical nature of the business. The company
indicates it is ahead of target for the year. This stock is thinly traded and
could be volatile. However, I believe that the evidence indicates that this will
be a very good investment if held for the long-term.



April 30, 2004


Group is updated for very strong earnings released on Tuesday. Since then
the stock has fallen from $54.60 on Monday to $50.00 today. Given that trend and
the market down-trend it could fall a bit more yet. But I think is is very good
value at this price and is likely to be an excellent long-term investment. I
bought some at $28, more at $45 and I will likely buy more at this price. I’m
kicking myself for not buying more last Fall since (as I said then) it was
totally predictable that it would report very strong earnings due to the rise in
the market. This stock is very worthy of consideration.


Performance is
updated and continues to look very good despite the fact that the TSX fell about
5% this week.


April 28, 2004


Wow, the TSX fell 300 points or 3.5% today. Like I said yesterday it seems
like the market wants to fall. Stocks with great earnings news fall and then
with the Nortel news it and a lot of other stocks fell.


I have a bit of cash from past sales I reported but mostly I am in some
pretty solid stocks like Manulife, Northbridge, InvestorsGroup, Melcor, E-L
Financial, TSX Group, also a fair position in Kingsway and positions in other
buys and strong buys like SICO, Transcontinental, Sportscene restaurants and
Sleemans and others. I have essentially nothing in high-tech. … So, I don’t
think I will sell any of these at this point. If I did it would be to sell part
of the position to get into some cash.


With strong earnings still coming in maybe tomorrow will look better. I’m
confident my picks will fall less than the market.


This Nortel fiasco is not that surprising, the stock had no business going
back to the $8 range. That company made some criminally stupid financial moves
like not issuing stock when the price flew very high and issuing mega millions
of shares to buy worthless companies…so they promoted the then CFO Dunn to
CEO… good riddance.


I have some updates to do for TSX and SIC and Melcor for earnings and hope to
get to in the next few days.


Manulife fell as low as $50.10 today but now shows a closing price of $55.
That fall was a buying opportunity…It may be volatile next few days as the
Hanover acquisition closes.



April 27, 2004


Financial is updated for Q1 earnings. This company is very much worth
considering although I rate it “only” a Buy. This Canadian company is a true
world class company, one of our very few. The usual theory is that a huge
company cannot grow fast. And yet in Q1 premiums and investments on deposit were
up 16% versus Q1 2003 in Canadian dollars and would have been up 27% if the
Canadian dollar did not rise. The company’s purchase of a huge U.S. insurer is
just closing. The company has a big Asian division including being very active
in China. This company knows Asia because it has been operating in Hong Kong for
something like 100 years! The value ratios indicate it is a Buy rather than a
Strong Buy. But it is also low risk. In my opinion the worse likely case
scenario is that for a 5 year holding period you make say 6% on your money
whereas the best case scenario is probably more like you double your investment
in 4 to 5 years. So a good risk/reward trade-off. If I did not already have a
big position I would buy some at this price. If it drops below $50 then I would
definitely be a buyer. The Q1 earnings were very good. The stock initially rose
on the news but then fell back below where it started this week. That is
indicative of the market’s mood at this time. It almost seems like the market
wants to fall due to higher interest rate fears and it is taking a big earnings
increase just to tread water. This particular company should do well even if
rates rise since it can then earn more on its investments.


April 25, 2004


I sent out an issue of the free newsletter yesterday. Most of you would have
received it. But I do keep two separate lists and so some subscribers may not be
on the list for the free newsletter. Here is a link to the newsletter.  If you did not get it,
email me and I can add you to the list for the free newsletter. (This has been
sent about once per month but may become less frequent).



April 24, 2004


Capital is updated for its very strong Q1 earnings. As mentioned under March
7 below, I sold all my shares at that time. I bought them back at a lower price
when these strong earnings came out. But after crunching the numbers I’m not
sure how wise that was. The share price went up soon after the earnings news but
then dropped back a bit. It’s been an exceptional company but it certainly is
not cheap. I may sell if rises back to the $28 range in the next two months.
This stock is now up 223% since I first covered it calling it a Buy exactly two
years ago.


April 23, 2004


Performance is
updated and is very good. Also the model Portfolio is updated above.



April 22, 2004


It’s almost mind-boggling that
stock did almost nothing today. It released earnings after the market close
yesterday but then today it trades at about the closing price from yesterday in
a tight range of a few cents. On any average day – with no news – this stock is
up or down 25 cents or more quite often and yet when it releases earnings it
does nothing? I would have thought that the earnings would drive the stock
someplace. I was betting it would go up. But I am very surprised to see it do
nothing at all. It also had lower than average volume today which is again
strange. I would have thought that an earnings release would cause more fence
sitters to buy or sell.


A partial explanation is that they will not release the full financials or do
the conference call until the 30th. So maybe the analysts are holding off on
their opinions until then. In the meantime I bought a few more today. When I
think about this stock, the phrase “back up the truck” comes to mind. Of course
all stocks are risky so I won’t bet the farm but I would personally be quite
comfortable with 15% of my portfolio in this stock. Possibly the pending share
issue at $25.60 will have to priced lower but I suspect that Fairfax will not
want to do that and instead there will be some kind of effort to try get the
price back to at least the $26 mark.



April 21, 2004


Northbridge Financial ended up releasing earnings after the markets closed to
today. This is about 9 days earlier than scheduled. I suspect that management
felt that the earnings would be well received and would push the price back
above $25.60 so that they can do their share issue at that price. The earnings
were 63 cents per share for Q1 versus 60 cents last year. But I think it is more
important to note that that they had insurances expenses of just 92.8 cents per
$1.00 of revenue compared to 95.4 cents in Q1 last year. Most insurance
companies are happy to just break-even on the insurance operation with profit
coming from the investing of premiums. So Northbridge’s results are very good in
my opinion. In Q1 the company made $32.2 million. But it also made an additional
$53.8 million in unrealized capital gains on its investments. I strongly suspect
the stock will rise tomorrow and I continue rate this as one of my top picks.
The prospectus for the share issue also indicates that management is expecting
good results to continue.


Overall the markets seem weak. A very good earnings season does not seem to
be good enough to lift the markets since strong earnings were already generally
priced into the market.


April 20, 2004


Financial fell 3% today to $25.30 on the news that its parent FairFax
Financial will sell 6 million shares at $25.60 to reduce its stake from 71% to
59% ownership.


In this circumstance is is normal for the shares to fall to around the
selling price of the new offer, although in this case it went below.


I’m not sure that this is particularly bad news for Northbridge. It seems to
me that the reason FairFax would sell is to sure up its own balance sheet and
reduce debt. This share sale is announced about 10 days before Northbridge and
FairFax will announce earnings. It seems to me that this probably signals that
Northbridge’s earnings will be in line with expectations. I don’t think FairFax
would announce a $25.60 price if it knew that Northbridge’s earnings next week
were going to be either very bad or extraordinarily good. In addition I would
think that the underwriters of the share sale will try generate buyer interest
and try to keep the price up. I have not seen any analyst comments on this, but
that is my take on it…


restaurants rose to $8.30 today but this stock is very thinly traded. I
maintained my Strong Buy rating at $7.00 but would consider it only a Buy at
$8.00 to $8.30. I suspect it might be possible to get it closer to $7.00 if one
is patient.



April 18, 2004


The Thomson
Corporation is added as a new company above. This is a very large company
that is Canadian owned but which is essentially a U.S. company with some
international revenues as well. It trades in Toronto and New York. I like its
business model of selling information with most of it delivered electronically
on a subscription basis. I think this is the type of company that Warren Buffett
would like to buy although I’m not sure that he would like the price. I think it
is a good long term holding. It will soon announce Q1 earnings which I suspect
will be improved due to the market strength and strong economy in Q1.


April 16, 2004


Restaurants is updated for its Q2 earnings released after the close of
markets today. A very good quarter showing strong growth. I am maintaining the
Strong Buy rating. It is quite attractive as a long term hold at $7.00. The
stock is very thinly traded which causes some price volatility.


April 15, 2004


Regarding the market in general, it is always very difficult to predict the
direction. Higher interest rates are certainly a threat. This week it seemed
like the market wanted to focus on bad news rather than good. It may take a very
strong earnings season to hold the market up. Taking some profits now to
accumulate  cash might be a good idea.


Sino-Forest is
updated for its 2003 earnings release. Earlier I had called it a sell at over
$5.00 but the numbers indicate a Speculative Strong Buy now that it has fallen
to $3.03. However, expect volatility. I consider this quite risky and I would
make only a small investment here. It might be better to wait and see what
happens with the pending share sale. Also I would check insider trading in the
next few weeks. Insiders were not active lately but may have been in a
“black-out” period pending the earnings release. Be cautious with this one.


April 13, 2004


Shaw Communications is updated for its Q2 earnings release. This marks three
quarters of positive earnings after about 12 quarters of losses. Earnings are
still too low. But the companies continues to add customers rapidly in high
speed internet and in satellite service. The company is capable of generating
higher cash flows and therefore has potential. The stock is trading at about 19
times projected free cash flow for 2004. This is not attractive but is not
overly high either. At this time I am not a buyer until earnings improve and I
consider it to be a Speculative Weak Buy.


Insider Trading


I just looked up Insider Trading in 2004 for all of the Strong Buys and most
of the Buys listed on the Site and a few sells I was interested to check. For
most companies I found nothing of note. Of interest I saw moderate Insider
buying for Kingsway Financial and Sportscene Restaurants. I saw significant
insider selling for the TSX Group. Regarding two companies I had sold myself I
saw insider selling at Home Capital and Sino-Forest (none below $5.00 for Sino).
You can check insider selling at (This link is
also provided below the list of stocks above).


April 4, 2004


AGF is
updated for its Q1 earnings release. As expected, it did well in Q1. The outlook
for mutual fund companies is good because their assets under management have
recently risen with the markets (which automatically increases their revenues)
and because net sales of mutual funds have returned strongly to positive figures
in the past few months. In this segment I prefer
Group, which has its own retail sales forces, but AGF should also do well.


Savings Income Fund is added as a new company. This company has been an
extremely good performer. However, at this time it seems to be at least fully
valued. It may be worth watching in case a better buying opportunity arises in


Regarding Sino-Forest it was my best performer last year as a Speculative
Strong Buy at $1.17. But starting out this year I called it a Sell at $5.16. It
subsequently got as high as $7.12 but then fell sharply all the way to $2.80. It
has now recovered to $3.34. Part of my reason for considering it a Sell at $5.16
was that insiders had many sold shares in the $3 to $4 range. No insider trading
is reported on SEDI since the share price plummet. The company had hoped to do
an equity issue around $4.00. Possibly there will now be an attempt to get the
share price back to $4.00 before issuing shares. At its current price I would
consider it quite speculative because of recent events which included a
restatement of earnings. At this point I am not a buyer and it might be best to
wait until the share issue is done and see if the price stabilizes.


March 27, 2004


Financial is added as a new company. This company owns Dominion General
Insurance one of Canada’s largest property and casualty companies. The company
was founded in 1968 by the Jackman family which still manages and controls the
company. The total share capital ever raised was only $8 million, while retained
earnings  are now over $1 billion, which is very impressive. I like that the
shares are trading just below book value. However reported earnings have been
quite unimpressive. But  I suspect that earnings will increase very materially
in 2004 due to insurance price increases. The company is conservatively managed.
The stock price has been volatile and is up sharply in the last 9 months. This
would have to be a considered a speculative pick and a longer-term holding.
However, I think the Jackman family has been very astute at building their
wealth through this company and I am willing to tag along with that.


Cognos is
updated. This is a great company but always seems too expensive.


March 26, 2004


The Forzani
Group is updated and rated a weak sell / hold despite its price drop from
$16.51 when last analyzed to $13.43 now. It may become a good bet if it falls
even further and if it shows improved earnings.



March 21, 2004


Developments is updated for its 2003 Q4 and year-end earnings. Noi change in
my view that it is a Strong Buy as a long term hold.


March 20, 2004


I decided to remove Maple Leaf Foods from the list of covered companies. I
called it a sell in December. It has risen since then and its pending
acquisition of competitor Schneiders may be a big help. But it has a very poor
history. In 2003 earnings were only 27 cents per share down from 71 cents in the
prior year. The company indicates that prior to restructuring charges earnings
would have been 36 cents. There continues to be a confusing array of unusual
gains and (mostly) losses year after year. I thought the company was on the
right track with its its investments in research and quality, but this seems to
be a very competitive business and I prefer to move on to more attractive areas.


As an investment theme area, I continue to like the insurance area. Life
insurance companies are more predictable and seem to provide steady gains over
the years. Property and casualty insurance is much more risky but could provide
big gains this year. One of the largest property insurance companies in Canada
is Dominion General Insurance, which is owned by E-L Financial. I have sent for
information and hope to add this company to the Site soon. It has experienced
fairly low returns and trades at book value. However, I suspect it will have a
good year in 2004 due to insurance rate increases. I also have sent for
information on FairFax financial and hope to add it as well.


Meanwhile my two top picks at the moment continue to be Investors Group and
North Bridge Financial. Melcor would be my third choice although it is thinly
traded and therefore not suitable for short-term trading.



Performance is
updated. While the overall stock market has fallen in the past two weeks, these
stock picks have not fallen as much as the overall market and are still well
ahead of the TSX for the year.


March 19, 2004


Technologies is updated. Although the stock is expensive it is a well
managed company with a great track record. It’s still small enough to continue
growing rapidly. I am upgrading it to a Speculative (lower) Buy somewhat on the
theory that winners usually find a way to keep winning.


March 17, 2003


is updated. The company continues to do very well but its P/E has gotten a
little high.


Transcontinental is updated and downgraded to Weak Buy / Hold. The share
price had risen since my last rating but has fallen back somewhat due to a
disappointing earnings release. It’s probably still a good long term hold and is
well managed but there is certainly a risk that the price will drop back a bit
more yet. I am not a buyer at this time and will either hold my position or I
might sell to move into something more attractive.


March 13, 2004


The latest free
newsletter has been emailed as a link to those on the list for the free
newsletter. If you did not get it, you may not be on the free newsletter list or
it could have been blocked by your system for some reason.


March 12, 2004


As you might imagine, the performance took a hit this week. But not as bad of
a hit as the general market. The model portfolio is updated above and is still
up 12.2% this year. The Strong Buys are also up an average of 12.2%. Full
performance figures
are now updated, I generally do that every two weeks.



March 11, 2004


Paint maker SICO
Inc. is updated for its 2003 earnings release. I’m down-grading it slightly
to lower Strong Buy. It made less money in 2003 than in 2002 but that was due to
a restructuring charge associated with an acquisition. This acquisition should
start to show up with a boost to earnings in the next few quarters. There could
be a further upside here if it decided to go the Income Trust route.


It looks like my performance figures will take a hit this week. That’s not
surprising after the way the market was rising the last number of weeks. I can’t
predict how big the market correction will be, but it does seem clear that the
more speculative stocks like Nortel will take the biggest hit.


March 7, 2004


I have decided to sell all of my Home Capital shares because it has run up so
sharply. Also I am less than clear on how it manages to make such high profits
on loans. It relies on mortgage brokers rather than its own sales force and I
don’t understand how they both get so much business and make high profits. I
know they serve somewhat non-standard customers but I’m not sure that is enough
reason for the high profits. Given its performance and momentum it may keep
going but I decided to lock in some gains here. Also I plan to sell most or all
of my Canadian Western Bank tomorrow again to lock in gains.



March 6, 2004


Western Bank is updated for its earnings release on Thursday. The results
were moderately disappointing. They also announced the pending acquisition of
Canadian Direct Insurance from HSBC for $25.4 million. This is a new line of
business that could be lucrative but also has risks of losses in the short term
due to start-up costs. Overall, my sense is that the stock has some risk of a
moderate decline and probably limited upside potential in the short term. I may
sell my position to move into something else.


March 5, 2004


Performance is
updated. This past week saw exceptional gains in many of the Picks. I hope to
update a few companies in the next day or so for earnings releases.


March 2, 2004


Forzani fell 15% today after indicating that its earnings would be 87 cents
rather than $1.01 and this was down from the original estimate of $1.01.
Sometimes these things are a bit predictable. This is pretty much the scenario I
talked about under my Nov 29 comments and in the report under Management Quality
I said:


MANAGEMENT QUALITY: Management has a good
history, I perceive the quality of management to be very high. They have
delivered! I am concerned though that at the end of Q2 fiscal ’04 they stuck to
original guidance of $1.35 per share when it really looked like the year was not
shaping up for that kind of growth at all. In Q3 they reduced guidance to $1.01
but that will require a banner Q4 and I am beginning to doubt their credibility.


Credibility is now a real problem, Q4 earnings were up from the year-earlier,
the problem is they were essentially forecasting a plus 50% earnings growth for
Q4 in their $1.01 guidance. That was pretty optimistic and who is going to
listen next time. Actually, my bet is no more guidance from this company.


I have not updated my report yet and will do so after they release the
financial statements. Clearly it is a lot better buy now at $14.35 than it was
at $16 and $18. I suspect that it may now be near a bottom, but it will take a
quarter of good growth before I would get too interested in buying this one.



February 29, 2004


Communications is added as a new company. I analyzed this partly at the
request of a subscriber. Unfortunately, it is not really a very good candidate
for my method of analysis because it has lost money in each of the last 3 years.
However, it is profitable the last two quarters and will likely continue to be
profitable. In theory it should generate strong free cash flow in excess of its
profit, but that has yet to be proven. Overall, I rate it only a Speculative
Weak Buy. But note that insiders have bought and it may in fact do very well.


February 27, 2004


Performance is
updated and is extremely good. Subscribers can view the results for the
individual strong buy picks for
2004 by clicking


Loblaw is
updated for Q4 and year-end earnings. This is a great company but it always
seems a bit expensive. The stock price implicitly assumes that earnings growth
will continue to be at least 11% annually. Although the earnings have has grown
at well over that in the past, it is difficult to sustain that pace for such a
large company. I am not a buyer at this point but would consider it if it dipped
to $60. Some may want to buy it on the theory that it will continue its winning
ways. The P/E ratio has regressed from about 28 a few years ago to 21.5. In the
long term I never count on a P/E staying above about 18 for any stock. It may
not be a bad investment at this price but I prefer other stocks.



February 25, 2004


Melcor traded mostly at $45.50 today. That is down from recent highs and I
consider it to be an excellent price for the stock. Some investors may be
selling because the earnings in 2003 were lower than 2002. But that was totally
expected and indicated by the company for the last year. And the P/E at $45.50
is 7.6. This is a company with a great history and very tangible assets that is
also selling at book value. I bought a few more shares today.


Sino-Forest announced restated earnings today. It will be interesting to see
if it it drops a lot tomorrow. I had rated it a Sell on December 31 but it has
risen since then…


February 24, 2004


Developments released earnings but not full financial after the close today.
They made $6.00 per share in 2003. I had estimated $5.88 when I last called it a
Strong Buy. This means that at a recent $47, the P/E is just under 8. This stock
looks like a bargain to me. It always has traded at a low multiple to book, but
as it gets larger the multiple is expanding. The risk is that a cyclical
slow-down could appear in the Alberta home building market. I think activity has
slowed a small bit but overall the Alberta economy is still strong. This seems
like a low risk investment. I have some shares and I would definitely like to
add to my position. I will do a full update soon, but I am comfortable with my
rating of Strong Buy. But of course, there are never any guarantees. Note that
the 2003 earnings at $6.00 are down from the $7.58 they earned in 2002, but they
indicated at the end of 2002 that it was an unusually good year and they were
not expecting to match that in 2003. Note the comments in my report about the
thin trading of this stock.



February 22, 2004


The market declined moderately this past week but the model portfolio
(results updated above) and my own portfolio continued to rise moderately.


My two top picks at this time would be Investors Group and Northbridge
Financial. I note that Melcor Developments has traded a bit lower and I believe
it is a good pick, particularly at $47 or below. Note that Melcor is quite
thinly traded which leads to a wide bid-ask spread. It may release earnings this


February 18, 2004


Financial is updated for its Q4 and year-end earnings. This huge company
just keeps rolling along generating profit and growth. I down-graded it from
“(higher) Buy” to “Buy” due to its recent strong rise in price. I believe it to
be reasonably conservative and yet offers good long-term growth.


February 16, 2004


Capital is updated for its excellent Q4 and year-end earnings release. This
has been a great company and investment having risen 203% to $22.50 since I
first rated it as Buy just less than two years ago at $7.43 (adjusted for recent
2:1 split). Despite the very strong earnings growth and partly because of the
huge price increase I rate it a Weak Sell at this time and plan to reduce my
position. I have underestimated it in the past but I now calculate that the
price is assuming that it will grow at about 20% per year for 5 years. That
means it has to grow more than 20% to justify its current share price and
anything less than 20% growth could see the price decline. So that seems rich to
me and despite the history I would rather hold something that is not so
expensive. However, if I was in a taxable account I might continue to hold
rather than pay a capital gains tax.



February 13, 2004


Financial is updated for Q4 and 2003 earnings. The stock fell today because
Q4 earnings were 32 cents per share instead of a hoped for 52 cents and because
the company once again booked increased “reserves” (effectively a retroactive
increase in expenses) for years prior to 2003. However, the stock still looks
cheap and very promising to me. Reported earnings were $1.62 per share for 2003
and would have been $4.10 without the increases to prior year reserves. All of
these reserves could possibly be quite conservative. Insurance companies have
unique accounting. They reserve for future claims but meanwhile they hang onto
the cash until it is ultimately paid out, which can take years. Kingsway’s
investment portfolio grew by $678 million to $2.5 billion. They reported
operating cash flow of $11.00 per share. The accounting indicates that the
company is not hugely profitable. But meanwhile it manages to amass a huge and
rapidly growing pile of cash and investments. It seems to me that getting the
chance to buy into this cash generating machine at 1.1 times book value is going
to turn out to be a very good thing. If the problems with prior year reserves
are now behind it then I would expect 2004 profits to be about $3 to $4 per
share in which case the stock could easily double. Certainly, the stock is still
risky due to the continued adjustments upward to prior year’s reserves. But I
like the risk/reward trade-off here. I also note the fact that Warren Buffett,
the world’s most successful investor by far, made a huge amount of money by
owning insurance companies. I do continue to think that
Financial is a safer insurance company bet, but I am comfortable holding a
position in both.



February 12, 2004


Kingsway Financial released earnings today. The net earnings for Q4 were
relatively poor and below expectations. However, most of the problem with Q4 was
due to yet another reserve increase to prior year results. The Q4 earnings
without that adjustment to prior years was strong. The stock is likely to fall
moderately tomorrow. I would consider any large drop (say $2.00) to be a big
buying opportunity. Insurance companies tend to amass large amounts of cash even
though most of it is ear-marked for future claims. The company is trading at a
only a small multiple of book value. I still believe that it will be a great
investment in the next 12 months. However it is clearly riskier and not as well
managed as Northbridge Financial. I am comfortable holding both but would place
more of the weight on Northbridge. I will do a complete update for the Q4
numbers by Sunday.


I’ll have a number of other updates by Sunday and will update my performance
numbers which are off to a very strong start this year.



February 8, 2004


Financial, which was my highest rated stock heading into 2004 quietly
released earnings after close of markets on Friday (which is the way it should
be done to give everyone  a chance to digest the numbers before trading resumes
on Monday). They had another fantastic quarter with quarterly earnings of 86
cents versus 36 cents in the prior year. 2004 earnings were $3.07 versus $1.06
last year. Now we do have to remember that insurance company earnings are based
on estimates since the accidents and losses claimed in 2003 can take years to
wind through the courts and the pay-outs could be larger than the amount the
company has estimated. But still.. this company has a history of not getting hit
with big retroactive “reserve adjustments” like that. The company is now trading
at a P/E of 7.6 compared to the market average of closer to 15. That means we
have the potential for up to a 100% gain just by the P/E rising to the market
average. That may be unlikely for an insurance company but I think a 50% gain
through a P/E rise is quite likely, over time. I expect the stock to open higher
on Monday and then it may rise through the day on Monday as the market digests
these earnings. But of course I can make no guarantees. There are times when I
am torn between rating a stock a Strong Buy or just a Buy etc. This is not one
of those times. All the numbers tell me this is an unusually Strong Buy. But
again, there are always risks. If you decide to invest based on my (technically
InvestorsFriend Inc.’s) report and on your own reading of the situation and any
other sources you may pursue, that is clearly at your own risk.


February 6, 2004


I have added BCE Inc.
as a new listing. This is a somewhat confusing conglomerate. If you want to buy
common shares in Bell Canada, the country’s largest phone company – you can’t!
It does not trade as a separate company (although its bonds do). Instead you
must buy BCE Inc. also known as Bell Canada Enterprises. Unfortunately, for
those seeking an investment in a telephone company BCE Inc. comes along with a
grab bag of subsidiaries including BCE Emergis, BCE Ventures and Bell Globemedia.
These subsidiaries and others that are now divested have had checkered histories
with both spectacular successes (Nortel for a long time – now divested) and
spectacular failures (Teleglobe – now divested or discontinued). The existence
of the remaining subsidiaries makes BCE Inc. very complex to analyze.
Nevertheless, earnings have stabilized in the past 12 months and the outlook for
2004 is stable. The valuation is reasonable and I believe there is some up-side
potential to release value through further divestitures. It may be worth
considering as a now reasonably stable dividend-paying stock, that also has some
potential up-side.



February 4, 2004


AGF is updated
for its disappointing earnings released today. I don’t mind the adjusted to
deferred income taxes that knocked $40.2 million off the earnings. But even on
an adjusted basis it looks like Q4 earnings were not impressive. Actually, it’s
hard to know what Q4 looks like since the company did not release or discuss any
Q4 numbers in its year-end release. This is unusual, unacceptable and
disrespectful to investors – in my opinion. It may still offer good value as
earnings should recover in 2004 with the higher markets and their net sales
should improve as well. And there is always the potential for a release of value
through an Income Trust Route or sale of the company. Their Q1 2004 has already
ended on January 31, but they have given little or no indication of results.


Given my disappointment here, I am notionally selling this from the model
portfolio and replacing it with Investors Group. I will use tomorrow’s opening



February 1, 2004


Canadian National
Railway Company is updated for its Q4 earnings release. It’s probably a
reasonable  and conservative long-term investment. The P/E is 14.7, but this
fails to recognize that the company is deferring (not required to pay) most of
its income tax. This may be creating a hidden value.



January 31, 2004


Investors Group is updated for its year-end earnings released mid-day on
Friday. I am maintaining the Strong Buy rating. As expected, the Q4 earnings
were strong. And it is fairly predictable that Q1 2004 will be strong since the
markets are already up in 2004 and since this should be a strong RRSP sales
season after several poor years. I bought some shares based on my rating from
January 11 and I intend to buy more. This stock has reasonable upside potential
and barring a major stock market correction has relatively little down-side risk
at this time. (Though there are never any guarantees in the market).


figures have been updated and 2004 is starting off very well for the Strong


Dalsa, a
small “world leader in digital imaging components and specialized semiconductor
manufacturing is updated’. I rate it Speculative Weak Buy since the the P/E is
relatively high. My sense is that it will likely do well since it expenses a
very large amount of R&D which therefore means that its earnings are
conservatively stated. The price jumped on Friday after earnings were released
after trading on Thursday.


January 27, 2004


TSX Group is
updated for its strong earnings released today. I am upgrading the rating to
(higher) Buy. As noted under December 31 comments it was expected that Q4
earnings would be strong. And I think it is nearly a given that Q1 will be
significantly stronger year-over-year simply due to the market recovery in
trading volumes and strong new listing activity.  It appears I underestimated
the value here. It rose so fast since I first started looking at it that it
became difficult for me to continue to rate it a Buy as the price rose. But the
earnings growth is justifying the increase. This company has a lot or all of the
characteristics that Warren Buffett looks for. Although it is not clearly a
bargain priced stock, it will likely be a good investment because of its
continued earnings growth and relative lack of competition in Canada. Depending
on whether the market was anticipating the earnings level and the small
acquisition announced today, the stock may jump at the open tomorrow.


Financial appears to becoming riskier. It does look like a long-term value
stock but I am worried that the stock could fall in the short term. As mentioned
in my Jan 17 comment, they appear to have fired their CEO of the American
operations (the majority of revenues are from U.S.). This leaves us in the dark
as to the reasons. Today the news indicates that they are suing the Alberta
Government for $14 million due to rate freezes. This can hardly be good for
their relationship with the Alberta Government or any other Government which is
not good since they are regulated to various degrees. I have to wonder if they
would sue if they were about to announce stellar earnings as I had hoped. I also
learned today that Kingsway is not part of the main insurance Industry
association group, which leaves them the odd-company-out which seems a
questionable strategy. They recently issued more debt in the U.S. which could be
due to growth but could also be caused by the expectation of a lower earnings
report. They will be hurt by the higher Canadian dollar though I had hoped that
earnings growth due to significant premium hikes would far out-weigh the dollar
impact. So… although I remain hopeful that the stock could eventually rise
quite significantly within 12 months, it does seem quite risky at this time. As
mentioned under January 24, I was personally over-weight Kingsway and have now
been moving some of that out of Kingsway and into stocks like Northbridge (a
safer insurance stock), and potentially
Group and the TSX Group. I don’t have any specific data to update my rating
but would emphasize the word speculative in the Speculative Strong Buy rating.


January 25, 2004


Income Trust is added as a new listing but is rated Sell. Long-time readers
of the free newsletter may recognize Contrans as the trucking company that I
rated a Buy at $13.00 back in October 2001 and which subsequently became an
Income Trust giving 4 units for each share. It recently traded at $11.50 or
equivalent to $46.00 for each of the old $13.00 shares. When it converted to a
Trust I sold most of my shares at the $10 (equivalent to $40.00) initial price
of the Trust units. I did not maintain coverage because the Trust was
essentially a new entity with little comparable history under the new structure.
I noted at that time my worries of how it was going to drastically cut its
capital spending as planned. It has since traded mostly around $9.00 before
suddenly jumping to $11.50 within the last several weeks. I still have the same
concerns that its distribution may not be sustainable because it is larger than
earnings and is driven by low capital spending. I can’t believe that trucks and
rolling stock will not need replacing on an ongoing basis. Overall, I rate it a
Sell at this time.


January 24, 2004


For anyone who did not otherwise receive it, a
Newsletter was just


Regarding Air Canada, the price has continued to stay high. The number of
shares “shorted” has risen sharply to the point where Brokers may be starting to
run short of shares to lend to shorters. This can lead to forced buy-ins. It
also means that it may be difficult to short the stock at this point since
investors face a higher risk of buy-in. Those who shorted some time ago are at
less risk of buy-in, since it is (I understand) a last-in, first-forced-out
system. Some investors are also likely being bought-in because they shorted at
lower prices and are now running out of margin. Buy-ins may be part of the
reason for the stock’s refusal to die. I have also heard one investor in Air
Canada state that he knows the stock is ultimately worthless and is still buying
it in the hopes it will spike higher due to buy-ins. That strikes me as a very
foolish game.


Kingsway, it has rebounded a little bit since it dropped on the recent
“resignation” (firing?) of their chief U.S. executive. Observing that I have
Northbridge as a better and safer insurance company buy than Kingsway, it
would not be a bad idea to switch some funds from Kingsway to Northbridge, if
you have a high exposure to Kingsway, as I do. The model Portfolio suggests
holding more Northbridge than Kingsway.


Regarding, Performance, I have not updated for 2004 figures yet, and I may
wait until the end of this first month of trading to do that. However, the model
portfolio is updated and indicates that the picks here are once again
out-performing the TSX which itself is up a healthy 4.7% year-to-date.


January 19, 2004


Unexpectedly, Air Canada shares rose 10% today to close at $1.52. This is
bizarre given that all professional commentary that I have seen indicates the
shares are worth less than 2 cents. As I was saying, strange things can happen.
But this certainly looks like an excellent short sale opportunity for those who
are willing to take that risk. Please check other sources if you are considering


January 18, 2004


On Friday the bankruptcy of Air Canada took another step forward as the
courts approved the sale to Victor Li. The new Air Canada that emerges from
bankruptcy will be owned by Victor Li who put in approximately $600 million in
new cash and by the former secured creditors who I understand will get roughly
18 cents in new Air Canada stock for every dollar they were owed. Legally
speaking, the old shareholders should get nothing, creditors should get paid
first and shareholders should only get something after the creditors get 100
cents on the dollar. In this case the old (existing) shareholders are (for some
unknown reason) to get 0.1% of the new company which equates to a value of less
than 2 cents per existing share.


So… logically, Air Canada shares should plummet tomorrow. But then again
they should have done so months ago. Experience teaches that there is never a
completely risk free trade in the market. It appears to me that a short sale of
Air Canada on Monday even if it can only be placed at a price as low as say 70
cents (it’s even better if it can be placed close to Friday’s $1.38 closing
price) should have a very high probability of profit.  However, short selling is
risky since if the stock for some reason started to rise you can lose an
amount of money. Your broker can close out your short sale
position at a loss if there is not enough margin in your account or if for some
reason the broker can no longer continue to loan you the shares which you have
sold short. So… there are risks and there are strange things that could
happen. But if you have a tolerance for risk and you have a margin account you
might want to consider placing a short sale. But do not do this if you don’t
understand the short selling process. In any event, as always, any trade you
make based, in any way, on InvestorsFriend Inc. information is completely at
your own risk. In my case I am short 3000 shares at $1.20. I may add to that on
Monday but I am not going to get greedy and “bet the farm”.


I added Air Canada to the list above as a Strong Sell. I did not do my usual
detailed analysis on it because that is completely unnecessary. My clear
understanding of its bankruptcy proceedings is that current shareholders will
get 0.1% of the value of a new Air Canada, and that equates to at most, a value
of 2 cents per share. I have had a moderate short sale position in Air Canada
for several months now and I mentioned in the
January 4 newsletter
that risk tolerant investors could consider it as a short sale.


For Performance tracking I believe that is fair to show Air Canada as a
Strong Sell on January 1as I had mentioned it as a Short sale on January 4 and
because I was actually short the stock for some months. It’s definitely NOT my
practice to ever try to retroactively change my picks or insert new picks
retroactively. In this case I had simply neglected to include Air Canada as a
Strong Sell for the beginning of 2004, even though I have been Short the stock
for months and had mentioned it in the January 4 newsletter. Also note that the
current close on Friday is higher than the Dec 31 close, whereas I am betting
that the stock should decline to near zero.



January 17, 2004


Sportscene Restaurants is updated for an earnings release and maintained a
Strong Buy.


Kingsway Financial fell in price last week after a releasing the strange
statement below:


        Kingsway announces consolidation of reporting
(Jan 13)



Kingsway Financial today announced the consolidation of the reporting
structures of both its U.S. and Canadian operations through the Toronto based
holding company. Henceforth, the presidents of all U.S. Subsidiaries will
report directly to Mr. Bill Star, Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer of the corporation. As a result of this restructuring, Mr. James
Zuhlke has decided to tender his resignation as an officer and director and
will pursue other interests.


Mr. Zuhlke has been a director of Kingsway Financial since 1989 and
President and Chief Executive Officer of Kingsway America since 1998. The
Board of Directors would like to thank Mr. Zuhlke for his contributions as a
director and executive and wish him success in the future.


Brian Williamson has assumed the primary responsibility for the Kingsway
America office and has been appointed Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of Kingsway America Inc. Pursuant to the restructuring, Brian’s
primary responsibility will be the consolidation of the financial reporting
for the U.S. subsidiaries and Brian will report directly to Kingsway



Effectively, it looks like they have fired the CEO of their American
operations. But they claim it is simply a consolidation of reporting
relationships. Naturally, investors now expect that there was some big problem
with the American operations that is yet to be revealed. It’s hard to say what
to do, the stock still looks like a bargain to me but in the short term could
certainly fall if there is some bad news released. Certainly the company could
be more straight-forward in its press releases. At this point I am waiting for
the Q4 results.


January 11, 2004


InvestorsGroup returns to active coverage as a Strong Buy. I like for
similar reasons as AGF.


I plan to buy shares tomorrow. I also recently bought shares of AGF and
Sleeman and added to my position in Northbridge ( at $22).  I recently sold most
of my remaining Sino-Forest as well as MapleLeaf Foods, as those were rated Sell
in my year end review.


There will be no further updates until at least Friday as I am out of town.
After that I expect to resume a more active pace including updates for the 2003
earnings as they roll in and also probably some new picks.


The Model Portfolio was identified over the January 3,4 weekend and will
therefore be tracked based on the opening prices on January 5.


January 1, 2004


Capital Group is updated due to its price increase since the last rating. I
rate it a Weak Sell/ Hold.


Financial is updated for its rise in price since it was last rated. I note
that five insiders have bought and only 1 has sold shares in the past 2 months.
My rating is unchanged as Speculative Strong Buy.


Developments (an Alberta residential land developer) is updated to reflects
its price increase since the last rating. I rate it a Strong Buy.


Corporation is updated due to its recent sharp price rise. This stock
finally gave me a good run in 2003. I had called it a Strong Buy for four years
due to its compelling valuation at the time. With the huge price increase of
341% in 2003, the valuation still looks okay. But given that the four insiders
sold heavily at lower prices and given the location in China, I am now calling
this a Sell. I think it has now reached the point where the stock price is going
up on momentum. China has fantastic potential and this stock may continue to be
a good investment. But I am simply no longer comfortable holding it.


Restaurants is updated for a price decline. At the lower price, I upgraded it to
a Strong Buy.


I’ve now reviewed all the ratings above and updated as necessary. However, I
may add a few more stocks to my beginning 2004 picks over this coming weekend.
The 2004 model portfolio will also be identified over this coming weekend.


December 31, 2003


What a year! The seven Strong Buys were up an average of 78.8%. My personal
portfolio was up by 40.6%.


Loblaw is
updated. A great company but it seems fully valued, and I rate it Weak Buy /


The TSX Group
is updated and down-graded to Weak Buy / Hold. This stock is up 49% (counting
the $5.00 special dividend as effectively a reduction from the initial price)
since I first added it to this site on Nov 12, 2003 calling it a Buy. It is a
great company but given that kind of price appreciation, it may be time for a
breather. Although it may even jump a bit more yet if as expected the Q4
earnings are very strong. But the current numbers would say hold. I hold some
shares and would not mind much if the price dropped significantly because then I
would buy more as I am very confident in this stock for the long-run due to its
near (unregulated) monopoly status.


December 29, 2003


Just two trading days left to close-out a very good year for our Stock Picks.


AGF Management
is updated. No new earnings were released and we are now awaiting the year-end
figures from November 30. I am a lot more bullish on this stock than I was when
I last looked at it in September. Its earnings go up almost automatically with
the level of the market because much of its revenues are charged as a percentage
of assets under management. Given the very strong stock market increases of the
last 4 months, earnings will be improved in Q4 compared to Q3 and possibly on a
year-over-year basis as well. And the very strong December markets will give it
a good start on earnings for fiscal 2004. I think it is a Buy at this price. I’m
tempted to say strong Buy, but the numbers don’t indicate that as yet. On a
trailing earnings basis it would probably be a (lower) Buy. But knowing that the
markets have risen sharply and understanding how that will automatically lift
earnings on existing assets and will also draw more people into the market so
that they can once again get into a net sales position, I think it qualifies as
at least a Buy.



December 28, 2003


Canadian National
Railway is updated and rated as Weak Sell.


December 26, 2003


Restaurants is updated and upgraded to (higher) Buy. Note that this company
is very small and the trading liquidity is very poor.


WinAlta Inc. is removed from the stock list above because it was out of date
and I can’t update it because it has partially announced a pending write-off of
a U.S. asset  but has not released all details. Also the 2003 fiscal results
from October are pending. In addition with a market cap around $17 million, this
company is really too small for most investors because of trading liquidity
problems and higher risks. I own a few shares and I may re-visit this analysis
when the fiscal 2003 figures are released.


Sleeman Brewery
is updated and upgraded to Buy.


Tire is returned to the list of stocks covered. Last year at this time I
called it a Weak Sell/hold partly because of competitive threats. But the
company has done very well in all its divisions. The stock does not look cheap,
but on the theory that winners tend to keep winning (while losers find a way to
keep losing), I think it is worth considering. Certainly, I would not bet
against it this year.


Maple Leaf
Foods is returned to the list of stocks covered. I had owned it for about
five years but have now sold it. I am tired of waiting for this company to turn
around and lately earnings are quite disappointing. It has a great brand name
and lots of potential. I would have  thought that their investments in
advertising and R&D would pay off, but it never seems to. This seems to be an
extremely tough industry. Maybe they will finally turn around in 2004, but I
decided not to wait and see. I rate it a Sell. Current earnings do not support
the recent share price and therefore I conclude that this stock can only be held
as a speculative pick.


December 24, 2003


The TSX and DOW were both up 0.3%, this short trading week. Meanwhile our
Strong Buys jumped another 3.0% to 67.4% for 2003. The model portfolio went up
0.9% to 35.9%. I’ll wit until the 31st before I update the Performance figures.


I’m quite eager now to for the year to end so that I can officially close off
my performance figures for the year, which I never expected would be this high.



December 19, 2003


Another strong week in the markets with the TSX up 1.7% and the DOW rising
2.4%. The model portfolio edged up slightly to 35.0%. The Strong Buys from
January 1 2003 are now up an average of 64%. My own portfolio is up 37.5%,
lagging the Strong Buys because I did not hold exclusively the Strong Buys and
because I took partial profits on some of the best performers to lock-in gains.


December 17, 2003


Cognos is
updated for another strong earnings release. This is a company that I always
hope will come out as a Buy. It has a lot of the features of a truly great
investment including strong growth, high profitability, no debt. But it usually
seems to be too expensive. It may be a case where the earnings are somewhat
understated due to all the R&D expense. I am comfortable holding a small amount
and would like to Buy more if the price falls materially to about $36. The
earnings were released after market so we may see the price rise tomorrow.


A lot of good things are happening with my picks lately…


CML Healthcare which I introduced as a Strong Buy, July 2001 at $18.10 was
recently at about $35 but then announced it will convert to an Income Trust and
promptly rose to about $46. I hold the stock and have now made over 150% on this
particular investment in about 30 months.


Here was my most recent rating on it, from August 2003


RATING: Value ratios indicate a Weak Buy /
Hold. The industry outlook and structure is attractive. Seems to pass most of
Warren Buffett’s tenets. The fact that the company is managed by the founder and
major shareholder is also a plus. Earnings are conservatively stated due to
existence of large R & D expense. This company has an excellent history of
profitability and cashflow. My belief is that earnings may grow substantially in
the next 12 months and that this stock may be a good investment at this time. If
the past is any indication, we will not see the Sept 30 year end earnings until
early February and so there may be little to drive the stock until then. And the
latest quarter was not strong and so now the price is looking a little high.
Overall I rate this a Weak Buy / Hold at this time.


I had actually emailed the company in March suggesting they convert to a
Trust and they argued that it would not be a good fit! I rebutted their
arguments in some detail. I can only wonder now if my suggestion had some
impact, though I am sure I was not the only one thinking they should go that


Recent Strong Buys and Buys have been doing well as reflected in the
Performance figures, which I will update on Friday or Saturday.


December 13, 2003


A mixed week in the markets with the DOW up 1.8% on the week and closing
above 10,000. The TSX was about flat on the week. The Strong Buys and the model
portfolio of this Site, did not change much during the week. At this point it
certainly looks like the 2003 will go into the books as a very good year in the


Transcontinental is updated for Q4 earnings. This company prints both of
Canada’s national business newspapers (in parts of the country) and yet is
relatively unknown to most investors. I rate it a Buy.


Technologies is updated for Q2 earnings. This is a company that seems like
it should be a Buy because of its strong growth. But when I crunch the numbers
it seems a bit expensive. It may be a case where the company is better than the
numbers suggest. However in Q3 I expect it to again be hit by the higher
Canadian dollar and so I am inclined to hold my small position and not buy more
unless the price drops or until earnings per share starts growing again to match
the growth in total earnings and revenue.


Western Bank has declined to $38.70 from a recent high of just over $42. I
had taken some profits at $42 and bought most of that back now at $38.50. I
think it is worth considering at this price and certainly I think it would be a
good investment if it falls to $37 or below.


Melcor has
done very well  but is very thinly traded. The last trade at $48 is probably not
realistic. The bid is only at $44.05. A more realistic price to try to buy the
stock is probably about $45 to $45.50. Although it does seem to offer very good
value, one has to cautious of over-paying on such a thinly traded stock with its
wide bid-ask spread.



December 7, 2003


Financial is added as a new company and I gave it my highest rating
“(higher) Strong Buy”. I could have thrown a “speculative” label on it as every
stock is to some degree speculative. But it becomes meaningless if I throw that
label on everything and this stock looks to me like it has a lot of up-side
potential and (unless disaster strikes) not that much down-side risk.


Northbridge is a property and casualty insurance company. In discussing
Kingsway, I
mentioned that I really like the insurance industry. Northbridge is much more of
a main-line insurer than Kingsway (which insures high-risk drivers). I believe
that insurance is a complicated business. I believe that I understand the
business to some degree but I also may be missing some of the risks. Certainly,
the market does not seem to share my enthusiasm for this stock (hence the
opportunity to buy at what seems to be a cheap price).


In the ideal scenario, insurance companies take in premiums and build up
large amounts of cash and liquid investments. They have to dole out money as
claims come in and they are never certain if they are charging enough, until
after the fact. Still, even when an insurance company reports a loss, it is
usually on an estimated basis, and usually the cash is still growing ever
larger. Insurance companies hope to make a small reported profit on the actual
insurance business and then augment that by investing the insurance premiums
that they hold prior to paying out claims.


Ideally an insurance company prices its products properly, conservatively
estimates its claims and builds up an ever growing mountain of cash and


The risks include the fact that claims might grow a lot higher than ever
imagined and could ultimately bankrupt the company. I understand that a number
of U.S. insurers went bankrupt over asbestos liability claims.


I suppose this is why insurance is usually considered risky and rarely trades
at high multiples. For this reason, we may not see a large price increase here
in the short term, even if earnings stay strong, but if the earnings do stay
strong then this will be a good investment if held for several years.


My strategy is to get a fairly significant exposure to several insurance
companies but not to get overly exposed to the segment.


December 6, 2003


Western Bank is updated for its Q4 and year-end results. This stock has done
very well since I rated it a (higher) Buy on Sept. 4 at $33.10. It is now at
$40.00. It got as high as $42.50. It has fallen a bit in the last few days after
the earnings release. This is typical because the market was pricing in very
good results and although the Bank delivered, the moderate pull-back is not
surprising given the big run-up. I definitely like this stock long term. Right
now I call it only a (lower) Buy. If I did not own any, I might buy some at this
price and then hope for a further pull-back perhaps to the $38.50 range. I
recently took partial profits at $42.00 and I would be inclined to buy that back
at $38.50. I am also quite comfortable holding a position at this price.


December 5, 2003


The TSX and DOW were up 1.7% and 0.8%, respectively this week. The
Performance page of
this site is updated. The Strong Buys had a banner week rising almost 9% for an
astounding average gain of 58.9% in 2003. My own portfolio is up 35.4% this year
and the model portfolio is up 34.1% in 2003.



November 29, 2003


Forzani is
updated for Q3 earnings. Results were disappointing and the stock has fallen
from $18.99 when I rated it a on August 26, to $16.51 on Friday. Perhaps most
troubling is the fact that in Q2  it looked quite  apparent that they would not
make their full year guidance number of $1.35 per share and yet they did not
update guidance. Now they have lowered it sharply to $1.01. But that still will
require a big earnings increase in Q4, and I am beginning to doubt their
credibility. I have been guilty of holding stocks on the way down at times, but
this is one case where I was able to sell at a profit and avoid the decline.
Ultimately, their growth will likely resume but I would either wait for a
decline to about $14 and buy on speculation at that point or wait until the
year-end numbers are out around late February, to see where things stand.


Performance data
is updated and has improved once again.


A strong weak on the markets, the TSX and DOW were up 1.0% and 1.6%. The
model portfolio was up 2.6% to 34.0% on the year. My own portfolio was up 1.8%
to 33.7% on the year. At this point I am eager for the year to end, hopefully
without any pull-back, but one never knows what the market will do in the


November 23, 2003


Transcontinental Inc. is added as a new stock pick. This company is mostly a
printer of newspapers and also a creator and distributor of flyers. Thus it is
mostly a company that other companies use to outsource their printing and direct
marketing needs. However, it also publishes some of its own newspapers and
magazines. A good cash generating company. The market capitalization of equity
is near $2 billion, however the company seems to fly below the radar screen and
may not be familiar to most of you. It came to my attention be screening for
companies with high returns on equities combined with reasonable price to
earnings ratios. I like it at this price. Although not considered in my
analysis, there is always the possibility that it will spin off some or all
assets into an income trust structure. That would likely cause a significant
jump in the stock price if it were to be announced.


November 21, 2003


Performance is
updated. The TSX was up 0.4% this week while the DOW fell 1.4%. The Strong buys
fell back a bit but are still up 49.2% this year. The model portfolio did well
this week, climbing another 1.8% and now up 31.4% in 2003. My own Portfolio also
did well this week and is now up 31.9% in 2003.


November 20, 2003


(up 173% this year) is updated for Q3 earnings. The earnings release was quite
strong but the stock fell moderately as it was already pricing in a lot of good
news this year. The value ratios look very good. However, due to the location in
China and rather infrequent press releases I have to call it highly speculative.
But the speculative nature is mitigated somewhat by the low price to book and
low P/E ratio. I was tempted to call it a highly speculative Strong Buy, but it
bothers me that a major shareholder has been a consistent seller and that the
insider trade reports were filed late according to the dates shown on SEDI. The
recent conversion of the multiple voting shares to standard shares is very
positive. Maybe they are close to getting a Hong Kong stock listing. I would not
take a big position in this stock, but it does look like a reasonable
speculative pick, especially for those looking for some exposure to China.


As hoped Melcor
has moved up a fair bit since my last update. However, the volume is very thin.
Use caution in placing orders, it may pay to be patient. (See also comments
under Oct 30 below)


November 15, 2003


Dalsa is
updated for Q3 earnings. The company has almost no debt and as a high-tech
company there is potential for accelerated growth or a buy-out. However, on
fundamentals it seems fully valued and I expect Q4 could be hit hard by the
sharp rise in the Canadian dollar this quarter. Therefore, I believe that this
company is worth keeping track of as it might become a bargain in future, but
for now I consider it a Speculative Hold.


Western Bank has really soared to $41.50 since I rated it a  (higher) Buy at
$33.10 just 6 weeks ago. I did not expect this kind of fast rise. I am almost
tempted to reduce my position at this level but then again I still expect this
stock to continue to rise in the long term, even though it could very well fall
in the short-term. I would be a little hesitant to Buy at this level.


November 14, 2003


A weak week in the markets, however the Strong Buys continue to perform and
are now up 51.8% in 2003 and the Model Portfolio edged up to 29.6%. My personal
portfolio slipped a bit during the week but remains at an impressive 30.1% gain
in 2003 to date. Despite the comment under Nov 7, the Performance page was in
fact updated for Nov 7, but is not updated today for Nov 14, I expect to update
for Nov 21.


Financial is updated. It’s P/E and basic fundamentals suggest that it is a good
buy at this price. However, when I think more deeply about its earnings, I
realize that my understanding of all of the estimates that go into its earnings
is limited. It’s not clear to me how much discretion management has in
determining the earnings which are based in part on actuarial estimates and
which include certain smoothing aspects. Life insurance companies are very
different from “normal” corporations in that they typically collect premiums for
many years before the associated death penalty is paid out. Based on the
reported earnings and the track record, and not having any reason to doubt the
validity of the reported earnings, this looks like an attractive investment.


The TSX Group
is updated. This has performed well beyond my expectations and is up 27% to
$42.95 since I rated it a Buy on October 11 at $33.85. As expected the earnings
released on October 28, were strong due to strong stock market activity. The
shares got about an extra (and unexpected) $5.00 boost from an announced special
$5.00 dividend. In this case the cash was relatively idle and earning very
little and so distributing this cash will not affect earnings materially. Again
it does not look like a bargain and will have to grow earnings to justify its
price. But I continue to believe that this company is a near-monopoly and I
expect earnings to grow fast enough to justify its current price. Of course the
stock price should fall about $5.00 on Nov 29 since shareholders of record on
Nov 28, will get the $5.00 dividend.


November 7, 2003


Another strong week in the markets. The 7 Strong Buys from January 1 are now
up an almost unbelievable average of 50.4% since January 1. The model Portfolio
is now up 29.2%.  My own portfolio is up 30.4%. I have not updated the
Performance page since I typically do that only every second week.



November 4, 2003


Stantec is
updated. This is a great company but I believe that it may be fully valued at
this time.



November 1, 2003


Performance is
updated and is very strong. The last two weeks were particularly good.


October 31, 2003


Note that there are some updated comments on the model portfolio above.


I was hoping that I would not have to say anything about
Kingsway for a
while. But then today just as the market closed, S&P downgraded their debt one
notch to BBB- from BBB. They did say the outlook was now stable. S&P is
concerned that certain segments of the business will remain problematic and that
further reserve adjustments may be needed in 2004. On a positive note, S&P
indicated that Kingsway’s subsidiary’s $100 million issue of Trust Preferred
will soon go to market and will be rated BB. I spoke to Kingsway’s CFO and he
confirmed my understanding that the company is sitting on a huge amount of
liquid assets and has great cash-flow. I have trouble understanding how there
could be a credit problem when they have all that cash. Possibly S&P is just
being very cautious. It is a fact that a liability insurance company always has
a great deal of uncertainty over its ultimate pay-outs to customers. But
management seems sincere it its belief that it is now adequately reserved. With
all that liquidity, I don’t think that the company will run into financial
trouble. The worse case in my mind, is a share issue at a low price that dilutes
EPS but which would also shore-up the company. According to management’s
figures, the company has been strongly profitable on 2003 business and it was
pre-2003 business that is (or hopefully was) causing a problem. I’m not sure
what the market reaction will be on Monday but it could be quite negative.


October 30, 2003


Melcor is now
updated. This is just a boring company that makes money year after year. ROE is
currently running at over 16% and yet the P/E is about 7. Here we have a highly
profitable company with strong assets that could be converted to cash if needed
and yet you are able to buy it just under book value. Historically, it has
traded at even lower multiples of book value, but I think as the company’s
market cap grows through increased book value, the multiples are also
increasing. Previously I called this stock speculative. It is thinly traded and
not suitable for short-term trades. But every stock is speculative to some
degree. In this case I think Warren Buffett would ask us to think where is the
risk in buying a high quality cash generating company at just under book value?
Maybe the stock price will not move up in the short-term, but over the next 5
years I think it has a solid chance of doubling or tripling. Note that it is
thinly traded. I definitely like this stock, but as always, you trade at your
own risk!



October 29, 2003


SICO is updated
for earnings released yesterday. The Q3 earnings were quite strong if a
restructuring charge is ignored. In this case the restructuring charge relates
so scaling down he much smaller and less profitable industrial coatings
division. Also it elates to plant closing and a rationalization of customer
service and distribution, after acquiring a competitor. This is rational and is
exactly what we would hope for after an acquisition. This stock is up about 12%
since we rated it a (lower) Strong Buy in August. I am now rating it a Strong
Buy since it is executing well and the outlook seems positive. I am not calling
it speculative because operationally it looks pretty safe. However, it does
have  history of price volatility and that is always a risk. All stocks are
risky to some degree… It may be remote, but there is even the possibility that
this could go the Income Trust route since it seems to generate strong cash
flows and since it pays a cash income tax rate recently around 36% based on
2002. I own shares and may buy a few more.


October 28, 2003


Note, I sent an email to subscribers on October 28 at 11:15 pm Mountain time
to notify you about this update. If you did not get that email let, me know.
There was also an email on Sunday October 26 at 9:47.


Wow, a number of my picks are doing great things.


Melcor (MRD
Toronto last at $39)  just announced a great quarter. 2002 was a record
cyclically high year for them at $7.41 per share, diluted. They had forecast
$5.18 for this year. They are already at $4.03, and last year Q4 was the biggest
quarter. If they hit $6.50 per share that is a P/E of about 6! It trades
slightly under book value and pays a dividend of $1.10 per year. This is thinly
traded and under-followed so it may not move too quickly. I can’t do my full
update until they release the full financials, which did not come out in the
press release. However, I am almost certain I will be maintaining my Speculative
Strong Buy generic rating. Though it’s not really that speculative, the reason
for calling it speculative is the cyclical nature of real estate. But this seems
a pretty safe be to me. I doubt you will get at under $40 tomorrow only 46
shares went today at $39 so the $39 means nothing. The offer is at $41. I may
try to buy tomorrow at about $41. Really there is probably nothing wrong with
paying more than that but it may not be necessary. This is thinly followed so
maybe some will go out at $41 before some sellers even realize the earnings are
out, or it could jump a bit.


On SEDI there is very little insider trading shown. The President exercised
5300 options in June and subsequently sold just 500 shares in September to hold
over 75,000. This looks positive because many executives of other companies tend
to immediately sell all shares acquired on options. No other trades shown.


The TSX group which we
initiated as a Buy on Oct 11 at $33.85 is now at $37.78 and just today (after
close of markets) announced higher profits and announced a special dividend of
$5.00. I have not updated my analysis because I do not yet see the financial
statements, but I think the Buy rating would remain (Higher price but higher


Also Manulife came out today with Strong earnings. The stock rose $1.5 on the
news. Again, I have not yet updated the report. However I would continue to rate
it a least a Buy. The consensus seems to be that it got the John  Hancock
acquisition at a good price not much over book value. As Warren Buffett would
say, when you acquire strong companies at good prices, good things tend to
happen. Insurance company financial statements are very difficult to understand
and so we are trusting in actuaries when we invest in this stock. But overall it
seems like a good business model. Life insurance should be much less risky than
property insurance due the relative predictability of deaths and the fixed
insurance pay-out. I would be quite comfortable buying at this price in a
reasonably diversified portfolio.


Also Sico released earnings and I will update that report soon. Earnings are
up before a restructuring charge and down after the charge. I expect to maintain
the (lower) Strong Buy rating here.


To top off a day of good news,
continues to edge up. I am hoping for more of the same there.


As always, invest at your own risk, all stocks are risky to some degree.


October 24, 2003


Home Capital
is updated. This has been a complete gem, now up 100% this year. However I am
now growing cautious on it. The P/E is 18.9 on trailing 12 month earnings. I am
coming at this now from the perspective of having enjoyed about a 100% gain on
the stock. I recently sold half of my position at $27.50. The trigger for my
selling as noted under October 18, was that I saw some insider selling had
occurred at about $20 and $24. However, on a closer look at insider selling it
was done by very major shareholders and involved only a small portion of their
shares, so perhaps it was just the fact that these people had become
millionaires on this stock, most of their money was tied up in stock and with
only a small dividend they needed some play money.


However, the stock has run up very significantly in the past 3 months. I am a
bit nervous about how their loan loss performance has been so incredibly low.
Clearly if we go into a housing recession their loan losses will rise. Lending
institutions are traditionally very good money makers but are viewed as risky
due to their extreme leverage. They have only about $10 million in general loan
loss provisions (over and above actual non-performing loans) but assets are some
$1.8 billion. They claim that the loan loss provision is adequate and they are
subject to regulations in that respect. However, it still makes me slightly
nervous. I think I was wise to sell half my holdings to reduce my exposure. If I
did not hold shares I might buy some at these prices but I would be hoping for a
pull-back to add to the position. I don’t see the stock moving up much more in
the next three months.


It is curious that with earnings released on Thursday morning the stock
really did not move much. It almost appears as if the results were pretty well
known on “the Street”. It’s not really fair for that to be the case and puts
ordinary shareholders at a disadvantage.




October 21, 2003


Kingsway first opened down about 38 cents but then closed the day up 17
cents. It is remarkable that an earnings report which I am sure contained some
surprises had so little effect. I think maybe the market will take a few days to
digest the numbers and I expect the stock to at least edge up a bit from here.
Ultimately I think it will rise substantially if there are no more reserve hits
in Q4. I listened to the conference call and I believe that management sincerely
thinks that it has taken a “big bath” on reserving in Q3 and that it will not
have to increase reserves in Q4. Despite the apparently good value, management
has definitely lost credibility with analysts and the market will probably be
reluctant to push this stock up very quickly and may wait for proof in the Q4
earnings. Meanwhile I am very comfortable holding the stock but always
recognizing that it is still at risk for volatility. My updated report of
yesterday had my comments truncated in a few areas and I have now fixed this up.



October 20, 2003


Financial is updated for Q3 earnings released today. As all but very new
subscribers will know, this stock fell significantly after I first rated it a
strong buy on August 8 at $17.50. There are two main stories in the Q3 earnings.
The earnings are down significantly from last year due to a fairly massive
“adverse impact” related to increasing the provision or reserve for claims
related to 2002 and prior. If the market focuses on this and believes that there
is more to come then this stock may fall further. However, the other story is
that the earnings in 2003 absent the impact of prior years are very high (about
$1.00 per hare in Q3 alone). If the market focuses on this the stock will rise.


In some ways the adverse impacts related to prior years can be considered an
unusual item. However, I believe that this industry does not treat it as unusual
because it fully expects to make at least some positive or negative adjustment
to prior years claims each year. But the magnitude of the adjustment in Q3 is
unusual in my opinion.


Longer term (and hopefully starting Q4) I expect that the reserve problems
will end and we should be left with high current earnings that justify a much
higher stock price. Despite the reserve increases, the company has grown its
assets at a high rate. On average buying a company like this at book value
should work out very well, but there are no guarantees.


I believe that this company has some leeway in the amount it increases
reserves related to prior quarters. I find it strange that the Q3 report does
not really focus on how high earnings are on 2003 premiums, absent the prior
year impacts. Could it be that the company would not really want to trumpet high
current year earnings right now, when it is trying to negotiate with various
provincial governments for caps on insurance payouts?


I also don’t expect the currently proposed caps on car insurance rates to
adversely affect the company since it will be accompanied by caps on pay outs
for pain and suffering.


If the share price falls tomorrow then it might be wise to try and wait for a
bottom. However, if it starts to rise then I personally would want to buy
(except I already have enough).


October 18, 2003


In case anyone missed it, here is a link to the latest free newsletter from
October 13. Most of you would have got
that, but I keep a separate email list for it. Let me know if you are not
getting it and what email you would want it sent to.


The rising Canadian dollar is definitely going to hurt some companies. There
are two impacts.


First are one-time impacts that happen when the dollar rises during a
quarter. An increase in the Canadian dollar during a quarter negatively impacts
the value of U.S. assets and positively impacts the value of U.S. liabilities.
This one-time impact can be quite large, however for many companies it does not
show up as an earnings hit but rather as a separate component of retained
earnings. It reduces the book value of the company. In some cases this may be


The second type of impact is the ongoing “permanent” change that occurs due
to a higher dollar. The worse case is a company with expenses in Canada and
revenues in U.S. dollars. If it competes against U.S. rivals, it probably can’t
raise prices so this could be an extremely major hit to profits as we moved from
a 64 cent dollar to now 76 cents and rising. Small Canadian manufacturers that
have most of their revenue in the U.S. would be hit hard. If this is hedged
against, the hedge is probably only for a year or so at most, but the impact
should be considered permanent. A company that has both expenses and revenues in
the U.S. will hit much less hard (it’s got a built in hedge). A Canadian company
that has revenues in Canada and most expenses in the U.S. would benefit from the
higher dollar. This might include certain retailers.


Out of the Companies that I cover I expect Stantec to take a balance sheet
hit but not much of an earnings hit. I expect BW Technologies to suffer a fairly
significant earnings hit. I expect Kingsway Financial to suffer somewhat on the
balance sheet side. Regarding earnings, it also has significant expenses in U.S.
dollars and so I am not expecting a very large impact. CN would be hurt, mostly
on a balance sheet basis.


Overall, we may see that Canadian companies in general are suffering from the
higher dollar. A lot of the recent rise in the dollar was after Q4 started, so
Q3 may not be that bad, but Q4 could see a major impact.


I have never been very good at predicting the where the market in general is
going, I have better luck in picking individual stocks. However, my sense is
that there is certainly more danger of a general pullback right now, although
the strong earnings reports could see us go up a bit yet.


Today I want to make some comments about a number of companies that have had
good price increases since the date of my report.


Home Capital
has really flown since I called it a Speculative Buy, July 24 at $21.50. It’s
now at $27.50 having got as high as $29.39. The P/E is now around 20 and so I
would not buy at this price. I have not yet taken profits but I have an order in
to sell half of my holdings at $29.75 if it should get there. I hold it in an
RRSP. I would not sell if it were a taxable account. Earnings will be out
Thursday this week after close of markets. At this point we should probably wait
for the earnings but they will have to be pretty spectacular to justify anything
much higher than the current $27.50. Checking insider trading I see a fair
amount of selling with 4 out of 5 officers selling at least some shares
recently, They are also buying under a regular plan, but the selling amounts
appear to be larger. Given the current price and this insider selling I am
inclined to take at least some profits here if held in a non-taxable account. To
lock in gains, I am notionally selling half the Home Capital in the model
portfolio at a limit sell of $26.50. (If the opening price is higher than that I
will use the opening price since that is exactly what would happen if I enter a
limit sell price of $26.50). [Update, the opening price was $27.50]


Western Bank is also up nicely since I called it a (higher) Buy September 4
at $33.10. On Friday it closed at $38.60 and a trailing P/E of about 15.
Checking Insider selling here, I see executives exercising options and then
selling the shares. This is mildly negative but not a big concern. I am
comfortable to hold this and buy on any pull-back to below about $34. I am quite
comfortable that this company will be around and still growing in 5 years time
so It could be bought for the long-term but in the short term seems a bit


fell with its big acquisition of Hancock, since I called it a Buy July 25 at
$40.65. Friday it closed at $38.60 with a P/E of 13. Frankly, I am not in  a
position to really judge the acquisition, but I understand it was at a good
price, only a relatively small premium to book value. I like this company, this
is probably an opportunity to Buy at a good price. I am comfortable with this as
a long term hold. For the model portfolio, I will notionally buy $13,450 worth
at the opening price on Monday.



October 13, 2003


Witness is being bought out at $11.27, a 55% premium by Honeywell. Most
recently I called it a speculative weak buy, but I had it as a speculative Buy
at January 1, 2003. (Unfortunately I initiated this as Buy at $11.50 in early
2002. However, I made money on the company by averaging down).


The TSX Group (Toronto
Stock Exchange) is added as a new company. In my opinion this company has the
features of a great company, given what appears to be a near-monopoly position
in Canada. Also it is the type of business that can grow without much capital
spending, so it tends to generate substantial free cash flow. With no debt and
substantial investments it appears to be quite low risk. The stock price has
already increased substantially from $18 at the IPO in November 2002. The value
ratios alone would not appear to justify a buy rating, however, when I consider
all of the strong qualities of the company and the conservative measurement of
earnings, I believe that a Buy rating is justified. In addition, I would expect
that the Q3 report due out shortly will show a strong quarter which further
justifies the Buy rating. Interestingly this company also seems like a good
candidate for conversion to an income trust structure, however, I don’t expect
that to happen. I intend to purchase some shares tomorrow.



October 9, 2003


Finally, Kingsway is going up the last two days. It appears to be very good
value at this price, but is definitely speculative. AT this point I am waiting
for the earnings release expected on October 20.


Pacific Northern Gas
has just announced that it has a new major shareholder and is looking at
conversion to an income trust structure. The value may “pop” tomorrow, if not I
will be a buyer because this should be a very positive development and one that
I was hoping for.




October 6, 2003


Just to let subscribers know, I plan to be more active with updates by
mid-month as the Q3 reports come in and I am looking at a couple of companies to
add as well.



October 3, 2003


Performance is
updated and certainly was hurt by the big drop in Kingsway Financial. Still,
only 1 of the 7 original Strong Buys from January 1 is down and Kingsway is the
only 1 of 9 stocks that were in the model portfolio that is down. My own
portfolio was also hurt by Kingsway but I still have a more than respectable
gain on the year as detailed in the Performance tab.


The latest with Kingsway is that it issued just $10,000,000 in preferred
shares. It is my understanding that they would not have needed the cash for
liquidity since they hold hundreds of millions in liquid assets. Rather the cash
is needed to satisfy regulatory rules regarding the level of their invested
capital (debt + equity). Insurance companies are unique companies in that they
typically won’t likely run short of cash even if they lose money  because they
are holding premiums collected from customers. But the premiums are ear-marked
for future claims payments. Regulators force insurance companies to maintain a
certain level of equity and the bond rating agencies also demand this. So…
they probably needed to raise the capital for those reasons. They had planned to
raise $50 million preferred in association with a U.S. acquisition. That made
sense –  they needed more capital because of the acquisition. But now that they
are not making an acquisition, the fact that they needed to raise $10 million in
capital is worrying. (see update on this, below) It could be that they will
report a loss in Q3 and a loss erodes capital and therefore they needed more. I
would think that they will report an operating profit in Q3 except it could turn
into a loss if they write-off more reserves. They already announced $20 million
in write-offs. But they said that was off-set with $10 million in investment
gains. If there are no more write-offs, I would think Q3 would still be
profitable. But, then there is the question why did they issue the preferred if
that is the case? With all this uncertainty, I have to consider the stock to be
highly speculative at least until we see the earnings on October 20.


Update to above, on reflection the $10 million for capital could also be
needed because assets have grown through increased business (even just due to
rate increases) so, on reflection this equity issue is not cause for worry.



September 30, 2003


Kingsway has turned into something of a debacle on me having fallen rather


This is a reminder that individual stocks are always risky.


At this point, is Kingsway a bargain?


If you believe in investing with the trend then you would not buy now. If you
believe, as I do, that sometimes the market under-values stocks then you might
buy now.


There are no guarantees. Let’s consider two possible scenarios.


In scenario 1, Kingsway turns out to be a bad investment even at this price.
Given that it is now trading at 6.4 times trailing earnings and at about book
value, this implies that Kingsway is going to lose money this year or  at best
make a small profit. This could happen if Kingsway needs to take a large charge
to increase reserves for existing liabilities. Essentially it means that
Kingsway charged too little in the past and for every dollar in insurance
premiums, its claims plus operating costs are going to amount to more than
$1.00. To some degree this has been happening. The company in its 2002 annual
report indicated that management thought that that problem was behind it. But it
showed up again this year in at least two of its subsidiaries American Country
and Kingsway General. It seems that the  market is very nervous that there is
more of this to come.


In this scenario it turns out Kingsway is really poorly managed. In this
scenario, the likely worse case is that Kingsway has to issue a lot of equity
shares at depressed prices, or it gets taken over at a poor price.


I still don’t see this scenario as very likely though it is certainly


I am more inclined to think in terms of a scenario 2 where Kingsway will turn
out to be a very good investment at this price. Yes Kingsway does seem to have
some issues with past reserves being inadequate. However, it hard to imagine
that the business it is doing right now in 2003 is not going to be very
profitable. We have all heard about huge premium increases. And there are
pressures now to keep court awards from continuing to go much higher. Kingsway
at this point should represent something of a insurance premium machine. I fail
to see why it would not be attractively profitable going forward. If it is
adequately profitable going forward then I would expect the market’s confidence
to return and the share price could rise quickly. Few adequately profitable
companies trade as low as book value.


I certainly can’t say for sure that this will ultimately turn out well. But I
take some comfort from the recent experience of Fairfax Financial which in the
last 12 months fell from about $160 all the way down to $57 and then rocketed
back up above $200.


Certainly a problem with Kingsway is we just don’t know what the next piece
of news will be. It may well have more bad news. Or if the news out of the Q3
results next month is positive, then it could quickly recover. I hold the stock
and I am not going to sell. If I did not hold any, I personally would buy at
this price. As always I would not want to get over-exposed to any one stock.



September 27, 2003


Cognos is
updated and downgraded to weak sell/hold. I like the company a lot but it is
just too expensive.


AGF Management
which owns and manages the AGF family of mutual funds is updated and upgraded to
Speculative (lower) Buy. This is a hard stock to predict but it generates strong
cash flows. It will likely move up if the general stock market rises. Bt it will
likely drop if the market drops. Many stocks are a lot more dependent on their
own operations, this is a company that feeds off the stock market itself.


September 26, 2003


Financial was halted and then released bad news today. They report increased
reserves relating to past periods of $30 million relating to one of their
insurance subsidiaries, which will reduce Q3 earnings by $20 million. I believe
that the reason it hits net income by only $20 million, is that the $20 would be
after income tax. They also announced expected realized gains on investment of
about $10 million for Q3. So this appears to net out to about $10 million which
is significant but not that huge. However, it calls into question if any more
increases to reserves are coming. Frustratingly, the company did not give any
estimate for Q3 earnings but indicated those will be released on October 20. I
was hoping for a very strong quarter due to all the insurance rate increases.
The company does say that it is experiencing strong growth in gross and net
premiums for Q3, and that would seem to suggest that Q3 profits will be good.
At this point I don’t know how much the market will react on Monday when the
stock resumes trading. The stock could even rise if it turns out that in effect
this bad news was already priced in through the recent price drop. The company
still looks cheap on fundamentals. Clearly though it is speculative. I thought
that the recently released S&P report was mildly positive in that it maintained
the company’s credit rating. I suspect that S&P was made aware of this reserve


The company also terminated a U.S. acquisition that it was planning and
aborted a planned preferred share issue. No doubt there will be some expense
written off due to this. Given that the market seemed not to like this
acquisition, maybe this is a positive.


My bottom line is that it looks cheap but is certainly proving to very
speculative. Hopefully the picture will become more clear when the Q3 earnings
are released in 1 month.


My performance took a hit this week, but not a huge hit. I’ll update it next
week as I generally do that every second week. The Strong Buys from the start of
the year are still up an average 43%. The model portfolio , which has a
significant amount of Kingsway Financial, was down about 1.6% this week, but is
still up 25.3% on the year-to-date.




September 22, 2003


Last month I mentioned I had looked at
Sleeman Breweries but had balked at the insider selling by the
founder/president combined with value ratios that were not bargain oriented.
Subsequently, I sent my concerns to the company and John Sleeman took the
initiative to call me. If nothing else it shows he cares what people say about
the company. He provided an explanation that he had bought additional shares
around March and then found he needed cash unexpectedly. That does not fully
allay my concern but mutes it somewhat. Anyhow I finished off the analysis.
Overall I like the company but I am not excited about the stock price just now.
I’ll review again after the Q3 results.


Meanwhile I will keep looking for more stocks that look attractive.


Kingsway Financial, my understanding is that they adjust their reserves for
previous years only at year end. Therefore based on the rate hikes in place and
the strong markets I would certainly expect a strong Q3 from them. There should
be no problems with reserve increases in Q3, it could happen in Q4 but that is
anyone’s guess. However, I am not privy to inside knowledge and anything is
possible. I still think it should prove to be a very good investment. I am
comfortable holding a fairly large position, however it would not be prudent to
get too heavily exposed to any one company. My hope is tat Q3 will be very good
followed by a strong Q4 and hopefully no need to add to prior year reserves.



September 21, 2003


Witness is updated. I definitely like the industry category. They sell high
quality video security systems. However, sales were only about flat this year
and were down in the latest quarter. They have no debt and therefore will almost
definitely survive for the long term. I could easily come up with scenarios to
suggest it is under-valued. However, if sales growth does not recover then it is
not a bargain. Given considerable uncertainty at this time, I would pass it over
and not buy until sales do recover. I do hold a few shares and I don’t intend to
sell, but I will not buy more at this time.



September 19, 2003


Performance is updated and the Strong Buys are up a surprising 45.8% on
average in 2003 to date. These are no longer rated Strong Buy, but in the
interest of transparency, here is a link that tells you the 7 Strong Buys from
the beginning of the year
and how it has done. This link is now available just below the table of
stock picks above. Those of you who were subscribers to the Stock Picks as of
the beginning of 2003 will recognize these picks. Also a number of them were
included in the model portfolio.


Financial recently rated Speculative Strong Buy has been falling in price.
It closed at $16.00 today but the low for the day was $15.26. I don’t have any
reason to change the rating from Speculative Strong Buy. It has a history of
large price fluctuations. The P/E and price to book multiples are very
attractive. I think this may be an opportunity to purchase at an attractive
price. I expect this company to continue to grow and prosper. I think it should
definitely benefit from the large premium increases to its customers. However,
there are no guarantees and certainly this is a speculative pick. The company
recently announced a small issue of preferred shares in the U.S. I don’t know
the reason for that. I checked insider trading and found one executive recently
bought a few shares but I also saw some executives exercising options and then
selling the acquired shares and so there is no clear signal from insider
trading. I don’t expect any news from the company until the Q3 earnings are
released probably around November 7. I would certainly not be surprised if the
share price drops a bit more. However, the fundamentals certainly tell me it is
a Speculative Strong Buy. I am already fairly heavily exposed to the company and
so I will probably not buy any more at this time.


Home Capital
has shot up to $26.00, up 79% this year. I would not likely rate it a Buy at
this price. At the same time I am not that eager to take profits. If I had a
very large position I would likely take some profits, although in a taxable
account I would be reluctant to do so. I am quite content to hang on to this one
although it is now high enough that it could easily pull-back.


September 17, 2003


I note that Sico
announced this morning that it is closing two plants and three distribution
centers and consolidating customer service and taking a $5 million restructuring
charge (write-off). Normally this might be considered very negative. however
this is due to the fact that they had purchased a competitor several months ago.
This kind of rationalization is exactly what should happen to take advantage of
synergies. The share price declined just 10 cents on volume that was twice the
usual daily average. Overall, this announcement does not seem particularly
negative or positive to me and I will see how the next quarterly report looks.



The Nu-Gro
Corporation is added as a new company. I selected this company by screening
for high return on investment combined with a reasonably low P/E and Price to
book ratio. Nu-Gro passes that test. It seems like the kind of fairly obscure,
boring and profitable company that Warren Buffett might like. However, I am
rating it only a (lower) Buy because the recent growth is not strong and the
higher Canadian dollar is affecting the company. I am not going to Buy at this
stage but will wait until the next quarterly result.


I recently looked quite closely at Gaz Metropolitain which trades as
Partnership units (essentially equivalent to an Income Trust). I was very
attracted to the ROE which is reported as being about 18%. Management also seems
very strong. However, the yield is around 6.5% and is not growing. In this case
the company has no ability to compound money at the 18% since it pays out most
of the cash flow. I decided the yield is too low in this case and therefore I am
not adding this company to the Site.


I am continuing to look for value stocks to add.



September 8, 2003


Technologies is updated for earnings released today. Sales growth is
exceptional. Profit declined due to the higher Canadian dollar but growth will
assuredly resume. However I find the stock quite expensive. I am willing to hold
a small amount. If I had a large position I would probably sell some at this


It’s interesting that the price was essentially unchanged today on news of
strong revenue growth but lower earnings. You would think a stock would move in
one direction or the other on this kind of news. Maybe it will move tomorrow


Wow the general markets have really shown strength. Before we get carried
away and become over-confident, it is wise to remember that markets never move
up in a straight line and that the Fall is usually a bad time in the markets.
Prudence would suggest taking some profits and increasing cash holdings at this



September 4, 2003


Western Bank is updated for earnings released this morning. An excellent
quarter. The Bank seems optimistic that growth will continue. I see this as a
good investment that will likely double in a 5 or 6 year period and that has
little down-side risk barring an unforeseen disaster. I may add to my position.



September 2, 2003


Energy Partners which owns 50% of the Alliance Pipeline is updated. The
units are not bargain priced. But they have really performed well in the last 8
months. With a good dividend and with tax advantages this is worth considering
particularly for taxable accounts.


I have added to my position in
Kingsway Financial and continue to think that this will be a very good
investment. But of course there are no guarantees…



August 26, 2003


Forzani is
updated and downgraded from speculative weak buy to Sell. This is a strong
company but earnings per share are about flat in the last 12 months and sales
grew only at about 8% in the latest quarter. This is too small given the P/E. I
now have access to insider trading reports and see that the Chairman and
President and others sold many shares in June and July mostly at prices lower
than today’s price. Given sluggish growth and insider selling, I am out!


On a positive not I understand the company is still projecting a big earnings
growth this year, but I just don’t see the evidence… and I do see the insider
selling, so I am gone! (tomorrow)



August 22, 2003


Performance is updated and is excellent.


The DOW is now up 12.1% on the year and the TSX is up 12.9%


August 9, 2003


Performance is updated and remains
exceptionally strong.


August 8, 2003


The TSX was up 0.5% for a total of 9.6% year-to-date. The Dow was up 0.4%
this week for a total of 10.2%  year-to-date.


The model portfolio fell slightly this week due to profit taking but is

still up 25.1% year-to-date. The Strong buys improved once again to an average
30.8% in 2003 year-to-date.



August 1, 2003


The TSX was down 0.6% on the week for a total gain of 9.1% in 2003. The DOW was
down 1.4% this week for a total gain of 9.7% in 2003.


The model portfolio managed to gain 0.1% this week for a total 25.6% gain in
2003 to-date. Several stocks in the model portfolio fell this week, but others
made up the ground. The model portfolio is 19% in cash due to profit taking. I
intend to re-deploy the cash soon.


The average of the 7 strong buys from January 1, 2003 are now up 30.8%. Full
Performance figures will be updated soon.



July 25, 2003


Performance is updated and is very strong.
Partly, that is due to strong markets, but also our relatively conservative
stock picks (many even pay dividends) have out-performed the market once again.


The TSX was up 2.1% on the week for a total gain of 9.8% in 2003. The DOW was
up 1.1% this week for a total gain of 11.3% in 2003.



July 18, 2003


A volatile week in the markets. The DOW finished up 0.7% and is up 10.1%
year-to-date. The TSX finished up 0.5%.and is up 7.6% year-to-date.


Our average strong buy stock picks from January 1 did not go up this week.
The model portfolio fell this week but only by 0.1%. A full performance update
will be posted at the end of next week.


July 11, 2003


Performance of our stock picks is updated and


The model Portfolio is up 23.4% in 2003-to-date. My own portfolio is up 18.8%
this year-to-date. (I had some investments that were not in the model


Current Stock picks are only available to paid subscribers,
subscribe now to gain immediate access.


The TSX was up 1.1% this week and is now up 7.0% on the year-to-date., while
the DOW was up 0.6% this week and is up 9.3% year-to-date.


July 5, 2003


Not much happening this Holiday week with the TSX up 0.3% and the DOW up


Air Canada shares rose to $1.80. This is driven by sheer idiots (or to be
more kind by people who are horribly uniformed). It is
amazing that there are enough idiots or uninformed to buy 8 million shares today. I can’t
believe that this is from “short covering”. The last I checked the number of
shares sold short was under 20 million. So all of those could buy back and that
would take less than 3 days. Maybe it is short sellers recycling in every few
days but I doubt it. The last time I checked having a lot of people betting that
a stock will go down, does not cause it to go up. I suspect that few people
would willingly cover a short position in Air Canada at $1.80, when the company
itself has
said the shares will be worthless.


I tried to short the pig but TD Waterhouse said if I did, they would
automatically buy me back in after three days. This seems crazy it’s like some
trick by brokerages to earn more fees by letting me sell short and them
almost immediately forcing me to buy back. I would ideally like to hold it short until
it inevitably goes under 10 cents.


Here is a quote from a news source yesterday today:


Friday July 4, 4:18 pm ET

By Charles Grandmont



MONTREAL (Reuters) – Air Canada (Toronto:AC.TO
– News) has dodged another
liquidation bullet with a deal to lower the cost of its airplane leases, and
its stock soared 13 percent on Friday,
even though the airline insists the shares will be worthless after its debt
restructuring is done.



“Buy the bonds at the right price and you are making a
rational investment. Buy the stock and
you are just buying this impossible fantasy,
” said Robert Chapman, a
small U.S. bondholder


How stupid or uninformed can people be to buy this stock when the company “insists the
shares will be worthless”?


The great thing about this is that it proves that the market is clearly not
efficient and there are lots of idiots and uninformed out there and therefore you and I can
beat the market by taking money from idiots who want to throw it away.


Of course a few people actually made money by buying at $1.20 and selling at
$1.75. More power to them, but they are playing with fire.


June 27, 2003


A negative week on the markets with the DOW down 2.3% and the TSX down 1.3%.
The DOW is now up  7.8% in the year to date, while the TSX is up 5.5%. My
stock picks have out-performed with my model
portfolio up 18.2% year to date and my own portfolio up 15.0% year to date. My
seven strong buy picks as at January 1, 2003 are up an average 19.7%



June 21, 2003


The DOW and the TSX were each up 0.9% on the week. However the markets were
weak at the end of the week. The TSX is now up 6.9% on the year-to-date while
the DOW is up 10.3%. My sense is that the next move will be downward from here.
However, the expected Fed rate cut could fend off a decline. Second quarter
earnings reports will be coming out very shortly and will have an impact on the
market. It seems to me that the market has already priced in strong second
quarter results  and so there is not much up-side left but there is
down-side if the earnings are weak.


Air Canada continues to provide amusement. The company has said that is
unlikely that there will any meaningful recovery on the existing equity. That
translates to the current stock being near worthless and yet it trades at over
$1.00. Clearly this is irrational. The good news is that in order to make excess
returns in stocks someone else has to lose. Those who are long the Air Canada
shares prove that there are lots of people prepared to lose money in the


Air Canada is talking about coming out of bankruptcy after raising about $1.2
billion in new equity and debt. My fearless prediction is that they will emerge
and that they will be bankrupt again within two years. With the same management
in place it is almost inevitable. Even with good management, it would be tough
going. I believe that their pension plan will soak up any available profits in
short order. At the end of 2002, they had a 1.1 billion pension deficit. And the
liabilities were calculated using a discount rate of 6.5%, unchanged from 2001.
But interest rates continue to decline precipitously and a more conservative
discount rate would could easily add another billion to the deficit, in my
opinion (this is rough I don’t have the information to calculate accurately).
How will a smaller Airline ever reverse this deficit?, in my opinion it won’t be
able to.


And here is something hilarious, on their balance sheet they actually show a
$550 million pension surplus, but the notes indicate that unrecognized items
bring the real figure to the $1.1 billion deficit. Is n’t pension accounting



June 13, 2003


Performance is updated and has improved again. The model Portfolio is now up
18.9% since January 1 this year. The average stock in the Model Portfolio is up
26.3%. The model portfolio lags this due to profit taking.


This week began strong but ended weak. The TSX was down 0.5% while the DOW
was up 0.6% on the week. The TSX is now up 6.0% on the year to date, while the
DOW is up 9.0% on the year to date.



June 6, 2003


An exceptionally strong week on the markets with the DOW up 2.4%and the TSX
up 2.7%. The Dow is now up 8.6% on the year-to-date while the TSX is up 6.5% on
the year-to-date.


My model portfolio declined 0.1% this week but is still up 17.2% on the


June 1, 2003


Performance figures are updated and have
improved once again.


May 31, 2003


A good week in the markets with the DOW surging 2.9% and the TSX up 1.1%.


The DOW is now up 6.9% on the year-to-date while the TSX is up 3.7%


My model Portfolio is now up 17.3% year-to-date and my strong buys are up an
average of 18.7% year-to-date.



May 24, 2003


The TSX was up 0.6% on the week while the DOW was down 0.9%.


The TSX is up 2.5% on the year and the DOW is up 3.1%.


The Performance figures on this site are not
updated for this week’s changes. But the model Portfolio is now up 16.5% on the
year with all 7 stocks in that portfolio being up and with 35% of the original
investment now temporarily sitting in cash to lock in profits. The average stock
in the model portfolio has risen 22% in 2003 but the portfolio itself is below
that due to unequal weightings in each stock, trading costs and some prudent
profit taking.


The Strong Buys are up an average 17.5% though two of those Seven are down


May 16, 2003


Performance of my stock picks has been
excellent in 2003. The 7 stock model portfolio is now up 15.7% in 2003 to date.
This beats the 15% goal I had set for this relatively conservative portfolio for
the entire year. All stocks in the model portfolio are up with gains
ranging from 3.5% to 64% and with 4 of the 7 stocks showing double digit gains.
And 5 of these 7 stocks also pay a dividend as well! This all-Canadian TSX
portfolio was reasonably conservative although one of the stocks is a very small
cap with operations located in the far-east. 3 of the 7 are definitely blue-chip
quality, 3 more are value based small caps. This model portfolio saw moderate
gains even as the TSX was declining earlier this year. Now it has been really
driving up-ward as the market has rebounded.


I can in no way promise that my current picks will perform similarly but I
can promise that my current picks will be chosen following the same
comprehensive growth-at-a-reasonable-price and value oriented analysis. The
model portfolio is available to paid subscribers (sign
up now by clicking here) for CAN $10.00 per month with no obligations, you
can quit paying at any time.


My Strong Buys from January 1, 2003 are up an average 15% and my Buy picks
are up an average 6%.


I will not kid you (or more importantly myself), this strong performance was
partly due to good luck. But when I see 7 out of 7 stocks in the model portfolio
being up, and when I look at my record of beating the TSX by an average of 25%
annually in the last 3 years plus 2003 to-date I can also give substantial
credit to my stock-picking methodology. My own portfolio “only” beat the TSX by
an average 13% annually because I made bigger bets on some small caps that did
not work out (yet?) and was holding some “legacy” stocks that came from broker
recommendations rather than my own research. More recently I am trying to
concentrate my own portfolio more towards my own strong buys and I am trying to
have the discipline to sell stocks that I no longer rate as buys.


Meanwhile… the TSX was up 1.8% this week and only 1.9% in 2003 to-date. The
DOW was up 0.8% this week and 4.0% in 2003 to-date.



May 9, 2003


Performance figures for this Site are updated
and have strengthened again. The model portfolio has really had a good run and
is now up 13.0% in 2003.


The market was up moderately this week. Most of my stronger picks are up this
year while the market overall is almost flat. This suggests to me that higher
quality companies that were well priced have done well, while lower quality
companies have fallen. This is a pattern that I talked about last time, winners
tend to keep winning and losers tend to keep losing.



April 25, 2003


Performance figures for this site are updated
and have strengthened since the last update. The model portfolio is now up 8.6%
since January 1.


Markets made gains early in the week but gave it back late in the week to end
down moderately. As earnings reports come in I make the simple observation that
in the market as in life it seems that “winners win and losers lose”. That is,
companies with strong earnings records seem to continue to post earnings while
turn-around plays like Steel companies, Airlines and many high tech companies
continue to post losses. It seems that some companies always seem to mange to
outperform, while other companies always promise that earnings will arrive soon,
but they seldom do.  While there are many exceptions, a good general rule
for both people and corporations is that past performance is the best indicator
of future performance. When it comes to companies though you have to be sure
that not all of the up-side is not already priced into the stock. Good companies
are not necessarily good investments. That is why fundamental valuation analysis
is very useful in the stock market.



April 18, 2003


A strong week in the markets with the DOW and TSX both up about 1.5%. It was
an excellent week for the model Portfolio which is available to
paid subscribers only, now up 8.6% in 2003 to date.
This was meant to be a relatively conservative portfolio and it has proven to be
so, only 1 of the 7 stocks in the model portfolio is down. In comparison, the
DOW and TSX are both down slightly in 2003 to date.


Note also that CN which was recently listed on the home page of this Site as
a free reports rated Buy is up nicely since being listed. The only other free
“Buy” report listed there, Canadian Medical Laboratories is now unchanged from
the date it was last updated.


April 12, 2003


Not a great week with the TSX up 0.6% and the DOW down 0.9%.


It was interesting that the market rallied fairly sharply Monday morning on
positive developments in the War lat weekend. But the rally fizzled in the
afternoon and the market was up only a few points on Monday. Similarly, Friday
morning the market rallied on good economic news but the rally fizzled and
closed essentially flat for the day. I mostly stick to picking individual
stocks, but this overall market behaviour is not showing strength and seems eager
to fall on bad news and much less eager to rise on the good news.


I managed to short some Air Canada shares on Thursday at $1.26. TD Waterhouse
informs me that I am “unprotected”, in that they may force me to buy back these
shares at any time without notice and at the market price.


Logically, these shares should be worthless since Air Canada debts well
exceed its equity. But sometimes logic does not prevail. In the end I very much
doubt that the existing shares will be worth more than a few pennies at most.
But we shall see…




April 4, 2003


Performance figures of the stock ratings are


An okay week, with the DOW up 1.6% and the TSX up 0.2%. The model portfolio
is now up 6.4% on the year. Long-time readers of this Site know that I called
Air Canada a possible bankruptcy candidate two years ago and that I have long
thought that Robert Milton should have been removed for gross stupidity such as
engaging in price wars with lower cost competitors. Air Canada has also had
negative book value for at least 1 year. I last rated Air Canada exactly 2 years
ago calling it a clear sell at that time. Some things are indeed predictable.


March 28, 2003


A bad week partially correcting for the irrational exuberance of the prior
week. The DOW was down 4.4%, TSX which was not quite as irrationally exuberant
last week correspondingly dropped only 2.4% this week. Similarly, my model
portfolio had a bad week and lost 1.7%. But it is still up 6.3% on the year to


Speaking of irrational exuberance I thought that Air Canada might be an
excellent company to sell short. After all, the consensus seems to be that they
will have to go into receivership and “restructure” in order to get clear of
billions in debt and to get the unions to start negotiating wage cuts. “The
market” does not seem to realize that under that scenario the shares should end
up being worthless. Even if the Federal government in a horrifically stupid
moves decides to try to bail Air Canada out, that does not mean that the
existing shares are worth anything.


Anything can happen, but I thought it was a darn good candidate to sell
short. But my broker TD Waterhouse was unable to accommodate my request. I have
never before sold a share short, but it is supposed to be easy. I had lots of
cash in my margin account and was only going to sell a small amount of shares.
TD Waterhouse mumbled about the risks that they would face. I don’t get it. Air
Canada is widely held and surely TD Waterhouse clients hold lots of Air Canada
shares and they could have loaned me those shares for the short sell. It makes
me wonder if there is some kind of conspiracy against small investors selling
short. Everyone hates a short seller and it just seems like they did not want to
accommodate me.


March 24, 2003


Today’s lesson was that when the overall market dives it takes almost
everything with it. Few stocks escaped today.


March 21, 2003


The start of the war created a very big week for the DOW which was up 8.2% on
the week, apparently the largest single week increase in many years. The TSX was
up 3.7% on the week.


My Performance figures are updated. My Strong
Buys are up an average 7.5% on the year and the model portfolio is up 8.0%. This
is well ahead of the TSX, which is down 1.2% on the year.


I don’t particularly expect this war rally to last. The DOW fundamentally is
not under-valued and the rally is likely to fizzle for that reason. However, my
focus is always on finding individual stocks to hold and I don’t concern myself
much with the broader market.



March 14, 2003


By the close on Tuesday, this was looking like a really bad week. But a big
rally on Thursday had the DOW up 1.8% on the week while the TSX was down 0.9%.
My model portfolio was down 1.6% this week but is still up 4.8% on the year.


Clearly the next few weeks are uncertain we could easily see a 10% hit to the
markets if the war starts, but who can predict?


Would anyone like to bet that Air Canada will go into receivership before too
long? I think it probably will at some point. The idea that Aeroplan points
business is worth $1 billion is laughable. It might be if it Air Canada had
given it cash in return for all the points issued. Aeroplan is sitting on huge
liabilities for free flights. I doubt it has the cash to back this up. I doubt
that the sale of 1/3 of Aeroplan to Onex will go through. More likely I would
see Onex buying all of Air Canada at some point probably after a receivership
filing. This is Just my opinion I have not seen the financials for Aeroplan.



March 7, 2003


…and another bad week with the TSX down 3.0% and the DOW down 1.9%. The
model portfolio was down “only” 1.1%.


In 2003 to-date the TSX is now down 3.8% and the DOW is down 7.2%. The model
portfolio has strongly outperformed the TSX and is up 6.4% on the year.


Performance of all of our stock picks on this
site are updated.



February 28, 2003


A bad week with the DOW down 1.6% and the TSX essentially even.


Meanwhile my model portfolio was up again. It is now up 7.5% in 2003 and 6 of
the 7 stocks are up. The 7th stock is down only 2.5% This was meant to be a
relatively conservative portfolio and is performing fantastically. My goal is
15% in 2003 and I am already half way there, if these gains hold.


I will update full performance figures next week.


February 21, 2003


A good week with the TSX up 1.1% and the DOW up 1.4%.


Another excellent wee for the model portfolio which is now up 7.0% excluding
dividends. 5 of the 7 stocks are up and two are down slightly.


Performance figures on the Site are updated.



February 14, 2003


This week the markets broke a 4 week losing streak and were up marginally.
However, the DOW was up 2% on Friday and so at least the week finished strongly.


I have not done a complete Performance update. However, I can report that the
Model Portfolio was up another 1% and is now up 5.9% in 2003, excluding
dividends. About 4% of that is due to one very strong stock but 4 of the 7
stocks are up, 1 is flat and 2 are down slightly, which is not bad considering
the markets are down on the year to date. The strong buys are now up 7% on
average with 5 being up and two down. The complete Performance figures will be
updated on the 21st.


Join the free newsletter list to find out how to
access the model portfolio picks, if you have not already done so.


February 7, 2003


And yet another bad week. The Dow was down 2.4% and the TSX was down 1.4%.


The same comments apply as for last week.


Performance figures are updated. The model
portfolio for 2003 is up 4.9%.


January 31, 2003


Another bad week. The DOW was down 0.9% and the TSX was down 1.4%. Many large
companies have already reported their Q4 2002 earnings and the results were not
as good as the market was “expecting”. Data on the economy has also been
disappointing. On top of that the war threat is weighing on the market. Given
all of these factors it looks more likely that the market will fall rather than
rise. I still think it is very worthwhile to hold individual stocks that seem
under-valued. But I would certainly not be piling in new money aggressively at
this point. Although down for three years, the market is not at all cheap on a
P/E basis and so there certainly remains down-side risk.


On the other hand, when the market turns up, it will be quick. Therefore I
would also not risk getting entirely out of the market.
Subscribe to my free newsletter for much more in depth discussion.



January 24, 2003


My Performance figures are updated and look
very good for 2003 so far.


A bad week with the DOW down about 5.3% and the TSE down 1.3%. The DOW is now
down 2.5% in 2003 to date, while the TSX is up just 0.8%.


Meanwhile, my strong buys held in well this week and are up 4% on the year.
My model portfolio is also up 4% on the year. This was meant to be a relatively
conservative portfolio. 6 of the 7 stocks are up and the 7th is down just 0.3%.


January 17, 2003


This week, the DOW was down 2.3% while the TSE was down 0.7%. Meanwhile my
strong buys were up 1% on average though this was due to one very strong
performer out of the 6. I will update the performance page on the 24th.


We now enter earnings season. The market is expecting earnings to be well
ahead of the Q4 2001 numbers which were depressed by 911. Anything short of
about 12% average earnings growth over last year is going to send the market


But I can’t predict the market. My strategy continues to be to attempt to
identify individual stocks that are priced at a level that will allow me to earn
at least 9% on my money – on average – under relatively conservative



January 14, 2003


Just for laughs – Today I heard that K-mart had dropped 10 cents to 16 cents
on the news that in the reorganization, common shareholders would get
That’s nothing! That would mean the shares are worthless. Yet
people with a lottery ticket mentality are still buying. In the market it is
buyer beware!


In bankruptcy the most normal thing would be shareholders to get nothing.
Debts usually exceed equity. Chapter 11 in the U.S. has subverted this by often
giving something to the shareholders and even, astonishingly, the inept
managers. The Debt holders should be fully paid before any common shareholder
gets a cent, just my opinion.



January 10, 2003


2003 continues to be exceptional, so far. The DOW is up 5.3%, while the TSX
is up 2.8%. My Strong Buys, the 2003 model portfolio, and my own investments
have all outperformed the TSX, so far. See


As much as anything, this illustrates how the noise to signal ratio is very
high. Despite a few strong weeks it would be dangerous to conclude that the
market will continue on this path. However, I do believe that my 2003 model
portfolio will do well and also offers reasonable stability since it includes
some dividend paying stocks.


January 8, 2003


The year is off to a good start. I updated the Performance which shows strong
buys up 3% in the first five trading days.


I believe that the U.S. proposal to cut taxes on dividends has profound
implications. U.S. Stocks which trade on their dividend could easily see price
increases of 20%. Many companies will increase dividends or initiate dividends.
We should see companies issuing more shares to make up for the cash going out
the door. All of this equates to some fairly profound changes in the market.
This could be a real catalyst for the U.S. market. Unfortunately, I don’t see
why it would do much good for Canadian stocks.



January 3, 2003


A strong start to the year. My sense is that January will be a good month.
However, my focus is not on predicting the market. Rather I attempt to identify
under-valued stocks that are likely to perform well in the next 12 months and
that are likely to be good long term holds. You can access my best picks for
2003 through my paid subscription offer.


December 31, 2002


The final numbers show the TSX down 14% in 2002.


I have updated my Performance figures for
2002. My Strong Buys were up 5% on the year, not great, but a lot better than
the market averages.


Week of December 16 -20


Performance is updated and shows that a strategy of investing in the
strong buys on this Site just prior to the start of each calendar year would
have returned a total 53% gain in the last three years, while the TSX lost 22%
and my strong sells cumulatively lost 90%!


There are other ways to track performance but I believe that the above method
is fair and transparent.


With a strong gain on Friday, the DOW, made up for mid-week losses and
finished moderately higher on the week.


If the market grows with the economy, it will only advance about 5 to 6% per
year on average going forward. (Dividends will add another 2% to returns).
However, this will not likely occur in any steady fashion. It’s not that unusual
to see a 5% change in the market in a month or less. It is likely going to
remain difficult to see any underlying trend in the market. In engineering
terms, the “noise to signal” ratio will remain high.


As investors remain in a cautious mood, we may see opportunities to purchase
excellent companies at discount prices. This is what Warren Buffett patiently
waits for. It could be a great company that has some temporary bad news that
drives down the price but where the long-term outlook remains very positive.
These are the kind of companies that I will be looking for – Great companies at
bargain prices.


Week of December 9 – 13


The second straight losing week in the market. I see no particular reason to
think the market would move higher by month’s end.


I plan to send my free newsletter to subscribers within 24 hours. Topics will
include my analysis of which types of stocks I have generally lost money on and
which types I have generally made money on.


Bombardier’s new CEO, Paul Tellier will undoubtedly do good things for the
company. It may be a good time to invest. However, I am going to wait and see
what kind of write-offs he might make in Q4, to clean up the balance sheet.


After experimenting with several formats for selling research including
selling individual mystery company Strong Buy picks, individual company reports
and bundles of reports, I have decided to offer a
Monthly Paid Newsletter Subscription which will also include all my research
reports for $10 Canadian per month. The Free Newsletter will continue unchanged.
The Monthly subscription service insures that I can offer a range of buy and
sell picks and I have no incentive to rate stocks as Strong Buy. This is
important, I am completely independent of the companies and I am trying to
remain as unbiased as possible. The subscription option also fits in better with
Securities Laws since Paid circulation Newsletter editors do not have to be
licensed by the Securities Commission. I can’t offer a discount for a 1 year
subscription since I can’t commit to continuing this Paid Newsletter into the
future. I need to get a minimum number of subscribers to justify my efforts.
Subscribers will pay month to month by credit card and can quit paying at any


Week of December 2 – 6


No surprise, that the markets have finally had a down week.


I don’t have any strong sense of the direction of the market. It’s probably
reasonable for most investors to hedge their bets with some money in the market,
and some in bonds or cash.


I’m tending to become more conservative in my own investing. Topics that I
will address soon in the newsletter include, index
funds, investing in emerging markets, the dangers of lottery ticket type stocks.


Performance figures are updated.


Week of November 25 – 29


Well that makes 8 straight weeks of the DOW going up. I believe we need good
news on earnings guidance to sustain this. I’m not sure that there is much
behind the recent “tech” rally. For example, has anything really changed at
Nortel to justify the increase in that stock? I think the tech rally in
particular could reverse very quickly.


I just completed an analysis of FortChicago Energy partners. This is very
similar to an income trust type investment. I will provide a free link to all
the subscribers of my newsletter in the next issue, which I intend to send out
soon. I am planning to add more Income Trust companies soon. I also just added
some material to my popular article “Understanding
Income Trusts” to address the liability issue and to try to explain why the
yields are all over the map.


As year-end approaches, I am updating many reports and these are available
for a small charge to subscribers to the newsletters (also referred to as
members of this Site). Subscribers can check the “For Sale” link in recent
newsletters. The rest of you can Subscribe now.


I’m also planning to add more material on the topics of income tax and on
Exchange Traded Funds in the next month or so.


Email me with any general
questions or suggestions (but I can’t give specific investment advice)


Week of November 18 – 22


Another positive week in the markets.


Performance on this Site is updated.


In the latest newsletter, I emailed to members a link to many company reports
that I have for sale for $5.00 each or 3 months access for $30.00. There was
very little interest, perhaps because you could not see if each report was a buy
or a sell until you bought the report. (Not wanting to tip my hand). But since
there was so little interest in that method, I have now indicated which reports
are buys and strong buys etc. Also I am adding more reports. Members can check
the latest newsletter for the link to the reports for sale. Non-members can get
access by joining.


TransAlta announced some write-offs today. That company seems to constantly



Week of November 11 – 15


The Dow was up for the sixth straight week.


I was surprised that the market did not fall on the FBI’s warning of a
terrorist strike. If a large terrorist attack occurred in North America, I am
almost certain that the markets would fall at least 10% and quite likely much
more than that. It’s not a happy thought.


Right now, I am working on or have completed reports on Stantec, Boardwalk,
TranAlta, Dalsa, Mullen Transport, Steeplejack and more. Among these are some
good buys in my opinion. I will be contacting my newsletter subscribers (also
called members of this Site) soon with more details.



Week of November 4 – 8


For the first time, I have added the return figures for my own personal
investment portfolios to my Performance page.
Previously I tracked all my stock picks for you, now I am showing you exactly have I
done following my own analysis. My portfolio is strictly long-term and has
always been 100% equities. I have done quite well in the face of the bear
market. I can’t claim outrageous returns, but I have made consistent returns that
are substantially higher than the market averages.


The TSX index is down 24% cumulatively since the beginning of year 2000. My
own 100% equity portfolio is up 21% over that period. Therefore, I have beaten
the index by 45% over the almost three years since the start of year 2000.
After considering dividends estimated at 2% on the TSX index, I have beaten the
index by about 39% over the almost three years since the start of year 2000.


Certainly, not all of my picks have worked out, particularly in the last
12 months, but on average my record is quite strong.


Markets (TSX, DOW) rose early in the week, but then fell back to end only
very moderately higher than last week. The fact that the market did not respond
to the large interest rate cut in the U.S. is not a positive sign.


I don’t expect to see any big market rally at all. I continue to look for
individual bargain priced stocks.


Week of October 29 – November 1


Performance figures for the ratings on this
Site are updated.


The TSE trended steadily down for four days but rebounded 1.2% on Friday, but
was still down 1.3% for the week. The DOW Jones Industrial Average was up
slightly for the week.


I have no ability to predict the overall market, but with earnings season
mostly over, and some weak economic figures released. I would suspect that the
market will trend down somewhat through December.


This would create a buying opportunity. Given the difficulty of such
predictions and my commitment to individual stocks rather than to the market
index, I will remain invested.


One accounting challenge that we will hear a lot more about is pension
accounting. At year end, many companies will revise downward their expectations
for earnings on pension assets. This could cause substantial increases in
pension expenses and therefore lower earnings. Big, old economy company stocks
are vulnerable. More on this in my next newsletter.


Week of October 21 – 25


A positive but volatile week. The Dow ended up with a 1.5% increase. It
appears that investors are not rushing to sell into the recent strong rally.
Still, I remain cautious. I focus on individual companies but larger market
trends do affect most companies particularly in the short run.


I am searching for companies that appear to offer good value even if with a
fairly modest earnings forecast. This provides a strong up-side potential if
earnings should beat my modest forecasts. If we learn one thing from the recent
market crash of 2000 – 2002, it is that we must avoid paying prices that
implicitly incorporate highly ambitious levels of growth
. (which leaves
little up-side potential and huge down-side risk). My
newsletter offers access to a few companies that appear to meet my criteria
at their recent prices.



Week of October 14 -18


A good week. The rally holds. But it certainly may “test” the lows again. I
see the market as about fairly valued and not under-valued. As always I am
looking for individual under-valued stocks.


Week of October 7 – 11


Wednesday the Dow closed at 7286, down 27.3% on the year and down 37.8% from
its historic peak on January 14, 2000.


By Friday the market recovered 7.7% and is now down 21.7% year to date.


I’m not particularly hopeful that the rally will last. But it does illustrate
that when the market turns around, it can do so very suddenly and steeply.


While its tempting to get out of the market and wait for a bottom, a danger
is that it will have bounced well off the bottom before most investors conclude
that the bottom was reached.


At this point, I’m almost hoping that the market goes down more so that I can
buy at cheaper prices.



Week of September 30 – October 4


Another week, more losses. Things could (and probably will) get worse before
they get better. The markets seem fairly valued at this point. Fundamentally the
risk is that earnings deteriorate further.


A radio commentator today suggested that if we are losing all this money then
someone else must be making it. Not true. When the stock market goes down the
money we thought we had “in the market” simply vanishes into thin air. It only
takes a few shares to trade hands at a lower price and all the shares are then
worth less money. If the market falls in half, there are just as many shares
outstanding as before. They are just worth half as much. The other half of the
money is gone into thin air. I’m not trying to alarm anyone, but you should know
this is how it works! It’s scary that this popular radio host who has a show on
precious metals does not understand this simple fact of how the markets work.


Disclosure – What a ridiculous system we have. Companies report earnings
usually 3 to 6 weeks after the quarter. If earnings are down we typically hear
nothing until the earnings report comes out. But you can bet that an awful lot
of people know in advance if the sales or profits are down. By the end of the
the second month of each quarter you can just bet that insiders and many of
their contacts know if things are looking bad or good. The result is often a
slow slide in the stock price during the  6 to 10 weeks that the rest of us
wait in the dark while insiders and their contacts enjoy the advantage.


Currently we deal with this by making certain types of blantent insider
trading illegal. But an insider trading at a time when sales are down is
probably not doing anything illegal but he still has an advantage.


The solution is simple – companies should routinely issue a press release in
the middle of each quarter or even monthly that lays out how the quarter is
going. If they can’t comment on earnings until the end of the quarter, there is
no reason that they can’t at least comment on sales. That way we can all have
much the same information at the same time.


It’s about time that the Securities commission moved on this type of common
sense requirement.


Bravo to executives being hauled off to jail, we need that kind of



Week of September 23 – 27


More pain…no end in sight…be cautious…be diversified…don’t panic…if
you are in this for the long haul, the markets will eventually come back…This
magnitude of bear market is nothing new.



September 20, 2002


100 bottles of beer on the wall…take one down, pass it around, announce
your company will now be an Income Trust… 130 bottles are left!


I understand that Big Rock Brewery is changing itself into an Income Trust
and this has boosted the share price in anticipation of the move. As I explained
in my article on Income Trusts, the best way to
make money from them is probably to try to identify )in advance) which companies
are planning to convert and then ride the share price up when the conversion is
announced. Look for companies or parts of companies with stable earnings
and low capital spending needs.


Performance of the stock picks is certainly
not what I would hope for. However, this is to be expected with the TSX down19%
year to date.


Some stocks are surely trading at bargain prices. But I don’t see any quick
relief in sight. The market seems more likely to keep falling as more and more
investors begin to panic, or at least lose faith.


TELUS rebounded after issuing stock and using the money to buy back its own
debt at around 80 cents on the dollar. They will book a $63 million after tax
profit on this which is a nice boost to earnings. This is the smartest thing I
have ever seen this company do. Sadly, they rained on my parade by announcing
that they will start trying to offer cable T.V. over the phone lines. This has
big capital spending and losses written all over it, in my opinion.



September 14, 2002


From now on the home page only has 1 or two example reports. I noticed that
very few people had read the CN and Enbridge reports and a few others so there
is no point keeping them there, particularly since they had gotten out of date.


September 13, 2002


Another down day and I am certainly not convinced that the worse is over. The
lower it goes the better the bargains, it just feels like the opposite. The
trick is always to find the under-valued stocks. Members of this Site were
provided with a link to Buy my most recent research reports in my latest


Those reports included a small financial company and a small electronics
company that were rated strong Buys. I also included a report on Boardwalk which
I think has excellent potential and little down-side risk. Also Maple leaf was
included as a speculative pick. They should be having another good quarter right
now as hog prices have reached 4 year lows. But their stock price is well down
so this could be a good opportunity.


Bank stocks seem cheap now but may get cheaper, the big banks are very hard
to analyse with all their divisions and international operations. I like one of
the small regional banks that does nothing but lend money at a profit. It has
been beaten down with the others and may be a bargain. I will make that report
available to members next issue of the newsletter.


Telus finally raised some equity at $9.65 after apparently having been too
dumb to have done so when their share price was over $40 or even when it fell to
$20. I can’t see much risk that Telus would go broke and in a few years the
stock should be much higher as the cash comes in from the cell phone customers
and all their local services. Recently they were apparently buying back their
own debt in the market at 70 cents on the dollar. By my math that creates 30
cents of gain for every $1.00 bought back for $0.70. I like that a lot as a
shareholder. (Imagine YOUR bank agreeing to take 70 cents on the dollar for your
car loan). Apparently they may not have bought too much at 70 cents, the bonds
are now at 90 cents, but even that gives them a 10 cent gain for every dollar.
With the bonds at 90 cents, (up from 70) the market seems to be signaling that
bankruptcy is not a concern or is a remote possibility.


Some smaller stocks that I follow are suffering from terrible trading
liquidity, with the buy bid at say 20 cents and the sell offer at 30 cents. And
very few trades. With these stocks, you have to commit for the long term. You
can’t count on getting out quickly at all.


September 6, 2002


As stock market sentiment falls, companies with demonstrated earnings and
reasonable valuations should fare well. My goal is to find companies with lower
P/E ratios and high returns on equity and growth prospects. Those companies
should offer good up-side potential with little down-side risk. On the other
hand companies that promise earnings tomorrow but have little or none today may
continue to fall in price if the market continues to become more pessimistic.



September 4, 2002


This bear market is discouraging.


In particular, stocks with very low trading liquidity are seen to trade at
discouraging prices.


The strange thing is that we all felt better about investing near the top of
the market in 2000 because the market had gone up so long. We ignored the fact
it was over-valued (it had been for a long time but had defied gravity for a
long time).


Now, it is a certainty that the market offers much better long-term bargains
compared to 2000 and yet it feels like a horrible time to invest.


I am going to stay the course, stay invested, keep looking for bargains.


We may very well see more pain yet. But I doubt that I could time the market
so I will stay in and I will therefore automatically be in when the market
finally does turn around.


XXX SOME Comments missing here, will
be added if found in my files


Saturday February 15

Telus is updated as a Sell.
I had thought that there was hidden earnings in Telus because it expenses
the costs of customer acquisitions when that spending is expected to create
value over a number of years. Now my closer analysis indicates that the $56
monthly revenue from customers at a reported EBITDA margin of 18% will take
4 years to pay-back the cost of customer acquisition at $502 per customer.
This is bad enough, but consider that with a customer churn rate of 2% per
month, the average customer will not be there for four years. Furthermore
management is projecting core earnings of just 20 cents per share in 2002. I
start to wonder if the dividend will be kept. While it is possible that the
growth will eventually pay off, I rate it a sell at this time. And note that
I hold 100 shares which I plan to Sell on Monday.



Wednesday February 13


Star performer Contrans
is up 81% since I first called it a Buy on October 5th. Not bad for a boring
trucking company. I still rate it a Buy at today’s $23 but would change to
Hold at about $25 and begin to take profits by $28. Although the value in
October clearly suggested the stock should rise, I am a bit concerned as to
exactly why it has been rising so very fast recently.


Several times recently I have mentioned that
Boardwalk should do well
as it benefits from rental increases. The past few days the stock is moving
up a bit. I’m thinking it is a Buy. I’m looking forward to their next
earnings report



Wednesday February 13


New research offered for sale. After over 2 years of providing free
independent research I am now charging a small fee for my best picks. 1 new
company report has been added to the
Reports For Sale area. 1
existing report has been updated. In total three reports are for sale and
there is a special half price deal if all three are purchased.


In considering this purchase please examine the free reports offered here
and the Performance of
past picks and consider the unique quality of analysis offered. While these
for sale picks may or may not do as well as past picks, the concise but yet
relatively in depth analysis offered may be of substantial assistance as you
make your investment decisions.


Sunday February 10


TransCanada is
updated. I rate it only a weak buy/hold.


Tuesday February 5


With accounting issues all the rage it may be time to review my articles
on the subject. See articles on accounting disclosure and executive


Read about GAAP versus pro-forma accounting.


In a flight to quality you have to understand how to recognize quality.



Sunday February 3


Two energy infrastructure companies are updated for year 2000 results.
This is a tale of two companies, one well managed –
Enbridge and one not so
well managed – TransAlta



Transat A.T. (Air
TransAT) is updated. I thought this might be a good bet given that the
vacation travel industry has recovered very strongly in January at least
here in Edmonton where it has been very cold. But the write-off in Q4 2001
were staggering and call into question the credibility of earnings. I am
unable to even guess at what the current earnings “run rate” is at this
time. Therefore I rate it only a speculative weak buy. Braver souls could
use the stock to speculate that the airline travel industry has or will soon
largely recover from September 11.


The two research reports
for sale on this Site are still Strong Buys in my opinion at this time
since the price has not changed much since those reports were issued.


Buhler industries is
updated. I rate it only a weak buy but would personally consider buying Buy
a few shares at around 3.50 (now at 3.81)



Wednesday January 23 at 10:45 pm


CN is updated for another
great quarter and the 2001 year end. I definitely like the company. But I’m
not too excited about the stock price and rate it as a Buy at the current
stock price but would not want to pay any more than about the current price
around $75. It has tended to surprise on the up-side through cost cutting,
but the lack of revenue growth suggests recent strong earnings growth is not


Please check other sources, I provide generic ratings, and not specific
individual investment advice.



Thursday January 17, 2002


Trucking company Contrans
at $17.50 is now up about 35% since I rated it a Buy at $13 on October 4.
They just released earnings up about 25% in the quarter ended November 30.
The P/E is quite low with Yahoo showing it just under 6. With the strong
earnings release I would be comfortable Buying at this price.


I find it a bit surprising that a trucking company is this profitable
since I understood trucking to be a very competitive industry. However, I
have also heard of shortages of truck drivers at this time, so it would seem
times are good in the industry.


Wednesday January 16, 2002


I’m planning to implement password access so that only members of the
Site can view the current research reports. I’ll do this as soon as I figure
out how to do in FrontPage 2002. All existing members will receive the
password with the newsletter when I implement that system. Any casual
visitors to the Site who are not already receiving the newsletter (latest
edition was send Saturday January 12) should join the
membership to insure
continued access to the latest research.



Sunday January 13, 2002


Canadian Medical
Laboratories was up again on Thursday and Friday. This was my strongest
and safest pick late last summer. It did not decline much after September 11
(indicative of its relative safety) and is now up 25% since I first analyzed
it as a strong buy last July. It may keep going but due to the price rise I
would now call it a Buy rather than a strong buy. (By the way, with my
system, “Buy” means I personally would Buy it, particularly if I did not
already hold some, “Buy” is not a code-word for “hold”).
As always I am not giving you
personal advice, check with your own advisor or make your own decisions. 


Biovail is added to the
Site as a new listing.  I find the price too high for my liking. It seems to
be pricing in a lot of growth and so it has to deliver very strong growth to
maintain and grow its share price. It’s a great company but it’s one
“everybody” knows about so the easy money has already been made. There is
still certainly potential up-side here but also lots of downside if growth
should falter.


Wednesday January 9, 2002


Canadian Medical
Laboratories is updated for its just released year ended Sept 30
figures. I’m still calling it a strong Buy but I did revise my growth
projections down to be conservative. I like the company and I think it
should provide a strong return as it begins to realize value on its DC
DiagnostiCare purchase. Also I think the stock has a relatively low
down-side risk in the longer term (though any stock can potentially go
completely bust if unforeseen things happen). I’m in for the long term.


Sino-Forest is
showing surprising strength lately for reasons unknown. (Note my last update
is from November 30) Based on it’s latest published results I still thought
it was undervalued but I recently thought the stock might temporarily stay
back at the $1.05 level, lately it seemed to sustain a move towards the
$1.18 range. Possibly a good sign, but I am not so sure that it won’t sink
back due to perceived risks of operating in China and other reasons. I still
have faith for the long term but this is a risky stock.


Thursday January 3, 2002


Please remember that my stock analysis is a generic rating. It is
absolutely not advice to you since I don’t know your circumstances and in
any event I am not licensed to give advice. The efficient market theory
holds that all stocks are fairly priced at any given time and that stocks
rise or fall based on new information which is completely random and
unpredictable. Stock pickers believe that they can beat the market. Even the
best stock picker will often get it wrong. There is in fact a lot of
randomness in the market. The point is, we all must ultimately invest at our
risk. If you are not completely confident in making your own investment
decisions then please consult a financial advisor.


CN which I most recently
rated a Buy at about $62 ran up to about $78 and is now at about $76. I like
the stock but consider it somewhat expensive now, if I had a large amount I
would consider taking some profit.


Canadian Medical
Laboratories has done reasonably well and I still consider it at least a



Wednesday January 2, 2002


Performance data is
updated and includes performance for year 2000, year 2001 and for the entire
period since each stock was rated. In all three time periods, the
performance was excellent. However, past performance does not necessarily
predict future performance.



Saturday December 23


Cognos is updated as a
Weak Buy. I like the company but is seems to be be priced high at this time.
Can be bought or held for speculation but not as a safe investment.


Buhler Industries is
updated as a Weak Buy. Small cap tractor and farm implement manufacturer.
Good company but seems fully valued at this time.


I am discontinuing coverage of Research in Motion. The company is losing
money on operations. Valuation is very speculative and anyone’s guess. I
like the product and I am willing to hold some shares for speculation. But I
have no ability to estimate its true value in the absence of earnings. I do
note it has essentially no debt and has substantial cash holdings, which
means there is little risk that it will run into a cash problem.



Wednesday December 19 at 8:00 p.m.


So…Canadian Tire is buying Marks Work Wearhouse. This is supposed to be
a good fit because the customer base is similar. I don’t buy it. Analysts
seem to miss the fact that Canadian Tire stores are all Dealer owned and
operated. Canadian Tire has no experience in managing company
operated stores. Marks Work Wearhouse has some 325 stores across Canada and
is operating at only a slight profit of $1,000,000 in the last 3 quarters.
In my opinion this is negative for Canadian Tire.


Monday Dec 11 at 9:00 p.m.


Top pick Canadian
Medical Laboratories is up nicely on good volume ahead of its Q4 results
soon to be released.



Tuesday Dec 4 at 9:30 p.m.


Interesting move up on
Contrans last week and yesterday. It’s thinly traded and so a price
increase could be short lived. But the stock was clearly under-valued and so
perhaps the market is starting to recognize the value. This stock was rated
as Buy in my newsletter sent to members (only) of this site just 2 months
ago at $13 and now it is at $17.25. That’s pretty good for a safe stock.


Clemex was up nicely to
35 cents today in reaction to recent good earnings. But this one is very
volatile and I expect to see trades below 30 cents again. I see it possibly
heading back to $1.00 by late Summer 2002 but that is only if we get two
more good quarters reported. Who knows, if you put in a buy in the mid to
low twenty cents you might just pick some up and I think it’s an intelligent
speculation for sure at that price. Still, it is very small and there are
always risks and the buy/sell spread makes it hard to sell at a good price.


Saturday December 1


Clemex is updated. It
now has two quite good quarters behind it. I expect it to be profitable as
well in the next two quarters in which case it will look quite attractive at
today’s price. It’s very small and thinly traded and it might still be
possible to purchase for say 25 cents. I think it makes for an intelligent
speculation and could easily double in price in 6 months or less. But the
thin trading makes it unsuitable for short term trading. (Note that I hold a
substantial number of shares).


Canadian Medical
Laboratories yesterday discussed its purchase of DC diagnosticare. They
expect this to be immediately accretive to their earnings. I like this
company and may increase my investment in it.


JDS Uniphase is
updated. With no current earnings it seems to me that the market is totally
guessing at what its price should be. With one of the biggest losses in
corporate history combined with obscene executive compensation, I have
absolutely no respect or trust for management. I would not hold this stock.
It seems suitable only for pure speculation.


Celestica is updated.
It seems to be somewhat over-valued given the telecom crash. But is does
have a strong balance sheet and excellent management so it may not be a bad
thing to hold a few shares.


Bombardier is
updated. The raw numbers suggest this is great time to pick up some BBD on
the cheap. But this is a complex company. I think it may possibly face huge
risks not only of a slow-down in orders for aircraft but credit problems in
getting paid for existing work in progress and even for past sales which it
financed.  It’s not unreasonable to have some position in the stock but I
would not load up on the stock at this point.


A new article in Fortune indicates that Warren Buffett predicts that a
reasonable expectation for stock returns going forward is about 7% and
absolutely not the double digit increases of the 80s and 90s. (The good news
is that in late 1999 he was predicting only 6% , due to the decline in stock
prices, he now sees 7%). I used similar logic to his is laying out my
article on why
average returns will be lower in future than in the 80s and 90s.  Warren
knew the stock market was over-valued in late 1999, but he did not predict
the crash of 2000. He indicates that he has no ability to predict short term
market moves but that longer term trends are more predictable. (An
over-valued market will eventually correct but he can’t say when).



Wednesday November 28 at 9:00 p.m.


Power Financial
is updated. Has an excellent history, but the company is quite complex and
earnings are determined on an actuarial basis for insurance and therefore
the company is somewhat risky due to the potential for actuarial adjustments
to liabilities due to lower interest rates on its investments.



Monday November 26 at 10:00 p.m.


The apartment vacancy rate in Edmonton is under 1% for the first time in
a generation. Boardwalk
seems bound to benefit from this since it has over 9 thousand apartments in
Edmonton. Also the national vacancy rate is down to 1.4% so Boardwalk should
be able to continue to increase rents in all markets.


Duke Energy is added to
the Site as a new listing but only as a Weak Buy / Hold.


Wednesday Nov 21 at 9:00 p.m.


Enbridge is returned
to the Site as a Buy. The stock does not seem particularly cheap, but this
company has a tremendous record of solid steady growth and I expect this to


Tuesday November 20


Sino-Forest has been
updated, still looks like good value, but I don’t necessarily expect any
quick rebound in the price.



Sunday November 18


Stantec was updated.
Great company, I called it only a weak buy though it was close to the line
and could be considered a Buy. It’s pricing in a lot of growth and my
calculations indicate it could be a solid investment if the historic strong
growth continues, but if growth falls to about 10% then it would not be a
very good investment. So, I ended up calling it a Weak Buy but will keep an
eye on it and Buy if the price drops below say $22. I hold a few shares and
would certainly not be a seller.


Thursday November 15 at 9:00 p.m.


Boardwalk released
earnings today. As expected a big write-off on ill-fated telecommunications
investment. But strong increases in income from the rental properties. It’s
hard to analyse this company partly due to fast growth. But I think the
rental properties will become more and more profitable as the properties are
stabilized and there is less need for capital upgrades. This should start to
result in more free cash flow.


Wow, Precision
Drilling really dropped with the oil/gas price collapse of last two
days. Commodity linked stocks are notoriously hard to judge but I will be a
buyer of PD at this price. The company tends to  weather down-turns fairly


Nortel showing
surprising strength. It’s another company that is very hard to predict.
Without a sense of where earnings (if any) are going to be the market is
just guessing at the price this thing should trade at.



Thursday November 15 at 7:00 a.m.


I keep thinking the market will take a pause, but so far so good. Blue
chips and dividend stocks doing very well.



Monday November 12 at 3:30 p.m. eastern time


The markets are showing amazing strength in the face of the airplane
crash in New York today, perhaps assuming it’s not terrorist related.


I notice Air Canada not down much today and Air Transat actually up,
makes no sense to me, (notwithstanding the demise of Canada 3000) this
latest crash has to be extremely bad news for air travel in my opinion.


Of the stocks I follow, I like Boardwalk right now showing some strength
in front of earnings to be released Thursday, which I expect will be strong
(but I understand they will have a right-off on certain telecommunications


Thursday November 8 at 9:30 p.m.


I’m still quite surprised at how high this market is given the talk of
recession and the threat of more attacks. So far so good, but it can go the
other way quickly.


But even longer term interest rates have fallen and that does definitely
push the market higher.


I bought a bit of TELUS today – should have bought a few days ago. Also
bought some Boardwalk which traded heavy volume today. They will be out with
earnings on the 15th. I will consider buying
Precision Drilling
particularly if it dips down. It tends to be quite volatile.


Tuesday November 6 at 9:30 p.m.


I’m holding some cash from the buy-out of United Inc. at $1.50. Note that
United Inc was featured on this Site as a Strong Buy for over two years,
mostly at prices under $1.00. We should have got more in the buy-out but it
was still a very good investment. Now I’m trying to be patient and wait for
the best bargains to reinvest.


I have Buy orders in for
Telus and Boardwalk
Equities at this time.


If you are not already getting my free newsletter,
join now to get this
weekend’s edition which will feature a new article on “Cash-flow” and its
many meanings, interpretations and mis-interpretations. Also there will be
links to several new reports that are only available to members of the Site.



Thursday November 1 at 8:00 p.m.


ENRON fell back to $11.99 today as concerns about its problems mount.
Despite apparent good valuation, it appears the free-fall may continue. I’m
not a buyer at this point but will hold my small position.


I may buy a few Telus
shares. Long term it looks like the incumbent telcos are gaining customers
and competition is not as intense as it was.



Wednesday October 31 at 7:30 p.m.


My ENRON trade looks good so far, ENRON was up 25% today. My buy on stop
kicked in  at $12 so I gained 16% with the close at $13.95. I think the
stock is fundamentally worth at least $20 to $30. But that’s based on
management’s projection of $2.00 per share earnings for ’02. But it is
risky, nonetheless since earnings projections don’t always get met.


Check this Site for updates on Quebecor and TransCanada Pipelines coming
very soon.


Tuesday October 30 at 9:00 p.m.


I placed an order to buy ENRON on a $12.00 stop, so I buy at $12.00 only
if the price rises to $12.00 from current about $11.30 (it has been in


My outlook in general is bearish. Only the huge interest rate cuts seem
to be holding this market up, I would not be at all surprised to see a 1500+
point drop in the DOW if there is another terrorist attack. Long term I am
always bullish so I’m not going to panic about any sudden drops.


Monday October 29 at 9:30 p.m.


As bank shares decline, I believe that this will prove to be a reasonable
to time to average into them.


ENRON the giant U.S. energy trading company has been hit hard by some
write-offs and possible accounting concerns. I took a look a the numbers and
ENRON actually looks quite cheap at this time. They are still projecting
$2.00 per share for next year and now trading at about $14. It is risky due
to concerns about the company at this time, but I’m personally comfortable
buying a few shares. I generally eschew technical strategies, but I might
wait until it rises at least $1.00 from the previous day’s close. But I
suspect it’s near a bottom at this time. As always, trade at your own risk!



Sunday October 29 at 8:00 p.m.


Be sure to check the Articles section of this Site, The articles have
recently been re-organized and there is a great deal of useful information
in the articles.



Thursday October 25 at 10:00 p.m.


I believe that TELUS is
worthy of consideration. I’m considering buying on an averaging in basis.



Tuesday October 23, 8:00 p.m.


See updates for TransAlta
(hold) and Canadian National
Railway (Buy).


I remain cautious as we move through earnings season. I’m surprised that
the market recovered to about September 10 levels and there is certainly a
danger that it could fall.


Monday October 22, 7:30 P.M.


Join the membership
now, in order to benefit from a research report expected to be released to
members only within the next 6 days. This is a high tech company with strong
existing profitability.


Banks may decline further but should represent good value to long term


Friday October 19, 9:00 p.m.


My Nortel report has
been updated for Q3. I was right to call Nortel a Sell in late 1999 at about
$70. My timing seemed off as the market ignored fundamentals and pushed the
price to an eventual $124. When it came back to about $70 in late 2000 I
foolishly called it a weak buy. (I did not want to miss the boat if it rose
again and by that time sales and adjusted profit were much higher than in
late ’99). The news since then keeps getting worse. When I apply the tests
that Warren Buffett reportedly uses to pick stocks, it seems to fail every
test. It’s no surprise that Nortel would not be picked by Buffett, but is it
a bit amazing that it actually seems to fail all of his tests. I’m
back to rating Nortel as a Sell.


It can only be bought or held as a speculation not as a safe investment.


As always, invest at your own risk, my stock ratings are generic and are
not to be considered advice for you as a particular investor since I don’t
know your circumstances.



Thursday October 18, 10:30 p.m.


Boardwalk has announced a write-down and no more spending on its Telecom
initiative. My research report has warned about the risk of that initiative
from the start. So, I see this as a positive move. I see Boardwalk as a good
bet at this time.


As to Sino-Forest, I note that the lumber price for Oriented Strand Board
has been in decline recently and is at a very low level. I suspect that this
means that Q3 for Sino will not be too good. Unfortunately, we have probably
not seen the lows on Sino yet. But if they really are a low cost producer
which seems to be the case then I still like the company in the longer term.


A note to Air Canada, among the 400 managers let go, too bad you did not
include Mr. Milton.


Tuesday October 16, 2001


One company that I may add to this Site is CAE inc. I have not analyzed
the company in any detail but at a quick glance it looks good. It got hit
badly after September 11 and has not recovered at all.


So the question is how will they do going forward? The Airline industry
is in for very hard times. But will they cut back all that much on pilot
training? Can CAE make up the slack by training more military pilots?


I’m not at all sure, but given that CAE’s stock price is down
significantly, it might be worth looking at. I always thought that CAE’s
technology would be a natural to leverage into consumer products like
sophisticated airplane simulator games for the home computer or the arcade.
But that has never happened, perhaps it could in the long run.



Monday October 15, 2001 8:45 p.m.


Thoughts for the day


Beware the company that constantly touts it own share price. Some
companies bombard us with press releases trying to get their stock price up.
If management sticks to making money, the stock price will take care of
itself. The odd press release is good, but if they are constantly sending
out releases, I consider that to be a negative indicator.


Warren Buffett is on record as not wanting his company’s stock price to
ever get ahead of its intrinsic value. In the long run the stock will rise
with earnings and value. Pushing the stock past a fair value, means some
investors are going to get hurt.


Beware also any company with a “scarcity” value. What the heck is that? A
stock is valuable for the earnings and dividends it will eventually
generate. A scarcity value automatically implies that the stock is trading
at price that is higher than warranted by fundamentals. When you hear that a
stock has a scarcity value, my advice is simple, SELL.



Sunday October 14, 9:30 p.m.


For the most part I don’t advise trying to time the market. Having said
that, with the talk of Anthrax attacks, I will be very surprised if the
market does not fall Monday and for the week.


Thursday October 11, 9:30 p.m.


My (long term) picks for today are
Canadian Medical
Laboratories and
Boardwalk Equities. Boardwalk is going benefit from the rising rents in
Alberta. I understand that Boardwalk is working on ways to crystallize some
of its value such as creating an income trust unit. Both companies seem
unlikely to be suffer much from the current North American down-turn.


When I look at the
performance of my picks it looks like I should get into shorting stocks.
It almost seems easier to spot the real dogs than it is to spot winners. 5
out of my 11 Sells and Strong Sells are down well over 50%. Still, shorting
is for the really brave and I think I’ll stick with the buy side.



Wednesday October 10, 9:00 p.m.


On Sunday I said TD Waterhouse was a good buy at CAN$10.15. On Monday I
bought some at U.S.$6.27 on New York. Today the buy-out at U.S.$9.00 was
announced, so a quick 43% gain. I hope someone out there listened.
Apparently the TD Bank agrees with me that it was under-valued and now is
buying out the public shareholders.


This is okay for me but what about those who bought at $25 to $30 when it
first traded in Summer of 2000? Is this the thanks that TD gives them for
being loyal shareholders? Being forced to sell at about CAN$14? In my
opinion, this is opportunistic and poor behavior on the part of TD. They
should be working to get these shares back up in the 20’s not trying to grab
the company away from its owners at a bargain price. I intend to vote
against this. In the long term I think TWE is worth more than the amount
being offered. Heck, its only been six months since TWE was over $20 and in
due course it would have gone back up.


Of course shareholders as group could turn this down, but that’s unlikely
and then as individuals we will be forced to sell out. There will be no
other bidders either since TD already owns about 90% of the company. I guess
we all just learned another lesson about buying stocks that have a
controlling shareholder, you are always at the mercy of that controlling
shareholder and if they decide to buy you out at some small premium, there’s
little that can be done to stop it.


Actually, TD shares
might be a good pick, it should become a merger or take-over target at some
point. Check out its Treasury offering of shares announced today. That was
at $36.50, so now they seem to be under-mining their common share holders
too which closed today at $38.15. I really don’t know if I trust these guys
much. If the government of Canada removed the ridiculous restrictions on
share ownership all the Canadian Banks would soon be scooped up by bigger
World-wide banks. But that’s just wishful thinking.



Tuesday October 9 , 9:00 p.m.


I continue to think that Banks will do well. I think Boardwalk Equities
will turn out to be a good pick in the long term due to Alberta’s strong


I have just finished analyzing a company that has very  good fundamentals
and looks like a good Buy. This company will be identified in my newsletter
due out this weekend. Join the free
membership now to
benefit from this brand new research report. 
(If you already get my
emails every two weeks you are already a member) This report will be
available free only to members for one month before being posted to the


I see that TD Waterhouse has a lot of free research on their Site. When I
saw TD advertise their free research I was starting to think maybe I am
wasting my time – how can I compete?. But then I looked up their report on
Boardwalk. It has a bunch of numbers but no recommendation. I found it to be
of little or no use. I know I’m biased but my research format is simply a
lot better than anything I have seen out there. Also most other research
that you will see is biased because the companies are clients of the company
that does the research. And, I don’t see other analysts showing their
performance on past picks. Admittedly there is some other good research out
there, but I think mine is unique and fills a need. So, no I am not wasting
my time.



Sunday October 7


The analysis of TD Waterhouse has been updated and I think it is well
worth considering. It’s trading near book value and I think it has good
up-side potential. Check it out at


Wi-Lan is also updated. You might think it would be a sure thing at this
price but now the danger is that they will run out of money. Overall, it’s
not a bad place to throw some speculative money but I personally would not
place a big bet. See


What do you call it when a company pays out US$300 million to executives
of an acquired company to “revise their employment agreements”? JDS Uniphase
made these payments according to Saturday’s Financial Post. One individual
received US$121.3 million. Do you call this gross mis-management on the part
of JDS? Sadly, it appears that this is legal, shareholders are not protected
if the executives selected by the elected directors absolutely waste
millions or even billions (see John Roth). These kind of pay-outs put
politicians to shame, politicians might help out their friends but never
ever to this obscene extent. It would seem fair to me to charge the JDS
directors with “financial negligence”. Perhaps they think that shareholder
money is just play money.


I’m all for free enterprise, but part of the deal with free enterprise is
that we have to stand up and protest when our executives and directors
commit acts of gross greed and/or stupidity. Multi million dollar pay-outs
to the hired help are not only obscene but they actually put our whole
capitalist system at risk.


In the last 20 years I have certainly seen the gap between the rich and
poor widen. In the U.S., the poor people have guns. How wide does the gap
have to become before the poor people take up their guns and attempt to put
in a new system?


I’m no socialist, neither am I by any means poor, but my sense of
fairness is severely offended by multi-million dollar pay-outs to any one
who is not the business owner and who simply works for wages. Those who
value capitalism and the freedom to be rewarded for working harder than the
next guy, actually need to speak out against the real
excesses. If we let the
rewards to some people (sports stars, executives and movie stars) get too
obscenely high, then is it not predictable that the poor will eventually
take up arms against the system?



Thursday October 4


RIM has been updated. I like the potential there but the fundamentals
still say it is very speculative and is not likely to take off in the short


Canadian Medical Laboratories has purchased DC DiagnostiCare for $19
million in equity plus $34 million in debt. DC has revenues of about $70
million per year in medical imaging. It seems likely that this is a very
astute purchase. DC was financially unhealthy and Canadian Medical has made
an opportunistic purchase. I view this as quite positive for CML. CML seems
like a good recession proof business to me.


See the “About Us” button to read the disclaimer!



Wednesday October 3


Why hasn’t Nortel fired John Roth? How can this greedy failure be allowed
to walk around the company? First he helps to push the share price up to a
ridiculous unsustainable level (probably did not understand himself how
stupid that price was). Then he cashes in on outrageous options. And, he
wastes billions buying companies at probably 100 times their value then is
forced to fire much of the staff and knowledge that he acquired.


I always laugh when I hear about people being held accountable. Almost no
one in the corporate world is accountable for anything. Certainly not Mr.
Roth. He collected the honors and pay on the way up, now he should be man
enough to accept some responsibility for his massive failure. He should
resign immediately and may he be chased through the courts for decades.



Tuesday October 2


Buy the bargains cautiously, expect the market to drop overall as bad
news of Q3 pours in.


Tip: For thinly traded shares never ever place a market order. A case in
point Clemex today was offered at 28 cents and the bid was 15 cents. If you
place a market order to buy you pay 28 cents (or even more if you buy more
if your buy order exceeds the number of shares offered at 28 cents). If you
place a market sell order you would get only 15 cents. You could pay 50% too
much just by placing a market order. With these small cap thinly traded
shares you need to place a limit order at a definite price and then be



Monday October 1, after the close


I attended an excellent speech today by Diane Francis, Editor at Large of
the Financial Post. Her first speech since the attacks.


For investors she warned that her bet is that there will be further
terrorist attacks and that would, of course, be bad for the market. She is
very knowledgeable about the existence of terrorists in North America and
about the motivations of Bin Laden and company. So, that’s one educated vote
on the side of being cautious.


Sunday September 30


There are reports that Bin Laden (spelling?) may possibly be handed over
to the U.S., under certain conditions. This is good news. But in the short
term I believe there is bad news coming in the form of lay-offs and poor
earnings reports. Still, overall I believe that a long term approach is best
and now is a good time to be looking for bargains, notwithstanding that some
of these bargains may well sink lower before eventually recovering. It’s not
such a bad thing to buy a bargain.


See my two new articles on risk and reward:


Practical Lessons
From Modern Portfolio Theory


How to Achieve
Above Average Returns


End of Day Thursday September 27


O.K. so the market has crashed and appears likely to go lower before it
ultimately rebounds.


Let’s look on the bright side. For buy and hold investors we know with
certainty that now is a better time to invest then anytime in the last three


Back when the market was reaching new highs every week we were all
clambering to invest at the top of the market hoping an even bigger
top was still to come. My how we love to buy high. Now that the
market is about 40% below its peak most of us are scared to buy low.


My own excuse for this is a sudden realization that maybe going the 100%
equities route is a bit dangerous.


For anyone smart enough to be following a regular monthly investment
strategy, now is not the time to quit. Just keep buying monthly and enjoy
the low prices, If the market falls some more then, great you can buy it
even cheaper.


As I said earlier, I took a bit of money out after the attacks but I will
be slowly putting it back in over the next 4 months or so.


If we keep our eye on our long term goals and stop looking at our current
net worth then we can focus on doing things that will make us wealthy in the
long run and stop worrying about the bumps along the way.


For young people just starting out in the market, forget about your
losses and rejoice at how cheaply you can buy now. Pray for a bigger crash,
since your main investing years are still ahead.


The level that the market will be at in 15 years is unlikely to be
affected by the current crash, but the crash means you can buy more and have
a higher wealth in the end then you would have obtained without this crash.


It’s a fact that if the market decides that the required rate of return
has increased going forward then the market has to adjust by falling. A
fallen market mathematically guarantees a higher return going forward, all
else being equal.


There is always the Japan example, but that bubble was far worse then our
bubble and they had and have a flawed system with excessive government
involvement in the market.


keep the faith…do not be afraid to buy low… you may lose ground in
the short term but you are likely to win in the long term.


End of Day Wednesday September 26


I still see little or no reason for short term optimism. We might see a
quick jump if America strikes the Terrorists or maybe that will just add to
the fear and cause a drop. Overall, life is returning to normal but the heat
has been turned down several notches and we are mostly likely in a
recession. If nothing else most companies saw a slow-down in sales for a
week or two. I can’t see how Q3 earnings can be anything but a
disappointment in a market that hungers for growth in earnings.


Again, be patient, I would never advise rash moves like jumping entirely
out of the market because when the market eventually goes back up it may do
so very quickly and so I would rather ride it out for the most part.


I did sell a small percentage of my shares just after the attacks. I am
trying to be very patient with that money. I’ll try to hold on to it and see
if the market drops further yet. I’ve learned that in investing patience is
a virtue. If I miss one bargain, another will come along.


The above is a generic statement only, not advice to any individual,
please see my “About”
button to read the disclaimer.



Tuesday September 25


Tip: now more than ever it is important to look at the balance sheet.
Many Tech companies will run out of cash. The best of these will be taken
over at a low price and you may be forced to sell for a pittance. Others
will just go bankrupt. One example of a company nearly out of cash is Wi-Lan.
Hopefully they will not go bankrupt but they are in very bad shape.


Monday September 24, 2001


Saturday I said I was bearish, Monday we got over 4% rise on the DOW.


Well, I did say it was anybody’s guess. I’m still bearish though given
the poor Q3 we are now in.


As a long term investor and a stock picker, I certainly would not
recommend getting totally out of equities for longer term investors I would
not go below 50% equities, I am about 75% equities and will put the other
25% back into the market but I’m in no rush.


September 22, 2001


So…the market has crashed, what to do now?


It’s anyone’s guess but I see little reason for short term optimism. My
sense is that the market is much more likely to fall rather than rise in the
next 2 months.


The New War is not likely to end any time soon. The next move (attack on
Afghanistan) will likely lead to more selling pressure.


Third quarter earnings were going to be bad anyhow, and now we have a big
slowdown in the economy so the news can only be bad when the Q3 reports come
out in October.


I personally sold some of my more liquid stocks just after the attacks.
But that was partly because I was100% in equities. I am still over 75% in
equities. I did not attempt to sell some of my more thinly traded holdings
because jumping in and out of that type of stock would cause a huge loss on
the buy-sell spread.


I am not in any big hurry to get back to 100% equities since I believe
the market will fall more yet.


But I am also not a market timer, I would rather stay mostly in the
market for the long term than try to guess its moves on a short term basis.




The terrorist attacks were really only a catalyst, the blue chip markets
were still fundamentally over-valued prior to September 11 after the
unsustainable rise of the 90’s. The markets were probably looking for an
excuse to fall and now they have that excuse. A recession was also probably
inevitable and now has likely arrived.




The bad news is that the market is down. But this is also good news.


Imagine that the DOW was destined to be at some level such as 25,000 in
the year 2015. The recent crash probably does not change where the DOW or
TSE will be in 15 years.


New money that you invest in the market now will definitely earn a higher
return in the next 15 years than it would have had the market not crashed.
If you intend to be investing for the next 15 years, the loss on your
existing portfolio will likely be only temporary and now you have the chance
to invest now at low prices and earn a higher return. Very young investors
should rejoice at the crash because now they have a much better chance to
earn high returns going forward.


Most investors will have an opportunity to make up lost ground by
investing at bargain prices in the next few months. The only problem is how
to guess when we are at the bottom.


Of course if you are retired and living on your portfolio than of course
their is no silver lining in this crash.




Of the stocks that I cover, my current favorite is Canadian Medical
Laboratories. In a recession, I would not see their revenues falling at all
so they should be a good bet.


I also like Boardwalk due to Alberta’s economy and the fact that rental
accommodation should not suffer much decline in a recession.


I like Maple leaf because I feel that their quality and research
initiatives will pay-off and because people still need to eat even in a


Air Canada is a possible speculative pick since it is now so low and the
Government will likely not let them fail. But I personally am disgusted by
Robert Milton’s greedy plea for aid after his own incompetence has left the
Airline in such bad shape. He competes aggressively on price, preferring to
incur losses rather than see a competitor make a dollar. How stupid is it to
initiate price wars when the competitors have cheaper non-union costs??? I
personally would not buy the stock while Milton still has his job.

5, 2001 newsletter from



receiving this email has registered as a free member of,
This email is never sent to anyone who did not register for a free membership at






stock investor is affected by risk and return and can benefit by a better






have studied and read extensively about risk and return. My conclusion is that a
lot of people know “enough to be dangerous” (to themselves and
others). And I’m not sure if anyone really understands fully the trade-offs
between risk and reward. Many people think that the more risk you take, the more
reward you get. In fact while there is a grain of truth to this, it is more
false than true. There is no reward for taking stupid risks. Most work on risk
equates risk to annual volatility but for longer term investors, risk of long
term growth is much more important than short term volatility.



order to better understand Risk and Return Trade-offs in Stocks and Bonds, I
purchased a copy of the Ibbotson 2001 Yearbook. This book provides indexes of
total returns (with dividends or interest reinvested) for Stocks, Bonds and
Treasury Bills going back to 1926. The index is provided both before and after
inflation. This index data makes it quite easy to create graphs of actual
historical returns for Stocks, Bonds and Money Market funds for any period since
1926. These indexes are proprietary and I could not find them on the internet.
Amazingly this book was not to be found in the Edmonton City or University
library. This classic Yearbook cost $110 U.S. dollars and was well worth it.



graphed the real (after inflation) returns for Stocks, Bonds and Money Market
back to 1926. The return available from a $1.00 invested in Stocks in 1926 (not
long before the great crash) was $266 AFTER INFLATION. This compares to a return
of $7 for Bonds. The performance of Stocks compared to Bonds or Money Market
over the last 75 years is like something from Ripley’s Believe it or Not.



also graphed the comparison for Stock, Bonds and Money Market for 4 different 20
year periods since 1926. Each 20 year period had a quite different story to tell
and I found the results to be remarkable, startling and very informative. Click
here to see the results.



the fact that the investment industry generally acknowledges the superiority of
stock returns versus Bonds, the conventional advice is to diversify by putting
some money into Bonds and Cash. Using actual historical data I studied exactly
what would have happened to investors following that advice for different
rolling 10, 15 and 30 year investment periods over the last 75 years of history.
My conclusion is that (for long term investors) the conventional advice is
dangerous to your wealth. See for yourself



do more work on risk and return for future newsletters. For example, the work
above applies to a portfolio of stocks and does not deal with the risk of
investing in say just one stock, which is a huge risk. (Probably a stupid risk).



anyone out there wishes to take issue with my conclusions, please do so, we can
debate the issue particularly if you have the data and are willing to do the



would urge you to also check other sources and do your own thinking on risk as
well. And note that my conclusions apply only to long term investors not to
those who need the money in the next few years or to those who can’t handle the
psychological pain of portfolio volatility.






too many updates this time as I spent my time working with the Ibbotson data to
create the graphs discussed above. More updates coming soon. Check



Financial was updated and I consider it to be a strong Buy (but just barely, I
could have called it only a Buy). 



Leaf Foods was updated. On fundamentals it is only a weak Buy but I really like
the potential there and it might be a good speculative pick.






for a recent small flurry of members caused when a Financial Post Columnist
quoted my work, new memberships have slowed to a crawl. With millions of Web
Sites out there it is hard to get noticed.
I hope you will agree that the work I do is credible and trustworthy and
unique and valuable. I do it for the intellectual stimulation and because it
feels good to help others grow wealthy. Please do your friends and contacts a
favour and refer them to this site if they are interested in investing.






email is kept brief and usually only sent once each two weeks. I hope that you
will all stay on the mailing list of this site. However, you can unsubscribe by
simply replying with the word “unsubscribe”. I would appreciate
knowing the reason.






Allen, editor




21, 2001 newsletter from



receiving this email has registered as a free member of,
This email is never sent to anyone who did not register for a free membership at






the new listing for Canadian Medical Laboratories, this company was specifically
selected as an affordable, high growth, high return company. It’s a strong buy. I
bought some the day after I analysed it. See



Transat A.T., another new listing, a value stock. I did not rate it a strong Buy
but it is worth considering.



was updated for its Q2 earnings, a good company but over-valued.



Inc was updated and remains a Buy, definitely worth considering.



was updated and is also a Buy and should do well



was NOT updated because they don’t include a balance sheet in their earnings
release. At this point Nortel has no earnings and so the balance sheet is very
important. I consider this lack of disclosure to be another slap in the face to
ordinary investors. The balance sheet will appear with their official Q2 report
in August.






    1. As
      a part owner of a profitable company (Fundamentally the source of all gains)


    1. By
      identifying an under-valued company to buy for an extra return compared to

    2. Using
      short term trading strategies to get an extra return compared to 1. 


first way to make money in the market is as a part owner of the company. In this
case your gain depends on the rate at which earnings per share increase. If you
buy a stock at a P/E of 15 and then sell some years later at the same P/E of 15
then your gain is exactly the same as the percent gain in earnings per share.



is the buy and hold approach and is held in some contempt by more
“sophisticated” investors. But, it’s just about guaranteed to work.
Over 20 to 30 years or more the earnings of almost any random diversified
portfolio of companies is going to rise and the investor will make a reasonable
return. For proof of this based on actual historical data see my article on the
10% savings solution.



second way to make money in the market is to find a way to purchase stocks that
are undervalued. Once a value stock is purchased then it can be held for the
very long term unless its stock price gets too high relative to the market. This
method has made Warren Buffet rich and research has shown that over a period of
decades, value investing works well.



third way to make money in the market is to try to predict which way each stock
will move in the short term. Technical analysts and momentum investors use this
strategy. The idea is to make money fast. It involves frequent trading and
keeping a constant eye on the market. This strategy is undertaken to gain an
extra return compared to the buy and hold strategy. In the short term this extra
return from trading must be a zero sum game. Being a zero sum game, we should
expect 50% of traders to beat and 50% to under-perform the buy-and-hold
strategy, over time. But when we add in transaction costs it is clear that less
than 50% will win and more than half of all traders will lose on their trading
strategies. (They may still make money as holders of stock but on the trading
activity it is a mathematical fact (due to transaction costs) that more money
will be lost than gained by investors as a group.)



it is this trading game that gains the most attention. The buy-and-holder plods
his way to riches while the trader may win for a while but in the majority of
(but not all) cases must lose ground over the years to the plodder as his broker
grows rich. Some traders will win but unless you think you have some unusual
skill at it, why choose a method where most folks lose money?



I am content to become ever more the plodder. But I’ll give myself a big head
start by buying under-valued stocks which I will then tend to hold for the long






is true that the extra return made by choosing value stocks rather than random
choices is also a zero sum game. It would appear that the extra return is at the
expense of traders who tend to sell good stocks when their prices drop.















life success comes from a combination of good decisions and from luck. Luck is
random. Sometimes a good decision like buying a value stock has a bad outcome
(earnings decline for some unforeseen reason). Other times a bad decision has a
good outcome. (You buy an obscenely over-valued internet stock but are lucky
enough to sell at a profit before it crashes).



life most people who consistently make good decisions will end up the winners.
Sure a (very) few lay-abouts will end up winning the lottery but it is still a
better decision to not buy lottery tickets. And most gamblers will stay poor. As
will most day-traders, I suspect.



investing the people who make consistently good decisions will tend to win in
the end. I believe that the type of value stock analysis that I provide at allows me to select stocks in a systematic winning way.
Buying over-valued momentum stocks does not seem like a good decision to me
(notwithstanding that it gave good outcomes for a number of years). In the end,
value stock picking is a better decision model.



good decisions will lead to bad outcomes, but if you stick with a good decision
model, rather than relying on luck, you will win in the end.






anyone truly understand the trade-of between risk and return when it comes to
stocks versus bonds and growth stocks versus value stocks?



taking more risk always lead to higher returns?



stocks really riskier than bonds over the long term?



exactly is risk? Is it different than standard deviation of returns?



will explore this issue using real data on total returns from stocks, bonds,
T-bills and inflation from 1926 to 2000.






email is kept brief and usually only sent once each two weeks. I hope that you
will all stay on the mailing list of this site. However, you can unsubscribe by
simply replying with the word “unsubscribe”. I would appreciate
knowing the reason.






Allen, editor



7, 2001 newsletter from



receiving this email has registered as a free charter member of,
This email is never sent to anyone who did not register for a free membership at






have been very few updates to companies recently. This past two weeks I focused
on looking for some low P/E, high growth stocks and have sent for annual reports
of several including Canadian Medical Laboratories. These new companies will be
added in the coming weeks and I expect them to be Buys (but I have not done the
analysis yet).



am expecting to focus more on a smaller number of stronger companies and will
likely drop coverage of some of the weaker companies.






decided to remove the Forum feature due to lack of interest. I recommend





updated the article on whether or not the TSE 300 is currently (still)
overvalued. This is worth your time to read and study closely.



also added a new article on why the market return in the next 10 to 20 years
will not come close to the returns we saw in the 90’s. That’s not what you want
to hear but that is what my analysis tells me. Hopefully we can beat the market
by picking stocks using the methods of the great value investors like Warren
Buffet as I am attempting to provide on my Site. This is also a very worthwhile
article, see



a more optimistic note, I am working on an article that shows that over 30 year
periods the market always seems to out-perform bonds. We won’t get the high
returns of the 90’s but low double digits are possible over most 30 year
periods. More about this next issue.



Management Award:



more kick at Nortel. It now appears that they are low on cash. They were (in my
opinion) complete fools not to have issued a huge pile of equity for cash when
their stock was higher. When a company with an inflated stock price issues
shares for cash then it receives the cash and this is accretive to book value
per share. This puts a floor under the stock price. Instead, it appears that
Nortel issued shares in return for acquisitions of questionable value.
Previously, I knew management was greedy, but now I’m starting to really
question their financial savvy.






email is kept brief and usually only sent once each two weeks. I hope that you
will all stay on the mailing list of this site. However, you can unsubscribe by
simply replying with the word “unsubscribe”. I would appreciate
knowing the reason.






Allen, editor



24, 2001 newsletter from



receiving this email has registered as a free charter member of,
This email is never sent to anyone who did not register for a free membership at






and Cognos have been updated since my last newsletter. Visit the Site at the
link above to see the updates. More updates are coming, keep checking the site.






TSE is down a sickening 32% from its high of 11,402, to its Friday close of
7740. The Nasdaq is down a wealth destroying 59% from its high of about 5000.



investors had at least some “tech” stocks. In most cases we knew the
earnings did not support their stock prices. But it was hard to resist the whole
sector when it seemed the stock prices could defy gravity and soar ever upward.



did not have a very large exposure to techs, but I had some. Having been burned,
my response has been to be more conservative in my growth projections. I am
constantly reviewing the fundamental principles used by Warren Buffett and Ben
Graham. By applying those principles even more rigorously, I will reduce my
future chance of getting burned.



fact, fundamentals told me that Nortel was a Sell at $74 in 1999 when I first
looked at it. Subsequently it was even more so a sell at $124 in 2000. When it
fell back to $70, fundamentals still said sell, but by being too optimistic on
the growth rate and by being greedy I convinced my self it was a weak buy,
suitable for speculation at $70. And so I did buy some at $60, $45, $30 and most
recently $13.50.



thinking it’s time to adopt a rule of only buying stocks that are clear buys,
not just speculative buys.






one time people bought stocks with the expectation of a steady but quite slow
appreciation in value. Now people seem to think they are like lottery tickets.
We are expecting huge pay-offs in a short time. That is okay, as long as you
understand with stocks like that as with lottery tickets its most likely that
you will lose your entire “investment”.




been guilty of it. Buying a stock like Nortel, not because I think it’s
fundamentally a sound investment but on the basis that it “might”
pay-off in a big way. I buy because I don’t want to miss out if Nortel soars
again. A more prudent strategy is to worry more about losing my investment and
to invest only in stocks which are clearly bargains based on fundamentals.



probably time for most investors to stop worrying about missing out on the next
round of irrational exuberance and to stick with more conservative and more
sound strategies which will probably pay-off bigger in the long term.






Web Site is now two years old. I have decided to focus more on providing you
with Strong Buy and Buy recommendations. I hope to identify more stocks that are
clearly bargains based on fundamentals and current earnings. I will look for
high growth companies. But I will focus on companies that are already very
profitable and not on concept stocks that might do well but are unproven.



Buffet is the most successful investor ever and he uses that type of approach.
He identifies a few great companies selling at bargain prices and then ploughs
in a big investment. That is the strategy which I have been attempting to follow
and which I intend to follow even more closely in future.






site includes coverage of a number of poor performing companies like Air Canada,
Hudson’s Bay, International Properties, Nova Chemicals and others. Most of you
are not interested in these. In order to focus my time and energy on identifying
great investments, I will be removing the poorer companies from my coverage
list. As always, I will continue to include these in my performance results, but
I will not waste my time updating them. It’s been fun to bash them and expose
their weaknesses, but the real goal is to identify winners, not losers.






hope to add several promising new listings to my Site in the next 2 months.






I have put a lot of work into analysing whether or not the TSE 300 index is
over-valued (it is) and to try to look at real data to see if investing 10% of
gross income really does allow a wealthy retirement.



the Site for these articles, there is a link from the main page, well worth a
close read.






fact that the stock markets went up so rapidly through the 90’s and particularly
the late 90’s naturally leads us to think the tend will continue. But upon
reflection, the very fact that the market went up so fast and so far is almost a
guarantee that the next trend will be and is downward or sideways. This is not
due to some law of averages.



reason the market soared was because interest rates fell. This means that where
previously (early 80s) an investor would only buy the market if he could expect
say a 12% return, now with low interest rates he might buy even if he thinks the
return will be only 6% (The alternative being 3% or so on a 1 year bond). So
when investors nedd only 6%, the market must (and did) jump higher. Existing
investors get a big gain, but future investors should expect only say 6%.
Paradoxiclly, the shift from 12% interest to 6% interest created a strong gain
in the market while at the same time it reflects an expectation of much smaller
gains in the future. The TSE 300 went high in order to insure that future
returns fell (remember when interest rates fall, bond and stock prices must rise
because investors are willing to take a smaller return) Investors who look at
the trend in the TSE 300 get completely fooled by this.



reason the market soared was high expectations of future earnings. This created
an uptrend in the TSE 300. But once the market adjusted upward to reflect the
higher expected earnings, the trend should not be expected to continue. The high
earnings were already reflected in the TSE 300 at that point. So if earnings did
turn out high, the TSE 300 had no need to go higher, it was already built into
the price. When the earnings failed to materialise, then the TSE had to fall.
Again, investors who look at the trend line got completely fooled.






email is kept brief and usually only sent once each two weeks. I hope that you
will all stay on the mailing list of this site. However, you can unsubscribe by
simply replying with the word “unsubscribe”. I would appreciate
knowing the reason.






Allen, editor



11, 2001 – Is the TSE 300 Index Overvalued?





now been 2 years since I started posting my stock picks on the Web. I have
worked very diligently since then to provide unique and valuable content.



sincerely appreciate all of you members of this Site. I look forward to earning
your continued attention to visiting my Site.



read on, I have some very valuable content for you in this Anniversary Edition.






usual, several companies have been updated, check the Site at






stands at 740 members.  I have had
many compliments from members and I really appreciate that. Only 27 members have
unsubcribed to date. Most people can recognise the value of what I provide, but
not everyone is interested and while, I hate to see them go, I harbour no hard
feelings to those who decide they are not interested.



am now starting to put more effort into trying to attract some publicity for
this Site. It really helps me when you members recommend the Site to others.
Please continue to do so.






time members know that I am not into hyping either stocks or my own performance.
I am into presenting the truth as I see it. At the risk of sounding like an over
enthusiastic salesman; I tell you, right now I am pumped about the performance
of the analysis I do for the Web Site.



measure my performance based on the rating that I gave each stock when it was
first introduced on the Site and how far it has risen or fallen since that time.
I track all the stocks I have ever rated, I never remove a stock that moved the
“wrong” way, which is a common ploy that can be used to make stock
picking performance look better.



of Friday, June 8, the 8 Strong Buys are up an average 43%, while the 24 Strong
Buys and Buys are up an average 30%. The average period of time involved is 19
months. Meanwhile the TSE was up only 10% over the last 19 months. That seems
impressive when you consider that most portfolio managers are unable to beat the
indexes. So, I’m pleased to have soundly beaten the market index.



one statistic has me even more pumped. Out of 35 stocks that were rated a clear
Buy or a clear Sell (i.e. ignoring the Weak Sells and Weak Buys which is
essentially a hold or neutral rating), an
amazing 80% moved in the predicted direction over the average 19 months since
each stock was first rated
.  (For
more details see



I don’t expect to get it right 80% of the time. I think a 65 or 70% batting
average would be more than acceptable. But as of right now I am at 80% and I am
very happy with that.  






note that this is a separate question from will the TSE go up or down?,



used to be popular to calculate whether or not an index like the TSE 300 or the
Dow Jones Industrial Average was over-valued or under-valued based on price. For
example the legendary investor, Benjamin Graham routinely made this type of
calculation. That type of calculation may have fallen out of favour because in
recent years the indexes continued to relentlessly advance even though they were
probably fundamentally overvalued since perhaps the mid-nineties. After reading
Graham’s work I was motivated to make this calculation. And with the recent
wake-up call on the NASDAQ, it’s probably high time to revisit this type of



believe that this calculation is very important and I very pleased to provide
you with that calculation
It be a bit tough to work through the math but this is well worth taking the
time to understand (See



Careful When Picking Stocks Based On Low P/E Ratios



you sometimes pick stocks based on a very attractive P/E ratio, then I



for using that sensible approach.



I warn you that it is very dangerous to apply this technique without digging



low P/E stocks are no bargain at all.



have just posted an article that fully details the dangers and how to correct
for them.



you do sometimes pick stocks based on a low P/E then I guarantee that you will
benefit if you spend the time to closely read this article along with the
embedded links to more in depth discussion.









just now reading, for the first time, Benjamin Graham’s, The Intelligent
Investor, written in 1972. I should have read it a long time ago, but I really
thought most of his work would be too dated to be useful. I was wrong, it is
full of simple timeless advice.



mentioned a few newsletters back that my analysis methods had slowly gravitated
toward the methods used by Buffet and Graham. Based on Graham’s book, I am more
convinced then ever that my analysis methods are absolutely sound. My task now
is to understand even better exactly how Buffet and Graham did their work and to
continuously improve my own implementation of the same basic finance theories
and common sense that they use(d).



also beginning to think that not very many advisors have taken the trouble to
really understand and apply all the lessons from Buffet and Graham. (Which is
like finding out that most athletes are not bothering to learn the techniques of
prior champions) I have spent 10 to 15 hours per week now for over 2 years
applying my finance knowledge and crunching the numbers and reading in order to
begin to truly understand their lessons.  I
don’t know of another Web Site where you can find someone who is applying and
making assessable these methods in the manner that I am.






Goofy Management award goes out to NORTEL for the re-pricing of their employee
stock options.



Nortel employees this is a game of Heads we win and Tails you (shareholders)
lose. The scale of this thing is staggering. They propose to re-price a total of
over 100 million options.



are existing options to buy shares at prices around $90. I believe these options
are 10 years in length. Nortel is saying that these options are now far out of
the money and the employees need new options. So I guess they are saying that
these employees don’t expect Nortel to get back much above $90 even in ten
years. That’s interesting. These options were meant to reward employees for the
kind of performance that would keep the share price high. Now Nortel want s to
reward employees for helping create the current mess.



did exempt its top few executives from this little grab. But I don’t really
think we are talking mostly about clerks here. An outfit of Nortel’s size likely
has legions of senior people who will benefit from this despite the fact that
they are senior enough that they should be held accountable for some of Nortel’s
current woes, not rewarded for it.



would guesstimate that this give-away amounts to a value of at least $5.00 and
more likely $10.00 per share. So this little give-away of shareholder value is
worth $500 million to $1 billion. That is a huge amount of money. Maybe they
figure it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the shareholder value that they
destroyed in the past few months.



nice that Nortel is not required by the Accounting profession to count this as
an expense on its books. Rather the cost to shareholders shows up as a dilution
in their earnings.



is an outrage and is positively GOOFY, (and par for the course for Nortel of






newsletter is generally sent out every two weeks. If you wish to unsubsribe and
cancel your membership to my Site you may do so by replying to this email with
unsubscibe as the subject line. (I would appreciate knowing the reason so that I
can try t o refine my content to address any concerns).



Allen, Editor




3, 2001 newsletter from






companies have been updated since my last newsletter. Visit the Site at the link
above to see the updates.



updates are coming, keep checking the site.






name of the game here is to make some money for myself and anyone who (at their
own risk, and after considering their own situation) cares to follow my



Performance of my analysis is excellent. Anyone who has bought a selection of
the Buys and particularly the Strong Buys has done rather well during a time
when the markets in general have not done so well. The Performance is documented
on the site.






industries that I like:



    1. Banking:
      Bank stocks always seem to sell at reasonable P/E levels and price to book
      value given their growth. The low P/E level limits your downside risk. (But
      note that the reason for the low ratios is that Bank stocks can be risky,
      they operate on thin margins and profits can drop quickly). It seems to me
      that Banks are one of the main beneficiaries of the internet as they drive
      down their costs. We are all carrying less and less cash and doing more and
      more electronic transactions. And the banks are in there for a piece of it
      on every transaction.


don’t seem to subject to particularly intense competition. In Canada we have an
oligopoly or a near monopoly when you consider that they jointly run the interac
system. Once a bank has a customer, for a loan or mortgage or checking account,
then the bank is getting revenue month after month. It’s not like retail where
you have to win the customer back on every purchase.



I think an investment in Bank stocks will prove out to provide a good return
over the next few years.



note that there are risks due to bad loans and sometimes volatile earnings. The
best approach might be to spread out your investment over the next 3 to 9



Site covers 3 banks.



    1. Energy


pipeline utilities seem poised to do well in the next few years. They are making
large investments in new facilities that should allow them to grow earnings. Two
that I like are Enbridge and TransCanada Pipeline.



always, I am not recommending these stocks to you
in particular because I don’t know your circumstances and objectives.



or Investor?:



all like the idea of a fast buck. But the performance of the NASDAQ index in the
last year has been sobering. Value investing has regained its reputation.



investing does not mean you don’t buy growth stocks. It means you refuse to pay
ridiculous prices for growth.



now, a lot of investors might be wishing that they had put more money in to
solid companies like Banks and utilities. These have proven to offer good solid



I am also willing to put a portion of my money into more speculative stocks like
Sino-Forest and Clemex. They are risky but offer very good up-side potential. In
the case of Clemex, my site indicates it is only a weak buy. Since my last
update the company has announced more sales deals. I don’t see the price jumping
up very soon but I would be comfortable buying at current prices. If you are
interested in a speculative pick, but with a long term view, then you could
consider Clemex or Sino-Forest.






just posted an article that explains how I pick stocks. See






understanding is that we can expect a number of negative earnings warnings in
the next two to three weeks. Overall, I don’t see much reason to think that the
markets will rise in the next few months. Picking good stocks with good earnings
and reasonable valuations will likely continue to be rewarded.



Allen, Editor



19, 2001 newsletter from






7 companies have been updated since my last newsletter. Visit the Site at the
link above to see the updates.



updates are coming, keep checking the site.






are a number of excellent companies listed on the Site that are trading at good
prices, TD Bank, Quebecor, Power Financial, Precision Drilling. I believe that
these will yield good returns, particularly if held for the long term.



Site also lists some more risky companies that also seem to be good value,
Sino-Forest, United Inc.



are other picks on the Site as well.



always, I am not recommending these stocks to you
in particular because I don’t know your circumstances and objectives.






time to time I like to complain about executive pay because in some cases it
seems to be obscene. (I’m no raving socialist, but there does come a point when
my sense of fair play is offended). Here is the first part from an article that
I just posted to the Site:



fair wages for that work I will openly take”.  




above quote is part of an oath that Professional Engineers in Canada take as
part of the “Iron Ring Ceremony”. By taking that oath I have sworn to
work to bring honour to my profession and honourably guard my reputation. But
the oath also indicates that I should be paid fair wages.



work hard, I get paid”




years ago when I had made an offer on a house the seller asked my real estate
agent to take a cut on his commission. My agent’s quick reply was no and he
said; “I work hard, I get paid”.
Those six words succinctly express how a fair employment contract should
work. You work hard, you should get paid. You employ someone; you should pay a
fair wage.



firmly believe that no one should apologise for taking fair wages for their



the hard part. What exactly is a fair wage? This article is not about the
workingman’s wages. Most groups of workers arguably won that battle a long time
ago. This article is about executive compensation.



and executives of large corporations deserve to be paid fair wages too. Most of
them work very long hours and many of them are very effective and instrumental
in creating shareholder value. But I think it’s plain to see that there has been
an accelerating trend towards lavish salary and bonus packages and particularly
a trend towards breathtakingly rich stock option grants.



is important to shareholders because it is getting to the point where the
compensation of the executives is, in many cases, a material percentage of the
net income.



the full article, click on






keeping with my theme, I’ll give my Goofy Award to The JDS Uniphase Board of
Directors for granting 9.6 million options to their President. The options were
granted at the market price of the stock at the time, $ U.S. 20.985.



report in their proxy circular that the potential realizable value of the
options at an assumed stock appreciation price of just 5% is $106,972,251 and if
the shares would have appreciated at a compound 10% is $246,157,942. That’s $106
to $246 million dollars. That seems like an incredible pay-off for what would
amount to quite mediocre performance (5% or 10% compounded growth).



how any management could think that their President was worth $100 million or
more per year is beyond me. And this company actually lost money in each of the
last three years, though on an adjusted basis (before goodwill amortization) it
made $466 million, which I calculate represented a return on average equity of
just 2.2%.



of this seems incredibly goofy to me.






email is kept brief and usually only sent once each two weeks. The purpose is to
remind you about the Site and to provide a bit of commentary. I hope that you
will all stay on the mailing list of this site. However, you can unsubscribe by
simply replying with the word “unsubscribe”. I would appreciate
knowing the reason.






Allen, editor


6, 2001 newsletter from



receiving this email has registered as a free charter member of,
This email is never sent to anyone who did not register for a free membership at






companies have been updated since my last newsletter. Visit the Site at the link
above to see the updates.



updates are coming, keep checking the site.






Canada and Robert Milton could keep me going with Goofy awards for a year. The
latest trick of buying Roots Air seems like another “fine” move. It’s
surely going to anger the competition bureau. And, Air Canada already has
massive debts and I don’t know how they can afford to buy Roots.






always, thank you to those members who have recommended this Site to others.
Membership is at 714. I would really appreciate your help in getting the
membership to grow. Ultimately, I probably need a lot more members to justify
the effort I put into this Site.






under the Articles tab for a link to a do-it-yourself spreadsheet. So far no one
has taken up my offer to do partial analysis of any company of your choice as
long as you enter in all the data I need. I’m not surprised, it’s a lot of work
to dig out and enter all the data. 






have a need to get some help with the analysis. I can’t pay for help but if
anyone is interested in doing this type of analysis consider the benefits of
learning more about companies doing the type of analysis that I do. And consider
that it could help to build a reputation and contacts for you. I will only work
with people of excellent character. I am totally uninterested in anyone who
wants to hype small cap stocks just to make money by driving the price up with
rumours and bogus analysis.



you are retired and have financial analysis skills, perhaps helping out with my
Site would be a wonderful use of some of your free time if you are interested.






that Playoff season is well underway, I can’t resist taking a few shots at the
business of Professional Hockey. I hope I don’t offend too many of you, but here



Some of the Weak Points of Hockey as a Business



salaries are obscene and surely offend the sense of fairness of most fans



are taking so much money there is little or none left for owners



are now buying teams after retirement



teams lose money



league betrays the loyalty of fans by allowing star players to be constantly
traded. That is no way to build loyalty. Inter-City rivalry is hard to maintain
when the players are interchangeable.



Season is ridiculously long, fatiguing the most die-hard fan



season length is beyond ridiculous with up to seven games per series. Seven
games is an historic anachronism that does not match today’s fast paced
lifestyle. Football gets by with one game to decide a championship, surely
Hockey could cut back to three or at most five.



season tickets are bought by corporations as they are priced out of reach of



blather about economic spin-offs and ask for rent-free stadiums. By what logic
does a City benefit when its citizens spend 15,000 x $50 x 40 games = $30
million to attend games? Most of the money goes to players who will not likely
spend all that much of it back into the City. For their (minimum) $30 million
the spin-offs to the City include jobs for hot-dog vendors, stadium ushers,
parking lot attendants and a minor amount of tourism spending. Every business
has some spin-off affect but Hockey’s seems minor compared to the money that is
sucked up by it and anyhow subsidising business is ultimately a fool’s game.



center of Hockey is shifting from Winter Cities where the majority of people
actually played Hockey as kids to Southern U.S. Cities where few fans ever
played and where any sport will do as long as you can bet on it and drink beer
at the game.



NHL Hockey were a stock, I would conclude it was over-rated and over-valued and
call it a Strong Sell.






the annual report season nearly over, I started to notice a lot of awfully
obscene compensation levels. Stock Options cost investors a ton of money in
dilution and some Boards are handing them out by the hundred thousand. I hope to
soon add an article to my Site to protest some of the extreme cases. By the way,
Warren Buffet is against stock options and prefers to pay bonuses to his
managers. That way the cost is transparent for all to see.



you believe that Nortel’s John Roth defended his $135 million U.S. total gain by
comparing it to the Cisco C.E.O. who he said got $345 million? Really, I can’t
trust someone with that kind of obscene greed. But, I believe in free
enterprise. In fact shareholders should exercise their freedom and boot this guy
out now before the Board awards even more of their company to him. And how
hungry and motivated to work for shareholders is a guy with that kind of wealth
likely to be anyhow?






email is kept brief and usually only sent once each two weeks. I hope that you
will all stay on the mailing list of this site. However, you can unsubscribe by
simply replying with the word “unsubscribe”. I would appreciate
knowing the reason.






Allen, editor



21, 2001 newsletter from



receiving this email has registered as a free member of,
This email is never sent to anyone who did not register for a free membership at






seven companies including Nortel have been updated since my last message. Visit
the Site at the link above to see the updates.









I have been thinking about trying to adopt a new strategy in all areas of my
life. That is to try to identify the most
successful individuals in any field and shamelessly copy from them.




you think about it, as humans we seem to have a biological urge to be
independent and try things our own way. That’s great and leads to innovation.
But really the top performers in any sport or business are usually people who
had strong mentors and coaches. They start where the other greats left off,
rather than trying to reinvent everything from scratch as more ordinary people
often seem to do. A friend of mine said that even falling on your face is moving
forward; true but it’s a lot smarter to learn from others and avoid their
mistakes, and it’s easier on your nose.



Woods studied the golf game of Jack Nicklaus and Tiger is never far from his
golf coach. Jack Nicklaus was taught his swing from age 10 by a leading
professional coach, the late Jack Grout. And Jack Nicklaus also studied the
success of Robert Jones , Ben Hogan and others. Of course Jack and Tiger
eventually developed their own unique swings and techniques, but they certainly
did not start from scratch. They shamelessly copied all they could from the
greats before them. Similarly, Warren Buffet attributes most of his success to
what he learned from Ben Graham. Much of the rest of his success came from the
teachings of Philip Fisher and his partner Charlie Munger. Warren’s ultimate
success was then in synthesising all he had learned and applying it in an
extremely disciplined manner.



I resolve to read more biographies of successful people and seek out instruction
from the very best in the field whether that be Golf, Business or investing.



it comes to investing, I have read fairly extensively the writings of and about
Warren Buffet. I have read some Peter Lynch and I have read many other
investment books. After all of this and in conjunction with my academic learning
and by working through examples myself, I find that I have gravitated more and
more to the thinking of Warren Buffet. Therefore, I am now re-reading his words
and trying to be an even better student of his methods. I intend also to seek
out and read more of the work of Ben Graham and Sir John Templeton. They might
all be old but they are indisputably among the world’s most successful



it be such a bad thing if they wrote upon my tomb stone or yours “His/her
great success was in copying from only the very best”
. I think
that would not be such a bad thing, and I’ll bet it would result in an estate
that could well afford a nice big monument to print those words on. Copying is
not allowed in school, but copying the strategies of the most successful people
in your field is just plain smart. And, these people are usually happy to share
their methods with others, or in any event their methods are not copyrighted or



course, this begs the question of why you should heed my Site rather than going
straight to the words of Warren Buffet. Well, by all means do go and read and
study the great investors. The value of my Site is that I have done the hard
work of applying those methods to Canadian companies and making it accessible to






performance of the analysis that I do continues to be exceptionally good as
shown on the Site. The graph there clearly shows that the method has
considerable merit. I thank the many authors who have influenced my thinking on
how to analyse companies.



I believe that I report my performance with total honesty. Every buy or sell
rating that I have ever made, good or bad, continues to be tracked. Some Sites
rate their performance based on the subsequent high after a buy recommendation.
Well that is not a very honest picture if the stock has since plummeted and they
had not called for a sale at that subsequent high.






you like me, in that whenever you have money to invest you see a fair number of
opportunities and you tend to quickly get that money invested afraid you will
lose the opportunity? Even worse, have you sold good stocks that were still
reasonably priced in order to buy the latest irresistible opportunity? I must
admit to being guilty of that. Warren Buffet teaches that you should be very
patient with your money. Sit back and keep on looking until you find an
investment that is not only attractive but is irresistible. He describes it like
shopping for a house or a car, it usually pays to be selective.



Management Award:



copy the concept of a Goofy Award from Michael Campbell
the host of Money Talks. I trust he does not have a trademark on that
term. Thank you Michael.



Goofy Management Award goes to International Properties Inc. (once one of my
strong buys but now fallen from grace). They said in their annual report in
explaining the failure of their strategy of trying to sell investment condos
over the internet, “However, during
fiscal 2000, the capital market environment quickly became severely restrictive
for businesses such as IP inc. that were posting losses related to Internet
development and expansion efforts and that could not clearly articulate a
logical path to enhanced profitability”
. Imagine that, the
capital markets would no longer fund losses with no end in Site! Who could have
guessed that would happen!



is 20/20 but this company was doing extremely well and managed to sell over 1100
condos to investors in 1999. Then they adopted a strategy of using the internet
to sell condos. Well, you don’t just take orders for investment condos, you have
to push very hard to SELL them. Why they thought the internet should be a big
part of that strategy is beyond me.



“credit” for this Goofy Management Award should also be shared by
their financial advisors on the project, CIBC World Markets.






always thank you to those members who have recommended this Site to others.
Mention the Site to your full service broker as well. I work hard at this Site
(for no pay) and I sincerely want to share my work with as many people as
possible (and maybe that will lead to revenue at some point but if not at least
I am making myself useful in this world).






under the Articles tab for a link to a do-it-yourself spreadsheet. So far no one
has taken up my offer to do partial analysis of any company of your choice as
long as you enter in all the data I need. I’m not surprised, it’s a lot of work
to dig out and enter all the data. 






have noticed that most companies plan to grow earnings annually at least 5% and
many hope for 15% or more. If a company retains it’s earnings it should
grow by at least 5% since the retained earnings eliminate debt or can be
invested in bonds to earn 5%. (This means that managers who retain earnings and
who don’t grow earnings by at least 5% are seriously under-performing). The
economy itself will grow at perhaps 4% to 5% including inflation. Therefore a
healthy company that grows along with the economy and retains its earnings ought
to be able to grow at about 10%.



grow faster a company must be in a high growth industry or it must gain market



the aggregate, we should not expect the value of the stock market to grow faster
than the economy as a whole. So if the base level of return without growth is
about 7% and if the economy will grow at 4 to 5%, we should expect an overall
average return in the stock market (dividends plus growth) of about 11 to 12%.
What a coincidence that is in fact about the average return in the market over a
period of decades. 



point is that the 15 and 20% returns of the late 90’s were an aberration, not to
be expected as a long-term average.



course you and I and are going to use our stock picking skills to beat the
market by some margin.






email is kept brief and usually only sent once each two weeks. I hope that you
will all stay on the mailing list of this site. However, you can unsubscribe by
simply replying with the word “unsubscribe”. I would appreciate
knowing the reason.






Allen, editor





Daily Updates 2010 – 2011

December 29, 2011


Fedex Corporation is updated and
rated Buy at $84.31. We last updated this 14 months ago on October 17m. 2010 and
called it a Weak Buy / Hold at $$89.62. That turned out to be a good rating.
Those who bought last year at about $90 would have been better off to wait until
now and buy at $84 (of course that was not entirely foreseeable). But it did
have a high P/E ratio of 20.4 last year. Now earnings are some 27% higher and
yet the price is a bit lower. Given the strong recovery in earnings it is
somewhat surprising that the price is actually lower. Clearly investors still
fear a new global recession. And perhaps that will happen. If you fear that you
should keep at least some money out of the market, ready to pounce on bargains
ahead. (Or perhaps use the money to stock your bunker with guns ammo, water and
food depending how much of a doomer you are. But meanwhile it seems wise to keep
at least some money in the markets. And Fedex is not a bad choice especially if
you think the global recovery will in fact continue.


I should perhaps point out that when we first added Fedex to this site back
in 2006 it was earning $6.00 per share, which is higher than today’s $5.56 and
we then thought it was a Buy at $113. Well that was wrong as we did not
anticipate it would over-pay for some acquisitions and also get hammered by a
recession. I believe also at that time its founder had retired but he is now
back running the company. If you had bought it at $113 and saw it had a future
despite the recession you might then have loaded up on it under $50 and even
very briefly under $40 in early 2009 when the financial skies seemed to be
falling all around us. Admittedly we called it a Weak Buy in April 2009. We
should perhaps have placed more emphasis on its historic earnings at that time
rather than its current earnings which were low at the time.


On this second last trading day of the year, markets did well.


Wells Fargo and Toll brothers were among the winners


Give a thought to Canadian National Railway
Company, which I updated yesterday.


I first introduced it to this Site on August 27, 1999 at $16.67 (adjusted for
stock splits). I rated it only Speculative Weak Buy. But I very soon thereafter
called it a Buy and over the years have often rated it a Buy and occasionally a
Strong Buy.


For the start of 2000 it was rated Buy at $38.05, but that is $12.68 adjusted
for stock splits (the price fell in the autumn of 1999)


CN is up 386% since it was added to this site in August 1999. And it has paid
a lot in dividends as well.


What else has CN done?


Its share count is actually DOWN 23% in the past ten years. Assets rose from
$12 billion at the end of 1998 to $27 billion today. Route miles are up from
17,000 at the end of 1998 to a recent 20,500. The employee count is little changed
over the years (indicating productivity gains). CN acquired a fairly large U.S.
rail carrier some years ago. (so much for the idea that Canadian companies can’t
compete in the U.S.)


In short, CN has done an absolutely tremendous job for its owners. It has
been very well managed indeed. These people know how to run a rail road. The
company has grown over the years but has not raised new equity. Instead it has
paid out dividends and bought back 23% of its shares. There will alwys be complaints
but I think it has done a good job for its customers as well.


99% of investors have little interest in a boring company like CN. But Bill
Gates has been a big owner of CN  for many years. Warren Buffett bought a
railway a couple years ago. (But what do they know?)


Maybe this is the company that Canada should be most proud of as opposed to
such flame outs as Bombardier, Nortel, and now (perhaps) Research in


If you look back at my daily comments on CN over the years I am sure you will
see it described as having to some degree monopoly characteristics.


At the end of the day, it was not that hard to see that a company like CN
would (probably) do well. It’s mostly short term thinking that prevents us from
always owning long term winners like this. It never seems to be the stock that
we expect will go up 50% in a hurry, but over time it chugs along nicely. Rail
may not be the fastest way to travel, (the road to riches) but it has proven


December 28, 2011


Canadian National Railway Company (CN)
is updated and rated Buy at CAN $78.65 or U.S. $76.40. In November 2101 we
called it a Buy at $66.74. Since then not too much has really changed. The price
is up by 18% and earnings are up by a similar amount. I will consider


U.S. markets were down about 1.2% while the TSX was down 1.7%.


I bought 1500 shares of Boston Pizza Royalty Income Fund today at $14. At
that time there were only about 300 shares offered at 13.99 and the last trade
was at $14. I bid $14.00 for 1500 shares and it went through instantly and I got
the $13.99 for the 300 that were offered at that price. It’s interesting to see
how that works. This is a thinly traded entity and yet I had no trouble at all
buying $21k worth at the same price as the last trade before me. It only traded
4700 shares today. Some investors (traders really) feel that they need to know
the second level quotes, the depth of the market. I find I get along perfectly
well without that and in fact such information would only be a distraction to
me. For example I would rather pay to avoid streaming-real-time quotes than
to GET streaming-real-time quotes.


December 26, 2011


Canadian Oil Sands
Limited is updated and rated Buy at $22.99. This company is always going to
have volatile earnings due to oil price fluctuations. On the basis of recent
earnings and oil prices, the stock is cheap at about 9 times earnings, and with
a 5.2% dividend yield. Earnings could easily decline with oil prices. But in the
long term this is likely to be a good investment. I will definitely consider
adding this stock to my portfolio.


December 24, 2011


Boston Pizza Income Royalties
Fund is updated and rate (higher) Buy at $14.18. This entity is not an
operating business. It collects a 4% royalty from Boston pizza restaurants
(which it does not own) and passes this on to unit holders. The distribution
should grow over time but only quite slowly.


On Friday I added to my Toll Brothers position.


December 22, 2011


Toll Brothers is updated
and rated Speculative Buy at U.S. $20.42. The stock could do quite well if the recent
improvements in the house building industry continue. I plan to add to my
position in this company.


It was another good day for our stock picks with most stocks up


December 22, 2011 (3:40 pm eastern)


Costco is updated and rated Weak
Sell at U.S. $ 83.63. Weak Sell means I would be inclined to sell or perhaps
hold. I would not be inclined to buy. If I held it I would also not be in any
panic to sell. It’s a great company but its greatness seems to be well priced
into its stock. I’d be more interested at about $70. But given its quality it
may continue to trade at a premium price.


As a shopper, I am a true believer in Costco. You will generally get one of
the lowest prices available. (Other retailers can beat it only with sales and
promotions). My understanding is that they NEVER mark anything up more than 15
or 20% (That may only apply in the U.S.). The only down-side is the temptation
to buy more than you need due to the bargains.


December 22, 2011 11:10 am eastern


I’ve sold my 1000 options to buy RIM at 16 expiring February 18. They sold
for 92 cents. RIM shares were down a litle today and it’s certainly not clear if
anything will happen to push RIM’s price up before February 18. I may add to my
position in the shares instead. I own 600 shares. See also my comment from
yesterday, just below.


December 21, 2011


It was a decent day in the markets. Wells Fargo was up 1.5%. Research
in Motion (RIM) rose almost 10%.


My RIM options have proven to be rather wildly volatile.


I purchased 2000 options at the open Monday morning at 70 cents each. These
have a strike price of U.S. 16 and expire February 18, 2012.


By the end of Monday they had fallen about 20% to about 55 cents (ouch). On
Tuesday they droped further to 47 cents meaning I was down 33% in two days. But
then today they jumped 117% to $1.02 so I was up 46% overall.


Clearly these are HIGHLY volatile and clearly they could expire worthless in


I sold half (1000) the February options today at $1.03 but reinvested this
into  400 options at strike price $17.50 at $2.52 per option that expire in
February 2013. After seeing how fast these options dropped in price on Monday
and Tuesday I was not that keen to hold them and so was glad to sell half. I
feel better about holding the 2013 options even though they were much more


It’s hard to say if RIM will get a quick take-over offer or the like and
absent some news the February 2012 options could easily plummet in price.


Possibly I am better off just sticking to stocks rather than options.


December 20, 2011


Better-than-expected home construction numbers in the U.S. as well as news
from the banking sector led stocks to a 337 or 2.9% gain.


Wells Fargo was up 4.7% and Toll
brothers was up 6.4%.


However Research in Motion continued to slide even on such a strong day. I
was hoping for a take-over offer but there is none so far. It would be good to
see them buy back shares. The founders could also buy some shares but then again
the vast majority of their wealth may already be in RIM stock. They sold some
shares for charity at the end of 2010 but sold no shares in 2011. So they are
feeling the pain both as managers under fire and as shareholders.


December 19, 2011


Markets fell today apparently due to the European government debt situation.


I bought 300 shares of Research in Motion this morning and now hold 600 shares.
Also I selected 2000 $16.00 options that expire February 19, 2012. In many ways
I would have preferred the options that expire about 13 months from now.
However, I decided to select the cheaper near-term options. The options in
particular are highly speculative and could easily expire worthless. If there is
a take-over offer for RIM by mid February I will probably have a good investment
(the options). Barring a take-over offer it would take a strong analyst endorsement
to get the share moving upward. At this time analysts seem to be decidedly
negative on the company. Possibly the company will buy some shares. If
management has faith in the company, then the company should definitely be
buying back shares. RIM fell about 4.3% today.


December 18, 2011


The next company to updated will be Costco. With a P/E of 25 it looks like we
would rate this a Sell or Weak Sell / hold. It’s a great business but just seems
too expensive. I actually think they have pricing power and could raise profits.
But there is no indication they will do so. If I owned it, I would sell.


As of about 11 pm eastern time on Sunday evening it looks like markets will
be weaker on Monday. I am looking forward to see if Research
in Motion will stop falling in price. I plan to buy some shares and possibly
options. I don’t want to over do it as this is a volatile stock.


December 17, 2011


Research in Motion
is updated and rated Speculative Strong Buy at U.S. $13.44 or $ CAN $13.97. The
share price has plummeted. Based on past earnings it looks extremely cheap.
However, earnings are expected to decline over the next year. There is certainly
risk here because the company relies on selling smart phones to consumers and
this can be a fickle market. 75 to 80% of the revenues are from selling phones
and only 20 to 25% of the revenue is recurring. Therefore sales and certainly
profits can decline rapidly if the products prove unpopular. Nevertheless, the
stock looks very cheap now. There are 75 million subscribers. RIM only gets an
average of roughly $4.75 per month per subscriber in recurring revenue. But
that’s over $50 per year and yet the company is selling at a price of about $93
per subscriber.


I suspect RIM is now an attractive take-over candidate. I would almost be
surprised if we don’t see a takeover offer very soon.


Still, the market price could continue to fall. Investment managers may sell
to avoid showing that they own this when they release their list of owned stocks
as of the end of December. Other investors may sell for tax loss reasons. But I
think there will also be some bargain hunters active as well.


I only own 300 shares and I suspect I will be buy more. I may even buy some
options. Again, it’s not without risk but this may qualify as a real
opportunity. Only time will tell. Buffett especially in his earlier days used to
buy shares that were prices well below what he thought they would be worth in a
take-over situation. This may be such a case.


One interesting point about options. If an offer were to come in at $20 or
whatever (perhaps that is a HUGE if) then the value of some options (especially
those with a strike price above $20) could actually decline because options are
more valuable when the stock price is more uncertain.  I just mention this because
the value of options can sometimes do strange things.


December 16, 2011


RIM shares were down almost 12% in Toronto. This definitely seems over-done.
At this price RIM could be a very attractive take-over candidate. With a market
value of $7 billion and annual revenues of close to $20 billion this would be
almost chump change for MicroSoft or Google to buy if they wanted it. Offers
could come at any time but would have to be at a significant premium. I will
update our report on RIM by Sunday.


December 15, 2011


The biggest news today was RIM reporting earnings after the close of regular
trading. The market did not like the outlook and RIM fell some 7% in after-hours
trading. On a trailing earnings basis RIM certainly looks cheap, very cheap. But
the market sees to have a belief that its sales are going to plummet. I’ll
update the report within a few days.


Before we panic about RIM. let’s remember that the collective
“genius” that is the market, is the same genius that thought in early
2008 that RIM was worth $140 per share. Whatever stumbles RIM has made I doubt
that it justifies a 90% drop in price. Of course the price in 2008 was, it now
seems wildly, optimistic. The “market” is ready to run off the
founders/managers of RIM. I have some trouble believing that these founders are
suddenly incompetent.


I heard some talk today that RIM could be the next Nortel. Well, no, not
exactly. Nortel had something that RIM does not. Actually a couple things. One
was debt, RIM has none. It’s hard to go bankrupt in the absence of debt. Nortel
also had massive amounts of goodwill and intangibles which turned out to be
close to worthless. RIM has quite modest goodwill. It does have a noticeable amount
of intangibles but nothing it can’t manage. ($2.5 billion against equity of $10


In other news there were hopeful signs for the U.S. economy including higher
profit at Fedex.


December 13, 2011


Markets started out on the up-tick today but ended up down.


It looks likes Canadians markets are definitely going to be down for the year
2011. As of Friday the Toronto market index was down over 10% this year. The
S&P 500 however was about flat and the DOW was up 5% for the year.


Right now it looks like the Buys on this Site will be about flat for the
year. Not great but it beats the TSX easily. And most of our stock picks are
Canadian. If we can beat the TSX most years then over time we will do well.


It would be nice to be up every year but it’s probably not realistic. To
borrow a saying from Warren Buffett, why should we expect stocks to be up every
time the earth circles the sun? They do tend to be up in the long term but
investors generally have to be willing to put up with volatility (code word for
losses) over certain unpredictable lengths of time.


December 12, 2011


The market was down today on fears regarding the situation in Europe. It does
seem that the situation may very continue to drag down North America markets.
The bigger question is whether this puts North America at risk of recession. I
really don’t know. What I do observe is that stocks appear to be cheap.
Therefore I am content to own stocks but would like to have some cash on hand in
case better bargains appear. Either way I am confident that owning stocks that
appear to be good value will turn out to be a good investment over the years,
although I cannot, of course, guarantee that.


FirstService preferred
shares report is updated and rated Buy at U.S. $25.


FirstService is updated and
rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $U.S.  $24.70 and CAN $ $25.43. The
company is 100% focused on real estate services and so it has suffered in the
past few years. Still its results have improved in 2011. It may be a good
speculative pick. I fully expect the company to continue to grow and earnings
per share could grow rapidly. Still, it could also face tough times and is not
without risk. The valuation does not look compelling at this time. The company
is heavily leveraged from the perspective of common share holders (it uses debt
and preferred shares) and the leverage could result in strong earnings per share
growth if things go well.


Canadian Western Bank
preferred shares report is updated and rated Sell at $27.30. These shares
illustrate the dangers of missing key information. These shares appear to have
an attractive yield of 6.6%. However they will almost certainly be redeemed in
April 2014 at $25 and considering that the yield is closer to 3.0%. The price
will likely slide gradually towards $25.


I sold 12% of my Wells Fargo shares on Friday to raise my cash position. It
remains my largest holding.


December 11, 2011


Canadian Western Bank
is updated and rated (lower) strong Buy at $25.75. This company has grown
rapidly in the past ten years and it seems reasonable to expect it to keep
growing. The stock is down 9% in 2011 despite higher earnings.


Alimentation Couche-Tard (U.S.
and Canadian convenience stores / gas stations – Mac’s, Circle K and other
names) is updated and rated (lower) strong Buy at $29.95. The company has been
growing by acquisition for over 30 years and it seems reasonable to expect
growth to continue. The stock is up 11% in 2011.


December 9 (7:50 am Mountain time)


After a week or so of gains on optimism about European financial crisis
meetings, the market fell yesterday — but are up just a little today. We had
continued bouts of optimism and pessimism and that will likely continue. Europe definitely
remains a risk that could drive stock prices lower. As always, it is hard to
know what to do. I like the stocks I hold but I don’t really like being about
100% invested as I am. I may trim some positions to raise cash.


December 7, 2011


It was another good day on the markets. Canadian
Tire was up 0.9% to $66.56. I trimmed my large position in this company a
little today. I’d like to trim my Wells Fargo position but have been waiting for
a higher price to do so.


Certainly there is a risk now that bad news will come out of Europe. There
has been a lot of hope riding on recent meeting in Europe and so any disappointing
news would no doubt see some of the recent market gains reversed.


I expect to update the reports for Canadian Western Bank and Alimentation
Couche-Tard by Sunday.


December 6, 2011


Stocks were mixed today but our picks seemed to be up a little overall. Canadian
Tire in particular did well. This company’s stock price has been up quite
steadily since September. On Tuesday evening futures were suggesting stocks
would open a little higher on Wednesday. But much can happen overnight.


December 5, 2011


With the markets up strongly today my thoughts did turn to take some money
off the table. Logically I should. But I suppose my greed emotion won out because
I did not trim any positions yet. As always it is really hard to say where the
markets will go in the short term. There are many conflicting signals. Even if I
do trim positions I will remain largely invested despite the risks. (There are
always risks in the market, always.)


Canadian Western Bank cam out after the close with good earnings to close out
their year. This is a good long term investment.


Recently it was disclosed that Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is buying
the Omaha World Herald group of newspapers for $150 million. Critics pointed out
that Buffett has said the newspaper business is no longer a good business. Of course
the critics have not seen the financial statements for this particular newspaper.
None of the reports I read made the connection between the Peter Kiewit
Foundation that owns 20% of the newspaper and Buffett. Warren Buffett’s office
has been in Kiewit plaza since 1962 (several years before he took control of
Berkshire). Buffett has been associated with the late Peter Kiewit and his
companies for about 50 years.  So yes there are some special circumstances
here. I think we can expect Buffett to tell us in his next annual letter that he
expects to make at least some return on this investment and that yes he was sort
of rescuing the local newspaper when it needed a friendly buyer. Buffett said it
was one of the best managed newspapers in America. He would know. He likely did
not want to see someone come in and buy it and loot the place. You would think
by now people could give this man the benefit of the doubt. But no. First it’s
easy to grab a headline by being a critic of Buffett and second it really seems
to human nature especially among men to look for reasons to tear people down. We
love to see the mighty fall. Men hate to admit another man is better than them
in any important way. We are biologically programmed to resist that idea.


December 4, 2011


Stantec is updated for Q3 results
and rated Strong Buy at $26.50. I studied the annual report and noted that
management had very credible plans to continue to grow the company by
acquisition, as they have done for many years. While the short-term is uncertain
due to recession concerns there is little reason to think that the company will
not continue its success in the long term. I would be inclined to add to my
position at this price and particularly if the price dips. But I would likely
need to sell something else in order to add to the position here. So I have no
immediate plans to buy more.


As of about 8 pm eastern time on Sunday evening, markets look set to open
moderately higher on Monday morning.


December 1, 2011


Markets took a little breather today after yesterday’s gains.


We still see lots of conflicting signals. HUGE profit gains at two big
Canadian banks today. But U.S. first time jobless report was just a tad worse
than expected. Europe, who knows? Recession? yes,no, maybe so.


I continue to ride it out but looking to trim a little here and there on
rallys. Hoping to free up cash to either reduce my margin or put into new picks
as I update a number of reports in the next month.


November 30, 2011


A 4% gain on the markets today. It does seem over-done as the problems in
Europe are not solved. But maybe it was well justified just because stocks were
(and are) cheap. I trust we all understand that while we can rationally expect
stocks to rise in the long term we really can’t say where they go in the short
term. Those who cannot (emotionally and financially) bear losses should not be
in stocks. Stocks are no place for the faint of heart. But to the brave will (probably)
go the spoils (eventually).


I mentioned the banks being down-graded yesterday. The real wonder is why
bank debt EVER deserved ratings that were in the AAA range or close to it. I
have noted on this Site since its inception that banks operate with a sliver of
equity and that if poorly managed big losses are possible. That is not to say
they are not good investments. It is to say that there is always (at least) some
small chance of big losses in a bank investment. Banks are so highly leveraged
and owe so much money to depositors that governments have always needed to
provide deposit guarantees and to regulate banks lest they operate with too tiny
a sliver of equity. Debt investors only get paid AFTER depositors so if deposits
were risky enough to need in insurance how did it EVER make sense that the debt
would be AAA rated? It did not.


U.S. Bank regulators drank the Kool-Aide that said zero equity capital need
be set aside if a bank invested in government bonds. Even of many smaller
countries. And U.S. bank regulators allowed banks to operate with very tiny
slivers of equity indeed.


Bank management in turn abdicated their role as risk managers and said,
in effect, if the regulator says Greek bonds re risk free and if the regulator
says 4% equity is all that we need, then it must be so. It was not so.


Debt rating agencies also drank all the same Kool-Aide.


Now they down-grade and expect anyone to care?


And while I am talking banks and their problems…


State legislators passed laws that said customers could renegotiate out of
their fixed 30 year mortgages with minimal penalty if rates fell. The unintended
consequence there was that a bank could not afford to take that risk and were
forced to sell the mortgages to investors and therefore no longer had as much incentive
to care about credit quality.


Mortgage insurance practices at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac assisted with the
selling of mortgages and added to the lack of caring about credit quality. With mortgage
insurance that was Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae’s worry.


congress got into the mix and said banks needed to give loans to minorities
in a given City at the same ratio of the population they gave mortgages to the
non-minority. But if minorities had worse credit and lower incomes this was not


The end result was a lot of unintended consequences and I guess blame enough
for all to share in.


The whole system spiraled out of control as easy credit and low interest
rates improved affordability but which pushed house prices up and higher house
prices meant no losses on foreclosures and the whole thing ratcheted up until
one day the house prices stopped rising when finally just about every bum on the
street had already been offered a house. There were no new buyers left. As soon
as house prices fell a little, losses on foreclosures rose, and delinquencies
rose,  and a vicious cycle started in reverse. My hope is that we are at,
near or past the bottom of that cycle now.


The U.S. Case Shiller home price index for September just came out yesterday
and showed a small drop, after five months of gains. This may have been affected
somewhat by the ridiculous situation in August regarding the debt ceiling
debacle in  the U.S. Stock markets were also very negative in September as
I recall. I would not be too quick to assume U.S. house prices will keep going
down. I believe they are well under replacement cost, even adjusting for
depreciation and age. That ultimately will correct itself.


November 30, 2011


Markets are set to rise at the open due to some coordinated central bank /
world bank moves (yawn). It seems doubtful that this really changes much but
will be the excitement of the day I guess.


S&P has downgraded numerous banks (yawn). Rating agencies rated banks way
too high for years and NOW they downgrade. They have little credibility. I never
thought that they were corrupt but it does seem their methods were and are


I expect to continue being very heavily invested. At the same time I am a bit
over invested right now (on margin, too concentrated in a few stocks) and so I
may trim modestly on rallies.


November 28, 2011


Last week it seemed like the markets were digging themselves into a hole.
Today we crawled back out to some degree.


I don’t have nay strong feelings about where markets are headed.  Stocks
still look cheap on average compared to their earnings.


November 27, 2011


As of about 10:15 pm eastern on Sunday evening, the futures suggest the DOW
will open about 200 points higher.


Reports indicate that shopping over the Black Friday weekend was very


November 25, 2011 (10:30 am eastern)


U.S. markets are up about 1% this morning. Which illustrates the point that
sometimes when the market goes down, the best advice might be “don’t
just do something; stand there!”


My approach to markets has never been to make fast panicky moves. I have
found that calculated moves made relatively slowly after thoughtful analysis has
worked for me. If you really could predict markets then clearly a process of
lighting fast darting in and out and from stock to stock would be best. Why you
could “simply” hold the ten highest rising stocks each day (or
just THE highest) and you would quickly make a fortune. This strategy suffers
from the “minor detail” of being totally impossible. Anyhow, my temperament
and my approach does not lend itself to the sort of sudden moves that are
associated with alternating bouts of complete panic and euphoria. But my
approach has served me well.


November 23, 2011


Another nasty day… As I understand Warren Buffett’s advice he would say,
look, don’t worry about a stock taht you hold and it might go down. That is
don’t worry about it is that is a good strong company and where you are confident
that when the market rises again that company will rebound. The stocks to worry
about are the one’s that could suffer a fatal blow. If a company goes bankrupt,
well that is it, it can’t live to fight another day. So be wary of companies
that carry too much debt. (It’s almost impossible to go bankrupt in the absence
of debt, though i am sure it ahs been done in cases of off balance sheet liabilities).


Actually right now we are seeing stocks go down that not only are not in any
mortal danger at all but which in fact are making ins some cases record profits.
The reports on this page always address the balance sheet and the debt. I encourage
subscribers to read the reports in detail. A stock rating in a word or three
cannot encapsulate everything that I say in a five page report.


For myself am not feeling worried. the markets can ALWAYS go down, but I feel
I AM holding strong companies that will do well over time. But of course, I can
make no guarantees.


I notice that Couche-Tard has
released good earnings yesterday and raised its dividend 20%. This is a
wonderfully managed company. A true Canadian success story. I have not gone
through the numbers but I suspect that if I updated this company it would remain
with a Buy rating, perhaps even (higher) Buy.


The Q3 loan
delinquency rates have just been released by the Federal Reserve. All the
figures are better. This is five quarters in a row of improvement. Somehow,
someway Americans are managing to pay their loans on time to a greater extent
than they were in the last 15 months. Yes, the delinquencies are still
relatively high, but they are improving. Hopefully, it’s not because the banks
have loaned people new money to pay old debts, thought at probably is a part of
it. The bottom line, is that this is a positive indicator. (But could someone
please alert the market about this so my Wells Fargo and Bank of America stocks
can go up!). Actually I am not sure the market pays much attention to these
quarterly figures because I believe there also exist monthly reports from other sources
that are a bit more up to date.


November 22, 2011


Markets were down just a little today. However, Canadian
Tire did well and was up 3%. Seeing that, I sold another 8% of my Canadian
Tire shares. That means I have sold a total of 21% of what I held. Be assured I
still really like Canadian Tire and have high hopes for it. But as I have
mentioned before I am very heavily exposed to a few stocks and that was my
largest holding. It is prudent for me to shave some off the top. It gives me
funds for other opportunities. Also I had added to Canadian Tire as its price
slipped in the past few months and it totally makes sense for me now to trim as
the price rises. You could say I had a core position and then I added on dips so
now I sell on blips. I am not sure what amount my core position would be but it
still makes up some 20% of my portfolio, so could trim a lot and yet still have
a heavy exposure to it.


When it comes to Wells Fargo it is going to take a rather “blip”
before I will be interested in selling. Seems like the market is trying to test
my nerve. It would sure be nice if they could announce a dividend increase, but
they would need permission from the FED and so that may not happen anytime soon.


You can expect to see a lot of updated reports on this Site, certainly by the
end of December, which is not so far off and hopefully sooner.


As I write this it is 11 pm Mountain time or 1 am Wednesday eastern time and
the futures suggest the Dow will open down 100 points. Well, a lot can change by
morning. Anyhow, no one ever said investing would be boring or without its bad


November 21, 2011


One could say there was good news and there was bad news in the markets
today. The bad news was that the markets were down. The good news was the same
(good for buyers).


Earnings continue to come in strong, HP reported better-than-expected earnings
after the close of regular trading.


Toll brothers is buying a
Seattle home builder.


November 20, 2011


As of Sunday evening, Dow futures were down about 90 points. This is on news
that the United States Debt Super Committee due out with action this week has probably
reached an impasse.


On top of that things do not appear to getting better in Europe.


Some would argue that we should get out of all equity markets and sit in
cash. And that may not be a bad idea.


Personally, I will likely stay mostly invested. I don’t know what is going to
happen with these world events. I do know I own some good profitable companies.
And I plan to keep owning them for the most part. I have no immediate plans to
sell anything, but that can change.


Walmart is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $57.23. I spent quite a few hours readings its annual report. I
liked what I read and saw. The company has a simple mission “We save people
money so they can live better”. Low cost and low-price leadership has been
the modus operandi since day 1 with this company. I liked that the Chairman, S.
Robson Walton referred numerous times in his one page letter to his
“Dad”, the late founder, Sam Walton. It is a company that knows and
respects its own history. This is a huge company but it operates a relatively
simple business. They appear to have been disciplined in moving into other
countries. They do operate in 15 countries, but that leaves out many major
countries. (They did pull out of Germany some years ago when they could not find
success there).


It appears to me that this will be a good long-term investment. Some
subscribers might ask why not focus on smaller faster-growing companies? That is
a good point and this investment may not be what everyone is looking for. But
for myself and perhaps for many of you a stable, steady but slower growth
company like this may find a place in your portfolio.


I notice that Canadian Tire’s
shares closed at $61.52 on Friday after reaching recent highs over $64 earlier
last week. I would attribute that to just normal volatility and it certainly is
not something that concerns me.


November 17, 2011


It was another down day in the markets on Thursday with the Dow down 1.1% and
Toronto down 2.1%. The Europe situation was continuing to deteriorate.


However as of Thursday night I see that Greece’s new prime minister has
announced some tough reforms and urged France and Germany to take some actions
quickly. So, perhaps the markets will react positively to that.


November 16, 2011


The DOW was down 1.6% today or 191 points. Toronto down 55 points. Apparently
this was due to fears about the European situation. In other words it was what
has become a fairly typical day in the markets. 200 points up or down is just
not unusual.


Earlier in the day Canadian Tire was up about 1.4% and was at $64.39. I
decided with Canadian Tire up and the market mostly down, the time was ripe to
finally take a little money off the table so I sold some but it was only 11%
(Update that should have read 13%( of
what I held. Possibly it should have been more.


I quite stubbornly added to Canadian Tire, Wells Fargo and Melcor on dips and
got to the point where I could certainly be described as over-exposed to these
three stocks. So it does make some sense to trim a little when these stocks
rise. On the other hand I am very comfortable holding Canadian Tire and don’t
really want to cut it back too much.


November 15, 2011


Walmart reported earnings today. The earnings look good to me but the stock
dropped 2.4%. I plan to update the report on Walmart within the next week. I
suspect it will continue to be rated in the Buy range.


It’s looks to me like there will no quick solution to the problems in Europe.
That could certainly hit stock prices at any time. And even in the U.S. there is
a committee that is supposed to come up with spending cuts in the next couple of
weeks and may fail to do so. Again that could hit stocks. The thing is there is
ALWAYS something that could hit stocks negatively. But meanwhile holding high
quality stocks does tend to be rewarding over time. In some ways I would like to
reduce a few positions especially given I am using some leverage (borrowed
money). But overall I still see stocks as relatively cheap and so it’s hard to
pull the trigger on any sales.


November 14, 2011


It was revealed today that Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway bought some
$10.5 billion dollars worth of shares in IBM over the last six months or so.
This is a big purchase. Berkshire has total assets of $386 billion so this is
2.6% of its assets. Also this will be the third largest common stock position
after Coke and Wells Fargo.


It seems no one saw this coming. Buffett started buying in March and it was
kept a complete secret from the world until now. That is a classic Buffett
strategy he has ALWAYS kept secret what he is buying and reveals it only after
the buying is done or he lawfully has to reveal it.


A number of things about this stood out for me. Buffett said he got the idea
after reading the annual report. After reading the report he checked with the IT
departments at his own companies to understand how they work with a company like
IBM. He re-read a book buy a former IBM CEO. And within a very short period of
time he had decided to buy in a big way.


People just do not appreciate how hard Buffett has worked at investing all
his life, and still does. He reads annual reports regularly. He said he has read
the IBM annual report “probably every year for the last 50 years”! Who
among us has that kind of energy to read annual reports and monitor companies
for years and years like that? He said the same about Bank of America . He never
owned a share of it until he made a $5 billion investment in preferred shares earlier
this year. But he was in a position to make that investment because he read
their annual report every year. The point is the more I learn about Buffett, the
more I have to respect him. He has a razor sharp memory. His mind is a human
calculator. He has incredible discipline. He works incredibly hard. He works
incredibly fast. I have said before it makes sense to copy from the best. Slowly
very slowly over time I have tried to learn from him.


Meanwhile the market was doing its usual thing, dipping down a bit today and
worrying about Europe after having risen on Friday. Canadian Tire was a bright
spot, up about 1% today.


November 13, 2011


As of Sunday evening, the appointment of a new Prime Minister in Italy has
resulted in future markets suggesting a mildly positive opening for North
America stock markets on Monday (Dow projected to be up 63 points). Far east
markets were up as they reacted to this news and played catch-up regarding
Friday’s gains in North America.


November 11, 2011


Canadian Tire is updated and
rated (lower) strong Buy at $62.66. This is my largest holding and I am quite
comfortable holding it. It reported very good earnings numbers yesterday. The
acquisition of the Forzani Group stores has already started to increase its
earnings in just the first 6 weeks of ownership. The company only trades at 1.19
times book value and I suspect that it would be trading below book value if it
marked its real estate to market.


November 11, 2011 (2:55 eastern time)


Well, markets soared today on good news from Italy. I feel like we have seen
this movie before and of course the gains may or may not hold next week. I am
tempted to sell modest portions of some stocks here. But so far I am hanging


November 10, 2011 (7:13 am mountain time)


Canadian tire earnings are out this morning and are strong. Greece managed to
name a new prime minister. Futures are up over 100 points on the Dow. (Although
I start to wonder when the market will just lose faith in Europe).


November 9, 2011


Today was quite ugly in the markets. The market had been doing well and it
seems the assumption was that Greece and Italy would get new leaders. That may
still happen but it tuned quite farcical today with both countries seemingly
unable to appoint new leaders. The market now seems to be thinking that the
situation in Europe could get a lot worse. Financial markets always depend on
confidence and it is becoming hard to have any confidence in Europe. It’s hard
to say what impact a contagion of bankruptcies in Europe would have on the North
American economy. Obviously a negative impact, but how negative? The reality is that
we need to expect markets to continue to be a wild ride. Whatever happens, the
darker days will pass as they always do. But meanwhile it could get scary.


November 8, 2011


It was a lovely day in the markets for our stock picks.


Wells Fargo up 4.4%, Melcor up 4.0%. Also Toll Brothers up 7.4%.


Canadian Tire will report on Thursday. I am hoping they did well but there
will probably be some unusual expenses associated with the purchase of Forzani’s.
From what I can see the Canadian Tire stores and Mark’s are busy. I would think
Financial Services will have done well in terms of the credit card divisions.
There are lot of parts to the company. so we shall see on Thursday.


I saw some speculation about what stocks Warren Buffett may have been buying
in Q3 for Berkshire Hathaway. On possibility is home builder stocks or something
related to that. He has been steadfast in saying that home building will
recover. Another possibility is distressed rental real estate available at good
prices. The possibilities are endless. There were tons of bargains to choose
from especially in August.


November 6, 2011


Melcor Developments is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $13.52. This is a rare case where book value is probably
the best indication of value. This is because earnings are very volatile and
include non-operating impacts that cannot be easily adjusted for. And the book
value is relatively accurate because about 40% of the assets (the investment
properties) are marked to market quarterly. The large land holdings at 46% of
assets are not marked to market but carried at the lower of cost (including capitalized
interest and development costs) and market. In this case the sahres are trading
at 79% of book value. This is effectively an opportunity to buy into a very successful
operation at a significant discount to book value. And not only can you buy at a
discount but you will own a company that has been buying some land and buildings
in the U.S. at relatively distressed prices. There is always a risk that market
value of the assets could decline but overall, this appears to be an excellent
investment opportunity.


Meanwhile in Europe… it appears certain  that the Greek Prime Minister
will resign by tomorrow and a coalation government will take over. I suspect the
market will react positively to this, but that may depend on who the new leader
is. I would hope it would be the current Finance Minister.


November 5, 2011


Berkshire Hathaway is updated and
rated Buy at $77.24. Earnings were released after the close on Friday and so we
have not yet seen the market reaction, if any.


Press coverage this weekend includes the predicable cheap and uninformed
shots at the loss in the derivative position related to option puts that Buffett
sold a few years ago. Unmentioned int he press coverage that I saw is the fact
taht with the strong stock market rally in October the mark-to-market non-cash
loss of September 30 had probably been largely gained back. Buffett expects to
make money on these options and that will be on top of the money made from
investing the approximate $5 billion cash premium he received when these options
were sold a few years ago. After 60 years of consistently successful investing
you would think that Buffett could be given the benefit of the doubt. In any
event the liability on the books for these equity-put derivatives is about $8
billion and Berkshire has equity of $160 billion so it’s got no chance of
putting Berkshire at any great risk even if Buffett is wrong and the stock
markets are lower in about 9 years than they are today.


Given the situation in Europe it is interesting to know if Berkshire has aby
exposure to bonds there. For foreign bonds Berkshire has a total of $13 billion,
this compared to its equity of $160 billion. There was no mention that any of
these are European, let alone the likes of Greece and Italy. My bet would be
that Buffett holds foreign bonds related to his German-based European
reinsurance business and also perhaps to diversify currency. I doubt he holds
any weaker European bonds and certainly not a material amount. One indication of
this is that the net position in foreign bonds had an unrealized gain on it at
September 3. Consider that Berkshire which has insurance operations in Europe
has a total of $13 billion in foreign bonds and is a company with $160 billion
in equity. Meanwhile the bozos at MF Global had some 6 billion of weaker
European country bonds and had equity of $1.3 billion. Hilarious.


Other than the loss in the derivative position most of the Berkshires
investments and companies are doing well and operating earnings were quite


In a couple of weeks Berkshire reveal what shares it bought and sold in Q3.
Buffett had already revealed that they were buying heavily in August. I had
thought perhaps adding to Wells Fargo at low prices. However the data reveal
that little was added to the financial category (about $400 million). But about
$7 billion of equities were purchased in the category of “Commercial,
industrial and other”. This would NOT count Lubrizol which is now wholly
owned. It will be interesting to see just what companies this rather massive
buying involved. The third category is consumer products so this was not the
likes of Kraft or McDonald’s.


November 3, 2011


Melcor releases a good earnings report today, after the close. Their building
lot sales are strong but not as strong as 2010. Their investment property
division is doing very well. They booked an accounting gain on the investment
property. I will update the report within a few days. This will continue to be
rated (higher) Buy or possibly Strong Buy. I feel very comfortable about my
investment in this company. It is my third largest holding.


The madness in Europe continues… Apparently the latest is the Greek Prime
Minister will resign tomorrow after he wins a confidence vote (usually, you
would expect he opposite, but nothing in Greece seems to be usual).


Some madness in America too, Bank of America will apparently issue shares
after promising not to, but only because it can use the proceeds to buy back
some its debt and preferred shares at bargain prices.


I expect Berkshire Hathaway will release earnings tomorrow, after the close.
It will be interesting what Buffett says about employment growth at his
companies. Most likely he will appear on CNBC or some such program on Monday.


November 3 (7:20 am Mountain time)


Markets were set to open up about 1%. Markets continue to
react to the news of the minute. An interest rate cut in Europe. Greek Prime
Minister rumored to resign. Market will look today and tomorrow for hopeful
signs from the G20 meetings. Meanwhile earnings continue to come in and are
mostly good news.


November 1


Today’s news from Greece, (and it started Monday night North America time, or
early Tuesday Greece time) was the shocker that Greece would hold a referendum
on the bail out. That was a surprise because it was thought that Greece would
benefit greatly from this deal. I had speculated in my posting here over the
weekend that some of the parties that were supposed to accept 50 cents might not
go through with it. It did not occur to me that Greece would fail to agree to a
deal where really they don’t even pay 50 cents. What they were going to do was
issue new 50 cent on the dollar bonds guaranteed by (in effect) the European
Union. But also Greece had agreed to austerity measures. That seemed Okay since
without some kind of a fix here they would be cut off from international
borrowing and would face austerity in any event.


So, it was rather strange that they need a referendum. But maybe it is a good
idea to get the Greeks to vote for it and to show their acceptance of the
inevitability of the austerity programs. Later in the day today, Tuesday the
news was that the referendums was canceled. But still later it was confirmed it
will happen. The Greece cabinet approved it.


I wonder what is next, it seems like every hour things are changing.


Anyhow, the whole mess along with the somewhat related MF Global bankruptcy
pulled stocks down today.


I had said last week I should have been trimming positions on
“blips” or rallies like we had last week. Well, maybe next rally…
But overall I will be staying pretty much fully invested. (Right now I am a bit
leveraged and so I would like to pull back to eliminate the leverage (sell some
stocks repay some money that was borrowed to invest)


Meanwhile I await with bated breath the earnings reports from such companies
as Melcor and Canadian Tire and Berkshire Hathaway and Wal-Mart.




October 31, 2011


It was interesting to hear today that an outfit called MF Broker has rather
suddenly gone bankrupt.


It was apparently a broker. Hmmm I said to myself why would a broker who is
supposed to be a middleman suddenly go broke? I would not expect an outfit like
that to have much debt.


So I took a look at its balance sheet as of June 30, 2011. So let’s see,
assets of $45.9 billion, Equity of $1.4 billion. Yikes that means assets were 33
times its equity. And that means a tiny 1% (update, oops that should say 3%) drop in assets could wipe out all


As far as debt, actual borrowings were under 1 billion. But there was $15
billion payable to customers. And about $26 billion in liabilities to repurchase
securities that had been sold with agreement to repurchase. On the asset side
was $11 billion in restricted cash and segregated securities. $12 billion in
securities “purchased under agreements to resell”. $12 billion in
securities owned, $5 billion in securities borrowed. $5 billion in receivables.
And 709 million in good old cash. I have little clue what all this means. I have
studied (in various sporadic academic courses and readings ) for over 20 years such things such things as
REPOs, securities sold with
agreement to repurchase or the opposite.  And I confess I have never really
been able to totally grasp it. It is complex stuff. This balance sheet is hard
to understand. But one thing is clear, it was 33 times leveraged and may have
been an accident waiting to happen.


This does not look like the balance sheet of a brokerage operation. I would
not expect a brokerage to take ownership of customer assets.


Looking at its balance sheet from prior years it has been highly leveraged
since at least March of 2007 and probably far earlier than that. High leverage
only makes sense when investing very safe assets. It’s not clear what happened
here. (Update Nov 1, news stories indicate that new management had taken increased
risks of late, so previously it was high leverage but risk was lower – I still
don’t get why a broker needs to be leveraged like that)


We can be reasonably sure that it had highly paid risk officers who gave
assurance that everything was fine.


Just last week it released earnings ($192 million loss) for the three months
ended September 30. That release indicated it had a  net long $6.3 billion
position in approximate 12 month debt of various weak European nations, mostly
Italy. It’s quite possible that it
was a panic and loss of confidence and exodus of customers that precipitated the
bankruptcy. It is hard to believe that a company with around $1.2 billion in
equity would allow itself to go $6 billion long of rather suspect European sovereign
debt. Then again, maybe it all would have worked out as this debt was going to
mature in 12 months. It appears the market panicked and they got caught is some
kind of liquidity squeeze.


So what are the lessons?


One lesson is always be wary of any company with extreme leverage. When I
started this web site in 1999 I said in my CIBC



“Financial institutions are in many ways extraordinarily risky. They typically have very low equity and therefore extraordinarily high leverage. This is offset by the fact that their assets are extremely liquid and they are required to manage risks very tightly. CIBC apparently has an excellent system in place to manage risks. However, if their risk management systems were to fail disastrously it would likely be possible to bankrupt the corporation.”



That warning seemed rather strange when I made it in February of 2000.
Canadian banks did not “blow up” but anything with high leverage
always has that potential. And my warning of this risk suddenly seemed to make
more sense when we started to see large American investment banks implode in


If a financial company is both highly leveraged and engaged in complex trades
then we should probably avoid it. Of course, until recently European sovereign
debt was considered very safe.


One way to partially protect ourselves is to never get over-exposed to any
single financial company that has high leverage.


Given this blow-up at MF Global, I am glad that I never place my money with
any of the internet brokers. My money is with TD Waterhouse. It may not have the
most exotic trading tools. Neither do i need those. And I always felt my money
was safe at the likes of TD Waterhouse. I personally never liked the idea of
sending my money to the likes of interactive brokers or really anyone but the
largest Canadian bank brokers. Those other brokers might be safe, but I saw no
reason to leave TD Waterhouse.


October 30, 2011


I added a new article comparing
what it is like to quit your job and own a business as opposed to keeping your
job ansd investing in stocks as a way of owning businesses.


Here is my rough understanding of the Greek situation and this voluntary
agreement of bankers to accept 50 cents on the dollar.


This is not a default by Greece. That’s because it is voluntary.


The Institute of International Finance
represents banks and certain others that own Greek debt. This group has agreed
that its members will accept 50 cents on the dollar in return for getting a guarantee
by the European Union or one or other of its various bodies.


I believe the logic is that if these parties don’t accept 50 cents they may
get less or nothing.


But it’s not clear to me that the Institute could actually bind any of its
members to this. I think each member of the institute would have to decide if it
will do this. There may be a lot of pressure but each member surely hs the right
to decide this on its own. One such pressure is that bank regulators could tell
the banks that the Greek bonds must be backed by bank capital. Usually sovereign
debt can be held by banks on a 100% leverage basis, they can fund it with 100%
depositor money and none of the banks own capital. This pressure if applied
would make it hard for banks to hold the Greek debt.


It seems to me that anyone who is not a member of this institute that holds
Greek debt will get a free ride here. The institute members by agreeing to 50
cents will improve Greece’s finances to the point where the other bond holders
migt now expect to quite possibly get the full dollar as agreed.


There is an interesting Stewardship of the Commons concept at work here. An
individual member of the Institute might wish to hold out and let all the others
take 50 cents. But if enough hold out  then the whole plan falls apart.




October 27, 2011


Well, Thursday was certainly a banner day for stocks.


I did not happen to see any articles that actually explain what the deal is
and which investors are voluntarily accepting 50 cents on the dollar for Greek
debt. I will take the market’s word for it that this is quite positive.


In other news the U.S. GDP is estimated to have grown at some 2.5% in Q3 and
new jobless claims were a little lower than expected. So much for talk of double
dip recession (for today at least).


With the market up, my thoughts turned today to possibly beginning to lighten
up on some shares. Especially Wells Fargo. I kept buying Wells on dips and at
some point I should sell some on blips.


I looked at selling some covered calls on Wells Fargo. But from my quick look
at the premium I might receive, I saw nothing that made any sense to me. Wells
closed at $27.07. This afternoon when it was trading around that level, I looked
and if I wanted to sell a covered call for $32 with an expire in November of
December it appeared I would get less than 10 cents per share for that. Makes no
sense to me. And higher prices covered calls of $35 that would remain open for
several years until January 2014 appeared to offer about $2.55. This is not even
remotely attractive to me. I am certainly not going to waste my time on a few
cents per share. And if I sold a covered Call for $2.55 at $35 that would remain
open for up to 15 months, I would eventually be faced with buying that back,
perhaps at a higher price. It simply makes no sense to me. I have invested in individual
stocks for 20 years now and fairly actively for at least 12 years. I have never
sold a covered call and it does not appear that has hurt me. I did buy a few
options on Wendy’s once just before it was going to spin off Tim Hortons and I
recall I lost money. I may try to go another 20 years without bothering with
options. From my perspective options are a specialized product and they would
clutter up my thinking and my account if I got into them. No, I don’t think I


However, what I really should do is enter some orders to sell at least some
Wells Fargo and perhaps some others at current prices or perhaps a couple
dollars above current prices. By almost any standard, I am over-exposed to Wells
Fargo, Canadian tire and Melcor and I probably should be selling some on blips.
But given that I think these stocks are attractive at these prices I am
reluctant to part with any just yet.




October 26, 2011


Update: Markets are set to rise on Thursday as a sort of bail-out for Greece
has been apparently announced. Some private investors to accept 50 cents on the
dollar… Dow futures up about 115 points as of 11:40 pm eastern time


The major news items moving markets continues to be a combination of Q3
earnings and developments in Europe.


Apparently certain European banks will be asked to raise more capital. This
could mean selling shares at today’s low prices which existing shareholders
would not like. Or, it might mean raising debt financing, which might be
preferable if the interest rate is not too high. Some debt may be lent by this
European Financial Stability fund and I assume that would be at a low interest


As far as Greek debt I am not at all clear what the proposal is. Vaguely I
think it might be that the banks accept 50 cents on the dollar for Greek bonds
in the hopes that this helps out Greece and the remaining Greek debt would not
be defaulted on (well not yet at least).


Visa was out with a 14% increase in earnings. (Gee, who’d a thunk a
largely-unregulated-as-to-price semi-monopoly financial toll booth company would
have a big earnings gain…duh…I guess a lot of people thought it, it fell in
after hours trading so people must have expected even more).


I received the following question by email and thought the answer might be of
interest to others as well.


Question: What is the difference between CTC and CTC.a?



It’s a good question, especially given that Canadian Tire’s  CTC
shares are trading at $69.00 while its CTC.a sshares are at $59.80.


trades about 600 shares per day while CTC.a trades 228,000 per day. 


CTC are the voting shares. CTC.a are non-voting.


The founding family Martha Billes and son Owen Billes own 61.4% of the
voting. The Dealer’s holding company owns 20.5%, The deferred profit sharing
plan owns 12.2%. That accounts for 94.1%.


I believe there may other branches of the founding family that own these
shares as well. That does not leave many voting shares left trading…


There are only 3.4 million voting shares and there are 78 million
non-voting CTC.a shares.


The two Billes own only about 2 million CTC.a shares and so would
certainly not have control of Canadian Tire without this dual class share


Investment firm, Jarislowsky Fraser owns 12.8% of the non-voting shares
and no one else owns more than 10%.


My understanding from reading the annual report and Proxy Circular is that
there is no benefit to owning the CTC shares other than the right to vote. (And
since the Billes control the vote, that seems of little to no value.). In the
event of a take-over offer for the voting shares, the same price has to offered
to the non-voting share owners.


My recollection from my MBA days in the mid and later 80’s is that there
was a huge legal battle at one time and the law was made that the non-voting
shares must get the same offer as the voting shares in the event of a change of
control. It was called the coat-tail provision.


All in all, I don’t see why the voting shares should trade for a higher
price. In a number of other cases in Canada with dual class shares there is
little price difference. So I don’t know why the big difference has developed


In buying the voting shares I believe there is a risk that one of these
days the CTC.a shares will get the vote and then the premium would be gone.


In theory I think I should be very much against the existence of the dual
class shares.


However, the company seems well run and there has been stability. Perhaps
it is not such a bad thing…



October 25, 2011


There did not seem to be much good news today… poor earnings reports… Dow
down 207 points. U.S. markets down about 2%. Toronto down 0.4%. A bright spot
was Canadian Tire up a little and now getting close to $60.


Canadian earnings reports are starting to come in and we shall see what
tiding those bring.


I wonder if there are any Canadian Companies that Buffett might be interested
in acquiring given prices seem reasobale.


Firstly he far prefers private companies and not publicly traded companies,
although he occasionally goes taht route.


I wonder if Bombardier would ever be of interest (given its low share price).
It has the family running it and Buffett has often bought family controlled
companies. I suspect he would like the idea of their planes and trains, but the
industry may be far too competitive and far too involved with government
interference for his tastes. Canadian Tire is a possibility given what I think
is a low stock price and its solid history including its credit card business.
Shaw Communications is a possibility. Also Alimentation Couche-Tard, but it may
be expensive. He would like CN or CP but that could be problematic given he
already owns Burlington Northern and also they may be too expensive. As far as
private companies, I am really not aware of them. Overall, I guess I would not
hold my breath waiting for Buffett to announce any big Canadian acquisitions.


October 24, 2011


Monday was a strong day in the markets with the TSX up 1.8% and U.S. markets
up about 1%.


The news that Caterpillar has very strong earnings (up 44% in the quarter on
surging sales) and a strong out look for 2012 (up to 20% sales growth) is
encouraging. Also Fed Ex announced it will hire a lot more temporary workers
this Christmas compared to last year as it expects shipment volumes to be up
12%. Not exactly the recession doom and gloom that has been talked about so


October 23, 2011


Shaw Communications is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at $20.40. Note the attractive 4.5% dividend


October 20, 2011


It was another day with lots of news. Interestingly it seemed that the
killing of Moammar Gadhafi was greeted with something of a yawn. Perhaps because
it had been totally expected. Other news included that new jobless benefit
claims in the U.S. fell only very slightly this week.


Shaw Communications was out with earnings this morning. I will update the
report for Shaw within a few days. Microsoft released earnings after hours. It
appears that most of the earnings releases today were higher than expected (the
analysts had under estimated the earnings and or revenue).


October 19, 2011


I don’t usually have much patience for the notion that markets are so awfully
volatile today compared to the apst or that things are so bad “these
days”. The implication is that the past was wonderfully benign and
wonderful. In fact in general almost all the time things feel uncertain.
Volatility is the normal thing in markets.


But admittedly it does feel even more volatile of late. Today we had the Canadian
stock market down 1.7% and my U.S. banks got hit again. However Wal-mart and Canadian
Tire did well…


Let me return to my comment about companies “missing” analyst


In fact the reality is quite the opposite. It was the analysts who were WRONG
in their forecasts of the companies earnings. Most companies do NOT forecast
their own earnings and they certainly don’t promise to meet the expectations of
analysts. Companies earn what they earn and the results do tend to be lumpy and unpredictable
from quarter to quarter even for companies that are growing fairly steadily over
the years.


So, it was not Apple that “missed” earnings, it was the analysts
that “missed”.


If Apple stock was bid up due to too high analyst earnings expectations then
yes it is perfectly correct that the stock should fall. But Apple did not miss
anything, Apple grew its earnings by some 74% year over year as I understand it.
I don’t have any opinion on Apple as an investment. I just point out that there
is ridiculous focus on analyst earnings estimates and that the press has it
backwards in reporting who missed. Companies should studiously IGNORE analyst
earnings estimates, and simply go ahead and make money and grow. They should
spend a LOT less time talking to analysts. If they do that the stock price will


October 18, 2011


Wells Fargo is updated and is
rated Strong Buy at $25.86.


Wells Fargo rose 5.9% recovering most but not all of yesterday’s 8.4% drop.
Perhaps analysts had a chance to take a closer look at the earnings release. The
movement in Well’s share price goes to show that day-to-day volatility can be
severe but at least sometimes if fairly meaningless. In the end, the performance
of the bank will determine its share price over the years. In the meantime it is
guesses about the future that drive this stock (and all stocks) up and down.


Right now there is a HUGE focus on which companies are meeting or missing
analyst expectations. This is really unfortunate. The fact is with all the
moving parts no company should be expected to grow at extremely steady rates or
meet analyst expectations (guesses). Most companies have enough unusual items
that move around that even the CFO should have a hard time guessing where the
earnings will come in. Yet we expect companies to do that. The scary part really
is when they DO meet analyst expectations exactly. When that happens is
that because the analysts were so very clever in their forecasts? is it because
the company whispered the number in their ears? or, most scary of all, is it because
the company massaged the books to “make” the numbers?


More emphasis should be put on the outlook and the longer term outlook and a
bit less emphasis should be put on whether the quarterly earnings missed by a
penny or three, which would often amount to rounding errors.


In any event today bought another round of earnings, some that beat estimates
and some like Apple that missed.


Apparently later today markets were lifted by rumors of progress from Europe.


As always we shall see what tomorrow brings. (And then the day after
tomorrow we will forget about tomorrow and so on with ever too much focus on the
minutia and news of the moment and too little focus on the bigger picture and
the longer term, but such is life in the markets. In the end erratic behavior in
the market is to be taken advantage of and not to be feared).


October 17, 2011


The Dow was down 2.1% today. Toronto was down 1.3%.


Wells Fargo dropped 8.4% after releasing earnings. The share price decline is
disappointing. I have read the earnings release and it looked quite positive to
me. Earnings were up 21% year-over-year. Much of its business is growing but
there are some parts that declined. There are a lot of moving parts including
lumpy items like gains on securities and other mark-to-market gains or losses that
jump around each quarter.


So yes, it was disappointing see see an 8.4% price drop. I was certainly
hoping for a price increase. However such is the nature of the market.


We could still see a good recovery in Wells before year end if the European
situation is looking better and/or we get a general rise in the market. Also
there is the possibility of a dividend increase.


Meanwhile, I look at the fact that we have a huge and successful bank trading
at (just) book value. It is earning an ROE of 11.9%. If it can keep chugging along
doing that then its share price would eventually sort of pull itself up by its
own bootstraps as book values rises over time. And at some point (which could be
in a day, a month, a year or who knows how long) when confidence picks up we
should see a multiple expansion whereby it returns to trading at say 1.5 times
book value.


Sure there are always risks, but this bank looks like good value to me. I
have never seen any suggestion that it owns any Greek bonds. On the other hand
it does own “trading” assets and I don’t know exactly what those are.
So some Greek bonds are a possibility, but I would be very surprised if it was
anything material if they have any at all.


Wells Fargo bought Wachovia at a fire sale price and is almost finished
integrating it. I am expecting its revenues to begin to grow again and its
earnings to continue grow.


October 17 (prior to market open)


Wells Fargo is out with earnings that rose 21% from the prior year.
Apparently this was lower than the increase forcast by (guessed at?) by
analysts. The stock was down almost 5% in pre-market (oxymoron?) trading.


At a quick look the earnings appeared good to me. Progress continues. The
company appears to be trading at roughly 10 times earnings.


It’s interesting that the market still places much faith in analyst earnings
estimates. Anyone involved in any large organization would likely agree that it
is hard to predict the bottom line quarter to quarter as expenses and revenues
can be unpredictable. Years ago analysts could predict a quarterly earnings
number because management basically whispered the number in their ear. That was
always illegal but now the practice is rare. Company earnings are highly secret
until released. Any whispering of earnings before they are released would risk
jail time for aiding insider trading. So, my point is I don’t know why stocks
would trade based on insider earnings.


Given that Wells is making progress and trading at some 10 times earnings
this 5% drop in pre-market trading (again an oxymoron, that may constitute institutionalized
insider trading) may not hold. (The stock may rise as investors begin to digest
the earnings report in more detail).


October 16, 2011


Another company Omni-Lite Industries
has been added to our table above and is rated Speculative Buy at $1.60. Note
that it is a micro-cap company with a total equity market value of only about
$20 million. It may suffer from low trading volumes. Be cautious in placing Buys
or Sells for thinly traded stocks because the price can be quite volatile and
you can disadvantage yourself by trying to trade more than is offered or wanted
in the market at a given time. This is a high-tech manufacturing company and
appears to be a good company available at a good price. It definitely worth
considering. I am not sure that I will buy any due to lack of cash in my
accounts at the moment.


Kinder Morgan in the Unites States had announced a take-over offer for
El-Paso valued at $21 billion in equity or $38 billion counting debt. It appears
that the premium to the recent share price is about 37%. I don’t know what kind
of multiple of earnings or book value is being paid. However, this transaction
certainly indicates that the corporate take-over market is still in operation.
My sense is that many (perhaps most) stocks are trading at prices that make them
attractive take-overs. This sort of activity is a positive indicator for stock


UPDATE: Kinder Morgan is paying almost $27 per share. The company made $1.00
per share in 2010 and that was after two years of losses. The company has a book
value of around $8 per share. It would be very difficult to understand all the
aspects of the value of EL-Paso and what it is worth. About half its assets are
oil and gas properties and thiose do tend to be worth lots more than book value.
And some would argue that this company needs to vbe valued on cash flow and not
earnings.  But to me, the point is, on the face of it, this is an EXPENSIVE
transaction. EL-Paso is richly valued here. Meanwhile stocks in general are
cheap and trading on average closer to 14 times earnings rather than the 27
times paid here. This type of transaction gives me added comfort that stocks are
(on average) a good investment at current prices.


October 13, 2011


Financials got whacked today… And just when I was getting used to making
money most everyday.


Google was out with strong earnings after the close. Google’s revenues cone
from advertising and so this shows that businesses are spending on advertising.


Hopefully some more good Q3 earnings reports will come in tomorrow and next


October 12, 2011


Another strong day on the markets. The somewhat disappointing results from
Alco were brushed aside as PepsiCo came in with a good earnings report and the
outlook in Europe apparently brightened. I still expect developments in Europe
to alternative send the market into fits of despair and euphoria, and who know
to what degree in either direction.


I bought stocks fairly steadily on dips since around mid-August. Now I wonder
if I should trim positions just a little as they rise. So far I am not much
tempted to do so. But given I have quite large exposures to several stocks I
might trim them back a little if prices continue to rise. It might be a
reasonable strategy, sell on rallies and buy on dips. But I’m not sure it makes
sense to get into all that trading unless one had a very large portfolio (say
several million). And it might be okay if done on a very mechanical basis,
without thought or emotion. For me I would find it hard to be both holding and
selling. Sort of like sucking and blowing at the same time (whatever that means)
Not very satisfactory intellectually. So I may just hold my positions until and
unless something starts to look over-valued.


Given I am thinking of maybe trimming positions as stocks rise, another
thought is to sell covered calls now. If the price rises and a portion of my
stocks are sold, I would still benefit from the higher price on the remainder of
the stocks, plus collect the premium for selling the covered call. I have never
done that before. I think I would prefer to wait until after the Q3 earnings
come out. I’d hate to sell covered calls just before a (possibly) good earnings


October 11, 2011


This week has started off with strong gains on the markets. Tomorrow is
expected to start out to the downside becasue Slovakia did not approve some
matter associated with bailing out Greece.


WE are also into earnings season. Alcoa is out with earnings that are higher
than last year but lower than last quarter and apparently lower than expected.
The Market may begin to focus on earnings reports although developmests related
to the debt problems in Europe seem likely to dominate.


Meanwhile, I figure is we buy or hold stocks now when they seem cheap, that
will likely work out well in the long term. We have no control over world
events. But we can control which stocks we buy or sell and when.


October 9, 2011


The latest edition of the free newsletter
has just been sent out.


A number of articles in the Special
Reports (item 2 in the list just below the stock table above) have been
updated. This includes an update to our list of Global
ETFs. Almost every country looks reasonably cheap compared to earnings at
this time.


October 6, 2011


There was a lot of positive news today. A welcome respite from all of the
gloom and worry.


Wells Fargo up 3.6%, Bank of America up 8.8%. Canadian Tire up 3.3%. Melcor
up 5.8% and the company has been buying back shares.


There was report that big U.S. retailers had revenue growth of 5.5% this
September versus last year September. This story seemed to down-play the growth
suggesting it was due to price-cutting. Well, if prices were cut then IO guess
volume was up even more than 5.5% This looks like very good growth to me
considering how many people are spouting off about how terrible the economy is.




But will tomorrow (Friday) bring? In large part that may depend on the jobs
report due out tomorrow. I believe it is a monthly report. Expectations are for
it to be weak. If it is weak we will probably see the markets lurch down. But if
there is any sign of life in the thing that could be quite positive.


October 5, 2011


Markets continue to worry about Europe and Greek debt. Good or bad news of
that front will likely continue to send markets up or down respectively and
fairly violently.


There is some speculation that some large U.S. banks have
“exposure” to Greek debt. In particular Morgan Stanley. That may be
true, but that should have no direct impact on Wells Fargo or perhaps even Bank
of America (though I am less sure about it). The Investment Banks including
Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are primarily in businesses other
than traditional banking and money management. Investment Banks traditionally
acted as intermediaries to assist corporations to issue shares and to issue
debt. They also offer brokerage services and wealth management. And they trade
for their own account.


In recent years Investment Banks entered the business of buying and selling
derivatives including credit default swaps. Their primary business was certainly
not traditional banking in the sense of taking in deposits and making loans to
businesses and individuals.


These days Wells Fargo and Bank of America are also in the brokerage business
and do some investment banking. But I am reasonably certain that Wells Fargo is
not much into the business of buying and (especially) selling derivatives (they
would buy some for hedging purposes to be sure). And most or all of the traditional
big Investment Banks legally turned themselves into depository banks in 2008 in
order to access FED money. Still, Wells Fargo is definitely not primarily an
Investment Bank and I doubt that it has any material exposure to Greek Bonds.
Bank of America, I am less sure about but I would not expect that it has much
direct exposure.


Costco came out with a strong sales and earnings increase today.


October 4, 2011


Nothing to See Here?


It was a bit of an epic day for volatility in the U.S. markets. The Dow was
down over 200 points much of the day but roared back in the final hour to finish
up 153 points. Oil, I believe was down a couple dollars at times but finished up
a couple dollars in the end.


Apparently some modicum of potentially good news about banks from Europe
drove the market higher in the last hour. Well, whatever, no one really knows
where stock prices are headed, especially in the short term. Tomorrow the market
will focus on whatever new bits of news float by.


The key is to buy the best bargains you are aware of and are comfortable
holding. If you do that and the company grows its earnings, the stock price will
eventually follow. If corporate earnings (and their future potential) are the
substance of a company, its market price is more of a mere shadow. Too may of us
are far too fixated on the constantly flickering shadows. It may be best to
relax and think about companies rather than share prices.


October 3, 2011


I bought some shares of Stantec today. (updated yesterday)


I have added The Brick Inc. to
the list of stocks above. rated Speculative Buy at $2.35. It has been in something
of a recovery mode after incurring losses a couple of years ago and after
switching to corporate form. It used to be an Income Trust. It looks like an
okay investment. However, I would be inclined to wait and see its Q3 report in


Markets fell again today. It does not feel like a good time to be in the
markets. But, while things could get worse, I believe stocks are actually
attractively valued at this time. Patience and bravery will likely be rewarded though
perhaps not immediately.


U.S. banks in particular declined on fears of Greece debt and contagion. But
its not really clear that Wells Fargo
for example has any exposure at all to that debt.


Not all the news is bad…


The market today chose to ignore some good news such as a manufacturing index
that has apparently risen every month for 26 months now.


The price of oil has declined. This is positive for the U.S. economy.


Canadians bought a lot more cars in September. In the end the economy is
driven by the action of ordinary people working hard to buy things and then
working hard to pay for them.


Interest rates are at record lows. Bad for savers, but good for the profits
of corporations and good for stock prices.


Tomorrow as always is another day. We shall see where the markets take us
tomorrow… and the rest of the year.


October 2, 2011


Stantec is updated and is rated
Strong Buy at $23.35. It is certainly possible that its outlook will weaken due
to the possible recession in the U.S. On the other hand any effort to
build  jobs through government infrastructure spending will help it. The
bottom line is that the stock looks cheap. It should be a good long term
investment. A possible strategy would be to buy some now and then see how the Q3
report and outlook looks early in November.


Stantec was one of the first companies ever reviewed on this Site. Back in
September of 1999 we rated it Stron Buy at a (split adjusted) price of $2.50 per
share. The price is now 834% higher than that. The price has been volatile over
the years and it has not always been rated a Buy on this site. I don’t believe
we have rated it a Strong Buy any time in the past ten years until today. I plan
to buy some.


September 30 9:10 am eastern


Today is the last day of the third quarter as well as the last day of the
week. At the opening it appears stocks will be down.


Many investors decry volatility and manipulation. In reality if we can get
some idea of what companies are really worth by looking at fundamental data then
we can buy when stocks are manipulated down or fall on excessive general fear.
Volatility is the friend of the intelligent investor. (Though it may not always
feel that way).


September 28, 2011 


Our article that analyses whether or not the
overall Toronto Stock Index is fairly valued or not has been updated. The
TSX looks fairly valued at this time. Our last update on march 11 had indicated
that it looked 20% over-valued. This analysis is not supposed to be a short term
signal but rather is a long term indication of value. Still, it indicated the
market was over-valued in march and the TSX market has fallen considerably since


Today was of course a down day in the market. Given that stocks look to be
good value value. I am not going to worry about these dips. It’s the nature of
markets that the scariest looking markets are often the best bargains. Of course
the bargains could get even better before the market turns around. That is
simply the nature of the beast.


The lower price of oil should be helpful to the North American economy. And
the somewhat  lower Canadian dollar is helpful to many (although not all) Canadian


September 27, 2011


It was a strong day in the markets. Markets were very strong most of the day
but then declined to more modest gains. I expect markets to continue to react relatively
violently up and down with each bit of news. Futures tonight suggest the market
will open modestly lower tomorrow. Next week or the week after the market will
begin to focus on third quarter earnings reports. These will probably be good,
but the key is will they be as good as expected?


The Case Shiller home price index out today showed that U.S. home prices have
increased slightly in July for the fourth month in a row. However, on a
seasonally adjusted basis they were about flat in the latest reported month
(July). I am not sure id seasonal adjustments should really apply given the vast
changes in U.S. house prices these past few years.


September 26, 2011


Warren Buffett / Berkshire Hathaway announced today that its
Board had authorized management to buy back shares at a maximum price of 10%
above book value. 


I had speculated on September 6 (see below) that this might
happen. I am not sure I had ever in the 11 year history of this site speculated
that Buffett / Berkshire might buy back shares. If I did, it would have been
probably 2008 or eraly 2009 when Berkshire briefly  fell to or below book
value. I have studied Buffett enough now to have at least some small insight
into how he thinks and it is gratifying that I was able to correctly speculate
this action at this time.


Buffett has said before that in certain circumstances share
buy backs can be the best use of cash. But he has also pointed out that many
corporate share buy backs are completely irrational. Companies that buy back
shares to offse teh dilution of options are acting irrationally. A share
buy-back either is or is not good use of cash. The fact that options were issued
has nothing to do with it.


Buffett’s press release in a couple sentences contained a huge
amount of wisdom.


Our Board of Directors has authorized Berkshire


Hathaway to repurchase Class A and Class B shares of Berkshire
at prices no higher than a 10%


premium over the then-current book value of the shares. In the
opinion of our Board and


management, the underlying businesses of Berkshire are worth
considerably more than this


amount, though any such estimate is necessarily imprecise. If we
are correct in our opinion,


repurchases will enhance the per-share intrinsic value of
Berkshire shares, benefiting


shareholders who retain their interest.



The repurchase program is expected to continue


indefinitely and the amount of purchases will depend entirely
upon the levels of cash available,


the attractiveness of investment and business opportunities
either at hand or on the horizon, and


the degree of discount from management’s estimate of intrinsic
value. The repurchase program


does not obligate Berkshire to repurchase any dollar amount or
number of Class A or Class B




Absolutely everything in this press release is 100%
consistent with Buffett has said about rational share repurchase programs over
the years.


I read a number of shoddy opinions on this today that
contained various errors about this and expressed surprise at this announcement.
This should not have been a surprise. Buffett / Berkshire has not previously
bought back shares. But in part that was because those shares have seldom traded
near or below book value over the past 25 or more years.


Many of the analysts commenting today do not even seem to have
a clue as to the difference between book (accounting) value and intrinsic (true)


Some analysts wrote that share buy backs are equivalent to a
dividend. This is simply not true, not from the perspective of the company, the
selling shareholders, or the continuing shareholders. Buffett makes no real
distinction between the perspective of the company and the continuing
shareholders. He runs the company and always has on behalf of its shareholders
especially long term shareholders who have no plans to sell.


In other news it was of course a strong day on the markets.
Wells Fargo and Canadian Tire did well. 




September 25, 2011


Microsoft is updated and rated
Strong Buy at $25.06. There are no guarantees but this looks like an excellent
company available at a very attractive price.


On Friday a piece of news caught my attention. This news indicated that
American credit card delinquencies have not only declined from the high levels
of two years ago but they are a t record lows. In the midst of all the gloom and
doom it turns out people are managing to do a better job of paying their credit
bard bills than ever. This bodes well for Wells Fargo. I certainly expect (but
cannot guarantee) that Wells Fargo
will report a strong quarter in Q3. I expect higher profits due to lower loan
losses. They may show a negative growth (shrinkage) in the amount of loans and
they may show lower net interest margins. But barring some unusual write-offs I
think profit growth will be strong.


Here is the story about better credit card delinquencies:


September 22, 2011


Markets are down almost 20% from their peak values of earlier this year. Once
they cross 20% we will be told we are officially in a bear market. I find it
kind of odd to conclude at minus 20% that we are in a bear market. I would say
instead that it shows that we have been in a bear market since the last peak. No
one knew for sure that we were. And no one knows for sure where markets go from
here. So I find the idea of hanging a bear market label on the market now to be
of little use. If we had known for sure back at the peak that we would fall 20%
then of course we could have stepped aside. But we did not know then that it
would fall 20% and we don’t know now where it will head next.


My approach will always be to buy when stocks (actually companies) look to be
good value based on a rational analysis and sell if they look too expensive. And
I will generally buy and sell one stock at a time.


In that vein I bought a bit more Melcor


Right now markets are focused on government actions. It will be a relief to
get to the middle of October when the market can be more focused on corporate


After the close today Nike came out with a 15% increase in earnings – this
was higher than expected. It’s an indication that the economy still has some
strength in it. Rumors of the death of the economy are greatly exaggerated.


September 22, 2010 (9:25am eastern)


Just prior to the opening of trading it looks like the market will drop
another 2.5% or so at the opening. It is said that the markets are alternately
ruled by fear and greed. Clearly fear is in the drivers seat right now.


This sort of think is characteristic of equity markets. Those who truly can’t
stomach these events really should not be in the market.


Personally. I have lived through many of these kind of days and a few bear
markets and came out okay in the end. I can make no guarantees but I do expect
to come out of this okay as well although it can certainly get much worse before
it gets better.




September 21, 2011


North American stock markets tumbled 2 to 3% on Wednesday after the FED came
out with negative comments on the economy and announced it would sell short-term
bonds to buy long-term bonds. It seems “the market” does not believe
this bond buying will stimulate the economy.


So this is nasty for those invested in stocks. We might wish we had sold
earlier perhaps with a view to buying bargains at some point.


In any event there are some positives to consider.


Luckily the economy mostly takes care of itself and will survive with or
without whatever tricks the FED or the government gets up to. Sure, business is
slower than we would like but the economy has not exactly ground to a halt. Most
companies are still making excellent profits.


At about 12:30 am Thursday morning eastern time, futures markets suggest the
DOW will open down another 50 points.


While it seems painful now, indications are that stocks are worth buying and
worth holding at this point.


Remember, the people who own the businesses in your community are not likely
to be panicking and selling their businesses. So why should we panic and sell
our shares in businesses?


Wells Fargo and Bank of
America (as well as Citi) had their credit ratings down-graded by Moody’s today,
on the basis that they feel it is less likely that the government would rescue
these banks if they ran into trouble. Hmmm well if I though Wells Fargo was in
any danger of needing a rescue I would not own it in the first place. (Wells
Fargo got TARP money in 2008, but it never asked for it and it never needed it
and it repaid it).


The Canadian dollar declined to just under par. That is a good thing. We
would probably be better off as a Country if it was closer to 90 cents.


September 20, 2011


Microsoft has raised its dividend by 25%, after the close today. Dividend
yield is still only 3% or so but still this is a positive signal. Amid the gloom
most companies are still making money.


Markets went higher today on hoped for an announcement tomorrow of some sort
of FED stimulus. Gains were strong at one point today but later petered


Canadian Tire made a nice 2.8% increase today. Visa
was up over 3% today and is now at almost $93 after having slipped under $80
in mid-August. As I have said about this company before, it’s hard to keep a
good monopoly down. Sadly I had sold my VISA at about $87 in the tense time
leading up to the debt ceiling situation and had not bought it back when it
fell. Ahh well, I remain confident that my big bets on Melcor, Canadian Tire and
Wells Fargo will pay off.


September 19, 2011


At the moment it appears that bad news from Europe and Greece is going to
pull the market down this week. But who knows?, these things can change rapidly.


Tonight Barry Allan on Lang and O’Leary was suggesting that Greek bonds will
default and will pay out less than 20 cents on the dollar. Just a few years ago
all the bank regulators thought those bonds had zero risk. As I
wrote back in about 2001, this whole notion that risk can be measured and
that we can talk about risk-adjusted assets or risk-adjusted returns is so much
nonsense. Certainly the European banks and their regulators measured the risk
wrongly. It’s astounding that Greece was lent so much money that they can
perhaps only pay back 20 cents on the dollar.


Greek bonds were deemed safe by Standard and Poors. I read the Standard and
Poors report that down-graded the United States debt. It struck me as very
superficial. They focused mostly on debt to GDP ratios and on the political
gongshow. Those are two very valid points. But they did not mention that a
higher debt to GDP ratio is reasonable at low interest rates. They did not look
at the interest payments as a percent of the revenue. They did not mention much
if anything about the fact that a large portion of the United States government
debt is owed to other government entities including notably the social security
fund. They did not attempt to show any kind of balance sheet. Oh, and they did
not even mention the ability of the United States to print money and the
implications of that. On that basis I conclude their report on the United States
was superficial at best. The United States may indeed deserve a downgrade. But
the standard and poors report did not do any kind of proper analysis in my


See for your self.


United States of America Long-Term Rating Lowered To ‘AA+’ On Political Risks And Rising Debt


Burden; Outlook Negative


Canadian Tire has a book value
per share of $50.25 and trades at $57.00 or 13% above book value. This company
in the past four quarters has made a return on equity of 10.2%. So, one estimate
of what you might earn from buying Canadian Tire shares is 10.2/1.13 or 9.0%. If
the company has earnings of 9% of the share price and if as in the case of
Canadian Tire 1.9% comes to you as dividends then an amount equal to 7.1% is
retained then the book value grows each year by 7.1% of the share price. If the
price to book value multiple were to stay at 1.13 then you would realize your
9.0% return as 1.9% in dividends and 7.1% in share price gain. Historically,
Canadian Tire has traded well above 1 times book value and on that basis a (beneficial)
increase in the price to book value ratio seems more likely than a decrease.


Another way to look at book value is; what kind of assets are we getting for
our $57? Well, pretty solid assets, Canadian Tire’s assets (prior to the recent
Forzani’s purchase) are 60% current assets (mostly credit card receivables from
customers, inventories, trade receivables and cash). Another 28% of the assets
are property and equipment. The rest is mostly long-term receivables. There is
only a tiny amount of purchased goodwill (about a half of one percent of the
assets, this from the Mark’s Work Wear House acquisition). They own 70% of the
Canadian Tire Store buildings. (Mark’s locations may be primarily leased). Given
that the Canadian Tire store lands and buildings were bought or built over a
period of some years, I would expect that the market value of these stores if
quite a bit higher than book value.


Consider that Target has recently paid $1825 million to acquire the leasehold
rights for up to 220 Zellers locations. This amount paid may provide some clue
as to the value of the Canadian Tire stores. I searched for information on
exactly what it is they are getting for that money. Astoundingly, I could not
find anything on that. I searched the transcript of the two analyst conference
calls after this purchase and no analysts even asked what they are getting for
the money.  This works out to $8.3 million just for the right to take over
the leases!!! That is astounding. They won’t own these stores. A possible
explanation for this is that Zellers had locked in leases for many years at low
prices. Maybe, but it would take a LOT of years at a very low price to justify
$8.3 million per store. And actually it’s clear that many of the locations are
marginal. Target only plans to actually use about 135 locations and will
re-lease the marginal ones or re-sell the lease rights. And, by my experience
the Zellers locations are not prime locations. They tend to be in older malls.
To my knowledge Zellers does not have the big free standing stores that would be
most attractive. I don’t think they are in the newer retail power centers.


Canadian Tire has 487 stores. Not all of these are the larger ones but
many are. I would suspect that these stores, 70% and 30% leased would be far
more valuable than the Zellers locations. My point is, Canadian Tire appears to
have very solid assets that are almost certainly worth a large premium over book
value and yet you can buy their shares at just 1.13 times book value. Perhaps
the purchase of Forzani’s changes this a little as they are paying a large
premium over book vale to get the Forzani locations. But again if Forzani’s was
worth very substantially more than book value, this is another indication that
the Canadian Tire stores are worth much more than book value. It’s always possible
that their credit card receivables are a problem and are worth less than book
value. But I see no indication of this. The Mark’s operation faces stiff
competition and it might not be worth any more than its book value, if that.
But, Mark’s represents only 9% of earnings, so that does not change the equation




September 18, 2011




There is ALWAYS plenty to worry about when you invest money in stocks. There
are always some analysts predicting a stock market crash. Right now now of the
monsters that are said to be lurking include:


1. Defaults by European countries causing a crisis at European banks which in
turn could turn into a world wide credit crisis.


2. U.S. could ultimately default on its huge debts causing perhaps a


3. U.S. could print massive amounts of money to pay off foreign dents causing
massive inflation.


4. Global growth could slow to about zero or less due to aging populations in
the developed countries. And it said that stocks will not offer a good return
without economic growth.


5. Energy shortages could curtail growth.


I could go on moving from the possible to the absurd, world nuclear war,
world-wide pandemics, end of the world, attack by aliens from outer space. There
is never any shortage of things to worry about.


To be flippant, I could just point out that life is indeed risky. Meanwhile
we still need to get on with living and investing.


Today, let me address a couple of specific points that “bears” have


A professor Gary Shilling has popularized the use of a 10-year P/E in place of
the regular P/E. This is the stock price divided by the average earnings from
the last 10 years. Naturally, given growth, the average earnings over 10 years
tend to be lower than the most recent year’s earnings and so automatically this
10-year P/E is on average lower than the regular P/E. The idea behind the
10-year P/E/ is that it insure we get a more normalised earnings figure. Regular
P/Es can appear high simply due to a temporary drop in earnings. And a regular
P/E can appear attractively low based on a spike in earnings.


Most of what I have read suggest the P/E 10 is still at the higher end of the
range suggesting stocks are expensive.


I calculated today the P/E 10 on the Dow Jones Industrial Average and I found
it is below its historic average. That would suggest stocks are cheaper than


My data indicates the average PE 10 on the DOW since 1938
is 19.8 and we are sitting at 16.8.



So, stocks are cheaper than average. The lowest P/E 10 was
8.9 at the end of 1981. The biggest peak by far was (surprise it was 1999) at
43.0. The second highest peak was 1965 at 26.0. (it accurately signaled stocks
were over-priced). The data here would seem to suggest that on a cyclic P/E
basis the stock market is cheaper than average but by far not as cheap as 1981.
However, considering that the 10-year bond yield in 1981 was something like 16%
and today it is 2%, an argument could be made that stocks are indeed very cheap.


Many bears suggest that if economic growth is zero then stocks must fall.


Well, maybe. But I am not convinced that is the case. In a
zero growth economy, some companies still grow. Also the non-growing companies
can stop investing for growth and can increase their dividends. Or dividend
buy-backs may increase earnings per share. Growth in the economy does make it
easier to make money in stocks. But zero growth does NOT mean that companies
stop earning money.


As always there are no guarantees in the market. But on
many measures stocks look cheap to me. I am not going to be scared away. But
each person’s tolerance for risks varys and investors must remember that you are
grown ups. Invest at your own risk.


September 16, 2011


Decent gains in the market today, especially for financials.


I am sitting tight, not selling or buying. (except I have an order to add a
bit to Melcor).


September 15, 2011 (9:10 am eastern), (from Cranbrook B.C.)


Markets were strong on Wednesday. In particular a strong gain
for Canadian Tire. Although world financial events are a risk, I do feel good
about owning Canadian Tire as well as in particular Wells Fargo and certainly


September 13, 2011


Canadian Western Bank
is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $27.50. They just keep chugging along with
nice growth almost every year. This is one of the very first companies that I
ever had on this site and it is up 457% since I first looked at it and rated it
a Strong Buy on August 5, 1999. Investors would have done well buying and
holding. But in particular there were times like 2008 where its price dropped a
lot. Going forward it should continue to gain over the years although the share
price can certainly decline with recessions or credit crisis as we recently saw.


Futures are indicating a negative day in the markets tomorrow. If we can get
through September without too much damage from the Greece and Europe situation I
do expect many of Q3 earnings reports to come in strong. It’s always possible
though that we will see stocks drop a lot more yet before an ultimate recovery.
That is ALWAYS the case. In this game we do tend to get rewarded longer term for
holding good companies but not without pain along the way (witness Canadian
Western Bank, even it fell horribly in 2008/2009 – like around 70% peak to
trough but it recovered). Good companies do grow over the years…


September 12, 2011


On Sunday night I wondered if Monday would bring market losses or would it be
market gains. The answer came today, at first losses (although a few stocks
including Canadian Tire did well all day) but at the end of the day a late surge
and a gain for the day in the U.S. (Canada remained with losses due mostly to
Gold companies).


The roller coaster continues. The late rally today was apparently due to a rumor
that China will invest in Italian debt. Whatever. This is all just noise in the
end. Most of these world events can indeed push stock prices down in the short
term. But long term will not have a lot of impact on the value of Canadian Tire
and Wells Fargo and most companies like that.


Strange things are happening. Apparently the amount to insure a $10 million
Greek five year bond is over $5 million. I wonder what Buffett would think of
those odds. AIG got crushed selling bond default insurance, but they charged I
believe a fraction of a penny on the dollar. Even if Greek default is likely,
getting paid 50 cents on the dollar to insure Greek debt might be a very decent
bet. (The thought is any default would not result in a total loss, the defaulted
Greek bonds would likely pay out at some amount on the dollar.) Not sure Buffett
would take that on. I am sure though that he would be criticized if he did.
Hopefully Greece can find some assets to sell off and pay down some debt. (Privatize
highways and anything else the government owns, sell some government buildings.
One does what one must. If one is honorable that is)


September 11, 2011


But Where Will We Be Tomorrow…?


Futures on late Sunday night suggest the markets will open down another 80
points on the DOW. But a lot can chance by morning.


September 10, 2011


On Friday stocks fell hard on fears that Greece will default on its debt
causing losses for various banks and generally creating havoc in the world
financial system and possible the world economy.


On Saturday Greece’s Prime Minister vowed that the country will not default
on its debts.


I have just updated our article that calculates
the fair value of The Dow Jones Industrial Average based on its earnings and
assuming that the earnings can grow at 5% per year and assuming that a normal
P/E for the DOW after a ten-year holding period is 15 and assuming that
investors require an 8% annual return. On that basis, the DOW appears to be
about 15% under-valued at this time. Meanwhile on a similar basis the S&P
500 (which has a higher P/E ratio)  appears to be about 3% under-valued.


Clearly we are getting mixed messages.


Based on current earnings and earnings projections for the DOW and the
S&P 500, stocks appear to be a safe long-term investment.


On the other hand we see warnings of various disaster on the world financial
scene that could throw North America into recession and cause the earnings to


If we consider a ten year horizon stocks would appear to be attractive unless
we get a severe recession and no significant recovery from recession for some


Government bonds meanwhile offer a paltry 2% return for a ten year term.
Bonds have essentially been priced to yield unreasonably low returns for some
years now. However as yields have fallen even further, bonds have given
unexpected capital gains. These surprise capital gains must surely come to an
end soon. Mathematically, the remaining possible gains on a 10-year bond are now
small. If the ten year government yield falls from 2% to 1%, that would create a
capital gain of only about 10%. It seems inconceivable that investors would
drive the yield on government bonds down to 1%. It was also inconceivable that
they (or someone) would drive the yields down to 2%, but they did.


To borrow an argument from, Warren Buffett, stocks appear to be priced to
earn in the range of 8% per year on average over the years (and certainly that
would be a very bumpy 8%, with losses some years) while a ten year government
bond held to maturity WILL earn 2%. You have to be very pessimistic to believe
that stocks will not out perform bonds over the next ten years.


Stock investors are no doubt feeling quite shell shocked. And there may be
more shocks ahead. In all probability those stock investors who can withstand
the risk will be rewarded (at least eventually) for hanging on.


Hopefully there will be better news out of Europe next week. And by
mid-October we will see the Q3 earnings reports which are expected to show that
large companies for the most part are continuing to earn good profits.


I have also updated the composition of my own
portfolio. I have a lot riding on the performance of Wells Fargo and
Canadian Tire.


September 8, 2011


Tomorrow Friday, markets will react to Obama’s jobs speech to congress ands
the senate which he made Thursday Night. As of 11:40 pm eastern futures are
indicating a mildly positive reaction. The market’s reaction will also depend on
whether or not the Republicans indicate an agreement to move quickly on Obama’s stimulus
and job creation ideas.


So short, term we keep getting bounced around with each bit of news. The
longer term picture is that stocks are cheap compared to their earnings and
especially considering today’s low interest rates. Therefore it is likely (but
no guaranteed) that stocks will provide a good return over the next few years.


September 6, 2011 


Well, today did not turn out so bad after all. Sure the DOW was down 100
points. But last night the futures suggested it would be down over 200 points
and at one point today it was down just over 300 points.


I’ve spent almost all I reasonably can and in retrospect I went back into the
market too quickly (I had cut back my equity exposure in early August) and
should have kept more powder dry. Such is life. But I think things will work out
well for me. But not necessarily without scary moments along the way.


I was looking at Berkshire Hathaway
today. The A shares trades at $102,575 . (The B shares at 1 1500th of that). By
the way, these A shares are the same shares that were about $15 when Buffett
bought up a controlling position in Berkshire and proceeded to turn a textile
company into an investment company. The book value of Berkshire was $98,850 at
the end of Q2. So, Berkshire is trading not much over book value. Buffett has
indicated he believes it is worth substantially more than book value. So, it is
always possible that we could, for the first time, see Berkshire buy back some
of its own shares. Then again that never happened in 2008 when Berkshire fell
hard and I suspect was below book value. But Buffett has said he considered
buying back shares at that time.


Basically, I am certain we will see Buffett continue to put money to work. He
will always maintain a large cash position as a cushion in case cash is needed.
But with the excess amount of cash, Buffett will be looking to buy companies at
bargain prices. And failing that he just might buy back some shares. He has
always said that buying back shares should be done if that is the best use of
the money. However, perhaps Buffett will have no trouble finding comapnies to
buy that are more attractive than Berkshire’s own shares. These days Berkshire
is so huge that it seems to stuggle to earn even a 10% ROE, although the goal is
closer to 15%. If Buffett can find acquisitions that earn more on investment
than he expects Berkshire to earn then he will not buy Berkshire shares at book


What will tomorrow bring? Who knows, but as of 11:37 pm eastern time, the
futures are suggesting the Dow will open about 50 points higher than its close
today. We shall see.


September 5, 2011


So let’s see the long weekend is about over and apparently markets will start
off to the down-side on Tuesday (following European markets down).


As of 9:30 pm the futures were suggesting the DOW would be down about 234
points at the open. We shall see these things can change in either direction by


Well, no one ever promised markets would never go down, did they?


Some will see this as a sign to run for the hills and dump stocks. Others
will see it as a buying opportunity. If markets continue down then clearly the
first group would have been right. At some point the second group will be


I’ve been in the camp that figured it was good to buy on the way down. On
Friday I added a bit more Melcor and some Bank of America.


Here in Edmonton things certainly seem prosperous. On Saturday I drove to
Costco (which was packed with shoppers) along the way I passed by lots of brand
new commercial buildings.


The price of oil was down $2.50 to $84 today. This cheaper oil has a stimulus
effect on the economy.


Tonight all the news seems bad but who knows what the economic reports will
bring this week and this month and this fall. It will not be all bad news.


September 2, 2011 9:30 am eastern


Markets were set to open down because the U.S. created no net jobs in August.
This seems to be out lot, markets continue to lurch down and up on each new bit
of news.


Shaw Communications announced
it will not enter the cell phone business. Overall, that seems like a good
decision to me. It’s an intensely competitive business. Shaw may or may not face
some write-offs if it disposes of its wireless spectrum. Shaw’s year end was at
the end of August and we will know more when it reports its annual results. I
was regretting that I had sold my Shaw shares in early August and then bought
back only a few. Right now I will take a wait and see attitude. However I might nibble
at it if the price went under $20.


Melcor announced it will buy back
shares and opined that its shares are under-valued. I agree, they are and I may
buy more.


August 31, 2011


It was a decent day in the markets. In particular, Wells Fargo was up 2.8%.


At the moment I am basically sitting tight, neither buying nor selling.


August 31, 2011 7:28 am eastern


(Apologies for a lack of the daily comments Monday and
Tuesday evening, I was traveling without internet access.)


Couche-Tard reported a strong
earnings increase yesterday but apparently failed to meet analyst expectations
and the share price fell. It’s  a great company and held up very well
through the darker days of August.


It was nice to see Canadian Tire up over 5% on Monday and a bit more Tuesday.


Looks like my fears
about Sino-Forest which I expressed way back in 2005 (and with recent link
on home page) were indeed well founded.


August 28, 2011


Canadian Tire is updated and
rated Strong Buy at $52.40. Simply put it looks quite attractive to buy this at
just 4% over book value and at a P/E of 10.5. There are certainly no guarantees
and there are always reasons to hesitate buying (financial world could blow up,
stiff competition, slower growth, recession, overall market could decline and
other fears). But the company looks like it is priced quite attractively. I am
very comfortable owning and buying these shares.


August 25, 2011


My article on the valuation
of the S&P 500 index is updated. It suggests that the S&P 500 is now
about fairly valued. Our prior update of this article in February had suggested
the index was about 13% over-valued.


Our analysis suggests that the S&P 500 will return an average of some 6
to 10% per year over the next decade (with some years certainly being negative).
We assume investors require a return in that range. Given a 10-year U.S. bond
yield of 2.2%, it may be that investors require substantially less than 8%. In
that case perhaps the S&P 500 is under-valued. Perhaps our assumed earnings
growth rate of 5% is too high. But any way I look at it, the index appears to be
far more attractive than investing in U.S. ten year bonds.


August 25, 2011 (12:40pm eastern)


Warren Buffett’s $5 billion investments in Bank of America preferred shares
and 10-year common share warrants should not come as a shock to anyone. This is
exactly the type of investment Buffett made in late 2008 in Goldman Sachs, and
General Electric. Many analysts following Bank of America were probably thinking
about this scenario since it would seem a good fit for Buffett (though only
Buffett gets to judge what is REALLY a good fit).


Bank of America shares were driven down mostly on fears that it would be
forced to raise equity capital at a low stock price. Now, the shares are up on
news that it has raised preferred share capital. It has in effect alos raised
equity capital since part of the money it received is for warrants to buy
shares. It has in fact agreed to sell Berkshire a  LOT of shares at a low


Buffett has also said he was buying (un-named) shares in August. I suspect
that included Wells Fargo. He is seeing bargains out there. Who will be proven
right? the market (the average investor) or Warren Buffett?


Canadian Tire was down again yesterday even as the market rallied. I
certainly don’t see the justification for the decline. Time will tell.


August 23, 2011


A strong day in the markets. It seems to be a case of “get in, sit down,
buckle up, shut up, and hang on tight”. We are likely to get to where we
want to be (higher markets) but with a seriously bumpy ride.


I have been on holidays but plan to get back to more updates soon. No
shortage of bargains out there.


Market is hoping Fed will give us QE3 on Friday. It’s time they stopped such meddling!


While many predict doom, I figure: Big companies are not about to stop making
money any time soon. These big companies are cheaper (in relation to earnings
and book value) than they have been in many years (save near the 2009 lows).
Buying these companies now is likely to work out well. If they make money, we as
owners will eventually share in that.


August 22, 2011 


Markets started this week off with a small rise. As of Monday night futures
indicated it might open about even tomorrow.


The Fed chair will apparently make some speech at Jackson Hole Texas this
week and it was hoped it might include QE3 to stimulate the economy. Warren
Buffett has pointed out that the massive U.S. deficit is already a stimulus
though it is not called that.


It is beyond me why the Fed or the U.S. government should take much concern
with stock market values. Government should stick to doing its own job,
investors don’t need any help figuring out what to pay for stocks.


Mortgage delinquencies improved a little in Q2 on a non-seasonally adjusted


On a seasonally adjusted basis they were a bit worse but it makes no sense to
seasonally adjust these figures. That’s because the recent delinquencies are
massively higher than they were a few years ago and so there is no reliable data
to see the seasonality. (The raw data moves vastly overwhelm the old seasonal


Fear seems to be the main emotion in the market. At some point optimism and
greed will return.


Treasury bond yields are at stupidly low levels due to fear. Do we investors
really think a 10-year Treasury at 2.1% will do better than buying corporations
that have dividend yields higher than that and earnings yields vastly higher?


August 22, 2011 9:05 eastern


About 25 minutes before the opening of trading, the futures suggested the DOW
would open 150 points higher. Most stocks look cheap but various threats of
recession and European financial crisis will likely keep the market very


Buffett believes that housing starts currently at 600k per year will recover
to 1000k per year or more and that will increase employment significantly. See
lengthy Buffett transcript from a recent appearance on Charlie Rose show.*blog*&par=RSS


August 19, 2011 (7:25 eastern)


The Dow was predicted by the futures to open about another 150 points


Oil is down to $80. At some point the lower oil price, if maintained, will
act as a stimulus to the economy. My assumption is that we are not into a credit
crisis like 2008 and that markets are unlikely to fall like they did in 2008 (of
course their no guarantees). Success will likely come from buying stocks when
they are cheap. They do seem cheap now. The question is will they be even
cheaper later? I don’t think anyone really knows. My approach has been to buy on
the dips. (I bought a bit more Wells Fargo yesterday and placed an order below
the market price for more Melcor). It seems I may have bought too early in
recent weeks. Such is life. I expect the market to continue to roil up and down
with the latest bit of news.


Futures data


August 18, 2011 9:25 am eastern


Markets were set to open down 250 points on the Dow due to the latest
unemployment and inflation numbers. This seems typical of market action lately,
a relatively violent reaction to each bit of news.


Melcor, this week announced the
sale of one of its newer investment properties that it had built in Edmonton,
the Market at Mcgrath. The price was $34.5 million and they will have $15
million cash after paying of the mortgage. It seems clear that they got a nice
gain on the sale versus what they built it for. However with the new IFRS
accounting the market value gain was already recognized retroactively on January
1 with the switch to IFRS. Overall this looks moderately positive. Melcor is
selling a building at what may be the top of the real estate market or certainly
into a strong real estate market. They can then re-deploy this cash into cheaper
assets such as the apartments they have been buying in Texas. While there is
always the risk that Melcor’s lands will drop in value, I like the company and I
have been buying on recent dips.


August 17, 2011


Filings this week revealed that Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway had
bought more shares of Wells Fargo. This
was in Q2, before the recent sharp price drop in Wells Fargo. Presumably he
would also have been buying in August as the price dropped.  I bought a few
more shares yesterday.


Yesterday about the only stock I have that was up noticeably was Walmart.
Canadian Tire was down yesterday and I was tempted to buy more. I may do so


U.S. housing starts in July were down slightly from June but up about 10%
from the prior year. A separate report said the builders remain cautious in
their outlooks. Buffett has said that when housing starts recover that is when
the unemployment rate will drop.


As interest rates continued to plummet in the U.S. refinancings are up. This
is good for the banks who make fees on this and who typically have either sold
the mortgage or hedged the risk so they do not suffer from the lower interest
rate. This refinancing could also release more money for U.S. consumers. The
30-year fixed rate in the U.S. is just 4.32% all-in. That seems incredibly low
for a 30-year rate. The 15 year fixed rate is 3.50%. Which is comparable I
believe to the five year rate in Canada.


August 16, 2011 8:42 eastern time


Walmart earnings came out and were good. Housing stocks fell less than
expected. German GDP worse than expected.


Just another day, I suppose, when the market will roil around reacting to the
latest bit of news.


I am traveling in the Maritimes until close to the end of August and then
will get back to more frequent updates of companies.




August 15, 2011 (8:10 am eastern)


Markets appear set to open higher this morning.


Perhaps things will settle down this week. Lower oil prices should be viewed
as very positive for the economy.


Every time we get a sharp market decline it feels like the end of the financial
world. Afterwards we realize it was at some point an investment opportunity.


August 11, 2011


To paraphrase Alice, things are getting curiouser and curiouser. The Red Queen
said she sometimes believed up to six impossible things before breakfast. In
recent weeks we had some impossible things happening. Downgrade of U.S.
bonds – promptly followed by a sharp increase in price in those bonds instead of
a decrease. Talk of the demise of the U.S. dollar. Bans on short selling in
Europe. Bond market pricing in zero inflation even as there is talk of the need
to inflate away the debt. Talk of paying down debt while never raising taxes.
Markets going down 500 points, then up 500 the next day and then down 500.
Reports today of lower jobless claims just when everyone had seemed to agree the
U.S. economy was finished. Curiouser and curiouser indeed.


It was nice to see markets rise today. Canadian Tire earnings were disappointing
although its sales were good.


It would be great if we could finish off the week on an up note tomorrow. But
right now the futures suggest a modestly down day. But many news items will
happen between now and the end of trading tomorrow.


August 11, 2011 8:45 am eastern


We should see companies dive in and buy back shares at bargain prices. Some
like Bank of America are not in a position to do so. But Wells Fargo and many
others are in a position to do this.


Canadian Tire earnings are out and are mixed news. Earnings are down 14% but
sales are up 5% and credit card receivable loan performance is improved. Given
the recent share price decline, this report looks like the share price decline
was over-done. We shall see how the market reacts. ROE is still pretty good at
around 9% and you can buy it not much over book value. That is attractive in our
very low interest rate world.


August 11, 2011 7:45am eastern


As of about 7:40 am eastern time markets appear set to open slightly to the
down side.


If it is any comfort, the following two articles show that 1. Steep market
losses are not uncommon and have happened to basically every equity investor
both in the savings phase and in retirement and 2. In spite of episodes of steep
losses, equity investors have done well over the years. The current crisis
always seems worse than past ones. The end of the financial world has been
predicted many times in the past century and yet we have had huge progress over


Gains and Losses
during Savings phase 30-year periods starting each year from 1926 to 1981


Equity Value during Retirement
phase 30-year periods starting each year from 1926 to 1981


August 10, 2011


The U.S. markets suffered more stiff losses around 4% while the TSX was up


The way I look at this is: Of course I would have been better off selling out
two weeks ago. But that option is not open. I think about where the market might
be in five years and I figure it will be higher. And it won’t really matter how
it gets there, in a straight line or (more realistically) in a very volatile
fashion. I can use the volatility to try to buy at the lower prices and
ultimately in five years the market will be where it will be. Volatility can
actually work to the advantage of investors.


I am already heavily invested in Wells Fargo but could not resist adding more
today. I also bought some Berkshire.


As of about  8 pm eastern, the futures markets are up 44 points for the
DOW. But that may be meaningless as last night they were up a similar amount but
were down 250 points by the opening this morning.


U.S. ten-year bond yields are down around 2.1% which seems a completely
abysmal return. Yet, everyone who invested in these bonds in the past few years
has made capital gains as the interest rates fell. That really can’t keep up
forever but Japan has shown us that maybe 1% could be the floor. That seems
unthinkable but perhaps not impossible.


I am looking forward to Canadian Tire’s earnings out tomorrow. Hoping for
good news.


Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) sold $2 billion in bonds today. They already
have tons of cash so the implications seems to be that Buffett will be putting
money to work in equities. He did not borrow money at 2 and 3% to stick it in
short treasury’s at 0%.


August 9, 2011


It was interesting today that markets were up most of the day
but after the Fed announcement that low interest rates would continue and
signaled that it would take action as needed to spur the economy, the market
first fell sharply but then rose very sharply. At first it looked like the
market was reacting negatively to news that the Fed would basically do more of
what it has been doing but ultimately this was viewed as positive.


It would be an understatement to predict that markets are likely
to continue to be skittish, jumoing up or down with each morsel of news.


A book I was reading today made the argument that there need
really be no particular casue for a stock market crash. Instead at times markets
become over-valued and in that case almost anything can trigger a decline. In
this case the market seemed cheap on an earnings basis. It seems the market has
declined on the basis that earnings will head lower.  That being the case.
if we can get a bit of good economic news we may see markets tur n more


Another market of concern is the Canadian housing market.
Prices seem too high. Low interest rates support this. Still prices that require
buyers to take mortgages of three and four times annual incomes (or more)
suggest a market that is overvalued. In that situation almost anything COULD
trigger a slide in house prices. On the other hand if there is no trigger house
prices could stay high.


Canadian Tire will release earnings on Thursday and I will
certainly be eager to see that report.


August 8, 2011


Well, that was certainly ugly. Dow down 5.5%, S&P 500 down 6.7%, Toronto
stock index down 4.3%.


In hindsight we all would have liked to get out of the market about two weeks
ago and to have stayed out.


But that’s wishful thinking. Where does the market go from here? The fact is
no one knows. The Fed meets the next two days and may have announcements that
will spark some recovery. Or maybe we keep sliding.


Anyone in the stock market should have been prepared to stomach this sort of
thing. It’s basically a fact of life in the market.


I am certainly not going to be selling at this point. Admittedly, I bought
too soon last week when the debt ceiling crisis was resolved. I can’t change
that now. What I can do is continue to buy at these lower prices and certainly
not sell.


But that is just me, I have always said that for a variety of reasons I have
a high capacity to handle risk. Basically, I am never going to starve no matter
what happens to stocks and I can financially afford risks. Also I have developed
a stomach for it over the years having survived several gut-wrenching downturns
in the past.


One of the strangest things today was that the yield on U.S. Treasuries rose
quite significantly today. This suggests that investors still view the U.S.
dollar and the U.S. government as safe. What investors appear worried about is
recession. They appear to have no fear of inflation. But who knows if the market
is right?


It will be interesting to watch Buffett’s moves. He has never had Berkshire
buy back its own shares but I suspect that could happen this time. On the other
hand with markets down he may choose to buy companies at good prices.


We should be seeing lots of big companies buy back their own shares. Many
companies have cash and their own shares will be viewed as a good investment.


August 7, 2011


As of about mid-night eastern time, the futures markets indicate the DOW down
258 points or 2.25%. That will no-doubt change in one direction or the other by
the open and of course it is likely to be a volatile day in the markets.


I have updated my personal portfolio. I had
sold stocks the week before last as the debt ceiling crisis intensified. When
that was resolved last week, I bought stocks. In hindsight I should have waited.


But I still feel that I own a group of companies that are making good
earnings. As long as the companies can keep making money the stock price will
eventually reflect that.


Over the weekend, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has come out with a
$3.25 billion dollar bid to buy another insurance company. What Buffett likes
about insurance companies is that there is an ability to invest the insurance
premiums often for years on average before the premiums are paid out as
insurance claims. In other words, as usual Buffett is buying as others despair
and is positioning to buy more.


For all the talk about the WHOLE world being hopelessly in debt, we don’t
actually owe any money to Martians or anything. The world is fabulously wealthy.
Many people don’t believe it, but one man’s debt or one country’s debt is
another man’s or another institution’s or another county’s savings. If some
debts are defaulted on that amounts in the first instance to a redistribution of
wealth from creditor/saver to borrower, it does not in the first instance
destroy any real wealth. It is true however that events like that wobble the
economy and can disrupt the production of new real wealth (goods and services).


August 6, 2011


It’s anyone’s guess how the markets will react to the
down-grade of the U.S. by Standard and Poors. 


The ten-year U.S. Treasury rose a little on Friday to 2.56%
but that is still down from 3.0% about 10 days ago. Lower U.S. bond yields were
certainly a strange reaction to a threatened downgrade.


Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway reported
second quarter earnings yesterday after the close of trading. Berkshire is
having a weak but not a terrible year. Insurance operations are still making
money on investments but are just under break-even on the actual insurance. This
is due to various catastrophes including earthquakes and storms around the
world. Most of the businesses of Berkshire are improving but the housing and
construction related businesses continue to suffer. Berkshire is trading now at
just 10% over book value. This is a buying opportunity. I am not updating the
full rating and report. We last rated it (lower) Buy at $80.21. I suspect the
rating would be Buy at the current price of $71.25. I may add to my position in
this company.


August 4, 2011


Well then… markets certainly took a beating today…


Clearly I was too early in buying back into this market earlier this week.
Well, that is life in the markets. Today I was buying Canadian Tire, Melcor, and
Wells Fargo. I did not get the lowest prices of the day. I always say
markets are unpredictable. Many will say now that they saw this coming. That’s
easy to say after-the-fact. If it was so obvious that the market was going to
tank, why did it rise yesterday?


My feeling is that stocks are at good prices and I take bargains when they
are available. It’s always the case that there might be better bargains
tomorrow, or not. Life is like that.


At the moment (11:30pm eastern, futures are showing markets to be flat). But
then again I believe that last evening futures were predicting markets to rise
today. “Stuff” happens.


Meanwhile interest rates are ratcheting ever lower. The yield on a 10-year
Treasury has fallen to 2.46% today down from 3.0% a week ago. Bond investors
make capital gains as interest rates fall. On a perpetual bond the gains would
approach infinite as interests rates fell toward zero. But on a ten year bond
the gains are limited. The gain on a ten year dropping from 3% to 2.5% is just
4.4%.  If I buy a bond now that pays 2.5% for ten years then the maximum
possible capital gain if interest rates immediately plummet to zero is 25%.
Meanwhile if rates double to 5% my capital loss is 19.3%. I just don’t see where
they is much upside left any more in ten year government bonds (how low can
interest rates get) but there is lots of downside.


Why have interest rates fallen? It seems institutions were just keen to buy
bonds. Also the Fed was in the market this last week buying bonds, not a huge
amount but perhaps enough to have some impact in driving interest rates down.


well, it has not been a dull week, we shall see what tomorrow brings to close
out the week.


August 3, 2011


Markets were down well over 1% earlier today but ultimately ended the day up
slightly. I used the dip to increase my equity exposure. I bought back the Melcor
shares I had sold last week. And I bought some Toll
brothers. Visa was up 4.7% today, I
am probably going to regret I ever sold that one. Shaw Communications held up
very well over the past week and I never got a chance to buy back much of


Many analysts seem to fear a recession and a major market decline. I don’t
recall these analysts telling us to sell 10 days ago and now they warn us to
sell AFTER the market has fallen. They may be right, the market certainly could
decline a lot, but I plan to stay close to fully invested.


Back in the 70’s Buffett was buying (whole) companies at 10 times earnings.
This was when long-term government bonds were yielding perhaps 7% and headed for
over 14%. Now we can buy companies at around 10 times earnings or not much higher in many
cases at a time when long-term government bonds yield earn less that 4%. On that
basis stocks seem cheaper now than they did in the late 70’s. Back then the
economy was also weak and Business Week ran a famously wrong cover story about
the “death of equities”.


Everyone agrees we should buy low and sell high. Yet with each dip of the
market people find it harder instead of easier to buy.


August 2, 2011


I was surprised to see the markets down so much today. This was on poor
economic news. I was actually happy to see the declines.


My default position and normal approach is to stay close to 100% invested.
But last week I reduced my equity exposure by a fair amount. This decline gives
me the chance to  buy back in and if I do so I will be better off than had
I merely rode out this situation, fully invested. I am not sure how fast I will
move back to a fully invested position. It is always nice to keep some cash for
future opportunities.


I added a fair amount to my Canadian Tire position on the dip today. I also
bought back some more Wells Fargo. I also bought some Bank of America. I had
mentioned under July 26 that I had taken a quick look at Bank of America and
thought it would be a good investment. I have not in any way fully analyzed the
company. I don’t know if I will be adding it to the stock list above or


Now that the debt ceiling crisis is out of the way I suspect markets will
continue the usual pattern of roiling about with each new bit of news. Markets
are always highly unpredictable in the short term but they do tend to offer good
returns over the longer term.


While stocks were going down, long-term U.S. government bonds remain highly
popular. In the past few days investors have bid up the price of the 10-year U.S.
bond and its yield has fallen to 2.66% from about 3.0% just a couple of weeks
ago. It seem counter intuitive that investors would bid the yield of these bonds
down at a time when the debt rating of the United States is under consideration
for a downgrade. By buying these bonds, investors are implicitly indicating that
they view the risk of default as near zero and also that they expect little in
the way of inflation.


August 1, 12:55 eastern


Wow, I got a late start today and saw the Dow was down 100 points having
opened up well over 100 points. I nailed that with my comment yesterday. Okay
now may be a time to dip in a toe. I just bought back some Shaw Communications.
Canadians can still trade today anything that trades in the U.S. I imagine
stocks rally if the bills are passed. I think I will be cautious though and not
rush to get back to fully invested. Nothing wrong with holding onto some cash to
keep my options open.


P.S. five minutes after posting this I bought back some of the Wells Fargo. Was
going to do a bit more Shaw Communications too but realized it is more expensive
than when I sold of Friday. So what? that is irrelevant. Still I decided not to


July 31, 2011 11:56 eastern time


Dow futures are up 177 points on the indication that the debt
ceiling bill will be passed tomorrow. I think we will see volatility tomorrow as
the votes are not passed yet and there could be some nervous moments yet. 


Melcor is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $15.71. This is a solid company with a long history of good
albeit volatile profits. And it is available at 89% of book value.


July 31, 2011 6:15 eastern time


Stock market futures have opened euphorically to the upside on expectation of
a debt ceiling deal. Dow futures were up 174 points. I suspect that we will see
lots of volatility this week. Market will probably be higher by end of week. But
I don’t think dramatically higher. (And that assumes the debt ceiling deal does
indeed get done)  Maybe I never should have moved much to cash but I don’t
regret that. I think I can find some bargains to put it into.


Check Stock futures here:


July 31, 2011 (3:45 eastern)


You may wonder, why doesn’t the United States simply print money to pay it’s
bills, rather than borrow money to pay the bills, and so avoid the debt ceiling
that way?


Well one reason might be that printing money causes inflation. But that is
not the reason in this case. The debt ceiling ia an EMERGENCY. They would print
money if they could to avoid that ceiling.


The problem is they WRONGLY count printed money or its electronic equivalent
as debt of the FED and of the United States Government.


It used to be that a dollar bill carried with it the promise it would be
redeemed in gold. And perhaps even a precise and fixed amount of gold. In those
days a dollar bill was a debt because it had to be redeemed in gold.


But that promise was removed around 1971.


The United States does not promise to redeem its money for Gold. In fn fact
it does not promise to redeem its money for anything.


United States money is legal tender and must be accepted for payments of
debts owed to the federal government or anyone else.


But it simply is not debt of the federal government in any real sense. It
pays no interest. It is certainly not owed to anyone in particular. They need
never redeem it. It can circulate forever. The amount in circulation tends to
grow with economy. If it is debt, it is certainly not debt as we know it. In
fact, it is not debt.


The amount of the $14 trillion in debt that is represented by Federal Reserve
notes (money) is about $1 trillion.


This is seen in the Fed’s balance sheet.


If the United States simply recognized (the reality) that Federal Reserve
notes (money) should not be counted as part of the debt (because it simply is
not a debt, if it was, who is it owed to?) they would be well below the debt


Now the house and congress would NOT want to do this becasue it would meant
the President could have money printed at will. But as a solution to this crisis
it works.


(They could later enact a money printing ceiling).


There, I have just given a great solution to the debt ceiling crisis. If only
the President would see my solution.


July 30, 2011


The debt ceiling issue remains unresolved as of Saturday at 2 pm eastern
time. The markets were down noticeably this week. Given the lack of progress and
the lack of cooperation and the warnings of dire consequences, the wonder is
that the market did not fall a lot harder this week. We certainly had ample opportunity
to get out of the market if we wished.


Last weekend (Saturday 23rd) and also on on Monday evening the 25th I talked
about the prudence of reducing my exposure to equities and I mentioned that as
of then I thought the market would not pop much if the debt issue was settled (because,
as of then, it had not declined much due to the risk) and I feared the market
could dive if the debt ceiling issue were not resolved. I then followed up by
selling stocks four of the five days this past week. This was not a comment on
the individual stocks but on the market overall. I even wondered if I should
have just sold everything and sat in cash until the issue was settled.


On Friday morning I posted the following note on the login page: UPDATED
NOTE: Friday July 29 at 11 am eastern: Note I sold all my Shaw Communication
shares today. Just wanted to get more into cash. I had a profit on these and it
was just the name I was most willing to sell. I still like the company but
simply decided to move more into cash due to this debt ceiling business.


I ended up over the week reducing my equity exposure from close to 100% down
to about 66%.


By the end of Friday Shaw’s shares had risen 20 cents to $21.58 whereas I
sold when they were down about 20 cents to about $21.18. On that basis I would
have done better not to sell. But the my goal was to raise cash and so I have no
regrets there.


This whole business will turn into an opportunity at some point. And maybe
the opportunity was to buy of Friday. Possibly the debt issue will be settled by
Monday morning and the market will open much  higher and I will be sitting
with 34% of my funds in cash and wishing I had not sold so much. Well, even in
that scenario, I don’t feel too bad becasue at least now I have lots of cash to
look for the best opportunities.


And, if the debt issue is not a done deal by Monday morning, I expect the
market to drop somewhat further.


Either way I have no fears for the long-term. The stocks I hold, I am sure
will be good investments and there are always lots more good investments out


It’s interesting to note what is happening in U.S. Treasury yields over the
past week or so. The yield on 1 months bills rose from (effectively zero)
0.01% to 0.16% (still barely above zero). The yield on 10-year treasuries fell
from about 3.00% to 2.82%. You can see these here


It seems idiotic to me that in reaction to this debt crisis institutional
investors have driven the yield on the 10-year notes down. When Greece and other
countries face a debt crisis, their yields or interest rates soar. Sure, the
markjet is confident aht the U.S will pay it’s debts. But shouldn’t it be a bit
less confident than it was a week ago, a month ago? And shouldn’t it worry about
inflation if the U.S. decides to print money to pay off the debt?


And what about the rise in the yield on the short-tem money. Okay that is in
the right direction at least. But let’s look at this. Previously at 0.01%
interest the interest on $10 million in a 30 day bill was $1000 in a year of
less than a $100 in a month. This is completely laughable as a return but the
reason people accepted it was that if you had $10 million in cash you had to
park it someplace and banks don’t guarantee deposits that large so you put it in
T-bills just for the safe-keeping. You did not put your $10 million in there to
collect a $1000 per year or $83 per month.


And now the rate is 0.16%. So now you will get $1,333 per month on your $10
million. To the extent that people fear a temporary delay in collecting back
their $10 million, this $1,333 seems small compensation. I would say a few institutional
investors decided they would risk keeping their money in a bank or moved it to
corporate commercial paper.


We should not assume that these treasury yields are in any way rational. The
institutions that invest in these are creatures of habit (and they are often mandated
to invest in these “safe” bonds) and they may find it difficult to
switch to alternatives on short notice. We could see yields change a lot in the
months ahead as the institutions adjust to a new reality (one where the U.S.
treasury can no longer be blindly trusted to meet its obligations no matter




July 28, 2011


The U.S. market rose this morning on good economic reports and earnings but
ultimately was down about 0.5% on nervousness over this debt ceiling


Thursday night the Republican controlled House of Representatives was
preparing (after some delays) to vote on a Bill which in any event the
Democratic controlled Senate was threatening to vote down.  And it is not
even clear that it will pass the House.


I understand the Treasury department will release contingency plans tomorrow
regarding how it will proceed if August 2 comes without a raise in the debt


It seems to me that this could get ugly in a hurry. I probably should have
sold some stocks today but I did not.


As I have tried to explain, I like all the stocks I hold – so all else equal
I would not be selling. But on the other hand in this scenario it is prudent for
me to trim my overall allocation to the market which is still around 82%. By
cutting that back I would have more cash to bargain hunt when the time seems
right for that.


As of Thursday night at 9:35 eastern time the futures indicate the market
should open unchanged. However , by morning that will change in one direction or
the other.


It’s interesting to think what might happen if they don’t get the debt ceiling
raised. Let’s assume the debt interest will be paid. Cuts have to come from
someplace. I would imagine they would send home something in the order of a
million federal workers. That would not exactly inspire confidence would it?
Let’s hope we don’t find out what.


July 27, 2011


The Dow was down 1.6% today. The S&P 500 and the Toronto market were each
down 2.0%. It seems that the market is finally starting to get a little more
nervous about this debt ceiling issue (although there was also other economic
news today that contributed to the decline).


I sold some more Wells Fargo today and also yesterday I neglected to mention
I had sold a little of my Melcor shares. All of this gets me to about 82%
invested, down from close to 100%. So it’s not the case that I am abandoning the
market. Far from it. I just wanted to reduce my risk a little and also generate
some cash to buy when this debt ceiling situation is resolved.


Melcor was out with earnings after the close. Net income and revenue were
down significantly. However this is a cyclic company and earnings tend to be
lumpy. The company expressed optimism for the remainder of this year.


Visa was also out with earnings and its earnings were up significantly and also
modestly beat expectations.


I’m tempted to add to my Canadian Tire position but will likely wait for its
earnings release.


One of the very biggest long term variables in the markets is interest rates.
We currently are at historic lows on interest rates. They have not been this low
(save for a few months here and there in recent years) in 50 years. Interest
rates are below the long term averages that stretch back hundreds of years. They
are near or below rates that prevailed when inflation was not expected and money
was on a Gold standard.  I don’t think this is justified. Why are
institutions investing in government bonds at a time when governments are
heavily in debt and some are defaulting? I suspect that before two many years
pass (and possible it will be very soon) interest rates will start to rise. I
know that central reserve banks try to keep rates low. But I think when (not if
but when) institutions stop investing in government bonds then long-term rates
will rise. However, stock markets don’t seem too vulnerable to that given that
stocks are not at high P/E ratios. Stocks seem quite cheap compared to bonds.


July 26, 2011


And so the debt ceiling debacle continues. The politicians bicker. (or fiddle
while Washington “burns”)


The stock market is still yawning at the situation and the Dow was down only
0.7% and the S&P 500 only 0.4%. Interest rates on U.S. debt actually
declined a bit.


I hope the markets are right and this debt ceiling issue is not about to turn


If it were not for the debt ceiling / default / U.S. credit downgrade threat
I would be inclined to be 100% invested in stocks or even borrow additional
money to invest.


But with this stupid situation it’s hard to know what to do. I sold just a
few more shares today of Wells Fargo and then decided to hang tight. Possibly I
will sell a little more of something tomorrow.


In terms of Stocks to Buy.


I like Canadian Tire. I am waiting for its earnings to come out. I figure it
may have been hurt by a poor Spring. But then again its credit card portfolio
which is huge should show good results. And the higher Canadian dollar should
help it especially in Q3.


I took a quick look at Bank of America today. It looks to have a lot of
potential. It is trading at about half of book value per share and about 75% of
tangible book value. It has been reporting losses after certain goodwill
write-downs and some expenses to settle sub-prime mortgage issues. So it looks
good. But it is also highly complex. I suspect it will be a good investment at
the recent price of $10.00. Perhaps very good.


I took quite a detailed look at Brookfield Asset Management. It’s a type of conglomerate. It
seems like a very strong company very well managed. However I ultimately
concluded that it was not a good fit for this site. The reasons include the
complexity and the fact that net income does not seem to do a good job of being
representative of its true economic earnings. The company itself estimates its
own intrinsic value adn I believe indicates this intrinsic value is a little
above the share price. Their accounting is complex with a lot of mark to market
valuation and also lots of minority interests which complicates matters. Overall
I can’t see a good basis to value it and one might be just as well off to take
the company’s word for its value.




July 25, 2011


I posted the following two days ago:


idea of selling a good chunk of our equities on Monday (assuming the market is
not down much on Monday) is a reasonable and prudent thought.


As it turned out the debt ceiling issue was not resolved today but
the market declined only a tiny amount. Certainly that was a chance to reduce
positions for those who wanted to. 


As I posted to the login page earlier today:


Note July 25 – 11:40 am eastern markets holding up well in face of
U.S. debt ceiling issue. I sold my Visa and Constellation software just to have
some cash in case the market takes a dive this week. I should sell some of my
large Wells Fargo Position just to be prudent but have not so far. I reserve the
right to sell stocks at any time without prior notice.


After posting that I did also sell some of my Wells Fargo.


Well now it is just 11:30 pm eastern time and where do we stand?


The unfolding debt ceiling debacle is not comforting. 


I watched Obama’s speech and the follow-up by the democratic house
speaker. None of this gave any great hope for a speedy agreement.


So what might happen? Well I don’t claim to know. If it keeps up I
suspect they will announce they found enough money to keep going for a while
after August 2. But they might start to lay off government workers. (Federal
Aviation Authority is already partly shut down due to some similar legislative
impasse. While I don’t think they will default on debt any time soon, they could
certainly get a debt down grade at any minute. Why should S&P keep the AAA
credit rating in the face of this nonsense. S&P should probably downgrade
them immediately. And hang the consequences. They clearly deserve a downgrade
that is not S&Ps fault.


I have sometimes said never underestimate the sheer stupidity of some
people and this should be a case in point.


The first pay cheques cut should be the politician’s and that should
be immediate. 


And what to do about stock investments?


If politician’s don’t get their job done it seems clear that stocks
will fall, at least temporarily.


I don’t think this is a
matter of which stocks to sell and which to hold. This is more a matter of what
asset allocation should a person have in the market?
I have always said
the asset allocation decision is a very personal decision and not one that I
give advice on. Personally, I am normally close to 100% in stocks. But that is
not for everyone.


Looking at my own situation I am now about 90% invested. So what
should I do? As much as like the stocks I own, should I reduce my exposure
across the board and re-evaluate after this debt ceiling matter settles out.
That seems logical to me. It seems to me its only a sort of emotional attachment
to my stocks and a fear of missing out on gains that would stop me from reducing
my positions quite substantially and standing aside for now. Should the lure of
those gains outweigh a fear of what is happening here?


How much might the market “pop” if the debt ceiling issue
is resolved? Well it should pop some but really it has never declined to reflect
the debt ceiling issue so why should it pop much?


One of the advantages of being invested in equities and especially as
I am mostly in just a few stocks, is I can exit the market or change stocks
quickly if I wish. 


In conclusion, I am not sure what I will do tomorrow but I may sell down some
positions across the board just to be prudent and cut my risks.


July 24, 2011


As of close to mid-night Sunday night, markets are set to open down on Monday
morning. Futures were indicating 133 points down or about 1% down on the Dow.


See the latest here:


The Hong Kong market was down almost 1%. Australia down 1.3%, Japan down
0.8%, China marker was down 2%.


Markets seem set to roil on news and it may be mostly to the down-side. Then
again if it looks like a debt ceiling deal or solution is at hand, markets will
rise. It will not be a boring week.


July 23, 2011


The United States government is clearly playing with fire on its debt ceiling
issue. So far the bond market is yawning. But we could see U.S. treasury yields
start to rise next week and stock markets start to crumble. I am about 100%
invested. But I am taking a chance there. We have at least some small chance
that the U.S. government is about to blow its brains out here. Given that, the
idea of selling a good chunk of our equities on Monday (assuming the market is
not down much on Monday) is a reasonable and prudent thought. I don’t think I
will, but I reserve the right to do so on impulse. My hope is that we get a
positive indication from the government before Monday morning. But this is
certainly a nail biter. Either way, the market is likely to be higher in a year
but if they fail to raise the debt ceiling it’s going to be a bumpy ride.


Wells Fargo is updated and
rated Speculative Strong Buy at $29.14. As a bank and given the direct ties to
the economy and given the penalties it faces from regulators due to the sub
prime crisis, we rate it speculative. But barring a default on U.S. debt we
don’t think there is a lot of downside here (but we make no guarantees). We
think it could easily go into the $40 range within a year but again we certainly
make no guarantees of that. Canadians face currency risk if the Canadian dollar
continues to rise. I have 24% of my portfolio invested in this one company. That
is no-doubt a risky and aggressive stance on my part. It was partly out of stubbornness
that I added to my holdings as the share price declined at various times.


My having $206k at risk in one stock will be deemed very risky indeed by
many. On the other hand people with approximately zero net worth blithely take
on mortgages of $250k. And people with limited net worth buy $200k condos on
speculation. I am I really such a risk taker in that context?


July 21, 2011


Yesterday it was in the news that OPTI Canada was being bought out by a
Chinese company. This was a distressed company that had been trying to commercialize
an oil sands operation at Long Lake. The shares had been halted recently at
about 12 cents . They had once traded at over $20.00.


Unfortunately the common shareholders are only going to get about 12 cents.
But I believe the bonds are are basically getting 100 cents on the dollar, or
more. Some bonds are being bought up immediately at a premium. Others are being
assumed by the company. So it looks to me that these bonds would no be trading
at full face value or higher.


What is interesting is that back in February a subscriber asked me about this
company. I did not know really anything about it but I looked at the financials
and I was intrigued that the bonds were trading at 49 cents on the dollar. As I
noted to that subscriber at the time, I tried to buy some through TD Waterhouse
and they simply said no, they don’t deal in them and were not willing to get
them for me. I think I was told that I would have to buy $100k face value. I was
thinking of investing up to $30k but might have gone $50k for $100k face at 50 cents
on the dollar. I figured that the bonds would quite likely get paid off just
given their balance sheet and the fact that oil sands have value.


That was a nice 100% gain for anyone who managed to buy some OPTI debt at
around 50 cents on the dollar. Well, maybe it is a good that it traded thinly,
for the most part it was the long-time holders of this debt who after some scary
months are seeing the bonds come back to full value, which most of them probably


The point is that sometimes distressed bonds like this can offer wonderful
opportunities. (Not without risk of course) Unfortunately this does not seem
like a space that is easy or even possible for most retail investors to get


But it all seems so obvious now that I should have pursued this with another


Another example may be occurring right now. I understood the Greek government
bonds were recently trading at huge discounts to face value with all the talk of
default there. Well now it seems there is some kind of rescue package and it
sounds to me like those Greek Bonds will be heading back close to full face
value. Again though I highly doubt I could have bought through TD Waterhouse.
(And I honestly never considered doing so).


Meanwhile stocks had another good day due to this Greek rescue plan and also
due to strong earnings.


TMX Group has announced that its management will hold talks with the maple
Group. I suspect the TMX Shares will be up at the open tomorrow. But maybe not,
share owners are going to be skeptical about tendering their shares to Maple at
$50 when that buy offer is conditional on competition board approval of merging
with their major competitor. But maybe TMX will try some maneuver to get it share
price to rise on its own without Maple such as raise the dividend. I had sold my
TMX shares at a good profit at the time of the London Stock Exchange offer
because I (rightly) predicted that would never fly. If I still held I would hold
on to see what happens with Maple. I would not tender to Maple since the I
believe ties up your money. Your shares would go into limbo conditionally sold
to Maple but you don’t expect to get the cash for months and the deal has a good
chance to fail, so no way would I tender to Maple.


July 20, 2011


Q2 earnings are continuing to come in with most being quite strong.


Nothing exciting happened for our stock picks today although Wells Fargo was
up a bit more. Everywhere you turn the news and opinions are divergent. Many
claim the next recession is around the corner. Others claim the markets will be
up up and away. My view is that the market will be higher in five years and ten
years. It will have unpredictable bumps along the way but it will be higher over
the longer term. So I am in, for the long haul.


July 19, 2011


Well today, Tuesday, the Dow had it best move upwards this year, up 1.6%, the
S&P 500 was also up 1.6% while Toronto was up 0.6%. As with the down move
yesterday, this is both good and bad news. It’s good to see our portfolios rise.
But it’s bad to see that we can’t buy now at yesterday’s lower prices. (But
cheer up, a market crash is always possible). Wells Fargo was up 5.7% after
posting strong earnings. I suspect that if I were to update it now, it would
still rate (higher) Buy or better.


Warren Buffett has always taught to treat your stock investments as if you
were really buying a part of a business. Most investors focus WAY too much on
the price changes and way too little on the earnings and other characteristics
of the businesses they own.


These days Berkshire Hathaway mostly owns whole businesses rather than just
shares. Years ago when Buffett’s Berkshire owned mostly shares he used to
provide something called “look-through” earnings. Accounting rules
meant on shares the company owned Berkshire reported the dividends received as
earnings but could not report its full share of earnings of the companies it
owned shares in. But Buffett used to report that higher figure as look-through


Based on Buffett’s advice I have calculated my share of revenues, earnings
and dividends for the portfolio of companies I own. This is not easy to do but I
am able to do it because of all the data I keep as I analyze companies.


Many people might suggest it is quite gauche or impolite to talk about the
value of my portfolio. But since I am in the business of providing investment
advice (albeit generic advice and not customized to any one person), I think
it’s fair for you as my customers to know how much I have invested. Starting
last year I provided a graph on the home page of this site with the value of my
portfolio which I will update annually.


As of the end of last week my portfolio value was $842,000. Of this about
$30,000 is borrowed money as I borrowed to fund TSFA and RRSP contributions. To
me, this seems like a lot of money. It has taken me (together with my wife)
about 23 years to build this up. Given my age (51) it’s a good portfolio but by
some standards is not huge. For example many people (well some people at least)
have second houses, cottages or businesses worth this amount or more and
certainly some people our age have much bigger savings than this.


The great majority of the funds are in RRSP and RESP accounts. The breakdown
of the portfolio by stock is provided here. The breakdown was as of June 18
but it has not changed much since then.


Following Buffett I can think of this portfolio as not just a group of stocks
but rather as my own sort of mini conglomerate.


The stats for my mini portfolioare:


Market Value $842,000.


Cost to me  $305,000 (contributed to the investment accounts over 23
years, dollar weighted average age is 7 years)


My share of Annual Earnings $59,004  (P/E ratio is 842,000/59,004 or


My annual dividends $17,169  (2.0% dividend yield)


My share of annual revenue $784,000


To summarize, I can think of the portfolio of shares I own as being like a
small business. It has revenues of $784,000 per year. It sends me $17,169 in
dividends per year. My share of the earnings is $59,004 but I can’t get my hands
on most of that as the companies in my mini-conglomerate keep most of the
earnings to reinvest for growth. The value of my business is $842,000. I paid
$305,000 as my original cost for it over a period of 23 years. On average my
money has been invested for seven years and has gown 842/305 = 144% including
reinvested dividends.


In a future newsletter I am going to discuss the similarities and differences
between owning this mini-conglomerate type of business through the stock market
as compared to owning an actual small business. In a nutshell the small business
would be a lot more time consuming. (Probably all consuming) It might be a lot
more or a lot less profitable. It would be far harder to sell. But I could hire
my friends and family if I wanted (and the business was large enough) and I
would have the bragging rights and “psychic” income of being able to
point to a bona-fide business. In affect a small business requires you to be
both owner and manager/operator while a stock investment means you are just the
owner, you don’t have to (or get to, depending on your perspective) manage the
businesses you own. Warren Buffett has quoted Benjamin Graham as saying,
“investing is most intelligent, when it is most business-like”. In
other words it is a very good idea to think of your investments as being a
mini-conglomerate. (Warning, any technical traders who for some reason come
across this will be completely baffled since to them a stock is a squiggly line
on a screen, not a business).


Thoughts welcome as


July 18, 2011


I could describe today’s market as there was good news and there was bad
news. Markets were down noticeably. That is bad if you need to sell shares now
but good news if you are buying.


My guess is that markets will continue to roil and my go lower before this
debt ceiling issue is resolved int eh U.S. However I do expect the issue to be
settled and the market to then have some bounce. But that is only my
expectation. If the President and Congress mess this up then clearly markets
would take a tumble. There are always risks in the market. Long term I am
confident that owning stocks will provide a good return but not without ups and


I took the opportunity today to buy more Wells Fargo.
Admittedly, I am over-exposed to this company. Perhaps I am getting too
emotionally attached to it.


Wells Fargo will release earnings tomorrow, Tuesday and I am hopeful the
results will be good.


July 17, 2011


Alimentation Couche-Tard is
updated and rated Buy at $29.48. This large convenience store operator is in an unglamorous
industry and has done very well over the years.


July 14, 2011


Most stocks were down today as the market’s gyrations continue. The U.S.
government interest rates remain very low despite talk of the debt limit not
being increased and threats of credit downgrades from the credit rating


It’s interesting to think about these credit rating agencies. They started
out many years ago as just being a service that rated debt. The debt rating was
useful so that each investor did not have to do his own work. However they have
become in may ways too successful for their own good. They became all powerful.
A credit downgrade can ruin a company or even a country. So the problem is now
they become afraid to act because of the consequences. They would probably have
already downgraded the U.S. if not for the fact that the consequences would be
so severe.


I am sitting tight at the moment waiting for the Q2 earnings to come in.
Waiting to see if the U.S. debt ceiling issue is solved. If markets do crash
(that is always a risk) I plan to invest new money from dividends as they come
in, future savings and from at least some borrowed money. No matter what happens
I am very confident my wealth in the market will continue to grow over the years
(though not in a straight line certainly).


July 13, 2011


Markets gyrated up this morning on comments that the Fed would undertake more
easing if needed. That upbeat mood lasted only a few hours and then markets gave
back a lot of the gains.


Markets will do what they will… my focus will be on looking at individual
companies. Q2 earnings will start rolling in very soon.


July 12, 2011


On the U.S. debt ceiling front it is interesting to note that
the yield on the U.S. debt rather than going up due to this risk has come down.
So far the market views the U.S. debt as sort of immune to the problems in
Europe, the threat by credit rating s to down-grade the U.S. debt rating and the
debt ceiling issue. I hope the market is correct. If the market ever decides
that the U.S. credit is risky, that would be a real disaster. So far, the U.S.
bonds contiune to be seen as one of THE safest possible investments. And not
only does the market see zero risk of getting paid back your money on a U.S.
bond, it sees very little inflation. Witness the 10-year bond at 2.92%. Of
course, in part that bond yield has been pushed down by the Fed. But still
plenty of big investors are voluntarily accepting that rate which implicitly
indicates they see little inflation. I hope they are right. 


A winner for us today was Alimentation Couche-Tard, It was up 6.3% to $29.85
after announcing good earnings and a dividend increase. Our last
update for this one was December 4, when we rated it a Buy at $25.49. It’s
been a great company over the years.  I hope to update the report for this
one with the next five days. I am quite annoyed that they released earnings
during trading hours. That is apparently legal but is not (in my opinion) fair
ball, for reasons that I have explained previously, and I will be taking them to
task for that. They ignored me when I complained about this alst year and so I
will likely have to file a complaint about this with the regulator. As
documented on my investor advocate page
I believe I was responsible for most companies in Canada changing their
practices to no longer release earnings during trading hours after I complained
to the regulator about two years ago.


July 11, 2011


This week has started off quite negatively with Toronto down 1.4%, the Dow
down 1.2% and the S&P 500 down 1.8%. This is probably just a continuation of
the tendency the market has had for quite some time to gyrate up and down on the
latest news or worry.


On this weakness my order to buy yet more Wells Fargo got triggered at
$27.51. I am just about 100% invested and I may take the last of my cash to buy
some Toll brothers. I usually tend to see more things to buy than I have cash. I
am taking a risk because certainly there is a risk that this financial crisis
returns with contagion from Europe and also the ridiculous U.S. debt ceiling
issue. There are always risks in the market.


Perhaps the market can soon turn its attention to the Q2 earnings. Alcoa has
kicked off the Q2 earnings season after the close today. It had very strong
earnings but apparently just a shade  lower than expected.


July 9, 2011


RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust is
added to the list above but rated only Weak Buy / Hold at $26.00. While the 5.3%
yield seems attractive, there may not be much basis to expect much growth in the
distribution. And the unit price could easily decline if long term interest
rates rise. It seems to me that if you are looking for yield then you want a
realtively fixed income and you are probably not willing to take a large risk of
a capital loss in return for yield. It seems to me that there are preferred
shares which will rate rest within five years that provide better protection against
a loss in price and provide just as much or more yield. And preferred shares are
eligible for the dividend tax credit.


You may wonder why I would add this company if it is not rated Buy or better.
Well, I could not really know the rating until after I did the analysis. Having
done the analysis I may as well add it to the site. Also I know one or more
subscribers have asked to have this Trust added. Also I enjoy analyzing new
companies and learning about them. It’s a good company, it just does not look
like a great investment at the moment.


The Preferred shares of RioCan
are also added and rated Buy at $25.70.


Speaking of RioCan and REITs, a subscriber has emailed me and asked if I have
looked at “Private Reits”. I believe this refers to various projects
that raise money through offering memorandums in the “exempt” market
(they are exempt from filing a full prospectus as long as they qualify). These
are not listed on exchanges. They are not quite “private” since they
do raise money from the public. Sometimes you have to be an accredited investor.
You would not be able to buy these through a discount broker. I believe that you
usually have to go through a smaller investment dealer for these. Minimum
amounts may be $10,000, $25,000 or even $100,000.


The subscriber sent the following links:


The short answer to the subscriber’s question was no I have not looked at
these. Basically I am kept busy with what is on the list above. Approximately
100% of my investments are included in the list above. (I don’t hold everything
in the list above). A link to my portfolio breakdown is given above.


However, I wondered if any of you subscribers have had good experience with
investing in real estate projects in the exempt market. I am not talking about
totally private projects. Rather projects where you invest under some kind of
offering memorandum but you deal with a small outfit and not real estate shares
or bonds that you can buy through a discount broker.


If you are well experienced with this such as having done several investments
over a period of years I would be interested in your thoughts and any suggested
companies to deal with. I can share the results here. But I will not be
commenting on these investments. It would take a lot of due diligence for me to
have any opinion. My practice has always been to refrain from offering ANY
opinion unless I have done a certain minimum amount of diligence (no one should
ever claim they have done FULL due diligence, it is an impossible task and a
meaningless term that implies some sort of guarantee and I never make guarantees,
nor can any honest person make guarantees on investments.)


You can email me at


July 7, 2011


I mentioned under July 3 that I am looking at RioCan. I will add this to the
list in part becasue the list could use more high yield type stocks.


My analysis is not yet complete. In particular I have not yet looked at the
growth which I understand is strong.


So far, I have completed the value ratios. To me, it looks expensive.


Firstly its price to book is 1.53. Oftenm price to book means little or
nothing. But in this case with the switch to International Financial Accounting
Standards, book value has been adjusted upwards to reflect the market value of
all their properties. So it appears as a new shareholder we would be buying
buildings at a 53% premium to book value. Now, there is reason to pay some
premium given that we may expect RioCan to be able to continue to grow in a
fashion that is additive to distributions per unit. And maybe we think real
estate values will rise with the economic recovery. Also RioCan did pick up some
U.S. properties during the recession. But the price they paid in terms of the
“capitalization rate” did not strike me as bargain basement. Overall I
am troubled by the need to pay a 53% premium to book value for these shares.


Looking at the P/E ratio it appears to be 34 times earnings after adjusting
(deducting) recent large gains on income taxes and adjusting for some small
gains on property sales and a small asset impairment charge. Now, real estate
investors will be quick to point out that in real estate the amortization or
depreciation charge may not be a real expense. Buildings may appreciate in value
even as they age. And RioCan indicates that tenants are responsible for some
capital costs to maintain buildings. But still 34 times earnings seems very


Also price to free cash flow based on 2010 is about 21 times by my
calculation. So that is not cheap either even if you substitute that for P/E.


And finally the yield at 5.3% is nominally attractive but then again, this
yield involves paying out more than 100% of earnings and is close to 100% of
available cash flow. The danger is that by paying us the depreciation they are
in effect just handing back our own money to some extent. Regular corporations
pay dividends out of earnings and retain the depreciation amount to replace
assets and also retain some earnings. Here they give all the earnings and most
of the depreciation back as yield and in that situation I would like to see
higher than 5.3%.


So so far, my interest is not piqued but perhaps after I graph the growth…


Warren Buffett was interviewed on CNBC this morning. His comments were upbeat
and optimistic. Everyone should read these comments.
Some of you may remember some commercials from maybe 15 years ago about a financial
advisor. It was something like “when E. F. Hutton speaks, people
listen”. Well when Warren Buffett speaks, I listen. And frankly, I don’t
have much time for anyone who who does not see the wisdom in listening to the
world’s most successful investor.


The market meanwhile was kind to us today with the Dow up 93 points or three
quarters of one percent. Melcor was up 4.4%. But Melcor is so thinly traded that
this 4.4% is really just random noise – but even though it is noise, it makes a
most pleasing sound.


We shall see what the ‘morrow brings to close out the week. That will hinge
mostly on employment data due out tomorrow morning.


July 7 10:50 am eastern time


Markets are off to a strong start today. Yesterday with Wells
Fargo down somewhat I found myself in a defiant mood and placed an order to buy
a few more shares if it dips to $27.51. That looked quite possible yesterday
morning but the stock has no recovered to $28.79. Based on recent trends I would
think it had a good Q2 operationally. The wild card is how much it has to pay in
penalties to the government(s) regarding the whole mortgage mess. Also new rules
require it to operate with less leverage and that dampens profits. I am hoping
that we can some get clarity on these wild card issues and then the stock may
rise somewhat.


July 5, 2011


There are many ways of “predicting” the markets that I studiously
ignore. One of these would be the Presidential Election cycle. I have no use for
such a method of predicting the overall market. Besides which I invest in
indicvidual stocks and not the overall market.


According to this Presidential cycle the markets will do well in the final
year of Obama’s first term in office. I believe the rational for this is that a
President facing re-election often doles out more government spending to
stimulate the economy. But this year may be different. The United States is
looking at cutting back government spending to deal with its deficit. so even if
I were inclined to be excited by the presidential cycle, there are reasons to
think it might fissle this time.


However markets could still continue to do well as the economy emerges from
recession. Generally I stay close to 100% invested at all times and that has
served me well over the years although with certainly some down years mixed in.


July 4, 2011


A quiet day in the markets with the U.S. markets closed. In Canada the TSX
did play catch-up to some extent to catch up with the gains the U.S. markets
made on Friday when the Canadian markets were closed. Shaw Communications and
Canadian Tire unfortunately did not want to play catch-up and instead both
declined moderately today.


July 3, 2011


On Monday I expect the Canadian market to play catch-up to the
U.S. market which rose on Friday. As of 11pm eastern on Sunday night indications
were that the U.S. markets would be stable and if so this should allow for the
Catch-up day in Canada. (Not that this matters in the long-term, but it is
always nice to a good day in the markets).


I may add Rio Can Real Estate Investment Trust to the list. I thought it
might be good to add as a higher yield investment. Also it seems like a relatively
simple business and one we can all relate to since it owns the real estate for a
lot of the stores we shop in. However a preliminary look indicates that the
yield is not very attractive  (about 5.3%). It has a lot of accounting
complexities . In particular the switch to IFRS accounting for this company is
going to make any comparisons to past earnings quite difficult.


I think in the past it may have benefited from the ability to issue new units
at ever higher multiples of book value. That kind of party eventually ends. It
may seem that we can count on its cash distributions as being “real”.
But then again the cash distributions exceed net income typically and we may
want to consider to what extent (if any) is some of the cash a return OF our own
money rather than a return ON our money.


Clearly there were times when this was a great investment. My preliminary
sense is that this is not the time. However, I have not yet completed the


July 2, 2011


Canada Day was a good day in the markets. The Dow and the S&P 500 were
each up about 1.4%. Barring negative news over the weekend, the Toronto market
should play catch-up on Monday. Markets were also up on June 30. So it was a
good couple of days for our stocks.


Shaw Communications
is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $21.99. I call it
speculative  just because there is a fear that it will be hurt by competition
from Telus. Of course, all stocks are speculative to some degree. But I am
comfortable holding Shaw (I have 14% of my portfolio in this company).


June 29, 2011


There was some excitement in the market for us today…


The London Stock Exchange “merger” with TMX Group (it was really a
takeover) proposal is dead on arrival. The TMX shares closed up 1.5% to $44.20
on this news. This clears the way now for the Maple group to try to get their takeover
done at their offer price of about $50 which I believe was to include $40 in
cash and $10 in Maple shares and I believed hat because some investors would opt
for 100% Maple shares it is possible that TMX shareholders who opted for maximum
cash might get the whole $50 in cash. Anyhow the market is signaling that this
deal is far from certain. I believe the Maple deal faces significant hurdles.
However the TMX may well be worth the $44.20 even if it is never sold. So a strategy
of buying TMX at $44.20 and hoping for the Maple buy out might not be too bad of
a strategy. Worse case the deal will fail, TMX shares would probably slide to
high 30’s (maybe lower) but would ultimately recover I suspect.


Visa inc. had a fantastic day and
was up 15% to $86.57 on news that the U.S. rules on debit card fees will not be
as negative to Visa (and MasterCard et. al, as first feared). Our recent update
on Visa rated it (lower) Strong Buy at $79.41. While I am not updating the
rating I would think that it still represents good value at this higher price. I
have said before that Visa is effectively a monopoly (in that almost every
merchant is effectively forced to accept Visa) and I have said that “you
can’t keep a good monopoly down” (a monopoly that is unregulated as to
price that is, and Visa is large ly unregulated as to price on its credit card operations).


Shaw Communications was up 1.5% on its earnings report. I thought it could go
more than that but the market frets about losses of some cable customers to
Telus and seems focused on the risks of this company. Also Shaw does have a high
P/E. I like it but it never seems to be a screaming buy.


Greece passed its austerity measures Wednesday. This bodes well for strong
markets on Thursday.


June 29, 2011 9:10 am eastern time (20 minutes before the
opening of trading)


Shaw Communications reported earnings this morning. The results are available
at the following link:


The results appear to be excellent. Market reaction this morning and today
will depend on the extent to which these results beat or fell short of
expectations. I would think they beat expectations. They did lose a few basic
cable customers (some 14,000) out of 2.4 million whereas in past years they were
growing. But overall I would expect the sahre price to rise today. We shall see.


June 28, 2011


It was a strong day in the markets. I am not aware of any particular news
that drove that.


There are signs of progress on the banking front such as an indication that
Bank of America will settle some kind of large fine (like $8.5 billion that is
rumored) related to the whole sub-primes mess. It would be good to get this out
of the way and hopefully this will be good for Wells Fargo too, even if it faces
a large fine (but hopefully not too large).


Tomorrow morning I hope to take a quick look at Shaw Communication’s earnings
and post some quick thoughts on that. It will be interesting to see how its
subscriber count is going.


June 27, 2011


Another day in the markets… As usual there was news about Greece. This time
positive. France has agreed to “roll-over” its Greek bonds. In other
words when it comes time for Greece to pay off some bonds that France owns,
France will lend Greece the money to pay off the maturing bonds. Bernie Madoff
must be wondering why it’s okay for government to pay off old investors with the
money from new investments rather than from any productive activity.


Bank stocks rose on news that regulations that is mildly draconian will not
be quite as draconian as thought.


Our top performing stock pick today was (of all things) Microsoft, up 3.7%.


All in all it was yet another day when the noise to signal ratio was high.
(Lot’s of noise and almost random movement)


June 26, 2011


I took a look tonight at where the futures are indicating the U.S. market
will open on Monday. Up, down or sideways. Unfortunately, I have never been able
to make any sense of it. They give two figures one for the index and future and
one for the fair value.


So as I write this they show the DOW futures down 30 points to 11,851 from
Friday’s index close of 12,050. That is interesting, especially since 12,050
minus 11851 is 199, not 30! Then again the DOW actually closed at 11935, so if
it opens at 11,851 that would be a decline of 84 points.


Then there is the fair value figure which suggests that the fair value which
closed at 11978 will fall to 11851 or a decline of 127. Well, at least the basic
math is correct there.


So what is this telling me about where the Dow is expected to open on Monday
based on these figures. It beats me. Anyhow it changes all the time and I am
just as happy to wait and see where it opens on Monday. About the only time this
futures thing seems of value is when there is huge news and markets are set to
open hundreds of points up or down.


Here is a link to the CNBC futures page. Perhaps you can make sense of it.


In other news on Wednesday, Shaw Communications will report earnings. I look
forward to that and hope that Telus has not beat them up too much with Optic T.V.


June 23, 2011


North American markets at one point today were down about 2% but ended the
day down about 0.5%. Negative market news included forecasts of slower economic growth
and a report that more people sought unemployment insurance in the U.S. Later
today it was positive news on the Greece front that helped markets recover. As
almost always seems to be the case the markets roil up and down with each bit of
news, up today down tomorrow. I am not sure that anyone has much basis to
suggest a predictable trend.


The price if oil is down to about $92. That hurts the oil stocks but is good
news overall for the economy. Today the news was that 60 million barrels will be
released from emergency stocks by the International Energy Agency. This pushed
oil down several dollars. Which is a bit surprising when you consider that 60
million barrels is less than a day’s worth of consumption. World oil consumption
per day is about 80 million barrels. This is the thing with commodities.
They  can rise sharply on any sign of shortage and can crash down at any
hind of over-supply.


June 22, 2011


There were developments in the bids for the TMX Group today.


The LSE merger proposal has added a $4 special dividend. This looks a bit
preposterous to me since the deal is taht after a successful merger but the
former TMX shareholders and the existing LSE shareholders would get about the
same dividend $4 per share for TMX and 84.1 pence for the LSE. Apparently this
is about the same dividend for both groups and considering the merger ratio (how
many LSE shares the TMX shareholders get which I understand is 2.9963)


This seems preposterous because it is merely a special dividend to pay out
money from the merged entity to its shareholders. TMX shareholders will
effectively receive $4.00 of money they already own. This in no way adds $4.00
to the value of this offer and it is mis-leading for anyone to suggest it does.
It does not appear that the TMX group  claims this to be a $4.00 adder to
the offer. They let the media report that misleading idea.


I am disappointed with the TMX Group regarding this whole affair for a number
of reasons.


The TMX came out and said that the Maple offer is not the best from the point
of view of shareholders,


Thomas Kloet, Chief Executive Officer of TMX Group made the following


“The Board and senior management believe that the agreed merger with LSEG
will deliver the most value for shareholders, market participants and a broad
array of stakeholders.


Well the TMX Board may have a responsibility to consider market participants
and stakeholders. But current shareholders don’t have to consider that. Current
shareholders under the Maple offer will get at least 70% and quite possibly 100%
of the offer in CASH. If they get 100% in cash they will not be shareholders of
Maple. They then have no reason to care about the considerations of what the TMX
will look like after the merger. How competitive it is . How leveraged it is. I
don’t think the TMX Board has properly advised its shareholders of whether the
Maple offer is better for those shareholders who prefer cash. They do however
make the very sound point that the Maple Group faces large regulatory


The LSE offer is to be paid entirely in shares of the LSE and is therefore
quite different.


Late Wednesday the Maple Group upped its offer to $50 and indicated an
average 80% of that would be paid in cash. It seems to me that sine some
shareholders will opt for Maple shares, those who want all cash might just get
all cash.


Absent consideration of having to pay capital gains tax, the ability to
receive $50 cash seems superior to the LSE offer. Now, perhaps a TMX shareholder
would be better off to take LSE shares since those might be worth a lot more
than $50 in some years. But that is pure speculation and if an investor wanted
LSE shares he could buy them.


On the other hand there is absolutely no certainty that the Maple bid would
ever be allowed to proceed.


This is a tough call to know what will happen. Personally I would be happy to
see the whole matter droped and let TMX Group continue on as is.


June 21, 2011


At about this point it might be nice to have a boring day in the markets…
Maybe tomorrow…


Today (Tuesday) markets were up strongly. Our newest stock pick Research in
Motion, which was added to the list above on Sunday,  was up 10%, more than
making up for the 7% loss on Monday.


Suspected fraud Sino-Forest closed down 27% but at one point today was down
over 50%. At $1.99 is it a good speculation? That is hard to say. If this is all
just false allegations then of course it would be a great investment at $1.99.
But if there are serious problems with its financials then even though it has
cash and certainly some assets it may be tied up fighting about this for years.
It simply seems like a pure speculation at this point.


Meanwhile the government in Greece survived a confidence vote and so that is
a positive for the markets.


In Canada, Harper got tough with the postal union. I would not be surprised
if he soon looks at ways to cut  spending on federal government employees.




June 20, 2011


Markets did well today. However my own portfolio suffered as Wells Fargo was
down moderately. Constellation software was down 4% to $67.51 and this is now
down from recent highs of $78.00.


Research in Motion continued to go down today. I bought a few shares.


Sino Forest continues to slip as the market is afraid it is a fraud. If it is
not  a fraud it certainly seems to have done a good job of looking like


June 19, 2011


I have added Research
in Motion to the list above. It is rated Speculative Strong Buy at $27.75. A
subscriber asked about whether it made sense to keep holding this stock given
its very negative market sentiment of late. I decided that since this is such a
high profile Canadian company and given that its price is down to perhaps
bargain territory it might be a good candidate for this site. I was also keen to
read its financial reports to get an understanding of the company – which I previously
lacked. As most subscribers have likely noted, the methodology on this Site relies
heavily on past earnings performance data. What we like to find are companies
with winning companies that are available at reasonable prices. We don’t claim
to be able to predict the future. But we have found that in most cases winners
tend to keep on winning. In the case of RIM, the shine is off its winning ways.
But that does not necessarily mean it is about to crater. It looks like very
good value. This is my first look at the company and I expect to  improve
my insight in future updates. I should also mention that I am not a smart phone
use and not an Apple user and so I am certainly not tuned into the latest
fashions and functionality in smart phones and smart “pads”. I may buy
some shares in this company.


June 18, 2011


I have updated the composition of my personal
portfolio. I have a 95% exposure to common equity and just 5% to cash. It
happens that as a result of the stocks I own I have a heavy weighting to retail
and financial with about 30% in each of those. Since I pick stocks individually
and don’t target particular allocations to sectors this allocation for financial
and retail is a result of my stock picks and not the other way around. (I did
not set out to target financial or retail sectors).


This is a good time to mention as well that this site provides individual
stock picks and not portfolio planning. Users should select stocks from the list
above on an ala-carte basis. It makes sense to choose higher rated stocks from
the list above (assuming the rating still appears to be current given its date,
the stock price and events since the date of the rating) that sort of resonate
with you as being good choices and that you believe fit into your portfolio. In
buying the higher rated stocks above it makes sense to try to do so closer to
the time the rating was assigned. For example if we update the rating on a stock
to Strong Buy it makes sense to buy it based on that rating at that time rather
than to buy it six months later when things may have changed.


June 16, 2011


Constellation Software has fallen back. In particular today it was down 5% to
$70.75. Not on heavy volume. It may just be volatility. Or it may signal that
confidence if fading that restructuring or sale that has driven the stock up so
much this year may not happen. I had sold 1/3rd of my shares near the highs and
now I rather wish I had sold half. Well, I know I talked about the risk that
this could drop in price if the “deal” does not materialize. We shall
see. It is unfortunately a case where there is little “visibility”. We
will know if something good or something bad happens only after it happens.
“event driven investing is the name for investing in this on the basis of
the hoped for “deal”. We had rated it a (lower) Strong Buy at $51.40
based on business as usual considerations. Then when it later announced it was
looking at strategic options it became more of an event driven investment.


Today the maple Acquisition group published a full page advertisement to
encourage TMX shareholder to vote agaisnt eh London Stock Exchange deal. I was
disturbed that the letter failed to make any mention whatsoever of the fact that
the Maple offer is conditional upon passing certain regulatory hurdles. Yes, this
already well known but I don’t think it is right for them to issue a full page
letter like that and imply that their $48 (about which more in a moment) is
actually going to be available to shareholders with any degree of certainty.
Secondly I think it is unfair to tout their offer as being a $48 value without
immediately mentioning that an average of 30% will be in shares of Maple rather
than in cash. I think it is possible that a shareholder who elects the maximum
cash option will get the $48 in cash. But it is possible it could be as as low
as $33.60 in cash.


I wrote an email to Maple and told them of my concerns. They were gracious
enough to respond fairly quickly but as expected defended their letter and
pointed out that the extra disclosure I referred to was all available on line
and in their offering circular. But my opinion stands. It is just very disappointing
to see a group like that issue such a letter and leave out the few additional
words that would have reminded shareholders that the $48 offer is conditional
and is not all cash. If they acquire the TMX Maple would then be responsible for
many regulatory functions that the TSX exchange carries out. So to have a
potential regulator behave in what seems a shabby fashion is disappointing.


Also I would note that while the letter was mostly directed to shareholders
it also seemed to be designed to gather support for their proposal from the
public. Most shareholders who favor this deal probably just want to get their
$48 in cash and move on. These shareholders would then care little about the
future of the company, they are being asked to sell out after all. If as a
shareholder you were more interested in owning Maple shares you could elect for
maximum shares and minimum cash. Other than the sponsors of Maple I don’t see
who would want to do that. (Although I suppose a taxable investor with a big
gain on Maple might take that route).


I listened again tonight to the Sino-Forest conference call and got a better
understanding. Some of the disclosures that are disturbing are that much of the
revenue flows directly into new tree purchases so that they never get the cash,
just more trees. They refuse to identify their customers, their Authorized Intermediaries
not even the exact locations of the trees. They say this is all competitively
secret.  This certainly is not comforting.


Sino makes a contingent liability for income tax in case it would not be paid
by the Authorized Intermediaries.


In general management sounded quite sincere in their responses (although I
was surprised at a lack of emotion and outrage)


In the Q and A they could not really answer how many hectares they planted in
Q1 other than they are on plan.


There was a comment that the cash in part was in many individual bank


A question about whether they had ever collapsed one of their British Virgin
Island companies and paid the tax and whether they have accrued for such tax,
seemed to go unanswered, albeit the fellow asked two questions at once and it
seemed they missed this question.


A question about whether banks were expressing concern got cut off at the end
and they simply moved on even though certainly most of the question was heard.


They explained that on a convertible debt they would give up the option and
to pay in cash and would pay in shares assuming the shares were in the money
(high enough). This would prevent the volatility in earnings they stated. This
sounded totally backward, I would think it is the option to pay in shares that
causes the volatility not the option to pay in cash. If this was a mistake it
was repeated several times in the explanation.


In the final analysis we still don’t
know if it is a fraud but it certainly has enough “red” flags to make
China proud.


There was a big acquisition announced after the close. Capital One will buy
ING Direct USA for $9 billion. I think this is an indication of the returning
strength of U.S. financial institutions. Credit losses are down especially on
credit cards. I don’t have really any feeling if $9 billion is a good price, but
certainly it sounds like a large number and shows that both the buyer and the
seller here are financially healthy.


Regarding Berkshire Hathaway, it should be obvious that this will be a bad
quarter given all the tornados and floods which will cause big insurance losses
I presume. Also they will likely have a non-cash mark to market loss on the big
put options they sold on stock index futures. Finally, the economy has not
improved as expected.


June 15, 2011


Today the market took back it’s gains of yesterday and more. It goes to show
that the stock market is not a place where we can expect tranquility. Instead we
can expect but are not guaranteed a good return over the years albeit a volatile


Regarding Sino-Forest, I reviewed today the independent report on the
valuation of its forest. Unfortunately, this report is almost comical (were it
not such a serious matter) in its insistence that the reader cannot rely on its
information to be valid, much less hold the authors responsible. The report
indicates it relied on information from Sino Forest as to the size of the
forest. They did obtain a few sample maps (hand drawn!) and checked that out and
that small sample did check out physically.


I also have come to understand that when Sino-Forest sells standing timer it
may not actually receive the cash, instead its agents use the cash to buy more
forest area. This certainly seems an odd arrangement. I checked back the
quarterly reports from the last few years and found that Sino Forest always
seems to buy more forest than it sells. That may be reasonable as it wants to
grow. But it does seem odd that it never seems to receive cash instead the cash
goes to buy new forest each and every quarter apparently before Sino even gets the
cash. It appears cash drops every quarter except when they raise new equity or


I have not seen anything to prove this is a fraud but the nature of of its
operations and the way it buys forest with the money from sales and the way its
independent forest consultant does not verify that it checked the existence of
the forest to any great degree certainly does not provide much comfort.


While one might be tempted to throw some speculative money at this stock,
that would seem to be a pure gamble. At the moment I am not at all tempted to
gamble on it.




June 15, 2011, 7:35 am




Sino-Forest is set to open to the downside.


A Financial post article claims investors are spooked now by the explanation
yesterday of how complex the company is. I send the following note this morning
to the author of that article:


You indicate they don’t want to release the exact locations of the
plantations. I listened much of the call but I missed that statement. Oh dear! I
was wondering what they can’t release aerial or satellite photos marked with
where the trees are, perhaps time elapsed showing the cycle of before and after
logging (though that may be hard to see if not clear cutting) also showing the




We still don’t have evidence it is a fraud but it sure is murky.




I will try to take a look if they ever show a quarter where they make a
lot of revenue or collect a lot of receivables but did not buy new trees and
therefore cash rose. There may be such quarters which would be a positive
indicator. If not and all sales always disappear into new forest buys than that
would sort of smell.




I know they do have cash so that is a positive sign unless it call came
from stock and bond sales and not ever from operations.





June 14, 2011


Stocks were strong today with the TSX up 1.2% and the Dow up 1.0%. Canadian
Tire had a particularly strong day, up 4.2%.




Sino-Forest reported Q1 results today. There was no reason to think it would
not show a profit despite the fraud allegations. Although it reported an
accounting loss, that was due to a fluctuation in the value of a convertible
debt liability which in turn was related to the share price. That appears to be
an item that should adjusted for. On an adjusted basis the company had strong


Nevertheless the stock price ended up plunging another 33% with the loss
accelerating near the close.


It’s really hard to say if this company is above board or not.


A couple of odd things in the financial reports. First for some reason they
listed their main asset, the trees they own on leased plantations as current
assets. Second almost all of the trees they sold this quarter were standing
timber. I have no familiarity whatsoever with this but it is interesting that
someone would buy all these trees but just buy them on the stump and not take
delivery of the trees. Some quarters they have sold a lot more logs and leases
standing timber. But his latest quarter there was almost no sale of logs from
the forests but it was almost all standing timber. They explained this as due to
the rainy season in Q1 but the prior year Q1 they did sell a lot of logs…


It was a quarter where they also bought a lot of new trees. So we don’t see
cash build up this quarter, instead we see it decease. Of course it may not be a
fraud. But if one wanted to promote a fraud, it might be easy here. They say
they sold trees and but they don’t have to show the cash piling up because they
say they bought more trees with the money.


In recent quarters it appears they no longer disclose how many trees sold
from planted trees. Back in 2009 they disclosed this and it showed what seems
like very little sales of planted trees, $10 million out of total sales of $954
million. They have been planting trees to my understanding since about 1994.
They stated over the years that at least in some areas the trees would grow in
just 5 to 7 years. So why are more of the sales not from planted trees? When I
asked about this in 2005 my recollection is I was told the trees had only been
started to be planted around year 1999 or 2000, but that contradicted earlier
annual reports. Maybe that was an honest mistake but it really gave me pause at
the time.  I now hear that many of the trees they are selling are only 6 to
16 inch diameter (so not especially large) despite being 25 to 50 years old. In
that case maybe this explains the slow sales of planted trees, maybe they on
average take a lot longer to grow than 5 to seven years.


They mention that they accrue for income taxes of some of their customers but
don’t have to pay the taxes. It is just a contingency in case the customer
(Authorized Intermediary) does not pay. This seems strange and complex. My
recollection however is that this has been the case on the balance sheet for
many many years so at least they appear to be consistent.


Listening on the conference call, I could not get any reading from the
voices. They sounded sort of business as usual. I would have expected to hear
lots of emotion and outrage in the voices. Or maybe fear.


Whether or not it is worth taking a “flyer” on Sino-Forest at this
point is very hard to say. It would be an outright gamble. But maybe it would
pay off. If you do want to gamble you could also consider the Options that


To see a list of available options, go to the following link and
choose “equity options” and scroll down to Sino-Forest.


You will notice that options are available that expire as soon as this month
( around June 20, I believe) and as late as January. You should notice too that
the bid / ask spreads are HUGE. Meaning it would be easy to over-pay. Personally
I leave options to the experts, I think they are hard to understand. Any money
you put into buying Call options you should think of as like buying lottery
ticket. You hope to win, but you might to lose all your money.




TMX Group.


I was surprised to see the TMX shares down 1.2% to $43.64 on a day when
markets were so strong. This despite that the maple offer is said to be worth
$48 per share and shareholders who elect cash will get at least 70% cash and possibly
100% cash given some shareholders such as the bank sponsors of Maple would
presumably take 100% shares of Maple. The explanation would appear to be that
the market is not convinced that the Maple bid will be accepted (which required
the rejection of the LSE offer) and that the competition bureau will approve it.
Perhaps investors assume the LSE offer will go through and according to Maple as
I understand it their $48 offer is said to be 24% higher than the LSE bid. This
would imply the LSE offer (at the LSE stock price of Friday June 10) is only
about $39. If so, that explains why the TMX share price is not up near $48. If
in fact the LSE offer is only worth 439 then it seems silly to buy TMX in the
hopes of getting the LSE offer, in that case it would be better to sell now and
maybe buy some LSE shares.


To buy these shares at this time seems a speculation that the Maple bid would
go though or that LSE would raise its bid.


June 13, 2011


The Maple Group has formalized its offer for the TMX. Nominally, there
appears to be an offer to receive $48 for each TMX share. However if all shareholders
were to elect the cash option then it would be prorated and you would receive instead
$33.60 per share with the rest received as shares of Maple. Given that the
financial institutions that are sponsoring this already own shares and would
want Maple shares then I expect a large block of shares would elect 100% Maple
shares. This would mean that ordinary shareholders might expect to possibly get
the full $48 in cash or pretty close to it.


The Maple Group spends a lot of time talking about how their offer is better
for Canada or will create a stronger and more profitable TMX going forward. I
view that as relatively irrelevant. If, as I hope shareholders can basically
receive the full amount in cash then they won’t own any of the new TMX and so
who cares what the profit of new TMX will be? If I were relatively certain that
the $48 should be received, I would buy now at $44.19 and make a fairly quick
gain as the money would be received (I understand) in August. The main barrier
to receiving this $48 per share appears to be the need for approval from the
competition bureau.


I am deeply concerned that Maple Group in its information released today has
totally down-played the fact that its offer is subject to regulatory approvals.
The presentation says:



Offer for TMX not conditional on acquisitions of CDS and
Alpha, but conditional on receiving regulatory

for acquisitions of CDS and Alpha



That looks like a statement intended to mislead. what should be
highlighted is that the offer is conditional on being allowed to acquire Alpha.
It’s hard to imagine why the competition bureau would allow this and allow the
TSX to once again be an absolute monopoly.


Given all the uncertainty I am not
planning to buy any shares in TMX despite this conditional $48 offer.


I think it could be bought certainly as a speculation. Given two buyers are
fighting over, the offer price could rise.


If the Maple Group were to remove the condition requiring competition bureau
approval before the purchase will go ahead then I think the share price could
jump to $48. But there is no indication that they would buy without the approval
to combine in Alpha.


As to the LSE offer. I think it is a take-over and not really a merger and it
might not be allowed to go ahead. The LSE offer is NOT about merging the
exchanges. One company would own both LSE and TSX but these would remain separate
exchanges regulated in each country. It seems to me that the value of the LSE
offer is harder to determine. It’s hard to know what the value of the LSE shares
will be. In the case of Maple investors can probably assume that they will get
something close to $48 in cash – if that is, IF the regulators would allow it to
go ahead.


My guess is that unless something changes the LSE bid will be voted down by


In other news, Wells Fargo recovered some ground with a 2.4% gain despite a
weak day in the markets.


The Toronto market lost ground as oil fell to about $97. Overall I think
lower oil prices are good for most stocks although obviously bad for the oil


June 12, 2011


As of 10 pm eastern time, futures data indicate that markets will open
moderately to the upside, tomorrow, Monday.


The latest edition of our free newsletter
has been sent out.


June 10, 2011


Stocks are starting off today Friday with losses. During periods like this I
try to take comfort that the stocks I own are money makers and generally do not
have high P/E ratios. Those kind of stocks, on average, tend to do fair perhaps
better than average during downturns and rarely suffer very large collapses. The
market is a place that requires patience, confidence, the financial ability to
sustain at least temporary losses and the emotional ability to sustain losses.
This is always the case although during certain bull markets it may seem that
losses are not a concern. They always are a definite possibility. For me, this
downturn does not shake my long term confidence that owning money making corporations
bough at reasonable prices will pay off over the years.


June 8, 2011


I don’t know what is going to happen with Sino-Forest. Will they prove to be
honest or a fraud? How long will it take to resolve?


If you wanted to bet that it will turn out to be honest you could buy shares
or options. To see a list of available options, go to the following link and
choose “equity options” and scroll down to Sino-Forest.


You will notice that options are available that expire as soon as this month
( around June 20, I believe) and as late as January. You should notice too that
the bid / ask spreads are HUGE. Meaning it would be easy to over-pay. Personally
I leave options to the experts, I think they are hard to understand. Any money
you put into buying Call options you should think of as like buying lottery
ticket. You hope to win, but you expect to lose all your money.


In other developments the markets continue to be weak. Wells Fargo is down to
$25.36. This is due to a weak outlook for housing and the economy. I continue to
think this company will do well before too long but as always there are no guarantees
of that. The next important piece of data will not likely come until it reports
Q2 earnings around the end of July. My hope is that it will show continued
improvement in profits and lower loss provisions.


June 8, 2011 9:30am eastern


An Analyst at Dundee has come out strongly in support of Sino-Forest and
indicated that the Muddy Waters report is crap. It certainly could be true that
the company is totally above board despite its complexity. This seems like a
binary situation. Either it is worth closer the the former $20 or closer to
zero. I was just reading that Michael Lewis said in the Big Short that these
kind of situations can be lucrative if you can buy a long term option on the
company called a LEAP.


The LEAPs tend to be under-priced in these binary situations he said. I don’t
know if LEAPS exist for Sino-Forest.


June 6, 2011


Constellation Software was among the few stocks that rose today. This is up
about 50% to $77.62 since it was rated (lower) Strong Buy at $51.40 on February
5. As explained in updates below it rose sharply after it announced it was
looking at strategic alternatives which were thought o include selling out the
company at a premium. Given that there is risk that no such takeover will occur
I finally decided to sell 200 of my 600 shares to reduce my risk. I also entered
an order to sell 100 more if it hits $80.


June 5, 2011


I have just added Toll
Brothers Inc. to the list of stocks in the table above. We rate it
Speculative Buy at $21.03. My thought process in adding this company is that I
wanted to find a stock that would benefit when U.S. house prices eventually
increase. Ideally, I would want a small company that has raised money to buy up
foreclosed houses and rent them out or perhaps better to buy up options to buy
such houses. But I don’t know of any such companies. Toll Brothers will benefit
as a house builder if the market recovers. Also it is sitting on land that
should increase in value at some point. Overall, Toll does not seem to be any
screaming buy and there are certainly risks. But if you think that U.S. house
prices will eventually rebound and if you are looking for a stock that would benefit
on the upside, Toll Brothers may fit the bill. I was pleasantly surprised to see
that Toll Brothers has a reasonable strong balance sheet after this debacle. The
fact that it is able to operate at break even after about an 80% decline in its
revenues is a testament to the company. I like (but don’t love) the price the
book value at 1.4. Basically the Toll brothers started a company in 1967 and it
grew to be very successful before this housing crash. If earnings can recover,
the fact that we are able to buy in at 1.4 times book value will turn out to be
a good investment. most successful companies trade at price to book values that
are much higher than that although these ratios vary by industry and a lower
price to book value is certainly no guarantee it is a good investment. I am not
sure if I will buy any shares or  not. In part this is because i am almost
100% invested as it is. (very little cash).


June 2, 2011


There startling news today about a company I used to have on this site,


It has been accused of being a total fraud with an estimated value of about


I hope none of you own it and if you do, I fear it may go to zero. What an
awful situation.


A couple of things come to mind. First something that is not really important
but which I can’t help saying. Basically. “I told you so”… Well not
exactly. I never said it was fraud. But I did say I did not trust management. I
sold over 5 years ago and never looked at it again because I did not trust the
company. Some details of why were posted here. Scroll to the bottom and click
older comments and then do control-F and search for Sino and you will see I
stated some worries and lack of trust. But certainly I never said it was a fraud
although I did not trust management. I thought I said somewhere along the line
that I would not be surprised if it were a fraud but I can’t find where I
said that so that may be a fabricated memory. Update June 5: I have now found an
old email from November 13, 2005, where one of you was asking why I sold and I
said “what if Sino just possibly is some kind of fraud or is
hiding something”. 
And how many companies have I even suggested
might be a fraud over the 12 years I have been doing this Web Site? That I can
think of… none.


Another thing that comes to mind is if this was a fraud, where were our regulators
and the auditors? I mean I smelled a bit of a rat here years ago, so why not the


The company who accuses this company of being a fraud are short the stock. I
have zero problem with that. Every day people who own a stock sing its praises
and exaggerate its outlook. This is almost never questioned unless it is out
right pump and dump. Buy and praise never seems to be questioned. Buying Apple
and saying it is going to $1000 is seldom if ever questioned. Seems to be
acceptable behavior. If these guys identified that this was a worthless beast
then they had every right to short it and then tell the world why they think it
is a fraud. Of course they better be right. One can’t run around accusing
companies of being frauds unless there is a strong basis for the belief. If it
is worthless that is very sad, but that is it. If it is worthless and a fraud it
should never be allowed to trade again.


In other news Moody’s is reviewing Wells Fargo and some other banks for a
possible credit rating downgrade. I have a problem taking any credit ratting
agency seriously. These are the same guys who gave banks high credit ratings
when they were running with say 3% common equity. Now they have closer to 9%
common equity and NOW these guys want to downgrade. Frankly I don’t understand
how or why banks were EVER given very high credit ratings. They have always been
highly leveraged. I always consider banks to be risky. I certainly like Wells
Fargo but I NEVER said it was without risk. If house pries are indeed still
going down and if the jobs don’t come back then Wells Fargo certainly will not
be helped by that. But, still I have placed my bet with them. Time will tell.




June 1, 2011


Well it was a nasty day on the markets on Wednesday with the Dow down 2.2%
and the Toronto market down 2.0%. This was blamed on weak economic reports
including weaker manufacturing and jobs data. Also there was yesterday’s lower
U.S. house price report.


Our Wells Fargo got clobbered, down 5.0% and Canadian Tire was down 4.5%.


I don’t think it is really possible to know if this sort of thing is the
start of a trend or not. Based on earnings U.S. stocks in general seem
attractive as does Canadian Tire . In general investing requires one to take
risks and to put up with volatility. As an investor for over 20 years, this sort
of day really does not bother me much although obviously if it continued that
would not feel good.


May 31, 2011


Reitman’s reported poor earnings after the close today. They blame it mostly
on poor weather. Also a weak consumer demand due to higher gasoline prices. A
stronger Canadian dollar lowered their costs but was not enough to offset the
weak demand and the lower prices they were forced to charge. May was the first
month of the next quarter and it was also quite weak which they again blame on
weather. This could be temporary but overall this is not a stock that interests
me at the moment. This is a chain that Target could hurt, although that is still
about two years away. My sense is that their niche ids serving customers who
want more customer service, hard to find sizes, and more unique styles. With
markups that average close to 200% they seem to be a high cost operation. The
high dollar also drives its customer across the border into the U.S. Cloths are probably
one of the most popular things to buy cross border.


A store like Canadian Tire in contrast seems to be helped by a high Canadian
dollar (lowers its costs similar to Reitmans) and what we purchase there is
often bulkier or on an as needed basis and not as likely to be purchased cross


Our stock picks did quite well today. Most of them were up. In part this was
due to the strong U.S. market today. But also Canadian Tire and Shaw, for
example had a good day. Our gains in U.S. stocks were partly offset by a higher
Canadian dollar.


The latest Case Shiller index of U.S. house prices came out today and had
another decline. This is in contrast to Home Builders who are reporting slightly
rising prices. My sense is that  U.S. home prices have over-shot to the
down-side in many Cities. But it is difficult top turn the trend around since
lower prices begat lower prices (due to people waiting and due to more people
going into negative equity and more desperation sales). But at some point the
bargain hunters will step in..


May 30, 2011


Not too much happened on the markets today, given the U.S. markets were
closed. First quarter GDP growth figures came out for Canada and were strong at
about 1% or 3.9% annualized. that is real growth after inflation. Unfortunately
it is expected that Q2 will be slower due to supply disruptions to the auto
industry associated with the Japanese earthquake.


Bank of Canada will comment on interest rates on Tuesday morning and may even
increase interest rates but the betting the rate will be left as is. The market
will be interested in any sign that interest rates will rise soon.


I am now taking a look at Toll Brothers the luxury U.S. house builder. I am
interested in any company that might benefit a lot from the eventual stabilization
of the U.S. house price situation and the eventual rise in prices. Toll Brothers
is probably not the one with the most upside but it appears to look good from a
risk reward perspective (at first glance). But I have not completed the analysis


May 26, 2011


It was a moderately positive day for our stock picks. Various
earnings reports coming to the market appear to be mostly quite positive. I am
feeling good about owning stocks even though I know that negative news can
always be lurking around the corner.


May 25, 2011


Tim Hortons announced that its CEO and a 20 year veteran, Don
has left the company immediately. The former CEO who has been
serving as executive Chairman will take over on an interim basis. Apparently Don
had been told that the company would like to transition to a new CEO after some
period of time. Understandably it appears Don told them to stuff it. This
appears to be a case where former CEO Paul House never really let go of the
reins. If House had been really serious about making Don the CEO several years
ago, House would never have retained the executive Chairman role. He would have
been just the non-executive chair and handed over the reins.


In the press release, I would almost say Don was damned with relatively faint


This may be no big deal for Tim Hortons but at the very least it was poorly
handled. At worse it could indicate major conflicts regarding the proper
strategy for the company.


There was not much happening with our stocks picks although Canadian National
Railway was up 2.1% and Constellation software recovered the ground it lost
yesterday and closed up 3.1% to another new high. But it continues to trade on
thin volumes which makes it vulnerable to a decline if someone decides to try to
sell a larger number of shares.


May 24, 2011


Not too much excitement in the markets today. There were modest declines
based on fears of the European debt crisis.


I just saw a headline that seems like
good news for Wells Fargo.


The headline was “NEW YORK (AP) — Late payments on credit cards fell to
their lowest level in 15 years during
the first three months of 2011, TransUnion said Tuesday.”


That seems shocking and frankly unbelievable. With all the debt people have
taken on and with the higher unemployment. How can credit card delinquencies be
at a 15 year low! They are reported to be at 0.74%,


Read the full press release here



This prompted me to check my usual source for this information. On my Links
page is a link to quarterly loan delinquencies reported by the Fed. It would
have been just recently updated by the Fed for Q1.


Looking at that data for the 100 largest banks on a seasonally adjusted basis
Q1 credit card delinquencies are back to levels not
seen since 2005.
Q1 was at 3.83% ( I believe that is an annualized figure
which may explain why TransUnion has it so much lower at 0.74%). Q 1 last year
was a lot higher at 5.81% and 2009 Q1 was at 6.63%.


And what about mortgages (on a seasonally adjusted basis)?


The Fed data shows mortgage 90 delinquencies at 11.39%. Unfortunately these
are still at dangerously high levels and have declined only modestly since Q1
2010 and actually rose a little since Q4. (in contrast this figure was 1.40% in
Q1 2005 so it rose incredibly in the financial recession.)


Here is a link to this data:


Checking charge offs (polite word for write offs) rates rather than


Mortgage write-offs have continued to decline as have those for credit cards.
Interestingly the actual charge off rates on mortgages are “only”
1.82% (still miles and miles higher than normal conditions, like 0.07% in Q1
2005). For credit cards the write-offs are at 7.32%. so it seems on real estate
the write-offs are way lower than the delinquency rate while on credit cards
they are actually higher. The reason being that on real estate the loan is
secured. (At least that is part of the reason).


The mortgage write-off data is here:


So this is a mixed picture. The cynics would say many  people stopped
paying their mortgage and started paying down the credit card instead. The bank
is going to take the house anyhow.


So it’s not a total good news story, but I think these lower credit card
delinquencies are a welcome surprise and bode well for Wells


What about Canada?


Mortgage delinquencies are reported here:


These are 30-day delinquencies and so are not comparable to those 90 day U.S.
figures. The Canadian figures rose somewhat with the recession but overall
remained remarkably low.


The latest figures from the banks of credit card delinquencies are from
October 2010 and show modest declines. They show delinquency at 1.16% and
charge-offs at 4.30% annualized. Not that much different from the U.S. using the
Trans Union figure In fact the Canadian 90-day delinquency on credit cards seems
to be higher than in the U.S. However the charge offs at 4.30% are lower than
the U.S. where they are at 7.32% . However, it is hard to compare figures from
two countries with different sources, they may not be comparable.


May 23, 2011


Staples is updated and rated Buy at
$16.71. We had rated it Buy at $22.92 at the start of this year and it has
fallen 27%. Most of the decline was after it released Q1 results last week and
lowered guidance from 25% earnings per share growth this year to about 10%. The
market has reacted very negatively to the lower outlook, but the reaction may be
over done.


The stock market was closed today in Canada. However the U.S. was open and
the Dow was down 1% and the S&P 500 was down 1.2%. Wells Fargo is down to
$27.53. It may be hard to get excited about this stock which has not performed
well lately, but it does look like good value, although of course there is no guarantee.


May 22, 2011


Telus is updated and rated Buy at
$50.70. This stock is up about 16% since we rated it a Buy at the end of last


May 19, 2011


Thursday was a good day for our stock picks. Notably, Shaw Communications as
up 1.8% and Canadian Tire was up 2.0% and Constellation software up another 2.1%
(although again Constellation is very thinly traded).


I plan to have some updated reports and ratings over the next few days.


May 18, 2011


One of my occasional activities is to act as an investor advocate or
activist. Tonight I felt compelled to send a letter of complaint to the
Investment Industry Regulatory Association asking them to investigate what
appears to me to be inadequate disclosure by the TMX Group regarding the
conditional take-over proposal by the Maple Group.


On Saturday the TMX group advised
of a proposed takeover offer but did not state the price offered. Based on
that press release I had thought that the conditional proposal did not state the
exact price. Since then, the TMX Group has told me that they were aware of the
proposed price.


On Sunday the Maple Group released
terms of the proposed offer and indicated it wwas $48 per share which might
be all cash for some shareholders depending on how many shareholders opted for
Maple Group shares in place of cash. The absolute minimum cash would be $33.52
under the proposal the rest in Maple shares.


I was not immediately aware of that Sunday press release. In fact I found it
only tonight by searching. TMX Group made no effort to further disseminate the
news about the price offered.


Now this proposal is conditional on a number of things and I am highly
skeptical it will go through. Nevertheless I think it was incumbent on the TMX
Group to release the price offered in its statement on Saturday and failing that
to post the Maple press release to the TMX web site on Sunday and to press
release it under the TMX name for proper distribution.


As far as the TMX shares themselves. They could be bought on speculation that
this deal will happen. But I sold my shares and I don’t wish to speculate on
this deal happening. I was happy to get my $44.10 and move on.


A couple of years ago I complained about companies issuing earnings releases
during the middle of the trading day. As a result of my complaint the practice
has been very sharply curtailed. This is detailed on my page that described my
activities in this area of activism:


In other news the markets were strong today. Our stock picks benefited in
particular from modest increases in the price for Canadian Tire and Shaw


May 17 10:21am  eastern


Yesterday’s good news was Wells Fargo rising 3%. The TMX Group closed down
modestly yesterday to $43.37. Therefore it so far appears that the market shares
my skepticism that the banks will be able to buy the TMX Group and combine the
Aplha exchange with the TSX exchange. But this company will no doubt fluctuate
as the market comes to understand the probability of the deal going through. The
Financial Post indicated the deal was for $48 and there are reports a formal
offer was made after the initial TMX statement. But no price was indicated by
the TMX and no release regarding the formal offer. Also TMX indicated the offer
was partly equity which is confusing. Equity in what? At the moment there
appears to be an appalling lack of disclosure from TMX but I don’t have all the
facts on that.


May 16 2011 


Oil and the Canadian dollar were both down today. I think this is good news
for the economy overall.


As expected the TMX Group was up today (see my post of May 14). My remaining
shares were sold at the open at $44.10 based on my order to sell if it reached
$43.00. The shares traded as high as $45.26 just after the open but then trended
down and closed at $44.05. So my sale at $44.10 seems like a good trade. It may
tend to trade down now as people consider whether the proposed buy-out would be
allowed. Or if it looks like the deal will proceed the stock could certainly
trade higher.


Constellation software was up 5% today. However this was on very thin volume.
On Tuesday last week it announced that some of its insiders have canceled
plans under which they were systematically and automatically selling shares over
time. The prices at which they were going to sell systematically were generally
somewhat higher than the current price. The market did not seem to react to that
news last week and it is not clear if today’s rise was related to that
news.  I must admit I have no clear idea how to take the news about
insiders canceling their systematic sales plans. Insiders could
possibly be accused of insider trading no matter what they do. This is probably positive but it may not be. Perhaps they are scared the price will drop back if
no sale of the company occurs and they would be accused of selling at too high a
price. Two weeks ago the company reported good earnings results for Q1.


A reasonable strategy for those with big gains on Constellation might be to
sell half to protect against the risk that its restructuring will not happen.


May 14, 2011


The TMX Group announced today Saturday that it has received a non-binding
proposal to buy the company from a group of banks and pension funds.


On this news the TMX shares will presumably rise on Monday. The shares closed
Friday at $41.75. I had sold most of my shares at about $45 and $43 when the
proposed merger with the London Stock Exchange was announced. But I still have
some. I have an order in to sell at $43. I will leave that order in place and
hope the stock opens higher on Monday.


The banks and pension funds condition their offer on Alpha a newer stock
exchange competitor that the banks own being allowed by regulators to merge with
the new TMX Group.


This bank proposal looks ridiculous to me. I have often described the Toronto
Stock Exchange as being a near-monopoly. It used to be essentially a monopoly
and even with the introduction of competitor exchanges, every large company is
Canada is virtually forced to list on the TSX. And analysts have no real choice
but to buy their data services.


It seems preposterous to think that the competition bureau would allow the
TSX exchange to merge with its main competitor.


But I suppose anything is possible.


May 12, 2011


It was a good day for our stock picks. Most notably, Canadian Tire was up
2.1% after releasing good earnings. Stocks have certainly been volatile lately.
Anyone who likes to invest simply with the trend is certainly getting confused
signals. But volatile markets are the friend of the value investor.


May 12, 2011 (just prior to opening of trade)


Canadian Tire has reported good Q1 earnings. There was mention that it would
have been better save for bad weather. I believe the good earnings growth of 13%
was about as expected.


Yesterday oil prices and stocks fell. I believe lower oil prices are good for
the economy and for most stocks.


Canada’s exports reported yesterday are surprisingly strong in the face of
our high dolalr. But I do worry that certain manufacturers are getting crushed
by the high dollar.


May 10, 2011


Most of our stock picks did well today. Most notably Canadian Tire up 2.6%.
Canadian Tire will release earnings on Thursday morning. Hopefully the earnings
and outlook will be strong enough to keep the momentum going.


May 9, 2011


Canadian Tire prior to the opening of trading on Monday announced that it has
made a friendly offer to purchase the Forzani Group for $771 million (500 stores
banners include Sportcheck, Sport Mart, Forzani’s, Sports Experts and others).
The market has greeted the news positively. I don’t have any basis to know if it
is a good deal or not. But Canadian Tire has its experience in purchasing Mark’s
Work Wearhouse a few years ago and it should be capable of knowing a fair price
to pay. Ofthen when acquisitions are made the buying company’s shares decline on
the news and so it was good to see Canadian tire rise on the news.


Other stocks that did well today for us included Melcor Developments and
Constellation Software.


May 7, 2011


Berkshire Hathaway is updated and
rated (lower) Buy at $80.21. I would be inclined to rate it higher but looking
at the numbers and all the factors it seems like (lower) Buy is the right rating
at this price. I think it will do reasonably well long term but just does not
seem to be particularly under-valued at this time.


May 6, 2011


Visa is updated and rated (lower)
Strong Buy at $79.41. Visa seems to be good value given its growth and its
dominant position.


May 6, 2011 12:55 pm eastern time


A subscriber emailed and asked my opinion on Constellation
Software, Buy, Sell or Hold. Constellation was added to our list on February
11 this year and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $51.40. The price then rose quickly
and it announced it was looking at strategic alternatives and the price is now
about $68 for a quick 32% gain. It also paid an annual  dividend of $2.00
so the total gain was about 36% for those that bought at around $51.


It’s difficult to evaluate now because of the uncertainty of this strategic


Our report indicated, among many other things:


Estimated present value per share: We
calculate  $54.50 if adjusted
earnings per share grow for 5 years at the more conservative rate of 10% and the
shares can then be sold at a P/E of 13 and $96.52 if adjusted earnings per share
grow at the more optimistic rate of 20% for 5 years and the shares can then be
sold at a P/E of 15. Both estimates use an 8% required rate of return. 20%
growth may be optimistic but the company has been growing in excess of that


I read a recent report from an analyst
who was in this stock much earlier that it may be sold to another company and
that it may be worth around $100. (But I saw no information that any buyer has
offered any price).


I have a fairly large position and am
holding. But I recognize that is a risk. If the strategic option to sell the
company falls through then the price could certainly drop. 


My feeling is that if one is nervous
holding it then sell and take the gain.


Emotion comes into play. I find it
difficult to sell now at $68 if there is some chance it will be bought out at a
much higher price. 


If I did not own it I might buy a small
amount. As a current holder of a large position (about 5% of my portfolio), I am
not going to buy more.


The bottom line is that because of the strategic
alternatives being studied this stock is particularly hard to predict. It is
certainly not without risk.




May 5, 2011


While markets were down today a few of our stock picks were better behaved.
Canadian Tire regained some ground. The lower Canadian dollar did much to ease
the pain for those with U.S. stocks. My own portfolio was flat on the day which
seemed pretty good on such a negative day. I am hoping oil continues to slide as
that will be good for consumer confidence.


I am working to update the report on Visa. Ya gotta love a monopoly like


May 4, 2011 


It was another down day in the markets and this time our Stock Picks did not
escape. One saving grace was the decline in the Canadian dollar today which
helps Canadians that have U.S. investments. Hopefully the lower oil prices can
continue and will start to boost confidence. I am sure it gets tiring for me to
continue to say that Canadian Tire and Wells Fargo are good buys at these
prices, but I do think that. I am definitely intend to be hang in in with these


May 3, 2011


The TSX was down 242 points or 1.74% today. The Dow was about flat and the
S&P 500 was down 0.3%. So on that kind of a day it was nice to see some of
our higher rated stocks do pretty well. Wells Fargo and Walmart were up. I was
not pleased to see Canadian Tire down almost $1.00. I wondered if it was some
kind of signal that the upcoming earnings on May 12 were not that good. But then
again it may have been just the overall weakness in the Canadian market today. I
added another 100 shares to my position today. Q1 is never a strong quarter for
retail but I was hoping they would report a Q1 that was better than last year. I
figured the high Canadian dollar would help lower their costs. However if they
partly pass on the lower costs to customers then they might report lower revenue
and higher profit. I was thinking their credit card operation should be doing
okay given the modest economic recovery. Usually my strategy is to buy stocks
soon after earnings come out, if I can, rather than just prior to them coming
out. By buying prior to earnings come out I am taking more of a chance.


Earnings continue to come in strong. Standard and Poors is projecting that
GAAP earnings on the S&P 500 will come in at nearly $95 this year, up 23%
from the $77 in 2010. On an operating earnings basis they project an increase of
11% to about $93. This projected $93 earnings on the S&P 500 would be a
forward P/E of 1357/93 = 14.6, which seems relatively attractive given today’s
very low interest rates. The point is, this seems at least moderately positive
for stock prices.


May 2, 2011


So.. we have a Conservative majority in Canada. I am a conservative by nature
though I am no fan of Harper’s… This Conservative majority is probably the
best outcome for investors. They will continue to spend WAY too much but still
less than the NDP would like to spend. The Canadian dollar is already up on the
news tonight.


Today markets were volatile but mostly ended without much change. I am
waiting now to see what the Q1 earnings reports look like… They are coming in


May 1, 2011


Warren Buffett held his annual meeting and 5 hour question and answer period
on Saturday. Based on reports of the meeting I understand that he stated that
U.S. banks will not be as profitable as they once were (due to lower leverage)
but that Wells Fargo and U.S. Bancor (both of which Berkshire has investments
in) are two of the very best. I understand Berkshire added moderately to its
position in Wells Fargo during Q1.


Buffett also indicated that he would consider Microsoft as a value investment
but considers that Berkshire should not invest in it due to Buffett’s close
relationship with Bill Gates.


Berkshire Hathaway reported that it lost money on insurance underwriting in
Q1 due primarily to the Japan disaster. That is not a surprise, this is the
business Berkshire is in.


April 28, 2011


Microsoft reported very strong earnings today. Still the stock fell on the
news in after hours trading. Despite the strong profit the market fears that
Microsoft will increasingly lose out to competitors.


In general, stock markets continue to do well based on strong earnings.


For the next few days, until Sunday, I am on the road (in Banff) attending a
course in corporate governance and Board member functions.


April 27, 2011


Berkshire Hathaway’s audit committee has come out with a report on the David
Sokol “insider trading” issue. It slams Sokol pretty hard and absolves
Buffett totally. I imagine Sokol will want to sue Berkshire over the matter. A
messy situation. Very unfortunate. Buffett has sung the praises of Sokol for
years and Sokol still owns a valuable piece of Mid-America, a company of which
Berkshire owns about 90%. This should put the issue pretty much to rest except
for court fights that will go on in the background.


There will still be lots of chirping on this issue and how Buffett handled
it. But despite the chirping I think it is pretty much a dead issue from the
Berkshire perspective. Sokol did wrong and then he resigned. Berkshire and
Buffett did nothing wrong.


Berkshire indicates that Sokol made an improper gain by buying shares ahead
of Berkshire’s takeover offer for Lubrizol.


Here is the Berkshire report on the matter.


In other news the markets continue to chug along and I feel good about the
stocks I own and about owning stocks in general.


April 26, 2011


The latest (February) Case-Shiller index of United States home prices by City
came out today. Some headlines indicated it was down 3.3%. But that was down
3.3% from a year ago. So the notion that U.S. house prices were down another
3.3% in February is false. In fact, in February the index was down 1.1% from January.
And, on a seasonally adjusted basis to correct for normal seasonal fluctuations
is house prices, they were down 0.2% or basically unchanged. So beware
misleading headlines. The fact is the data suggest that U.S. house prices have
changed very little on average in the last few months.


In other good news, corporate earnings continue to come in mostly with
positive surprises.


Overall the outlook for stock markets seems good at the moment.


Stocks had a strong day today.


A notable laggard today was Canadian Tire down 1.4% despite a strong day in
the markets in general. I don’t know the reason for that or why the company is
lagging. It is certainly possible that “the market” knows bad news is
coming. But I look at the fact that this is a company that earns good profits,
and has a strong history and it is selling at only about 1.2 times book value. I
would expect its earnings to rise in 2011 and I think the high Canadian dollar
will help in that cause. Maybe I am wrong, maybe it will report big losses
on  its credit card operations. There are always maybes. Always risks. But
meanwhile I like this company as a probable quite good investment over the next
12 months. In the Spring of 2009 stocks were at bargain levels. At some point if
we are to make strong gains we must take a deep breath and pounce on what
appears to be a bargain. To the bold will go the spoils. Not to the reckless,
but to the bold. And yes the bold will suffer some setbacks. The bold will win
the war but not every battle. In conclusion, I own Canadian Tire, I feel very
good about owning it and would consider adding to my position. But I recognize
that there are always risks.


Canadian Tire will not release earnings until its annual meeting on May 12.
Presumably the company will keep a tight lid on results until then.


April 25, 2011


I saw today where the new Wells Fargo CFO has bought 10,000 shares at $28.54.
A positive sign (maybe). However as a Board member he may have been required to
buy shares. Many companies have adopted the well-intentioned rule that Board
members own shares. Unfortunately that means when they buy we don’t know if it
is because they think the shares are cheap or they just have to. Particularly
stupid are those many Boards that a) set a requirement for members to own shares
and then b) give the members the shares. Instead they might want to think in
terms of electing people to the Board that already own shares. You know, owners.
But anyhow, I do think Wells Fargo will turn out to be a very decent investment
over the next 12 months (though I will never guarantee such things).


U.S. new house sales in March rose compared to February and prices rose too.
(Albeit to an average of only $213,800). Existing houses remain in glut
conditions but there is a scarcity now of new homes for sale. I believe that the
indications are that we are at the bottom of the price range for U.S.


April 23, 2011


Wells Fargo is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $28.54. The stock price fell after it released Q1 earnings
this week. The earnings were actually quite good. However the market has fixated
on the recent decline in revenues. Wells explained that revenues declined as
they exited certain of the riskiest lending that led to the credit crisis and revenues
are also down in consumer mortgages. Most of Wells Fargo’s business segments are
growing. By my calculations, the profits and profit growth trend at Wells Fargo
justify rating this stock as a (higher) Buy.  If the figures are to be
believed, analysts project that earnings will grow by about 45% in the next two
years (Forward P/E projection for December 2012 is 8.0). My conclusion that it
is a (higher) Buy does not rely on growth being that high.


Wells Fargo is my biggest holding. I am very comfortable owning it and have
added to my position on dips. I am comforted by the fact that Warren Buffett
owns a large position in the company and has spoken favorably about the company
and its prospects.


It is possible, but not guaranteed, that Wells Fargo could benefit in two
ways by the end of  this year. First its earnings are expected to rise.
Second, with the higher earnings and a possible dividend increase the P/E ratio
could rise. If both of those things happen, then the stock price would rise
quite noticeably.


April 20, 2011


Markets had a very strong day with the Dow up 1.5% and the Toronto index up
1.2%. However Wells Fargo was down 4.1%. Due to my own heavy weighting to Wells
Fargo, I felt like the market had a party but I was no invited. That’s okay my
turn will come.


Wells Fargo is a very large company. It is complex due to how large it is and
its different divisions. The market apparently focused on the revenue being own
in it mortgage business. The market was unimpressed by what appeared to be a
very strong quarter in terms of profits and a host of sales figures in most of
its various businesses. I listened to the conference call tonight and based on
what I heard I remain very optimistic about the outlook for this company. I
added to my position today.


In affect the reason for the existence of my efforts here is that sometimes
the market under-values some shares at times. My goal is to find some of those
cases. Ideally they would soar soon after I identify them. But that is not
realistic. The old saying is “value will out”. If, as I believe, Wells
Fargo is destined to outperform, that will happen at some point (and I don’t
think it will be all that long). Patience is a requirement of value investment.
Over time and over a number stocks, patience tends to be rewarded. That is not
to suggest that there is ever any guarantee in regards especially to any one
particular stock.


April 20, 9:07 am eastern (before the bell)


Wells Fargo looks set to open down about 50 cents to $29.50. This despite
what looks like a good earnings report. I would not be surprised to see it rise
alter today but we shall see.


April 19, 2011


Markets recovered a bit of ground on Tuesday. Of particular interest to me
was Wells Fargo up 1.9%. Wells reports earnings tomorrow morning. I am hopeful
of a good result particularly that bad loans will be not so bad. But there may
be other one-time hits, so we shall see what the morning brings.


The TMX Group has been creeping up, now at about $40. I had sold most of my shares
at about $45 and $43 when the proposed merger with the London Stock Exchange was
announced. I entered an order to Sell if these hit $43. If the shares were to
“pop” suddenly to above $43 on good news about the merger, it is possible
I would get a higher price than $43. If the news came during a time markets were
closed (as it is supposed to) and the stock popped at the opening to above $43,
then my shares would sell at the higher price. On the other hand if the stock
reaches $43 and then climbs above that during trading hours, I would be sold as
it reached $43.


April 18, 2011


Stock markets declined today due to Standard and Poors warning that it might
downgrade the United State’s credit outlook to negative. I won’t pretend to know
much about these matters. Then again I am not sure that the S&P analysts do


It’s hard to imagine that the United States would ever default on its debt
given that 1. It has huge powers of taxation and 2. It can print money at will.
What S&P probably should be warning long term bond investors about is the
possible inflation that may be caused by high deficits and money printing.
Investors are almost sure to get their money back in 30 years but what a dollar
will buy then is another question. But for sure this move by S&P is a
warning to the government to get its deficits under control.


It was nice to see that one of the few stocks that were up today was
Shaw Communications.


April 17, 2011


Shaw Communications
is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $19.16. Based on its earnings,
Shaw looks like a good investment and it is cheaper in relation to earnings than
it has been in years (save possibly at the depths of the 2008/2009 market
crash). I have added the word Speculative to its rating due to the uncertain
impact of technology and competition with Telus. All stocks are speculative to
some degree. But the possibility of a radical change in technology or a radical
increase in competition and lower prices makes Shaw more speculative that
appeared to be the case previously. Still, it looks like a good investment.
There are always risks. If we avoid all risks we will never invest in stocks.


On Friday I added to my position in Wells Fargo based on the reasons
mentioned in my last posting here and based on a further price dip on


April 14, 2011


My Shaw Communications and my Wells Fargo dropped again today. The poor
market sentiment on Shaw is not likely to change for the better unless it gets
another quarter or two of good results under its belt. The media segment in
particular offers upside. But the market seems focused on the risks of cable competition
and what will happen with Shaw’s wireless initiative. I certainly can’t offer guarantees
but the company looks well priced to me. But that does not mean the market is
going to recognize that anytime soon. But if profits keep growing, eventually
the share price will follow. But the other possibility is a profit decline due
to competition. This is the nature of investing in stocks. It is not a sure
thing. I note that TD Securities has a $25 target on the stock and rates it a


It may have been out of stubbornness as much as anything, but I added to my
Shaw position today. Well at least I have the courage of my convictions, as


Wells Fargo on the other hand could get a boost from its Q1 earnings out in a
week or so. I have strong hopes that for this company the earnings growth could
push us nicely higher by year end. I note that an article in Fortune magazine is
predicting that U.S. house prices will soon be on the rise. In particular new
houses, because of how few are now being built. That would certainly be a
positive development for Wells Fargo.


April 13, 2011


Our Canadian
ETF article is now updated. This article has a huge amount of information
and includes about 100 links back to more detailed or updated information. If
you want to grab an ETF for oil sands exposure or the equity market or bonds or
even Gold and Silver you may find it here. I don’t include all the Canadian ETFs
because there has recently been an explosion of new ones. Most of the ETFs here
are based on an index for which I have fundamental data like the P/E ratio. I
may add a few more ETFs if there are any on the BMO series that are in sectors I
don’t have AND which have fundamental data available for the index. You can find
many sites talking about Canadian ETFs but I don’t know of any other web page
where you can get a reasonably comprehensive list and where you can also see the
P/E ratios and dividend yields of the funds.


As far as commodity ETFs I give you the trading symbols. But there are no
fundamentals and I have no special clue which way commodities are headed. That
is not my game.


It was a bad day for our Stock Picks. Shaw Communications was down 3.4% and
Wells Fargo was down 2.3%. These are two of my own largest positions and so my
portfolio took a hit there. Canadian Tire however was up 1.2%.


Shaw Communications earnings were good but the market always focuses on the
future. Shaw is slowing its investment in wireless (cell phones) and this adds
uncertainty. Shaw has lost 0.6% of its cable TV customers in the quarter due to
competition. This is not that many given that we know that Telus is gaining
customers on its TV offering. But the market worries that a small leak can
become large. Meanwhile Telus is still gaining phone customers and converting
basic cable customers to digital. Overall the value ratios for Shaw look pretty
good. The price to book ratio is still not low at 2.85 but it is the lowest it
has been in years. The Price /Earnings ratio is reasonable at 14.3 and again is
the lowest in years (with the possible exception of the depths of the 2009
market crash). The return on equity is excellent at 21%. The dividend yield is
certainly attractive at 4.6%. I have started to update the report on this
company and that is not complete. But I believe I will continue to rate this
somewhere in the Strong Buy range.


Wells Fargo declined, probably that was because the FED has indicated that
all the big banks will have to reimburse some customers for improper
foreclosures. And in addition to that there will be fines. It appears that the
company has not yet commented on this matter. So that means uncertainty.
However, the underlying earnings power of Wells Fargo will likely be maintained.
There are never any guarantees but I continue to think that this company and
stock will do well.


April 13, 2011 9:20 am eastern


Reviewing the financial results for Shaw Communications, before the opening
of trading… The results look quite good to me. Yes, they did lose some 13,000
basic cable customers due to competition. But earnings were still up double
digits. We shall see how the market reacts.


April 12, 2011


It was another down day for the TSX index and for most of our stock picks as
well. Walmart bucked the trend, it was up 1.1%.


Shaw Communications will be out with earnings Wednesday morning. I expect it
will have lost some cable customers to Telus. I am hoping the earnings will be
good, but we shall see…


I am in the progress of updating my Canadian
Exchange Traded Fund article. The equity part is updated and the fixed
income and Gold/commodity sections will be updated in the next few days.


April 11, 2011


It was reported today that PIMCO, the largest bond fund in existence is now
shorting U.S. Treasuries instead of buying. It would certainly be bad news if
there really was a dearth of buyers for those bonds. But so far the yields on
the bonds remain very low. I will watch these yields and if they rise
significantly that would signal inflation and a weaker U.S. dollar and would likely
be bad for stocks. So far it seems someone is still buying those bonds at low
yields. (4.64% for 30 years). People point to Gold prices as an idication that
the market fears inflation. A more direct indicator is the long treasury


On a day when the TSX was down 212 points (1.5%) and the Dow was flat and the
S&P 500 was down a little, our stock picks were mostly up.


As subscribers know, I don’t follow a huge number of stocks. What I do follow
has been enough for us to do well over the years. Right now, one of the stocks
that I am most confident is a good value is Canadian Tire. I offer no guarantees.
But of the stocks I follow that is one that comes to mind. It is not likely to
shoot higher but I think it will turn out to be a good investment.


April 7, 2011


Costco was up almost 4% today as its sales
rose more than expected. The stock does not look cheap but it is definitely a
great business. Most of our stocks picks were down a little today. The Q1
earnings reports will soon start rolling in and I will be updating some of the
reports for those. Within the next week I plan to update my article of the
valuation of selected  Exchange Traded Funds.


April 6, 2011


Canadian Tire was down about 3% today after announcing the impact that the
switch to IFRS accounting will have on its earnings and book value. The impact
did not look that large to me. On this dip I added to my position in Canadian
Tire. While there are many variables, one thing working in the companies favor
is our high dollar. In isolation, that factor will be good for its


One news story today appeared to suggest that Constellation Software may be
put up for sale because a couple of its competitors have sold recently at high
prices. If so that is positive. It’s hard to say what will happen here. This
development with Constellation (strategic review announced) adds to the risk. I
considered selling some shares today but decided to wait. Partly this is because
it is a thin trader and it might be viewed as unfair for me to sell without
announcing it first. I may sell some or even all or I may just hold as the mood
strikes me. The fact is this is a tough call.


April 5, 2011


Someone was asking me if this issue with Dave Sokol leaving Berkshire
Hathaway and the subsequent drop in the stock price was an opportunity to buy.
Well, I would say that I had last rated Berkshire a Buy at $79.40 on December
30. It subsequently got as high as $87.65 on the strength of a good Q4 report
and markets in general that were strong. Now it has dipped on this news. The way
I analyse stocks the resignation of Sokol would not change my rating at all. It
seems to me that Sokol was a great CEO of a large company Mid America and also
NetJets. But he operated in the HUGE shadow of Buffett. It does not surprise me
that a man like that would want to move on and make his own mark. The surprising
thing is how rarely anyone leaves Buffett. Sokol was a great asset for Berkshire
so his departure is a negative. But Berkshire has huge bench strength and not
much will change. As far as the fact that Sokol owned shares in a company he
suggested Buffett buy, well that looks bad. But if that was improper, well Sokol
is gone now, so I don’t see that as a big deal for Berkshire.


Constellation software had yet another good day today. Given it is now at
$66.98 whereas I had last rated it a (lower) Stron Buy at $51.40 on February 5,
my rating is now out of date due to the price movement. I don’t have any basis
for what I would rate it at today until I update it again, which I plan to do
after its next earnings release. I continue to hold the shares I bought at
around that $51 price. In a cryptic news release Monday morning the company said
it undertaking a strategic review with the idea of enhancing shareholder value.
That is too cryptic for me to get any meaning out of. It seems odd given the share
price is up so nicely.


With the Canadian dollar over $1.03 U.S., I am tempted to transfer some money
into U.S. dollars. I find it hard to understand how the Canadian economy (at
least the manufacturing and tourist part) can compete with the dollar this high.
It may keep going up. On the other hand American dollars are relatively a
bargain now compared to any time in the past 35 years save a brief period a
couple years ago when it briefly soared above this level.


April 2, 2011


A good day on the markets Friday. In particular Canadian Tire was up nicely
this week. The latest U.S. unemployment rate at 8.8% down from an expected 8.9%
is encouraging. I’ll get back to updating the individual reports by April 20.


I am in Florida. I know many of you subscribers are retirees and some of may
be in a position to consider a vacation home here. (Obviously, this is not for
everyone, but certainly some of you…)


I was at universal studios yesterday. Jam packed. The new Harry Potter
attraction was at capacity all day. Had to book a time to return later in the


About $260 for the four of us (without express passes and food is extra) and
the place was jam packed!


Malls are busy.


In Dick’s Sporting Goods there were a few things on sale in the Golf
section but nothing on huge markdown.


The subdivisions look prosperous where I am (Riverview, just south of Tampa,
Summerfield subdivision).


Restaurants are busy… Highways are busy…


In short, rumors of the demise of Florida are greatly exaggerated.


Retirees who wish to spend months in Florida in winter: Florida is calling
your name. Opportunity knocks.


Sure, houses may fall further, may still be falling. But that should be
basically immaterial to anyone buying to keep as a retirement home. Prices are
cheap now and the opportunity is in front of us. Tomorrow, who knows?


Houses are on for basically half the former price here. And the Canadian
dollar is a lot stronger than it used to be. Houses in Florida are definitely
more affordable for Canadians than they have been in at least 15 years. In fact
as a multiple of the average Canadian income or in comparison to the cost of a
house in Canada, Florida houses have probably never been cheaper.


As I mentioned, I have a sister who is a real estate agent in Tampa. If you
have a serious interest she may be able to help you. If you just have a casual
interest she can perhaps recommend some web sites for you to browse.


March 31, 2011


Most of our stock picks were down today, Canadian Tire was an exception. Far
east markets are up modestly in Friday trading.


The developments at Berkshire are a bit troubling. The securities Commission
always takes it very seriously when there is any hint of trading on inside
information in advance of a takeover offer. This should not affect Berkshire
long term but still it does not pass the smell test…


March 30, 2011


As expected, today was a strong day in the markets. I am not sure what to
make of constellation software up about 25% in two months since it first
appeared on this site. I like the company but would be more cautious at this
price. Meanwhile I have not sold any shares to lock in this gain.


There was a strange development at Berkshire Hathaway with the resignation of
one of Buffett’s heir apparents. While Buffett explained what he knew in a press
release, it is rather odd. Once in a while I suppose one of these top managers
gets tired of working in the immense shadow of the great man.


March 30, 2010 7:35 am eastern


Yesterday stock indexes were up modestly and today is setting up for positive
gains as well. Far East stocks are up overnight and there is a positive U.S.
private sector jobs report out.


I will be getting back to updating our stock reports within three weeks. For
now I am mostly sitting tight. (Any trades will be mentioned here and usually in


March 28, 2011


Most everything was down today. One exception was Constellation
Software. Another exception was Visa.
There were a few other exceptions as well.


March 26, 2011


I am in Florida this next week. (Tampa). If any of you are retired and visit
Florida in winters, you know that stories of vacant houses are a little exaggerated.
At least from what I see. Nicer neighborhoods remain great places to own a home.
A few foreclosed homes, yes. But not that many.


So far the economy looks not so bad here, we went golfing today and the
course was busy, as one little indication. Most of the golfers were locals.


Houses are on for basically half the former price here. And the Canadian
dollar is a lot stronger than it used to be. Houses in Florida are definitely
more affordable for Canadians than they have been in at least 15 years. In fact
as a multiple of the average Canadian income or in comparison to the cost of a
house in Canada, Florida houses have probably never been cheaper.


Two of my relatives have bought houses in Tampa in the past several months
and are extremely happy with them. My sister, a dual citizen, has lived in
Tampa, Florida for years. These days she is selling houses here.


Tomorrow we are off to watch the final round of the the Arnold Palmer Golf
Tournament in Orlando. All the big names are here.


March 24, 2011


Most of our stock picks were up today. As of later Thursday night the far
east markets are up. Therefore it seems likely that stocks will do well on
Friday. I do worry what the profit situation will be at Shaw, how many customers
they will have lost to Telus. I am not prepared to either buy or sell Shaw at
the moment until I see the earnings report next month.


March 23, 2011


An interesting news story today was that Shaw Communications is down sizing
by 500 employees. Apparently a gcost cutting move as a reaction to competition.
I have rated the company highly in spite of the fact that it would lose some
customers to Telus Optic TV. It remains to be seen how much pain Telus will
inflict. Shaw will release earnings around April 8 (based on last year April 9).
A Financial Post story indicates that investors will see the job cuts as good
news. Well maybe… On the other hand it could be taken as a negative signal.
Shaw does not appear to have made a press release.


March 22, 2011


A quieter day in the markets.


Canadian Tire gave back some of its gains from yesterday. I have a lot of
this already or I would consider buying. Melcor slipped to $15.75. I like the
company and would consider buying if I did not already own a lot of it. One
strategy, if you are interested but not too hot to trot. Go with a “stink
bid” somewhat lower than $15.75 and see what happens over the next 30 days
(bids last a maximum of 30 days before they expire). Same applies to any stock
but especially the thinner traded stocks.


I have not bought or sold much recently. I am nearly fully invested in
equities with only a little cash in my accounts. I also have some borrowing
capacity in the tank if markets should decide to tank. (buying opportunity).
Unless something changes I intend to remain close to fully invested.


Of the stocks that I hold, there are none
that I am too interested in selling. If I did sell anything it would likely be
just part of one or two of these positions. Reasons to sell would be to raise
cash and reduce risk or iif I saw something I liked better.


March 21, 2011


Monday saw a strong start for the markets for this week. Most
notable in terms of our Stock Picks was Canadian Tire up about 3%. There are
never any guarantees but I like the chances for this stock to rise.


As of Monday evening (Tuesday in Japan) the Nikkie is up a surprising
4%. They don’t appear to be making much progress with the nuclear reactors and
so I was surprised to see the market rise like that. 


March 20, 2011


On Friday morning the U.S. Federal Government cleared the way for several
U.S. banks to increase or partially restore their dividends towards pre-crisis
levels. Wells Fargo wasted no time and by mid-day announced an increase from 5
cents per quarter to 12 cents. This is still below the amount it is allowed to
go to. But it is a start. Market reaction was rather muted probably because this
had been expected and because this may have been at the low end of expectations.
Possibly tomorrow Monday, the market will have digested this news a little further.
Wells Fargo will release first quarter earnings on April 20. I expect Wells to
continue to do better although it may have setbacks as well with loan losses.
The share price should rise as its earnings improve.


As of just after midnight eastern time (which I call Sunday night –
especially since it is still Sunday here in Alberta) but which certain
rule-following people may insist on calling Monday morning) the Japanese market
(where we can all agree it is already Monday is up about 2.5%.


Not that it matters at all in the long run, but hopefully this will be a good
week in the markets.


I will resume the cycle of updates for the individuals companies by around
April 20. Earlier in April I plan a major update to the ETF articles giving
updated P/E ratios for selected Canadian and world ETFs.


March 17, 2011


Analysts are predicting that certain banks including Wells Fargo will be
cleared tomorrow (Friday) to increase their dividends and that these banks may
announce same as soon as Monday. That would seem to be good news. however, since
it was anticipated it may already be reflected in the stock price. But I suspect
it would cause a pop in the share price, we shall see.


In other news, the markets were up about 1.5% today. (Nothing unusual to see
it up or down that amount… yawn…)


March 17, 2011 (10:22 am Eastern)


The market “uncertainty” continues. (So what else is new markets
are ALWAYS uncertain.) Any apparent certainty would be an illusion. I placed an
order yesterday to buy a little more of the Japanese ETY EWJ if it drops back to
$9.25. It had not dropped this week as much as the Japanese market but that may
have been to the rise in the value of the Japanese currency. So buying this is a
bet on the Japanese market rising and its currency not falling. As of now EWJ is
at $10.05. Hopefully the nuclear plants in Japan will not get any worse and if
so EWJ may never drop back to $9.25.


March 15, 2011


On Tuesday North America markets opened the day down a noticeable amount
(roughly 3%) but climbed through the day and closed down only about 1%. I
considered buying some of the Japanese fund EWJ. However this ETF did not seem
to be down anything close to what the actual Japanese market is down and so I
did not make that buy.


As of Tuesday evening in North America, Wednesday morning in Japan, the
NIKKIE is up almost 5%.


Until the nuclear meltdown threat is resolved, the market direction is
anyone’s guess.


March 14, 2011


Stock markets were down a little in North America on Monday. About a half
percent. So no big deal. Tuesday could be a bigger slide. As of about 1 am
eastern time on Tuesday, the Japanese market is down a further 12% to 8500 on
the Nikkie.


If you decide to go bargain hunting in Japan you can buy the Exchange Traded
Fund EWJ on the U.S. markets. I have a small amount of this and am tempted to
add to that.


Perhaps on Tuesday there will be lots of bargains around.


If I had a lot of cash I would be tempted to buy but would want to do so
slowly. Markets are never predictable and so it usually does not pay to get in
too much of a hurry.


March 12, 2011


My article on understanding
the Canadian economy is updated.


Within a week or two I hope to update our Exchange Traded Fund reference
articles. In regards to Canadian Exchange Traded funds. I wanted to wait until
most of the companies had reported earnings. I am not sure how fast the earnings
are reflected in the P/E ratios by segment that I obtain from the TMX web site.


March 11, 2011


Well a bit of a recovery on Friday from yesterday’s losses.


I have updated my calculation of the valuation
of the overall Toronto Stock Index. It came out showing that the Toronto
stock exchange seems to be over-valued. It has a trailing P/E of 19.2, which is
somewhat high. Even after adjusting the trailing earnings up somewhat to reflect
that the trailing earnings are affected by recession, the adjusted trialing P/E
is is still 18.2, which using conservative assumption of growth seems too high.
However, keep in mind that the Toronto index is so heavily weighted by commodity
stocks that its earnings are volatile and so the trailing earnings may not be
that representative of where earnings will be in the next few years. So while
this article is on the negative side, it is not a definitive statement and we
should be careful not to place too much weight on it. And even if this
over-valuation is true, the article still suggests that the Toronto market will
earn an investor and average of almost 6% per year over the next ten years. Not
great, but not a disaster.


March 10, 2011


The U.S. and Canadian stock markets were all down about 1.9% today.  So
not a good day in the market, but not exactly anything unusual. What is next? As
always, nobody knows.


Our Stock picks were not down as much as the market. Couche-Tard managed to
increase 2.5% on this down day, as it released good earnings.


What is that saying? “Get in, sit down, buckle up, hang on and enjoy the
ride”. It does have some scary moments but eventually the market tends to
get you further along on your journey to wealth.


Regarding Melcor. I was wondering how long it would take Yahoo to update its
earnings per share for the earnings out a couple days ago. Checking to day they
have a bizarre figure in their for earnings and so a bizzare P/E ratios shows


For years Yahoo never used to show P/E ratios for Canadian stocks although
Globe Investor did. Just recently I see P/e ratios showing up for most Canadian
stocks on Yahoo. that is progress. Hopefully the P/E on Melcor will get
corrected, but i won’t hold my breath on that.


March 9, 2011


Well, Melcor was up a nickel today… volume was only 9,000 shares which is
the average for this stock.


It amazes me that a company can announce earnings for Q4 that were 90 cents
this year versus 33 cents last year or 173% increase and the stock does not
move. Possible reasons include that no body saw the earnings release. This is
not a company that has any large following. Another reason would be that this
news was anticipated already. Which in turn could be explained by investors with
crystal balls, or someone inside leaked that the results were good. I just don’t
know… well maybe by tomorrow, the good earnings news will filter into the
stock price.


For example right now Yahoo shows the P/E at 17.76. Based on the earnings
just released that should soon update to jut under 11. I am inclined to keep my
shares given these earnings and given that the outlook seemed to be reasonably


Meanwhile Walmart and Wells Fargo were up about 1% each today…


With Canadian Tire down today I added another 100 shares to my position. I
even managed to catch very close to the low price for the day.


The TMX group has fallen back to $39 on fears the merger with London Stock exchange
will not happen. I had played the merger announcement fairly well selling almost
half my shares at just under $45 and another batch at $43 the day the merger was
announced but hedged my bets by keeping what worked out to 27% of my shares. As
the price falls here I may be tempted to nibble back into this as it may be
worth $39 without the merger.


Forbes has released the latest list of the world’s richest 1,140 people. The
cut-=off for the list was $1 billion.


Carlos Slim of Mexico is number 1 at $74 billion, Bill Gates number 2 at $56
billion and Buffett is number 3 at $50 billion.


The Walton family, the founding family of Walmart would be number 1 at $90
billion if they were counted as one family rather than as four separate entries
on the list.


Many interesting names on the list, I am sure.


I notice 3 members of the Mars family with $10 billion each. Chocolate bars,
who knew?


Canadian names I noticed include first the Thompson Family in spot number 17
with 423 billion


Galen Weston and family  (Loblaws) at $7.1 billion


Jim Pattison $5.8 billion.


James and Arthur Irving $3.5 billion.


Charles Bronfman (Seagram fortune) $2 billion


Daryl Katz (Rexal drugs) $2.0 billion


Chip Wilsen (lulu lemon founder ) $1.9 billion


James Ballsillie (RIM) $1.8 billin


Frank Stronach (Magna) $1.7 billion


Gerald Schwartz (of Onex an investment conglomerate) $1 billion




I notice Charlie Munger, Buffett’s partner slumming it down there at just 1


Oprah Winfry and Donald Trump are tied at $2.7 billlion…


I notice a Herb Allen $1 billion or so  (a friend of Buffett’s and Paul
Allen $13 billion Microsoft co-founder on the list…( hmmm I must check if i am
related to either…)


One of the great myths out there is that “all the great fortunes of the
world were made in real estate’. That story originates at least as far back as
Andrew Carnegie 100 years ago. If it were true then, it is not true now. Very
few entries ion this list indicate anything to do with real estate as the source
of the wealth. banking seemed to be one of the most common sources for the
wealth. In terms of the top 50 richest people, real estate is the source in only
two cases and none in the top 20.


March 8, 2011


It was a good day for our stock picks… U.S. markets were up about 1% while
the Toronto stock index was down 0.6%.


Of most notice and importance to me was Wells Fargo up 2.5%.


After the close of trading Melcor released excellent earnings and a reasonably
good outlook. I would think the stock will be up tomorrow on this news but that
is hard to say. The stock seems to have already anticipated that the earnings
would be good and so perhaps all of this good news was already priced into the
stock. Also Melcor is not heavily followed or traded and that will affect how
the stock price reacts.


If the stock rises I may lighten up my position somewhat.


It appears thtat the full financial statements were not yet released so that
could dampen any price reaction.


March 7, 2011


Monday started out with a surprising rise in markets. However by end of day
the Dow and S&P 500 were down about 0.7% and the Toronto market was down
1.1%. Canadian Tire was down 1.9%
and I continue to think this company is a good investment.


March 6, 2011


As of late Sunday / early Monday, oil is up to $106 as Libya turmoil deepens.
So I expect markets will be down noticeably on Monday morning. Ahh well, never a
dull moment. Those unprepared to stomach volatility should not be in the market.
I will still sleep soundly tonight. As I always do.


Our article on the valuation of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average is updated. Based on the earnings achieved in 2010 it
appears that the Dow is about fairly valued. To adapt an old saying, when it
comes to high stock market valuations, high earnings will “cover up a
multitude of sins”. In other words if stocks indexes were looking too high
at times in the past year or so, robust earnings growth has negated that


The latest edition of our free newsletter
has been sent out. If you have not received it, add your email to the list for
the free newsletter using the “box” that is provided for this purpose
at the bottom of our home page.


March 3, 2011


The market surprised with a 1.6% increase in the Dow today. that was based on
positive job numbers in the U.S.  Particularly notable from my perspective
was Wells Fargo up 2.7%, Visa up 2.5% and Constellation Software up 2.1%.


Melcor as well was up by 2.7% although on very thin volume. Last year they
released earnings in the first few days of March, so perhaps we will see their
earnings tomorrow. I am still tempted to sell some especially if I can get $16
or more.


The emotional tug-of-war goes something like this… I I sell I might miss
out on further gains if the earnings and outlook ae quite good and in that case
I could only blame myself. If I hold on and the earnings so happen to be bad or
the outlook and the stock falls, well I would regret not selling but in that
case I could at least lay some of the blame on the company for giving poor
earnings. I think this is the sort of emotional battle that we all go through as


After hours, Walmart increased its dividend by 21%. The stock was only up
marginally at 0.75% after hours so the market might not get too excited about
this. Basically it seems like a lot of people have written Walmart off as too
slow growing at this time. But I thought it looked reasonable cheap… As
always, time will tell. (and by time I means months and a year or two, not


March 2, 2011


Most companies have now reported their Q4 earnings. Therefore the biggest
driver of stock prices in the next 6 weeks or so will likely be various economic
reports rather than individual company earnings reports.


Canadian Tire showed some life today, up 1.1%. It should benefit from the
higher Canadian dollar as most of its products are purchased from suppliers in
U.S. dollars.


Melcor shares have been up recently and I look forward to its earnings report
which will likely be out very shortly.


March 1, 2011


Markets were down today due the Middle East situation. Tomorrow (Wednesday)
morning, Warren Buffett will be on CNBC’s Squawk Box for about 3 hours. I
believe this starts at a6 am Eastern. Buffett’s comments will be mostly upbeat
and perhaps that can provide some lift to the market. But it is always the case
that markets go down as well as up and we have to be able to take our lumps if
we want to be around for the long term gains.


February 28, 2011


A positive day for the markets, the Dow was up 0.8% and the TSX up 0.6%.
However the S&P 500 was only up 0.2%.


Berkshire Hathaway was up almost 3% after releasing good earnings on Saturday
morning. Melcor was up almost 4% to $15.85 although , as usual, that was on thin
volume. I came close to placing an order to sell some of my Melcor shares this
morning when I saw it at $15.50. This would be to reduce my risk and build some
cash. However I decided to hold off. I will likely wait for their earnings
release. What may be more important is their outlook. I worry that housing
starts could drop. On the other hand with high oil prices maybe Alberta will
continue to boom along.


The Canadian dollar was up today and now sits at about $1.03 U.S.
Obviously it could go higher, especially with talk of higher interest rates in
Canada. But it’s also clear that it could slip back down. The high dollar makes
it ever easier for Canadians to shop in the U.S. for everything including
houses, cloths, cars and even stocks. The cross border shopping should act as
some kind of a break on the rise in the Canadian dollar. It won’t go up forever.


February 27, 2011


The S&P 500
valuation article mentioned yesterday is revised in one section as I
received, from Standards and Poors,  this Sunday morning the correct Price
to book ratio on the S&P 500. I then calculated that the S&P 500
companies are earning an ROE of about 14%.


February 26, 2011


The latest of
Warren Buffett’s annual letters to shareholders was issued this morning.
This is must-read material. It’s a bout 26 pages. Do yourself a a favor, print
it and read it carefully. It paints an optimistic picture for Berkshire and for
the economy.


Our popular S&P 500
valuation article has been updated and with some added analysis.


February 24, 2011


Stocks were down moderately today. Oil prices dropped slightly and so it
appears that the market reaction to the Libya situation may have stabilized.


February 22, 2011


No good news in the market averages today. The Dow was down 1.4%, the S&P
500 was down 2.1% and even Toronto despite oil and Gold being up was down 1.1%.
This of course triggered by the trouble in Libya.


Well at least it is good news for freedom and democracy and that is good for
markets in the longer term.


The latest Case Shiller house price index is out and shows U.S. house prices
dropped again in December.


Wells Fargo is under pressure due to that news and probably the uncertainty
as to why its CFO resigned. I expect Wells Fargo to eventually pull itself up by
its own bootstraps, by which I mean I expect it to post higher earnings and then
the share price to rise.


Walmart fell as it reported somewhat disappointing Q4 same store sales and
its outlook looked a little soft. Actually its earnings were up 27% and that was
just a bit more than expected. It is trading at under 13 times earnings which
seems not too bad for what is still a world-class retailer. I’m tempted to buy
on weakness.


I did buy 100 share each of Berkshire Hathaway and Canadian Tire today. I
figure I can’t buy low unless I do buy low. Maybe I should wait for lower
prices. But he who always waits for lower prices may never end up buying.


Hopefully the situation in Libya will resolve itself quickly…


February 21, 2011


I am thinking of selling some or possibly even all of my Melcor Development
shares. My last update was Speculative Buy at $13.89 and they have traded as
high as about $15.50. So I though I might sell just to raise some cash and lower
my risks. However, I suspect they will report a good Q4 and so maybe I will wait
until that report is in. What will really count is their outlook. If they start
to see a housing slowdown in Alberta then the stock price could decline.


Possibly. I will add to my Berkshire Hathaway position in anticipation of a
good Q4 report. Buffett’s derivative position on the stock exchanges will have
gained in value in Q4 and then gained more in 2011. Most of his companies have probably
done well. The wild card is the insurance segment which may have been hit by
various weather events around the world.


February 19, 2011


As previously mentioned, I recently received the updated total return figures
(before and after inflation) from Ibbotson Associates – the well-regarded
Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation yearbook.


I purchase this reference book every two years and use it to update a number
of articles regarding past stock and bond market returns. Some of these articles
I first created in 2001 and have been updating at least every two years since


Before I get to the updated articles, here is an important announcement that
may be of interest to some of you:


Back in late 2007 I began to offer for the first time the option to subscribe
for three or five years. A link to those options has been sitting just above
these daily comments since then, though I seldom mention it.


At that time I also came up with a lifetime subscription offer. I think it
was a fairly compelling offer. In fact I was not sure I wanted many people to
take me up on the deal. Seven of you took that deal and I then took that offer
down. I don’t think I ever mentioned it again. Until now. It’s been over three
years since that offer was open. For a limited time, I am opening that offer
back up. If you are interested,
the details are here. I reserve the right to close down this offer at any


Now back to our regular programming…


This year there is one new article
that arranges the data to show the impact of “Time In The Market”.
It shows what happened to investments that have been in the market for 1 year, 2
years, 3 years etc. all the way back to 85 years in the market.


See also our updated article on the historical
Performance of Stocks


Two important articles are updated for 2009 and 2010 data. These articles
compare returns on a 100% stocks approach versus a traditional balanced portfolio approach
over 30 year savings periods and over 30-year retirement periods.


Most comparisons of this kind rely on simulation data and make assumptions

about future average returns and the standard deviation of returns. Often
inflation is ignored. I am always very skeptical about those monte carlo
simulations. They rely on assumptions. My approach simply graphs stock and
balanced fund returns based on actual past returns. I look at each of the 56
possible 30-year savings or retirement periods from 1926 to 1955 all the way
through to 1981 – 2010 and graph the actual returns. I use inflation-corrected
or real returns to show the results in constant purchasing power dollars. To be
sure, my analysis contains assumptions as well. It assumes it was possible to
invest in the S&P 500 index or a government bond index or to replicate it
closely enough. It also assumes a tax-free savings account and ignores
transaction costs. I assume all investments are  made on January 1 each
year, monthly or daily data would pick up more extreme results. Even with those
assumptions, I believe the past data is very educational. Whether or not past data
can predict the future is a much more debatable point. But we should at least
know how an all-stocks approach has done compared to a balanced approach in the


Here are the
results for savings, 100% equity versus a traditional balanced approach.


And for the retirement
results, 100% equity versus balanced.


These articles are well worth reading closely.


The 100% stocks approach almost always “wins” but comes at the cost
of horrific volatility. And keep in mind you only have one life and so a even small
chance of losing with stocks may still be too much of a chance to take.


February 17, 2011


Another strong day in the markets. Gains for CN, Canadian Western Bank,
Canadian Tire, Constellation Software… Wells Fargo declined a little. It would
be nice if we could get clarity on why the CFO left and move forward.


Markets have now risen to the point that an average investor has about broken
even since the start of 2008. Not great but at least people got back to even. My
own account has gains of about 25% since the start of 2008 mostly because I
managed to lose a lot less than the market in 2008 by doing some trading. It’s
interesting that the mainstream business press is just now excited about stocks
and probably a lot of people who sat out the recovery will get back in


February 16, 2011


The markets had a good day but a number of our stock picks were down. Wells
Fargo continues to suffer from worries about its CFO left and what it means.
Shaw Communications was down a bit more. Canadian Tire was up. Melcor too, but
that was on very thin volume.


February 15, 2011


Shaw communications fell 2.1% on an analyst downgrade. Well that is the
nature of markets some think a stock will rise and some see it falling and they
meet in the middle and a price is decided. And if bearish news arises the stock
falls and vie versa. Nothing new there. I tend to pay zero attention to various analyst upgrades and downgrades on stocks. So far that attitude has served me
well. There are thousands of analysts but not many I would trust. I trust my own
analysis. It’s not guaranteed but at least I understand it.


A report today suggested that the Wells Fargo CFO who left suddenly a week or
so ago left because the company was too aggressive in its accounting. Well,
maybe so. I suppose I should worry a bit about Wells Fargo. Clearly a CFO
leaving suddenly like that is a large Red Flag. However the company stated
clearly that the departure gad nothing to do with its financial reporting. Also
Warren Buffet added to Berkshire’s position in this stock in Q4. So, while the
departure of the CFO is scary, i am sticking with the stock.


February 14, 2011


My two big retail stocks, Walmart and Canadian Tire were down today.
Apparently Walmart was downgraded by some analyst or other. Both of these stocks
look like good investments. I added to my position in Canadian Tire today.


Overall, I am feeling confident about the markets given where earnings are
and that the economy appears to continue to recover. Things can change very fast
and those who can’t stomach losses should not be in the market. But right now I
feel confident.


February 13, 2011


My article that looks at the data on whether
or not stocks are really riskier than bonds for long-term investors is
updated for the 2009 and 2010 year-end data.


February 11. 2011


I have updated the composition of my own
portfolio to reflect recent trades.


February 10, 2011


I just received from Ibbotson Associates, a division of Morningstar the
updated “index” data for a dollar invested in 1926 in each of the
S&P 500, U.S. government bonds, U.S. treasury bills and for inflation. This
is proprietary data and they release it each year in a yearbook that they charge
$180 for. I buy it every two years. I just used it to update my
graphs of the performance of stocks versus bonds over various periods of time
going back to 1926. This year I added the performance of Gold to the graphs
and I also added how the value of an actual paper dollar has fallen with inflation.
This is must-read material. Please feel free to share it with anyone you think
might be interested.


The developments in Egypt are likely to be negative for markets on Friday.
Stock futures are currently down about 27 points on the Dow as at 10:30 pm


We lost some ground today as Walmart
was down due to an analyst downgrade. I continue to see it as a good value. Canadian
Tire was down after releasing good earnings that were not quite as high as
expected. This company also looks like good value.


February 9, 2011


The so-called proposed merger between the TMX Group and the London Stock
Exchange was confirmed today. It is subject to various approvals. In reality it
is a takeover of the TMX by the LSE given that TMX shareholders are getting LSE
shares and the TMX shares will disappear. And given that the LSE shareholders
will own 55% of the combined entity.


I said last night that my inclination would be to sell all my shares if the
market reception was positive or at least sell half. It turned out the shares
were up about 11% to about $45 at the open. I hedged my bets by selling only
half my shares. The shares then started trending down as the market digested the
news. I ended up selling more shares but I retain 27% of the shares I had.


I have made money since my cost of the shares was only $32.65. (I believe I
purchased the shares within the last nine months). So as an investor I am happy
with what is happening here.


However, as a self-appointed shareholder rights activist I am perturbed at
how the announcement was handled. The initial press release yesterday at 5:19pm
eastern time indicated that discussions were advanced and that the possible
merger would “contemplate an exchange ratio close to the current
market capitalization of London Stock Exchange Group plc and TMX Group
Inc”. Clearly the discussions were more than advanced as it was only 9
hours later at 2:25 eastern time that it was announced and confirmed. And this
morning, the respective CEOs had a joint news conference in Toronto and the
respective chairs had a joint conference in London. It appears the deal was
announced as planed (it does not appear to be a case where a deal had to be
announced early due to a news leak). The announced deal indicated that TMX
shareholders would get 2.9963 LSE shares per share of the TMX and that this
meant they would get 45% of the combined entity. It appears that the TMX is
getting a bit more than its proportion of the two separate market caps, but this
was not discussed in the release.


Meanwhile the TMX had also announced Q4 earnings at 2:00 am eastern.


It was also announced that there would be a conference call at 9:30 am
Toronto time. There seemed to be little or nothing of substance in the call, at
least not for shareholders. the focus seemed to be on platitudes about growth
and excellence and also soothing words about how various operations would remain
centered in Toronto, Montreal and Calkgary.


LSE shares opened for trading at 8 a.m. London time which was 3:00 am eastern
and the price was up about 11% on the news.


With all of this news to digest, I would have thought that the shares should
be halted on both exchanges until after the news conference.


The shares of each company opened about 11% higher but ended the day with the
TMX up 6.4% and the LSE up only 3.1%. Clearly, there was a lot to digest and it
took time to digest. The LSE shares had held up well but plunged near their
close at about 11:30 am eastern time.


The fact that it was styled as a merger when in fact it is a takeover is


I intend to sell my few remaining TMX shares. I set an order to sell at $45,
if I can get that and I may decide to sell lower than that. I am selling mostly
because I have no idea what the combined company is worth. Both the TMX and the
LSE have risen in price very significantly in the past six months. This may have
been driven by rumors of the merger. Therefore the up-side in earnings due to
the merger may already be priced into the shares. There is considerable risk
that the deal could fall through. So I will sell. I may be missing out on upside
associated with any competing bid.  And I may miss out on the future growth
of the company. But I prefer to cash out and invest in companies that I have analyzed
rather than speculate on this one.


In other news, the NYSE Euronext exchange coincidently announced today that
it will merge with the German stock exchange. Unfortunately it had announced
poor earnings yesterday or the day before and I sold my shares yesterday. The
shares rose 14% today. So, I missed an opportunity there by selling. Such is


In other news Wells Fargo fell about 3% on the sudden departure of its CFO
that I mentioned in yesterday’s comment. No further information has emerged.
It’s hard to say but given that the company has said this has nothing to do with
its financials, this departure will likely have no long-term impact.


So, it was an eventful day in the markets. Perhaps tomorrow we can have a
boring day…


February 8, 2011


We had a nice day in the markets. In particular Wells Fargo was up 2.3%, Canadian
Tire up 1%, the TMX Group up 1% and Visa was up 0.9%.


On the other hand the NYSE Euronext, owner of the New York Stock Exchange was
down 1% after releasing disappointing earnings. This is a stock that I own but
which is not longer included in our table above. I therefore decided to sell it because,
I don’t intend to analyse it, the news looked negative and I simply don’t have
much emotional attachment to it. (Though I did like the idea of owning a piece
of the New York Stock Exchange). By selling it I can also make sure that the I
own virtually only stocks that are the table above.


News of interest today included: The Chief Financial Officer of Wells Fargo
is “retiring” on a sudden basis and leaving the company immediately
for unexplained reasons. That is bad news because he was well respected and had
a long history with the company and because of the lack of explanation. The good
news is that Wells Fargo says the reason had nothing to do with the company’s
financial condition or financial reporting. The stock fell over 2% in
after-hours trading. The company indicates that this retirement was for personal
reasons and that Atkins turned 60 this week. The company has already named a
long-time executive as the new CFO. Overall, this may not be a negative
situation but the stock will likely be down on the news in regular trading on


In other news the TMX Group is in negotiations to merge with the London Stock
Exchange. Apparently the new company will be owned in portion to the current
market value of the TMX and the LSE. The equity capitalization of the TMX is
about $2.8 billion Cnadian and of the London Stock Exchange is 2.4 billion British
pounds or roughly $3.8 billion Canadian. This means that the combined entity
would initially be mostly (61%) owned by the current London Stock Exchange
Shareholders. Management describes it as more a merger of equals. That may
simply mean that the executives will drawn from both companies.


Drawing on Warren Buffett’s teachings I would observe that a TMX shareholder
is going to end up exchanging his share of the TMX for a a new entity that is
about 39% TMX and 61% London Stock Exchange by value. The question for a TMX
shareholder is when he gives up 61% of the TMX is the 39% of the LSE that he
receives worth the loss of 61% of the TMX? According to current market values it
is exactly a fair trade. But this deal could be favorable to the TMX shareholder
if in fact the LSE is under-valued in the market compared to the TMX (If vice
versa it could be a bad deal for the TMX shareholder). And the deal could be
good for both groups of shareholders if it will result in a lot of synergies and
cost savings. Personally, I doubt that it will have many synergies.  I
don’t have any clue as to the valuation of the London Stock Exchange. Therefore
my inclination is to sell my TMX shares tomorrow (Wednesday).
the market will greet the news warmly and the TMX shares will rise tomorrow and
if they do I believe I will sell all my shares, or at least half of them.


One possibility is that this news would put the TMX “in play” and
could attract other bidders. I suppose if there is some indication of that
immediately tomorrow then it might be worth holding on even if the shares rise
in price.


Also today, Melcor indicated that it has raised $40 million in 6 year
debentures at 6.25%. They are convertible at $18.51. I view that news as neither
positive nor negative. It seems like a reasonable cost of money.


February 7, 2011


Our Stock Picks did well today. A number of them were up 1% or so and there
were very few that were down.


U.S. stocks have risen as earnings reports came in strong. Many Canadian
companies have not yet reported Q4 earnings but will be doing so shortly.


I put about 3.5% of my portfolio into Constellation Software Inc. today,
which I indicated on Friday evening that I would do. That uses up most of my
Canadian cash position.


February 4, 2011


Constellation Software Inc.
is added as a new company to the table above and rated (lower) Strong Buy at
$CAN $51.40. Jason
Donville, an analyst that I know and respect recently rated this stock as
his top pick. After readings its financials and running it through my evaluation
system, I agree it is a strong company and looks like a good investment. I was
particularly impressed with the CEO’s letter to shareholders from last March
which was unusually candid and very rational.  It does trade somewhat
thinly so be aware of that. I plan to buy shares on Monday.


Meanwhile markets ended the week quietly. Today the situation in Egypt seems
to be improving. Strong earnings have continue to roll in from U.S. companies.
Many Canadian companies will report earnings next week. All in all, it seems
like we have reason to be optimistic although one never knows in the markets.


February 3, 2011


Despite the Egypt situation markets were strong today. But I think we can
expect markets to continue to lurch around and certainly the Egypt situation
could send the market down. Maybe the groundhog knows, but I admit I don’t.


Our notable winner today was Canadian Tire up 2.6%. I expect it will report a
good Q4 in its retail operations. It’s credit card operations are less
predictable… The high Canadian dollar will be helpful to Canadian Tire as it
imports much of its goods.


February 2, 2011


Today was groundhog day. I don’t put much faith in a rodent’s weather
predictions but I suspect they are fully as accurate as most predictors of the
general market. Warren Buffett has always maintained that he can’t predict where
the market will head in the next 6 weeks, but over periods of more like 6 years
he tends to be confident it will rise. And he just focuses on owning good
companies at reasonable prices. I try to follow that strategy.


Whether the next six weeks feature brutal winter weather or not, we can be
confident Summer will arrive. Similarly in stocks we have good times and bad.
The difference in stocks is the length and severity of the seasons are extremely
unpredictable. But in stocks we do know that good times don’t last for ever and
neither do bad times and we can be confident that over time the good times in
the market will occur more often than the bad times. Well, perhaps such
ramblings are about as useful as groundhog predictions…. It always easy to
predict a weather and stock markets – after the storm or its opposite has
already passed, that is.


Markets were generally negative today giving back a little bit of yesterday’s
big gains.


I sold my Walgreen today on which I had a gain of about 45%. Also its price
was not as attractive as Canadian Tire or Walmart. And for whatever reason I
never  seem to have much emotional attachment to that company perhaps
because it is not in Canada. I put some of the proceeds into adding to my
Canadian Tire position.


February 1, 2011


Today turned out to be an exceptionally strong day in the markets. The TSX
and Dow were each up about 1.2%. The S&P 500 was up 1.7%. A number of our
Stock Picks were up 2% or more including Berkshire, Wells Fargo (3.1%) TMX
Group, Canadian Tire and Walgreen (4.4%). If I were to pick one of those to add
to it would be Canadian Tire. I may sell my Walgreen to take profit and because
it is not one of our higher rated stocks at this point.


The Canadian dollar rose by a full cent which does hurt the value of American
stocks when converted into Canadian dollars. (I know most although not all
subscribers are Canadians). But if you think of these U.S. investments as money
that is more or less permanently allocated to U.S. investments (to be ultimately
spent in the U.S.) than the change in the currency really does not matter. A U.S.
$ is still worth A U.S. $1.00 in the U.S. unchanged by changes in the exchange
rate with Canada.


January 31, 2011


With the events in Egypt I understood markets had been expected to fall on
Monday (although with oil predicted to rise). As it turned out oils rose but
stock markets rose as well.


Wells Fargo was the notable winner among our stock picks.


Walmart and Canadian
Tire both fell. I am tempted to add to my positions in those two.


January 27, 2011


Melcor was up 3% today to $15.00
However that is on thin volume and is perhaps just noise. Still, if so, it’s a
pleasant sound. On January 10 it was $13.50. Due to the small trading volume it
is relatively volatile. It is the type of stock where putting in an order below
market can be advantageous. You can use the volatility to advantage. In contrast
on a large volume stock, it is probably only going to bounce down on down market
days (which is okay) or due to some bad news about the stock. Generally for
larger cap high volume stocks, if I want the stock I would simply Buy. For more
volatile thin traders I might try an order somewhat under the market price. (The
risk is that it does not bounce down but instead slips upward and I miss the
chance to Buy). Anytime I am very ambivalent about buying a stock I might put an
order below market. Or, more often, I just don’t buy. Why buy when ambivalent?


Markets are being driven this week by various economic reports as well as by
earnings reports. As usual each report can cause the market to lurch up or down
depending if the report or earnings is/are better than or worse than expected.


January 26, 2011


The Toronto stock market index finally had a strong day, up 206 points or
1.55%. The Dow was about flat and the S&P 500 was up 0.4%. The stocks that I
hold did not do anything of particular note today. CN
reported strong earnings, increased its dividend by 20% and predicted double
digit earnings growth for the year – but was up only moderating – indicating
that strong earnings had been anticipated. It’s a stock worth considering.


January 25, 2011


U.S. markets were down most of the day but rallied near the end of the day to
finish about flat. Toronto did not participate in the rally and was down 0.7% on
the day.


A bright spot was Walmart up 2.2%
to $57.26. Walmart the company has strongly outperformed Wal-Mart the stock over
the past decade or so and lately the stock has been playing a bit of catch-up.


January 24, 2011


It was a good day on the markets with the Dow up 0.9%. Most of our stock
picks did well…


Very early Tuesday morning the futures are suggesting the U.S. market will
open in positive territory.


January 23, 2011


Wells Fargo is updated and
remains rated (higher) Buy at $32.51. It had a very strong Q4 in comparison to a
weak Q4 in 2009. I expect it to continue to increase earnings in 2011. It’s
dividend was cut drastically during the financial crisis and I expect it will
increase its dividend sharply within the next 3 to 6 months. It requires
regulator approval to do that.


January 20, 2011


Another bad day for the Canadian market. TSX was down 0.8%. Dow Jones was
ended about flat. Our stock picks did okay thanks to Wal-Mart up  1.7%. And
Visa was up 2.3% to $70.69, but early today was at $67.51. I guess perhaps I
should have pounced when I saw it was down this morning. But it is always hard
to pounce on a stock that is down. None of us are immune from fear.


January 19, 2011


Wells Fargo reported earnings this morning. To me, the earnings report looks
good. However the stock dropped 2% today. For the stock market the issue was not
whether the earnings were good, but rather were they better than expected.
Presumably then they were not quite as good as the market had expected. I
continue to have faith in this investment. I will likely update the report on this
company by Sunday. The stock could rise in the next few months if it is allowed
to raise its dividend. On the other hand a deterioration in the economy or in
the stock markets overall would be negative for the stock price.


Most of our stock picks were down today… Neither Rome nor our wealth was
built in a day…


January 18, 2011


It was a generally good day for our stock picks on Tuesday. One exception was
Wells Fargo down 0.8%. Year end earnings reports are coming in now and will tend
to drive market direction.


January 17, 2011


Not too much happened in the market today. (At least as regards the Stock
Picks here – to my knowledge). U.S. markets were closed.


Canadian Tire was down 1.6% to
$64.25. It had reached a recent high of $68.93. Our last update was (lower)
Strong Buy at $61.05 (meaning we rated it better than (higher) Buy but not as good
as Strong Buy.) Perhaps think of it as Strong Buy (minus). In any event our
reports are several pages long and subscribers here should read our reports
rather than relying simply on the rating. It’s hard to distill all the factors
down to just a rating. We do distill it and that helps to show which of our
stocks is higher rated than another. But the rating does not replace the several
page long report.


I would think Canadian Tire at $64.25 is a buying opportunity. No guarantees
of course (ever) but that is what I would conclude.


January 13, 2011


I was holding my breath a little as I checked the Shaw Communications
earnings release which came out in the middle of the trading day today. I have
only glanced at the report but it looked okay especially with the 5% dividend
increase. Their net earnings were down but that seemed mostly due to the
acquisition of the Can West media business and various one-time charges
associated with that.


They did lose 7,500 or 0.3% of their basic cable customers. But that seems a
pretty tiny loss given that Telus now has a competitive product. Meanwhile they
gained 19,000 internet customers and almost 50,000 phone customers. And 62,000
more cable customers switched to digital. To my mind they royally kicked Telus’
butt these last few years stealing away phone customers. And so far have lost
only a few cable customers (so far anyhow). I do worry that a vicious price war
could develop but so far things seem to be A-okay. And the media business
appears to be quite profitable. So, while there are no guarantees, I continue to
think Shaw will be a good investment. It definitely languished last year and
hopefully this will be a better year. The uncertainty is their entry into the
cell phone market… How will they do in that market? We won’t know until next
year it seems.


Shaw shares were up about 2% today, on a day when markets in general were
down. I am hopeful of a further rise tomorrow as analysts digest the earnings news.
(hopefully no indigestion…)


Wells Fargo also offers no guarantee. I think it has both a lot more
potential upside than Shaw but also has more possible downside. Banks can really
sink on bad news whereas Shaw is unlikely to have any serious problems. I am
tempted to add even more to my Wells Fargo in the hopes that St. Dividend soon
will here.


January 12, 2011


Well that is more like it. The market was kind to our stock picks today.
Every single stock that I own was up. I am not sure that that has ever happened


It’s interesting to observe my own emotions around market volatility. If the
market goes down a few days in a row, I may have a passing thought about buying,
but emotionally I have more thoughts along the lines of “maybe I am too
heavily exposed to equities”. When the market is up my emotions tend to
forget my fears. I find I can somewhat overcome the emotional thoughts by looking
at the ratings on the stocks I hold. If my ratings tell me its a Buy I usually
will resist any urge to sell.


Although our Stock picks were up today, the higher Canadian dollar hurts me.


But then again does it really? Why should I measure my portfolio strictly in Canadian
dollars? I know that at some point in my life (for example this Spring Break)
and certainly in retirement, I will be spending U.S. dollars. So it actually
makes sense to segregate part of my portfolio into U.S. dollars and concern
myself with its value in U.S. dollars and not with its value in Canadian


I have no special insight into whether the Canadian dollar will continue to
rise. I do have a belief that the Canadian manufacturing economy is already
struggling mightily with a dollar over 90 cents let alone over par. So there
should be some pressure to get it back down. I also believe that most Canadian
investors will spend some money in the U.S. in retirement and that therefore
some U.S. investments is a good idea. And I note that while I don’t know where
the Cnadian dollar will go, I know where it has been. Where it has been is well
under par for the last 35 years save a few minor excursions above par in the
past few years. On that basis American assets are (massively) “on
sale” for Canadians and so I would not want to get too cute about waiting
for an even higher Cnadian dollar if I wanted to buy U.S. stocks. If I wanted to
add to my U.S. stocks I would start now.


While I am on the subject. Was the Canadian dollar really “low”
when it was at 80 cents? Well it was certainly “lower” than now. But
was it low then or is it high now? We can’t conclude it was low simply because
it was at 80 cents. It is a different currency and there is no fundamental
reason it should be at par at any given time. If the Cnadian dollar were truly
low at 80 cents then it would mean that at that time labor  was cheaper in Canada
than in the U.S. (and for that matter Big Macs). My understanding is that costs
to manufacture in Canada were not lower than the U.S. even when the dollar was
at 80 cents. I believe our minimum wages were higher in our dollar, off setting
the apparently low dollar. Certainly Big Macs and Hotel rooms were not cheaper
in Canada. One could pay $100 Canadian at that time to convert to buy $80 U.S.
dollars and go across the border and find that cloths, beer, gasoline. cigarettes
and lots of other things were so much cheaper on the U.S. side that $80 U.S.
tended to buy more in the U.S. than did $100 Canadian buy in Canada.


And what of now? We have a dollar at par. Is it high or is it just where it
should be. Well it almost goes without saying that $100 U.S. will buy a LOT more
in the U.S. than will $100 Canadian buy in Canada. Our wages at least for the
working class are definitely higher than in the U.S. as are rents, utilities,
beer, gasoline, cars, books and just about everything. I conclude from that that
our dollar now is “high”. I don’t accept the glib argument that it was
“low” before. Canadian manufacturers often cannot compete with U.S. manufacturers
right now. The U.S. manufacturer has the cost advantage when our dollar is at 90
cents, and definitely has a completive advantage when the Canadian dollar is at


The value of that story? Be careful about investing in a company that faces
its expenses in Canada but exports to the United States. Instead, favor
something like Canadian Tire and Reitman’s
that buy goods in U.S. dollars and sell in Canada.


January 11, 2011


I did not note anything of particular interest in the markets today. I am
more or less in a wait and see what happens phase at this time. Id did notice
Shaw will release earnings at 11:00 am on Thursday rather than before the close.
That could be a signal that the Shaw earnings will contain nothing too dramatic.


January 10, 2011


Generally a negative day in the markets. In particular
Melcor was down 3% to $13.50.


Walgreen is up 5% in this brand
new year. I may just decide to sell out of that to raise some cash and take
profits especially if it keeps going up.


Alcoa was out with strong earnings after the close. The first company to
report 2010 earnings. It’s amazing that they can get their financials done so incredibly
fast after the end of the year. Perhaps these strong earnings will be taken as a
postive sign for the economy.


Shaw Communications will
be out with earnings on Thursday morning. It has had some strange things going
on including the departure of its CEO who was given a boost to his already
obscene pension. Last week it was reported that the head of their nascent future
wireless phone division is leaving. With that and with more competition from
Telus it’s hard to know what will be in the earnings report. Over the years my
strategy has been to buy after earnings news is out. Since our whole approach is
to analyse and then see if it is a buy or sell, I would not normally adopt a
strategy of buying in anticipation the news will be good. So although it is
tempting to buy, the safer strategy with news imminent is to see what the news
looks like on Thursday.


On the other hand nothing wrong with buying now… If I did buy now  (I
already have a lot) I would buy with the intent to possibly buy even more on
Thursday if that looked like a good plan (say modest bad news on Thursday but
the stock sinks more than warranted).


January 8, 2011


The latest edition of our free newsletter is
now available.


January 7, 2011


After what seems like quite a long string of positive days, my own portfolio
took a small drubbing today with Wells Fargo and Canadian Tire each down about


Also the Canadian dollar rose which hurts all my U.S. investments when measured
in Canadian dollars. A good reminder that portfolios do go down as well as up.
And of course when it comes to portfolio size, the bigger it is, the harder it
does fall. (1% of 10,000 is nothing, 1% of a million is $10,000…, nice when
it’s rising, not so nice on the the down days).


I added some new cash to my accounts reflect the new year for RRSP, RESP and
TFSA. My strategy has always been to maximize these tax subsidized investments
and I am willing to borrow if necessary to top those up every year. Admittedly
though it is tough to find the cash to maximize those and that is even with a
small RRSP allowed investment. For those without pension plans it is would be virtually
impossible for most people to maximize their RRSP room at some 18% of earned
income and then TFSA and and RESP. If anyone can come close to maximizing these
over their career they should have a good portfolio as they approach retirement.


I am not sure  that I should be in any hurry to invest that added cash.
On the one hand I am motivated to take the chance and try to grow my portfolio
as fast as possible. (Grow it while the growing seems to be good). On the other
hand, it’s nice to save some cash or at least borrowing power in case of a
market decline.


January 6, 2011


A weak day in the markets generally and for most of our Stock Picks.


An interesting exception, Microsoft was up 2.9%, also Visa was up 1.5% and
Couche-Tard was up 1.5%


Melcor fell down close to $14 from recent highs of $15. This is a very thinly
traded stock and so that kind of price change is probably just normal random


Tim Hortons hit a high of $42.65 today. Seeing that I made a quick decision
to Sell my position there.  I sold at the market but the price had dropped
a little so I got $42.43. I had bought Tim Hortons at $31.78 about a year ago
(as noted under February 28 below). I had sold half on November 17 at $38.66. My
last update was “Weak Buy” on November 11 at $38.07. So although I really
like the company to the point where I sometimes think, how can I NOT own this
company, I decided to sell that one given the price and the low rating. Everything else I own
at the moment  is rated at least Buy (plus a little bit of stuff not


I may start to think about selling some positions to raise some cash and
protect against declines. But given what I hold it will be very hard to decide
what to Sell. Perhaps an across the Board trim would make sense or a buying a
Bear ETF if I do get nervous…


January 5, 2011


It was a good day for our Stock Picks with Wells Fargo up another 2.3%. On
the other hand Canadian Tire was down 2%.


January 4, 2011


The Canadian markets were down slightly today. U.S. markets were mixed Dow up
slightly S&P 500 down slightly.


But most of our stock picks were up. Most notably TMX group up 3.0%. At some
point my thoughts will turn to locking in some gains but for now I am content to
stay fully invested.


The Canadian dollar was also down a little today which helps those of us with
U.S. stocks. Most predictions appear to call for a higher Canadian dollar but as
I have written many times, I don’t think the Canadian economy will do well with
a higher dollar. I don’t claim to be able to predict the dollar. I simply
observe that it is at 35year highs (save a few weeks above this level a couple
year ago). I am comfortable holding U.S. investments and buying U.S. investments
when the Canadian dollar is this high.


January 3, 2011


The Canadian Stock markets were closed today. However the American markets
were open and have jumped out of the gate into the new year with about a 1%
rise. Wells Fargo was up almost 2% as large banks responded to certain positive
news regarding Bank of America.


Market indexes have given us significant gains since last August. Recent
gains are in fact unsustainable. In the long run, stock prices will trend up
roughly at the rate of expansion in the economy. Therefore gains like 12% in 5
months can’t continue indefinitely. Market indexes will at times outperform the
economy and at other times will lag.


You will probably hear a hundred times this year that (American) stocks
failed to rise over the first decade of the 2000’s. That is true. In fact the
S&P 500 index is down about 17% from its level of January 1, 2000. However,
what you will rarely, if ever hear is that the earnings on the S&P 500 have
risen by about 46% in the first 11 years of this decade.


So why are stock prices down if earnings are up? Basically the companies have
done their job and increased their earnings, but why are stock prices down?
Mathematically its because the price / earnings ratios are down dramatically.
Investors during the late 90’s were irrationally exuberant and bid stock prices
up to unsustainable levels.


It is completely erroneous to conclude that stocks will not make money going
forward just because they failed to make money between the two rather arbitrary
points in time being January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2010. Investors in early
2000 looked at the strong stock price gains of the 1990’s. Forgetting that those
stock price gains had far out striped the underlying earnings gains of the 90’s
investors erroneously expected the strong stock market price gains to continue.
They were wrong.


It may be that stock prices will fail to rise or may fall in the next five or
ten years. If so, it is not too likely that this will be caused (as it was in
the last 11 years) primarily by a decline in P/E ratios. Rather it would almost
have to be caused primarily by a decline in earnings or at least by very anemic
growth in earnings.


If you expect big companies to show declining or flat earnings then you
should expect stock prices (say the S&P 500 index) to drop. In that scenario
we would likely see at least some further decline in P/E ratios and stock prices
could certainly drop significantly in that scenario.


If however, you believe that the economy will continue to grow and that
companies will continue to increase their earnings then you should not be
expecting stock indexes to fall over the next five to ten years.




January 2, 2011


I have updated the composition of my own
portfolio to show the percentage of my portfolio in each stock that I own.


January 1, 2011


Walgreen Company is updated and
rated Buy at $38.96


The ratings for the start of 2011 are almost complete. But I may have a few
more changes before trading resumes.


I have raised the rating on Shaw
Communications slightly from (higher) Buy to (lower) Strong Buy. I expect it
is losing cable customers to Telus but overall is still growing revenue. There
is potential for good gains on its recently purchased television stations this
year. So, as always, no guarantees but I like the prospects here.


Canadian Western Bank
is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $28.36.


December 31, 2010


Well, the trading year for 2010 has quietly finished. The Canadian Stock
market returned an average of 14.4% in Capital gains (does not count dividends).
The U.S. markets were a little lower but also managed double digits. This was a
very good return especially on top of the strong gains in 2009. Thank you all
for being our customer and reading my thoughts in 2010. May we enjoy many more
happy returns in the years ahead.


Here is a link to how all the individual stocks
from January 1 fared over the year.


December 30, 2010


Berkshire Hathaway is updated and
rated Buy at $79.40.


Groupe Aeroplan is updated and
rated Speculative Weak Buy at $13.76. This company has achieved huge growth in
revenue on a per share basis. That alone, indicates it may have potential to
grow earnings per share at a high rate. But a right now the earnings are not
high, even on an adjusted basis. Various accounting issues make it almost
impossible to analyse. Therefore we would not buy it. Perhaps the implementation
of International Financial Accounting when it reports Q1 will clarify matters.


December 29, 2010


Time to Clean up our Stock List


This is a good time of year for me to review the list of
stocks above and see what can be culled. By removing a few stocks I can free up
some time to look for new ideas. In two cases noted just below, there is no
choice since they are being “bought out” and soon will no longer
trade. Most of the companies on this Site I have been following for years. There
is a benefit and an efficiency in that as I become reasonably deeply familiar
with these companies. Certainly I will not be dropping the higher rated stocks
but there is a need to clean a few off the list from time to time.  


I have also removed Target because we already have Walmart and
it has not had that much interest from subscribers. 


I have removed Dalsa Inc. from the list above. The Company is in the process
of being bought out at $18.28 per share. The stock price today is $18.18. It had
traded at $14.50 just prior to the takeover. It started the year at $7.62 and we
had rated it a Sell.   This stock first appeared on this Site as a
Speculative Buy at $11.90 in April 2002. The Stock subsequently reached over
$22. Earnings have been quite volatile. Earnings were close to zero in 2009 and
I thought it was going to continue to have low earnings due to the high Canadian
dollar. (It faces costs in Canada but exports most of its products.) The
earnings ended up recovering strongly in 2010. In all honestly, I was
consistently off on the ratings of this company. I always liked the technology
and until high dollar hammered its earnings in 2009 I had faith in it. Obviously
I gave up faith too early. (I did mention in the August update where we rated it
a Speculative (lower) Buy at $10.125 that it “could possibly benefit from a
takeover offer at some point given its technology”.)


Western Financial Group is also removed from the list above. It too received
at takeover offer. It is now trading at $4.11 per share and the take-over offer
is at $4.15 and is supported by management. Just prior to the offer it was
trading at about $2.50. This company had volatile earnings with only modest
growth in earnings per share in recent years. This company first appeared on
this Site rated Speculative Buy at $2.71 in September 2004. It subsequently
traded as high as about $6.00. I had liked its core business model of acquiring
small private rural insurance brokerage offices and rolling them into a publicly
traded company. But I was unsure of the wisdom of its move into banking where it
appears to face competitive disadvantages. I was also dismayed at its constant
issuing of shares and convertible debt and convertible preferred shares. This
would cause the diluted share count to balloon whenever the share price rose. It
had also often issues shares below book value. I was dismayed by management’s
focus on the top line or even on earnings but with little or no focus on
earnings per share or growing book value per share. I had lost faith in
management and was going to remove it from this Site in any event. Now, it looks
like management has lost faith in itself. Dreams of building it into a large
Western Financial company are dashed. At least with price of $4.15 most
long-term investors will have made at least a modest return. The offer price is
about 11% over book value and book value consisted of about 20% retained
earnings and 80% original invested money. (This is only approximate based on the
June balance sheet and the final figures would depend on final 2010 earnings and
on the number of shares converted from debt and pre shares due to this sale).
Overall I would judge the history of the company to be a very modest success
from the point of view of the common shareholders. Not much money was made for
the common shareholders over its history.


I have also removed its preference shares from this Site. The company made
more money for it preference and debt investors than it ever did for its commons


I bought some Microsoft shares
today based on our updated report of yesterday.


Today was a reasonably good day in the markets. Canadian Tire was
particularly strong, up 2.0%. Melcor was up 3% but that is not really reliable.
It is thinly traded and was down most of the day. So its price can often jumps
around by 3% in a day but that is fairly meaningless due to the small volume


Staples is updated and rated Buy at


December 28, 2010


Telus is updated and rated Buy at
$43.85 (the non-voting shares). Management is projecting strong growth in Q4 and
through 2011.


Microsoft is updated and rated
Strong Buy at $28.07. I intend to buy some. Markets appear to be cruising to a
mostly uneventful end of trading for this calendar year. But, as always, that
could change at any moment.


December 23, 2010


I will likely be offline until around Tuesday. Then I plan to get cracking on
some updates to be ready for the start of trading for the new year. It’s not
that I plan to shuffle my portfolio. Just that I want to get the ratings on the
stock picks as up to date as I can mostly for the purpose of tracking the annual
calendar year performance of our Stock Picks.


Most stocks were relatively flat today. Tomorrow should be a quiet day. But
one never knows. The news never quite sleeps anymore. I would be happy to see
stocks finish the year at current levels.


December 22, 2010


It was yet another good day in the markets. Most notably Walgreen Company was
up 5.5% after announcing better than expected earnings. Wells Fargo also went up
a little more. Walmart was down a
little which I would view as a buying opportunity.


With the market up so much lately it is probably time to consider taking
profits or protecting gains. For example one could buy a bear ETF or double bear
ETF. Personally I have had poor luck with those. I suppose really they are meant
as insurance and I should be glad when they don’t pay off. I would probably Sell
something rather than use a bear ETF. At the moment I have not felt ready to
Sell anything and am instead inclined to let things ride. But, as always, that
is a risk. If you are interested in symbols for bear ETFs, start


December 21, 2010


Markets fairly roared ahead today. Our winners of note included Wells Fargo
and Couche-Tard.


FirstService Corporation is
updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at U.S. $28.36 (this was yesterday’s price, it
closed today at $28.59). This is well-run company and I think it could do well
in future. However, the value ratios and many other factors that we consider are
not showing it to be a Buy at this time. If it ends up doing better than
expected, that is not really all that important. The reason for that is that I
don’t hold it, and I suspect few of you hold it. What really matters is how the
stocks we hold do. Stocks we don’t hold are missed opportunities if they rise
much higher than expected. But in investing there will always be an infinite number
of missed opportunities. The best we can do is focus on the stocks we hold so I
won’t worry too much if it turns out the rating on this one is lower than
perhaps it ought to have been.


Perhaps of more interest is the Fist
Service Preferred shares. These are updated and rated Buy at $24.75 to yield
7.1%. They would take a loss if interest rates rise sharply but overall may be a
reasonable place to park money.


December 20, 2010


A reasonably good day for our stock picks. Additionally the Canadian dollar
was down which helps Canadians in their ownership of U.S. stocks. Winners today
included the TMX Group (recall
many had written it off as suffering from too much competition but we stuck with
it). Visa recovered somewhat today. On the other hand Walmart was down 1.2%.
None of these moves are really anything other than sort of noise on a single day
basis. But over time (weeks and months and years) things have gone our way and
that is what counts, not the daily noise.


The next update will be for FirstService and will include the preferred
shares. Both the common and the preferred are up a lot in the past year or so.


December 19, 2010


eBay is updated and rated Weak Buy /
Hold at $29.82. The stock is up 39% since we rated it a Speculative Buy back on
May 21. Given the sharp rise in price the stock does not look attractive at this
time. Still, it could continue to rise and has been showing strong earnings


Bombardier is updated and rated Weak
Buy / Hold at $4.78. It’s a very interesting company. But is seems to operate in
a very tough industry. It has potential. However, at this time I would not be a
buyer. At my last update in June it looked like a reasonable investment. However
its business has declined in 2010 even as most companies were recovering from
the recession.


The Preferred shares of
Bombardier are updated and rated Buy at $23.00.


December 16, 2010


It was a decent day in the markets for our Stock Picks. And
after regular trading a couple of big-name companies released strong earnings.
Lately I have been sitting tight. Not buying and not selling. Just hoping to see
a bit of growth most days.


Visa however took a
nasty tumble after indications that the fees it can charge on debt cards will be
dramatically lowered. Visa closed down 13% at $67.19 I am placing an order to
buy at $68. If it opens below $68 I should get the opening price. If it opens
above $68 my order will not be filled. We should hope and pray that Visa slides
down a lot lower because I think that would just be a long-term buying


December 15, 2010


Returning from a rare off-line day I see markets were down. One bright spot
was Canadian Tire up a little more today.


Visa was down a hefty 4.6% today. Perhaps a buying opportunity…


Always remembers stock markets never move in straight lines. Nor are they
predicable in the short run. Stock investing takes mental toughness.


December 14, 2010


The latest edition of our free investment
newsletter is available. Some unusual topics this time including an analysis
of long-term interest rates and an indication  of whether investors expect
the U.S. dollar to “crater”. A discussion of whether the high price of
Gold is a signal that the U.S. dollar will falter and some interesting charts
that show the extent to which Gold is or is not a store of value in terms of its
purchasing power in U.S. dollars.


U.S. stocks did well today. Our stock picks however were not as strong given
a small decline in Wells Fargo.


Generally it seems that the economic news has been more favorable than
negative and so hopefully stocks will cruise through to year end. Not that year
end really matters at all but like many people I do track my gains on an annual
basis. I am happy with my gains this year and so if we ended off at this level I
would be happy with that.


December 13, 2010


This first day of the week was relatively uneventful for our stock picks.


One interesting story is that The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea company is
going bankrupt. This historic company was created in 1859. Operating its A&P
grocery stores it eventually became the largest grocer in the Unite States and
was , at one time, second in stock market value only to General Motors. I
imagine the history of this company would be quite interesting.


But why did it go broke? I strongly suspect it has to come down to poor
management. This is not a case like a buggy whip manufacturer where its product
became obsolete. And unlike General Motors it would not have suffered from
import competition.  It’s demise almost certainly comes down to poor
management. Perhaps a failure to upgrade its stores years ago or to invest in
the proper logistics and computerization.


Grocery retailing is a competitive business. A business like that needs good
management. Warren Buffett has written extensively in his annual letters about
the importance of investing in companies with the best of management. He writes
that the best companies with huge competitive advantages can be ran by mediocre
management and will still do okay. But businesses in very competitive fields
need truly excellent (and trustworthy) managers. I will be trying to focus a
little more on management in the stock reports as they are updated. However, it
is not easy to tell from the financial statements if a company made money due to
good management or simply because of some lack of competition.


December 12, 2010


Walmart is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $54.28.  Subscribers who are interested in this stock (or
any other) should read our entire report in order to understand the basis for
our rating and the data and assumptions involved. This company represents 10.5%
of my equity portfolio (9.9% of my total portfolio). Still I may add modestly to
this position to put to work some U.S. dollars that I hold. Or I may wait to see
if something more compelling turns up as I update the various companies over the
next 3 weeks.


December 9, 2010


Wells Fargo and Canadian Tire were winners again today. I could get used to


I’ll have some updated reports by Sunday.


December 8, 2010


Stocks in general did not do well today with the TSX down 0.74%.


But  two of our highest Stock picks had an excellent day.


Wells Fargo was up 3.16% and Canadian
Tire was up 2%. There are absolutely no guarantees (EVER!) but I would feel
very comfortable buying shares in these two at these prices if I did not already
have a large position in each. And of course one can try to cute and wait for a
pullback of a dollar or two but to me that is not that wise. If you like these
and have money to invest it is probably best to buy at least some rather than
waiting for a dip of a small amount. IF on the other hand you decide you won’t
buy unless they dip 10% or more, that is fine, at least the dip would be
worthwhile. But in that case you would be prepared for the fact that the dip
might never come. But who knows? maybe the market will crash and they will down
25% soon. That is always the risk in the markets. What Warren Buffett teaches
ins that short term dips don’t matter than much anyhow. IF you are confident
that Canadian Tire which has been growing for around 80 years is likely to be
bigger and more profitable in 10 years then why not just buy and settle in? If
it dips 10% either buy more or just hit the snooze button and say call me in two
years… If you are going to panic every time a stock you own dips 10% or even
30% then you probably don’t have the stomach and or the risk capacity to be in
stocks in the first place.


Some politician in the U.S. was saying “Never let a crisis go to
waste”. The same goes for stocks. How many people let the 2008 and early
2009 stock market crash (crisis) go to waste? In the Spring of 2009 I was
suggesting that if there ever was a time to borrow to invest that was it. I also
said of course that there were no guarantees. But man, was that an opportunity.
If you are young you should probably pray for another crisis like that.


And what is today’s opportunity? Quite possibly it is houses in the U.S. They
continue to be super cheap. That will not always be the case. Sure they may not
be at bottom yet. He who insists on seeing the bottom probably never pulls the
trigger. The spoils do not go to the meek. Neither to the rash. The smart old
buck bides his time, but then acts at the right time, and gets the doe.


December 7, 2010


Stocks did not do much today…


Of more interest (so to speak) were bonds. The yield on 10-year US. treasuries
as up about 20 basis points to 3.15% today (Tuesday) from 2.95% on Monday. This
rate was at a low point of around 2.50% in October. So this is a bit of a rise
in a short period. This rate is still at historically low levels. But it is a
rate to watch. The Fed is trying to keep rates low and yet this rate is rising.


At some point if “the market” ever decides it is nervous about all
that U.S. debt then this rate could go up fairly sharply to much higher levels.
If that happens stocks will be hurt. But long-term bonds if that happens would
be crushed. Cash would be king. There are probably no alarm bells here yet, just
some volatility in rates.


Canadian Western Bank had a strong day after announcing good earnings. I did
not happen to own it myself although it is rated (higher) Buy above. Oh well, I
can’t own ’em all. That one along with lots more is on my list to update by the
end of this month.


One other stock that did okay today was Walmart. It will likely be our next updated
report. Maybe I will “spend” my U.S. cash by investing in Walmart. But
first I will need to update the analysis.


December 6, 2010


It was a good day on the markets with Toronto up 97 points or 0.74%. The Dow
was down modestly.


Canadian Tire was up 29 cents after having been down by $1.00. I view dips on
Canadian Tire as buying opportunities. I am not buying at this time since I gorged
on it back on November 15, and since I have essentially no Canadian dollars
available to buy.


January is coming up and that means couples who can afford it should be
looking to add $5000 to each of their Tax Free Savings Accounts. And those with
pre-college kids can look to add $2500 per kid to those RESP accounts. And then
there are the RRSP contributions to make by February 28.


It’s a LOT of money to come up with.


Here is a bit of information on how I managed to save about $250,000 over the
past 22 years.


The first thing that made this possible was that my wife and I have good
jobs. If you are barely (or not even) making ends meet then saving money is just
not going to happen.


The simple strategy that I have had as far as investing for the past 22 years
is to simply make sure I scrape up enough to take advantage of the maximum
allowed in RRSP and RESP contributions. It’s not easy. Some years I have skipped
(but made it up later) and in the early years I borrowed money to do it. But I
made sure I took advantage of these two tax shelters. Now we have the Tax Free
Savings Account. RRSP contributions max out at 18% of income. There is no way I
would have maxed out anything close to that. Because we have pension plans our
contributions allowed were relatively small. But on one occasion I received a
severance and was allowed to roll an extra $14,000 into my RRSP, which I
promptly did. Similarly my wife received a small severance and again we rolled
whatever was allowed into her RRSP. On two occasions my wife also received
“pay equity” money from the federal government and for whatever reason
we were allowed to roll that into her RRSP. It was not a huge amount but it was
certainly nothing to sneeze at . Most people getting those funds no doubt spent
it. We were fortunate to be in a position where we did not need to spend it and
we had the discipline not to blow it on a trip or whatever.


Another key to our ability to save was we bought a house that was less
expensive than we could have. We paid that off relatively quickly and this then
made saving easier. We avoided the temptation to trade up but have done


Frankly, if that Tax Free Savings Account had been around for the last 20
years at $5000 per year times two, there is no way I would have been able to maximize
that. And that is despite having two good incomes coming in.


I am not about to preach at people to save. But, for those not yet retired,
if you can do it, try to find the money to max out your RRSP, your RESP (if
applicable) and your Tax Free Savings Account. If you can do that you will be
saving a LOT of money and if invested wisely it will soon add up to a nice


With all these tax sheltered plans I imagine that the vast majority of people
and especially those under age 65, have little or no need to be investing in
stocks in a taxable account. I can’t imagine how more than a few percentage of
people would have excess funds to invest after maxing out the tax sheltered


I expect to buy more stocks in January when I contribute to these savings
accounts. In part, I will borrow to do that. For the rest of December I may hang
tight with my portfolio, not selling anything. But that is always subject to
change as I analyse various companies. I do have a bit of U.S. cash and may put
that to work during December.


December 5, 2010


I have updated the composition of my own


December 4, 2010


Canadian Oil Sands Trust
is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $25.05. With the recent higher oil
prices combined with the 12% drop in price that occurred yesterday, I had
thought this would now look like a Buy. It will have a strong Q4 and perhaps that
could cause a share price rise in late January. But based on management’s
projections, 2011 looks weak. Unless you assume oil prices of at least $90 it is
difficult to justify buying. (management is assuming $80 and even at that 2011
looks weak) However if you believe that oil prices will rise sharply within a
few years then this will be a good investment. If the stock price heads down
again on Monday I would consider nibbling at it.


December 3, 2010


Alimentation Couche-Tard is
updated and rated Buy at $25.49. This seems to be a very well managed company
and is available at a reasonable price. It has an excellent history of growth.


December 2, 2010


Markets were strong again today. The Dow was up 1%. More importantly, one of
our favorite stocks, Wells Fargo
was up 4.5%. (This one could have a long way to go yet – although there are, as
always, no guarantees of that and even if it does rise, it won’t be in a
straight line). As we have seen so many times before, these things are
unpredictable in the short term. In the long term however, it seems somewhat
predictable that certain stocks will do well.


Some of the gain today in Wells Fargo was offset by a large gain in the Canadian
dollar. I have no idea where the Cnadian dollar will go next. I do observe that
it is at a very high level compared to where it has been over the last 35 years.
And I don’t believe the Canadian economy can withstand it going much higher.
However, if oil prices go higher, the Canadian dollar tends to go higher.


December 1, 2010


Today was a very strong day in the markets, the Dow was up 2.3%, and the TSX
was up 1.5%. The most notable gain for our Stock Picks was
Canadian Tire up 4.5% to $66.42. I still like it at this price.


November 30, 2010


U.S. markets were down and Canadian markets up today. Overall our stocks
picks did okay especially considering that the Canadian dollar fell which helps Canadians
invested in companies that earn most of their money in the U.S. (And that is
true whether the stock is listed in Canada or the U.S., its the place of
earnings that matters not the stock exchange or the currency it is listed in).
Winners today included the TMX Group and Canadian Tire.


Markets are holding up well considering the turmoil in Europe regarding the
bail-out of Ireland. It would be nice to think that we could get out of the
market before any large drop that might occur. The reality is that those drops
are basically impossible to predict. I have tended to ride out the ups and downs
of the market and have found that over time I do just fine with that method,
especially as I try to sell stocks that seem too high and buy stocks that seem
like better bargains. I will never get all of those calls right but if I can get
over half of those calls right I can beat the market. And over a period of many
years the market itself will do okay so if you can beat the market even by a
little you tend to do pretty good.


When I started this site in June 1999, everyone was looking at the 90’s and
predicting stocks would give them 15% a year without even trying. That was impossible.
Now in 2010, people look at the last ten years and seem to think stocks will
give nothing. A more realistic view is that company earnings will grow along
with the economy perhaps 4 to 5% in nominal (after inflation dollars) add 2% for
dividends and you are looking at 6 to 7% from stocks, more if the economy grows
a little faster. And then if we can beat the market by a few points then maybe
10% is not unreasonable to shoot for. But there are no guarantees and also
returns are never steady year to year. It tends to be a pattern more suggestive
of two steps forwards and one step backward.


November 29, 2010


Markets were down a little today. Meanwhile our Stock Picks did well with
Wells Fargo up 2% apparently on rumors that it will be among the first of the
big U.S. banks to increase its dividend.


November 28, 2010


Boston Pizza Income Trust is
updated and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $13.78. The yield is about 7.4%
(nominally it is 10.0% but distributions will be reduced due to 26.5% taxation
starting January). It seems like a reasonable although not compelling
investment. It might be best to wait and see what happens to the price when the
lower Distribution for January (or maybe it will be February) is announced.
Possibly the cut will be less than 26.5% as the Fund may take the opportunity to
increase the distribution (before considering the cut for tax reasons to partially
offset the 26.5% reduction).


November 25, 2010


An unusual day in the markets given that U.S. markets were closed. Canada was
up modestly.


I note that Shaw Communications has renewed its share buy-back program. All
indications are that the company views its shares as being under-valued. I agree
with that.


November 24, 201


Despite the concerns about Europe (Ireland, Spain Portugal, Greece) the
market was strong today.


I heard a report yesterday that the Q3 earnings for the S&P 500 companies
were at a record high. So that is good news. With earnings at record high and
interest rates at record lows that should put stocks at record highs – except
for one fact. Growth.  Growth in earnings is expected to be poor at best, negative
at worse. But overall it does not seem like a time to be overly fearful of the
markets. But that always depends on an individual’s circumstances. For a variety
of reasons, I have a high capacity to absorb financial risks. I could suffer a
large loss in my investments and while I would be very sad, my lifestyle would
not change and in retirement I would not be eating dog food. In addition to that
I have developed a fairly large emotional tolerance for losses. I have gone
through two market crashes and suffered painful losses but have seen all that
money recovered relatively quickly both times. Others may have a low capacity to
absorb risk and/or a low emotional tolerance for risk. I like to think I can
help you decide where to invest the portion of your money that is devoted to
stocks (which stocks to buy – although at your own risk). But given that it is
such an individual decision, I can’t help with what percentage of your assets to
have in stocks. I run near 100% stocks, but that is definitely not suitable for


November 23, 2010


Markets were down again today on concerns about various European countries
with financial problems. If you are wondering whether this will lead to a market
melt-down and if you should therefore get out of the market, the fact is I don’t
know. I have developed some skills in looking at individual companies. And I
have a strong track record. But I don’t claim to have any skills in predicting
world financial disasters like that. I am not sure anyone can predict it but
certainly I can’t.


I did express the opinion yesterday that those problems would not likely
affect the amount of coffee and donuts sold in Canada. Well with one day down
and a thousand or so to go, my prediction is good so far as Tim
Hortons was up ever so slightly today despite the TSX being down 1.0% and
the DOW down 1.3%. A bigger winner was Couche-Tard
up 2.7% as it released good earnings. I will likely update the report on
Couche-Tard by this Sunday. Another winner was the TMX


November 22, 2010


Markets were weak today due to worries about the credit ratings of certain
European countries. I am not going to worry much about that. I’ll focus on individual
company earnings. (The problems in Europe are unlikely to impact coffee and
donut sales in Canada for example). And when it comes to economic data I would
worry more about the high Canadian dollar and high unemployment in Canada as
opposed to what is happening in Ireland. The events in Europe might affect us
but they are basically unpredictable.


November 18, 2010


A good day in the markets. But when the markets go up because Ireland is
getting a bail out, that hardly seems like truly good news. The market was
simply relieved that bigger trouble had been averted.


November 17, 2010


My main holdings were down today. Wells Fargo, Wal-mart. Canadian Tire
managed another little gain today. Wells Fargo is under pressure due to the
economy in general and due tot he foreclosure lawsuits that all the banks are
facing. So it seems it will be a long haul there, bank stocks will continue to
wobble and it could be some time before a nice recovery sets in (and of course
there is no guarantee that will ever happen, though I certainly expect it will).
Earnings season in the U.S. is over now and it should be economic news that will
be the big driver of U.S. markets until the next earnings season starts.


Well world economic news is basically unpredictable and is certainly
uncontrollable. So I am not going to worry too much about that. Instead I
continue to try to own good companies that are going to be around come what may.
Good times or bad. certainly Wal Mart is going to be with us and Costco. Wells
Fargo  most likely as well though as a bank it is highly leveraged by
nature and so one can never say never (die) when it comes to a bank. In Canada I
don’t see Tim Hortons disappearing come what may. Canadian Tire too is not likely
to disappear under almost any believable scenario. So that is just a couple of
the quality names that I own and feel comfortable owning (though admittedly I
lightened up on Tim Hortons recently due to its seemingly high price).


There will be lots more updates in the coming weeks, as in by the end of this
year- just six weeks away now. Yikes. This Christmas thing always seems to come
along so fast.


November 16, 2010


Markets reminded us today that they do go down as well as up. Dow was down
1.6% and TSX down 1%. Canadian Tire managed to eke out a gain of a couple cents.
It’s not much much but it is good performance on a bad day. Other Stocks that
were up included Walmart and Tim Hortons and Telus and very little else that we
follow here was up..


With Wells Fargo down in the last few days and now at $27.19,  I entered
an order to buy still more of it if it goes down to $25.50.


My large U.S. position was helpful today as the approximate 1.2 cent fall in
the Cnadian dollar gives a boost to my U.S. stocks when measured in Canadian


November 15, 2010


I added fairly heavily to my position in Canadian Tire today. It is now my
fourth or fifth largest position with roughly 10% of my portfolio in this
company. I mentioned it is my highest rates stock so I basically took all the
Canadian cash in my accounts and bought Canadian Tire today.


Stocks today had a moderately good day. markets were strong mid-day but slipped
to modest gains by the end of the day.


Interesting news tonight is that Buffett / Berkshire has added 16 million
shares to its Wells Fargo Position. At the end of 2009 it owned 334 million
shares so maybe he just wanted to round it off to an even 350 million. In any
event Buffett / Berkshire was selling shares in some companies so glad to see he
was buying Wells Fargo.


November 14, 2010


Canadian Tire is updated and
rated (lower) Strong Buy at $61.05. At the moment it is our highest rated stock.
It’s one of my larger holdings and I may add to my holdings. There are no guarantees
but it appears to be a good investment.


November 11, 2010


Melcor is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at $13.89. It is cyclic and if housing starts fall and/or
housing building lot prices fall then its earnings would suffer. However,
overall the opportunity to buy this company at 1.22 times is book value seems
attractive. The company indicated that Q4 was expected to be strong. This is one
of my largest holdings and I have no plans to sell.


Tim Hortons is updated and
rated Weak Buy at Canadian $39.07 or U.S. $38.83. This is clearly a great
company. It may be worth buying on the theory that it is better to buy a great
company at a fair price than a poor company even at a bargain price. However the
P/E of 19 may be rich given its growth rate.


Stock Buy backs do not impress me unless the stock is bought back at a
bargain price and management did not even address whether that is the case or
not. They are doing it primary to increase short term earnings per share to
offset teh loss of the earnings from the bakery operation that they are selling.
But at a P/E of 19, is this the best use of the money?


Given that there are higher rated investments than this one on our list and
given that I own it in an RRSP account and don’t have to worry about taxes, I
may sell half or even possibly all of my holdings.


One interesting strategy may be to sell it on New York. I will then get U.S. dollars
without paying a foreign exchange fee. TD Waterhouse allows me to put these U.S.
dollars into a U.S. money market account. Given the strong Canadian dollar it
may be logical to receive the funds in U.S. dollars.


November 11(12:26 pm eastern time)


Markets are down today. Whether that is the start of any trend I don’t have
any ability to predict. (Does anyone?) I focus on investment one stock at a
time. Those who are more nervous about stock markets can always consider taking
profits, lightening up their overall exposure to the markets.


A story in the Financial Post caught my eye this morning. Smart Technologies
was down 33% to $8.90. It only started trading earlier this year and was one of
Canada’s largest Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) raising $660 million U.S. dollars
at an offered price of $17 U.S.


It also caught my eye when it had that Initial Public Offering. It caught my
eye as an example of something I would NOT invest in.


What IO said on July 15 (you can confirm this below) was:



There was a big Initial Public Offer in Canada today. Smart Technologies.
The part that caught my interest is that most of the money raised (I think it
was about 70%) will go to the existing owners not to the company. To me
that is a danger sign
, the original owners were in large measure selling
out. If they were super confident in the company I think they would have just
sold enough shares to get the money the company needs and held on to most of
their stake. But the fact they were able to do this large IPO shows that
investors are eager to buy. It is also good for the TSX
which collects juicy fees on every IPO. (emphasis added)



Some things at least are moderately predictable. I have no interest in this
company and know nothing about it except I see how the IPO went, who the money
went to (mostly not the company) and how it has done since.


Canadian Tire shot up in price today after releasing strong earnings and a
big dividend increase . It’s now at $62.33. We last updated it in April calling
it a (higher) Buy at $55.70. The big price rise is all the more impressive on a
day when markets are down in general. We will update our report on this company
soon. (We have a backlog given all the earnings releases and our goal of
updating as many as possible for the start of the new year)


November 9, 2010


Today, the market took back some of our recent gains. Wells Fargo was down
3.1%. Such is life in the markets, we never know the short term pattern of
movements. In the end what really counts is the longer term gains.


I have been spending time reading once again Warren Buffett’s annual letters
to shareholders. I just finished 1995 and am working my way back to the 2009
letter. Some interesting facts from the 1995 latter are that back when was 21
years old and fresh from his college graduation (From Columbia University in New
York where he was taught by Benjamin Graham) he was working at his father’s
brokerage business in Omaha. He had amassed some $20,000 from investments of his
earlier savings especially savings from his earnings on several very large
newspaper delivery routes that he had in Washington D.C. where the family had
lived for a time while his father was a congressman. This is equivalent to about
$170,000 in today’s money so a veritable fortune for a new college graduate. And
what is very interesting is that fully 65% of this was invested in just one
stock, none other than GEICO which he would later own in its entirety through
Berkshire Hathaway. In the mid 1960’s he put not only 40% of his own money but
40% of his partnership’s money into a single stock – American Express. Clearly
Buffett has never hewed to conventional wisdom. And given his aversion to losing
money you can be absolutely sure that he did not view the big allocations to
those single stocks as risky. He would have been extremely sure that he was
getting a bargain price.


Berkshire Hathaway is a much different company today than it was in the 80’s
and 90’s. Not only is the size now much larger but the composition of the assets
is vastly different. In 1995, its stock portfolio represented 73% of the book
value of its assets and 128% of the equity. By then it already owned quite a stable
of businesses in addition to the stocks. But as of the end of 2009, stocks
represented only 19% of the assets and 43% of the equity. So, even though the
stock portfolio is still significant, it is not the over-whelming item that it
once was. There are a number of implications to this. It means that while in
1995 most of Berkshire’s assets were valued at market value, that is not the
case today. Back when Berkshire was a sort of mutual fund structured as a corporation
should not have expected the stock to trade all that much above book value. Berkshire
today has about 35% of its assets recorded at old historical values that greatly
under-state the true value of those assets today. Therefore it is logical that
Berkshire should trade at a higher multiple to book today than it did in 1995. I
suspect that is not the case. Investors were very exuberant about Berkshire in
1995 and not so much today.


I plan to update our analysis on Berkshire within the next week or two.


November 8, 2010


It was a good day in the markets with Toronto up 1.0% although the Dow was
down 0.3%. Wells Fargo slipped, but only 0.6%, which is okay given how much it
rose Thursday and Friday. There are still lots of Canadian earnings reports to
come in. Canadian Tire Reports earnings tomorrow (Tuesday) and Tim Hortons on Thursday.


November 6, 2010


Costco  is updated and rated Weak Buy
at $65.40  This is a great company with strong competitive advantages in
terms of its low costs. It operates with 13% gross margins versus Wal-Mart at
25% and yet still makes good profits. It unfortunately seems to be too highly
priced though. Possibly it will be a good investment because it can probably
increase profits substantially almost at will by simply raising prices 1% or so
which we think it could easily do. But it pursues a dogged low price approach.
Overall although we really like the company, the stock seems too rich unless
they ratchet up the profits. It’s worth keeping an eye on. We would be buyers if
it it fell to $50 or $55. Meanwhile, we advise shopping at Costco. Quite simply
Costco is the most efficient retail operation around. It has great prices
because of its low costs. As much as we might like to support smaller retailers
and will sometimes do so, we simply can’t argue with the efficiency of


November 5, 2010


Well it was a rip roaring day for Wells Fargo (one of our top picks and the
largest holding in my own portfolio) which was
up 6.4%, on top of yesterday’s 3.8%. The gains since September 1 have been very


November 4, 2010


It was a big day on the markets with the TSX up 1.6% and the DOW up 2.0%.
Among the many winners were Wells Fargo up 3.8% and the TMX Group up 3.3% and
Walgreen up 2.2%. These are noticeable gains in a world where people would
mostly be grateful to get 7% or so out of the stock market in an average


After the close, Melcor reported earnings that seemed reasonably good. They
were a little lower than last year. But the company said this was due to pending
sales that would close in Q4. And anyhow the company earnings have always been
somewhat lumpy and so the fact that they are lower than last year is not necessarily
of concern.


Their CFO has resigned, but this was announced back on August 10 and he
stayed on until October 31 and so it was a friendly departure and would not seem
to be any cause for concern.


So where to from here? Well in reality nobody knows. And for long-term
investors it’s not really of much consequence what the markets do in the next
month or year, it is the longer term that really matters to your wealth. At the
moment I am not looking to reduce my stock exposure even though I have almost a
100% equity exposure. Many factors allow me to take that risk, not the least of
which is that I have a good income and will be continuing to buy stocks over the
years. So if prices drop, there is a silver lining in that I get to buy cheaper.


November 3, 2010


The market rose modestly after the U.S. Federal Reserve Board said it would
budget some $600 billion to buy back U.S. government bonds. I (somewhat vaguely)
understand that the Fed effectively “prints” electronic money to do
this. I understand that one of the major impacts of this would be banks and
institutions selling bonds and receiving cash. The hope is taht banks with more
cash will lend out that cash and institutions with cash will spend the cash (perhaps
buying stocks). And all of this will stimulate the economy. It will also probably
drive down the interest rates on U.S. government debt making it cheaper for the
U.S. government to issue new debt.


The part that is particularly hard to understand is why there are any other
buyers left for long-term U.S. government debt. Why does China want to buy more
U.S. 10-year bonds at a today’s interest rate of 2.57%. Given that China’s
currency is generally expected to rise against the U.S. dollar over ten years
this seems guaranteed to be a poor investment. Why does China not sell its U.S.
treasuries or at least stop buying and instead take that cash and buy more
tangible things like U.S. office towers, Exxon, Wal-Mart, (parts of ) Potash
Corporation, the Canadian oil sands and on and on? If they did that what would
happen to treasury yields (leap?) and the U.S. dollar (crash?).


Well, I don’t have the answers to that. Buffett advises staying within one’s
circle of competence – stepping over one-foot hurdles instead of trying to
high-jump over the seven footers. To that end the next update on this Site will
be for Costco which is a relatively simple business.


Regarding the market today, the most notable moves as far as our stock picks
go were Wells Fargo and Walgreen up 2% each. Recently Wal-Mart has also done
well. If anyone things that the obvious lesson from that is to buy companies
starting with the letter “W”, well, then I don’t think I can ever help
those people.


November 2, 2010


U.S. stocks did well today. Republicans, it appears regained control of the
House of Representatives and picked up seats in the Senate. This is considered
positive for stocks. The bigger news will come tomorrow as we see how much money
the Fed decides to print up. We do live in strange times… Meanwhile though the
likes of Wal-Mart continues to make more money and it’s not clear that will


November 1, 2010


Canadian National Railway is updated and
rated Buy at $66.74. It has staged a remarkable recovery in earnings after
suffering a decline in 2009.


This should be a bumpy week in the markets. Tomorrow night we will get the
results of the U.S. mid-term elections. On Wednesday, the Fed will clarify its
intentions on quantitative easing, i.e. buying back government bonds, i.e.
printing money since it does not have to have any actual money to buy the bonds.
(I don’t don’t claim to really understand that process). On top of that there
will no-doubt be some economic reports coming out as well earnings reports. In
case that is not enough, there always exists the wildcard factor of a terrorist
act occurring at any time and threatening world trade and travel. As always the
markets are no place for the very timid. Those with the courage to ride however
will usually, despite occasional major scares, emerge in good shape ultimately.


October 30, 2010


Visa is updated and rated Buy at
$78.16. Don’t leave home without it…


October 29, 2010


TMX Group (owner of Canada’s
big stock and derivative exchanges) is updated and rated Speculative (higher)
Buy at $33.92. We have continued to have a Buy rating on TMX Group even when
others feared it would crash and burn due to competition. (Actually we never
much care what anyone else thinks – OK except for warren Buffett and a few
choice people like that -, we do our own analysis and we very seldom even read
any other analysis). Our last update was May 1, 2010 (see below)  and we
called it Speculative Buy at $29.04 so we are up 17% since then and have also
collected the dividend. It’s not without risk but has continued so far to be a
strong company. I am comfortable owning it (Then again I have developed a good
tolerance for risk and especially for volatility over the years). And,
Admittedly the stock is only up about 2% since we called it a Buy on January 1
this year. But… it is up 135% (which again excludes dividends) from the (split
adjusted) $14.43 price that we introduced it to this site seven years ago at on
October 3, 2003 as a Buy.


So much for those who say Buy and Hold is dead, this TMX would have been a
great buy and hold from last 2003 even if yes it did have some bumps along the
way to add excitement to the ride and try to shake loose those with weaker
convictions or weaker stomachs. And sure it would have been even better to have
sold at the top and bought back in at the bottom – a good strategy for those who
can see the future I guess. Admittedly, on this site we were still bullish on it
near the top, for example January 1 2008 called it a Speculative Buy at $52.80
and it fell 52% that ugly year – well at least we got the Speculative part


Our summary posted to this page back in 2003, October 3 (it’s below on our
older comments page) included the sentence “In my opinion this company has
the features of a great company, given what appears to be a near-monopoly
position in Canada. Also it is the type of business that can grow without much
capital spending, so it tends to generate substantial free cash flow.”
Remember that sentence is not current that is 2003.


October 28, 2010


A big mover today was Visa down 4.3%. That basically just goes to show that
stocks can always be volatile. They certainly don’t always move upwards. Stocks
are inherently hard to predict. But if we pick stocks on a rational basis buying
good companies at good prices we will tend to do well over time. Volatility is
actually the friend of the rational investor. It provides opportunities to buy
at better prices. Not every stock that dips is a bargain of course, the trick is
to analyze stocks (really companies) rationally and buy accordingly.


October 27, 2010


On average stocks were down today…


But TMX Group was up 1.8% (and that is on top of gains earlier this week).
TMX rose because it released strong earnings and raised its dividend. The
Canadian dollar was down today which helps those holding U.S. stocks.


Visa released strong earnings after the close…but it was only a tiny amount
higher than expected…


Wells Fargo admitted it had not dome affidavits correctly in 55,000 foreclosure
cases and would submit new affidavits on those. It’s hard to say if this is
material news or not. Wells Fargo continues to maintain that the foreclosures
were correct in substance even if even if all the procedures were not followed
in every case.


Most likely stocks will continue to bounce around with each bit of bad news
and good news. That is the nature of markets most of the time. A lot of noise
and not that much signal.


October 26, 2010


Today’s notable gainer for us was Wal Mart. Other than that nothing happened
in the market today that particularly caught my attention. Well, boring can be
good. Actually most of what happens in the market on any day is
“noise” as opposed to “signal”. The Canadian Q3 earnings
repots are starting to pour in now and we will have some updated reports to
reflect that.


October 25, 2010


Stock market indexes rose today. In particular, TMX Group was up 3.8%
reportedly on speculation that stock exchanges are take-over candidates. Like I
have said about this company before. it’s hard to keep a good (arguably partial)
monopoly down. Similarly Visa has been rising. TMX Group will report earnings on


October 24, 2010


Wells Fargo is updated and rated
Speculative (higher) Buy at $26.11. It just reported a good quarter. Banks can
be risky given house price declines, recession and the foreclosure debacle in
the United States. But Wells Fargo appears to be very well managed and has done
better than other banks. Assuming that the economy continues to recover it is entirely
possible to imagine this investment doing quite well over the next few years. I
will consider adding to my position.


October 23, 2010


Shaw Communications
is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $22.12. The company continues to do very
well. The price is up 15% since our last update and therefore our rating is down
a little (previously was (lower) Strong Buy) but is still a high rating. There
are risks of competition as it moves forward but overall it looks like a good


October 21, 2010


Toronto stocks were down 0.4% today while the Dow was up a similar amount.
Our stock picks were mostly up. It’s certainly been a nice sting of good days. I
probably should turn my attention to taking some partial profits and may do so
at any time. I’ll let you know in advance unless it is just something that I
suddenly decide to do without. Like anyone else I am susceptible to emotion and impulsive
buys and sells at times. But mostly I try to proceed in a much more deliberate
fashion with buys and sells based on analysis and forethought. I will not
however sell shares in the likes of Melcor without posting my intention
here  first since that is such a thinly traded stock. Any of us could move
the market at least slightly on that stock. On the other hand none of us is
about to move the market on the likes of Wells Fargo (unless that is, my dream
has come true and Warren Buffett is a secret subscriber to this Site. Not!).


With the market doing so well, I have been updating the chart of my own stock
portfolios growth on our home page. It’s looking good.
Again though I must keep in mind that markets do not move up in straight lines.
It’s always a game of fits and starts and backslides. Still, we have definitely
climbed over time.


October 20, 2010


Well Well Well…. I see Wells
Fargo came through this morning with good earnings and the stock rose 4.3%.
Melcor and Visa were other winners today. I’ll update the Wells Fargo report by
Sunday. There are always risks especially with banks and the foreclosure fraud
situation and loan losses and the recession, but I think Wells will be a good
long term investment. I was speaking to a wise and successful older
entrepreneur/investor the other day and he mentioned how throughout his life
people had often tried to (sometimes with success) to talk him out of various
investments. That is always the way, some people will only ever see risks. I am
not suggesting anyone be reckless, but it’s a fact to the bold will go the


I should not get over confident however. In the short term the market can
always provide a dose of humility. But over time it has certainly treated me


October 19, 2010


I mentioned yesterday that daily fluctuations are not that important.
Yesterday the market gaveth, today it tooketh away. The Dow was down 1.5% today
(at noon Edmonton time had been down 2%). TSX was down 0.8%. But some of our
stock picks did okay, Shaw was up a little. Melcor was up. For Canadians the decline
in our dollar today was a benefit in regards to your U.S. stocks. So not that
bad of a day for us.


Tomorrow (Wednesday) Wells Fargo reports earnings before the open. Bank of
America had a huge one-time charge today due to credit card legislation changes.
Presumably that will also be the case for Wells Fargo but hopefully “the
market” already expects that. Wells might rise if it can report reduced
credit losses.


Lots more earnings reports will be rolling in and I am planning to update
some of our reports and ratings based on that.


October 18, 2010


Over the weekend as I contemplated this weeks’ stock price movements, I
steeled myself against what I thought might be another drop in my Wells Fargo
shares. I resolved to buy more shares if it dipped. Instead, Citi Group reported
higher earnings and bank share rose. Wells Fargo was up 5.5%. Most other stocks
were up as well. Shaw Communications was up 2.4%. Melcor was up 4.6%. This sort
of thing is really just noise. It’s long term gains that matter not daily
fluctuations. Still one can’t help but get a warm feeling on a day like


October 17, 2010


FedEx is updated and rated Weak Sell
/ Hold at $89.62. It has staged a very strong recovery in earnings compared to
last hear when its profits were hammered by the recession and competition. It
does seem well managed and has a bright future. The price however seems a little
high. It’s Q1 earnings report from September was headline catching. But the
companies own projections show that Q2 and the next few quarters will not have
that kind of headline grabbing increase in earnings. It could surprise to the
upside if the economic recovery continues.


Some subscribers may wonder about the value of an update that shows a company
as a Sell or Hold. However, if I set out to only provide Buys, then my analysis
would be biased in that direction. Having spent hours updating a company I would
be tempted top call it a Buy. To try to avoid bias I update companies and try to
let the rating fall where it may. One thing I will note, a Sell is in no way a
“short it” rating. Shorting stocks is highly risky and complex and not
something that most retail investors should get involved in. Just for one thing,
institutional investors when they short a stock may receive the cash from
shorting and invest it elsewhere. In my experience that does not occur in retail
brokerage accounts and certainly not in discount broker accounts to my




I received the following questions from a subscriber and I thought they were
good questions and have posted the questions and answers below


I recently became a subscriber to your site after reading the article in the
Edmonton journal . I’ve been thinking about the stocks you suggest as an
entire portfolio and I have two questions.



Answer: To be clear the stocks I
(technically InvestorsFriend Inc.) give a buy / sell rating to are not suggested
to be an entire portfolio. Instead subscribers can pick and choose on an
al-la-carte basis. This is explained in the short
article linked at the top of this page on how to use this page.


which indicates:



While each stock has a generic rating that ranges from Strong Sell to Strong
Buy, the suitability of any stock to a particular investor depends on a variety
of factors including the investor’s total financial situation and risk
tolerance. Therefore each investor reading these reports must take the
responsibility to decide, possibly with the help of an advisor, whether each
stock is right or wrong for their particular circumstances.




The editors personal portfolio breakdown is provided. I suggest
that subscribers pick and choose from the rated stocks based on whether or not
agree with the rating based on the report provided. Given that most subscribers
have existing portfolios and have your own thoughts about each company and have
other sources of information, it was not the intention that subscribers merely
follow the editors portfolio.




Regarding my own portfolio, it is stated there
that that my portfolio would not be considered by most to be adequately


If a subscriber wished to build a
portfolio by choosing from the total group of buy/sell rated companies, that
would be their choice (and risk) and it would have to consider their own risk capacity
and risk preferences which include a long list of personal factors. Most
subscribers will have existing investments and will build their portfolios one
stock at a time, I suspect.


: 1)
Do you consider sector risk (i.e. being over/underweighted
in a specific sector) as part of your recommendations. This leads me
to my next question – energy. 



No, I don’t and can’t since I am rating individual stocks on a generic basis and
the exposure to a sector is a personal decision requiring advice specific to an
individual and that is not something that InvestorsFriend attempting to do or
in fact could do in this “broadcast” media. Sector advice would
require one-on-one consultation and InvestorsFriend Inc. and myself are not offering
that service. 


Is there any specific reason why there are no oil/gas companies as part
of your recommendations? When I apply Buffet’s investing rules to individual
companies and to the industry as a whole, I think that at a minimum there would
be at least few “winners”. In other words, if I had a friend (as suggested
in your recent article) who invited me to participate in a company/venture in
the oil/gas industry who met passed all the tests, I’d have a hard time not


No one specific reason but several reasons. Commodity stocks are not well suited
to analysis from financial statements. They tend to require forecasting a
commodity’s future price and understanding when tight and ample supply
conditions will occur. Each commodity tends to be a specialty onto itself. Buffett
has counseled that commodity businesses generally make poor returns except in
periods of tight supply or if one is the low cost producer. Buffett counsels
developing a circle of competence and staying within it. I have not personally
had good experience with oil stocks. I have not personally taken a big interest
in the sector. Canadian Oil Sands Trust does appear on the list above though
rated Sell back in March at $27.95. That rating does not reflect today’s oil
price which I believe is considerably higher. A different rating may (or may not
) apply when it is next updated.






BTW, the only rule which I think could potentially fail would be valuation, but
if companies are overvalued when oil is at $80/b, what were they when oil was at


Answer: I think
I can assume that this is a rhetorical question which answers itself.



In other developments Wells Fargo declined again on Friday. Obviously it
could go down more. Long term I like the company and the stock and I have not
sold. I added a small amount to my position on Friday.


Here’s how I think about a stock like Wells Fargo that is experiencing what I
think (but can’t guarantee) will be a temporary drop in price. Had I known it
would occur I could have sold a few days ago and bought back lower. But it was
not really clear the price would drop until after it happened. People can claim
they “knew” it would drop. Well really did they? Did they short the
stock? How come the price stayed higher a few days ago if people
“knew” it would drop, it the market “knew” it would have
already dropped a few days earlier. And when would I buy back? The bottom will
not be known until after it has passed.


What if I am committed to holding this stock for say 18 months and what
if just for example the stock price will be say $35 at that time. Then does it
truly matter if the stock bounces around during my holding period? At the end of
the day my profit on the stock will be determined solely by, the price I pay for
it, the price I sell it at and the dividends received. The wiggles along the way
don’t come into that calculation. I am not suggesting that stock price fluctuations
are not important – they may signal problems ahead. I am simply saying that in
this example if Wells is indeed a good company then this particular share price
dip is unlikely to be important to a long term holder. That is simply how I
think about it. Others may think differently.




October 14, 2010


My Wells Fargo got kicked down over 4% today due to this whole foreclosure
documentation scandal or issue. On top of taht the Cnadian dollar rising hurts
U.S. investments.  It’s not clear how badly this foreclosure issue will
hurt Wells Fargo but for the moment certainly it is a negative.


Google was out with strong earnings after the close of regular trading and
rose in “after-hours-trading” (It baffles me why companies would wait
until after the close to release earnings only to have trading in this somewhat restricted
after hours club. I have never seen this issue examined as to why that is fair
or even legal.)  Perhaps this news from Google will jump start the markets
tomorrow (Friday). But the futures are not showing much of a change at the


October 13, 2010


A strong day in the markets.


I was pleasantly surprised to see that for most of today Wells Fargo was up
despite the rising concern about banks foreclosure paperwork being faulty. By
the end of today Wells was down a little.


Those holding Wells Fargo should be prepared for the stock to possibly fall.
There is really no way to know how bad this foreclosure issue is. Wells Fargo
will release its Q3 earnings the middle of next week and we should know more at
that time.


I don’t have any plans to sell on this news but those who are more risk
averse may wish to do so.


This could be trouble for the banks. On the other hand this is about
paperwork. Nobody seems to be suggesting that people who actually paid their
mortgages was foreclosed on. It’s pathetic really the State looking to reverse
foreclosures on some technicality. Apparently some employees may have signed
foreclosure documents without personally knowing the documents were correct.
They relied on other employees in the assembly line. That seems like normal
business practice to me. It seems to me no one complains if the President of a
company has his signature embossed on all the pay checks without personally
knowing if those people did the work. It’s called delegation.


Looking in my wallet I notice my cash has stamped signatures on it. No one is
complaining about a robo-signer there.


Everyone loves to say the banks caused the credit crisis. They certainly
had  a role. But it seems to me it was people not paying their mortgages in
droves that really triggered the credit crisis. Were they duped into borrowing
that money? Give me a break. People who borrow money do it on their own accord.


It’s time for people to do what is right. Pay their mortgages. Honor their
commitments. Not look for technicalities after they were foreclosed on for
non-payment. It’s pathetic that the States are taking up this cause in a big
way. America is really losing its way.


October 12, 2010


U.S. stocks had been down today but recovered to end the day up marginally
when the minutes of the last Federal Reserve Board meeting added further
evidence that the Fed will undertake to buy bonds in the market which could
drive interest rates even lower and give banks more cash available to lend out.
This is very dubious long-term value but it is thought that it will boost stock
markets in the short term.  One danger however is that this boost is
already built into the market which is expecting this move.


It was pleasant to see Wells Fargo rise a little today in spite of the latest
bad news for banks – They are under fire now for shoddy paperwork on home
foreclosures. Hopefully Wells will turn out to have done things properly in that


The Q3 earnings reporting season is off an running. Intel reported after the close
of regular trading that its profits were up slightly more than expected.
(Profits were up hugely compared to the prior year, but that is not what drives
the market, – since that was already expected and built into the share
price-  it is the fact that the profits are higher than expected that
drives the market)


With markets up so nicely in the last 6 weeks I am starting to think about
maybe taking some profits. (After all, I am about 94% invested in equities and
6% cash, so it may be prudent for me to raise some cash). But I will likely wait
and see how the Q3 earnings come in.


October 10, 2010


Canadian Western Preferred
Shares are updated and rated Sell at
$28.25. We understand that these shares will almost certainly be redeemed for
$25 on April 30, 2014. So what looks like a good cash yield is not so good once
you consider that you would suffer an 11% loss if these are held until that
probable redemption. It’s not clear to us that “the market”
understands this. We do note that the CFO sold her  shares last month at
$28.05 and we can bet that she understands about the redemption.


The latest edition of our free newsletter was
sent out today. If you did not receive it by email it could be that you are not
on the list. We keep a separate email list for the free newsletter and paid
subscribers are not automatically on that list (although most paid subscribers
would have joined the free list. You can join the free list using sign-up link
at the bottom of every page on the Site. If you are already on the list, the
system will indicate that and will not add you in again.


October 7, 2010


markets were down a little today… Not surprising after recent strength.


Tonight Alcoa the first company to report Q3 earnings came out with
better-than-expected earnings and a slightly better forecast. Possibly will jump
start the market tomorrow, though that depends on other news like a jobs
report due out tomorrow.




The great mystery in financial markets these days is how interest rates can
be so low. There is lots of uniformed speculation on the matter. But not so much
informed intelligent opinion.


One question would be who is buying the U.S. Treasuries? (The U.S. borrows by
selling treasury bonds) Speculation is that the Federal Reserve Bank (another arm
of government) buys and this drives down the interest rate. But other people buy
too. Speculation is also that it is the Chinese who buy these.


The U.S. Treasury bond yields on 2 year notes reached a record low today of
just 0.36% according to Yahoo. So I decided to look who is buying. Who is it
that is willing to lock their money away for two years at 0.36%?


For starters you would have to have a lot of money to bother with this. We
are talking about a return here of $360 dollars on $100,000. If I was an
American with $100,000 cash I sure as heck would not lock it in for two years to
get $360 times two or $720 in two years. At that rate I’d just keep it in my
investment account and hope for a better deal than that.


Now if I had $100 million and just wanted to collect interest, well then
maybe… since that would be $360,000 per year, though that sounds incredible paltry
as well.


A search of
(eventually) turned up a file that lists the category of recent bond buyers.


This link to the Coupon Auctions – Data from January 2000-present Excel document will open a new window


This data shows that the latest 2 year auction at September 30, when the rate
was 0.375% raised $37 billion. Here were the buyers by category:


A total of $37 billion was sold to investors… buyers were as follows:


The Federal Reserve banks $1.1 billion  (so much for the Fed being the
big buyer! not)


Deposit taking
$0.1  (almost nothing, regular banks are not interested I guess)


$0.4 billion (seems stupid, but could be payroll savings plans and such)


Dealers and
$22.6 billion (this is the big buyer, unfortunately we don’t know who they buy
for -pension plans, mutual funds, insurance companies???)


Pension and retirement funds  $0.0 ($0, thank goodness, it would be hard
to build a pension on 0.375% yield)


$2.64 billion (some money market funds are mandated to buy these so this is


Foreign and International     $10.3 billion (so okay this
is a lot but it’s not like China buys the whole $31 billion)


So, the mystery remains why in god’s name are these buyers investing their
money at these low rates. Especially why invest with the U.S. government that is
rumored to be in bad shape financially and owes untold trillions???


No one is twisting their arms right?


So the most obvious answer is that a lot of people and institutions and
foreign governments have a ton of cash and need to invest it someplace and they
find that this 0.375% return locked in for two years is the best combination of return
and safety in their opinion.


Now it would be better for the economy if these apparently rich institutions
spent the money.


Maybe we should encourage them to do so.


Maybe tax pension funds when they invest in such short term bonds (We already
tax most other investors).


I don’t know the answer but these extremely low interest rates are now doing
a lot of damage. Pension funds are decimated. Insurance companies too. Seniors
can’t get any return at the bank…


Also in terms of longer term bonds a similar patter emerges. It is broker
dealers that are the biggest buyers followed by foreigners and then investment
funds. The Fed contrary to rumor has not been a big buyer at all (They may tend
to buy on the secondary market from banks rather than from the Treasury at these


So what has this got to do with stocks? Well, stocks are considered riskily
that might fall in value if the recession resumes. But you can buy stocks at
P/Es of 15 all day long. That is an earnings yield of 6.67% or some 18 times
higher than a two year treasury bond. And over twice as high as the interest on
a ten-year Treasury bond. Dividends alone on stocks are about equal to the
10-year treasury yield. You have to be extremely pessimistic about the earnings
outlook for companies to conclude that these treasury bonds are a better
investment than stocks if held for a say five to ten years. In a short term
basis, sure stocks could fall (a lot). But the economy would have to collapse
and stay collapsed before stocks would fail to beat the ten year bonds over the
next decade. Looking at these Treasury yields I feel good about owning companies
(stocks) and not bonds. I am not advising you to avoid bonds. We just rate
stocks here, and try to understand things. We don’t advise you what to do with
your money – in part because we don’t know your circumstances – maybe you need
you money for next week’s groceries. If so, stocks are not a good choice. I am
just looking at the numbers. You can draw your own conclusions.


October 6, 2010


In the last two months we have had a strong increase in the number of
subscribers. Thank you to all the new subscribers. In large part, this was due
to a very
nice article about this Site and myself that ran in the Edmonton Journal and in
the Regina Leader Post.


While we judge and track and show you our performance on a longer term basis
such as yearly and over a period of years, it is nevertheless pleasant to report
that our Stock Picks as well as the market in general are up very strongly since
the August 7 article that attracted many new subscribers.


New subscribers in particular may benefit from reading the following short
article that talks about how to use this page of Stock Picks that you have
paid for. This link is also at the top of this page. Note also the list of
“Links for Members Only” just below the table of stock picks. There is
a lot of valuable information there.


Canadian Western Bank is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at $25.24 (it closed today at $25.04. It’s been
very successful over the years.


October 5, 2010


We should not get too excited about a one day rise in the market (even if it
comes on top of five weeks of pretty steady gains) but it certainly was nice to
see the Dow up 1.8% and the TSX up 1.4% and our stock picks up similar amounts
on average.


Warren Buffett today said it is “quite clear stocks are cheaper than
bonds” right now, and he said he “can’t imagine” choosing bonds
over stocks at current prices, but concedes that’s what many investors have been
doing because of a “lack of confidence” in the economy’s future.
“They’re making a mistake, the ones that are buying the bonds” at
record low yields.


I was not surprised to hear him say that. The latest
edition of our free newsletter quoted what he had said in 1984 about people
investing in bonds at very low yields in 1946 with municipal bonds yielding
under 1% (And he said that similar although less extreme conditions prevailed
for about two decades, thus indicating that he considered long-term bond yields abominable
at low yields that did not have to be quite as silly as 1%) and I indicated that I
thought today’s long term bond yields were similarly abominable.


October 4, 2010


It seems the big credit card companies in the U.S. are going to have to stop
banning merchants from offering discounts if you pay cash or debit versus credit
card. Amazingly enough, for decades these monopolistic card companies were able
to impose those rules on merchants. But it’s probably way too late for many
merchants to go this route. Credit card use is ingrained in the population at
this point.  I can’t see Hotels offending their guests by discouraging
credit card payments. Maybe gas stations will, given their tight margins. I am
not sure that this will be a big deal for Visa and MasterCard.


I notice today that Tim Hortons has renewed an agreement with Esso. Tim
Hortons has 350 small kiosk style locations in Esso service stations and will
add 175 more over the next ten years. So that’s only about 18 new kiosks per
year but is positive news.


Our next update will be for Canadian Western Bank. This seems to be a very
well managed little bank. It has done very well for shareholders over the


News today indicates that the Federal Reserve will take actions in November
to ease monetary conditions and get consumers spending. It all seems rather
bizarre, interest rate are already at historic lows and so I have to wonder why
more easing is needed. Seems like pushing on a string. And if America and
Americas got into trouble by taking on too much debt how will encouraging people
to spend solve that? Well in any event it could have a positive impact on stock


October 3, 2010


A subscriber asked me about my thoughts on Gold.


Actually I have more questions than answers when it come to Gold. My approach
to investing centers on financial statement analysis and trying to access the
value of companies, on a per share basis, compared to the estimated value of the
shares based on earnings and dividends and the estimated growth thereof. Gold
does not fit that mold.


When it comes to Gold I wonder about the following:


Is Gold priced simply as a collectible like rare stamps and coins and old
paintings? If so, I don’t have any ability to guess where its price will go.


Is Gold priced on some relationship to the cost of finding it in the ground
and extracting it? What is that cost of finding and extracting Gold?


Is Gold priced as the ultimate money? If so how does that work? If I owned
all the Gold in the world would I be able to buy everything in the world at
current prices? If Gold is the ultimate money, why do we talk about the price of
gold in dollars rather than the value of a dollar as so many micro grams of


Has Gold quadrupled in price over the past few years because of a decline in
value of the U.S. dollar? (No one suggests that the value of a U.S. dollar has
fallen by 75% against other currencies and there has not been much inflation in
the U.S. and in fact a dollar will buy a lot more real estate now, so in what
sense has the U.S. dollar depreciated all that much?)


Is Gold up because of a fear the U.S.. dollar will collapse? (If so, how does
that square with the fact that the U.S. is able to borrow money for 30 years at
about the lowest interest rates in history?)


So, the bottom line for me is I simply don’t understand the price of Gold or
what drives it. Personally I prefer not to invest in things I have no
understanding of.


October 2, 2010


Walgreens (the big U.S. drug store
chain) is updated and rated Buy at $33.68. It just released its Q4 2010 earnings
press release. The stock is up about 20% in the last three months. So it’s not
the bargain it was in the Spring, but it still is likely a good long term
investment. I recently sold half my shares in this at $33.70 on a recent 11%
jump in price. I would not likely buy that back unless it goes back about


Intact Financial (car, house and commercial insurance company) is removed
from the Site. (We had not updated it for about a year now). It is appropriate
to remove some companies from the Site periodically in order to make room for
new ones. Also I reviewed its financial statements and it is increasingly clear
that the earnings of property insurance companies are notoriously hard to judge
based on their financials. The earnings are essentially based on estimates.
Intact seems like a good company but it really does not lend itself to the type
of financial statement analysis that I rely on to a large degree.


September 30, 2010


Our stock picks were up on average a little today even as the Dow fell 47 points
and the TSX was down 14 points.


The third quarter is over now and within a week to 10 days we will see the
first of the Q3 earnings reports roll in. Markets are expecting good results
from the Q3 earnings reports and so those companies that disappoint will likely
see stock prices drop. Companies will have to surprise to the upside to register
gains relative to the market.


After the super strong year the markets had in 2009, I was not really
expecting much from 2010 (see post under January 2 below). But as I said in
yesterday’s post markets are nothing if not unpredictable. Market direction will
likely continue to be driven by earnings, economic reports like jobless claims,
reports of government stimulus and the usual gyrations as fear and greed
continue their permanent tug-of-war. Throw some world events like wars and terrorist
attacks into the mix and you can see why it’s anybody’s bet in the short


Our next update will likely be for Walgreen…


September 29, 2010


September has just one more day (Thursday) to go and it’s over. And it looks
like it was a record September in stocks the  biggest gain in the U.S. in
September since 1930. Well where do we go from here?


Well, clearly nobody knows. Virtually nobody guessed (let alone
“knew”) that markets would do so well in September. And few guessed
(and clearly none knew) the extent of the market crash that happened in 2008.
And if they didn’t know then (and few even guessed) why should we think anyone
knows now what lies ahead? The fact is, They don’t know now, what they didn’t
know then.


So forget predictions of where the market is headed. On this topic Warren
Buffett has said consistently throughout his career when it comes to short term
market direction I don’t know, and I don’t care to speculate. In late 2008 he
famously said stocks would do well in the long term and that he was buying, but
he did not say stocks would turn higher short term.


So again, forget predictions of where the market is going in the short term,
nobody knows. Instead focus on thinking about the best place to invest your
money. That may be in the broad stock market, it may be in bonds, or it may be
in individual stocks. Personally, I think the opportunities are in individual
stocks. But that is for the long run. In the short term nobody knows. So don’t
invest the grocery money, or the rent money. But consider investing your long
term savings in companies that are profitable, well managed and likely to be
around and remain profitable for the long term.


I would bet that right now most people would agree with both of the following


1. Business owners tend to get rich on the backs of consumers and


2. There is little chance of getting rich by owning stocks.


I would suggest both statements can’t be true.


Stock investors of course are business owners.


September 28, 2010


One of our stock picks did very well today.
Walgreens the big American drug store chain was up $3.46 per share or 11.4%
to $33.81. The reason for the increase was a strong earnings report out
yesterday after the close with earnings at 49 cents per share against an
expectation of 44 cents.


This was particularly of notice to me since I had about 4.3% of my portfolio
in this stock. We had rated it a (higher) Buy on June 27 at $27.79. On June 28 I
noted I had bought some shares. On July 14, I noted that the company had
increased its dividend by 27%. On August 1, I noted that I had bought additional
shares (which was at $28.10.)


During September the shares had risen basically along with the market to
about $31.


One thing that is very interesting about today’s jump is that it means the
news of the strong earnings had not leaked out. Often even when a good earnings
report comes out and is above analyst expectations, the stock does not budge at
all – arguably indicating the news was leaked. In this case no leaks, which is
as it should be.


With the stock up about 11% today, I wondered if the reaction was a bit
over-done. Given the large increase today and the fact that I was up about 22%
since my purchase in June, I decided to sell half my shares and sold for $33.70.
Also note that this was in an RRSP account so tax impacts are not an issue. Also
I have very little cash in that RRSP account and so that was another reason to
sell some Walgreen.


I will re-evaluate after I update the analysis report in the next few days
but I suspect the stock will end up being rated a Buy as opposed to a (higher)
Buy but I won’t know for sure until I run through all the numbers and the
non-numerical aspects and outlook.


September 27, 2010


The markets started out the week with a decline as of the close on Monday.
For most of the day stocks were up, but they closed lower. However some stocks
were up. Notably TMX Group up 2.7%
and Tim Hortons up 1.4%.
Financial news reports remarked today on the large number of takeover deals that
are happening. This tends to show that support for stock prices.


Walgreen company will report earnings
before the opening tomorrow. The results for this large drug store chain may
provide some indication of the state of the economy.


September 24, 2010 


Today was a strong day in the markets. Almost all stocks were up. United
States Markets were up 2.0% on average on the day. Canadian stocks were up an
average 0.85%. So, far September has been very kind to investors.


Yesterday it was reported that Warren Buffett had said the recession is not
over. That’s true he said that but the way it was reported was misleading.
Officially a recession is over as soon as the economy starts to climb back out
of a trough. What Buffett said was that in his view a recession is over when the
economy finishes climbing all the way back and starts to make new highs in GDP.
So Buffett is not at all arguing that the economy is still falling. He is just
pointing out that, although now climbing, it has a ways to climb still to get back to where it


By the way Berkshire was up 2.5% today to $124,850 for the A shares. These
are the very same shares that were trading at $14.86 as Buffett took control in
the Spring of 1965 paying that amount on average on behalf of himself and his
limited partners. So that’s a gain of 840,000% for Buffett and those lucky
individuals (and their heirs at this point) who were with Buffett at the outset
and who have stuck with him. Along the way they received, strangely enough,
exactly one thin dime per share as a dividend which was paid in 1967 and not
another dime since. But somehow I think maybe the 840,000% percent capital gain
makes up for the lack of dividends.


There are many analysts who will tell you that only dividends really matter
and capital gains are meaningless.  Which goes to prove that there are many
analysts who simply don’t know what they are talking about. Berkshire investors
would have been far far poorer if Berkshire had paid dividends instead of
reinvesting all profits. Save that one dime per share, which probably still
haunts Buffett. Let’s see 10 cents compounded at about 20% for 43 years is $254 dollars
per share that could have been added to book value today. And consider that 10
cents bought one chocolate bar in 1967 and today it costs about $1.00 per
chocolate bar. If those early Berkshire investors took their ten cents and
bought a chocolate bar, well that’s okay, but had the 10 cents been left with
Buffett it would buy 254 chocolate bars today. So you see, that was kind of an
expensive chocolate bar. The point is when you invest in a great company that
has ample opportunity to re-invest its profits and make high returns then it is
rather foolhardy for investors to ask such a company to pay a dividend.


But many companies do not have good opportunities to re-invest profits at
high rates of return. In those cases it is rational for investors to demand as
large a dividend as possible.


I’ll make a wild prediction at this point. Unless health reasons force it
earlier, Buffett will retire in 2015 after running Berkshire for 50 years and
the share price will be up over 1 million percent by then, from the 1965 value. It only needs to rise
about 19% to reach the million % mark. Buffett always focused on the rise in
book value. Book value was $19 per share when he took control and reached $84,487 at the
end of 2009, up 434,000%. So book value would need to slightly more than double
to reach the 1 million % mark. It would be a stretch to achieve that on
Buffett’s watch. In any event I am not sure Buffett takes any interest in the
million % figure. I think he might take some interest. But his primary interest
is always in making money now and in the future.


Another prediction, despite those kind of statistics, many people will continue
to show little respect for Buffett and will say that he has lost his touch etc.


September 23, 2010


Reitman’s is updated and rated
(lower) Buy at $18.98. Not a screaming buy at all but still worth considering.
It recovered well from the recession in large part due to the high Canadian
dollar since it imports almost all of its clothing. It is interesting to note
that it marks up its items by some 200% on average, versus an avearage 33% at
the likes of Wal Mart. There a couple of aspects of this. First Rittman’s is
able to do this because it sources at lower cost from China. And it sells almost
exclusively its own name brands. That way there is zero chance that a customer
can comparison shop on the exact same article of clothing. But another aspect of
the high markup is that it partly reflects Reitman’s higher costs compared to
Wal Mart. (For example Reitman’s does not have a higher Return on Equity than
Walmart – Reitman’s needs a VERY much higher gross markup to arrive at an ROE somewhat
lower than WalMart’s).  In some sense Reitman’s is a less efficient
“delivery source” for cloths. But then again, cloths are not that
expensive and it may be that many customers simply like the service and trust
the quality or find that they can’t get satisfactory cloths at the bigger


Reitman’s has carved out a niche for itself and should continue to do well.


Markets were down today. My own account suffered due to Wells Fargo being
down 3%. Such is life in the markets.


September 22, 2010


Our next update will be for Reitman’s Canada which I have just started
working on.


Our stocks were mostly little changed to day but Wells Fargo slipped 2.2%.


September 21, 2010


The United States Federal Bank governs met today and as expected decided to
keep short term bank-to-bank interest rates at virtually zero. The market seemed
to take some short-term comfort from this. But the market also knows this cannot
go on too long and so their is that nagging bad feeling about what will happen
when rates finally do rise.


There was an announcement by Aeroplan that
they closed the first investment in a previously announced new joint venture in
Mexico with AeroMexico regarding the most popular airline loyalty card in
Mexico. While we only rated these shares a (lower) Buy, at $10.99, if some of
these international ventures take off the Aeroplan could do quite well.


Microsoft announced it is raising
its dividend by 23%. Don’t count this company out…


September 20, 2010


Markets were up (Dow up 146 points) a surprising 1.4%. That is not all that
unusual of a one day move but it is large given that many investors have about
given up on the idea of getting 10% or more annual returns from stocks.
Unfortunately a drop of 1.4% in a day is also not particularly unusual. But we
must be grateful for the alms the market has given today. Many of our Stock
Picks did well today.


News came today that the recession ended in June 2009. This announcement was
made by the National Bureau of Economic Research who is apparently the official
record keeper of such things. An announcement some 14 months after the fact
seems of little value. There is actually some value though, for economic
research purposes, economists find it useful to have an agreed upon time period
that was “the recession”. Surprisingly, based on its Web Site this
National Bureau does not appear to be a government outfit. It may be an academic
group that has gained acceptance as the official recession score keeper.


Recession is generally defined as two or more consecutive quarters of
economic shrinkage as measured buy a drop in GDP as measured in real dollars
(dollars adjusted for inflation. For example two quarters of the economy growing
2% in actual dollars at a time of 3% inflation would be calculated as two
quarters of minus one growth (i.e. 1% shrinkage in terms of of the quantity of
goods and services produced).


Conversely the recession is over when the economy starts to climb back from
the trough. So if an economy were to drop 10% and then start to grow. The
recession would be over at the point the experts decided it had started
to grow (and they might decide this date long after it happened). So the end of
the recession does not mean the economy HAS recovered. It just means the
recovery has started. It’s only the beginning of the end of the pain. It’s not
the end of the pain.


A subscriber to this site noted how bizarre it is that an economy that grows
1% from a level of output of say 1 million units to 1.01 million units is
considered healthy and growing (if weakly growing). But if it should drop down
to 0.99 million units, every one hits the recession panic button.


That does not make a lot of sense. Having the output of the economy drop by
1% logically should not be a panic. Businesses and especially households
routinely absorb far larger drops than that without panic.


This whole business of mass panic when the recession flag is waved seems to
be a case of failing to notice that 99% of the economy is still there. It seems
we panic about the measurement of the economy instead of focusing on the economy


I mean think of it in real physical terms. If a a primitive island nation
that lived on fish alone caught 1 million pounds of fish one year, it would
hardly panic if the next year the number was 0.99 million pounds. Well, I guess
they might panic if the chief threw up a “starvation” flag and told
everyone they were going to suffer due to the 1% drop in the catch.


Anyhow according to the official source The United States has been climbing
out of the recession hole for some 14 months and continues its quest to have its
economy reach the pre-recession levels and then grow from there. Maybe everyone
got tired of panic and just went back to fishing and other useful work.




September 19, 2010


Tim Hortons is updated and
rated (lower) Buy at CAN $37.61 or U.S. $36.40. This stock is up 17% year to
date and we rated it a Buy at the start of the year. I have mentioned many times
that this is a great business. It’s obviously a money geyser. The only problem
is hat everyone knows this and so the share price already reflects that and is
pricing in roughly 9% earnings growth (per share annually) for the next five
years. If that were to happen you would make about 8% per year on your
investment according to our calculations. Even if it grows somewhat slower you
would still make a positive return. So, we really like it as a business but are
not much more than luke-warm on it as an investment right now. We’d prefer to be
buying it a few dollars lower… Still, I am pretty comfortable holding this
personally. I will not be looking to add to my position at this price.


September 17, 2010


I have updated the break-down of my personal
portfolio. I have a very heavy allocation to Wells
Fargo. In fact I could be accused of pigging out on that company or
otherwise getting far too attached to it and risking too much on it. Time will
reveal if my confidence in the company is rewarded. And I readily admit that it
comes with risk as banks by nature of highly leveraged. And its fortunes (is
that a pun?) depend to to a good extent on the recovery of the U.S. economy and
it could be hurt by government actions. Still, I like the company’s prospects
and if it does well I have enough of an allocation to it that a large price
increase, if it occurs (well hopefully when but truthfully if), is
going to add meaningfully to my portfolio. Similar logic applies to my other
larger holdings. I have made a few big bets. I like to think that they are
highly educated bets. But they could turn out wrong. In stock investing there
are ALWAYS risks. If I only focused on risks I would not have invested in stocks
at all. And I would be much the poorer for it.


September 16, 2010


I saw in the Financial Post today that Smart Technologies was down to
$10.50 at the low last week after having launched in an Initial Public Offering
at $17. I gave something of a warning about this IPO in my comment of July 15,
2010, below.


Today’s business news seemed moderately positive. Bigger earnings for FedEx –
but warned of slow growth ahead. Initial jobless claims in the U.S. slightly
lower (better) than expected.


September 15, 2010


Our stocks were mostly up a little today…


Canadian Tire is adopting a
centralization strategy. Currently it had considered Retail, automotive, Marks
Work Wearhouse, Finance and Petroleum to be separate businesses, but they will
now be ran more as one large business. It’s hard to say if this is a good thing
or not. They are paying out some $15 million in severance and so that is one
negative aspect of it. Perhaps it shows though that is is not a company resting
on its success. It continues to strive to grow and change. Our report is several
months old, but I am not sure that much has really changed. I own shares and am
comfortable owning them.


September 14, 2010


Monday the markets were up, today we gave some back… The usual tug of war
between good economic news and bad economic news continues…


I saw an interesting article today talking about how some U.S. banks have
been forced to buy back mortgages that they sold to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.
Basically if a bank failed to follow the rules in issuing a mortgage insured by
these entities or sold to these entities then they can make the bank buy that mortgage
back. Any loss on the mortgage becomes the bank’s and not Fannie and Freddy’s.


Wells Fargo addressed this in a presentation yesterday and indicated that
they had sufficient reserves (estimates of losses) for this item.


I have not heard any mention in Canada about CMHC refusing to honor the
insurance on any mortgages when the documents were not all completed correctly.
There have to be a least some cases where mortgage lenders gave out CMHC insured
mortgages but failed to meet all the criteria required by CMHC. If so the
Canadian banks should eat any loss. But I have not heard of any such thing. Then
again I don’t follow the Canadian banks. I have just now sent an email to CMHC
to see about this.


September 12, 2010


The latest edition of our free newsletter
was sent out yesterday.


It included an updated analysis of the valuation
of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and a discussion of the expected return
on long-term bonds versus stocks.


As a paid subscriber, you are most likely already on the list to receive the
free newsletter. But it is a separate list. If you did not receive the free
newsletter by email late Saturday or early Sunday then you could try adding your
email to the free list at the following link:


September 9, 2010


Yesterday I said stocks would likely beat GICs over the next five years. Well
stocks were up today. But there are 1825 more days to come…


Wells Fargo in particular was up 1.9% today and has recovered the loss it
suffered on Tuesday. Moody’s is reported to be looking at upgrading the credit
rating of Wells Fargo. This company seems on a track that will lead to a
noticeably higher stock price as it reports better profits in the next four
quarters and beyond. Of course that is not guaranteed, and a deep double dip
recession or further drops in U.S. house prices could delay that. But it is what
I expect will happen. As far as I know Warren Buffett is still quite bullish on
the company but he speaks only infrequently of such things.


I notice that CN a long-time Buy over the years on this site is near a record
high… despite a dip to day… same thing for Tim Hortons… Probably not the
best time to buy but these are solid long-term companies.


September 8, 2010


The bank of Canada, as expected raised “the Bank of Canada interest
rate” to 1.0%. Yawn.



It’s easy to get confused as what this rate is. The Bank of Canada describes
it this way:


The target for the overnight rate


The Bank carries out monetary policy by influencing short-term interest
rates. It does this by raising and lowering the target for the
overnight rate


The overnight rate is the interest rate at which major financial
institutions borrow and lend one-day (or “overnight”) funds among
themselves; the Bank sets a target level for that rate.
This target for
the overnight rate is often referred to as the Bank’s key interest rate
or key policy rate.



It’s Interesting (so to speak) to note that while very short term rates in
Canada are rising, longer term rates like the interest rate available by
investing in a 10-year government of Canada bond (i.e. the rate which the
Government of Canada must pay to borrow money on a ten-year fixed interest rate
basis) has been rising. The 10-year rate is currently at 2.8%, ten weeks ago it
was closer to 3.2%. This is why 5-year mortgage rates have been falling. The
rate that Banks must pay to attract 5-year deposits is linked to the market rate
for 5-year bonds and not so much to the Bank of Canada daily rate.


I will shortly be updating my analysis of the valuation of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average. Basically the numbers show that the Dow should be a
reasonable investment if held for say a 10-year period. This excludes currency
fluctuation for Canadians. As we all know we can get pretty near nothing by
putting our money in the bank. A 5-year bank GIC at ING Direct will pay you 3.0%
if locked in for five years. Against that kind of 98-pound-weakling competitor
it is not hard to predict that the DOW (and the TSX index) will do better than
that over a five year period. There is certainly always a chance that the DOW
will give lower or even negative returns over the next five years. But consider
that the DOW is yielding 2.8% right now in dividends alone. You have to quite
pessimistic to to think that the DOW will be flat or lower in five years. My
money is on stocks to win that fight, hands down (should pummel GIC rates). I
think it has been something like 50 years or more since investors last had the
opportunity to invest in the DOW at a dividend yield that was higher than the
long-term government bond yield. This was the situation in the 1940’s.
Subsequently in the next 20 to 30 years after that, those who locked into
long-term government bonds at ultra-low rates got hammered due to unexpected inflation
and stock investors did extremely well, thank you.


Yes, I know, I know, the DOW is about flat from ten years ago. That is not
the fault of the DOW companies – their earnings in 1999 were $477 dollars per
unit while in 2009 the earnings had risen to $625. Not a big increase. But still
that’s 31% higher than 1999. So why was the DOW flat? It was due to investors
who had bid the DOW up to a P/E ratio of 24 times earnings at the end of 1999.
Once investors had bid the DOW up to unrealistic levels in the 1999 bubble, it
was destined to give poor returns even if the DOW companies made reasonable
earnings gains. The DOW in 1999 was priced for perfection and was almost bound
to fall, at least temporarily. Today the DOW is certainly not priced at an
extremely high level. GIC’s returning 3.0% have a P/E ratio of 33. The DOW is
closer to a P/E of 14. Historically a P/E of closer to 8 was considered the
bargain territory. But that was back when GICs delivered higher returns as well.
Anyhow the bottom line is that unless we in for basically a depression, then
stock investments are going to out perform GICs in the next five or ten years.
As to the next day, month, year or two years. Well that’s a tougher call… A
call I can’t make. But I have voted with my wallet for stocks.


At the end of 2002 the DOW was at 8342. It seems reasonably safe (but it’s
not guaranteed) to predict that as of December 31, 2012, it will not be the case
that the DOW has made no money over the past ten years.


Visa slipped 4% to $68.55 today. I am
tempted to add to my position slowly. It might very well slip further. But
despite some efforts to reign in some its fees it still has a lot of
monopoly-like characteristics.




September 7, 2010


Markets declined on Tuesday… Wells
Fargo in particular was down 3.6%. For Canadian investors this was offset
somewhat by a fall in the Canadian dollar. The market decline was apparently due
to fears that European banks might not do well on certain “stress
tests”. Basically, banks take in deposits and loan them out. If the enough
borrowers don’t repay the loans, then the bank is in trouble. This is nothing
new. It has ever been so and always will be so. And despite attempts to measure
such risks, it can never be measured with precision. The fact is that if you
apply a stringent enough stress test (assume a high enough amount of deadbeat
borrowers) then every bank can be made to fail your stress test. This is why
governments tend to insure bank deposits. Without government insurance a
depositor would never be quite 100% safe from a bank blowing its brains out by
lending to people and companies that can’t or won’t pay back the money. A well
managed bank would avoid that fate, but government deposit and bank regulations
exist to protect the public from banks managed by reckless and/or idiot


In my investing I can’t and don’t worry about the strength of European banks.
Yes, if European banks start to fall it will probably ultimately affect the
North America economy in some way. But I have severe doubts that the
“geniuses” doing these bank stress tests have any real clue as to what
might happen. I mean, I imagine these are the same type of geniuses who made the
models that allowed packages of sub-prime mortgages to be sold with AAA credit
ratings. This kind of stuff is basically noise to me. I am certainly not going
to change my assumptions about things like how much profit Tim Hortons can make
on a donut on the basis of this news.


I expect to see markets continue to wobble and lurch around on various bits
of news like this. Meanwhile I will just continue to try to be invested in good
quality companies with good profits and a good outlook.


September 2, 2010


Yesterday’s strong markets were followed up by another good day, especially
in Canada. Almost all of our stock picks were up. Since I am almost fully
invested in equities I am not making any buys at this time. Nor am I selling
anything. However I always reserve the right to change my mind on that and do
some buying and selling as the mood may strike me. I will try to let you know in
advance as often as I can. And on any thinly traded stocks I would always
announce my plans in advance.


September 1, 2010


The U.S. market today was up 2.5% on news that manufacturing in China and in
the U.S. was stronger than expected – indicating that rumors of the death of
global trade were perhaps exaggerated. I don’t take much of a signal from this.
To me, it just shows how unpredictable markets are. It also shows I think that
there is still a large group of investors who are optimistic. So we seem to have
a continuing battle between bullish and bearish investors.  There seems to
have been a lot of announcements about corporate takeovers lately and at large
premiums. So that indicates that large corporations view stock prices as being
attractive in many cases. A certain segment of investors it seems are hungry for
positive news and when they see it, they buy with enthusiasm.


We shall see if the market decides to take this gain away as fast as it gave
it or will the rally be sustained.


Canadian Western Bank
came out with strong earnings after the close today. It’s stock price will
likely do well tomorrow ( Thursday). This company has a long history of winning.
It goes to show it often pays to bet on a winner.


August 31, 2010


Not much excitement in the markets today.


With Visa down below $70, I would be
tempted to nibble at it. I always figure it’s hard to keep a good (near)
monopoly down…


Microsoft is certainly tempting
as well. It is trading a low multiple to earnings and it has it own monopoly
characteristics. (Anyone out there use Word, Excel, Windows?, if not at home,
perhaps at the office?, despite shortcomings most of us have little choice in
the matter.)


August 30, 2010


The U.S. market today dropped 1.4%, giving back its gains from Friday. The
TSX was up a little.


Possibly stocks will get some good news soon (in the run-up to the mid-term
elections) from President Obama as he spoke today about doing some things to
help the economy.


I once again added to my Wells Fargo position today. This is definitely
“showing the courage of my convictions” though it might also be a case
of stubbornness.


August 29, 2010


Stantec is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $25.64. This is a company that we first added to this Site as A
Strong Buy back in 1999 when it was trading at just $2.50 (adjusted for
subsequent stock splits). The stock price has had its ups and downs but the
earnings have grown quite steadily. It’s a well managed company and worth


August 27, 2010


Markets today were quite strong as U.S. GDP revised numbers for Q2 while only
1.6% were better than expected and at least were not negative as some had
feared. In addition, “the Fed” indicated it would intervene to support
the economy if needed. These are not exactly good news things but the market
took it as positive in the sense that things at least are viewed as not as bad
as feared.


Dalsa Corporation is updated and
rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $10.25. This is an interesting Canadian company
that sells technologically complex products and services world wide. It has good
potential. Over the years I had generally rated it a buy but it disappointed.
Then in 2009 it looked to be heading for trouble as earnings went to zero in
part due to the high Canadian dollar. But in 2010 it surprised very much to the
upside. Selling for not much more than book value it does not look like a
bargain now but it may be a bargain iof earnings continue to recover as they
have in the first part of 2010. Overall a possible pick as a speculative


August 26, 2010


U.S. markets were down modestly again today. Since earnings season does not
resume until early to mid September, the market will likely continue to react to
economic news.


U.S. mortgage rates reached another record low, just 4.36%. This is
remarkable in a number of ways. Consider that it was the fact that a large
number of U.S. homeowners were basically deadbeats and failed to pay their mortgages
on time that led to the financial crises. (Yes banks were responsible too, but
had people paid their mortgages as agreed there would have been no crisis). Yet
banks are now willing to lend home owners money for 30 years at 4.36%. That does
not leave much room for the risk of defaults or the risk of inflation.


It is also remarkable that we see record low interest rates and yet house
sales are extremely low. Home affordability in the U.S. is vastly better than a
few years ago. Yet few are buying. Homes it seems are too cheap and mortgage
rates too low to Buy!!!


Here is another paradox. Some analysts are saying the U.S. is effectively
bankrupt and will print money and create hyper inflation. Well someone needs to
inform bond investors. Bond investors are lending money to this allegedly
bankrupt nation locked in for 30 years at 3.50%. It would obviously be illogical
to lend money at that low rate to a country that you thought was bankrupt or
that was going to create big inflation. Consider that a 3.5% interest rate will
take 20 years to double your money (and that is in nominal terms before
deducting the impact of inflation).


August 25, 2010


Markets halted their slide today (or at least took a breather). The next
updated report on this Site will likely be for Dalsa which is an interesting
Canadian Technology company. The last time I looked at it I thought it was
continue to get clobbered by the high Canadian dollar but it ended up doing well
in its last few earnings reports.


August 24, 2010


Markets fell just over 1% today partly on news of poor sales of existing
houses in the U.S. (not new but “used” houses).


I used the opportunity to add a small amount to my Wells Fargo position. As
always I am prepared as an equity investor to accept the risk that markets fall
at least in the short term.


Alimentation Couche-Tard bucked
the trend with an 8% gain based on its good earnings report today, rising to
$22.69. We had rated it a (higher) Buy on July 17 at $20.


Groupe Aeroplan is updated and
rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $10.99. It has good potential but the
accounting is very complex. It may be nest to wait until it (hopefully)
demonstrates stronger earnings in the next couple of quarters.


August 23, 2010


Walmart had a good day up 1.8% –
perhaps a delayed reaction to its good earnings report last week.


Wells Fargo continues to slip.
I think Wells Fargo has a bright future but I have always said banking can be a
risky business and suffers from high leverage and accounting based on estimates
of bad debts. Our next real indication for Wells Fargo will come with its next
earnings report in about 2 months. Meanwhile it could get bounced around in
either direction based on market speculation and based on any political moves
that favor or hurt banks. Also as always based on the direction of the overall
stock market.


I will have more updated company reports in the next few days.


The Canadian dollar was down to 94.8 cents U.S. which helps the value of U.S.
investments held by Canadians. I can’t predict where the Canadian dollar is
headed. But I have trouble imagining how the Canadian economy can function if it
heads above $1.00 (clobbers tourism and exporting businesses). My approach has
been to go ahead and buy U.S. assets taking advantage of a dollar that is still
very high compared to where it has been over the past 30 years. Having now
bought a lot of U.S. stocks I would probably hedge the exchange rate risk if I
could but I don’t know any realistic way to do that especially in RRSP accounts.
(In theory one can buy futures on the dollar, but not I think through TD
Waterhouse and for sure not in an RRSP account) The other way I look at it is I
don’t really need to hedge the risk. In retirement I will spend time in the U.S.
and I will need U.S. dollars.


If the Canadian dollar got as low as 92 cents or so, I would then be tempted
to sell some U.S. stocks and hope to buy back at a higher level of the Canadian
dollar. But I would likely have a hard time pulling the trigger on that since I
like the U.S. stocks I hold. Now, if the Canadian dollar for some strange reason
plunged to say 85 cents then I would definitely sell some U.S. stocks at that




August 22, 2010


The preferred shares of
Western Financial Group WES.PR.A are updated and rated Speculative Buy at
$86. To other Western Financial preferred shares. WES.PR.B and WES.PR.C appear
to about equally as attractive.


Western Financial Group is
updated and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $2.33. I took an interest in this
growing company some years ago. It has proven to be a difficult company to analyze
due to a number of factors including the fact that its life insurance and
banking operations by nature can only estimate earnings (based on estimated loan
losses and other risk factors). I choose to keep it on the list because it has
potential and because I have gained a certain amount of familiarity with it over
the years. As a speculation it might not be a bad pick, but it does have its


August 20, 2010


Although the Dow was down 58 points or 0.6% on Friday, our U.S. stocks
generally did well.


I have just updated my analysis of the S&P
500 index valuation. There are a lot of variables. Under what I consider to
be reasonable assumptions for earnings growth over the next decade, the S&P
500 appears moderately over-valued based on a required return of 8%. However
based on a required return of 6.5% (which may be a more realistic
“requirement” in this low-interest rate environment) it looks about
fairly valued. This article is not exactly light reading but it is not that
complex either and is worth a close read, especially for the mathematically


(Pre-market opening comment)


As of 8:50 am eastern time on Friday, markets were set to open lower. Investors should be
prepared to stomach the possibility of declines, possibly steep declines. That is always the case but
particularly during recessions. Investors who are not in it for the long term
can consider getting out. That is not my approach. In 2008 as markets were going
down, I was buying and this worked out well for me. If I had the ability to cash
out at tops and buy in at bottoms that would have been much better. I don’t have
that ability and doubt that anyone does.


Wells Fargo in particular has been dropping. I understand this is on
speculation that it will be forced to buy back certain mortgages it sold to the
government agencies Fannie Mai and Freddy Mac. And presumably to buy the mortgages
at the amount owing rather than at market value. It sounds bizarre that this
would be true as would suggest that one cannot count on the U.S. government to
honor its transactions. But politicians can’t be counted on to follow the law so
who knows. I am not going to worry much about this speculation.


August 19, 2010


As of 11 am eastern the Dow is down 160 points or 1.5% due to jobless claims
in the U.S. That is not a particularly unusual drop. It is never clear whether
such dips represent the start of the trend or just a one-day event that will be
reversed the next day. What Warren Buffett teaches is that if certain
investments offer a good return and are the best investments you can find then
its reasonable to just invest and not sweat the market moves. This philosophy
has worked out shall we say “okay” for Buffett.


August 18, 2010


I am vacationing for a few days in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. I was interested to
see if the recession would be noticeable here. I was not looking at real estate
but still I did notice some ads for houses for sale at cheap prices. Condos
across from our hotel were advertising 65% off and the retail area there was not
too busy.


But overall not a lot of evidence of recession. The Hotels are busy (as in
full) and the rates seem high enough. Restaurants are busy. At Silverwood theme
park today it was busy. At the huge marina on the lake there were tons of boats
and I only saw one for sale. So things do not look at all desperate. I suspect
for anyone who was caught up in the 5% or so increase in unemployment things are
rather desperate. For the 90% of the labor force still working things are mostly
not that bad. At least that is how it appears on the surface.


I do think it is the golden opportunity of a lifetime for Canadians to buy
real estate in the U.S.  That’s not for everyone of course. But a certain
percentage of Canadians plan to eventually buy vacation property in the U.S. If
so, I would not wait for some bottom but would pounce on the golden opportunity
in front of me (high Canadian dollar and sharply reduced American real estate).
Of course I would be quite selective as to the neighborhood.


August 17, 2010


I have fewer comments this week due to the fact that I am traveling this
week. A strong day in the markets today. Just the usual volatility it seems.
Walmart, Canadian Tire and Shaw Communications were among those doing well.


Wells Fargo and Melcor have been dropping. There are no guarantees but I view
dips on those two as buying opportunities. I bought a few more Melcor shares


August 12, 2010


Tim Hortons released excellent earnings today and the stock was up 6%. We
have always really liked this company. It should be obvious to every Canadian
that this is a GREAT company. Of course the stock price tends to reflect that
and and so it never tends to look very cheap. But as we have mentioned
many times sometimes it pays to pay-up for quality. I have about a 5% allocation
to this company and I am certainly comfortable holding it. I have not updates
the analysis yet so I am not sure I would still rate it a Buy at this price or
not. I plan to update this company by the end of August along with a number of
others. I will however be traveling starting Saturday for about a week so look
for a number updates the week of August 23.


Markets overall fell today on weak employment-related reports from the U.S.
With earnings season over we can expect economic news to be the main driver of
markets for the next six weeks after which the market will focus on Q3 earnings
reports as well as economic reports. As of 10 pm Eastern on Thursday, the future
markets are suggesting the Dow will be up 50 points tomorrow. That could
change of course…


August 11, 2010 (12:45 Eastern time)


I don’t usually post comments during the trading day. As I post this markets
are down about 250 points on TSX and Dow or to put that into meaningful context
about 2.2%.


Well I think we have all gotten used to days like this. It’s not that
unusual. The question is, what next? I have never claimed any ability to predict
these things. I like to think of myself as owning individual companies rather
than the market. The market may continue on down, perhaps a lot. That is always
a risk in the markets. Or it may soon turn around. I don’t think anyone can
predict it and I know I can’t.


I’m comforted by the fact that I own shares in good companies. While the
share prices are down today they are likley (but never guaranteed) to be up in
the longer term.


I had an order in the Buy some additional Wells Fargo if it dropped to
$26.50. It did and so I automatically bought some today.


Lower stock prices mean stocks are a better bargain than they were yesterday.
Will the bargains be even better tomorrow or next week? I don’t know. My strategy
is to buy cautiously on dips saving some money in case there are even better
bargains ahead.


August 10, 2010


As of August 4, 84% of the S&P 500 earnings for Q2 had been reported.
And, earnings were very strong and are back to 2007 levels after having fallen substantially
from those levels. The trailing Price ?earnings ratio on this broad stock index
is 16.8. That is an earnings yield of 6.0%. That does not look like a bargain
level by historical standards. But considering interest rates are at record lows
stocks do not appear expensive on this basis. And even if the economy does not
improve from here, it would appear that earnings will continue to be higher than
the prior year figures. On a forward looking basis the P/E ratio of the S&P
500 is 15.0. That is about the historic average and considering the record low
interest rates it looks moderately attractive.


Stocks today gyrated as they awaited news from the FED. (Central Bank in the
U.S. the Federal Reserve). The news from the FED was about as expected.


In Canada we are at least a week behind the U.S. in reporting earnings and so
we still have major companies that have not yet reported earnings for Q2. I
generally like to make buy or sell decisions after earnings come out rather than
on the basis of trying to guess the earnings.


August 9, 2010


Stock markets were up about a half percent in North America today. Winners
for us were a couple of our American stocks Wells
Fargo up 1.7% and Visa up 3.6%.


Markets are continuing to jump around as earnings results come in, and
various economic reports. Tomorrow the FED in the U.S. meets about interest
rates and the results of that meeting usually move markets in one direction or
the other.


While these gyrations in the market always grab attention, they usually don’t
have much impact in the longer term…


I am just focusing on holding good companies… I can control that to a
degree, but I can’t really predict the economy and I certainly can’t control it.


August 8, 2010


A warm welcome to a new group of subscribers who arrived in response to a newspaper
article about myself and InvestorsFriend in Saturday’s Edmonton Journal.


August 5, 2010


U.S. stocks were about
flat. Our stock picks seemed to be about flat overall as well.


The big news in the Canadian stock market today was that Manulife lost $1.36
per share in Q2 and its shares dropped 11% to close at $14.20.


We used to have Manulife on this Site, so let’s review what we said about it.


We removed it from the site June 20, 2009 when its price was $20.42 (that was
the price on June 22, after the bad news about the investigation)


At that time I reviewed what we had said earlier about its risks (The June
20, 2009 comment is in italics here with some bolding adding for emphasis, the
yellow below was in the original posting from June 20, 2009)



June 20, 2009 REMEMBER


I would sell Manulife.


I am removing Manulife from the list above. It has been a long time
since I updated. Also I have always said it is a very complicated company to


In today’s news I see that the Ontario Securities Commission is investigating
in regards to it not disclosing the risks it was taking when it
sold certain investments that protected investors from stock market declines.
Manulife shareholders took the risk on those products and huge losses have


The long-standing CFO at Manulife, Peter Rubenovitch is retiring from
company which the company says is an unrelated event. It probably is unrelated
given that Rubenovitch is staying on for a transition period.


Given the news of this investigation I would be inclined to sell
Manulife (I don’t hold any).


Prior to Manulife’s toubles in the last year or so, it was a high-flyer
but I was always a little leery that it was too good to be true. For example
picking a date a few years agai here is what we said under Accounting in my
update of February 20, 2008 when the shares were much higher at $40.28.



ACCOUNTING AND DISCLOSURE ISSUES: Life insurance accounting is complex
and based largely on estimates and smoothing as explained under quality of
earnings. We found the disclosure to be extensive but not very helpful or
user friendly. See also comments under quality of earnings and quality of
assets. The company reports in Canadian dollars although about 75% of the
business is outside Canada, this can distort results. We find it
extremely hard to understand why the company was not hurt badly by declining
long-term interest rates over the past few years. Now they are saying that
higher interest rates in 2006 will help them which only adds to our
confusion regarding the lack of impact of lower rates in the past.
the Q4 press release there many statements that various divisions were
assisted by higher equity markets, but this impact was not quantified in any
way in the press release. The Assumed discount rate applied to policy
liabilities is hugely important and seemed optimistically high at 8.25% in
Canada and 8.75% in the U.S.
This was the same as the assumed equity
return which also seems moderately high. It seems strange they would use an
equity level discount rate when most of their investments are bonds.


Under Risks we said  (and we said this for many years)


RISKS: A full analysis of risks is well beyond the scope of this
report. Earnings are dependent on stock market performance of investments to
some degree. Earnings are also very much subject to actuarial estimates. In
fact this company is potentially susceptible
to ENRON-like surprises
since the balance sheet is largely based on
actuarial estimates. However ENRON like surprises are not that likely due to
insurance company financial regulations. In fact, the company appears to be
indicating that the balance sheet is conservatively stated. The
way the earnings have trended up so smoothly, in Canadian dollars, seems
almost too good to be true
given so much of the revenue is earned in
U.S. dollars and given the increase in the Canadian dollars and the decrease
in interest rates over the past six years. But we have no indication that
earnings are being improperly smoothed… (high-light added)


Under Earnings Quality we said:


Quality of Earnings Measurement and Persistence: Lower certainty of
Earnings Measurement and Persistence. Earnings are determined by actuaries
who must estimate liabilities due to future death and health benefit claims.
Also many gains or losses on investments are smoothed into earnings. Clearly
then earnings are estimated rather than observable.
However, these
estimates are subject to regulations. The pension obligation is not that
large compared to the size of the company but the pension accounting has not
been very conservative and causes earnings to be over-stated. One
danger might be a temptation by management to smooth and manipulate earnings
Substantial income taxes are being deferred which adds to quality.
Experience gains accounted for 26% of pre-tax earnings in 2006 and 16% in
2005. We are not all convinced that this is sustainable.



My point is that Manulife is possibly also susceptible to investigations
of how it calculated earnings. I have not heard any suggestion or made any
suggestion that any such investigation is warranted. But my thought is that
given they are one investigation it could always expand. I find this company
very difficult to analyze and personally would sell and invest in something
easier to understand at this point.



Back to August 5, 2010


Now on January 1, 2009 we had rated Manulife a Speculative Buy at $20.80


At the start of 2008 we called it Speculative Buy at $40.57. So we did not
exactly predict this big fall from grace for Manulife. But it’s fair to say that
we did always warn about the risks of this company. I mean under Risks for quite
a few years we said “susceptible
to ENRON-like surprises”. 


Given our comments above about the accounting I would not at all be surprised
to see an accounting scandal in the future of this company. Something smells
extremely fishy about the way its earnings used to climb so steadily and now
suddenly it reveals it was not hedged for interest rate and stock market risks.
To me it reeks of earnings smoothing (in the past).


August 4, 2010


Well the market handed out “alms” today with the North American
Markets up about 0.5%. Of more interest Shaw
Communications was up 3.2% today on “no news”. It’s the only
company in the Strong Buy category on our list above. We rated it (lower) Strong
Buy on July 1 at $19.17. It’s my second largest
holding and represents 15% of my portfolio so I am definitely cheering for
it to do well. It closed today at $20.95. We still like it at this price. But it
tends to bounce around. Read the report for an indication of the risks and a lot
more. Other than moving with the general market it could move when Telus’
earnings come out and could move based on news of how it is doing with the T.V.
stations it is purchasing from the bankrupt Can West Global. Shaw itself will
next report earnings in October when it releases its August 31, year end


August 3, 2010


As expected, Toronto markets were up today as they played catch-up to the
U.S. after the Holiday in Canada yesterday. And, not surprisingly the U.S. markets
gave back some of Monday’s gains. Markets are torn between various good and bad
news as it rolls in. This in fact is as it should be. No one knows the future.
Markets try to anticipate it. But as the actual news comes in market constantly
adjust. As wise investors we can try to take advantage of the volatility rather
than getting spooked by it.


I have mentioned a number of times that had complained to the regulators
about companies releasing earnings during the trading day, which can
disadvantage small investors. Well score us a victory. I have definitely
seen  a reduction in this bad behavior. The regulator that I complained to
today confirmed that they have been reminding companies that it is preferable to
release outside of trading hours. The only reason that they started this
reminding was due to my complaint. This is further described on our new share
owner (i.e. company owner) advocacy page.


August 2, 2010


The markets got off to a strong start in August with the Dow up 208 points or
about 2% today. Wells Fargo was up
3%. Unless something changes we can expect a similar little pop in the Canadian
market tomorrow. Now that I am 94% invested in equities, I guess I can cheer
solidly for market gains. In my ideal world, my stocks would surge while others
lagged. I would then ultimately sell what I have for big gains and buy the
laggards. Which would then surge. That’s not much to ask for is it?


August 1, 2010


The latest edition of our free
newsletter has been sent out.


I have posted a new article that looks at
calculating the return that you can expect from a stock under different
assumptions. This new article fits in with our series
of articles on return.


I mentioned Melcor in Thursday’s posting (July 29). I bought some additional
shares in Melcor on Friday. Also an odrder that I had in for Walgreen that when
placed was below market was filled on Thursday. And I added to my Walmart shares
on the basis that it was one of the higher rated stocks on our list. With all
this buying my cash position is down to 6%. My portfolio
composition has been updated.


It might be wise to have more cash in case stocks fall. But I figure I can
always use a line of credit to take advantage if stocks really drop. When it
comes to stocks, I am in it for the long-haul. I have survived the major market
declines of the early 2000’s and of 2008 and still made strong returns in
stocks. I don’t see reason to be particularly scared at this point. Stocks may
go down. But over time the economy continues to grow and stocks come back up.
Also I tend to invest in stocks that are somewhat less susceptible (than the
average stock) to declines because of their earnings.


July 29, 2010


Melcor Developments released good
earnings after the close today. And indicated they plan to buy back some shares.
They also indicated the following:


The Company believes that the Alberta residential real estate markets have
now stabilized and expects to see cautious growth continuing for the foreseeable
future. While commercial real estate is going through a rebalancing, primarily
in the office market, it is not expected to have a significant negative impact
to the operations of the division. The Company remains confident that it has the
appropriate assets, capital resources and experienced management team to
continue to create value for the shareholders during the current real estate
business cycle.


I think this is all good news. Be careful if buying this stock because it is
quite thinly traded. Don’t use a market order because the price could jump and
you would pay more than you intended. On the other hand if the offer price is
reasonable you may want to accept it. Bidding to buy a few cents below the offer
would make sense most days but if the price starts to rise due to this earnings
release than an order below market could go un-filled. My hope would be that the
stock does not move on this news because I prefer to buy more shares. If it
keeps making more money, the share price will take care of itself over time.


July 28, 2010


Market gave up some ground today on concerns about the weak economic
recovery. Earnings reports continue to roll in. I have been biding my time, not
buying and not selling right now. I’d like to keep some cash in case stocks do


July 27, 2010


As expected, the market gyrated up and down today as it digested mostly
positive earnings reports and then some negative economic reports (notably lower
consumer confidence).


Wells Fargo was up again today… However, near the end of trading today it
announced its next dividend which remained at a paltry 5 cents per share. The
stock did not react and this was probably expected news. This is a conservative
company and it will likely continue to build it equity up rather than spend it
on a dividend. It could also decide that a share buy back makes more sense than
a dividend restoration. The Dividend used to be much higher at 34 cents before
the whole financial crisis. II would not hold my breath waiting for the dividend
it will likely rise only slowly. The Wells Fargo CEO apparently sold $3 million
in shares.  I always start to wonder in those situations why I should buy
if he is holding. But on the other hand it has become fairly routine for big
CEOs these days to get lots of shares from the company and to then sell some.
This appears to be a relatively minor portion of the CEOs holding especially when his option holdings are considered.


July 26, 2010


Winners for us today included Wells Fargo, up 1.8% and the TMX Group up 2%.
Losers included Couche-Tard down 1.8% and Walmart down 1%. Overall, just another
day of modest moves up and down in stock prices.


Earnings reports for Q2 are still rolling in and this along with the usual
economic reports will no doubt keep markets gyrating.


July 25, 2010


Wells Fargo is updated and
rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $27.42. InvestorsFriend expects this company
to do well. It’s worth noting that not only does Berkshire Hathaway own several
hundred million shares and some 6.7% of the company, but Warren Buffett
personally owns about 2.4 million shares. Back in 2008 when Wells was also at
$27 I recall that Buffett mentioned that it was the ONLY stock he was buying in
his personable portfolio. Admittedly it fell to the $10 range at the height of
the credit crises when it looked like the financial world was coming to an end.
But it recovered.


This Bank is nothing like Citi Group or J.P. Morgan or Goldman Sachs. This is
a community and business bank headquartered not on Wall Street but in San
Francisco. It is huge but nevertheless it is a community and business bank not a
Wall Street Bank. Basically it pays an average of 0.76% on mostly deposits and
on some debt it has issued. It then turns around and loans this out at an
average of 5.14%. The gross profit of 4.38% is the highest of any large bank. Canadian
banks are at closer to a 2% spread. The low cost of deposits (it pays an average
of 0.45% on deposits!) is what has Buffett drooling. It seems very well managed.
There is always a danger though that mortgage defaults get even worse that is
why we call this speculative. We think it is a good bet, but we don’t argue that
it is without risk. It is not without risk.


July 24, 2010


Staples is updated and rated Buy
at U.S. $20. The valuation is reasonable but not compelling. But considering the
13% adjusted EPS outlook for this year it should be a reasonable


July 22, 2010


As you are no doubt aware, today, Thursday the market surprised with a surge
in prices. This is nice. I suppose an even nicer scenario would be if a couple
of my stocks would quickly double in price while the rest of the market was
flat. Then I would cash the big gains and reinvest in other stocks that had not
risen. If the whole market were to rise up 20% that would obviously be very
nice. Except at that point it would not be so easy to see what to sell and what
to buy. Better than some stocks go up 40% or more and others stay flat.


Market volatility is our friend and appears to be alive and well.


I have some cash although I am over 80% invested in equities. I have a bit of
an itchy trigger finger to just get it all invested. If I do and the market
takes a sharp dip then I would regret being fully invested. But I am in a
position where I could then take the risk of borrowing some money to buy.


Speaking of itchy trigger finger, that sometimes causes the good investment
to get in the way of a great one. If I analyze a company and it looks like a
good investment. That does not mean I should invest. Ideally I would analyze
everything and invest in only the very best, and not the merely good.
Realistically though it takes many hours to analyze one company and so the idea
of analyzing everything is certainly not possible. But it does argue for keeping
some cash in case I do find a better investment.


July 21, 2010


Wells Fargo came out
with good earnings this morning, beating expectations. The stock was up over 5%
early today but then ended up only marginally at the end of the day. But the
market was down today so Wells Fargo at least went against the lowering tide. I
will update the report on Wells Fargo probably by Sunday. If a company keeps
increasing its earnings, the stock price will follow eventually.


July 20, 2010


The old saying is “if you don’t like the weather, wait five
minutes”. That certainly applies in may parts of the world and for sure in
Alberta and Nova Scotia, the only two places i have lived.


It also seems to apply to the stock market. This morning stocks were down,
but by the end of the day they were up. Someone told me today that the technical
indicators showed that today was a “key day reversal” (or something
like that). I was too polite to tell him he was preaching to the unconvertible.
I don’t follow so called technical analysis not now and not ever. I mean if it
works for him, that is great. But jumping in and out of stocks on an hourly
basis based on chart signals just does not fit my temperament, my availability
to watch screens all day or my intellectual curiosity.


At the risk of offending anyone who follows technical signals, as I have said
before, technical analysis try to follow the smart money. Fundamental
analysts do the heavy lifting and try to be the smart money. Each to his
own, but I have chosen my road and I am sticking to it.


I have not followed very closely the Magna billion-dollar-buy-out-of-Frank-Stronach
story. I don’t own or follow the stock and vever have. I am not sure a car
parts company is a great bet in the middle of a car selling slump but then I
have never looked at the stock. As far as paying Frank big dollars to relinquish
his multiple voting shares, I figure that is up to the shareholders to vote on.
Apparently they will vote to approve it. I’m not sure of their logic. Frank
built the company and has earned huge dollars running it. But now they seem
willing to pay the great master a billion or so dollars to go away. Makes no
sense to me.


Anyhow it’s interesting to see Frank causing such havoc. Remember a couple of
years ago it was daughter Belinda who was running around being the kiss of death
of near death (Peter Mckay, Paul Martin and I think some havoc for hockey player
Ty Domie (spelling?) if I recall correctly. It’s quite the family. Good thing
Belinda has no siblings (to my knowledge at least)


What caught my attention about Magna and Frank today was a headline saying
that Magna would eliminate some stock dilution by buying back shares. They are
issuing a ton or so of shares to pay Frank. But the cost of buying out Frank is
a real cost. It can’t somehow be reversed by buying back shares. Do these financial
reporters understand that Magna will use shareholder’s money to buy back the
shares? A lot of corporations try the same trick. They give out stock options
like candy, diluting the real owners that actually paid for their shares. Then
they take company cash and buy back some shares and pretend that somehow makes
it all okay. The financial press tends to buy this crap. The level of thinking
is quite weak.


As for stocks today, nice gains especially from Walmart
and Visa.


With Wells Fargo down this morning I bought a few more shares. Depending on
your point of view I am showing the courage of my convictions or being wantonly
reckless and stubborn. Tomorrow morning, early, they will release earnings which
should give a hint as to whether Wells is worthy of my enthusiasm. In truth this
won’t really be known for another year or so as we see whether Wells continues
to grow in profit or instead gets smacked down by the financial problems of the
U.S. and its economy.


July 19, 2010


I did not notice anything too exciting in the market today. I did buy some
Couche-Tard shares.


Here is something to think about. In Government bonds these days you can earn
about 4%, if you go 30 years. In higher rated corporate bonds if you go to
30-years it’s around 5% and maybe 6% at the lower end of the investment grade
bond category. Now a 5% yield is equivalent to a P/E of 20. Meanwhile stocks
like Couche-Tard are available at a P/E of 12.5 or an earnings yield of


Now, given this what is the chance that stocks will not out-perform bonds
over the next 20 or 30 years? And what is a reasonable return to expect from
stocks? I will elaborate on these things in the near future. But suffice to say
there is not any chance that I will be buying any 30-year bonds.


July 17, 2010


Alimentation Couche-Tard is
updated and rated Buy at Canadian $20. This is a huge convenience store / gas
bar operator in the U.S. and Canada, but Canadian owned and managed. The company
appears to be very well managed. It has a long history of successful growth by
acquisition. It is an exception to the usual “rule” that Canadian
companies tend to fail at expanding into the United States. I will strongly
consider buying a position in these shares. It will be pleasant to own another
business that I can see and touch in my own City and that I can shop at.
(Remember when everyone loved Nortel, well none of us shopped at Nortel did we?
nor we did really understand how it made money (turned out it didn’t except on
an ex-items basis which the investment world swallowed hook, line and sinker
back in the day). How much nicer to own a business you can actually understand)


July 16, 2010


U.S. markets fell a nasty 2.5% today and Canadian markets fell 1.5%. This of
course is good news for those looking to add money to stocks. It seems like bad
news for those holding stocks, (and not looking to buy more) and it may indeed
turn out to be bad news if it signals more declines ahead. But it may be that
stocks will be higher in a week, a month or a year and then this 2.5% drop in
one day will be of no consequence. The thing is stock markets are volatile.
Every equity investors should learn to live with that and in fact learn to take
advantage of it. If one can’t get comfortable with it then one should not be
invested in stocks.


I took the opportunity to add to my Visa position today.


July 15, 2010


Markets were down somewhat most of the day but then ended higher. The fact
that Goldman Sach’s has settled up with the Securities and Exchange Commission
in the U.S. was taken as good news.


B.P. capped its well also. I figured this latest cap would work because it
was bolted onto a flange. Apparently the last cap was just a pressure fit onto
the pipe. On the old cap they could not close off the valves because I am sure
that old cap would have flown off if they did. The weird thing is why did they
not go with this bolt-on approach last time. Remember they sawed off the pipe
instead of unbolting at the flange. If they can bold this new cap on today why
did it take all those weeks?


There was a big Initial Public Offer in Canada today. Smart Technologies. The
part that caught my interest is that most of the money raised (I think it was
about 70%) will go to the existing owners not to the company. To me that is a danger
sign, the original owners were in large measure selling out. If they were super
confident in the company I think they would have just sold enough shares to get
the money the company needs and held on to most of their stake. But the fact
they were able to do this large IPO shows that investors are eager to buy. It is
also good for the TSX which
collects juicy fees on every IPO.


I mentioned yesterday I was placing an order to add to my Melcor position.
That order was filled today at $11.60.


New figures are out from the Canadian Bankers Association that show that
Canadian mortgage delinquencies remain low. Under one half of one percent,
compared to more like 10% in the U.S. I had really expected to see more
delinquencies in Canada due to job losses. But so far, so good. And now with
interest rates having gone back down, there is not a lot of reason to expect
higher mortgage delinquencies. That could mean house prices will stay high in
Canada. It does look like the housing market is cooling off and so prices could
drop. But based on affordability and low rates, I would not be too sure that
house prices will drop.




July 14, 2010


Stocks today mostly took a breather from their recent rally. (All the better
to give us a chance to buy them). I placed an order to add to my Melcor
Developments at $11.60. Walgreen
though was up a little on news that its dividend was increased 27%.


Now, this is not the case of some company that had cut its dividend during
the financial crisis and is now just re-instating the dividend to the old level.
No, this company has increased the dividend every year for the past 35 years
straight. Furthermore, the increases in the past six years averaged 24% per
year! (We don’t expect that to continue but this is certainly impressive). They
have paid a dividend each and every quarter for the last 77 years come
recession, boom, bust and war. This is an example of what stock traders don’t
seem to get. Anyone who bought Walgreen years ago did not need to trade. They
could just hold and make money in their sleep. Sure, astute buying and selling
could have added vastly to the gains. But for every trader than won that game
another lost. The gains from Walgreen over the long term did not come from other
stock investors, the gains came from (duh) selling things profitably in the
stores. Take a look at Walgreens balance sheet. Despite all those dividends paid
out every three months for 77 years, the equity consists almost entirely of
retained earnings. Other than for stock options it does not look like the
company ever issued many shares for cash. Again, its money came from its
customers not from investors. With this kind of legacy, I would not bet against
this company.


Speaking of companies that did cut their dividends during the crisis, we
should see some of those companies reinstate their dividends and that is going
to make for impressive sounding increases in the dividends. (Though in reality
not as impressive as Walgreen which never had to cut at all).


You know, I never claimed to guarantee that markets will go up, and certainly
not in the short term. But history suggests they will continue to rise in the
long term. Technology and productivity are always marching on and the better companies
do tend to grow over time. There will always be analysts screaming
“Sell” and warning that the end of the stock market (if not the world
is nigh). History suggests that these folks should mostly be ignored. But to
each his own. Invest at your own risk, always.




July 13, 2010


It was a very strong day in the markets as “earnings season” kicked
off quite nicely with higher-than-expected earnings from Alcoa. Then, after the
close today, Intel was out with excellent earnings and outlook. So… maybe the
party will continue…


In late June as markets fell, I was buying. Many analysts would argue that
you should never ever buy into a falling market. Only time will tell if it was a
good idea to be buying in late June.


If the economy and earnings really crash then of course stocks would go down.
To me, it’s not clear where the economy is headed. I figure if I hold good
companies bought at reasonable prices I will do okay.


Some argue that stocks need to go down to selling at 8 times earnings or so
like they did at the bottom around 1981. But around 1980, government bonds
yielded in excess of 13% which implies a P/E on bonds of 1/0.13 = approximately
8. So stocks got super cheap partly to compete with bonds. Now government bond
yields are more like 4% or less. A 4% yield on a government bond is a P/E of 25
and that “E” will not grow. On that basis stock P/Es of 15 (and with
the E expected to grow) look very cheap in comparison. In a world where bond
P/Es are 25, it is a very poor bet to think that stock P/Es are headed to 8. How
much would people have to hate stocks for that to happen? If stocks fall it will
more likely be because earnings fall, not because the P/E will fall.


I am looking forward to earnings reports especially from Wells Fargo, my
largest holding. I guess I am swinging somewhat fore the fences on that one.
Hopefully it will not be a swing and a miss.


July 12, 2010


The Q2 earnings reporting season has just started. In the next couple of
weeks hundreds of big-name corporations will report earnings. Those stocks will
tend to rise or fall depending if the company beats or misses expectation and especially
depending on what the companies say about their outlooks for future profits.


Investors can benefit by taking a longer term view, but the market tends
often to be driven by the very short-term outlook.


July 8, 2010


U.S. markets were up another 1% today… I have not bought or sold anything
for the past week or so. I am not in a hurry. patience can often be your friend
when it comes to investing.


I notice Melcor, which is a low
volume stocks is gyrating down as low as about $11.60 lately. It should be a
good bet at that price although it may be hard to get any. One can always put in
a bid somewhere below $12 or even much lower and see what happens.


July 7, 2010


Heading into this week everything was doom and gloom and talk of double dip recession.
But then the market rises a bit yesterday and then the U.S. market jumps 3%


After the Close Wells Fargo said
it will shut down a sub-prime unit and close 638 banking stores (it has about
8,800 stores, so this is big announcement). The company indicates that these
consumer finance stores became redundant after it acquired Wachovia. The charge
to earnings will be 2 cents per share which seems relatively minor.  It
will be interesting  to see how the market reacts. The reaction might be
positive as it indicates how Wells Fargo is moving to cut costs. Or it may be
seen as negative as it is a loss of a certain amount of business. Apparently
shares did not react in (the oxymoron world of) after-hours-trading. I have been
adding to my Wells Fargo position as its price dropped the last month or so.
There are no guarantees but I am quite confident that this will be a good


July 6, 2010


Markets were up today despite the fact that the futures market last night was
suggesting they would be down. It goes to show that markets are always
uncertain. Lots of people are predicting a depression ahead. I don’t think
anyone really knows. It’s not really clear that anyone really understands what
drives national economies.


I look at the real economy as being the production of goods and services. The
quality of our lives and our living standards comes from the production and use
of goods and services including manufactured items, agricultural items, personal
services (of which there are many interesting varieties, I am sure) , government
services, financial services, commodities such as oil and gas and etc. and also,
importantly from the installed infrastructure such as houses, buildings of all
types, bridges and roads.


Now these items are produced by labour and installed assets (buildings,
factories, mines, roads, houses…) and by knowledge (much of which is now in
the free domain but some of which is proprietary) and by an organizations
and  systems including corporations, the monetary system, banking and the
rule of law that keeps all these things working.


As workers we get paid whatever wages we can command in a somewhat
competitive world. I think we all generally get something of a free ride from
all the huge base of free domain knowledge that has been built up. As investors
we can get our share of the rewards of being investors in corporations who are
the owners of proprietary technology (in some cases) and who invest money to organize
production and reap the rewards of that. As investors we see our invested wealth
fluctuate but over time it tends to rise. Non-investors over a life-time will
lose out (big time) compared to investors.


Now come what may, I believe technology will continue to advance and
therefore I see our standards of livings as continuing to rise over the years.
(I don’t see oil shortages or anything else stopping that from happening)


I don’t know why there would need to be a depression, but I also don’t claim
to understand the implications of vast world debts (I do know the earth as a
whole is not in debt – no money was borrowed from the Martians).


Whether there is any depression or not I am confident that our standard of
living will be higher in 10 years than now and that stock prices will be higher
on average. I can’t guarantee that, but I am confident of it.


If I could predict markets accurately I might try to time them in and out. (I
do this a little but not that much) Failing that I am simply trying to hold the
best stocks I can find with good long-term prospects. I won’t buy and hold
forever. But I am not about to abandon the stock market everything someone
claims the world is about to end (which is everyday of my life I suppose).


July 5, 2010


U.S. markets were not open today. Toronto was down about 100 points 1%.
Futures are suggesting that U.S. stocks will open down modestly on Tuesday.
Markets obviously could continue on down. My strategy is to hold higher quality
stocks and to add very slowly on dips. Markets don’t go up or down in straight


July 4, 2010


Visa Inc. is updated and rated Buy at
$71.98 (it last closed at $73.18). This company is attractive because it
effectively operates as an electronic toll booth on every Visa transaction.
Because every merchant is virtually forced to accept Visa, the company has
monopoly characteristics. In some countries it is not regulated as to its fees
and in those cases it is at least an oligopoly with MasterCard and has some
monopoly characteristics. However many counties including the United States are
considering regulating at least some of the fees that Visa collects. Overall
while no company is without risk, we are attracted to the opportunity to
accumulate Visa shares at a price that seems reasonable. Our strategy would be
to buy gradually on dips at or below approximately the current price (say below


July 1, 2010


I updated my personal portfolio allocations.
After some recent purchases I still have some cash available to add to


Shaw Communications is
updated and is rated (lower) Strong Buy at Canadian $19.17. It released earnings
yesterday before the opening of the market. Surprisingly, it did not lose any
basic cable customers this latest quarter despite the marketing activities of
Telus with its improved television offering. I would expect some loss of
customers to Telus to occur. On the other hand Shaw has had great success with
internet, digital cable and phone service. New growth activities for Shaw in
terms of cell phones and television stations represent both opportunity and
risk. I am comfortable owning Shaw and will consider adding to my position.


I looked at the Shaw’s bonds as well. There is a bond that matures in March
2017 that yields 4.32%. Also a bond that matures in late 2019 that yields 4.84%.
These can be purchased online at TD Waterhouse and probably at most other
brokers as well. These bonds may be attractive compared to other BBB minus
corporate bonds. But I will not buy these. I find them unattractive compared to
investing in Shaw’s common shares which yield 4.6%. The bonds have the advantage
that as long as Shaw remains financially solvent they will yield the stated
amount if held the 7 or almost 10 years to maturity. The Shaw shares could end
up returning less than the bonds. But consider that the shares have a P/E of 15
which equates to an earnings yield of 6.7%. Shaw’s earnings are expected (but in
no way guaranteed) to rise (and they could fall). On an expectation basis I will
expect something that is earning 6.7% (and which earnings are expected to grow)
and paying a dividend of 4.6% to easily exceed the return on the 4.3% or 4.8%
return to maturity on these bonds.


June 29, 2010


The Canadian market was down 3% today. That hurts.


But I don’t dwell on that. I have been investing too long, seen too many
downs and too many ups to get particularly worried. Stocks may continue to
plunge but is so that has its up side as well as explained in my latest
free newsletter.


I added to my positions in Canadian Tire and Wells Fargo today to take
advantage of the lower prices. I’ll try to proceed slowly and save some cash in
case even bigger bargains arrive (which is always a definite possibility). If at
some point I am out of cash and the markets continues on down then I will
consider borrowing to invest although that will admittedly be a scary


Shaw Communications will report tomorrow morning. As I mentioned before I do
think it will have some loss of basic cable customers to Telus. But overall it
should still have a good quarter. The unkown, is how will the market react to
the loss of basic cable customers?


June 28, 2010


I bought some Walgreen Company today, based on yesterday’s updated rating.


I am just reading the Wells Fargo annual report today. This company really
seems to have its feet on the ground. It knows what it wants to achieve and it
appears to measure all the right things. Unlike the Wall Street banks it does
not do any proprietary trading. It is in the business of providing basic banking
at a profit. I feel good about owning it.


June 27, 2010


Walgreen Company is updated and
rated (higher Buy) at $27.79 (it closed Friday at $26.93). This appears to be an
opportunity to buy a very strong company at a price that is reasonably
attractive. The price has fallen recently.


While the price could of course fall further, that is always the case with
any stock you buy.


Canadian purchasers are exposed to the risk of a rising Canadian dollar. I
plan to buy shares even though my U.S. exposure is already perhaps too high.


My timing in buying additional Wal-Mart shares Thursday last week was off as
it continued to fall after I bought. I view the lower price on Wal-Mart as an opportunity
to average in at a better price.


June 24, 2010


Markets were down about 1.5% in the U.S. today. The up-side to that is
cheaper stocks. I decided to add a bit to my Wal-Mart
position today. It’s stores seem to do relatively well in any economy.


In other news today, Conrad Black won a major victory with a favorable ruling
from the U.S. supreme court. His fraud convictions will be sent back to a lower
court and to be looked at again and this time they can’t use the
“deprivation of honest services” law which was a horrible law that was
too broad and under which basically the the entire working population could be
found guilty. Maybe I am a sucker for the underdog. I don’t believe in kicking a
man when he is down. Conrad Black took non-compete payments that were obese but
he could just have easily have taken the money as bonuses. This never should
have been a criminal matter. And in any event he has now served more than two
years and that is enough. I last defended Conrad Black in my newsletter of July
14, 2007, just after the guilty verdicts came in.




June 23, 2010


In the U.S. new home sales were apparently at a record low in May (at least
since they started tracking it in about 1963). This was greeted as bad news but
it may be a statistical aberration due to the end of an $8000 government
subsidy. Many people who would have bought in May probably rushed to buy in
April while the grant was still availabel.


Also lower new home sales should lead to lower new home building and that is
a good thing for the economy. Existing house prices will recover faster when
there is a shortage of houses. that can only happen if they slow the building of
new houses.


Lots of macro-economic news today such as this house sales statistic and a
statement from the Fed. But not much news from the companies on our list. Shaw
has managed to make peace with the Asper family by agreeing to pay $11 million
to the former shareholders of CanWest Global. The price of Shaw did not react to
the news.


There was a completely horrible story in the Financial Post today about an
employee winning $500,000 in a wrongful termination case. This was an employee
who only made $50,000 per year. Why is this horrible? It’s because if it is
becomes that expensive to fire someone then companies are going to have to think
long and hard before they hire anyone. For unions this is a case of be careful
what you ask for, you might get it (along with the unintended but predictable




June 22, 2010


Stocks were at first up today but then fell about 1.5% by the end of the day.


I don’t think anyone can really forecast where stocks are going. Over the
longer term the stock indexes will go up as earnings rise. In the shorter term
stocks often move around somewhat randomly.


If stocks fall I will deploy more cash so that’s not such a bad thing. If
stocks rise, that ‘s okay too. The goal is to beat the market averages over the
long term.


In another few days the market will start turning its attention to the Q2
earnings releases…


June 21, 2010


A big winner today was Visa, up 5%. It
had recently fallen hard over concerns about regulations on its fees. Now, the
regulations look less onerous than first feared. It goes to show, it’s tough to
keep a good unregulated monopoly down.


June 20, 2010


Microsoft is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $26.28.


June 17, 2010


I have added Bombardier Preferred shares to the list above, rated Buy at
$21.75. These shares yield an attractive 7.2%. However this yield reflects
a higher risk given that Bombardier’s debt credit rating is only BB according to
DBRS as of late 2009. (The company indicates a BB+ credit rating from Standard
and Poors but that does not appear to have been updates since early 2008 and may
no longer be valid).


In my view a certain allocation of funds to this preferred share is
reasonable but one should not get greedy and chase yield with too high of an
allocation to lower-rated preferred shares like this.


This may be a good investment for yield. As a substitute for cash or very
safe short-term investments it may not be suitable. For example if the credit
crisis returns cash will hold its value but these preferred shares could drop in


These shares would lose value if long-term interest rates rise (all else
equal) and would lose value if Bombardier’s financial health or profit outlook
deteriorates – which could happen if the economic recovery stalls. I believe
there is some potential for Bombardier’s financial health to improve and in that
case the shares could move towards $25 – that would likely occur for a couple of
years – if at all.


I will likely buy some of these preferred shares.


June 16, 2010


I mentioned that for Bombardier I might add information on its bonds as an
investment. Its annual report mentioned 7.5% bonds due 2018 and 7.75% bonds due
2020. The yields looked attractively high which was due being rated BB+ which is
below investment grade. These are in U.S. dollars. Unfortunately TD Waterhouse
indicates they don’t have these bonds in their inventory and so I can’t buy
them. Presumably they are thinly traded and not widely available.


I then too a look at what TD does have in its inventory on its online system.
Some examples were:



  Years  ’til Maturity  Yield Loss if sold  DBRS rating  
 Bank of Montreal  0.6 years  0.72%  not stated  AAm  
Royal Bank  1.1 years  1.41%  not stated  AAm  
 Suncor  1.2 years  1.87%  not stated  Al  
 Wells Fargo Canada  2.0 years  2.47%  1.46%   AAm  
Bank of Montreal 2.25 years  2.25%  1.40%  AAm  
 Shaw Communications 2.5 years  2.87%  1.70%  BBBm  
 Bank of Montreal  3.9 years  3.10%  1.37%  AAm  
 Bank of Montreal   4.9 years  3.38%  1.40% AAm  
 Canadian Natural Resources  5.0 years  3.81%  1.60%  BBBh  
 Royal Bank  6.7 years  3.76%  1.81%  AAm  
 Shaw Communications  6.8 years  4.74%  2.70%  BBBm  

To me, none of these look attractive. On the shorter end I can invest in a
bank deposit such as one that Manulife offers that trades like a mutual fund
(symbol MIP510) that pays I believe 0.75%  and offers fast cash-ability
with no penalty. This I can buy in my brokerage account including the RRSP or
RESP accounts. Therefore the first bond in my list above looks most


At 2 to 2.5 years I could get 2.25 to 2.87% per year but I face a cost of
about 1.5% as a one time cost if I sell. The small extra yield hardly
compensates me for lower cash-ability.


If I go all the way 7 years I can get 3.76% per year  on Royal Bank or
4.74% per year on Shaw Communications. But I face a one time fee of 1.8% on
Royal Bank or 2.7% on Shaw if I sell before maturity. The only way I would
consider this is if I were absolutely committed to keeping the bond until
maturity. Also if I had a lot of cash.


For smaller amounts of cash (like much under $100,000) it hardly seems worth
it to buy individual bonds like this. A bond ETF fund would likely be a better


I prefer to sit with cash in the Manulife bank account earning the 0.75%
rather than lock my cash into these low bond yields above especially given the
costs to sell before maturity.


There are also things like Ally bank that pay 2.0% with no cost to withdraw
but I can’t access that from inside my TD Waterhouse account.


I will take a look at the Bombardier preferred shares. It may be that preferred
shares are the best way to find a better yield without too much risk. Preferred
shares are particularly more attractive than bonds when it comes to taxable
investment accounts.


June 15, 2010


A strong day for the markets but apparently it was based on the “good
news” from Europe that countries there can still borrow money. It’s a bit
scary when that is what passes for good news. Until ,recently that would have
been taken as a given.


I added to my Melcor Developments
position as a bid that I had placed somewhat below the market was filled. This
company is very thinly traded. If it were more liquidly traded it would probably
be rising on the news of higher oil prices.


June 14, 2010


Bombardier Inc. is returned to the list
above after an an absence of eight years and is rated Speculative Buy at $4.62
(it closed today at $4.66). A lot has happened to Bombardier in eight years
including the divestiture of its large financing arm and its recreational
products division. This stock was over $20 in the early 2000’s and then fell
very hard and bottomed near $2.00 at the end of 2005 and briefly re-visited that
low in early 2009. A lot of investors were burned by that drop in the stock
price but in fact the stock never deserved to be that high and it was mostly
irrational exuberance on the part of investors that pushed it that high
(irrational exuberance was common in the late 90’s and early 2000’s). In part
Bombardier’s stock collapse was due to management errors as well
however.   Having survived a lot of difficulties in the early 2000’s
Bombardier was growing stronger but is currently weathering the world recession.
If this recessions is over then Bombardier could emerge in good shape and the
stock could offer a strong return in the next couple of years. But it is not
without risk and the share price could certainly go the other way at least
temporarily. I am not sure that I will buy any.


In the next few days I plan to post a rating for Bombardier’s preferred shares
and some information on its debt. Both may be of interest for yield.


June 13, 2010


Recently we have not added many new companies to our list (an
under-statement). Instead we went deeper on the companies we do have on the


However, it now seems to be timely to add some new names to the list. This
may involve removing some companies that are lower rates. Also some of the
companies have been updated quarterly and that may not be the best use of time
since barring a major price change, or a major change in profits and outlook the
ratings usually don’t change on a quarterly update.


I am working on an analysis of Bombardier, which will very soon return to the
list above after an absence of eight years. It will probably be rated
Speculative Buy. Not a screaming buy but it does have good potential if the
world economy cooperates.


After the analysis of the common stock is posted, I will also take a look at
its preferred shares and its debt which I expect will be moderately attractive.


June 10, 2010


As good and bad economic news continues to alternate so too the market ebbs
and flows. Today it flowed and gave us strong gains in Wells Fargo, the New York
Stock Exchange Group, and Visa, with smaller gains elsewhere and very few
losers. As of 11pm Eastern, futures point to a relatively flat opening tomorrow,
down just a few points.


June 9, 2010


Notable today was a 2.6% drop in Wells Fargo. (ouch!)


With stocks dropping I have been thinking of entering some “stink
bids” below the market. One I have placed is Melcor at $12.75. Probably a
true stink bid would be at least 10% below the market and perhaps more like 20%.
It would depend on the volatility of the stocks and on how interested I was in
the stock. With some stocks I might not want it unless it dropped 25%. In which
case it would not hurt to have a bid in at that level just in case there was a
drop. We saw a couple weeks ago in the “flash crash” that very strange
drops can occasionally happen in the market.


The problem with a “stink bid’ strategy is that it requires cash or
margin your account and most of us have limited amounts of that. Another problem
of course is that if a stock drops on bad news you can find yourself buying in
the earlly stages of a bigger drop. Such is life in the markets. It may be a
case of “no pain, no gain”.


June 8, 2010


Again a volatile day. Wells Fargo is an example. It closed up 47 cents to
$27.76. But earlier in the day was as low as $26.66. I had an order in buy even
more of it (no doubt I am way over-exposed now) at $27.01 so that was filled.


I have now got a good portion of my portfolio in U.S. stocks. Patrtly7 this
was because were the ones that were mostly higher rated on my list. Also I took
advantage of the multi-decade high in the Canadian dollar to put some money into
U.S. dollars. My portfolio value is now volatile with the Canadian dollar.


Since I expect to someday spend portions of the winters in the U.S. I need
U.S. dollars and in that sense I have a natural hedge. But as calculated in Canadian
dollars I am not hedged.


Will the Canadian dollar rise? Maybe. Most analysts seem to think so. Then
again I see it is at roughly a 30-year high (save a few spikes higher in the
past few years) and I don’t believe that the Canadian economy can compete at a
par dollar (not without lots of wage cuts). So I simply don’t know where the Canadian
dollar will go. If it falls to 90 cents I may sell some U.S. stocks. If it rises
above par I will likely buy more U.S. stocks.


Telus announced this morning a re-branding of its TV offerings with lots of
bells an whistles. No doubt they will win some customers from Shaw. Shaw did not
drop on the news today but could drop as the news sinks in. Given Shaw was
starting out with a huge market share it will lose some basic cable customers.
On the other hand Shaw has lots of high priced offerings as well. In the end
consumers are going to paying lots for TV service and internet but getting
amazing features. There is probably room for both Shaw and Telus to make money
in TV but certainly the market is more competitive now.


June 7, 2010


Markets were up most of the day but then closed down. Shaw Communications an
Wal-Mart, among our stock picks were up somewhat.


As I post this the futures are suggesting the Dow will open higher by about
50 points on Tuesday morning.


June 6, 2010


Costco is updated by rated only Weak Buy at $58.36 (It closed Friday after we
had mostly completed our analysis at $56.17) It’s a fantastic company and
represents perhaps the most efficient retail company. It’s mark-ups average only
about 13% and which compares to Wal-Mart at 25% and target at 31% while some
retailers are at over 200%. Costco’s low margins indicate its efficiency. We suspect
it could increase profits at will by simply increasing the margins. But they
have no apparent plan to do that and we can’t count on such a thing. I will
consider entering a “stink bid” for Costco at around the $50 mark.


I had mentioned that
Thursday last week was a boring day. But Friday was not so boring with its 3%
drop in the Dow and 2% drop on Toronto. I took advantage of the drop of add to
my Wal-Mart holdings. I figure if I
don’t buy during market dips then I may miss the chance to buy during market
dips. I am proceeding slowly in case the market dip deepens.


On our home page I had
a link to a page of useful links. I moved that link now to the menu items that
appears on the left of every page. I also re-organised the links and deleted


I decided to read once
again all of Warren Buffett’s annual letters starting with 1957. I wanted to
refresh my memory on the type of investments he was making in the early days
when he was buying stocks and not entire companies and when he had only a
relatively small investment portfolio. Many people would claim that there is
nothing to learn from this since the world has changed so much. But Buffett has
always tried to impart timeless principles of investing. My opinion is that if I
can always learn something by studying the words of the greatest investor ever.
Also I am of the opinion that in any skilful endeavor, one cannot review the
basics too many times.


As I review these
letters I am writing down certain key points. These are available here
(so far 1957 through 1963).


The stock market of
late has of course been very volatile after its huge increase since it hit a low
point in March of 2009. 


Many people are now
predicting the market will go much lower. That may be true. But also consider
the fact that at every point in history there has been a group that has
predicted that stocks are heading down. Sometimes they are right but more often
they are wrong.


Imagine for a moment
that you decide to ride out the market and keep your money in. In that case does
a market decline really hurt you? The market is almost certain to be higher 10
years from now. On a portfolio that would be held between now and ten years from
now does the intermediate value of the portfolio really matter? It does
psychologically of course but if your goals is to maximize your wealth ten years
from now, all that matters to a buy and hold portfolio is the value in ten
years, not the bumps along the way.


But now imagine that
in addition to your current portfolio, you are going to invest new money each
year. In that case a market decline right now is nothing but good news.


So I am trying to get myself
to focus less on the psychological and probably temporary pain caused by a drop
in my portfolio and focus more on the opportunity to buy additional shares at
lower prices.


At any given time then
a prediction that stocks will fall is both Bad News and Good News and a
prediction that stocks will rise is both Good News and Bad News.


We can’t change what
happens to the overall stock markets but we can change our reaction to whatever


June 3, 2010


Today was a rare boring day in the market where not much was happening. I
plan to have an updated report or two by Sunday… Canadian Western Bank was out
with great earnings this morning and its stock was up a little. I’d still
consider it a buy although loan losses are always a bit of a worry.


June 2, 2010


TSX was up 1.8% and the DOW was up 2.25%. There has been more than enough
volatility to keep investors confused. I don’t envy those that try to invest
based on technical and market momentum. The charts must be throwing off more
mixed signals than a dyslexic flagman. Go, no Stop, no caution, no go…


The TMX Group released trading
statistics for May that looked very good. Despite competition from Aplha which
we know to be strong, the TSX and the Montreal Derivatives exchange set several
records for volume during May. For the TSX it was volume records for particular
days and for Montreal it was a daily average volume record for the month. Now
volume does not necessarily mean record profit since there has been price cuts.
But is does look the TMX Group is holding its own. I don’t know if I will add to
my position but I do like the P/E ratio and dividend yield. This is tempered by concerns
about the ultimate impact of competition.


June 1, 2010


Yesterday Toronto was up 90 points on a day when the U.S. market was not
there to provide leadership. Today the U.S. market woke up in a bearish mood
and so Toronto gave back the 90 points from yester and and then another 100.


Many economic indicators remain reasonably positive and so Stocks may do
okay. My strategy would be to nibble on the most attractive stocks you can find.
If the market delivers better bargains ahead, so be it, be ready with at least
some cash to take advantage.


May 31, 2010


The latest edition of the free newsletter
was sent out over the weekend. (warning, those who love technical analysis may
find it offensive. Those who are sure the end of the financial world is nigh may
also be offended).


The Canadian market was up 0.8% today. But this was a case where Mom &
Dad (The U.S. market) let the teenager (Canadian market) out on its own
unescorted. (U.S. and England markets were both closed for holidays) Tomorrow we
will see if the U.S. parent is willing to confirm the teenager’s exuberance. Far
East markets Monday evening are down… but usually the U.S. leads and the Far
East follows and so again we will see if these Far Eastern markets are really
going to show the parent the way for tomorrow.


Canadian GDP apparently grew 1.5% in the first 3 months of 2010 or 6.1% annualized.
It’s hard to believe… given the problems with a high dollar in Canada. I have
to wonder how much comes from government spending. Governments of all kinds all
across Canada were still hiring and mostly giving raises. I would not count on
this growth being sustained.


Tomorrow, Tuesday is June 1. Soon the tourist season will start. I expect the
tourist reason to be pretty dismal given the high dollar and the poor state of
the U.S. Last weekend though the Victoria day weekend I was on the road and the
number of trailers (RVs) moving was truly stunning. Canadians are on the move.
So tourism of Canadian within Canada should do okay, I just don’t expect too may
Americans to visit.


By the time your read this I suppose The Bank of Canada will be announcing it
has raised rates 0.25%, we shall see what that does to the dollar…


May 29, 2010


The break-down of my own portfolio is
updated. My portfolio is quite concentrated.


Check our list of Special Reports
on Current Stock Market Attractiveness (it’s also in the list just below the
table of stocks above). I just updated the valuation of the Dow Jones Industrial
Average and the Toronto Stock Market Index. Also I have updated our list of Canadian Exchange
Traded Funds. These include higher yield funds. This ETF article provides a
wealth of choices and our particular article is the only central source that we
know of that gives you the fundamentals of each ETF that we list along with
links to the ETF sponsor. This article should be of immense value to ETF
investors. (I’ve got probably 100 hours invested in finding all those links, and
that’s not counting the time to update the figures, just to find all these links
and set it up)


Bizzarely enough I was unable to find the full Statistics for the Dow Jones
Industrial Average on the Dow Jones Site.The
Site requires you to register for a free password and I have one. Those
Statistics have always been there in the past including P/E ratio (trailing and
forward and GAAP and negatives removed), Yield and Price to Book Value. And
there is no indication that even under the paid section of the site that the
figures are there. They are just gone!. Clicking fundamentals for the DJIA they
give some fundamentals but the last update was some 15 months ago!


I then did some Google searching for the current DJIA P/E and yield did not
really find what I wanted but did find enough to get by with for my update.


What does this mean when even the Dow Jones company is not bothering to publish
the P/E ratio and such? I think it means almost no one cares. No one is looking
for these figures.


We have reached the stage where the vast majority of investors have basically
forgotten that stocks are shares of ownership in companies. Just look around the
Web. Every stock chart you see is a chart of the stock price. Almost no one
bothers to show you charts of earnings per share.


I hope to discuss this further in an article in our free newsletter. But this
is a wonderful opportunity. Increasingly investors , even institutional
investors have drank the Kool-Aide of (so called) Technical Analysis. (It’s
beyond me, what is “technical” about looking for patterns).  They all
study price charts looking for patterns instead of looking directly at the
earnings and fundamentals of companies and stock market indexes. This means
stocks will be increasingly mis-priced. There are and there will continue to be
bargains and extremely over-priced stocks. There will be volatility. All of this
is fantastic news for more intelligent investors willing to view stocks as
part-ownership in businesses – who understand that stocks have values based on
future earnings and that this value can be roughly estimated – and compared to
the current price in the search for bargains.


What about market manipulation? Well bring it on! If it exists it too drives
stocks away from their true values and creats opportunities.


By the way, the companies you own shares in don’t think of you as owners
either. I occasionally email a company and I always indicate if I am a share
owner (I use the term share owner not share holder). Often the response includes
the thoughtless line “Thank you for your interest in (company name)”.
That bugs me I feel like writing back and pointing out that I am not some
outsider “interested” in the company, I am an owner. I feel like then
thanking them for being part of our companies “hired help”. But hey,
if investors don’t think of themselves as owning anything more than a squiggly
line of a chart that might go up in price, I guess why should these
companies think of investors as owners?


May 27, 2010


OK then… that was a rather big market rally today. It just illustrates how unpredictable
markets are in the short term… It seems we are just lurching from fear of a
crash to fear of missing out on gains… stay tuned…


May 26, 2010


It was not a good day for our Stock picks. It started out well this morning
but then turned negative. Meanwhile economic news is North America is fairly
good. For many months the market was moving a ahead a lot faster than the
economy. Now the stocks are moving backward even as the economy continues
forward. This is not unusual.


In the U.S. loan delinquencies and charge offs were relatively stable in Q1
versus Q4 but did edge up very slightly (which




This quarterly data was just posted today or yesterday. Some sources of data
may also give these figures monthly but these Fed numbers are only quarterly.




May 25, 2010


“Nothing to See Here”. The Canadian and U.S. markets were almost
unchanged at the end of the day. Boring…


Of course early today the Dow was down almost 3% and Toronto was down over


So lots of volatility. Some days it certainly seems best to ignore the market
and just see how it turns out at the end of the day, week, month, year or even
decade. many people have been day trading or at least “day watching”
for a decade or more now. But there is no indication that such day traders or
day watchers have higher returns. Buffett teaches that the way to invest is to
buy great or good companies, with trustworthy management, at great or good
prices. The trend of the market does not come into that analysis. He advocates
to simply buy the best investments you can find on a price versus value basis.
The market can do what it wants but eventually if the value is really there the
stock market will reflect that.


So think in terms of buying a stream of growing dividends and/or earnings. Do
not think in terms of buying a squiggly line on a screen. But, hey what does
Buffett know? Berkshire is only up, what? roughly 1 million percent from when he
first started buying. He bought under $10 and took control and now the stock is
over $100,000. That is over 1 million percent.


P.S. I bought 100 Berkshire B shares today.


May 24, 2010


Canadian stock markets were closed today while the U.S. markets were open.
The Dow was down 1.2%. Berkshire was down 3% and Wells Fargo almost 5% (ouch)


I saw one story about how the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation was selling
some of its Berkshire stake. Well yes, I suppose it is, especially since it was
part of the deal when Buffett donated those shares. He required that the shares
be sold so the cash could be used for charitable good. The deal states:


“beginning in calendar 2009, BMG’s annual giving must
be at least equal to the value of my previous year’s gift plus 5% of BMG’s
net assets.”  This stipulation means that the Gates Foundation must
spend 5% of its assets each year plus 100% of the Buffett gift from the
previous year. So yeah, they are selling the Berkshire shares as Buffett


I never claimed to know where the market is going in the short term. I
just subscribe to the idea that if one selects stocks in a logical way based on
trying to find a stock that is worth more than its price, one will do well long
term. The short term is basically random.


I try to have opinions based in logic and fact. There are tons of opinions
out there based on nothing. People spew opinions with wild abandon. Often
ludicrous opinions. It’s all good really, if everyone were investing
intelligently there would be no one left to beat in the market. Long live the ninnies
of the investment world.


As I write this at 11:00 pm eastern time, indications are that the Dow will
open down another 100 points on Tuesday morning. Well, no one ever said
investing would be boring did they?


It seems we may have a case of “there is Good news and Bad
news” which both can be expressed in the following two words.
“Bargains Ahead”




May 21, 2010


The Toronto market is now down 1.9% for 2010 to date and the U.S. markets are
down about 2.3%.  Our stocks in the Buy range from January 1, are down an
average of 1.2% which is just slightly better than the market performance. My
own portfolio is up 1.6%. So not performance to “write home about” yet
this year, but year has a long way to go. Investing in stocks on a rational and
value based approach won’t always beat the market in the short term (and can
occasionally trail it badly – though we have not experienced that yet) but can
be reasonably relied on to do well over the years.


It was interesting news today that the U.S. Federal Government has sold off
some $840 million in warrants of Wells Fargo. What is interesting is that Wells
Fargo itself grabbed 64% of the warrants. I believe the warrants were to
purchase Wells Fargo stock at a price of just over $40. This purchase is a
signal that management believes that the Wells stock will be over $40 by the
time those warrants expire and they did not want the dilution that would result.
The warrants originated when the U.S. government forced Wells Fargo to take TARP


eBay is updated and rated Speculative
Buy at $21.42. It looks to be set for strong earnings growth this year and is
worth considering.


May 20, 2010


Shaw Communications announced at the end of today that Shaw family members
have recently purchased an additional 235,000 (Over $4 million worth) shares to
hold a total of 48.2 million (about 897 million worth) shares and that the Shaw
family would continue to be regular purchasers.


To my mind, that is a strong vote of confidence. In many cases you see
founding families sell shares for diversification purposes and here we have the
Shaw’s buying. Effectively it appears that the Shaws are re-investing a portion
of their dividends. Apparently they think the company is good value at the
present price.


In terms of bargain hunting I may buy some additional Berkshire shares. I also
like basically all the shares that I hold and could buy more but want to proceed
slowly to preserve “ammo” in case things get much cheaper.


May 20
(10:45am  eastern time)


Markets off to a bad start today…


Could we be in for  lots more declines? Of course, yes.


I have been cautious about markets since last August when I took a chuck of
money off the table after the market had already recovered a lot from the losses
of March 2009. Markets then soared  much higher than expected. By early May
it was hard to stay cautious as markets kept rising. Logically it is clear that
higher markets mean more room to fall but emotionally it is always hard to pull
back from the party during good times.


Hopefully you are positioned with some funds in cash to take advantage of
bargains. I would tend to nibble at bargains rather than gobble them. You don’t
want to be left with no ability to buy if the bargains get seriously cheap.


Seeing losses in the portfolio is always hard but we should remember that
rumors of the death of capitalism have so far been greatly exaggerated and this
will continue to be the case.


I am sure that the owner of a wonderful business like a Tom Hortons Franchise
does not worry every day if the price of such franchises fluctuates in the
market. Stock investors tend to worry a lot more about the fluctuations since
they “in our face” everyday in the stock prices. But logically if we
own shares in a wonderful business like Tim Hortons we should focus a bit more
on the profits and dividends and a bit less on the stock price.


Remember, the road to the top of any mountain including a mountain of wealth
is always winding and may often have switchbacks, including large switchbacks,
but if we stay on a logical path we will travel upwards over the long term.


But you may be asking should you sell? That is your choice and those too
nervous too stay in the market or two heavily exposed may wish to sell some. I
am not thinking of selling but I am not about to tall anyone else not too or to guarantee
where the market is going.


Those of us in RRSP investments can take some comfort perhaps from the fact
that really as I explained in a recent newsletter, the government is in effect
your partner in your RRSP and owns about 40% of it depending on the tax rate you
will pay on withdrawals. When the account loses $100, in effect you can think of
it as you lose $60 and the government loses $40 .




May 18, 2010


Notable today was Wells Fargo
down 4.3%, and Visa down 6% to $70.09
which is a big drop from its recent highs. There have been some unfavorable developments
in the U.S. regarding what Visa will be able to charge merchants. It ‘s very
hard to say what the impact will be. So this stock is now more speculative. But
it still has a very powerful position in the market. It is worth considering at
this new lower price. Meanwhile Wal-Mart
has reported strong earnings and was up today.


The June oil contract is down to $68.55. Interestingly though in the next day
or so we will switch to the July contract which is at $72.00, so that makes it
confusing as to where the price of oil is.


In our ETF
article under the commodity ETFs I have mentioned the following “In a stable market with an upward sloping futures price, it may naturally
lose money as each futures bought each month tends to be more expensive than
the value of the expiring contract being sold”.
You can really
see how this would work with an oil futures ETF that holds the one month forward
future contract. As the May contract expires it sells that at $68.55 (based on
the closing price today) and then must buy the July contract at $72.00. So that
is a loss of 4.8% right there just on the “roll-over” of the month
contract. In this situation with a steeply upward sloping futures curve, an Oil
futures ETF is going to lose money fast if oil prices stay flat and losre money
extremely fast if oil prices fall and even if oil prices rise, it has a hard
time to make money. Just check out the oil future
it has not made money and in the last few days in particular is plummeting. I
would prefer an ETF that held physical oil in a tank. When I looked at the
on-line sites for these types of ETFs (the futures ones that lose money in a
flat market with an upward sloping future price curve, which is normal) I found
no clear explanation that losses should be expected in a flat market.


May 17, 2010


The week has started off with another of those interesting days that seem to
be so common lately. The Dow at one point today was down 184 points but ended
the day up 5 points. The Toronto market ended the day down 200 points but at one
point was down over 300 points.


My decision last week to sell my Bear ETF funds was ill-timed. But that’s the
nature of the markets, you pays your money and you takes your chances. Or you
takes your money back off the table and then you takes your chance that it would
have been better to leave your bet in place. I’m still holding good companies
and some cash and so my portfolio was not down much today. Buffett has said that
investing is simple but not always easy…


May 16, 2010


Boston Pizza Royalties Trust is
updated and rate Speculative Buy at $11.45. This is worth considering for its
8.7% yield. (The reported yield right now is actually 12.1% but that needs to be
reduced by about 28% as the fund becomes taxable in 2011). We should not expect
any real growth in earnings / distributions per unit because of the recession
conditions, and due to the fact that the restaurants are mature and can’t be
expected to grow sales except through inflation. New store openings have almost
no impact on earnings per unit because a related company scoops new fund units
that almost entirely offset the growth.


Risks at this time include how the units will react when (not if but when) a
significant distribution cut is announced due to taxation in 2011. In theory
that is already priced into the units. We would see any dip on such news to be a
buying opportunity.


The nature of this entity with all earnings paid out in cash but with little
or no growth expected raises questions as to what a reasonable P/E would be.
Normally a zero growth scenario would suggest that the P/E should be very low.
In fact in the extreme case of zero dividend and no growth and no sign that
there will be any dividends or a corporate buy-out, it’s hard to justify paying
anything. But here we have 100% dividend. Even with zero growth we can justify a
14 P/E if we require a 7% return. (1/0.07) = 14.3. The justifiable P/E would
fall if a more normal 30 to 50% dividend pay-out ratio applied.


May 15, 2010


Our popular article on the valuation
of the S&P 500 index is updated. Our analysis indicates that the S&P
500 may be 20% over-valued if one is expecting a 8% return on stocks but is only
11% over-valued if 7% id the fair return to expect from stocks. The current 1136
S&P index value seems more likely to provide long-term returns in the range
of 6% but with a lot of uncertainty around that 6% even in the long-term and
huge uncertainty in the short-term.


With Visa down yesterday on some negative news about government plans to
limit its fees charged to merchants, I bought 100 shares. Also I added 100
shares to my Berkshire B shares position.


Canadian National Railway is updated but
is rated only Weak Buy / Hold. It is very much a high quality company with competitive
advantages and good management. I had hoped the rating would be higher but it
appears that it is at least fully valued at the current price. I would be
more  interested in buying if the share price falls back towards $50.


May 13, 2010


I have updated the components of my own
portfolio to reflect the sale of the bear ETFs. I have to say my own
portfolio has become extremely concentrated. That is risky, so far it has worked
out well but it is vulnerable to a big hit if, in particular Wells Fargo were to
get whacked, which it certainly could.


Canadian Tire was a big winner today up 4.6%, also Tim Hortons was up 3.3%,
both on good earnings releases.


In both cases the earnings came out only shortly before the open this morning
and the stocks did not fully react at the opening. That’s not fair and I already
emailed Canadian Tire to ask what is up and I will email Tim Hortons as well.
Earnings should be released after the close to give more time for the news to be
absorbed outside of trading hours. that way the opening price would reflect the
news. It’s actually TSX preferred policy that it be done that way. But since it
is only  a preferred practice it is often not followed.


Meanwhile my portfolio is doing great this week but I still have to make sure
companies are releasing earnings in a fair manner. No one else seems to be
keeping an eye on it.


TMX Group by the way indicates they will no longer be releasing earnings
during the trading day and that happened after my complaints about it.


May 12, 2010


It was another positive day for the markets. This morning I decided to sell
all my Bear ETF funds. I had bought a good part of that only on April 27 as the
Greek situation was starting to look ugly. With that seemingly “bailed
out” at least for now, there was less immediate need to hold the bear fund.
And some of that bear I had held al the way since August and always hoped to get
out of it at some point but was reluctant since I had a loss on in (an illogical
reason, I admit). Anyhow as with all of us my fear ebbs and flows and I guess
today I was a little more greedy and a Little less fearful and I just hit the
sell button on the bear funds. I could decide to buy it back at any time but for
now I will just hold some cash which I can use to take advantage of any market


I mentioned over the weekend I wanted to add to Berkshire Hathaway. But then
it had jumped 4% on Monday morning and so I decided to wait and see how things
settled out Monday and so did not buy the Berkshire but probably should have. I
will be updating my analysis on the valuation of the S&P 500 soon and that
may determine my next move. I do remain somewhat cautious but I guess threw some
of that caution to the wind today by selling the bear funds.


May 11, 2010


Well today as the market opened, the far east markets were down over-night
and it looked like the relief over the European bail out was short lived. But
North America hung in not too bad. Canada was up mostly because of Gold stocks I


Overall I was happy to more or less hang onto the gains from yesterday.


One story on Monday was that Wells Fargo was being investigated for steering
customers into higher cost loans. I tend to believe that, Wells Fargo makes the
largest interest rate spreads of the big banks and they don’t do that by giving
people the best deal possible. Is that illegal? I would think not. Immoral? I am
not sure. Most businesses are fully expected to push people toward the
higher margin products. As far as I know in Canada if you don’t ask for a
discount mortgage you get the higher posted rate. Seems to me that is partly
market segmentation. If some people take the first offer on a car or loan, the
sellers are happy to oblige. Meanwhile if you shop around and look for a
bargain, businesses are happy to do that. They probably can’t afford to give
everyone the lowest rate. It seems to me it is partly a matter of market


People should learn, a business is generally out to make money. A business
also wants to offer reasonable value because they want you as a repeat customer.
There is nothing wrong with this, a customer gets a service and the company
makes money. Neither are forced to do business. Profit is not a dirty word.


It is a sad fact of reality that low income consumers are (on average) higher
risk and they pay the highest bank interest. It’s just the way the system works.
Sadly a low income customer who pays the loan faithfully is subsiding the other
low income customers. The high income customer gets the low interest rate (if he
asks) and does not subsidize the others too much.  A bank is not your
Mommy. Should the regulators expect banks to be a Mommy to their customers?


The market on Monday certainly seemed unconcerned about this Wells Fargo investigation.


May 10, 2010


Well today was an exciting one in the markets. S&P 500 up 4.4%. Dow up
3.9% and Toronto up 2.2%. Wells Fargo was up 7%.


This of course war due to the announced bail out package for Greece and other
parts of Europe.


Does this mean we are up and away and this European debt crisis is behind us?
Somehow I doubt it.


A subscriber had the following question:


 If money, with all that it entails, is
going to be in short supply for all the Governments they will have to put
personal taxes up. If so, maybe one should start to increase the amount one
takes out of a RRIF now and beat the increases down the road.  


This is a good question and it relates a bit to my newsletter
article that explained how your RRSP (and your Registered Retirement Income
Fund) can be considered to be about 40% belonging to the government, with the
exact percentage depending on your marginal tax rate at the time you take the
money out.


So there there are several considerations.


1. Can we expect tax rates to rise? Actually in Canada I’m not sure there is
too much reason to worry but certainly it could happen. More likely perhaps is a
GST increase.


2. If tax rates are expected to rise then it is worth it to take the money
out now and beat the tax increase?


Well, probably not, not if it means the money will come out and go into a
taxable account to be spend some years down the road. You would lose the
tax-free compounding.


But if you you can get some out and put it into a Tax Free Savings Account,
then yes, you would save by paying say 35% tax now, rather than say 39% later,
if indeed taxes do rise.


A much bigger consideration is to try and figure out what marginal tax rate
you would face on an extra RRIF or RRSP withdrawal now and what tax rate would
apply if you waited until the future.


Even if tax rates are unchanged, your marginal tax rate on an extra dollar
taken out of an RRSP/ RRIF, can change dramatically depending on how much you
take out.


For example the marginal tax rates in Ontario for regular income like RRSP/
RRIF withdrawals is:


Income less than $37,102     20.05%

next amount to $ 40,970        24.15%

next amount to $65,345        31.15% Plus if
receiving old age pension add 15% total 46.15%

next amount to $74,214        32.98% Plus if
receiving old age pension add 15% total 47.98%

next amount to $76,986        35.39% Plus if
receiving old age pension add 15% total 50.39%

next amount to $81,941        43.41% Plus if
receiving old age pension add 15% total 58.41% ends at $108,000

next amount to $127,021       43.41%



(has other Provinces too)




From this you can see that if you take extra RRSP or RRIF withdrawals in one
year it could mean you pay a much higher marginal tax rate.


The marginal tax rate you pay on your withdrawals depends on where your
income falls and that of course depends on many factors.


Old age pension kicks in at age 65 and Canada Pension can be started from age
60 to I believe 70.


One strategy might be to take out larger RRSP amounts before age 65 to avoid
the old age claw back and higher marginal tax rates. This might especially make
sense if one arrived at age 60 with significant Tax Free saving Account room. Or
maybe a person could delay taking their pension from their job despite being
retired, and live on large RRSP withdrawals.


There are a lot of combinations. If you have tax software you might be able
to save a copy of your return under a different file name and then play with
some what-if analysis. Things like pension income splitting also might come into


It may be worth it to seek out an income tax advisor.


The bottom line is that it is going to be hard to beat the tax man and any
scenario you try could work out well or not so well depending on future tax


One also has to consider that extra money taken out of an RRSP might be spent
and then it`s gone…


One aspect that is really bothersome is that 15% extra clawback on the old
age pension, that can mean each dollar you take out nets you only about 42 cents
if you are in the income range of $82,00 to $107,000.


The tax rates don`t look too bad for those with total income including all pensions
and RRSP  RRIF withdrawals  that are under $65,000. After that you are
looking at about 46 cents in every extra dollar going to the government and,
nastily, between $82k and $108, it`s 58.4 cents to the government, and just 41.6
cents for you on each extra RRSP or RRIF  dollar you take out.


Your average tax rate will be a lot lower than the marginal rates, but these
marginal tax rates are nasty for those earning above $65k total taxable income
in retirement. (And then there is that nasty fact that dividend income is
grossed up which can push some people into higher taxable income brackets
somewhat artificially).


May 9, 2010


Telus is updated and rated (lower) Buy
at $37.53. They had a strong Q1 and earnings stabilized after recent declined.
Competition is intense. It’s not clear that they will be able grow except moderately
although in 2010 there should be decent growth compared to the weak 2009. I
don’t own it myself and will not be buying any.


May 8, 2010


Developments is updated and rated Speculative Buy. Its earnings are volatile
and so an analysis based on P/E or ROE is not the best approach. The company has
a long history of profitability. And its available at just a 25% premium over
book value. That is likely to be a good investment in the long run, although in
the short term it has sometimes traded below book value. 


Well a scary week in the markets has ended.


My own portfolio came through in good shape
due to some exposure to Bear ETFs and also as the surprisingly lower Canadian
dollar helped out with my U.S. investments. Symbols for the bear funds are in
our ETF
article. With heavy weightings in a few stocks my portfolio is subject to
large losses if those stocks do bad, but so far, so good.


Berkshire Hathaway is updated and
rated Buy at $74.41. It’s Q1 earnings were quite strong and looked particularly
good compared to a loss last year Q1 on a GAAP basis and smaller profit on an
adjusted basis. Berkshire should be able to post good earnings in 2010 compared
to 2009 which was very weak. Valuation mainly focuses on adjusted earnings which
exclude all gains on investments due to their volatility even though such gains
are positive in most years. With that definition of adjusted earnings the profit
does not make the stock look very attractive. On the other hand it is trading at
only 21% above book value and Buffett recent wrote that its intrinsic value is
certainly higher than book value.


I intend to add to my position in Berkshire.


I would also note that I made sure to read the entire quarterly report
including the financial statement notes closely. This is huge and complex
company and yet the entire quarterly report is relatively short by today’s
standards. I like that. Everything in this report is in relatively plain language
and is easy to read at lest for myself who is familiar with the company and any
jargon it does contain. I have come to the conclusion that Buffett himself must
write a good portion of this stuff since it is very much in his always clear
style. It’s worth reading.


I found it interesting to note that in the management discussion and analysis
only about half a page was devoted to the recently purchased rail road,
Burlington Northern. This is a huge but quite simple company. When it was on its
own it required a full and fat annual report, and investor relation staff, and
no doubt a huge effort in publicly filing its financials. Now it takes up just a
little space in the Berkshire report. This is small but important efficiency
that was gained when Berkshire bought the company.


May 6, 2010


And I had said Yesterday was interesting…today (Thursday) was much more so.


So where are we?:


Canadian dollar down to 95 cents. I think it was Tuesday that Don Coxe who is
a very smart and experienced and widely followed investor said he was quite
certain the dollar was headed to $1.10 or $1.15 range. He gave two reasons.
First, high commodity prices would push up our dollar. A high dollar is very bad
for manufacturing. This is known as Dutch Disease because some years ago high
oil prices pushed up the Dutch currency and really hurt manufacturing and
tourism in the Netherlands.  Second, he said that world investors would relatively
soon start to get very nervous about the U.S. dollar due to the deficits there.
They would see Canada as safe place and invest here. But we are a small country
and that would push our dollar up. This he called Swiss disease because the same
has happened in Switzerland which still has its own currency. This all seemed so
logical and yet we have the dollar plunging as people rush to the “safty’
of the  U>S. dollar. Now when Don said this we were at about 98 cents
and he thought that was just temporary and we will be heading to the $1.10,


Done Coxe may be right, if so now is a time to stay in Canadian dollars,
possibly even sell U.S. assets or hedge your U.S. stock exposure (I am not sure
how a retail investor can do that). But Don could be wrong as well, I prefer to
“bet” on companies rather than currencies. There seemed to be a big consensus
that the U.S. dollar was going to tank, yet it has risen. Many currency traders
will have lost a lot of money on that bet.


Many smart people including Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch have argued that
the individual retail investor who invests intelligently can beat the market. Big
institutional players often play follow the leader and will follow each other
into irrational buying. So a small investor can beat them simply by being
rational. An example of being rational is to buy stocks based on their earnings
not based on the price on a chart moving up.


I have never heard anyone say though that a retail investor can beat the big
guys at currency trading. Currency trading is a zero sum game. It’s extremely unpredictable.
I would stay far away
from it. I might try to hedge once ion a while or put some cash into U.S. dollars
when the Canadian dollar is high. But never would I go onto one of those forex
sites and make a leveraged bet on the direction of currencies. With the kind of
leverage they allow, you could blow your financial brains out very quickly


Maybe Canadians should track their investments in two chunks. One in Canadian
dollars and a separate chunk in U.S. dollars. Translating the U.S. investments
back into Canadian dollars may not make a lot of sense. Most of us will need
U.S. dollars at some point, so why not just have a pot of money in the U.S. and
track its progress strictly in U.S. dollars and not by translating into Canadian


Dow Daze


So the Dow was down 348 points or 3.2% today… And at one point it fell an
extra 600 points or about an extra 6% apparently based on a huge trade entered
by mistake. It goes to show the irrationality of the institutions, with stocks
getting cheaper they all rushed to sell. Rational people rush to the store for a
big sale, they don’t rush to sell things when prices fall. Yeah, I know that a
900 point drop could be a signal of worse to come but I simply think its more
rational to buy on dips than to sell.


It would have been a sweet day to have a bunch of “stink bids” in
to buy various stocks at “unrealistic” prices like 10% below the
market. Many of those would have triggered today. It is a strategy I have talked
about before and have done a few times.


What is next?


I don’t know and I don’t think anyone does. I have warned lately to be
cautious and I continue to be cautious. Try to have some cash around in case
things do get really ugly. Should we nibble in at these prices? Probably, yes,
but only if we have a higher cash allocation.


Earnings season is pretty much over for another quarter at least in the U.S.,
unfortunately that might give the traders even more time to think about Greece
and how bad that could get…


One thing is for sure, in the markets bad news for a stock holder is good
news for the investor waiting to buy it…


I notice Melcor Developments posted good earnings after the close today.
Balance sheet was not yet posted. I am hoping that have made excellent progress
on collecting the money for lot sales outstanding. They tend not to get paid for
their lots until a house is built on it so they were carrying a lot of


May 5, 2010


Another interesting day in the markets…


The TSX was down early in the trading day as much as 277 points or 2.3% and
ended the day down 1.3% or 156 points.


It’s interesting that when the market was that far down I was glad I had my
bear positions and wondered if I ought to buy more. Possibly I should have been
thinking instead about buying on that dip. But when we see markets dropping like
this week it’s natural to think defensively.


I suppose most times if you buy when the market is down 1% or more you might
end up making money most times. But the fear is of course those few times when
it goes down 1% and then another 1% and another 1% and… People run out of the nerve
to buy or the money to buy pretty quickly in that situation.


Similarly, with Canadian Tire
down almost 3% today to $53.26 and down about 10% in the past few days, it is
tempting to buy some. For those with cash that want to put into the market I
think Canadian Tire would be a good bet.


I already have a good “exposure” to it and while I am tempted to
add to that, I am not sure that is wise. The reason is that the cash I have is
meant to be used to take advantage of a more significant market decline. So I
don’t think I should be too quick to use up my cash reserves.


In my own portfolio today I probably made
money. The Bear ETF funds and  Walmart were winners for me today. Also the
falling Canadian dollar adds to the value of all my U.S. stocks.


May 4. 2010


Well the market was down about 2% today… but my Stocks did quite okay with
a good rebound from Shaw today (impressive on such a weak day). Also my bear ETF
funds helped out a lot today.


I forgot to mention that yesterday I picked up a bit more Shaw Stock
for my portfolio.


So, lots of things happening… oil down about 4%.


U.S. dollar rising, Canadian dollar down over 1 cent.


As I have been saying, it’s a time to be cautious, not a time to get too
greedy. Try to be ready with cash to invest if the market keeps going down.
There are bargains out there… they might be better bargains tomorrow, but no
one knows for sure. Wade into bargains carefully. If you have stocks that make
you really nervous, why not Sell and hold some cash? Or move (slowly) into
stocks that seem like a better bet.


May 3, 2010


A good start to the trading week. Wells
Fargo was up 2.3% and that tends to loom large for me given its my biggest position
by a wide margin.


Yesterday the latest edition of our free
newsletter was sent out. It includes an interesting analysis regarding RRSPs and
taxation. It’s interesting to consider that if your marginal tax rate at the
time you make your RRSP contributions is expected to be the same marginal tax
rate when you take the money out then A TSFA and RRSP are effectively the same
deal. With the RRSP in that case think of your RRSP generated refund as being
essentially the government loaning you money for your RRSP but they take it back
at the end. And in effect they charge you interest with the interest rate being
exactly the growth rate of return that you achieved in your RRSP.


Shaw Communications
however was down 2% to $18.72. Shaw is buying the TV stations of CanWest. As I
understand it, Can West went broke not because these assets were really losing
money on an operating basis. What happened was CanWest blew its brains out on
too much debt. No doubt the recession and the decline in newspaper advertising
was part of it, but it’s debt and the inability pay some that eventually causes
bankruptcy. I’ve seen it happen before, Ainsworth Lumber was another example and
I even warned the company about it. (They bought up Oriented Strand board mills
using borrowed money and destroyed a decades old family business – blew their
brains out with debt. Oh well, it looks like that sort of thing has become a
national past time for many. But actually of late corporations have not been the
big offenders at all, it is homeowners and government who have loaded up the
debt guns).


The hope would be that Shaw is buying these at a decent price. Also that Shaw
is maybe in a better position since it owns the Cable although I sort of
discount that. The owner of a toll road does not usually buy a trucking fleet
nor does it have any advantage in that business just because it owns the


Shaw is not buying any of the newspapers. I have to admit it seems odd that
Shaw would not have bought these assets through its Corus Entertainment business
rather than Shaw Communications – would seem a better fit there. What could be
next/ Shaw buying back Corus shares and making Corus part of Shaw? (I don’t know
I am really quite unfamiliar with Corus).


The fear with this transaction is that as Buffett would say, the animal
spirits were running wild and Shaw has paid too much. But on the surface that
does not appear to be the case.


This purchase makes Shaw harder to understand and predict but my suspicion is
that that this transaction will a positive one for Shaw.


Click below for a list of the TV channels involved.


Some of those such as Global are actual Canadian television channels, most
appear to be simply the Canadian rights to foreign channels.




May 1, 2010


TMX Group is updated and is
rated Speculative Buy at $29.04. It has a strong Q1. Basically it looks quite
attractive based on its earnings but here is a good deal of uncertainty as to
whether new competition is going to cut the profits of TMX.


April 29, 2010


It was a strong day on the markets due to strong earnings reports and good
employment-related numbers. And meanwhile I think some optimism about a Greek
bail out.


So the insurance (against a market dip) that I bought a couple days ago (bear
ETFs) cost me money. Well, that is the nature of insurance, if the house does
not burn down then you would have been better off with no insurance. And this
type of portfolio insurance is expensive. If the market soars i will have lost
significant money by owning bear ETFs. But that was my choice, I wanted some
level of protection, and I got it and it may pay off or I may pay the price.
Time will tell.


Anyhow with Wells Fargo, my largest holding by far, up 2.4% today I still did
well today.


And while markets may continue up with the strong earnings, I don’t think
this Greek debt situation is going away. And higher interest rates seem more likely
than not to be on the horizon. So there is a good chance that my ETF bears will
earn their keep before too long.


April 28, 2010


So the U.S. market recovered a little today on more good earnings news and I
think some signs of progress for a Greece Bail out and despite a Spain credit
rating drop. I suspect that this Greece / Europe national debt situation will
cause its share of ups and downs on the market and I am  afraid it could
possibly turn a bit ugly. I mean even the best case scenario is that we solve
the problem of too much debt in Greece by lending it a ton more money. Does that
really solve the problem or just delay it? And a true solve will involve lots of
layoffs and pay cuts in Greece and higher taxes and that should also spread to
the other European countries that are in trouble and that hardly sounds positive
for the world economy.


Closer to home, a banker friend of mine in Edmonton is seeing lots of clients
defaulting on car loans. Said he has never seen the likes before. Statistics on mortgage
delinquencies still look pretty good in Canada and Alberta but maybe the car
payment is the first thing to let go? If the jobless  rate stays a little
high or goes higher and with tax bills rising, I suspect that means more bad
loans ahead for the banks. Edmonton property tax 6% coming for late June. Sales
taxes have been or are being raised in Nova Scotia, Ontario and BC. That also
has to drag down consumer spending (although possibly right now we get an uptick
as people try to beat the sales tax imposition date – which does what to future


Another reason for all stocks to possibly decline, is higher interest rates.
Higher rates are simply a gravitational force on all investments especially
longer term investments. Unless higher earnings (actual and expected) offset the
higher interest rates, stocks come down with higher interest rates.


So I remain somewhat cautious…


A subscriber asked about Shaw
Communications being down lately. I don’t know why it should be, but read
the last report carefully, there are always risks with any stock. But I think a
dip in Shaw is a buying opportunity. I just would not get in too big a hurry.
Shaw is going to spend to enter wireless phone competition and that is a very
competitive business and maybe that is part of the reason for the decline. Wade
into things, don’t dive.


TSM group reported good
earnings growth today and that is despite the new competition they face. But in
valuation it’s not this quarter that matters it is the next 10 to 15 years that
matter. Closer years matter the most. I’m still hopeful that TMX is a good
investment but note the risks talked about in our report. I will plan to update
TMX for this earnings report within the next week.


April 27, 2010


Yesterday I mentioned the Greek Debt situation, the witch hunt against
Goldman Sachs and the rise in interest rates and said now was a time to be
cautious. So… today when news came of the downgrade to Greek and Portugal debt
and the modest dip in the market, I was inclined to take the news seriously and
to become even more cautious.


So I did make some moves today. I sold the First Service Preferred Shares
that I had which was in the kids RESP, this was sold because interest rates
could rise and hurt that investment although generally I still think it looks
like a good investment. I just decided to remove the risk on that one.
Then since I was not inclined to sell what I own I instead bought some
additional ETF bear funds. The symbols are HXD for Double bear on Toronto, HIX
for single bear and SH for a single bear S&P 500.  I have had a small
amount of Toronto bear funds for many months and it has lost money as the market
rose. But my thinking right now in my own personal situation, is that I have
accumulated a tidy portfolio and I don’t want to take a lot of risk that it will
fall. I fear the downside more than I love the upside. So I thought I would
partly protect the portfolio with some bear ETF funds, just in case this
European debt situation gets worse.


Markets were really not down all that much today, and if anyone is
considering using bear ETFs to partly protect their position, it is certainly
not too late to do that.


On the one hand the North America profit reports have been stellar. On the
other hand the market does not seem cheap and now we have this situation in
Europe with more than one country likely in need of a bail-out and possibly going
to default on government bonds. A default on the government debt of even a small
European country seems like if it happened would throw quite a lot of cold water
on stock prices. So I don’t know if that will happen but just decided to protect
myself somewhat.


I also updated my personal portfolio.
Almost undoubtedly I have allowed myself to fall a bit too much in love with
Wells Fargo. I should really lighten up on that one, I do think it will do very
well longer term. But right now in the middle of a bank-bashing fest in
Washington, it may suffer in the short-term. (Although it is a far far different
type of bank than is Goldman Sach’s and it is not a Wall Street Bank, it’s


April 26, 2010


The markets benefited today from strong earnings reports by Caterpillar and


Canadian Tire was up 3% today. Melcor, although on small volume was up 7%.
But Wells Fargo was down 2.3%.


This market has surprised almost everyone to the upside although as it rises
higher more and more analysts seem to be jumping on board with the idea that it
will keep rising.  Maybe it will, but I think it’s a time to be cautious.


The Greek debt situation could send interest rates up around the world. In
any event interest rates seem poised to rise at least moderately, but it could
be more than that. The Senate investigation of Goldman Sachs seems to be something
of a witch hunt and could certainly cause problems. Maybe Goldman is guilty of
something, certainly any financial institution of that size will have individual
transactions and emails that are embarrassing especially when judged in the
court of public opinion and on a hindsight basis.


Consumer spending has rebounded to an extent that seems to defy the number of
people without jobs. Unless job growth materializes soon, that seems


In Canada we have Royal bank raising interest rates for the third time is a
few weeks. Will that be enough to start house prices on the down-slide? time
will tell.


One thing that we have all hopefully learned form the past few years, is that
things can change very quickly in the global economy. We should be glad that
stocks have done well, but not complacent.


Many experienced investors with larger portfolios kept a good portion of
their funds in cash in the past year. That hurt performance, it turns out an
all-in all-stocks approach would have done better. But that was not knowable in
advance. A certain amount of prudency was called for and still is. Having some
funds in cash allows flexibility and means that you live to play another day no
matter what happens. That’s not to suggest that any calamity is on the horizon,
but rather to suggest that a little bit of insurance while costing money, is usually
a prudent move.


April 24, 2010


Wells Fargo is updated and rated
Buy at $33.48. Based on profits in the past year it does not look like a bargain.
But Wells has strong competitive advantages and it is likely that its profits
will grow substantially this year and next year and if so it will be a good


April 22, 2010


A few days ago I over-contributed to my Tax Free Savings account. I got the
trade reversed today otherwise I would have faced some penalty. Here is how it


Last year I contributed $5000 to the new Tax Free Saving Account (TFSA). I
put it all in Boston Pizza and was up over 50% by early 2010. Then I pulled all
that money out. That’s the beauty of the TFSA, you can take out the contribution
and the gain tax free and then put it back later. (But only within some limits
as I found out…)


When I went to put it back I thought I  could put in a total of $10,000,
$5,000 for 2009 and $5000 for 2010. Then today I was thinking that actually I
could probably put in $12,500, the $7500 I took out early this year plus the
$5000 for 2010. But it turns out I have to wait until 2011 before putting back
the $7500 I took out early this year. The rule is each new year you can put in
$5000 plus any net amount you removed in prior years. But you can’t take money
out and put it back in in the same calendar year. This is what TD Waterhouse
told me.


The great majority of my investing has always been in RRSPs and RESP where I
don’t have to worry about tax consequences. Given RRSPs, RESPs and now TFSAs I
suspect most investors don’t have money left over to invest in taxable accounts.
Also I find taxable accounts to create too much work in tracking the gains for
tax purposes.


I had a small taxable account with one Canadian stock and two U.S. I decided
now though to sell those stocks and buy the same ones in my RRSPs and use my
non-taxable account money to pay off a small line of credit. These days I have a
fair amount of cash in my RRSP accounts and I decided it made sense to convert
my taxable account to cash and pay off any debt. I had no big gains in the
taxable account so maybe now was a good time to sell the taxable stocks and buy
the same stocks in the RRSP which I did today. In the process I bought another
100 Berkshire B shares since I only had 100 and the price has been down this


I will have one taxable account left. A business account. To make things
easier I took that account which only had cash in it and bought just one stock
Wells Fargo. First I sold about the same amount of Wells Fargo stock in my RRSP.
This kept my exposure to Wells Fargo constant. It’s a bit odd, I bought Wells
Fargo in the taxable business account and sold it in an RRSP account, at the
same price. I had to pay two commissions. But I could not simply transfer the
stock between accounts since that would have been an RRSP withdrawal. Actually,
now that I think about it,  I think I could have done a swap where I take
stock out of the RRSP and swap in cash. But that seems complicated too, so I
just did it online and it cost me only $20 in fees to “move” a
fairly large amount of stock. Effectively this moved cash into my RRSP and the
stock to the taxable business account. My plan is to hold the Wells Fargo
indefinitely, that way no tax will be payable on the capital gain.


Some might question the sanity of having only one stock in an account. But
what is important is not so much that we diversify in any one account, but
rather than we diversify across all of our assets.


The TMX Group continues to slip in price due to fears of the impact of
competition. The competitor Alpha group has announced it wants to list stocks
and not just offer alternative trading. This could certainly drive down listing
fees. On the other hand, if listing fees are not a big cost for companies they
may tend to stay with the TSX. The President of TMX says he is confident that
the TMX can maintain its profit margins. I am expecting TMX to report a
reasonably good first quarter. But I have said this stock has become more
speculative due to competition.




April 21, 2010


Wells Fargo came out with earnings today that were a little better than
expected. The stock however fell a little. The market has had a LOT of good news
lately and run up sharply and now seems to have reached a point where its not
going up as much on positive news. Also tomorrow, President Obama will go to
Wall Street  and no-doubt bash some banks, so Wells gets caught up in that.
I’ll update our report on Wells in the next few days. I suspect any pull back in
this stock is a buying opportunity and I suspect it will be a good investment.
Nevertheless if the whole market falls it can certainly fall and also all banks
are subject to having bad earnings is more people stop paying their mortgages so
Wells is not without risk.


Most of the big U.S. companies have now reported earnings but in Canada we
will have lots of earnings coming out over the next couple of weeks.


I continue to be patient in my investing. I’m not in a big hurry to add to my
overall equity position and on the other hand I don’t care to sell what I hold.


April 20, 2010


Markets were up today as more U.S. companies reported higher-than-expected
earnings. Wells Fargo is my largest holding and was up 2% today. Unfortunately
that was somewhat offset by the rise in the Canadian dollar.


Wells Fargo reports earnings before the open tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. I
am hoping for good things, but banking profits are always hard to predict.


With Canadian central bank daily interest rates on the rise (starting June 1)
and the U.S. holding pat at near-zero, we might expect the Canadian dollar to
keep rising. But that is never a sure bet. If it were you could make a risk less
profit by borrowing now in U.S. dollars and paying back later as the Canadian
dollar rises. Risk less profits are not likely to exist. It’s possible that the foreign
exchange market has already “priced-in” (on an expected basis with
appropriate probabilities) all the factors that would drive the Canadian dollar
up. If the Canadian dollar is already fully anticipating interest rates to rise
faster in Canada and is perhaps already anticipating higher oil prices, then
when those factors occur, the dollar may not rise. If those factors don’t occur
the dollar can fall.


Pure currency speculators can take whatever bets they wish. Most investors
are not wanton speculators and would be better off to pursue a more disciplined
approach. For example middle aged or older Canadians who currently spend money
each year in the U.S. or expect to in the not so distant future should consider
switching more assets to the U.S. gradually. In effect take advantage of the
almost historically low price of U.S. dollars at this time. Don’t get too greedy
waiting for the U.S. dollar to get cheaper. But also don’t transfer too much
money all at once. Be patient and maybe transfer money over a period of a year
or two. Every situation is different but the point is most of us don’t need to
try to speculate and time the foreign exchange rates. Instead we can simply (and
patiently) take advantage of U.S. dollars being on sale.


And it’s not just the U.S. dollar that is on sale. Of course their entire
housing stock is on sale and most of it below replacement cost. Land is on sale
compared to historic prices. It’s staggering to think of how much cheaper it is
in Canadian dollars today to buy a vacation property in the U.S. versus the
prices of a few years ago. First the prices are often down 50% and then price to
buy U.S. dollars is down about 20 to 30% depending on the time frame.


For those who are wanting a property in the U.S. for their own winter use and
who can find an attractive and safe area, and who have the cash to do it, I see
little reason to hesitate. Hoping for a more attractive price and/or Canadian
dolla rise does not strike me a good reason to wait. Sure, the house in Canadian
dollars might get even cheaper in a year but if you are buying for the long
term, there is really not a lot of downside to buying now. As always though this
decision would be very specific to each individual’s own situation. You pays
your money and you takes your chances. But I likes your chances right now.


April 19, 2010


Our Stock picks did well today but it was a particularly volatile day.
Goldman Sachs is not one of our stock picks but it gyrated around in a range of
$155 to $163.73. Clearly the market is not of one mind as to the value of
Goldman’s and is highly reactionary to any kind of news, rumors or opinion. The
future of Goldman’s is anybody’s guess. They filed what looked like a pretty
good letter of defense today. Apparently while the “short” side of the
investment did indeed pick a few of the investments, the long-side was really in
charge of building the portfolio and approved everything in it. But if the
regulators decide to go after Goldman they will no-doubt find something they
don’t like. An analyst today suggested that all of these Wall Street Investment
Bank firms had misrepresented mortgage securities and committed accounting
fraud. In her view Goldman could completely implode due tot he loss of


April 18, 2010


FirstService preferred
shares are updated and are rated Buy at $23.09. They yield 7.6% which seems
attractive but does indicate that the market perceives risk in this investment.
I may add to my position.


FirstService is updated and
rated Weak Sell/ Hold at U.S. $24.26 or CAN $24.60. It is a well managed company
and has performed well in the face of the recession considering it is a
property services company. We like the company but the stock price is not
attractive at this time.


April 17, 2010


Canadian Tire is updated and
rate (higher) Buy at $55.70. It’s profits were hurt in 2009 by the recession. It
is now projecting good profit growth. And it is available at a reasonable price.
Investors should not be in a rush at this time but this looks like a good
investment. I plan to add to my position in this company.


April 15, 2010


Mixed messages continue.. Higher jobless claims in the U.S. and record
foreclosures… But the world economy has recovered strongly in terms of trade
and GDP growth. Google out with strong earnings growth…


One theory is that a large pool of U.S. consumers have who are basically
“awaiting” foreclosure are no longer making any attempt to pay their
mortgages and this has freed up money to spend. An interesting theory…


At some point and before long, income taxes need to rise in order to start to
get government deficits under control.


In Canada, higher interest rates have already started to arrive and will more
officially arrive by around the end of June when the Bank of Canada starts to
push up short term interest rates.


Overall this is still an environment in which to be cautious. Don’t be afraid
to leave some money in cash or to sell some stocks to raise cash. I never like
to get too rushed when it comes to investing. If you miss one investment
opportunity there are always lots more to come (over the years).


April 14, 2010


The markets and the economy seem to be firing on all cylinders lately…


That’s good, but let’s keep in mind that the stock markets have risen a
tremendous amount in the past 13 months. Last year at the depths of despair the
market suddenly turned around and has not looked back. Now with euphoria
returning, the market could at any time turn around. It may still be a good time
to buy quality stocks but it’s probably not a time to buy indiscriminately.


I did add to my Wells Fargo Position today. I am considering adding to my Tim
Hortons as well.


April 13, 2010


Markets should do better tomorrow (Wednesday) in reaction to strong earnings
released by Intel, after the close today.


Taking a look at Western Financial Group’s annual report there is good news
and bad news. Their traditional insurance brokerage network has continued to do
well. Also their life insurance operation (which I now see is more of a group
health benefits operation than a life insurance operation) has done well. The
part of the business that is a big concern is its banking business. In 2009 they
had specific loan loss provisions of 0.75% of loans outstanding as opposed to a
target of under 0.50%. And given that they lend to somewhat higher risk
situations often with weak collateral (recreation vehicle financing and crop
financing) I am surprised that the loan losses are not higher. I just don’t see
what competitive advantage they have in those are as of lending, particularly
the recreational vehicle lending. And, from what I understand, western farmers
are facing the new crop year looking at a rather parched and dry landscape. The
possibility exists that they will be hurt badly in this area. Another problem
with this company is that they have issued convertible shares which will cause
the diluted share count to increase whenever the share price increases. On a
positive note they have grown the revenue of the business strongly over the
years. But, over the years, the earnings per share growth has been poor
and the return on equity weak. I will review the financials more closely when
they report the Q1 results.


April 12, 2010


Canadian Oil Sands was up today on news that a Chinese company would buy a
stake in Syncrude. Canadian oils sands had predicted oil to average U.S. $70
this year but so far the average is closer to $80 and the current price is about
$85.  In our last update Canadian Oil Sands looked over-valued to us. So we
would not be buyers. However, if one expects oil to continue to rise than any of
the oil stocks should do well.


Meanwhile none of our Stock Picks did anything exciting today. Earnings
season has kicked off in the U.S. and so we should see various stocks react as
earnings are released. Stocks will react is the earnings a are different than
the expected amount.


April 11, 2010


Shaw Communications
is updated. Late last week it reported another good quarter of earnings.
“The market” seems unexcited by this stock but to us it looks like
good value and a stock that should be less volatile than others. As always there
are no guarantees and competition in the industry is still evolving with new


April 8, 2010


Markets today were down and then up slightly reacting to various news interpreted
as good or bad. I took the opportunity to add to my Shaw Communications at
$19.41. I already have a heavy exposure to Shaw so I am certainly showing the
courage of my convictions here. Tomorrow (Friday) morning it will release
earnings and I will see if my faith is rewarded.


April 7, 2010


I note that Shaw
Communications was down today. I suspect this is a buying opportunity. It
will report earnings on Friday morning and I don’t see any reason not to think
that it has had another good quarter. Possible negatives would be if Telus has
gained more traction with its television offering or if any kind of price war
has broken out. The Cable companies are complaining about the fact that they
will have to pay something to the likes of CBC and CTV. Personally I think that
is eminently fair that they pay for those channels. And I suspect that they will
be able to pass the cost along.


I was taking a look tonight at the yield on the Canadian Government Real
Return Bond. Here is a graph of the yield


Canadian Real return bond, long term

What this shows is that the real return to be earned by holding this bond to
maturity (close to 30 years) is about 1.6% per year plus inflation.


If we could lock in this 1.6% real return for the next year that would okay,
I would certainly take that rather than for example parking cash in Manu life
bank at 0.75%. But you can’t lock this in. The problem is that the principal
value of this real return bond can fluctuate significantly as the market real
return yield changes.


Consider that the  Canadian Real Return bond ETF (trafe symbole XRB on
Toronto) has increased from $18.50 to about $20 in the past 10 months. That’s a
gain of 8%. Now that gain came partly because the market yield on the real return
bond during the same period fell from about 1.9% to about 1.6%. Meanwhile XRB is
currently yielding 2.4%. (which presumably includes in some manner the real
return plus inflation minus the management expense fee). So that was great a
gain in excess of 10% on the real return bond fund in the past year.


But if the market real return rate rises the real return bond would fall in
price. It could easily fall 8% in a year for a net return of say minus 5.6%…


The bottom line is that a real return bond is not risk free in the short run.


Right now interest rates seem to be on the rise, so there is certainly risk
that the real return bonds will fall in price.


So… I am not interested in buying the Real Return Bond as a place to park


And I am not too interested in the 1.6% real return if held to maturity. That
might be okay for a portion of a portfolio, but certainly does not seem like a
great return at all. At that rate money doubles its purchase power only after 44


As a short-term speculation I would consider shorting the real return bond or
the XBR fund. But that is quite speculative. Shorting is a strategy that should
only be practiced by experienced investors and then only with a small amount of
a portfolio.


April 6, 2010


A good day for our Stock picks. In particular Wells Fargo was up another
2.5%. TMX group today released equity trading figures that were “okay”
but not great. We are once again about to enter earnings season and so
individual stocks will react this month when their earnings are either better
than or worse than expected.


April 5, 2010


Well, I am back from my travels in Europe and so can get back to the regular
daily comments. Markets are continuing to move upwards to the  surprise of
most analysts. I continue to take an approach of being about two thirds invested
but with the rest in cash or near-cash type investments.


With the Canadian dollar at about par I may switch more funds to U.S. dollars
at this level or say $1.01 if it gets there. I did switch some in at $0.98. As I
said before our dollar may go to $1.10 and beyond but it is hard to imagine it
can stay there. Alberta could live with that as it is likely to only happen with
high oil prices. But I can’t see how our manufacturing and tourism industry
could handle it. So my view is take advantage to gradually switch some money to
U.S. funds on the basis that the price is good and also on the basis that at
some point most of us will need U.S. dollars for our spending in the U.S.


As in 2008 we have a golden opportunity for Canadian retirees to cash out
completely and move to the U.S. Sell an expensive home here and buy a cheap one
there. Move cash to U.S. at the best rate in 35 years (save for a few mad months
in 2008). Of course most seniors would not want to make a total move to the U.S.
like that (but some will). Snowbirds too have a golden opportunity to move
dollars to U.S. Sure the opportunity might get even better later but there are
no guarantees of that. Again I ask Canadians how much did they transfer to U.S.
funds the last time the Canadian dollar got above par? Or did they see it slip
back from $1.10 and vow to transfer when it got back to $1.10 but it never did
(at least not yet).




March 31, 2010


Greetings from Italy. Tonight we are in Venice having rode the canal boats
this evening. On to Florence tomorrow and then Rome and home on Sunday.


As for markets I am not aware of any important developments this week. It was
interesting that the markets did not react much to the Moscow subway bombings.
Sadly we are de-sensitised to such things especially as it was specific to
Russia with no Al cada (spelling?) or Taliban involvement..




March 26, 2010


I am surprised to see Canadian
Western Bank preferred shares get to $28.25. While the 6.4% cash yield is
attractive, one has to remember that these shares will be almost certainly
bought back by the bak for $25 in four years. So that lops 11.5% off the yield
over four years or almost 3% per year. Therefore the real yield to maturity on
these shares is about 3.8%. That may not be a bad yield but if people think they
are getting 6.4%, that is a mistake.


Meanwhile doing the tourist beat in London I see lots of people (although I
imagine summer would be way more crowded). I see very high prices at some of the
stores like Harrods and Selfridges but I did not see much buying going on. I do
lotice  lots of familiar brand names and it goes to show the power (and
shareholder value) of some of the really well known brands. They may have their
own brand of “crisps” (potato chips) but when it comes to cola, Coke
is number 1 here. Most of the beer brands were familiar too, though not


March 24, 2010


Greetings from London. Browsing the
stores here I saw a lot more browsers and relatively few people actually buying.
Then again Harrod’s had nothing on sale and so they must not be hurting too bad
from the recession. It’s generally busy here but not too crasy. 


March 22, 2010


I am off for a little family vacation in Europe (mostly London and then a
tour that includes Paris, Lucerne, Venice, Florence and Rome.) I have a computer
but expect to post only infrequently the next two weeks. Hopefully I will return
with more of a Global view of the world and some new investment ideas. This is
our first trip off this continent and I hope to make it the first of many trips.
I am back on Easter Sunday, late that day.


As of 2:40 pm eastern it looks like Monday sees the market off to an okay
start for the week, this after first being down in the early going.


March 20, 2010


Our analysis of the
S&P 500 fair value is updated. I calculate a fair value of 944 under
what I consider to be reasonable assumptions. Current value is considerably
higher at 1160. The Table within the article allows you to see the fair value
based on different assumptions for the required return, expected growth and
expected long-run market P/E ratio.


Telus is updated and rated (lower)
Buy at $35.35 for the non-voting shares. While the price earnings ratio at 12.6
seems attractive, the company has faced lower earnings the past two years. It
does project earnings growth of 3 to 17% this year. With stiff competition from
cable companies and from new wireless entrants and given the fact that the
remaining pool of people who do not already carry a cell phone is shrinking, it
is hard to imagine that growth will be very robust in the next several years.
It’s probably not a bad stock to own or buy but does not appear to be a
particular bargain.


March 18, 2010


Data for rail road car loadings shows strong growth, which provides support
to arguments that the economy is recovering.


However since the stock market has already anticipated a recover, it may be
that the economy could now recover while stock markets don’t rise. The unfortunate
fact is that markets are always unpredictable. It is probably easier to focus on
investing in individual stocks that seem like bargains rather than trying to
time the market to any great extent.


March 17, 2010


The Financial Post had a couple stories today about how Canadian manufactures
had “adjusted” to our dollar at about par and were now competitive
with the dollar at about par. As a general claim, this is idiotic. Yes
there are some manufactures in Canada that are competitive with the Canadian
dollar at par to the U.S. dollar. If a company has all its sales in Canada and
all its costs in Canadian dollars and if it faces little or no competition from
imports then it is immune to the dollar level. For this type of company the
level of the Canadian dollar does not matter. But consider the extreme case of a
Canadian manufacturer that sells most of its output in US. dollars into the United
States but faces most of its costs in Canadian dollars. A few years ago every
$1.00 U.S. in revenue was worth say $1.30, even $1.50 in Canadian dollars. Now
that same $1.00 U.S. in sales is worth only $1.00 Canadian. So how to adjust?


Well this manufacture could “simply” cut its wages 30% or so. Not a
pleasant or easy task. And it is was only paying low wages to start, then this
is impossible. It could go and ask all its suppliers like the local electricity,
gas and water utilities to please cut their rates by 30%. Also ask the
municipality to cut property taxes by 30%, the bank to cut interest rates by
30%. You get the point, for many costs it would be absolutely impossible to
adjust. Instead if this company was making a 15% profit when he dollar was 80
cents, then it would be lucky to manage to simply break even at a par dollar.


The government may think that such companies have learned to live with the
high dollar. Not likely. More likely is the fact that a large number of
manufacturers that are selling into the U.S. but with most of their costs in Canadian
dollars have been struggling along hoping for a lower Canadian dollar and now
seeing he dollar headed for par and beyond will be ready to throw in the towel.
Watch for announcements of manufacturing plant closures in Ontario in the weeks
and months ahead. It is a certainty that a good number will occur if the Canadian
dollar does not soon retreat below about 90 cents. And there is no sign that
such a retreat will happen.


On another matter, I saw an announcement today that U.S. household debt had
declined for the first time since world war II. One analyst commented that we
have had over 60 years of households spending more than they make and running up
debts to fund this. Now the process is in reverse and the U.S. consumer must
spend less
than he makes in order to pay down debt and is in fact doing
this. This particular analyst believes that this will lead to a decline in stock
markets as the reality of lower consumer spending sinks in.


To me that does sound plausible. I am not about to run screaming away from
stocks, but it does make me feel that it is wise to hold a reasonable allocation
in cash in order to be in a position to take advantage if the market does in
fact drop.


March 16, 2010


A good day on the markets for our
stock picks. Nothing spectacular but a little gain here and a little gain there.
In many ways that has been the story of how I have beaten the markets over the
years. It was not done based on any grand slam home runs, but rather on lots of
doubles and singles and bunts and very few strike outs. As Warren Buffett says
in the investing game you don’t have to swing, ever, until you get a nice juicy
pitch. In baseball you are forced to swing even when its not an easy pitch, in
investing you can wait for the easier hits.


March 15, 2010


This week started off with a gain in Walmart
as analysts expressed the opinion that it was a good investment.


March 13, 2010


Berkshire Hathaway is updated and
rated (lower) Buy at $82.24. It is clearly a great company but does not appear
to be particularly bargain priced at the moment. It is a complex company. It
should continue to do well in the long term due to its stable of profitable


On Friday I transferred a small amount of cash to U.S. dolalrs to take
advantage of the 98 cents Canadian dollar. There is lots of speculation that the
Canadian dollar will head well past $1.00. That may be though I don’t see how
the Canadian manufacturing and tourist sectors can fail to be decimated if that
happens. My strategy would be to buy U.S. dollars gradually since they are cheap
now compared to the historic exchange rate and since I can’t predict the
exchange rate.


March 11, 2010


I sold my Canadian Western Bank preferred shares today at $27.60.


March 10, 2010


Canadian Western Bank
is updated and rated Buy at $23.37. Last week it reported a very strong first
quarter. It looks like a good investment but there is some risk of bad loans
especially if gas and oil prices drop and the Western economy cools.


Canadian Western Bank
Preferred Shares are also updated and rated Weak Sell / Hold at $27.61. They
appear to yield 6.6%, but will almost certainly be redeemed (bought back) by the
Bank when they are allowed to April 30, 2014. Therefore there will be about a
9.5% capital loss if held until then or an average 2.4% per year. So a the
“yield to maturity” is closer to 4.2% per year, which is not bad, but certainly
not as good as 6.6%. I plan to sell my shares and perhaps switch into the
Canadian Western Bank common shares.


I added to this Site an advertisement to Questrade a Canadian discount broker
service. They have an affiliate program and InvestorsFriend Inc. will receive
$70 for any customer that signs up with Questrade through our advertisement and
makes a minimum of 10 trades. I have not tried Questrade because TD Waterhouse
has met my needs and I like to keep all my investments in one place. But it
looks like a good service.


Over the ten years that this Site has existed I have rarely ran any ads
(except for a link to Amazon for recommended books which so far has earned all
of about $40 in four years). My policy is to advertise only high quality
businesses. Right now the ads are for Questrade, Bank of Montreal and Ally. I
use Canadian financial ads to run some ads. If they run any ads I don’t like i
will opt out of those ads.


March 9, 2010


Back a day early from my travels… I sold my remaining Canadian Oil sands
trust units by placing on Sunday an order to sell at the open on Monday. that
was a bit risky as I did not know what price it would open at. But I figured
with a big heavily traded stock like that (liquid) it was unlikely I would get a
bad price at the open. As it turned out the price at the open was $28.50 and it
fell modestly on Monday and again today (Tuesday) now at $27.59, so my trade at
the open was a good one.  (Though  it will look dumb eventually if oil
prices rise enough).


My experience has been if I want to sell it’s best to just sell at the market
(although be cautious with thinly traded stocks). If you don’t want a stock why
try to be cute and get an extra few cents? instead sell at the price offered.


A different strategy is when I have a stock that I don’t particularly want to
sell but where I might decide to throw in an order to sell if the price happens
to jump by some certain amount. Or sell a portion. On occasion I have done this
jut to take advantage of volatility.


Housing starts in Canada are apparently back all the way to an annualized
200,000 per year. Every time Buffett talks about housing starts in the U.S. he
compares it to the number of household formations. I have not seen that data for
Canada. I believe Buffett said the U.S. has about 1.3 million household
formations per year. And for a long time they built more like 2.0 million houses
per year. And so they ended up with a glut of houses. If Canada has about 10% of
the U.S. household formations then t would seem we need closer to 130,000 houses
per year. So what will building 200,000 per year do? It should lower prices,
that is what.  That apparent over-building along with higher interest rates
seems likely to push house prices down in the next year.


Meanwhile a company like Melcor that sells building lots in Alberta is
probably going to have improved results these next couple of quarters.


Shaw Communications and Wells Fargo are both on my list of stocks where I
might add to my positions. Also Melcor.


My Canadian Western Bank preferred shares have done so well that I am tempted
to lighten up. (They are not up all that much but really I was not expecting any
capital gain, just expecting the dividend) Possibly I will sell and then buy
back if they drop again.




March 7, 2010


Due to travels I will have no updates on March 8 or 9, most likely return
with comments on March 10


Target is updated and rated a Buy at
$52.13. Its earnings are now increasing. In particular in its next reported
quarter it should show strong earnings growth compared to a very weak Q1 last


Canadian Oil Sands Trust
is updated and rated Sell at $27.95. (it closed Friday at $28.28). In
2009 West Texas oil price averaged $U.S. $62 and the P/E based on 2009 earnings
is 32. Based on the 2008 earnings the P/E would be 9 but that was with $U.S.
$100 oil. The company is projecting U.S. $70 oil this year and that does not
appear to be high enough to make the value ratios look attractive. Also we are
starting to wonder about management at syncrude (the operating company) given
production problems, higher operating costs and issues with dead ducks. The
company is projecting free cash flow per unit of 97 cents in 2010 which is
problematic considering the current dividend is $1.40. Then there is the issue
of taxation in 2011. It may be best to sell this unless you believe oil will
stay well above $70.


I had sold most of my shares earlier this year and now plan to sell the
remainder. If I decide I want “exposure” to oil sands I will buy the ETF CLO the
oil sands sector ETF.
See our ETF article.


March 6, 2010


Walmart is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $53.66 (it closed Friday subsequent to our analysis date at
$54.14. It’s worth thinking about buying this stock now when it is relatively
out of favor. I will consider buying some. Buffett has bought this in the past
year at relatively similar prices. Yet most investors are not interested. What
do most investors know that Buffett does not?


March 4, 2010


A couple of interesting things in the market today…


Melcor came out with earnings yesterday after the close. I believe the
earnings were reasonably good. Melcor shares traded down early today and the low
was $9.77 but it closed up 20 cents at $11.00. This goes to show that if you are
patient and put orders in below the market price you can sometimes get a nice
fill price.


FirstService Preferred jumped 6% to $22.50 today. That’s a nice jump
especially for a preferred share. These shares tend to be a bit volatile and are
thinly traded  it’s not clear it will hold that price. But for now at least
it feels good.


March 3, 2010


The TMX group reported on its trade volumes for February this morning, well
before the market opened. TSX volumes were down a substantial 19% versus January
and down 25% versus last year. This exchange is clearly losing trading volume to
competing alternative trading systems including most notably Alpha. The smaller
TSX venture exchange however had dramatic increases (75% versus January and 284%
versus last year February). The Montreal exchange also showed good gains.


So a mixed message overall. The TMX stock opened up a few pennies higher than
it closed yesterday and then traded in a tight range to close down just 3 cents.
Therefore, it appears that this was not too different than “the market” was


I was pleased to see that they released this data before the opening of
trading which is what I have been urging them to do. Traditionally they have
released news like this in the middle of the trading day. A release during
trading hours, especially when the trading volumes are unexpectedly strong or
weak can cause some trades to happen at unfair prices before the market adjusts
to the news.


When I saw this news I thought that the TMX stock would fall on the news but
as mentioned it did not. They will also shortly release figures for the TSX that
include the number of initial public offerings and secondary offerings of
shares. These I believe will be higher than last year and on these fees the TSX
does not (yet) face competition. I had reduced my TMX position last week in
order to buy Tim Hortons and I am sitting on the remainder of my TMX shares
hoping it will rise but with certainly no guarantee of that given the new
competition. It does pay a good dividend, which is good, but will not be of any
great comfort is the stock were to drop significantly.


March 2, 2010


U.S. stocks were flat today while Canada was up about 1%. Bank of Montreal
had strong earnings. The outlook remains uncertain… earnings up a lot since
last year but problems with debts and with economies pumped up with government
spending continue to loom.  Best strategy is probably to continue to look
to hold strong companies.  It’s extremely hard to time the market. But it’s
not so hard to identify some companies that we can be reasonably certain will
still be around and still be strong in a decade. CN is an example, probably Shaw
Communications, Tim Hortons, Wal-Mart.


March 1, 2010


Berkshire Hathaway was up 2.2% today. Not a surprise given Buffett’s
comments, in the annual letter, that he considered the company to be worth more
than its market price. Interestingly it was down all morning and only started
rising around noon.


February 28, 2010


My personal portfolio allocation is updated.
I have about a 56% exposure to equities (plus 16% in preferred stock equity). I
am mulling over whether I should reduce the equity exposure further by buying
additional Bear ETF funds. This would protect me if the market happens to turn
sharply lower. It would also limit my upside if markets rise. So it’s not an
easy choice.


I have read Warren Buffett’s letter closely and also read the Management
Discussion section in the annual report. I have not yet updated the analysis f
Berkshire Hathaway. I don’t think that Berkshire will look all that attractive
based on its 2009 earnings (excluding gains and losses). However Buffett seems
to be unusually clear this year in the letter in stating that he believes the
company is worth more than the current stock price. In his case, it seems safe
to take his word for it. That does not mean Berkshire’s stock can’t drop in
price but Buffett seems to signaling that it is a good long term investment.


February 27, 2010


Warren’s Buffett’s annual letter for the end of 2009 was published this
morning. This is absolutely required reading.



Tim Hortons is updated and
rated Buy at Canadian $31.94 or U.S.$30.33. This stock is not bargain priced but
does seem to be reasonably priced and should be a long-term winner. I did buy
some yesterday after mentioning in Thursday’s post that I would.


I sold almost half my TMX Group
shares to obtain the cash to buy Tim Hortons.


Walgreen (the big U.S. store chain) is updated and rated Buy at $34.35 (that
was the price at which we analyzed it, it closed last at $35.24. After some
weakness in 2009 it has resumed strong growth in the past two quarters which is
good performance given the recession. This is well worth considering.


February 25, 2010


U.S. markets fell today on concerns about the weak recovery…


Tim Hortons reported good results this morning and raised its dividend. I
will likely buy some shares tomorrow. It is surprising the stock did not rise
more today and the tepid reaction probably illustrates that investors in general
are cautious.


February 24, 2010


Regarding the TMX group. I
spoke to its competitor Alpha today and to the Investor relations person at TMX.


I was interested in confirming that no company can “list” on Alpha. This was
confirmed, Alpha trades shares but is not (yet) an exchange. So for now TMX
basically has a monopoly on charging for listing fees. So I expect they will
have good earnings this year . BUT Alpha may become an exchange within about a
year. At that point there could be considerable pressure on TMX to reduce its
listing fees. And I refer here mostly to the sustaining listing fees that the
companies have to pay every year to stay on the exchange.


So.. this remains a tough call, it it were trading at a P/E of 20 like it
used to it would be easy to say sell. But at some 10 times adjusted earnings it
still looks good. But it could grind down in price due to this competition. As
the better part of valor I may reduce my position. I am sorry to be so
non-committal but that is the nature of markets. In an efficient market all
stocks would be holds.


The best strategy is to find stocks that are very clearly buys. (although the
job is not easy given that if markets are efficient, they don’t exist!), and
also that are not overly speculative. At the moment those seem scare…  My
top pick in that category (though certainly not guaranteed) is Shaw


February 23, 2010


A negative day in the markets today Tuesday… but that’s life in the
markets. It does not bother me because I am positioned with cash to buy on dips
and I am confident that the overall direction of markets is up, although not
necessarily in the short term. When markets are declining Dividend stocks are
great because they tend not to fall as much and they give you cash to buy at the
lower prices..


February 22, 2010


It was a good day in the markets for our stock Picks thanks primarily to
Wells Fargo. It’s not without risk
(what ever is?) but it is one our top few picks at this time.


February 21, 2010


TMX Group is updated and rated
Speculative Buy. It is hard to predict the earnings for TMX Group now that new
competitors have emerged for the trading of stocks. It may be that TMX can
continue to do well because it may be that all large Canadian companies are
still required to list on a traditional exchange like the TSX. I have sent an
email to the TMX to confirm this. I believe that even if much of the trading
takes place on alternative exchanges like Alpha, it may still be necessary to
list on the TSX. This company looks cheap on a trailing adjusted earnings basis
but that will be of cold comfort if earnings do in fact fall significantly with
competition. It’s one of y larger holdings and I have not yet decided if I will
reduce my position due to the uncertainty.


February 18, 2010


In the United States, the central bank (the Fed) raised an important interest
rate by 0.25% to 0.75% after the close today. This was the Fed Discount rate
that banks can borrow from the Fed at. The more important Fed Funds Rate remains
near zero.


Even though this was the discount rate and not the Fed funds rate, it
certainly looks like this marks the turn of the tide in interest rates. We
should expect interest rates to rise.


When all else is equal (and it never is) higher interest rates tend to drive
stock prices down.


February 17 ,2010


Recession Watch:


Some interesting figures were recently published regarding the extent to
which Canadians are getting behind on loan and mortgage payments.


First, statistics published just yesterday show that the percentage of
Canadian credit card receivables that are at least 90 days past due was 1.3% at
the end of the bank’s fiscal year ended October 31, 2009. This is the percent of
the dollars that are delinquent. The percent of card holders that are delinquent
would be different. It does not sound all that high. But it was up 30% from 1.0
the prior year. This rate topped out at 1.8 in past recessions in 1990 and at
1.7 in 1982.   So it looks like things are not nearly as bad as those
prior years. I notice too that this figure has been volatile, it was 0.9% in
1989 before doubling to 1.9% at the end of fiscal 1990.


My belief is that it is much easier to borrow today than it was in 1990. Home
lines of credit were not really around in 1990. My fear is that people today can
hide their inability to make their payments by simply borrowing more. If you
have an existing line of credit and then lose your job, you are not going to
starve or miss your Visa and mortgage bill, nit until after you have tapped out
that line of credit. My experience has been that banks keep a close eye on who
is paying late but they fail to even notice if bills are paid by borrowing.
Paying your credit card with your line of credit will se off no alarm bells.
Paying anything even a single day late however starts to set off the bells and
once you are over 30 days late the black marks start to accumulate on the credit
file. So, what would we expect people to do in this situation?. I would expect
them to avoid paying late by running up debt until they totally hit the wall.
That remains my prediction, that banks will ultimately be surprised when people
finally run out of borrowing room many months after they lose their job and then
they will declare bankruptcy with large amounts owing. If someone is headed for
bankruptcy there is little incentive not to first borrow as much as possible.


This data is available here:


The loss rate which accompanies this 1.3% over-90-days late is 5.38%
annualized. This loss figure has been increasing faster than the delinquency
rate. In good news, the 1.#% and 5.38% as at October 31 are almost exactly the
same as they were on July 31, so perhaps things have stabilized.


Figures on Mortgages 90 days past due continue to show little sign of


Only one mortgage in 227 (0.44%) is over 90 days past due. Being skeptical,
one possible reason for this is that maybe at day 60, the bank grants the
borrower several months of payment holiday (this is not that uncommon) or they
extend the term to lower the payments. If you got in difficulty but you them
make this type of arrangement then the mortgage is no longer delinquent. The
bank has every inventive to do this to make their delinquency figures look


February 16, 2010


I added 50% to my position in Wells Fargo. Today was very strong on the
markets. But this may just be the continuation of volatility rather than the
start of any trend.


February 15, 2010


Wells Fargo is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at $26.88. (Meaning we think it is in the Strong
Buy range but at the lower end of that range and that it is Speculative due to
the uncertain nature of banking and loan losses. This company is a long-time
favorite of Warren Buffett’s. He likes its management and its competitive
advantages of paying lower average amounts for deposits and the fact that it
tends to lend in areas where it can charge higher interest rates. I plan to add
to my position in the company.


Regarding Shaw Communications’ planned purchase of a controlling voting
interest in (the currently bankrupt) Can West Global. They would own 20% of it
but control most of the votes. I don’t have a strong opinion of whether this is
good or bad. I don’t really buy into the idea that they needed to buy content
for their cable network (no more than a cattle trucking company has to buy
cattle farms). I suspect that they will be getting a low price for the assets so
that is good. I suspect they would have preferred if the other
Shaw-family-controlled company, Corus Entertainment, had bought these assets but
that would have led to more problems with the competition bureau. Overall I
don’t think this affects the value of Shaw Communications though that is hard to
say as I don’t know the size of the investment in dollars.


February 14, 2010


Check out the latest edition of our free
newsletter, if you have not already read it. It was emailed out last night.
(I did make a few minor edits this morning). In it I skewer the argument of the
investment industry that we need to be saving something like 20% or more of our
earnings annually between pensions (including employer contributions) and RRSPs.
We can’t and don’t need to save that much. I discuss also the usual assumption
that we should be expecting to withdraw completely from the workforce by age 65
though we remain perfectly able to work.


February 11, 2010


Canadian Tire fell 6% after releasing disappointing earnings before the
opening today. Interestingly the source of the problem was higher credit card
losses. Higher credit card losses is a story we can expect to hear a lot about
in 2010 – not just at Canadian Tire but all credit card issuers. And maybe after
that some higher losses from mortgage lenders.


February 10, 2010


TMX Group reported earnings about one hour before the open this morning. The
result was that the market adjusted to the news before the open and the stock
opened about 80 cents higher. This is more fair than what happens when earnings
are released during the trading day (as TMX has done on most occasions) When
earnings are released during trading hours, institutional investors with eyes on
screens can trade quickly and disadvantage retail investors. It appears that our
efforts to get the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization to discourage
release during trading hours has had the desired effect. I had written to them
specifically in regard to TMX but also as a more broader concern about all
companies. After initially rebuffing me the Regulatory organization decided to
look into it and agreed with me that TMX should “probably” not have released
their Q3 during trading hours in Q3 since they had a “miss” in earnings and they
copied that reply to the TMX. As I understand it the Board had to meet earlier
in the morning to approve the earnings release and get the press release out.
(The poor dears, had to get up extra early!). (And maybe my efforts here are
just coincidental, maybe these earnings would have came out pre-opening in any


More importantly TMX earnings (if we ignore a goodwill write-off on their mis-guided
investment in a Boston options exchange) were apparently higher than expected.
The conference call was after the close today but hopefully could lead to more
upside for the stock if the analysts like what they hear on the call. I have not
read the earnings release as yet.


February 9, 2010


Microsoft is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $27.72 (closed today at $28.01). This is a complex company.
Based simply on its recent profitability and assuming it can grow at least
modestly, it appears to be a reasonable investment.


The North American markets were up about 1.5% today after losing 1%
yesterday. So certainly lots of volatility…


The TMX Group will release earnings tomorrow. I see the conference call is at
4 pm rather than during trading hours. If they release earnings after trading
hours it would likely be because of some work I did to officially protest their
past release of earnings during the trading day. (Especially last quarter when
they had an earnings miss – not fair to release during trading hours).


If a company releases bad news during the trading day then a few lucky
(usually institutional) investors get to sell to hapless retail investors who
have not seen the bad news. If bad news of any company is released after hours
then no one can sell before the news becomes known. Anyway that is a more fair
system. Similarly if the news is unexpectedly good, and is released during the
trading day then institutional traders get to take advantage of retail investors
who have not seen the news.


With a conference call at 4 pm, it is highly possible that they intend once
again to release during trading hours… we shall see.


But more importantly I hope the TMX Group earnings are strong whenever they
release them.


February 8, 2010


Microsoft will be our next update and it looks like we will rate it (higher)
Buy. It just reported a strong quarter and has started to grow revenue and
earnings after a poor fiscal 2009 (the 12 months ended June 30, 2009).


The Dow and Toronto both fell by pretty close to exactly 100 points or 1.0%


Wells Fargo has been hard hit in the past few days. This will likely be our
next update after MicroSoft and I believe it will be rated a Buy or (higher) Buy
although that is a preliminary view as the analysis of this one has just been




Feb 7, 2010


eBay is updated and rated speculative
Buy at $23.54 (since the date we started the analysis the price changed and it
last closed at $22.71). eBay continued to grow revenues in 2009 (although only
slightly) in spite of the recession. Adjusted earnings however fell about 33%.
Management expects adjusted earnings to increase about 41% in 2010 taking them
back close to the 2008 level. eBay has strong competitive advantages due to its
dominant position in online auctions and sales by individuals and also by its
dominant position as a third-party payment processor for millions of web sites
including for InvestorsFriend (PalPal). These factors combine to make it worth
considering as a Speculative Buy. I don’t own it personally at this time but I
will consider buying a modest position in this company at this price.


Feb 5, 2020


The Toronto market ended up closing
about 1% higher today but earlier in the day had been down about 1% so it’s been
a volatile day and a volatile week. Oil in particular was very volatile this


I decided to sell my remaining Aeroplan this afternoon. This offsets the Shaw
I bought this morning to keep my cash position at the same level. Normally i
would wait until the earnings release for Aeroplan comes out but in this case it
was last rated (lower) Buy at $10.03 and it was now at $10.85 and I just decided
to sell that position.


I have added to my position in
Shaw Communications this


February 4, 2020


The TSX was down 2.3% today while the U.S. markets were down 2.6% (Dow) and
3.1% (S&P 500). On the hand markets were up strongly earlier this week. It only
seems to take one day like to today to cause most investors to lurch from
optimism to fear. On this Site I have expressed a cautious sentiment since at
least August.


At all times investors face the problem of balancing their fear of losses if
markets in general go down with their fear of missing out on gains if markets in
general go up. Layered on top of that we tend to have our portfolio of stocks.
Even if we think markets will go down in general we may feel that our stocks
will not be hurt as badly. Or we may face tax consequences if we sell. One way
to deal with that is the partially hedge the portfolio by keeping the portfolio
but buying a “bear” ETF. Our
ETF article
provides the trading symbols for these bear ETFs. Personally I have a small
amount of bear ETFs. These have lost me money over the past year but they do
cushion the blow (by rising) on days like today.


Everyday, new economic figures come out such as employment reports and
markets react to that. Obviously the markets tend to go down if the news is
worse than expected and rise when the news is better than expected. In general
this process especially over shorter periods tends to be rather random and
unpredictable. (If it was truly predictable that the overall markets will (say)
fall in the next month, they would fall right now, that is markets tend to
assimilate the know news quite quickly. It’s the unforeseen news that causes the


I expect to have a couple of updated stock reports by Sunday.


February 3, 2010


Shaw Communications continues to slip down in price which I view as a buying
opportunity. In my own account, I am holding firm neither buying nor selling
anything at the moment. The only order I have in is for a small amount of Melcor
– I cheaped out and tried to buy it below the market price. (I already have a
healthy exposure to Melcor).


February 2, 2010


TMX Group announced after the
close on Monday that it was reducing trading fees on stocks under $1.00 by about
50% and this was for both TSX and Venture exchanges. In response the stock fell
2.4% today. The pres release indicates this reduction would cut revenue by 3% if
there were no offsetting benefit of higher trades due to lower prices. TMX
profit as a percent of sales was last reported at 34%. Therefore this revenue
drop does not seem very large.


The concern that is raised here is that TMX group is not as much of a
monopoly as it once was. In part it was competitive pressure that led to this
trading fee decrease. Therefore it is of concern. On the other hand it appears
that no other fees are being lowered at this time. This suggest that competitive
pressures in most of their business are not that strong. The bigger concern
would be if they are forced to lower listing fees. So far that has not (to my
knowledge) occurred, and it may not.


Today, after the closr of m,arjket this smae TMX Group announced its trading
volumes for January.


Regarding the Venture exchange (which is much smaller than the TSX exchange),
the TMX Group said Trading volume for the month on the public venture capital
market place was double the volume traded in January 2009, the number of
transactions was up 179.5%, and the value of shares traded was 374.1% greater.


However the trading on the TSX itself was lower than January of the prior
year. Given that the stock market is a lot higher now than last year, these
figures suggest that the TSX has lost noticeable volume to alternative
exchanges. Profit for January may not be lower, because annual listing fees
should be higher based on the higher stock market.


Also IPO and secondary offering data has not been released but will be this
week. I suspect this would show strong improvements from the weal levels of last


Based on current profitability TMX Group would remain a Buy. However, there
can be no assurance that profits will not ultimately be driven much lower due to
competition. Personally I will not be selling my shares and may possibly add to
my position but I recognize that the stock is becoming more speculative.


I note withy interest that these last two press releases from TMX came out
after the close of trading. I the past they have released trading statistics and
even earnings during the trading day. I had advocated for them to stop that.
Possibly my advocacy has had the desired impact.




January 29, 2010


Due to travels, I will be off-line for just a few days and expect to post the
next update here late on Tuesday.


With one month gone in 2010, the TSX is down 5.5% and the Dow is down 3.5%
and the S&P 500 is down 3.7%.


I have not yet calculated how our stocks picks here have done but I am
confident that in the early going we have out performed the market. My own
return is about zero (down 0.1%) for the month. As we get further into the year
I will be calculating the return on our Stock Picks for 2010.


January 28, 2010


Walmart has slipped a bit in price
and is worth considering. With markets having declined somewhat these past
couple of weeks I would be inclined to nibble at adding to positions but would
not be in any particular hurry.


January 27,2010


Not too much happened with the stocks I hold today. Except for Wells Fargo,
it was up 4.5% today whereas yesterday it fell about 6% late in the day after
first rising somewhat earlier in the day. Also Berkshire up about 5% but sadly I
own only 100 B shares.


Far East markets are up in early Thursday trading and so perhaps we will see
a stronger day tomorrow.


Jan 26, 2010


After the close of (regular) trading today it was announced that Berkshire
Hathaway will become a component  of the S&P 500 index. The stock then
promptly rise about 8% in “after hours trading”.


It’s surprising that it would rise that much given that this event was
expected to occur. According to the efficient market theory, markets move when
unexpected news is released or unexpected events happen and should not move when
things happen as expected. Of course the announcement gives certainty so we
might expect a little move but 8% seems a lot. Therefore Berkshire could
relinquish some of this unusual gain tomorrow. (I’d like to see it drop to give a
better buying opportunity).


I have always had trouble with the notion of “after hours trading”. By
definition it seems like a market that is somewhat restricted, where not
everyone gets to play. It makes no sense whatsoever to hold news until the end
of regular trading only to release it into this after hours trading.


Wells Fargo for one is a banking stock that fell quite hard at the close but
did stabilize after hours. It’s just another example of the fact that stocks do
tend to be volatile.


CN was out with good earnings after the close today. And it is increasing is
dividend from 25 cents to 27 cents or 8%.


I notice Kingsway Financial announced it will sell a subsidiary (Jevco) to a
company called Westaim. Westaim used to be a technology company and I once had
it on this Site. Kingsway will sell this Jevco subsidiary at 94.5% of book value
(which means it is sold at a loss although the size of the loss was not stated).
Kingsway rose yesterday on the news perhaps because it included the fact that Jevco would first pay a $40 million dividend to Kingsway. But that is cash that
Kingsway already owned. Given that Kingsway trades well below book value this
does look positive. Bit it also looks like a move of desperation as Kingsway
sells off assets to get enough cash to fulfill its debt covenants. I expect
Kingsway to report write-offs at year end and its book value to drop, although I
can’t estimate if it will drop as low as the lowly share price. Today is gave
back about half the gain of yesterday. Not a company
that I take much notice of anymore…


January 25, 2010


Earnings reports for year-end 2009 are pouring in now in the U.S. with Canada
soon to follow. Since the last quarter of 2008 was a complete disaster for
earnings, most companies are reporting bin increases for Q4 2009 versus the
prior year.


I’ll continue to keep posted of any trades I do but right now I am basically
in a wait and see mode, waiting for Q4 earnings to come in and then to take a
look at those.


When I bought my house I had the attitude of not getting in a hurry, not
falling in love with any particular house. Trying to keep in mind that if I bid
on a house and the seller did not accept, there was always another house for
sale. This is even more true with stocks, I don’t believe in getting in a big
hurry. I am not a day trader and I don’t try to pounce on short term gains.
Instead I analyze and buy with patience. (At least in theory, though at times we
all get trigger happy).


I am always amazed at how many people think the stock market is manipulated
and the little guy can’t win. In reality a manipulated market would probably
make more chances to win since it would lead to over- and under-priced stocks.
Maybe the market is manipulated. But I don’t worry much about that. Instead I
try to just analyze stocks and see what bargains I can identify.


January 24, 2010


Shaw Communications
is updated and continues to be rated (lower) Strong Buy now at $20.30 on Toronto
of U.S. $19.11 on the New York Stock Exchange. It has continued to show very
strong growth in earnings. There is some risk due to more intensive competition
but so far Shaw has grown despite competition.


Recently Shaw purchased Mountain Cable in Hamilton and paid 40% of the
purchase price in shares. This is of particular interest because Warren Buffett
has recently been highly critical of Kraft foods (of which he owns about 10%)
for partly using its shares to purchase Cadbury. Buffett basically said it is
crazy to use shares that you think are undervalued to purchase a company that
you paying full price for – not getting a bargain. Therefore this purchase could
be viewed as signaling that Shaw thinks its shares are NOT under-valued. BUT,
Shaw subsequently went out and purchased back the same number of shares from big
institutions and paid roughly the same price as which it issued the shares to
buy Mountain cable. The signal I woukld read from that is that Shaw did not like
issuing shares for the purchase. It was likely the sellers who wanted Shaw
shares perhaps to save on income taxes since the sale of a company in return for
shares in the purchaser can often qualify to defer the gain on the sale. The
fact that Shaw repurchased these shares so quickly may be a signal that they
believe that their shares are undervalued.


I personally have a significant percentage of my own portfolio in Shaw
Communication shares and I am comfortable with that. It is not without risks but
overall I believe it will be a strong long term investment.


The U.S. market fell about 2% on
which followed the 2% decline on Thursday. Does this mean the
start of big decline in the markets? I don’t think anyone knows that. What I
have said for many months now is be cautious. Be positioned to take advantage of
any big market decline. That’s why I am holding a much larger cash position than
I normally do and a small amount of “bear” Exchange Traded Funds. Also I am not
leveraged in the market. If the market declined very substantially (and I am not
suggesting it will or won’t) I am positioned to borrow money to invest if I
decide I want to.


January 21, 2010


Markets were down about 2% today. Markets fell after Obama indicated he hoped
to introduce measures to stop banks from making so much money and to more
heavily regulate them.


Obama seems likely to make some populist but anti-business moves. Financial
markets may complain but they have basically brought this onto themselves.
Hopefully it will be the big investment banks that suffer and not traditional
banks like Wells Fargo and not the non-financial companies.


Berkshire Hathaway was up about 4.5% due to Buffett indicating it was under
valued and due to the 50 to 1 split of the B shares. The original A shares are
now worth 1500 B shares.


Oil dropped noticeably as the futures contract switched from the Feb contract
to the March contract. Interestingly that is not really considered to be the
true drop in price since it is a different contract. In any event oil is now
just under $76 which is lower than it had been recently.


January 20, 2010


Earnings season is once again under way. Wells Fargo and e-bay reported
strong results. I decided to add to my position in Wells Fargo today. I had been
thinking of doing that and then when I heard the earnings were better than
expected and I noted that the share price actually fell on that news (probably
because of the U.S market being down today) I decided to go ahead and buy.


Canada’s “leading economic indicator” rose 1.5% in December. And this is the
seventh straight month that it has risen. That would seem to indicate prosperity
ahead. But I note that most of the rise is due to two factors. Higher stock
market prices and higher house prices. So I would be a little leery to conclude
that the higher economic indicator means higher stock prices since it works the
other way higher stocks drive the indicator up.


Warren Buffett said today that he sees the economic recovery as being
somewhat slow and prolonged.


So overall a cautious outlook seems warranted.


Last Thursday I mentioned that with the Canadian dollar at 97.5 cents U.S. it
might be wise to convert some Canadian money into American now especially if you
were planning to do so soon but were maybe waiting for the Canadian dollar to
hit parity.  As of last week conventional wisdom was that the Canadian
dollar was headed to and beyond parity in no time flat. maybe it soon will…
But as of right now it is down almost 2 cents since last week and is at 95.6
cents. Actually that still means that U.S. dollars are “on sale” and are cheaper
than they have been in about 34 of the last 35 years. So it still may be wise to
lock in and buy now rather than wait and see which way things float. In any
event people tend to get more uptight about a 2% change in the dollar than they
need to. 2% more is only $20 on $1000 so it should hardly change your vacation


I am heading to Europe for the first time ever at the end of March. (Family
trip London for 5 nights and then a 10-day bus trip through France Switzerland
and Italy and we fly back out of Rome). The travel and accommodation and much of
the touring around has already been pre-paid.  I will probably just use
credit cards for spending. However Visa likes to scoop a rather healthy fee on
foreign spending so that will cost me. As well I have an HSBC account and so
will be able to withdraw cash easily that way. I did already buy some Euros and
British Pounds. I figured why not buy the funds now when the Canadian dollar is
high rather than chance that it will fall by the end of March.


January 19, 2010


Anyone who happens to be reading this on Tuesday night. Warren Buffett and
Bill Gates are on CNBC at 10 pm Alberta time so I assume in Ontario it would be
on at midnight eastern time.


Most of you have probably seen the email I sent with an offer that we would
donate $50 to Red Cross / Haiti for every new annual subscription.


The response has been excellent with 18 so far for a donation of $900. And
that will be matched by the Federal government. I think it will go over $1000 in
the end here.


For those of you who just joined because of this thank you again.


Also if any of you were on an active monthly subscription and you have by
chance just signed up for the yearly subscription, we then need to cancel the
monthly, so let me know. PayPal treats that as two unrelated subscriptions.


For all my existing customers/friends I hope you don’t mind that this program
by its nature was only for new subscriptions. Well, if I did not have you, this
Web Site would not exist and and the donation would never have happened so you
are all a part of this as well.


As for today’s market. I notice Melcor
down 32 cents to $11.08, maybe a change to buy. I have an order to buy more
at $10.70, but no guarantee it will dip even that small amount. Similarly
Canadian Western Bank Preferred shares are down a shade to $26.75 after being at
$27.15, nit a big drop but if you want to buy it’s obviously a slightly better


Shaw Cable has been buying back large blocks of stock from someone 1.6
million shares at $19.07 today. This makes a total of 6.1 million shares bought
this way in four blocks since November 24. The previous prices paid were $20.01,
before that $19.83and the first one was at $18.66. I think this is positive
since the company does want to buy back shares and I believe they think they are
under-valued. I was worried though that it was an insider selling. Some of the
Board members who previously sold their cable companies to Shaw have huge
amounts of shares as does Tim Hortons co-founder Ron Joyce. But I checked
insider selling reports and nothing listed. So it’s likely a pension plan
selling (or plans). So I guess they don’t think it is worth more than the $19
but then again maybe they just need the money.


Visa was up 2% today. It’s hard to
keep a good monopoly down I guess.


January 18, 2010


The U.S. markets were closed today which made for a quiet day in the markets.


I had hoped to have an update on Shaw Communications ready but ended up
expending the time on the ETF article update. In any event I am reasonably sure
Shaw will remain a higher rated Buy. One of the worries with Shaw is that at
some point Telus TV starts to take hold and competition gets more intense. In
fact in Q3 Telus finally started giving more details about Telus TV. They signed
up 22,000 in Q3 and this was about the first quarter of good “traction” for
them. They now have about 100,000 Telus TV customers. This will hurt Shaw
somewhat but to date Shaw is more than making up for that with all the internet
and phone customers it is taking away from Telus. While we may see Shaw’s share
price jump around a bit on competition fears, so far it still looks very good to
me. But I will know more when I do the update in the next few days.


January 16, 2010


comprehensive reference article of Canadian Exchange Traded Funds has been
updated. At this time some of the fixed income / higher yield ETFs are the ones
that look of most interest.


This is not a particularly long reference article but it is packed with
information and has links to everything for updated information as things change
each day in the market. Enough links to make a roll of chain jealous!


This update adds new Gold and Silver ETFs that we did not have before and
indicates which ones own physical Gold as opposed to futures positions. Also
added are additional preferred share and bond ETFs.


I have not added any of the new BMO ETFs yet but will consider if any should
be added.


January 14, 2010


Shaw Communications reported Q1 earnings before the open this morning. The
earnings were strong. The market had high expectations and that is why the stock
did not rise on the news. The company also raised its dividend by 5%.  I
plan to update the report for this company within a few days. Meanwhile I may
add to my position tomorrow.


The Canadian dollar has been rising and is 97.5 U.S. cents. Or about $1.0254
(wholesale before commission) to buy a U.S. dollar. Quite possibly it will reach
and exceed parity. If you are wanting to move some money into U.S. dollars
either for near-term spending (such as a vacation or shopping trip) for
long-term spending (future winters in the U.S.) or for pure speculation it may
be wise to average in, buy some U.S. dollars now and some later. Sure they may
get cheaper later. But meanwhile U.S. dollars are “on sale” at levels not seen
in about 35 years (save a very brief period of about 3 months in the fall of
2007 and a few weeks in early 2008. So maybe U.S. dollars will get cheaper but
that is not a sure thing. Also if you are going to buy U.S. dollars and you want
to wait for the Canadian dollar to get higher, at what point will you buy? How
much did you actually end up buying last time when our dollar got over $1.05?


January 13, 2010


Shaw Communications will report earnings before the market opens tomorrow
(Thursday) morning. I am expecting a good quarter but we shall see…


It seems the President of Claymore Investments Inc. (Exchange Traded Funds)
came across my reference article on
ETFs. He would like to see more Claymore ETFs on this page. I plan to update
that page within the next week and will likely include more Claymore ETFs. I
will also consider adding the Bank of Montreal ETFs. But that will depend if I
think they are needed and if BMO provides the fundamentals like the P/E ratio
for their ETFs.


January 12, 2010


The TSX fell today about 1%. This is just “noise” (as opposed to signal) but
it is a reminder that markets are not cheap like they were last Spring. While we
can hope our stocks always go straight up but that is unrealistic. And a ride
down the next roller coaster hill could certainly be a stomach-churning one.
That is simply the nature of markets. They go up long term, but the ride is
never smooth.


Wells Fargo was down today
apparently on threats of some kind of a new Bank Tax. I don’t particularly think
that any such tax would be a huge big deal to Wells Fargo but maybe the stock
will continue down on this news. If so i would add to my position.


January 11, 2010


It was a reasonable day in the markets as most of our Stocks Picks were up.


In the comments under November 23 and 24 below I mentioned that I had made a
formal complaint to the Investment Industry Regulatory Association. This was
about companies that unfairly release earnings during the trading day. Often
without even halting the stock. This disadvantages retail investors and allows
the big guys first crack to trade on the news. In a lot of cases this is just
sort of laziness on the part of the entrenched investment  industry and the
companies that trade. It’s more convenient for the companies and analysts to do
it this way rather than to do as a lot of companies do and release the earnings
after the close of markets.


The Investment Industry Association initially brushed off my concern but I
pursued it the top person there. To my pleasant surprise they have now responded
indicating that they fully understand my complaint and admitting that I was
right about one particular company that issued without a halt when under the
rules a halt should have been called because the earnings were a substantial
“miss” to expectations.


Unfortunately the rules are not entirely under the control of the Investment
Industry Association but they have passed the concern onto the Securities
Commission and the Toronto Stock Exchange indicating that they would be willing
to work to solve the issue of unfair disclosure that I raised.


Maybe it is a waste of time for me to pursue something like this but I feel
that somebody has to look out for the little investor.


January 9, 2010


COSTCO is updated and rated Weak Buy
at $59.17. This is a great company and I would like to own shares. However, it
looks expensive at this time.


I added to my positions in Melcor
and First Service Preferred
shares on Friday.


January 7, 2010


There was a nice gain in Wells Fargo
today. TMX Group continued to slip. Earnings reports in the U.S. will start very
soon while most Canadian companies will not report until at lest close to the
end of January.


In the last 10 months we have all perhaps gotten a little spoiled in terms of
seeing steady gains and few declines. But realistically stocks do fluctuate up
and down. If we concentrate our investments in strong companies that we are
confident of for the long run then perhaps we can learn to be more comfortable
with bumps along the way.


I did sell my Boston Pizza shares to lock in that gain my Tax Free savings
Account (as I mentioned yesterday morning that I planned to do).


January 6, 2010


The TMX Group released its
trade volumes for December. It looks like they had a pretty good month. On the
negative side they have no doubt lost some market share to competitors. If they
can hold the line on their ongoing listing fees which are paid annually on the
basis of the market value of each company then it seems to me that their
earnings continue to look strong. If however competition were to force a drop in
those fees that would be basically a game changer. My thought was that the
listed companies don’t have much leverage to force a drop in the fee, they
pretty well need to be listed on the TSX even if they are also trading on the
new alternative trading systems like Alpha. TMXis is one of my larger positions
and I have toyed with idea of selling some (definitely not all)  to to lack
in a modest gain  but so far have continued to hold.


Shaw Communications has slipped about 5% in the past two days. It will
release earnings next Thursday morning. I was thinking it will be reporting a
strong quarter. The market may be focusing on fears of increased competition
from Telus TV. There is also the demand from local television to share in the
loot. There are never any guarantees in the market but Shaw looks like a good
investment to me. At this time I personally would wait for the earnings release
next week before making any further buys of the stock.


I transferred a modest amount of money into U.S. dollars today to take
advantage of the higher Canadian dollar. Sure the Canadian dollar might be even
higher next week and next month. But I figure its already at virtually a 30 year
high (save a brief period in 2008 where it rocketed up to $1.10 very briefly. My
strategy is to transfer a modest amount of money now and then if it rises
another two cents or more to transfer again a similar amount. I think a Canadian
dollar at the current almost 97 cent range is very tough on the Canadian economy
so there will be pressure not to let it get much higher. If I needed U.S.
dollars for a trip in the next month or two I think I would go ahead and buy at
this price rather than gamble it would go much higher. Or at least buy some of
it now to hedge my bets.


January 6, 2010 (9:25 am Eastern


Boston Pizza was last rated as Buy at $11.05 a month ago. Now it is at about
$12. I will likely sell my shares which are in a Tax Free Savings account. While
it it still looks like good value, it may have a least a temporary dip when it
finally announces what the distribution will be after it converts to a
corporation and/or becomes taxable expected at the the end of this year.
Distribution cut of about 30% is to be expected and should already be priced
into the stock but it still may drop when any announcement is made.


January 4, 2010


A strong start to the markets today…


I bought today a small amount of the Japan Index fund EWJ. It does not look
attractive on a P/E basis but I have been reading about the Japanese market.
After 20 years of losing ground, Japan’s market should at some point start to
rebound… I took a look at some of the big companies in this index including
Toyota, Mitsubischi UFJ, Honda, Canon and Sony. Many of these companies lost
money in their latest reported fiscal years. Given the difficulty of
understanding the valuation and the future of the Japanese market I will not
likely invest more than a small amount in this index fund.


January 3, 2010


Our reference article that provides the
trading symbols and the fundamentals (P/E ratios, yields, Price to book) for
selected international Exchange Traded Funds is updated. However we don’t see
any bargains there.


January 2, 2010

Market Outlook

Overall, my best guess is that the overall markets will not do that well
this year. We might be lucky if the markets don’t drop rather than rise this

U.S. Dollar

I suspect that reports of the death of the U.S. dollar are rather
exaggerated. Many commentators point out that the U.S. is running huge
deficits and has become dependent on the kindness of strangers (the Chinese
government) to buy its bonds. While that rings true, we also observe that
10-year U.S. Treasuries are still below 4%. Apparently the bond market
overall still finds the U.S. government to be a very safe investment.

Canadian Dollar

Many would argue that it is clear that the Canadian dollar is going to rise
versus the U.S. If so, Canadians then might want to avoid U.S. investments.

But it also seems clear that the Canadian economy has difficulty dealing
with a dollar that is at U.S. 95 cents let alone U.S. 1.00 or more. There
will be  a lot of pressure for Canada to try to keep its dollar lower
rather than higher in order to protect manufacturing jobs.

So, it seems very uncertain where the dollar will trade.

I continue to hold some U.S. investment for diversification purposes and
because at some point in my life I will spend money in the U.S. If I will
need U.S. dollars in future and if I am uncertain of currency movements then
I can hedge my future U.S. spending by owning some U.S. dollars and
investments at this time.

U.S. Economy

Recent U.S. house prices had begun to rise slightly. However U.S. consumer
delinquencies and unemployment were still rising. It seems likely that U.S.
consumers will have to continue to cut back on spending. Absent massive
further large government stimulus measures the U.S. economy is likely to
continue to lag in 2010. It seems unlikely that there will be a strong

State governments will be inclined to raise taxes and cut salaries for their
public service as well as cut jobs. They generally have no choice as they
are not allowed to budget for deficits.

Canadian Economy

Canadian house prices have continued to rise. This seems likely to reverse
in 2010 as unemployment and higher interest rates should subdue the housing
market. Also the new Harmonized sales tax in Ontario and B.C. will put
downward pressure on house prices after July.

The overall Canadian economy may do well if oil prices rise but average
Canadians will likely feel left out.

Governments will likely start to think about cutting costs. Public sector
workers should expect to see wage freezes. Also hiring freezes. Possibly
also some effort to trim pension costs.


Updates for 2010


The composition of my own portfolio is updated. I am hedging my bets with a
55% exposure to common equity (47% net of some bear funds) 12% preferred shares
and 33% cash.


For the start of 2010 many (but not all) of the ratings above were updated.
For performance tracking purposes all of the ratings above will be used since we
consider all of them to be reasonably valid. But we have more confidence in the
ratings that are most up to date. For buying (or selling) stocks we would focus
on ratings that are most recent.


Costco is removed from the list because the rating is out of date and the
price has changed significantly. Quest Capital which is a tiny company is
removed from the list. It was last rates Sell.


January 1, 2010


Stantec is updated and rated Buy at
$30.40. It’s a strong company with an excellent past growth rate. The valuation
is reasonable. In the near-term the outlook is uncertain due to the recession.
Government projects may allow it to grow despite the recession in 2011. However,
the higher Canadian dollar also will hamper earnings growth in 2010. I would
consider taking an initial position at this time but I don’t currently own it.


Performance figures are updated for 2009
(Happy Old Year!)


See older comments from
2009 and prior back to 2001

Daily Updates 2008 – 2009

December 31, 2009


Tim Hortons is updated and
rated Buy at $32.10. It’s a great company but is about fully valued. Given the
quality it is still a buy although personally I was hoping the price would drop
before I would buy back into this one.


December 30, 2009


Reitmans (womens clothing store
chain) is updated and rated Weak Buy at $16.36. I like the management here.
However, given its drop in profit in the past two years, it does not look
attractive at this price. Given other investment opportunities I would not be a
buyer at this price and if I held it I would consider selling in order to invest
in higher rated stocks.


December 29, 2009


My thinking is that the watch word for the markets right now is “caution”. We
have enjoyed a remarkable run-up in the markets since March. It’s not very
realistic to expect that to continue. It is certainly possible that markets will
dive at some point during 2010.


Risk tolerance is highly dependent on the individual and their stage of life
and stage of career and many other factors. In my own case I have more than
recovered from the 2008 losses. I am not sitting on a respectable portfolio.
Given other aspects of my finances I can afford to take significant risks. But I
don’t need to. Therefore my approach is likely to continue to be to take modest
risks. I will likely maintain reasonable amounts of cash and some fixed income.
I may partially hedge my stock exposure.


Intact Financial Corporation
a property and liability insurance company (formerly ING Canada) is updated
and rated Weak Buy at $36.60. This company by its nature has lumpy and
unpredictable earnings. At the present time the analysis suggests a Weak Buy. It
could rise in price if its profits improve which in fact may happen in 2010.
Nevertheless the analysis at this time suggests it is fully valued. Given other
higher-rated  investment opportunities we would consider selling it at this


December 24, 2009


New statistics out yesterday


These show Canadian mortgage 90 day delinquencies as of October have still
not risen – at 0.44% around 1 in 200 mortgages only. In Alberta the percent is
higher at 0.69% It jumped up in Alberta in the Spring but has since stabilized.
If these delinquencies rise to more like 2% then we will have real problems.
Part of the puzzle I think is that with house prices still strong and even
having risen, people don’t default on mortgages. Instead they sell at a profit
and pay out the mortgage. If house prices drop as many expect then the
delinquencies will soar. I would certainly not be surprised to see that happen
in 2010.


But meanwhile as always my focus is on finding stock investments. House
prices are of interest to me but not of great interest.


So far the market looks set to hang on to its gains and close out 2009 as a
excellent year in the markets.


I won’t have any comments now until probably the 28th. We will have some
updated company reports next week. I am enjoying a family break at a friend’s
country house over Christmas.


December 21, 2009


I updated the analysis of the valuation of the
Toronto Stock Exchange Index. However, this analysis is not a s reliable as
that for the DOW and the S&P 500. Toronto earnings tend to be very volatile to
to the commodity nature of the economy and therefore this analysis is more
difficult to do.


Microsoft is updated and rated Buy
at $30.55. It it is not exactly bargain priced but it seems reasonably priced.


December 19, 2009


Visa is updated but only rated Weak
Buy at $88.97. (Meaning basically a Hold or sell for those who would wish to
move into higher-rated stocks). As a company it is highly profitable. However
the share price appears to be such that any “excess” profits would be captured
by the seller of the shares not a purchaser. Possibly we are under estimating
the valuation that should be placed on this near-monopoly. Maybe it’s P/E can
stay above 25 (currently it is 30) in which case it is worth buying. Or maybe
the growth can roar along at even higher than the 13% that we assumed in our
high-case valuation. But overall it just looks too expensive. There is always
the possibility that regulations in future could limit the charges it makes to
retailers and or the interest rates it charges to consumers.


We tend to think that monopolies should be regulated. If you don’t think it
is a monopoly, or at least has monopoly characteristics try opening a retail
business and refusing to take its credit cards. But be assured we would have no
qualms about buying it if the price was right. We don’t think unregulated
monopolies should be allowed to exist but they do and we are perfectly happy to
own them when we can find them at decent prices. In fact we call them
monopolicous  (we introduced that “word” under our Oct 22, 2008 comments)


Performance details for 2009 have been
updated. After a scary start the rebound has been dramatic and with our average
Buy- or higher-rated stock from January 1 is up 35%. This was our second best
year ever. 2003 with the rebound from the early 2000’s market crash was our best
year. For me personally this was my best year ever. It was my best year on a
percentage basis and on the basis of dollars of wealth gained, it was the best
be far.  I trust that all of you had great years in the market as well. Let
me know at


December 17, 2009


I added today to my Walmart
position.  A weak day in the markets with the TSX down 1.4% and the Dow
down 1.3%. With the market up so much from the lows of last Spring it is no
surprise to see to down days.


December 16, 2009


With Walmart slipping the last few
days I may add modestly top my position. It’s easy to get excited by the market
going up but I believe a cautious stance is warranted. Buy higher quality
companies but only selectively and considering keeping cash in cash the market
does drop.


December 15, 2009


Our stocks edged higher today including a 3.6% gain in


Wells Fargo’s stock issue came at $25 and so maybe Wells will drop a little
on that news. If I did not already own it I would buy some.


December 14, 2009


Having just rated
Canadian Oil Sands as only a Weak Buy I sold half my position in it today.


Wells Fargo will repay TARP $25
billion and pertly by selling $10.4 billion in shares. Normally a stock issue
sends a stock’s price down but the ability to repay TARP may be seen as a sign
of confidence so not sure where the shares will head on this news.


TMX Group did well today…
It’s not clear how much impact competition is having on TMX. Their president was
whining about the fact that the big banks own one of their competitors (Alpha).
TMX had an (unregulated as to price) monopoly and I guess they don’t like losing
even a part of that monopoly. I guess the competition is hurting at least enough
to move the TMX president to whine about it. But overall I think TMX are still
set for strong profits.


December 13, 2009


Our analysis of the valuation of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average is further updated to include a new chart which nicely
illustrates where the DOW earnings and therefore the DOW should be based on its
historic relationship to GDP.


December 12, 2009


Our analysis of the valuation of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average is updated and indicates it is about fairly valued.


December 11, 2009


Canadian Oil Sands Trust
is updated and rated Weak Buy at $28.35. The
performance of this entity is mostly based on the world price of oil in U.S.
dollars, but also on the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar. (It benefits when
the Canadian dollar falls) This helps Canadian investors but not American
investors. Production problems or lack thereof also impact its profits. The
price it has received in Canadian dollars has ranged from $55 to $73 in the past
12 months, or an average of $66.50. The company expects about $71 in 2010 but
that is really anybody’s guess. The stock looks somewhat expensive at current
oil prices. It will likely be a good performer long-term. At this time unless an
investor has a particular wish to have exposure to oil, it may be just as well
to sell this and look for more certain investments.  I will consider
selling some or all of my shares in this.


I mentioned a couple of days ago (Dec 7)  I bought some shares in URX
which was trying to do a transaction with Chaperral Energy a private company.
The Deal may not go through. Was supposed to be approved yesterday, but the
meeting adjourned until this morning. No word heard yet today as at around 2:30
eastern time. Warrants on URX seem to indicate deal not happening. Bottom line,
I sold these URX shares at a very small gain. The whole thing was way too
complicated. I prefer to stick the the stocks on this Site which I understand a
lot better.




December 9, 2009


Dalsa is updated and rated Sell at
$7.11. It’s earnings have evaporated in 2009 and sales are down as well. With
such low profit and an uncertain outlook, a Sell rating is appropriate. We will
likely not update this company any further.


Walmart is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $54.25. You may recall, Warren Buffett has been a buyer of
Walmart in the past year (the shares, not just the cheap groceries though I am
sure he was all over that as well).


The news reports today that housing starts were up quite substantially in
Edmonton in November. This will benefit
Melcor which should report a strong Q4.


December 8, 2009


article on the valuation of
the S&P 500 index is updated and indicates an estimated over-valuation of


Canadian Tire is updated and rate
(higher) Buy at $53.79. I added to my position in this company today.


December 7, 2009


Canadian Tire will be updated tomorrow and will be rated (higher) Buy at
$53.79. I may add to my position in this company.


I made two trades today based on recent updates.


Firstly I purchased some
Canadian Western Bank Preferred Shares as an alternative to holding cash.


Secondly I purchased additional Wells
Fargo shares.


I also made an additional buy that is unrelated to to the Stocks on this


Chaparral Energy is raising cash and going public through a reverse takeover
of United Refining Energy Corporation (URX on AMEX). URX is basically a shell
company that raised cash for the purpose of this type of transaction. An
acquaintance of mine has been involved in Chaparral Energy since its founding in
1988. This person has a successful track record. He did not recommend URX. The
bottom line is I am buying as a speculation. Chaparral has a very weak balance
sheet but this transaction will improve the balance sheet. But it will still
have a lot of debt. I really don’t have a basis for an opinion on this
transaction but simply wanted to let subscribers know that I bought some shares
of URX. It was not a large amount.


December 6, 2009


Target is updated and rated (lower)
Buy at $45.67. After a rough year and a half it did post an earnings increase in
Q3 although same store sales were down modestly. As it reports Q4 and then Q1,
these will be easier comparables and it should be able to show earnings growth
in relation to the year-ago quarters.


Wells Fargo is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at $26.92. This stock has been a long-time favorite of Warren
Buffett’s. It appears to be one of the best managed large banks in the U.S. I
may add to my position in this one.


December 5, 2009


Canadian Western Bank is
updated but rated only Weak Buy at $22.49  It’s a good and well-managed
little banks but seems about fully valued at this time. If we held it we would
consider selling to free up cash for other investments.


Canadian Western Bank
preferred shares yielding 6.8% are also updated and rated Buy at $26.90. I
will likely buy some of these as an alternative to holding cash. Unlike cash
there is a risk holding these, but I believe that the risk / return trade-off is


December 4, 2009


The composition of my own portfolio is


In summary my portfolio is as follows:


  Equity % Portfolio %
 TMX Group  17.9% 9.6%
 Shaw Communications  15.5% 8.3%
 TSX Double Bear  5.6% 3.0%
 TSX Single Bear  4.4% 2.4%
 Melcor  12.4% 6.7%
 Wal-Mart  11.6% 6.3%
 Canadian Oil Sands  7.8% 4.2%
 Wells Fargo  8.2% 4.4%
 Canadian Tire  4.6% 2.5%
Other 11.9% 6.4%
Cash   46.2%
Total 100.0% 100.0%

This is not a recommended portfolio. It’s just where I am at the moment. My
portfolio has become quite concentrated with meaningful positions in only seven
stocks in addition to a large cash position and the bear position.




December 3, 2009


Markets today lived up their reputation of being unpredictable…


the market trading statistics for the TSX market came out today. They looked
pretty good. Volume was down 13% from last year. (Probably last November had
frantic trading in reaction to the market crash at that time). But financings
raised were $7.1 billion compared to only $2.5 billion last year. This will
greatly improve cash flow in Q4 due to associated listing fees although it does
not help income much since this is amortized into revenue over ten years. The
total market value of the stocks on the TSX is up significantly due to the
market recovery. This should bode very well for the continuing listing fees
which should rise although that probably does not kick in until January. Overall
this looked to me like a positive sign for the earnings of the
TMX Group. However, as mentioned
in our last report the impacts of new competition that the TMX Group faces are
very hared to predict.


Shaw Communications
has done well lately after lagging most of the year. No surprise, given it has
monopoly characteristics.


December 2, 2009


Canadian Western Bank
released earnings tonight. The earnings were good given the state of the
economy. Reading the report I I get the sense that management is honest and open
and trustworthy. Recently I had some concern that they are under-estimating
their loan losses. But so far-so good. Everything seems to be under control. The
outlook for next year appears good. I’ll update our rating within a few days
after I see how the stock reacts to the news.


It’s interesting to see the 10-year U>S treasury bond still yields only 3.32%
You would think that if the U.S. dollar was weak and expected to fall then
certainly foreign investors should be looking for a higher interest rate. For
example 3.32% is pretty poor if the dollar sinks at say 5%. For U.S. investors
and for any foreign investor that plans to spend the money ultimately in the
U.S. the fall in the currency is not a concern. For these investors inflation
would be the major risk. A 3.32% yield for 10 years suggests quite a low
inflation expectation. Yet Gold is rising reportedly due to fears of inflation.
The signals here are definitely mixed.


December 1, 2009


Well, we had a nice start to December with the TSX up 2.3% today.  Does
that mean the market will be up and away? Who knows? what we do know is that
markets are always unpredictable and that the best bargains will be found in
individual stocks.


I had a bit of strange Reply from Boston Pizza today. Unit holders in Boston
Pizza benefit only from franchise sales, which excludes liquor. It also excludes

“revenue from BPI approved national promotions and discounts”. So I
what does that mean?

I was told that when BP has a national sale for $10 and the regular price was
$15, the full $10 comes into franchise sales. That is good I was afraid (from
reading the definition of franchise sales) that such national sale items were
completely excluded from the franchise sales. But they also said that the $5
discount is included in gross sales. That seems odd, the $5
discount is not paid by the customer and it would not be revenue, so how would
it be in gross revenue? I have asked BP for a further explanation. What it
illustrates is that there seems to be no end sometimes to unexpected accounting
methods. I guess if Boston Pizza International is reimbursing the individual
restaurant for that missing $5 as a marketing expense then I can see some logic
to counting it as gross revenue. Otherwise if they just simply count the
discount as if it were revenue that does not give me a warm and fussy feeling
about that.


November 30, 2009


Nothing overly interesting happening with our Stock Picks today…


I just sent an e-mail to Shaw Communications asking if they have access to
their owners list. It’s curious isn’t it that companies don’t market to us
owners, perhaps give us a discount. I don’t know of any Canadian company that
does. It may be because companies don’t even know who owns their shares.
They use some kind of share registration companies that actually keep track of
the owners…


Or it may even be that there is some idiot law against publicly traded
companies giving a discount to their owners. I supposes such a program might
encourage people to buy shares to get the discount (horrors?).


In the U.S. Berkshire Hathaway gives a discount on GEICO insurance to its




November 29, 2009


Performance figures for 2009 are updated.


November 28, 2009


Boston Pizza is updated and
rated Buy. The yield is quite good but will reduced by about 28% with taxation
2011. It appears to be a reasonable investment. Same-store royalties are
currently declining but this has been offset by advantageous unit buy backs.
However, there is also some risk regarding how the Trust will be restructured to
deal with becoming taxable in 2011 and shorter term risk regarding how the
market will react when the distribution is cut when taxation becomes effective.


November 26, 2009


Groupe Aeroplan is being removed
from the TSX 60 index on December 2. . This appears to be simply because EnCana
is splitting into two large companies and so some company had to be kicked out
of the index. This has no long-term impact on the value of Aeroplan but in the
short term could cause Aeroplan to drop.


Far Eastern markets are down in Friday trading and it seems likely that
Friday will be weak in North America as well.


Dubai has debt problems… I guess I would ask what is the bigger surprise,
the debt problem or is the bigger surprise that one of the most modern and
spectacular cities in the world arose rather suddenly in the desert and featured
extremely expensive real estate (and I will admit my knowledge of Dubai is
pretty skimpy indeed). There is some truth to old sayings about the faster the
rise the harder the fall.


November 25, 2009


Stocks in general continue to push higher… proving conclusively that last
Spring was a good time to buy… so was this Summer… But it’s much less clear
if now is a good time to buy…


Remember last Spring when Buy and Hold was declared dead and buried? It’s not
looking so bad now. I believe  it is possible to beat the market, but it’s
not all that easy to do.


We will be updating most of the stock picks by December 31… Hopefully in
that process we will identify some interesting bargains…


November 24, 2009


I had placed an order a couple of weeks ago to buy 500 shares of Wells Fargo
if it fell to $27.50 that was filled today. I have not updated our analysis of
Wells Fargo for since February and overall it is a complex company and hard to
predict. So I bought more on the confidence that Warren Buffett has displayed in
this stocks so many times than anything else.


Regarding my complaint to the Investment industry regulatory Organization
about companies that release earnings during the trading day… (see yesterday’s
post just below)… IIROC has now indicated that they will be getting back to me
with a more detailed response.


Melcor fell today and that does not
bother me. I am hoping for a further (short-term) drop to say $9.80 and then I
would add somewhat to my position.


November 23, 2009


Recently I made a formal complaint to the Investment Industry Regulatory
Organization (IIROC) regarding (of all companies) the TMX Group which on October
28 released it’s earnings during the trading day without a halt in trading. They
are supposed to halt if the news is material. The news was I think material in
that they missed earnings estimates by 8% and the stock fell quite a bit in the
next three days after that.   IIROC responded very quickly. However in
my opinion they tried to brush me off with a quick e-mail indicating that
basically there is no problem and the policy was followed appropriately by the
TMX Group.


I don’t mean to single out the TMX Group. It was just the latest example and
it looked like a good one to complain about given the earnings miss and the lack
of a trading halt to let everyone digest the news. The big banks routinely
announce earnings during the trading day like this. Most smaller companies do
not. IT seems the big guys play by different rules.


I immediately e-mailed IIROC and indicated that their response was not
satisfactory and they are going to respond again. I am not particularly
expecting them to admit for one moment that there is anything wrong with
companies issuing earnings during the trading day with no halt in trading.


I hope I have not made an enemy out of IRROC. If so however, so be it.


Meanwhile, it was another good day on the markets. Markets rose because home
sales were strong in the U.S. last month. But I have to wonder… At one tie a
statistic like home sales or vehicle sales was probably a reliable indicator of
the economy. But these days the government stimulates those items and then
economists still interpret the result as positive. But it looks like


You can keep garbage in the air for a while by blowing hard enough on it. But
eventually gravity prevails. Is the U.S. economy garbage being kept aloft by
blowing on it, at least in the short term? Quite possibly, yes. This is part of
the reason I remain cautious.


November 22, 2009


The stock market this week will focus on economic reports as earnings season
is about over in the U.S. In Canada we will get Q4 bank earning reports starting
this week.


I was in Saskatoon for the weekend for my son’s bantam hockey tournament.
Although we did not stray far from the rink and Hotel, the economy looked
reasonably strong. We did descend on a Tony Roma’s on Saturday just after lunch
and had the  place almost to ourselves. Same thing at an Italian restaurant
around 4 pm Friday… off-peak hours but still it was quiet.


In the hockey rink however, the spending continued apace…


There was a lot attention in the news about the huge mortgage foreclosure and
delinquency rates in the U.S. That could lead to the dreaded double dip


My though is to be cautious in the markets but still look for bargains…


November 19, 2009


Yesterday (Tuesday) we had the news that Manulife would raise $2.5 billion in
equity by selling shares at $19. One of the beneficiaries here will be the
TMX Group who charges a fee for
such “secondary issues”. In fact TMX has been collecting plenty of these fees
this year as companies have issued shares to improve their balance sheets. Due
to mis-guided accounting rules (that fail to reflect economic reality) TMX gets
the cash now but must book the revenue from these fees over a 10 year period.
The point is; these fees will improve the cash flows but not really the GAAP
profit at TMX this quarter.


I then decided to add fairly significantly to my TMX position today.


I also decided to follow Buffett (and our own analysis) and bought 200
Wal-Mart shares today.


My strategy is to keep a fairly large allocation to cash in order to take
advantage if the market “corrects” but meanwhile I am definitely interested in
raising my equity proportion when I find the right investments.


Over the years we have all seen advertisements for bank accounts that pay
better interest than our brokerage accounts. I just checked and my TD Waterhouse
account is officially paying 0.00% on cash, so anything beats that. ING Canada
currently pays 1.05%. Ally bank apparently pays 2% and offers (although I
suspect there is a limit how much you can deposit at that rate.).


The problem has always been that you could not (as I understand it)
access these competitor bank accounts from within your brokerage account and
certainly not from a discount broker RRSP account. The best option for cash was
usually a money market mutual fund of some type. An outfit like TD Warehouse did
not provide you with the ability to invest in a TD bank account paying a higher
interest rate. There may have been regulations that prevented it. Or it may have
been that since your cash was somewhat captive in your brokerage account, the
brokerage had no incentive to offer a better interest rate.


(Strangely, I missed any memo from TD alerting me to the fact that I could
earn a higher interest rate this way)


Now with interest rates on brokerage accounts and money markets at or close
to zero, there is more interest in finding something better. Combine that with
the fact that “stock market refugees” having been burned int he market are
tending to sit on a pile of cash and there was probably  a competitive need
for brokerage accounts to start offering something better in order to attract
and keep customers.


And so now you can in fact make deposits into certain bank accounts from
within your discount brokerage account. TD Waterhouse has available Renaissance
High Interest (CIBC) Manulife Bank (mutual code MIP510), RBC, Dundee and
McKenzie banks all paying about 0.75% per year and CDIC insured to $100,000 and
with the ability to cash out in 1 day. 0.75% is not a lot but it beats zero and
if for example you otherwise would have say $100,000 sitting idle in your RRSP
(earning 0% in the case of TD Waterhouse) then that is $750 in your pocket and
you have lost no flexibility since you can cash out at any time. With TD you
have to call in by phone to makes these deposits except for the Manulife one you
can buy online like a mutual fund using code MIP510. I will be giving this a try


And if you are with one of the non-bank entities like e-trade I would think
that the CDIC (Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation) coverage might offer some
peace of mind.


I would never have had any concern what so ever that my cash in a TD
Waterhouse account would ever be at risk in the event of a bankruptcy of TD
Waterhouse but given the events of the last year, who knows?


At the bottom of the stock list above I posted a quick note about these bank
deposit accounts now being available.


November 18, 2009


Melcor is updated and rated
Speculative Buy at $10.60. It’s lest quarter was quite strong. It remains
somewhat risky if oil prices and the Alberta economy were to falter badly. But
overall buying Melcor at this price should be a good long-term investment. It
seems likely too that Q4 will be reasonable strong for it.


November 17, 2009


Walmart was up today on news that
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has added to his stake in it. Buffett also
added to Wells Fargo. Some will say Buffett is buying after the big market
rally. Not true of Walmart which is actually down on the year and Buffett in any
event was buying in the summer as opposed to necessarily this week. Berkshire
added to other stocks but people should keep in mind that Buffett allows Lou
Simpson to independently invest the funds of Geico and so the smaller buys may
not be Buffett’s. ( say the piddley stuff – like under $100 million!, that’s my
kind’a piddley)


The point is a person could do worse than following Buffett into Walmart.
Some of Buffett’s investment in the past year were preferred shares and special
deals not available to you and I. But with Wal-mart you get the same terms as
Buffett. (Although he likely grabbed it a few dollars lower than it is now).


Also Walmart is not a complicated company and our last update called it a
(higher) Buy. I would be tempted to add to my Wells Fargo stake as well on
Buffett’s move. But I do note that Wells Fargo as a banking business is more
complex – loan losses are very difficult to predict. But if the great man is


November 16, 2009


I took advantage of Aeroplan being up 30 cents this morning  and sold
most of my shares. For richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, sickness
or health… that remains to be seen regarding Aeroplan and my decision to sell.
But I was not married to these shares and I’m movin’ on.


In other news, United States loan delinquency figures for Q3 were recently


also similar figures for bank write-offs of loans


These figures continue to climb even though the economy is supposedly on the


This data only goes back to the late 80’s but most categories are at record
high delinquencies. Almost 1 in 10 real estate laons in the U.S. is apparently
in delinquency (more than 30 days late). In Canada we have Residential
delinquencies measured on a different basis, 90 days late. But our bank figures
indicate that less than 1 in 200 residential mortgages are in arrears as of
August. I find that very hard to believe. Surely before this is over the
Canadian delinquency figures will rise.


Canadian credit card delinquencies for July were running at just 1.27% more
than 90 days late with an annualized loss rate of 5.37%, (up from 4.72% in April
(pity the banks). (Is my theory proving true that the unemployed are living on
credit cards but now the they are having trouble paying the MasterCard with the
Visa and vice versa?)  This 5.37% 90–day rate in Canada compares to the
30-day credit card delinquency in the U.S. at 6.58% 30-day delinquent.


The bottom line from these figures is that losses on loans continue to
grow. Therefore on this basis caution is warranted regarding the economic


November 15, 2009


The TMX Group is at about $29,
down from about $36 prior to its Q3 report and associated increased concerns
about competition. It is diffcult to say how much competition TMX will
ultimately see. I have described its profit levels in the past as obscene
(that’s a good thing for investors) and so clearly if it were subject to normal
competition its profits would fall precipitously.


The competition that has been in the nes has been for the trading of TSX
listed stocks. It has definitely lost market shares there. At last report
competitors had gained a total of about 26% of the trading volumes. That
definitely puts substantial downward pressure on trading fees. However we need
to keep in mind that TSX trading represented “only” 20% of the Groups revenues
in 2008, down from 20% in 2007 and is running at about 18.5% in 2009. Meanwhile
initial and ongoing listing fees and data subscriptions represent larger revenue
sources. As long as the TSX is still the dominant exchange there may be little
pricing pressure on those services – but that cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore
it is possible that such fees could be regulated in the future.


I believe the TSX mayl announce its 2010 initial listing and ongoing listing
fees sometime in December. At that time it may become clear if competition is
starting to drive these prices down.


Currently the 200 or dealers are required to send their business to the stock
exchange with the best price. In 2011 it will instead be up to the exchange to
re-route orders to their competitors if the competitor has a better trading
price. This latest change for 2011 may not be of concern to the TMX Group given
that the dealers are already supposed to going to the exchange with the best
stock price at any given moment. It was not clear to me if this “best price” was
after considering trading fees or not.


It would seem to me that competitors could take business on pre-arranged
block trades. However for small retail trades it may be that the exchange with
the most traders will tend to have the best price. This could continue to be a
natural monopoly.


The bottom line is that while TMX Group remains highly profitable we cannot
be certain that this will continue. It does appear to continue to have the
ability to charge highly profitable fees for the privilege of listing on the TSX
or for obtaining its data subscriptions. Therefore I like owning it but I
recognize that it comes with uncertainty.


I’ll now be back to posting comments about five days per week… last week I
was traveling and the internet connection ended up being very weak.


AeropPlan is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Buy at $10.03. I have cubed my enthusiasm for this company.
As with most companies and investments it’s got its good points as well as its
bad. You should always try to read our full reports here if you are interested
in a stock because it can be very difficult in some cases to boil all the
different factors down to a rating. We do boil it down but we also give you a
lot of data and text so that you can see if you agree with our rating.


The main reasons I have lowered the rating are:


Looking since April 1. 2009 insiders are not buying shares and in fact two
sold small amounts. Insiders seem to own few shares though some have lots of
options given to them by AeroPlan. The CEO paid $3 million last year invested
only $25,000 in their 7.9% bonds. I mean for $25,000 why even bother?


Another quarter of declining cash revenue from points sales. Yes that may be
expected in a recession but I had hoped Aeroplan would continue to grow.


Their policy of expiring points on one year of inactivity or after seven
years no matter if the collector is still very active grates on me every time I
read about it. I consider it to be shabby treatment of collectors and if
management treats collectors shabbily why should investors not fear the same at
some point?


I note a new claim by Air Canada for $49 million that Air Canada claims it
under-billed for seats sold to Aeroplan over a period of years (another example
of how brain-dead Air Canada is). It is a bit of a worry that they get in a
legal argument with their main partner and former parent like this.


They mention a class action law-suit by collectors regarding the expired
points could possibly be moving forward (or not). They book zero liabilities for


Finally, indications from the Carlson acquisition are that they will take a
$16 million write-off on computer system costs in this Q4.


So… while I still like their business model I concluded that the rating
should be lower. Aeroplan is one of my largest investments and I intend now to
sell perhaps half or even all of this. I’d rather start moving the money towards
stocks that I currently rate higher than AeroPlan.


November 9, 2008


Well the markets continue to confound anyone who is bearish or even cautious.
It seems to keep going up -signaling good times ahead for the economy.
Personally I remain happy to sit with most of my 2009 gains in cash and bide my
time and invest only slowly in the best opportunities I see.


November 8, 2009


The unemployment numbers Friday morning were quite bad but the market
shrugged it off (so far). As of 7 pm Easter time tonight, the Futures appear to
be suggesting not much change at the opening in New York tomorrow.


I don’t have any updates this weekend and I may not have much to say the next
few days. Starting in a week or so however, i expect to have a number of updated


November 5, 2009


TMX group continues to decline. It appears that the market is signaling that
it believes TMX will be hurt by competition. It may be prudent to consider it to
be a somewhat speculative investment since the impact of competition is
difficult to judge. I am comfortable holding it but would not want to get
over-exposed to it. When it sets its listing fees for 2010 later this year, it
may become more apparent if that part of its business is starting to be impacted
by competition in addition to its actual trading revenues.


Aeroplan continued to rise today.


U.S. markets were very strong on positive economic news and job news.


November 4, 2009


Aeroplan rose today as it seems the market decided it lied the news of its
acquisition announced yesterday.


Melcor reported what appears to be good earnings after the close today. The
dividend however may be a bit disappointing. at the total dividend in 2009 is 25
cents compared to 42 cents in 2008 and 40 cents in 2007. From my view it shows
the company is being prudent. It makes sense to reduce the dividend is the
profits are down.


November 3, 2009


It seems I was not invited to the little party on Bay Street today. While the
TSX was up 1.4%, my stocks were hurt by the continued drop in the TMX group and
a drop in Melcor (but Melcor is volatile on small volumes that is probably just
“noise”. )


Aeroplan is buying an American loyalty marketing business for some $188
million. It’s hard to say if this is a good move, I would have preferred that
they hold on to their cash. Yahoo shows a press release of this news at 10:09
Eastern time. There was a conference call at 10:30 am. There was no trading
halt. Now luckily the share price did not move much on the news (at least not
down). Then again it moved down a little the past few days. It just seems to me
that this kind of middle-of-the-day disclosure is extremely unfair to retail


There was big news today with Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway buying the
remaining 77% of Burlington Northern at $100 per share (60% cash, 40% Berkshire
stock) Burlington had closed Monday at $76. So that’s a big premium and a big
vote of confidence in the U.S. economy.


In contrast to Aeroplan’s approach, Buffett released his news before the
market opened.
That meant that the Burlington Northern shares opened at $97. Retail investors
were not disadvantaged. No one got to buy ahead of others, because the market
was closed when the news came out.




November 2, 2009


Note that you will start seeing a few
ads on this site including on this page.
  A bit of background about
the ads.


Over the last ten years I have almost never ran any ads. I briefly tried
Google ads but they showed advertisements for get rich quick schemes and that
was not a good fit. And I have had a few ads from Amazon on here for the last
three years or so in the recommended books page. I have made all of about $35
from that but they are not going to send me a cheque until I hit $100. I recall
I also tied another ad system briefly through Click-Bank but I don’t think I
ever received a single dime. The point is I have and will experiment a bit with
ads but will not do much with ads until I get the right sort of ads that are a
good fit. Right now I am trying out a company that will show ads for certain
Canadian credit cards and similar mainstream financial products. I think that
could be a good fit for this Site.


markets were mixed today and I think will continue to gyrate with different
bits of bad or good news. I remain comfortable with a more cautious stance and
am not in a powerful hurry to buy anything. But I do have a few buy orders in
and will buy if those are hit. (Just checking and I see I picked up 300 Shaw
Communication this morning at $19.10.). With Aeroplan down to $8.90 I am tempted
to buy more of it but it’s probably safer to wait until after they report


November 1, 2009


I added a couple of more sentences about competition to the TMX update from
yesterday. So far, the drop in earnings appears to be related more to the
recession and financial crisis than to competition. Still, the ultimate impact
of competition is unknown and adds to the risk of TMX.


Canadian National Railway Company (CNR
Toronto, CNI New York) is updated and rated Weak Buy at CAN $52.30. I like the
company long term. But at the moment the valuation is not at all compelling
under conservative assumptions.


October 30, 2009


The TMX Group X on TSX)
(which runs the Toronto and Montreal stock exchanges) is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $29. The recent trend for the company was negative. But initial
and secondary listings have increased sharply now. And annual listing fees
should be higher in 2010 driven by higher stock prices. There is a concern about
increased competition which has hurt profits. But overall, TMX looks like good
value at this price.


The composition of my own portfolio is
updated. I am currently about 52% in cash and and 48% equities. But 6% of the
equities are bear funds (9.5% after considering some of that is double bear) for
a net exposure to equities of about 38%. Normally over the years I have been
close to 100% in equities. However, this year after more than regaining my
losses from 2008, I adopted a rather cautious stance several months ago. Also as
explained at that time, I decided to basically clean out some older positions in
order to re-group and to be able to invest in newer Strong Buys as I identify
them. I am currently well positioned if the market continues to “correct” (that
is decline). However, I run the risk of being somewhat left behind if the market
pulls ahead.


Our performance figures for 2009 are


October 28, 2009


TMX Group released somewhat weak earnings today and the stock fell 8%. I am
dismayed that they released during trading hours which I believe disadvantages
retail investors. I have written a complaint to the TMX president and asked that
the Board members be informed of my complaint. I have complained to them before.
Maybe it’s a waste of time but I feel like someone has to stand up for the
retail investors. I have not completed an updated analysis but on the surface I
don’t think the earnings are that bad. And their fees in this Q4 have probably
started out strong since there has been a lot of offering of stock lately. My
analysis is not done but my sense is that the stock is still a Buy or perhaps
(higher) Buy. Perhaps no rush to buy but I am going to add to my position
tomorrow if it opens at $31.40 or less. (I entered a buy at $31.40 it closed at
$31.05, if it opens lower than $31.40 I will get the lower price). I continue to
view TMX as having a certain amount of monopoly-like advantages.


Another monopoly, VISA rose almost 3% today on strong earnings. Ya gotta love
investing in monopolies. When they are available at reasonable prices they are
monopolicious.  (Is it really a monopoly? well every retailer has no choice
but top accept their cards and pay their fees, with MasterCard they are not a
duopoly, rather they are dual monopolies.)


Another 500 of my HXD shares sold today on an order I placed last night at
$14.80. So I have now placed an order to sell another 500 if it gets to $15.80.




October 27, 2009


Today was a weak day in the markets with the financial sector being
particularly weak.


I added to my position in Canadian Oil Sands Trust as the price fell and hit
a buy order that I had placed last week.


Regarding the U.S. housing market. House prices have risen in almost all of
the surveyed Cities in August and as well in July and June. The most notable
area where prices are still dropping is Los Vegas.


You can find the latest Case Shiller Index Report here.


October 26, 2009


The TSX fell 1.3%. Those of you positioned more cautiously with lower
exposures to equities were well positioned today. However a low exposure to
equities has resulted in lost opportunities over  the past months.
Personally I don’t worry much about lost opportunities – those will always be
infinite in hindsight. I focus on the opportunities I am in or can get into
rather than the ones I missed, which can’t be helped now.


I remain comfortable taking a more cautious stance at this point…


An order I had placed a couple of weeks ago was filled today and I sold 700
of my 2700 HXD Double bear shares. I still hold 2000 HXD but it is not a large
percentage of my portfolio. I also have 1200 shares of HIX the single bear TSX


Earnings reports continue to be generally stronger than expected. Today’s
market decline was reportedly due to a rise in the U.S. dollar.


October 25, 2009


Shaw Communications
is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $19.95


October 22, 2009


The market today shook off its late day losses of yesterday.


Economic news remains mixed.


Shaw Communications is doing well perhaps in anticipation that its earnings
release tomorrow morning. I have often described this company as being
essentially an unregulated monopoly and so I will not be surprised if their
earnings are strong.


Melcor fell 4% on thin volume which may represent a buying opportunity.


October 21, 2009


Stocks fell late in the day today on concerns about certain financial stocks.
It is possible that after the huge gains of late the market is vulnerable to a


Oil is at $80. Canadian
Oil Sands Trust has not risen with this recent gain and even slipped back a
little. I may buy back some shares I sold in this … I have an order in at
$27.75 but that is probably far too low given the rise in oil prices. COS closed
today at $32.47. Melcor has been doing well although on small volumes. With oil
up and gas at least off its lows, that is positive for Alberta and
Melcor is worth considering as a “play”
on Alberta.


We will have one or more updated reports by Sunday. The Q3 reports are
starting to come in quickly now.


October 20, 2009


An order I had placed some days ago to buy 300 shares of the TMX Group if it
fell to $34.05 was filled today. I suspect they will report reasonably good
results for Q3.


The earnings season is now getting started for Canadian firms which tend to
report a little later than the U.S. firms on average. C.N reported apparently a
13% earnings decline. That sounds like excellent performance given that car
loadings were down about that much. Usually profits fall much faster than sales
given fixed costs.


In economic news, wholesale trade fell in seven provinces in August.


However the leading indicators are up.


Tourism to Canada from the United States was flat year-over year. That is
actually good performance considering the recession and the tighter security at
the border. But this was before the recent surge in the Canadian dollar.


Overall, the messages regarding the recession are mixed, some good news, some


October 19, 2009


It appears that the Q3 earnings reports are mostly better than expected,
which is pushing stock prices ups.


Still, there are things to be worried about.


Some banks are canceling the credit cards of perfectly good customers for no
apparent reason. Banks are experiencing heavy credit losses on credit cards and
in some cases may not longer wish to be in this business.


Railcar traffic is often seen as a good economic indicator and is something
that Warren Buffett watches. U.S. rail car loadings are down 17% from year ago
figures. Intermodal (container) car loadings are down 11%. I wonder how
Christmas sales can be expected not to fall quite significantly given this drop
in traffic.


Canadian rail car traffic is down 13.6% with containers down 9.5%.


The high dollar is no-doubt pummeling many Canadian exporters/manufacturers.
On a delayed basis this tends to lead to job losses and then credit losses for


October 15, 2009


Canadian manufacturing figures were out today. Sales fell 2.3% for
manufactures in August (seasonally adjusted). More dramatically these sales are
down 20.4% year over year. That is one HUGE drop. It’s a bit difficult to
understand how the recession can be over, based on these figures. Most
manufacturers have lots of fixed costs. When sales fall 20% profits tend to turn


In other news today oil has been climbing rapidly, up over $2.00 today and we
are now near $78 and its only about two weeks ago we were under $70. Where does
it go next? I have no idea. I don’t attempt to forecast such things.


News from Alberta includes a two-year wage freeze for managers in the
government and a hope that the whole civil service will get on board. Most have
union contracts so not sure those contracts can be touched. I expect to hear a
LOT more of this kind of news. At some point governments will be cutting back.
Earlier this year Alberta government announced a hiring freeze and no bonuses
next Spring.


October 14, 2009


Earnings reports for Q3 so far have been mostly good which has contributed to
strong markets.


The Canadian dollar is once again reaching levels that will badly hurt some
sectors of the economy. I wrote on this subject in the newsletter of
November 3, 2007. when the Canadian dollar was
at U.S. $1.07. What I said then still applies (except back then unemployment was
low, and this time we are “only” at 98 cents…so far.)


I am continuing quite a cautious investment stance. A lot of money has been
made in stocks in the past 7 months. Stocks still seem to have momentum and
could go higher. But looking at things like the P/E ratios they generally don’t
seem compelling.


Based on orders I had placed some days ago I did buy a small amount more of
the TSX single bear ETF, “HIX’. On the other hand I also have a sell order in to
get rid of some of the double bear HXD if it rises to $13.70 from the current


Yesterday, also based on an order that had been placed some days ago, a small
portion of my Melcor shares made good on their escape from my account, replaced
by cash. I did not notice this had happened until today. Buy and sell orders
placed “off the market price” (buy lower than the market or sell higher than the
market) like that can be a way to sell or buy without the emotion of the moment.
It can automatically sell for you on an up-tock (assuming you want to sell)
whereas if you wait to do the trade live and in person you may change your mind
about selling as the price rises.


October 13, 2009


The TSX was down slightly today despite oil being up strongly today and over
the weekend. Earnings worries regarding U.S. banks pushed markets down.


With oil up a 100 shares of my Canadian Oil Sands Trust was sold on a
pre-existing order. Really I would have preferred that oil fall to $65 or lower
and then I would have bought more instead of selling…


This week I expect markets to bounce around depending on earnings. Intel
announced strong earnings tso that may spur a rise tomorrow…


October 12, 2009


My article that calculates the Fair Value of The
Dow Jones Industrial Average under various assumptions about growth,
expected future P/E level, and investor required returns is updated.


I was surprised to calculate that the Dow Jones can be considered to be
under-valued. The reason for this is that its earnings look pretty good. And
part of the reason for that is that the Dow at this time does not include many
financial stocks. Apparently only one of the Dow components had negative
earnings in the past 12 months (with the Sept quarter being estimated). In the
case of the S&P 500 there are lots of big companies with big losses, so the DOW
looks more attractive than the S&P 500.


You can get “exposure” to the Dow index by buying the Exchange Traded Fund
DIA on New York. Unfortunately for Canadians that exposes us to currency risk.
If the Canadian dollar keeps going up that will hurt Canadians who buy U.S.
stocks. (update, I have now added DIA to our

Global ETF article)


Today oil is up about 2% and the Canadian dollar is up to 96.6 cents. It
seems now almost everyone has (after noticing the dollar has long since bolted
upwards) now joined in calling for it to rise at least to parity. That may be,
but these things have a habit of turning around unexpectedly as well. If you
have plans to spend money in the U.S. in the foreseeable future, it might not be
a bad idea to buy your U.S. dollars in a few separate transactions starting now.
Sure, it may go higher in which case you win by waiting. But that is not


If our dollar is to reach parity then I think Canada could well see a double
dip recession. We still export a lot of manufactured good to the U.S. and each 1
cent up in the Canadian dollar takes about a full percent off the revenues
coming back from the U.S. That can mean Canadian factories shutting down in a
hurry. And tourism… forget about it. And Canadians streaming across the border
for vacations and to shop in the U.S.? Absolutely. That helps pull the U.S. out
of recession and Canada into it.


I am not hoping for a higher Canadian dollar. I don’t think this country can
afford it.




October 11, 2009


Our reference article regarding  Global or
International Exchange Traded Funds (with ETF symbols and P/E ratios and
much more) is updated. Unfortunately, at this time, we find NONE of them to be


October 10, 2009


Alimentation Couhe-Tard is
updated and rated Buy at $19.04. This is a well-managed company in a simple
business and has been growing strongly for many years. I don’t currently own it
but I may place an order to Buy.


October 8, 2009


Tomorrow (Friday), Statistics Canada will report unemployment numbers as well
as export statistics. If these numbers are positive, perhaps we will see yet
another day of market rises. With
Canadian Oil Sands
Trust up 5% today I sold 100 shares and hope to buy back at a lower price. I
also placed a trade to buy some more TMX Group if it drops about $1.00.


American mortgage rates are again at almost record lows with 30-year
mortgages available at under 5%. And keep in mind that under federal laws
Americans are allowed to refinance at modest cost and so they are not really
locked in. There has been another surge in refinancing and this will generate
cash that will help the economy. With such very low interest rates it is strange
that the U.S. house prices can stay so low. The problem in the U.S. is that
those homeowners who are “underwater” are often allowed to “walk away” and then
the houses tend to get sold at low-ball prices which is what is keeping house
prices down in the U.S. And all indications are that lots more foreclosures are
coming in the U.S..


With the Canadian dollar up close to 95 cents I may transfer some additional
cash to U.S. dollars soon. Then if the Canadian dollar drops I can transfer back
at a profit. A high dollar hurts Canadian exporters and soon there will be
increasing pressure to bring the dollar back down.


October 7, 2009


Wednesday was another good day on Toronto, up 102 points of 0.9%. This
despite oil being down slightly and the Dow was down slightly.


After the close Alcoa came out at the first earnings report for Q3 and
surprised with a profit  instead of a the expected loss. This is quite a
positive development. On this news its quite likely that markets can continue to
go up – until that is some piece of important negative news catches attention –
and that could happen anytime. As always markets remain unpredictable.


None off the trades that I have entered were triggered today. I have a trade
in to buy a bit more of the single bear if it falls to $12.80 from the current
$13. I continue to hold some of this bear and double bear as a hedge against a
market fall. But it does get annoying to see losses on this seemingly day after
day Although with occasional nice gains on it as occurred late last week). I am
tempted to clear out that bear position but so far I keep it.


Boston Pizza has resumed
buying back shares. It did so early this year but had used up its allowed limit.
Now it is again allowed to buy back shares and is doing so. I think these units
should continue to do well and the Buy back may help the process a little. Not
only might it push up the share price through the buying but the buying is
accretive to earnings per unit.


October 6, 2009


It was another very strong day in the markets. It makes me glad I was never a
momentum investor. With the market lurching around so much, I don’t know how
people can tell when an up-trend has ended and when a down-trend has started.
Also I am not interested in knowing (partly because it is probably unknowable)
There are hundreds of investing styles. I stick to fundamentals and it has
worked well for me.


Oil prices have continued to be quite volatile lately between $72 and $67.
This is part of the reason that the TSX is so volatile.


Ob days like today my cautious stance (high cash allocation as well as a
modest TSX bear position in addition to an allocation to equities) costs me
money. But overall I am comfortable with that approach at this time, happy in
the knowledge that unlike last year I am not going to see 15 or 20% of my
portfolio melt away in the last few months of the year.  Riding out the ups
and downs does tend to work out in the longer term but I was just not prepared
to stay 100% equities this year after the big gains we have had this year.


I saw figures from CIBC today that indicate consumer loan delinquencies
continue to rise in Canada. Yet we don’t hear much about the banks and finance
companies that are on the losing end of that statistic. At least not yet we
don’t. Canadians on average have increased their debt load in the past year. I
am not surprised because it seems to me that the unemployed person is often
going to run up debt on his credit card before he will really cut back on
spending. At first he continues to make his payments too. But eventually he
starts to fall behind. I believe multiple sources of credit has deprived banks
of early warnings when a customer loses his job.


In the old days once there was no job the bank probably saw the impact
quickly. Now the unemployed person can often run up a lot more debt while
keeping up with payments with borrowed money and the bank does not find out
there is a problem until it’s a really big problem. And I don’t really blame
people for doing this. If I had no money and needed groceries for the kids, I
would charge them on a credit card and hope to figure out a way to pay that back
later. My point is the banks may be in for some very nasty surprises before this
unemployment problem gets solved. All indications are that even if the recession
is officially over unemployment would keep rising for another 6 or 9 months and
will not recover to pre-recession levels for some years. Meanwhile expect to see
lots of delinquent loans.


Oh, and our dollar is at a record high for 2009, that will not help out the
many manufacturers in this country who face costs in Canadian dollars and
revenue in U.S. dollars that converts to fewer Canadian dollars than before.


All in all, I am remaining cautious in my approach to investing…


October 5, 2009


Markets had a strong day today. This would seem to show that investors have
confidence and were not spooked by last week’s losses.


For the last few weeks various economic reports were what caused markets to
gyrate. We are now entering the third quarter earnings season and I expect
markets to gyrate based o various good or bad earnings reports and outlooks from
key companies.


In my own trading I had an order in to reduce my
Melcor position if it rise to $9.75.
That price was hit today and so my Melcor position was reduced somewhat. I also
had an order in to buy Melcor at $8.55 so I am just trying to take advantage of
volatility in this stock.


October 3, 2009


FirstService is updated and
rated a Weak Buy at U.S. $18.39 and CAN $19.75. Like many stocks, the price has
done well since Spring and has doubled. Also this year they had a large and
unusual accounting revaluation that almost wiped out their common equity. The
valuation is now much less attractive than it was in the Spring and there is
also the uncertainty of the recession. We would not be buyers at this point and
if we held it we would consider selling in order to buy higher-rated stocks.


FirstSerive Preferred shares
are updated and rated Buy at U.S. $18.75 The 9.3% yield is attractive but we
also consider this to have some risk given that FirstService itself has been
hurt by the recession and given that it now has almost no common equity. This
was due to an accounting revaluation, but still, according to the accountants it
has almost no common equity.


Our performance and the
composition of my own portfolio have been


On Friday as the market dove early in the trading session, a 1000 shares of
my HXD double bear were sold on a pre-existing order at $14.75. My HXD position
is now down to a more reasonable level and I may hold in orde to benefit if the
market falls. Overall though I personally hold over 50% cash at this time and so
I will have some protection from any possible market decline with or without
this HXD position.


One stock I am considering buying is Boston Pizza. I have had orders in to
buy for quite some time if the price falls. But O may decide to simply pay the
current market price.




October 1, 2009


Not a great start to Q1 as the TSX was down 2.8% and the Dow was down 2.1%.


No one should be surprised given the big stock recovery we have had since the
lows in march and also given recent signs that the recovery is tepid at best.
Even if the market is going to rise through the rest of this year (which is far
from a certainty) it can be expected to have its down days.


I took the opportunity to sell about 20% of my double bear HXD position and I
have orders in the sell more if the market continues to fall.


My plan is basically to add to positions on dips and sell parts of positions
on rallies just to take some advantage of volatility. I tend to set these buy
and sell orders 10 to 15% off the market price. Mostly I will just be holding
what I have.


As I post this at close to 11 pm eastern time, Hong Hong and Japan are down


U.S. stock futures appear to be suggesting the market will open down only a
tiny fraction.




September 30, 2009 (and end of Q3)


The TSX  market ended today unchanged from yesterday. But at various
points during the day it was up 50 points and then down 100 points. The U.S.
market was similarly volatile. Markets are reacting to various bits of economic
news trying to figure out how strong the recovery from the depths of the
recession will be.


Officially a recession is over as soon as the economy is confirmed to be
climbing back out of the hole. But for practical purposes such as jobs it is
really over when GDP grows back to its previous peak. And that seems likely to
take some time (a year or two?).


Our stocks mostly did well today particularly Aeroplan which remains one of
my largest holdings.


Oil was up over $3.00 today. That drove Canadian Oil Sands up 2.5% to $30.75.
Seeing that I decided to sell 40% of my Canadian Oil Shads (400 shares) . But I
then placed an order to buy that back at $27.75. This is RRSP money and I figure
why not advantage of the volatility. If oil keeps going up I will lose that
potential gain but at least I have the cash.


The double bear HXD was up nicely at one point this morning to $13.84. But my
order to sell some of that would only trigger if it gets to $14.10. I would not
mind seeing a temporary dip in the markets so I can get rid of some of the HXD.
The markets have almost been on a one-direction move up for months now with no
major dips. I expect taht even if it is to keep rising, there will be some
sizable dips. In the next couple of weeks it will react to various economic
reports and then after that it will be Q3 earnings season. There is always the
possibility of “geo-political” events having an impact. (Things like Terrorist
activity and various saber rattling by the U.S. and its many enemies.


In Canada we also have the dollar moving around fairly wildly which also has
an impact…


Sept 29, 2009


While the Canadian market rose today, the U.S. stock market was down due
to lower consumer sentiment. Investors are continuing to be bold and accept more
risks. This tends to drive markets up until and unless bad news puts fear back
on the front burner. My more cautious stance in my personal investing has cost
me lost opportunity but I can’t complain too much since I have the cash to
invest now or at anytime I see better bargains.


A subscriber commented as follows:


(Why) the sudden dropping of five stocks because you ” have no plans to update
them.”  I would at least like to know why you have no such plans.  Furthermore,
if they are no longer worth following they are presumably not even weak buys.
And if they are not worth buying then they are sells.  Yet one was updated as
recently as April and three were last listed as higher buys.  Shouldn’t you have
signalled that they had become at least weak buys if not sells some time ago
before just dropping them?    Also, it makes one wonder whether Berkshire, CN,
Costco, First Service, Wells Fargo, Canadian Tire, Dalsa, Ing, TSX, and First
Service preferreds might get dropped because they have not been updated for six
months or more.


Response: As noted below, I did remove

Thompson Reuters, Loblaw, IGM Financial, Starbucks, and Home Capital
Group. Basically their ratings were out of date and I did not think they were
stocks that I would likely update within any reasonable time period, if at all,
and so they were removed.


Some times I comment on stocks
in between ratings and I do indicate if I have sold. I had sold Starbucks
earlier this year. Generally it is hard to comment on a stock without a full
update and there is just not time to update them all. Usually we keep following
certain stocks for years. But at some point there has to be some culling to make
room for new ideas. If anyone has a particular interest in any of these then we
can try to update it.


One thing about the last six
months is that markets soared incredibly fast and that meant  a lot of
ratings got very much out dated very quickly. We have always said that the
ratings were our opinion on the date of publication of the rating. Usually there
is little reason to think the opinion would change unless the stock price
changes a lot or there was significant developments at the company like a poor
earnings report or a very good earnings report. This last six months the stock
prices soared and that meant out ratings naturally went out of date very
quickly. While we were not able to continuously update things, subscribers were
kept informed as I sold any stocks that I owned.


Some reports are still out of
date but the company was not removed from the list because we do hope to update
those within a reasonable period of time.


Many companies might be “worth”
updating, but we hope to focus out efforts on the better propects hence, again
the need for some culling.


A subscriber also


notice you are clearly trying to predict the direction of the market with your
high cash double bear positions.  Isn’t that contrary to your oft stated (and
Buffet’s) policy of buying good companies at a reasonable price at staying with
them as long as the basic story hasn’t changed? 


Response: I have made a lot of
comments on my HXD double bear position which can be searched below. It was
meant as more a hedge than a bet the market would fall. Lately I have been quite
disciplined in cleaning up my own portfolio. Reluctantly selling some positions
at a loss because overall my portfolio is at a record level and I felt it
prudent to lock that in partially and protect capital.


We all are at different stages
of life, have different incomes, different portfolio levels, retirement plans,
pensions, risk tolerances and on and on. For my own personal situation I decided
it was prudent top adopt a defensive strategy and HXD was part of that. As I
have now sold a lot of stocks I honestly probably should sell some of that HXD
but have essentially not been able to get myself to do that (it’s hard to sell
it at a loss). Instead I place orders to sell some of it if the market falls. (A
bit got sold on Friday). But in general the market has risen and As a result the
HXD has not been sold. But I have also benefited from the rise in the market.


I am a believer to a large
extent in buy and hold, but I also see logic in selling the weaker rated stocks
to buy the higher rated ones. This is particularly true in the RRSP accounts
where capital gains, are not a concern.


And I do see a risk of the market falling. There
is always that risk. Looking at my overall situation the lure of possible gains
was out-weighted by my fear of a pull-back after the huge market rally and given
the weak economy. Losing about 22% (on a good-sized portfolio) last year was no
fun and I am up close to 40% this year and I am happy to try to keep that rather
than swinging for the fences. HXD has been part of my insurance against losses.


September 28, 2009


Markets were very strong today on the news of several corporate take-overs.


I decided to sell my Canadian Western Bank shares today (based on our recent
updated report) and look for better opportunities.


In Canada the news was that the the number of people collecting unemployment
fell about 3% in July. But I wonder if that is simply because benefits have
started to run out?


September 26, 2009


Subscribers should be aware that
(as has always been posted in our disclaimer) neither InvestorsFriend Inc. nor
Shawn Allen are registered investment advisors.


Securities Commission

legislation (See section 8.25) provides that:


The adviser registration requirement does not apply to a person
or company that acts as an adviser if the advice the person or company provides
does not purport to be tailored to the needs of the person or company receiving
the advice.


I have deleted some companies from the list above where the
report was out of date and where we have no plans to update the report. This
includes Thompson Reuters, Loblaw, IGM Financial, Starbucks, and Home Capital


Canadian Western Bank
preferred shares are updated and rated Buy at $27.03 and yield 6.7%.


Canadian Western Bank is
updated and rated (lower) Buy at $19.47. It’s a good company but I do worry
about it’s exposure to loan losses. So far it has had no increase in its
expenses for bad loans but it could happen. It’s lending profits are lower at
time of low interest rates because it can’t make a big interest spread on some
of its low (even zero) cost deposits. Paying nothing on deposits and lending
them out at say 7% is a great business, but lending them at 3%, not so much.
While it could continue to do very well, I am not a buyer at this time and in
fact I may sell my shares to redeploy in higher-rated stocks.


September 25, 2009


FedEx is updated and rated Sell at
$75.70 (subsequent to our analysis date it has already dropped to $73.80 as we
post this). Formerly FedEx was highly profitable and appeared to have cost
advantages in  terms of scale and also had top of mind brand awareness.
More recently it’s costs seem too high for its reduced level of business due to
the recession and possibly the industry has become more competitive. It will
likely return to strong profitability if the economy recovers to previous levels
or if it can adjust its cost structure for lower capacity. However based on the
recent earnings level and the fact that a recovery is speculative, we rate it a
Sell at this time.


Tim Hortons is updated and
rated Buy at Canadian $30.22 or U.S. $27.68. It is a very high quality company
and is fairly priced although it is not a compelling bargain. I have placed an
order to Buy but decided to try to buy a bit under the current price. A good
strategy would be to buy a partial position now with a view to adding if it
sinks in a possible general market correction.


A friend of mine suggested that this is just about the only business he sees
that shows no sign of any slow-down due to recession. I can’t argue with that.


September 24, 2009


Today my insurance against a market decline paid off (HXD the double bear).
Oil was down a couple dollars today and is at $66.34 down from about $72 earlier
this week. This could spell more weakness for the Toronto market, although oil
is up slightly in overnight trading as I write this.


September 23, 2009


It was interesting that the market reacted somewhat negatively to the Fed
meeting news release today. Some times it seems like the market “wants” to focus
on good news and other times on bad news. With the market up so much recently we
may be entering a phase where the market will be particularly skittish on any
sign of bad news.


September 22, 2009


While my account was up today, I did no where near as well as the 1.4%
advance in the TSX.


My performance has been hurt by my double short position in the TSX which I
used to partially hedge my portfolio against a loss. Since the market has risen
rather than dropped my insurance has cost me plenty. But then just like when
your house does not burn down you lose your “bet” with the insurance company and
it costs you money. Your house burning down is a very unlikely event and
therefore fire insurance is cheap. A market decline is a very likely event at
any time and certainly is now when the market has recovered do much. Therefore
logically insurance against this risk is costly.


There are certainly days when I considering saying “uncle” and closing out my
double bear position. But I remind myself that I bought it to hedge my gains and
that if I am patient there will come a time when this insurance pays off.


September 22 , 2009 (pre-market
opening comment)


Yesterday I sold my positions in Visa and Microsoft. It was not really that I
wanted to sell these. It was more that I wanted to sell something to continue to
position my portfolio more cautiously (more cash) and these were stocks that I
was less committed. Also our recent update on Visa was lukewarm at best.


September 20, 2009


My personal portfolio composition is
updated. I am 37% in cash and have a double bear position of 12% for a net
equity exposure of about 38%. Part of my reason for caution is that my portfolio
has become equal to about four times our net annual family income. As a result
if the market had a deep correction, any new contributions would not be large
compared to the portfolio size. I need cash in the portfolio in order to be in a
position to take advantage of a correction. Another reason for my large cash
allocation as I explained below was that I sold a number of long-held positions
in our RRSPs to clean up the portfolio and be ready for new ideas.


September 19, 2009


Target is updated and rated Weak
Buy at $47.15 (it closed last at $48.79 subsequent to our analysis date). This
is a strong company with a 15% ROE, however earnings have been declining and the
P/E at 17 is not cheap. We would not buy at this time and if we held it we would
sell to move into higher rates stocks or into cash. The Weak Buy rating means it
would be worth buying for the longer term although certainly not a compelling


Visa is updated and rated (lower) Buy
at $73.79. It looks expensive on a P/E basis at 26. But is has been growing and
we like its duopoly near-monopoly characteristics. I hold it personally but
would probably wait for a pull-back before buying.


Staples is updated but remains
rated (lower) Buy at $23.29. Given the economy and its recent declines in same
store sales the next couple of quarters may show lower earnings. Possibly it
acquisition of Corporate Express from July 2008 will offset this but that is a
more speculative possibility. Given that markets have risen so fast recently, I
would consider selling this to move into cash or to move into higher rated
stocks. ((lower) Buy rating means we think the share price is more likely to be
higher in a year but there are better used for the cash in our opinion.


September 17, 2009


Regarding the economy and unemployment.


Figures from the

Canadian Bankers Association on Mortgages in arrears indicate that only
0.42% of Canadian mortgages are in arrears as of June 2009 (but the number is
trending up) That is less than 1 in 200!. Hard to believe. But part of the
explanation is that this only counts mortgages at least 3 months in arrears.
Still, it seems low given the unemployment and given the number of people who
seem to take on the largest mortgage they can get leaving no wiggle room if one
spouse loses a job even temporarily. My theory is that there are a lot of people
out there paying their bills by borrowing even more money. Heck this is actually
good for your credit rating until the day comes you are tapped out and can’t
borrow any more to make your payments.


I suspect lots of consumers are running up more and more debt, especially the
recently unemployed. They really have little choice. If the job is lost and the
payments are large, there is no way to cut back spending enough to make the
payments. Borrowing more to pay the bills can be the only option. But it can
only work so long. These consumers are basically running their own personal
ponzi scheme against the lenders. And the lenders keep sending out invitations
to get another credit card. And if an unemployed person has a line of credit
available, they are not likely to tell the bank of their new situation. Instead
that line of credit becomes emergency cash. But only for a while.


Markets were down a bit today. We have really had an incredible market rally
here. I don’t think we can expect to keep going without at least a correction.
So I remain cautious.


September 16, 2009


Our last update for Walmart called
it a (higher) Buy at $51.79 on August 15. Today the stock was at $50.04 so it
has fallen back slightly in a month when the stock market has roared ahead.
Walmart’s price is down this year and it is not much above its $46.25 low back
in February, while the general markets are some 50% above those lows. So, I
added to my Walmart position today.


I also entered some orders to trim a few positions if/as prices rise.


Canadian Manufacturing data came out for July today and was up 5.5% from June
(boosted by cash for Clunkers). But it was down a eye-popping 22%
year-over-year. While certainly there are signs of life in the economy, there
are also lots of scary numbers like these.


We have had a large increase in the number of unemployed in the past year. My
theory is that most unemployed people obviously don’t stop spending or paying
their debts. They probably don’t tell their bank that they are unemployed and
having trouble adjusting to lower incomes, many will rack up additional debt
during this period. If they are still unemployed after 9 months or so then
things get ugly. They are forced to really curtail spending and they can’t pay
all their bills. I wonder if we are now going to reach that stage where a lot of
unemployed people can’t pay the credit cards or the mortgage? I never see any
figures on Canadian home foreclosures. Surely that must be happening?




September 15, 2009


Another strong day in the markets. It does seem people are more interested in
buying stocks now that they are up 50% from the lows. Personally I continue to
be selective and cautious.


I did think about selling more shares today, to take advantage of the higher
prices, but decided to keep holding what I have.


September 14, 2009


Markets continue to do well despite the fact that they have risen so far from
their March lows.


I saw data today that suggests that while spending on necessities is about
flat year-over-year, spending on discretionary items is down about 7%. This U.S.
data. August consumer spending data will be strong with the (moronic) cash for
clunkers program but auto sales at least will probably fall off a cliff in


I’ve given up substantial return in September due to the reduction in my
equity exposure (replaced by cash and double bear on the TSX but with still a
substantial equity exposure). Still, I am comfortable with my cautious stance. I
think it makes sense to be positioned for a possible decline and to buy slowly
and selectively rather than buying into the market indiscriminately.


I did buy some shares in the TSX Group. They could do well based on all the
recent public share offerings.


September 10, 2009


Last week I mentioned I had bought the Natural Gas ETF that that trades on
Toronto under the symbol GAS. I bought at $3.92. This had been on a steady
down-trend but I figured why not buy Natural Gas when it was at a seven year
low? But I was too cautious to buy a lot, figuring I would average in. As it
turned out it started to rise. I placed an order to sell if it got to $4.95.
Surprisingly, that happened today and my shares sold for a quick 25% or $1500
profit. If it goes back the $4.00 level I will buy again. Possibly there is a
lot of upside in gas, but I don’t know enough about it, so I am happy to get out
with my quick gain.


Another order I had placed some time ago also got filled and so my Energy ETF
shares in XEG were sold.


While there is much talk of recovery, there is also lots of talk that the
economy has many challenges ahead. These would include consumers who are no
longer on average borrowing to spend but must instead re-pay loans. That alone
could be a big swing in consumer spending. Then there is more money being
diverted to pensions and healthcare and probably soon to higher taxes. The
strongest companies will probably do well, but overall the market has already
priced in a lot of recovery. At some point the market will likely decide it has
moved up to far to fast and we will likely see a correction. Longer term the
population in Canada and the U.S. keeps getting older and for the bulk of the
population, prime spending years may be behind them. For all those reasons I
remain a cautious investor and am not in a hurry to buy. My strategy is to buy
certain stocks on dips. Of course, if I identify a new Strong Buy I will
definitely buy that.


September 9, 2009


I mentioned Melcor under September 4.
Today the somewhat recovered housing starts in Alberta were in the news. I
placed an order to buy more Melcor but got only a partial fill. As a small
thinly traded company I don’t usually like to just accep0t the asking price, but
putting a price below asking of course runs the risk of no fill. (But then you
retain your money so lack of a fill is usually not a big deal).


I am also thinking of adding to my TMX Group position (symbol X). The Barrick
Gold share sale and others like West Jet all adds to their revenue. It arguable
faces more competition these days but it also continues to wield considerable
monopoly-like power. Canadian companies have no real choice but the list on the
TSX. New competitors are grabbing some of the trading but TMX still gets the
lion’s share.


My HXD double bear position came in handy today but still has been a loser
the alst while. I think of it as a hedge against my equity exposure rather than
a bet that the TSX index will drop, but it’s hard not to regret the loss on HXD.
Selfishly, I am somewhat hoping for a drop in the index and then I can both cash
out my HXD at a gain and deploy cash at lower stock prices. I don’t really like
to cheer for a market drop, but if it is going to happen (and markets seldom
move up in straight lines) we may as profit from it.


September 6, 2009


The latest edition of our free
newsletter has just been posted.


September 4, 2009


The TSX Group has just come out with its August statistics. Their volumes
were way up from last year. Stock values are down from a year ago due to the
crash but overall it looked like another good month for them. The stock price
would be higher except people think they will lose their near monopoly position
to competitors. So far the competition has not hurt them much. I don’t own it
now but it is a company I am interested in buying.


The Edmonton Journal today states that new house building is on the rise in
Edmonton and that Home Builders are scrambling to buy lots while land developers
like Melcor have stopped producing new
rates. If true, this could mean that Melcor is experiencing quite a strong Q3.
On that basis I have placed an order to add to my Melcor position. The other
thing I hope to see in Q3 for Melcor is that that they have hopefully been
collecting on receivables from builders as the builders sell houses. (in this
industry it is common for builders to pay for the lots only after they sell a
house on that lot, which leaves Melcor with substantial long-term receivables.


The order for HXD that I mentioned yesterday was filled near the close today.
While HXD the double bear has hurt my performance of late, I think we will have
some down days and on those days HXD will offset my losses. If HXD gets back up
to  $15.45 and then $15.750 I will reduce the position based on orders that
are already in place.


My purchase of the Natural gas ETF symbol GAS which I made yesterday has
worked out very nicely as of day 1. It was up 14.8%. This is impressive as the

chart shows it had been in a strong downtrend until today. Well one day does
not make a trend but it does whet my appetite to buy more of this.


September 3, 2009


Non-farm payroll data out on Friday morning may set the tone of the market as
positive or negative.


My account was up today but would have been up lots more if not for my
position in the double bear HXD. But overall I can’t complain. Having sold 800
HXD at $15.45 I have now placed an order buy it back if HXD dips to $14.45.
Possibly I am just being stubborn here, in some ways I would just like to get
out of this HXD and stick to my traditional long-only style. Right now I
continue to play both sides of the street as well as the middle. Some stocks
(north side) some HXD (call this south side) and some in cash (middle of the


I have added the
Claymore Natural Gas Commodity ETF trading symbol, GAS, on Toronto to the
Reference Article. With natural gas at a seven-year low, I wondered if it
might not make sense to buy. So I did buy a small amount today. However the
price has been trending down and so I suppose I should expect to lose on this in
the short term at least. What I plan to do is enter another order to buy if it
falls to say $3.25 from the current $3.92 ETF price.


September 2, 2009


Canadian Western Bank will report earnings Thursday morning before the market
opens. This stocjk declined 3.5% today to close at  $17.60 versus a recent
high of $18.80. Depending how the earnings look and assuming the price does not
rise, I will consider adding to my position. This should prove to be a good long
term investment.


September 1, 2009


The first day of September featured a 1.6% drop in the Toronto market and
about a 2% drop in the U.S.


As a result a small amount of my HXD double bear got sold based on an order I
had placed previously. I markets continue to drop my intention is to hold my
stocks but sell more of the HXD as it rises in prices.


Wells Fargo which I own and which is a Buffett favorite fell almost 5%. I
will be looking to add to my position in it if the price keeps dropping.




August 31, 2009


Aeroplan was up 5% today to $9.16,
which was a nice performance given the market being down.


I sold my Wi-Lan shares today. Basically just to clean up my portfolio to
focus on fewer stocks. I’d been holding on to this company hoping to get back
what I lost on it. But it makes more sense I think for me to sell it and focus
on companies I am more familiar with.


August 29, 2009


Our popular reference article on
Exchange Traded Funds is updated. This included equity ETFs as well as bond
ETFs and even two gold ETFs. This is truly a wealth of information and contains
links for updated and additional information regarding each ETF. This reference
article now includes Exchange Traded Fund symbols for Silver, Oil and Natural
Gas and added symbols for Gold. Also some newer single Bear ETFs are added.


Our performance figures for 2009 are


I sold a small portion of  my Melcor
and all of my EL-Financial yesterday. This was based on orders I had placed
overa week earlier to sell if the price rose a bit. In the case of Melcor I hope
to buy this back at lower prices. In the case of EL-Financial it is a Canadian
insurance and investment conglomerate. I like the company but I had not analysed
its shares in quite some time and decided to sell as a “clean-up” measure to
redeploy into other stocks or in the meantime hold as cash. In both cases these
sales were in non-taxable accounts where I don’t have to worry about any tax
impacts of such trading.


With the better-than-expected earnings from the banks and with oil remaining
high it is certainly possible that the Canadian market will keep rising. One of
the inescapable facts of investing is that markets are ALWAYS unpredictable in
the short term. I continue to take a cautious stance with my own money. It may
mean I forego gains in the Fall. However with about a 37% gain this year the
pain of foregone gains will be minor compared to the pain I would feel if I let
those gains slip away. I will definitely be investing when I see compelling
bargains. But right now I don’t see the overall market as compelling.


August 27, 2009


Aeroplan tonight announced it will
issue $150 million of 5-year bonds paying 7.9% interest and rated BBB minus by
S&P. $125 million will be used to repay existing short-term debt and $25 million
for general corporate purposes. This seems like a mildly positive development in
that it means they don’t have to worry about refinancing this short-term debt.


Also the 7.9% for five years might be a reasonable investment for those
interested in bonds.


August 26, 2009


Markets were flat today overall. I notice
Aeroplan down to $8.67, appears to be
good value at that price. I am continuing to bide my time and am in no hurry to
re-deploy the cash I raised of late. But I do have some orders in to buy some of
the higher-rated stocks listed above if prices fall.


August 25, 2009


As always seems to be the case, another interesting day in the markets.
Canadian markets were up in part due to a good earnings report from Bank of
Montreal. More bank earnings to come this week.


My double bear position is costing me money so overall my portfolio is pretty
stable. It crosses my mind to say “uncle” and sell the double bear but so far I
am still waiting for the market to go down and the double near to go up before I


The Case Shiller index indi8cates the housing prices in the U.S. may have
bottomed a couple months ago. But brother, what a bottom, a huge drop and its
impacts are still being felt.


Buffett always says you can’t predict markets and the best you do is buy
quality companies at good prices. Simple companies with good profits, a
competitive advantage and a management you trust. Also keep some cash for
bargain hunting. And he says don’t borrow to invest.


I see news tonight, the U.S. postal service wants to cut 30,000 jobs.


My suspicion is the economic news will continue to be mixed and markets will
likely lurch around based on the latest bit of news.


The word is that an awful lot of people are working on paying off debts.
Before people borrowed to spend. If they now turn to saving and also as the
North American demographic keeps aging, that is a LOT of spending that won’t be


Lot’s of stocks will suffer but some will do well and that is what we will be
searching for.


August 24, 2009


Markets opened strongly today, Monday. This meant more losses for my double
bear (HXD) position and I was wondering about my wisdom in owning that as the
market has done so well lately. But then again despite this HXD My portfolio has
done very well. By the end of the day, Toronto was down 50 points. If HXD gets
back around $16, from $15.13 today then I have orders in to trim it a bit. If
the market does fall I will start to make money on HXD but will probably sell
out most of it by the time it gets back around $18 if that does occur.


Last year I had some double bear S&P and as the market rose I had losses and
I finally sold out of it way too early and it would have been a winner as the
market fell last winter.


Tomorrow, (Tuesday) Bank of Montreal reports before the market opens. Their
results and any surprises around such things as  their bad debt losses any
plans for their dividend or to sell more shares, could set the tone for the
market. There has been some speculation results will be worst than expected
(even though that is an oxymoron).


Oil remains strong and that could keep the Toronto market going up…


Far East markets as of Monday night (Tuesday in the far East) were giving
back most of the gains they made last night.


August 21, 2009


Western Financial Group
Preferred shares are updated and rated Speculative Buy at $73. These yield
9.2%. However the company is in the middle now of issuing another series of
prefs that yield 9% and are more attractive in a number of ways. Therefore
logically the price on these A shares may have to drop to yield 10% or more to
compete with the new 9% issue.  Although I rate this a speculative Buy at
$73, I would be more interested at $65 or less. I have tried to buy these shares
at lower prices as they have traded as low as around $50 at the bottom of the
market in March but I was unable to get any as I bid below the market price.
These are thinly traded so be aware of that. These is a very small company and
these shares should not be considered to be anyway nearly as safe as the
preferred shares of large corporations. The trading price of these could be
quite volatile as well.


Canadian Oil Sands Trust
is updated and rated Buy at $27.15 (subsequent to our analysis price it closed
Friday at $28.75. The prospects for this investment are of course driven by the
price of oil. Commodity investments like this are not well suited to our
financial-statement-oriented methods. Therefore keep in mind that the
interpretation of things like the P/E ratio are more difficult for this type of


The composition of my personal portfolio is
updated. This has changed significantly in the last few weeks as I have raised
cash and sold a number of positions and reduced many positions.


My selling continued yesterday. Since Western Financial was up a bit and
given my recent analysis of the company I sold the remainder of my position. I
had earlier placed an order to lighten up on Melcor if the price rose and that
trade was triggered on Friday. I’d like to buy that back at a lower price and
have an order in.


Telus is updated and rated (higher)
Buy at $32.50. It’s basically not pricing in any growth. While earnings are
expected to be down 6% or so in 2009 and while competition is stiff, it seems
likely to continue to grow in the long term. Even with no growth it might not be
a bad investment given the 5.8% yield.Based on the low price I will consider


Telus was trading at almost this same price (it was $31.70) way back in
November of 1999. At that time I rated it Weak Buy. In the past ten years it has
certainly grown a lot but the share price has been exceedingly variable.




August 20, 2009


I ended up buying 1000 Aeroplan
today based on an order I had placed a couple of weeks ago when the price was at
least $1.00 higher. I’ll buy more too if the price keeps falling but I’m in no
big rush to buy it.


Western Financial Group
surprised today by issuing convertible preferred shares. I view that as negative
and the market seems to agree. I may just bail out of my remaining position in
this company. I am not impressed that they have an earnings conference call on
Tuesday and then pull this two days later. Why not announce this together with
the earnings?


News tonight was that mortgage foreclosures are up again in the U.S. It seems
to me that one of these days the market is going to glom onto some of this
negative news and we could easily get a noticeable drop in the U.S. markets.
Canadain markets are harder to predict as they are driven so much by oil and
resource prices.


August 19, 2009


Western Financial Group is
updated and now rated Weak Sell (i.e. close to a Hold but leaning towards sell)
at $2.25. It had a good quarter in Q2. And it looks quite good on a price to
book basis. However the worry is that bad loans to its banking customers could
tear a major hole in its results at any time given the recession. About one
third of the loans are on Recreational Vehicles like travel trailers. Often
these type of loans are  no–money down. They may be for up to 20 years as
well. And the recoveries if one is repossessed tend to be pretty dismal.
You really have to pray that the customers continue to pay the loan. And I ask,
what kind of person buys a trailer on a 20 year loan (although I don’t know if
the WES loans are indeed 20 year terms or not, maybe they are much shorter)?
Seems to me the person who does this is often (sure not always) a pay-check to
pay-check person who will be in trouble if his job is lost.


And it is seems quite likely that they paid too much for the Agri-Financial
business. They priced the deal back in August ’08 before the value of all things
financial plummeted. Yet they proceeded to close the deal in January. I would
have thought paying a cancelation fee might make more sense.


I have always worried about the bad loans but now in the recession this
risk seems a lot more real.


Over the past year or so my faith in this management has really waivered.


If all goes well these shares could be back over $4.00 before long.
Certainly the low price to book value is a big plus. But I see it as risky at
this point.


August 18, 2009


My Selling mood continued today. As noted recently my reasons for selling


I stated from a very heavy allocation to equities


The simple fact that we have seen a recovery of about 50% from the March
market lows.


Given the recession there is certainly a risk that markets could again dip


To build cash for future share purchases as I identify companies that I am
most attracted to


To clean up some old positions where I have not looked at the financials in
quite some time


A wish to preserve capital.


The fact that I have a healthy portfolio as well as pension and I simply
don’t need to “swing for the fences”. (I need to avoid the downside more than I
need to get the upside that I may be missing out on by being more heavily in


The fact that almost half of “my” portfolio belongs specifically to my wife
and to the kids RESP and it makes sense to be conservative.


Most of my portfolio is non-taxable so I don’t have to worry about tax
impacts of selling.


The fact that I have an excellent gain already in 2009 and one does not want
to get too greedy


So… the sales today were


I sold more Western Financial as it rose today to take gains. Sold some
additional Boston Pizza, but have orders in to buy back at lower prices. Sold my
remaining small position in Dalsa just to clean up this small position.


Regarding Western Financial I am near completion of the update for Q2 and
will likely rate it a Sell or Weak Sell. Basically it still looks risky on bad
debt although it looks good from a book value perspective. I have reduced my
position quite a  bit (obviously should have waited for this price hike) If
I still held my original large position of a few weeks ago I would reduce at
this recent price.


I have orders in for:


To sell some of my Melcor if the price rises marginally.


To sell the rest of my First Service at $21.50 if the price rises…


To sell some of the double bear HXD if the market falls (HXD rises)


To buy more Melcor, Aeroplan, and Boston Pizza  if their prices dip
another 10 to 15%


Sorry if all this selling is confusing. My overall position is that I have
made a strong return in 2009 and right now I want to focus on preserving that
and cleaning up my portfolio and then re-grouping to buy based on the latest
updated stock reports here (through the Fall) and based on the market possibly
dropping. Obviously this is a strategy that would have worked well in August of
2008. Only time will tell if it is the right strategy for 2009.




August 17, 2009


For the reasons indicated over the past week or two of these daily comments,
I continue to be in more of a selling mood than a buying mood. (But I am
certainly prepared to buy when I see something compelling and especially if I
don’t already own it.


Today I decided to sell the small positions in gold and silver that I had. I
had made money on the silver in U.S. dollars and I think about broke even on the
gold. I am in no way a gold bug and also my whole approach to investing is
suited to companies and not to commodities. Selling these gave me more cash and
cleans up my portfolio a little.


Western Financial Group released earnings on Friday morning and they were
reasonably good. I will evaluate it again after their conference call tomorrow.
With their low share price they are probably an okay investment. My worry of
late has been bad-debt and really no one knows how much bad debt they might face
on loans owing to them (maybe little, maybe a lot – they don’t have much
experience in lending especially in what happens to loans during a recession.).
so.. given that and combined with my penchant for cash of late I ladled off a
bit more WES today, reducing my position.


If I thought about WES as an individual stock I would perhaps not have sold
because “it owes me money”. But thinking about my portfolio as a whole, I am
happy with my gains year to date and in the interest of the overall portfolio I
let WES go despite the fact I have taken a loss on it and that it may very well
turn out to be a good investment. The idea is to do what is right for the
overall portfolio.


I also sold today just over half my shares in First Service preferred at
$20.50 U.S. (update – corrected
figure here)  I had bought around $15 and figured why not… Unless the company
buys these back they may not go much higher… although at last check were
yielding 8.1% which is attractive.


I had neglected to mentioned on Friday evening’s update (August 14) that I
had sold a bit more Aeroplan and also some Canadian Tire.


The way I have positioned my portfolio right now, declines like today are not
a big deal. I did lose overall today, but my losses wee under 1% as compared to
the market at a 3% loss. My double bear HXD had gains and my cash of course was


Walmart is updated and remains
rated (higher) Buy now at $51.79. (it closed today at $51.57). This should be a
good long-term investment and should be a defensive stocks (likely to fall less
than the overall market in the event the market “corrects” downward.


August 15, 2009


Boston Pizza is updated and
remains rated a (higher) Buy now at $10.20. I recently reduced my position
mostly ahead of the Q2 earnings as I feared a drop in same store sales would
drive the price down. But the drop was offset by a unit count that was reduced
by a substantial program of buy backs in late 2008, early 2009. Also market
yields in general have come down and so BP’s yield at 13.5% (that will drop to
10% with taxation in 2011) is still attractive.


This looks like a good long-term investment. In the shorter term I suspect
same store sales in this current Q3 will be down 5 to 15% and even with the
lower unit count this could hurt the price. Still, I may add to my position
particularly if the price approaches $9 or below.


August 14,2009


(Groupe) Aeroplan is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $9.69. The latest earnings released today were roughly in
line with expectations in that gross sales of aeroplan points were moderately
lower due to the recession (and this is despite some new partners buying points
to issue to customers). Adjusted profit was 14% lower year-over-year. Still, the
valuation is attractive and this appears to be a good cash generating business.
It’s accounting however is quite complex. I had a large exposure to it but
recently reduced that back to a more reasonable exposure in order to take
profits and rebalance my portfolio. There may not be much reason to think this
will rise in the next few months. A reasonable strategy would be to buy a small
position and then add to that if the price declines towards the $8 (which of
course it may not do).


August 13, 2009


When it comes to the forecast earnings on the overall S&P 500 index and
therefore the fair value of that index, there has been an interesting
Standard and Poors Site that provides these earnings forecasts has suddenly
changed the forecasts to “under review”. I have been using these forecasts in my
valuation of the S&P 500
for about five years and never seen the earnings become unavailable and placed
“under review”.


It sounds to me like S&P is intending to revise the forecasts upward.
Whatever they do, up or down, if it is a significant change to previous
estimates then when they make the revision it could move markets in the same
direction that they revise the earnings forecast.


Aeroplan earnings come out tomorrow (Friday). I notice that this time that
the conference call is at 1 pm eastern time. The Canada corporate earnings
schedule says the earnings will come out before markets open. Earnings before
market opens could indicate that there will be some surprises. Earnings released
during the trading day are supposed to include no material surprises. My guess
it that things will look a little weak due to the recession, but we shall see.


They are going to start giving Aeroplan points at Western Canada Rexall drug
stores. That is a small plus. (It looks to be around only 200 stores so its not
a big deal)


I noticed in a recent visit to Ontario that Airmiles are available at a lot
more places than Aeroplan. Unfortunately one can’t buy shares in the airmiles
company as a separate company. I see these two as something of a duopoly, they
probably don’t compete against each other all that aggressively. But the
competition is to sign up a partner. One a partner is signed up it is unlikely
to switch. Both of these compete with Bank credit cards that have travel points.
But the bank must get all its revenue from the credit card fee whereas Aeroplan
and Airmiles get significant revenues straight from the retail partners on top
of also making money with their credit card partners. Both of these probably
also are in a stronger position with tighter partnerships with the airlines as
compared to the banks.


Ironically Aeroplan actually owns the world-wide rights to the Airmiles brand
and I believe earns some small commission from Airmiles Canada but is otherwise
not connected to Airmiles in Canada. (I wonder if the competition bureau knows
of these arrangements? possibly Airmiles Canada has some grand-fathered deal
where commissions to Aeroplan are close to zero).


The market shrugged off the fact that retail sales fell slightly in July.
What surprises me is this drop was reportedly unexpected. Where do these
forecasters live? With all the lay-offs and people starting to save that has to
cut into spending.


We’ll have some updated reports over the weekend.


August 12, 2009


U.S. markets were up as the Fed released a statement indicating that interest
rates would stay very low foor an extended period and that the economy was
leveling out. Personally I think this is pretty lukewarm and may not justify the
recent market rally.


I continue to play both sides letting most of my money ride but also have
moved some of it into cash and have my double bear position which will ease the
pain substantially if the market happens to decline materially. Meanwhile if it
keeps going up I am still making money although not as much as if I was fully
invested. Aeroplan will be out with earnings on Friday morning.


August 11,2009


Markets were down today, Tuesday. Wednesday could see a rise if the results
from the Fed meeting are positive. But for tthe moment I think the bigger
probability is for a pull-back and I continue to want to protect against.


Today I sold most of my Dalsa shares. I am feeling comfortable with my
decision to build up some cash. And I may continue to do so. At the same time I
do have orders in to buy Melcor and Boston Pizza on more significant dips. Also
note that I trade mostly in two RRSP accounts where I don’t have to worry about
triggering capital gains tax. Usually I treat my smaller taxable account as buy
and hold and do little trading. I did however raise some cash in that account as
well this past few days.


August 10, 2009


I further reduced my equity exposure today by selling some Aeroplan, Boston
Pizza, Berkshire Hathaway and Western Financial Group.


My thinking is that on a portfolio basis I have made a very good gain in 2009
at 36%. More importantly my portfolio is at a level where its important for me
to protect it. At 49 it is time for me to perhaps back further away from my
usual approximate 100% allocation to equities. Certainly in my wife’s RRSP which
is our best performing account, it seemed appropriate for me to lock in some of
the gain.  And with the huge rise in the market since early March and with
the real economy still in recession I fear a fall in the market more than I fear
that it will rise without me being 100% invested. In addition I was arguably
over-exposed to the three stocks which I trimmed today. (I also entered an order
to trim Melcor but it was not filled and an order to sell most of my Dalsa which
also was not filled). By moving into cash my portfolio becomes more balanced and
I am positioned to move into any bargains that I decide I want to own.


The composition of my own portfolio is
updated and now has about 23% in cash and a further 11.6% in the double bear
which all told leaves an exposure to equities of just 54%.


August 9, 2009


Microsoft is updated and rated Buy at $23.97. I own a small position and have
no particular plans to buy or sell.


I continue to think about protecting my portfolio at this point and for that
reason I may trim positions even of stocks I like.


Western Financial as an example seems cheap but I worry about the
impact of the dry weather on the farmers in Western Canada and whether this will
lead to bad debts at Western Financial.


Our latest free newsletter was sent late
yesterday, you should have received it by email.


August 8, 2009


Our analysis of the S&P
500 valuation is updated and indicated the index is moderately over-valued.
This article attracts a lot of traffic through Google and I believe it is an
important and valuable article.


August 7, 2009


Melcor (Alberta residential property
developer and owner of commercial rental buildings) is updated and rates
Speculative (lower) Buy. It’s share price had absolutely copplased due to a
slow-down in new housing construction in Alberta but has since regained some
ground. It offers good long term value. However in the short term it could fall.
I am comfortable with a fairly large position in this stock and would add to
that position on a dip to about $7 if that occurred. If new housing sales rise
then the stock price could easily move higher.


It was a very strong week for our Stock Picks and our
Performance figures are updated.


August 6, 2009


The TSX index fell   2.3% today. However our picks did well as
Melcor was up 5% (on small volume) and Aeroplan was up another 1.5%. In my own
account my double bear position HXD was up 3.7% as the market fell.


I decided to further lighten up on my large position in Aeroplan to protect
my gains and to potentially take advantage of volatility and buy it back if the
price falls. Similarly although I like Melcor I sold a small amount of my
position in it today.


Boston Pizza will release earnings tomorrow, presumably before the market
opens. Aeroplan will release in another week on Friday August 14.


It certainly seems possible that we will get a market correction and if so I
am positioning myself with cash to invest. If not and if the market continues to
go up then I will have lost some of the up-side. But basically I am not at a
point where I need to be greedy and swing for the fences.


August 5, 2009


Canadian Western Bank Wells Fargo and Berkshire Hathaway all did well today.
Financials in general had a good day.


Aeroplan is hanging in there. I am very tempted to further reduce my
large position in Aeroplan. I suspect it had an “okay” Q2 but possibly Q2 could
show weakness as people cut back on credit card usage. Also flights were cheap
and so people may not be cashing in their Aeroplan points that hurts GAAP
earnings and lessens the motivation to accumulate points though it is good for
cash flow short term


Boston Pizza will be out on Friday with earnings. I have to think same store
sales will be down. That will not hurt the earnings all that much but still it
could send the stock down at least temporarily. But I do think they can maintain
the distribution until taxation hits in 2011. In part they used share buy backs
to increase earnings per share (unit).


The Canadian stock market average is always harder to predict than the U.S.
since in Canada we are so driven by oil and resources. In the U.S. it seems
likely that we could see a market dip as consumer spending is hit. Lower house
prices and job losses in the U.S. have got to show up in lower consumer
spending. Overall I am trying to be more cautious on the markets. It does not
seem like a bad idea to take some money off the table.


The Canadian dollar at over 93 cents is back to about 30-year highs (save for
the brief surge above $1.00 last summer when oil was way over $100). On that
basis it seems reasonable to think that the risk to the dollar now is more to
the downside than up. I may buy some U.S. money market funds which will see a
gain if the Canadian dollar falls.


Also if the Canadian dollar stays this high then watch for even more layoffs
and manufacturing cuts in Ontario. Even Alberta is hurt as a high Canadian
dollar is bad for the oil and gas industry and natural gas prices are already
quite low. Selling gas (or anything else) to the U.S. suffers when our dollar


A winner from a high Canadian dollar would be Canadian Tire which sources
much of its wares in U.S. dollars.


August 3, 2009


With Aeroplan up again today I decided to sell some of it, It makes up 17% of
my portfolio and so I can certainly take some of it off the table but still
benefit greatly if it keeps going up. They will release earnings on Friday.
(Update, actually it was Boston Pizza I was thinking of that will release


I bought more of the double bear HXD as its price fell today. As the market
rises the HXD loses money but also provides me with added protection for the
next inevitable pull-back.


I will have some updates soon. First will be Melcor which I think is a good
long-term stock.


August 2, 2009


The composition of my own portfolio is
updated. I hold my stocks in five portfolios, (two RRSP, an RESP, A TFSA and a
Margin account). I find it necessary to have a spreadsheet to add it all
together so that I can see my total exposure to each stock across all of the
five accounts.


With the market up so much recently and with my own portfolio at a record
high, it is easy to get over confident at this time. I find myself thinking
about how much higher my account can go at this rate. But then I think about the
risk of a pull-back. I think about the fact that it may be very wise to protect
what I have (or at least a chunk of it) rather than risk it for further gains.


For me personally some combination of leaving most of the accounts at risk
but also taking some money off the table by selling shares and also by buying
the TSX double bear (or the S&P 500 bear or double bear ETFs) is what I will do.


Everyone needs to think about their own risk tolerance both financially and
emotionally and to act accordingly.


The strong markets may continue but certainly a lot of analysts think it will
not continue. I believe markets are always unpredictable but it is fairly
certain that they don’t move in straight lines. There is ALWAYS the risk of loss
in the market even if the loss do tend to eventually be recovered.


Risks can be lowered by investing in high quality companies at bargain or at
least at reasonable prices. But risks cannot be eliminated especially when risk
is defined as short term dips (of any magnitude and where short could be a
couple years)  in the account.


July 31, 2009


The week just ended was exceptionally strong for our Stock Picks. Our
performance figures are updated.


I did sell just a small amount of Aeroplan today just to lock in a bit of
that gain and I have an order in to sell a bit more if it hits $10.45. Soon
Aeroplan will report Q2 earnings and they could do better or worse than expected
and so even though I like Aeroplan it can certainly  unpredictable in the


I would not mind if Melcor fell in price, since I would then buy more.


July 30, 2009


The markets were kind to me today with a 22% jump in Aeroplan which is my
largest holding. The stock traded higher all day and ended near its high and so
possibly the rise will continue tomorrow.


Melcor released reasonably good earnings after the close today and should
continue to rise in price.


July 29, 2009


Air Canada has lined up its needed borrowing and this should be a positive
for Aeroplan as well as Air Canada.


Dalsa had a poor quarter and this current quarter will be hurt by the higher
Canadian dollar.


July 28, 2009


Boston Pizza continued to rise. Aeroplan continues to dip perhaps mostly on
fears that Air Canada will seek a better deal from it. That may be, Aeroplan
will support Air Canada to the extent it can. Possibly Aeroplan will have to pay
more for seats. But on the other hand Air Canada has been willing to sell extra
“classic reward” low priced seats to Aeroplan.  Air Canada covets badly the
business it gets from Aeroplan and Aeroplan clearly has the upper hand in any
negotiation, so I don’t see why this should turn out badly for Aeroplan.


July 27, 2009


Today was another strong day in the markets. With Boston Pizza up again I
decided to reduce my position in it in the hope of buying back at a lower price
because I think its Q2 may show reduced same store sales. Not a concern for the
long term  but a weak Q2 could create a buying opportunity.


Vacationing in Peterborough this week I see little or no signs of a weak
economy. The stores are busy. But the Boston Pizza here did not seem too busy
and with poor weather I understand their business is down this year. Most of
Canada has had a rainy summer and that can hurt sales at Boston Pizza in terms
of patio sales especially.


July 26, 2009


eBay is updated and rated speculative
(lower) Buy at $21.11.


Air Canada’s moves to suspend (past service) payments to its pension plan for
21 months are proceeding and so the chance of bankruptcy there is less, which is
a positive for Aeroplan.


July 23, 2009


A very strong day in the markets. With Melcor up strongly I sold 1000 at
$7.45 and placed an order to buy it back at $6.45. Other winners today were
Dalsa and Canadian Western Bank and Aeroplan.


I lost on my HXD double bear today but that is the price of insurance.
Possibly I should be be buying more HXD as the price falls.


July 22, 2009


While markets were down today, we did well Melcor was up 7% although on small


I am waiting to see how most of our stocks did on Q1 earnings before I do
much further trading.


July 21, 2009


I did not make any trades today and don’t have any in particular planned. I
am basically waiting now to see how the Q2 earnings reports come in for my


Small Investment Fund Information


Today I met in Toronto with a successful  investment professional whom I
have known for about 8 years.


A former broker and stock analyst for Sprott Securities and others, he has
now started his own small investment fund in the form of  limited
partnership structure.


His fund specializes in value-oriented investments. Often smaller companies
with high profitability but low P/E ratios. No start-up type companies. The
early track record on this new fund is quite strong. He describes this as an
aggressive growth fund.


This investment fund is not suitable for the average retail investor because
of the following criteria which must be met:


1. This is not set up for RRSP / RESP investments, therefore this is only for
taxable investment accounts.


2. Investors must be accredited meaning that they have either in excess of $1
million in financial assets (which can be together with a spouse) or personally
have an annual income of greater than $200,000 or an income together with their
spouse of greater than $300,000 per year.


3.   Minimum investment is $50,000.


So… this is certainly not for everyone. However if you are in a position to
meet the criteria and you are looking for this type of small investment fund as
an Alternative Investment, then email
me and I can pass along further information about this fund and how to
invest in this fund.


Update July 26, you can see the info on this fund here:

Update: DonvilleKent
informed me the morning of July 27, that this fund is now up 50% year-to-date.


I have occasionally toyed with the thought of establishing an investment fund
of my own. However, the regulatory requirements are very onerous and for that
reason and others, I have no plans to establish an investment fund, at least not
in the next five years (and quite possibly never). Also most of you are
do-it-yourselfers who may have little interest in funds of any kind. You like to
pick your own stocks with some help from services like this one and perhaps
other stock “newsletter” services. But some of you may wish to make some use of
investment funds. The best I can do in that regard is to point people in the
direction of certain funds where the stock selection style is compatible with
the approach at InvestorsFriend inc. and where I judge the fund managers to be


However, if you happen to be interested in this Alternative Investment Fund
described above, I can pass along the contact information to you and answer a
few questions. This company has indicated that it may compensate InvestorsFriend
inc. in some way for referrals. I did not bother to ask the details of that at
this stage. Any investments would occur directly into the fund and
InvestorsFriend Inc. would not be involved with that process.


Bargain Hotel Tip


I am currently holidaying with my family in down-town Toronto. Our Hotel, the
Hyatt Regency is at 370 King Street West. This about 3 blocks straight North of
the baseball stadium. We have a magnificent view of the CN Tower. The Subway
Station is about 3 blocks East on King Street. So, the location is absolutely
ideal. We were here three nights and leave tomorrow morning to visit family in


How much did we pay for this 4 star Hotel room ideally located in down-town
Toronto? Would you believe $74 U.S. per night? (roughly $91 Canadian at the
exchange rate when we booked.) The regular rate is $259 per night.


I booked this in May through
They provide excellent discounts but there are a few catches. You pay up-front
to hotwire and there is no ability to cancel. They tell you the quality of the
Hotel in advance and the general location but will not tell you the name of the
Hotel until after you book.


I found it has worked out wonderfully. A friend of mine used this service
last year to get a deep discount on a Hotel in New York City and was also highly


I am not advertising for hotwire, I just wanted to pass along a useful travel




July 21, 2009 11:20 am


I have bought back most of the HXD double bear that I sold Friday July 10 at
around $18.95. As the market has risen these double bear shares fell and I bout
back at $16.53 and $16.02. This position will cost me money when the market
rises and make money when the market falls and I am using it to partly hedge my
heavy exposure to equities. My itention is to add to this as the market falls
and then sell slowly as the market rises.


The Canadian market is doing well partly as oil has turned around and and
gained about $7 to $65 in the last week or two.


North American markets have risen as the Q2 earnings reports have come in
generally better than expected. With the recession still on I think the market
is always vulnerable to falling as any bad economic news might be announced. And
I don’t expect all the nes to be good. But note that I still maintain a heavy
exposure to equities even with my double bear HXD position. I continue to think
stocks will do well in the long term.




July 16, 2009


Markets continue to do well based on good earnings reports. But some analysts
are predicting this won’t last. Eric Sprott who has been an extremely astute
investor over the years believes we are in for a serious crash. See


I see the figures that show manufacturing in Canada is way down. And the
recent surge in the Canadian dollar will add to that problem. Natural gas prices
are way down which will hurt the energy sector. Exports seem to be way down
around the world.


So… while markets could rise int he short term, they certainly could fall.
Having now built up a portfolio that is several multiples of my annual income
and many multiples of what I could save in a year, I am more of a
“protect-what-I-have” mood rather than “swing-for-the fences” mood.


Last Friday I sold 2000 of my 5100 HXD double bear shares for almost $19 per
share. Today these HXD shares closed at $ $16.69. It might be argued that I
should have sold all the HXD. But I bought HXD as a partial insurance against a
market drop. If I had sold it all I would not have had the insurance this week.
It turns out the market rose this week and so I paid a dear price for that
insurance. With markets being volatile insurance against price drops does not
come cheap.


Tomorrow I may buy back some or all of the HXD that I sold last week.


I will also think about any other shares that I can reduce my position on.
For example , Boston Pizza is probaly well worth is current price. But it seems
likely that they will report lower same-store-sales in Q2. That could be offset
by the lower share count due to their buy-back. But in any event there is a
reasonable risk of a (probably) temporary drop in the share price when the
earnings come out so I could sell some now with the intention to buy back. But I
may not bother since trying to get cute that way could mean I sell and then
never buy back. There is really not much in my portfolio that I am willing to
sell. That was the reason I bought HXD. It allows me to protect somewhat against
losses (at the expense of missing out if stocks rise) without having to sell my


I mentioned the “old” GM shares traded last Friday even though they were
worthless. They had jumped last Friday when (new) GM emerged from bankruptcy.
Clearly some investors did not understand that the old GM shares had nothing to
do with new GM. The media did a very poor job of pointing this out. It seems
almost criminal to announce GM was out of bankruptcy while its old shares were
still trading and yet the old GM was still in bankruptcy and was worthless.
(liabilities far exceed equity). The symbol for old GM has changed and it is now
down to 39 cents (still 39 cents more than it is worth). Partly this reflects
“the lottery ticket mentality”. This is a phenomena whereby some stocks with
very high risks will trade higher than they should as retail investors will
throw a small amount of dollars at it something like buying a lottery ticket.


It goes to show that the market does offer up irrational prices from time to
time. Sometimes the stock price will be irrationally low and other times
irrationally high. Rational investors may therefore be able to take advantage of




July 15, 2009


Another strong day on the markets. Oil was up strongly which is a positive
for the Canadian market.


But I find it hard to get too optimistic. Consider the following chart from
Statistics Canada showing May manufacturing.

Manufacturing sales fall in May


I mean this chart of manufacturing output is downright ugly and scary.
Exports world wide have really plummeted and its hard to understand how that can
turn into the end of the recession.


I’m inclined to take at least some profits as they arise and be ready with at
least some cash in case we see the next down-turn in the market.


In trading today I managed to pick up 400 shares of Melcor (out of an
order for 500) at the low price of the day $6.05 later in the day but it closed
at $6.45 although that may have been on just a few shares at the end of the day.
It goes to show that on relatively thin traded sticks it can pay to be patient
and enter orders below the market.


Goldman Sachs is much in the news regarding its Q2 profit. I printed
out its official financial report filed as form 18-k. Amazingly enough the
practice in the U.S. seems to be to release financials without a balance sheet.
Now investments banks are all about the strength of the balance sheet and yet
none is provided. I far prefer the reporting we get in Canada where full
financial statements are standard fare with almost all earnings releases. Warren
Buffett at Berkshire of course always provides the full financials. I don’t see
why other companies can’t as well.


July 14, 2009


I was just looking at the graph of the performance on the Home page of this
Site and noticed it showed a dip for my portfolio in 2002 and yet the table on
the Home page showed 8% that year. That should have read minus 8% for me in
2002. The minus 8% was properly used in arriving at my cumulative return of 194%
since 2002 but the table showing the 8% in 2008 was wrong. Sorry for that error
it was a manual data entry.


And the fact is you don’t need to make positive returns every year to make a
strong return over the years. The Table shows I lost money in two out of the
last ten years and also only about broke even with a 1% gain a third year. Yet
overall the result was a 194% cumulative return in ten years.


Markets were strong today based on a few huge companies that reported
earnings that were above expectations. While that is good news there are also
lots of reports of export trade being down around the world. So I suspect the
market will continue to be volatile.


The best approach is to watch for certain stocks to become almost no brainer
investments. Companies with good earnings ans low debt that fall below book
value for example will likely turn out to be good investments.


Melcor was down today on light volume. I have an order in to add to my
position here if it drops a bit more toward the $6 level.


One stock that has hurt us badly over the years is Kingsway Financial. There
are now some signs of brain activity at the company as former apparently
brain-dead managers have been turned. Today they announced they are buying back
up to $31 million of their own debt at 54 to 62 cents on the dollar in an
auction process. I am not sure what value this debt is held at on the KFS
consolidated balance sheet. My first thought would be that it is on the boos at
$1.00 on the $1.00. However under the wird and wacky world of mark-market
accounting it is possible that the debt was already reduced below a dollar. If
it is at a $1.00 (and looking at the balance sheet I think it is) then Kingsway
will make a large profit by buying back debt at about 60 cents which
extinguishes $1.00 of liability. They had previously announced a similar program
to buy back $12 million of debt units of a subsidiary at just under 50 cents on
the dollar.


They also indicate there may be share buy backs later in the year.


It does seem somewhat surprising that they have the money to do this. The
company is in Shrink mode. But perhaps by shrinking they can free up some cash.


Overall Kingsway is still very speculative but it may be on the road to at
least an improved share price. Perhaps the new management can finally do
something with this frustrating company.


I guess the only reason I would consider buying is because of some probably
irrational wish to get back some of the money I lost on it. Overall I am
probably better to stick with higher quality companies and to forget this one.
Logically I should look for the best investments, not the one that happens to
“owe” me money. However it is difficult to keep emotions completely out of the
investment decision.


And I just wanted to mention that Kingsway is now doing at least some things




July 13, 2009


A strong day in the markets today. My purchase on Friday of Wells Fargo and
my sale of some of the double bear HXD so far looks good after just one day.


I looked into shorting the old GM shares today, the worthless ones that were
up on Friday. TD Waterhouse does not allow shorting of stocks that trade on “the
pink sheets”. No matter, it looks like they are halted now. No trades shown
today. Possibly the stock symbol has changed but I can’t see any indication of
that. 73 million of these worthless shares traded on Friday along. The number of
shares is outstanding is or was 610 million. As of Friday this absolutely
worthless company had a market cap value of $702 million. That is close to a
billion dollars for a totally worthless company. In fact as its debts far exceed
the remaining assets (the good assets were sold to new General Motors Company,
not to be confused with the old General Motors Corporation, now renamed
Liquidation Motors Company. The mis-guided souls who bought shares in old
General Motors on Friday or anytime before that and who are still holding have
lost their entire investment.


These old GM shares should probably have been halted a long time ago. I think
it was well known these shares were to become worthless. New GM did not offer
any kind of bone such as 1 new GM share for a 100 old ones. The creditors and
unions and government will own new GM, old GM shareholders get nothing. Which is
kind of what you expect in a bankruptcy.


Aeroplan is my biggest holding and has not done well recently. When I think
about how Q2 might look I consider the following:


There were essentially no insider buys (a neutral to possibly negative


Aeroplan point sales to credit card companies are probably down with the
economy due to new credit card competition and lower spending by credit card


Point sales to other retail partners could be fairly strong as many partners
have been promoting double aeroplan points.


Revenue booked as people book trips may be down with lower travel and the
fact that flights were so cheap that people may have used cash rather than
points. Then again Air Canada opened up a ton of classic point seats this Spring
and that may have sparked use of the points.


There could possibly be a gain as the cost of buying seats may be sown as
airline fares have come down.


Possibly there could be further write-downs of goodwill.


This is probably another case where we simply have to wait and see how the
quarter went.


Logically the value of Aeroplan is not decided by one or two quarters but
rather by the longer term. Long term it seems like a strong cash generating
business model.


Meanwhile Air Canada is expecting a union vote tomorrow, the results to be
released on Wednesday and the result could be a financial reprieve for Air
Canada and that could send Aeroplan shares higher in the next week. We shall


Another large holding of mine is Melcor. Quite probably their building lot
sales were slow in Q1. Hopefully though as housing starts are up they will have
some good news such as faster collection of moneys owed from past lot sales.
Builders often don’t have to pay for the lot until they sell a house on the lot.


Look for markets to continue to lurch about with each new grain of news, good
or bad…


July 12, 2009


Fedex is updated and now rated Sell
at $54.07. its Q4 just ended was a disaster with a 20% drop in revenue
year-over-year. We may revisit this one later, but for right now we rate it a


The latest edition of our free newsletter
was recently emailed and you should have received the email.


There was news on Friday that illustrates that a little knowledge is a
dangerous thing.


1. GM has emerged from bankruptcy


2. GM shares were up 37% to $1.10 on Friday.


It does seem logical that the shares would rise now that the company is out
of bankruptcy.


But the shares that trade are the old General Motors Corporation. This is the
old GM. It is still in bankruptcy and does not own the new GM. This old GM is
now re-named Motors Liquidation Company. I have not analyzed it but my
understanding is that these shares are worthless. The new GM is General Motors
Company and has no trading shares.


In fact, the old GM states on its Web Site


Management continues to remind investors of its strong belief
that there will be no value for the common stockholders of Motors Liquidation
Company in the bankruptcy liquidation process, even under the most optimistic of
scenarios. Stockholders of a company in chapter 11 generally receive value only
if all claims of the company’s secured and unsecured creditors are fully
satisfied. In this case, management strongly believes all such claims will not
be fully satisfied, leading to its conclusion that the common stock of Motors
Liquidation Company will have no value.


These old GM shares trade only on “Pink sheets”. It was halted on New York
some time ago.


In all the press coverage about this so-called emergence from bankruptcy I
saw not one mention that the old GM shares had NOTHING to do with this company.


The old GM shares should be a no-brainer short, they will be going to zero.
But the last time I tried a similar short was when Air Canada was going bankrupt
and the worthless AC shares kept trading over a dollar and eventually TD
Waterhouse forced all shorts to cover and I made no money on it. So, I am not
sure I will try to short this. But I just might throw a few dollars at it
tomorrow morning if it is still trading over $1.00.


July  10, 2009


Performance figures for 2009 are updated.
Our Picks from January 1, 2009 are on average slightly behind the TSX but well
ahead of the American stock indexes. My own portfolio is up 20% which easily
beats the TSX, The reason for the better performance is that my own portfolio
incorporates modest trading throughout the year based on the analysis of this
Site and my portfolio is more heavily weighted to the picks I like best and I
recently benefited from a double bear position equal to about 28% of my
portfolio (14% in HXD times the two factor).


I decided to sell about 40% of my HXD double bear position today. Partly it
was because I had a gain on this and it had risen nicely in the past couple of
weeks as the market fell. Also selling this would give me cash to invest. In
addition a number of articles have pointed out that leveraged ETFs work best for
very short term bets and not so well in long term. If the market rises and HXD
falls then I could buy this back but for now I took my profit.


I also bought today additional shares in Wells Fargo.


Also I entered orders to add to Shaw Communications and Melcor. I entered
these a bit below the market price.


July 9, 2009


It is always dangerous to try to predict the markets. CIBC says hold stocks
for small gains by year-end.


On the other hand we see that California is basically paying people with
post-dated cheques now that bear a bit of interest. We see unemployment
continuing to rise and we see retail sales down. Q2 earnings reports are
expected to be quite weak in most cases.  In this environment it hardly
seems safe to be very bullish. A more rationale outlook would be somewhere
between cautious optimism at best and rabid fear at worse.


Personally I am heavily invested in equities but have hedged (albeit
imperfectly) about a third of my position using the HXD double bear. I am always
of the view that my stocks will do better than the market on average.


July 8, 2009


We are now into earnings season. (Firstly the U.S. then Canada) Therefore
markets could lurch around due to earnings reports as well as due to the usual
economic reports.


I am tempted to buy Canadian Western Bank and Wells Fargo on this dip. I may
do so or I may wait and see if the market continues down. I don’t have anything
in mind to sell at this time. Possibly I will lighten up on my HXD double bear
if it keeps rising but in general it makes to sense to keep this as my partial
hedge against a further market drop.


July 7, 2009


A down day today… An order I had placed yesterday to sell some Boston Pizza
was filled today.


I bought a bit more Aeroplan on its dip as well as more Shaw Communications.
I can’t guess how far teh market will drop but I do hope use the opportunity to
add to positions at lower prices. Meanwhile my position in HXD the double bear
has somewhat protected me from the decline.


July 6, 2009


One stock that bucked today’s down-draft was Melcor Developments. I read
their 2008 annual report yesterday and they continue to strike me as an honest
and well managed company that will do well over the years.


Boston Pizza also did well. I placed an order to sell just a few shares here
at $10.25 to take advantage of the shares moving up.


July 4, 2009


Walgreen, the huge U.S. drug store
chain, is updated and rated Buy at $29.80. It closed last at $28.70. It should
be a good long-term investment. Our strategy would be to average into this one.


July 2, 2009


A bad day in the markets and my guess is that we will see more bad days than
good days in the next couple of months. If so, it will be an opportunity to add
to positions in strong profitable companies.


July 1, 2009


Canadian markets were closed today.


Air Canada has more trouble since a union voted against a plan that would
have relieved Air Canada from some pension payments. This leads to talk of
bankruptcy and could hurt Aeroplan shares.


Regarding Western Financial Group, all this talk of drought in the West is a
worry given that they bought a Agri-financial a firm which lends money to
farmers. I may sell more of my Western Financial to reduce my risk. However this
risk may not materialize until late in the year if and when it turns out that
farmers can’t pay back their crop loans.


June 29, 2009


Aeroplan announced today a
loan to Air Canada I guess this does illustrate how weak Air Canada is and also
the fact that Aeroplan does rather depend on Air Canada to be there. I mean
Aeroplan could I think easily survive another bankruptcy of Air Canada as I
expect Air Canada would keep flying but still it would hurt Aeroplan for a
time. I am not sure if this loan will be viewed s a positive or a negative
overall for Aeroplan.


I bought 500 shares of Shaw Communications today at $19.50. I may buy another
500 if the price falls to say $18 or so.


Kingsway is buying back a portion of its Linked Return of Capital units (KSP.un)
They will buy back at $1, while the units have a face value of $25. Given the
risks of Kingsway these recently traded around $11. But ultimate if Kingsway
survives they are supposed to pay off at $25 in 2016. If Kingsway is confident
it will survive then this is a smart move and I believe they will book a gain as
a $25 liability is extinguished at a cost of $12. One of the investors of
Kingsway is tendering at $12 but since he owns a lot of both Kingsway
corporation and these linked units he may be indifferent plus he may be trying
to prime the pump. I am not sure that I would tender. Probably if I held these
units I would tender half and keep half.


This could be a positive indicator for Kingsway itself but I have about given
up trying to understand this company. It’s former management was it seems
totally inept. It will be hard to turn around a culture of stupidity like that.


June 27, 2009


Aeroplan is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $8.30. The most recent quarter saw no growth in gross sales of aeroplan
points as people cut back on Aeroplan credit card spending possibly due to the
recession. Adjusted earnings were down substantially partially due to income
taxes and currency fluctuations. The share still look attractive. I have a
substantial position and will wait to see the Q2 earnings in late July or early
August before I will buy additional shares.


Shaw Communications is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $19.77. This
company appears to be good value. It’s revenues and growth have so far been
unaffected by the recession and growth should continue. I hold shares but intend
to increase my position.


I have updated the composition of my personal
portfolio to reflect recent trades (which individually had been previously
disclosed in the daily notes since the last update of this composition).


This Web Site was started 10 years ago in June 1999.  At the end of 1999
our portfolio totaled $92,888. Ten years later we have contributed an additional
$198,043  and made market gains of $320,547 bringing the portfolio to
$611,478. Which is exceptional performance especially when we consider the two
huge market crashes of the past decade.


June 25, 2009


Most stocks were up today. I lost on my HXD double bear, but that is the
price of having insurance against a market decline. I suspect there will be lots
of days when the bear does protect me.


June 24, 2009


Stantec is updated and rated
(higher) buy. While the stock has been variable the company has steadily
increased earnings.


June 23, 2009


I am quite tempted to add to my Melcor position now that it is back under
$6.00. This is thinly traded and can be volatile and is linked to housing starts
in Alberta. But ultimately I think it will be a good investment.


I was mildly tempted to cash in some of my HXD double bear to take profits on
that but prefer to keep it as insurance though I may enter an order to sell a
little at a higher price.


June 22, 2009


A nasty day with the TSX down 4.4%. The savings grace for my own portfolio
was my double bear position HXD that cushioned the blow. I may wait and see if
this pull-back continues before looking to do any bargain hunting.


June 20, 2009


I may purchase shares in the TSX
Group, there seem to be a lot of IPOs and secondary share offerings and this
helps TSX. The recovery in the market also helps.


I would sell Manulife.


I am removing Manulife from the list above. It has been a long time since I
updated. Also I have always said it is a very complicated company to analyse.


In today’s news I see that the Ontario Securities Commission is investigating
Manulife in regards to it not disclosing the risks it was taking when it sold
certain investments that protected investors from stock market declines.
Manulife shareholders took the risk on those products and huge losses have


The long-standing CFO at Manulife, Peter Rubenovitch is retiring from
company which the company says is an unrelated event. It probably is unrelated
given that Rubenovitch is staying on for a transition period.


Given the news of this investigation I would be inclined to sell Manulife (I
don’t hold any).


Prior to Manulife’s toubles in the last year or so, it was a high-flyer but I
was always a little leery that it was too good to be true. For example picking a
date a few years agai here is what we said under Accounting in my update of
February 20, 2008 when the shares were much higher at $40.28.



ACCOUNTING AND DISCLOSURE ISSUES: Life insurance accounting is complex and
based largely on estimates and smoothing as explained under quality of earnings.
We found the disclosure to be extensive but not very helpful or user friendly.
See also comments under quality of earnings and quality of assets. The company
reports in Canadian dollars although about 75% of the business is outside
Canada, this can distort results. We find it extremely hard to understand why
the company was not hurt badly by declining long-term interest rates over the
past few years. Now they are saying that higher interest rates in 2006 will help
them which only adds to our confusion regarding the lack of impact of lower
rates in the past. In the Q4 press release there many statements that various
divisions were assisted by higher equity markets, but this impact was not
quantified in any way in the press release. The Assumed discount rate applied to
policy liabilities is hugely important and seemed optimistically high at 8.25%
in Canada and 8.75% in the U.S. This was the same as the assumed equity return
which also seems moderately high. It seems strange they would use an equity
level discount rate when most of their investments are bonds.


Under Risks we said  (and we said this for many years)


RISKS: A full analysis of risks is well beyond the scope of this report.
Earnings are dependent on stock market performance of investments to some
degree. Earnings are also very much subject to actuarial estimates. In fact this
company is potentially susceptible to
ENRON-like surprises
since the balance sheet is largely based on
actuarial estimates. However ENRON like surprises are not that likely due to
insurance company financial regulations. In fact, the company appears to be
indicating that the balance sheet is conservatively stated. The
way the earnings have trended up so smoothly, in Canadian dollars, seems almost
too good to be true
given so much of the revenue is earned in U.S.
dollars and given the increase in the Canadian dollars and the decrease in
interest rates over the past six years. But we have no indication that earnings
are being improperly smoothed… (high-light added)


Under Earnings Quality we said:


Quality of Earnings Measurement and Persistence: Lower certainty of Earnings
Measurement and Persistence. Earnings are determined by actuaries who must
estimate liabilities due to future death and health benefit claims. Also many
gains or losses on investments are smoothed into earnings.
Clearly then earnings are estimated
rather than observable.
However, these estimates are subject to
regulations. The pension obligation is not that large compared to the size of
the company but the pension accounting has not been very conservative and causes
earnings to be over-stated. One danger
might be a temptation by management to smooth and manipulate earnings
Substantial income taxes are being deferred which adds to quality. Experience
gains accounted for 26% of pre-tax earnings in 2006 and 16% in 2005. We are not
all convinced that this is sustainable.



My point is that Manulife is possibly also susceptible to investigations of
how it calculated earnings. I have not heard any suggestion or made any
suggestion that any such investigation is warranted. But my thought is that
given they are one investigation it could always expand. I find this company
very difficult to analyze and personally would sell and invest in something
easier to understand at this point.




I am also removing Kingsway from the list above as another company that is
very difficult to analyse.




June 18, 2009


wal*mart is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $49.00 (it closed today at $$48.68). This company appears to be
relatively cheap based on past performance. It had powered though most of the
recession. It is a chance to own the world’s greatest retailer at a a reasonable


Target is updated and rated Buy at
$38.92 (it closed to today at $39.00) Target seems reasonably priced but its
earnings have been declining with the recession. I prefer Wal Mart which has
grown despite the recession.


Staples is updated and is rated (lower)
Buy at $20.05 (it closed today at $20.30). At this point with the recession
still on, this is not a stock I am interesting in buying. But it is worth
keeping an eye on.


No trades for me today.


June 17, 2009


Melcor dropped 9% today on modest volume. This may have been because it was
dropped from the “Dividend Aristocrats Index”. That kind of thing can cause a
stock to drop but does not change the true value of the company. With oil around
$70 and with Melcor’s book value at around $9.61 it seems to me that this will
be a good investment and that the pull-back is an opportunity to buy. In the
short term this depends on building lot sales mostly in Alberta and I am not
clear as to whether the recent stronger housing market is leading developers to
buy lots.


My portfolio is defensive but can still suffer large volatility (polite word
for losses) since I have a high exposure to illiquid small stocks like Melcor
and generally have a concentrated portfolio.


A couple of orders I had placed a few weeks ago were filled today.


First a sale of a small amount of my double bear HXD as it rose today. My HXD
position gained nicely today as the TSX fell. HXD gave me some protection today
but I still lost ground due to my large position in Melcor and Aeroplan.


Second I bought 200 shares of Visa as its price fell.


June 16, 2009


An interesting day as markets were first up, making my double bear look like
expensive insurance for an event that was not happening, but by the end of the
day the market was down while Picks like Aeroplan were up and so my insurance
paid off on this day at least. I plan to have some updated reports by Sunday.


June 15, 2009


Markets were down about 2% today which high lights the fact that it pays to
take a defensive posture at this time. I sold more of my Canadian Western bank
and also added to my TSX double bear HXD position.


June 14, 2009


The Toronto Stock index is up an amazing 42% since the lows of around March
9. And the S&P 500 index is up the same 42%.


And markets don’t usually go up in straight lines. For most investors it is a
good idea to take a serious look at teking some profits and generally adopting a
more defensive position.


After these gains, even though they were from deep lows, it is easy to start
feeling somewhat “fat and happy”. And it can be hard to take profits for fear of
missing out on the trend to gains.


Personally I think it is time for me to look very hard at taking some money
off the table. On Friday I sold about 30% of my Canadian Western Bank shares and
did so with mixed feelings. But I think it was definitely the right thing to do.


I do find it hard to choose which stocks to see since I do like all of my
major holdings. So what I may do is simply add to my “insurance” position by
buying more of the HXD double bear. I will lose on that if the TSX continues to
rise perhaps pushed up by oil, financials and resources. But there are also lots
of scenarios under which the TSX can fall and since I built up a worthwhile
portfolio, and my stage of life I am now in bigger need of insurance against
loss than I am in need of gains.


Investors should think about their own need for gains versus need for
protection against loss and think about the fact that the market has risen 42%
in three months and consider if somewhat less exposure to equities is
appropriate at this point.


June 11, 2009


This week I have been enjoying the ride upwards. Hoping it keeps going.
Aeroplan and Canadian Western Bank were both strong today. My double bear
position taken out as a modest insurance against a market fall has cost me some
losses. But I can’t complain given the strong gains and given that the bear does
smooth things out so that my losses on the bad days are lessened.


I will have a number of updated stock reports within about 1 week as a number
are “in the hopper”.


June 10, 2009


Oil is now over $72. Canadian Oils Sands Trust has not risen accordingly and
seems attractively priced at about $28.61.


Portfolios have done well lately but now is not the time to get complacent.
The only certainty in the markets is as always, uncertainty.


However, possibly in a sign that I am getting too complacent however, I
removed my order to sell some of my Aeroplan at $8.40. I prefer to wait for a
higher price before selling any.


June 9, 2009


It was another good day for our stocks picks, which was nice on a day of flat


The rebound since March 9 has really been quite huge. The money I lost in
2008 (and who didn’t lose in 2008?) I have now almost fully recouped in 2009.
However I expect to be in for my share of volatilty both up and down as 2009


I took a look at insider trading on most of the Canadian stocks on our list.
(AER, CWB, WES, Shaw, Melcor, Dalsa, BP, COS, CTR.A and CNR). In none of these
cases did I see enough recent buying or selling to give any particular signal.


Oil is over $70 and i suspect that will help Melcor and Canadian Oils Sands,
and Western Financial and others with activity inWestern Canada. I had an order
in to sell some Melcor if it gets to $7.39. It hit $7.38 tody but I have now
decided not to sell.The idea of selling was to take advantage of volatility. But
I feel Melcor could be on more of a trend higher rather than just volatility and
so I figured i would regret selling.


June 8, 2009


Canadian Western bank had continued to rise and closed at $15.96. That is
close to a double since we last updated it as A Strong Buy on Mar 6 at $8.40.


One stock that did fall much back in march and which has not risen much is
Shaw Communications. I continue to like this company and may add to my position.


June 7, 2009


The Performance figures for 2009 are


June 4, 2009


Any subscribers living in Alberta and looking for a mortgage , new or renewal
including for investment purposes should consider Alberta Treasury Branches.
Insanely enough they are offering 3.5% locked in for five years. This is on
right now and ends on June 15. It was supposed to go all month but they are
increasing to 3.7% on June 16. I believe the money can be arranged now and has
to be taken by around early September. They also offer an 10 year rate locked at


The contact at ATB is


Brian Koziol

ATB Financial

(780) 422-8430

I don’t know Brian but I have friends at ATB and they recommended this contact.
I am not benefiting in any way from referring you to ATB, I just think this is a
great rate.


For those in Canada but outside Alberta one of the best mortgage rates in the
market is always at ING Direct. They are offering 3.79%.


I am almost tempted to take out a couple hundred grand from ATB (my house is
mortgage free) and invest it. It would not seem hard to beat the 3.5% cost…
and there are five year corporate bonds and various preferred shares where you
could almost) lock in a good profit. There would always be the chance that your
investment tanked so it would make sense to try and find about four investments
to spread this around in.


the advice is to avoid borrowing to invest. It would be ugly to do this and then
lose your job. Even if the investments were paying the mortgage it would be
added stress. But a 3.5% five year mortgage is not normal. For those who can
take the risk of borrowing to invst it definitely has possibilities.


The other route is to borrow on a line of credit
secured which you can get at about 2.75%, but I like the idea of locking in.


If you live in Calgary and fear a house price
drop and are mortgage free, consider mortgaging up 80% (the limit to avoid CMHC
insurance) then if in the unlikely event that houses drop 50% you lose 20% and
walk…If it is a CMHC mortgage you cannot walk, you would still owe the money.
Non-CMHC I understand you can legally walk, although it may stain your credit
rating somewhat. Not something I really recommend but it is a thought for those
sitting on say a million dollar house and scared of a price tumble. (Don’t tell
ATB I suggested this!) And if you do this with the intent to invest the proceeds
and then prices happen to tumble like that…


Oil was up almost $3.00 today and is now just under $70. It seems to me that
Canadian Oil Sands Trust is attracive at around $28, given this oil price. This
oil price will also help Melcor and Canadian Western bank and Western Financial
Group which depend on a strong Alberta economy.


Canadian Western bank released earnings today that while lower than the same
quarter last year were reasonably good given the financial market conditions
this year. They expect improvements ahead.


June 3, 2009


A pull-back on Toronto today of a noticeable 2.8%. I would not be surprised
to see a trend to a market decline but then again short-term market moves re
impossible to forecast.


In my own account my double bear position in HXD cushioned the blow. And I
picked up some more Canadian Oil Sands trust from an order I had placed a few
days ago at $27.10 when the “company” was trading at about $29.50. So it goes to
show that “cheaping out” can work at times. I did not want to go too cheap
though since I could use a larger position in oil.


June 2, 2009


Notable winners today were Melcor (but very small volume) Dalsa and Canadian
Tire, Western Financial Group and  and First Service Preferred. Quietly my
own portfolio has reached its high point for the year and that is despite some
losses on mu HXD position the double bear that I took out as insurance against a


I remain cautious and would not be surprised to see a pull-back.


June 1, 2009


So the market was up strongly today in spite of the GM bankruptcy.


This goes to show how very difficult it is to predict the short-term
direction of the market.


It also reflects that fact that the market reacts to unexpected news and not
so much to expected news. Expected news tends to be “priced in” and it the
deviations away from expected that drives things.


In my own trading I added a little more to my double bear position in HXD on
Toronto as its price declined.


Overall a good day for our stocks…


With oil around $68, I am wishing I had more oil stocks. I entered an order
to buy more Canadian Oil Sands Trust but decided to cheap out and only buy if it
falls to $27.10.


May 31, 2009


Apparently General Motors is officially bankrupt. After circling the drain
for some years it will sink into bankruptcy tomorrow (Monday) but hopefully will
not make an awful gurgling sound as it goes down the drain since this has been
totally predicted for some time now.


Asian market are up tonight… It’s hard to imagine we will have a positive
week for the markets with this news. I mean we knew it was happening but
tomorrow we may focus on the job loss numbers. Some of GM will still be open but
many plants are closing.


Unemployment is nasty and can certainty lead to even more layoffs when you
get enough layoffs in one area…


Oil at $66 U.S. is good for Alberta, not so good for most of North


May 30, 2009


A subscriber had the following question on
Boston Pizza Royalties Income


The yield looks amazing. Can you please tell me what you think the worst
case scenario would be for bpf come 2011.


Here is my answer:


Investors should  would count on about a 29% reduction
in the distribution at that time so we should consider the yield to be about 70%
of what it is now. That’s probably not so much a worse case but almost a
certainty. This Trust by in unusual nature (it just receives a royalty and
distributes it, it actually has no assets to take capital cost allowance on…)
will have no ability to avoid the tax. Even if they convert to a corporation I
think the same 29% will apply.


Even with a 29% drop in distribution, Boston Pizza would
yield 10.2% which is very attractive.


(Our last report indicated 26% tax rate which may be what
the company stated but for worst case assume about 29% reduction at that time
due to taxation)


In our intrinsic value calculation we cut the distribution/
earnings by 25% (slightly lower than the actual expected cut because it is in
the future…)


The other issue is will the economy cause a distribution
cut? Again by the strange nature of this one where it skims a royalty (like a
franchise fee) off the top of eligible restaurant sales (excludes booze) it is
far more certain than the profits of the restaurants. Imagine same -store sales
drop 10% due to the recession, Profits for the individual restaurant owner could
drop very substantially and profits for the Franchise company Boston Pizza
International could drop substantially and yet the profits of the Trust
available for distributions only drop with same-store restaurant sales or 10%.


Of course if recession drives sales down by 20% then the
distribution would have to cut about 20% but that seems unlikely.


Keep in mind that new restaurant openings add almost
nothing to the distribution because the Trust has to give units to Bston Pizza
International such that it almost eliminates the gain from new restaurants. On
the other hand The Trust deducts from the new units owed to Boston Pizza
International, an amount of units to make the Trust whole for any closed
restaurants. So, closures do not affect the distribution UNLESS the revenue loss
on closure exceeds the revenue gain on new openings. In summary new openings
don’t really benefit investors except by a very tiny amount and closures don’t
hurt investors unless they exceed new openings.


In past yeas distribution were growing along with same
store sales. The current outlook is probably for little or no growth in
distributions, maybe even a small cut due to recession. And then the 29%
tax-related cut is layered on top of that.


I think in business there is always some non-zero but very
tiny chance of a doomsday event and so no one can guarantee that some strange
event would not cut distributions. For example if restaurant owners saw their
profits evaporate and demanded a cut to the royalty payment. Or the Trust get
sued for some reason. Or the next Flue scare really scares us and people avoid
restaurants in droves. The small chance that these things could occur is part of
the reason we diversify. We should never put too much in one company given these
type of possible but very unlikely doomsday scenarios. I have about 8% of my
portfolio in Boston Pizza.


Another consideration is the unit price. It had fallen very
briefly to the $7 range from an historic high of around $18. In recently spend
several months in the $8 to $9 range and is currently at $9.60 having briefly
risen to $10. prices are always volatile on the market… It could dip if it
announces exactly what it will do in 2011 or could drop then when it cuts the
distribution. Maybe it won’t since the distribution cut is well know to be
coming. But chances are it would dip at that time. But meanwhile if a
distribution cut comes early in 2011 we will have collected around 21% in
distributions by them.


Yet another consideration; for those who hold Boston Pizza
in an RRSP / RESP account the cut in distribution would be a loss. However, for
those who hold in taxable accounts, the new lower distribution in 2011 would be
eligible for the dividend tax credit and the after tax income to the investor
would not change much at all. Current distributions are fully taxable like


May 27, 2009


Markets continue to gyrate with a drop today that went a long way to
eliminating the gains of yesterday. In my own portfolio,  Melcor rose on
thin Volume and triggered a sell order on a small potion of my holdings in
Melcor. This is not a company I want to sell but I am using a strategy to sell a
small amount of various stocks on rallies. Also An order I had placed the
previous evening to add to my bear fund HXD was filled. The bear fund protected
me from losses today.


May 26, 2009


A good day in the markets. My own gains were offset by losses on my double
bear position. I entered an order to add to my bear position if the market is
still at about the same level or higher tomorrow. Stocks went up because of a
surprising surge in U.S. consumer confidence. The latest house price index
results show house prices were still declining as of March.


May 25, 2009


I sold about 20% of my Western Financial Group shares today. I hated to sell
now after the stock is way down. But at least it is up from its lows. It should
do well eventually but my latest analysis indicated it is risky and so i sold to
reduce risk. I have an order in to sell more if it rises to $2.15. If it should
go the other way back to the $1.70 range I might buy back.


May 24, 2009


In order to reduce risk I have placed an order to sell a small portion of my
Western Financial Group at the last traded price, also to sell more if the price
rises modestly which would reduce my position in it by about 40%.


To hopefully take advantage of volatility I also have placed orders to sell
small amounts of Canadian Tire, Aeroplan and Boston Pizza but only if we see a
gain of roughly 10%.


May 23, 2009


Western Financial Group
is updated and now rated only a Speculative Weak Buy at $1.88. This is based on
a weak although not disastrous Q1. The common equity is highly leveraged (about
five times) and therefore this has the potential to be a winner but also could
be a total loss if job losses result in too many loan defaults at its banking
operation. Its core brokerage operation is stable however. Personally I allowed
myself to get over-exposed to this stock by buying on the way down. I will plan
to reduce my holdings especially if the share price remains about $1.85 or


It’s preferred shares are a safer
investment but lack the potential upside of the common shares. I have had an
order in to buy the preferred but have tried without success to get them at a
price lower than the current offered price. (I was hoping the price would dip
and my order would be filled).


I notice Quest Capital which is no longer included on our list is up around
$1.02. This company lends money mostly on condo construction projects. The
attraction is that the boo value per share is about $1.95. However it appears to
be in somewhat of a panic mode and is reducing costs. It is lending little or no
new money and is trying to collect on existing loans. The CEO has just left.
This seems highly speculative. If I held shares I would sell. In fact I did sell
earlier at a somewhat lower price, but I have no regrets.


May 21, 2009


A negative day for markets in Canada. And that was in site of oil being up
lightly today.


My HXD double bear position cushioned some of the blow.


I notice Sino-Forest is issuing shares at $11.00. I no longer follow it. It
often seemed to be reporting strong profits but I was uncomfortable with changes
in its business plan. (First the profit was supposed to be in planted trees that
would grow in seven years or even five, last I checked that profit never
materialized but they started making a lot of money by selling trees on the
stump that they had bought but not grown themselves – curious why there would be
big profit in that. At one time they were supposed to have a bunch of mills to
make lumber and that never worked out. At one time their reports implied that
they had mills to chip wood, later it seemed to be revealed that the chip mills
were not owned, they paid to have logs chipped. For a variety of such reasons I
simply felt I personally was not willing to trust them. On the other hand they
had an S&P debt rating and so one would think they could be trusted.


I would make the point that they are supposed to be a high profit company yet
they have never paid a dividend and now they need cash. Sure they are growing
but when will cash stream out of the company?




May 20, 2009


No trades for me today. This evening the Far East markets are down just over
1%. It seems to me that markets are looking vulnerable at this time.


The pathetic saga at Kingsway continues. Their CFO “has left the
organization”. whether she left on her own or was escorted out the door, they
don’ say.  As they have an outsider as interim CFO it sounds like they
pushed her out. That’s okay since she was part of the old guard, I think it is
best for her to be gone. But it somehow disgusts me to see that the company does
not even offer the usual perfunctory best wishes or any thanks whatsoever for
past service. Ms. Gobin believed in Kingsway and was a buyer of shares over the
years.  On a similar note on April 23, this POS company announced it had a
new CEO and did not even have the courtesy to mention the name of the departing
CEO, Shaun Jackson. As poor a manager as Jackson was he deserved the courtesy of
some kind of mention. Over the years he was likely only doing the bidding of the
founder one Bill Starr.,


Overall it seems that Kingsway continues to be a pathetic excuse of a company
and I am now sorry I ever thought that they were a good investment. Now having
said that with the shares at $2.50 or so and under half of book there is
potential for t to be turned around. But I don’t see any hopeful signs yet. I
mean they apparently just finished selling off all their equity investments at
just about the very bottom of the market. How dumb was that?


Buffet says don’t invest unless you respect management. In my reports I
believe I indicated for a very long time that management was  weak, but I
failed to count that as a deal-breaker, I invested despite a lack of respect for
management. Lesson learned.


May 19, 2009


At the opening this morning I bought back the Canadian Oil sands shares that
I had sold on May 7 and April 2 . I sold at $27.99 and $26.53 and bought back at
$25.55. A rather small profit but still I took advantage of volatility and now
have the shares back and expect them to do well long term.


Today the Canadian market was strong as it caught up to the big U.S. rally on
Monday when Canada was closed.


My outlook is moderately defensive, mostly fully invested with little cash
but I have a small position in the TSX double bear to partly hedge my position.
In buying I am inclined to be patient, place a bid below market. In selling it
may not be a bad idea for those with little cash to trim positions on rallies
and build cash.




May 18, 2009


I sold my eBay shares this morning. I have mixed feeling s about that since
it should do well long-term. I could have kept some and sold some but decided
just to sell it all. The Canadian markets are closed today. The one U.S. stock
on our list that I am considering buying is Visa. But rather than pay the ask I
may place an order a few dollars below the market. Markets were strong in the
this U.S. this morning but I suspect the gyrations in both directions will


May 17, 2009


Reitmans is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Buy at $11.10. It closed Friday at $12.59. On a trailing
basis its valuation look s good. However the latest quarter reported being the
quarter ended January 31, 2009 was very weak in terms of earnings. At this point
we would wait to see the earnings stabilize or begin to climb on a
year-over-year basis before investing. (It’s rated a Speculative (lower) Buy
which means we expect it would be a reasonable investment but there are lots of
higher rated stocks on this Site and therefore I personally would not buy this
one at this time.


MicroSoft is updated and rate
Buy at $20.11. This may be an opportunity to acquire a very strong company at a
reasonable price. However the earnings trend was recently negative and therefore
the share price may be volatile in the near term. As our last update on February
25 it had dipped down to $16.42 and we rated it strong Buy and that did prove to
be a good buying opportunity. Since then while the longer-term outlook is good,
the earnings did decline in the latest quarter versus the year earlier and the
price has also risen and our rating has decline to “Buy”.


Canadian Oil sands Trust
is updated and rated Buy at $25.62 (subsequent to our analysis the price dipped
and it closed Friday at $24.07). The direction of this stock is of course
heavily driven by oil prices. I am very much inclined to increase my position in
this “stock”.


May 16, 2009


eBay is updated and rated
Speculative (lower) Buy at $17.28. It closed Friday at $16.91. It’s very strong
positions in PayPal and its ebay marketplace site are attractive competitive
advantages. It’s trading at a relatively low P/E but earnings are dropping. At
our last update on February 25 we liked it at $11.73. But we are cooler to it at
the $17 range. Also their recent decision to effectively re-price stock options
is despicable. Their Skype division seems to be gaining traction and I think the
fact that Oprah is using it on her show is a very positive indicator. It is
being sold off in an IPO in 2010. As long as they don’t sell too early into a
weak market that is a big plus. While I like eBay for the long-term, the
short-term could see a lower share price and I plan to reduce my personal


Visa is updated and is rated Buy at
$64.14, (it closed Friday at $65.07) no significant change since our last update
of this one which was only a few weeks ago on April 19.  The reason for
looking at this is that it clearly has oligopolistic and even some monopolistic
characteristics (If you own a store you are all-but forced to accept VISA).
Companies like this are almost always somewhat expensive in terms of value
ratios. And that is the case here it does not seem like a screaming buy. But it
may be worth buying given its characteristics. My strategy would be to
establish a smaller initial position, or wait and see if the price dips.

It will release earnings at the end of this month which may (or may not) show it
was hurt by the recession. I would be particularly interested in buying on a dip
back below $55 which is certainly very possible. Given that there are many
bargains in the market and that markets in general could easily pull-back, it
makes sense to be patient and selective with your buys.


May 14, 2009


Markets continue to gyrate. With
stocks up today I added somewhat to my hedge by buying more of the double bear
HXD fund.


Western Financial Group reported first quarter results after the close today.
The bottom line is poor, they basically broke even and made zero cents per share
down from 4 cents last year. As feared they had higher loan losses though not as
high as I feared it might be. The biggest problem appears to be their recent
Agri Financial acquisition which saddled them with expenses but which apparently
makes most of its revenue in Spring and Summer. Revenues were up 6% in its main
business – the insurance brokerage offices. Revenues (including investment
income) were down very slightly in life insurance.


Overall not a good result in Q1. I suspect the shares will dip again on this
news. Longer term it may still be a good investment but it certainly is going to
have to get back to making a profit before the market is going to push the
shares up. If the market reacts quite negatively to this news then it might be
an opportunity buy some of its preferred shares. (See bottom row in our stock
tables above). I might buy some of those if they come down towards $50 from the
current $58 range.


May 13, 2009


The market decline was expected after the big run-up and appears set to get
worse. Portfolios can still be partially hedged by buying the double bear ETFs.


I view the decline in Aeroplan as a buying opportunity although there appears
to certainly be ne hurry to buy.


The silver lining of this decline is that there are or will be opportunities
to pick up bargains. For the moment I am not in a hurry to either buy or sell.


We’ll have a number of updated reports to post this coming weekend.


May 12, 2009


Aeroplan released earnings this morning and they were definitely not as good
as I hoped. With all the Aeroplan promotions including bonus miles for new
credit cards and things like triple aeroplan miles at Home Hardware and with the
addition of Sobeys I had though that the cash sales of points would be up.
Instead it was down very slightly. In Canada this appears to be due to lower
credit card use as consumers retrench with the recession. In the much smaller
European segment point cash sales were down due to currency impacts and due to
the loss of two partners at Nectar.


Redemptions of Aeroplan points remained surprisingly strong. Redemptions are
good for GAAP earnings although they hurt cashflow.


GAAP earnings were down substantially due to operating factors but also due
to the currency impact and the fact that Aeroplan was a taxable entity this
quarter but not in the same quarter last year. The drop in GAAP net income
overstates the extent to which ongoing profits are down.


I was being optimistic to think that Aeroplan could keep growing in this
recession. However with its gross cash sales of points down only 5% in the
quarter and that partly due to currency impacts, it is not such a bad
performance. Aeroplan is ultimately in the business of promoting sales for Air
Canada, CIBC, AMEX and other partners. In this sense Aeroplan competes against
other forms of promotion such as advertising. While Aeroplan’s billings were
down 5% the billings of advertising businesses like newspapers and television
have been devastated. Therefore on relative terms Aeroplan is doing well.


However, with the ongoing recession it appears that things will continue to
be slow. At this point I cannot expect to see increases in earnings in Q2
(although the currency impact in Q2 will likely be positive rather than


The share price could still rise if valuations in the market generally rise
(higher P/E ratios, lower dividend yields) as the credit crisis eases. If that
does not happen then the share price could fall if Q2 is another somewhat weak


Overall my outlook for Aeroplan has dimmed somewhat but it still pays a good
dividend and it remains a strong cash generating company. Personally I am
over-exposed to this company and so I will have to be inclined to hope to reduce
my position on any price increase. If I was not already so heavily invested in
it then I would be looking to add to my position on dips.


Other News


Meanwhile Melcor and Western Financial Group did well today but those two can
be quite volatile and so day to day price movements mean little. Western
Financial Group seems a bit late releasing earnings compared to last year.




May 11, 2009


I did buy a ,modest amount of the double bear ETF HXD, to try and protect the
recent gains. This position is not that large, one reason being that there was
not that much cash in my account to buy the bear fund.


I sold another 50% of my Wells Fargo to take profits and because this stock
could easily pull-back after it recent huge run.


I had an order in to sell a small amount of my Melcor and that did sell today
when the price rose.


Tomorrow, Tuesday, Aeroplan will release earnings. Apparently they plan to
release before market opening and the expected earnings is 26 cents versus 31
cents last year. My belief is that in the case of Aeroplan for a variety of
reasons the GAAP earnings are not reliable and we need to look at adjusted
earnings compared to the prior year. In any event we will see where it goes


May 10, 2009


Given the big run up in the markets, we should not be surprised if the next
move is down.


Also, with this surge my own portfolio is back to being in decent shape,
still down from its peak but still with a good return over the years. Therefore
I am thinking a bit about how to protect against a decline. I tend to find it
hard to sell what I own since these stocks still seem to be at good values. One
possibility is to buy some HXD on Toronto which is the double bear fund that
declines if the TSX 60 index goes down (Basically 60 of the largest stocks on
the TSX). I find it a bit hard to do this as well since fundamentally it is a
bet that markets will decline. But is one looks at it as purely being insurance
and not a “bet” then it may make sense at this point.


The stock market has certainly been doing better than the real economy, and
therefore the gain could seem over-done. On the other hand stocks fell a lot
harder than the real economy in 2008 and so it makes sense that they now
out-perform. My worry is that major bad economic news like lower world trade
could certainly cause the market to pull-back.


Over time I am still confident that markets will do well, but for short-term
purposes we certainly can’t count on the rally continuing or that stocks will
not pull back. I have never claimed to predict where markets will go in the
short-term. But by trying to select individual companies that appear to be
strong and well-priced, then I hope to continue to out-perform.


Aeroplan will report on Tuesday. On a GAAP earnings basis I am not sure if
they will show an increase. GAPP earnings are driven by the cashing in of points
(mostly for flights). Air Canada traffic was down some 10% and so it may be hard
for Aeroplan to have had an increase in points usage versus last year. But then
again I believe Air Canada has opened up a lot more reward seats this year and
has been more than willing to accept the cash from Aeroplan when Aeroplan
members use points. (In fact Air Canada has been desperate for such cash)


Aeroplan, I am almost certain will report good cash flows from the issuance
of aeroplan points. This flows to earnings on a delayed basis. But certainly all
the aeroplan partners have been running specials trying to lure shoppers in by
giving extra aeroplan points. This should improve the cash flow from sale of
points. On the other hand I don’t know what has been happening in the U.K. with
its Nectar points in that market or its small Airmiles operation in the arab


Overall I am hoping for good results from Aeroplan. What really counts is
whether they do better ort worse than expected by analysts.


Regarding Wells Fargo, it jumped a LOT last week to $28.18. This is despite
announcing a large share issuance at $22. Buffett has been saying this is a
great company for years and repeatedly in the last six months or so. People
ignored him as it plunged as low as $8 in that period when it looked like more
large banks might go bust. Now everyone is on the band-wagon. Personally I find
I am not about to buy it at $28 having watched it soar from $8 (I did buy some
at much lower prices but sold half too early around $18). I would buy more if it
came back to say $20. Banking is somewhat of a commodity business, although it
does have the advantage that customers tend to be somewhat sticky. What Buffett
likes about Wells Fargo is it has among the lowest cost of funds (it gets cheap
funds to lend through its huge branch network). Second and perhaps most
important its management, unlike apparently most bank managers, are rational and
mostly did not participate in most of the idiotic mortgages that have crippled
the U.S. banking sector. Buffett has not mentioned it but I note the also tend
to be in highly profitable lending. They have a lot of high interest loans out
to customers.


The week ahead is likely to bring lots of new surprises and volatility. As
usual, hold onto your wallets…


May 8, 2009


2009 performance figures are updated. My own
portfolio is up 19.1% in 2009 to date.


The percentage break-down of my own portfolio
composition by individual stock is updated


May 7, 2009


Melcor released earnings after the market close. Earnings were low at only 1
cent per share but, surprisingly ,single family lot sales were actually higher
than the year-ago period. Overall the earnings and outlook appear to be mildly
positive. This combined with the recent rise in oil prices makes me more
confident about Melcor especially for the longer term. The semi-annual dividend
however is reduced to 10 cents versus 25 cents last year. This is a cyclical
company and management is being prudent by cutting the dividend when business is


I will wait and see where the stock goes before making and trading decisions.
If the price drops I would view that as a buying opportunity.


Wells Fargo announced it will sell $6 billion in common equity. The stock was
down only very slightly in after-hours trading on that news. But overall I think
the prospect of share sales by most of the big U.S. banks will likley cause
these bank shares to dip.


In looking for some position to trim I decided to sell a portion of my
Canadian oil sands shares today. I hope to repurchase at a lower price.


May 6, 2009


With the stocks soaring it’s easy to get complacent and forget to look for
opportunities to take some profit. I clearly sold half my Wells Fargo too early
and that makes me reluctant to sell anymore especially given Buffett’s
reiterated endorsement on the weekend. still, that might be one where I will
sell 100 shares and hope to buy back on a dip. At some point there will be a
scare regarding U.S. banks including the stress test and Wells, as good as it
is, could easily have a significant pull back.


May 5, 2009


The markets were flat overall today but our stock picks had another good day.


If worried that the rally could be over, (as I am) rather than selling
positions another option is to keep your stocks but buy some of the double bear
ETS to hedge the position See our
ETF article
. (HXD for TSX 60)


May 4, 2009


Today was a day for enjoying the ride as almost all stocks rose. I certainly
expect market to be volatile meaning that we will likely see some of these gains
lost in the days and weeks ahead. I will continue to look to trim a few
positions to take profits. But mostly I will be holding what I have. I did sell
1000 Dalsa shares today.


May 3, 2009


Buffet held his huge annual meeting this weekend in Omaha with about 35,000
in attendance. He spoke quite favorably about Wells Fargo. That to me is a
strong buy signal. I may add to my position even though I had recently reduced
it in the hopes it would dip and I would buy it cheaper.


April 30, 2009


Markets were surprising strong this morning but turned somewhat negatve by
the end of the day. It’s probably anybody’s guess where the market will head
next. Personally I may continue to trim a few positions here and there but also
look to buy argains as well.


Dalsa reported earnings after the close. Reading the press release the
earnings look quite bad. This company should do well longer term, but in the
short term the stock could certainly
sink significantly
. One positive is that the lower Canadian dollar helps
versus 2008. They have signed some recent significant customer contracts as


Melcor continued upwards, but on a thinly traded volume. This will also
likely continue to volatile and it could report a rather weak Q1.


Aeroplan is jumping around partly due to swine flu. It continues to be a
strong cash generating company .


I will be traveling the next 6 days and I am not sure of the extent that I
will be able to update the site, but hopefully there is a working wireless
connection available to me at my destination in (Sydney, Nova Scotia.


April 29, 2009


The market continues to show surprising strength… A Dalsa has shown recent
strength I had an order in to sell 1000 of my 5200 shares at $6.20, just to take
some profit and lower my risk.


Visa which was added to the Site as a Buy on April 15 at $58.24 is now at
$63.51. It came out with better-than-expected earnings after the close. I think
if we updated right now it would still be a Buy although I have not read the
earnings release other than the headline.


Canadian Oil Sands Trust was out with earnings. Earnings are way down from
last year. I would not mind at all if this pulled back because it is a good long
term stock.




April 28, 2009


I bought some additional FirstService Preferred today. I should have bought
earlier at cheaper prices but there is no point dwelling on that.


Aeroplan fell on the swine flue impact but recovered. So far this swine flu
is looking like a false alarm but we shall see.


Dalsa has been rising from the depths but on low volume. Hopefully its Q1
report will vindicate the rise.


At this point I don’t see much reason for overall markets to rise, and
individual stocks should move according to the extent their Q1 earnings releases
are higher or lower than expected.


April 27, 2009


This swine flu could hurt the markets especially airlines and perhaps
Aeroplan. If it gets serious I guess it would hurt food service including Boston
Pizza. But so far there seems to be little evidence that this flue is going to
turn into anything serious. Hopefully we learned something from the near-panic
about SARS a few years ago that ended up killing I think less than a handful of
Canadians. Still as they say perception is reality and so there could be a
market reaction.


I sold a bit more Melcor today as the price rose. Bought some additional
Aeroplan as the price fell to a buy I had previously placed at $7.35. Also added
to my Wal-Mart today.


Currency Risk: A subscriber emailed to ask:


I see conflicting opinions about the Canadian/US dollar
rate expected movement both short and long term. I’d like to see your take on
the expected short and long term movement of the CAN/US dollar exchange rate.
This is an important consideration for us Canadians when buying US dollar quoted


When Canadian invest in U.S. stocks a fall in the Canadian
dollar boosts the value of the inventmenta nd a higher Canadian dollar reduces
the value of the investment. Therefore it is appropriate to consider the
currency risk.


I don’t have any real basis to make a prediction. Four
years ago in April 2005, our dollar was at U.S. 80 cents . By April 2006, it had
risen to just over 90 cents, which was the highest in a couple of decades. By
April 2007it was back down to 85 cents. It then rose to 95 cents by the summer
of 2007 ( about a 30 -year high!) . Finally it soared to just above $1.05
at the end of October 2007. Then it slid to the 95 cents in August 2008. The
next move was a very swift crash back to slightly below 80 cents by October
2008. Since then it has gyrated several times between 78 cents and 84 cents. For
chart, click below.;range=5y;indicator=volume;charttype=line



I think it’s fair to say that no one accurately predicted
all those extreme moves in the dollar. In fact it was fairly apparent that
Canada could not opreate with the dollar at parity, that was unsustainably high
– still it went well above $1.00 although only briefly.


As the dollar went to 87 and above in 2007 I thought it was
a good time to buy U.S. stocks even though I indicated the dollar COULD go
higher. And certainly by the time the dollar got to 30 year highs of 95 cents I
felt it was prudent and wise to invest in U.S. stocks rather than be greedy and
wait for parity. See comments below of March 27, 2007, April 212, May 2, May 17,
May 30, Une 4, July 16 and July 24, 2007. The dollar was a preoccupation in 2007
because of how it had soared and how that was devastating our export businesses.


My view is that we can’t know which way the dollar will
head. It’s now just above the lower end of its range from the past four year.
This might suggest a risk that it will move up and hurt our U.S. investments. On
the other hand it is already much higher than where it was for most of the past
15 years or so, which suggests it could go lower. The direction of oil prices
plays a role. It tends to rise with higher oil prices.


My view is that most Canadians will want to diversify and
have some investments in the U.S. One way to do this is to (more or less)
“permanently” allocate some percentage of your investment s to the U.S. Most of
us will want to spend money in the U.S at some point so it makes sense to have
U.S. dollars.


So all things in moderation. If there is a stock you really
like in the U.S. it probably makes sense to buy it and not sweat the currency
movement. If the dollar does go much higher be happy and move more money into
U.S. funds.


In theory the currency risk could be hedged. Practically
speaking that may not be feasible for most investors. However if you invest in
ETFS or mutual funds it is possible to buy hedged funds.


April 25, 2009


Yesterday I moderately reduced my holding in Melcor. The price was up and I
simply wanted to moderatly reduce my high exposure to this company.


Our reference article of global / International
Exchange Traded Funds is updated. For this update I added links to ishares
where you can check the latest P/E ratios and much more additional information
for each ETF. I also added links to Yahoo Finance where you can quickly see the
latest price as well as their view of the P/E ratio and yield. Note at both
these links the P/E ratio and yield is shown as of a prior month end and if the
ETF price has changed materially then you have to consider that the P/E ratio
and yield need to be adjusted for the price change.  I also added two new
ETFs which are corporate bond ETFs. I am not aware of any corporate bond ETFs in
Canada and so these U.S. corporate bond ETFs may be of interest. I am interested
in the high-yield corporate bonf ETF, the last one in our table.


April 24, 2009


Our performance figures for 2009 to date are


April 23, 2009


Out Stocks did well today. I decided to take some profits on e-Bay. I will
buy back if the price drops. Q1 earnings are mostly higher than expected.


April 22, 2009


My strategy right now is to have some buy orders in on case stocks fall and a
few sell orders to trim some positions if prices rise.  Just trying to take
advantage of volatility and waiting to see how the earnings come in.  In
particular I would like to see Wells Fargo come down to say $17 and then I will
buy, but my order currently is at $15.75 which may be too low.


eBay earnings were better than expected. I may add to my position in eBay.


Today there was the sad news of the suicide of the Freddie Mac interim CFO.
Turns out he was previously in charge of accounting policy for some years.
Sounds to me like he knew he was about to get blamed for some of the bad moves
and bad accounting. Why would they have put him in a CFO when he was part of the


Apparently he was a family man and also had the most brightly decorated house
at Christmas. Well, this is very sad for his family but it sounds like maybe he
liked to decorate the Freddie Mac earnings as well.


These messes are not behind us yet and when the dust settles there will be
some executives going to jail.


April 21, 2009


I picked up some Shaw
Communications on the dip today. I’ll add to that again  if it dips to
say $17. Wells Fargo closed yester at $17. I had a bid in to buy at $15.75. It
traded as low as $16.14 near the open and closed at $18.81. With the volatility
in the markets is seems wise to throw in a few “stink bids” and see what
happens. Volatility should be especially high in the next couple of weeks due to
earnings releases.


Aeroplan announced today that Air
Canada just opened up 250,000 new classic reward seats. (Classic rewards are
25,000 points for anywhere in North America – return, while the non-classic
rewards which are available after the classics fill up can be easily 100,000
points for the same seat.


What this point-sale suggests to me is that Air Canada has excess seats and
is desperate to fill them by in effect selling them cheap to Aeroplan. If this
encourages people to use their points then Aeroplan will report higher revenue
and earnings since they only can book the revenue when the points are used.
Aeroplan makes its cash as opposed to booking revenue when it sells points to
Air Canada and others. I am seeing lots of promotions for double Aeroplan miles
and so the bottom line is I expect Aeroplan to have had a good Q1 and that Q2
willl be good as well.


The down side of Air Canada’s desperation is that it is nearly broke and if
it goes broke Aeroplan shares will suffer from both losing money that Air Canada
owes it and from investors assuming Aeroplan would be a lot less viable without
Air Canada, although that second impact could be only temporary as Air Canada
will likely continue to fly even in bankruptcy.


April 20, 2009


The market was down significantly today. Earnings releases in the next few
days may whip the market in one direction or the other.  I am tempted to
add some positions but will try to be patient because certainly a larger market
dip could be underway.


The Far East markets as of about 10:30 pm eastern time are down even more
than North America was today…


April 19. 2009


Visa Inc. is added to the Table
above as a new company rated Buy at $58.24 (It closed on Friday at $58.00). The
reason for looking at this is that it clearly has oligopolistic and even some
monopolistic characteristics (If you own a store you are all-but forced to
accept VISA). Companies like this are almost always somewhat expensive in terms
of value ratios. And that is the case here it does not seem like a screaming
buy. But it may be worth buying given its characteristics. My strategy would be
to establish a smaller initial position, or wait and see if the price dips.  It will release earnings at the end of
this month which may (or may not) show it was hurt by the recession. I would be
particularly interested in buying on a dip back below $50 which is certainly
very possible. Given that there are many bargains in the market and that markets
in general could easily pull-back, it makes sense to be patient and selective
with your buys.


We had previously looked at VISA on a Quick Analysis basis and called it a
Strong Buy at $52 in early September and a (higher) Buy at $48 on December 1.


Remember that Canadian investors face currency risks on American companies (a
higher Canadian dollar causes you U.S. companies to be worth less money in
Canadian dollars).


April 18, 2009


The Stock table now includes links to
check the current price on Yahoo Finance.


Walgreen company is updated and is
rated Buy at $28.89. Subsequent to our analysis date it has risen to $30.06.


Home Capital Group is
updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $26.21. Since our analysis date of
April 14 it has now risen to $28.00 At this point given the Speculative nature,
I would prefer to wait and see if there is a pullback (to say $24) or wait until
after the next earnings release on May 6.


April 17, 2009


Shaw Communications is
updated and rate (lower) Strong Buy at CAN $18.56 or U.S. $15.26. It has
continued to grow in the latest quarter despite the economic slow-down. I view
it a quite recession resistant. Telus has so far apparently not made much of a
dent with its competing TV offering. There is however some risk of a price war
with Telus which could hurt profits quite significantly if it happened. I have a
modest position in it and may add to that especially on any further price


I trimmed my Aeroplan position very slightly today selling at $8.35 some
shares I had recently bought at $7.35.


April 16, 2009


So far the stock rally continues. But I certainly still expect lots of
volatility. We could certainly see a pull-back at any time. Aeroplan could fall
(hopefully temporarily) if Air Canada should fail or have labor trouble.
Hopefully Air Canada can look forward to a reasonably busy summer season. I
think Air Canada would continue to fly even in any bankruptcy but still Aeroplan
would likely dive at least for a while. But I think the value is definitely
there and so I have placed a substantial bet on this one.


We’ll have a number of updated reports by Sunday.


April 15, 2009


I took some profit by selling half my Wells Fargo today.


April 14, 2009


We are now into another earnings release season. This will be yet another
reason for stocks to bounce around. With Aeroplan down about 50 cents today I
placed an order to buy but it did not get filled. TD Securities reiterated their
target of $17 for Aeroplan.  I did buy a modest amount of Shaw
Communications today.


April 13, 2009


I have purchased a few shares of Wal-Mart based on our recent update and
(higher) Buy rating. A good start to the week with Canadian Western Bank up 4.3%
to $13.77. Possibly one should take some profits at this point if there is a
large holding in it. Personally I am still smarting from having  sold about
25% of my shares in this at just under $12 (as mentioned under April 2) so I
have been a bit hesitant to take any further profit.


Goldman Sachs was out with unexpectedly strong earnings after the close (well
after the close of regular trading, that is, but while the oxymoronically named
after-hours trading session was open). But they also will sell $5 billion in new
shares and cut their dividend. These shares were down slightly after hours.
Overall though this looks like a positive indicator for banks. I have to wonder
though what the average America will think when this company that received
bail-out money is now making big profits already.


Shaw Communications came out with earnings last week that were strong. I am
planning to buy shares.


April 10, 2009


Our reference article on
Exchange Traded Funds is updated. This reference article has the trading
symbols for numerous Canadian ETFs. What is unusual is that it gives you the P/E
ration and dividend yield of each ETF as of now and with links to updated
information so that the article is still useful between updates. I have added
six Bond ETFs for this update. When it comes to bonds I would be interested in a
higher yield fund, but no such ETF appears to exist in Canada. AGF has a high
yield bond fund. I looked at TD Waterhouse and could not see any high yield
bonds funds that I can buy in my TD account.


April 9, 2009


The performance figures for 2009 are
updated. It was a very nice day for Wells
Fargo, up 31%. Despite having taken some profits too early, and lots of
other mistakes, my own portfolio is up 9.0% on
the year to date.


April 8, 2009


Moody’s has downgraded Berkshire
Hathaway from is highest rating to its third-highest. Berkshire owns a large
amount of Moody’s. So it will be interesting to see what happens. Buffett likes
being number 1 and having a AAA rating. I wonder if he won’t find some reason to
sell those Moody’s shares. If Berkshire falls on this news it would be a buying


TD Bank was out with a report yesterday (I saw it today) that puts a $17.50
target on Aeroplan. So that is encouraging. I’ve put quite a few of my eggs in
the Aeroplan basket and a double there would be very nice indeed.


I’ve mentioned before that I am attracted to monopoly-like companies that are
unregulated as to price. True non-regulated monopolies are perhaps non-existent
but some companies approach it. If you can buy them at a reasonable price, they
should make great investments. My theory is that Aeroplan has something of a
monopoly-like characteristic in that there is probably only room in the market
for two or loyalty plans that are accepted at many merchants (People will not
carry more than a couple collector cards… stores can usually offer only one
plan, once all the juicy retail partners are signed up its very tough for a new
competitor to  come in. A few strong store loyalty plans exist like
Shoppers and Canadian Tire but they don’t compete that much with Aeroplan. Free
flights are the most popular reward and Aeroplan and Air Miles have the only two
national Airlines in the Country ties up. Lots of credit card loyalty point
plans exist but they only get revenue from the credit card fee whereas Aesopian
can double up with revenue from the credit card company and the retailer.


I also consider Shaw Communications to be a near-monopoly situation. Down the
road Telus TV may have an impact but not so far.


The TMX Group has been a monopoly. New competitors are emerging but so far it
looks a lot like a monopoly. I would buy it back if the price fell (sadly I sold
too early to raise cash).


Other near monopolists are Visa and Master Card and I will consider buying
especially on dips.


One Monopoly that we can’t invest in is Airports. (other than bonds)  In
Edmonton the Airport is raising its “improvement fee” from $15 to $20 per
flight. This is disgusting. The Airport is an absolute monopoly in Edmonton.
While Air Canada is near broke and Airlines are offering $99 flights we have
these monopolists grabbing for more to build their empire. (in the mioddle of a
recession yet). We actually had a competing Airport downtown Edmonton and these
greedy monopolists pushed to have it closed to commercial flights some years
ago. The downtown Airport was incredibly more convenient for the short flights
to Calgary but who cares about customer service when you are a monopoly? I mean
just look at how passengers are treated in security checks a airports.  I
drive to Calgary these days rather than fly. The downtown Airport was allowed to
have small planes with up to 10 passengers for a time but then the big Airport
was jealous of even that small traffic and put a stop to it. Silly politicians
had put the City Airport under the management of the International Airport,
rather than run it independently and allow competition.


April 7, 2009


Yesterday I mentioned waiting to see if better bargains emerge… Aeroplan
was down about 8% today. I added to my position. Not sure I should have,  I
have enough of it and one should never get too wrapped up in one stock. There
are lots of cheap stocks and so there is no need to put too many eggs in one
basket. Aeroplan is probably still suffering due to fears about Air Canada.
Aeroplan also will suffer lower growth or maybe some cashflow decline in a
recession, but the stock price reaction seems over-blown.


Earnings season has kicked off with a loss reported by Alcoa. The figure that
is shocking is that their revenue was down 44%. But price was down about 44%.
Prices were down 26% and therefore it appears volumes were down about 18%. That
is a tough business to be in when prices drop like that.


April 6, 2009


No trades for me today. I am waiting to see if better bargains emerge as the
markets gyrate.


April 5, 2009


Costco is updated and rated (lower)
Buy at $46.20 (it last traded at $48.91). It earnings took a rather sudden
tumble in its Q2 ended at the end of January. It operates on purpose at very
thin margins. The problem there is that a slight decline in revenue can turn
into a big decline in earnings. I personally would wait to see how Q3 goes
before buying.


Wal-Mart is updated and rated (higher Buy ) at $52.63 (it last traded at
$53.80). This is well worth considering. I don’t own any but have often thought
of buying.


FedEx is updated and rated Weak Buy at
$52.02. With earnings still dropping it does not look like a bargain at this
time. But it’s worth keeping an eye on because it will likely recover strongly
when the recession is over.


April 3, 2009


My article on the fair value of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average is updated.


April 2, 2009


Western Financial Group
was briefly halted today but there is no indication of why. I notice also that
CFO Catherine Rogers and Chairman Jim Dinning bought shares on Tuesday March 31,
2009 at $1.81. 16,293 and 33,247. Both purchases according to the were
“in the public market”. So that looks like a nice vote of confidence.


But the amounts bought look “odd”. Why the odd number of shares. Also it
would be coincidental that both bought the same day at the same price. In
reality on Tuesday, according to Yahoo there were only around 10,000 shares
traded and all at $1.69 and not $1.81. I conclude that these share were not in
fact bought in the public market and more likely were some kind of compensation
payment from Western. That’s maybe a positive sign but no where near as positive
as if they had actually bought with their own money. This sort of thing seems to
be part of the landscape when dealing with small companies, they don’t seem as
carful about how these things are reported. But meanwhile both of these
individuals own a fairly significant amount of sahres, 125,000 and 95,000
respectively. And at least they are not selling.


A strong day particularly for
Canadian Western Bank, Aeroplan (a rebound from
yesterday) and Canadian Oil Sands Trust.  Last week when we had a big rally
on Thursday I not think to trim any positions that day and then much of those
gains slipped away over the next few trading days. So today I was thinking about
trimming some positions. Then I looked at insider trading on Canadian Western
and saw that a vice president had sold about 11,500 shares last week at $9.50 to
$10.50 to now hold just 1675. That seemed odd because this individual had been a
buyer over the past year or more. Another insider also sold 1000 shares last
week at $10.50.  Maybe this is no big deal and there could be many reasons
for the sales. But with the shares close to $12 today, I decided to sell some of
my position, about 25%. I also sold 25% of my Canadian Oil Sands Trust on the
hope of buying it back later at a lower price.


Hopefully the volatility will continue, because volatility and fear leads to
some stocks becoming under-priced. On March 9 I suggested Canadian Western might
be a no-brainer at $7.91 and 71% of book value. Today it closed at $11.55, which
is a pretty good gain. I had a a good position in it as of March 9, but I should
have bought more but instead cheaped out and tried to buy more below the market
price and instead of dipping further it ran away to the upside. But it could
easily pause now or reverse on the next piece of bad news. Long term though it
is a winner.


April 1, 2009


Aeroplan took a nasty tumble
today, it was down 14% at one point and was down 5% at the end of the day. So, I
added a bit to my position.


March 31, 2009


Air Canada dumped its CEO and got a new one who is reputed to be a cost
cutter and perhaps preparing for a bankruptcy filing.


The question arises, how does this affect Aeroplan? One would expect Aeroplan
stock to decline on the news, at first it held firm but later in the day it did
drop ending down 4%. Another bankruptcy of Air Canada would certainly depress
Aeroplan for a time. But I would expect that Air Canada would keep flying
through any bankruptcy. Air Canada desperately needs the cash it gets from
Aeroplan and so most likely Aeroplan could continue to offer reward seats.
Unless it was thought that Aeroplan would be cut off from buying seats on Air
Canada then it seems likely people would continue to accumulate Aeroplan points
and Aeroplan would get that cash. Overall it would seem logical to be a bit
cautious. I am not selling any shares. I will buy a bit more but I will not rush
in too fast because clearly this turmoil could cause Aeroplan’s stock to fall
from here. Also Air Canada owes money to Aeroplan and in bankruptcy it would
likely lose some of the receivables and the loan it recently made to Air Canada,
but I don’t think it would be too big an impact on Aeroplan. And it’s not yet
even clear that there will be any bankruptcy of Canada.


Air Canada of course went through bankruptcy about five years ago. It emerged
as Ace Aviation which had subsidiaries of Air Canada, Jazz Airlines and Aeroplan.
The Air Canada pensioners are going to be extremely bitter because the structure
allowed Ace to sell off good assets like Aeroplan, Jazz and other business
units. Most of that money went out as cash or shares to Ace shareholders. Air
Canada somehow ended up with huge debt even while Ace was hiving off the good
stuff. I am no fan of Robert Milton and the havoc that he wreaked. He apparently
now may preside over the second bankruptcy of Air Canada on his watch. Then he
will slide off with millions while pensioners get roasted. Milton whom the media
seems to like, has been a total disaster in my view completely incompetent. I
would say the same of departing CEO Monty Brewer, how can it be otherwise?


Ya gotta love the headline from Air Canada too in their news release. “Air
Canada announces appointment of Calin Rovinescu as President & Chief Executive
Officer; Michael Green appointed to Board of Directors”
I mean clearly, the
real news was that their President was retiring or (let’s be honest) was being
fired. Or maybe the real news was that they were thinking about a major
restructuring or bankruptcy. Clearly the main news was not the new CEO but the
departure of the old one. Does no one even have the decency to be honest and
forthright in a press release headline? It is disgusting, companies are
constantly trying to gloss over reality.


March 30, 2009


I used the lower prices to add to my Aeroplan. Also have
orders in to buy Boston Pizza and the Western Financial preferred shares and add to other
positions on further dips. This latest dip was mostly a reaction to the auto industry
news. I suppose the markets will continue to lurch around on various pieces of
good or bad news.  I already probably have too much Aeroplan but I keep
seeing companies running specials for double Aeroplan points and so it looks
like Aeroplan is still bringing in the cash steadily.


March 29, 2009


We have added a preferred share of
Western Financial Group to the analysis, rated Speculative Buy at $55. These
trade thinly and so be careful how you price any order. Do not enter an order to
buy or sell at the market since the offer price at times can be hugely higher
than the last traded price. These preferred share yield over 12% at this time.


Regarding higher yield stocks, remember that higher yield can certainly mean
higher risk. (But partly it can also reflect low trading liquidity and the sher
obscurity of a particular share.


Of the higher-yielding shares above I think
Boston Pizza is very
interesting. It’s yield comes from over 300 restaurants paying a royalty. Once
the yield is received this Trust unit has almost no expenses and distributes the
yield to unit holders. If sales at Boston Pizza restaurants drop that could hurt
profits at the restaurants a lot. Consider that a 10% sales drop could devastate
profits at the individual restaurants but for the royalty payment it is just a
10% drop and 90% continues. From my experience Boston Pizza continues to do
well. Yes some restaurants will definitely see slower business this year. But
it’s hard to imagine the royalty payments will drop by anything  close to
10% overall, which would not be so bad . (Although, yes the unit price would
drop, perhaps a lot). Now if things got so bad that many restaurants were really
struggling to pay the 4% royalty then maybe it would have to be reduced and that
would be quite devastating for the Boston pizza units. But that seems like a low
probability scenario. I would also mention that there are entities between the
restaurants and the Fund that also have to stay healthy. I have not looked at
that closely at this time but I have seen no indication of any problems. I
intend to increase my position in Boston Pizza Royalties Fund.


March 28, 2009


Canadian Tire is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at $42.80 (it closed last at $43.46. The Stock is
down about 50% from its peak levels but earnings are down only modestly. Based
on book value and past earnings the stock is cheaper than it has been in many
many years. There are risks given the recession (in particular it is at risk for
bad debt on its credit cards and loans operation) therefore we don’t rate it a
Strong Buy. Our strategy would be to take an initial position (which I already
have) and then consider buying more over a period of time.


As investors we should understand the Canadian economy in terms of the
percentage that various industries contribute to total GDP and also to
understand Canada’s imports and exports. Are we still hewers of wood and drawers
of water? See our
updated short
article on the composition of the Canadian economy. This year we made it
graphical so that you can see the contributions by segment at a glance.
Understanding how each industry contributes to GDP is particularly important
this year as subsidies are being made by government.


March 27, 2009


Quest Capital is updated
and rated Sell at $0.89. Formerly this was rated Speculative Strong Buy at
$0.80. However, loan losses and impaired loans increased dramatically in Q4 and
the generous dividend has been suspended. Given it has little debt it should
survive and in fact may still be a reasonable value. However, at this point we
would sell and move on. Subsequent to the last update I had noted some concerns
below and had sold my shares as reported on this page. (Do control-F and search
for quest cap if interested to see the past comments on this company.) Quest
appeared to be a good business but is being mauled badly by the real estate
bust. It’s saving grace is that unlike almost all other lending institutions it
has very little debt. It should be in no danger of going under but it may be
quite some time before it regains its footing.


Our performance figures are updated. Stocks
gave some gains back today but still it was a strong week.


March 26, 2009


Our stock picks were up nicely today. With the markets up about 20% since the
March 9 lows it would be easy to get complacent. But it may be a good idea to
take some money off the table in stocks that are up. But I find that hard to do
given that most stocks still seem like they are bargain prices. My cash position
is not high but is higher than normal and I will continue to try to be patient
in buying. The market is not likely to go up in a straight line and of course it
could turn down on the next piece of bad news.


March 25, 2009


As Aeroplan fell today I added to
my position based on a bid I had in. I have not seen news that would indicate a
reason for the fall in price. It may be fears of the financial health of Air
Canada. I note insiders are not apparently buying nor are they buying back
shares. The lower price now seems like an opportunity to buy but we should never
get too greedy and individual stocks can always surprise us with negtive news.
Still, overall I am comfortable holding this. I still see American Express and
many other companies doing special deals offering aeroplan points to their
customers and that is cash for Aeroplan.


Melcor was down today but it is very
thinly traded and so is volatile by nature. I like Melcor especially as oil
prices rise and the Alberta economy is staying fairly strong.


Western Financial group
was also down. It looks like good value although I have some concerns noted in
the recently updated report. No sign of insider


Wells Fargo continues to bounce
around, they  just got a bond rating cut, preferred shares now cut to a
junk rating. Hopefully Buffett would not let it fail but then again Berkshire is
not that flush anymore and facing its own slight bond rating downgrade.


So, certainly lots of volatility out there. On that basis I continue to be
inclined to sell a little on stocks that rise and buy patiently on stocks I like
that are down.


March 24, 2009


A bit of a pull-back after the rally… no unexpected. Where next who knows.
I just keep trying to be invested in good quality companies at reasonable
prices. I did sell 3 of my 9 Berkshire B
shares today just to take some money off the table. I hope to buy back cheaper
and this was in an RRSP account where I don’t have to worry about the tax issues
of buying and selling.


March 22 2009


Reports on Sunday Night indicate that Suncor will offer to take-over Petro
Canada in exchange for Suncor shares and at a value that initially is 30% over
the Petro Canada price (although Suncor price could fall on this news).


This is indicative that there are some bargains out there and that we can
expect to see take-over deals in that environment.


Western Financial Group is
updated and rated Speculative Buy at $1.75. It’s Q4 did not have as much
investment write downs as I feared because most of its investments are actually
Government treasury bills or one year notes. But is did suffer in some aspects
in late 2008. The biggest worry now is that significant loan losses could
develop. Management does not seem worried about this. But it could happen if the
Alberta economy gets worse. If the Alberta economy turns around however this is
a stock that could do quite well.




March 21, 2009


Berkshire Hathaway is updated and
rated Buy at $2,753.


March 19, 2009


Canadian Stocks were up today but U.S. stocks were down, perhaps indicating a
bit of sober second thought about yesterday’s announcement of massive stimulus
and creation of money from thin air.


The U.S. dollar has weakened about 5% in the past two days against the


U.S. mortgages are available to good customers at an average of 5% locked in
for 30 years! And it is not hard to find this at 4.5%! (Wachovia, for example)
(In Canada we can’t lock in more than ten years and the current rates for that
is 6.45% from ING Direct and that is likely  one of the lowest rates for
that term). It’s hard to understand how U.S. banks can make money at these
rates. After paying the going interest rate to attract depositors to lock in for
30 years there would not be much spread, if any, left. Or do these banks just
use short term deposits to fund these mortgages and then pray rates don’t
change. Or do they package up the mortgages (putting AAA ratings lipstick on
these pigs) and sell quickly to foolish investors? ( I thought that game was
over). Or maybe Banks hedge the interest rate risk (with whom? AIG, the
disgraced investment banks?).


In the U.S. my understanding is that some Federal law allows homeowners to
refinance when mortgage rates drop. There are fees but the fees are often not
that large compared t the interest rate savings. Now, if home owners have been
winning by refinancing all these years as interest rates dropped and dropped,
who was losing? You never hear about this. Banks were not booking losses on
these refinancing to my knowledge. Maybe the losses were mostly passed off to
the hapless investors who bought the AAA (lipsticked pigs) mortgage backed
securities. Or did Fannie and Freddie eat much of this loss? (Actually these
would not be horrible losses, with refinancing it just means that a mortgage
that an investor bought that was to pay 8% for 30 years, is paid off early and
the investor loses the opportunity to earn at 8%. But these are real losses.


It beggars belief to think that U.S. banks can now make money by lending it
out for 30 years at 4.5% all the while facing refinancing if interest rates are
driven yet lower. Maybe the government is giving the banks deposits are
essentially 0%, if so that would explain the profits. But is the government
going to keep lending money to banks at low rates for 30 years? I hardly think


I will be looking into these issues further.


In my own trading I have some orders in to buy Canadian Western Bank, First
Service Preferred, and Aeroplan. Also an order to sell some Melcor if its price
rises. But I am being patient. I don’t mind keeping some cash and waiting to see
if better opportunities emerge. But certainly with stocks this cheap I am
comfortable with a high weighting in stocks.


March 18, 2009


A bit of a longer post / rant


Regarding AIG bonuses this Treasury Secretary does not get it. He has agreed
to let the bonuses stand, $165 million but will deduct that from the next $30
billion welfare infusion into AIG. He fails to understand that the President and
the people want the bonuses canceled. $165 million may be NOTHING compared to
tens of billions in aid, but the average voter knows that that million dollar
bonuses to these idiots stinks. Some have voluntarily turned back their cheques.
Congress is preparing a law to tax them at 90%. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner
may be fired over this. (At which point no-doubt he will pass Go and collect $2
million or so…)


Big company executive compensation has NEVER been about market competition
for talent. The best people are not motivated by whether they make 1 million or
2 million. This compensation has always been an old boys club, I vote you a
raise when I sit on your Board and then you sit on my Board and vote me a raise.
Then call in the toady compensation consultants to trump up a report that the
your million dollar raise is justified (and which will lead to the other guy
asking for a raise to match you). Then when offered a 2 million job, the company
also throws in a clasue that it will pay you 4 million if they fire you for
incompetence. Again, this is not about what is good for shareholders. Was the
CEO going to turn down the big job if he only got $3 million instead of five???
When it comes to companies on government life-support these bonuses to retain so
called talent is complete garbage. Who would hire these idiots? in this economy?


An interesting day with announcements of stimulus from the U.S. Fed sending
markets up.


Wells Fargo was up 17%. I had
unfortunately sold almost half of my Wells Fargo earlier today before it really
jumped. Still, I am ahead on this stock and and the sale gives me cash for other


I was almost going to say yesterday that although market timing is not my
thing, I suspected the rally would soon be over. Well that would have been bad
timing given the rally today.


I certainly can’t claim to understand very well what the FED is up in terms
of buying back long-term U.S. treasuries and buying certain Fannie/Freddie
securities on the market. Especially I don’t understand what the impact of this
will be. I’m not sure anyone else understands it either. If the FED really knew
what it was doing, we would not have gotten into this mess.


Maybe there will be a sober second look tomorrow at what the Fed has done. It
really does not look like such good news to me. And they are doing it because
the economy is so horrible. And stocks rally on this news???


My understanding is that when and as the Fed purchases the planned $300
billion (for context this is almost exactly $1000 for every man, woman, and
child in the country on this program alone) it will do so by printing money. As
it buys the bonds on the market it uses a cheque drawn on an account with no
cash in it but the cheque clears anyhow and more money is created. The former
holder of the bonds will use the money to pay debt or will deposit the cash in
banks. This will help banks gain deposits. The Fed will be buying bonds that
have increased in market value due to lower interest rates. In effect the
Treasury issued these bonds and received $1000 when their yield was say 4% and
the market yield was 4%. but the Fed will buy ’em back for say $1250 now that
the market yield on these long term bonds is closer to 2.5%. Selling bonds at
$1000 and then buying ’em back at $1250 or so does not exactly sound smart.
Ultimately this move is inflationary. But we may not get inflation because there
are other deflationary effects happening now. I understand this $300 billion
will not be considered to add to the deficit. It will not add to the debt
because it actually reduces the debt being treasury bonds owed. It may be
neutral to debt if the new spending on bonds is considered to be spending (which
I don’t know)


The other big program is to buy $750 billion of Fannie/Freddie mortgage
backed securities. This works a lot like the treasury bond purchase but amounts
to $2500 for every, man, woman, and child in the U.S. Therefore just on today’s
announcement alone we have $3500 per man woman and child being spent (after
creating on a printing press). This is somewhat related to the toxic assets that
the Fed was supposed to buy last Fall but changed its mind. But these Fannie/Freedie
securities were government guaranteed and so not very toxic at all. This may
have a similar effect to the purchase of treasury bonds. If banks own these
assets then the purchase is like a loan being paid back to the banks. The banks
get cash that they can lend to others. But it does not add any immediate profit
for banks or give then additional equity.


Speaking of banks, I am getting mixed signals. In the U.S. they cheer low
interest rates and bank shares rise. Buffet has said that Banks are highly
profitable now, making big “spreads” on new loans. But In Canada, we have
Canadian Western Bank
indicating that the low interest rates are really squeezing their margins. For
CWB is may be because much of their deposits are not low-cost branch deposits,
but rather are sourced on the broker network where they have to compete with
interest rates offered by other banks. In branch deposits tend to be more a
captive customer business and often little or no interest is paid. If no
interest is paid, then the spread decreases on floating loans. Maybe Canada and
CWB have more floating loans compared to the U.S. banks should be doing well on
older fixed interest loans.


It may be the case that Canada has evolved a more competitive banking system
compared to the U.S.


Mortgages and deposits should in theory be an extremely competitive business
since it is a pure commodity, we can do electronic banking and we have deposit
insurance to some level. Yet certain barriers including inertia and lack of
knowledge seem to limit competition.


As of March 7, ING Direct had a five year mortgage at 4.24%, just a skinny 39
basis points above its 5 year GIC rate of 3.85% that it is paying depositors
that lock in for five years. Canadian Tire Bank had a 4.44% five year mortgage,
just 69 basis points higher than its 3.75% GIC rate. Canadian Western Bank was
at a 5.79% (posted rate) 5 year mortgage, 209 basis points higher than its 3.70%
5 year GIC. Royal Bank was at 5.79% posted a fat 3.59% spread over its 2.20%
five-year GIC rate.


Would you like to
turn the tables on the Banks?


Consider that  secured line of credit with floating rate can be had for
around 2.5%. You can take out a large line of credit secured by house equity and
invest in bank preferred shares and earn easily 6.5%. You have a 4% pre-tax
profit. But you do risk that the preferred shares fall in value. Line of credit
rates could increase too but then you could simply sell the preferred shares and
pay off the line of credit. Te usual advice is to not borrow to invest. But if
there was ever a time to do so, this many be it, especially if you have a very
secure job and lots of equity in a house. I have not done this strategy but I am


March 17, 2009


Stocks were up nicely today. In particular
Canadian Oil Sands Trust
and Wells Fargo did well today.


I have never had much luck timing the market, instead my strategy is to try
to be invested in good companies. If the company can grow its earnings per share
at a good rate, the stock price tends to take care of itself in the longer term.


Regarding Aeroplan, I had some correspondence with the company. Apparently
the insider selling was all related to tax liabilities. Some executives received
a vesting of shares when thee share price was higher. They could not or did not
sell at that time but a tax liability was triggered at half the share price. Now
it is tax time and so these executives had to sell extra sahres to pay taxes. So
perhaps I was hasty to sell since Aeroplan really seems like a good cash
generating company. But I was over exposed to it and I don’t mind having the
cash for other investments. I still have around 10% of my investment portfolio
in Aeroplan.


Aeroplan also just signed up a new retail partner for their Nectar points
program in England. Apparently this is a pretty big home improvement retail
chain. So that is a positive for their growth.


It is interesting that Aeroplan was willing to explain to me the reasons for
the insider selling. They also apparently on their own notified big investors of
the reasons. But there was no press release. So some investors find out more
than others. Is that just a reward for being in touch with the company. Or is
that an unfair distribution of information?  My sense experience is that
this kind of thing goes on at companies all the time. Some people get access to
information that the small investor is certainly not getting. Is that fair? I
will let you be the judge. Overall though I am not sure that talking to IR
departments is a good idea. I rarely do. They will all give you a rosy picture.
And if an analyst becomes buddy buddy with the IR department and dependent on
them, then it gets hard to say negative things about the company.  For the
most part I prefer to let company financials results do the talking. Listening
to conference calls can also be a waste of time usually. Sometimes there are
nuggets of information but mostly it consists of analysts lobbing in soft
questions, hardly ever anything embarrassing to the company. Nevertheless, I
listen to some of the calls.


Aeroplan Points.


I have also collected the Aeroplan points over the years mostly with the
Aerogold credit cards. It’s a nice way to pay for air travel.


It used to be it was hard to collect a free flight on Aeroplan points, the
points seats were sold out early. But now that Aeroplan is no longer part of Air
Canada, every seat is available on points. Only so many seats are at the classic
reward level of 25,000 points anywhere in North America. But with Air Canada
desperate for cash they have been releasing more of these cheaper seats to


You can join aeroplan at the following link: (this is not a paid advertisement, just a
recommended program)


Regarding the AIG bonuses. I think they are shameful, no one at AIG should
get a bonus at this time. This is legalized theft from taxpayers and from the
AIG shareholders. I guess the cheques already went out. Well, I think they will
be giving the money back or facing a special tax that grabs it back. The same
thing happened with Enron, believe it or not retention payments were made as the
company slipped in bankruptcy.


March 16, 2009


Another good day for our Stock Picks.


Regarding Western Financial. I have been asking when their earnings would
come out and they said the 12th, as they did not appear then I asked again and
was told on Friday (march 13) it would be the 17th and a press release about
this would be issued Friday. It did not appear,


Today they tell me the auditors are looking at the financials still. That’s a
bit scary. Anyhow, maybe it is no big deal earnings and  may come out by
Friday. Meanwhile if the stock stays up at $1.80 or past that I may lighten up a
little though I hate to do that at what seems  low price. But I worry what
their balance sheet will now look like as they no doubt took some hits in Q4
regarding investment values and possibly goodwill impairment, not to mention
loan loss provisions. Hopefully all that bad news is priced into the stock. They
just closed another small acquisition and that may indicate they still have a
sufficiently strong balance sheet.


There was bad economic news today in terms of capacity utilization. I
wonder if this stock rally is over for now.


Buffett advises that we should only invest in companies that (among other
tests) are led by management that we trust and that is smart (acts rationally on
behalf of shareholders) and energetic.


With a lot of companies it is hard to get any basis to form an opinion on
whether they can be trusted. Some red falgs that management is not trustworthy
or is not acting rationally for shareholders would include. Obscene executive
compensation, a refusal to acknowledge that stock options are a real cost,
buying back stock when it is already over-valued, taking on stupid acquisitions
and management personally selling shares.


When I think of companies that I believe are particularly trustworthy,
competent and hardworking, the following come to mind:


Canadian Western Bank



Berkshire Hathaway (obviously)




Probably Stantec and Canadian Tire as well.


There are probably others as well, but these are the ones that come to mind
more easily.


As you read each individual stock report you will note that we always comment
on what we think of management quality.




Aeroplan posted some insider trades on Friday.


About 12 insiders exercised rights and acquired shares on March 3. It look
like standard procedure was to then turn around and immediately sell 1/2 the
acquired shares. This could be partly to cover income tax that would be due on
the gain and so is not such a negative signal. 1 insider who had received a
smaller amount of shares kept all of those. But Six insiders sold at least an
amount equal to the just-acquired shares (often in a subsequent sale after the
first half were sold). Most notably the CEO sold enough to reduce his holdings
from about 100,000 prior to the rights exercise all the way down to about 16,000
now and he sold at $8.45.


I have to take this as a definite negative signal even though in the past I
have seen insiders sell and then the share price rise. Maybe they are just
selling to raise cash but no matter what it is a negative signal.


I was already over exposed to Aeroplan. On learning of this news today I sold
about 1/2 my shares. This will give me cash to move into other ideas like
First Service Preferred and
Canadian Western Bank.  Also
I had a profit on these shares and that made it easier to sell and it was in an
RRSp account where income tax is not an issue. The Aeroplan shares did hold up
well most of the day however.






March 15, 2009


I have been waiting for Q4 earnings from Western Financial Group. They had
told me they would be out Thursday of last week. Then on Friday they said it
would be Tuesday and their would be a press release on Friday. I have seen no
press release. Small companies sometimes struggle with these matter more than
the big ones, hopefully we will see the earnings on Tuesday. I am worried about
loan losses and asset write downs. If so, and combined with two recent
acquisitions, they would be low on cash and equity I would think. I would sure
hate to see a share sale at these low levels. They indicated they have renewed
their authority to buy back shares. But I doubt they have any cash for that.


Target is updated and rated Buy at
$29.97. This may be a chance to accumulate a high-quality and growing retailer
at a good price. However, given the recession and recently lower profits, we
would prefer to average in as the price may drop as the recession deepens.


March 14, 2009


Watts Water which had been on the list above is removed because based on its
Q4 numbers it is still only about a Hold. It is best to remove some companies in
order to focus on better ideas.


Staples is updated but is only
rated (lower) Buy at $15.95 (closed at $16.20). While it does not seem
attractive at the moment it does seem to be a high quality operation and we are
keeping it on the list in case the valuation improves.


Our articles on the performance of all-stock approaches versus a balanced
approach to both
saving and in retirement
are updated for 2008 data. The future is not the past but still, in deciding how
much of a portfolio to allocate to bonds and cash it is useful to see how this
has worked out in the past.


For the 2009 update of this article, which originated in 2007, I add in data
from 2007 and 2008. It is particularly useful to include the data from the crash
of 2008.


In the 2007 articles I assumed a fully balanced approach of 1/third to each
of stocks, bonds and cash. Since then I came across information that suggested
that a more traditional balanced approach is closer to 60% stocks, 35% bonds and
5% short-term cash. So that is what I used in the update. With this more
traditional balanced allocation that still features a majority of the allocation
in stocks, the balanced approach no longer trails the all-equity approach as
badly. Still, an all equity approach was better 93% of the time based on this
past data.


March 13, 2009


Our year to date performance is updated. The
markets rose significantly this week.


March 12, 2009


Wells Fargo was up nicely today. I was
tempted to take partial profits but given Buffett’s favorable comments about
Banks (On Monday’s CNBC interview) I decided to hang on. No sign of the expected
earnings report from Western Financial Group.


March 11, 2009


A good day for Canadian Western Bank… Based on an order I had placed a few
days ago I ended up reducing modestly my position in Aeroplan at $9.30.


I understand that Western Financial Group will release earnings tomorrow
(Thursday). I expect some market to market losses, and probably a loss overall
in Q4. But still if the balance sheet looks reasonably healthy the news could be
positive. They just made a small acquisition after closing a larger acquisition
of Agri financial. I am worried that they are taking on too much debt and so it
is the balance sheet that I will be most interested in. (Thought the balance
sheet will not show these latest two acquisitions)


Two Canadian Western bank insiders have bought 1000 and 5000 shares on Monday
the 9th (the 1000 is shown at $7.75. This is positive. One director sold 33,000
shares. Price not indicated. He still owns 254,000 shares. He apparently sold on
Feb 25 and 26 which is about a week before earnings were released and I believe
he is not supposed to be selling then. It was only reported today. I believe
this may have been something of an unintended sale (possibly margin call) He did
the same thing in early December before the earnings release. I think we can
ignore his sale and focus on the two buys. It is a bit disappointing to see only
two buys yet but hopefully more to come. Also a number of insiders recently
bought the pref share issue at $25 and so may not have funds available for


March 10, 2009


Yesterday in a long interview on CNBC, Warren Buffet mentioned that the
banking system problems have largely been solved, that banks can recover their
capital over a few years by eliminating their dividends (as most have) that
banking is a profitable business. He did say Citi group might be a special case
(not as healthy). Today Citi indicated it was making an operating profit in
January and February and the financials soared.


Berkshire B shares were up a stunning 19%. (I sold some of mine today when it
was up about 14% to take profits) Wells Fargo, a Buffett favorite was up 18%.
A reasonable strategy may be to trim positions on big moves to lock in some
gains. With the state of the economy we could certainly lose these gains and so
taking at least some profit seems reasonable on big moves.


March 9, 2009


Canadian Western Bank closed at $7.91 after being as low as $7.52 today. At
$7.91 it is about 71% of its book value. In a distress scenario as we saw in the
U.S. a bank’s book value can evaporate with bad loans or bad assets. But there
is no indication that Canadian Western Bank is at any great risk of suffering a
large decline in book value.


To my mind we have here a profitable bank that has been built up over 25
years. CWB has normally sold well above book value and that you can now buy at a
significant discount to book value. If Canadian Western Bank is actually worth
book value then you can buy for 71 cents on the dollar. If in fact it is really
worth a more traditional 1.4 times book value, then we can now buy for 50 cents
on the dollar. Of course after we buy it is not likely to soar back up. But over
time it is likely to return to a more normal multiple of book value of at least
1.0 times.


Canadian Western Bank is not without risk, but I think it has an excellent
risk/return tradeoff. Quite possibly a “no-brainer” investment.


In my own account I have placed an offer to buy FirstService Preferred. I
already have a large position in Canadian Western Bank but have placed an order
to buy more if it happens to fall to $7.26 (which I see no reason it should do).


March 8, 2009


FirstSericve Corp is updated and rated
(high) Buy at U.S. $7.39 and $CAN $9.78. We could have rated it Strong Buy but
hesitated to do that given a weak outlook for 2009. However it would seem that
the stock price has probably already more than fully accounted for a weak 2009.


FirstService preferred
shares are added to this site and rated Strong Buy at U.S. $14.26. These are
yielding 12.3%. This high yield could be indicative of high risk. But to us they
do not look very risky. If I can free up some money I intend to buy.


March 7, 2009


I have update my personal portfolio
composition. I do this for my own knowledge as well as to disclose it on
this Site.


March 6, 2009


Canadian Western Bank is
updated for its earnings that came out Thursday morning (March 5) and is rated
Strong Buy at $8.40 (Actually it closed today at $8.25). The earnings were not
bad but after deducting an unusual gain were about 23% lower than last year at
this time. However with the stock down about 60% from this time last year, one
might argue that a 23% lower earnings was not that bad. But the outlook is for
earnings to probably continue to be down in the next few quarters and growth
would not likely resume until interest rates rise and/or an economic recovery
begins. Losses on bad loans have remained very low but there is a risk these
could increase substantially. The stock got hammered down about $1.00 on
Thursday (yesterday) to $9.33, then went down approximately another $1.00 today.
This seems quite over-blown.


Canadian Western Bank now looks significantly cheaper in relation to Book
value than it has been in the last ten years, perhaps ever. We first looked at
this stock in August 1999 and rated it a Strong Buy at $4.94 (as adjusted for
subsequent stock splits). Price to book at the time was 128%, ROE was 13%, P/E
was 9.8 and the dividend yield 1.4%. The stock subsequently rose in “fits and
starts” and reached a high just over $30. Now the trailing ROE is similar at 14%
and the other ratios are substantially better, Price to book 76%, trailing P/E
5.6, dividend yield 5.2%. On top of that the competing alternative of investing
in a safe interest bearing deposit has a much lower rate today versus 1999. The
key negative at this time however is that the earnings are currently trending
down and loan losses are a threat. But overall the stock looks more attractive
now than ever.


Bank profits tend to decline when interest rates are lower. Part of the
reason for this is that some deposits at a bank earn zero interest and so the
spread on those funds is the borrowing rate. As the the borrowing interest rates
come down, margins decline. The Bank also has many borrowers that pay interest
rates that float with the Prime rate. The Prime rate has declined dramatically
in the past year but the interest that the Bank pays to attract deposits has not
come down as much. Canadian Western sources about 52% of its deposits from
independent financial advisors who sell guaranteed investment certificates to
investors. This market has become increasingly competitive and so Canadian
Western’s margins are getting squeezed there.


When the recession ends, interest rates will rise and Canadian Western’s
earnings growth should resume. For example CWB is modifying new floating rate
loans to include a floor on the interest rate. While residential borrowing rates
are at all time loans, CWB is not offering those same low rates to commercial


In my own trading I added today to my position in Canadian Western Bank.




Canadian Western also now
has  a preferred share issue. We rate it a Buy at $21.80. This yields
about 8.2%.


For more aggressive investors, Canadian Western Bank now also has options


Warrants to purchase Canadian Western Bank common shares recently began
trading on Toronto as CWB.WT. Each Warrant allows the purchase of one common
share of CWB at $14.00 at any time until March 3, 2014. The Common shares closed
today at, March 6, 2009 at $8.25 but have a 52 week high of $27.79. The warrants
closed today at $1.55. While the warrants are now far “out-of-the-money”, it
seems to us that there is a reasonable probability (although not a certainty)
that Canadian Western Bank’s shares will rise back into the 20’s within a couple
of year. We would consider making a small speculative investment in these
warrants. With a five year life, these may be attractive despite being far out
of the money at the moment.


March 5, 2009


This market is enough to severely test anyone’s resolve…


Negative news like layoffs and plant closures is causing more negative news
like more bad loans for banks…. It would seem like markets have already moved
down more than enough to reflect an awful lot of bad news. At the same time it’s
hard to see what catalyst can send markets up right now.


I took a look to at insider trading for a number of companies subsequent to
their recent earnings releases.


Dalsa’s chairman as well as the company itself bought shares. Kingsway had a
bit of insider buying. Boston Pizza had a few insiders buying. The Stantec CEO
bought shares. None of these were very large buys but still it is a vote of
confidence for these four companies. The Telus CEO bought 12,000 of shares and
one other insider bought a 1300 shares.


Manulife, IGM, Canadian Oil Sands and Home Capital and Shaw Communications
did not have insider buying. (But generally had insiders exercising options and


I added to my Canadian Western Bank position today as the shares dropped 12%
after they released earnings. partly the drop may have been due to U.S. banks
dropping. At a quick look, their earnings looked reasonably good although they
did discuss that times are tough now.


March 4, 2009


I saw today that the TMX Group
(i.e TSX) released its trading statistics for the TSX exchange February.
Transactions were up 15% over 2008 which is very positive. While IPO financings
were down 69%, total financings including secondary and supplemental are up 38%
year to date, which is excellent growth. The value of trading was down 30%
reflecting the market crash and this is of course bad for the exchange. The
market value of listed companies was down 42% from February of last year.


The lower market value will likely substantially hurt the TSX’s ongoing
listing fees. I believe there are floor prices on these fees but that partly
they float with market value. Overall these figures do not suggest that the TMX
group will suffer much of an earnings decline (if any) in Q1. But this does not
include the venture exchange and the Montreal exchange and also its not clear
exactly how the lower market values will affect fees. But overall I found these
statistics to be positive. (I mean we already knew the market values were way
down, but the reported higher transaction volumes and financings will offset
that to an unknown degree).


I then looked at Insider trading statistics for the TMX focusing on the last
few weeks since it released earnings on January 28.


I was disappointed to see that six executives had sold shares. In two cases
this was associated with an exercise of options and that is not usually
considered to be negative. But the other four appeared to be clear sales and
that is a negative signal. There was one insider who bought 1000 shares.
Sometimes insider selling means nothing but to me I have to count it on the
negative side of the ledger.


I had intended to reduce my TMX if the price rose. But seeing this negative
signal on insider trading, I decided to just sell my TMX position. I was looking
to raise cash and just decided this one could go. I do definitely like the TMX
given its arguably monopoly-like position. But I just decided since the insiders
sold I would do the same. Also this stock has held up extremely well in the past
five weeks when much else has tanked and so I thought, why not sell and raise
the cash for other bargains.


A previous order I had placed for Boston Pizza was filled near the close at


March 3, 2009


I forgot to mention, in yesterday’s note that I did buy a bit more Berkshire
when its price fell yesterday. I’ve now entered a few orders to trim a few
positions if prices rise a $1.50 or so. Aeroplan, TMX Group and. Previously I
had an order in to trim Melcor if it should rise to $5.30 (not looks unlikely).
The idea on the sales orders is just to trim a bit where I have a large position
and maybe take advantage of market volatility. And I have an order to buy Some
Boston Pizza at $8.15 (we got very close to that today).


I am waiting now for the earnings release from Western Financial Group. I
don’t think it will be good, but as long as they look quite solvent, then the
stock may rise. (The recent stock price seems to be pricing in losses rather


I am not sure if Kingsway is worth a speculative buy at this time. It has
disappointed me time and again. It may be in danger of having some of its
insurance subsidiaries taken over by regulators. I have been surprised that they
have not tried to issue some kind of equity even at low prices. They have some
new Board members who are trying to clean things up but amazingly they have not
yet ousted the president who was the former CFO and who was on Board when all
the bad decisions were made over the years. I emailed them months ago when the
stock was $10 and said issue equity. I also questioned what competitive
advantage they have (apparently none) and given their lack of any advantage
suggested they consider winding the company down or selling it to better
management. For some reason they did not agree with me. I know we rated it a Buy
but for a long time we also said it was speculative and was a cigar butt type
company i.e. looked attractive because it was cheap but it was clear it was not
a high quality company. It still could come back. But it will not be a quality
company. Kingsway has been a nightmare.


March 2, 2009


Aeroplan (Groupe Aeroplan) is
updated and rated Strong Buy at $8.45. This is my largest holding. I added to my
position today. Possibly I am over-exposed to it. But I like its cash generating
abilities. I believe its accounting GAAP earnings does not reflect “reality”/.
The company itself provides adjusted earnings which we use in the analysis. Like
just about every company it will be affected by the recession. People may use
their Aeroplan credit cards less as they cut back on bigger ticket spending. And
its merchant partners could tire of spending money to buy the points from
Aeroplan. But so far CIBC and American express continue to promote the aeroplan
credit cards heavily. And some of its partner stores like Home Hardware are
offering double Aeroplan points. Points collected in Canada in Q4 were up about
4%. Even if growth stalls for a time, the value of this stock seems compelling.
As always though there are risks and if the market in general continues to
decline, aeroplan could be pulled down with it.


Today’s market action was of course discouraging. (Except for young people
just starting out investing, they should be joyous at the bargains). There seems
little doubt the recession is worsening. Stocks seem cheap. The trick may be to
find those cheap stocks that are recession resistant. For example I think Shaw
Communications is recession resistant (not immune but resistant). It is not as
cheap as I would like but may be a good one to nibble at. Boston Pizza will not
grow in a recession but as a “top line” entity (it collects a revenue royalty
and is not dependent on the profits at the restaurants) it should do okay.
Similarly I think Aeroplan is somewhat recession resistant.


March 1, 2009


Aeroplan reported on Friday. Apparently they intended to release earnings
before the opening of trading. On Yahoo Finance, the first news of the earnings
release did not appear until a couple hours after trading started. But the
company says they released four minutes after trading started. Clearly this is
not the way to release earnings.


Aeroplan had a very large non-cash write-down of goodwill. (I mentioned this
was a risk in my posting below of Feb 20, although I was not particularly
expecting this). In substance Aeroplan made money in Q4. We have not completed
the analysis but have read the release closely and partially completed the
analysis. Aeroplan is trading at about 6.7 times “adjusted earnings”. The bottom
line is we still think this is an excellent investment. If the price should drop
Monday morning I will be looking to buy. The accounting for Aeroplan is rather
complex, but it’s clear that it is still generating a growing amount of free
cash flow per share.


Regarding Berkshire Hathaway, it had a bad quarter as expected. But that bad
news was already reflected in the stock price. I suspect the stock will rise on
Monday, if not I will be looking to buy.


latest Free newsletter has been sent to those on the list for it. This list
is separate from the paid subscriber list. To check if you are on the list just
add you email to the list on our home page and the system will indicate if that
email is already on the list. (It will not add the email address again if it is
already on the list).


February 28, 2009


Warren’s Buffet’s letter annual letter is out and is available at


Our performance figures to the end of
February are updated.




February 26, 2009


MicroSoft is updated and rated
Speculative Strong Buy at $16.42. It looks cheap based on the latest 12 months’
earnings. But the outlook for 2009 is weak and so it is considered Speculative
for that reason. This may be a chance to buy into a this market leader at a low
price. But we would average in. Buy some now and then evaluate again after the
next earnings release.


In my own trading today I sold my ING Canada shares and took my profits for
the reasons indicated under February 23. Basically I had too much exposure to
financials and wanted to raise cash. I also sold 1/3rd of my Wells Fargo given
that the price had risen. Again just to raise cash.


February 25, 2009


eBay is updated and rated speculative
Buy at $11.73. I like the business model of its ebay auctions since it has a
strong advantage of being the market leader. (Buyers and sellers like to be
where the main action is so this is a barrier to entry of competitors). However
this auction business has seen a 16% decline in revenue in Q4 and it appears Q1
2009 will show a significant decline year over year. The PayPal business also
enjoys an incumbency advantage and is still growing. Skype has 405 million users
and may have tremendous potential but so far has little revenue. On 2008
earnings this looks like a strong buy. But noting the late-breaking declines in
earnings we are a bit cautious. A reasonable strategy might be to take an
initial position now but realizing the price could continue to drop. We would
re-evaluate after Q1. Obscene executive compensation and a refusal to recognize
that stock options are a real expense are also a concern here.


I sold almost half my ING Canada shares today when a previous asking price I
had placed was hit. The reason for this is I had used my cash to buy ING in the
recent secondary offering at $26.35. I was not necessarily looking for a long
holding period given my high exposure to financials. I do like ING Canada but I
may sell the rest if the price rises to build some cash for better ideas that
may come along.


Regarding Aeroplan I continue to see that companies are doing double Aeroplan
point promotions (Home Hardware, Esso) and so this indicates companies are
willing to buy the points from Aeroplan (though we don’t know if Aeroplan sells
the points at a discount for these special deals). On the flip side we do have
to worry that if consumers really cut back spending then not as many Aeroplan
miles will be generated through their credit card partners. No-doubt this will
happen to some extent but my theory is that this will be offset by new Aeroplan
partners including Sobeys. With a big exposure to Aeroplan I eagerly await their
earnings report on Friday morning.


Regarding my analysis of Melcor’s assets, I have obtained a better estimate
of the value of developed commercial acres and this affects the calculated book
value of the residential lots. I made some edits to the analysis so if
interested in Melcor, please read again the analysis just below. Edits are marked in
yellow. (minor typo corrections are not marked).


Melcor was up nicely today but I notice much of the sales were at lower
prices and not a large volume at the higher price but still..


February 24, 2009


Melcor failed to rise today after its strong earnings released yesterday.
This could be because the company foresees a weak 2009 and possibly weak 2010.
But partly it may be because no one is looking at this stock. Only about 9500
shares traded hands today. This is under $50,000 worth and that is pretty typical.


Melcor is financed about 1/2 debt and 1/2 equity.


Earnings for Melcor are uncertain and are likely to be
quite low in the next two
years. (But perhaps not that low compared to the low stock price).


But let’s look at Melcor on an
asset basis.
Here is what you get. (I had to calculate the following
and cannot guarantee the accuracy, but I think it is reasonably correct)


The following figures are the book value of assets.


18% of the assets are developed land; 161 commercial acres at about
per acre book value and 1112 residential lots at a book value of about
$73,000 per lot. (the division of
costs between the acres and the lots here an estimate –
I obtained an estimate of  $300,000
for the acres and the lots are a residual calculation.)


7% of assets are pre-development costs at about $5,770 per acre


35% of assets are undeveloped lands and capitalized interest at  $27,800
per acre.


Therefore land inventory accounts for 60% of assets and the risk is that the
market value of this land will fall if
(perhaps when is a better word)
the recession takes hold in Alberta (the
great majority of the land is in Alberta with some in Kelowna and Arizona). The
company states at Note 4 of the financials that the net realizable value of the
land exceeds the carrying value above. For example, the sale price of lots in Q4
was $139,000 per lot versus our estimated book value of $73,000
per lot. But this sale price is likely to fall in 2009.
Edit, well more like certain to fall in


17% of assets are retail and office rental buildings at about $80 per square
foot cost (mostly buildings only a few years old)


3% is deferred costs consisting of other investments in buildings


3% is commercial rental property under development


2% of assets are three golf courses at $5 million each book value.


15% of the assets are payments that are due from
house builders when they sell a
house and lot plus some accounts receivable. (These funds may take several years
to collect and in a deep recession we could see higher bad debt but overall this
should be a good asset although probably not worth 100 cents on the dollar in
present value). Actually there may be an
outer limit of a year or so where the lot has to be paid for by the house
builder even if he has not sold the building lot to a customer.


I don’t know much about the value of lots and rented space. But my suspicion
is that these assets have a realizable value that is certainly greater than
carrying cost shown here. It might be reasonable to assume it is currently worth
say 125% of book value (but that’s a rough guess).


Meanwhile with the shares around $4.50 we get to buy at 46% of the equity
value, but after considering the debt you can buy these assets at about 76% of
book value. And if they are really worth 125% of book then you are getting the
assets for about 60% of their realizable value. Of course you are not in a
position to have the company sell off the assets. But the point is if we can buy
assets at 60 to 76 cents on the dollar that will probably be a good investment.
But we also have to consider how fast the value will come back up to say book
value or more. It could easily be a few years.


The debt gives us leverage here too. If the total value of debt plus equity
rises to book value, that will mean the equity shares have doubled.


There are no guarantees but I feel like this is a very solid investment. But
don’t expect the share price to jump quickly. In fact it could easily go lower.
But there is every reason to suspect these shares could be at $10 within three
or four years. And if oil goes back up around $90 then certainly much higher
than $10 is possible.


The dividend yield is also good at around
7.5% but if they need to conserve
cash as lot sales are slow in 2009, they could cut the dividend as they already
have cut it in 2008.


February 23, 2009


Melcor released earnings today,
after the close. But they only released a brief press release, no financials and
very little detail. It looks like Q4 was good with earnings of 47 cents per
share that’s a lot lower than last year’s 82 cents per share – But this is a
stock that is only at $4.70. It could have very low earnings in 2009 as lot
sales could certainly be very low. The press release also stated the following:


“Management expects that markets, in general, will remain depressed
throughout 2009 and start to show improvement in 2010. While the recession will
continue to cast a shadow over real estate markets, we believe that the basic
fundamentals (low interest rates, strong employment in Alberta, above average in
migration into Alberta, business friendly government and the expected
implementation of Federal Government programs which should stimulate spending)
will have a positive affect on the real estate markets.”


I think Melcor is well managed and conservatively managed so I am sticking
with them. It would be nice to see a pop in the share price tomorrow and if so I
might lighten up my position a little but still keep the bulk of it. This stock
is very thinly traded and so it tends to be volatile and even on a price
increase it might not be possible to sell much of it.


ING Canada is increasing its
dividend. Only by one cent from 31 to 32 cents per quarter. Still, in this
environment that is a positive indicator. ING is no doubt taking some hits on
its investment as the market falls, but its insurance operation is probably
doing reasonably well. (Competition is likely less aggressive.)


February 22, 2009


My personal portfolio composition is
updated. My largest position in Aeroplan.
Aeroplan is a vehicle to prmote sales by Airlines, CIBC Aerogold credit card,
American Express Aerogold credit card, Sobeys (excludes Atlantic Canada) and
many other smaller partners. Given this Aeroplan may be classified or lumped in
with advertising business. We know that many advertising businesses like
Television and Newspapers have suffered major revenue losses. Therefore we might
think Aeroplan will suffer too as its partners cut back on promotion. However a
promotion like Aeroplan which costs the “advertiser” money only when he is
making a sale may be less likely to be cut. From all indications the credit card
companies in particular find that offering Aeroplan points brings them business
they would not otherwise have. So I don’t see any major cutbacks.


Furthermore, a company cannot all that easily cut back on its spending with
Aeroplan, it is either in the program or out. Once in it is the Aeroplan card
holders who trigger revenue for Aeroplan as they use their card to collect
points. I am not aware that any partners have pulled out. I suppose one way for
a partner to cutback is to give fewer Aeroplan miles per $ of purchase. That in
fact may be a danger if the recession gets worse but so far I am not aware of
that happening.


The bottom line is that I am expecting good earnings from Aeroplan when they
report on Friday morning. However, a negative surprise is certainly always
possible. We shall see on Friday.


Costco is updated and rated
(lower) Buy at $42.76. This is a great company. But is is expected to release
weak results on March 4, 2009 and therefore there may be better buying
opportunities ahead.


Canadian Oils Sands
Trust is updated and rated Buy at $20.26 ( it closed at $20.18 on Friday).
The performance of this company and the unit price will depend mostly on where
oil prices go. My thought is that it is a good idea to own a piece of the “Tar
sands” and buying now at the lower range of recent oil prices seems a logical


I have mentioned Wells Fargo a few times lately and bought it after Buffett
indicating he was buying at prices around $26 and it then fell and has now
reached the $11 level.


Well Fargo is added to the site and rated
highly Speculative Buy at $10.91. It is extremely difficult to be confident
in any of the U.S. banks because all banks operate on high leverage and we now
have a situation of  unexpectedly high loan losses due primarily to
plummeting housing values and now due to job losses and also (perhaps most
importantly) to the lack of ability to borrow new money top pay old debts. These
loan losses have chewed through already thin common equity layers and could
erode these further. But based on Buffett’s endorsement Wells is worth


February 21, 2009


With all the bad news in the market I wanted to get a better sense of this
market crash in terms of how it compares to past crashes. See our new article on

historic annual stock market returns, year by year.


February 20, 2009


My article on whether stocks are riskier
than bonds is updated to include 2008. The conclusion remains that over the
longer term (15 years and more) it is extremely likely (based on this past data)
that a 100% allocation to stocks will beat out balanced approaches in the end.
Many investors are long-term investors and yet we fret and worry constantly
about day to day fluctuations. It is a paradox, it is hard to any human to
accept that an approach that features occasional loses in the range of 50% from
the peak is going to work out well in the end. And its easy to say we are
prepared for that risk, but a lot harder to actually live through such an event.


My article of the
estimated fair value of the S&P 500 is updated. With all the current
uncertainty around earnings, GDP growth and inflation, any estimate of the S&P
500 value is becoming less reliable. Nevertheless it is worth analyzing what the
S&P 500 is worth under reasonable assumptions.


February 20 (am)


I am adding to my Berkshire
position. Berkshire has fallen substantially recently due to an expected
significant loss in Q4 to be reported at the end of next week. Also based on the
weak stock markets it is facing large losses on its investments in Q1 as well.
My thought is to buy some now and then see what happens after Warren Buffett’s
annual letter comes out after the close next Friday. With possible soothing
words from Buffett it may rebound the following week. Ifnot, I would consider
adding again to my position.


Note, updated the following discussion in yellow assumed Aeroplan would
release earnings during the trading day. New information indicates they will
release before the market opens on Friday February 27.


Regarding Aeroplan, they are also releasing earnings next Friday. Annoyingly
it appears they plan to release during the trading day. A release during the
trading day signals that they do not believe that their earnings release will be
material enough to cause a “significant change in the market price”. Therefore
we should not expect the earnings to be  I expect Aeroplan to do well on a
cash flow basis. The GAAP basis is harder to predict. Analysts on average appear
to expect Aeroplan’s GAAP earnings to be about 6% lower in 2009 verus 2008. My
expectation is that cash flows and adjusted earnings will rise.


Our report on Aeroplan indicates
that cash flow and and adjusted earnings are strong. However we also indicate
that the most of the assets are goodwill and intangible and that “Equity of the
fund was “written up” when partnership units were exchanged for fund units”.
The book value of Aeroplan was actually increased substantially because of
partnership units being exchanged for fund units at a time when Aeroplan’s unit
price was much higher than today. This is complex but adds some risk of a
non-cash write-down on those intangible assets at some point. But as long as
cash flows are high that may not happen, ever.


Many or most stocks continue to get hammered down and appear to be bargains.
Clearly the unfolding recession and fear could drive things down further. If I
was mostly in cash I would certainly be averaging in at these prices but would  want to
avoid the temptation of going “all in” at once. I am about fully invested. I
continue to add to some positions slowly from a small amount of available cash.
Also on some positions I may trim on rallies to free up cash.




February 18, 2009


A down day in Canada but the U.S. at least was up a bit. Hopefully the latest
stimulus and mortgage plans in the U.S. will be viewed positively by the market.
I added to my Wells Fargo today. Also an order I had in for Aeroplan got filled
as that stock took its turn at getting somewhat hammered today.


Earnings season in the U.S. is about over with about 90% of the S&P 500
companies having reported. So hopefully we are relatively free of bad news on
the U.S. earnings front for the next six weeks or so. The Canadian earnings
season runs a week or two behind the U.S. so many companies here have not yet


We will have some updated reports for the Site this weekend.


February 17, 2009


A nasty day in the markets. Hopefully the Obama mortgage rescue plan to be
announced tomorrow (Wednesday) will give some lift to financials. The danger is
if he puts in place a plan that rewards people for not paying their mortgage (or
fails to punish them for it) it would be a disaster. The goal is to help out
those who cannot pay their mortgage but not encourage more people to stop
paying. My Wells Fargo got hit badly today. This stock could recover if Obama
mortgage plan is viewed to be “bank friendly”.


In my own trading an order that I had placed last week to add to my Canadian
Western Bank was filled as the price dipped today.


Recent figures on the deepening recession are scary. The world needs to
insure we do not make things worse by continuing to cut off credit and to impose
tariff barriers.


Fundamentally I believe in human ingenuity. The real wealth of the world
comes from our living standards and not from the money system. The money system
enables the real economy to grow. Right now we have managed to break the money
and credit system. But the actual productive capacity of the world has not
diminished. Wealth measured in dollars is shrinking. But in real terms the goods
and services wealth will not shrink unless we let unemployment get high. Once we
get the money and credit system fixed and world trade restored I believe science
will again deliver us the next round of break throughs in medicine and bio
engineering. These innovations will spur the standard of living higher, after
this recession, however deep the recession gets.


The stock market may obviously continue to be a very bumpy ride. The market
will rise before too awfully long, unless we expect corporate profits to remain
depressed and not recover. I think it is a poor bet to suggest that profit will
not recover. However, where the bottom of this market cycle will be is, I think,
not knowable.


February 12, 2009


The financial crisis was caused by the fact that banks gave mortgages to
people who were destined not to make the payments. When these people inevitably
stopped making payments the credit crisis arose. That led to drops in housing
prices and even more people not paying. Why pay if the house is worth more than
the amount owed?


The solution seems obvious, help out selected people to extend their
mortgages, or get lower interest rates. But be careful not to set up a system
that encourages defaults. Finally today the market reacted positively to news
that Obama intended to have a program to help people pay their mortgages.


It was idiotic to simply give money to banks while the homeowners were left
with mortgages that they could not pay.


Anyhow, I expect Wells Fargo should benefit from this news.


I received an email today from Air Canada offering 2000
Aeroplan bonus miles on certain flights overseas
flights. This tells me that AirCanada is still very motivated to purchase points
from Aeroplan. In this case the points probably cost Air Canada about $25 or a
bit less (as mentioned under December 17, the revenue to Aeroplan averages 1.44
cents per point). For the customer who flies the points may be worth about
2 to 3 cents each. (A 25,000 point flight in North America can often save you
$750). Anyhow Aeroplan gets the $25 now. An average of 30 months later they buy
a seat from Air Canada at an average cost of apparently just under 1 cents per
point. Under $20. So they expect to make say $5 on the deal plus have the use of
the cash for 30 months average until the customer redeems the points.


Checking I see that lots of Hotels are offering double Airoplan
points. It looks to me like these businesses are happy to buy Aeroplan points in
order to attract business.


I also see CIBC and American Express offering big point bonuses (like 25,000
points) to sign up for gold cards. That’s probably $300 (unless Aeroplan gives a
sweet deal by subsiding the bonus points on signup) or more in revenue per card
going to Aeroplan, just for the sign-up – Never mind all the points as people
use the cards each month.


Then there is the new deal with Sobeys. They should be selling a lot of
points to Sobeys… (This applies in Canada except the Maritime Sobeys which are
with Air Miles)


The bottom line is , I expect Aeroplan to have a good Q4. They should have
strong cash flow in Q4 . Actual GAAP income is less important in this case but
may be strong also as people cash in points to fly.


The risk is that Aeroplan will be hurt if its partners (like CIBC, American
Express, Sobeys etc.) decide to cut back on buying the points. So far it looks
like the opposite. Its accumulation partners are buying the points to attract


Aeroplan has been a bit volatile so I would try to buy on the dips. I’m not
sure when they will release earnings but it is possible it will take a jump in
price at that time. (Of course there are no guarantees of that…)




February 11, 2009


My strategy is to continue to be invested in good companies that are likely
to do well (or at least relatively well) even if the recession gets worse.
Aeroplan was down today and I added
to my position, buying back 1000 shares that I had sold at a higher price last
week. Oil was down today. This is bad for
Melcor which is sitting on “lots” (so to speak) of undeveloped residential
land in Alberta. But my view is that buying their shares at less than 50% of
book value (which is $9.62) is likely to work out well.


February 10, 2009


I made a few trades today.


Sold my American Express and Goldman Sachs and replaced it with Wells Fargo.
I bought the two that were sold partly due to Buffett’s interests in them. But
Wells Fargo is a more recent equity purchase of Buffett and is also a simpler
company. It will be difficult to analyze due to the difficulty in estimating
credit losses. However, Wells is selling not much over its December 31, 2008
book value. When the economy turns around, Wells will show strong profits. But
until that time it could certainly suffer more losses.


I added to my Melcor and my Western Financial positions as the shares dipped


February 9, 2009


Boston Pizza is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $8.65. I hold shares and would like to increase my
investment if it dips to the $8.00 level (I thought it might dip on poor results
from Q4). Actually the Q4 results were not very good with pre-tax earnings per
unit down 3.8%. It is disconcerting that management does not point out the
results on a per unit basis. Instead they trumpet overall growth, even when that
growth was wiped out by the increase in the number of units. Possibly when
analysts look at closer the price could dip, but then again the yield is
attractive and may support the price despite the negative growth.


Kingsway Financial out did themselves with an announcement of a truly
colossal loss for Q4. Based on past reported profits and particularly based on
their reported book value I thought there was value in Kingsway. Usually the
book value of a financial company is reasonably accurate. But the extent of
management incompetence at Kingsway is turning out to be truly mind boggling.
The profits of the past were essentially fictional, based on estimates that
turned out to be horribly wrong. (Presumably those estimates were made in good
faith, but they turned out to be horribly wrong) On top of that they got hit
with investment losses. The investment losses are not their fault but the fact
that the company was leveraged with debt made that worse – which is their fault.
(Property insurance companies probably should not use debt because their equity
is already heavily leveraged by the insurance operation). The next step will be
to get rid of the CEO and most of the Board and maybe then a turn-around can
begin. The company has no competitive advantage and so is at best a “cigar-butt”
type investment. It may recover from the current lows (possibly easily rising
100% at some point) but longer term there seems to be no reason to think it can
do well as a business. I have no current intention of even thinking about buying
it again. Buffett tells us to invest in a great company at a good price rather
than a good company at a great price. And a lousy company even at a great price
is probably not a good bet, at least not for the long-term.


February 8, 2009


Boston Pizza Income fund (last traded at $8.65) will release earnings before
the market opens on Monday. I would expect same-store sales to be down and
therefore the units could fall in price. If the unit price happens to fall
substantially toward the $7 level I will buy additional units.


February 6, 2009


Another strong day in the markets despite the bad news regarding higher
unemployment. I sold some of my Aeroplan to take profits but hope to buy it back
at a lower price.


My article on the asset class performance of
stocks, versus bonds and cash is updated with data for 2008. (I still have
some work to do to fix the size of the graphs, but the article is updated)


February 5, 2009


A good day in the markets. It’s nice to see strength in the face of continued
economic bad news. I think it’s safe to say though that we will continue to see
volatility. I continue to be patient in placing any buy orders. I am going in
below the market and if the price drops I buy, if not I keep my cash for another


February 4, 2009


I notice that Visa came out with very strong earnings after the (regular
hours) close today. The stock rose about 8% in after-hours trading. I had
mentioned a number of times I like the idea of Visa. It’s pretty much an
unregulated (as to price) monopoly…


ING Canada is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $28.85. (see also comments from earlier today just below)


This morning I have sold the 2 Berkshire B shares that I had in my RRSP
account. I still hold 2 in a non-registered account. I had last bought 2 shares
when they were  $200 cheaper only about a week ago. I think there could be
a better opportunity to buy Berkshire after it releases Q4 and 2008 results
which I think are going to be horrible. We will hear lots about how Buffett is
losing his touch, but that is not true. His approach has not changed. I will be
looking to buy Berkshire if it slumps with the Q4 earnings report.


Yesterday I got an email from TD about ING Canada shares being sold in a
secondary offering at a big discount to the market. This offer was snapped up
yesterday and opened and closed within about 30 minutes or so.


What was interesting was this was not ING Canada selling shares to raise
money. This was the parent of ING Canada (ING Groep of the Netherlands) selling
shares in a distress situation because it is in bad shape. So, this was a chance
to buy shares at a distress price of $26.35, while they had last traded at
$33.79. I placed an “expression of interest” for 1000 shares and today I am told
I will get 900. Meanwhile the shares of ING Canada have moved down to $29.88.
This is probably still good value, and I will be updating our report on ING
Canada to hopefully confirm this.


If I held ING Canada shares at the time of this secondary offering, I would
be rather mad. It’s horrible that the parent had to sell at a distressed price
and knock the share price down like this. But at least this is not the doing of
ING Canada. This was the result of a weak parent. It would have been nice to see
ING Canada participate by buying some of these shares as well.


One thing this illustrates is that the so called “market price” can at times
not be that meaningful. The market price at any given time can show you how the
proper price at which one could buy or sell a few shares (and this assumes the
bid/ask spread is tiny as it usually is for popular and well-traded stocks, but
certainly is not-true for thinly traded stocks). The market price may tell you
little or nothing about the price that would apply if you wanted to buy or sell
a huge amount of shares. Companies are noiw required to “mark-to-market” any
shares they hold in other companies. Usually that is probably fair but at times
this market to market value is not all that meaningful.


We should remember value and price are often two different things.
Occasionally the value of an individual stock based on fundamentals will be
vastly different than its price in the market. If you don’t believe that then
you should not invest based on fundamental analysis.


February 2, 2009


Dalsa slumped again this morning. I had placed an order to buy and I got my
fill, but had I been patient I could have got a lower price.  I was
surprised it fell so much. But that is what happens in a market like this. Dalsa
is a small company and so it does not take many people wanting to sell to push
the stock price down.


I mentioned yesterday I might lighten up on TMX group and I did so today. I
would have liked to get a higher price but with the market slumping I decided to
take what I could get in order to trim the position. Also the NYX Euronext
exchange stock sank today on analysts  downgrades and so that was probably
putting pressure on TMX group.


February 1, 2009


Dalsa Corporation is updated and rate (lower) Strong Buy at $5.86. After
adding back very large recent write-offs on its Digital Cinema division, it
looks quite profitable on its ongoing business. But that business is somewhat
unpredictable and has been hurt by the world economic situation. The current
adjusted P/E of 5.0 is “pricing in” a decline in earnings in 2009. However, even
considering an earnings decline in 2009, this stock looks quite cheap. I plan to
add to my position, particularly if I can buy below about $6.


I placed an order to slightly reduce my TMX Group position if its stock rises
towards the $33 mark. I may also decide just sell it closer to about $32


January 31, 2009


The TMX Group (formerly the TSX
Group) is updated and is rated (higher) Buy at $32.07. Due to an uncertain
outlook and uncertain competition this stock could be quite volatile. A
reasonable strategy would be to buy or hold a modest amount but be prepared to
add at lower prices. It is one of my larger holdings and therefore I may trim
that to invest in higher rated stocks and/or in the hopes of picking this up
cheaper if the market sends the price down.


Performance figures for 2009 are updated.


January 28, 2009


Aeroplan has fallen $1.00 in two days to the $9.00 level. Partly it may have
been due to a press release about a staff contract not being ratified. I was not
able to understand how important that issue is since the press release was very
sparse. I still intend to buy more Aeroplan on weakness. I continue to look at
my positions with a view of moving toward the best quality companies with
sustainable advantages. I may use market increases as an opportunity to move out
of any stocks that I own that are rates low.


January 26, 2009


I had a small position in an ETF (HTD on Toronto) that shorted the U.S.
30-year Treasury (hedged for Canadian currency movement as well). This position
was mentioned under Dec. 21. I had a 17% gain on it in just a few weeks and I
decided to take that profit. There is some talk that the Fed would buy U.S.
treasuries which would force their value up and hurt my position. So I just
decided to get out of that position with my small profit.


I had an order in to Buy Berkshire and picked up a couple of B shares today.
I may buy more as the price falls but I am expecting a terrible Q4 from
Berkshire. Still, I think Berkshire will be good value for the long term.
(Although ultimately I should look for the best values and not merely good


I have order in the buy Canadian Oil Sands Trust and CN if they should drop
about 5%.


Today markets were surprisingly strong for most of the day in the face of a
lot of bad news regarding layoffs and lower earnings. But at the end of the
day markets were up only slightly. Many American companies have not yet reported
Q4 earnings and the Canadian companies are just starting to report and most will
report in February.


For those who check in here for daily comments, I will be offline tomorrow.
No comments until Wednesday evening.


January 25, 2009


Canadian National Railway Company is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at CAN $41.69. This company is very well managed
and it has very attractive economics in terms of limited competition. The only
hesitation to buying now would be the possible chance to buy at lower prices due
to the recession and the fears and realities of what that will do to rail
transport. But ultimately that should be a temporary issue. I would be
comfortably buying now but would want to be prepared to add to the position if
the stock falls in price and would be prepared for the stock to possibly be
lower in 2009 before ultimately reco0vering and growing in price.


January 24, 2009


So far in 2009 our eight Strong Buys are up an average of 2.8%. My personal
investments are up 4.5%. This beats the TSX which is down 4.5%. The Dow and the
S&P 500 are both down 8%.


Reitman’s is updated and rated Speculative
Buy at $11.07. Based on its profit in the past year it looks quite cheap.
However its profit will likely decline somewhat due to the recession. It does
have a 6.5% dividend and the dividend should be very safe considering that it
has cash on hand to cover the dividend for up to five years and it has almost no
debt. In the short term the stock could drop but it should be a reasonable
long-term investment. A reasonable strategy might be to put in a bid at about
$9.50 or less.


January 22, 2009


Warren Buffett was recently
interviewed on PBS Nightly Business Report. The transcript and a link to video
are here:*blog*&par=RSS I am thinking of
buying some Berkshire. I believe it had a bad Q4 and bad year and that the stock
is a bargain but may become an even better bargain when the earnings come out.


I mentioned Aeroplan yesterday. I did go ahead and sell a small part of my
position there today to lock in some profit. I’ll be looking to add to some
positions like Canadian Oil Sands but first I want to review the earnings
releases and will post my thoughts about that.


January 21, 2009


Yesterday we got a bit of a nasty haircut, but today it all grew back and
then some. We may see gyraions like this as the earnings come in. Layered on top
of that is the news of more layoffs and such so it’s hard to picture the market
getting much momentum to the upside at this time.


I am tempted to trim a position like Aeroplan which is my largest position
and it has done well lately. On the other hand I may just let it ride since it
seems to be trending up. It reports earnings on the 28th. I expect it should
have a reasonably good quarter. On the other hand the slowdown in consumer
spending will slow people’s use of the Aerogold credit cards and this company is
not immune to the recession. Still, I like the business model and if I trim
Aeroplan somewhat I will still be keeping a large position.


I will have one or two updates by the end of this coming weekend and am also
working on an edition of the free newsletter.


Oil rose today in the February and March market but fell in the longer term


January 20, 2009


Today ended up giving almost all stocks a nasty haircut… While it does make
for more bargains it is also painful. It seems that hopes that we were past the
bottom of all this may have been premature.


An order I had placed to buy Canadian Oil Sands was filled today at $18.25.
It may be trending down but it seems to me that if I want to own oil when it
next rises, I have to buy it sometime.


The price of oil is confusing. The February contract was up $2.23 to $38.74.
Meanwhile the market is now focusing on the March contract which was only up
$0.32 to $41.16. The future prices of oil 6 months to several years in the
future has been much higher than the spot price. One would ask why anyone with
oil in storage would sell it now when they could sell in the futures market and
deliver in the future for a much higher price. Today all the prices past July
’09 fell by over $3.00. Therefore it is difficult to say if oil rise or fell
today. Obviously the price movement of the February or the March contract does
not tell the whole story.


As housing prices fall, mortgages rates are their lowest level basically
ever. Houses are therefore more affordable than they have been in some years. At
some point this could bring more buyers into the market.


January 19, 2009


Our stock picks overall were up today although some of these on light
volumes… With the price of oil down, its going to be tough for Melcor and
Western Financial to do well in the face of lower oil prices and the consequent
impact on the western economy. Therefore I worry about my large exposure to
these two. Melcor I worry about less since it has good assets and low debt and
can weather, I believe, any storm and come out higher when the economy improves.
Western Financial as a small financial that is leveraged could conceivably be in
real trouble if the western economy really tanks. They could face substantial
bad loans in that scenario as well as mark to market losses on investments held
in the life insurance part of the company. I like Western Financial and think it
will do well but nevertheless I worry about too high an exposure to it. The last
of my shares I bought around $1.50, therefore I placed an order to sell that
portion at $1.99.


I like the idea of buying oil companies at these lower prices. I placed an
order to buy Canadian Oil Sands Trust if the shares drop another dollar or so. I
also have an order in to buy XEG, the energy exchange traded fund, if it drops
to $11.75. (Possibly I should just buy some of these now and then look to add on
further weakness).  However, patience is probably a virtue in this market.


January 17, 2009


Walgreen company (large U.S.
drug-store operator) is updated and rated Buy at $26.76 (closed last at $26.91).
This company has an excellent history. Like most retailers it has been hit
somewhat by recession. It should do well long-term but the near-term is less


January 14, 2009 (pm)


Down a good day in the markets as stocks declined due to poor economic news.
One bright spot was aeroplan which
has done well. I was hoping to buy more although this is already my largest
position. I’m being patient. I suspect with market volatility there is little
reason to chase stocks and instead it seems wise to place bids somewhat below
the market and hope for volatility to work in our favor. The Canadian market is
likely to be even more volatile than the U.S. because it can be driven up or
down quickly with oil prices.


January 14, 2009(am)


With oil prices down it may be a good opportunity to average into some energy
stocks like the energy ETF, XEG.


Stock market direction will now be impacted by earnings season which has
kicked off. earnings are sure to be generally lower than last year but the the
impact on markets will depend on whether they are even lower than expected.


January 12, 2009


In my own trading I have placed orders to buy more Aeroplan if the price
falls to $7.75. 12, 2009


CV Technologies released earnings today which looked quite positive. However,
the company was late filing these earnings and is currently looking for a new
CEO (not positive factors). In addition they have a habit of releasing the
earnings press release (not full details) and then only later posting the full
financials. The delay this time was only a couple hours, but still it’s
annoying. I decided to sell the small amount of shares I have to focus on other
things. I did this sale before seeing the full financials which did look quite
good so perhaps I was somewhat hasty.


Similarly I sold the rest of my Quest Capital today to focus on other things.
(Also it had recently risen in price from the 80 cent range to the $1.10 range
and I figured we might see 80 cents again before we ever se $1.50. Also while
its numbers look good it is a speculative stock)


Also similarly I sold the remainder of my EDGE Petroleum shares which was
just a small amount.


Similarly I am thinking of selling the BCE shares that I have since I have no
particular reason to own it after the deal fell through. (It’s not a company I
have looked at closely, I bought only based on the hoped for sale to Teachers
Pension plan)


These sales clear out some names which were taking up some of my attention
but which are small holdings.


January 11, 2009


I have updated my portfolio breakout of the
percentage in each stock.


I have sold about half of my
Quest capital shares due to it being a speculative (although promising)


Markets declined late last weak partly on what was judged to be weak results
from Wal-Mart. I did not think that Wal-Mart’s results were weak. Given news
that they were competing by lowering prices, a small decline in earnings does
not seem surprising.


FedEx is updated but continues to be rated
Weak Buy / Hold at $64.08. (Since the date of our analysis it declined to
$60.32). This is a great company with a continued bright future. However in the
current environment of declining earnings there are other more attractive places
to invest. At prices under $55 we might consider averaging in.


January 7, 2009


Back to reality today as bad economic news finally drove the market down
after a string of recent gains. I decided to take some profits… Sold my
Kingsway Linked Return note after it rose 10% in the face of a negative market
on low volume. It was a small position and Kingsway is no longer a company that
I faith in for the long term. Sold about 20% of my Melcor shares since I had a
good profit on it after having bought those shares near the recent lows. With
oil down and all the bad news for real estate I just wanted to lighten up on
that but still have a large position. Sold also about half of my BCE shares. I
only bought those shares hoping to profit on the buy-out and so it makes more
sense now to redeploy that money into something I am more familiar with.


On January 6 I sold half of my EDGE petroleum position (see November 24 for
more info on that).


January 5, 2009


A bit more positive progress today… I am just standing pat, no trades…
I do note that the Treasury bond yields in the U.S. have started to rise from
their insane lows…


January 4, 2009


With the recent strong gains in many stocks, albeit from ugly lows, it is
worth thinking about taking the opportunity to move some funds into cash.
Personally I am planning to hold off on that as the stocks I hold still appear
to offer excellent value. A possible exception, I may try to sell off some small
positions that are not large enough to matter. No doubt these next couple of
months at least will continue to exhibit great volatility. (Meaning we
unfortunately can’t count on any recent gains to stick around at least in the
short term).


January 1, 2009


In preparation for the new year of trading, I have removed a few names from
the list above where the last update was  considered too old and I felt I
did not have a rating to apply for the new year. These were EL-Financial and CV
Technologies. Northbridge is also removed since it is being bought out.  In
a number of other cases as highlighted in the Table above I have updated the
rating just based on the price movement.


As in previous years, the ratings in the Table above along with the 2008
ending prices will be used to track performance in 2009.


For 2009 I wish to discontinue the
Model Tracking Portfolio, click for a discussion of the reasons.


The overall performance figures are updated for
2008 and the detailed graphs will
be updated within a week or so.


There is plenty for InvestorsFriend to do as we enter 2009. I will be
purchasing official performance data figures for 2008 so that I can update a
number of articles that look at the long term performance of stocks versus bonds
and cash. A number of our stock reports will be updated by the end of January. I
hope to do some screening for additional bargain stocks including some
high-dividend stocks. I have spent a lot of time lately reading
Warren Buffett’s
old letters.  I am a believer that in investing as in any other field,
one can never review the basics too many times. Also it is impossible to review
the writings of Warren Buffett too many times. He is, after all, by far the most
successful investor ever.


Many stocks are clearly bargains. At this time however, it is necessary to
pick through the many bargain stocks to try and find the best bargains while
concentrating on companies that we understand and that appear to have
competitive advantages.




December 30, 2008


Another good day for our stocks. It’s nice to see. I think it gives
credibility to the notion that there really are some excellent bargains out
there including the Strong Buys indicated above. Most likely we will continue to
see volatility in both directions.


Quest Capital which we
updated very recently has sold $40 million in preferred shares in a private
placement at 13.5% (and higher than that considering a fee was paid to raise the
money). It’s all a bit crazy to be raising money at 13.5% (which they must pay
back) to lend it out at about the same rate to companies that could default in
paying back. “Also, in conjunction with this financing, the Company has
decreased its bank line limit to $70 million” (from $88 million. The cynic in me
asks did they voluntary issue preferred shares at 13.5% in part to repay a
credit line that no-doubt was costing much less than 13.5% Or did the bank
require them to make the reduction. Quest is a a bit of a strange beast. It does
look like it should be good value. But I would not make a large investment given
the small size and the possibilities for huge loan losses.


I have emailed the President of this company with a couple of questions.
Personally I will not invest any further until I see what kind of response I


Another interesting fact about Quest is that it trades on the American Stock
Exchange and also on the AIM stock exchange in the U.K.  Another question
for a Skeptic would be, why does a tiny Canadian lender want to be listed on
three stock exchanges, two of them foreign. We rated Quest a Speculative Strong
Buy and I am thinking that we all need to remember the Speculative aspects of
this company. (It looks like a Strong Buy based on the numbers but note
carefully the various risk factors mentioned here and in the report)


December 29, 2008


A good day on the Canadian markets. Perhaps we can close out the year on a
positive note…


December 28, 2008


Quest Capital is updated
and rated Speculative Strong Buy at $0.80. The company trades at only 40% of
book value. Essentially a share owner buys a very modestly leveraged interest in
the existing loan portfolio and the ongoing business. Most lends are very highly
leveraged. The very modest leverage of quest lowers the risk. In addition the
low price appears to offer an ample margin of safety. The dividend is
attractive. The company could face an ugly round of bad loans and possibly the
dividend could then be cut. But even so, a 40% price to book value ratio is
capable of covering off a multitude of sins. Still the company is small and we
also note in the report that some directors had been involved with some kind of
proceeding with the securities commission in the past. It appears that some
directors have been involved and continue to be involved in numerous resource
companies. I am not sure that this is a bad thing but it is perhaps something of
a red flag. I own a modest amount of shares and may look to add somewhat to that
but will likely avoid a large exposure to this small company.


December 24, 2008


Well we did not get any Santa Claus Rally… Maybe he can bring us cash so we
can invest at these lower prices. I am not planning any year-end trading.


I am planning to set up my new Tax Free Savings Accounts. I believe it will
make sense for those who have good borrowing capacity and good cash flow to
borrow the money (if necessary) and get $5000 each into the Tax Free Savings
Account. Also for those with RRSP and or RESP room, the same reasoning applies.
If this market crash is bad for you at least it is good for any young people
just starting out. In reality it is also good for anyone with at least 10 years
of savings ahead of them although it certainly does not feel good.


I’ll probably be off-line until Monday December 29.


December 21, 2008


I have purchased a small amount of the 30-year U.S. Treasury double bear
Exchange Traded fund, HTD.TO as briefly described in the posting just below. The
30-year bond pays about 2.55% and I believe this to be a preposterously low
yield. At some point the yield on this bond will rise and the value of the
double bear ETF will then rise.


Warren Buffet in his 1984 letter to shareholders talked about how in 1946
people were buying 20-year AAA rated tax exempt bonds paying just below 1%. He
called this return “outrageously inadequate by business standards” and noted
that if it were thought of as a business that produce such a return it would be
an “abominable” business.


By the same logic, I believe that many businesses are available today, and
many corporate bonds as well, that are expected to make earnings of  10% or
more on the market value paid. While the market values of these business may be
volatile it seems clear that such business will easily beat the 2.55% return
from 30-year bonds. Therefore it seems irrational to buy those 30-year bonds and
I believe that this yield will rise over a reasonable period such as 1 to three
years and that the double bear ETF will therefore rise in price.


I’d rather put money directly into business rather than into a bear ETF.
Nevertheless I bought a small amount of the double bear.


December 18, 2008


Checking insider trading since December 1, on my personal top holdings, I
note one executive buying at Boston Pizza as well as the fund itself buying
back. A few buys at Canadian Western Bank but also one sale. Two buyer at Melcor.
One buyer at Canadian Tire. Overall not a lot happening. No insider trading in
Aeroplan or Western Financial Group.


U.S. government treasury bonds continue to go down in yield. The ten-year
was at 2.07% today and the 30-year at 2.55%. These are preposterously low yields
and they will rise although it could take some time before that happens and
meanwhile they may keep falling.


If a Canadian investor wants to bet that these yields will turn around and
rise they could buy the Exchange Traded Fund HTD on Toronto. This is currency
hedged so that you are making a bet that this 30-year U.S. government yield will
rise but you don’t take currency risk. You can find more information here.


December 17, 2008


Canadian markets were closed today due to a technical problem.


In the U.S. their dollar has weakened from U.S. $1.25 to buy one Euro on
November 21 to now $1.44 to buy 1 euro, which is a 15% weakening in less than a
month. But it is not the $1.44 that seems strange. It was the $1.25 that was
strange. The U.S. dollar had unexpectedly strengthened massively against the Euro
in the past six months. Back on July 14 it took $1.59 to buy a Euro. Most
analysts had expected the U.S. dollar to further weaken with all its deficit
spending and massive creation of money out of thin air that it ahs done in the
past few months. Now, sanity seems to be returning as the U.S dollar weakens.


Meanwhile yields on U.S. long-term bonds keeps falling, with the ten year
currently at a yield of 2.19%. That seems like an impossibly low return for
accepting inflation risk for the next ten years and tying up your money for ten
years. The value of existing bonds that have original coupon rates around 4% or
more, has soared.


My understanding is that roughly half of such bonds are held by foreign
investors and foreign governments. It’s hard to imagine why these people and
governments would not sell those bonds now since if they hold them they risk the
yield rising (sending the market value of the bonds down) and they risk the U.S.
currency weakening.


U.S. investors don’t care about the currency risk but they do care about
inflation / interest rate risk and it is hard to make a case for buying these
bonds and expecting yields to keep dropping. One theory is that the U.S. treasury
is effectively printing money and buying back its own bonds at large premiums,
sending these yields down. They can’t keep that up without causing inflation at
some point.


The point of all this is that the next bubble to pop is likely the insanely
low interest rate on long term U.S. government bonds. Consider that at a 2.19%
yield it takes about 33 years for money to double. Is there anyone who seriously
thinks there would be much return in real term after inflation if your money
took 33 years to double. And in taxable accounts you would not even get the
2.19%. It’s insane. I’m glad I did not try shorting the U.S. ten-year bond, but
that is a bet that is likely to pay off at some point if taken.


Aeroplan is my biggest holding.
Here’s part of the reason why I like it.  In the first nine months of 2008
the revenue per aeroplan mile redeemed in Canada was 1.44 cents per, while the
cost of rewards averaged 0.9 cents per mile. That is a fat gross margin. And
remember they collect the revenue an average of 30 months before they have to
buy the reward. Consider as well that along with Airmiles they are form
something of a duopoly in this business. There is the risk that if Air Canada
runs into financial trouble, then Aeroplan would likley suffer. But I keep
thinking that even if Air Canada went into receivership it would still want to
offer seats to Aeroplan and probably at a good price representing Aeroplan’s
bulk buying power. Also consider that Aeroplan’s partners like American Express,
CIBC and its retail partners are desperate to use Aeroplan as a marketing edge.
There are no guarantees but it appears that Aeroplan is well positioned.




December 16, 2008


Yet another day of seemingly unprecedented news in the markets. U’S had
a big month of deflation with prices down 1.7% in November, the biggest dip in
many decades.


The U.S. lowers the Federal interest rate on overnight money to a
ridiculously low target of 0 to 0.25%. So lets see, the fed is going lend money
at a rate such that for  1 million on this “daily rate” banks would pay
$2500 per year in interest.


The U.S. dollar finally turned around and dropped about 5% against the Euro
and against the Canadian dollar in the matter of a few days.


Federal government interest rates are preposterously low. Corporate borrowing
rates meanwhile remain quite high, in some cases way too high.


It’s hard to imagine who is investing in 10-year Treasury bonds now yielding
about 2.4%. U.S. investors face inflation risk, while foreign investors face the
risk of the U.S. currency dropping and the risk of inflation. Investors in these
bonds keep on “winning” as the interest rates drop. But they should remember,
rates cannot drop forever and therefore will not.


Stocks like Melcor Developments and many many others are going begging at
ridiculously low prices.


At some point the madness will pass…


I added a bit to my Canadian Western Bank today.


One stock that has done relatively well is Tim Hortons. It’s a great company.
But I sold my Tim Horton shares a while ago because there seemed to be so many
other better bargains. If I held it today I would sell to move into better


For purposes of the Model portfolio I will notionally sell half the Tim
Hortons at tomorrows opening price and notionally invest the proceeds in




December 15, 2008


Another nasty day for my stocks. I added to my Boston Pizza and Melcor


An interesting fact about one of the companies I like. I had recently seen
that a director sold about 200,000 shares at low prices in a black-out period
just before the earnings release. He should not have been selling at that time.
I emailed the company and they knew about and were investigating. They got back
to me today and said it was caused by a margin call this director had his shares
sold due to a margin call without his knowledge. He should not have let that
happen. I ma not going to say which company this was because the email I
received from them did not state that I was free to pass along the information,
so I will treat it as private. What I find interesting is to think about how
much selling recently may have been forced sells. People who bought stocks on
margin were forced to sell if they did not have cash to add as stock prices
fell. This can create a vicious cycle where lower stock prices begats selling
which begats lower stock prices which begats ,more selling…  If that is
the case a rational response is to buy stocks which are trading at unjustifiably
low prices. But is may also make sense to average in and not invest all
available cash at once since there may always be better bargains ahead.


December 14, 2008


Canadian Tire is updated
and rated Buy at $39.14. The value ratios would suggest a Strong Buy. However
earnings have trended down slightly with the recession and competition and this
could get worse. On the one hand we like the opportunity to buy this at book
value and a low trailing P/E of about 8. On the other hand it may be best to
wait and see how the critical Q4 earnings figures come in.


Performance figures for 2008, the
Model Portfolio and my
own portfolio composition are updated.


While it has been an ugly year, I am encouraged by the values that are
available. Stock P/Es will not stay forever at low levels and earnings, while
they may decline in the recession, will, on average recover and grow.


December 13, 2008


Boston Pizza Royalties Income
Fund is updated and rated Strong Buy at $7.15. The value here is driven by
the yield of 19%. Even after considering the impact of income tax in 2011 the
yield would be about 14% if it were taxable today. This is a very attractive
yield. The distributions per unit may not grow and could slip somewhat due to
recession, but overall the value still looks very strong. Usually share
buy-backs are not something I get excited about because they use shareholder
money to buy back the shares. In this case I am very encouraged by the share buy
back since they only started this in October when the init prices fell to the $9
range. Also they indicate that they can borrow at 4.5% to buy units and then
they save the dividends on those units at a current 19%. This suggests that the
share buy back is clearly accretive to the distributions per unit. Keep in mind
that the restaurant business is a risky business and that the Fund may be hurt
by recession. But overall the numbers and other considerations suggest that this
is a Strong Buy when it can be bought for not much over $7.


December 11, 2008


For good or for bad the bargains seem to keep getting better.
Canadian Western Bank at
$11.30 is down close to its book  value of $10.54. It will probably face
increased bad debts but overall seems like a definite bargain. The stock price
may continue to languish with low oil prices but ultimately buying a good
quality company at around book value should be a good investment.


Since their earnings came out last week, several insiders are buying
including a buy today of 10,000 shares at $11.60. Seems to me they are telling
us something… i.e. Buy…


Canadian National Railway has come down
in price and is worth considering. Buffett has been adding to his rail holding
(Burlington Northern) and so maybe we should follow suit. My strategy here would
be to average in…


I definitely like Aeroplan There
was a story in today’s financial post that Canadians are spending lots of
Aeroplan and Airmiles points to use to buy Christmas gifts this year. Its a way
of being frugal and I think there will also be lots of interest in accommodating
the points. Aeroplan should report a strong Q4.


I am being patient in terms of putting any more cash into the market. For
example I have orders in to buy Aeroplan, Melcor and TMX Groupe on price dips.


December 10, 2008


One of the silver linings to this bear market is to buy the best quality
companies at bargain or at least reasonable prices. It is often been said that
an unregulated  toll bridge would be a fantastic investment. Companies that
have to some extent the characteristics of an unregulated monopoly. I have
always thought of the TSX Group that way.
(One of my clue’s being its unheard-of-in-the competitive-market ROEs of up to
around 50% (on a GAAP basis) over the past few years. Right now it is facing
some competition from new electronic exchanges. But nevertheless it still seems
that every big Canadian company is almost forced to be listed on the TSX and to
pay the listing fees. Recently, new listings at the TSX had dried up. But now
secondary offerings of  $2 billion or so each have come from three major
banks. The TSX charges fees for this and therefore these big offerings will help
their cash flows. Under mis-guided accounting rules these non-refundable frees
are deferred and booked into revenue over ten years . But in terms of economic
reality they are almost pure and immediate profit. (At one time thse fees were
booked as immediate revenue).


For the model portfolio for 2009 I intend to place a priority on choosing
mostly stocks with some level of strong franchise or quasi-monopoly power like
the TSX (TMX Group)


December 9, 2008


I got rather hammered on
Western Financial Group today. As a small company it can tend to get
buffetted in share price. At my last update on Nov 16, I said:



Western Financial Group is
updated and rated Speculative Buy at $2.60. The stock price has come down
considerably and I had recently added significantly to my position in this
company on that basis. However risks are also up and earnings have fallen
somewhat. They have recently committed to $27 million in acquisitions. This is
significant given a current common equity level of $129 million. It’s not clear
that they have the cash to finance these and one shudders to think about trying
to issue more equity or debt in the current environment.

While the stock is not
expensive it does not seem compelling given the risks.
I am inclined to reduce
my (too large) position in this company and redeploy into companies that we have
rated in the Strong Buy range. The company will host a conference call on Monday
at 3 pm eastern and the market reaction to the earnings released on Thursday of
this past week may become more clear only on Tuesday.
(highlighting added)



No insider selling has been reported recently. These wild swings down could
just be due to a few traders wanting to get out and take a tax loss. Maybe they
are having difficulty financing that acquisition. I certainly hope they don’t
issue shares at this low level.


Aeroplan has been volatile, perhaps partly due to Air Canada which does have
serious problems and which I believe has been put under a negative credit rating
watch and its credit rating was already only “B” which is very low indeed. But I
remain confident in Aeroplan. What I am seeing is that Aeroplan’s partners are
eager to buy the aeroplan points to use in marketing promotions. It does appear
that Aeroplan benefits from buying cheap seats from Air Canada. But even if it
was in receivership or went into receivership and back out, it would probably
still be desperate to have all the business that Aeroplan can delver and would
likely continue to sell to Aeroplan on a volume discount basis. I suspect
Aeroplan also gets good deals when it buys seas on its partner international
airlines. In this airline business, it is the customers (including Aeroplan) who
have the upper hand (because they have cash and the airlines need it).


Melor is also volatile and I was hoping it to pop down a bit more as I have
an order in to add at $3.51


Canada lowered interest rates today. Seemed to be a non-event.


Yesterday I comments on Exchange Traded Funds, I just edited one sentence
there where I indicated that I could only find info on ishares up to 2002. That
was by looking under Barclays. Under ishares the more current info is given. You
can find the securities filings for the ishares funds on under Funds
and then under ishares.

or go direct to:




December 8, 2008


A good day in the markets. It might have been a good day to have had some
offers in to sell part positions on anything that was up say 10 or 15%. If you
have 1000 shares of something, maybe place a bid to sell some if it rises a
certain amount. In some cases stocks jump temporarily and you can cash out a
little at a good price and buy back in later.


A couple of subscribers recently asked some technical questions about
Exchange Traded Funds ETFs.


One subscriber wanted to know if we can trust the sponsor of the ishares ETF,
Barclay’s. Could they fail and could the exchange traded funds go to zero?.


That is a big question and would take a lot of research to fully answer.


I addressed it partly last January 16 on this page in regards to Horizons
Beta Pros shares where I said:


while HXD is
probably a safe product (I have not checked the financial strength of Horizons
Beta Pro, but suspect it is good), the subscriber makes a good point in
realizing that thee could be some risk there. Presumably Horizons Beta Pro has
taken investors money raised through HXD and has made some kind of double
leveraged bet that the market will fall. When it falls I imagine that counter
party has to pay up. So we have to hope this counter party is strong
financially. And recently we have learned that even AAA parties can suddenly
develop solvency problems. I suspect that this would be a very small risk and I
don’t think I personally would worry about that risk with HXD. The risk is
probably much smaller than for the vast majority of investments out there.
Possibly the TSX and or the Ontario Securities commission has something in place
to mitigate any risk of default by  Horizions Beta Pro Inc. But nonetheless
some risk exists. The risk I speak of here is the risk that Horizons Beta Pro
Inc. does not make good on its obligations for HXD. The much bigger risk, is
that the markets in fact rise rather than fall. Then, you lose 2% for every 1%
the market rises.  Markets do of course rise on average over time. So
anyone buying HXD has to be very confident that the market will fall.


The point is that the ETFs are to a greater or lesser extent “financially
engineered” products. The double bear products would have more financial
engineering than a straight “long” ETF. Financial engineering probably involves
buying derivatives and options of some kind and this introduces some counter
party risk. Normally I would have thought that counter party risk was too small
to worry about. But in a world where Lehman’s has failed, maybe such risk is


When you buy an ETF on the exchange you usually buy from a trader who is
selling. But I believe in some cases and at the outset of the fund and as it
grows some of the money would go directly to Barclay’s. I would think that money
would go into a trust of some kind.


You can find the securities filings for the ishares funds on under
Funds and then under ishares.

or go direct to:






Overall it is very difficult for investors to check out the risk of a fund
company like Barclay’s. Personally I would probably just trust that the
Securities Commission is doing its job. But investors who are heavily into these
funds might want to do research starting with the prospectus.


Another subscriber emailed me and warned about tracking risk with the Horizon
beta pro double bear and double bull funds whereby they do not seem to deliver
the 2 times gain or loss on the underlying index as they “promise” in their
marketing material. It would be worth viewing the graphs of the price on Yahoo
before buying to try and see if it has performed as promised. I believe a
certain amount of tracking error is reasonable. Also the management fee might
cause some tracking error. But it is a definite concern if the tracking error is
large. Other than warning investors in these products to do some research, I
can’t add much to this.


The point is again these are complex financially engineered products.
Personally I have rarely invested in them and only breifly and so I just don’t
have experience with these. But I pass along the subscribers warning. Investors
might want to check the bulletin Board at where I did see some
similar concerns when I checked there is reponse to the subscribers email.


December 7, 2008


The yields on U.S. long bonds have dropped to seemingly irrational levels. If
an investor believes that these will rise they can buy an Exchanged Traded Fund
TBT that (I am told) makes that “bet”. I’m tempted to do so. But interest rates
may remain irrationally low…


Will the market keep going down?


Warren Buffett has always said that he can’t predict markets in the sure
term. But he has said that one can form opinions as to whether the market or
individual stocks appear to be under-valued. He has said that if you can buy
good businesses at great or at least fair prices then you will do well in the
long term, no matter where markets head in the short term.


We have just updated an important
reference article on the P/E ratios and dividend yields of the various segments
on the TSX. We also give you the trading symbols for the Exchange Traded
Fund (ETF) where one exists for a particular segment. This article is now a much
better reference site because we have included links that (in most cases) show
you the latest P/E ratios based on the previous days trading. We also provide
links to quickly check the latest price for each ETF. With this information you
can easily see which ETFs appear to be a bargain prices. Of course you also have
to think about how the recession and lower energy prices might affect each
segment.  There are always risks but it is still very useful to know which
ETFs at least look like bargains.


December 6, 2008


Our analysis of the fair value of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average is updated.


Canadian Western Bank is
updated and rated Speculative Strong Buy at $12.30. The recent price decline
reflects a weaker outlook for 2009 and possible credit losses. Still, the value
ratios have come down to levels not seen in many years. I should be considered
somewhat speculative due to its high leverage (all banks have high leverage) and
due to uncertain loan loss development as the recession takes hold.


December 4, 2008


Canadian Western Bank got hammered down 14% today apparently because of
earnings outlook for 2009 is lower. I would have thought that would be a given
and already reflected in the stock price. We’ll update the report on this
company by Sunday.


I notice that long-term government bonds are in a bubble state now. Returns
on 10-year U.S. bonds are down around 2.6%. On Canadian 10-year bonds, around
3.15%. These are insanely low returns. As James Grant said today, people think
that these are the safest of assets but demand for these safe bonds has driven
their prices to insanely high levels and made them very risky. It’s true
long-term government bond investors have made unexpected gains time and again as
interest rates fall. But that can’t go on forever. In theory these interest rats
could keep going down. But they are already insanely low. It seems crazy to keep
betting that these interest will go lower. When something can’t go on for ever,
it doesn’t.


As much as losses in the market hurt, lower prices means a better chance of
higher returns ahead. This applies to most equities, preferred shares and
corporate bonds.


December 3, 2008


Canadian Western Bank released earnings tonight. Earnings per share were down
17% from the same quarter last year. But partly this was due to lower income
taxes last year. Earnings before taxes were down only 10%. They are growing
assets more slowly and their margins on loans are lower. However overall they
are still very healthy and have not experienced any material problems with loan
losses.  Given how much the stock has dropped these earnings do not seem
too bad. The earnings conference call is tomorrow morning. I added to my
position in this stock today in the hope that earnings would be good. Apparently
analysts were expecting earnings unchanged from last year and so this news could
actually send the shares down. If so, it could be a buying opportunity.


TMX Group released trading statistics
for November. This is the first month where they faced some competition from a
new exchange owned by the banks. At a quick look the trading statistics look
reasonable good. Volumes are up cversus last year although down versus October.
Secondary offerings are down from last year but way up from the almost
non-existent numbers of October.


December 2, 2008


Aeroplan is my largest position.
Part of the reason that its stock price has fallen so much is because Air Canada
is not doing well. Air Canada has an equity value of $202 million. Aeroplan a
spin-off of the old Air Canada has an equity value  seven times larger at
$1446 million.


Air Canada does face a lot of difficulties and was recently losing money. It
is now apparently facing huge pension expenses in 2009 due to the market crash.
It is not able to take full advantage of lower fuel prices because it hedged
fuel costs.


In the current quarter, 56 per cent of the airline’s
fuel needs are hedged at between $90 and $95 a barrel. Next year, 31 per cent of
its forecast fuel requirements have been hedged at between $95 and $102 a
barrel. (oops!)


If Air Canada were to go broke that would certainly
impact Aeroplan negatively. But it would likely be a short-term impact. Even if
it went bankrupt it is likely that Air Canada would keep flying and come out of
receivership as it has in the past. It just does not seem likely that West Jet
would take over as the only Airline in the Country. If Air Canada went out of
business, it is likely a pension guarantee corporation would be faced with some
of the pension costs. It is in everyone’s (well except West Jet) best interest
to keep Air Canada at least limping along.


Aeroplan has cash from selling Aeroplan points to Air
Canada, CIBC, American express and many others. Aeroplan has recently paid Air
Canada in advance $70 million for flights booked in the future. To me, the point
is Aeroplan had the money to do that. If Air Canada were to disappear and be
replaced, Aeroplan could buy reward seats from the new airline and no doubt
could sell reward points to the new airline.


Aeroplan reports revenues only when a customer claims a
reward (like a flight). In past years when Aeroplan collectors were using “old
points” from before about 2002, Air Canada had to simply provide the seat, it
did not get cash since it was Air Canada itself that had collected the cash for
those points or given away the points years ago. Anyhow in that scenario Air
Canada was inclined to have only a minimum amount of “free” seats for reward
flights.  Now, almost all of the old pre-2002 points are used up and so
when an Aeroplan customer books a free flight, Air Canada gets cash from
Aeroplan. I believe Aeroplan has a sweetheart deal on a certain amount of
Classic reward sets so Air Canada only gets a discount price for those. But
Aeroplan now offers seats that cost three and four times (and more) the amount
of points as classic rewards. Air Canada presumably gets close to regular fare
or full fare for these seats. Air Canada is incented to sell as many of these
more expensive (cost more points) seats as possible to Aeroplan. Air Canada is
also now desperate to fill planes and is willing to offer more classic reward
seats as well.


The point is Air Canada is very eager to sell seats to
Aeroplan and Aeroplan can offer more classic rewards and in general Aeroplan
should be able to book more revenue. Meanwhile Aeroplan continues to sell points
to sponsors and collects the cash now but only has to buy a reward when the
point collector cashes in some points.


Certainly there is a risk of Aeroplan’s stock price
going lower if there are more negative announcements from Air Canada. In my view
Aeroplan is a very strong business and any further stock price drop on such news
would be a buying opportunity. Still it may require patience and investors may
not want to get over-exposed to this stock.


The last I checked TD still had a $20 target price on
Aeroplan but I did see that other analysts were worried about the Air Canada


Based on the Quick Analysis
section I bought shares in NYX, the New York Stock Exchange / Euronext.




December 1, 2008


Over the weekend I was thinking about Canadian Tire, it closed Friday at $45
and I was lamenting not having bought when it was under $40 or at its low of


At some point this bear market will end. It may end quickly (not necessarily
soon, but quickly when it does end). And it seems certain that many investors will
kick themselves for missing out on bargains.  But meanwhile it does take a
certain bravery to buy in this market.


Buffett would say forget about where the market might go. If you get the
chance to buy great businesses at bargain prices, do it and things will work out


Some aspects of the market are certainly very strange.


The yield on the 10-year treasury bond plummeted  24 basis points to
just 2.72% today.  This means that investors are willing to lock away their
money and earn just 2.24% for ten years. This will be good return only if there
is deflation overt that period. right now there may be deflation. But its hard
to imagine that there will not be inflation over the next ten years given all
the borrowing the U.S. government is doing and their deficits.


Meanwhile the dividend yield on the S&P 500 is about 3.3%. Unless earnings
are going to be lower in 10 years than they are today, stocks are almost
certainly going to return more than the 2.72% offered by Treasury bonds.


Stocks have crashed quite massively in 2008. But the crash has made stocks a
lot cheaper. The probability of a favorable long-term return on stocks is much
higher now that stock prices have fallen.


Our quick analysis section has been updated.


In my own trading I sold most of my position in Berkshire today to free up
cash and because I believe their Q4 could be pretty bad. I hope to be patient in
making any buys.


The best investment lately has been long-term government bonds. As market
yields on government bonds go down, the value of existing bonds, issued at
higher interest rates goes up. Now that long-term government bonds are down to
what would seem to be ridiculous lows and what are the lowest yields in at least
50 years, it does not seen rational to expect government bonds to continue to be
a good investment. The slightest hint of higher interest rates or inflation
could send the value of long-term government bonds down fast.


Corporate bonds have been a terrible investment as their yields went up due
to credit concerns. Going forward, corporate bonds will almost certainly be a
better investment than government bonds if held for say five to ten years.
Stocks purchased now are also extremely likely to out-perform long-term
government bonds on average.


November 29, 2008


Wal-Mart is updated and rated
(higher) Buy at $56.69 (it closed Friday at higher than our analysis price at
$56.69). This is the undisputed biggest retailer in the world and has an
exceptional history of profit growth. The shares are up 19% this year (but up
48% in Canadian dollars). Canadian investors face the risk that the Canadian
dollar will rise.


Berkshire Hathaway is updated and
rated Weak Buy at $3,500. Longer term I would like to accumulate Berkshire
shares. However, as indicated in the report, we believe Berkshire could report a
large loss in Q4. It has already reported that its book value fell $9 billion or
about 8% in October due to investment losses. While those losses may be
temporary, they may have grown slightly in November as the market has declined
further. Barring a huge market rally in December, the Q4 book value loss will be
large. It is not clear how much of this will be reported in earnings and how
much will be reported in other comprehensive income on the balance sheet.
Combine this expected loss with the fact that Berkshire’s shares have recovered
substantially from recent lows and it seems that now is not the best time to
buy. I intend to reduce my position to move into better bargains but would want
to buy back if the share prices falls under about $2700.


November 28, 2008


The S&P 500 index fair
value article is updated. Previous versions calculated the fair value of the
S&P 500 based on its current earnings. At this time with huge losses from
General Motors and others it is much harder to know what the current earnings of
the S&P 500 index are. Therefore in this update I added a second table with a
second “current” earnings level.


November 27, 2008


Melcor and
Aeroplan both did reasonably well
today. Aeroplan is ,my largest holding. It’s accounting is complex but it
appears to be a very strong cash generating machine. The way I measure
free cash flow, it looks to me like it is trading at around four times free
cash flow, which is very attractive. Regarding Melcor, a member of the Melton
family as well as the CFO have been buying shares this month and continued to do
so this week. Melcor is my second largest holding. I believe that Aeroplan will
continue to report good results. Melcor may report bad results for a year or two
(due to a probable dearth of building lot sales)  but it appears that its
assets are worth far more than the stock price indicates.


November 26, 2008


The BCE deal took what may have been its final nasty turn today. Took the
market by surprise. In hind-sight it is easy to say it was obvious the deal
would never close in this credit crisis. But all indications were that the
buyers were prepared to go ahead. Most commentators now believe the deal is
dead.  (Those who were so sure it would not close were short the stock ,
right?). Anyhow I had some shares. I bought a few more today, hoping for at
least a small bounce even if the deal is dead. This was always a “binary”
situation, either it would close at $42.75 or it would not and it would plunge.
There was never really any in between scenario. (So estimates of a 75% (or
whatever number) chance of closing or whatever were pretty useless…).
Probabilities like that make a lot of sense if you get to play the game many
times. On a one-time game even a 5% chance of a big loss looms large. Anyhow, it
was pretty well impossible to guess the probability. On Monday the market was
betting it would close. On Tuesday, not so much…


An order I had placed to buy more Aeroplan if it fell to $6.11 was filled
today and happily the stock then closed at $6.52. I get lots of emails from
Aeroplan indicating that its partners have deals on where one can collect
hundreds or thousands of bonus Aeroplan points. This means those partners are
buying lots of Aeroplan points.


November 25, 2008


I notice Kingsway was up today. They issued a press release quite late on
Friday (7 pm) that they will work with two advisors on “a number of matters”.
Also, someplace I read that a dissident major shareholder met with the Board and
the CFO on Saturday and he is demanding that the CEO Shaun Jackson be fired.
My bet is that Jackson will indeed go. It looks like maybe the Board is finally
waking up to take some action on the (apparently) poor management situation. I
had sold my KFS but do have a little of the debt-like instrument KSP.un. (It
trades at $5.50 pays a fat dividend of $1.25 per year and is supposed to mature
in June 2015 at $25 so it may be the better investment and perhaps safer though
it is a complex security to understand. I do not claim to know the risks of this
KSP.un security).


Couche-Tard posted strong earnings today (annoyingly posted during the
trading day) but was down on the day.




November 24, 2008


Costco is updated and rated (lower)
Buy at U.S. $48.70 (it closed today at $49.45 which is slightly higher than our
analysis price). This is a great company and is available at a reasonable price.
Might be timely to establish a small position. However, with may stocks
appearing to be better bargains this would not be a priority to purchase for
most investors.


In my own trading I have bought some share in Edge Petroleum. (EPEX on
NASDAQ). This is an unusual buy for me as it has recently become a penny stock.
(Also looks like the definition of a falling knife). I bought it for somewhat
flimsy reasons… Possibly the market believes its energy properties are no
profitable at recent oil and gas prices. It is supposed to be involved in a
reverse takeover of a private company called Chaparral Energy. If that happens
this may be a good investment. However certain takeover conditions have not been
met and are looking tough to meet. I’m really not sure I should have touched
this, but wanted to mention it as my policy is to disclose my own trading even
when I do a trade that is unrelated to the analysis on this Site.


November 23, 2008


The Model Portfolio and
my own portfolio are updated. One reason I am
updating this frequently is to have a handy table of the latest P/E and Price to
book ratios of these stocks. My own portfolio has eliminated a few smaller
positions and begun to concentrate on the companies I am most confident in.


November 22, 2008


Target is updated and rate (higher)
Buy at U.S. $29.48 (this was our analysis price on Thursday, it closed Friday at
$28.08). It looks like this is a good opportunity to buy a very strong company
at a bargain price. However, same store sales have been falling and so the share
price could certainly continue to go down. Therefore a reasonable strategy would
be to buy at initial position and then re-evaluate, with consideration of adding
to the position,  as events unfold.


November 20, 2008


My article of the fair
value of the S&P 500 is updated. That index fell to 752 today, down a
stunning 49% this year.


My view is that the markets are now definitely under-valued. That does not
mean that the pain will stop. It does mean that the odds are that investors
buying or holding stocks as of today will make an attractive return in the
longer run from this point forward.


While markets seem to in a powerful down-trend, consider the following:


Down trends usually end suddenly without warning. It is not a certainty that
the down trend will continue (though it seems like it)


This market crash is not at all unprecedented. Similar losses in the range of
50% have happened several times in the past 80 years.


Buying near the bottom of major market crashes has led to high returns in the


The probability of making a high return in stocks over the next ten years
from today’s levels is much much higher than was the probability that a high
return would be made when buying when the market was trending higher. Basically
buying at low P/Es gives a higher probability of high returns.


Many stocks are clearly at bargain levels. The last time this happened was
the 1970’s and those who loaded up near the lows were well rewarded.


With some high quality stocks at bargain levels, one strategy is to sell
stocks that are at reasonably bargain levels to buy even better bargains.


In my own account today I wanted to raise cash for bargains. I sold my
Fairfax and most of my Dalsa and also the small amount of Kingsway that I held
(the price was up 50 cents earlier today in a down market and so I sold). I also
sold my Sportsscene Restaurants a small illiquid holding. It has fallen a lot
from its high but I figured I could put the cash to better use in more liquid
bargains.  Also with sportscene I am a bit concerned about why the
year-end figures from August 31 do not seem to be out yet and also I believe two
of their executives were leaving the company according to recent press releases. I
bought additional Melcor and Berkshire Hathaway. I note that the Melcor CFO
bought 10,000 shares yesterday at $4.50 and $4.25 and he had also bought 5000 on
Tuesday at $5.10 and bought in September at much higher prices. This signals to
me that the CFO thinks that the stock is undervalued. Melcor closed today at
$3.64. This is only 38% of book value which seems like a remarkable bargain,
notwithstanding that they may have a year or two of extremely low earnings. I
suspect that the value of Melcor to someone who wanted to buy the entire company
would be dramatically higher than $3.64 per share.


Personally I will not even consider getting out of the market at these low
levels. But each person has to consider their own risk tolerance and make that
decision for themselves.




November 19, 2008


Yet more bargain at the end of today. I certainly did not think we would see
Canadian Tire trade under $40. This is a time when high quality companies are
available at great prices. I had a small amount of cash available and used it to
add to my Aeroplan and Melcor positions today.


Perhaps the end of the week will see at least a halt to the slide. We have
news of cuts in interest rates coming. Also in Alberta we have news of a cut to
planned royalty hikes for some natural gas producers. This might indirectly help


Due to how low the market has already fallen, I am optimistic that investing
at these levels will prove to be a good investment if the stock is held for at
least a couple years. As Buffet always says no one can predict where the market
will go in the short term. But in the long term it becomes more predictable.
Unless corporate earnings are about to take a severe and permanent decline in
all sectors then it seems safe to bet that markets will be higher if a few
years. Quite possibly significantly higher.




November 18, 2008


Two stocks I have been buying, Aeroplan and Melcor continued to drop today. I
added again to my Melcor position which is now at under 50% of book value on the
equity part and about 75% of book value overall. That is interesting, In Q3
Melcor sold a newer building for $49 million and made a gain of $22 million
(pre-tax). This suggests that this asset had  a book value of $27 million
and sold for 1.8 times book value.


When I look at Melcor’s assets they seem pretty solid. 23% of the assets are
investment properties. Some newer, some older. I believe none of these were
purchased from third parties at the top of the market but some may have been
constructed in the recent high-cost days.  number of the buildings have
been held for a decade or more. Overall despite  some recent decline in
investment property market values, it seems highly likely that these are worth
more than book value. 15% of the assets are developed land ready for sale. While
they may have to sit on this for a period of time and sales will be slow, there
is no indication that lot prices have fallen anything close to 25%. 36% of the
assets are undeveloped land and 10% are pre-development costs. Again they will
have to sit on this and pay interest and taxes to sit on it. But this is their
raw material for future developed land. Some of it may have declined somewhat
from the price they paid especially when we consider that book value included
capitalized interest since the land was bought. But again I don’t think there is
any indication that this land would have dropped in value by 25%.


I have certainly not made any study of their assets. But on the face of it, I
don’t see a case for these assets being worth less than book value. Being able
to buy this at 75% of book value on the assets (50% discount on equity but we
owe the full debt part) looks like a gift to me. That does not mean the share
price has to go up soon. But buying assets at significant discounts to probable
market value tends to work out in the long term. It’s always possible that land
prices in Alberta and building values are about to plummet by more than 25% but
I certainly have not seen any indication of that.


November 17, 2008


It was yet another day where we had both good news and bad news and where
both were the same news and could be expressed in just two words “more
bargains”. Whether this was good or bad depends on your existing portfolio and
whether you have cash to take advantage of bargains.


I somewhat gorged on Aeroplan
today. It fell through the day and so I should have been more patient. I also
bought additional Melcor today. And
sold a small amount of Western
Financial. Would have liked to sell more but did not want to chase the price
lower. I also decided to clear out a couple small positions, Thomson and
Shaw communications.
Thomson may have more pain to come as the financial industry sheds jobs. Shaw I
would have preferred to keep but only had a few shares and decided to clear that
out and will possibly go back in later. Thomson also may be good long-term but
its a complex company and I figured I was better off with Aeroplan.


TD has a $20 target on Aeroplan. But clearly the market in general is not
liking it right now.


I read something today that said when stocks are at high peaks investors rush
to buy and expect to make big returns. At low points they are afraid the
negative returns will continue and so they refuse to buy. The reality is that
the opposite is likely to occur. After the market races up 100% in a few years
it has basically “discounted” all possible good earnings for the next few years
and is almost destined to flat-line or pull back. Conversely at a time like now
the market is effectively pricing in big earnings drops on many stocks. If/when
earnings recover (or are expected to recover) then the market will go up.
Clearly we have a better chance of making money in the next five years buying
now (with stocks down 40%)  than we did buying at the market peak. But the
market tends to behave as if the opposite were true.


November 16, 2008


Melcor is updated and is rated
(higher) Buy at $5.22. Its revenues and earnings (adjusted to remove a recent
large gain on the sale of a commercial building) have declined in 2008 due to
much lower sales of house building lots. This slowdown appears set to last at
least through 2009. However the share price is down massively. I believe that
buying Melcor at its current price of about54% of book value is likely to work
out well in the long term. However the share price may be unlikely to rise
until housing starts resume. To some degree the share price seems to move with
oil prices.


Western Financial Group is
updated and rated Speculative Buy at $2.60. The stock price has come down
considerably and I had recently added significantly to my position in this
company on that basis. However risks are also up and earnings have fallen
somewhat. They have recently committed to $27 million in acquisitions. This is
significant given a current common equity level of $129 million. It’s not clear
that they have the cash to finance these and one shudders to think about trying
to issue more equity or debt in the current environment. While the stock is not
expensive it does not seem compelling given the risks. I am inclined to reduce
my (too large) position in this company and redeploy into companies that we have
rated in the Strong Buy range. The company will host a conference call on Monday
at 3 pm eastern and the market reaction to the earnings released on Thursday of
this past week may become more clear only on Tuesday.


November 15, 2008


Home Capital Group is
updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $21.48 (it closed on Friday down
at $20.37). Despite reporting strong numbers on November 4th and giving a good
outlook, the stock has dropped precipitously during November. In part this was
due to general market weakness. Also there are increased fears of recession and
housing price drops in Ontario. Recession could possibly hurt Home badly through
loan losses. But the company is firm in indicating that its loans are well
secured with lower loan to value ratios. There is always risk, but this looks
like an excellent opportunity to Buy Home at prices last seen four years ago
when profits were less than half what they are now. I intend to purchase shares
in Home and I will look at selling other positions to do so.


Aeroplan is updated and rated
Strong Buy at $8.79. This is a company with an unusual business model. It sells
“points” (Aeroplan miles” to credit card companies, Air Canada, Sobeys and
numerous smaller partners. It receives cash for the points and then sometime
later (30 months on average) it has to buy a reward from a redemption partner
such as Air Canada. It only books the revenue when the the member uses the
points (typically takes a free flight). It’s a long story but this is a good
business model a cash generating machine. Warren Buffett did very well on an old
style points company called Blue Chip stamps back in the 70’s and early 80’s.


I believe it has competitive advantages because people will only carry so
many membership type cards and retailers will only want to give out usually one
type of points. Once established like Aeroplan and Air Miles it is nearly
impossible for a new competitor to get established. No company is without risk,
but I like the chances for this one. It released earnings on Friday and there
was some confusion whether earnings were up or down. They were up. Management
expressed some concern that members may cut back on credit card usage due to the
recession, but they indicated that from their experience the business is usually
recession resistant (not recession proof but recession resistant.


At around $9 per share you get a dividend over 5% and you are not really
paying for any growth. Even if earnings flat line for a year or two this should
still be a good investment. If earnings continue to grow it should be a great
investment. It will be interesting to see how much the new partnership with
Sobeys adds to growth. It seems to me that this could offset any weakness in
credit card usage. (Aeroplan of course is not at risk for bad debt on credit
cards, but the more people use the Aerogold credit cards, the more points
Aeroplan sells). I plan to add to my position.


November 13, 2008


Yet another “interesting” day in the markets, this time with a 6.7% rise in
the Dow. Never a dull moment in either direction it seems.


An order that I had placed to reduce my position in Dalsa if it reached $7.99
was triggered and so I sold some of that today.


Tomorrow as always is another day. I believe it was after the close today
that news came that the U.S. deficit in OOCtober was higher than expected at an
eye-popping $ 237 billion with revenue at $165 billion. Ha they spent more than
twice the revenue. Although it seems like we all knew the deficit would be a
bout a gazillion dollars, analysts were expecting less that this. I suspect the
problem is that people are confused by which things constitute “spending” and
which do not. Certain things that the FED does such as pumping liquidity into
the system I believe is done by “printing money” to buy back treasury bonds. I
believe this may not be considered spending. Other FED initiatives like buying
shares in banks is considered spending but I think there is lots of confusion
over this. I believe the U.S. dollar appears to have already weakened by 3 cents
against the Euro on this news.  I don’t think the stock markets will like
this news either.


By comparison to this U.S. October deficit of $237 billion and their total
debt of about $10 trillion. Canada’s federal government has a total debt in the
area of $500 billion. 1/20th of the U.S.


November 12, 2008


The story today was that the market fell because the FED will not buy the
tainted assets from the banks but instead will invest equity. I can see why the
market gets nervous on this about-face. But buying equity will help the banks a
LOT more. Buying junk assets at their market value does nothing to
increase the balance sheet strength of the banks. IT gives them cash. But I
believe they need investor capital a lot more than they need cash. Buying the
junk at market would actually probably have triggered big write-offs. Just what
the banks don’t need. The new plan is better (much better). The banks will get
equity and then can ride out the storm and probably collect 85 cents on the
dollar on the junk assets rather than current market value of 20 cents or
whatever. Maybe the market will figure out this new plan is better and then we
could see a rebound. But that’s only if some other bad news does not overwhelm
us first like all the job losses.  There is no doubt it is getting ugly now
on main street.


I am eager to see Aeroplan’s results which come out on Friday morning. I
think they will do well. They just signed on Sobeys and will be getting cash
from point sales to them. I just saw they are advertising bonus areoplan miles
for international flights and also offering more reward seats. Air Canada has
seats and needs cash. Aeroplan has cash and and can bargain for a good deal on
buying seats from Air Canada. Credit card companies (I believe) are still buying
tons of aeroplan points. Due to some silly accounting rules Aeroplan books
revenue only when a reward is claimed. Meanwhile they hold the cash they got
from selling the point. If the airline industry does badly that to my mind does
not mean Aeroplan cannot do well. In a recession won’t we all be even more eager
to collect points and fly free? The market has sent the stock down so maybe
there is bad news coming but I am thinking not. If it is bad news it might
relate to their international points operations which I don’t have much
knowledge of.


The Model Tracking Portfolio is
updated with today’s stock prices. Note that while the stock prices are updated
to November 12, the fundamentals are not updated to the latest quarter in a
number of cases. The column headed “Earnings From” shows which quarter the
dividends, equity and earnings in the yield  Adjusted ROE and Adjusted P/E
and the Price to Book ratio are from.


Obviously this Portfolio has done very poorly this year although not as bad
as the overall market in Canada or the U.S. Looking forward, I note that the
fundamental ratios of many of these stocks is excellent. Based on earnings as of
the last time we updated the report on each of these stocks, all but one of them
(the exception being Kingsway) have a positive Return on Equity (based on
adjusted earnings where applicable). In most cases the ROEs are above 15% which
is excellent. The P/E ratios (again based on adjusted earnings where applicable)
are attractively low with quite a number of them under 11. The Price to Book
ratios seem reasonably attractive as well and have certainly declined from those
seen for the past five years or more. For example I suspect it has been many
years since you could buy Canadian Tire at just 10% over  its book value.
Maybe Canadian Tire is about to get crushed by Wal-Mart or is about to take a
hit on its finance operations. There are always risks. But on the face of it the
chance to buy this Company at 1.1 times book value may be a rare opportunity.


My own portfolio composition is also
updated. Similar to the Model Portfolio, I believe that many of the stocks in my
portfolio exhibit fundamental ratios which appear very attractive. I added to my
Aeroplan position today and placed an order to buy Tim Hortons if it drops a
little more.


With the markets down many investors will lose faith entirely. Others will
believe that now is a time to buy stocks. Only time will tell who is right and
which strategy is correct will likely not be apparent for some time yet. Those
with cash to invest could consider investing over a period of time.


November 11, 2008


As of about midnight on Tuesday night, futures indicate the Dow will open
downs over 200 points tomorrow, Wednesday. You can check futures here


Tim Hortons is updated and
rated Buy at CAN $ $27.84 or U.S. $ 23.24. The stock price has come down with
the stock market crash and the P/E ratio is now much more reasonable at about
18. I had sold my shares to rasie cash. IT may not be the best bargain but this
is a stock every Canadian should consider owning. Its a very high quality
company but is available now at a fairly ordinary price. It has little debt and
lots of cash flow and so is unlikely to face real problems in a recession
although certainly earnings could falter. In this market any stock can continue
to drop therefore it seems wise to be patient in buying such as buying some now
and more later, if the price drops.


Watts Water Technologies is
updated and rated Weak Sell at $23.57. (it’s at $23.99 as we post this). The
timing for this company seems poor at the moment given that it sells to the
construction industry. I


November 10, 2010


Canadian Oil sands Trust
is updated and rate (lower) Buy at $29.99. The company is well managed and
has excellent assets. Its share (unit) price will depend mostly on the price of
oil. If you think oil prices will rise then this this is a good company to buy.
Personally, I own a modest amount and would be interested in adding to that at
lower prices. Oil prices may continue to slide due to recession. Or they could
take off at any time due to supply disruptions such as terrorist activities.
Longer term the arguments that the modernization of China and India will lead to
higher oil prices make sense to me.


Today I bought more Aeroplan and more eBay on price weakness. Aeroplan will
be out with earnings late this week and we will see if I made the right move.
eBay I suppose looks like a falling knife
but I am going with the courage of my convictions and our calculations.


November 8, 2008


The latest edition of our free newsletter
has been emailed to everyone who is on the list to receive it. (Note we keep a
separate email list for that, almost all paid subscribers would be on that list,
but some paid subscribers may not have a current email address on that list.
If you did not receive it, try entering your email address in the
list for the free newsletter. (If your email
is already on the system, it will tell you so and will not add it again). Also
if your email has not yet been “validated” on the free list the system will tell
you that as well and ask you to click to validate.


Our performance figures for 2008 to date are


November 7, 2008


Kingsway Financial (Canadian
based company that mostly sells U.S. high-risk auto insurance) is updated and
rated Highly Speculative Buy at CAN $6.69 or U.S. $5.90. Recently Kingsway has been hurt by some losses on
investments. That is not their fault. They are invested mostly in highly rated
corporate bonds and with about 11% in stocks and 11% in government bonds. Recent
financial events caused losses on the portfolio as at September 30. And through
the month of October and up to today’s date They will have suffered materially
more market value losses on investments. Much of this they should recover as
they hold the bonds to maturity (most under five years).


The above is not the fault of Kingsway management. However their other big
problem is a long history of writing insurance at a loss but thinking they were
writing at a profit. Now they have to book retroactive losses as the claims from
prior years insurance turn out bigger than expected.


I had thought the stock would recover, but the continued losses on insurance
combined with the unfortunate market losses on the investments means that it is
not a certainty that this company can survive. It probably will though and if it
does the share price will recover in the next couple of years. I have begun to
be well and truly tired of this company and I think most investors would do well
to steer clear. I hold a few shares and will consider selling especially if the
price improves even modestly.


I also hold a debt-like unit of theirs KSP.un This is trading as high risk
but is probably a safer investment than the equity. However, in past times KFS could have
issued equity to at least protect the debt. In today’s market that may not be
possible even if they wanted to.




TMX Group (Formerly TSX Group) is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at $28.25. To date the company has been highly
profitable and I believe that it operates as a near-monopoly in some of its
business (selling market data that no one else has, Canadian companies have no
real choice but to list with it, Canadian shares trading in New York are not
competitive to Canadian since currency exchange fees often incurred). The
company seems very attractive after its recent plunge in price. However these
is a good deal of uncertainty as to its profits in 2009 as IPO financings have
dried up, layoffs in the financial industry could reduce the demand for its
data, a competitor is set to start operation this month. Overall, I am comfortable
holding it as one of my larger positions. I am prepared for the fact that the
price could drop further and would add to my position at lower prices.


November 6, 2008


Our article of n the fair value of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average has been updated. The fair value depends on how earnings
are expected to grow over the (say) the next ten years, the expected return that
investors require and the expected P/E at the end of a (say) ten year holding
period. It is comforting to see that in almost all the scenarios the DOW now
looks under-valued. In contrast when we ran this analysis in September 8, 2007
when the DOW was at 13,113, many of the scenarios suggested it was overvalued. A
few scenarios suggested it was undervalued at that time and admittedly we
concluded it was fairly valued. (We had not expected the DOW earnings to drop,
but they have dropped some 19% since that time. MEanwhile though the DOW has
dropped 34% and now appears under-valued.




November 5, 2008


In my own trading I sold my Northbridge shares. Also a few other small
positions where I only had a few shares. Stantec, Telus and IGM. I sold to raise
cash for bargain hunting.


Melcor released earnings after the close. They did well only because of a
large gain on a building sale. Other than that it sounds like it would have been
a zero net income. It looks like they effectively cut the dividend from 25 cents
per half year to 17 cents although they did not describe it as a cut. Possibly
the 25 cents from earlier this year was not meant to be a permanent level.
Melcor will likely fall on this news even though it seems like this situation
was already priced into the stock. I have no doubt that they will return to
better profitability in the years ahead (but not likely in 2009) and so if the
stock falls it will be a buying opportunity.


Kingsway’s results were not as bad as I thought hey might be but the stock
still fell. I have not read their earnings release closely yet and will update
our analysis in the next few days.


November 4, 2008


Happy Election Day at long long last…


The markets have been up for about six sessions in a row. My thoughts are
turning now to doing some selling to raise cash. I sold a portion of my
Northbridge on its 8% gain. In many ways I hate to part with it because it is
well managed and its price seems low. But there are probably better bargains to
be found.


Kingsway will be out with earnings. These are always a chef’s surprise when
it comes to property insurance. The market has sent Kingsway up recently so
maybe some good news has leaked out. But my sense is that the results will be
most unappetizing. Through no fault of theirs, the corporate bond investments
they hold will have been hard hit with market value losses as at September 30
and even more so as as today’s date. They will have a gain on the sale of one
division. Current insurance operations are competitive and likely not doing that
well. Reserve adjustments for prior years are the wildcard. In recent quarters
the news on that front has been consistently ugly. But maybe they have good news
in that department.


November 3, 2008


It was reported that car sales were down over 30% in October in the U.S. This
makes sense, not many people really NEED a new car. Cars last a long time these
days. In tough times the old car can be made to last a few more years. This is a
sign though that Americans are scared. This recession could be very deep as
people cut back on spending.


I had entered trades yesterday to buy some eBay, Microsoft and Dalsa and
those trades were filled today. I also decided to sell some Kingsway since the
price was up. They release earnings on Wednesday morning and it could be ugly
indeed. The stock is way under book value but still, if the earnings are ugly it
would likely fall at least temporarily. I suspect they will have large market
losses on bonds and then will have to report that since September 30, bond
prices fell a lot more. They did have a gain on the sale of a subsidiary in Q3
however. Still I think overall they will unfortunately report a loss.


November 2, 2008


For purposes of the Model Portfolio I would like to buy the Strong Buy
stocks, Dalsa, eBay and Microsoft. However, it is not yet clear what should be
sold to fund this. Therefore I will wait until a few more companies are updated
for Q3 and then plan to notionally sell some of the lower rated ones to move
into these Strong Buys.


eBay is updated and now rated
Speculative (lower) Strong Buy at $15.45. The company makes large profits in
auctions and in PayPal. Skype has hundreds of millions of users but there is
little revenue from that. Skype is starting to become main stream (Ophra uses it
to reach viewers for web broadcasts). EBay seems a bargain even without Skype
and if they can start making money from Skype that makes eBay a more compelling
buy. I will likely buy shares in eBay based on this update. Canadain investors
face currency risk on this and all other U.S. investments.


Dalsa Corporation is updated and rated
(lower) Strong Buy at $6.12. The company is taking a large write-off on its
Digital Cinema division and indicates that there will be no more losses
associated with that attempted start up division after this current quarter
(Q4). Using adjusted earnings which back out those losses and focus on the
continuing business, the stock looks compelling at this price.  However
since it sells complex products to end-use manufacturers it is not a simple
business and we are really in no position to understand the likely demand for
its products or the impact of the recession. Despite the complexity I will be
adding to my position in this company.


November 1, 2008


Northbridge Financial (commercial
property, vehicle and liability insurance) is updated and rated (higher) Buy at
$29.92. This is a well managed company. The relatively high rating is based on
the fat that the stock can be purchased at book value. Unfortunately it is not
clear that it has any real sustainable advantages in this market which is
largely a commodity product. It may have some stickiness in terms of smaller
commercial customers, but the larger accounts may tend to shop their business
for the best price. A possible competitive advantage exists on the investment
side. The investments are conservative and the managers have hedged the stock
portfolio by purchasing equity swaps. In addition they made bets that corporate
bond risks would increase and this has paid off handsomely in the past year but
that investment appears to be near the end of its course now.  Recently I
had added to my position on the anticipation that its investment results would
be strong this quarter which would more than offset weak insurance results. This
came true although the stock did not rise as much as I hoped on the Q3 earnings
release (at least not yet). I have reduced my position in this stock but it
remains one of my larger holdings. I may reduce further in order to build cash
for more compelling buys.


October 31, 2008


Many stocks are cheaper on a P/E basis than they have been in years. It makes
sense to take advantage of these bargains.


Microsoft is updated and rated Strong
Buy at $23.10.  (it closed today at $22.33) It is a huge and complex
company. But at least we are all familiar with some of their main products and
can therefore have some understanding of the company. This company has often
been accused of being a near-monopoly in terms of operating systems, web browser
and office software. I agree with assessment. It may not be an unregulated
monopoly but it is about as close as we can get . A company that has the
characteristics of being close to an unregulated monopoly clearly has the
ability to earn very high returns. Now, microsoft is available at the lowly P/E
ratio of 11. On the face of it this is a very wonderful business available at a
very attractive price. I wonder if Buffett will finally decide to buy some
shares at this price even though he has claimed over the years that microsoft is
too complex for his tastes. If Buffett does not buy it may be because there are
so many other bargains out there at this time. I have never owned microsoft but
I now intend to buy some shares.


October 30, 2008


Northbridge Financial released earnings after the close. As expected they had
a loss on the insurance but hefty gains on investments. Given that investment
gains cannot be counted on the market may ignore that an punish the stock for
poor insurance results. If the stock were to drop on this news I believe it
would be a buy.


Dalsa reported that it will effectively exit its digital cinema business and
has taken a write-off on that. However this is a non-cash charge and its core
operations were quite profitable. Overall this looks like a good news report
although it is disappointing that it appears that they will be giving up most of
the potential of digital cinema. I would look to buy if the price does not rise
much tomorrow Friday.


Aeroplan did well today on no news.


With the strong gains this week, I am tempted to sell partial positions to
raise cash but have not yet done so.


October 29, 2008


The TMX Group (formerly TSX Group and trades as “X”) released earnings during
the trading day today and as I expected the earnings were strong. The stock rose
10% on the news. We will update our report on this within the next few days and
it seems likely we will rate it somewhere in Speculative Strong Buy range.
Speculative because of some looming competition and some trading rate cuts that
they announced.


October 28, 2008


A welcome rise in the markets today. My order to buy some more aeroplan
filled today. My only other order now is a below-market order for more Melcor. I
have little cash left and I don’t want to rush to spend it. Our next report
update will be for Microsoft and indications are that we will rate it a Strong
Buy. (at a $23.10 price level)


There was a story in the paper today indicating that Canada’s large life
insurers were seeking some kind of help from government. This absolutely
pathetic those companies have as their very first responsibility to always be in
a position to make good on their insurance payouts. Manulife bought back about
100 million shares in the last couple of years. Now they apparently may have
issues of needing equity because their equity is falling as the value of their
stocks and bonds falls. Maybe they should have been selling shares when the
stock was sky-high not buying shares. I have always said that the accounting on
Manulife is essentially a black box. The Q3
report will be most interesting.


The interesting thing about Q3 for many insurance companies is that the worst
hit has come after their Q3 balance sheet dates. They will have to report their
additional unrealized investment losses as of the date of their earnings and
these will be substantial. For the first time ever, we may have to adjust the
balance sheet equity as of September 30 and lop off any additional investment
losses that they tell us about as of the earnings release date. Their is no
sense relying on a book value of “X” dollars on September 30 if we know that it
has dropped substantially since then.


Kingsway on top of its problem of making losses on insurance will probably be
extremely hard hit by investment losses in Q3 and even more so in October. It’s
book value per share will come down substantially I suspect but should still be
probably double the share price. They will be hit with (mostly) unrealized
losses on stocks and on corporate bonds. One possible saving grace is that their
bond portfolio is short duration and that will blunt the damage. Long-term
corporate bond values have been slaughtered in October but they have few
long-term bonds. Another good thing for Kingsway is that the value of their U.S.
operations has increased with the lower Canadian dollar. That may also blunt
some of the market value losses. (Things may look very ugly in U.S. dollars but
look better in Canadian dollars.)


Northbridge on the other hand is in the enviable position of having mostly
government bonds in its portfolio. They probably had a weak quarter in insurance
but I suspect may have done quite well on their investments.


Q3 reports from the Canadian companies will start pouring in around the end
of this week. No doubt there will be some interesting developments.




October 27, 2008


It certainly looks like this month will be know as “Black October” or maybe
“Red October”. It’s a tough time to be in stocks. On the bright side those with
cash to invest will find bargains. The amazing thing is the world recession is
generally thought to mean a year or so of zero growth. Few people are predicting
depression and true negative growth. And yet stock markets are down some 40%.
And this time they are not down from some kind of bubble highs, they were really
not that high to start with. P/E ratios were not outrageous.


Japanese stock markets are at something like a 26 year low. Yet their
currency is high. I suspect this low level will prove to be an opportunity for
those interested in investing in Japan.


Stocks may stay low for quite a while, but ultimately buying companies at low
prices will prove to be a good investment.


Buffett was loading up on stocks starting around 1974. It took until 1982 to
really prove that he was right to do it and the rest is history (richest person
in the U.S.).


My order to buy some Stantec got filled today as the price dropped. I sold
the remainder of my Tim Horton shares to raise cash for more compelling
bargains. I bought more Melcor. It continues to fall. Maybe it now has some
over-priced land on the books and assuredly its lot sales will be poor for a
while. But I think it still has land purchased at lower prices and it has income
properties and I am just happy to buy them for about 60% of book value. This
company has been public since 1969 and with a long history of profit. And it’s
still ran by the family and the managers who made it very profitable in recent


I am going to place an order to buy more
Aeroplan shares. The shares dropped again today. Investors may fear that it
will be hurt by lower air travel. But aeroplan makes its money selling points to
credit card companies, mostly. If air travel falls it may report lower earnings
but I suspect its cash flows will be high. (Money from point sales still rolling
in, even if the revenue can’t be booked until the rewards are claimed.)


The TSX group is facing some competition
in November, but I suspect that the TSX group will continue to earn high profits
and will be a good investment. Our report is out of date and will be updated
with the Q3 results.TSX accounting is the reverse of Aeroplan, it may still book
high profits even as its cash flow drops. TSX revenue will drop due to lack of
IPO financings, but I suspect trading revenues are at a record…


Looking at some insider trade reports. Several Melcor insiders including two
of the controlling family members and the CFO bough modest amounts in October,
and this was before the latest dip in the price so that is positive.


On Quest capital1 insider bout 2500 at $1.49 which is positive. Canadian
Western bank insiders bought except the president sold a bit, still that seems
positive overall. UTS Energy  insiders were buying but in odd amounts that
looked like a pre-planned buy and not true imitative by these insiders. Most
companies may be in a blackout period with no trading until the Q3 earnings come


Hopefully we will get some strong earnings reports as well as a Fed rate cut
and this may turn things around.




October 24, 2008


Staples is updated and rate a (lower)
Buy at U.S. $16.05 (it closed today at $14.44). It’s a strong company and does
not look expensive however it is showing vulnerability to the recession


Markets slipped today on fears of world recession. The credit markets
although much improved in the past couple of weeks unfortunately tightened
slightly in the past two days.


Shaw Communications
is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at CAN $20.09 or U.S. $15.65. In its
fourth quarter ended August 31 it continued to exhibit excellent growth. I view
Shaw as possibly having monopoly-like characterizes since it faces little
competition for TV services (Telus TV has not made much impact as yet).
Cable customers are upgrading to digital cable and taking more channels on an
optional basis. Although telephone is a much more competitive service it has
done extremely well in this area as well. It should face somewhat slower growth
(or modest shrinkage) in basic cable service as house building has slowed and as
Telus TV gains some customers. Still, it appears set to grow revenues and
earnings at a reasonable rate in the fiscal year just started.


October 23, 2008


Today was yet another “interesting ” day in the markets with stocks down
substantially much of the day but then ending higher. An order I had placed to
buy Melcor at $6.51 was hit and I suspect that will work out well long-term.


As on 12 mid-night Easter time, the far east markets are down substantially
again. I suspect the Nikkei at these levels is quite attractive. The Japanese
Yen has matched the U.S. dollar in rising lately. You can buy the Nikkei through
the ETF “EWJ” on New York. I simply look at the fact that the Nikkei is down at
levels no seen since 1985 (other than on a brief dip in 2003)I simply don’t
think the Nikkei can continue to shrink as long a Japan still has a strong
economy and at least some growth. (I am not familiar with the growth in Japan).
The point is when you buy something at a 20-year bargain level it tends to work
out well. Unfortunately Canadian investors would face currency risk on buying
the Nikkei. If you believe in buying low, now is the time to buy the Nikkei. If
you believe in buying only what has already gone up and is trending up, then my
work is simply not for you.


US. markets are expected to open down moderately on the news of these dips in
the far east,


October 22, 2008


CN, Canadian National Railway Company is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at $49.13. I have mentioned a number of times
that I am increasingly attracted to companies that have unregulated
monopoly-like characteristics. Companies that have the ability to increase
prices without driving away much business. I believe this is the characteristic
that Buffett describes as a moat, a protection from competition (ideally no
competition). Allow me to coin the term “Monopolishous” for such companies. CN
is not a monopoly given that there are other railways and they compete with
trucks (and in Mississippi, river barges). Still, CN has only CP as a rail
competitor in Canada and I suspect many customers may not have much choice but
to use CN. Rail tends to be lower cost than trucking for many products. CN’s
prices are I believe mostly essentially unregulated except for grain shipments.
We would likely rate CN a Buy based on the numbers but given its strong
competitive position we rated it (higher) Buy. I do not own any CN but am
definitely tempted to buy.


Markets fell today on concerns of lower earnings. Given that credit markets
have improved, I am hopeful that markets may turn around especially if there are
some positive earnings surprises reported. Buffett has said it’s a time to be
brave and to buy. At the same time he always says not to be greedy and not to
use debt to buy stocks. In case the market drops further it would be good to be
positioned to have cash to buy at that time.


The Canadian dollar is now under 80 cents. This is probably a very good
thing. There was no way the Ontario manufacturers could compete at the $1.00
level. This will bring some inflation into Canada. The U.S. dollar continues to
show amazing and unexpected strength, so far. Unfortunately that will slow down
their export sector.


As of 11:30 pm eastern time , the far east markets are down but the futures
data shows the Dow expected to open in positive territory.


October 21, 2008


With the credit-crunch easing somewhat (London Inter Bank Lending Rate LIBOR-
has come down somewhat we may get some positive days in the market. Toronto as
always will depend on the price of oil. I’m looking to increase my position in
Melcor and Dalsa but I put my bids below the current market price just hoping
for a better bargain.


Amazingly enough the Canadian dollar has slid under 82 cents. The U.S. dollar
has strengthened substantially against the Euro. It now takes just under $1.30
to buy 1 Euro where as a few months ago it took U.S. $1.60 to buy 1 Euro. The
last time the U.S. dollar was that strong against the Euro was about 20 months
ago. Given that it was accepted wisdom that the U.S. dollar would weaken due its
huge bailouts and the printing of money, this goes to show how very difficult it
is to predict currency movements.


October 20, 2008


A very positive day today with the TSX up 7.2%. It was also up 3.1% on Friday
so over 10% in two days. This illustrates the difficulty of trying to time the
market. It is so very unpredictable.


Predictions are that we will get an interest rate cut in Canada tomorrow
(Tuesday). This is already anticipated and so may not affect markets much
(unless it does not happen). The Canadian market moved up because of some easing
in the credit crisis and also  an increase in oil prices.


American Express released earnings after the close (that is after the close
for us regular people). In after-hours trading it moved up another 6.5%. Isn’t
after-hours trading an oxymoron? I have never quite figured out who gets to
trade “after-hours”. I know I don’t get to. I also know the financial press
never seems to complain about the blatant unfairness. Just takes it as a fact of
life. In an electronic world is there any possible reason to exclude the retail
investor from after-hours trading? Well, at least in Canada we don’t have such a
thing, except where a Canadian company is also listed in the U.S.


Anyhow, American Express earnings were lower than the year-ago quarter but
better-than-expected. Credit card write-offs and seriously overdue accounts were
up only a little from Q2 and so that’s positive in the sense that things are
getting worse but at a slower rate (this passes for good news these days!).
However as job losses start to mount from the recession the credit card problems
will likely get worse. American Express is a good company but I would make only
a small investment in it given the risk. Visa is more expensive but I think is
safer in the sense that while Visa share price could decline, it has almost no
chance of running into serious problems. American Express has lots of debt (i.e.
about 10 times leveraged) and therefore has some chance of running into serious


October 19, 2008


In the Quick Analysis section (link below the
table of stocks) I have added Google and American Express and updated Visa.
While there are no guarantees, Visa and Google are well positioned although not
cheap. American Express is cheap but is more risky.


October 18, 2008


Alimentation Couche-Tard is
updated and rated Weak Buy at $14.58. Profits may improve for the next quarterly
report due to lower gasoline prices. The company should do well long-term but we
can’t rate it higher until the earnings start to recover. I have sold almost all
of my shares in this company to move into better bargains.


For purposes of the Model Portfolio
we will notionally sell these (Couche-Tard) shares at the opening price on Monday. The cash
will be put into Melcor and the energy ETF, XEG which reflects stocks which I
have purchased in my own portfolio.


Performance figures are updated above under “links
for members only”


FedEx is updated and rated Weak Buy / Hold at
$64.27. Its price has declined which would make it more attractive. However,
management continues to forecast lower earnings in the next year. The U.S. and
world recession outlook has worsened and this causes us to be cautious on this
company.  It is a high quality company and should do well in the long term.
One strategy would be to pace a “stink-bid” down around $54 and if it happened
to go that low, I would be comfortable buying.


October 16, 2008


When oil was $140 anyone who was not in oil stocks and had missed the big run
up was probably regretting it and may have vowed to get in if it happened to
come back under $100 or $90 or whatever. Now we are under $70 and it feels like
oil is a falling knife. Gwynne Morgan ex CEO of Encana was on TV today saying
that oil stocks have come down to unjustified low levels. Maybe these stocks
will fall a lot more yet. But at some point they likely will recover. It seems
logical to me for those that would like to be in oil the next time it rises to
at least start to average in at these levels. (I bought a small amount of the
energy ETF, XEG on Toronto today).


I was surprised to see Northbridge fall 7% today. I’m still hopeful that it
will benefit from bearish position on the market, like its parent Fairfax. But
insurance stocks are inherently unpredictable and it probably had a bad quarter
on its insurance profits in Q3 or at least not a strong quarter. It does have
some liabilities in U.S. dollars and so with our lower dollar that is hurting
it. It’s one of my larger positions and I am hanging on to see how the Q3 looks.


I had some bids in below market which were hit for buys on Aeroplan and
Melcor. I reluctantly sold some Tim Hortons to raise cash for better


October 15, 2008


For those with cash there seems to be an abundance of bargains. It’s never
going to be clear where the bottom is but picking up some bargains will tend to
work out. With oil prices down the Exchange Traded Fund XEG is cheaper than it
has been in three years. Canadian Oil Sands Trust is at its cheapest in over two
years.  Averaging in at these lower prices may be a good strategy. While
e-Bay announced a reduced forecast it came out with good Q3 results and it
appears to be attractive.


October 14, 2008


At this time with stocks in such turmoil I am interested in finding the best
bargains. Stocks that are both cheap and which seem lower risk.


NYSE/Euronext was selling at $24 and even below on Friday (a 52 week low) it
jumped on Monday to above $33 and closed today at about $30. Although the U.S.
exchange business is increasingly competitive I like NYSE give its P/E around 12
and a forward P/E around 9. I suspect is has some brand power and that some
companies have little choice but to list on the big board. Also I understood it
was continuing to cut costs. I would buy this stock particularly on weakness.


I like the TSX Group  even more because it still has a near monopoly in
Canada despite some looming competition. TSX trades as”X”. TSX has  P/E
around 9 and a crazy high ROE around 40% (as a result the P/B is 3.5). TSX is
facing much lower revenues from Initial Public Offerings and Secondary
offerings. But its trading revenues are still booming. Also the way it does its
accounting it must defer Initial and secondary listing revenue over 10 years.
This means that its cash flow will decrease with lower listings but its reported
profits will stay fairly strong due to the deferral treatment. I am strongly
considering adding to my position in this stock now before the Q3 report comes
out which I suspect will confirm it is doing fairly well on a GAAP earning basis
at least. The risk is that the price drops due to competition but I don’t think
the competition will too strong initially.


The quite cheap but (probably) safe category I believe includes Dalsa (though
as a seller to industry its sales are less predictable than a consumer company),
Melcor (could fall in short term but seems quite safe long-term), TSX Group.
Those are my top three to buy right now, next would come Canadian Western Bank.
Northbridge, Aeroplan and Western Financial Group. It might be safer to wait for
the Q3 reports but in terms of taking advantage of current weakness, these are
the one I am thinking of. I will place orders somewhat below the market and see
what happens.


The Canadian Market rose, as expected catching up to the big move in the U.S.
on Monday. But the U.S. closed down a bit and Canada closed well below the
euphoric highs at the opening few minutes of trading. The market will likely
continue to be volatile with the latest news of the moment, good or bad.


I thought today about what I could sell on this rally. With Fording Coal up
8% I sold my position there and took the profit. Also sold my Couche-Tard for no
real reason but just to raise cash. I bought some BCE on the theory that with
the bank bail outs the deal is safer.


In a strange trade, I had an order in to buy more Quest Capital at $1.11.
Although it looked like the stock opened at $1.30 and traded above that all day
I somehow got some at $1.11. At first this trade was not showing in the range
for the day but eventually it showed up. I suspect TD bought it from me “as
principal” and maybe they made a mistake doing it. It goes to show that having
some “stink bids” in can pay off. I turned around and sold the Quest at $1.45
for a quick profit.


On a similar note on Thursday night I had placed an order buy (just 1)
Berkshire at (I believe it was $3780). Berkshire had closed at $3855 Strangely
enough the stock opened Friday morning with a large volume at $3000. The way
things work at the open is the bids and asks “overlapped”. That is the lowest
ask price was lower than the highest bid price. (This does not happen during the
trading day). The exchange does a weighted average of the bids and asks that are
“overlapped” and in this case it came out at $3000, presumably because some fool
wanted to sell a lot of Berkshire fast. Anyhow a lot of shares traded at $3000
at the open and then the price shot back up to $3800, slipped to $3550 and then
closed around $3800. The point is I got a very good trade by having a bid in at
the open.


October 13, 2008


Stantec is updated and rated (higher ) Buy
at $21.50. (It closed in Canada on Friday at $19.01. But given it rose
substantially in New York today with Canada’s market closed. It ,makes sense for
us to analyze it at the higher price). Note that this is based on Q2 results. Q3
ended September 30 will available soon. This company is of particular interest
at this time because its share price has fallen substantially while it has so
far reported continued growth. We might have rated it in the (lower) Strong Buy
category but the impact of the expected recession in North America causes us to
lower the rating slightly. Assuming the earnings per share growth is 13% going
forward rather than the recent 20%-plus, it still appears to be about 30%
under-valued on that basis.


October 11, 2008


The Canadian dollar has been sinking fast and closed Friday at 85 cents U.S.
It’s worth thinking about which of our stock picks this will benefit. The
Canadian dollar averaged higher in Q3 this year compared to Q3 in 2007. For Q4
2008 the Canadian dollar now seems certain to average much lower than it was in
Q4 2007. But we won’t see the impact on earnings year-over-year until the
year-end reports. We will see some earnings benefit in Q3 compared to Q2 since
the dollar was lower in Q3 than Q2. On a book value basis the Q3 report will
benefit since the dollar dropped about 4% in Q3 and that helps a bit on
translation of U.S. assets.


Companies that will benefit as the dollar drops include CN (which also has a
huge benefit as oil prices drop), Kingsway, Manulife, Stantec, Tim Hortons,
Thomson Reuters, Alimentation Couche-Tard, and Dalsa.


Check out the many updates to the
Market Valuation Reports that are provided for paid subscribers only . Item
2. in the list above of items for Members Only. The latest update is for Global
ETFs. Stocks all over the world look cheap. It seems the marking is assuming
that the global financial crisis will continue and not be solved and/or that we
are entering a major global recession.


With the October market Crash, Canadian Stocks in almost all segments appear,
based on earnings and dividends, to be more attractive than they have been in
many years. (i.e in perhaps 30 years!). This could possibly prove illusory if
earnings are about to plummet due to recession and the financial crisis. But on
the face of it Canadian Stocks look very attractive.


I have updated an article that shows the
P/E ratios of various segments of the Canadian Market. It also gives you the
ETF trading symbols (where applicable). P/E ratios seem quite low and some of
the dividend yields seem attractive beyond belief.


This story of the last two months has been that just when we think we have
already been hit hard by the market decline, it declines further. In the last
week or two the market refused to respond to government bail out attempts and we
have ended up with a severe market crash. Whether the next round of government
action will stop and or reverse the slide is hard to say. The U.S. government
will invest directly in banks by buying preferred shares from the banks. This
will shore up the banks balance sheets, it should improve their credit ratings
and ability to borrow and also provide them with cash to loan.


Our performance figures for 2008 are


October 10, 2008


We have just experienced what will be known as the Market Crash of 2008 (and
we can only hope it has reached a bottom). The U.S. markets were down 18% this
week alone. Add in the fact that they were already well down from the prior
peaks and it amounts to a crash of about 40% since the highs of last year.


I have updated a number of
articles looking at the current market levels and where we might expect it
to go in the long-term.


October 9, 2008


Markets have fallen now on fear and panic selling and on some forced selling
(including  mutual fund redemptions, hedge fund redemptions, portfolio
management strategies that move funds out of stocks as they fall, and margin
calls), In the early 2000’s the tech stocks fell mostly because they had little
or no earnings. Now, stocks with good earnings are falling and the P/E levels
are down to levels that in many cases seem unjustifiably low particularly in a
low interest rate environment.


The market is selling stocks that may have dividend yields of say 4% and an
earnings “yield” of 8% (P/E 12.5). Now these earnings and even the dividend may
fall in the next year or so but for most stocks the earnings can reasonably be
expected to grow by 50% or more on average in the next ten years and yet people
are willing to invest in a ten-year bond which a yield of say 4% and that
“dividend” on the bond is fixed and will not grow. Stocks usually offer some
protection from inflation in the long run which bonds (except real return bonds)
have no protection against inflation.


Back in the 70″s Buffett bought stocks and shunned bonds in when stock
earnings “yields” were well above the bond yields. Most money managers were
rushing into bonds. The market continued to fall as Buffett bough bonds, but ten
years later it was clear that buying stocks was by far the better strategy in
the 70’s.


One of the biggest problems facing markets right now is that credit markets
have seized up. Banks that normally lend to each other on a daily rate basis at
something under 2% are now charging each other over 5% and are reluctant to lend
to each other. The root of that problem is that many banks are inadequately
capitalized (too little equity and debt in relation to their loan books). This
happened because the loan books are suspect due to bad debt and the equity
market value has shriveled with the market. Banks got used to operating with as
little capital as possible because that leveraged up their return. Now they find
they did not have a cushion of capital for these bad times. In retrospect they
should have issued new share equity when there share prices first started to
fall. Now they may be forced to issue at much lower share prices. They need to
do this hard and fast to stop the vicious cycle that many are in. Governments
may buy their shares when they issue them.


If companies truly are cut-off from borrowing then this would turn into a
very deep recession. Banks and governments will do everything they can to insure
the credit markets start to return to a more normal function.


It’s hard to say of course how ugly this will get before it turn around.
Those with cash will be in an excellent position to pick up bargains.


Regarding energy stocks, these may be good levels to buy at. For example
Canadian Natural Resources , Canadian Oil Sands Trust and the energy ETF that
trades as XEG. A few months ago it was accepted wisdom that Canadian oil was an
exceptionally valuable assets and people were buying at much higher prices. Now
people are afraid to buy with the share prices down roughly 40%. In being afraid
to buy are we assuming that oil prices will not recover when the economy


I bought a small amount of the Gold ETF, GLD on New York today. Also my below
market order for Western Financial was filled for 2500 shares at $2.31.


The Canadian dollar has slipped quickly now to 87 cents. This is welcome news
for most of Canada’s economy. The U.S. dolalr is continuing to show surprising


As of about 11 pm eastern time, future markets are showing the Dow to another
open 230 points down on Friday morning. You can check the futures data here:


October 8, 2008


Another day with stock prices at prices that seem like  screaming
bargains compared to a few months ago. But today the market is gripped with


For those wish cash and wanting to buy in one strategy is to place bids at
prices well under the market such as 15% low. In many cases based on recent days
these might get filled. Of course if you really want a stock just pay the
market. But bids below market are a way to take advantage of dips.


More of my small orders that were below market filled today and so I picked
up a bit of Telus and Canadian Tire and 1 Berkshire B and TMX Group (TSX stock
exchange + Montreal Stock exchange). Also sold my First Service and some Shaw
just to raise cash and thinking that while they are both good they are not the
best bargains out there. I should probably be trading a lot less than this.
These $10 trades make me a lot more trigger happy than I was at $30 per trade.


I saw Canadian Oil sands Trust at around $26 at one point today and it closed
at $31. It s always tough to buy a falling knife but I think it would be a
reasonable bet for those with little energy exposure to average in now (and
especially on dips).


The U.S. dollar gained noticeable strength this week even with all the
borrowing and printing of money. Gold and Silver bugs are confounded as to why
gold is not $2000. I have no idea where these metals will go but I don’t
particularly disagree with idea of putting something into Silver and or Gold.
Especially with talk that the physical metal is scarce. Maybe that is talk from
the lunatic fringe… but if the U.S. dollar starts to weaken on all this mess
then the precious metals would (all else equal) tend to go up.


October 7, 2008


The market started out strong today but then crumbled. It seems that fear has
really set in now and people are selling on any kind of rally. The market reacts
weakly to good news and strongly down on any bad news.


Tomorrow (Wednesday) or very soon we may get word of a Fed interest rate cut.
The Q3 earnings season has kicked off. The market will probably get yanked
around as various companies come in worse or better than expected.


Right now it feels like stocks will keep sliding, but then again the market
always seems to have a way of being unpredictable.


It seems like there has been some panic selling. I strongly believe that a
number of stocks are starting to look like “no-brainers”. As the Q3 reports come
in we will update and find some good picks based on the latest earnings and also
paying attention to balance sheets and favoring those with little or no debt.


I picked up a bit more Western Financial Group today at $2.60 on an order I
had placed some time ago. This puts the price back to where it was 4 years ago
when the company was much smaller and the earnings per share were about half the
current level. It could announce some credit losses although we see no sign of
that yet. It has some stock and or bond investments and could report a loss on
those in Q3 and has not doubt lost more on that in Q4 so far. It has substantial
goodwill and could always face a non-cash write-off there.  It probably is
somewhat cut-off from being able to finance much growth right now. But it can
concentrate on the existing business. Also the diluted share count will fall
this quarter as many options and convertible items are far out of the money. It
increased its small dividend recently, which indicates confidence.  It’s
not a certainty it looks like it would be a good investment at this price.


Canadian Western Bank has dropped substantially and I suspect this is a good
time to invest in it.


Melcor appears to be giving us a good chance to invest at this price. It will
face a slow period but it has a strong history and it will grow over the years.


The Toronto Stock Exchange and the NYX Group have both been hit along with
other stocks but both seem like great businesses that will continue to be very
profitable. With all this market volatility, market volumes are up and so stock
exchanges will do well although they will not get much IPO business.


Kingsway stock is priced as if it were headed for zero but I see no evidence
that this is the case. In this kind of market it seems that when stocks have bad
news and fall they tend to fall a long way in the panic. For at least some of
these companies, these prices will turn out to have been great buying
opportunities even if they first move even lower before recovering.


October 6, 2008


Another bad day in the markets and everyone is wondering if we are at or near
the bottom yet. Is the panic Selling now over, or only just beginning? (The fact is no one knows
the answer).


The Toronto Market has suffered a 26% drop in 2008. But more dramatically it
is down 32.5% from its peak, which was less than four months ago. The S&P 500 is
down 28% in 2008 and 33% from its peak of about one year ago.


In retrospect and in perfect hind-sight we should have sold on some of these
prior peaks or rallies in the market to buy back at the bottom. Looking back
many will claim that they “knew” the market was headed for a fall. After all,
the unfolding financial crisis was kicked off at least 18 months ago and was
front-page news by August of 2007 (the Asset Backed Commercial Paper crisis).
But the reality is that on average people did not know the markets would
decline. The average consensus in June, was that things were so bright in
Canada’s energy industry that new highs on the TSX were justified. And in the
U.S. although the market peaked about one year ago there were certainly a number
of rallies since then. The S&P 500 index today is at 1057. But it was at 1300 as
recently as August 28, 2008 and it was over 1400 as recently as early June 2008.
Certainly they buyers of stocks at those times did NOT “know” that a decline was
ahead, as much as they may now claim they did know.


At this point there is nothing to be gained by lamenting lost opportunities
to sell.


We must now focus on the situation at hand.


We have an uncertain market. Many stocks appear to be bargains. But the very
financial system of the world still seems at risk and so, yes things could get


The proper action now is very much dependent on each persons own unique


Personally, I am willing to bet that the capital markets of the world will
recover. (maybe not this week or this month or even within a year, but
eventually). I am willing to bet that on average corporations are going to
continue to grow and make money. Therefore I am more inclined to look for
bargains than to sell in a panic.


I had some Buy orders go through today that were based on orders I had placed
earlier (an automated buy on dips approach).


These Buys were for, Aeroplan, Melcor, Shaw Communications, Tim Hortons and
Boston Pizza. In addition I bought shares in American Express. Possibly, I will
regret buying today but these were automated orders that simply bought when the
price dropped to the kevel of my order placed in the past. This took the fear
out of buying today.


Without a doubt there are some bargain stocks out there.


Consider UTS Energy Corp. as a possible bargain.


The Q2 report for UTS is here:


Also, if considering investing,  be sure to see the news release
about its costs having risen dramatically


UTS closed today at 93 cents, down 22 cents. It got as low as 72 cents today.
This stock is down massively from the $5 to $6 range it had traded in for over
one year prior to starting to dip around the start of July 2008. The massive
drop came because the costs of its proposed Fort Hills Oil Sands project were
announced to have risen dramatically. This combination of a sharp drop in oil
prices puts the Fort Hills project very much in doubt. And if it is not
producing at Fort Hills by 2011 it could lose the lease there and might have to
write off substantial investments.


This company has 473 million shares outstanding, for a total equity value of
about $440 million.


According to its Q2 balance sheet it had a book value of $1.55. (or $1.75 if
a 20 cents per share future income tax “liability” is added back since on
wind-up it will not have to be paid. If we value the property plant and
equipment investment of $460 million , or 97 cents per share  at zero (in a
forced liquidation situation) there is still 57 cents per share left in net cash
after paying the accounts payable (there is no debt). And 77 cents if we add
back the future income tax liability.


Therefore it would appear that UTS is worth about 75 cents per share even if
liquidated. These shares touched as low as 72 cents today. I know almost nothing
about oil sands developments but it seems to me that UTS could get at least
something if it sold its leases and and was liquidated. It is very hard to
imagine that this company is not worth at least $1.00 per share and potentially
much more than that. If Management believes that the leases are of value and
does not liquidate then the shares may be worth considerably more than $1.00.
And if the company has no hope of moving its oil sands projects forward then it
has an obligation to liquidate which based on these figures should return at very least 75 cents to
shareholders. (Although this is based on Q2 numbers and they will have spent
some of that money in Q3. If it spent at the same rate as Q2 it may have spent
about 4 cents per share in Q3).


The second quarter financials at page 7 indicated that “orders have been
placed for many long-lead time items including the major process vessels and
mining equipment” There might be significant costs to break these contracts.
BUT, at page 9, UTS indicates that if it is decided by the partners not to
proceed with Fort Hills then the partners must pay the remainder of their $1.4
billion “earn-in”. I’m not clear if some of that earn in has already been paid
but conservatively it appears that if the project were canceled now, UTS is owed
$1 billion which should amount to about $1.51 per share. This would seem to
indicate a liquidation value for UTS o$2.25 per share less the costs to cancel
the equipment orders (which could be substantial).


If the partners Petro Canada and Teck Cominco decide to proceed, they will do
so only if they think it is viable. IF viable to the partners then Fort Hills
would be viable to UTS since it has lower costs in the project as its partners
must pay higher shares of the cost.


At the end of the day I am not in a great position to judge if UTS is a good
investment simply by this simple review of figures. But at a rough look it does
look like a good investment. In today’s gloomy market it seems entirely possible
that the radical decline in the share price of UTS has been over-done. Investors
should seek other opinions but this does look a reasonable specualtion. But do
be prepared for volatility and possible significant further decline in the share


What about insider trading of UTS?


Surprisingly enough, looking back to January of 2008 about 7 insiders have
been fairly steady buyers at prices mostly in the $5 to $6 range. They along
with several other insiders also exercised rights and bought shares at lower
prices. There was one insider who sold shares on two occasions at $6.20 possibly
to afford to buy the shares via rights at lower prices.  The buy
transactions were in odd amounts and this leads me to suspect it was some kind
of planned buy. Possibly the company paid for these shares and if so that is not
as impressive as out-right buying. There was no selling as the shares plummeted.
Possibly they were not allowed to sell due to insider information.


It seems to me that the evidence indicates that these insiders believed in
the company. They are probably totally shell-shocked to see the shares under


The bottom line here is that buying these shares under $1.00 certainly looks
like a good speculation.


I plan to look further at this company.


October 5, 2008


I may add to my position in Melcor based on the fact it is trading at about
1.1 times book value adn has a long history of success. Earnings and revenues
declined precipitously in Q2. Q3 will see a large one-time gain on an office
building sale but the revenues from building lot sales are likely to be quite
poor. The company expects slow lot sales for the next nine months until excess
inventory is absorbed. There is a risk that the share price will continue to
decline, although we may see a “pop” with the Q3 results. My view is that the
company will continue to grow in the long term. A reasonable strategy would be
to average in over a period of time. (The stock will also tend to drop if oil
prices further decline).


Another company that looks good on a price to book value basis is Canadian
Tire at 1.2 times book. It does face the Ontario slow-down and new competition
from Lowe’s and perhaps Wal-Mart. Also it has a large finance division which
adds to risks. But it has a long history of success and therefore a strategy of
using the current lower price to begin a position in this stock seems like a
good strategy.


I am planning to add to my position in Aeroplan due to its strong competitive
position in the loyalty points business.


We took a quick look at Visa last month. Since
then the share price has declined significantly and it looks like a good bet.


Mastercard also looks attractive with a forward P/E around 14. These card
companies seem to operate as oligopolies and they are not exposed to customer
credit card bad debt (The banks that issue the cards are exposed to that). They
are however likely exposed to bad debt from some failing banks. Master card
recently settled a massive lawsuit with American express for over $1 billion.
(which is not very impressive).


American express has fallen precipitously and with a P/E of under 11 it looks
attractive on that basis.


Our article on the
valuation of the S&P 500 is updated. The conclusion is that the S&P 500
index based on its current earnings level is still about 10% over-valued and
that investors might expect a return that averages 6% per year if they held the
index for 10 years (and there would be extreme volatility around the 6% with
no-doubt some negative eyars).  I
would point out also that this article in
suggested the index at that time was 20% over-valued (although it was not meant
to be a short-term indicator.


But even if the index is over-valued there are definitely some individual
stocks that are under-valued at this time.


Our similar analysis of the DOW suggests it
is actually about 11% under-valued and therefore might return an average of
about 8% per year if held for 10 years. (7% for the required return plus 1%
extra as the DOW ends up fairly valued after ten years).


The discrepancy between the two indexes (one apparently over-valued and the
other apparently under-valued) may be indicative of the level of accuracy. The
truth may lie somewhere in the middle and if so the general U.S. markets would
appear to be about fairly valued on average at this time.


October 4, 2008


Stupid Banker Tricks


Sub-prime mortgages are a root cause of the financial melt-down in the U.S.
In Canada if you get a mortgage with little or no down-payment, that mortgage by
law must be insured. The home buyer pas a hefty fee to (usually Canadian Mortage
and Housing Corporation. This protects the bank. If the borrower defaults on the
mortage then CMHC pays the bank. Also in Canada the defaulting homeowner will be
pursued by the bank and or CMHC. In Canada you cannot simply walk away from a (a
CMHC insured) mortgage by giving the house back to the bank. If the house is
sold on foreclosure, the homeowner still owes the shortfall. Without these laws
in Canada  banks would be free (as a competitive tactic for example) to
waive the need for mortgage insurance and could also make the mortgage
non-recourse (where they can’t come after you other assets on default). In our
last newsletter I explained that banks operate with extreme leverage and it
seems they need to be protected from doing anything really stupid. (Banks have
extremely low percentage levels of invested capital compared to loans
outstanding which they usually describe as “more than adequate” but which really
means “more than the legal minimum”)


In the U.S. I don’t believe mortgage insurance is mandatory (at least in all
states). And in most states the first mortgage by law is non-recourse. A buyer
is perfectly within their rights to decide to give the house back to the bank
rather than pay the mortgage.


Now consider the situation is a low-income person is offered to qualify for a
house they can’t afford. That person really ahs nothing to lose. If house prices
rise they win and build equity. If house prices fall the buyer gives it back to
the bank who takes a loss. These stupid banks in the U.S. offered customers a
situation where “heads the customer winds and tails the bank loses”. This was
incredibly stupid and banks fell all over themselves to do this. They used low
teaser rates that would increase later (what on the assumption that the buyers
income would increase dramatically in a few years???). They had a policy in many
cases of not verifying incomes. People just declared their own income. These
were know in the banking business a “liar loans”. Anybody could see this would
lead to non-payments but banks had armies of fresh MBAs to convince them that
few people would default. (Few did as house prices rose and buyers got “free”
equity. The models then predicted even fewer defaults based on low experienced
defaults. As soon as house prices fell and equity was wiped out the customers
quite logically stopped paying the mortgages (which caused a glut of houses for
sale which caused prices to drop which caused more people to have negative
equity which caused more people to hand more houses to the banks and so on in a
vicious downward cycle. At some point the cycle ends when houses get cheap
enough that people start to snap them up again..


October 3, 2008

The Performance figures for 2008
are updated. It has been a bad year in the markets. The TSX and the Dow are each
down 22% and the S&P 500 is down 25%. Our average Stock Pick is down a similar
23% while our four stocks in the Strong Buy category are down an average of 25%.
The Model Tracking Portfolio which benefited from the decline in the Canadian
dollar is down 20%. My own portfolio which has
also been well disclosed managed to do somewhat better and is down 11%. In my
own portfolio there was a times a cash component and this cushioned the losses
somewhat and as well I have an exposure to U.S. stocks and benefited from the
now lower Canadian dollar.

Naturally, I would feel better if our performance was a lot
better. But I take some comfort that we have overall not done worse than the

And, I feel quite hopeful about the future. Yes, the U.S. is in
recession and a financial crisis and yes markets can certainly fall from here.
But there are signs that the financial crisis is starting to lift given the
bailout package and given there was something of a bidding war for Wachovia.

On an earnings basis the P/E ratios of essentially all of our
stocks are down substantially and appear to be attractive. See the P/E ratios in
my own portfolio and in the
Model Tracking Portfolio. (Note that in some
cases the P/E and other ratios do not yet include the earnings from the latest
quarter(s)).  Stocks like Tim Hortons and Shaw have earlier been at quite
high P/E ratios are now at least down around 20. Canadian Tire’s P/E is just
under 10 which is historically quite low for this company. One possibility is
that these low P/E ratios indicate bargains. But we must remember that another
possibility is that these lower P/E ratios are signaling lower profits ahead.
With lower profits the P/Es would go higher and then they would not look like
such bargains.

Also consider how low the Price/Book ratios have become.
Historically most companies trade at a P/B ratio considerably higher than 1.0.
Certainly 2.0 to 3.0 has not been unusually but it does depend on the industry
and the profitability. Usually the accounting book value of assets is
under-stated because it does not reflect inflation and because accounting is
usually conservative (depreciation charged on a building even when building
values were increasing, marketing costs expensed although they may represent
investments). Now we see that the financial companies are available at around
book value in many cases due to perceived risks.  Canadian Tire and Melcor
are down around book value after having spent some years well above book (Melcor
did historically trade below book but I suspect Canadian Tire has not been near
book in quite some years). Book value ratio is certainly not a perfect
indicator, but it is at least suggestive that these might be bargains.

Overall, while I know there may be more pain ahead, I am fairly
confident that companies are going to continue making money in the long term (If
perhaps not in the short term). Buying stocks are these prices seems likely to
work out but may be a bumpy ride. We can say with certainty that buying any of
these stocks now is better than having bought at the start of this year. We
can’t be sure that better bargains do not lie ahead. Whenever the market does
turn, I will be in the market and take advantage of that because other than
pulling out a smallish amount of cash, I will be not be getting out of the

For most of the past two years it may have seemed easy to win by
buying energy and commodities. But I wonder how many people were truly able to
spot the turn around in those stocks and have gotten out? Rather than try to
follow trends on charts or follow the band-wagon, I prefer to continue to study
the actual earnings and strengths of the businesses. This year that strategy has
not done well but at least I can see the numbers and understand to a good extent
what is happening and make a judgment as to which stock is a bargain.

October 2, 2008

Economic figures are showing that the U.S. is clearly in recession and this is
part of the reason for the fall in markets today. The fear is that a global
recession will occur and push down prices for oil and commodities.

The U.S. dollar has staged a very surprising rally and has quickly jumped about
5% against the Euro. The interest rate that the U.S. government has to pay to
borrow has stayed very low for both short-term borrowing and long-term
borrowing. For whatever reason there still seems to be confidence in the U.S.
dollar. Gold and silver bugs are frustrated because gold and silver prices have
come down as the U.S. dollar rose.

I invested a small amount in the Silver ETV that trades as SLV in the U.S.
markets. It fell 12% today. I don’t know anything about what drives silver
prices. But just based on that fact taht Silver is down from recent highs and
that a lot of people may want to invest in it as a hedge, I would consider
buying more at this price. My hesitation in doing that would be to try to keep
some cash for later bargains. As Berkshire rose today I sold 1 B share. I hope
to buy back at a lower price soon.

The Fording Coal (FDG.UN) purchase appears to be going through and appears to
offer a fast return of about 8% in 1 month if bought at Canadian $86. Do not buy
in a taxable account. Only buy in a non-taxable (RRSP, RESP account). I
understand that the proceeds from the sale of Fording to Teck Cominco “may” be
largely taxes as ordinary income. It’s hard to imagine how that can be, but this
is what Fording has said. Fording suggested that if you hold these units in a
taxable account, you should sell prior to the take-over for a better tax
treatment. It may be that the reason Fording Coal still has an 8% discount to
the October 30 take-over price is that only non-taxable accounts can buy it and
taxable accounts are forced to sell. Sounds like a good arbitrage. But remember,
nothing is ever 100% sure, a take-over is not done until the money changes
hands. So I would not want to get too greedy on this one.

I looked for any bond rater reaction to Kingsway’s recent sale of the York
subsidiary that gave Kingsway $95 million and will allow it to pay off its
short-term debt (though it still has a lot of debt left). I have seen no
reaction to this. I was tempted to buy back some Kingsway that I recently sold
as the price is lower but did not do so. On a rational basis I should only be
concerned about finding the best investment I can. From an emotional perspective
I feel that if Kingsway is going to recover I want to own a reasonable amount
since it handed me so much pain on the way down. I am sure that Kingsway
management feels embarrassed about the share price and that they will work hard
to try and redeem themselves. They have shares and options and so they have a
good incentive to make things better.

I like to periodically check Kingsway’s insider trading and there has not been
much. One thing I just realized is that Bill Star who founded the company and
was president and CEO until very recently, ceased to be an insider when he was
(apparently) booted from the Board last Spring. Isn’t that great? we will not
get to see if he has had the confidence to keep his shares or instead did he
sell? It would make sense to change securities laws so that he would still be an
insider for say 24 months after leaving the company.

Well, tomorrow is another day and hopefully the house will pass the rescue bill
and stocks will move up somewhat. If so, I will some of my orders that I have in
the sell on rallies may be triggered and I would welcome the cash into my

October 1, 2008

So what is next? financial system melt-down, followed by deep recession? or will
the FED save the day and has the market reached bottom. No one knows. Buffet
mentioned today that he is picking up bargains but he advised against investing
with borrowed money (ever).

Tonight the U.S. senate passed a revised $700 billion bail-out bill. It still
needs to pass the house of representatives who voted no on Monday. The Dow
futures are actually down 70 points as of 11 pm Wednesday night. Far East
markets are down slightly.

Meanwhile Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) has invested $3 billion in General
Electric. He gets a 10% preferred share and also has options to buy $3 billion
shares at $22.25, a 10% discount to the price today. Buffett believes that the
rescue package will be passed and he believes that the economy will get through
this period and that companies like GE and Goldman’s and Berkshire will be
around in 5 to 10 years and will be substantially more profitable than they are

In my own trading I added to my Canadian Western Bank position today. If I had
more cash I would buy mores things. I’m trying to continue a strategy of selling
on rallies and (to a lesser extent) buying on dips. Fairfax Financial which I
mentioned a few times lately but which is not on the list above has moved higher
again. I am hoping that Northbridge can move higher because I believe it (like
Fairfax) has credit default swaps that have paid off recently. (But Northbridge
did not make any announcement recently on credit default swaps, while Fairfax
did). Also its investments are mostly government bonds and so it should report
investment gains this quarter. However it is involved almost exclusively in
commercial insurance and that has been a very competitive area and I don’t
expect a strong quarter on the actual insurance business and perhaps that is
what is holding Northbridge back.

September 30, 2008

Today’s bounce was surprisingly large. I’m not sure that it will last or that we
get much more of  a bounce if the rescue bill passes on Thursday.

Kingsway announced after the close that they had closed the previously announced
sale of a subsidiary for CAN $95 million cash (and will book about CAN $44
pre-tax profit in the third quarter ended today). This will allow them to pay
off the remainder of their short-term debt. Kingsway will still have debt but
the amount will now be more manageable and more palatable to rating agencies.
The sale of the subsidiary is a negative from the point of view of growth but in
the present situation of a poor credit rating it is a good step. The price to
book they received was quite good at almost two times. This may not be at all
applicable to Kingsway’s other subsidiaries which are in the high risk area, but
still it is a very good sign when we can buy Kingsway at 0.45 times book and it
can sell some assets at least at two times book.

Perhaps tomorrow will be a strong day for Kingsway…

Moe about the Banks and the Rescue Plan

Banks that hold sub-prime mortgage receivables are in trouble partly because the
delinquencies on those mortgages are creeping up.

Let’s look at actual data on U.S. mortgage delinquencies and write-offs. This
from the Fed at:

 As of the second quarter the delinquencies (more than 30-days past due) as
an average of all times mortgages were at 4.33% of the total mortgage value
outstanding. That is sharply higher than the 1.61% level of two years ago in Q2,
2006. But these delinquencies had reached 3.36% in 1991, so we are not that much
higher than the 1991 level.

Meanwhile delinquencies on commercial mortgages in Q2 were at 4.24%, again well
above the 1.03% for two years ago. But commercial delinquencies had reached a
staggering 12.07% in 1991.

The combined residential/commercial delinquency rate was 4.21% in Q2, well above
the  1.38% of two years ago but still well below the 7.48% peak in 1991.

The problem today is not so much the existing 4.24% delinquency rate in Q2 2008
(which corresponded to an actual annualized write-off rate of only 1.13% in Q2
which is manageable). The real problem is the fear that these delinquencies have
only just begun to rise and that the peak could be very high indeed. Another
problem is that unlike in 1991, the industry is more specialized. Certain banks
specialized in sub-prime loans while others avoided that part of the market.
Therefore instead of a all banks sharing the pain, some banks will shoulder a
large share of the pain and will fail. Another problem is that unlike in 1991,
mortgage loans are now routinely packaged up and sold to investors. This means
there is a market price for these mortgage receivables. And that market price has
fallen sharply due to fears over the delinquencies to come. Investors having
been “twice bitten” in terms of seeing the market value of their purchased
mortgages fall, are now “three times shy”. They don’t want to invest in any
package of mortgages. not even the good ones that have no sub-prime loans. Yet
another problem, is that today unlike in 1991 the banks are generally forced to
write-off a portion of their mortgage receivables to reflect the low market
values of these assets.

In other words a bank may have $100 million in mortgage receivables and expect
to ultimately collect $90 million in principle (for example allowing for 1%
write-off each year for ten years). These loans may be on the balance sheet at
$90 million. And meanwhile the bank expects to collect interest on these loans
for the ten year. This scenario might be quite profitable to the bank in spite
of the expected write-offs over the years. In the recent past the package of
loans might have fetched $100 million from investors (if sold)  since
investors may have found the interest rates on the mortgages attractive. But if
the market value of this package of loans today is $50 million, instead of $100
million, now the bank may be forced to write this down to $50 million and take a
$40 million loss right now even though in fact the loss has not occurred and in
fact the bank is expecting (in this case) no loss at all beyond the $10 million
in bad debt that they have already accounted for.

(With today’s complex accounting, the bank may or may not be required to book
the $40 million “loss” now. In some cases they would in others cases not. An
accounting change was proposing to make these write-offs mandatory but that has
now been delayed).

If the bank is forced to write-off $40 million on their $90 million receivable
because jittery investors will only pay $50 million for the mortgages (if sold)
even though the bank has no plan to sell but rather plans to hang on and collect
the full $90 million worth over the years, then this is a case of counting your
eggs as broken before you even get a change to see if they will hatch.

If the bank does write-off the $40 million it may then be in trouble on its
equity side and have to rasie equity (which may be next to impossible in this
bank-panicked market).

Meanwhile if there is even a rumor that the bank is going to have to make a big
write-off (true or not) depositors may start to panic and we get a run on the

As you can see banks can be put into a dangerous scenario just on the fear that
delinquicies could rise.

Turning to the bail out package. I really don’t know how it was going to help
these banks unless the Fed was going to buy the feared-to-be-toxic mortgages at
close to full value (say the $90 million in this case). Buying these at the
market price of $50 million would give the bank cash but also cause it to bleed
equity and so I don’t see that working. Meanwhile all the people who owe the
sub-prime and other mortgages would still be required to pay them if they wanted
to keep their houses. The average person cannot understand why the program would
help strictly the banks and give zero help to the borrowers.

A more palatable recue package would have helped the homeowners by providing
some kind of relief from high payments. Possibly the FEDs could have paid up to
half of a persons mortgage (and only those people who come in and apply and
explain why they are having trouble paying up) with possibly a part of the FED’s
help being repayable by the homeowner down the road. With the Fed helping to pay
mortgages the delinquencies would fall and all would be well for the banks, the
people who invested in mortgages and the homeowners. Sure it would be complex
but this is the type of deal that makes sense to voters.

September 29, 2008

Today the markets in North America dropped about 7% after the bailout bill
failed to pass the U.S. House of Representatives. The fact that Wachovia Bank
was taken over for a pittance and that a British mortgage bank failed and a
Belgian financial company was nationalized all added to the pressure to the

Credit markets continue to be somewhat seized up and the interest rate that
banks charge to lend to each other has spiked (although it is down a little this
evening). Financial firms depend on their customers and business partners having
confidence in them. Recently it seems that we are seeing “runs” on various banks
as confidence drops. The U.S. government will no-doubt be doing things to try to
restore confidence.

Congress will now work on revising the bill and it may get passed this week.

This evening Dow futures are up about 100 points and so indications are that the
market could have a positive day on Tuesday.

At a time like this, investors need to take a breath and consider if the stocks
they hold represent good value. Perhaps some positions should be sold but in
general it would not seem wise to panic. Markets have had many past periods of
steep declines but in most cases those declines have been recovered before too
long. If we assume that markets are going to keep going down and stay down, that
would imply basically a depression. That may be possible but it seems more
likely that we will work our way out of this.

Now may a good time to read some books on value investing that give a longer
term perspective. Here is a
link to the authorized biography
of Buffett that just came out today.

I added to my position in the TMX Group today. This company is arguably
essentially an unregulated monopoly. Its revenues from IPOs will be down but in
this frenzied market its trading revenues will likely be up.

September 28, 2008

As of 10:15 pm eastern time on Sunday night it looks like our bailout plan will
not result in the stock market going up tomorrow. Dow futures are suggestion a
90 point drop at this hour. You can check out the Dow futures anytime at, It looks like we already got all the market
“pop” we are going to get on this deal on Friday when it looked like the deal
would proceed. I had thought we would get a “pop” tomorrow though I was not at
all confident it would last. I would think the financials will up somewhat
tomorrow (Monday) however.

The latest edition of our free newsletter
was emailed out last night. This newsletter provides an explanation of the
credit crisis and discussion about the bail out.  The latest news as of
Sunday afternoon is that the proposed bail out has been agreed to and will be
passed in the next few days. You can read the 106 page draft bill here

September 27, 2008

Friday, surprisingly ended up in positive territory in New York although the
Canadian market fell 3.4%.

I will address what has happened in the banking sector in an edition of the free
newsletter that I plan to send, tomorrow, Sunday.

I have updated our 2008 performance figures and my own portfolio composition and
there are links to that above.

Regarding BCE I reduced my position on Friday due to the risk of the deal not
closing. I would have liked to wait for the U.S. bail-out deal since BCE will
likely increase on that news, but I decided it was prudent to lower my exposure.

The issue that matters with BCE is; will the buyers be able and willing to

The Buyers are:

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

Providence Equity Partners

Madison Dearborn Partners

Merrill Lynch Global Private Equity

The banks that are lending billions to the buyers (and/ or to BCE, after the purchase) are:

Citigroup Inc.

Deutsche Bank AG

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC

Toronto-Dominion Bank

It seems very clear that the banks would now be better off if the deal was
canceled. The Banks had planed to transfer their loans to investors at a profit.
Now, corporate loans are seen as much riskier than they were when this deal was
first committed to some 15 months ago. The banks stand to lose billions on these
loans if they sell the loans to investors. And the banks generally have liquidly
needs and may be in no position to keep these loans on their books to hope for a
better market in which to sell the loans. These losses to the banks put this
deal at risk. So far, it appears that the banks intend to fully honor their

In today’s environment it is not clear that we can fully count on these banks to
be in a position to honor their commitments to lend billions. Certainly
Toronto-Dominion seems like a very sure bet but I don’t know what risk the other
banks pose.

An additional risk is that one or more of the buying partners will not be able
to come up with their share of the equity.

My understanding is that the buyers could cancel the deal on payment of a $1
billion fee.  Given the way that the stock market has dropped, these buyers
and banks would not pay $42.75 today if they had the deal to do over. $1 billion
between them might be a small price to pay to get out of this deal. However,
they also have reputations and I believe that they do intend to go through with
the deal if they can.

The bottom line is that buying BCE could provide a quick attractive return on
December 11, but there is certainly some chance that the deal will collapse or
be delayed.

Regarding Kingsway, it feels like this company will just not stop beating
investors up.

The common shares trade at just 45% of book value which seems attractive… but
they keep falling.

The latest problem for them was some losses on bond or preferred share
investments they held in Lehmans and possible losses on similar investments in
AIG. Kingsway’s Investment portfolio has always looked quite solid. What is
hurting them now is that they had mostly corporate bonds rather than government
bonds. Most of their bonds were AAA rated and only 6% were rate lower than A.
Unfortunately we have now seen that highly rated bonds owed by banks like
Lehman’s and Washington Mutual can become worthless. They have not indicated yet
if they had any exposure to Washington Mutual.  All of this should not have
a huge impact on Kingsway but piled on top of their other problems, investors
sent the stock lower. I would certainly not be surprised to see them take
significant losses on investments in Q3, but it does not seem like this justifies a
stock price of 45% of book value. If the insurance operations themselves have a
reasonable quarter we may see this stock rebound somewhat.

The other Kingsway investment that I recently bought and talked about was KSP.un.
This is a financially engineered trust unit that “provides Indirect exposure”
to a bond issued by Kingsway. These units are supposed to mature in June 2015
and pay $25. They also pay a distribution of $1.25 per year which has been
financially engineered to be treated as return of capital and therefore not
taxable (the final $25 may be heavily taxed as it may have a very low cost base,
but I am not at all clear on that). These units closed at $9.25 and therefore
yield 13.5% in addition to seemingly being scheduled to more than double in price
at the 2015 maturity.

Perhaps the KSP units are too good to be true.  Possibly there is a a big
risk that the distribution will be cut. The prospectus also mentions a
possibility of early redemption at a possibly much reduced price in certain
events of default.

It looks to me like these units would pay-off as long as Kingsway Financial
remains a viable business. Kingsway Financial is rated BB- by A.M. Best the
insurance rater and also BB- by Standard and Poors. These are weak ratings.
Perhaps in today’s markets, investors are holding such lower credit ratings only
at lower share prices.

One thought I had was that if Kingsway were forced to issue shares at this low
price (and at last disclosure they were talking about buying back some shares
not issuing), this would hurt the KFS share price (because of dilution)
but should help the KSP units as the company would be financially stronger and a
share issue does not dilute the KSP units.

These units trade quite thinly and that in part may explain how they have
dropped so much. But it is always possible that some investors are aware of even
more problems developing for Kingsway.



September 25, 2008

Things are looking grim tonight. Washington Mutual Bank (with $310 billion in
assets) has been seized by the Federal Deposition Insurance Corporation and then
sold for a pittance ($1.9 billion). Washington Mutual shareholders will likely
get nothing.

In perhaps worse news, the “bailout” has stalled and may not happen, although
there will likely be efforts to get the deal through congress tomorrow. This was
much in doubt tonight. Dow futures are down about 160 points but I would not be
surprised to see a much bigger drop tomorrow.

Markets have changed dramatically in the past few weeks.

Things like the BCE deal are much in doubt now since the buyers may be simply
unable to raise the money. They may have lined up the money with banks but in
this environment we cannot be sure that banks can honor their commitments even
if they want to. I believe that the Teachers Pension Plan has its money ready to
go. But there are other partners and I don’t know enough about where they will
get their money to be confident in this deal. If the BCE price is not too low
tomoorw I will reduce my position.

I reduced my position in Shaw today to raise cash. I like the company. It is due
to report Q4 in early August. I suspect it will have increased profits but that
its subscriber growth in basic cable may be down.

Given tonight’s developments, I have a strong inclination to reduce most of my
equity positions. It looks as if markets are headed lower.

A successful bail-out package tomorrow could of course send markets higher.
Given the risk to the down-side I no longer feel comfortable being in the range
of 90% invested in equities.

September 24, 2008

Today I bought 100 shares of Goldman Sachs (Symbol GS) at about $127. I figure
following Buffett’s lead on this one is a good bet. Goldman also sold late today
$5 billion in shares at $123. This could push the market price down to $123

I note that Fording is trading around CAN $80 and is supposed to be bought out
on October 30 at U.S. $82 plus 0.245 of a tech share (worth $9.07 today) for a
total of U.S. $91 or CAN $94. I also received a notice from Fording indicating
that most of these proceeds will be taxed as ordinary income and that taxable
investors may wish to sell now rather than wait for the cash on closing. I don’t
claim to understand this situation very well, but it sounds like a reasonable
investment is to buy Fording at $80 in tax-sheltered plans and then collect the
proceeds on closing. The risk is that the deal will not happen for some reason.
I bought 100 shares today. It seems like a good bet but at the same time I don’t
want to get greedy and risk too much on this.

Fairfax fell 12% today to $297 and this is down from its recent blip up to $339.
It seems cheap but could continue to fall if the credit crisis in the U.S. is
not resolved. I am interested in adding some shares perhaps 15 at $280 and more
if it falls to $250 or below (though there is little reason to expect it to do
so). It is probably a good long-term investment at the current price but it
could certainly fall further in the short-term.

One of the buy orders that I entered on the weekend got bought today, 100 shares
of TMX Group as its price fell. This is my strategy to use market volatility to
hopefully reduce positions that rise 7 to 10% and buy those that fall 10 to 15%.
I leave the orders set for 1 month although I may reset them if they become too
far out of the market (i.e. If a stock is $100 and I want to sell some at $110
and it drops to $90 I may reset the order to sell some if it recovers to $100)

September 23, 2008

Manulife is updated and rated Weak Buy /
Hold. This is a great company with “sticky” customers that is likely to earn
above average rates of return in the long run. However, the near-term will see
some write-offs of investment assets which could provide a better opportunity to
buy this stock at $32 or below.

The markets may now tend to lurch around as they await news of the “bailout”
favorable news will send the stocks up and any indication that the bail out will
not happen or will be long-delayed will send markets pounding lower.

Buffett has made a $5 billion investment in Goldman Sachs (10% perpetual
preferred shares) and this is likely to be ultimately increased to $10 billion
since he also got an option to buy $5 billion of shares at $115. The options do
not expire for five years.

With this development it is worth taking a look at the Goldman balance sheet
(from May 30). It has $42 billion in common equity and $1088 billion in assets,
so that puts the equity at just under 4% which is scary and low. On a positive
note it has about $229 billion in cash and short-term investments and therefore
is not likely to have a liquidly problem. From Q1 to Q2 it reduced its long-term
assets by almost $200 billion. This may have been a very wise move in assuring
it remained liquid. Turning to income, it has so far remained profitable and did
not report any losses although its recent profits were lower.

Goldman released its Q3 earnings on September 16 (no balance sheet was given
yet). Revenues and earnings were down but unlike the other big investments banks
this one is still makeing money.

Book value per share was $99.30. My view is that for financial companies book
value should be meaningful. Financial companies are typically always worth at
least book value (unless as in recent cases the assets are rotten to the core)
and usually a financial company is worth more than book value due to its ongoing
stream of future business. This seems like classic Buffett to grab options to
buy at not much over book value ($115) and those options do not expire for five
years. Goldman’s has a 52 week high of $250.

Buffett is is in a good position to know if the assets are solid and how much if
any is of the toxic garbage variety. Buffett is no-doubt confident that Goldman
will survive and therefore it is probably in a position to double or triple over
a five year period.

Buffett will likely encourage the company to reduce debt and build equity and so
it could take some time to return to the old level of profitability. On the
other hand with Lehman gone and some other investment banks badly wounded,
Goldman could pick up a lot of business.

Goldman closed today at $125 and was at $134 after-hours. I suspect it would be
a smart strategy to follow Buffett and buy some of this. I would be reluctant to
chase it too high though and would hesitate to buy above $135, since the next
round of pessimism in markets could easily push this stock down, notwithstanding
the Buffett effect.

As I mentioned on September 12 (and this was prior to the two recent large
Buffett Buys) Buffett is indeed in a happy place these days. Flush with cash and
credibility and he is presented with bargains galore.

September 22, 2008

The excitement over the U.S. rescue plans for the financial intuitions is
already starting to wane. The details of the plans are not known.

The U.S. dollar weakened about 3 cents against the Euro today. This was part of
the reason for the rise in oil. The Dow dropped 373 points. It seems clear that
the market is not out of the woods yet. Further deterioration is certainly
possible. Gold bugs and doomsayers have long predicted that the U.S. dollar would
sink under the weight of the U.S. debts. Recently these doomsayers are starting
to look a lot more credible. I think the U.S. will get through this mess, but it
could be an ugly ride that could temporarily pull down markets everywhere.

The market will now likely continue to gyrate with the latest news on the bail

I soled a small amount of Kingsway after an automated sell order that was about
10% above market got filled when Kingsway popped this morning. I did not get the
high of the day but in the end Kingsway closed below where I sold.

On September 5 I mentioned an insurance company , Fairfax Financial, that we
don’t cover here but which I though was a bargain at $226.50 that day. I
mentioned it again Sept 16 at $250. Today it closed at $320 and was a s high as
$339 today. I sold a portion of what I held at $336. The reason it rose so much
is that it just announced that in this quarter it has sold off credit default
swaps for gains of $521 million (proceeds were 574.5 million on an original
investment of $53 million. Fairfax had also made huge gains in this way int eh
past two quarters and in 2007. It still has a unreleased gains of $447 million.
I had mentioned and I had thought that Fairfax was a good investment given it
was trading at 85% of book value adn that it had these credit default swaps and
other bets against the market which is was fairly clear must be paying off

I had some Fairfax but wish I had bought more.
Northbridge Financial is about 60% owned by Fairfax and it also has a share
of credit default swaps and bets against the equity markets. Northbridge did not
announce its gains on these items which is strange since Northbridge and Fairfax
often announce things together. It seems to me that with Northbridge trading at
around book value, and with the possibility that it too will announce strong
gains on credit default swaps, Northbridge is probably a good investment. I
added to my position in Northbridge today. The gains on credit default swaps for
Northbridge, may not be a spectacular for Fairfax, but nonetheless I believe
they could be significant given the rise in credit spreads.

My bias at the moment is to continue to look for opportunities to reduce
positions. But also I am interested in adding to positions that like Northbridge
seem to offer good upside and little down-side at this time (though there are no
guarantees on any of this).



September 21, 2008

Far eastern markets are up as of about mod-night eastern time. However futures
are indicating the Dow will open down about 100 points. It is going to be
another eventful week. I am inclined to reduce positions this week especially on
any rallies.

The next update will likely be Manulife. This is a great company that has
continued to grow and will do well in future. However, it is a complex company
and its earnings could be become quite volatile as it deals with changes in
valuations due to the recent rapid changes in interest rates, and in credit
spreads on the corporate bonds that it invests in. It may face significant
market-value write-downs in Q3.  Although I like it long-term, at this time
I would be inclined to reduce on any rally in its price and look to buy if the
price happens to dip to the lower 30’s.

September 19, 2008

This was one of the wildest weeks in the markets since the crash in 1987.

There were amazing gains today. These large one-day gains illustrate the fact
that it is dangerous to try and time markets. Anyone sitting on the side-lines
has missed a huge gain.

Will the bail-out stop the decline? I don’t think it will. Apparently the Fed
will buy bad loans (mostly mortgages) from the banks and financial institutions.
If the Fed buys these loans at close to the actual amounts owing by the
borrowers then that would protect the banks. In that case the banks would
actually have to book gains to reverse all the write-offs they have already
taken on these loans. That will not happen. The thinking is that the Fed will
buy these loans at maybe 65 cents on the dollar.

Now picture how this works for a hypothetical mortgage bank. The bank has loaned
out $10 billion in mortgages to home-owners. The bank had $1 billion of
shareholder money and the other $9 billion it owes to its depositors. But now
the mortgages have gone bad and are only worth $7 billion. If the Fed buys these
loans for $7 billion then the bank has $7 billion in cash (great) but owes $9
billion to depositors (not great). The bank has cash (liquidity) but is still
bankrupt. Furthermore it no longer is earning anything on the loans (which have
been sold) but is still paying interest on the deposits. As we can see this
rescue is no rescue at all unless the Fed buys the loans at (or close to) the
full amount stupidly loaned to the borrowers.

I don’t know exactly how the rescue will work but I do know that any rescue
based on buying the bad loans at 65 cents on the dollar or so is not going to
rescue too many banks.

Another component of the rescue is the ban short-selling. Maybe that will give
some breathing room. When people short-sell banks and then run around saying the
bank is insolvent they can cause a run on a bank and a bank which has equity can
run out of cash and be ruined due to the panic. But ultimately short-selling was
not the problem here. Stupid Banker Tricks were the problem.

I described Stupid Banker Tricks in the free
newsletter of January 6, 2008

Time and again since the Summer of 2007 we have seen markets rise but then fall
back significantly. I don’t think the roller-coaster is over. I remain confident
that owning companies will pay-off long term. But I also want to have cash to
take advantage of opportunities. In recent months I have been more than fully
invested in equities (used some margin and hold no bonds or money market). I
used today’s big rally to reduce or eliminate a number of positions. My
personal portfolio composition is updated. My
cash position is still only 8%. Next week I will likely sell more positions. I
may have to sell companies that I like in order to raise cash as protection
against the next dip as well as to use to buy bargains in companies that I like
better than those that I will sell. Partly I will do these sales by entering
automated orders to reduce the position on any stock that jumps about 10%. In
addition I will likely enter orders to buy shares where the price dips say 15%.

Also today I bought some shares in Aeroplan and in the Kingsway Linked Return of
Capital KSP.un, that I mentioned yesterday.

Sept 18, 2008

Today markets ended up sharply higher on rumors that the U.S. government would
create some kind of rescue company to buy up bad loans from banks.

Clearly there is tremendous uncertainty. If credit markets continue to seize up
then this could cause a global recession and stocks to fall significantly from
here. Those of us who are 100% or more invested may want to sell some positions
to raise cash and hedge our bets.  Possibly this rescue plan will work but
that is far from certain. It may be wise to use any rallies to sell some stocks.

As of about 11:30pm  eastern time, the far east markets are following the
U.S. markets up in Friday trading.

There are definitely some stocks out there that are great bargains at this time.
Therefore a reasonable strategy is to sell some stocks that have little
potential to rise and move into the best bargains. Buying bargains will take
bravery. It is always hard to buy stocks that have recently fallen a lot. Of
course not all of the low-fliers are bargains. Companies with little debt and
good earnings and that are recession resistant would be preferred.

One position I added today was KSP.un on Toronto. This Trust unit provides
exposure to a debt instrument issued by a subsidiary of Kingsway. It has
priority over common shares. It recently traded at $10. I understand it will
mature in 2016 at $25 and meanwhile is yielding 12.5%. This may be a safer
investment than the common shares and it appears to have good up-side potential.
These units are very illiquid and therefore hard to buy and hard to sell. (Very
large bid/ask spread)

Other trades I made were to sell some Berkshire as it rose and sold some
Couche-Tard to raise cash.

Fording Coal units at $75.80 may be a very good investment since it is supposed
to be taken over by TECK Cominco on October 30 at U.S. $82 plus 0.245 of a tech
share (worth $8.14 today) for a total of U.S. $90 or about CAN $95. The big
potential gain does indicate there must be some fear that the deal will not
happen as planned. One opinion on BNN television today was that the “players”
who would normally buy up Fording so that the price would be close to the offer
price have other need s for cash due to all the turmoil in the markets.

Perhaps a safer bet with good potential is Western Financial Group. In effect we
are now able to buy into its network of profitable insurance brokers at about
book value and at a big discount to where the price was no long ago. And there
is no particular indication that its banking operation will be hit by this mess.
I suppose a write-off of goodwill on some acquisitions is possible but that is
not a large concern as long as the continuing earnings remain stable or growing.
One interesting thing is that with the lower share price, many options and
convertible securities are out of the money and the diluted share count will be
down which helps the reported earnings per share, all else being equal. It does
have some investment assets probably associated with its life insurance company
and it will no-doubt have some losses on those in Q3. Therefore the Q3 report
could look bad but it seems likely that any bad news in Q3 would not be
sufficient to justify the share price having fallen so much.

I like Aeroplan as a company that should be able to continue to do well. In a
recession people may cut back on travel but that means they won’t have to buy as
many airline seats. Members are likely to continue to collect points which gives
aeroplan revenue as it sells points to the likes of CIBC, American Express and
many other partners.

Buffett pounced today and is buying Constellation Energy Group for $4.7 billion.
The price is $26.50 per share. These shares were $66 three weeks ago! The 52
week high is $107. He is paying only 73% of book value. Constellation ran into
great distress this week when it was threatened with a bond down-grade that
would have threatened its energy trading business and required it to post
mountains of cash as collateral on certain derivative positions. Buffett swooped
in to buy it and provide $1 billion in cash immediately to Constellation. This
is classic Buffet and it sounds like the deal was made in mere hours and will be
finalized tomorrow. It will however take some nine months to close.



Sept. 17, 2008

Another painful day in the markets. Far East markets are down in Thursday
trading and it remains to be seen if North American markets can stabilize on

It is amazing how things have deteriorated in past couple of weeks. This carnage
is linked to the sub-prime fiasco whereby banks loaned excessive amounts to
people who could never hope to pay it back. Banks also packaged up bad loans in
complex packages and the entire investment industry far under estimated the
losses. Financial models said there was only say a 1 in 100 chance of a loan
going bad. But they forgot that lower house prices could cause many loans to go
bad at the same time. The chances of any one house defaulting were not random,
they were all linked, they would all have a higher risk in a recession or if
house prices dropped. The models assumed there was little risk but the models
were wrong.

The market has known about these bad sub-prime loans for at least 18 months and
knew the problem was very serious by August 2007 and certainly by this past
Spring. And yet the markets stayed reasonably high. Only in the past couple of
weeks have events unfolded such that the market seems at last fully aware of the

The very scary thing now is that we seem to be in a vicious cycle where problems
at one financial institution cause problems at other institutions which causes
more panic which leads to lower market prices for loans and therefore further
problems at financial institutions. As house prices decline this also adds to
the problem. With lower house prices, more customers have negative equity and
default on the mortgage causing more houses for sale at low prices causing
another round of foreclosures causing … (round round and down down we go).

At some point the cycle will end and markets can turn upwards. But its hard to
say when.

Bargains do exist but even bargain stocks can keep going down for a time.

In my own account today I sold my ING Canada to invest in a cheaper insurance
company and bought Northbridge and the more speculative Kingsway, as well as
some Western Financial Group.

I have a small amount of the Silver ETF, SLV on the U.S. markets and it did very
well today (Up 14% after recently being down over 45% from its peaks. Gold did
very well today. You can buy Gold as a speculation or a hedge against a loss of
faith in paper currency. You can buy Gold by buying GLD on the U.S. markets.

What are we to make of BCE trading at $34.05 when it is supposed to be bought
out at $42.75 on December 11? Certainly the market fears the deal will not
happen or will be re-priced, delayed etc. Just a few weeks or even days ago the
market thought a fair price for BCE was around $40. It may not be a bad
speculative pick at this new price but as we have seen lately, there are no sure
bets in this market. Has the price for BCE been driven down too far by panic
selling? or was it driven down by smart sellers who know the deal will not

There have been no insider trades reported in August or September, therefore it
seems that the people selling at these lower prices are speculating that the
deal may not happen. They may be right. Surely it is harder to come up with the
cash to close this deal given recent market turmoil. But on the other hand
perhaps the cash will be available. As investors we can only speculate. If I did
not already have a large position in BCE I would be tempted to pick some up at
this lower price.

Kingsway announced it had $17 million invested in Lehman securities. This may be
a total write-off but amounts to 31 cents per share which is not that huge. They
also have about $30 million invested in AIG companies. They may take a temporary
mark to market loss on that but ultimately I believe that is still a good asset
that will be collected upon. Overall I still believe that Kingsway’s investment
portfolio is reasonably solid. But with a poor Q3 expected there is no reason
for the stock to increase until and unless it can deliver some good earnings.
(It may be able to do so in Q4 but that remains to be seen)

September 16, 2008

As of 11 pm eastern, the U.S. government has announced an $85 billion rescue
loan for AIG. This could cause markets to rise tomorrow. (Another day, another

The U.S. market (S&P 500) managed a 1.7% gain today which is good news. The
U.S. dollar has stayed surprisingly strong. It takes U.S. $1.42 to buy 1 Euro
whereas 3 months ago it cost $1.58 to buy one Euro. The U.S. dollar had
strengthened substantially ((to $1.40) in August and the first week of
September. It has now weakened only two cents against the Euro in the last week
or so in the face of the take-over of Fannie and Freddie and the collapse of
Lehman’s and the pending take-over of AIG. The U.S. government has committed
many billions of dollars and has added billions to the money supply and yet its
dollar has remained remarkably stable in the past ten days.

While some people worry about the future value of the America dollar thee market
seems to have confidence. Investors are now willing to invest money in 10-year
U.S. government bonds for a yield of 3.5% per year (down from 4.1% about 10 days

Stocks markets certainly could fall further. However, it is almost certain that
a number of stocks represent excellent bargains at these prices. The problem is
that it is very difficult to know which are the bargains.

Here are my thoughts on a number of stocks.

Regarding BCE . A month ago it was assumed the deal was almost a sure bet to
close by December 11, and the 7% or so that could be made by buying and holding
to the close looked attractive. Now we see that BCE has fallen substantially as
the market gets nervous that the deal will not proceed. Perhaps the lesson here
is that on a deal that requires $35 billion or so to close, it’s never over
’till it’s over. It is perhaps never a sure bet that that kind of money will be
available for the close. With huge sums like that there is always a possibility
some of the buyers or  the buyers banks will fail to show up with the cash.
Today BCE close at $37.18. This means investors will get a nice 15% gain in less
than three months IF the deal does close. But if it does not close then BCE
presumably falls well back…  The market is suggesting that there is
considerable doubt that the deal will close. I suspect it will rise tomorrow but
probably not back to $40…

Berkshire Hathaway – made a nice gain the past few days. Buffet is in a great
position to capitalize on bargains. Still the stock is not cheap. I reduced my
position in it today to take advantage of the price increase. But I’m happy to
hold some of this one.

CN Rail – Probably a good long-term stock. Lower oil prices help it. A slower
economy hurts it. Has held up very well lately. Bill Gates owns a chunk. I would
hold but not buy at this time.

Kingsway at $7.24 today. Seemingly poorly managed and with no competitive
advantage its saving grace is that is sells for just under half of its book
value. Even with poor management and no particular competitive advantage it
should trade reasonably close to book value, unless the market suspects the
assets are over-stated or the insurance liability is under-stated. Its assets
appear to be good. But it will likely suffer a hit on stock values this quarter
(about 13% of invested assets are stocks). Most of its bonds are corporate. Even
though these are highly rated bonds there may be some loss in market value this
quarter due to higher spreads (the spread is the amount that corporate bonds
yield over and above government bonds – higher spreads drive down bond prices).
Although spreads are higher, government yields are well down which may save
these bonds from much of a market value loss this quarter.  Kingsway also
has some goodwill and intangibles that could be at risk of write-off. With all
of this the assets are still fairly strong and do not justify anything close to
a 50% discount from book value.

On the liability side, Kingsway’s liabilities are actuarial estimates and they
have had a bad habit of under-estimating their claims liabilities. Still , these
liabilities are approved by actuaries and auditors and a 50% discount from book
value seems unduly pessimistic.

At this point it seems the market does not trust management of Kingsway and that
is the biggest reason for the big discount.

In terms of insider trading, the CFO (actually her spouse) bought 4000 shares at
$9.00 on September 5 and this shows considerable confidence by the CFO. Another
insider bought 600 on September 11 at $8.63 followed by 2000 today at $7.99. A
third insider sold almost 2000 shares on August 27 at $8 U.S. to hold just 24
shares. The CEO exercised 10,000 options on September 3 and did not sell any and
holds 93,000 shares.

Conspicuously absent is any sign of the company buying back shares.

The insider signal is therefore positive, although the lack of share buy backs
is a moderately negative sign. Despite being rather fed up with this company it
does look to be bargain priced. But given that Q3 is unlikely to be a good
quarter (given the bad weather in the U.S. and the poor investment markets), the
shares could stay in the bargain bin the rest of this year unless there was a
take-over offer.

Shaw Communications has held up well in this market. I believe is has the
ability to earn above average returns due to the fact that its cable
subscriptions are unregulated as to the price charged and it faces only limited
competition from telco television. Further it has made strong gains in taking
away phone customers from the telcos and has massive penetration on internet
subscriptions. I expect it to report a strong Q4 (ended August 31). However
customer growth in Q4 on the cable side will probably be low due to a fewer new
homes being built. I am happy to hold it and would add on dips especially if it
sips down to the $20 level.

Canadian Western Bank does not any problem with bad mortgages. The recent lower
price provides an opportunity to accumulate it.

Northbridge Financial seems to be bargain priced at just under book value. Its
investments are mostly in Government bonds and it should report a strong gain on
these in Q3. Also it has investments which payoff as stock markets decline and
as credit spreads deteriorate. I suspect it has strong gains on these as of
today’s date. On the insurance business it does have about 10% of its business
in the U.S. and could be hurt by the poor weather in the U.S. Overall
Northbridge has been well managed and appears to be bargain priced. It’s price
could rise by the time it reports Q3.  Related to this company is the
parent Fairfax and much of this same discussion applies except that Fairfax is
mostly U.S. and international insurance and there is a greater probability of
hurricane losses. Fairfax rose today about 6% while Northbridge was relatively
flat. (I own Fairfax but it is not in the stock list above.)

Western Financial Group has fallen substantially to $2.78. Its book value is
$2.88. Although the book value includes substantial goodwill and intangibles, it
appears that the shares should be worth more than book value. P/E is about 12.
There were no insider trades since June 30. The company recently announced an
acquisition that will allow it to begin issuing credit cards. Most of the
revenues are from insurance brokerage where they earn commissions but do not
take the insurance risk (They do take the risk on their life/group benefits
insurance arm). They are at risk for credit losses on the loans they have made
on recreational vehicles but with the strong western economy they may continue
to experience few loan losses. Overall I see no reason for the sharp decline in
price except in sympathy to other financial shares going down. This company
appears to be a bargain. I added 1000 shares to my position at $2.75 today based
on a bid I had placed a few days ago that was at that time 15% below the market

Possibly some of the big U.S. shares that have been hard hit are bargains. Bank
of America could be a strong investment. YAHOO shows it at just under book
value. YAHOO shows a trailing P/E of 16 and a forward P/E of 9. (It seems
impressive that it has not lost money in the past 12 months…)

Washington Mutual could be a bargain as it may be taken over. YAHOO shows this
to be selling at just 15% of book value, so this is a highly speculative bet but
could jump substantially if it is taken over.

AIG looks to be going to close to zero as part of a “rescue” plan.



Sept. 15, 2008

U.S. markets dropped by almost 5% today on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers,
the problems at AIG and on Bank of Americas all-stock takeover of Merrill Lynch.
Another major development on the weekend was that 10 banks would put in $7
billion each into some kind of a rescue fund. Also the Fed would fore the first
time accept equity as collateral to give loans to banks. The Fed also “injected
liquidity” by “creating” new bank reserves in the amount of $70 billion. It is
no wonder that world markets reacted to these desperate measures by to some
extent concluding that desperate times must be upon us. For all of this a near
5% drop in the U.S. markets is a smaller reaction than might have been the case
– but it may not be over yet.

In Canada the market dropped by 5% partly in sympathy to the U.S. markets but in
part driven by sharply lower oil prices. Oil is down another 3% as of this even
at 11 pm eastern and therefore Toronto is highly likely to be down again

Far East markets are down sharply (in Tuesday trading) but that is mostly just a
catch-up (catch-down?) since the far east markets were closed Monday for a

It is obviously a very volatile time in the markets. With big U.S. financial
institutions seemingly falling like dominoes we certainly cannot rule out
further pain.

BCE was down 4.4% to $37.85 today on fears that the deal to be bought out on Dec
11 at $42.75 will fail to materialize. On the one hand a 13% gain in three
months (if the deal goes through) is quite appealing. On the other hand an
investor risks an unknown loss that could easily be 25% if the deal fails.

Over the weekend I placed a number of orders to add about $3000 to many of my
positions if the stock price falls 10 to15%. The only one that fell far enough
today was Thomson Reuters and I picked up 100 shares. Frankly I would have
rathered if some of my sell orders got triggered. It does not feel like a great
time to be buying. Still, I figure a somewhat automated process of buying on
dips and selling on rebounds is a good strategy.

Well tomorrow is sure to bring more news – hopefully it will be good news.

Sept 12, 2008

Warren Buffett must be in a happy place these days. For quite a few years his
Berkshire Hathaway has piled up billions in cash and has found few companies to
buy. Now bargains may be emerging. Buffett is in a position to buy Washington
Mutual if he wants to and to do so without checking with anyone. He is the only
person on the planet who has the cash to buy any of these large financial
institutions that are in trouble and who also has the ability to analyze the
business and the authority to make a deal on the spot if he wishes to.

I would not expect him to touch the likes of Lehman Brothers because it is
probably impossible to value. Something like Washington Mutual should be a lot
easier to evaluate. In the end Buffett may not touch any of these. For one thing
he usually insists on competent management being in place and that is not the
case at Lehman’s and probably not at Washington Mutual either.

Another possible candidate and a natural for Buffett would be AIG Insurance
Group if he likes it. I’ll be watching with interest to see if he makes any

Even if he does not touch any of these, I am certain he is out bargain hunting
and he will come up with some interesting buys before too long.

Watts Water Technologies is
updated as rated (lower) Buy at $31.74 (It closed today at $29.18, we analyzed
it at $31.74 and there was a delay in finalizing the analysis and posting the
report here). We added this stock to the Site because we wanted something in the
water infrastructure area. This one is actually in water hardware rather than
the infrastructure (it’s not about water treatments plants or municipal water
pipes). It has held up reasonable well in the building recession. At this time
we would prefer to wait for an earnings recovery before buying. (It’s rated
(lower) Buy but we would focus on higher-rated stocks.)

FedEx is updated and rated Weak Buy /
Hold at $88.03 (it was at $90.84 as we posted it – our analysis was done at
$88.03). This is a great company but recently earnings were weaker. We’ll keep
an eye on and would be more interested at under $80 or if earnings improve. A
deeper recession would hurt earnings but lower oil prices will help earnings.

Target is updated and rated Buy at
$56.57. This stock is up 13% since the start of this year. Its sales have been
hurt somewhat by the recession but an expanded number of stores and share
buy-backs has kept earnings per share from falling. It should continue to do
well in future. At this time our strategy would be to take a small initial
position or perhaps to wait for a pull-back.

Wal-Mart is updated and remains
rated (higher) Buy at $62.17. This stock is up 31% since the start of this year
when our rating was (higher) Buy at $47.53. On top of that Canadian investors
have benefited as the Canadian dollar fell this year. So far it has been very
much recession resistant. It’s a good long-term bet. In the short-term it will
not be immune to dropping if the overall market sinks and if the recession takes
hold. Our strategy would be to take an initial position at this price and then
hope to add to it on pull-backs. Regrettably. I have not bought it personally.
I’m not buying at this time because i am more interested in raising cash.

I am increasing tempted to buy some silver for a number of reasons. It has
fallen substantially from recent highs. I have read that there are expected to
be shortages of Silver as (unlike Gold) it gets used up in industrial
applications. With the banking system in the U.S. under tremendous stress it may
rise as an alternative to the U.S. dollar.

The symbol I would use to buy Silver is SLV which is an Exchange Traded Fund
offered by ishares (Barclays Global Investors). I plan to make an initial small
purchase today and then monitor it.

Sept 11, 2008

Today was yet another very volatile day in the markets with stocks whip-sawed by
waves of fear and hope regarding the financial crisis in the U.S. Many
commentators feel that things will get worse. Given the uncertainty, most
investors will likely ride out the storm with whatever allocation to equities
that they have (most investors allocate some funds to cash or bonds as well) but
will also want to be positioned to take advantage of bargains.

IGM Financial is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $45.50. This stock will likely do better than the overall
market, but if markets decline, that does automatically pull its earnings down
somewhat. The P/E at 14 and the dividend yield at 4.5% are attractive given the
recent and traditional ROE of about 20%. At the start oif this year we rated it
Strong Buy at close to $50 but we indicated it would suffer if the overall stock
market declined, and that is what has happened (overall stock market means the
typical stock on the TSX, the typical stock is down 15% to 20% this year while
the TSX index has fared better than that due to its very high weight in
resources and energy.

Sept. 9, 2008

Canadian markets fell sharply mostly due to a drop in the price of oil. U.S.
markets also fell based on lower oil and further fears from the financial
sector. With all the troubles in the U.S., the U.S. dollar has nevertheless
risen and the yield on the ten-year treasury is only 3.60%. It’s hard to imagine
why investors are willing to accept only 3.6% on a ten-year bond given all the
talk of U.S. deficits (fueled now by bail-outs) and the inflation that is

An OPEC move to cut some production may stem the drop in oil prices but on the
other hand it seems like oil now has momentum to the down-side. If I had the
cash I would be tempted to average (quite slowly) into Canadian Oil Sands Trust
and/ or the energy ETF XEG.

Gold and Silver have confounded those that are certain that the U.S. dollar is
headed far lower. Gold and Silver have fallen in price.

It does seem clear that the recession and housing crisis in the U.S. could get
worse. (Given that the foreclosure rate on homes is already high and yet the
unemployment rate is still pretty low).

In this environment it seems wise to focus on strong companies, those with lower
debt and good profitability and which seem less threatened by recession. It
would seem wise also to be positioned to be able to invest if stock prices for
good companies continue to drop.

One of my own “automated” (i.e. one of a group of Sells I placed in August to
sell part positions on 10% gains)  sell orders was hit today which reduced
my position in Couche-Tard. In addition I decided to sell some of my Tim Hortons
today just to raise cash (I am still around 100% invested given one of my
accounts is margined).

Sept. 8, 2008

U.S. markets and Canadian Financials were up today on the Fannie/Freddie bail
out of debt holders. The nationalization has already led to lower mortgage rates
in the U.S. and this will provide some support for housing prices. But housing
prices could keep declining due to foreclosures.

The U.S dollar unexpectedly rose on this news. This is not likely to last.
Arguments that this action will weaken the U.S. dollar make sense to me.
Currency markets are extremely unpredictable. I would never suggest that any
amateur get into trading currency. But retail investors can hedge. For example
when the Canadian dollar rose over U.S. 90 cents, and especially over $1.00 it
made a lot of sense for Canadians to put some money (more or less permanently)
into U.S. dollars and investments. This is because most Canadians especially
those who are rich enough to have investments will eventually need U.S. dollars
for their travels to the U.S. and purchases of U.S. goods. When the Canadian
dollar rose to 30-year highs it was definitely time to start buying, even though
it ultimately went higher.

At this time American
investors might be wise to allocate a portion of their investments to the Euro.
Americans don’t need to diversify currency as much as do other citizens of this
World. That is because most Americans travel little or none outside of the U.S.
and their economy produces most of its goods in the U.S. Proportionately they
are actually not big importers (though they import a higher percentage than they
used to). Most countries proportionality import and export a lot more than does
the U.S. as a percentage of GDP.

Canadian markets fell on lower oil and commodity prices.

As  planned I did buy some more Dalsa today.

BCE seems like a good buy at $40. If the deal goes through as expected. you get
$42.75 about three months from now, a 6.9% gain or almost 27% annualized. But
there is always some risk the deal fails or is delayed. Perhaps the reason BCE
is not higher is it takes a lot of money to make this bet. Retail investors are
not perhaps interested in putting in say $5000 and making say $345. Sure that is
27% annualized but it’s still only $345. If you put in $100,000 you make $6900,
which is a lot more interesting. But who has $100,000 laying around? and who
wants to risk that kind of money on the deal not happening? And who would risk
borrowing money to do it? Retail investors may turn to other investments where
there is at least a chance of a 20% gain or a lot more (a lottery ticket
component). Even (reasonably) sure bets that make $345 on $5000 in three months
are just not that interesting. But if you do have the money and can accept the
risk, BCE looks like a reasonable bet. I have about 9% of my portfolio in BCE.
I’m tempted to add to it but 9% is probably more than enough….

Sept 7, 2008

Check our Quick Analysis page for brief comments
on some companies other than those in the table above.

Tomorrow (Monday) markets will react to the U.S. government’s takeover of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac.

I suspect there will be some positive reaction since the move was expected and
it removed uncertainty. These companies owe staggering amounts of money.
Financial companies that are owed this money can now rest easy that they will
get their money back. This could push up the value of certain financial

Possibly, the U.S. dollar will decline on this news since it effectively adds to
the government debt.

Fannie and Freddie shares have been predicted to fall because the government has
the option to buy about 80% of the companies for $1.00 per share. I understand
that the dividends have been canceled on the common shares and on the existing
preferred shares. It seems to me that the preferred share dividends would be
restored at some point and so these shares may retain considerable value.

When it comes to energy stocks it seems to be anyone’s guess as to where oil
prices will head next. There is a lot of talk about $80 oil. If I had the cash I
would consider averaging into energy companies by buying the Canadian Energy
Exchange Traded Fund, XEG on Toronto.

I don’t follow Gold or Silver but I did read some articles that suggest that
Silver would be a good investment now (and also to a lesser extent Gold). Unlike
Gold, Silver is used in certain industrial applications and therefore gets used

Sept 6, 2008

Dalsa is updated and rated (higher) Buy
at $8.05. As mentioned under Sept. 3, this stock suddenly dropped about 24% last
Wednesday although it recovered somewhat at the end of the week. The company
issued a press release indicating there were no developments to explain the
drop. The company is trying to find a strategic partner for its early stage
money-losing digital cinema division. I see that as a positive. It is always
possible that the sellers of these shares are aware of some pending bad news
such as a restructuring charge, but I’m not convinced of that. I certainly
cannot claim any expertise in digital cinema but their story that movies will
move from film to digital certainly rings true.

Dalsa had really struggled in 2007 with the high Canadian dollar and with about
zero profit I had reluctantly given up on them. But now they have posted three
quarters of reasonable profit despite the high dollar. If this current quarter
is profitable as expected then this looks like a clear bargain. Also the
Canadian dollar is now substantially below year-ago levels which helps them.

I am tempted to say that Dalsa looks like a no-brainer, it seems relatively sure
to rise from the $8 level. Our rating is (higher) Buy. There are no guarantees
but I suspect that rating is conservative. I added to my position in this stock
on Thursday and I will likely add again on Monday.

Recently I picked up a copy of Buffett  – The Making of an American
. It covered Buffet from birth through to 1995 and had just a brief
afterword in the new edition dated 2008. Buffett’s investment habits were well
established by 1980 (let alone 1995) and nothing has changed since. I have read
a number of other Buffett books but this one definitely filled in lots of detail
for me. You can buy a copy here., or at most book

Our performance figures for 2008 are updated. It’s been quite a bad year for
U.S. markets and also world markets. Until recently the Canadian market was in
positive territory due to its heavy energy and commodity weightings. Now even
the TSX is down 7.3%.

Wal-Mart has surprised many by being a star performer this year up 28% and for
Canadians up about 36% when the currency move is accounted for. Investors who
look at charts had written off Wal-Mart due to seven years of a pretty flat
stock price. We saw that earnings per
share had grown very steadily from about $1.00 per share in 1999 to close to
$3.00 near the end of 2007 and we saw that this acknowledged world leader in
retailing was trading at a pretty ordinary P/E ratio. Now, despite the recession
it has done very well in 2008. The point is, fundamental analysis works well,
though not always immediately.

Sept 5, 2008

We have updated a few companies under the quick
analysis link above.

A property insurance company that looks like a bargain is Fairfax Financial,
parent of Northbridge Financial. This is a complex company with most of its
operations in the U.S. although headquartered in Canada. It’s earnings tend to
be extremely volatile.

It’s attractive because it now trades at about 85% of book value (although TD
reported this as 90% as of yesterday). It has a reputation of being a better
than average investment manager and of being cautious. At times its CEO has been
compared to Buffett, he probably is a Buffett disciple but he has made some
mistakes… It has taken short positions on the S&P 500 to hedge its stock
investments. Also it has made a large amount of money by betting that the credit
crisis will continue (it did this by buying credit default swaps which rise in
value as the credit ratings of corporations drop). It is unpredictable but it is
also a good bet given that it is available at a 10 to 15% discount to book
value. While we can “never say never” it seems unlikely that there is much
down-side risk in the share price at this time, especially if held for a couple
of years. It is down significantly from its highs. Is it a no-brainer
investment? I’m not sure I would go that far since it is so complex, but it does
appear to be a good investment. I own shares and am comfortable holding it.

Northbridge Financial (Canadian commercial
property and liability insurance company) is updated and rated (higher) Buy at
$27.10. I chose to update this company at this time because I am looking for
bargains. The share price has fallen significantly since June.

This is a tough industry to judge. (The industry is by nature subject to more
unusual gains and losses than Oprah Winfrey’s weight over the years!) It has certainly not been a growth area in
the past few years. And profits in the industry have been declining and may
continue to do so. Still, when I consider the fact that the richest investor in
the world (Buffett) made much of his money in this industry, it is worth taking
a look. Northbridge like a number of other insurance companies is now available
at (slightly) less than book value. This is intriguing. We have a profitable
well managed business and we can buy in at less than book value.

While its profits could decline it seems likely to offer returns on book in the
10% to 15% (Management targets 15% although a return closer to 5% is also
possible) range over the next five years. That 10 to 15% on book is attractive
considering you can buy at just under book value. There is also the possibility
of a take-over. Northbridge is generally thought to have a better than average
investment management process and that makes it just a little bit like the
Buffett situation.

Overall as I look for bargains this is not a screaming bargain but it appears to
be somewhere in the bargain range. I’m comfortable holding my existing
allocation to this company. If I did not own it I would definitely be interested
in averaging in at this price.

Further to my earlier note today I should add that if anyone has money in stocks
and is not prepared for the risk of a decline then by all means pull some of
that money out, sell now if you simply are unprepared to accept further losses.
My usual assumption would be that anyone having money in stocks is prepared to
accept volatility. Also at the end of the day each of us is responsible for our
own trades. No one knows for sure where markets or any individual stock is
headed. While I choose to ride-out this decline, not everyone is comfortable
with that approach.

Sept 5, 2008
(10:35 eastern time)

As markets have fallen this week and again today, the question arises as what to
do. Trend investors and those that invest based on charts and market sentiments
will talk of stop losses and would likely advise selling. It has never been my
approach to sell into weakness (I just don’t think Buy high, Sell Low works in
the long run). Those with money in stocks presumably were well aware that stocks
often fall although they rise over the long haul. The time to think about
selling (for example reducing overall equity exposure across the board) was on any of the many rallies we have had since the whole sub-prime
situation began about 18 months ago. At this time my thoughts turn increasingly
to looking for bargains. Also I will be looking for bargains that are
fundamentally good companies that I will be comfortable holding even if the
stock price drops further.

Our stock picks have fallen this week but (and admittedly this may be cold
comfort) the overall markets and particularly the TSX has fallen much harder
than our stock picks this week..

Sept 3, 2008

Dalsa suddenly dropped about 24% today
on ten times the normal volume. No company has not released any news that would
explain this. Possibly this is the result of a large holder wanting to sell out
in a hurry for some reason. Checking insider sales reports there are no insider
sales recently that would explain this (no insider sales at all since a few
small sales in June at prices around 14. In August the company itself bought
back 309,000 shares at prices from $9.42 to $10.50. At a cost of about $3
million that is a substantial amount of buy-back for this company with equity of
about $190 million and about 19 million shares outstanding. Perhaps the share
price would have collapsed in August if not for this buy-back and it does look
like there is selling pressure for some reason.

This is a company with little debt and positive cash flow. It has over 20 Ph.D’s
on staff. I believe this management is competent and trustworthy. It has some
proprietary products and it has a valuable “portfolio” of intellectual property
due to its R&D focus and this research has largely been expensed is not shown on
the balance sheet. It is selling around 70% of its book value which is around
$10 per share. It is losing money on digital cinema but it indicates it expects
to make money on the division in future. If so, these losses are more like an
investment than true losses and they are artificially dragging profit down. A
down-side to Dalsa is that the business is complex. I can’t claim to have any
real understanding of the market for semi-conductors or its artificial vision
and camera products.

It did have some loss quarters in 2007 and at that time I thought the high
Canadian dollar might be choking it almost to death. But it then reported
profits the last three quarters. Subsequent to our last update it reported good
earnings and cash flow on July 31 (as mentioned under August 31 below). The
dollar has now dropped and is this is positive for Dalsa.

Overall Dalsa looks like a clear bargain. I do call it speculative due to the
small size and the complex technology involved.

There are always reasons to be fearful, and maybe the market is correct that it
is only worth around $7 and/or some bad news is coming. However, if one believes
that markets are always correct then there is no point looking at fundamental
analysis. Buffett (the world’s most successful investor) teaches that the market
often mis-prices things and offers up both bargains and vastly over-priced

I will likely add to my position in this stock tomorrow.

Speaking of the lower dollar, now down around 94 cents after spending a year
above 98 cents and with a a total of at least two months over par. It’s time now
to look at which companies will benefit from a lower dollar. Basically any
company that earnings revenue outside of Canada will benefit. That would include
all the companies above that trade on New York (they trade their because they
are U.S. companies or have an operating presence in the U.S. Also Couche-Tard
Companies with expenses in Canada and revenues from outside Canada will see the
biggest benefit. (Dalsa is one and to some degree Tim Hortons). If the dollar
drops further there could be some large benefits to these companies.

Sept 2, 2008

An ugly day for energy stocks. Our stocks did reasonably well today. Couche-Tard
was out with reasonably good earnings (lower than last year but better than
expected by analysts). Shaw was up. In my own account, as mentioned below, I
placed orders to sell a portion of anything that rose about 10% just to raise
cash. Today that resulted in a sale of 200 shares of Shaw (I still hold 1100

Canadian Western Bank fell with the energy stocks. I would be interested in
adding at this price. They will release earnings on Thursday. They likely are
growing slower now, but I still expect a reasonably good earnings report.

August 28, 2008

Some good gains today. As mentioned last week, I placed orders to sell a portion
of each of my stocks held in non-taxable accounts if the price rose 10% (20% for
Wi-Lan, a penny stock). These trades were meant to raise cash and take advantage
of market volatility. Several of these trades hit today and I found that I sold
some Telus, IGM and Aeroplan. I like all of these companies but I simply wanted
to raise cash and do so in a systematic way that eliminated emotion.

Something called Zoom Airlines went broke today. When will people learn? They
were competing against West Jet which is apparently a low-cost outfit and Air
Canada. The ONLY way to compete was with lower prices and it certainly seems
that Zoom did not have the lower costs that would be needed. In their business
they could expect very little customer loyalty. These customers shop for the
lowest price. It seems you have to lose money to attract customers. A clear
recipe for losses.

Porter Airlines has made a go of it by having a niche, especially the Toronto
Island Airport. These Zoom fools went head-to head with Air Canada and West Jet,
it makes no sense.

For stock investors the lesson is to remember to invest in companies that have a
history of making money and where there is reason for us to expect the company
to continue to make good returns. Investing in inferior businesses is a risky
game where you have to hope for a turn-around. It’s easier to make money in the
long-term from superior businesses with some competitive advantage (but you must
avoid paying too much even for a superior business).

The Us. economy reportedly grew 3.4% (after deducting inflation) in Q2. I
usually tend to believe government figures like that. It’s hard to believe that,
as some people argue,  the U.S. government is really manipulating such
figures. Perhaps inflation figures are under-stated. If so, it’s more likely
because inflation is hard to measure than due to manipulation. I

But 3.4% real growth for the U.S. economy really sounds wrong. It’s very hard to
believe that the house price declines and the foreclosures have not hurt growth.
f inflation is understated that could explain why the GDP seems over-stated. GDP
= nominal GDP less inflation.Meanwhile we do know that profits are down in the
U.S. and markets can only recover when people expect profits to recover.

August 26, 2008

I’m just back from a month of travels and hope to be more active with updates.

Markets continue to gyrate based on oil prices and based on the the latest
positive or negative development in the financial sector.

Kingsway was up modestly today on news that they will sell a small division
(representing about 5% of their total business). In some ways this is negative
and reflects their need to raise cash and the weak outlook for growth. They are
paying off some debt (and may not have had much choice in the matter as their
bankers are not keen to lend to them). On a positive note they are selling for
twice book value. Kingsway trades for only about 60% of book value so it is
encouraging that someone is willing to pay twice book value for this part of
Kingsway. Also Kingsway and will net a gain around $50 million pre-tax
(about 75 cents per share after-tax) which adds to book value. The market is
also likely pleased to at least see some action by management.

August 22, 2008
(8:30 am eastern)

The latest edition of our free newsletter
has been emailed out.

After strong gains in the three weeks or so prior to August 12, most sectors
have been down since about August 12. Oil was trending down and then jumped
sharply. As always markets remain unpredictable. The banking and housing sectors
in the U.S. continue to deteriorate and this will make it hard for most sectors
to improve (although the market was set to open higher today). I’m interested in
picking up some bargains but the moment I will wait and see where the market
goes and I am hoping that the orders I mentioned under August 20 will generate some
cash for bargain hunting.

August 20, 2008

In reviewing my own portfolio, I note that my
cash position is minus 9%.(minus due to the recent use of some margin)  I
would prefer it to be at least positive 10%. However, it is difficult to raise
cash given that I like the stocks that I hold.

I have mentioned a number of times that it may make sense to always have orders
in to buy additional shares on dips and sell some on rallies. Today I decided to
enter orders to sell a small portion of every stock I own (with the exemption of
those not held in RRSP / RESP accounts, since I don’t want to trigger capital
gains). In almost all cases I entered orders to sell about $3000 to $4000 of
each stock I own if it rises 10% from current levels. For a penny stock like
Wi-Lan I used a 20% rally.  Hopefully this will result in some sales over
the next 30 days to raise my cash position.

I found that by mechanically entering orders to sell a potion of all stocks on
10% rallies I can overcome my usual reluctance to sell at  a loss. These
sales on 10% rallies are not based on wanting to sell any particular stock. They
are strictly based on a desire to raise cash and also a thought that by selling
on rallies and buying on dips I can take advantage of market volatility.

If I can get my cash position to 10% or 20% I would then plan each month to
enter orders to sell a portion on 10% rallies and buy on about 10% dips. This
would be in RRSP / RESP accounts only where capital gains taxes are not



August 19, 2008

Staples has warned early this morning that second quarter earnings are weaker
than expected.

I have updated my personal portfolio composition.
I have four portfolios (2 RRSP, 1 RESP and a direct trading account). I like to
track all four as 1 combined portfolio in order to keep track of my total
investment in each company.

Oil prices continue to decline. I view oil prices as very unpredictable. With
energy companies the financial statements are less useful in valuation. I have
had essentially no exposure to energy stocks over the years. However, I do not
disagree with a few that one should have some exposure and we have included an
exposure in the model portfolio. I am tempted at the recent oil prices to begin
to average into oil and energy through
Canadian Oil Sands Trust
or perhaps Encana and/or Suncor.

August 18, 2008

Staples is added above rated (lower)
Buy at $24.37 (it is $24.55 as we post this). It is a solid retailer and
probably a good long-term investment. we would not be in a rush to buy given the
current U.S. recession and general slow-down. Our strategy (if we wanted to Buy)
would be to post an initial Buy order at say $22 and see if it dips that low.

I picked up some additional Dalsa at $9.02 today. A good strategy for stocks you
hold is to enter bids to buy below the market. You can pick up bargains just on
volatility that way (the danger though is that you pick up stocks that fall on
bad news)

August 18, 2008 (9:00 am eastern)

Western Financial released earnings early last week and had a good quarter. The
stock has risen from lows around $3.00 to $3.78. Revenue tends to grow much
faster than the earnings per share due to an increase in the number of shares.
This company is risky in that it is small and is exposed to a possible increase
in loan losses, but overall appears to be a good long-term investment.

August 13, 2008
(10:00 am)

I decided to reduce positions to raise cash. This takes advantage of the recent
increases and provides some protection if markets fall. Also it gives me cash
for new purchases. I sold some Starbucks, some Tim Hortons, some Shaw and my

August 13, 2008 (9:30 am)

After strong performance in the past couple of weeks, markets appear set to fall
based on lower retail sales and more banking losses in the U.S.

August 11, 2008

Quest capital reported
strong earnings late last week. This is a smaller, volatile and somewhat risky
company but it does have the potential to double in the next few years. I bought
some quest and sold a small amount of Tim Hortons.

The Canadian dollar fell substantially in the past few weeks. This led to higher
returns for Canadians holding U.S. stocks.

With this recent market recovery, I will look for opportunities to rasie cash
since my allocatin to equities in about 100%.

August 7, 2008

Tim Hortons reported strong earnings growth today. It’s a high quality company.
The shares have been volatile. I would buy at this price but would be prepared
to buy more if the price fell.

Kingsway reported today. As expected the earnings were not good. But they were
at least positive and not as bad as recent quarters. At this low price it seems
to offer good value. But fundamentally it is a poor quality company.

Canadian Tire saw lower earnings. It’s price has dropped a lot. It could go
lower but I am inclined to buy rather than sell at this price.

August 6, 2008

Canadian Oil Sands Trust
is updated and rated (lower) Buy  at $48.66 (it closed today at $49.53).
This company has done better than most oil companies recently. A reasonable
strategy would be to average in.

Today’s news that Freddie Mac had bigger-than-expected losses and will raise
capital is not a surprise. But it could be a catalyst for the market, especially
finnacials to go lower.

August 5, 2008

CN, Canadian National Rail is updated and
rated Weak Buy / Hold at $56.18.  I like the company and believe it has a
strong competitive position. However with the recent price increase and a weak
outlook for the near-term, I prefer to not buy at this time but would be
interested in buying below $50.

I added to my positions in Telus and New York Stock Exchange (NYX) today, in
both cases this was based on the opportunity to buy at lower prices. Telus does
face competition but I expect its Q2 report to be reasonably good.

August 4, 2008

eBay is updated and rated Speculative Buy at
$24.94 (it closed today at $24.58). The stock has not done well recently
although earnings have been good. This may be a good opportunity to average into
this company at a good price.

Microsoft is updated and is rated Buy at
$26.11. (It closed today at $25.28). I have not owned it personally but I would
definitely consider averaging in at this price.

Telus has not yet reported its Q2. The stock is down about 25% this year to
$36.09 for the non-voting shares. It does face increased competition from cable
TV companies (notably Shaw Communications). Also the wireless (cell phone)
industry expects stronger competition from the new licenses recently sold by the
government. Still, the fact that those licenses were so highly valued suggests
that Telus has strong value in its licenses. Last year Q2 was comparatively weak
and therefore Telus should be able to report a relatively strong gain this year.
I am considering adding to my position in this stock based on the lower stock



August 1, 2008

Stantec reported better-than-expected earnings but the stock fell today. It has
done well despite the building slow-down in the U.S. This stock should do well
although it can be volatile.

Dalsa reported earnings yesterday after the close. The earnings are strong. In
the first hour of trading today the stock has not moved up and is at $10.10. I
have added to my position in this stock. It could go higher if its digital
cinema cameras start to get more use in Hollywood or if they sell that division
or sign a strategic partnership to develop the business, which they are now
attempting to do.

Northbridge announced a loss for the quarter. They had impairment write-downs on
investments. Other insurance companies like Kingsway and ING Canada may also
have investment write-downs. Northbridge made a small profit on its actual
insurance. I believe Northbridge should do reasonably well in future as it
appears to be well managed.

NYX Euronext reported earnings that were up 21% but apparently failed to meet
expectations. I have not analyzed the company but on the face of it I like the
exchange business . The stock has fallen to $41 from highs of over $100. At this
price I believe it is a good investment. The P/E based on trailing earrings is
13.6 and based on forward earnings estimates is 10.3, which seems quite low for
this company. I am buying shares today at about $41.40



July 29, 2008 (9
a.m. eastern)

I’ll be less active with comments at time over the next few weeks as I am

FirstService reported today. It looks pretty good to me. GAAP earnings down but
adjusted earnings are up. Given that the stock is down a huge  amount in
the past year, these earnings look good. In the early 2000’s this stock dropped
precipitously when earnings flattened but then it recovered to new highs. Given
their exposure to real estate services the recovery could be slow but I suspect
it will recover because it is very well managed, is in cash generating
businesses and is still profitable despite the decline in real estate markets.

Starbucks is closing two thirds (61) of its stores in Australia. Hard to say if
the market will view this as good (management taking action) or bad. It seems
clear that their GAAP earnings this quarter will be ugly with all the
restructuring charges. I am not rushing to add to my position in Starbucks.

July 23, 2008

Star Bucks was up again today. It seems relatively certain that its Q2 report
will not be good as will include restructuring charges for closing 600 outlets.
And if the economy caused it problems in Q1, this will have become worse in Q2.
I would think the stock would likely dip when the Q2 is reported shortly. It may
be rising now along with the market or it may be rising due to the new smoothies
that it introduced.

Western Financial looks like a definite bargain at recent prices. I do worry
that it will have some bad loans. Also its funding costs on its banking
operation will have risen and that hurts profits. But the main brokerage
business should still be doing well. And it continues to grow. It is very small
and that does add to the risk.

If would be nice if it was easy to buy at bottoms and sell when stocks are
higher. Instead, when stocks take a dive our gut reaction is something along the
lines of “drat, why didn’t I sell when it was much higher?” at the bottom when
the market has handed us losses it’s hard to get excited about buying. Similarly
when the market is reaching new highs, we feel fat and happy, and we don’t feel
like selling. The market actually is usually less risky after a significant fall
but it feels more risky. Similarly after a big move up the market is more risky
but feels less risky. Most people agree, timing the market is near impossible.
But at least we can try to avoid selling after big drops when we probably should
be buying and vice versa.

Our analysis tries to take the emotion out of things. Absent emotion it is
easier to buy low and sell high. Of course the state of the market always has
some effect on how pessimistic or optimistic we are and that no-doubt creeps
into the process of doing the analysis and setting a rating. We give you all the
ratios and data that we used, that way you can see if our rating makes sense to
you based on the data and other information on the company.

July 22, 2008

An interesting day. Wachovia posted an $8.9 billion loss. By any standard that
is a huge loss. The stock initially dropped but amazingly was up 27% on the day
and was up a stunning 44% from its low of the day. For most of us the first
reaction on a loss like that would not be to buy, but that was the correct move
today it seems.

This recovery in Wachovia is most encouraging because it shows that the market
is less panicky about banking losses. Wachovia it seems is in good shape despite
the loss. It was downgraded by S&P today but still has a credit rating in the A
range. It was smart enough to have raised equity back in April before its stock
price got whacked down too far.

While this was encouraging, Washington Mutual Bank came out with a
bigger-than-expected loss after the close today. Perhaps what we will see is
that the market will get a little more discriminating. We may see the weakest
banks continue to fall but perhaps the stronger banks will no longer keep
dropping along with the weak ones.

The market overall was up today in the U.S. I may sell some of my star bucks on
this rebound. I think it has excellent potential long-term. But with all of its
troubles of late I don’t want a heavy investment in Starbucks.

July 21, 2008

The $7.8 billion takeover proposal for TransAlta is a positive sign. It shows
that there is private equity money available and that this money believes that
some stocks are under-valued and is therefore willing to buy companies at a
premium to the share price.

CN came out (after the close today) with reasonably good earnings, down from
last year but apparently better-than-expected. This would seem to be a good
stock to accumulate on weakness.

July 20, 2008

Walgreen is updated and rate Buy at $33.23
(this was the price for our analysis, it closed Friday at $34.18). This company
has an exceptional record of growing both revenues and earnings per share at
close to 15% annually. Growth in the first nine months of this fiscal year is
lower at 4.2%. Accordingly the share price has declined. The company is still
adding to the store count at a remarkable 10% per year and recently had 6,700
stores. The share price appears to be pricing in growth closer to only 7%, which
leaves room for the share price to grow if earnings growth is closer to
historical levels. The company has very low debt levels and this reduces its
risk. I own shares in this and will consider adding to my position. There is
some risk that recession conditions will hamper growth and that the share price
will continue to drift lower.

Reitmans is updated and rated (lower) Buy at
$14.52 (this was the price for our analysis, it closed Friday at $15.03). Based
on the ratios we could have rated it higher. However we placed emphasis on the
fact that the same store sales trend has been falling. In particular there was a
12% same-store sales drop in May, the first month of the current quarter and
this is a definite concern. Reitmans is however a very strong company with no
net debt. It appears to have an excess of cash of about $2.00 per share and
therefore the dividend is very safe and there is the possibility for a special
dividend or it could use the funds for an acquisition. Reitman’s might also be
attractive to a private equity buyer since the excess cash and borrowing
capacity could be used to finance the purchase. It appears that Reitman’s had
carved out a very profitable niche (recent profits on sales at 10.2% are high
for retail) however its not clear if recent same-store sales declines reflect a
weaker economy (temporary) or more intense competition (possibly permanent). I
would be comfortable with a smaller position in the stock at this time as it
does appear cheap but I would be hesitant to take a large position due to risk of further

Canadian Western Bank is updated and
rated Buy at $24.12. This is a conservative well managed bank. The share price
has fallen recently along with the entire financial sector due to the problems
with U.S. banks. A reasonable strategy would be to average in since it could
fall further if there is more bad news about the U.S. banks.

July 19, 2008

Alimentation Couche-Tarde is updated and rated a (higher) Buy at $10.34. Q4
profits came in lower-than-expected due to low margins on gasoline sales. In
part this is due to the fact that in the U.S. gasoline price rises tend to lag
the increases in crude prices. The recession conditions were also a problem. The
current quarter seems likely to suffer the same problems, but in the longer run
the company has a proven growth strategy and earnings growth should resume.

July 17, 2008

Markets were strong today on better-than-expected earnings from Wells Fargo and
on lower oil prices. Lots of U.S. earnings are being released now and the market
may tend to lurch one way or the other on the results. After the close today
there were some good U.S. earnings reports n but also some disappointing ones.

I was looking at some figures on U.S. mortage delinquencies and write-offs.
These figures were from the Federal Reserve at

The following figures are for the 100 largest banks.

Residential mortgage delinquencies (30 days or more past due) as at Q1 were at
3.91% of mortgages versus 2.09 % one year ago. In the early 90’s these peaked at
3.27%. So are already high at 3.91% and the Q2 numbers could be significantly
higher. In better news though Commercial delinquencies were 3.41% in Q1 way up
from 1.33% one year ago but significantly lower than the peak of 17% in 1991.
Looking at total residential and commercial mortgages the delinquencies in Q1
were  at 3.67% far higher than the 1.84% on one year ago but hugely better
than the peak of 9.91% in 1991. There was a minor banking crisis in 1991 (this
was after the savings and loan crisis of the 80’s) but it was not a huge crisis.

It is interesting that the current banking crisis is considered so much worse
than the early 90’s or even the savings and loan crisis and yet so far the total
mortgage delinquencies reported by the federal reserve are at less than 4%
versus over 9% in 1991.

Several factors may affect this. First the dropping home prices at that time ndn
the fact that house prices had sky-rocketed since about 1999 means there is more
chance of lots of hownowners owing more than their house is worth.

Second it seems clear the lending standards were much worse this time and that
many people bought homes that they simply cannot afford.

Third, the crisis this time is driven not directly by the delinquencies but in
banks forced to mark-to-market their loan portfolios. Mortgages now don’t stay
on the banks books but instead are sold to other entities like Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac and certain big investors. This has led to a concentration of the
risk and also accounting rules are causing the loans to be marked down in value
to a greater extent than indicated by the delinquencies, simply based on the
fact that the market value of mortgage receivables is down on the fear of much
higher delinquencies.

Fourth, at this time, unlike 1991, the delinquencies on commercial mortgages are
not out of control. If the U.S. ends up in recession then this could get worse.

Offsetting all of this is the fact that unemployment is low. If we were to get
high unemployment in the U.S. then this crisis would get much worse.

Right now bank shares have dropped mostly on
that mortgages will not
be repaid (which causes the market value of mortgages receivables to drop). The
delinquency figures for Q2 will be reported around August 21. This is a key
figure to watch. Ultimately the
losses on mortgages will not be determined by accountant’s estimates
and the mark-to-market of mortgages receivables but by the actual extent to
which people actually default on their mortgages and the extent to which the
bank is able to recover the loan by selling the house.

July 16, 2008

A good day in the markets. But certainly some stocks continue to suffer.
Couche-Tard came out with disappointing earnings but expressed a lot of
confidence about the future. I will update the report for Couche-Tard within a
couple days. I suspect it will look like a bargain but with the recession and
the adjustment to high gas prices it certainly may be a while before it turns

Predictions on the overall markets range from those looking for a rebound
shortly to those who think that stocks have a lot lower to go. Either scenario
seems possible. It looks like it is going to take courage (and the financial
ability to live with the risk) to stay in the market or to buy on the dips.

July 15, 2008

Our stock picks have performed poorly lately and that hurts. The S&P 500 is down
about 15% in about the last 8 weeks since May 19. Toronto is also down 11% in
the last month after having strongly outperformed the U.S. and every major index
in the world in the first half of 2008. You might ask why I (technically
InvestorsFriend Inc.)  did not see this coming. It’s easy to say in
hindsight that this was predictable given the recession, the high energy costs,
the sub-prime crisis etc. But keep in mind that at all times  the
collective, average  wisdom of the market is that the current level of the
market is where is should be. If it was totally predictable that the market
would fall in four weeks then it would instead fall immediately.

Of course it was known eight weeks ago and four weeks ago that the markets might
fall. It is always the case that markets might fall. And I have been cautious on
the markets for over a year now and stated so many times on this page. The
surprise was that markets stayed relatively high and partly recovered from dips
over the past 15 months and especially in 2008 until recently in spite of the
evolving recession and credit crisis and high energy costs. Many analysts stated
that the market was looking ahead and was in May rising on the view that the
recession would end and the economy would grow again.

A certain level of optimism kept markets high. Now it seems that fear is the
dominant emotion and markets have fallen. The reality is that markets do that
they fall as well as rise and anyone in stocks needs to have the stomach for it.

Warren Buffett teaches that down markets are times of opportunities. That we
should focus on the fact that we own profitable companies and that low prices
are a time to invest. Most of us have a very hard time being as confident and as
brave as Buffett but since he is among the greatest investors in history, it’s
probably a good idea to consider his advice. Buffett also has an incredible
ability to avoid selecting stocks that have any real chance of declining and
never recovering. Hopefully the vast majority of our stock picks are quality
companies that will recover.

I did a bit of trading today. I sold some of my Shaw Communications. I like the
company but I thought it might be vulnerable to a dip. I bought BCE, Western
Financial Group and as an insurance some double bear S&P 500 ETF.

In good news today Intel reported after the close strong earnings and a strong
outlook. This could help boost markets tomorrow.

Melcor, after the close announced it sold a
new building for a 60 cent per share gain. That gives a nice boost to their
profit. The market may or may not get very excited about this one-time gain. But
I believe Melcor at its recent prices is a sound investment with good up-side

The big fear in the U.S. is that entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could
lose billions as homeowners fail to pay their mortgage. I took a quick look at
the Fannie Q1 report. It was immediately apparent that this is a complex
company. I did notice that they indicated that they have relatively little in
the way of lower quality mortgages. Their average loan to value ratio was 62%
and only 20% of the mortgages were over 80% of the house value. And the vast
majority were fixed term mortgages. They had very little in the way of the
adjustable rate mortgages where the homeowner faces a steep increase in the
payment. This all looked pretty good. On the other hand as house values drop the
figures deteriorate. The big question is will enough Americans actually default
on their mortgages to cause a big problem for these and other lenders? That
remains to be seen. Some of the lower quality borrowers were defaults waiting to
happen (sub-prime, adjustable rates, no doc. type loans,). The vast majority of
mortgages will not default . The problem is though even if defaults are around
3% that starts to get very ugly for the lenders and the contagion spreads to
other banks and companies that had invested in mortgages.

It may be the the U.S. government can help out enough of the border-line cases
so that the banks are not hurt too badly.  This could be a catalyst for the
market to recover if the U.S. government announces relief that will help
homeowners and banks.

July 14, 2008

This morning markets were initially up noticeably on the “bail out” of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac. However that was short-lived and the U.S. market ended down
for the day. Financial stocks in the U.S. were particularly hard hit. This would
seem to indicate that there is a lot of fear in the market. There is significant
fear that the credit crunch will get worse and and a number of U.S. banks will
be forced out of business.

The fact that bank shareholders would lose their money is nothing compared to
the ripple effects. Deposits over (I heard today it was) $1 million in the U.S.
are not insured. This means that some rich people with over a $million in bank
deposits , and some corporations, will at best lose some interest and and have
their money tied up and at worse could lose a significant chunk or even all of
their money after the first million. The notion that money is no longer safe in
a bank deposit would put a chill on markets.

Many small and banks obtain deposits by selling GICs on the wholesale market
through brokers. The buyers probably include some people and companies who buy
in large quantities, in the millions. But who would buy a large amount of GICs
from a small bank if banks are starting to fail?

Meanwhile, banks are going to continue to tighten up on credit. This could be a
huge negative impact on the economy. Credit is the grease that makes the economy
go around faster. (Imagine, without credit most people can not buy a car until
they save up the money – and today’s average consumer in the U.S. has long
forgotten how to save).

The bottom line of all of this fear and credit crunch is we could see a slower
economy and we could see stocks continue to fall significantly.

At this point we might hope for some catalyst to turn things around. It might
require two things to send stocks higher. First would be that the second quarter
earnings reports now arriving turn out to be much better than expected. Secondly
we would need the cascade of fear that has been happening around banks to stop.
Perhaps if a good number of banks were to report better than expected earnings
and lower than expected defaults…

At some point these lower stock prices will represent an excellent investment
opportunity. It’s just not clear when. It could be today or it could be in 12
months or more.

My strategy has to been to buy selectively and slowly. (I bought some Dalsa
today). This strategy fits my personal tolerance for risk.

July 13, 2008

The U.S. government on Sunday announced plans to shore-up the problems in
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. We should see strong markets on Monday as a result.

Dalsa returns to the list above rated
Speculative Buy at $10. I had taken Dalsa off the list for 2008 because it
reported several very poor quarters and I was afraid that as a Canadian
Manufacturer it’s profitability might have been wiped out by the high Canadian
dollar. The share price fell below $9. However in early 2008 the company
reported a very strong Q4 and then this spring reported an excellent Q1. It
looked like they have overcome the high dollar and so the share price went up to
$16. Now with the recent market weakness the share fell to $13 and then in the
past week or so plummeted to $10.

I know of no company-specific news to justify that. There are never any
guarantees but given its return to profitability and given the potential in its
digital cinema division and given it is selling at book value, I believe it will
be a good investment. I plan to buy shares on Monday.

Many stocks are getting beaten down in these markets. Smaller companies with
thin trading can be especially vulnerable to steep declines. Smart investors who
pick up the right bargains are going to do well, I believe.

July 11, 2008

Today the market was “staggered” by the problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The market later partially recovered on rumors that the Fed would allow these
two government-related companies to borrow from the Fed. As noted yesterday,
these companies have little equity and massive leverage and so their stocks
could go to zero.

Some doom-sayers note that the companies have close to two trillion in debt
between them and have guaranteed several trillion more in debts. However, it
would not take anything like trillions to shore up the two companies. It is not
a crisis if the stock holders lose all their money. It is a crisis if the debt
holders, and guaranteed parties are threatened with losing money. It would be a
crisis because while shareholders have now $15 billion worth of stock left to
lose, the debt holders and guaranteed parties have up to $5 trillion on the
line. If these parties security to be repaid is in doubt it begins to cascade
through the financial system as many banks and other companies might have to
take write-offs based on the possibility of not being repaid. The total amount
that might be written off is probably many times what is actually at risk, given
that in the end only a tiny percentage of prime mortgages may default.

“All” that is needed is new debt or equity funding that is sufficient to insure
that their debt and guaranteed parties are safe. Since the two companies
apparently were involved with prime mortgages and not sub-prime, they should not
face massive defaults. To back-stop the companies requires either a simple
guarantee of their debt by the federal government or the injection of in the
order of perhaps $20 to at most $50 billion per company. A lot of money but not

The federal government may need to announce a plan for these two companies by
Monday morning or the market could be staggered again by the risk on Monday.

EGI Financial is removed from the list above since we are no longer following

July 10, 2008

Another “interesting” day in the markets.

With steep drops in the prices of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the big federal
government chartered mortgage lenders in the U.S. I was surprised the U.S.
market managed to be up.

The good news today was Dow Chemical making a $15 billion acquisition at some
74% premium to the market price. That illustrates that there are some bargains
out there. Stocks that are trading at substantially less than their value to a
private equity purchaser.

I took a look at Fannie and Freddie. The results are shocking. As of March 31
Fannie had book common equity of $22 billion and assets of $843 billion. That is
a leverage of 38 times. If assets drop by just 2.6%, (due to a drop in value of
the mortgage receivables) the common equity book value reaches zero. Now maybe
the common equity is under-stated due to conservative mark-to-market accounting,
but the point is the balance sheet of March 31 showed this company was in a
precarious position. The market value of the common equity is only $13 billion.
If the common is wiped out that is not a huge loss, it has already lost much
more than that. But the effect on the market would no doubt be ugly as investors
worried what else could go broke.

The figures for Freddie are also bad with book value of common equity of about
zero ($1.9  billion against assets of $803 billion.) It has a market cap of
$6 billion which is frightfully low for such a huge entity.

Mortgage lenders by their nature tend to be often around 20 times leveraged. All
mortgage lenders are vulnerable to major housing price collapses and in the U.S.
that is what has happened.

No wonder investors are scared of all financial stocks at this time.

In Canada the TSX Group fell to about $32.70  today. This seems attractive
and I bought 100 shares today. If the stock is falling just due to being
considered a financial then it should recover. But if it is due to
company-specific issues then it could keep going down. We will know more when it
releases earnings around the end of this month.

I sold off my bear position on the U.S. market today. I had a
gain and just decided to move to cash on that part. But it is certainly quite
possible that the U.S. market has lots of down-side left.

The best gains will come after the U.S. market bottoms but I
don’t think anyone will know when that has happened except in hindsight after
the market climbs back up.

Kingsway continues its slide. It’s hard to know if the market is
aware of more bad news or this is just people bailing out. It also has somewhat
high leverage with assets around 5 times the common equity level. But, on the
face of it, unlike Freddie and Fannie it could withstand considerable losses and
still not be insolvent. My fear is that they will need to raise equity at some
ugly low price. My hope is that the Q2 report will not be too bad. But given the
markets it will not have a great Q2 since investments may have lost money and
with recent bad weather the insurance operations will not have had a great Q2.
And there is always the possibility of more reserve losses from prior years.
Still it is selling well below book value and insiders bought in early June so
those are positive indicators.

July 9, 2008

A nasty day in the markets driven by negative concerns about
financial stocks. The Overall U.S. markets are down about 20% since highs
reached in October. (The Canadian market with its very heavy weight in energy is
about even which its highest point last Fall but is down about 9% from is peak
of several weeks ago). Declines of 20% to 35% are not particularly unusual in
markets. Unfortunately they are unpredictable and most experts argue that it is
impossible to consistently time the market.

Although the financial sector has been hardest hit, there tends
to be a gravitational force that affects almost all stocks at times like this.

Stocks that are financials but which have no exposure to the bad
mortgages in the U.S. also tend to get hit. For example the TSX Group, Insurance
companies. Canadian Western Bank and Western Financial Group are all down –
perhaps just by virtue of being financials.

I am attracted to buying these stocks at these lower prices. But
as we are seeing, just because they are low does not mean they do not move
lower. Therefore one has to be be prepared to take some losses when buying into
this market in the hope of making a good return on the rebound. Also it seems
best not to get into a rush but rather to invest over time.

I have checked insider trading and for example saw no very recent
selling for TSX Group, ING Canada or Couche-Tard. For Western Financial Group
there was only 1 small sale. For Canadian Western Bank there were a few sales at
low prices so that, all else equal, is a negative indicator for CWB. You can
check insider trading for Canadian stocks using the link at the bottom of the
stock table above. For American stocks I use Yahoo Finance.

BCE is trading around $39.09. That gives a 9% return for five
months, assuming no further delays or problems for the deal, which is to close
ob December 11. That seems very attractive. I bought some BCE today.

I notice that the New York Stock Exchange / Euronext Group (NYX,
on New York) is down to $45. This is 52 week low. This gives a trailing P/E
under 15 and a 2009 forward P/E of 11 according to Yahoo. Given the nature of
the business (surely it has some pricing power as many companies would feel they
must stay on the Big Board) this seems like an excellent price. Possibly it is
being sold off as a financial stock, but it is nothing like a bank or investment
bank. I don’t know the extent to which its fees might fall with lower stock
prices, but it has been my experience that stock trading volumes do not fall
much when the market goes down. I would be interested in averaging into this
stock. Again one has to prepared for the risk that its slide continues.

July 8, 2008

Today was a good day in the markets. Perhaps it will mark the
start of a rally of some king. This may happen if oil falls. Overall though
markets are likely to continue to be volatile.

July 7, 2008

Another rough day in the markets. And many are predicting things
will get worse as reality of bad the credit situation is in the U.S. Many
homeowners have borrowed to the hilt and now they can’t borrow anymore and many
are just treading water trying to avoid losing their homes.

Many stocks seem like bargains but that does not mean they will
not fall further before recovering.

TSX Group is down possibly because IPOs are down and also worries
about looming competition in their until-now virtual monopoly service. The lack
of IPOs will hurt cash flow but because they defer IPO fees over 10 years the
hit to reported earnings will be tiny. Also trading volumes remain strong. They
will not see the huge 30% profit gains they have often posted but should still
do well. As far as competition, so far they they have not been affected much but
I can’t say how vulnerable they are to competition. I like the stock under $40
but would buy gradually and not make too big a bet.

Hopefully Tim Hortons will do okay this quarter. I noticed a
while back that camp day revenue this year was up 8% over last year, which is
decent. For investors with no position in the stock I would definitely be a
buyer now.

Starbucks has become more speculative due to the closure of 600
stores. Although I think the brand is world class the stock price seems quite
uncertain at this time.

Berkshire is down and it seems like an opportunity to average in
at lower prices.

CN remains a great stock and I am interested in averaging in at
recent prices around $46.

FirstService has not done well as a stock. But as a company I
think it is first rate. It does have a very heavy exposure to real estate and so
may take patience but I see the lower price as an opportunity.

Canadian Western Bank appears to be available at a good price. To
date it has not had problems with bad debt and should continue to grow.

Stantec has fallen a lot and is probably a good bet but does have
exposure to housing. I would like to see the Q2 report before deciding to

Western Financial Group seems attractive at recent prices. I do
worry that they may experience credit losses on the recreational vehicles that
they financed. They won’t get a full recovery at all on any foreclosures (more
like 50%) but hopefully in the strong Western economy the borrowers will not be
defaulting. And overall Western Financial Group has a bright future of continued

As a speculative pick Quest Capital has fallen in price and looks even more

These are just some examples. In general a lot of stocks are down
and those investors with cash can consider averaging in. Given that prices may
go lower it would be good to be positioned with some cash for even better
bargains if those arise. If you believe in buying good companies when prices are
down then we have the opportunity. But along with that you would have to be able
to stomach the fact that prices can certainly fall further.

July 5, 2008

I have updated my personal
portfolio composition.

July 3, 2008

With high volatility in stocks one strategy is to enter orders 5
to 10% below the market and you may end up buying a t a good price. For example
prices were lower this morning but then recovered. I added to my position in
Canadian Western Bank and the Berkshire B shares.

Regarding Aeroplan, one question has been whether Air Canada’s
troubles will affect Aeroplan. This could hurt Aeroplan, but my thinking is with
more expensive flights people will be even more interested in building up
Aeroplan points for free flights. Aeroplan has the cash to buy tickets from Air
Canada and it seems to me Aeroplan is in a much stronger position than Air

July 2, 2008

It was an ugly day in the markets. If we look at broader market
indexes like the S&P 500 (The TSX index is not a broad index due to extremely
heavy weighting in energy and resources), the S&P 500 had plummeted to a low
point around January 21, then it climbed substantially but fell sharply to an
even lower level on March 10. It then climbed substantially by mid May but has
now reached a new low for the year. This pattern has been in place for over a
year now. The market has taken steep drops and then climbed back substantially.

The market drop cannot really be said to a surprise to anyone
given the evolving U.S. recession brought on by sub-prime issues, plummeting
house prices and high energy costs. The bigger surprise was when the market kept
coming back so often (I talked about not being able to beat this market down
with a stick).

Of course we had hoped that our particular stock picks would do
better than the market. That has not been the case this year.

So what do do now? It’s always a personal decision as to what
percentage of a portfolio to keep in stocks. Personally, I cannot see much
benefit to bailing out now even though of course stocks could go lower.

Most of our Stock Picks have lower P/E ratios than they have had
in years. On that basis I am certainly reluctant to sell at this point. (I did
however, reduce my position in Starbucks somewhat today).

Obviously buying at the low point will be a good strategy but the
problem is that the low point cannot be known in advance. I am interested in
adding to my positions but I also feel that there is no hurry. It would seem
wise to be positioned to have funds to buy if we get even lower prices ahead.

Well, no one ever said that investing in stocks would be all gain
and no pain… We have had some really good years in 2003 , 2004. 2005 and 2006.
The reality is that not every year is a positive year in the markets. Hopefully
the back-half of 2008 will be better than the front half but right now the trend
certainly seems to be down. But things will turn around at some point…

July 1, 2008

Costco is added to the
list above and rated (lower) Buy at $72.55. Costco is a high quality company. Warren
Buffett owns shares and has said Costco has cost advantages. It does not appear
to be cheap and therefore a reasonable strategy might be to start with a small
position and then hope to buy at lower prices, which could happen if sales
falter at all due to the recession in the U.S. It seems likley to do well in the
long term.

Starbucks has
announced today that it plans to close 600 under-performing locations U.S. with
the loss of up to 1,2000 jobs. (Starbucks has 7000 company-operated U.S.
locations). Previously they had planned to close just 100. There will be a
“charge” of around $350 million. (For context the latest fiscal net income was
$673 million) It also indicates fewer store openings in the U.S. At this point
it is hard to say how much of this was already expected. Despite current
difficulties I believe the world-class nature of the brand and its well-accepted
business model will allow it to do well in the long term. This will hurt the
stock price since Starbucks former status as a growth company is currently very
much in question.

In other bad news, car sales in the U.S. declined about 18%
year-over-year and even companies like Toyota, Honda and Nissan saw close to 20%
drops in sales.

June 28, 2008

Shaw Communications is
updated and rated (higher) Buy. This is a company that I have really liked in
the past few years. It enjoys close to a monopoly status in cable TV in the
Western Provinces. In addition it has shown a strong a ability to use the cable
to provide telephone and internet service. As more and more people buy new large
flat-profile televisions, they are also adding digital service and the amount
they are spending on cable T.V. is rising rapidly. As a stock it has looked
expensive. However with the combination of yet another quarter of strong
earnings growth and a decline in the share price this stock is now looking
reasonable. So far, the Telus TV product does not appear to have gained many
customers  but it could be more of a threat in future and could spark a
price-war. Overall, I am inclined to add to my position in this stock.

June 27, 2008

Shaw Communications released a strong earnings report this
morning. The stock is only up about 5 cents at 1 pm Eastern. This may reflect
higher capital spending, lower free cash flow in the quarter. Or more likely it
is just due to the current negative sentiment in the market. I would be a buyer
at this price.

June 26, 2008

With so many stocks down in price it is easy to spend time
regretting not selling ealier. But a more productive use of time is probably to
think about which stocks to invest in at the lower prices.

With high oil prices and inflation, and with lower house prices
and more job losses, worries about recession grow. On average markets could
definitely keep going down.

For those just getting started investing this is purely good
news. For the rest of us it is stressful but can be an opportunity for those
with new money or dividends to invest over time. But there is probably no hurry
to invest.

June 24, 2008

It was nice to see Kingsway and Couche-Tard up today, on a day
when the markets were down.

An interesting story yesterday was that the Ottawa airport will
reduce fees to airlines by 5%. I have always considered Airport Authorities to
be somewhat (to borrow a phrase from Kevin O’Leary of BNN) “dark evil and
sinister” because they are unregulated monopolies. In the past they have heaped
fees on airlines and passengers to build opulent airports. This during a period
when Air Canada, Canada 3000 and other airlines were going bankrupt. Meanwhile
they gripe that another unregulated monopoly the Federal Government was charging
them rent for the airport land ( who gets free rent?). Nav Canada was also in
the act another unregulated monopoly sucking fees from the air travel industry.
It’s actually a bit scary to see the Ottawa Airport actually reduce fees. Things
must really be bad in the industry and even smug monopolists recognize it.

There is one time when I will tolerate a monopoly. That’s when I
get to invest in in. An article in the Financial Post today accused CP rail and
CNR of having monopoly power. I agree with that and have called that a
competitive advantage for CNR. I suspect the current lower price for CN is a
longer term buying opportunity. The short term is hard to guess because of the
recession. But long term companies with monopoly power do well.

June 23, 2008

BCE opened, up 10% but at the end of the day was only up about
6%. After the close it announced that the final regulatory approval had been
given. There is some speculation that the deal will be re-priced lower, or even
called off. Even BCE indicated a close by September rather than June 30.
Therefore this is a highly speculative play. Possibly against my better judgment
I bought additional BCE shares today.

Regarding Kingsway. It reported some insider buying. Two insiders
bought meaningful amounts. Most notably the CFO Shelly Gobin, bought about 5000
shares at about $9.10 on June 6 to hold 48,000 shares. I consider this to be a
large personal commitment. However Shelly has been a buyer a much higher prices
and its not clear that even she really has much of an idea of what this company
is really worth or what its future holds. Director Jim Reeve also bought 20,000
mostly on June 17 at $8.30, to hold 80,000. That also seems like a large
personal commitment. Again he has also bought at much higher prices and
therefore has not been that astute in his buying. Director Fred Walsh bought
5000 at $9.89 on May 12 to hold 35,000. Insider Colin Simpson bought about 2500
at $8.20  on June 12 to hold 5400.

There was also one sale an insider Richard Slater sold 758 at
$89.71 to hold none.

Overall, the four insiders buying has to be considered very
positive indication that the shares may be under-priced.

I Notice that the CEO was not buying. He holds over over 100,000
shares and 421,000 options. Certainly he has seen a large decline in the value
of his shares although this must be partly cushioned by a large salary and the
stock options awarded. I believe he is very closely associated with the
management problems of the former CEO. I believe Mr. Jackson needs to be asked
to leave the company. Possibly it is best to hold off on that until a couple of
good quarters can be established but long term he has apparently not been on his
game and probably needs to leave.

June 22, 2008

The big story Monday will be a sharp increase in the price for
BCE. Some estimates are it could go as high as around $40. The bankers have
apparently reiterated their commitment. Maybe this will close soon after all.
Then again the bond holders are rumored to have another lawsuit ready regarding
the legality of a pension fund controlling 50% of BCE. It’s not a done deal yet.

Shaw Communications will be out with earnings on Friday. I expect
good earnings. However there will probably be little or no growth in basic cable
subscribers, given slower new house starts and some limited inmpact from Telus
TV. I like Shaw and believe it will do well, but in the short-term it could drop

A lot of value stocks are back trading at P/Es around 14 and
below. I believe these are some of the most attractive valuations since around
1999. The way the market is going and with concerns about profits and inflation,
these could get cheaper. Still, buying quality stocks at lower prices tends to
work out well in the long term.

June 19, 2008

Canada’s inflation was higher than expected in today’s report.
Given that last Summer gas prices declined, inflation will be driven higher over
the next few months if gasoline prices stay where they are because the
comparable from last year was lower.

I am of mixed mind as to whether to buy on dips at this time or
wait for better bargains ahead. If I was buying I would buy over a period of
months, I would not be in a hurry.

June 18, 2008

The Royal Bank of Scotland has issued a warning that they expect
the S&P 500 index to fall by about 30% by September on inflation worries. They
expect the plunge to begin in early July.

It seems unusual to see this kind of warning from such a large
Bank. These kind of warnings have probably been issued by somebody or other
every day for the last century or so, but I think rarely by a big Bank.

It goes to show that in the market there is always a diversity of
opinion. There is always uncertainty. I don’t disagree that inflation combined
with the U.S. recession (partly caused by high energy prices) and housing slump
could possibly lead to a big decline in stocks. For those with cash a slump
would be an opportunity. I think investing in quality businesses at reasonable
prices will always turn out well in the long run. But investors do need to
realize that it can be a bumpy ride indeed.

I certainly don’t think that long term bonds is the place to be
but I do think a partial allocation to cash and/or short term cash-like
investments is not a bad idea.

In my own trading I had an order in the buy a Berkshire B share
if it fell to $4110, which it did briefly today. I also had an order in to sell
a couple of B shares if Berkshire happened to jump to about $4600 but there is
no sign that will happen soon. I am trying to use the volatility to advantage in
this way. (I placed both orders when Berkshire was closer to $4350.)

I see where Magna auto parts is laying off a few hundred workers.
My only surprise there is that we are not yet hearing about thousands of layoffs
in the auto parts industry. If GM is closing plants I would think auto parts
manufacturers will be hit hard. And the high dollar adds considerably to that

I recently updated my article on the
Canadian economy which shows that
manufacturing is still a very large component of the economy and of Canada’s

June 17, 2008

More signs of Recession with 2000 to be laid off at Air Canada.
1700 at the Miami Herald. Car sales were down across Canada even in areas like
Alberta. My suspicion is that people hear about layoffs and high debt and
falling house prices and even people with the ability to buy start to think
twice, start to delay purchases.

We are now in the pre-announcement period for Q2, this is a time
when some companies may pre-announce major losses. Although our stock picks are
down I think they are for the most part a defensive group. With mostly lower
price earnings ratios they should do better than average in any market
down-turn. (Of course any individual stock is subject to some kind of
company-specific bad news – so there are never any guarantees).

The TSX market seems to be characterized by a few sectors like
energy and some commodities and a few individual stocks like RIM that have done
exceedingly well. But the bench strength is not really there. We have the TSX at
a record but it is driven by a relatively few large stocks and the energy
sector. Energy may not be a bubble because unlike tulips, and real
estate at the peak it is throwing off the cash flow to support the stock prices.
Still, Energy and many commodities  have to be considered somewhat
vulnerable after recent huge increases. Investors in those sectors may want to
consider some profit taking just to be prudent even though those sectors could
keep rising.

The BCE situation continues to be anyone’s guess. My guess is the
Supreme Court allows it on a split decision and with some grumbling that
companies ought not to to completely ignore the interests of bond holders. If
that happens I suppose the stock goes to maybe $37 or $38 but then the bond
holders may launch a challenge to the legality of the Teachers Pension Plan
planning to hold over 30% of BCE. If that happens the stocks probably drops
back.  Overall it is very hard to predict where things will end up. I think
if I held a large position I would trim it tomorrow. I hold 200 shares and may
hang on to see the court decision but I place an order to sell if it gets top
$36.90. I could be braver but I am in a more conservative mood.

June 15, 2008

Regarding Tim Hortons, there is a report that two franchisees are
suing them in class action on behalf of all franchisees for some $ 2 billion.
This would be very scary if a large number of franchisees are in support. The
company indicates that its franchisee association is not supporting this class
action. It sounds like just a couple of franchisees.  Their complaint is
that items like the switch to frozen donuts and all the extra menu items have
caused ed them a lot more work but little or no added profit. This could have
some negative publicity affects but so far does not sound like a serious law

I have updated my personal

June 12, 2008

U.S. retail sales were up 1% which boosted the U.S. market. But
this was driven by the government cheques that were sent out to stimulate
spending. Also Standard and Poors continues to pump out downgrades of various
mortgage backed securities and report very high default rates on sub-prime type
mortgages. I still think the U.S. is in a recession and that therefore we have
to be cautious about the direction of markets.

In my own trading I took advantage of slightly lower prices to
add to Shaw Communications and the TSX Group.

June 11, 2008

Quest Capital
is added as a small cap, and quite speculative pick. We rate it highly
Speculative Buy at $1.90.  It is basically a private lending corporation
that trades on the market. It lends short-term mortgages at high rates of 9 to
15% mostly for land which will be developed for residential use. Unlike most
lenders it has loaned mostly its own share capital. It now plans to borrow more
money which should leverage up its returns. The main risk here is bad debt from
bad loans. With little debt at the moment its risk from bad debt is reduced
since any loss would not be leveraged. The structure is a Mortgage Investment
Corporation which is like an Income Trust. The Corporation does not pay income
tax as long as all profits are distributed to owners. This structure may be very
attractive as the Income Trusts disappear in 2011. The company is intriguing. As
a small company this is effectively a bet on management. We are not in a good
position to judge management. see the report for more details. The share price
has recently been falling in spite of what seems like good news. This is a
worry… Nevertheless I have made a modest investment. Perhaps a wise strategy
would be to wait and see if the shares recover to $2.10 or so and buy at that

The recent fall in a number of our stock picks is disappointing
but also presents an opportunity to Buy at lower prices.

I think there is every reason to expect Shaw Communications to
have another good quarter when it reports in early July. Stocks like Shaw,
Canadian National, and Tim Hortons seem to have strong competitive advantages
and it seems reasonably certain they will be good investments over the long
term. Canadian Tire and Reitmans should also continue to do well in the long
term although both could be hit by the Eastern Canada recession. Couche-Tard,
First Service and Stantec have  strong growth-by-acquisition histories and
so buying at these lower prices should work out well in the long-term.
Kingsway has been very frustrating. It may be forced to issue shares and so it
seems increasingly speculative although also attractive at this low price. (I am
not adding to my position in Kingsway). I believe TSX Group continues to have
monopoly characteristics.

This is just a partial list, but I believe that buying at these
lower prices is an opportunity. However, since prices can drop further given the
economy, I would not be in too big a rush to buy but rather would (if cash were
available) average in over a period of six to 18 months. Also, I hold most of
these stocks and I am not inclined to sell.

It is wise to remember that in stocks the best time to invest is
at low points, but of course it is unfortunately impossible to know when the
bottom has been reached.

June 10, 2008

Yesterday I mentioned I am working on Quest Capital (QC, on

I did buy some shares today partly I wanted to buy before the end
of this week to be eligible for a 4.5 cents dividend. Probably not a good reason
to be rushing… I don’t like to rush into buying any stock. There are always
plenty of future opportunities and I believe that buying before doing a full
analysis is generally a bad thing. Quest appears to be reasonably priced.
However, I view it as small and risky. Quest makes attractive returns by lending
its equity on mortgage loans at 9 to 15% interest rates. It’s returns should
increase when it uses more debt. It has not faced bad debt recently. But I
cannot be sure that it will not face significant bad debt in future. I am also
not clear what competitive advantage Quest has in what would seem to be a commodity-type

company indicates that its two co-chairs were in the past involved with
companies that had temporary orders against them from the Securities Commission.
Did not appear to be serious breaches and may not mean anything, still, this is
a negative factor, all else equal.

Quest is selling for about 95% of book value and that seems attractive. It also
pays a 9.5% yield which is attractive. It is a Mortgage Investment Corporation
which is effectively like an Income Trust and under this structure the company
will not pay income taxes if it dividends out all earnings (this continues past

of late May and apparently continuing today a large shareholder was selling
substantial shares even at this low share price. The share price has been
declining. Insiders hold substantial shares.

hope to complete and post the analysis soon, but it looks like this would be
rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $1.90. I will not make a large investment in
this company but have risked a modest amount.

Also today I bought some Fairfax Financial shares (a former pick,
no longer on the list) and added to my position in
First Service.

June 9, 2008

I have entered my Order to buy Melcor but it did not fill today.
I also entered an order to Buy more Tim Hortons, but this order is below the
current price.

I note that Fairfax Financial a complex but generally well
respected property insurance company is selling at about 98% of book value. As
we have seen property insurance stocks can be volatile and can offer nasty
surprises. Still, I think Fairfax at book value is likely a good investment.

A subscriber has recommended that I look at a small lender, Quest
Capital, QC on Toronto. I have more work to do on it but the preliminary
indications look good although I would consider it speculative. I may buy some
shares. I hope to add it to the Site this week. This stock is selling right
around book value although it appears to be reasonably profitable and to have
good prospects. If the auditors are to be believed then this should be a
reasonable investment. But as a lender it is risky. It does not take too many
loan defaults to torpedo profits. So far they have not had any recent loan

June 7, 2008

The article on the valuation of the
Dow Jones Industrial Average is updated. The analysis indicates that the Dow
Index is about fairly valued. In contrast our update of the
S&P 500 index valuation
from last week showed that index to be over-valued. The S&P 500 is a broader
index is more reflective of the broader market. The DOW Index contains only 30
stocks and may not be as representative as the S&P 500.

That was certainly an eye-popping increase in the price of oil of
Friday, particularly after the large increase on Thursday. I have no ability to
guess the price of oil but I would be nervous holding oil at this price.

Gasoline seems set to get to $1.50 per liter in Canada. These
kind of oil prices have many implications. As consumers spend more money on
gasoline it stands to reason that there will be less money for other things.
Things that consumers can delay buying include all major purchases such homes,
furniture, cars, recreational vehicles of all types. Also things like clothing
and vacations. It seems to me that this would lead to recession in the U.S. (for
sure) and probably much of Canada.

Almost all stocks are hurt to some degree in a recession.
Companies that face heavy fuel buills like airlines and shippers are expected to
be hurt.

Melcor Developments is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at $14.89. The stock has declined significantly
from its high of $30. because the slow-down in residential building and an
over-supply of lots in Edmonton and Calgary has driven profits down. If oil
prices remain over $100 (much less over $130) then it seems likely that the
Alberta housing construction pace would resume. Melcor’s stock price has not
risen to reflect recent oil prices. All indications are that this is a strong
investment at this price. However there is some risk that the share price could
drift lower through 2008. I personally hold shares and plan to add to my
position. Be aware that the stock is somewhat thinly traded and therefore is
volatile for that reason.

For purposes of the Model
Portfolio I will notionally sell half of the oil index XEG on Monday morning
at the opening price and replace it with Melcor.

I note that the wireless (i.e. cell phone) spectrum auction
appears set to raise about $3 billion for the Federal Government. As far as I
can see Shaw will not bid all that much and its share price may recover as a
result. A fourth national competitor Global Live is emerging. All this spending
and the new competition could hurt Rogers and Telus and BCE but for the moment
Shaw Communications does not appear to be much affected.

June 6, 2008

Performance figures for 2008 are
updated. It would be great if we had continued our long string of positive
years. But the reality is that all investors will suffer at least the occasional
down year in the market.

June 5, 2008

Target is updated and
rated Buy at our analysis price of $54.35 (it closed today at $54.63).

I was certainly surprised at the big jump in U.S. markets today
based on strong retail same-store sales. We don’t know yet if those strong May
sales figures will be at higher profits since some of it came from price

June 4, 2008

More layoffs are in the news. Hallmark cards closing its
production in Canada. Manufacturing continues to be hard hit. Ontario Tourism is
waking up to what the high dollar / high gasoline / border hassles are doing to
keep Americans away.

For most stocks its hard to see a reason why they will go up in
the short-term. But for those with a longer term outlook cheaper stock prices
are creating opportunity.

Canadian Western Bank will be out with earnings tomorrow (around
noon I believe). I would think the earnings will be good. Possibly tomorrow
morning would be the time to buy but personally I would wait for the earnings

We rated Couch-Tarde
very highly, but I do note that figures indicate that fuel sale margins on
average in the U.S. have been very thin lately. In fact negative for independent
gasoline retailers. Couche-Tard will do well long-term but the short term is not
looking as good.

Reitmans came out with earnings that were good but the stock
still fell. They complain of losing customers to cross-border shopping. But
their profits still rose.

June 3, 2008

The four plant closures by GM is another sign of recession. Now
Lehman Bothers seems to be in some difficulty and needing to raise equity at low
prices.  Therefore caution is warranted. At the same time though there are
quality companies available at good prices.

June 2, 2008

With more bad news coming from banks in the U.S. (down-grades by
S&P of the big investment banks) ouster of the Wachovia CEO), I believe more
write-offs are coming in that area and overall I think the recession will worsen
in the U.S. and overall I am cautious on the direction of overall markets. I am
looking to trim some positions and raise cash. On that note I finally sold my
Wendy’s shares today. I had bought on rumors of a take-over at $37 that never
happened and the take-over by (of all things) Arby’s is certainly not exciting.

Apparently lululemon fell 11% in after hours trading in the U.S.
on luke-warm earnings releases. Despite having a good product, exceptional
marketing and good growth one simply has to be very careful in paying 50 times
earnings for any stock. They forecast 70 cents in earnings this fiscal year and
yet investors thought the stock was cheap at $35 and wondered when it would go
back to $50. That math simply is very dangerous.

June 1, 2008

Watts Water
Technologies is updated and rated a (lower) Buy at our analysis price of
$28.60 (it closed Friday at $28.36). We added this to the site as we were
looking for something in the water infrastructure area. But this is more of a
water hardware company.

The latest edition of our free
newsletter has been sent. You should have received this by email

31, 2008

My article on Canadian
Exchange Traded Funds and market segments is updated. This gives you the
trading symbol for selected Canadian Exchange Traded Funds and also the P/E
ratios and dividend yields. Also links to additional information on these ETFs.

My article on the
valuation of the S&P 500
index is updated. At this time the S&P 500 index looks over-valued. Since
our last update, the S&P 500 index has risen while earnings on this index have
gone lower due to massive write-off at financial institutions. Even operating
earnings that ignore much of the one-time losses have declined. With a poor
current outlook for earnings it is hard to see how the current 1400 level on the
S&P 500 index can be sustained.

29, 2008

A good day for most of our stocks, while oil was down.
Indications are that the credit crunch and bank write-offs are not over yet.
Markets are likely to continue to be volatile.


May 28, 2008


In my own trading I have sold my small position in Reitmans to
raise cash. Also a few shares I had in the ishares global ETF.


Canadian Tire is
updated and rated Buy at our analysis price of $60.35 (it is at $59.85 as we
post this). This has been a very well managed company and the value ratios look
good. However earnings in Q1 did drop and so there is some concern about the
short-term outlook. My strategy would be to Buy some now and if the price drops
I would consider buying more. I intend to add to my own position shortly.


May 27, 2008


Wal-Mart is
updated and rated (higher) Buy at our analysis price of $55.75. (It closed today
at $56.40). Many people wrote this off as “yesterday’s stock” because it the
price peaked in year 2000 and had not done much since. But that’s the “stock”.
Meanwhile the company kept on growing earnings and by late 2007 the earnings had
grown enough and the P/E had come down from prior lofty heights and the stock
was a (higher) Buy. The stock finally resumed rising with the earnings. The
stock is up about 20% in 2008 to date.


May 26, 2008


The Supreme Court is going to hear the BCE appeal regarding
the rights of bondholders on June 17. This looks positive for the price of BCE.
If the Buyers really think this is still a good deal at $42.75 and are committed
to it then they may offer to pay off the bondholders ahead of the Supreme court
decision and move on with this.


I added a small amount to my Tim Hortons position today when
an order that I had placed some time ago filled.


At this time it seems like only energy and resource stocks are
going up. However, over the longer run investing in good profitable businesses
at reasonable prices will prove to be a good strategy.


May 25, 2008


Starbucks is
added to the list above and rated Buy at $16.95. This of course was a powerful
growth story for many years. Now growth has faltered. The founding CEO has again
taken over the CEO chair after seven years of being chairman. It may take some
time for growth to resume as the company refocuses and slows is expansion. But
the stock is down about 50% from its peak. The current price may represent an
excellent opportunity to acquire shares in a company with one of the strongest
consumer brand names in the world, at a reasonable price. There does not appear
to be any hurry to acquire shares given that the remaining two quarters of
fiscal 2008 are not expected to be that strong. Our strategy would be to buy an
initial position at this price and hope to acquire more later at a lower price
(of course there is no assurance that a lower price will materialize, but if the
U.S. recession deepens that is a definite possibility). We still rate it a Buy
because we expect it to be a good investment if held for several years.


May 22, 2008


The BCE situation is interesting. If the Buyers are really
committed to buying they can probably pay-off the bond-holders and force the
lenders to honor their commitments and move on. Another possibility is a quick
renegotiation down to $39 or whatever with a new shareholder vote, although that
takes time. I doubt the buyers will really pin their hopes on a win in the
Supreme Court. Too long and too uncertain. If the buyers have buyers remorse
then they may just walk and who knows where the BCE share price will go then. I
bought 200 shares at $32.30. I don’t think I will make any big bet on it given
all the uncertainty.


Oil was down today. But I don’t think anyone can say which way
it will trend now. Financial Post article today discussed whether oil might be a
mania or not.


May 21, 2008


Some stocks that I am personally thinking of buying on recent
weakness include Shaw Communications, Melcor, Tim Hortons Canadian Tire and
Stantec. With oil at $132 I would think Melcor is going to have good times ahead
because the Alberta economy should heat up to the boil once again after lately
going on simmer for a while. Shaw continues to look like an unregulated
monopoly. It may take a drop if it bids too much in the spectrum auction but
that should be temporary. Tim Hortons is still not cheap but I still think it a
winner long term. Canadian Tire may face some threat from Lowes and a weak
economy but it is down a lot from its highs and I am keen to start averaging in.
Stantec suffers from the housing recession in the U.S. but is a quality company
also worthy of averaging into. I think all of these are proven long-term winners
where buy on dips has turned out well and further dips would be further
opportunity most likely.


Regarding Shaw I have long been concerned though about one
thing and that was how they managed to lose money back in the early 2000’s and
late 90’s to the point where they had negative retained earnings. In recent
digging into old annual reports it was due to investments in things like
Teleglobe. That was a crazy time and Shaw was certainly not alone in making bad
investments. The basic (unregulated as to price) monopoly cable has carried them
back to profit and now supplemented by the phone offering and the now-profitable
Star Choice. I am willing to forgive those old investment mistakes and focus on
their current cash cow status and their current rising dividend. I know my cable
bill has gone from $25 to $75 (as I took more channels) in the past six years.
And sooner or later I will crack and start renting movies on line and we will be at
$100 per month.


Also NYSE/ Euronext, although we have no current research
report on it.


The BCE deal may have hit a HUGE snag today when the
bond-holders won an appeal. I suppose the BCE shares will drop by an ugly amount
tomorrow. This is another example of just how uncertain this deal seems to be.
Just today Financial Post was reporting the deal seemed likely to go at full
price. Now this. If indeed the stock should really dip a lot tomorrow, would
that be a buying opportunity? Hard to say. Not clear if the bond holders could
simply be bought off in some way. If the buyers and BCE take it to the Supreme
court it’s hard to imagine this deal getting done before fall. If the
bond-holder damages were small I would think BCE and the buyers would eat the
amount. Going to the Supreme court may just be a polite way of the buyers
backing out without technically just walking away.


May 20, 2008


Another day of oil up, most everything else down. This too
shall pass.


May 19, 2008


Kingsway is updated and
rated Speculative Buy at CAN $9.95 or U.S. $10.00. Kingsway had been a bad
experience for us over the years. I was first attracted to it in 2003 because I
knew that Canadian standard auto insurance companies were making very large
profits which was hidden by their retroactive losses. Unfortunately there was no
pure-play Canadian standard auto insurer available at that time (ING Canada only
later became a traded company). Kingsway actually did do very well on its
Canadian auto insurance business but this has been more than offset by recent
large losses in the U.S.  I have indicated many times that the reported
earnings of property insurance companies are not very meaningful since they are
subject to retroactive change and also lumpy with capital gains and losses on
investment. It can be a good business if well managed. Kingsway has turned out
to be poorly managed and has reported repeatedly retroactive losses that make a
mockery of earlier profit reports. In retrospect I should have put more emphasis
on the fact that the company has no competitive advantage in this commodity


At this point however, Kingsway is trading at 0.62 times its
book value. If the auditors and actuaries can be at all trusted then it should
turn out to be a good investment. I have lost patience with them. However, I do
own shares and I don’t think it is wise to sell at the current low price. It is
possible though that they they will try to issue shares to shore up their
balance sheet and that would drive the stock down. Given recent experience it is
also more than possible that the company will have further bad news for us
during 2008. It was particularly distressing that in its Q1 report it reported
that even its 2007 trucking insurance was sold at a loss, this after it already
supposedly had corrected the problems.


There was a report this morning that the BCE deal is in some
trouble as lenders attempt to renegotiate new terms.


On New York BCE was down 5% and had leveled off at that
point. On that news I decided to sell my small holding in BCE. Maybe this would
not affect the $42.75 price to be paid, maybe it would just be between the
buyers and the lenders. So maybe I should not have sold, and in fact perhaps
this is a buying opportunity. But I just decided I did not want the risk. Some
have speculated that the deal price will be re-negotiated down. Certainly that
is not something that BCE would agree to without a fight. If the price is
lowered, then I expect it requires another shareholder vote. The point is that
there seems to still be some doubt involved in this deal. If the lenders refuse
to lend the money it may simply be impossible for the buyers to complete the
deal. I have very mixed feelings about having sold my holding…


May 18, 2008


Telus is updated and
rated (higher) Buy at $45.95 (for the T.A non-voting shares). The value ratios
look good but growth is now slowing and is more uncertain given stronger
competition. I happened to sell some of my Telus shares on Friday just because I
was looking to raise cash. This was done without knowing how this update would
turn out.


May 17, 2008


FirstService is updated
and rate Speculative (higher) Buy at U.S. $17.80 or CAN $17.88. This stock has
taken a beating on its just-released Q4 fiscal 2008 results. It had a loss in Q4
which was mostly related to weakness in commercial brokerage. The stock is down
very significantly from a 52 week high near $40. Some of the problems in Q4 are
ongoing and therefore the next couple of quarters may also be weak which is why
we rate this more speculative. But longer-term this company has grown revenues
and earnings and will likely continue to do so,


Management sounded very confident on the conference call and
certainly had all their numbers close at hand. They mentioned that they are not
going to buy back any material amount of shares because they want to use funds
to grow.


Given that the next few quarters could also be bad, there my
be no rush to buy so a reasonable strategy might be to average in slowly. A sale
of one division is pending and based on the figures available I am hopeful they
will see a gain in the order of $1 per share but management has not said that
there will be gain so maybe I am missing some figures.


A very interesting point was made on the conference call. In
commercial brokerage they were not short potential sellers or buyers. What was
happening was that buyers could not get financing. It illustrates that the U.S.
banks are very cautious in their lending at this time (or the banks have no
money to lend!).


May 16, 2008


Our performance figures are
updated for 2008. The performance this year is not good especially compared to
the TSX market which has been given a rocket-boost by oil and other commodity
stocks in the past few months.


It is remarkable to consider that at the lows of January 21
when markets had just dived steeply lower, mainstream TV news took notice and
spoke of the extreme risks in the market. A mother with a baby was featured and
she wondered if she should invest in an RESP in such a down market. The TSX is
up over 20% since that low point when fear was the order of the day. Now that we
are at record highs of course fear is nowhere to be seen.  Logically we
should be fearful of a correction when markets quickly jump 20% and not so
fearful after a 20% correction. Emotionally the opposite invariably occurs, we
are confident buying at highs and fearful to buy at the low points.


May 15, 2008


FirstService dropped 12% today on top of a drop yesterday. The
company is heavily focused on services for the real estate industry and was hit
with a loss in its commercial real estate brokerage service in this latest
quarter. I believe that the stock is attractive at this level. However there may
be no rush to buy as the next few quarters are also likely to be weak.
Historically this company had grown earnings per share  strongly over the
years. Back around 2002 and 2003 it had a period where earnings grew very slowly
(and earnings likely fell in some quarters and the stock price declined
precipitously). Those who bought on that dip were well rewarded. (I note in
looking at the stock chart in 2003 on Yahoo it shows a huge drop but that is not
correct as that was a stock split that is supposed to be corrected for in the
graphs). It may take a lot of patience but there is every indication that this
stock will do quite well in the long term. Management reiterated its goal today
of doubling sales and tripling the share price in five years and this is despite
a weak outlook for the next few quarters. On the call management was very much
on top of its numbers. I do not see a reason to lose confidence in this
management. I added a small amount to my position in this stock today.


Regarding the general markets, it is amazing how much the
market has risen since the lows of late January. It’s easy to start feeling very
good about markets at this time. But I am cautious. Now may be a good time to
look to trim positions and build cash in case we get yet another large dip in
the markets. The U.S. housing market  remains in a very depressed state and
financial companies remain vulnerable to more write-offs.


The trailing P/E on the S&P 500 is very high at 23. But
analysts ignore that pointing out that earnings were depressed by a few very
large write-offs. Based on forecast 2009 GAAP earnings the S&P 500 P/E is high
at 19 (19 based on projected earnings 21 months from now is not the same as 19
based on actual trailing earnings would be, it is much worse). However based on
operating earnings for 2009 the S&P 500 P/E is reasonable at 12.3. That looks
like a sick joke to me, usually forecast GAAP earnings already exclude
write-offs because none tend to be expected. Analysts are being very optimistic
if they are pinning their hopes on operating earnings being some (19/12.3) 55%
higher than GAAP earnings in 2009. This seems to suggest that in fact analysts
are expecting a continued series of write-offs all the way through 2009. Based
on all of this the S&P 500 is starting to look dangerously high. When it comes
to Toronto, all things are dependent on the price of oil and so its hard to say
if Toronto is too high or not.


Recession Watch


A story today indicates that it was a “surprise” that
manufacturing sales declined in March. Apparently Canada’s GDP might turn out to
have had negative growth in Q1 or at best slightly positive. I don’t know why it
is a surprise that manufacturing sales are down in Canada. Every dollar sold to
the U.S. is worth far less than it was one year ago. The competitive position of
Canadian manufacturing has declined drastically in the past year simply due to
the dollar.


There are apparently habitable houses for sale in Detroit for
unheard of low prices like $5000 and less. Many older houses are almost being
given away in Detroit to avoid the property tax and because I guess there are no
renters. Yet in Canada we think houses can stay at more like $400,000 for a
typical house? I am not suggesting a need to panic, but I definitely have a
cautious outlook. 


may 14, 2008


Canadian Oil Sands Trust
has been added to the Site and rated Weak Buy at $50.91 (it closed today at
$49.84). This is the first time we have looked at an oil company. In the past we
did not look at oil mostly because the value is so dependent on the price of oil
which seems highly unpredictable. However we have put this one through our
process to see how it looks. Also Canadian Oil Sands Trust is a little different
than many oil companies in that it can maintain its existing production with no
“finding” costs. Obviously the biggest factor here is the price of oil. Before
investing think about where you think oil prices are headed, short-term and
longer term. It’s easy to get a warm feeling about all oil stocks given the rich
rewards in the past few years, but can we expect oil to keep rising? On this
Site we claim no ability to forecast that. We do suspect however that current
oil prices are not fully reflected in the price. The market is likely pricing in
an oil price lower than the recent highs.


ING Canada came out with earnings today that were weak. Really
hat should not have been a surprise given that poor weather in Q1 and the fact
that other insurance companies were also hit with poor weather in Q1. Also there
were some losses on investments in Q1. That is not a big concern because
markets were poor in Q1 but have since recovered. I have not looked at the
earnings report in any detail yet, but overall the story of ING as a stable and
profitable insurance company has not changed.


I note that FirstService dropped late today in advance of
earnings released tomorrow. My sense is that this is a good company to buy on
any weakness or temporary problems. I believe it has bright future.


May 13,2008


I sold half my BCE today based on an order that I has entered
some time ago. ING Canada will, release earnings on Wednesday morning.


May 12, 2008


CV Technologies is added
to the Site and rated Speculative (lower) Buy at $0.55. They released earnings
early today. There was very little reaction in the market to the earnings.
Perhaps there will be more reaction in the coming days. They did lose money this
quarter but that was largely due to heavy advertising. Part of that advertising
was related to selling products to consumers that had been booked as revenue
when sold to drug stores in Q1, so there are some timing issues. Sales were up
36% in Q2 which looks good, but overall sales in the first six months of this
fiscal year are only up about 5%. Therefore it is difficult to interpret the
trend. The share price has declined very substantially  from highs of over
$4 prior to is disastrous foray into the U.S.. But the share price seems to have
stabilized. The company is intriguing because if its product continues to be
accepted as effective it does have good potential for an eventual return to the
U.S. market. Therefore it may be a reasonable speculation. It appears to have
sufficient liquidity that a bankruptcy is not  a concern. (one year ago
bankruptcy seemed to be a possibility).  There is risk here but also
potential. There may be no hurry to invest given that the current quarter is
usually the worst and will be a loss. As a speculative pick I would not invest a
large amount. I do plan to add to my small position in this stock.


Berkshire Hathaway
(Warren Buffett’s opus) is updated and rated Buy at $4,100.  (We focus on
the “B” shares in the assumption that few investors can afford the “A” at about
$123,000. It is not a screaming buy and in fact the value ratios would suggest a
lower rating. Our last update was (lower) Buy at $4,570, so we were correct not
to be overly enthused at that price. The stock has a 52 week high of $5059. It
has been trending down and may continue to do so. It is surprising to see it
drop just after 31,000 investors flocked to Omaha for the annual meeting.
Our strategy would be to buy slowly. In my personal trading I have added shares
recently on this down-trend and would plan to buy more if it continues to drop.
Certainly as long as Buffett stays healthy this should be a reasonably good
long-term performer.


Here is a bit of Berkshire trivia. The A shares were at $18
when Buffett took over around the the end of 1964. The A shares have traded as
high as $151,000. At $123,000 that is a gain of 6,833 fold or 683, 300%. If the
A shares gain another 46% from the current price, they will be at $180,000 for a
gain of 10,000 fold or one million percent. I suspect this trivia is not lost on
Buffett and it would be a stunning job of work to have grown a share price by
one million percent.  Given good health and a reasonable economy I would
bet on the “A” shares getting to $180,000 within five years and possibly a lot
sooner. They may decline first, but eventually they will climb.


May 11, 2008


I have updated the results for the
Model Portfolio and for my
own portfolio. I am not exactly happy about
the performance this year. However, as they say, Rome was not built in a day. A
disciplined value oriented approach to the market does tend to win out in the
long run, but not every year will be a winner. When I look at the stocks in my
own portfolio and in the model portfolio, they are all (with the increasingly
aggravating exception of Kingsway) profitable companies. Almost all of these
companies pay dividends. The P/E ratios are reasonable. (A few of the P/Es are
high but those are for high quality companies). As long as these companies
continue to increase their earnings, the stock price will tend to follow suit
over time.


We have been taking a look at Canadian Oil Sands Trust. If oil
can stay at or near recent prices, then Canadian Oil Sands Trust will continue
to do well. I have seen oil price predictions that range all the way from $60 to
$200 so it’s really hard to say what will happen. We will be adding Canadian Oil
Sands Trust to this Site soon. I would like to see oil prices drop to provide a
better buying opportunity.


Recession fears for the U.S. seem to have cooled. I still
think they are in recession.


I have recent figures for the U.S. that indicate that the
median household income (not individual but household) in the U.S. is just
$53,154. Meanwhile the average home sells for $201,000 down from $219,000 one
year ago. The fact is that the average household cannot afford to by the average
house and cannot come close to affording the average new house. My suspicion is
that several million people have been juggling payments, borrowing new money to
make existing payments. This has been going on for years and was possible as
long as house price kept rising and as long as people had jobs and credit was
easy. Now with house prices falling, and new loans harder to obtain, there could
be millions of people who will finally admit they cannot keep juggling any
longer. At that point spending slows, bankruptcies rise, and loan default rates
rise significantly. This leads to more job losses and more people not paying
their bills. It could take a long while to work through the rot. I am expecting
continued bad news in the U.S. financial sector.


May 8, 2008


As expected Kingsway had a terrible day. It seems too late to
sell now.


Lots of earnings reports are out now. There will be some
updated reports above by Sunday


May 7, 2008


has come out with terrible earnings once again. My interest in
this company lately has been because it was so far below book value it seemed
like good value on that basis. Originally I became interested in Kingsway
because Canadian car insurance companies were making HUGE profits back around
2004 but it was not yet apparent in their numbers (profits were hidden by
retroactive losses related to prior years). I would have preferred to find a
pure-play standard auto insurer in Canada at that time. But there were not any
and I began looking at Kingsway and I thought it would report strong retroactive
profits in Canada. Eventually that came true. Unfortunately they were 75% in the
U.S. and turned out to have incredible problems there.


At this time they have proven themselves to be incompetent. At
best this is a company that has a chance to eventually move up to around book
value or a little past and for that reason it looked cheap. But its not a good
company for the long term. It simply has no competitive advantages.


Sadly I have way over-stayed my welcome with Kingsway.
Tomorrow its share price will likely plunge. I will not sell likely at a low
point like that. But before another year passes I hope to have the opportunity
to sell Kingsway and move on. (And hopefully much sooner than that). I can’t say
if it should be sold from the model portfolio until I see the price tomorrow.


Meanwhile I bought one more Berkshire Hathaway B share today.
Berkshire and Warren Buffett are in a wonderful position to take advantage of
the credit crises to make wonderful acquisitions. On top of that for many
companies Berkshire is the acquirer of choice. Hopefully, Buffett can stay
healthy and run the company for a few more years at least and also begin to
transition in new management.


I am increasingly drawn to the type of companies that Buffett
favors, simple businesses with good management and with sustainable high ROEs
due to being unregulated monopolies, near-monopolies, duopolies and companies
with incredible brand power and well as low cost producers. These
characteristics lead to high returns on equity that sustain over time. These
companies have pricing power. Rather than compete on price (except for the low
cost producer situation) they can generally charge more than the competition and
can increase prices regularly. Buffett at one time would buy only at very
attractive prices he later relaxed that to attractive prices. He says he would
rather buy a great business at a good price. He does not want a good business at
a great price (only great businesses need apply).


These monopoly-like characteristics are not guaranteed to last
for ever but the trick is to pick some of these at reasonable prices.


Some companies that I think have demonstrated monopoly-like
characteristics are:


Canadian National (duopoly)


Tim Hortons (not a monopoly but would you like to compete
against it?, world class customer loyalty)


Starbucks (world class brand power and loyalty)


TSX Group (virtual monopoly to date)


New York Stock Exchange (seems like a duopoly situation…)


Shaw Communications


Aeroplan (duopoly with Air Miles)


Thomson Reuters Inc. (market leader in many areas, becoming
duopoly with Bloomburg)




Fed Ex




Wal-Mart (low cost provider)


None of the above may be cheap but neither do they seem overly
expensive. As long as they can sustain their competitive advantages, all of
these tend to grow over time. Read our research report on each of these for a
lot more detail, but all of these have potential.




May 6, 2008


One interesting story today was the New York Stock Exchange
Euronext tripled profit. It rose 7% to close at $72.95. I last mentioned in t
under February 8. I think it has the monopoly characteristics that will make it
an excellent long-term investment, although I have not crunched the numbers.


I am really surprised how the U.S. market is holding up in the
face of the decline in housing prices. It seems impossible to imagine that U.S.
consumers are not going to be cutting back a lot.


May 5, 2008


Further to my mention of Kingsway yesterday and my concern
that the Q1 report may not be a good one, I reduced my position today (but still
have a big exposure to it). I do note that insiders had bought stock in Q1 and
that is a positive. The stock has seemed very cheap all year. What is not clear
is why it would be suddenly running up in price lately (especially given that
the company itself as well as insiders have been in a blackout period and not
buying shares since April 1.


May 4, 2008


The latest edition of our free newsletter was emailed out
today. You should have received it. Also you can

see it here.


Lots of news out. Tim Hortons has fallen to $32.72. The stock
has never seemed particularly cheap and now at 23 times earnings it is still not
an obvious bargain. But I think when you consider the power of this brand and
the constant line ups, it’s worth some kind of premium multiple. The market was
likely disappointed in slow progress in the U.S. But they are still growing at a
reasonable rate. The bottom for line for me is I view this lower price as a
buying opportunity. I added a small amount to my position.


Northbridge released earnings. They did extremely well on
investment gains. They made reasonable profits on insurance but they indicate
that competition is more intense (particularly in long-haul trucking) and so the
business is shrinking rather than growing. It looks like a well managed company
to me. It is however very hard to predict.


Kingsway has been doing well. This company has one major point
in its favor and that is that it trades at a discount to book value. Also it
offers a lot of leverage in the sense that its investment portfolio per share is
large. But there are definitely some negatives. If the Northbridge report
regarding competition in long-haul trucking is any indication, then Kingsway may
do poorly regarding the profitability on insurance i Q1. There may be a
faint-hope that it could show retroactive gains related to prior years insurance
estimates. But its usual pattern is retroactive losses. I’m pretty much left to
crossing my fingers regarding the Q1 earnings report. Hard to say if it will be
good or bad.


May 1, 2008


Note that I have placed  a new link at the top of this
page that allows you to jump directly to these daily comments without scrolling
past everything above.


This month is off to a nice start with most our Stock Picks up


Would somebody please
tell the U.S. market that the U.S. of A. is in a recession?
It’s like I
mentioned at different points over the past year, at times this market feels
like it refuses to be beaten down with a stick (see August 23, September 23 and
October 24). The Canadian market has an excuse to go up, given oil and
commodities, but its harder to figure out why the U.S. market manages to
overcome the bad news.


This goes to show how very difficult it is to time the
markets. First you have to correctly predict whether the economy is going to do
anything unusual. Then you have to correctly guess when or if the market will
follow suit. The fact is that in the short-term the stock market is very often
moving in a different direction than the economy. In general the market is
thought to lead the economy by perhaps 9 months. But that is a very coarse
generalization, even if true, that is only on average, in any given case it will
lead by a different number of months or it might lag. (Just like any given
family never ever seems to have the average of 1.4 kids or whatever). We do know
that markets tend to rise over time. The default position therefore is to be “in
the market”. On average that that is a winning strategy. It’s tough to get it
right when betting against the market.


Recession Watch:


I suppose at any point in time we always see some job losses.
But it seems to me that it was not very often in the news most of the last 6
years to the end of about 2007, but now these stories seem to be prominent
in the business news daily.


Home Depot Plans to Close 15 stores with 1300 jobs lost. First
such closures ever!


The West Coast’s largest forest company, Western Forest
Products, announced Tuesday it is shutting down most of its logging operations
and laying off more than 800 loggers and contractors as demand for wood products
continues to tumble world-wide.


April 30, 2008


With Q1 earnings coming in hot and heavy, there is a lot going


Tim Hortons released
earnings that were luke-warm at best. The “market” in its wisdom might push Tim
Hortons price down for this tomorrow. They had 3.5% same store sales growth in
Canada but only 1% in the U.S. Earnings per share were up 7% which is okay but
not great. My view is that Tim Hortons is great but we can’t necessarily expect
big earnings per share increases and certainly not every quarter. Food prices
have been going up and that hurts earnings. In fact we could see some difficulty
in future because the price of coffee beans I understand is way up. Also the
economy is weakening at the moment and so that does not help. The locations I
see in Edmonton are as lined up as ever and so if the market pushes the price
down, I suspect that will be temporary.


In another development the company promoted some people from
within and added some positions to the executive team. There are no outsiders
coming in to high positions and that is a good thing. (Tim Hortons is well ran
and has the confidence to promote from within).  But also some people were
leaving and being paid retirement allowances.  This may or may not be a bad
sign. Hopefully they are just making room for the younger blood. But they are
not replacing those retiring and so that may signal that they are on a bit of
cost-cutting mission perhaps sensing a slow-down ahead.


Coincidently Starbucks was out with earnings today. They had
pre-announced that earnings would be lower than the same quarter in 2007 and so
we might not see much market reaction. They do see a slow year ahead. But they
also gave guidance for earnings out to 2011. Earning of $1.35 to $1.50 all the
way out in 2011 may not be that exciting on this $16.37 stock. The headlines are
focusing on slower growth in the U.S. But they are still growing in the U.S. and
they are looking at substantial international growth. It seems to me easy to
predict that they will continue to grow and that they could easily double in
size in say 6 to 8 years. They remain a world-class brand and the stock is
cheaper than it has been in years (perhaps ever, on a P/E basis). The U.S.
market does tend to be brutal on any sniff of bad news and so maybe SBUX will be
down tomorrow. If so, I think that is a buying opportunity. But it may take
patience and maybe the better buying opportunity lies ahead.  I look at
Starbucks with an equity market cap of $12 billion and I think that looks cheap
compared to much smaller Tim Hortons at just over $6 billion and it does seem
clear that SBUX is the better bargain, at least in the long term. I certainly
think SBUX is the type of brand-power franchise stock that Buffett likes,
particularly with its founder back at the steering wheel. I would not be
surprised to see Buffett buy in. (Then again, it is always tricky to try to
predict what Buffett will do).


I will be adding Starbucks to the Site very soon.


TSX Group released earnings today and they indicate after
correcting for a one-time write-off were up 36% on an adjusted basis. Again, I
say you just cannot keep a good (unregulated) monopoly down.


Recession News


The U.S. on preliminary numbers was not technically in
recession in Q1 as GDP grew about 0.7% in real dollars (adjusted for inflation).
Interestingly, Canada which is supposed to escape recession had a small GDP
contraction in February. I expect the U.S. is in recession at this time and it
is getting worse. Ontario and Quebec are likely to be in recession as well.
Stocks will do well long-term but certainly it is a time for caution.


April 29, 2008


Things in the News:




It is a bit maddening to see that Wendy’s has agreed to sell
itself for $2.34 billion or about $27 per share. This will be paid in stock of
the acquiring company and not in cash.


Apparently they had refused earlier offers from this same
buyer some months ago in the $37 range, so that is maddening in itself. I had
bought some around $33 on the reports of the $37 offer. In retrospect that was a
dumb move, I should not have bought on the mere rumor of a $37 offer.


Consider this $2.34 billion value. Add in about $550 million
in debt and this franchise company is being bought for about $2,890 million.
That may sound like a lot but let’s put it in context. With 6,645 locations this
works out to just $435,000 per restaurant. You don’t have to know much about
this business to understand that this is embarrassingly low amount. Tim Hortons
in contrast is valued at $2,100,000 per location.


In 2007 Wendy’s bought back 9 million shares at an average of
$33 per share and now they are willing to sell the whole thing for $27!


The fact is that Wendy’s has been poorly managed at least
since the unfortunate early death of its founder, Dave Thomas. I always felt it
had potential because its fresh, never frozen burgers were better than the
competition. The smartest thing that Wendy’s did in the last 15 years was
acquire Tim Hortons in 1996. The next smartest thing was to leave Tim’s alone.
Tim Hortons continued to be ran independently, most notably by Ron Joyce who had
built the company up. Joyce ended up owning more of Wendy’s than did Dave
Thomas. He tried to offer his expertise to help improve Wendy’s but was rebuffed
and he eventually sold most of his Wendy’s shares. (P.S. I should have mentioned
current Executive Chairman Paul House who has been a key executive for many
years and may deserve as much credit as Ron Joyce – I added this edit on April


In recent years Wendy’s sold off Tim Hortons but only after
being badgered by outsiders. They also sold a smaller chain, Baja Fresh.


Overall it really appears that Wendy’s has done an abysmal
job. Current management have taken what Dave Thomas built up and run it down to
an embarrassingly low value. For this the current CEO has been paid millions and
will walk away with $15 million as severance and other pay owed to her.
(I made an edit here the day after I posted this I originally wrote $415 million
which was a Typo)


I did well calling Wendy’s a Buy in 2004 in the 30’s because
it ultimately spat out 1.36 shares of Timmy’s per Wendy’s share that are now
worth about $48 (and you still owned the Wendy’s after it spat out the Timmys).
So that was a heck of a good trade and I only wish I had bought more Wendy’s at
that time (I hope some subscribers did). For a time Wendy’s without Tim Hortons managed to trade in the 30’s
(it ran up to around $70 when it was selling Tim Hortons). 


I am now hopeful that a competing bid will push Wendy’s back
into the 30’s. With better management it should be worth more .At this point, I
am still holding some Wendy’s shares. I suppose I could buy more on speculation
but that would be pure speculation (perhaps wishful thinking) and I am not
inclined to do so.


Visa and MasterCard make record profits, Visa share price
soars since recent IPO


Sadly I did not own either of these. It’s no surprise they are
doing well. They are basically a pair of unregulated duopolies. These companies
don’t take any credit risk. They just take a small slice from every dollar spent
on Visa or MasterCard. With electronic transactions that is a sweet business. I
mentioned the Visa IPO under March 16. It was clear that this was a great
business but I was unable to say if it was priced attractively. I suspect it
would have looked expensive. But the thing is it is often worth it to pay a
premium price for anything that resembles an unregulated monopoly.


Job losses, House Prices and Recession


Yesterday I heard where GM will lay off 3500 workers in North
America. These workers get high benefits while laid off, for a while. But
eventually all these job losses add up to fear and recession.


The Case Shiller index of U.S. home prices shows that as of
February, prices were down 15% from their peak values. Some markets were down 20
to 25% (Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego, Miami, Tampa, Detroit, Las Vegas). And
these are two months old now, we can be pretty sure prices are down even more in
the last two months. And these are just averages. With a 25% average decline in
some cities it is not hard to imagine that some homes are down more like 50%.
Banks sitting on foreclosed property are surely facing huge losses. There is no
doubt that the houses were formerly over-priced. For owners who bought years ago
and don’t owe much this is not a big deal. It still hurts psychologically and
will put a damper on spending, but it’s not a disaster. For anyone who bought in
the past few years it probably is a total disaster. Imagine the thought of
staggeringly large mortgage payments on a house that has dropped 20% in value
(or 50%). Imagine those who bought several properties on speculation, they could
be wiped out.


(The only good news is if you are looking for a vacation
property in the U.S. bargains abound).


For more info on this house-price index see it here:

April 29, 2008- Historical Values




April 28, 2008


Regarding Boston Pizza, I added a comment to the report under
Recent Events regarding the fact that the related company Boston Pizza
International (BPI),  recently reduced its position substantially from
28.5% to 12% by selling units to the public. Each year Boston Pizza
International is entitled to new units as new restaurants are added to the
royalty pool. In the past I believe they have sold these but were until recently
required to maintain a minimum 20% position in the fund. I believe that the Fund
was created in the first place as a way for BPI to raise cash. Possibly BPI
needs cash to grow the business. I do not see a reason to be particularly
concerned about the recent sale by BPI.


I have added to my position in Boston Pizza Income Fund.


It was very interesting today to see that Warren Buffett was
involved in the purchase by Mars of Wrigleys for a staggering $23 billion.
Berkshire is mostly investing through $4.4 billion in  subordinated (and
no-doubt, higher-yield debt) but is also buying $2.1 billion in equity.
The price Mars is paying is $80 per share which is a trailing P/E of 34 and a
P/E based on analyst projected 2009 earnings of almost 29. The price to book
value is over 6. This company is not being acquired cheaply. It looks very
expensive. So why is Buffett interested? Consider the ROE is 24%. That ROE is
certainly attractive but there is a limit to the multiple of book that can be
paid to access the 24%.


True-to-form, Buffett is getting a discount on his equity
share, he is NOT paying the $80 per share. And he stands to benefit from the
deal to loan the company $4.4 billion at an attractive interest rate. But at the
same time reports are that he approves of the deal and does not think Mars is
necessarily over-paying.


What this illustrates is that Buffett always goes for quality
first and price second. He is basically not interested in ordinary businesses
even at good prices. He is always interested in extraordinarily strong and
profitable companies and is willing (if necessary) to pay some premium to
acquire those.


This whole transaction makes me feel even better about holding
Tim Hortons which is not cheap with its trailing P/E of 24. But Tim Hortons also
has an ROE of about 26%. Tim Hortons has exceptionally strong Brand Power in
Canada. It appears to also have competent management dedicated to making it
grow. It’s franchisee system is strong with individuals owning the stores. It’s
always presumptive and dangerous to try to guess if any stock would be liked by
Buffett, but it seems to me that Tim Hortons would indeed fit the bill.
Similarly I like holding Starbucks. It has some recent problems but Starbucks is
one of the top brand names in the world and that is worth a lot of money in
future growth.


April 27, 2008


eBay is updated and
rated Speculative Buy at $30.89 (it closed Friday at $31.30). It’s not cheap but
based on past growth it could be a good investment.


Boston Pizza
Income Fund has returned to the list above and is rated (higher) Buy at
$11.65. As noted in the report this is an unusual “structure”. Effectively this
is financial engineering which has created the Fund which collects 4% of
eligible revenues at the restaurants and yet the fund is effectively insulated
from all the normal fluctuations in expenses of a restaurant chain. It will
become taxable in 2011. It appears that the Fund has fully reflected the tax
impact as it declined sharply in November 2006. Rather than recover any of that
it then has continued to decline in price. It appears that recent price declines
may reflect lower same-store revenue growth. At this time the units appear to be
quite attractively valued. I will consider adding to my own position.


April 26, 2008


Canadian National
CNR is updated and rated (lower) Buy at $53.75. It has risen
15% this year in a tough market. It may be a good long-term investment. At this
time I would not be in a hurry to buy. I would be more interested at prices
under about $48. It is in the model portfolio and I am almost tempted to sell
half in the Model because it is the lowest rated stock in the model.


Regarding the general markets, once again my thought is that
this market seems to refuse to be beaten down with a stick. There has been a lot
of bad news on the economy. But buoyed by some good earnings reports the general
market is up. In Canada the market is up based on oil and commodities which seem
unaffected by fears of North American recession.  One interesting bit of
news out of the U.S. was that some people are finding that the banks are
lowering the limits on home equity lines of credit or canceling the lines. That
could get interesting. It certainly could put a damper on spending on big ticket


April 24, 2008


I feel like I should start keeping a running tally of lay-off
announcements. Today I saw where Tembec will shut a lumber mill in Quebec for 3
months. U.S. indicates jobless claims were down last month. I find it hard to


New home sales in the U.S. were down 8.5% with sales volumes
falling to levels last seen in 1991. When you consider how markets thrive on
growth and how the population has grown since 1991, that is a big slow-down. The
median new home price was down 13.3% year over year.  Housing at least is
in a very deep recession.


Two of my auto-pilot trades filled today. I sold a small
potion of my Kingsway as the price rose to my sell order price ($13.49). I am
not sure I will do any further trades in Kingsway until after it releases Q1
earnings in early May. Maybe the market is starting to anticipate Q1 will be
okay. I worry about the impact of storms on their 2008 claims. Prior period
reserve impacts could be positive or negative, always anybody’s guess. Finally
it is hard to say what impact all the market turmoil had on their investments.
As always a chef’s surprise awaits with the earnings release. The other trade
that filled was I automatically bought some additional Starbucks when the price
fell today. In retrospect I should have been more patient buying that stock, but
I do like it long term. I intend to add Starbucks to the report list above.
Starbucks says its customers are cutting back. That makes a lot of sense to me.
People tend to spend less when the value of their house is dropping and they
start thinking about their debts…


Another trade was I bought some
Aeroplan at $15.60. I had said in the
report above that I would buy if it fell back toward $15. It did and so I did


April 23, 2008


Retail sales in Canada were reported down 0.7% in February. To
me that sounds like a smaller drop than I would have expected but apparently it
was considered a large drop. Partly poor weather is blamed but I suspect it also
has to do lower with consumer confidence.


Headlines today include 1100 jobs lost at DELL in Ottawa. A
few years ago, Canadian labour looked cheap to Americans given a U.S. dollar
that was worth say $1.30 here. With American companies facing slow downs and
with the our currency advantage gone, it must be an easy decision to cut jobs
in Canada. No reason for an American company to favor Canada over its U.S.
workers. Surely auto manufacturing jobs here continue to be at great risk. (And
that’s before we start to think what happens when someone starts importing cars
for under $10,000 from China and India. Canadian Tire sells motorcycles and
quads that are less than half the price of Hondas and Yamahas. Seems to me they
could easily start selling cheap cars when they become available. I can see it
now, no haggle deals, but wait for a sale and you will get $1500 off. They have
a finance arm as well.)


My sense is that the U.S. is clearly in a recession that will
get worse before it gets better. And Ontario will follow the U.S. into
recession. The overall markets have had a strong run and are probably due for a
pull-back (although as always these things very unpredictable). I have been
holding onto a small double bear position in the U.S.. That has cost me a little
but at the same time I am about 100% in equities and so I view the double bear
as a partial hedge, in lieu of selling shares. I may even consider buying a
small amount of a bear ETF for Canada. This would be in lieu of selling some of
the stocks I own since I do find it hard to decide which stocks to sell. For the
most part though I will remain heavily invested in equities since I am a log
term investor and since I know it is extremely difficult to time markets.


April 22, 2008


With oil at $118, every investor probably wishes they had
bought oil and oil stocks. Those not in oil (which includes myself) may feel
bad. But imagine people who bought the double bear oil ETF. Horizons betapro has
a double bear ETF where you can lose 2% every time oil goes up 1%. That ETF has
been plummeting and is down about 50% in about the last 3 months. Many investors
will claim they KNEW oil was going up. But apparently some investors thought it
was going down and bought the double bear. So far this year that has been a bad


With oil at this all-time high it may be wise to think about
which stocks might be hurt by this. FEDEX comes to mind as it faces high fuel
prices for its vast fleet of planes and trucks. Airlines have already been hit.
Perhaps a gasoline retailer like Couche-Tard will be hurt with lower sales and
pressure on margins. (May already be reflected in the stock price). Tourism
business in Canada could be hard hit given less travel. In addition visits from
the United Stated into Canada are already down 14% year-over-year due to the
high dollar (same-day car trips down 20%!). Combine this with more Canadians
vacationing in the U.S. (rather than Canada) to take advantage of our dollar and
tourism in Canada is in for a triple-whammy. Auto makers trying to sell trucks
and SUVs could also be hard hit.


On the other hand rail roads are said to benefit from high oil
prices as their advantage over trucks widens (but offsetting this the railroads
are hurt if the economy slows due to high oil prices). Perhaps car insurance
companies will benefit slightly from high oil prices as people drive less (and
therefore have fewer accidents).


April 21, 2008


fell about 6% after announcing that the CFO will leave to become
(of all things) CEO of troubled Biovail of which he was a Board member. Seems to
me the guy must have been pretty desperate to get out of Loblaws to take on
Biovail with all its troubles. Two other key executives were apparently fired.
Loblaw announced all this in a press release with the headline “Loblaw Announces
Executive Changes”. A more descriptive title would have been “Loblaw Announces
Executive Departures”. It bothers me that they would choose the headline this


I am not overly familiar with all the executive changes at
Loblaw these past few years, but it seems to me that most of the team the made
Loblaw Great (and it was great until fairly recently) have all been ran off or
have  ran off on their own. The loss of good people has been staggering.
The fall from grace has been staggering. Meanwhile they continue with a family
member as CEO, a man not yet 40. (Has he really earned this job?)  It’s
getting farcical. I still think it will be a bargain at some point, but right
now it is not looking good.


CN reported earnings today after the close.
As expected the quarter was about flat. We will update our report
soon, after we see where the stock moves in reaction to these earnings.


Based on some orders I placed earlier, I ended up adding to my
Couche-Tard position today. It continues to fall possibly based on recession
concerns and concerns that high gasoline prices will hurt it.


There are many mixed messages about the market. Signs of
recession seem to row daily and yet the overall market has done well lately
(even excluding energy and commodities, it does really look like the market is
generally worried about the U.S. recession).. Energy and commodities of course
have been on fire


April 16, 2008


Today’s big market gains are another illustration of how
unpredictable markets are. I am certainly surprised to see that gain in the face
of the U.S. recession. We may see the market lurch around is response to various
earnings announcements. I would think that companies selling highly competitive
discretionary products (airline seats, cars, appliances) are going to start to
see the affects of recession the U.S. 


I suspect also here will be more write-offs in financial
companies that will roil the markets from time to time.


Companies that are less subject to customers shopping around
and discounting (cable TV, railroads, Tim Hortons) should continue to do well in
earnings although on the consumer side in the U.S. consumers will be staring to
cut back on discretionary item I suspect (What choice do they have when food and
energy costs are up and the credit is taped out and anyway they don’t feel like
borrowing as house prices fall and as they hear about job losses starting to
crop up).


Speaking of companies subject to competition. It is curious
that in Canada people say our 5 big banks make huge profits on consumer lending
simply because they are an oligopoly. But 5 competitors seems not so few and in
reality there are lots more small lenders out there competing. In Airlines
whenever we had more than two competitors they seemed to compete profits down to
negative numbers. In banking there are lots of competitors but high profits.
Part of the reason is we customers are fairly sticky. We seldom change banks for
our chequing account. We may shop around for a mortgage but then we stay put for
a 5 year lock-in period. There is also the fact that banking as we are finding
out truly is risky. It’s one thing to sell an airline seat. When you give
someone a loan they may not repay, it is risky and so you want to build in a
decent profit. Sometimes I think the leaders in some industries are just stupid
competitors more interested in crushing each other than in making a profit.
Bankers are maybe just smarter than that.


April 16, 2008


I had previously entered some trades about 5% below the
market. These trades are left on auto-pilot and meant to buy automatically on
dips. This resulted today in adding to my position in Berkshire (a “B” share) as
well as in Shaw Communications.


April 15, 2008


One thing I have noticed in the business news is lots of
layoffs. 200 people here, 400 there. In the U.S. the big financial companies are
cutting jobs. Yet the job numbers overall have still been good. Unemployment is
very low and has only crept up. But I think all of these announcements of cuts
here and there will add up. So far we have job losses “here”, and “there”. I
think the next item in that pattern is “everywhere”. It’s another reason to be
cautious about markets.


But let’s not panic. I was reading a Buffett interview on He advises not to react to such macro economic news. Rather he
advises us to own
corporate America as an index fund, or if you have some ability to pick winners
to be selective in stock picks. But overall he believes that owning your share
of corporate America (and we can assume Canada) will work out in the long run.


April 13, 2008


For my own account I have entered some trades to buy
additional shares in various companies if the price should drop by about 5%.
These include Shaw, Couche-Tard, Canadian Western Bank, Starbucks, TSX Group and
Melcor. The hope is to use volatility to my advantage. The danger is that in a
general market decline I could be buying too early. For that reason I entered
orders for modest quantities so that I will have funds left to buy at even lower
prices if that should occur.


I find when prices do drop it can be hard to buy as the
outlook then seems negative. By entering these buy orders I can be on
auto-pilot. If the price drops I buy – no chickening out.


April 12, 2008


is updated and rated Buy at CAN $21.05
or U.S. $20.71. Shaw announced earnings prior to the start of trading on Friday.
The earnings and the subscriber growth were strong and Shaw’s price rose on
Friday despite the fact that markets in general fell close to 2%. Shaw’s
earnings have been ramping up rapidly but from a low level. The P/E still looks
high at 23 but based on forward earnings the P/E is probably much lower
(Analysts estimate it is at a about 17 which would be attractive). I view Shaw
as a being unregulated with respect to price and as having a near-monopoly
position. (Mis-guided government policies “protect” Canadians from buying
satellite signals from the U.S. Shaw owns one of the two satellite companies in
Canada. Telus is attempting to compete but there is no sign that the the Telus
effort has gained many customers yet – but it could.) Shaw would seem to be in a
great position as more and more people switch to digital service and subscribe
to additional channels. Insiders have been buying Shaw shares Shaw represents
about 6% of my portfolio but I might buy additional shares if it happens to get
back under about $19.


April 10, 2008


Canadian Western
Bank is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $25.05 (it closed today at
$24.64). It has been volatile of late. This small bank is much less complex than
the big Canadian banks. It should continue to do well barring a recession in
Western Canada.


It’s very unclear where the overall markets are headed. Some
analysts suggest that the U.S. recession will become significantly worse and
cause easily a 20% drop in stock markets. Others claim the worse is over and
markets can rise from here. Long-term investors will do okay either way although
a big dip in the markets is certainly stressful. I’m trying to be positioned to
have at least some cash to take advantage of a dip if that happens.


April 9, 2008


Most stocks were down today. My strategy will be to do some
selected buying but on a slow and patient basis.


I have had orders in to trim some positions if stock prices
rise. On that basis I sold a small portion of my Kingsway shares today at $12.70


April 8, 2008


Some interesting and scary market developments today:


Washington Mutual a big U.S. bank raised $7 billion in equity
and other capital. The market overall might be happy to see that they could
raise the money. But I see little to be happy about. Washington Mutual like
many banks has run into trouble with mortgage losses. But as a standard retail
and small commercial bank, there was never any doubt that Washington Mutual over
the long term can continue to be an engine of profit. If it loses money in one
year you just need to keep the engine running (the branches) and it would
eventually build up capital again through profits. So I don’t think there should
have been any doubt that it was worth something and that investors would be
willing to buy its shares at some price. (This was not like Bear Sterns which
was a trading company and not a retail bank – that is a far different
situation.) The danger for existing shareholders of any bank would seldom ever
be bankruptcy. Instead the danger is that if a bank loses money and has to raise
equity, it might have to do so at a low share price. This dilutes the value of
existing shares. In the case of Washington Mutual it raised equity at $8.75 per


This means that some new shareholders are buying in at $8.75
per share while the shares trades last week at around $11. To me this is bad
news. The company is in effect saying that its shares are only worth $8.75. It
closed today at $11.71. But I would not be exactly comfortable to pay $11.71
when the bank just finished selling shares at $8.75. Based on book value these
shares are worth more, but it is scary that the bank agreed to sell shares so
cheap. These shares have a 52 week high of $44! According to Yahoo these shares
spent most of the last 5 years above $40 before the recent plunge. The shares
were at $11 in 1996!


The book value of Washington Mutual (at least prior to the
pending Q1 write-off) was around $24 per share. So here we have a bank forced to
sell shares around  38% of book value. That is a horrible indictment of
management. Companies should be in a position to buy back shares when they are
cheap. It absolutely destroys shareholder value to sell shares below book value.
It may have been a necessary evil, but make no mistake it wan an evil.


So… I see no good news and lots of bad news in this forced
move at Washington Mutual.


In somewhat related news, Standard and Poors downgraded four
mortgage insurance companies today over a worsening outlook for mortgage
defaults. S&P now expects home prices to ultimately drop 20% (on average!) from
their 2006 peaks and this will lead to more mortgage defaults.


This seems very scary. Just as rising home prices begat
further rises, falling home prices can tend to spiral into a contagion. Who
wants to take on a $300,000 house if it looks like it will fall in price? All of
this has got to weigh on consumer confidence as well. It seems clear that
millions of Americans will have to curtail spending.


Will Canada escape? Garth Brooks (Correction should read Garth
Turner) (M.P. and financial author)
has a new book out that suggests that Canadian house prices will fall. Basically
he sees house prices coming back because they have far over-shot the long-term
trend. A whiff of stagnant or falling house prices in Canada is probably going
to cause a lot of young people to decide not to take on a big mortgage. The last
couple of years we had capitulation. People started bidding house prices up
because they were finally convinced that they would only go higher. That was
pretty much the signal that the party was over. Maybe Alberta can escape much of
a fall if the energy patch stays very strong. But if Ontario house prices fall
Alberta will likely be pulled down to. I look on the outskirts of Edmonton and
there are vast tracts of empty farmland close to the City. Is it really rational
that lot prices have to be $150,000 or more when land is so abundant? Or was
that just a market bubble?


With all that I am definitely cautious on the markets. You
might say that there is good news and there is bad news and both can be
expressed in just two words. “Bargains Ahead”  That does not mean I
advocate getting out of the market. It is extremely difficult to time the
markets. For all I know, the Fed will rush in with more rate cuts and the market
will continue upward.  In a time like this I want to be positioned to
invest in bargains if they appear. For some that might mean just buying shares
from future savings. For others it would mean borrowing to invest. For others it
would mean being positioned now with higher cash and lower equity.


A subscriber asked me how I see the future of Canadian Banks.
On this site we have Canadian Western Bank which we like but I have not looked
at the large Canadian Banks. Partly because they are very complex with mixtures
of retail banking, investment banking, trading for their own account and foreign
subsidiaries. In general I suspect that in the long term they will do well. But
the short term is hard to guess there could be further down-side before they
recover. The down-side could come if there is a recession and/or significant
drop in property values in Canada. Sometimes when we have done well on a stock
it is hard to let go of it. If I held the big banks I suppose I would likely
continue to hold, but it could a rough ride.


April 7, 2008


Once again it is earnings season. The first company to report
Q1 earnings was Alcoa out today with earnings 50% lower than last year but only
marginally lower than expected. (How do they get earnings out only 7 days after
the quarter? That is fast!) Hopefully the Q1 earnings in general will be good
but I suspect there will be quite a few companies with lower earnings. In Canada
it will be a mix. Any company that exports to the U.S. will likely have lower
earnings (all else being equal). Any company that imports (like Canadian Tire
and others) should do okay (all else being equal). Those with essentially no
imports or exports are not much affected by the much higher dollar.


So far it seems there are few signs of recession especially in
Canada. In Edmonton one company is holding an open job fair for welders and
other construction type workers so that is great. On the other hand there seems
to be more and more stories about layoffs in the news particularly in Ontario
and Quebec. I can’t see how Canada can escape some kind of slow-down given both
the high dollar and the recession in the U.S.


Over the weekend, the latest
edition of the free newsletter was emailed
out. If you did not receive it then please add your email to the list for the
free newsletter on our home page. The free list is separate from the paid list.


A subscriber emailed and asked:


I don’t understand the difference
between STRONG BUY and (lower) STRONG BUY. I  haven’t seen any (higher) STRONG
BUY. Generally I can’t understand the meaning of (lower) and I suspect many or
most of your subscribers also don’t understand “(lower)”. Thanks for an
explanation, at your leisure.


That is a fair question. The meaning of
the ratings is explained in the
short article on how to use this page that is linked at the top of this




April 4, 2008


Western Financial Group
is updated and rated (higher) Buy at $4.04. Its share price has come down
significantly and at $4.04 is trading at 1.4 times book value. I am adding to my
position at this price. It’s expected to be a longer term growth story and
offers the opportunity of buying growth at a reasonable price. There are no
guarantees but the Western economy in which it operates continues to be strong.


TSX Group
released its volume figures for March. Not surprisingly volume figures are up as
people trade actively in this volatile market. For retail investors many of us
are now paying $10 per trade versus $30 per trade in years past. That increases
trading. TSX has reduced its fees a little but I think the trading volume
increase more than makes up for that. Initial Public Offerings are down this
year but Secondary offerings were up. Overall TSX  might have some volume
decline in some areas. Certainly it can’t continue to grow earnings at 30% like
it had for a number of years. And it does face some competitive threats. But
overall it still looks like an unregulated near-monopoly. Price has been
volatile and so I would not buy all at once. But I am happy owning at this price
(around $41) and if did not own any I would think about buying some. A recent
price dip to under $36 was a bit scary but was short-lived and was probably an
exceptional buying opportunity that may not be repeated. (Though if financials
get hit on more sub-prime type losses it can certainly dip in sympathy even
though it has almost in common with a bank)


Unemployment figures from the U.S. today confirm additional
job losses. In morning trading the market was down only marginally. Markets are
always extremely unpredictable but my sense is that the next move on the market
roller coaster in the U.S. is down. Canada is even more unpredictable because
the Canadian markets is much more heavily weighted to energy and other


April 2, 2008


is updated and rated Buy at $38.70. (it closed today at $38.14). This is
generally acknowledged as a very well ran drug store chain. Given its past
growth record it is reasonably priced.


Reitman’s came out with earnings today. The earnings were
strong. Same store sales were lower than last-year but I believe that this was
due to lower prices reflecting the high Canadian dollar and to my mind is not a


I am continuing to enter a few offers to sell shares and trim
positions as prices rise. I had an order in to sell part of my Reitmans and that
was hit today as the price rose.


April 1, 2008


Today we had a surprise jump in the markets with the S&P 500
up 3.6%. This is another illustration of how unpredictable the markets are in
the short-term. It was only a few weeks ago that markets were trembling in fear
at the Bear Stearns implosion. Today’s rise seemed to be driven by relief that
certain banks would be able to raise equity and work their way out of trouble.
This is certainly looking at the silver lining because we still have the fact
that the banks need the equity capital due to huge losses.


All indications are that U.S. house prices are still falling.
That likely means more losses ahead for the banks. So, I am using this rally to
trim some positions. (I sold a portion of my ING Financial today). On something
of a whim I did jump back into some BCE shares based on BMO’s opinion that the
deal will go through. BCE is clearly speculative.


FedEx is updated and
rated Weak Buy / Hold at $91.16 (our analysis was as of yesterday’s price and
meanwhile it jumped today to $97.71. We like it longer term but are afraid it
could be weak in the short-term. We would be more interested at around $85


The tightening of lending practices could really slow the
economy. I believe that “credit” was truly the grease of the economy. We should
not be surprised that consumer spending is such a large past of GDP. In fact in
the end the human desire to consume is what makes people work. No factory would
produce goods if it did not think a consumer wanted them. Without credit a
consumer can only consume as he earns. With credit a consumer can consume now,
rather than wait. He (or she) is then also incented to go off and work hard
(producing things) to pay off the debt. The result I think was a ratcheting up
of production. Credit allowed the economy to spin around faster. But credit had
its limits. Once the average consumer was spending money that would not be
earned for say five years in t e future there eventually came a point where
credit could not be expanded. At some point when the borrower can see no hope of
paying off the debt (within a reasonable period of time) he starts to declare
bankruptcy. Starts to default on loans. Credit tightens up. Loans are harder to
get and the economy can slow dramatically. The outlook so far is simply for
reduced growth. But that may be optimistic. It’s not hard to imagine we could
have negative growth for at least a year. I don’t see why the economy can’t
contract. If had no equity in my house and massive credit card debts I would not
be spending.


March 31, 2008


A good day in the markets today. But I suspect that we will
continue to have down days as well as up. Personally I am heavily invested in
equities and will plan to take the opportunity to trim some positions to build
cash. I had placed an order on the weekend to sell some of my Berkshire if the
price rose and my price was hit today. I plan to try to buy back at lower


Regarding the Asset Backed Commercial Paper held by retail
investors. These people naturally want all their money back and so would I in
their shoes. But I have a few observations on this.


A triple AAA rating signifies extremely low risk . It does not
signify zero risk. An investment rating is just an opinion. I believe that DBRS
put high ratings on Asset Backed Commercial Paper in good faith. Maybe it was
dumb. There is the fact that DBRS received fees to put those ratings on. It has
been said that when a man’s living depends on believing a certain thing, it is
amazing what he will believe. Investors are self-righteous about it now but I
don’t think any of us is immune to biased thinking in cases where money is on
the line. In hind-sight everyone sees the risk and states that they would not
have invested had they known the risk. I guess a 1 in 10,000 event looks
extremely low risk, until it happens, then our perception of the risk changes


The investment community usually laughs at people who stick
with plain bank deposits. But those are insured up to I believe $100,000. Other
investors stuck with bank Guaranteed Investment Certificates perhaps because
these were the only things that they understood. Now those people look a little
smarter than before.


Financial academics decry the high fees charged by investment
advisors and point out that investors could buy Exchange Traded Funds on their
own and save the fees. But they fail to see that many investors would never have
saved any money if they were not “sold” into doing so by an advisor. And most
mutual fund investors have no idea how to buy an ETF and are not interested in
learning how. The point is that advisors who give personal advice and handle
money for clients (and I am not one) provide a valuable service to many
investors. Now self-righteous academics, commentators and others will want the
fees that an advisor collects (and typically only 1% would go to the advisor) to
somehow cover losses up to 100%  in a situation that may in the end of have
been an unforeseeable accident. I am not sure how a 1% fee would ever allow
enough to be set aside to cover 100% losses. It might not be feasible to buy
insurance that would cost less than 1%.


The courts will decide who if anyone is liable in the end. I
suspect it will be a shared responsibility. Perhaps DBRS will be at some fault.
Advisors who put too high of a percentage of a clients money into one product
may also be at fault. Investors themselves may also have to share some of the
blame especially where they allowed too high a percent of their money into one


I have great sympathy for retail investors who got into Asset
Backed Commercial Paper. But I don’t think it is entirely fair for every
investor in that product to claim that the game is one of heads the investor
wins and tails the advisor loses. I am not sure it is entirely fair for
investors to play smart when they win and then play totally dumb when they lose.
But by all means retail investors are free to try to get as much as they can
back from this situation. While having sympathy for the retail investor I think
it is fair to have some sympathy for advisors and others who got caught up in
this. No one has suggested this was a fraud. It seems to have been errors in
judgment and a lack of understanding of the risks involved.


March 30, 2008


The article on the
valuation of the S&P 500 index has been updated. Given that 2007 earnings
came in lower than forecast, the P/E on the S&P 500 has risen and it is now
looking moderately over valued. (Although if one were to believe the operating
earnings forecast for 2008, then it would not be over-valued. I believe forecast
earnings tend to be too optimistic most years).


The latest edition of the free
newsletter was sent out yesterday. If you did not receive it, enter your
email on our home page in the box to join the list for the free newsletter. If
that email is already on the list, the system will tell you that.


Loblaw is updated
and rated Weak Buy / Hold at $30.15. At its current price and adjusted earnings
it no longer seems over-valued. It has potential but that depends on the success
in lowering its costs. It does not appear to have been very well managed these
past few years. Adjusted earnings did increase marginally in 2007 and so perhaps
there is hope that it has reached its bottom. Personally I am not yet interested
in the stock. (I might nibble if it drops again to $27). At one time the company
seemed to be the lowest cost grocery operator in Canada. But that no longer
seems to be the case.


In looking at any stock including a possible turn-around like
Loblaw, one question is, will the share price rise? But another question is, is
this the best place for my limited invest dollars at this time? Even if Loblaw
might rise, I am not convinced that it is the best place for any of my money at
this time . As Buffett counsels, we can choose to wait for an investment we are
more sure of. At the end of the day our wealth grows with what we do
invest in. There will always be unlimited stocks that we do not invest in and
while it might bother us to miss on some potential winners, the real key is to
be right on what do invest in. What we do not invest in really is not relevant.
(The point being that we don’t have to invest in any particular stock even if it
might do well, there are always many other investments for our limited dollars).


 March 28, 2008


Our article on the P/E
ratios and dividend yields for each segment of the TSX is updated. A number
of these have ETFs so you can buy the entire sector easily. Some ETFs of
particular interest are XIU which gives you the largest 60 stocks in the TSX
index with a management expense ratio of just 0.17%. Or get the entire TSX index
under XIC with a management expense ratio of 0.25%. Or consider the TSX dividend
stocks under XDV with a P/E of 12.0 and a dividend yield of 4.43% (be aware you
are getting exposure to the troubled banking sector – for good or for bad).


Our stocks have recovered somewhat in the past week or so.
Because the markets are so volatile and may continue to trend down, I am
thinking of selling portions of some positions. This is in RRSP accounts
where it is easier to trade without worrying about tax impacts. Today I
(reluctantly) sold a small amount of Kingsway. I also sold (yesterday) some
Canadian Western Bank. I had acquired additional CWB shares near the low point
and they have since risen to a point where I had a decent profit on that
purchase. So I sold a portion, but I continue to hold shares in CWB because it
has a strong longer term outlook. Similarly I had acquired some additional
Reitman’s shares and have now sold those to take advantage of a recovery there.
I also continue to hold a position in Reitmans.


March 26, 2008


Aeroplan returns to the
list rated Buy at $17.04. It is not an obvious bargain but we placed weight on
its strong business characteristics. It operates as something of a duopoly when
it comes to airline points in Canada. Only Aeroplan and Air Miles cards can be
used at multiple merchants in Canada. And it is unlikely that consumers or
businesses would be interested in letting a third card become widely accepted.
Therefore Aeroplan and also Airmiles seem to be in a good position to make high
profits with somewhat limited competition. Credit cards and single retailer
cards compete but Aeroplan and Air Miles have advantages as the two broadly
accepted points cards. My strategy would be to buy some units now and hope for
a reduction in price towards $15 to buy more.


I also believe that a number of Income Trusts are attractive
at this time and hope to add more of these to the site.


Regarding cable companies. For the first time ever my family
bought a pay-per-view show tonight. (Oilers hockey as they battle for a play-off
spot). I suspect more and more people will get used to paying for movies and
shows through their cable bill. (Remember when bottled water first came out and
you swore you would never pay for water but now you do?) As we get used to
paying for individual television shows and movies I suspect the cable companies
are in a great position. So far I don’t see that much competition from telco T.V.
(at least in Alberta) and in the long run two or three competitors in a market
tend not to compete all that vigorously on price (as we see with cell phones and
internet). Anyhow I am happy holding
Shaw Communications. Note
also that Shaw owns one of the two satellite T.V. providers and they are not
likely to compete too vigorously with themselves.


March 25, 2008


Another good day for most of our Stock Picks. But I don’t
count on this lasting. The volatility is likely to continue. I sold a portion of
my IGM shares. If the market continues up, I will look to sell portions of
positions to raise cash.


I am continuing to work on Aeroplan. It is looking like a Buy
but not a strong Buy.


As a consumer I like collecting Aeroplan points to pay for
trips. But I recently realized that they stripped away the points my wife had
accumulated going back to 1990 simply because she had not had any activity in
over 12 months.  It’s not all that many points and I should not spend my
time being upset about it but it really annoys me. They won’t budge on restoring


She only collected points for flying whereas I was collecting
on a credit card and for other purchases. It really makes me angry that they
would take away her points that way. They say we were warned with a letter. If
so I did not understand it. (I knew that the points from now on expire after 7
years but I was not aware of the 12 month inactivity rule).  Anyhow I still
think the policy to strip away points is unfair (and should be illegal). They
offer to sell us back the points at $30 plus 1 cent per point. They call it an
administrative fee but I think it is a revenue grab. (The points have a value of
about 1 to 3 cents per point) I’m not sure I am comfortable with their ethics.
I’d be interested in your thoughts or your experiences with Aeroplan.


March 24, 2008


A nice gain for the markets today and particularly for many of
our Stock Picks. But this could very well turn out to be just another feature of
the roller coaster ride. The underlying sub-prime situation in the U.S. has
certainly not been solved and the recession is still likely on. Those who no
longer have the stomach for the possible dips ahead could consider selling some
equities on this rally. Personally, I am not thinking of selling much if
anything at this time.


March 23, 2008


I intend to add Aeroplan back to the list of Stocks soon. I
have not done a detailed analysis but I believe the analysis will confirm that
it is a good investment. It’s unit price recently declined partly because it is
considering becoming a corporation. Even with taxation in 2011 I believe it is
attractive. As the dominant points program in Canada I believe it has limited
competition and therefore has monopoly-like characteristics.


Regarding property insurance stocks. There has been a lot of
news about flooding and storms in much of North America in 2008 to date.
Therefore the Q1 reports may not be great. I consider unusual storms to be part
of the expected business for insurance companies. Ordinarily it should not
affect the stock price much. But right now these companies are already very
unpopular in the market. Therefore unusual storms in Q1 could cause a stock
price hit even though these stocks already seem under-valued.


The earnings of these companies are always very hard to
predict. I had been hoping Q1 would be a good quarter for Kingsway as an
example, but the storms could certainly have a negative effect. (Particularly
snow storms that may have led to more trucking accidents).




March 20, 2008


Wal-Mart is
updated and rate (higher) strong Buy at $49.74. Between the time we started the
analysis to when we are posting it the price has risen to $52.70. We still
consider it (higher) Buy at that price but would reduce to Buy at around $54.
Wal-Mart’s stock has done well in the past six months despite the developing
recession. Our strategy would be to average in since it could certainly take
another excursion down towards the mid-40’s particularly as the recession
worsens (which it seems set to do). Long term this is likely to be a good


March 20, 2008 (9:40 am Eastern time)


Markets fell yesterday as the positive reaction to the FED
interest rate cut proved short-lived. Again the trend continues to be negative
punctuated with some recoveries when the market is fed (pun intended) good news.
The underlying bad news of recession and the sub-prime situation and related
falling house prices tends to overcome any good news… During much of 2007 the
market seemed determined to rally back from and ignore the bad news. Now it
seems that reality has set in. At some point the market will look beyond this to
a recovery, but it’s not clear when. Meanwhile there are always bargains to look
for. The road to wealth in the markets is simply not a smooth one.


Yesterday I bough some Starbucks and as a partial hedge some
double S&P 500 bear shares (symbol SDS)


March 18, 2008


The roller coaster continues. The S&P 500 was up 4.24% today.
The TSX index was up 1.4%.


I don’t think anyone knows where the market is headed. Some
analysts warn that this could be the biggest stock market event since the
depression. Investors today at least seemed to be voting that things were
turning around. Warren Buffett has always said the market is unpredictable and
that we should just concentrate on buying good companies at good prices and we
will do well.  I bought shares in the TSX Group today.


March 17, 2008


The market decline in the U.S. on the Bear Stearns collapse
was surprisingly mild in the U.S.. The Canadian market was down 2.3%


It has been a difficult time to hold stocks and it is
difficult to contemplate buying given that things could get worse.


Perhaps there will be some recovery tomorrow when the FED
lowers interest rates (though I would think that the effectiveness of that must
be wearing off now).


Stocks that are at the most risk are financial companies that
are leveraged and that have exposure to financial assets like sub-prime
mortgages and others that have fallen in value.


Profitable companies with strong profits, particularly those
with little or no debt are not at the same risk but would be affected by a


Some of the stocks that I would particularly consider buying
now are: (Please check the detailed reports for our most recent full analysis)


Canadian Western
Bank (exposed to possible loan losses in forestry and natural gas, but no
exposure to sub-prime, and Western economy seems strong)


Canadian National – Exposed to
lower profits in recession but I like its duopoly status and strong history


Berkshire Hathaway – The
stock is expensive in relation to earnings but Buffett may be in a superb
position to pick up bargains,


Communications – While competition with Telus is more intense and the P/E is
still high at about 21, the price is down and I think is has monopoly


TSX Group – Has been had
hit perhaps because it is considered to be a financial/. But this is nothing
like a bank. It has no debt and collects fees for what appears to be a
near-monopoly service. Earnings may stall but it no longer appears to be pricing
in growth.


Couche-Tard (See
recent update)


Northbridge Financial
– Appears to be very well positioned with government bonds and some bets against
the market. Commercial insurance itself though may show losses.


I bought shares in Canadian Western Bank today and sold some
Tim Hortons.


I had sold my BCE shares on Friday because I thought the Bear
Stearns situation might affect it. I understand Bear was not involved in
financing the deal. The deal could still go though at $242.75. The difficulty is
that this is a case where the $35 share will either jump to $42.75 or (on a deal
failure) fall substantially. I can’t guess the probability. I think Teachers
would want to go ahead with the deal but I worry about the willingness and even
the ability of the U.S. partners to do the deal. It could still be a reasonable
speculation but I would not bet the farm and in this market I am no longer
comfortable holding BCE.


Home Capital
is updated and rated Speculative (higher) Buy at $32.50. This company looks
very good based on its profit history. The risk here is that a recession in
Ontario could lead to delinquent payments and house price declines which could
dramatically increase the bad debt at Home Capital. Also the company has managed
to make substantial gains by securitizing CMHC insured mortgages. They do not do
a good job of disclosing how they do that. It appears that they charge higher
interest for a CMHC mortgage than others do and if so we don’t understand how
they maintain that higher-than-normal profit margins in a competitive market.


March 16, 2008


Regarding my email tonight about Bear Sterns. Note that I keep
a separate email list for the free newsletter. As paid subscribers, please stay
on the free list as well. To check if you are on the free list just join “again”
on the home page and the system will let you know if you are already on that
free list. Also if you got more than 1 email about Bear then you are likley on
the free list as well as the paid list.


Note the following was written prior to learning abut the $2
buy-pout of Bear.


The problems at Bear Stearns have certainly have thrown a
scare into the market. Hopefully markets will begin to look ahead to recovery
but meanwhile it seems the news of recession and financial institution problems
continue to get worse and therefore markets could certainly decline further.


On Tuesday this week it is expected the Fed will lower
interest rates. It’s not clear that this will give much of a rebound in the
markets since it is expected and since the market has now seen that recent
interest rate cuts have not been sufficient to keep markets high.


My own strategy is to try to be brave and continue to buy
strong companies as their prices fall. Also I may rebalance my portfolio by
selling portions of some positions to move into other stocks.


I decided to sell my BCE shares due to a possible link to Bear
Stearns. I believe that Teachers is committed to honor their deal. But if one of
their partners was relying on financing from Bear Stearns that could be a big
problem and I decided I was not comfortable with the risk and/or my lack of
understanding of this very complex transaction.


Target is updated and
rated Buy at $51.58 (it closed Friday at $49.83). It’s share price has fallen
due to recession concerns. It does look reasonably attractive at this price.
With the continued recession environment in the U.S., our strategy would be to
buy over a period of time rather than rushing to buy.


Couche-Tard is updated and rated (lower) Strong Buy at $15.02.


One of the interesting aspects about this company is that as
gasoline prices have risen they have found that their credit card fees (at a
constant percentage of revenue) automatically rise. It goes to show that Visa
and Mastercard are in a great position as they are essentially duopolies that
face little competition.


Mastercard Inc.’s share price has not dropped significantly
despite all the issues with financial companies.


Visa is doing an Initial Public Offering and will begin
trading on Wednesday.


We have not analyzed these credit card companies. I think it
is immediately clear that these are great businesses with monopoly-like
characteristics. However, whether the shares are priced at an attractive level
is another question.


Regarding Property Insurance Stocks


All of these stocks have suffered. To some extent it has been
due to concerns over sub-prime although they appear to have little or no direct
exposure. Their equity investments will be hurt by the lower stock markets.
Their corporate bonds may not suffer much because they tend to be high quality.
Corporate interest spreads over government yields have fallen which hurts value
but their investments in government bonds should see capital gains as interest
rates have dropped.


For Kingsway, several
insiders did buy modest amounts of shares on March 3 at $13.16. Apparently their
company share buy-back resumed on March 3 as well. I was disappointed that they
did not buy back in late February but perhaps they were still “blacked out” for
some reason even after the earnings were released on Feb. 16. Their investments
are mostly corporate bonds and almost all rated A or higher and mostly with
relatively shorter maturities. I’m not sure that interest rate movements would
have had any large impact – although if these are mostly bonds of financial
companies like banks, then these values could be hurt despite the lower
government interest rates.


Northbridge may
be very well positioned in this market. They had credit default swaps that were
paying off as corporate spreads increased. They have generally been bearish on
stock markets. They have very little in corporate bonds and have a large
investment in Canadian government bonds. They seem well positions to report
large increases in their investment portfolio in this quarter. The risk with
Northbridge is that they are 90% in commercial insurance and that part of the
market is the most competitive. At a recent 1.07 times book value. Northbridge
appears to be a good investment. A Northbride director bough shares on March 3
at about $33 and the company itself is buying back modest amounts of shares.
Their parent Fairfax Financial (which we no longer have on this Site) also is
likely very well positioned.


I may switch some of my Kingsway investment into Northbridge.


ING Canada has a relatively
larger exposure to equities and could be hurt here. Offsetting this., it has a
large exposure to government bonds which will do well this quarter.


March 13, 2008


In a volatile market like this, one strategy to try is that of entering a
“stink bid”. Enter a bid say 10% below the current price. In some cases the
stock may dip down temporarily and you get a good price. In other cases I
suppose you buy into a down-draft but if you do this only on high quality
companies which appear to be at a good price, then it should work out well. For
example today Couche-Tard had a low of
$13.69, down 8.4% from yesterday’s close of $14.95 and down 14.4% from the $16
it traded at on Monday. Anytime you are thinking of buying a stock but a bit
non-committal, this technique could be used to hopefully buy cheaper (but of
course it may not dip down so if you really want the stock this technique is no


I try (with some success) not to be in a hurry in buying stocks. patient bids
at least a little below the market often get filled. If not, you still have the
cash and there is always another stock to buy. Others argue that you must be
lightening fast… I think technical traders need to be fast but fundamental
investors should be patient.


The fact that the U.S. market rebounded from its lows today may be a good
sign. But once again it only rebounded because it was fed good news, this time
an opinion that the worse was over for banks.


The market is “supposed” to be good at anticipating recessions in advance. In
this case the market seemed to refuse to stay down in 2007 even when threats of
sub-prime and recession were well known. Now the market seems surprised at the
extent the unfolding recession.


I note that Thomson has done well lately
in a poor market (now $37.92) as it gets closer to closing its Reuters
acquisition. I like the company and expect it to do well long-term. I recently
bought as indicated on this site, my prices was $33 and $32.


Buffett always counsels that when stocks fall to bargain levels on
volatility, that is a good thing. He teaches that we should make volatility our
friend and take advantage. But of course it is very hard to do that. When we see
a loss on a stock it is hard to get excited about buying more.


March 12, 2008


Part of what we are seeing lately is the dreaded “multiple compression”.
Previously a stock growing earnings around 10% per year and currently earning
$1.00 per share might trade at 18 times earnings. Now the same stock may trade
at say 14 times earnings. That would be a 22% drop even with no change in
earnings. The P/E multiple on any given stock is based on unique factors. But in
general when the average P/E of the market goes down then the P/E of every stock
gets dragged down unless there is reason for a particular stock to stay higher.
In general if the market senses either higher risk ahead or lower earnings
growth or both then the P/Es come down. P/Es rise with confidence and fall with


Right now the S&P 500 P/E is 20 times trailing earnings. But trailing
earnings were distorted down by a huge loss at GM. the P/E based on trailing
earnings smoothed for unusual items is 16.1 (down from 17 in September so down a
little but not an awful lot)


The forward P/E is that the S&P 500 is trading at 13.5 times the earnings
expected for 2008. This is down 19% compared to the 16.6 that it was on Feb 10,
2007 (I happen to have a record of what it was that day).


A forward operating P/E of 13.5 right now versus 16.1 trailing means that
analysts expect these operating or smoothed earnings to rise 19% in 2008. That
seems laughable. So, part of the reason for  13.5 forward P/E is that the
market does not really believe that earnings will grow that fast in 2008.


In the late 70’s the market P/Es headed to about 8. But that was when
interest rates were around 12% or more. Now with interest rates around 6% for
corporate debt and 4% for government debt there should be no reason for P/E
ratios to sink much lower… A stock P/E of 14 gives an earnings yield of 7.1%
and that is expected to grow. So that competes well with today’s low interest
rates. (Of course with the bond you get the interest rate while a stock’s
earnings are mostly retained for growth).


I will plan to elaborate on this in a future article.


March 11, 2008


Today the Fed unexpectedly delivered good news in the form of “liquidity”
that will be helpful for large banks. This drove the market up. It illustrates
how unpredictable markets can be. Butl, the general trend still seems to be down
with market recoveries usually coming now only when the Fed delivers some good
news. My own strategy is to continue to buy what appear to be bargains but also
I am hoping to be positioned to have cash for bargains in case the market
continues down.


March 10, 2008


With today’s market drop stocks are at better values and yet the trend
certainly seems to be down. The next round of good news might be the next Fed
interest rate cut which I understand is expected within the next couple of
weeks. I am surprised to see Canadian Western Bank sink to about $23 given its
lack of exposure to sub-prime and also given that western Canada is still
forecast to do well.


I did switch some funds from Tim Hortons to Starbucks today. Also some
previous bids I had in went through and so I ended up adding to Shaw
communications and Berkshire. I intend to sell some more Tim Hortons for the
reasons noted in yesterday’s comment (over-exposed to it)


BCE looks like it could still be a good speculative position at today’s price
of under $38 versus the offer at $42.75 but there is clearly some risk that this
deal will not go through.


March 9, 2009


I mentioned earlier that I hold a few BCE shares as a speculation. With a
positive court ruling on Friday these should jump tomorrow Monday. They may
over-shoot at the open and so I put in an order to sell half of mine if it
should jump all the way to $41 which is possibly very wishful thinking in my
part. By putting in the order at $41, if it should be some miracle open even
higher than that then i would get the higher price. If the stock does not rise
much it might still be a good speculation because the deal is still “supposed”
to close in April at $42.75, though there is much skepticism about that.


Coffee prices are apparently way up. This could hurt Tim Hortons. I don’t
think it is a huge threat at all but could certainly trim earnings growth for a


Some portfolio moves for me:


I have often said that I am certainly not immune to emotional influences in
my investments. The fact is I don’t like to sell at a loss even when I should.
Like almost all investors I also tend to think too much about how I am doing on
each individual stock and not think enough about what is good for the portfolio
as a whole. For example I have about 16% of my portfolio in Tim Hortons which is
rated Buy. The question arises is that the best place for fully 16% of my
portfolio. Even though I really like Tim Hortons should I have that much
exposure? Overall I have made money on the stock but it is below the price of my
more recent purchases. Would it make sense for me to sell some of the Tim
Hortons and put that into something that is higher-rated on this Site or into
Starbucks? I think from a logical perspective and for portfolio management the
answer is clearly yes.


But the emotional aspect of selling some of the Tim Hortons at a loss causes
me difficulty.  It really should not cause a difficulty since whatever I
would buy would probably be down in price from recent highs to an ever bigger
extent than the Tim Hortons.  I also face an added hurdle in that I wonder
if it makes sense for me to ever sell a stock that is still rated Buy or higher
on this Site. I think it in reality it does make sense if I am moving to a
higher rated stock or moving to reduce my risk. I would not be “abandoning” the
stock I am selling, just reducing my exposure to it. I am going to resolve to
overcome my resistance and sell down some of my larger positions for the good of
my portfolio. I really do think there are bargains out there and if picking up a
Strong Buy causes me to sell a Buy it makes sense to do that. Buffett once
talked about selling stocks with P/Es of 7 to buy stocks with P/Es of 3 (those
were the days!).


Just after writing this, I have placed the order to sell some Tim Hortons and
replace it with Starbucks.


March 8, 2008


Please see the four “quick analysis” summaries provided above. The
modus-operandi of this Site has always been to (with very rare exception) refuse
to form an opinion on a stock until a detailed analysis was completed (analysis
before opinion). This then resulted in a stable of companies that are followed
quite closely. But it also meant that we could add new companies only slowly.
The down-side is there are lots of good companies that we don’t look at. That’s
okay as long as we have a stable of good companies.   However, at this
time I thought it might be a good idea to introduce this type of quick analysis
so that we can talk about a a few more companies. The down-side is that it is
just a quick look and therefore our opinion is no where close to as informed an
opinion as we usually have. But sometimes it really does not take much analysis
to spot a bargain. Buffett has suggested that true bargains should jump out at
us. If a company is truly a bargain it should be fairly obvious. I am interested
in hearing what subscribers think of this new quick analysis format. I plan to
buy some Starbucks shares.


March 7, 2008


It has certainly been a bad week in the markets. For those of us with heavy
equity exposures we certainly had our chances to reduce that at a number of high
points over the past year. We implicitly decided we could stand the heat of
equity market dips and now we are experiencing that heat.


A market decline like this certainly feels like bad news. But it has a number
of bright sides for most investors. (Unfortunately, for anyone who is retired
and drawing down a portfolio, there is no bright side except to recall that
being in equities still tends to beat bonds and cash over a long retirement
period).   For younger investors, or anyone just starting out, a
market decline can feel like a bad way to get started but is actually very
beneficial since it offers the opportunity to invest at better prices. Even for
middle aged folks the decline is advantageous for those who can afford to make
substantial incremental investments in the years before retirement.


This market may continue to test our resolve but ultimately we will do well.
Personally I have been buying shares as the market fell. Possibly I should have
waited for a larger decline but that is hind-sight. Today I added to my position
in Canadian Western Bank.


I have updated the performance of the
model tracking portfolio and the composition of my own
portfolio. In these portfolios I have columns
for the fundamental ratios (based on adjusted earnings in cases where we
adjusted earnings). These ratios include yield, P/B, P/E and ROE.  A number
of our stocks now have yields above 4% which is reasonably attractive (although
admittedly a 4% dividend is cold comfort if the stock price drops 10% or more).


When I started this Site in 1999 I started with a very simple strategy of
rating highly those stocks that looked cheap on a P/E, P/B and ROE basis. This
led to investments like Canadian Pacific Ltd. rated Buy in June 1999 (up untold hundreds of
percent as it later split into five companies all of which did well and several
of which really soared – sadly I had only bought a few shares in it). Canadian
Western Bank which is still up 395% since we first rated it as a Strong Buy in
August 1999. Stantec up 1192% since we first rated it as a Strong Buy in
September 1999. The point is that stocks that looked like obvious bargains at
that time truly were. They were “bargains hiding in plain view” while everyone
was chasing Nortel and JDS Uniphase and other tech stocks which ultimately
flamed out spectacularly..


In the early 2000’s it seemed easy to find Strong Buys. Beginning in 2005 we
had fewer Strong Buys on this site. P/E ratios had risen and there were fewer
bargains. Now, for the first time in some years the P/E ratios are generally
starting to look quite attractive. We are starting to see more bargains.
Certainly these stocks may continue to decline for some period of time. But a
strategy of buying and holding stocks that clearly seem to be attractively
priced is likely to work out well.


March 6, 2008


Walgreen Company
is updated and is
rated Buy at $36.07. This U.S. drugstore chain has a strong history of earnings
growth. It is a very simple business. The investment theses here is the
opportunity to buy a great company a a fairly ordinary price to earnings ratio.
Growth will likely slow this year compared to the past but longer term this
appears to be a good investment.


It seems that almost everything was falling today. Market sentiment has
turned quite negative. Some investors just want to sell and get out and that is
driving prices down. This is a market that will test the resolve and patience of
investors. In the longer term patience will be rewarded. For those that bail out
of stocks now, the difficulty is to ever guess the correct entry point to get
back in. Stocks do rise in the long term and while the market is showing us now
that it is risky to be in stocks, it is also risky to not be in stocks due to
the missed opportunities over the long term.


March 5, 2008


Northbridge Financial is updated
and rated (higher) Buy. This is Canada’s largest commercial property insurance
company. It operates about 90% in Canada with the remainder in the U.S. 2007 was
an exceptionally profitable year mostly due to unusual gains. 2008 could very
well be quite a weak year with limited profit on insurance due to competition.
It’s unclear if there will be strong profits on investments. It announced that
as of Feb 15 it had made another unusual gain, but market conditions could turn
against. It is positioned defensively and may do well if stock markets decline.
I am attracted to the fact that this company which is quite profitable most
years is available at only 1.14 times book value. In general I expect companies
with higher ROE levels to trade well above book value. This stock may require
patience but should be a good long-term investment. To date it has not exhibited
any of the management weakness that has plagued Kingsway.


For the record, I added to my Northbridge position today (as I indicated I
would in a post this morning, before the market opened). I also today sold my
double bear position on the S&P 500. It was not large enough to be a significant
hedge and I preferred to sell it at a small profit rather than continue to bet
against the market in this way.


A number of our Stock Picks have continued to decline and appear to be
increasingly at bargain levels. I believe that this is a time to stay the
course. While these stocks may decline further, in the long run success is
likely to come from buying at low prices, not from selling at low prices.


Forbes magazine today announced that Warren Buffett once again tops their
list of the richest people in the world. In the last few months we had noted on
this Site how Buffett’s wealth was rocketing up and that he might have passed
Bill Gates.


Buffett always said that a negative stock market did not bother him. His goal
was  to do better than the market but he fully expected to have some
negative years (he did not have many). Buffett also made his enormous gains
while “missing” out on hot trends like tech stocks in the late 90’s and he has
rarely bothered with commodities of any kind and so “missed” all that as well. He
tends to favor boring companies that make excellent profits.


At a time when many of our strongest and profitable companies are trading
down in price we would be wise to focus on the fact that we own great businesses
rather than on the fact that the stock prices are down.


March 5, 2008 (pre-market open)


The next update will be for Northbridge Financial. It fell noticeably this
week, probably on a view that certain investments that it holds have fallen in
value. Admittedly I have too many property insurance companies on the Site and
they have been frustrating investments. But Northbridge for example is trading
around 1.2 times book value and while profits will be lower in 2008 it has a
good track record. I may add to my position in this stock later today.


Sentiment has swung back to the fear direction. Certainly the economy in both
the U.S. and Canada appears set to get worse. The stock market usually recovers
ahead of the economy but certainly may have some further down-side before any
recovery. A reasonable strategy is to look to pick up bargains gradually over


March 3, 2008


It certainly looks as if the markets are going to continue to be volatile. I
have been surprised to see stocks like Shaw Communications and the TSX Group
and Thompson and others drop more than the market. While, they could continue
down, I believe these are good prices to add to positions. I added 100 TSX
shares today and placed an Order to add to Shaw if it again dips below $18. I
also have bids in, a little below the market, for Canadian Tire and Western
Financial. Perhaps I should be more patient but I find these are quality
companies available at good prices.


March 2, 2008


Canadian Tire is updated
and rated (higher) Buy at $61.22. Based on recent earnings it would be in the
Strong Buy range. However, with a possible slow-down in the economy in most of
Canada and due to possible risks in its finance operations we rate it in the Buy
range. We can always come up with risks and reasons not to buy. But it does seem
to be a fact that this strong company is trading at a lower multiple to earnings
and to book value than it has in many years. I plan to add to my own position in
this company.


eBay is updated and is rated Speculative
Buy at $27.37. The numbers indicate that it can be considered a Buy. But we are
not sure that we should trust management for reasons indicated in our report.
Warren Buffett would probably advise us to move on and look elsewhere if we
don’t trust management. We like their auction business and the PaYPal business
because both are highly profitable and have barriers to entry. We really don’t
understand the Skype part of the business. Apparently it must be mostly free
since eBay reports only $115 million in revenue in 2007 from 276 million
registered users.


March 1, 2008


Yesterday, Warren Buffett released his latest annual letter to shareholders.
On this Site I have revised an article regarding How
Warren Buffett Picks Stocks. That article quotes from Warren’s latest letter
and gives you a link to where you can read the full letter yourself.


Performance figures for 2008 are updated,
the model tracking  portfolio is
updated as to performance, as is the composition of my

own portfolio.


February 27, 2008


In my own trading today I looked for things to sell but could not seem to
part with much. Sold 20% of my ING Canada given
it was up recently and 20% of my BCE shares. With that money I bought
Couche-Tard and
Shaw both of which are down
lately. I’m not sure that frequent trading is such a good idea but I thought I
might be able to take advantage of some volatility. The $10 trades make it easy
to trade frequently but we should keep in mind that the bid/ask spread is a
hidden trading cost that can easily be larger than the $10 trading fee. I would
not trade a taxable account frequently. My trades are in RRSP. I was thinking of
how I might protect myself from the next market dip. I don’t have Canadian cash
to buy the Canadian bear ETF but with some U.S. cash in my RRSP I bought a
modest amount of the bear S&P 500 index that will pay off if the S&P 500 drops.
If I had lots of cash one strategy might be to buy the bear on the index but
also continue to buy the individual shares that I like. This would pay-off if my
stocks picks do better than the market and yet provide some protection against
further market declines.


ING Canada may be rising partly on speculation that ING Group wants to sell
it. It would be interesting if Buffett wanted to buy it given it seems well run
and is available at I think a decent price.


February 26, 2008


The markets were up once again today. The U.S. markets (S&P 500) are still
down some 6% on the year. But the TSX is almost back to where it started this
year. Normally that’s not something to cheer about but we are up quite a bit
since the lows around January 21. For Canadian investors it is easy to start
feeling a little “fat and happy”. We are liking this uptrend. Most of us would
like it to continue. Back on January 21 we may have kicked ourselves for not
having taking some gains (especially in non-taxable accounts) back when the
market was higher in October. We may have vowed to take some profits and build
some cash if we got another market rally. Now we have it but the pain of January
21 is fading and we are maybe not thinking of selling.


And why should we sell? After all equities tend to do well in the long term.
Maybe this is the recovery and we should be putting more money in.
Unfortunately, the truth is no one knows for sure. There are some bargains and
so with some stocks buying might be a great idea. But I think we may also want
to use this volatility to advantage. In non-taxable accounts maybe we should
trim some positions and take profits. Even if a stock is rated a strong buy, if
it is up 10% or more in a couple weeks, a reasonable strategy might be to sell
some of that. I plan to do a little of that tomorrow, particularly if the market
is up once again.


Note that I have been in the habit of disclosing my trades, some of you may
find this boring, irrelevant or confusing. But I know some subscribers are
interested. On that note I bought some Boston Pizza income trust shares today.
We have not analyzed it recently on this Site but on the surface it looks good
with a yield of about 11%. I like owning shares of companies where I am a
customer so that was another reason to buy.


February 25, 2008


Once again, the market shows its resiliency. I do worry that the U.S.
recession will almost certainly get a lot worse. And that could hurt stocks. But
meantime I am inclined to basically stay in the market. I picked up some
Western Financial Group shares today at
what seems like a good price just over $4.00. They will likely release earnings
soon. I see no particular reason to expect bad news although a possible area for
bad news would be credit losses on loans they have made on recreational
vehicles. (Some communities in Alberta have been hit by a slowdown in natural
gas drilling and that could lead to defaults ion some loans). But maybe they
will not have credit losses and certainly their core brokerage operations should
be expected to continue to perform well.


February 23, 2008


ING Canada is updated and rated (higher) Buy
at $37.49. This is the premier Canadian property and liability insurance company
that you can buy. It operates only in Canada. It has the largest market share in
Canada. It caters to standard residential auto and property markets as well as
small commercial (with limited larger commercial). Profits have fallen after a
couple of unusually high profit years. But profits in 2007 were still more than
acceptable with a 15% ROE. It is disappointing that the stock price fell from
its former highs around $56. We has still liked it at that price but did
indicate that the high price to book value of 2.5 was a concern at that time.
Now we have a chance to buy this company for a price to book value of 1.47 which
seems reasonable for a company that has a history of 15%-plus ROE. Insurance
companies always tend to be unpredictable. However, I would be comfortable
adding to my position at this price.


Based on an order that I had placed some time ago I picked up 100 shares of
TSX Group on Friday as the price fell.


Western Financial Group has fallen to close to the $4 range. This small
company is somewhat speculative but I believe that it is a reasonable bet at
this price. I plan to add to my position.




February 21, 2008


Tim Hortons
is updated and rated Buy at CAN
$35.62 or U.S. $35.00. With a P/E of 25 this is not a bargain stock. But it is
an exceptionally high quality company. It will likely be a good long-term


Northbridge Financial released earnings after the close of markets today. The
earnings were very high for the year although much of the earnings came from
unusually good investment returns. This stock looks like a good investment at
its current price ($32.50). It appears that the price dropped due to concern
about increased competition. Northbridge had very strong underwriting profits in
2007 as a whole but Q4 underwriting was about break-even (which is still
considered acceptable in the industry, given that profits can be made on


February 20, 2008


Tim Hortons released its Q4 and 2007 earnings before the opening of trading
today. The numbers were quite good. But good numbers had been anticipated and so
the stock did not move much. Our report will be updated within a few days. We
will likely continue to rate this stock a “Buy”. It is not a cheap stock at 25
times trailing earnings. But is is a very high quality company with good growth


Kingsway showed some life and was up almost 10%. (But it’s hard to get
excited about that given its recent history). I had bought additional shares at
lower prices and it now seems prudent to reduce my holdings as the price
(hopefully) rises. I sold a few shares today (7% of my holding). I intend to
sell more if the price rises. I am selling despite a (lower) Strong Buy rating
because I am over-exposed to this company. Part of the reason for the price rise
today may have been that the company and its insiders have resumed buying


ING Canada also came out with earnings
today. The earnings were good but as expected not as good the very high earnings
in the past couple of years. Profits on the insurance itself were about 5.0%,
still high by historic standards. Our report on this company will be updated
within a few days.


February 19, 2008


Kingsway’s earnings release did not particularly please the market. It
appears that this is going to take patience. Again, it does appear undervalued.
However, there may be no reason for it to increase in price until and if it can
demonstrate better results in the next few quarters.


For diversification I bough a small amount of a global large-cap ETF fund
that trades on New York under the symbol IOO. The P/E is reported at 12 which
seems attractive.


February 18, 2008


MicroSoft is updated and rated Buy at
$28.04. The price recently declined when they announced their huge $44 billion
take-over bid for Yahoo. Based on on its P/E ratio and past growth and
profitability the stock looks like a Buy. However, this is a very large and
complex company and our analysis focuses on overall results and does not delve
into all the aspects of the company. It looks reasonably well priced. Our
approach in buying would be to take a small to modest position rather than
making a particularly big bet on this complex company.


February 16, 2008


We took an updated look at Alarmforce based on its latest year-end data.
However we still could not justify more than a weak buy/hold rating. Therefore
we are removing Alarmforce from out list in the table above. It has a GAAP P/E
of 53. Afer adding back an amortization that appeared to be like goodwill, the
adjusted P/E is 38. We actually think the “true” P/E is much lower. The company
expenses a huge and growing amount of selling costs. Those really should be
capitalized and charged over say four years (and in fact they used to do
something like that). If that were done the P/E might drop to an attractive
level. But we don’t have all the figures to easily do that. The GAAP P/E is just
too high. The company seems well managed and will likely do well but we just
can’t call it a bargain at this time. We like it better under $5 and would
definitely be interested if it happened to get down around $4 but there is no
sign of that.


February 15,2008


Kingsway Financial
 is updated and
now rated (lower) Strong Buy at CAN $12.01 or U.S. $  11.89. This company
has  been extremely disappointing in the past couple of years. It certainly
does not fit the profile of an ideal investment. An ideal investment would be a
highly profitable company with excellent management, that is predictable and
easy to understand and that had an enduring competitive advantage that is likely
to keep it growing and highly profitable for years to come and (importantly)
that is available at an attractive price.


The only criteria that Kingsway seems to meet right now is that it appears to
be trading at a very attractive price. Management unfortunately is suspect of
being at best somewhat sloppy and lax and at worse incompetent. However, the
company has been “punished” mightily for its sins and the stock price now trades
at just 71% of book value which seems very attractive. Also the CEO and CFO do
own a reasonable amount of shares and have recently bought additional shares.
The loss in 2007 was the result of retroactive reductions to profits of prior
years that end up getting booked in 2007.


On the face of it, the numbers would indicate that the company actually has a
run-rate earnings level that would be quite attractive if we back-out the profit
reductions that actually relate to prior years. Overall, although it certainly
is not a “great company” it does appear to be well priced for an investment at
this time. It seems quite possible that the share price will now rise due to
share buy-backs and hopefully as investors realize that it has become


While Kingsway has reported a loss in 2007, this was the first reported loss
in the companies history. Even Warren Buffett’s insurance companies occasionally
report losses and so it may be that the market has over-reacted here.


February 13, 2008


A good day in the markets. I suppose I should be thinking of looking to take
sell portions of some positions to raise cash, but right now I am feeling more
optimistic and I am inclined to let things ride. I don’t think we are of the
woods yet in regards to the U.S. recession and sub-prime woes, but for the
moment the fear in the markets seems to have subsided.


February 12, 2008


Reitman’s today announced that a
provision for income taxes was too large and they would make a $8.766 gain as
the tax bill was smaller than previously booked. This works out to only 12 cents
per share and is one-time, so not of much significance. Nevertheless I did add a
small amount to my position in Reitman’s today.


Regarding asset allocation, most pension funds and institutional money tends
to be at least 30% in fixed income, much of that longer term bonds. With
government bond rates at around 3.8% for 10 years and with a threat of
inflation, I will go on the record as thinking that a long-term government bond
investment is not a good idea at this time. For any allocation not in equities I
prefer money market or short-term bonds and definitely not long-term government
bonds. Investors in long-term government bonds have done well going back 25
years as interest rates constantly went lower. But at some point that has to
end. Long term government bonds might do well in the the next few months if
interest rates keep dropping, but they will not do well if held to maturity in
my opinion.


Buffett talks about thinking of a bond as a business. If your choice is to
buy equities with earnings yields of 5% (P/E 20) to 10% P/E 10 and where in the
long run you will tend to be protected from inflation, why would you instead buy
a bond yielding 3.8% with no protection from inflation? (unless you needed the
money within a couple years). A ‘business” that yields a fixed 3.8% in the fact
of inflation fears does not look good to me.


I would have much the same opinion of good-quality corporate long-term bonds
that yield about 5.5%. However for these you might do okay in the next six
months due to both lower government yields and due to potential narrowing of the
spread over the government yield. But as for buying a corporate bond at 5.5% for
10 or more years and holding that to maturity in the face of inflation
expectations, I would not want to do that.


Pension funds having been burned by the volatility in equities and having
done well on bonds are moving in many cases to much bigger allocations to
long-term bonds. I believe that this will be a mistake. (I will be wrong though
at least in the short-term if 10-year government yields happen to slide back to
say 3% even in the face of inflation expectations).




February 11, 2008


Kingsway fell today although early in the trading day it was up
Presumably the fall was related to the Alberta ruling that the cap on soft
tissue injuries was unconstitutional. Possibly the stock was up earlier in the
day because not everyone had yet seen the news on this case. It’s interesting
that  the insurance companies don’t have to issue  a press release on
this kind of news. Securities laws detail what companies have to press release
and what they have to put in their financial reports. A lot of companies seem to
follow the letter of the law by disclosing what is required but they will omit
important information if they are not required to discuss it. For example few
companies ever disclose their competitive position in an industry and yet this
is key information to an investor. In the case of Kingsway when a debt rating
report comes out and happens to be negative, they also don’t press release that.
Yet it is important information. I am just waiting now for Kingsway to release
earnings on Friday to see if maybe at that point the market will decide the
stock has been driven down too far. Basically, the market does not seem to trust
Kingsway and the stock is being priced it seems on a worse case scenario.


February 10, 2008


Property and liability insurance companies received some bad news on Friday
when an Alberta judge ruled that a $4,000 cap on awards for soft tissue damage
was unconstitutional.


Although this could hurt the value of property insurance company stocks that
I own, I cannot disagree with this ruling. In general in this country people are
free to sue for damages and I am not convinced that this particular cap was fair
or necessary.


This ruing is an example of why property and liability insurance is a tough
and unpredictable business. This ruling will likely mean bigger payouts for
numerous cases going back to 2004. Presumably cases already settled would be
unaffected. The “market” has a hard time dealing with insurance companies
because of their unpredictable earnings.


To a large extent the companies involved should have been expecting this
ruling, but it still will likely cause some “hit” to their estimates for
payouts. It’s not clear to me if this could also ultimately have some impact in
other provinces, particularly Ontario.


If  the issue is restricted to Alberta then the impact may not be that
large. I certainly hope that Kingsway does not use this as reason to take yet
another reserve increase. Kingsway’s earnings are due out on Friday.


The original reason I invested in property and liability companies starting
in 2003 was that I saw that after years of losses these companies were likely to
start making very large profits on Canadian auto insurance since rates had
soared, customers were leery to make claims for fear of major rate increases and
claims were being capped by legislation. And in fact these companies did
generally record huge and record profits on Canadian auto insurance for several
years starting in 2004. However, there are no pure-play Canadian standard (as
opposed to high risk drivers) personal auto insurers available to invest in.
Many of the available investment companies had U.S. operations and some were
targeting high-risk drivers and commercial vehicles. For a variety of reasons
the property and liability insurance companies have been very frustrating


At the present time these companies are mostly significantly down in value.
The rationale for investing at this time is not for an expectation that their
profits will be be particularly large. Rather the rationale at this time would
be that they are trading at low multiples to their book values and probably are
trading below their intrinsic values.


Current price to book values are: Kingsway approx. 0.75, Northbridge 1.27,
E-L Financial 0.87, ING Canada 1.36, EGI Financial 1.31. These companies are not
expected to sport high price to book values, but ratios that are getting close
to or are under 1.0 certainly seem attractive. ING Canada which focuses on
personal standard insurance for homes and autos has earned consistently high
returns and while its profits have declined it is surprising to see how much it
has dropped in value. Regarding Kingsway the market seems almost to be saying it
simply does not believe the values given in the balance sheet. It reflects very
poorly on management to see the company trading well below book value.


It will be interesting to see if these companies look even cheaper in the
next few days due to this latest court ruling.


I suppose the ruling could have large negative impact. Then again, the market
may have already priced this in. Also it seems to me that if payouts will be
larger then people will need more insurance. In the long run that is good for
the industry.


For many years the standard auto liability insurance level has been $1
million. With inflation and with high court awards, that may be insufficient. I
recently added an umbrella clause to my insurance to which adds an additional $1
million and which covers me and my wife for personal (non-commercial) liability
for situations that might occur away from the home, auto or work, where I
otherwise would have no coverage. (It’s a bit hard to imagine what I would do in
a non-commercial context away from home/work and auto that would cause a
liability but I suppose it could happen). The bottom line is that people will be
needing more insurance and that should be good for the insurance industry.


February 9, 2008


Performance figures have been updated, see links above. I have also just sent
out an edition of the free newsletter.
This newsletter includes updated valuation analysis on the DOW , TSX and S&P 500
indexes. None of these appear to be real bargains (unless more aggressive
assumptions are made. But they also do not appear to be excessively valued.


February 7, 2008


Canadian Tire released earnings this
morning. The stock closed down 78 cents to $62.82. Apparently the market was not
that impressed by the earnings and the dividend increase. I have read the
earnings release and it looked very good to me. (Adjusted earnings up 29% in Q$,
GAAP earnings up 15%). Possibly the market is focused on same store sales down
1.8% in Q4. But my belief is that they have been able to lower prices due to the
higher dollar and this accounts for much or all of the same store sales decline.
Also the Canadian Tire stores are just less than 50% of earnings and other
divisions like Financial services and their Marks work wear house stores are
also important. The market may also be worried that earnings will be badly
impacted by an economic slow-down. There is also the fact that it has a large
financial services division and those operations are generally viewed as more
risky these days. There are always reasons to hesitate buying a stock. But based
on the numbers and management’s outlook the company is doing very well. The
share price is well down from its highs in the $80’s. This appears to be an
opportunity to buy into a strong company at a good price. Those who cannot
tolerate any risk of loss should not be investing in stocks. We have not updated
our report on this company but given the price decline and the earnings increase
I suspect our rating would be (higher) Buy or (lower) Strong Buy. I may increase
my position in this company.


Thomson also reported good earnings and a
dividend increase. This company is more complex given its pending Reuters
acquisition. Again, there are risks with this company particularly in the
short-term. It is more exposed to the U.S. recession than Canadian Tire but
overall I believe the current price represents an opportunity to buy into this
strong company at a good price.


The recent performance of Microsoft has certainly been disappointing. Its $44
billion proposed payment for Yahoo is certainly a lot of money even by
Microsoft’s standards. Apparently the trailing P/E on Yahoo is over 60 so that
alone indicates this could be a very high risk investment for MicroSoft. It only
makes sense if MicrSoft has some way to sharply increase profits at Yahoo. I
have personally used Yahoo to track my stocks for over ten years but have never
paid them a dime and almost never clicked on an ad to even give them any
indirect revenue. In contrast I have paid Google thousands in advertising
(though I am not currently advertising with Google because I found it lost
effectiveness). How will they get people to switch away from Google searching
when Google is free to the user?


I bought some BCE shares as a speculative position today. I’m not really sure
it was a wise move. If the deal fails the price likely drops substantially. But
long-term it may well be worth at least $35 given that last Spring (an eternity
ago, I suppose) companies were fighting to buy it at around $43. I am not going
to bet the farm on the deal happening but I figure it’s okay for a small
speculative position. I would note that Warren Buffett used to like to buy these
kind of announced deals for a good short-term gain. Then again he was in a
position to make very educated guesses about the probability of the deals
happening and I do not claim to have that ability.


February 6, 2008


The market is very skeptical that the BCE take-over will happen at the $42.75
price. If BCE is really only worth sat $35 or less then it would be cheaper for
the buyers to pay the deal-break fee of $1 billion and walk away. As a
speculative pick I may buy some BCE. If the deal goes through at $42.75 I will
make a great return. If the deal fails it is hard to know where BCE will land so
that is the risk I would be taking. I did end up buying 100 IGM shares based on
the bid I mentioned yesterday.


The U.S. economy certainly looks like it will get worse and it is hard to
know how much of that is already priced into the market. Perhaps it is always
the case but certainly right now it seems that markets are not for the faint of


February 5, 2008


With this latest dip in the market I decided to enter a few orders somewhat
below the market. I entered orders on TSX Group. IGM and FirstService.


I am tempted to buy some NYSE Euronext. It fell back considerably today on
disappointing earnings and is at $71 compared to a 52 week range of $64 to $101.
I have not analyzed it in detail but I figure it has some monopoly-like
characteristics given that while it faces competition there are probably many
companies that basically feel they need to be listed on New York.


February 3, 2008


The TSX Group is updated for its
recent release of Q4 2007 earnings. It is rated (higher) Buy at $48.50. On a
GAAP basis its earnings (though huge) are understated because it defers listing
fees and amortizes these over 10 years, even though these are non-refundable and
it faces effectively zero incremental cost to fulfill the service of providing
the listing. There are some uncertainties with this company due to some
competitors starting to emerge for trading shares. But it seems likely that this
company is going to maintain quasi-monopoly status for the foreseeable future.
Due to higher competition I would call it speculative. But overall owning a
piece of this extremely profitable entity seems like a good idea. (On a number
of occasions in the past year it has fallen to the mid to lower 40’s and that
has been an excellent price to buy at.) Averaging in might be a reasonable


February 2, 2008


CNR or Canadian National Railroad
is updated
and rated (lower) Buy at $51.86. This company has been hurt by the U.S. housing
recession as well as the higher Canadian dollar and may continue to be hurt by
these things. But it has a strong history of growth and it seems to have duopoly
or near monopoly like advantages whereby many of its customers have few or no
other realistic choices for their shipping needs.


February 1, 2008


FirstService is updated and now rated
(lower) Strong Buy at U.S. $22.88 or CAN $22.70. This stock was really walloped
downwards in January because its commercial real estate and its property
services are hurt by the U.S. housing recession. However, the drop in the share
price may seems to have been substantially over-done. Now is probably a good
time to buy this stock. However, if the recession worsens it could certainly
fall in price. In the early 2000’s this stock had a period of stalled growth,
it’s share price plummeted about 50% and that turned out to be an exceptional
buying opportunity. While the stock may be volatile, this will also likely prove
to be a good buying opportunity for the long term. I may add to my position. My
only hesitation would be that I don’t necessarily want to reduce my cash
position at this time.


January 30, 2008


So… the U.S. market got the additional 50 basis point interest rate cut
which it cried out for this week. (Wow that’s a cut of 1.25% from 4.25% down to
3% within about 1 week!).


I can’t believe how the FED seems to be pandering to the interests of the
stock market. The FED appears ready to let the U.S. dollar sink as necessary to
save the stock market and housing markets. The Canadian dollar seems set to rise
in this situation.


With all the talk of recession, slow-down, job losses, housing construction
collapse, housing price collapse, sub-prime etc., the market basically seems
inclined to go down. It basically only goes up when it is fed good news (such as
interest rate cuts, strong earnings and outlooks for big companies , and
government bail-outs, cheques for the masses). Well now the market has been fed
large meals of good news in the past couple weeks. And it has recovered a fair
bit of ground from earlier lows. But it now seems to be saying it is still
hungry for yet more good news. Where will that good news come from? No one can
accurately predict the short-term direction of markets but I certainly would not
be surprised if it moves lower.


However, the P/E ratio of the market is not high and in fact seems low in
relation to the earnings available in ten-year bonds. Stocks look attractive
compared to bond yields and this may provide some kind of floor. If there are
pools of private equity money out there that can buy companies without borrowing
money, then they might step up and make some take-over bids. One example is
Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett, he is sitting on billions and ready to
buy when he feels the price is right ( he prefers to buy private companies
rather than stocks – but he takes stocks when those are cheap, he rarely does
take-over offers though)


As always there are risks to being in the market and risks to being out. For
those more worried about market dips maybe now is a good time to sell a portion
of holdings to raise cash. As I have said before, from an overall portfolio
perspective I would like to raise my cash position, but personally I am finding
it hard to select any individual stocks to sell. Basically the stocks I hold do
not seem over-priced and therefore it is hard to sell them even though in a
general market decline, they would be pulled down at least temporarily. I am
sorry if my thinking here is far short of decisive at this time. I can’t always
promise decisiveness. I can’t make any guarantees about any stock or the market.
But I can promise to honestly convey my thoughts.


January 29, 2008


Shaw Communications
announced today that the Shaw family and entities they control has acquired
another 1 million shares for a total family holding of  47.7 million
shares. This is roughly a $20 million purchase. I consider this to be a very
positive indicator. The Shaw family has been heavy buyers over the past few
years but as I recall they did curtail their buying when the shares were higher.
Usually a long-standing controlling family like this is more interested in
selling shares than in buying, therefore this buying is note worthy. In addition
major shareholder Ron Joyce grabbed  another 200,000 shares last week at
$18.15 to $18.50. Although it is not cheap on a P/E basis I like the company and
I think the recent price weakness is an opportunity to buy. As mentioned under
January 16, I recently added to my position.


Tomorrow could be an interesting day, particularly if the FED does not come
through with the hoped for 50 basis point cut.


January 28, 2008


Markets rose today and apparently this was primarily because “the market” is
expecting a further interest rate cut by the FED this week. I would rather see
the market be driven up by earnings. Normally lower interest rates are good for
stocks. But when you stop to think that the reason the FED is expected to lower
interest rates is because of a belief that the U.S. economy would otherwise go
into recession, it then becomes less clear that this interest rate cut is such
good news. It is always possible the FED will say no further interest curt t
this week. They just cut 0.75% last week so why does everyone expect another


So… the bottom line is I am still very cautious on the markets and not
convinced we have seen the bottom.


When investing in stocks there are two main decisions:


1. What percent of a portfolio to put into stocks versus cash, bonds or other


2. Having answered question 1, what stocks should an investor hold?


This Site provides analysis that may help investors answer question 2,
although investors are encouraged to seek other opinions and to only invest in
that which they fell comfortable with and on the basis and understanding that
all trades are at an investors own risk. Virtually any given stock can be a
reasonable holding for any investor as long as the percentage of that stock or
the quantum of money invested is appropriate to the investors unique
circumstances. Similarly almost any stock can be a bad idea if one becomes
over-exposed to it.


We describe our ratings as “generic”. A stock rated Buy is one that we think
will likely “do well” in the next year. The rating is generic in the sense that
it is not tailored to the circumstances of any individual investor. It is not a
recommendation for any individual to Buy. Usually doing well would mean it goes
up in price by a reasonable amount in the next year. However, in a year where
the market falls, a Buy rated stock that fell substantially less than the market
might be considered to have done well. The reality is that if the market as a
whole falls by 10%, then by definition individual stocks have fallen on a
weighted average by 10% and in that circumstances it becomes very difficult for
a group of Buy rated stocks to rise in price given the gravitational affect of a
market that is down 10%.


As to question 1, we have some background articles that may assist but in the
end this is a very personal decision and is dependent on each individual’s total


I believe that these comments are consistent with the article at the top of
this page that describes how to
use this Site and also with the information provided under the
About Us menu item at the left of each page on
this Site.


Having said all this, I personally remain largely invested in Stocks (around
80%) and I am willing to take the associated risks just as I have taken the
substantial rewards over the past and expected in the future.


If the FED does lower interest rates this week and if the U.S. government
confirms plans to hand out cash to taxpayers, then markets would likely rise. In
that scenario the Canadian dollar would also likely rise.


January 24, 2008


It certainly looks like the American government is trying to everything
possible to stave off recession. It has lowered interest rates considerably,
despite the fact that inflation is a threat. Now it is handing out $600 per
taxpayer plus $300 per child and even $300 for very low wage earners who file a
return but have not paid any taxes.  This will cost about $140 billion
which is about 1% of the U.S. GDP. It is amazing that they would do this given
that all that was supposed ly feared was a mild recession. Back in the 70’s
there were severe recessions with unemployment around the 10% mark. An now they
are doing this kind of program when unemployment is only around 5%. It really
does seem idiotic. A possible reason is that the government actually fears a
very major recession and that is what they are trying to head off. This money
will not flow until May. While there are millions of Americans who desperately
need this cash, there are many more who don’t t need the money and who will just
bank it. So it may not have much impact on the economy anyhow.


It hard to say if this dollop of stimulus will keep stock markets happy.
Markets may decide it is too little too late. I am certainly not convinced that
we have seen the lows yet in markets.


As I have mentioned before in view of all this market uncertainty I reserve
the right to trim any positions if the mood strikes me. Generally I will post
that intention here ahead of time. I will never trade any thinly traded stock
without posting the intention here sufficiently in advance.  I have a large
exposure to Tim Hortons. I probably should simply sell some at the market.
Instead I have entered an order to sell some if the prices rises to about the
$37 level. It’s a great company but the P/E is high.


I have also previously mentioned the idea of placing orders to sell a good
bit over the market (not really expecting to sell, but getting a good price if
it does) and other orders to buy a good distance below the market. I don’t do
much of this. But this week I bought 2 Berkshire B shares for $4160 with an
order than had been a couple hundred below market when placed. Then today 1 of
those sold at $4800, again that order had been well above market. I hopefully
placed an order now to sell another at $4950. I will place one to buy as well at
some price below market. The danger with all of this is that if really good news
comes out you sell and miss the upside and if really bad news comes, you buy
into it. This is why I restrict this to just a portion of any holding. Also this
strategy works best if you have access to trading at $10 or less per trade and
if you are in an a non-taxable account. Mostly I am more of a buy-and-hold
investor, but this is another strategy to use…


January 23, 2008


Amazing in some ways. I think on Tuesday the market was about to go into a
major panic which was headed off by the Fed. The rally in Canada was remarkable.
Mid-day Wednesday that was stating to look like a “sucker rally” but by
the end of the day rumors of that certain bond insurance companies would be
assisted sparked the market up again. Clearly no one knows where the market is
headed in the short term.


January 22, 2008


Well, it was probably a good thing the Fed cut interest rates 0.75% this
morning. Without that we might have seen the DOW down 1000 points today given
the way Asian markets fell on Tuesday (Monday night our time). American markets
were closed on Monday and so today we could have seen it play catch-up to two
days of big losses in Asia. But the FED rescued us.


I certainly still remain cautious on the outlook for markets. As I said last
Fall, the market is always hungry for good news. At this time it is getting lots
of bad news so in the absence of good news it falls. Now that the Fed has made
its big cut I wonder what good news is left to feed to the market? Hopefully we
will get some good earnings. Maybe some stimulus and tax cuts.


I had placed an order to buy two of the Berkshire B shares and I got a good
price on that buy at the opening today. I also bravely bought more Kingsway
today. (I am placing my faith in their balance sheet that indicates a book value
of some $17 per share. Certainly some of that book value may be evaporating due
to lower market values for their bonds and equities, but it seems like a share
price of $11 and a book value of $17 gives a fair amount of margin of safety.) I
bought as well some Canadian Western Bank. I placed an order to buy FirstService
but I placed it below the market and did not get filled. I would like to sell
some positions to raise cash but just can’t seem to get myself to do so at these
lower prices. My plan basically is to use my cash to buy bargains, hopefully not
using it all up too fast.


I was recently reading how Buffett would compare bonds to equities. He would
buy bonds if that offered a better return than a business. He remarked that in
the 1950’s people bought municipal bonds yielding 1% which he thought was an
abysmal return and basically irrational. Today the 10-year U.S. treasury bond
yields just 3.5% and this is in the fact of expected inflation and expected
devaluation in the U.S. currency. A 3.5% yield implies over 20 years to double
your money. You will get the money back in ten years, but what will it buy?. It
seems to me that a lot of stocks can compete very well with that 3.5% return. In
other words stocks would appear to be the better bargain on average. But that is
for the long term. Which will do better in the next 6 to 12 months in anyone’s


Canada cut interest rates only 25 basis points or 0.25% That leaves short
term rates significantly more attractive in Canada than in the U.S. This could
drive up the Canadian dollar. On the other hand the lower oil price is pushing
the Canadian dollar down.




January 21, 2008


Everyone wonders when the decline in markets will end. But I don’t think
anyone knows. Personally I buy shares in companies based on fundamental analysis
and not based on trends. And I sell the same way. At this time I know I am may
have to ride out some bad times. It seems to me that many stocks are trading at
bargain prices. I am not in a big hurry to invest any cash that I have but I am
willing to buy in gradually. I added to my position in The
Thomson Corporation today as well as in

Melcor Developments.


January 20, 2008


The latest edition of the free newsletter
has been sent. We use a separate email list for that . If you did not
receive it, try entering your email address in the box to
join the list for the free newsletter.


The Thomson Corporation is updated and
returned to the list above rated Buy at CAN $34.85 or U.S. $33.85. We had removed
this company from the list on December 23 due to its complexity. Since then the
share price has dropped from the $40 level. At this price the P/E multiple and
the price to book value are lower than they have been in many years. With its
partial dependence on the weak Financial sector (and that exposure to the
financial sector will increase sharply with its Reuters acquisition) the stock
may remain weak for some time. But it may be an opportunity to buy this company
at a lower multiple. Given the share price direction and the continuing problems in
the financial sector  I would certainly plan to buy over time rather than
grabbing too many shares all at once.  I have a small position and may
consider adding to that. I note that TD Securities last week reiterated their
Buy rating. For the record I have often thought that Buffett might be interested
in this company. However, there is no indication that the Thomson family would
sell and Buffett would only be interested if he thought the price was low enough
including the Reuters acquisition.


January 19, 2008


I own shares in Wi-Lan but have not fully analyzed it. Due to its complexity
and unpredictability, it is not a good candidate for analysis on this Site and
therefore I have no plans to add it to the Site. However, in some ways it does
look like an attractive investment. It’s share price has fallen quite
dramatically since reaching a peak in early 2007. (from $47.97 down to $2.23).
At present the decline has been continuing. Therefore it is not for those who
are risk averse.


But Wi-Lan now trades at only 87% of book value. Of the $2.13 share price
there is 96 cents in cash. (But they probably plan to spend that cash on
acquisitions rather than ever give it out). Wi-Lan owns a suite of patents some
of which it developed but most of which it recently purchased. They plan to
collect royalties from users (infringers) of the patents and this involves
getting other companies to pay for that by negotiation or litigation. The
company has been around for quite some years but this new patent royalty model
has really only gotten off the ground in the past year, so it is too early to
know how successful they will be. While they are out suing companies to get
royalties they have some lawsuits against them as well. And they mentioned that
due to recent court decisions it is now harder to defend their patent rights.


Insiders were recently buying shares. They have no debt.


On the face of it it looks like a good speculative buy. I do have some
concerns though that they talk about a pro-forma earnings figure which fails to
deduct amortization on the patents and fails to deduct stock option expenses. To
me this is a negative indicator.


Overall I like it a Speculative Buy but would not want to get greedy and get




January 18, 2009


Performance figures are updated. North
American markets in general are down about 9% so far in 2008. Our Picks are down
slightly more than that. Looking forward these lower prices obviously offer
opportunities for anyone with incremental cash to invest.


January 17,2008


At this time with the equity markets down over 10% from the peaks and with
markets seemingly in free-fall it is useful to review what has happened to
equity investors in past “corrections”. Our articles that examine what happens
to all-equity versus balanced portfolios over 30-year periods for both savers
and retirees provide some comfort that equity investors end up growing their
wealth in spite of occasional large dips in the market.


I am not advocating an all-equity approach because that depends on so many
individual factors. But if you find yourself at this point with a heavy
allocation to equities and if you are thinking of staying with that, these
articles based on actual past data may provide some comfort (though no


See Article for
savers and article for
retirees. (These are the same articles as provided above as items 3 and 4 in
the list of articles above).


It was interesting to see Berkshire Hathaway
rise several percent today. I believe this was linked to the near demise of a
couple of bond insurance firms in the U.S. Those firms are in danger of losing
their strong credit ratings. Meanwhile Berkshire has a AAA credit and they have
just opened up shop to get into this business. In general Buffett and Berkshire
are sitting on staggeringly large amounts of cash and are in a great position to
scoop bargain acquisitions whenever Buffett decides the valuation is right.
Berkshire is always a buyer of choice for private companies because the founders
know their companies will be in good hands. (I have occasionally wondered if
they would ever be interested in buying Thomson which appears to be at a
reasonable price these days.) Also, insurance customers, particularly other
insurance companies looking to re-insure, are attracted to Berkshire because
they trust Berkshire has basically no chance of reneging on any obligation. I
intend to buy some more Berkshire if the price drops back and may average down
on it if it does drop.


January 16, 2008


Surveying the Damage and Looking for Opportunities


The TSX is now down 5.5% in this brand new year and the DOW is down 6.0% and
the S&P 500 is down 6.5%. Our Stock picks on this site are down 8.1% for the
Model portfolio and 9.4% for the average buy-rated stock.


The reasons for the the market being down are well know. They include the
sub-prime situation, housing price declines, recession worries and, in Canada,
the recent drop in oil prices. For most of 2007 it seemed that the market was
immune to these items or when it did drop it came back up time and again. But
all these problems keep getting worse and so it will be very difficult for the
market to climb back up once again. We may get a rally when the FED cuts
interest rates and possibly if we get some strong earnings reports. But really I
have to suspect the market is now in a sell on rallies mood and I don’t
particularly expect any general rally.


It looks like we are in for a time when gains will not come so easily as we
have gotten used to in the last few years. We should still get some nice moves
on individual stocks due to strong earnings or the occasional take-over
announcement. But in general I am not expecting a big recovery in the markets in
the short term.


The good news though is that for those with money there are likely bargains
to be picked up. It would probably be wise to spread any such bargain hunting
over say 6 to 12 months though because there may well be better bargains ahead.
So the best idea might be to buy slowly. Stocks can be bought now, but there is
probably no reason to rush out and spend all avialble cash.


Recently I added a columns to the
market tracking portfolio where you can see some of the value ratios.


Looking at some of the stocks in that portfolio,
FirstService is down significantly and
now sports an adjusted earnings  P/E of only 14.1 despite an adjusted
earnings ROE of 24.6%. Historically this stock price has at times been volatile
but the underlying earnings have grown reasonably steadily. It probably does
have a high “exposure” to the U.S. recession and perhaps earnings will drop. But
the company has a very successful growth-by acquisition strategy. Lower stock
prices may mean that they can make acquisitions at lower prices. Management has
a goal to double sales and triple profits in the next five years. So this looks
like a long-term winner.


Couch-Tard is down 12.5%. It is also I
suppose exposed to the recession. Like FirstService, this company also has a
proven growth-by-acquisition strategy and also seems likely to continue to be a
winner in the long-term. Its P/E is now down to 16.2 (there was no adjustment
to earnings here) and the ROE is 16.7%. Again as the market in general declines,
it becomes easier for them to pick up acquisitions. So again while the stock
price could continue down it seems likely to be a good investment longer term. I
added a smal amount to my position in this today.


Kingsway continue to look like a bargain but of course has been incredibly


With Telus, there are fears of more intense competition. But Telus has done
well in competing to date and I would think that as more and more internet-based
personal wireless devices hit the market, Telus will get its share of
subscribers. But I do consider Telus to be more speculative.


I added to my position in Shaw Communications today. It does not yet look
particularly cheap but I am attracted to its monopoly-like grip on the cable
business in Western Canada and it has done extremely well in internet
penetration and also is doing well in its home phone business. With more and
more people buying high definition televisions and then taking digital cable and
eventually getting used to renting movies on line and doing the occasional
pay-per-view, it seems like Shaw should continue to grow profits.


So those are some examples of possible bargains…


How to Short the Market?


I received the following question from a long-time subscriber:



My portfolio
is doing ok, when you started talking about moving into cash in the summer I
took it very seriously and started selling positions, now am 85% cash, and
actually have an offer to purchase (rental real estate) in my neighbourhood with
my proceeds. Still have some $ left over and am thinking about shorting one or
all of the indexes. sds,dog,qid and hxd seem to be good ways of shorting, my
question is how safe are these products , they almost seem too good to be true.
When the markets go down they go up by twice as much, it almost sounds like a
scam. I will be happy enough sitting in cash until the storm is over, but why
not make a few $ while waiting, but not at the risk of losing all of my capital.



My answer is that if you want to make a bet that the markets will fall either
as a speculation or as a hedge on a portfolio, these bear type products are
probably good. The one I am familiar with is HXD. This trades an an exchange
traded fund on Toronto. When the TSX does down 1%, this fund is designed to go
up 2%. The fund is ran by Horizons Beta Pro. Check out the following site for
more info  (The other side of the HXD
picture is that when markets go up 1% you lose 2% on your HXD -ouch)


Most investors tend to want to be optimistic by nature and it takes a
different mind-set to start betting against the market. I tried using the HXD
during 2007 as discussed on this site and generally I did not like betting
against the market… I preferred to simply move more into cash rather than take
a bet against the market.


The subscriber also asked if it was safe or was it a scam. It’s a good
question. Horizons Beta Pro, I believe is an ethical organization. But I must
admit I certainly don’t know the mechanics of how they use derivative
instruments to achieve their bet against the market. I have been wondering if we
might not see some of those fancy principal guaranteed products and others that
use derivatives “blow up” at some point.


Certain parts of the derivative markets could seize up or do unexpected
things like the asset backed commercial paper market did. So… while HXD is
probably a safe product (I have not checked the financial strength of Horizons
Beta Pro, but suspect it is good), the subscriber makes a good point in
realizing that thee could be some risk there. Presumably Horizons Beta Pro has
taken investors money raised through HXD and has made some kind of double
leveraged bet that the market will fall. When it falls I imagine that counter
party has to pay up. So we have to hope this counter party is strong
financially. And recently we have learned that even AAA parties can suddenly
develop solvency problems. I suspect that this would be a very small risk and I
don’t think I personally would worry about that risk with HXD. The risk is
probably much smaller than for the vast majority of investments out there.
Possibly the TSX and or the Ontario Securities commission has something in place
to mitigate any risk of default by  Horizions Beta Pro Inc. But nonetheless
some risk exists. The risk I speak of here is the risk that Horizons Beta Pro
Inc. does not make good on its obligations for HXD. The much bigger risk, is
that the markets in fact rise rather than fall. Then, you lose 2% for every 1%
the market rises.  Markets do of course rise on average over time. So
anyone buying HXD has to be very confident that the market will fall.


Rather than pure speculation HXD can be used to hedge an exposure to the TSX
index. But most portfolios probably do not track the TSX all that well. The TSX
is heavily weighted to energy and financials.


As to the other bear indexes that the subscriber mentions, (sds, dog, and qid)
I have no familiarity with them.


January 15, 2008


Another ugly day in the market and certainly for our stock picks. I can’t say
when the pain will end. I can say that I have been through a a major market
decline in the early 2000’s and ultimately came out of it quite well and then
saw good gains as the market rebounded. Similarly in 1998 I went through a
market decline but it was no big deal since I had very little invested at the
time. And we know historically that there have been many times when stock
markets have dropped by rather ugly amounts. And yet over the long term
investors still did very well.


It seems likely that there is much more bad news to come regarding recession
and layoffs. To some extent that is already priced into the market but probably
not fully. So this could pull markets lower. What could push markets up are
interest rate cuts and any major positive earnings announcements.


January 14, 2008


Canadian Tire continues to fall. The Canadian economy by most accounts is
still doing well and so It may be that he market is concerned about Canadian
Tire’s Financial Services arm where it could be vulnerable to a drying up of the
ability to securitize its credit card receivables. Also it would be vulnerable
to bad debt on credit cards, but I don’t think that is yet an issue in Canada.


Shaw Communications also continued to drop perhaps on concern that it will
spend heavily to get into the cell phone business. Also there was some concern
about it high labor costs. But by most accounts Shaw would be a very attractive
acquisition candidate and that fact could help support its price.


Overall it seems that the easy money that was made in stocks since the bull
market returned in late 2002 is not so easy anymore. Even with the efforts of
the FED to breath life into the markets it seems that general markets are
trending down due to recession fears. It seems that being in the stock markets
is likely going to require patience and the stomach to quite possibly see
portfolios decline. If we knew this would occur for sure, then we could get out
of the market. But markets are unpredictable. I continue to look for good profit
making stocks to hold that are not too expensive. Even if these decline
temporarily, I expect them to be good investments for the long run. But of
course there can be no guarantees of that.


CIBC announced after the close that it will sell $2.75 billion worth of
shares at $67.05 per share. This is five dollars less than the close today which
was $72.07. Maybe this is a bargain given that the shares have a 52 week high of
$107.45. The reason they are raising this equity is because of all the
write-offs they have had related to sub-prime issues and other big mistakes.


Perhaps this equity will be enough to stabilize the company. I have not
analyzed the company but a few thoughts come to mind. The existing market value
is about 24 billion and therefore this $3 billion or so share sale will not be
very dilutive to earnings. The profit generating ability of CIBC is not really
changed much by because of the write-offs. The retail profit engine certainly
remains intact. If the shares were worth $100 in the last year, they should be
worth $70 now.


But it really seems stupid of management to sell shares now at $67 when, what
were they doing when the shares were $100. Were they selling shares then? No
they were likely buying back shares. Would it have killed them to raise some
extra equity back when times were good? What it would have done was shaved a
little of their ROE but it would have prevented today’s equity firesale under


Overall for my taste these big banks are just too complex to analyze. CIBC is
not just your local Canadian retail and commercial bank. It is also a
multi-national company that also operates in businesses that are vastly
different than retail banking. (The same applies to a greater or lesser extent
to all the big 5 Canadian Banks). I have always said that banks are finely tuned
instruments they operate at high leverage (little equity compared to assets) and
when they stumble they can stumble hard. CIBC may be good value now but due to
its complexity that is not a certainty at all.


Maybe the shares will trade above $67 tomorrow. But I wonder why they should.
The Bank has just loudly telegraphed that to CIBC itself the shares are worth at
most $67…


January 13, 2008


I happened to be in a Reitman’s store
today in Edmonton. The store was reasonably busy. They did have items marked
down substantially (up to 70%) which is probably pretty normal in the clothing
business in January.  If this store is any indication, they do not keep
very much inventory. A good portion of their shelf space was empty, probably to
make way for Spring fashions. I think this is good because it indicates they are
probably not stuck with a lot of old merchandise purchased when the Canadian
dollar was lower. I am hoping that in recent months that while their same store
sales in dollars were down some months, this may simply reflect the higher
Canadian dollar which lowers their costs to purchase cloths. The clerk in the
Edmonton store also told me that business was good, that Reitman’s tends to
out-sell its competitors. Overall my visit to Reitman’s today left me feeling
good about owning shares in this company.


January 12, 2008


Shaw Communications is
updated for Q1. It was another good quarter although analysts had some concern
about lower basic cable subscriber growth. Shaw is a highly profitable company.
But Shaw is expensive on a P/E basis. Earnings have been growing rapidly and it
is not clear at what level earnings will be at a normal level where they would
then grow at a slower rate. In many ways Shaw resembles an unregulated
near-monopoly operation for cable services. In addition in areas like internet
it really only has Telus as a major competitor. Due to the high P/E Shaw may not
be a clear bargain but overall we believe it will be a good investment. There is
some discussion that they may try to get into the cell phone business. This
might be viewed negatively by analysts due to the fact that it would require
major spending and is a much more competitive business.


The table for my own portfolio and the
Model Tracking Portfolio are updated.
It is disappointing that these are down noticeably this new year. However, I
take comfort from the fact that these are ALL stocks with good to very good ROE
levels and that they all have positive earnings. This can change but right now
they all have positive earnings. While they can certainly drop in price it is
comforting to know that in each case there is an underlying business there that
is profitable and (we think) worth owning.


January 11, 2008


Performance figures
for the first two weeks
of 2008 have been updated. Unfortunately they are rather ugly. Our Picks have
done about as badly as the DOW which is down 5.0% in the first two weeks. The
TSX index is down only 1.4%.


Shaw Communications earnings came out today and they were quite good. But the
stock fell on the news. It seems like the that is just the kind of market we are


January 10, 2008


Shaw Communications will release Q1 earnings tomorrow morning (Friday) Oddly
they held their annual meeting today. Normal practice (for most companies) would
have been to release the numbers at the meeting. Hopefully this does not suggest
tomorrow’s numbers will be bad.


I bought back 1000 shares in Western
Financial that I had sold recently, taking advantage of a lower price now.
Western Financial Group is now trading in the $4.50 range and, given its
negative trend,  it might even be possible to get it close to $4 if you
place an order and are patient (and willing to risk not buying).  Also I
added to a company that I hold but have not analyzed, Wi-Lan which holds patents
that it licenses to others. As mentioned yesterday, I did buy more
Canadian Tire shares today.


For those with cash one strategy is to place “stink bids” at a price that is
lower than you really expect a stock to trade. On days when the market sentiment
is bad some stocks can dip down (hopefully) temporarily and you get a good
price. The danger is that it dips down on some bad news and you end up buying
unaware of the bad news.


January 9. 2008


Time to bargain hunt?


Our stock picks are noticeably down in the first 9 days here in 2008. The DOW
and the S&P 500 are down 4.0% each. The TSX is down 1.8%. For those with cash it
is worth thinking about bargain hunting. But it definitely feels like things
could get worse before they get better so it seems wise to be selective in any
bargain hunting.


In the past year we have certainly had a number of periods when stocks dipped
and then largely recovered. After each dip we may regret not having done some
bargain hunting. But of course, we can’t be sure if what looks like a bargain
today will end up looking expensive tomorrow.


Berkshire Hathaway is down 9% this year. I added to my small position by
buying 1 “B” share today. Another stock that I will consider adding to is
Canadian Tire. It seems likely that the market is nervous about its credit card
securitization business. There certainly can be no guarantees but the stock does
look attractive at recent prices.




January 8, 2008


It has certainly been a rough start to the year for our stock picks and for
overall markets in general (although the energy-heavy TSX has fared not too


Anyone investing in stocks should always be financially and
mentally/emotionally prepared for declines in markets. Declines in the range of
10% are really not at all unusual and declines of 20% or more are not exactly
unheard of.


History suggests that being in stocks does provide good return in the long
run, but it comes at the cost of volatility.


The surprise in 2007 was that the market seemed to keep bouncing back from
some serious bad news (sub-prime loans and related, fear of U.S. recession and
falling U.S. housing prices. I mentioned under October 24 and in a
September newsletter that it felt like you
could not (at that time) beat this market down with a stick. Now it seems the
sticks are finally having a negative effect.


We would like to be able to have Stock Picks on this site that only go up and
never down materially. But the reality is when the overall markets head down,
almost all stocks get pulled down to some degree.


Reitman’s today announced December sales. After having same store sales that
were up in November it reported same-store sales down 4.5%. Due to more stores,
the total sales were only down 0.6%. Retail analysts tend to fixate on
same-store sales and so thiis December result is viewed negatively. But I
believe that we should keep in mind that the Candain dollar was up over 15%
since last December. I understand that Reitman’s purchases about 70% of its
inventory in U.S. dolalrs. Therefore it may be that the volume of cloths sold at
Reitman’s actually rose in December. To my mind it is not a bad thing if sales
fall as long as profits rise. The bottom line is that we don’t yet know the
profit picture for Reitmans. The higher dollar could possibly cause a write-down
on inventory, but overall a higher Canadian dollar should help Reitman’s.
Checking insider sales for Reitman’s there was a sale of about 50,000 shares by
a Reitman family company at only $16.75. This family company still owns 3.9
million shares so this single sale may not be a big negative indicator, but
certainly it is not a positive indicator. Still, most insiders are holding and
not selling.


Rogers Communication announced some lower customer growth numbers. I am not
familiar with Rogers but I understand that these numbers were viewed negatively.
This could have some negative influence on Shaw and Telus.


Overall, I would not be at all surprised if the tough times in stocks
continue. We may get a little boost from a Fed interest rate cut. And we don’t
know yet how the Q4 earnings will look. But it does seem that the bad news from
the U.S. continues.


I have long been mentioning that I have a bias to more cash even though I did
succumb to buying some stocks lately and my cash percentage is down somewhat.


With this bias to raise cash and with the uncertain markets I may trim any of
my positions. I am selling half my Reitmans to hedge my bets there. On the other
hand I had a buy order in that was hit and I added to my Tim Hortons today. We
have always said that Tim Hortons is not a cheap stock – so that does make it
vulnerable to dips – but it is a high quality company which seems sure to
continue to do well in the long term. Despite my desire to raise cash, I will
likely find it difficult to sell anything at these lower prices and I may end up
lowering my cash as I buy some of the dips.


January 6, 2008


The latest edition of our free newsletter
has been sent to all those on the list for that. The
model portfolio and my
own portfolio have been updated.


January 4, 2008


In general markets are off to a bad start for the year. It seems that the
U.S. economy and the sub-prime situation is finally taking more of a toll on
markets. It seems likely that markets are going to continue to be volatile and
certainly more downside is very possible.


Personally, I am comfortable holding companies like Tim Hortons, Couche-Tard
and many others that have good earnings and cash flows and strong histories. It
seems fairly predictable that companies like that will be good investments over
the longer term. Unfortunately they are not immune in the short term to the
gravitational affect when the general markets head down. Their earnings should
eventually provide the buoyancy force to drive them back up.


I have been adding modestly to my Tim Hortons position as the price drops. I
also purchased today a small position in Canadian Tire.


January 3, 2008


Kingsway was up only a little… I may not say much more about Kingsway until
after it releases earnings on February 15. I will say that it remains a bargain
in my opinion.


I wanted to add some picks from the Model Tracking Portfolio to my own
portfolio and so yesterday I bought some Walgreen and today some IGM financial.


Walgreen was down about 6% on lower-than
expected same store sales. It seems to me that analysts expecting 5% same store
sales growth were dreaming. They did around 2% which does not seem bad to me.
Anyhow, to me what is important is earnings not sales. For example if lower
generic drug prices drove down sales that would be okay as long as it was a
wholesale price reduction and if the dispensing fee remained the same. I am not
sure if that is the case. Walgreens also grows by adding lots of stores each


Right now it seems like the market is recognizing that the U.S. may be in
recession. Market sentiment is quite nervous and so it seems that stocks may
drop. This is why I remain with a bias to keeping a reasonable percentage of
cash for bargain hunting.


Canadian Tire has certainly been volatile
rising from $69 a few days ago to over $75 and now back around $69. I have not
seen any news to explain this. The market may be nervous about price-drops to
reflect cross-border shopping competition or it may be nervous about Canadian
Tire’s credit card and securitization program in the face of the sub-prime
situation.  Or maybe it is fear of Wal-Mart. There is always something to
worry about but Canadian Tire has been a winning company over the years. I am
inclined to buy some at this under-$70 price.


Again, though my outlook on markets is cautious. Those in stocks of any kind
need to be prepared to live with volatility and probably more down-side risk
than usual.




January 2, 2008


The markets are off to a rough start with a 1.7% drop in U.S. markets today.
I remain cautious on the overall market.


It certainly would not surprise me if the overall U.S. market has a negative
year. The same could be true for Canada although the TSX could be rescued if oil
and commodity prices stay high.


Therefore I still have a bias to maintain a reasonable cash position for
bargains. But no one can be sure about the direction of markets and therefore I
accept the usual advice to mostly ride out market dips in the overall market .
In the long run, stocks will give a good return. Also in any market there will
be some stocks that will do well.


Home Capital is rated Speculative
(lower)  Buy. But I do worry about the sustainability of their profits. If
I held it I would be inclined to sell some or all of my position. I do not own
it at this time.


Kingsway had a conference call today to try to better explain the increase
big increase in its estimate for claims costs (reserve increase). The CEO
appears to genuinely think that the market has over-reacted and driven the stock
price down too far. He indicated that he is confident that the book value per
share will be over $17 at the end of this year. This would mean that in spite of
all the bad news they will still report a profit in 2007 (though a loss for Q4).
He talked about the pro-forma profit absent these hits at Lincoln General being
$3.48 per share. It was those kind of figures that I had hoped for this year and
which attract me to the stock. Possibly the stock will rise tomorrow due to
these explanations. But maybe not much. Analysts have been embarrassed by this
stock and have put it in the penalty box. It may not be allowed out until it can
demonstrate several quarters or a year without reserve problems. The CEO pointed
out that company has about $63 worth of investments for each share. So when they
invest at 4.8% that can work out to $3.00 per share (pre-tax) before any profits
on insurance.


So… Kingsway does seem poorly managed and has been very frustrating. But at
less than 70% of book value, it definitely looks like a bargain. It is not for
the faint-of-heart. But I still feel it has strong potential.


On the call they also mentioned a recent press release from insurance rating
agency A.M Best. I have now seen that press release and it is quite negative. No
doubt they have also embarrassed the analysts at A.M. Best.


Kingsway will release its earnings figures on February 15 and until then it
has a policy of not buying back any shares and its managers are also not allowed
to buy.


January 1, 2008


Happy New Year and welcome to a new trading year. Note that almost all of the
ratings have been recently updated. New stocks have been selected for the
Model Tracking Portfolio for 2008 and
my own portfolio is updated. Final
figures for 2007 are updated.


As part of year-end clean up, Dalsa Corporation is removed from our list. I
still believe that the company has good potential and is well managed. However,
as a Canadian manufacturer that sells primarily in U.S. dollars , the rise in
the Canadian dollar has had a crushing impact. There is no immediate sign of
relief. One positive factor is its digital major motion picture cameras which
could turn out to be a big winner. We may re-visit this company if it returns to


The TSX Group is updated and continues
to be rated Speculative Buy at $52.80. Every time I look at this company I
marvel at its obscene monopoly-like profits. The TSX would claim of course that
it operates in competition with world stock exchanges. That is largely untrue
since virtually every public Canadian company has little choice but to list on
the TSX. Some competition is emerging for trades. The threat of competition has
kept the share price from going too high and occasionally this fear knocks the
share price down. We rate it speculative because competition could arise and we
could see a cyclic slow-down in stock market trading and new listings. A good
strategy might be to buy some now and then look to add to it if the price drops
materially on fears of competition. I had recently sold my own shares in it to
raise cash.


December 31, 2007 and
prior years back to 2002

How to Pick Stocks Based On Fundamentals

Accumulating Wealth and Asset Allocation, Saving versus Investing articles

Warren Buffett Articles

Risk and Return

Are Stocks A Good Investment Now?

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Article Recent Update
Long-Term Returns to Expect from the Dow Jones Industrial Average May 18, 2013
Proof and Discussion that Large Cap. Stock Indexes can be Expected to Average around 7% annually in the long-term (Quoting Warren Buffett) May 25, 2013
Graphical Proof Of the Relationship Between DOW Returns versus Earnings and Dividends January 20, 2018
Is the Toronto  S&P/TSX Composite Index Fairly Valued at This Time? November 29, 2016
Canadian Exchange Traded Funds (PE Ratios and Yields) January 1, 2019
Global / International Exchange Traded Funds (P/E ratios and price to book) April 24, 2023
 What is the Fair Value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index? April 16, 2017
What is the Fair Value of the S&P 500 Index? November 26, 2023
 How Do Stock Returns Compare to Bond, Cash and Gold Returns? October 14, 2023

Special Report on Asset Allocation in Retirement – Actual Data
April 2012
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How to Pick Stocks Based On Fundamentals

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 Our Warren Buffett Articles 7
How to Calculate the Value of Known Cash Flows 1
Saving versus Investing – The difference, the rewards from each and understanding where the returns come from 2
Fixed Income and Bond Investing and Bond Trading 5
Accumulating Wealth – Getting Rich 10
Understanding Risk and Reward – Safe Stocks versus Risky Stocks versus Guaranteed Investments – Asset Allocation and historical returns 9
How the Stock Market Works 11
How to Pick Stocks Based on Fundamentals – Earnings, growth and risk 15
Essential Accounting Knowledge for Investors 9
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July 2, 2023 Sent link to Preferred Share Article Now is the time to invest in preferred shares The article covers both rate resets and perpetual preferred shares
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April 2, 2023 What happened to Silicon Valley Bank? Do bank shareholders get bailed out FDIC fire sale of SVB assets
March 13, 2023 Sent link to article of fixed income choices
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Contract Enforcement is vital

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January 8, 2017 InvestorsFriend’s 2016 Performance Our rationale in rating four stocks as Strong Buy one year ago Buy companies with “Good Economics”
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September 18, 2016 Is Paper Cash Becoming Obsolete?  Investments Are Not “Money”  What Gets Measured, Gets Manipulated
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November 15, 2014 Sent article Where and How to Invest
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 September 11, 2010 Invest in Long-term bonds or Stocks? Dow Jones Industrial Average Valuation United States Dollar to implode?
August 1, 2010 Good is the Enemy of Great What return can you expect from your stocks? Remember, there’s a company under that stock
June 29, 2010 The Upside of Down Warren Buffett’s letters to shareholders
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May 2, 2010 Your RRSP – It’s Much Smaller than you Thought The Canadian Economy In Praise of Buying from Big Retailers
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December 8, 2009 Editor’s Investment Performance Financial Independence When Your Money Makes More Than You Do
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June 20, 2009 A Quadrupled RRSP Dividend Reinvestment Plans Free Report
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March 1, 2009 Warren Buffett’s 2008 letter Is Buy and Hold Dead? Stocks versus Bonds
January 25, 2009 Stocks versus Government Bonds Budget Wish List Housing Prices
November 8, 2008 Should You Invest Now? Stock Earnings Versus GDP S&P 500 Historic P/E Ratios
September 28, 2008 Credit Crisis – What’s At Stake? How Do Banks Work?  Who Gets Bailed Out?
August 22, 2008 Are You Mr. Market? Portfolio Management Market Direction
 July 6, 2008 Market Declines – Problem or Opportunity? Buying Companies at Book Value Tax Free Savings Account
June 1, 2008 It costs a lot of Money to be Rich Scams Stocks We analyse
May 4, 2008 MicroSoft and Yahoo bid Finding Hidden Earnings Car prices dropping
April 5, 2008 It All Starts With Saving Money Law of Unintended Consequences Corrupted IPO practices
 March 29, 2008 Competitive Advantage Regression to the Mean Market Outlook
March 2, 2008 Warren Buffett’s 2007 letter Characteristics of Attractive Businesses Realistic Market Expectations
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January 20, 2008 Revenge of the Procrastinators Off-Balance Sheet liability is Oxymoron? Price to Book Value Ratio
January 6, 2008 Outlook for 2008 Companies that grow like snowballs Stupid Banker Tricks
November 3, 2007 High Dollar Emergency Buy U.S. Dollars? Sell Manufacturers?
October 21, 2007 Build Your Portfolio like Buffett Information is more valuable than products Are we leaving debts to the next generation?
October 7, 2007 Realistic Returns from Stocks High Canadian Dollar
September 23, 2007 Bank Exchange Rate fees excessive? Canadians are now way richer in U.S. dollars Can’t Beat this Market Down with a Stick?
September 18, 2007 Canadian Dollar soars!
September 1, 2007 In praise of eBay Look for toll-booth businesses Invest like Warren Buffett
August 12, 2007 Market Direction? The long-term arbitrage Exchange rates and implications
July 29, 2007 A lulu LEMON of a Stock? Price Differentiation A Rapidly Aging Canada
July 14, 2007 Getting Rich in Stocks is Simple, but not Easy Conrad Black True Independence
July 2, 2007 Stock Market Direction Canadian dollar fluctuations Pension versus a self-managed pot of money
May 27, 2007 Don’t hope to Get Rich, Plan for it Magic of Compound Interest and Returns Impact of Higher Dollar
May 13, 2007 Are you Getting Enough Return?  Asset Allocation and the all-stocks
 Non-GAAP or Non-Sense?
April 3, 2007 Is Preservation of Capital dangerous to your Wealth? Does Asset Allocation really Explain 90% of returns? At what rate will Your Money Grow?
March 4, 2007 Risk Tolerance Insurance Needs Mutual Funds versus ETFs
February 4, 2007 3 words of Investing Advice of incredible value Can You Take the Heat of being in Stocks? Scams to Avoid
January 13, 2007 Goal Achievement Lottery Mentality Income Trusts and taxes
December 21, 2006 Your Net Worth
November 12, 2006 Is Competition Working? Don’t accept mediocre returns Great Companies Of Canada
October 6, 2006 Back to Basics (ROE, P/E) Paradoxes of the Market Interest Rates
Sept 10,
Return to expect on stock indexes Return versus GDP Earnings versus GDP
August 16, 2006 Making Money in Flat Markets Compound Returns Why there are few Sell Ratings
July 29, 2006 Get rich in stocks Make Time Your Friend Compound Growth
June 28, 2006 Buffett gives away $37 billion Beware hidden commissions on U.S. stocks Accepting higher volatility may increase returns
June 9, 2006 High dollar Dealing with a market decline Gasoline taxes
April 16, 2006 Interest Rates Stock Option Expenses The Abundance Mentality
April 8, 2006 Financial Engineering Boring can be good… Subscription based businesses
March 8, 2006 Trust Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders Why your return matters more in later years
February 15, 2006 Dual Class Shares A dollar worth $20? The Value Trap
January 15, 2006 Strange interest rates Mortgage strategy Will stocks increase in 2006?
December 17, 2005 Copy from the Best Outlook for 2006 Pension Problems
November 20, 2005 TSX Segment Analysis Behavioral Finance Should you invest in stocks?
November 8, 2005 Stock Market versus Casino Strategy to Get Rich Avoid the Victim Mentality
October 23, 2005 Income Trusts Proxy Voting Problem Finance/ Accounting  Education – value for money
September 29, 2005 Good Industry characteristics and bad Stop Loss Orders Regression to the Mean
September 4, 2005 Hurricane Impact Impact of currency fluctuations Earnings often not correlated with share price
August 20, 2005 Income Trusts Investment Approaches No-brainer Investing
August 4, 2005 Brand Power Risk Adjusted Returns? Capital gains on bonds signal lower returns ahead
July 18, 2005 Free Trade Floating Currencies Paper Currency worry?
June 30, 2005 Historic stock versus bond returns Are stocks riskier than bonds? Are stock indexes overvalued at this time?
May 30, 2005 Exchange Traded Funds Not all Commodity businesses are bad
May 2005 The Only Two Sources of Money in the Market The Folly of Ethical Investing The Joy of Owning Familiar Companies
April 2005 How to Get Started Investing in Bonds Thinly Traded Stocks
February 2005 Investing in Bonds Convertible Bonds Free Trade
January 2005 Successful Investing Corporate Charity Advisor Conflict of Interest
December 2004 One Up on Wall Street Understanding IPOs Currency Risk
October 2004 How to Lose money thru trading Gold is no Inflation Hedge Sports and Capitalism
September 2004 To Succeed in Life – Copy from the Best Trading Tips How to Pick Stocks
August 2004 The Insurance Industry Understanding P/E Ratio Short Selling
July 2004 Casual Dining Industry American Responsiveness Politics and Business Editorial
June 2004 Uncommon Profits Fantastic Business Model Lock in profits?
April 2004 Insider Trading Future business Trends
March 2004 Be Rich, not just Right Exchange traded Funds
February 2004 Low risk, high return Income Trust Phenomena Trading Psychology
January 2004 Conservation of wealth Why RIM was smart to issue shares
Dec 2003 Time-specific material only
Nov 22, 2003 Beware Greedy Managers Beware Bankruptcy candidates Pension Concerns
Nov 2, 2003 Financial Services – the world’s best industry? Trading Strategies
October 2003 Time-specific material only
September 2003 Time-specific material only
August 22, 2003 Time-specific material only
August 3, 2003 Warren Buffett and the Washington Post (129 Bagger and counting!) How to Invest in Stocks Don’t be a “Ninny And Pension Plan Woes
July 2003 Time-specific material only
June 4, 2003 Winners Win
June 21, 2003 Warren Buffett investing style
May 10, 2003 Warren Buffett investing How earnings can be manipulated
March 2003 Warren Buffett letter
February 16, 2003 Investments goals and risk Fixed Income versus Growth in RRSP
January 11, 2003 Do as the rich do
January 25, 2003 Air Canada and goofy management
Nov 30, 2002 Income Trusts
Nov 21, 2002 Pension Problems Loom
 Nov 10, 2002 Portfolio Management
October 27, 2002 Realistic Returns Lessons from Bonds
September 28, 2002 Earnings Growth versus return Markets are always volatile – get over it!
August 2002 Cash-flow definition Quality of assets
July 7, 2002 Definition of cash flow
May 24, 2002 How to succeed in business and life
May 11, 2002 Smarter company growth strategy
April 2002 Growth and Stock price
June 22, 2002 What Works on Wall Street
June 8, 2002 Nortel Income tax
Mar 23, 2002 Why Buy Stocks that are fully valued? Preservation of Capital
Mar 9, 2002 Smart growth versus Stupid Growth How to Pick Stocks
Feb 23, 2002 Are all Stocks “Holds”? All stocks are risky Goofy Management
Feb 9, 2002 Adjusted Earnings Enron P/E expansion and contraction
Jan 26, 2002 How to identify an attractive industry Death of the family farm Canadian Loonie
Jan 11, 2002 Accounting earnings versus adjusted earnings Dilution and anit-dilution
Dec 27, 2001 Value Line
Dec 8, 2001 Efficient Markets?
Nov 24, 2001 How the market creates and destroys wealth Cash Cows and Sick Cows Money “in” the market?
Nov 11, 2001 This web site as a business Price to Value Ratio


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